Found 917 log entries for 2011-05-01 00:01:47 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 00:02:28 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 04:30:50 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 05:49:06 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 06:04:23 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 06:06:43 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 06:09:15 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 06:10:35 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 06:12:13 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 06:12:50 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 06:13:06 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 06:18:19 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 06:18:57 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to Graham 06:20:58 OF 0620 06:23:49 Lion roar or minor at 0622 06:24:41 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 06:24:43 OF is a long 06:25:29 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 06:25:48 Lion 0624 06:30:01 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 06:30:51 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to cc 06:30:57 morning all 06:30:57 vw joins Yellowstone 06:31:01 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 06:31:03 Good morning 06:33:31 cc quit (timeout) 06:33:38 morning, was putting coffee on 06:34:17 Hope this means you just got up! 06:34:38 looks like Castle may have been in steam phase at 0620ie 06:34:56 but hard to tell given all the steam 06:35:08 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 06:35:14 yep, slow start this morning 06:35:19 u? 06:35:33 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 06:35:45 already been out. J just home from last band trip of the year. 06:36:00 On my second cuppa 06:36:06 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 06:51:27 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 06:51:27 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:51:39 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 06:52:23 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 06:55:04 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 06:55:57 Looks like Sawmill 0655ie 06:56:00 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 06:56:00 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:57:45 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 06:58:32 .. 07:07:27 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 07:13:59 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 07:14:41 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 07:26:23 may I place an order for a Beehive eruption? 07:26:50 you can ask...... 07:30:13 ok, I'll ask ever so nicely. 07:30:44 you probably want it before it gets dark too? 07:31:00 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 07:35:15 Lion 0734 07:36:50 ynpvisitor92 changes nickname to Todd 07:38:09 Todd quit (timeout) 07:38:32 Just in time for a Lion 07:38:44 morning Todd 07:39:06 Hey G 07:39:17 Hello all 07:39:21 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 07:39:21 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 07:39:26 have OF coming up 0753 prediction too 07:39:33 Lots of visitors today 07:39:47 early for BH 07:39:55 Good deal-I'll stick around abit 07:40:02 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 07:40:52 Looks to be a clear day ahead 07:41:33 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 07:41:55 not much wind, could get foggy 07:42:01 Todd quit (timeout) 07:42:05 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 07:44:33 Looks cold 07:45:02 13F 07:45:27 whoa, brrr. 07:45:40 10-4 on brrrrrr 07:45:49 nice May morning 07:46:07 yes 07:46:09 26 at Mammoth, that sounds more like what I can handle 07:46:19 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:46:38 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 07:46:43 Two differnt worlds-Mammoth and OF 07:47:09 20's sounds like a summer morning in YNP, that's do-able 07:51:55 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 07:53:34 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to kcmule 07:53:41 mornin 07:53:56 hi kc, just in time for OF 07:54:03 hey kc 07:55:20 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:56:41 OF 0756 07:57:57 Todd quit (timeout) 07:59:35 Happy May Day all! 07:59:44 Hope everybody is ready for a good gazing day? 08:00:24 OF is a long 08:00:36 Thanks Graham! 08:01:43 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 08:03:57 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 08:04:36 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 08:05:14 Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, off to cleanout the cattle barns I go. :( 08:07:08 Will keep room open so Lori and and/or Amy can alert me to come in. :) 08:07:24 Todd changes nickname to Todd(Away) 08:12:55 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 08:13:52 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 08:18:08 Sun now reaching the steam plumes. 08:18:18 Always a pretty sight. 08:18:55 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 08:19:18 I would say steam at Dome, but there is steam from everywhere! 08:20:47 May have been an Aurum at 0819 ie, but didn't see it clear enough to count it without corroboration 08:25:20 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 08:25:22 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 08:29:31 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 08:31:13 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:32:20 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 08:32:29 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to cc 08:32:53 Right now the Trail to Daisy and Riverside has been reopened 08:33:06 Thank you for the information CC! 08:33:21 Plume 0833 08:33:30 Graham quit (timeout) 08:33:36 cc quit (timeout) 08:36:56 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 08:38:23 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:40:56 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 08:41:25 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 08:41:38 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to MJ 08:41:44 Just had a shake from somewhere that is showing on the OF seismo, but not showing on the USGS map yet. 08:41:48 08:43:09 just looked a few mins ago and it was flat, nice catch 08:43:47 quiet morning. Need something to keep my fingers busy! 08:44:25 and steam at Giantess has me intriqued. 08:45:24 but it doesn't take much to divert my attention, either! 08:46:55 it had my attention too, i think that steam from aurum was from giantess 08:47:33 yes. When Giantess and Vault are active, it is hard to distinquish Aurum. 08:47:34 even for a steamy morning it looks extra warm over there 08:47:50 With this morning's steam, everything seems about ready to erupt. 08:48:23 Beautiful Solitary steam 08:49:17 temp is still in the 'teens 08:49:23 Somebody just walked past Giantess 08:49:34 Wish it was me. 08:49:41 me too 98 08:49:49 Me too 08:49:57 Me too! 08:50:13 hey MJ. didn't see you come in. Good morning. 08:50:22 Winter clothes doesn't sound so bad if I could be there NOW 08:50:32 Good morning to you all 08:50:46 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 08:50:46 yeap. I don't pack away my snow pants until July, just in case. 08:50:58 Morning. Michael Jackson!! 08:51:05 Just kidding. 08:51:45 That's okay. 08:52:46 I have a friend called MJ, so that's who I "see", Funny feeling tho, that MJ is not the least interested in geysers 08:53:50 I have been into geysers and such all my life. 08:55:46 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 08:55:56 everyone here understands that, I am betting 08:56:21 ynpvisitor47 changes nickname to Kevin L 08:56:34 Morning Kevin 08:56:44 hu 08:56:47 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 08:56:58 It is morning . HI. 08:57:07 hi KL 08:57:17 :) Another cup of coffee might help. 09:00:36 Trying to multitask too many things. Not working. 09:01:05 Time to slow down and enjoy the day Kevin! 09:02:23 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 09:03:30 Depression 0902 09:03:48 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 09:04:43 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 09:06:58 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 09:07:03 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to Rich 09:07:46 Lion 0907 ie 09:07:51 Had about given up on Lion 09:08:16 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 09:10:48 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 09:11:36 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 09:14:49 MJ quit (timeout) 09:18:53 Rich quit (timeout) 09:20:43 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 09:21:58 Camera lens not in good enough condition to watch both OF and for Daisy. OF wins. 09:22:00 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 09:22:13 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 09:23:02 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 09:28:11 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 09:29:12 friend at Mammoth says fresh white stuff again this a.m. 09:29:23 MJ quit (timeout) 09:29:31 I will be the sacrifice today. See you this pm. 09:29:43 Have a good day Kevin! 09:30:23 I haven't check the Mammoth webcams today. New snow evident there? 09:30:36 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:30:47 thought I would wait til after OF and then go look 09:32:06 Lion 0931 09:32:28 waiting to see if it holds, but lost behind OF 09:32:42 just a roar i think 09:34:57 OF 0934 09:35:43 wonderful 09:36:12 Nice on static too 09:36:42 Exhilarating!! 09:38:09 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 09:38:22 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 09:43:04 May have just had Plume. Hard to see behind OF steam 09:43:05 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 09:43:57 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 09:44:19 for those here to check on BH, just now at the 23 hour mark 09:45:48 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 09:45:49 Have seen modest steam from the cone, bu tno splashing. 09:46:11 so much for takking a walk BEFORE it rains 09:46:16 started to rain while i was out 09:46:23 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to Graham 09:46:27 thats better 09:46:32 now you don't have to take a shower! 09:46:46 yeah, i have that fresh mould smell now 09:46:47 or wash the clothes you have on. 09:48:12 MJ quit (timeout) 09:50:03 so BH didn't have an early eruption while i was gone, thats very nice of it 09:50:25 Thank you vw, as always you have given an excellent Tour. I appreciate your dedication. bbl 09:52:03 bye MJ 09:52:26 MJ quit (timeout) 09:55:28 Rich quit (timeout) 09:57:36 Rich quit (timeout) 09:57:45 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 09:58:55 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 09:58:58 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 10:01:21 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 10:02:09 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 10:04:01 some pretty long silence from this group. Must be Sunday morning reflection and quiet time? 10:04:30 mohive joins Yellowstone 10:04:50 We know Todd is out mucking out the barn... 10:04:56 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 10:05:04 Rich quit (timeout) 10:05:06 Good morning mohive. 10:05:15 morning 10:06:06 Rich quit (timeout) 10:06:29 maybe I'll change my name to mogiantess. good one 10:06:36 :D 10:06:42 heh 10:06:54 mosponge? 10:07:10 Rich quit (timeout) 10:07:25 mogrand sounds too much like a fancy to coffee drink... 10:07:25 my mind has been on mortar and beehive lately as two of the geysers I most enjoy aesthetically 10:07:38 but ya, more hive too 10:07:48 mofan has a nice sound to it 10:08:01 momortar is alliterative 10:08:07 with the walkway closed most of the week, we have not had any F&M updates for quite a while. 10:08:10 oooh, nice 10:09:00 BeeMor 10:09:18 beefaithful 10:13:50 Rich quit (timeout) 10:13:53 i don't know I would want the moniker modepression 10:14:02 :P 10:14:51 Graham quit (timeout) 10:15:04 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 10:15:20 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 10:15:49 You could really play with the spelling of geysers and people here would still know what you were referring to. 10:15:59 DazOFf comes to mind. 10:16:10 We could all use more of those. 10:16:11 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 10:16:35 kcmule changes nickname to momule 10:16:55 like it kc! 10:17:15 Rich changes nickname to Lonestar Ranger 10:17:58 if it doesn't hurry I iwll have to be nobeehive instead mo 10:18:23 I am sorry if you can't hang around 98 10:18:24 Hi Ho! Excelsior 10:18:38 Soem steam and splashing now, but who knows how long... 10:19:25 funny it's a weekend and have seen so few. I guess 13 degrees was too cold for them this a.m. 10:19:38 so few people on the hill, I mean 10:20:24 I hear you. Word from the VEC yesterday was nobody was calling in eruptions over the radio so they were figuring no gazers in the basin. 10:22:19 blame it on gas prices 10:22:37 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 10:22:50 ppl now waiting till the end of the month 10:24:03 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 10:24:14 Yes, gas is seriously limiting my plans this year 10:24:22 Lonestar Ranger changes nickname to Rich 10:25:01 it will be interesting to see how many people are affected by it. 10:25:07 darn, time to go, enjoy beehive 10:25:23 Last big jump really didn't cause a dip in the visitor numbers at YNP 10:25:36 will miss you mohive. Have a great day! 10:25:43 mohive quit (timeout) 10:26:10 probably more the crappy weather thats keeping ppl away but its not been bad this weekend 10:27:19 Rich quit (timeout) 10:28:48 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 10:35:20 Overdid zoom a bit there.. sorry! 10:37:28 brb 10:38:06 vw quit (timeout) 10:42:10 Rich quit (timeout) 10:42:19 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 10:44:52 Plume 1044 10:49:15 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 10:49:51 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to vw 10:53:57 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 10:58:27 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 10:58:27 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 11:00:44 momule changes nickname to kcmule 11:01:06 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 11:06:44 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 11:07:02 Grand 1106 ie 11:07:20 Yeap. Water in there 11:07:28 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 11:07:42 nice catch 11:10:46 Oblong and Grand? 11:11:34 looks like Oblong 1111ie 11:12:11 OF 1111 11:12:24 watch them run 11:12:37 splat 11:12:42 me too! 11:13:00 no way to avoid it. Sorry folks. 11:13:18 you can see steam on static blowing right at camera location 11:14:08 kind of gives you a sense of the location of the camera! 11:14:45 OF too steamy and risky to zoom in on. 11:16:31 Unable to time OF, so we will have to check the VEC prediction for the next time. 11:16:58 looks like 1244. they are fast today! 11:17:51 Bison in the meadow 11:19:59 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 11:21:32 Graham quit (timeout) 11:22:05 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 11:25:24 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 11:26:35 Despite newest dousing, lens doesn't seem too much worse. 11:27:40 Would still benefit from a serious cleaning, but can still zoom through it. 11:37:57 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 11:38:46 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 11:41:03 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 11:41:54 Approximately 25 hours since last BH reported here. 11:46:43 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 11:48:07 VEC has no prediction times for Daisy or Riverside. Caste is for 1525 (+/-1h). 11:49:33 i kept meaning to ask, why was the trail down to Riverside and F&M closed - bear activity there? 11:49:33 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 11:49:54 i know its open again now 11:49:55 Both bear and wolf from what I heard. 11:50:17 will be nice for overnight sits looking for them :) 11:50:43 Yes. One would be advised to have company AND bear spray! 11:51:23 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 11:51:46 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 11:52:21 hard to get company for the midnight shift 11:52:34 boom box? 11:52:54 One feels so silly talking to yourself loudly for so many hours! 11:53:04 good idea......or just talk to myself loudly like usual 11:53:20 as I was saying... 11:53:21 Bison carcass at Riverside 11:53:41 at least in Sept there are not many bears in the UGB 11:54:09 ok 92 - so its been eaten up? 11:54:12 or removed? 11:54:45 No word since closure. 11:55:16 Plume 1154 11:55:19 Graham quit (timeout) 11:56:52 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 12:00:15 Wind has really picked up in the last couple of minutes. 12:02:05 In the window for Aurum, but OF steam is going to prevent a good view 12:02:19 Been that way for a while. 12:02:41 Graham quit (timeout) 12:08:09 Graham quit (timeout) 12:08:33 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 12:09:11 zzzzzzzzzzz 12:09:33 we will all have to be woken up when something erupts 12:11:07 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 12:11:36 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 12:14:59 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 12:15:06 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 12:15:44 ynpvisitor7 changes nickname to BB 12:25:00 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 12:25:47 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:26:48 hi all 12:26:58 is everbody asleep today? 12:27:13 Hi BB. 12:27:24 Pretty close to as silent as I have ever seen it here! 12:27:41 Maybe just quietly anticipating? 12:28:10 that's a nice euphemism for sleeping :) 12:28:17 kcmule quit (timeout) 12:28:22 :) 12:29:06 I have news for Graham: he has been promoted to a geyser :) Whenever my son speaks of Grand, he always calls it Graham 12:29:26 haha..i am honored 12:29:29 Cute! 12:29:36 your son that is.. 12:29:49 And of course I didn't tell you... he thinks it's very embarrassing 12:30:08 we won't say a word! 12:30:11 i do like Grand :) 12:30:13 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 12:30:26 and i have been told i am cute too, especially when i was a child 12:30:36 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 12:30:49 you can always depend on your mom to say those kinds of things G. 12:31:20 ah yes, moms are like that 12:31:38 Depression 1231 12:31:42 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 12:31:46 very weak bubble... better one now 12:35:45 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 12:37:51 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 12:38:44 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 12:38:58 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 12:39:04 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 12:43:40 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:46:19 OF spray will head right towards camera again. 12:46:46 OF 1246 12:46:58 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 12:48:18 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 12:48:46 Wish there was some way to apologize to all the viewers who come JUST for OF. 12:50:12 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 12:52:18 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 12:56:14 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 12:56:50 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:02:30 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 13:03:14 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 13:03:53 Here watter, water, water... 13:07:10 PLUME 13:06 ie 13:07:42 Thanks BB. Stepped away for a second. 13:08:01 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 13:08:03 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 13:08:38 I am knitting and just looked up to see it... lucky 13:11:29 That Plume had at least 6 bursts. 13:12:16 There was one this morning that had one burst that last twice as long as normal. It was really cool. 13:12:38 I went back and replayed this one to make sure. After 6 was obscured by OF steam. 13:12:47 I hadn't counted how many total bursts it had in that eruption, but think fewer than 5. 13:12:59 OF is seriously messing with us folks! 13:13:22 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 13:13:52 on next OF we actually are hoping that the lens get sprayed. We have someone available now who can run the wipers. Hopefully we will be looking right into the spray! 13:15:02 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 13:16:54 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 13:17:03 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 13:22:59 Graham quit (timeout) 13:27:08 i had wondered if Plume was having more bursts last week, seemed to still be bursting when i expected it to have finished but I had not been counting. 13:27:37 Same here. Number of times I have pulled away, and another burst went. 13:27:43 Guess it is time to start counting! 13:28:45 yep. i wanna see 10 bursts 13:28:57 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 13:29:15 saw 9 a couple of years ago on the cam 13:29:25 that is a lot! 13:29:48 6 is my hightest count, but just don't do it very often. 13:30:24 need this guy 13:30:55 iy had a run of lots of bursts that year, started to count them all 13:30:58 Love the Count! 13:31:10 me too!!! 13:35:06 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 13:38:17 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 13:38:35 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 13:42:58 looked suspicious 13:43:27 27 hours 13:43:30 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 13:43:49 just too bouncy to stay zoomed in on BH though. 13:43:49 dormant? 13:43:59 :D 13:44:16 Pretty quick there G! 13:44:19 don't jinx it! 13:45:22 I don't know if even begging G will work BB. This is a guy who scoff at BH daily! 13:45:23 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 13:45:26 Graham quit (timeout) 13:45:30 ho hum... 13:46:22 I know but usually I am not around to admonish him 13:46:34 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 13:46:37 well.. THAT is true! 13:46:42 I still think he is to blame for last year's false indicators ;) 13:46:45 go for it then! 13:46:47 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 13:47:16 :D 13:48:00 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to Derek 13:48:16 Hi everyone 13:48:27 Hi Derek! 13:48:34 hi 13:48:46 Waiting for BH. Some things never change. 13:49:12 BH will only perform for CC 13:49:23 :-) 13:49:44 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 13:50:00 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to CC 13:50:07 We may see her as we near the time for OF 13:50:11 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 13:50:11 Ahhhh. 13:50:14 Hi CC! 13:50:22 that was a good time for me to timeout. did i miss anything? 13:50:37 Hi CC, NOW we'll get Beehive :-) 13:50:52 hi everyone 13:51:12 hi 13:51:13 hi 13:56:27 now is the time for OF to hit the lens....I will wipe 13:56:53 We are hoping for the same thing! 13:57:41 Its been interesting watching the steam on the static cam. We know it is blowing right at the camera! 13:58:05 when is OF due 13:58:10 Graham quit (timeout) 13:58:29 In about 20 minutes 13:58:42 k 14:01:58 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 14:10:12 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 14:11:05 Plume 14:11 14:11:11 Plume 1410 14:11:13 1 14:11:22 2 14:11:33 3 14:11:41 I sticking to 14:11 14:11:53 4 14:12:16 5 14:12:34 so little ones in there. Do they count on their own? 14:12:55 no 6th 14:13:00 I agree on 5 14:13:19 actually a very fast eruption that time 14:13:22 i didnt see anything else that would count as a burst 14:13:41 this is the watched pot principle... you will never get more than five if you are prepared to count 14:13:58 or another variation of Murphy's law 14:14:13 :) 14:15:01 Indicator 14:15:03 BHI 1414ie 14:15:23 Wake up everybody 14:15:26 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 14:15:28 ding 14:15:45 ding 14:15:47 just in time... I was about to go to bed 14:15:55 kVC alerted 14:16:02 make that VC 14:16:05 Awake ty 14:16:09 zzzzzz 14:16:27 OF due soon though 14:16:29 booo 14:16:43 and maybe wipers too 14:17:06 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 14:17:07 yeap, and we REALLY need the wiper to go! 14:17:44 Graham quit (timeout) 14:17:47 preplay start3ed 14:18:14 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 14:18:22 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 14:19:21 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:19:41 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 14:20:23 i wonder if OF will splat the cam when BH starts? 14:21:15 should i text him? not sure he is available, but will let him know 14:21:16 IMO, missing one BH would be worth it if the lens can get cleaned off. 14:21:41 woah..i can't believe you said that! 14:22:05 I know! But I have been looking through this lens all day and my eyes are tired of it!!! 14:22:07 It would be quite good to see BH really.... 14:23:59 wind blowing the other direction 14:24:08 slight wind shift now may not put OF spray on the lens this eruption 14:24:54 better 14:25:11 Graham - you the only one that can make disparaging remarks about BH. g 14:25:26 yes. Have to zoom quite a bit out to get a good view. Can't really get all of OF in a clear shot though. 14:26:17 OF 1425 14:26:35 Spray not likely to hit lens from the direction its blowing now 14:26:36 no wipers this eruption 14:27:24 May not be another opportunity until tomorrow. Evening wind direction may prevail now. 14:27:50 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:29:16 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 14:29:21 hehe well i have heard others say things like "it would be good to miss BH" 14:29:41 or words to that effect 14:29:45 I think I was the only one singing that tune! 14:30:02 no wipers, no dual no CC...bye til later 14:30:02 i will do the standard TV reporter taking it out of context 14:30:04 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 14:30:09 Wouldn't have missed BH as it turns out. Oh well. Clean lens will wait. 14:30:14 "missing one BH would be worth it" 14:30:38 bye CC 14:30:40 CC quit (timeout) 14:31:09 some ppl waiting, thats good 14:31:16 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:31:46 BH 1431 14:32:06 zzzzzzzzzzzzzz 14:32:24 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 14:32:33 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to CC 14:32:40 Back for BH 14:33:04 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:33:08 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 14:33:10 Derek quit (timeout) 14:33:13 28 hours....mmmmm getting lonbger 14:33:25 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to k 14:33:47 nice capture of BH 14:34:04 Very tall today. 14:34:11 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 14:34:18 k changes nickname to Kevin L 14:34:35 Good timing 14:34:39 Hey Kevin! I didn't email you cuz thought you were out for the day! 14:35:03 yay Kevin 14:35:54 Glad there are a few people on the bw to enjoy it. 14:36:16 Very good. Glad we were able to see it. 14:36:30 I turned it on just as it went. 14:36:58 what next? Nothing due for a while, but we haven't seen a Daisy yet today. 14:37:14 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:37:39 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 14:38:37 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 14:38:52 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:39:10 That was nice 14:39:14 I am off now, bye all 14:39:26 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 14:39:30 bye 14:39:52 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:39:52 BB quit (timeout) 14:40:40 that sky look ominous 14:40:51 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 14:41:00 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 14:41:02 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 14:41:07 Yeap. Maybe snow will give us the wet lens! I am ever hopeful that we will have a good view! 14:41:43 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 14:41:50 zzzzzzz 14:42:21 CC quit (timeout) 14:42:24 yeah, and pretty soon that will be on your tour of duty G! :D 14:42:25 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to kcmule 14:42:28 BH 1431 14:42:28 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:43:09 thank you kc! 14:43:24 Derek quit (timeout) 14:43:35 np ty 14:43:50 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 14:44:05 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 14:46:19 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 14:46:24 Todd(Away) changes nickname to Todd 14:48:56 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 14:49:31 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 14:50:33 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:51:32 I am stepping away from the computer now folks. Lurking, but not really here. 14:51:42 vw changes nickname to vw - lurking 14:51:47 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 14:53:10 Thanks to kcmule, I got to see a belated BH-next best thing 14:53:43 not much different to seeing the indicator ie 14:54:35 The indicator is almost a show of its own 14:54:58 i see they broke through the snow bridge at this end. 14:55:04 can see the BW all the way across now 14:55:53 That will make it easier for the infirm to be able to get out on the cone 14:56:01 may even have a late blooming bench coming out soon 14:56:16 Ther's the end of one 14:56:27 ? 14:56:42 Aurum 1456 14:56:55 nice 14:57:40 excitement 14:57:47 Good catch 15:00:01 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 15:00:48 Off again, will check in later. 15:01:01 Todd changes nickname to Todd(Away) 15:02:36 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 15:03:53 Graham quit (timeout) 15:04:16 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 15:09:49 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 15:11:31 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 15:12:51 Plume 1511 15:13:08 oops..make that 1512 15:15:31 5b 15:16:49 Graham quit (timeout) 15:19:58 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 15:21:40 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 15:24:18 Castle 1523ie H2O 15:25:56 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 15:28:53 Graham is this a major 15:29:03 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 15:29:18 ynpvisitor10 changes nickname to CC 15:29:38 don't know yet 15:30:05 just got off with the VC and someone said this started at 15:12 15:30:20 I saw the water when you did 15:30:24 ok, in that case it is a Major 15:30:30 and I still see water 15:30:47 19min is long enough and it doesn't look like its stopping and starting 15:31:20 now steam 15:31:59 and occasional spikes 15:32:22 its been going long enough to go into steam 15:32:55 wind is not going in directions we like 15:33:54 I'd say a Major as well 15:34:17 are we on the benches now at Daisy 15:34:28 feels like it 15:34:39 it is windy 15:35:00 nice lighting on Castel 15:35:10 cant type today 15:35:39 Castle is Beautiful 15:36:16 must mean my earlier possible Castle was just steam this morning 15:36:32 not used to early morning gazing 15:36:45 at least not on the webcam 15:37:34 well this osne is for real 15:37:46 I can't type either 15:38:31 looks like its precipetating 15:39:44 Penta 1538ie 15:39:57 wind is picking up 15:40:33 getting sea sick? 15:40:46 yep 15:41:16 last week I had to put the cam in wide view and walk away it was so windy 15:41:34 i cant take it like that for long 15:42:24 I am just waiting for the next OF 15:43:24 Castle nice and steamy now 15:50:31 OF 1529 15:50:38 grrr 15:50:42 1549 15:51:39 justa little more wind would do it 15:51:39 no wiper op 15:51:51 blkowing away now 15:53:30 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 15:54:00 back in 93 minutes 15:54:08 k, thanks 15:54:48 ynpvisitor84 changes nickname to ynpvisitor49 15:55:15 CC quit (timeout) 16:02:08 that's weird, I forgot I had this page opened, and it changed my visitor name . 16:02:17 Learn something new every day 16:02:42 .. 16:02:59 do you have another name? 16:03:23 84 I guess, but I just typed in that browser window and it came out as 49. 16:03:34 I had two open and didn't realize that 16:03:47 which do u preder? 16:04:19 you can always switch back 16:04:40 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:06:41 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 16:07:35 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 16:09:26 ...<>... 16:13:45 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 16:19:28 >< 16:22:24 Plume 1622 16:33:45 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 16:34:06 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 16:42:22 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 16:49:33 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 16:50:21 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 16:55:31 hmmm. still no Daisy? Odd to not catch one on a weekend day. 16:56:26 maybe its having another 11 or 20 hour interval 16:56:38 does seem steamy now tho 16:57:14 keep my fingers crossed! 17:09:46 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 17:10:58 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 17:11:05 Graham changes nickname to RockTheRed 17:14:33 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 17:14:41 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to CC 17:15:17 giving it one more try..then you will have to call me 17:15:19 Daisy 1714 17:15:54 Hurray! 17:16:10 yeah, took its time 17:16:12 Persistence pays off! 17:17:29 needed some time with you did not have to be watching for other eruptions. 17:30:35 OF 1729 17:32:22 Admin off but phone near my bed 17:32:38 k, thanks 17:35:20 CC quit (timeout) 17:37:17 Plume 1736 17:43:41 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 17:44:01 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:44:20 ynpvisitor68 changes nickname to kcmule 17:45:55 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 17:48:44 not good, Caps are down 1-0 17:53:59 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 17:54:24 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 17:55:22 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:02:45 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 18:03:10 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 18:23:10 . 18:24:11 Aurum 1823ie 18:24:21 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 18:24:29 very nice 18:24:35 great lighting! 18:25:14 barely visible 18:29:27 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 18:35:23 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 18:36:29 yeah 1-1 18:37:51 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:37:59 vw - lurking quit (timeout) 18:38:58 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:40:44 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:42:55 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:46:48 Riverside 1846ie 18:49:35 Plume 1849 18:50:29 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 18:50:52 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:51:33 ynpvisitor90 changes nickname to Lonestar Ranger 18:57:15 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 18:57:58 OF 1857 19:00:02 vw - lurking quit (timeout) 19:01:39 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:02:00 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 19:03:05 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 19:03:26 Churn 1902ie 19:04:06 OF long 19:04:34 OF prediction 2030 19:05:08 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 19:07:30 Recap 2011-05-01: Aurum 0819 ie wc, 1456 wc, 1823 ie wc, BH 1431 wc, BNI 1414 ie wc, Castle 0620 ie wc min, 1523 ie wc, Daisy 1714 wc, Depression 0902 wc, 1231 wc, Grand 1106 ie wc, Lion 0624 wc, 0734 wc, 0907 ie wc, 0931 wc, Oblong 1111 ie wc, 19:07:33 thanks Lonestar 19:07:41 OF 0620 wc, 0756 wc, 0934 wc, 0934 wc, 1111 wc, 1246 wc, 1425 wc, 1549 wc, 1729 wc, 1857 wc, Penta 1538 ie wc, Plume 0833 wc, 1044 wc, 1154 wc, 1306 ie wc, 1410 wc, 1512 wc, 1622 wc, 1736 wc, 1849 wc, Riverside 1846 ie wc 19:08:47 grrr down 2-1 19:15:34 Churn 1915 19:19:45 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 19:25:39 Addition/CorrectionRecap 2011-05-01: Aurum 0819 ie wc, 1456 wc, 1823 ie wc, BH 1431 wc, BHI 1414 ie wc, Castle 0620 ie wc min, 1512 ie VC maj, Churn 1915, Daisy 1714 wc, Depression 0902 wc, 1231 wc, Grand 1106 ie wc, Lion 0624 wc, 0734 wc, 0907 ie wc, 0931 wc, Oblong 1111 ie wc, 19:25:40 OF 0620 wc, 0756 wc, 0934 wc, 1111 wc, 1246 wc, 1425 wc, 1549 wc, 1729 wc, 1857 wc, Penta 1538 ie wc, Plume 0833 wc, 1044 wc, 1154 wc, 1306 ie wc, 1410 wc, 1512 wc, 1622 wc, 1736 wc, 1849 wc, Riverside 1846 ie wc, Sawmill 0655 ie?, 19:31:19 Churn got hot again but i didnt see any water 19:31:22 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 19:31:31 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 19:33:36 Churn 1933 19:36:33 yeah 2-2 19:36:40 that was a nice Churn eruption 19:36:58 one for KC's lvideo library 19:37:46 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 19:38:15 game in OT 19:39:26 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 19:40:31 Could that be a Daisy in the background? 19:41:30 Daisy is steaming, most from Comet. could get Daisy, dont know what it doing today 19:41:58 Okay, just wondered. 19:42:27 Daisy and Grand are in their windows 19:42:53 Daisy is the smaller steam to the right of the larger steam cloud 19:43:19 Yes, I noticed a bit of steam out Grand way a bit ago. Thought it might be Turban 19:43:38 Okay. Thanks. Big steam cloud is Comet? 19:43:54 on the far left, yes 19:44:37 I have not figures out when Turban is going, watching Churn more 19:44:43 Got it. 19:44:46 ty 19:45:11 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:46:02 Churn is hot again 19:53:29 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 19:53:51 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 19:54:37 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:55:40 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 19:55:51 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 20:00:09 grrr Caps lost 20:00:58 Tardy has stopped too 20:01:04 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 20:01:10 RockTheRed changes nickname to Graham 20:13:09 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 20:13:45 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 20:15:30 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 20:16:33 .. 20:16:59 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 20:22:03 Daisy 2021 20:22:20 Todd(Away) changes nickname to Todd 20:25:51 In for the evening--been a busy and productive day here on the farm:) 20:26:19 Just in time for a daisy 20:26:19 Very good, Todd 20:26:23 good, glad to hear that 20:26:30 we had a nice series of 3 churn eruptions 20:26:49 OF is due and Grand in second half of its window 20:26:52 I need to get in in on that sometime 20:27:04 The Churn 20:27:20 maybe kc will post the last one which looked nice 20:27:22 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 20:27:23 Have never seen it in person 20:27:36 sounds good 20:27:45 Churn 19:33 20:27:53 i have only seen it on one trip, years ago 20:28:04 Thanks kc 20:28:05 thanks kc, that was quick :) 20:28:21 will take a lookie right now 20:28:48 seems to be right on the same line as uncertain 20:28:51 OF 2028 20:29:08 *sight line 20:29:43 Calm and cold 20:30:14 it is pretty much in line with Uncertain, yes 20:34:16 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 20:35:00 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 20:35:50 Thanks again kc, Churn looks quite interesting. The backlighting made it a cool video, too 20:36:17 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 20:36:28 Is it just on the other side of the boardwalk from Sawmill and to the south? 20:36:50 yw. i like it too, nice bursts 20:36:57 I guess its to the North? 20:37:54 other side of the BW from Sawmill, slightly further down the BW than Sawmill but not far, its the only large spring there 20:38:20 I can't remember, guess I'll have to get the bible out 20:38:43 Like back towards the bridge or towards Grand? 20:39:05 its in the corner between the castle and Grand trails 20:39:11 towards castle from sawmill, on right 20:39:27 closer to the Castle BW than the Grand BW 20:39:52 Alright remember now thanks everyone 20:40:19 It just takes me a while sometimes:) 20:40:26 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 20:40:26 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 20:40:29 one more chance for Grand in a few minutes 20:40:41 T. Scott V4 pg 58 #74 20:40:49 That whole area is a fun spot 20:41:13 Looking it up..... 20:41:44 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 20:43:59 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 20:44:00 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 20:44:14 It's actually straight west of Sawmill according to T. Scott's map 20:44:32 I was way off when I said South 20:45:09 must be a local magnetic anomalie there 20:45:45 I'm sure that is it 20:46:07 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 20:47:00 nice evening 20:47:30 hum, news brief coming up.....Bin Laden is dead 20:47:58 drudge has a link up that goes nowhere 20:48:05 so must be true : ) 20:48:27 i am heading to bed....light is going to vanish fast now 20:48:38 see you tomorrow 20:48:42 nite 20:48:52 ABC has it on Special Report. 20:49:00 Did we have anything to do with it, or did he have a lawn mower mishap 20:49:17 Sounds like it was a CIA operation. 20:49:18 See you R the R 20:51:22 RockTheRed quit (timeout) 20:52:07 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 20:56:27 Well, the planter is filled and ready to go and tomorrow we'll plant the first field of corn for 2011 20:57:11 YEAH!!! 20:57:43 Great. Looking forward to your harvest. 20:58:08 throw a couple ears in the mail for us? 20:58:10 Most fields here are still too wet, but we had one that wasn't too bad so we went after it 20:59:07 4 months from now, we can take it to the ethanol plant and make some fuel and feed out of it 20:59:51 Sorry kc, it's not sweet corn, but we'll be planying that soon 21:00:05 planying 21:00:15 wow---planting 21:00:26 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 21:00:32 g 21:00:59 usually the sweet corn get a little lower priority than the field corn 21:01:20 But we always get it planted eventually 21:02:07 Ahhhh. The sweet smell of ethanol racing fuel in modifieds..... 21:02:42 :) 21:03:42 I know there is a lot of debate over ethanol, but right now it's all we have. 21:04:38 It has sure made a difference in being able to make some money in the farming business. 21:06:02 shower time and bed time here. Probably won't have much time to check in if the weather holds for the near future 21:06:18 Night all 21:06:18 21:06:27 Sort of funny. WE are now growing our fuel. Wonder what the desert rats are going to do when we don't need their oil and are burning the food they used to eat instead of their oil. 21:06:34 nite 21:06:43 Good luck. 21:07:17 It's a thought, don't know if it will get to that point, but hope so. 21:07:21 Thanks all 21:07:26 As long as my food prices don't go up because of the 'double' use. 21:08:02 Oh ttey will, they already have. 21:08:32 But a lot of that is due to the high cost of oil and fuel 21:08:46 Kind of a catch-22 21:09:16 The price of ethanol is based on the price of gas 21:10:00 And now corn prices follow oil prices almost like clock work 21:10:35 Sorry-I'll get out of here and leave you all alone:) 21:10:42 I've noticed. 21:12:02 Todd quit (timeout) 21:13:03 I would rather give money to American Farmers than the terrorists that are taking it now. 21:14:09 Yes, but 'who' is buying corn futures? The Oil Compnaies? 21:14:51 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 21:15:29 Lonestar Ranger quit (timeout) 21:15:33 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 21:19:32 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 21:20:51 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 21:23:35 nite 21:23:51 bye 21:24:00 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 21:24:33 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:24:50 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:28:49 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 21:30:25 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 21:36:18 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 22:50:39 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 23:01:23 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 23:55:20 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 23:58:43 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) Found 519 log entries for 2011-05-02 06:01:35 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 06:01:52 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to CC 06:28:53 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 06:46:03 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 06:47:21 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 06:48:48 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 06:50:22 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 06:52:46 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:53:41 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 06:53:54 ynpvisitor8 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:54:20 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:56:46 BHI 6:56 IE 06:57:22 CC quit (timeout) 06:57:44 BHI 6:56 IE 06:57:45 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 06:57:53 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 06:57:56 Loving it! 06:57:59 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 06:58:08 Maybe two today? 06:58:23 CC quit (timeout) 06:58:25 We may have a dual 06:58:36 ynpvisitor71 changes nickname to CC 06:59:00 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 06:59:09 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 07:00:40 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 07:00:52 let's hope OF doesn't block BH 07:01:16 Right 07:01:23 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 07:01:47 ynpvisitor92 changes nickname to Janet 07:01:54 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 07:03:17 very strong indicator 07:05:12 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 07:05:45 OF 7:05 07:05:45 Must be cold. 07:06:20 unless BH waits the steam from OF will block 07:06:55 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 07:08:28 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 07:09:52 BH 7:09 IE 07:10:58 Sorry Kevin,,,,hope you can see some of BH 07:10:58 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 07:11:42 Even good luck turns out bad. 07:12:17 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 07:12:18 you should be able to see some of BH now 07:13:22 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 07:13:41 Can thanks 07:13:58 :) 07:15:52 Should have told it we wanted to watch Aurum. 07:16:12 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 07:16:26 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 07:17:07 It should make evening gazing a bit more interesting tonight. 07:17:31 Graham will have fun 07:18:06 Depending on how his hockey team does.... 07:18:26 love these longer hours of daylight. 07:18:28 of course 07:18:59 Great looking day out there. And we don't have to wait for BH now. 07:19:19 but say tuned...looks like we may get a DAisy 07:21:16 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 07:21:37 BH loves me/.... Daisy does not 07:21:55 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 07:22:03 At least we see that far today. 07:22:07 I do see steam coming from Daisy though 07:22:38 getting very windy now 07:22:53 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 07:24:41 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 07:25:45 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 07:33:31 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 07:39:59 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 07:40:10 I am giving up on Daisy 07:40:12 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to Kristine 07:40:57 Morning everyone! 07:41:05 hi K 07:41:09 hi 07:41:09 ready to work 07:41:26 Oh yeah! Can't wait to get started. 07:43:40 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 07:52:09 CC quit (timeout) 07:53:25 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 07:53:43 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 07:54:16 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 07:54:33 ynpvisitor3 changes nickname to MJ 07:55:06 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 07:56:43 ynpvisitor90 changes nickname to Rich 07:57:13 Morning Kevin L 07:57:22 Morning Kristine 07:57:29 Morning Janet 07:57:36 Morning Rich 07:57:41 Hi visitor92 07:57:43 Morning MJ 07:57:51 Hi visitor93 07:58:08 Good Morning Rich. 07:58:10 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 08:02:18 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:03:43 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 08:04:51 <> 08:04:59 MJ quit (timeout) 08:05:15 hi visitor51 08:05:37 morning, I wasn't sure I was connected. 08:06:06 You are HERE! lol 08:07:55 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 08:08:19 Recap 2011-05-02 Beehive 0709 ie wc Beehive indicator 0656 ie wc Old faithful 0705 wc 08:08:45 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 08:08:52 Dang, looks like a nice day in the park 08:09:16 It does. 08:09:31 Almost looks 'warm'. 08:09:34 Hi visitor40 08:09:37 thank you. 08:09:47 I would feel pretty toasty out there I bet 08:09:51 08:09:56 hi rich 08:10:13 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:11:11 Hi Rich 08:15:53 OF prediction 0838 08:16:27 . 08:23:44 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:24:35 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:33:24 Spectacular! 08:33:46 Very pretty. 08:33:57 OF 0832ie 08:34:12 bet it looks great from the river 08:34:27 Yeah 08:37:44 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 08:38:07 Anyone get a fix on duration of OF? 08:38:10 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:39:58 MJ quit (timeout) 08:45:16 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:46:56 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 08:47:37 Janet quit (timeout) 08:48:28 MJ quit (timeout) 08:48:31 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 08:50:25 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 08:54:10 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:00:16 OF prediction 1005 via VEC 09:01:37 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:01:41 Kristine quit (timeout) 09:04:06 Rich quit (timeout) 09:07:00 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 09:07:45 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 09:10:07 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:12:00 Rich quit (timeout) 09:13:13 Rich quit (timeout) 09:19:46 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:20:10 Kristine quit (timeout) 09:20:38 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:22:15 <> 09:26:32 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 09:27:57 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:28:18 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 09:29:18 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to sparekitty 09:30:00 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 09:30:12 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to kcmule 09:30:15 mornin 09:30:50 Morning kcmule 09:31:00 Morning sparekitty 09:40:41 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:41:32 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:42:04 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:45:18 Rich quit (timeout) 09:46:57 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 09:48:15 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:49:27 Rich quit (timeout) 09:53:15 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:56:18 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:57:15 Some steam out of Dome 09:59:22 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:04:15 OF preplay 10:05:54 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:08:44 Lion 10:08ie 10:08:49 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:12:09 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 10:13:39 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:14:33 OF 1013ie 10:14:46 very nice 10:14:55 Why wasn't the wind like that during BH? 10:15:11 lol 10:15:46 At least we have a shot at it again tonight. 10:16:23 yep 10:16:34 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:20:39 OF prediction 1146 10:21:14 kcmule changes nickname to kc (brb) 10:34:49 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 10:35:28 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 10:42:11 kc (brb) changes nickname to kcmule 10:43:02 Aurum 10:42ie 10:43:38 boy does that make me want to BE THERE 10:43:40 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 10:44:06 yep, i bet it was beautiful 10:44:20 i hear ya 10:44:44 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 10:46:56 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 10:49:15 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 11:00:08 Rich quit (timeout) 11:06:22 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 11:08:20 Daisy 11:08ie 11:09:58 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 11:10:13 ynpvisitor83 changes nickname to CC 11:10:21 Thank you KC 11:10:35 yw, hi CC 11:13:08 CC quit (timeout) 11:20:33 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 11:20:53 ynpvisitor59 changes nickname to Janet 11:22:46 Plume 11:22 11:24:12 CC quit (timeout) 11:40:56 OF 11:40ie 11:46:33 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 11:47:48 Janet quit (timeout) 11:50:05 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 11:54:59 ynpvisitor1m joins Yellowstone 11:57:07 ynpvisitor1m quit (timeout) 12:03:18 kcmule changes nickname to kc (lunch) 12:15:13 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 12:15:33 Lion 1214 ie. 12:15:55 and Plume 12:15 12:17:06 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:21:30 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 12:22:37 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:37:25 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 12:39:10 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to BB 12:51:07 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 12:51:45 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 12:52:34 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 12:55:36 kc (lunch) quit (timeout) 13:05:22 kc (lunch) changes nickname to kcmule 13:07:05 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 13:08:02 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:08:49 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:09:21 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 13:15:56 Plume 13:15 13:17:49 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 13:25:30 OF 13:25 ie 13:25:40 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 13:26:28 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 13:28:14 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 13:28:34 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 13:28:43 ynpvisitor60 changes nickname to CC 13:28:52 Keep an eye out for Daisy 13:29:47 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 13:36:10 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 13:38:44 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:39:36 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 13:40:49 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 13:43:14 Daisy 13:43 13:45:15 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 13:46:48 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 13:49:28 CC quit (timeout) 13:52:22 13:52:40 record number of big animal deaths due to winter this year. 13:58:12 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 14:01:14 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 14:22:18 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 14:24:38 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:25:47 BB quit (timeout) 14:30:05 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 14:37:31 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:40:26 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 14:41:56 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 14:42:48 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 14:44:43 Of 1444 ie WAY past start 14:45:59 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 14:46:14 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to Janet 14:46:28 I caught it at 1442 ns 14:47:36 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 14:50:45 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 14:55:26 Janet quit (timeout) 14:58:36 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 15:00:47 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 15:05:07 ynpvisitor91 changes nickname to Rich 15:05:17 Recap 2011-05-02: Aurum 1042 ie wc, BH 0709 ie wc, BHI 0656 ie wc, Daisy 1108 ie wc, 1343 wc, Lion 1008 ie wc, 1214 ie wc, OF 0705 wc, 0832 ie wc, 1013 ie wc, 1139 ie wc, 1325 ie wc, 1442 ns wc, Plume 1122 wc, 1215 wc, 1315 wc 15:15:13 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 15:15:28 Plume 15:15 15:16:40 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 15:16:48 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 15:16:59 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to Graham 15:19:17 hello 15:19:50 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 15:20:29 nice to log in and see the recap right there, thanks Rich 15:21:37 Let's have another Aurum on this beautiful day 15:21:43 yw 15:22:55 Rich quit (timeout) 15:23:18 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 15:26:02 Rich quit (timeout) 15:26:43 Rich quit (timeout) 15:29:13 Rich quit (timeout) 15:29:59 Rich quit (timeout) 15:31:23 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 15:32:25 Rich quit (timeout) 15:34:07 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 15:34:19 FYI - does not automatically refresh when new data is entered by someone else. 15:34:20 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 15:35:05 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 15:35:17 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 15:36:01 got some double posts? 15:36:20 Rich quit (timeout) 15:37:01 question about that, what's the best use for it? 15:37:07 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 15:37:37 if you refresh the page it also re-inserts the times Rich, I have done that too 15:38:05 Rich quit (timeout) 15:38:13 its a useful log for here and on a smartphone in the park 15:38:37 last year Jake was using it to find out what had happened after going hiking or to lover geyser basin 15:39:19 but it needs ppl to enter times to work 15:41:55 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:42:06 hi Graham. busy afternoon here 15:42:58 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 15:43:10 hello, yeah work sucks doesn't it? 15:43:58 im ok with 1 or 2 things at a time, its when everyone piles on that it gets rough 15:44:30 having trouble keeping the stream up today. could be a local problem, but it has frozen many many times 15:44:38 Rich quit (timeout) 15:45:22 seems to be running fine for me 15:45:39 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 15:45:49 everything happens at once or nothing happens at work, both are frustrating 15:46:40 Rich quit (timeout) 15:47:33 Rich quit (timeout) 15:47:36 Hello did BH make an apparance this morning? 15:47:56 yes 07:09 '69 15:48:05 Thanks 15:48:08 yes 15:48:20 0709 BH 15:48:43 will try to get capture up later 15:49:03 So, maybe a sunset BH tonight.... 15:49:17 that would be optimal! 15:50:32 Possibility 15:50:59 16h38m interval. Guess as to if it was a single or a double? 15:51:30 Single, for sure a single 15:51:32 single 15:55:45 Rich quit (timeout) 15:57:48 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 16:00:17 Rich quit (timeout) 16:01:11 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 16:01:13 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 16:01:44 .. 16:04:32 Rich quit (timeout) 16:10:09 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 16:10:49 Plume 1610 16:22:14 OF 1621 16:24:11 a short 16:24:23 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 16:25:44 Churn 1625ie 16:27:07 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 16:27:27 Daisy 1627 16:29:00 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 16:33:06 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:11:36 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 17:12:01 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 17:12:15 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 17:13:55 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 17:14:21 OF 1713 17:19:04 that was Plume, not OF 17:19:30 I was just going to ask about the short interval. 17:29:32 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 17:30:22 OF 1729 17:34:28 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 17:47:12 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 17:58:11 nice splashes 17:58:50 drivin home bbs 17:59:20 we will try and make BH wait 18:00:06 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:05:52 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 18:06:06 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 18:06:46 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 18:07:07 Graham quit (timeout) 18:07:13 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 18:07:35 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:08:40 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:10:20 Plume 1809 18:18:28 Penta 1816ie ? 18:27:26 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 18:28:06 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to Karen 18:29:31 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:30:31 I'm at the wrong end of the park this month for geyser gazin 18:30:33 g 18:31:22 I am on the wrong end of the video feed anyway 18:32:41 are you in control of the camera right now? 18:32:57 yes 18:33:14 cool 18:33:40 only caught one Churn but it is warming up again 18:33:49 Penta still going 18:34:24 my connection is bad, so it keeps going dark to buffer 18:34:53 i hate it when that happens 18:34:54 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 18:35:48 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:36:38 Karen quit (timeout) 18:36:44 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 18:41:11 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 18:41:35 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 18:42:13 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 18:43:49 ynpvisitor96 changes nickname to kcmule 18:43:58 OF BH 07:05 18:48:05 BHI 1847ie 18:48:33 wake up 18:48:34 its show time 18:48:35 cool 18:49:22 where did Kevin go, the wrong end of the park? 18:49:30 Watching. 18:49:39 k, good 18:49:45 small crowd here 18:50:03 Two in a day. Great. I sent e-mail to vw. 18:50:34 wb Karen 18:50:47 thanks for the note on facebook 18:51:05 yw. two daylight BH's, nice 18:51:56 And the wind direction is right for this one! 18:52:06 Graham quit (timeout) 18:52:17 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 18:52:38 you back at OF? 18:53:10 me? I'm at Mammoth for another 3 weeks 18:53:35 i don't think anyone else here is anywhere near OF 18:54:42 we've been driving lately to Canyon, to haul mattresses there, so I keep hoping for Steamboat, especially on such a clear day as today 18:55:23 that would be cool, hard to miss that steam cloud! 18:56:48 yes, I remember one spring, seeing the steam cloud from North Twin lake, while taking new computers to Faithful. Boss wouldn't believe me, until we went past 4 way stop, and I rolled down my window, and we could hear the roaring, that it wasn't road construction steam 18:57:28 did you stop or keep to work schedule? 18:57:37 so we turned around, and went to the platform, but he only let me spend 5 minutes enjoying the steam phase, before it was time to move on 18:57:48 that was May 2003 18:58:08 eruption, water phase, had happened previous evening 18:58:26 i just saw steam 10 hours post-eruptive 18:58:32 still pretty cool 18:58:35 I think it was May, but might have been late April 18:58:51 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to Michael 18:58:57 and then i was there in winter when it did the steam eruption, didnt get to stop......snowcoach schedule! 18:59:01 I've seen steam phase 4 times, once in 2000, twice in 2003, and the most recent eruption 18:59:25 snowcoach schedule is tight, but if I was driving, we would have stopped! 19:00:35 BH 1859 19:01:49 wish webcam had sound! pretty still 19:02:19 i played it on the FRS radio this winter so VC could listen in during a whiteout 19:02:43 wow - really close to 12 hours - that's a great schedule for Mem Day gazers 19:02:45 lol 19:02:59 I need to find my radio, not sure where it is 19:03:03 Michael quit (timeout) 19:03:05 That's funny Graham. 19:03:07 they could hear it but thy couldn't see it 19:03:31 you can do things like that in winter, not in summer tho 19:03:32 in winter, I usually phone in eruption times, because a lot of time VEC doesn't have radio on, and cold drains my batteries 19:04:20 it was afternoon and my batteries were fine so i didnt mind. wouldn't do it on a cold morning tho 19:05:33 OF 1905ie 19:06:25 OF and BH round the other way this evening 19:06:30 Good timing. I have to run my daughter to ballet right now. 19:07:21 Karen quit (timeout) 19:08:16 BH 18:59 19:08:31 Plume 1908ie 19:09:47 Castle 1909ie H2O 19:10:25 busy 10 minutes 19:10:59 looks like Daisy hasn't gone either 19:13:14 Daisy 1912 19:13:18 i need a nap! 19:13:40 anyone know when Grand is due? :) 19:14:33 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 19:17:06 *searches today's log* Looks like you're the first person to mention Grand today. 19:17:45 not going tho, it broke the string! 19:19:32 The clean sweep would have been nice. 19:19:38 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 19:20:18 evening Castles always look nice 19:20:23 ynpvisitor7 changes nickname to vw 19:20:26 good evening. 19:20:39 bummer, See I missed BH. Again! 19:21:10 you can see Castle otherwise its big snooze time 19:21:23 Nice Castle. 19:21:37 its a Major 19:22:07 had BH, OF, Plume, Castle, and Daisy in 13min 19:22:18 Wow 19:22:33 Those have kept you busy at least. 19:22:44 yeah. had Churn and Penta earlier too 19:22:50 I suppose the rest of the time its been quiet? 19:23:28 See no OF spray on the lens today. Double bummer. 19:24:05 didnt want us cleaning it 19:27:39 Interesting intervals on today's BHs. Over 15 then just under 12. 19:30:18 Still seeing jets of water from Castle at 1929 19:33:13 hi vw 19:33:38 Hey kc! thank you for this evening's BH capture. Just watching now. 19:34:16 i wondered if i should just post the whole 13m 19:34:39 Beautiful! Lighting was great for BH! 19:35:41 Something special about early and late lighting for geyser eruptions. 19:38:01 Churn 1937ie 19:38:34 looks like Tardy has quit 19:39:18 Nice to see people out there watching it! 19:39:27 If I remember right, that's usually Churn's cue. 19:40:08 I am going to head out. Stopped in to thank Kevin and kc for heads hp on BHI and BH. Just wish I had been home! 19:40:09 so that was just over 3h between cam sightings 19:40:12 See everybody tomorrow. 19:40:22 bye 19:40:23 nite vw 19:40:27 bye 19:40:54 vw quit (timeout) 19:40:55 good night vw. 19:42:14 Wow. Penta-Churn mode like this is a real treat. 19:45:26 yeah wish there were more ppl there to report 19:45:52 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 19:52:09 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 19:53:45 lots of steam, just not saeeing water 19:54:37 Can you convince it to throwa little water our way? 19:56:37 not sure its gonna do it, yesterday the second interval was 18min and we r there now 19:59:48 Bummer. I need to sign off anyway and get back to chores. 20:00:30 Michael quit (timeout) 20:00:31 k, cya 20:03:11 Little Squirt 2002ie 20:03:41 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 20:04:24 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 20:06:30 Plume 2006 20:06:33 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 20:08:41 5? i always forget to count 20:09:02 cant tell with that steam 20:10:23 another OT game 20:10:44 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 20:12:50 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 20:14:56 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 20:20:08 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 20:20:53 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 20:23:48 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 20:24:25 gone all blue now 20:25:34 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 20:27:00 Graham quit (timeout) 20:30:53 OF 2030 20:36:56 Tardy going again 20:39:02 done for the day, see ya 20:39:46 nite 20:40:49 Graham quit (timeout) 20:42:45 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 20:43:11 HELLO 20:46:29 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 21:00:43 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 21:01:55 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 21:08:29 nite 21:09:08 kcmule quit (timeout) Found 674 log entries for 2011-05-03 00:44:15 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 05:59:25 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 05:59:41 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to CC 05:59:50 Lion 6:57 IE 06:04:37 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 06:04:39 CC quit (timeout) 06:05:59 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 06:08:38 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 06:09:41 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 06:12:15 is that a forecast for Lion CC? vbg 06:12:59 lion was in eruption when I logged on 06:13:46 shall watch for it then around 657 - goes every hour or so doesn't it? 06:13:46 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 06:14:14 depends on whether it was an initial or not 06:14:22 k 06:15:20 lion can go from 75 to 90 minutes 06:15:45 k - guess I shall just have to wait and see then - thanks 06:16:44 you mean 0557 I think 06:16:57 g 06:17:08 yes...sorry 06:17:41 Let me correct the LION TIME 5:57 thanks 06:19:31 Plume 6:19 06:19:38 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 06:20:15 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 06:20:41 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 06:21:34 more white stuff I see 06:21:56 sorry camera lens is so dirty it is hard to see 06:22:23 looks like it has stopped for now via the VC cam 06:23:15 OF 6:23 06:23:23 May trips will be interesting for those going to YNP 06:26:54 Recap of time....Lion 5:57....Pliume 6:19...OF 6:23 06:28:56 CC quit (timeout) 06:31:22 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 06:36:58 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 06:37:04 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 06:40:31 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 06:40:54 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:41:28 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 06:41:51 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 06:44:14 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 06:44:52 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 06:46:00 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 06:46:09 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to CC 06:46:12 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 06:46:16 Daqisy 6:45 IE 06:46:25 wish I could type 06:46:37 Daisy 6:45 IE 06:47:19 thanks 06:47:40 welcome 06:50:35 will spring ever come? Yesterday was gorgeous in the UGB 06:51:32 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 06:52:37 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 06:59:03 Did you read the listserv about the conewalkers. 06:59:16 yes 06:59:28 and I have responded to the list serve 06:59:46 by the way, Graham did call into the LE 06:59:55 Good, there were probably many 07:00:03 (many) calls 07:00:51 cam operators have the LE number and we have used it many times before 07:01:21 It's a good thing to have eyes out , with this group it's from dawn to dusk 07:02:22 It most likely saved someone from serious injury or worse. I big preplay splash would have ressed them up where they were. 07:03:05 You can sure tell it is morning from my spelling. 07:03:35 I agree (on preventing injury,) 07:03:46 I=A , ressed=messed. 07:07:26 I am guiessing they mentioned Wiscon call because that was the first one that made it through. It also made a good point to people that they may have the eyes of the nation on them. 07:08:46 Plume 7:08 07:08:58 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:08:59 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 07:09:35 Remember when Paul S phoned in a Castle eruption during the Jason Project, that was just a hint of things to come 07:11:51 Lion 7:11 07:12:08 This time I got the time correct 07:13:59 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 07:18:15 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 07:19:33 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:19:51 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 07:21:29 Looks like that lens cover could use a good dose of Lime Away. 07:23:22 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 07:25:33 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 07:27:06 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 07:27:33 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 07:27:44 ynpvisitor33 changes nickname to cb 07:27:54 hey cb 07:28:01 Hi all!! 07:28:07 hi 07:28:54 Hey cb, what do you think is going to happen to Jake tonight on crab fishing? 07:29:28 brb getting coffee 07:32:33 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 07:33:59 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to Kristine 07:34:06 Good morning everyone! 07:34:25 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 07:34:25 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to ynpvisitor38 07:34:54 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to MJ 07:35:54 Taking brat to school, put BH on hold for about 20 min. 07:36:09 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 07:38:13 MJ quit (timeout) 07:40:54 back! 07:41:14 Welcome back cb! 07:41:29 thanks Kristiine! hi 07:42:54 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 07:43:40 am feeling a little rusty.... 07:45:15 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:46:30 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:46:43 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 07:47:19 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 07:47:50 ynpvisitor75 changes nickname to Rich 07:51:20 Kristine quit (timeout) 07:52:46 OF 752 VC 07:54:27 wish the wind direction would blow toward the camera so we could wipe the lens from the steam 07:55:24 long 08:00:20 >< 08:00:28 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 08:03:43 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:05:13 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 08:07:21 Good, no BH yet. 08:08:28 Wow alot of the snow has melted!! 08:09:09 ur safe Kevin!! 08:09:22 It was 32 this morning, so I am guessing there will be more melting today. 08:09:22 cb quit (timeout) 08:09:32 . 08:09:54 accuweather is calliing for more snow :( 08:10:48 2.4" 08:11:08 Unreal. 08:19:35 Lion 819ie 08:19:54 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 08:19:57 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 08:20:04 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 08:20:35 How do you make that cloud? That expresses the feeling about another storm 08:20:47 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 08:22:09 /// 08:22:25 3 backslashes...had to remember 08:22:55 Morning cb 08:22:59 Supposed to be high 90's here. 08:23:04 Hi rich! 08:23:25 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 08:23:27 in the 80's here today! 08:23:48 and 90's by Thursday....uggg 08:24:02 /// 08:25:40 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 08:30:30 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 08:34:17 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 08:40:39 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:43:03 Rich quit (timeout) 08:45:38 Rich quit (timeout) 08:48:18 cb quit (timeout) 08:49:07 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 09:00:46 Indicator 9:00 IE 09:01:50 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 09:02:04 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to vw 09:02:08 GOOD morning! 09:04:07 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 09:04:17 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to kcmule 09:04:19 ty vw 09:06:49 I knew that shower would do it! 09:11:43 welcome kc! 09:12:38 BH 9:12 09:14:46 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 09:15:38 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 09:18:00 Very nice. Thank you CC! 09:18:01 bbl 09:18:06 welcome 09:18:39 vw quit (timeout) 09:18:39 Nice. That makes 3 in a row we have on the cam. 09:19:40 Daisy is due but so is OF 09:20:46 Castle 9:20 IE 09:23:51 Rich quit (timeout) 09:24:22 0919 OF preplay H2O to about 10' 09:24:32 thanks Rich 09:25:06 yw 09:26:27 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 09:27:22 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 09:27:41 YA cam/Roosevelt Arch Bison herd 09:28:33 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 09:30:41 Rich quit (timeout) 09:31:52 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:32:21 Rich quit (timeout) 09:32:27 OF 9:31 09:38:57 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 09:45:13 Castle is a major 09:45:16 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 09:49:33 Rich quit (timeout) 09:51:47 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 09:53:18 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 10:01:34 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 10:02:18 Rich quit (timeout) 10:02:33 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:04:39 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 10:04:47 Daisy 1004 ie 10:05:02 thank you ynp 49 10:05:39 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 10:05:59 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 10:06:10 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 10:08:21 CC quit (timeout) 10:11:26 Grand 1011 ie 10:12:03 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 10:13:07 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 10:13:21 Busy morning for me 10:13:30 ynpvisitor45 changes nickname to CC 10:13:43 everything has gone now 10:13:59 waiting for Rich to do a recap 10:17:23 Rich quit (timeout) 10:18:42 Rich quit (timeout) 10:19:15 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 10:20:46 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:21:41 Lion 10:21 IE 10:25:16 Grand a single burster? 10:29:45 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 10:33:54 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 10:36:17 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:36:41 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 10:47:27 CC quit (timeout) 11:01:44 Plume 1101 ie 11:07:40 OF 1106ie vc 11:07:51 OF 11:07 ie 11:11:27 long 11:11:40 OF long 11:12:20 Recap 2011-05-03: BH 0912 wc, BHI 0900 ie wc, Castle 0920 ie wc maj, Daisy 0645 ie wc, 1004 ie wc, Grand 1011 ie wc, Lion 0557 ie wc, 0711 wc, 1021 ie wc, OF 0623 wc, 0752 wc, 0931 wc, 1106 ie wc, Plume 0619 wc, 0708 wc, 1101 ie wc 11:12:45 A good morning. 11:17:04 Missed a few Plume's and Lion's maybe. 11:17:38 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 11:18:17 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 11:18:27 Rich quit (timeout) 11:20:45 Rich quit (timeout) 11:23:52 Rich quit (timeout) 11:24:03 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 11:29:30 Lion 11:29ie 11:34:42 Rich quit (timeout) 11:41:02 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 11:41:07 Rich quit (timeout) 11:42:08 Rich quit (timeout) 11:42:34 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 11:51:43 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 11:52:26 ynpvisitor46 changes nickname to CC 11:52:35 Thanks Rich for the recap 11:52:44 I know Graham will appreciate it 11:53:43 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 11:56:51 When I'm able I usually try to do one around 1100 am and then around 1600. Catch folks coming in for lunch or from home. 11:57:02 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 11:58:12 CC quit (timeout) 11:59:27 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 12:01:24 Plume 12:01ie 12:02:13 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 12:04:16 Rich quit (timeout) 12:08:33 CC quit (timeout) 12:10:05 Rich quit (timeout) 12:30:15 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 12:31:01 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 12:32:56 BB joins Yellowstone 12:35:03 Lion 1235 ie 12:35:41 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 12:36:46 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 12:42:50 BB quit (timeout) 12:47:58 BB quit (timeout) 12:51:29 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 12:54:30 BB quit (timeout) 13:13:16 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 13:14:24 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 13:15:42 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 13:17:03 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 13:17:17 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to CC 13:17:25 Daisy 13:15 IE 13:18:48 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 13:23:45 BB quit (timeout) 13:29:09 CC quit (timeout) 13:34:38 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 13:35:03 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 13:36:58 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 13:38:04 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 13:38:41 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 13:39:09 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 13:40:03 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 13:40:54 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 13:41:04 . 13:41:52 . 13:53:03 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 13:55:41 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 13:57:08 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 14:00:18 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 14:04:38 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 14:04:45 Plume 1404 ie 14:04:52 ynpvisitor81 changes nickname to vw 14:05:03 Good afternoon. 14:05:20 Hadn't planned on logging in until OF, until I saw Plume 14:05:35 Nice day so far here today. Not sure there is anything left to erupt! 14:13:54 VEC predictions: Castle 2320(1h), Grand 1910 (2h), Riverside 1500(30m) 14:14:04 they were right on with their Daisy prediction 14:15:17 Daisy looks like it is having intervals in the 3 hour range today. We should be good for at least 1 more Daisy today, maybe 2. 14:22:10 OF 1421 14:24:29 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 14:27:15 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 14:33:07 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 14:34:54 Lion is steaming nicely, but its been 2 hours since the last eruption. 14:36:40 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 14:38:24 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 14:43:13 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 14:44:31 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 14:56:05 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 14:59:12 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 15:05:47 Plume 1505 15:09:46 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:09:48 hi vw 15:10:00 hi kc 15:10:05 Pretty quiet right now. 15:12:19 Not really expecting anything for a while so hard to know what to focus on. 15:12:38 Widescreen doesn't work with the condition of the lens. 15:12:44 Inside of your eyelids? 15:12:58 Sounds good to me Kevin! 15:13:03 I could stand a nap! 15:22:48 Aiurum 1522 ie 15:24:15 Totally a luck catch! 15:26:12 i missed it, but nice! 15:27:05 without a wider view, it is really hard to catch some of the eruptions. Aurum is one of them. 15:48:36 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 15:49:21 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 15:50:10 hello 15:50:20 Hello 15:51:05 anything exciting happening today? 15:51:24 Very busy morning. Quiet afternoon so far. 15:53:40 k, no bears? 15:53:43 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 15:54:05 Not even any bsion. Wildlife seem have to wandered off for now. 15:54:49 maybe bears scared them? 15:55:13 or people being back in the basin did? 15:56:07 OF 1555 15:59:18 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 16:01:57 no Penta Churn fun today? 16:02:42 Nothing in the log. I am going to check down basin in just a bit. Plume due, then we can go look. 16:03:07 k 16:03:19 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to Graham 16:03:27 worked this time, failed before 16:03:31 that feels better 16:03:38 Hi G. Wondered if that was you. 16:03:49 Never want to uncloak someone though! 16:04:32 usual time for my arrival too 16:05:03 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 16:05:30 Plume 1605 16:09:04 Looks like Penta is steaming. 16:09:40 its erupting 1609ie 16:10:06 Daisy due too. Wind is going to affect what we see 16:11:28 so another fun day mid-basin 16:11:37 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 16:12:15 big burst from Penta 16:12:57 maybe get Churn later then like yesterday 16:15:15 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 16:16:04 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 16:17:10 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 16:17:13 I tried to look at the You Tube of the criminals throwing a rock into Old Faithful etc and it's been pulled, is it anywhere else? 16:17:58 I know Dave M pulle his off. kcmule's is still on youtube I think? 16:18:22 I don't have the link readily handy 16:18:43 If you find it I would really appreciate it. 16:19:42 i have PM'd visitor 55 16:20:15 thanks kc 16:20:29 yw. so everyone knows, i am pulling my video soon too 16:21:12 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:21:17 Seems things are quieting down fairly quickly. Testiment to how long things remain in our public consiousnesss 16:21:47 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 16:21:53 I guess the royal wedding and osama make the other 'think' old news? 16:21:53 Graham quit (timeout) 16:22:33 thinG 16:22:49 time to go back to typing school! 16:25:38 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:25:44 bbl, time for a walk 16:25:59 k. see ya soon! 16:26:32 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 16:26:48 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 16:30:44 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:32:10 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 16:32:41 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:37:09 Looks like Spasmodic is turning on 16:39:11 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 16:42:09 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 16:52:13 It's snowing at Mammoth 16:54:47 /// 16:55:15 No, :***: 16:55:47 hmm 16:55:51 \\\ 16:55:59 rats 16:56:44 : *** : 16:56:50 nice action from Sawmill 16:57:16 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 16:58:15 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 16:58:54 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 16:59:35 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 17:01:01 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 17:09:55 Graham changes nickname to RockTheRed 17:10:09 ug - down one goal already! 17:10:24 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 17:10:34 not good. They need to find their momentum 17:10:56 yeah totally lost it this round 17:10:56 Good walk? 17:11:09 yep, warm out and humid 17:11:26 so No Daisy? 17:11:42 no Daisy. Been watching for almost an hour too! 17:12:34 hum, wonder what its doing. noticed its intervals were longer today 17:13:02 consistently 3 hours all day until now 17:13:45 so Sawmill just quit? 17:13:55 Just 17:14:28 Had some nice water action 17:15:11 geysers are hiding ffrom you, Plume and Daisy 17:16:24 yea, don't have CC's luck today. 17:18:30 Daisy looking good, and now its time to watch for OF. 17:20:51 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 17:26:39 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 17:34:25 OF 1734 17:35:35 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:36:51 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:37:52 Goooooooalllll 17:37:52 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:38:09 tied 1-1 17:38:18 I take it the goal was made by your team.... 17:38:40 yep hey are 2 games down in the series so need to win 17:39:11 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:40:27 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:42:03 looks like Daisy snuck in while we were not watching it 17:42:13 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:42:17 I figured it would 17:42:20 17:43:03 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:43:14 pretty quiet down basin now. 17:43:42 Grand window has stated tho 17:43:57 yes, and steam there now 17:45:18 <> 17:46:18 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:46:31 But someone at least pushed out the listserve mail early so we can catch up on things! 17:47:23 RockTheRed quit (timeout) 17:48:10 :) 17:48:19 not much to catch up on tho 17:48:42 yeah, didn't take long! 17:49:22 especially as i had read them all before 17:49:50 he scoresssssssssssssssss 17:49:52 2-1 17:50:00 Depression 1749ie 17:50:31 believe I saw water just as we panned over 17:50:39 watch it for a while.... 17:50:50 More detail Graham. your team? 17:51:18 Caps beating the Lightning. stanley cup playoffs 17:51:45 Had most of that figured out, just not which team "he" plays for! 17:51:56 lost both opening games in DC, now down in Tampa 17:52:07 last time I checked, in the NHL, they are all 'he's'? 17:52:30 i just repeated what they said on TV 17:52:46 gotcha. 17:52:49 i think that goes down as a non-Depression eruption 17:53:13 not seeing runoff with steam 17:53:19 yah, I was hoping someone else caught the delayed shot on the public stream 17:53:36 First time any mention of Depression in the log today. 17:53:44 i saw the steam, may have just been a steam swirl 17:54:03 looks like its in its window tho 17:54:09 keep an eye on it. 17:54:26 Wildlife! wow. 17:55:14 grrrr 2-2 17:55:15 skinny wildlife 17:55:39 been a tough winter 17:55:55 perhaps that is why we haven't seen them. They are still there, but turned sideways. 17:56:20 haha 17:56:24 pretty scary when bison go two dimensional 17:56:53 Something sounded like a rock bouncing off a TV. Came from the east somewhere.... 17:57:34 you must be referring to something Graham may have thrown? Not good news i take it....? 17:57:36 just heard about 5 active carcasses in or near the UGB with 8 bears seen 17:58:03 Wow! I had not heard recent numbers. That is high! Thanks 21. 17:59:24 drivin home bbs 17:59:28 RockTheRed quit (timeout) 17:59:35 Take care. 17:59:41 drive safe kc 18:00:22 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:03:13 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 18:03:17 Plume 1803 18:03:19 ie 18:03:36 That time was at the end of the eruption 18:03:49 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 18:04:45 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 18:05:32 Bison have made their way to the meadow heading towards Castle 18:05:43 score? 18:05:49 I think the bison are just going to keep falling over and become bear food. (Sorry for the delay in the conversation, I got sidetracked) 18:06:42 yes, if winter doesn't let lose its hold, that could very well happen 21. More snow predicted in the next couple of days. 18:08:27 are they new carcasses or just ones ppl had not noticed 18:08:31 scoressssssssssssss 18:08:34 3-2 18:08:35 It will happen, worse than winter of '08. They picked up carcasses with front end loaders and moved them as visitation picked up 18:08:53 New, so they are active now, but it won't last but a day or two 18:09:22 k. could be more closings then, May is usually a busy month 18:09:36 I didn't get specifics on where they were though 18:10:07 it was '08 that we saw Geyser Hill closed for several days because of bears. A repeat seems highly possible. 18:10:48 In 08 the carcasses were removed to Firehole Drive. Kept that area closed longer than normal. Hope no repeat on that. Love Great Fountain. 18:10:49 all traiols were closed in 07 in May too, couldn't walk round the back of OF or beyond Castle 18:11:52 or was that 2008 - maybe 2008 18:12:18 more bison 18:13:43 May 2008 was when i was there for the Bear closure in May 18:14:05 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 18:16:16 Well there was the famous Fountain and Midway closure later, 09? 18:16:16 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 18:17:08 missed that tho, not usually in the park in May 18:17:36 That was quite the topic of conversation 18:17:37 I am curious as to whether wildlife deaths are higher this year. Lots of news is implying that. 18:18:21 This is the time of year they are running on empty, they will still die off until June and even July this year 18:18:44 just have to gount them vw 18:19:17 I would love to do that G. Have bear spray, will travel.... 18:19:28 or maybe count them instead? 18:19:48 I got that! :D 18:21:26 So get on down there and send us a bear report, maybe snowshoe into Great Fountain! 18:21:41 Churn steaming again 18:21:59 I hope I see Churn this summer 18:22:34 suppose my shih tzu would qualify as bear bait or early warning system? 18:23:08 You could hide that in your coat and probably get past the "no dogs" rules 18:23:53 Just a little head peeking out, could be like a hand warmer 18:24:00 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 18:24:11 not even big enough for that! 18:24:33 more steam from Daisy area too 18:24:48 brb 18:24:54 yeap on Daisy, but keeps fading 18:25:39 Just read teh listserv, didn't many others call and say it went to voicemail or the line was busy? 18:25:55 Re the conewalkers (sorry, my mind jumped) 18:26:16 Graham reported here that when he called he got sent to vm. Not sure about others. 18:26:41 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 18:31:16 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 18:31:26 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 18:34:31 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to kcmule 18:37:08 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 18:38:37 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 18:38:37 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:38:40 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:39:51 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:40:11 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:40:39 grrrr 3-3 18:40:54 how much time left? 18:41:08 14min 18:41:28 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 18:41:36 LE could have gotten the voicemail too, probably just busy with another cam watcher calling 18:42:12 grrr grrrr 3-4 18:42:49 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:43:31 lots of time left G 18:43:47 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:45:23 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:46:45 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:46:56 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 18:47:47 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 18:53:06 In the window for Aurum, but don't know that we will be able to see anything. 18:53:49 Grand 1853 ie 18:55:30 unusual wind and light 18:55:51 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:55:53 Wind really causing it to swirl too 18:56:12 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 18:56:32 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:59:04 In the window for OF. trying to keep an eye on the static cam for it. 18:59:27 RockTheRed quit (timeout) 19:00:03 theres no prediction posted so u r ok 19:00:25 :D 19:00:44 any word on the old cam pointed down basin? 19:01:01 no word 19:01:05 i have not heard anything 19:01:18 That would be nice to have "if" summer ever arrives 19:01:34 Thi is a beautiful Grand with the lighting. 19:01:38 wasn't summer last weekend? 19:02:00 not quite yet G. 19:02:30 ynpvisitor\\ joins Yellowstone 19:03:42 2nd burst from Grand 19:03:48 ynpvisitor\\ quit (timeout) 19:04:32 Summer was yesterday 19:04:52 and now we are back to winter? :D 19:04:53 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 19:05:11 two seasons in this area: Winter and Not Winter 19:06:16 Heard Montana was Winter and Road Construction 19:06:45 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 19:06:47 we are a long way from road construction season. Potholes still blooming 19:07:22 Aurum 1907ie 19:07:31 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 19:07:59 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 19:08:08 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to Kristine 19:10:46 Hi Kristine! 19:11:10 You in Bozeman still or somewhat more south? 19:11:13 Hi vw 19:11:20 Yep, still in Bozeman. 19:11:40 but your toothbrush is packed, yes? 19:12:01 (last thing for me as I am heading out the door!) 19:12:09 Just about. 19:12:11 :) 19:12:18 :) 19:13:21 you visitor 21 was saying earlier that there are 8 carcasses in the basin and 5 bear? or was it 5 carcassese.... ?? Whatever!!! 19:13:29 Lots of dead meat and scavangers! 19:14:07 Quite a few dead things 19:14:35 got your bear spray tested and handy? We want to know you are safe. 19:15:14 Yep, I've got my bear spray. I don't go anywhere around the park this time of year without it. 19:15:26 not many places in this world where you need bear spray to safely get to work! 19:15:39 I hear you. Its usually close by for me too. 19:15:54 true 19:15:56 Just a matter of in the backpack or on my belt. 19:17:55 Guess we could have watched all of that Grand up close. Oh well. 19:18:41 OF 1918 19:19:02 Tall. Can't get it all in the frame 19:19:06 Very nice 19:19:28 im gonna sulk now 19:20:08 bummer Graham. Sorry to hear your team lost. (I am assuming that is the reason for the sulk...) 19:20:20 i would be testing the language filter 19:21:19 yeah down 3 games to zip in best of 7 19:21:32 so now they have to win 4 in a row 19:21:52 tough but not without precedent 19:22:04 guess we can give up on Penta and Churn too! 19:22:27 Not looking too good for them tonight. 19:22:37 OK we will sulk too 19:22:40 RockTheRed changes nickname to Graham 19:22:58 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:23:02 BH could get me out of my sulking 19:23:26 Nice steam, but I don't know G. That would be terribly optimistic. 19:23:51 they can win 4 games in a row, i know they can 19:24:09 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:25:45 Graham quit (timeout) 19:25:49 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:28:12 Hmmm. person with backpack kicking ice off hte boardwalk, Looks like a geyser gazer 19:30:58 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 19:32:21 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 19:33:44 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 19:36:23 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:37:18 some splashing at BH now. 19:41:57 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:42:06 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:43:16 Graham quit (timeout) 19:44:21 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:44:28 person on bw hanging in there 19:44:58 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 19:45:48 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 19:49:46 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:50:46 Graham quit (timeout) 19:50:52 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:58:30 missouri joins Yellowstone 20:02:24 Kristine quit (timeout) 20:03:55 Plume 2003 ie 20:06:50 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 20:07:40 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 20:08:40 zzzzz 20:09:04 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 20:09:11 yeap. the geyser gods are not with me tonight 20:10:57 Sawmill off again 20:11:13 for a while now. 20:11:32 all the geysers are waiting to erupt tomorrow evening 20:12:10 CC had much better luck throughout the day. In total a nice gazing day. 20:14:36 I am quitting early today, goodnight 20:14:51 Good night Graham. 20:14:51 20:16:33 Graham quit (timeout) 20:21:29 Is that Little Squirt behind the trees? 20:21:44 yes 20:21:52 ty 20:22:01 steaming, but not too heavily. 20:22:37 I guess from this angle it coud be Silver Spring also 20:25:07 Is Split Cone ie? 20:25:55 I didn't see sany water from SC 20:26:19 Hmmm,,, maybe just steaming 20:26:43 Pretty normal for a staamy night light this 20:26:54 yes 20:26:57 everything is putting otu a lot of steam tonight. 20:33:53 Nice tall steam downbasin. Probably Grotto and either Turban or Oblong. 20:33:56 Very nice. 20:37:50 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 20:38:51 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 20:41:54 Don't think BH is going to make it before dark. 20:42:26 it doesn't seem so 20:42:40 Just seeing occasionaly steam, but not much and nothing that lasts. 20:45:17 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 20:45:22 OF due about 6 minutes, and I think that is about all we will see before dark 20:46:47 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 20:48:43 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 20:49:42 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 20:51:00 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 20:53:42 OF 2053 20:54:00 I am calling it a night. Hope everybody has a great one! 20:54:38 missouri quit (timeout) 20:54:38 vw quit (timeout) 20:54:48 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 21:02:58 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 21:15:41 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 21:18:11 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 21:19:26 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 21:42:24 nite 21:43:01 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:47:15 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:59:00 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone Found 516 log entries for 2011-05-04 05:38:41 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 05:54:39 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 05:54:56 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 05:55:39 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 05:59:43 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:08:48 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 06:12:03 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 06:22:22 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 06:22:36 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to CC 06:22:44 OF 6:16 06:22:55 Depression 6:04 06:23:42 CC quit (timeout) 06:27:00 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 06:27:09 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 06:28:12 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:37:34 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 06:41:55 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 06:45:29 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 06:48:25 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 06:48:40 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:53:42 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 06:55:03 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 06:57:52 .. 06:59:11 Is your VEC cam image refreshing? 07:00:59 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 07:03:07 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 07:03:18 Mine is stuck on 2057 last night. 07:03:38 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to CC 07:03:50 morning everyone 07:04:01 hi 07:04:26 thanks - I have some other issues going on with firefox so thought it could just be "me" 07:04:29 as is my static...20:57 07:05:00 Plume 7:04 07:05:57 CC is the streaming cam problem a hardware or software issue? 07:06:22 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 07:07:11 it could be both but streaming cam and static are too different issues 07:07:50 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 07:10:44 .. 07:10:49 I know they run different. I know it may be easier to do a software issue than to replace a cam. I am just happy we have at least the 320x240 on now. I am looking forward to the basin static cam and the hi res streaming. 07:13:58 CC quit (timeout) 07:14:18 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 07:15:45 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 07:26:47 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 07:42:06 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 07:44:14 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 07:45:11 My internet has been unusable for the last few days. Have I missed anything? 07:46:21 Just the normal. We did have 2 daylight Beehives a couple of days ago. Very little animal activity (including conewalkers). 07:49:45 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 07:49:58 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to CC 07:50:04 OF 7:49IE 07:50:14 I was hoping for a daily show of a buf chasing a tourist. You now something like Buffalo Bill would do if he were in charge of the park. 07:50:32 Got to get caught up. 07:50:53 THanks for the report. Saves me reading 2 days of logs and chatter. 07:51:10 The bison I have seen don look like they could cahse much of anything. 07:51:33 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 07:52:26 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 07:54:13 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:03:27 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 08:06:42 CC quit (timeout) 08:08:05 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 08:08:43 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 08:09:19 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to Janet 08:10:09 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to Kristine 08:12:38 Static cam is back up. 08:13:51 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:21:00 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 08:31:46 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 08:37:55 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 08:39:52 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 08:40:14 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:41:21 Kristine quit (timeout) 08:48:16 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:57:11 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 08:58:29 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 09:01:26 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 09:06:10 >< 09:13:50 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 09:14:28 how are things today? 09:21:23 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 09:25:16 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 09:25:27 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to kcmule 09:25:28 OF 0921 09:25:38 mornin 09:25:59 Good morning! :) 09:27:22 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 09:28:40 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 09:28:51 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to Glennon 09:28:55 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 09:29:08 good morning 09:33:43 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 09:39:18 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 09:40:33 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 09:42:53 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to Rich 09:44:07 hi Rich 09:45:20 On the subject of Bison - looks to be a 'roundup' going on at the North Entrance. YA cam caught 2 cowboys 'herding' bison. Cam is not tracking nor can one op the controls to move it around. Curious? 09:45:31 Morning kcmule 09:45:42 Morning Kevin L 09:45:44 Morning Janet 09:45:50 Morning Glennon 09:46:06 hi visitors 84, 97,29,46 09:46:15 hello hello 09:46:26 hi 09:46:29 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 09:52:17 Appears there is cam control again on the YA cam. At least it is moving. 09:52:36 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 09:52:59 Janet changes nickname to Janet (working) 09:54:44 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 10:03:47 Rich quit (timeout) 10:05:13 Interesting OF prediction on the VEC cam. 1046 am 10:07:21 huh. is that a prediction for an "intermediate" or a short? 10:07:32 ynpvisitor00 joins Yellowstone 10:08:09 I didn't see the last OF. But sure has to be an intermediate or a rather long short. 10:08:37 I think I saw water at Daisy right at 0906 10:09:31 OF started at 0921 and I posted it near the end at 0925 10:11:15 Thanks Janet 10:11:40 YW 10:13:16 looks like we just crossed hour 25 on Beehive 10:13:30 (since last observation, that is) 10:13:57 Janet (working) quit (timeout) 10:14:36 g 10:16:37 One nice thing about OF, all we have to do is wait a bit and well have resolution. g 10:25:55 Rich quit (timeout) 10:44:53 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 10:47:05 Plume 10:46ie 10:47:31 Maybe that is what the VC was predicting. 10:50:49 Perhaps OF preplay? 10:54:01 OF 1053ie 10:54:43 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 10:58:20 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 10:58:45 ynpvisitor72 changes nickname to Janet 10:59:42 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 11:00:34 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 11:00:34 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 11:04:53 Rich quit (timeout) 11:05:46 Recap 2011-05-04: Depression 0604 wc, OF 0616 wc, 0749 ie wc, 0921 wc, 1053 ie wc, Plume 0704 wc, 1046 ie wc 11:07:11 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 11:10:59 OF prediction 12:25 VEC 11:11:53 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 11:11:59 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 11:12:24 Rich quit (timeout) 11:16:11 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 11:23:25 Churn 11:22ie 11:25:06 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 11:54:17 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 11:54:48 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to sparekitty 11:55:13 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 11:55:20 Morning sparekitty 11:55:59 No BH/BHI reported yet today. 11:56:48 i wondered if that's why so many people are "here." 11:56:59 i'm hoping for BH!!! 11:57:26 i'll be working, listing for the "bings" that might tell me of BHI or BH. 11:57:35 g 11:59:05 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:59:10 kcmule changes nickname to kc (lunch) 12:02:47 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 12:03:37 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 12:04:00 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 12:06:29 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 12:06:36 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to CC 12:06:39 Daisy 1206 ie 12:06:42 Daisy 12:05 12:07:49 CC quit (timeout) 12:08:38 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 12:10:08 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:12:20 kc (lunch) quit (timeout) 12:12:51 Glennon quit (timeout) 12:14:08 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:16:56 Rich quit (timeout) 12:18:26 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:21:20 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:22:27 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 12:24:16 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:27:18 My 0906 observation of water at Daisy might have been correct. 12:30:00 Rich quit (timeout) 12:30:25 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:32:51 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 12:33:34 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 12:34:13 OF 1233ie wc 12:35:01 Grand 12:34ie 12:35:09 kc (lunch) changes nickname to kcmule 12:35:22 Now if BH could take a hint... 12:35:26 seems a bit anemic...or maybe it's just the perspective. 12:36:05 anemic sounds good to me. g 12:36:57 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 12:37:06 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to CC 12:37:14 Grand 12:33 IE 12:37:27 i've never managed to see grand in person. 12:37:42 just about everything else, but no grand. 12:37:51 wait 12:37:57 Janet quit (timeout) 12:38:18 so..I thought you meant on the cam 12:38:24 sorry 12:38:30 Grand is definitely a wait and see. 12:38:30 Next time you are there see it. Even if you have to wait the full cycle. It is worth it. 12:38:31 g 12:39:06 I sat thru 14 T/V cycles before I got my first Grand 12:39:07 everytime i've been to UGB (25+) it simply doesn't work out. now that my kids are bigger, it might work better. 12:39:26 wow 12:39:41 i've never seen steamboat either... 12:39:51 missed that by 2 days once! 12:40:08 Steamboat might have to be a life time award sitting. 12:40:14 g.. i saw steamboat before grand - steam phase 12:40:16 I missed it by 10 minutes...Steamboat that is 12:40:27 I did get to see the steam phase 12:40:32 yikes 12:40:34 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 12:40:42 that would SUCK to miss steamboat by only 10 min! 12:41:04 yep and it was my fault 12:41:27 My husband said lets to into Norris and I said Steamboat never erupts 12:41:27 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 12:41:44 how wrong I was!! 12:41:51 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:42:01 Janet quit (timeout) 12:42:40 I missed Giant when it activated in '86. I was in Lower Hams eating a milkshake and missed the whole event. Oh, for the FRS back then. 12:42:40 Castle 12:42 12:43:32 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:43:57 so much steam ..I do see a little water 12:45:09 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:45:38 There are a few good spikes. 12:46:23 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 12:46:27 Grand 1b? 12:47:04 That was a question 12:47:25 don't know...OF was going at the same time 12:47:39 ty 12:51:33 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 12:52:00 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to BB 12:52:09 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 12:52:18 Hi BB 12:52:53 No BH yet, BB 12:52:55 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 12:53:05 no 12:53:09 hi Rich 12:53:17 thanks 12:53:30 yw, BB 12:55:52 CC quit (timeout) 12:57:20 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:57:33 kcmule quit (timeout) 12:58:31 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 12:59:43 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 13:02:28 Endangered species protection for gray wolves lifted in 8 states. 13:04:19 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:07:18 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:09:36 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 13:14:17 kcmule quit (timeout) 13:14:34 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:15:53 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 13:16:29 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 13:16:43 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 13:16:43 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 13:16:44 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:16:48 BHI 13:16ie 13:17:00 About time 13:17:10 yeehaw! 13:17:42 whoa I was just leaving!!! Nice!! 13:17:48 Yay! Hoping to see this before my walk 13:18:08 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to CC 13:18:17 Thanks KC for posting Indicator 13:18:29 I couldn't log on 13:18:31 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 13:18:37 np 13:18:48 Just a ping 13:19:05 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to vw 13:19:08 Thank you kc! 13:19:17 hi vw! 13:19:21 Kevin, you awake? sending email... 13:19:29 hey vw 13:19:38 Hi CC. 13:19:45 Just got back from garden. 13:19:47 Hey Kevin. Just got your email. Thx! 13:20:06 ty also 13:20:47 Give that guy on the BW a sickle and he would look like the grim reaper. 13:20:57 nice to see someone on the benches to see BH in person. 13:21:29 wow. 17 visitors here. thats a lot! 13:21:54 Yellowstone fever 13:21:58 Great minds think alike 13:22:43 Been a busy gazing morning already. 13:23:18 we need rich to do a recap ...Graham will find that easy 13:23:34 Sorry I missed the morning. Looks like it was nice and busy. 13:24:17 BH 13:24 13:24:25 :) 13:24:27 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 13:24:29 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 13:24:42 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:24:52 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 13:25:24 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 13:26:45 just lovely!! 13:27:56 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:28:16 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 13:28:25 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 13:29:20 good show 13:29:54 Just in time for a good nap! 13:30:06 That was lovely. Bye all 13:30:16 Thanks CC! Great show! 13:30:18 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 13:30:31 welcome 13:30:42 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 13:30:54 vw quit (timeout) 13:31:04 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 13:31:09 CC quit (timeout) 13:31:14 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:34:04 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:35:17 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 13:51:26 Janet quit (timeout) 14:02:45 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 14:05:53 OF 14:04ie 14:15:27 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 14:19:10 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 14:21:39 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 14:22:07 BB quit (timeout) 14:25:37 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 14:25:41 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 14:29:43 Rich afk quit (timeout) 14:40:46 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 14:42:48 Daisy 14:42 14:44:09 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 14:45:47 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 14:46:33 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 14:47:50 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 14:52:45 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to Graham 14:52:51 hello 14:53:56 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 14:59:59 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 15:04:01 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 15:08:16 Plume 1507ie 15:10:46 hi Graham 15:11:15 hello, how r u? 15:12:04 not bad at all today, u ? 15:12:31 doing good, even better if they win today :) 15:13:15 its now or never isnt it.. was surprised to learn they play back-to-back 15:14:07 yeah no time to dwell on loss number 3 15:15:21 Graham quit (timeout) 15:16:18 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 15:20:59 Aurum 1520ie 15:21:15 very nice 15:21:38 lucky to catch it as i was zooming out to go to the cabins 15:22:21 snows melting fast now 15:22:52 look at all the benches 15:23:16 good news for the bison 15:23:49 yeah they must be fed up with having to stand all the time, now they can sit on the benches 15:23:51 hehe 15:24:03 g 15:24:34 they need to put a load on before they can take a load off their feet 15:24:40 Tardy going 15:25:16 glad you caught Churn this morning too 15:27:44 now i know where to look and what to look for 15:28:07 yeah its easier to spot now but so far away its not an easy one 15:28:39 esp with a 320x240 image 15:32:11 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 15:32:21 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to CC 15:33:35 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 15:34:10 OF 1533 15:38:47 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 15:40:53 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 15:42:00 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 15:43:10 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 15:45:45 CC quit (timeout) 15:53:23 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 15:53:46 CC quit (timeout) 15:54:30 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to CC 15:55:07 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 16:00:13 CC quit (timeout) 16:03:46 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 16:03:49 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 16:06:52 Lion 1606ie 16:07:20 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to Allan 16:10:06 not sure that was the initial or not 16:10:59 IMO it didn't have the character if an initial. 16:11:46 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 16:11:50 didnt seem strong enough 16:13:00 That was my feeling, too. Thee didn't seem to be as much volume of water as in initials that I recall. 16:13:08 There 16:14:02 at least it gives us another geyser to watch out for this evening 16:15:27 Yes, I enjoy Lion in the evenings. Here, but specially while in the Basin. 16:15:59 Graham quit (timeout) 16:17:01 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 16:18:10 Plume 1617 16:27:49 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 16:29:02 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 16:39:05 Churn 1638ie 16:39:21 wind is too strong to stay close 16:54:06 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 16:55:32 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 16:58:33 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 17:01:28 drivin home bbs 17:01:47 be safe 17:02:04 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:03:21 Graham changes nickname to RockTheRed 17:05:51 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:08:22 OF 1707 17:16:52 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 17:18:15 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 17:18:30 Lion 1717 17:34:04 Shouldn't a Daisy be due, or did I miss it? 17:34:52 i think its still due. probably missed Plume tho 17:37:07 Plume 1736ie 17:38:39 Daisy 1738 17:40:25 I guess my intuition was correct. :) 17:40:53 so what is due now? 17:42:27 A walk for my dog so that peace and harmony reign inmy house :) BBL 17:42:44 sounds good 17:43:14 brb 18:00:57 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 18:01:25 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to kcmule 18:01:36 wb kc 18:03:56 ty, tie score i see 18:04:25 yeah but not looking too good......TB took the lead 18:04:45 but now i am still calm :) 18:07:28 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 18:08:40 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 18:10:39 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 18:12:42 B 18:13:03 dog happy now? 18:13:07 Might I suggest Riverside? 18:13:25 Yes, peace reigns. 18:13:37 you can suggest it but its not erupting 18:13:52 The dog is old, but still wants a walk even if it's short. 18:14:19 What was that steam rising way in the background? 18:15:06 Grotto steam is blowing over towards F&M area 18:15:34 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 18:16:13 I Okay. I see Grand was at 12:33. 18:16:21 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:16:37 yeah window opens in about an hour 18:17:17 Maybe an early Grand and one more Lion. 18:17:56 could get 3 Lions 18:18:17 grrrrrrrrrrrrr Caps down again 18:18:48 Caps, is that hockey? 18:19:55 uhuh 18:34:50 grrrr again...oh well its been a good season really 18:35:25 Is this playoffs? 18:35:47 gonna be the end of the playoffs for the Caps today 18:36:21 they got one round further than last year but are 3 games down and 2 goals down tonight 18:36:23 best of 7 18:37:22 It looks bleak. 18:38:11 OF 1837 18:38:27 oohhh got one goal back... 18:38:57 2 goal lead is most dangerous in hockey : ) 18:39:07 nice of 18:40:20 thanks kc...yeah its a nice of... 18:49:06 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 18:50:49 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:56:50 Lion 1856ie 18:57:29 There's one. Do we get another before dark? 18:58:00 theres time 18:58:13 depends if the series is done tho 18:58:23 nice light for it 18:58:50 The lighting is nice. 19:02:55 Plume 1902 19:03:19 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 19:03:23 86min interval 19:05:44 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 19:21:38 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 19:21:55 how fitting kc, 19:22:01 Depression 1921ie 19:23:03 and a pathetic one at that too 19:23:33 lol 19:23:36 tough penalty to take 19:26:45 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 19:31:35 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 19:32:23 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 19:35:31 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 19:35:56 ynpvisitor3 changes nickname to Michael 19:40:14 Hockey game over? 19:40:40 clock is not over but the game is over 19:40:57 That's too bad. 19:41:15 theres always next season 19:42:03 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 19:42:42 Let's see... Isn't that what Cubs fans, Mets fans Pirates fans, ... say? 19:42:49 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 19:43:19 hehe lots of teams say that, Redskins too 19:43:31 Turn out the lights....... 19:43:58 Ah, yes I forgot the Redskins. How could I? 19:44:24 oh wait, we always have the Nats 19:44:33 I used to say that about the Jets. I've been a fan of them since 1967. 19:45:04 Now that I'm in WI, I think I should root for the Packers. 19:45:22 Hey it works out sometime. I remember cheering for the Packers for about 30 years until they finally woke up. 19:46:34 As the headline of my local paper said "Brett Who?" 19:47:47 You got it. I gave up on them about week 5 this year. Still can't believe it. The sweet thing is There were 2 rabid Viking fans in the office. 19:49:47 Ah, yes. I live about 80 miles from Minneapolis, but in WI. Lot's of jawing back and forth. There's a mix of fans here. 19:51:32 Particularly since the local university draws a LOT of people from Minnesota. 19:51:40 It is always more fun that way. Bears fans are even better. The really cool thing is they are playing the Lions this year on Thanksgiving - The way it was intended to be. 19:52:05 What say, Graham, time for Grand? 19:52:31 Are the Lions good enough to make it competitive? 19:52:42 grrrrr 19:53:02 tb fans stink too 19:53:05 They beat them this year. Always a good game on Thanksgiving. 19:54:07 Maybe next year Graham. 19:55:08 as long as u have ovie they will compete 19:55:11 thats all i can say 19:55:22 The lighting is awesome. Something should go off just to take advantage of it. 19:57:15 It should get busy in a moment, with Lion, OF, Plume, and Daisy all near their windows of opportunity. 19:57:39 Not to mention fun things in the Sawmill group. 19:58:21 last Plume was 86min interval, so i think it will be late 20:12:09 OF 2011 20:18:16 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 20:19:14 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to MJ 20:21:43 MJ quit (timeout) 20:27:19 Daisy 2026 20:33:54 Is there time for another Lion? 20:34:17 i think it might be done 20:34:47 Maybe a Grand :) 20:34:58 I'd like to see Grand come up through that Turban steam. 20:35:04 think we have Turban and no Grand 20:40:27 calling it a night, see you next season 20:41:23 Good night. Methinks I'll call it an evening also. 20:41:45 RockTheRed quit (timeout) 20:41:54 Good night. 20:41:58 Good Evening Gentlemen. 20:42:20 Allan quit (timeout) 20:42:41 MJ quit (timeout) 21:01:49 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 21:03:05 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 21:12:38 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 21:12:53 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to cb 21:13:58 cb quit (timeout) 21:27:06 Michael quit (timeout) 21:32:39 Kevin L quit (timeout) Found 624 log entries for 2011-05-05 05:48:52 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 05:49:22 OF 543 long 05:56:40 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 05:56:52 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to CC 05:57:51 thanks ynpvisitor 60 for posting the first morning OF 06:14:35 you are welcome - glad I was up 06:17:38 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 06:20:14 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 06:20:24 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to ynpvisitor00 06:48:28 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 06:51:01 morning Yellowstone! 06:51:49 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 06:52:28 ynpvisitor66 changes nickname to cb 06:53:35 Good morning CC, #00,58,96 06:54:14 hi cb 06:55:07 06:59:35 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 06:59:50 ynpvisitor63 changes nickname to Kevin L 07:03:15 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 07:04:16 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 07:04:23 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 07:05:06 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 07:06:13 cb quit (timeout) 07:06:24 CC quit (timeout) 07:11:07 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 07:12:09 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 07:13:37 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to vw 07:13:45 Good morning all. 07:14:03 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 07:14:05 hi 07:14:24 Hi Kevin! 07:14:43 chickens fed, children off to school? Hope I have that order right. 07:15:24 Halfway there with the kids. Chickens still hungry. 07:15:41 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 07:16:09 hmmmm. If I had to chose between grumpy children and angry chickens, I think I would feed those chickens K! 07:16:40 Once I get the last kid fed & out the chickens are next. 07:17:22 OF 0716 07:17:30 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 07:18:19 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 07:18:37 Love the morning OF in the sun. 07:23:02 cb quit (timeout) 07:24:43 Beautiful clear day in the basin 07:25:15 hmmm. New sign? 07:26:04 Assuming they are smart enough to read. 07:26:56 Yes. New signs were there as of last Sunday 07:26:59 or even take the time to figure out the picture! 07:27:26 Most signs these days have the universal sign for DON'T (fill in the blank) 07:28:02 Still need a brain to understand that. 07:31:28 Grand 0730 ie 07:32:24 00 did you see the signs or hear about them- any ideas? 07:33:07 I saw the signs. They are on sticks in orange cones. 07:33:22 I just saw a sign at the end of the walkway from the VEC. Hadn't noticed it before, but then, probably haven't paid much attention either. Rather like a visitor....? 07:34:11 Thanks. "Don't Ride the Bison" ? 07:34:27 :) 07:35:10 More signs is fine, I just don't want more railings because of the stupidity of others. 07:35:13 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:36:39 2nd burst on Grand. 07:39:14 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 07:40:31 Long 2nd, or did we just get a 3rd? 07:41:00 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 07:41:11 wondered that myself Kevin. Too much steam this morning to clearly see another pause 07:42:12 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 07:42:22 Kind of looked like a big burst near the end. Hopefully we will have some eyes on the ground out there that will report. 07:43:13 BH looks dead enough for me to hit the shower. 07:43:22 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 07:45:00 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 07:45:24 Probably a relatively save bet to be away this early. 07:46:27 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to Rich 07:46:27 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 07:52:32 vw quit (timeout) 07:53:34 . 08:03:11 Rich quit (timeout) 08:04:49 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 08:04:52 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 08:05:53 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 08:05:55 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 08:08:53 . 08:10:35 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 08:19:59 cb quit (timeout) 08:20:58 vw quit (timeout) 08:21:18 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 08:21:20 . 08:21:44 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 08:22:14 I could easily fall asleep again Kevin! 08:22:41 Please do! 08:23:04 g 08:25:08 Waiting an hour and a half to see something happen, isn't the greatest excitement in the world. 08:25:26 That's what I get to see. 08:25:45 This early in the day though we need to watch for other eruptions. Just been quiet this morning though. 08:27:14 Looks the same to me. 08:27:16 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 08:27:47 yeap, and your view won't change much until you can get streaming Rich. Need to check into that. 08:27:56 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 08:28:10 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to MJ 08:28:21 Good morning MJ 08:28:40 Good Morning Everyone. 08:29:06 Morning MJ 08:29:21 Been meaning to ask you MJ, what area of the country are you in? I am in Billings, MT 08:29:27 Hi there Rich 08:29:51 Pills or DSL? 08:30:08 I'm from the Northwest PanHandle of Oklahoma. 08:30:10 totally up to you Rich! 08:30:26 Live or die watching. 08:30:32 Very cool MJ! Not sure we have many visitors from that area! 08:30:44 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 08:31:01 Clinton/Sherman? 08:31:03 I haven't ran across anyone yet. 08:31:24 ynpvisitor20 changes nickname to Janet 08:31:26 You have been affected by some of the wild storms hitting the south, AND the wildfires? Quite the spring we are having already. 08:31:29 cb quit (timeout) 08:31:46 Good Morning 08:31:57 Good morning Janet! 08:32:10 Yes, right now our area is Red Flag for fires. 08:32:11 Morning Janet 08:33:14 Hate red flag warning days - stay safe 08:33:22 Panhandle is like eastern MT: barely enough moisture to green things up in the spring. Currenlty in a drought? Seems early for wildfires. 08:33:53 I agree with Janet: stay safe! 08:34:14 Janet, where are you at? 08:34:24 Yes, and when we do get rain, we worry about the Black Wind! 08:34:31 Pikes Peak Region of Colorado - we're dryhere too 08:34:31 So far, as nearly as I can tell, our visitors are mostly in the west. 08:34:42 I LOVE Pikes Peak! 08:34:45 Can see the moisture, but it often doesn't make it over to us 08:35:11 I too love the Rocky's 08:35:12 You can see our view on our webcam 08:35:22 MJ, I just finsihed reading a book on the Dust Bowl and how it affected your area. Interesting reading. 08:35:37 We look out on the Sangre de Christos - that aren't showing up well this morning 08:35:55 Pretty grim wasn't it? 08:35:58 vw, I am interested in that era, can you share the title? 08:36:18 Still snow on the mtn tops Janet? 08:36:41 Yep - even some on Pikes Peak 08:37:00 The Collegiate Peaks and up by Summit County are still solid white 08:37:35 "The Worst Hard Times" by Tim Egan. National Book Award winner. 08:37:58 Very good reading. 08:38:19 Janet,I'm looking forward to a 2 week visit with family at Parker the 20th. 08:38:22 Sounds interesting 08:38:26 Plume 0838 08:38:45 My husband grew up in Parker before it was the sprawling mass it is now 08:38:52 His folks still live there 08:39:23 It is a very nice area out of the mass of things. 08:39:50 It is - I grew up in Ft Collins 08:40:23 I love all of Colo. 08:40:45 Rich quit (timeout) 08:41:12 Green Mountain? 08:42:02 Green Mtn Falls? That's down the hill from us - we're closer to South Park 08:42:38 I've hiked to the Falls. 08:44:15 I have a friend who runs the trails there. 08:45:00 I liked walking in the cool quiet woods. 08:46:23 OF 0846 08:46:53 Ok, your stream is at least 30 seconds faster than mine 08:46:55 thanks vw- that's a good sounding title, worse than hard! 08:47:30 This never gets old. 08:48:03 Highly recommend the book 96. 08:48:39 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 08:49:01 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 08:49:12 Back to lurking/working mode for me 08:49:24 Janet changes nickname to Janet (working) 08:50:02 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 08:52:31 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 08:52:47 vw have you seen any Bears lately? 08:53:09 Not for a couple of weeks. We look everyday, but they are elsewhere. 08:53:18 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 08:53:39 Bison have been mostly absent too, but did finally see some a couple of days ago. 08:53:51 Rich quit (timeout) 08:54:13 Awile back one morning I got to see my first YNP Bear. 08:54:48 With reports of multiple carcasses around the basin, I suppose they are staying near the carcasses. 08:55:01 Fairly rare to see on the streaming cam. Seriously cool when we do! 08:55:16 Yes, that would make sense. 09:10:52 vw Thankyou for the excellent Tour, will be back later. Bye. 09:11:31 Hurry back MJ! 09:11:32 MJ quit (timeout) 09:11:43 me too, I must exit. What's our prognistication for beehive? 09:11:48 and yw, of course! 09:12:15 BH yesterday at 1324. Mid afternoon would probably be the best time to start watching. 09:12:48 that might not work with, uhm, WORK but I'll try! Thanks! 09:13:33 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 09:20:38 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 09:24:06 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to kcmule 09:24:08 mornin 09:24:18 Good morning kc 09:33:36 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 09:45:09 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 09:46:53 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 09:48:41 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 09:48:42 Plume 0948 09:49:25 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 09:49:28 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 09:50:09 kcmule quit (timeout) 09:52:41 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 10:01:15 Recap, Thursday 5/5/11: Grand 0730ie; OF 0543, 0716, 0846; Plume 0838, 0948 10:01:49 Daisy looks like it is heating up now. OF due at 1019 MDT. 10:02:11 I will be heading out in a few minutes. Back this afternoon. 10:02:15 GO BH! 10:03:30 vw quit (timeout) 10:05:52 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 10:06:13 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:08:16 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:09:30 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:10:25 kcmule quit (timeout) 10:18:08 OF 1016ie wc 10:18:21 OF 1017 IE 10:19:03 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 10:19:14 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:21:11 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 10:23:03 OF long 10:23:52 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 10:25:36 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 10:26:51 Janet (working) quit (timeout) 10:27:35 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:29:00 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 10:30:39 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:30:39 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:33:25 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:36:03 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:36:17 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:37:24 .. 10:38:14 OF prediction 11:49 10:38:40 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:38:59 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 10:40:34 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 10:41:47 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:41:52 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:42:50 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:44:57 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:47:49 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:50:41 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:53:30 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:53:51 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 10:53:54 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:57:06 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to Rich 10:57:28 Recap 2011-05-05: Grand 0730 2b ie wc, OF 0543 wc, 0716 wc, 0846 wc, 1016 ie wc, Plume 0838 wc, 0948 wc, 10:58:26 Rich quit (timeout) 11:07:05 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 11:08:04 Churn 11:07ie 11:08:34 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:11:16 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:12:21 Daisy 11:12ie 11:12:56 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 11:13:16 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to Janet (working) 11:23:48 ynpvisitor26 changes nickname to sparekitty 11:29:01 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 11:30:23 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:30:23 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 11:30:40 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 11:33:09 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:35:56 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:05:08 OF ie 12:05 12:05:17 near end 12:06:35 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:17:30 Janet (working) quit (timeout) 12:20:44 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:23:57 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:38:24 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 12:57:03 ynpvisitor46 changes nickname to BB 13:09:43 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 13:10:41 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:16:00 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:21:26 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 13:28:27 OF 13:28 ie 13:29:53 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 13:30:46 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 13:36:49 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:39:18 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 13:40:14 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 13:45:32 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 13:45:37 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:47:16 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 13:47:22 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:48:03 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 13:48:49 Daisy 13:48 13:49:30 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 13:52:09 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 13:53:04 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 13:55:51 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 13:57:27 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 13:58:48 . 13:59:10 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 13:59:49 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to Derek 14:15:57 BB quit (timeout) 14:15:57 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 14:22:21 BB quit (timeout) 14:30:47 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 14:37:45 Derek quit (timeout) 14:37:45 Derek quit (timeout) 14:42:11 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 14:42:55 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 14:43:42 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 14:46:04 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 14:46:13 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to CC 14:46:20 Plume 14:45 14:54:05 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 14:54:24 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to Janet 14:58:22 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 14:58:22 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 15:01:39 BHI 15:00 15:01:58 Cool :) 15:02:43 BH 15:02 15:02:57 Very cool! :) 15:03:07 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 15:03:18 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to vw 15:03:25 Good afternoon! 15:03:33 have to move the cam to OF sorry 15:03:38 was just checking times when I saw BH! 15:03:45 yep 15:03:53 are you taking the cam 15:04:04 Yeap! 15:04:14 Was just noting OF was due. 15:04:22 yep 15:04:38 wanted those who were waiting to see BH 15:04:50 we have a dual 15:04:56 this is perfect - you guys are so good! 15:05:18 very nice. 15:05:26 thanks Janet ...we appreciate it 15:05:58 vw... the cam is yours 15:06:15 Thank you CC. Have a great evening! 15:07:38 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 15:08:21 kc (working) quit (timeout) 15:08:37 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 15:08:59 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 15:09:00 Pretty sure I can't top that folks! 15:10:14 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 15:10:21 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to steve 15:11:08 Afternoon, I haven't been paying attention, when was the last BH seen? 15:11:31 minutes ago steve 15:11:46 1502 today, 1324 yesterday 15:11:53 ty 15:12:00 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 15:12:03 yw! 15:12:05 Sigh 15:12:58 If it is any consolation, we are in the window for Castle and Grand. Diasy is putting on its dependable shows too. 15:13:05 Just think in about 13 hours you can tune in and try and see it. 15:13:19 Course it will be dark 15:13:46 Ugh! 15:13:52 Most likely will be dark, but a very long interval could put it at first light. 15:14:07 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 15:15:44 Thanks, unfortunatly when they replaced the Webcam last fall the new cam does not allow moonlight BH 15:16:16 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:16:24 darn cant turn my back for a second 15:16:33 oh well guess thats why i capture! 15:16:37 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 15:17:16 Hi kc. I signed on just as BH was starting so didn't have time to send out an email. Wasn't even really paying attention to be honest. 15:17:36 np vw, duties here called anyway 15:17:42 Tour time. 15:18:12 for any who haven't seen... new signage. up. 15:18:51 a regular visitor here said that when he was in the Park over the weekend the signs were up. 15:21:18 very light steam from Churn area 15:21:59 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 15:24:25 snow melting fast 15:25:39 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 15:25:58 Hmmm,,, New signs,, on the geysers or just in the basin 15:26:30 Just noted that the last OF didn't get logged in. I had it starting at the same time as BH 15:27:01 Not sure steve. Good question to ask guests here who have been in the basin. 15:28:42 I was in opening week, I didn't see any new signs but then again I wasn't looking 15:29:01 I think the signs might be new in the last week 15:29:11 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:29:12 I just noticed them a couple of days ago. 15:36:36 updated. I think I got everything. Note that Churn is not one of the geysers on the option list, so can't enter that time. 15:37:10 OK, maybe I'll get to see them Memorial day week 15:37:22 Them = the new signs 15:37:37 I am curious as to what they say. 15:38:15 As quickly as they went up after the conwalker incident I have to believe they were already planned for placement this visitor season 15:40:27 OK, maybe better (or easer to see) STAY ON THE BOARDWALK sighs. 15:40:39 oops, signs 15:40:56 both sigh AND signs steve 15:41:11 Plume 1540 15:44:22 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 15:46:20 Ah, well, back to work. Bye 15:46:39 bye. See you later. 15:47:20 steve quit (timeout) 15:49:03 more and more of the benches emerging from the snow banks. 15:49:21 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 15:49:35 ynpvisitor49 changes nickname to Graham 15:49:38 hello 15:49:40 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:49:46 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 15:49:48 hi Graham 15:50:15 so BH didn't wait for me? 15:50:32 Not today. 15:50:59 CC quit (timeout) 15:51:58 oh well. maybe at the weekend 15:56:03 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 15:56:53 i see the benches are starting to appear here now 15:57:10 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 15:57:28 yes. slowly, but surely 16:00:18 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 16:01:45 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 16:01:47 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 16:04:16 OF 1603 16:07:50 that one was a long 16:16:47 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 16:17:39 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 16:19:14 Graham quit (timeout) 16:19:27 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 16:21:00 Keep seeing big puffs of steam from Castle, but doesn't hold. 16:23:29 Castle 1622 16:25:27 Graham quit (timeout) 16:29:30 Daisy 1629 16:29:50 Janet quit (timeout) 16:32:55 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:33:00 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 16:34:50 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:39:21 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 16:39:24 think we will miss Plume to watch Castle. 16:39:44 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 16:40:04 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 16:40:23 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 16:40:33 back from my walk. nice Castle 16:40:43 wb 16:40:47 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 16:44:02 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 16:44:31 Castle is a major 16:47:03 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to kcmule 16:52:57 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 16:55:58 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 16:56:03 is Penta going? 16:56:45 Steam from area. 16:57:01 yeah can we get closer? 16:57:12 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 16:57:17 actualli i can see 16:57:23 it is going 16:58:18 thanks 16:58:23 Penta 1656ie 16:58:26 yw 16:59:04 so we have had a Churn and Penta again 16:59:22 yes, kc saw a Churn this morning 17:06:05 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 17:22:49 Legs in short pants on the bw. Sign of weather to come. 17:23:42 summer is here! 17:23:48 snow must be coming 17:24:00 :) 17:31:29 Plume 1731 17:49:18 OF keeps trying to get a start... 17:50:16 my dogs think it should have started 13 minutes ago. At least that is when they started bugging me to let them outside! 17:54:50 people on bw are getting impatient and wandering away 17:55:06 must be past their dinner reservations 17:55:28 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 17:58:32 did i miss anything? 17:58:41 wow not even OF 17:58:46 not yet. OF very late. 17:59:01 115 minute interval so far 18:00:11 lets see if it can get to 2 hours 18:00:26 working very hard on it. 18:00:27 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:00:38 seveeral big false starts 18:01:18 people on bw leaving. Don't realize that long interval may actually be more interesting than eruption! 18:01:31 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 18:01:38 2h1m was longest thru March 18:01:44 2h5m last year 18:02:10 always hard to get excited about something not erupting 18:02:19 Aurum 1802ie 18:02:23 except when its supposed to! 18:02:28 Thanks Graham 18:02:59 Nice Aurum 18:03:04 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 18:04:39 OF 1804 18:04:46 2h1m, so no record 18:09:06 nope, but still a nice long interval. 18:10:52 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 18:11:48 Grand 1811ie 18:11:59 Also Churn. 18:13:10 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 18:13:14 must have missed Churn, it was steaming when i looked 18:13:55 did it start when the cam zoomed back? 18:14:43 Pretty much. The first low splash might have gotten a close-up. 18:15:19 k, thanks 18:22:53 Nice close up on Churn G. 18:23:21 Churn 1822 18:24:03 nice to see it again 18:24:21 thanks for the heads up on the earlier one 100 18:24:37 you're welcome. 18:25:01 I just noticed that the 1107 Churn is on the site under "Other" 18:25:55 yep, no pull down for it 18:26:22 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 18:26:47 see if we get another 18:28:49 Would be nice to see Lion before dark. Not sure what our chances are. 18:29:19 have seen some minor puffing from it, but that is all. 18:30:01 Plume 1829 18:30:27 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 18:31:47 Graham quit (timeout) 18:32:54 Churn 1832 18:35:17 Ralph needs a data logger on Churn. would be interesting to see the results 18:37:41 I wonder if there's anywhere he could put a logger on Sawmill. Not that he'd get much data this week. 18:38:01 there is one on Sawmill 18:38:05 and Penta 18:38:58 oh, maybe there isn't one on Sawmill 18:39:00 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 18:41:01 no data for it so I guess no sensor 18:42:33 It would certainly be interesting to chart durations and intervals. Maybe we need to build a litle boardwalk spru over the runoff channel so there's somewhere to hide a sensor. 18:43:34 i bet if Ralph was there this spring he would put one on it 18:44:29 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 18:45:34 ynpvisitor83 changes nickname to Kristine 18:46:42 Kristine quit (timeout) 18:47:01 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 18:49:30 Churn 1849 18:49:42 cool! 18:51:55 series of 4 at least 18:55:15 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 18:56:34 Graham quit (timeout) 19:02:23 Graham quit (timeout) 19:03:53 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 19:05:34 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 19:09:51 Daisy 1909 19:11:06 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 19:11:10 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 19:20:46 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 19:21:53 Lion 1921 19:22:28 Terrific. I was hoping for it. 19:26:29 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 19:30:11 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 19:30:45 Plume 1930 19:40:02 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 19:42:31 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 19:43:24 OF 1942 19:47:54 Good night all. 19:48:32 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 19:48:36 Good night! 19:48:45 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 19:50:24 Rest of the daylight evening will probably be pretty quiet. 19:50:26 ynpvisitor8 changes nickname to kcmule 19:50:27 BH OF dual 1502 19:50:40 Thank you kc! 19:51:07 Graham quit (timeout) 19:51:27 yw 19:52:46 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:58:17 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to Todd 20:00:03 Just checking in, rained a little here today. Put the brakes on planting for the moment 20:00:14 Hello everyone 20:00:23 Hi Todd 20:00:28 Depression 2000 20:00:48 thanks for the BH / OF dual kc. That was agood one 20:01:08 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 20:01:45 Running the cam tonight vw? 20:02:16 yeap. putting in a few extra hours 20:02:17 yw todd missed that one in real time myself 20:02:58 I'm sure the wind blew the top off, but it did give a good view of BH's fury. 20:03:13 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 20:03:32 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:04:11 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 20:09:26 I am sure that everyone will be pleased to know, that another bull got sold today:) 20:09:48 your cows are going to be lonely Todd! :D 20:10:29 im glad it was a bull market somewhere 20:10:31 another billion burgers sold 20:10:43 We still have herd bulls for them. These bulls were there calves last year at this time. 20:10:53 their 20:11:43 So the cows won't be lonely 20:12:08 good to know Todd! 20:13:03 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 20:22:16 How's the planting coming along. Sounds like l o n g days. 20:23:20 Sorry got distracted 20:23:48 Was going well till today with the showers 20:24:14 Penta 2023ie 20:24:15 But they were very lite and will be back in the field tomorrow 20:24:19 Penta again 20:24:23 Spikes of water 20:24:39 nice 20:24:50 excellent catch 20:25:01 that overturned tree helps find penta easier 20:25:06 Good lighting for it this time of night 20:27:27 Geyser Hill looks like a pin cushion 20:27:47 Calm and cold 20:28:21 Todd, if you haven't heard it Jerry Clower does a really funny story about a new bull. I think it is on You Tube. Just search "Jerry Clower new bull". 20:28:22 got over 50 today..woohoo 20:28:42 Got over 95 here. 20:28:59 70 here in Billings today 20:29:01 guess all your winter snow has gone by now then Kevin? 20:29:11 Will do-thanks Kevin 20:29:14 :) 20:29:38 Believe it or not, there is still some snow on Mt Charleston just about 30 miles west of me. 20:30:14 I am going to call it a night. Lion and Plume could still erupt before dark, but its been a long evening. 20:30:17 Sounds like good weather from Montana/ Wyoming coming our way then. 20:30:27 Hope everybody has a wonderful evening. G'night. 20:30:30 night vw 20:30:42 nite vw 20:30:50 nite 20:31:03 Taking over the cam Graham? 20:31:05 vw quit (timeout) 20:31:56 Plume 2031 20:32:42 I just got done typing--Can you guys give me a Plumw before dark? 20:33:01 next you will be wanting a Lion too 20:33:12 And before I could hit enter, there it was 20:33:17 Giantess? 20:33:27 Sure why not? 20:33:57 All it takes is for someone to leave the room 20:33:58 Doesn't cost anymore to dream. 20:34:20 Well then lets see a Giantess eruption 20:34:21 and a side of Churn.. extra splashy 20:34:45 and hopefully in focus 20:35:17 can't focus on Churn in the dim light 20:35:39 Need manual focus controls? 20:35:54 nope 20:36:09 and the crud on the screen makes it hard to focus well anyway 20:36:22 Do you have them or is auto-focus? 20:36:33 is it 20:38:03 only auto-focus 20:38:03 Todd quit (timeout) 20:38:53 Lion 2038 20:39:24 I see it ! 20:40:20 Nice one. 20:40:30 Indeed 20:49:55 I am done tonight too, put the geysers to bed 20:49:57 see you 20:50:14 Nite G 20:50:17 nite. 20:50:19 Nite all 20:50:32 Bye. 20:50:52 Till the next rain 20:51:03 nite 20:51:06 Good luck planting. 20:51:19 Graham quit (timeout) 20:51:20 thanks 20:51:34 We'll need it:) 20:52:26 Todd quit (timeout) 21:15:21 OF 21:13ie 21:15:23 of 2115 ie 21:15:34 :) 21:16:07 Almost can't see it. 21:17:41 Calling it a wrap. See you tomorrow. 21:17:52 thought maybe we could see plume but not at this rate 21:17:58 nite 21:18:00 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 21:18:42 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:19:28 kcmule quit (timeout) 22:29:48 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 22:45:35 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) Found 587 log entries for 2011-05-06 05:07:15 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 05:36:11 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 05:36:42 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 05:38:16 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 05:47:43 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 05:49:16 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 05:50:00 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 05:51:59 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 05:59:13 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 05:59:45 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 05:59:53 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 06:00:00 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to CC 06:00:06 morning everyone 06:01:34 ynpvisitor33 changes nickname to Janet 06:01:41 Good morning! 06:02:10 hi 06:06:42 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 06:12:44 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 06:14:17 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 06:15:02 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 06:19:45 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 06:21:05 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to vw 06:21:12 Good morning! 06:31:04 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 06:32:46 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 06:35:27 OF 8:35 06:35:35 Sorry 6:35 06:35:52 will I ever get the time zone change right 06:39:22 OF went over 4 minutes 06:40:19 CC quit (timeout) 06:53:02 Castle 0652 ie 06:53:50 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 06:54:10 ynpvisitor26 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:55:24 Can see some water in there, but mostly steam 07:01:10 Lots of melting yesterday. Those benches are almost totally out of the snow 07:01:53 Oh my goodness, yes, they are! 07:03:00 I was just looking at the OF observations, it got to 51 there yesterday. 07:03:15 that will take those snow piles right down! 07:03:36 I haven't checked the parking lont webcam for a while. How are the piles there looking? 07:03:46 That means summer is only a few snowstorms away, then. 07:04:34 We hit 95 yesterday and may hit 100 today. Send me the snow! 07:04:58 I had hoped to get up there next week, but it looks like I'm going to have to wait a bit longer. sigh. 07:05:28 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 07:06:07 I am sorry to hear that Janet. I hope you will be able to get up there soon. 07:07:06 I'm sure I'll get up there a few times this year - just scheduling with neighbors and hubby to deal with the dogs 07:07:35 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 07:07:46 ahh. I have the same issues with two dogs. 07:08:58 I can take them with my to my folks' house, but I hate to ask them to do extra work (they're in Cody) 07:09:13 Unable to tell if Castle is a major. Hopefully Rangers will be doing geyser predict today and will be able to update the prediction call line. 07:09:53 Folks have a fenced yard? That usually helps to reduce the amount of work. 07:10:42 Yep, they do, and they always say they don't mind, but I know it's hard if I stay overnight in the Park. Dad has Parkinsons, so a lot of worka s is. 07:11:21 So I often go in and back each day - that's a hefty drive. 07:11:28 Dogs might actually be therapeutic for him. They can be that way! 07:12:05 At least the two we have now are pretty easy - an older Samoyed and a Corgi 07:12:24 I do the same. 8 hours of driving for about 5 in the Park not unusual. 07:13:42 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 07:15:24 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 07:15:55 With the price of gas, I may have to drop my Summer visit. I do have to take my daughter to BYU Idaho (Rexburg) in September and so I will try to make a few days out of that. 07:16:49 That is a good plan Kevin. Just may be hard keeping enough room in the car for you stuff after squeezing all the college freshman stuff! 07:18:07 And September is so nice! 07:18:27 Right. I may have to rent a van She is taking nursing and found out she will need to be there next summer 07:19:00 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 07:19:17 I haven't made a Fall visit since the kids went to school, so I would really like to do that again. My favorite time for sure. 07:19:43 often surprisingly the most settled weather. 07:20:04 We've gone in June the past few years, but this year our main trip may need to be in September - possibility of a move coming up. 07:20:22 A lot more relaxed than the summer time. 07:20:24 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 07:20:51 absolutely! Not having to worry about space on the bw at BH is huge! 07:21:15 ynpvisitor87 changes nickname to Kristine 07:21:24 One of my P365 photos I titled "Geyser Jam" taken at BH 07:21:41 Morning everyone 07:21:45 And you get the elk calling. 07:21:48 hi 07:21:54 Good morning Kristine! 07:22:07 Morning vw 07:22:07 Good morning! 07:22:11 Morning Kevin 07:23:31 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 07:23:52 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to MJ 07:24:13 Anything out of BH this morning, or does it look like it has gone? 07:24:27 Not that I have seen Kevin 07:26:48 I would guess it for late afternoon, if it keeps schedule. If it is keeping schedule, it went about 3 to 4 this morning. 07:28:52 Gotta go get ready for training. Later all. 07:29:06 Have a great day Kristine! 07:29:09 bye 07:29:40 Kristine quit (timeout) 07:34:17 MJ quit (timeout) 07:36:57 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 07:37:40 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 07:37:44 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 07:38:48 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 07:38:58 Michael joins Yellowstone 07:39:15 Good morning Micheal 07:39:26 I see other visitors have come and gone while I wasn 07:39:29 oops. 07:39:42 wasn't paying attention. Hi to everybody I missed! 07:40:04 Quick question: can you tell if that is Sawmill or Tardy erutping this morning? 07:40:56 When I zoomed in earlier, it was Sawmill. I will zoom again. 07:41:37 Looks like we have water at Sawmill, steam at Spasmodic. Will zoom closer on each. 07:42:19 Lighting not good for a real closeup shot. 07:44:40 OK. Thanks. Nice to see Sawmill as a once-in-a-while treat. But once it's done I'll root for a return to Tardy-Penta-Churn mode. 07:45:05 Kevin L quit (timeout) 07:45:15 Either way, I've got to run now. Take care all. 07:45:28 have a good day Michael! 07:45:58 Michael quit (timeout) 07:47:58 Kevin L quit (timeout) 07:50:44 Kevin L quit (timeout) 07:52:19 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:55:42 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:55:57 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 07:56:49 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:56:49 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 07:57:18 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 07:58:05 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:58:11 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 07:59:20 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:59:21 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 08:01:46 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 08:02:44 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 08:02:44 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 08:03:54 Plume 0803 08:06:17 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 08:07:09 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 08:08:20 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:09:26 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 08:09:40 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:14:17 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:20:20 OF 0819 08:22:26 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:22:57 OF appears to have been a short 08:24:16 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 08:25:13 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 08:28:25 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:29:17 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 08:29:40 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 08:30:46 Looks like the chatroom software hates me today. 08:31:06 timing you out Kevin? 08:31:15 Seems to be doing that to a lot of people. 08:31:40 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:32:56 I don't know what I did to it. 08:33:34 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:34:43 mine seem to have stabilized, for now. Thought someone was telling me to sit in the timeout corner 08:35:01 :D 08:36:57 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:37:02 Janet quit (timeout) 08:37:36 I did take a shower this morning. 08:39:11 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:40:36 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:41:49 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 08:42:03 Daisy 0841 08:43:47 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:44:44 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 08:52:13 Grand 0851 ie 08:59:51 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 09:00:12 pause, and.... 09:00:31 :) 09:00:38 2b 09:01:18 I was afraid we missed most of that Grand, but duration says we caught most of it. 09:02:23 Plume 0902 ie 09:02:39 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:05:35 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 09:05:55 ynpvisitor72 changes nickname to Rich 09:13:51 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:15:09 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 09:15:48 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 09:15:48 OF 0915 09:16:18 A very short interval 09:16:44 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 09:16:57 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 09:17:36 Where all the peps? 09:18:13 Wondering same myself. VEC had OF predicted for a short interval so we should have seen some! 09:19:22 OF is a long 09:19:52 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:21:01 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 09:23:07 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 09:24:19 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 09:24:41 Rich quit (timeout) 09:25:31 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 09:25:54 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:26:25 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 09:26:56 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 09:27:10 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 09:29:32 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:31:55 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:35:30 Rich quit (timeout) 09:39:11 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:39:19 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 09:40:35 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 09:41:42 Rich quit (timeout) 09:46:12 Recap, Friday 5/6/11: Castle 0652ie; Daisy 0841; OF 0635, 0819, 0915; Plume 0803, 0902ie. 09:48:06 VEC Prediction times: OF 1048(+/-10m), Castle 2030(1h), Grand 1800(2h) 09:48:57 VEC does not have prediction times for Daisy or Riverside. I have that the Daisy window will open at about 1110 (2.5 hours) 09:52:20 Thanks so much! 09:52:34 :) 09:52:55 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 09:54:20 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 09:57:36 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:58:17 Rich quit (timeout) 09:58:41 Plume 0958 09:59:07 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:59:17 Rich quit (timeout) 10:02:36 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:13:17 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 10:16:27 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:17:30 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 10:19:23 Since the VEC is prediting Castle for 2030, does that mean that the reported Castle was a major? 10:20:08 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 10:20:43 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 10:23:12 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:23:41 There are 10 people waiting on the benches in front of the VEC at OF. 10:25:07 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 10:28:25 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:29:11 Rich quit (timeout) 10:30:04 vw quit (timeout) 10:30:38 Rich quit (timeout) 10:31:55 I am heading out. Have a good day all! 10:32:31 vw quit (timeout) 10:33:01 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 10:34:25 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 10:35:11 Good Day visitors 10:35:29 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:36:34 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:36:49 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 10:37:38 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:40:09 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 10:40:31 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to CC 10:41:54 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:42:48 ynpvisitor700 joins Yellowstone 10:43:37 ynpvisitor700 quit (timeout) 10:49:42 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 10:50:09 ynpvisitor35 changes nickname to sparekitty 10:51:28 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:51:56 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:52:09 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 10:53:09 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 10:53:45 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:54:16 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:54:26 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:55:30 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:55:53 Plume 10:55 10:56:15 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:56:34 of 10:56 10:57:12 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:57:20 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 10:58:10 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:58:12 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:58:53 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 11:02:35 Janet quit (timeout) 11:03:19 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 11:04:40 CC quit (timeout) 11:06:10 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 11:09:01 OF prediction from VC 12:21 - another interesting prediction. 11:11:06 Recap 2011-05-06: Castle 0652 ie wc H2O, Daisy 0841 wc, Grand 0851 ie wc, OF 0635 wc, 0819 wc, 0915 wc, 1056 wc, Plume 0803 wc, 0902 ie wc, 0958 wc, 1055 wc, 11:12:43 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 11:22:27 Lion 1122 ie 11:22:55 nice 11:25:04 why is "wc" in that recap? Can't even see anything from the static cam except OF. All those times look like they are from here. 11:26:08 Well, this is a web cam 11:26:36 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 11:26:44 yes, but times from the stream have never been noted as wc 11:27:03 Sometimes we get direct info from the Park. 11:27:10 Hmmm... ok, I just I never thought of it that way 11:27:21 just wondering because it is different from how times have been recorded in the past. 11:27:59 And since I'm taking the info from, where information can come from anywhere, I include the wc. 11:29:28 little squirt ie this morning so be alert for beehive to be early rather than late 11:29:35 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 11:31:11 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 11:31:12 k. I will have to check out that website. Just seems weird. Graham's report at the end of the day also says the information is from the webcam and so differentiates it from basin reports. 11:32:34 Because he also uses GT.O 11:33:20 but he doesn't use "wc" and I don't think he has always used that site? 11:33:37 Doesn't really matter, but am trying to find consistency. 11:34:05 not sure many people know about that site either, so how reliable will it be? 11:34:39 Will check site. 11:35:17 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 11:35:45 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 11:37:09 You can do the recaps if you like, any way you desire. 11:40:35 Last year there was discussion on the Geyserlist serv about direct recording of eruption times. At some point record keeping will move into the 21st centruy. 11:41:56 Rich quit (timeout) 11:47:02 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 11:48:36 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 11:58:14 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 11:59:04 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 12:00:30 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to CC 12:03:23 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to Glennon 12:08:27 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 12:08:46 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 12:11:08 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 12:13:44 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 12:18:28 OF 12:18 12:19:08 Bye cc 12:19:34 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 12:28:50 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 12:29:56 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 12:30:28 ynpvisitor67 changes nickname to BB 12:31:34 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 12:31:47 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to Kevin L 12:36:35 Lion 12:36 IE 12:38:38 CC quit (timeout) 12:39:50 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 12:42:35 ynpvisitor8 changes nickname to ge-working 12:42:49 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 12:44:49 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 12:49:10 Plume 1248 ie 12:50:11 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 12:50:20 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 12:53:13 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 12:53:43 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 12:55:50 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 12:57:21 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 13:06:48 BB quit (timeout) 13:07:25 BB quit (timeout) 13:09:32 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 13:12:06 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 13:12:30 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 13:14:55 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 13:15:24 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to BB 13:21:56 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 13:23:11 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 13:24:00 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to kcmule 13:24:10 there was a Plume at 11:51ie 13:24:15 bbl! 13:24:22 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to kc (away) 13:24:31 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to kc (away) 13:24:37 . 13:25:17 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 13:28:48 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 13:34:28 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 13:35:41 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 13:36:43 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 13:41:15 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 13:41:27 Lion 1340 13:41:36 ynpvisitor26 changes nickname to vw 13:41:41 Good afternoon 13:41:55 Just checking in to see if we have seen anything out of BH? 13:42:02 Going back to read the logs. 13:43:10 Plume 1342 13:43:28 not even a mention of steam at BH!!! Gotta get this show on the road! 13:44:02 that Lion time is ie btw. Not sure if I caught the start or not. Just opened up livescope when I saw it. 13:44:26 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 13:44:41 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 13:45:22 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 13:45:22 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 13:46:20 anybody else got greenscreen instead of streaming cam? 13:46:41 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to sparekitty 13:46:54 let me open up a public stream. brb 13:47:02 thx much! 13:47:35 NPS feed is fine. are you using the imbedded stream on the chat site? 13:47:55 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 13:48:04 yes; that's what i always use. but i suspect it might be my kaiser computer 13:48:22 try 13:48:36 I have the embedded stream, working fine here 13:48:37 may have to open in a windows media program. 13:48:54 thanks, ladies! 13:49:41 sorry couldn't help! Good luck sparekitty 13:50:05 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 13:50:45 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 13:51:47 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 13:52:03 ynpvisitor3 changes nickname to Graham 13:52:08 hello 13:52:22 Good afternoon/evening Graham! 13:52:28 hope in time for BH! 13:52:35 assuming we get one this evening that is... 13:52:47 still afternoon, home early before hitting the road 13:53:03 Daisy 1352 ie 13:53:12 You heading out soon? 13:53:13 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 13:53:41 looks windy 13:54:02 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 13:54:04 it does. I just got on a bit ago to check for BH. Wasn't too windy earlier. 13:54:38 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to CC 13:54:57 hey vw you beat me to posting Daisy 13:55:22 home for a couple of hours, mayget BH 13:55:40 hi Graham 13:55:52 hi CC 13:56:08 safe travels to you 13:56:37 thanks. traffic was getting backed up but hopefully it will clear a bit before i get on HOV lanes 13:58:11 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:58:39 OF 13:58 13:59:49 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 14:00:02 hi CC. Didn't mean to beat you to the punch on Daisy! Fluke that I caught it and Lion! 14:01:11 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:06:52 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:11:40 BB quit (timeout) 14:12:18 ge-working quit (timeout) 14:12:37 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:13:58 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 14:18:39 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:20:26 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 14:34:47 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 14:38:12 BH splashing nicely 14:39:22 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:45:04 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:49:31 BH has clamed down 14:49:41 calmed down 14:50:21 knows we are all on standby 14:50:25 It is trying to fool me into leaving. 14:51:20 BHI will start at 1550 14:51:34 is htat when you are leaving 14:51:38 you are leaving at 1545 G? 14:51:46 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:51:47 :D 14:51:49 just befpore, so i know i missed it by that much 14:51:56 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 14:52:07 we could call you when you are on the road.. 14:52:16 of course it could wait till 40s after i leave like it did the other week.... 14:52:30 thanks vw you are so thoughtful 14:52:44 you know how hard I try Graham. 14:52:48 :D :D :D 14:52:49 I am thinking that when I get to the park if Craig hasn't cleaned the lens I am going to have Victor do it 14:53:06 now THAT I want a picture of!!! 14:53:06 WE LOVE YOU CC!!!!!!!! 14:53:27 Glennon quit (timeout) 14:53:35 CC standing at the bottom of th eladder, saying, no,no, MY right! 14:53:46 lol 14:55:39 lion 14:55 14:56:25 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 14:57:41 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 14:58:28 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 14:59:39 Graham quit (timeout) 15:03:49 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 15:04:13 you know these folks are not geyser gazers....they stop and walk on 15:04:41 if it was later in the season you would see 10 or more people at BH 15:04:48 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 15:04:56 waiting, waiting, waiting 15:05:22 makes me wonder if there are no gazers there now, and if the VEC knows BH has been steaming. 15:05:38 vw - afk quit (timeout) 15:05:42 I would think if the VEC knew of the steam, we might start to see a few people out there. 15:06:02 they usually don't say anything unless I call with indicator 15:06:13 then they let folks know 15:06:37 Have the rest of the seasonal staff started yet? May still be short handed? 15:06:45 maybe every9one is down at F&M 15:06:58 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 15:07:23 we haven't heard any updates on F&M in ages. 15:07:36 no Carolyn L. 15:07:41 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 15:07:46 :( 15:08:09 agree 15:08:21 we are going to miss her in lots of ways! 15:10:19 Is Butch there? 15:10:25 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 15:10:29 yes until the 24th 15:11:10 I think that is the date he told me...I will miss him by days 15:11:36 boy it is windy now 15:11:42 cam all over the place 15:11:52 Great shame about Carolyn 15:12:14 She will be great missed 15:12:21 greatly 15:12:32 I agree 15:12:50 I really have missed him. He was one of the fixtures when I first started. I will really miss Carolyn also. 15:13:18 Butch is one of my favorites...a real gentleman 15:13:59 Is Sam back this year? 15:14:08 don't know 15:14:32 I can find out for you 15:14:58 He is another very special person. 15:15:11 I don't know him well 15:15:41 I would imagine that if he is well he probably would be back 15:16:00 same goes for Tom and Joanne 15:16:16 He keeps saying he will be gone, but always seems to come back. 15:16:45 I am giving up on BH 15:16:51 They were so fun. I really enjoyed them when they were out gazing on their own time. 15:17:27 The geysers are fun. It is the people that make the place so special. 15:17:57 (you mean Tom and Ann, KL?) 15:18:50 You are right 30. It is Tom & Ann I was thinking of. 15:19:16 The past tense "were fun" was my clue! 15:19:19 CC quit (timeout) 15:20:37 Graham quit (timeout) 15:21:12 Everytime I go up I always meet other gazers I don't know. It is a really interesting group. It is amazing how many have become a close as family. 15:21:52 Agreed, some of my best friends are there 15:25:54 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 15:25:59 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 15:26:27 I went decades not meeting certain names just because of the time of year certain people attend 15:29:20 . 15:29:28 Plume 1528 15:30:04 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 15:31:05 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 15:31:27 LRK joins Yellowstone 15:34:24 ynpvisitor78 changes nickname to kcmule 15:38:05 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 15:38:21 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 15:41:41 OF 1541 ie 15:42:10 unless someone else got a better start time... Not paying too much attention here. 15:42:13 Graham quit (timeout) 15:42:13 Graham quit (timeout) 15:43:48 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 15:45:15 headed out, enjoy BH 15:45:37 bye Graham. Safe trip! 15:46:18 Graham quit (timeout) 15:55:19 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 15:55:43 LRK quit (timeout) 15:56:02 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 16:04:46 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 16:06:18 BHI 1606 ie 16:06:29 send out the alerts everyone! 16:06:43 just got mine 16:07:00 Kevin around? 16:07:41 Yes!!!!! Life is good! 16:10:02 for the record, i am NOT calling Graham. :'( 16:10:39 We do appreciate his sacrifice. 16:11:09 I feel kind of bad, but he was the one who called it. 16:11:27 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 16:12:45 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 16:13:44 At least there are people on the BW 16:13:45 BH 1613 16:18:23 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 16:18:46 Lion 1618 16:18:54 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 16:19:03 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:19:14 that worked out nicely 16:20:15 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:20:59 I got a Lion consolation (missed Beehive by 2 minutes) Kitt 16:21:08 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 16:21:12 hi Kitt! 16:21:49 hoping kc got a capture. Graham had to head out and missed all the excitement too. 16:22:04 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 16:22:11 Hello. Preschoolers kept me busy today. 16:22:35 love you so much they don't even want to head home on a Friday! 16:22:42 too fun! 16:22:54 I appreciatethe captures. 16:23:16 I am out of here for the evening. Hope everyone has a great evening! 16:23:52 vw - afk quit (timeout) 16:24:19 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:25:12 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 16:26:16 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 16:27:03 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 16:31:06 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 16:33:03 BH Lion 16:13 16:33:32 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 16:35:02 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 16:37:38 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 16:52:18 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:53:40 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 16:59:43 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 17:01:57 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 17:04:43 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 17:13:10 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 17:17:46 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 17:18:44 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 17:19:19 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 17:19:43 SOmeone missed olf fart 17:20:22 ANd cub. 17:20:22 17:20:27 No one calling times? 17:21:19 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 17:28:11 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 17:29:21 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 17:29:46 ynpvisitor84 changes nickname to kcmule 17:29:51 Grand 17:29ie 18:04:21 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 18:09:49 headin out 18:10:19 LRK quit (timeout) 18:10:28 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:10:52 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 18:28:27 LRK quit (timeout) 18:34:36 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 18:35:22 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 18:36:44 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 18:47:13 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 18:58:33 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 18:58:46 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to kcmule 18:58:50 OF 18:58ie 19:01:08 Glennon quit (timeout) 19:06:11 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 19:24:10 Plume 19:23ie 19:49:18 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 19:50:21 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 19:53:23 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 19:53:30 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 19:56:04 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 19:59:16 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 20:02:11 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 20:07:51 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 20:08:38 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:08:47 LRK quit (timeout) 20:09:38 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 20:14:32 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 20:18:53 Plume 20:18ie 20:23:30 OF 20:23ie 20:44:26 nite 20:45:04 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:20:13 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 21:20:43 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:42:10 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 21:48:41 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 21:51:06 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 21:57:12 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 22:17:04 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 22:59:37 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) Found 811 log entries for 2011-05-07 01:09:04 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 04:05:38 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 04:08:12 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 04:12:22 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 05:45:18 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 05:45:31 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to CC 05:45:40 OF 5:43 IE 05:45:52 BH 5:44 IE 05:49:34 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 05:51:30 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 05:52:24 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 05:54:49 Couldn't tell if there was an indicator due to the steam from OF 05:55:38 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 05:57:01 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 06:04:39 We had another dual today and the possibility of another BH later today 06:14:35 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 06:15:59 CC quit (timeout) 06:24:03 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 06:25:10 ynpvisitor21 changes nickname to Graham 06:25:36 looks like CC had a good start to her day 06:26:25 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 06:27:16 ynpvisitor49 changes nickname to cb 06:27:25 Hi Graham! 06:27:40 and visitors 10,86,40! 06:28:16 hello cb, how r u? 06:28:55 hey! good. waiting for the coffee to brew! 06:29:08 last day of my garage sale today! 06:29:24 hows it going? 06:29:39 been following the churn eruptions cycles! very fun! 06:29:47 sale was great!!!! 06:30:17 good 06:30:19 Garage and shed are all clean, and some pocket change to boot! 06:30:47 yeah Churn has been fun. i forgot to mention there were two or more Sawmill eruptions seen yesterday 06:30:58 looks like Tardy is going now 06:31:25 must be time for a YNP visit then :) 06:31:51 getting closer! 06:32:19 the conewalkers finally hit our local news channel last night! 06:32:21 has should start going down now too 06:32:58 ah, cool. glad to know our efforts are being seen 06:33:16 has=gas 06:34:55 I wondered what that ment! 06:35:30 should make for a cheaper drive 06:35:57 you did a great job on the cam that night following them! kudos to you! 06:36:32 thanks, it was a shock when i zoomed out and kept seeing more and more ppl 06:36:48 yeah it was! 06:37:09 2,,,then 4 then more and more. was crazy! 06:37:52 when i called LE i told them there were 4 or 5 ppl 06:38:35 Lion IE at 6:37 06:39:08 busy morning for u CC, congrats 06:39:18 yep 06:39:35 coffees done and the suns coming up. got to get outside! Hi CC! 06:40:11 Just wanted to come in and say ty!! 06:40:11 hi cb 06:40:29 bye! 06:41:26 cb quit (timeout) 06:42:06 Graham you still there? 06:43:56 yes, msgd u 06:45:27 thanks 06:47:42 Graham quit (timeout) 06:48:03 Daisy 6:47 IE 07:04:21 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 07:05:03 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 07:09:38 OF 7:25 07:10:24 Correction: OF 7:09 07:14:24 When I time OF I use a stop watch and today it started at 7:09:25...thus I just read the time wrong the first time I posted 07:15:11 OF was with water for 4 minutes...thus a long 07:15:15 Graham quit (timeout) 07:16:11 CC quit (timeout) 07:22:23 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 07:22:51 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to Kevin L 07:24:55 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 07:25:33 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to vw 07:25:37 Good morning. 07:25:52 Looks like CC has had a good morning! 07:26:13 Guess we can just put the cam on OF preset and leave it there for the day? 07:26:55 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 07:29:37 Could be a two Beehive day? 07:30:33 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:30:41 seems very probabl 07:30:59 with and e added in....[ 07:33:01 morning vw 07:33:28 good morning vw. having trouble typing today. Not awake yet i guess. 07:33:38 nice morning for you! 07:33:56 looks like it may have rained in the basin 07:34:14 I tried the wipers ..not sure they did any good 07:34:50 it does look foggy there. some moisture would be a good thing. 07:35:21 Graham quit (timeout) 07:35:32 Thunderstorms predicted for the Park today. 07:35:34 that is why I tried the wipers..thought there might be some fog on the lens 07:35:34 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 07:35:48 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to MJ 07:35:57 predicting storms here later today 07:37:15 MJ quit (timeout) 07:40:25 Plume 0739ie 07:41:19 thanks vw 07:41:46 I wasn't sure for a long while! 07:41:51 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 07:42:02 I was debating 07:43:19 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 07:43:24 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:43:39 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 07:43:41 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:43:54 .. 07:44:04 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 07:45:52 Herd of bison in the basin 07:47:25 MJ quit (timeout) 07:48:33 Lion 7:48 IE 07:50:03 Question: where is the best site for YNP weather forecast. I see some mention accuweather, some mention wunderground, others noaa, etc. 07:50:05 What do you use? 07:50:12 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 07:51:05 This is my favorite. 07:51:07 07:51:12 Really a personal preference for format 83. All get their data from NOAA. 07:51:43 Intellicast is nice because it has lots of options. 07:51:50 morning Kevin 07:52:02 hi 07:52:18 Another we refer to often is mesowest, but it is just current conditions. 07:52:19 sorry you missed BH this morning 07:53:17 yeah I was just looking at mewowest I go there for current temp at OF, but can't find a forecast there 07:53:21 I suppose I would have had to get up before 5, so that takes a bit out of it. We do have another shot tonight! 07:53:44 meSowest 07:54:21 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:54:23 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:55:16 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:56:02 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:56:30 MJ quit (timeout) 08:03:40 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 08:04:08 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 08:05:33 MJ quit (timeout) 08:06:41 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 08:08:27 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to Janet 08:08:50 Darn - so when did Beehive erupt? 08:08:59 early 08:09:09 5:44 IE 08:09:29 The dogs tried to get me up at 5, but I rolled back over and went back to sleep 08:09:51 CC quit (timeout) 08:13:58 CC quit (timeout) 08:15:31 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 08:20:10 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 08:21:28 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:23:26 Those bison seem to be heading for greanerr pastures pretty quickly 08:31:03 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 08:31:05 Plume 0830 08:33:50 Umbrella's out on the bw, so it is still raining 08:35:34 looks wet alright 08:36:39 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 08:37:05 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 08:44:51 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 08:47:35 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 08:51:12 OF 0850 08:54:13 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 08:54:23 Janet quit (timeout) 08:54:39 OF was a long 08:56:37 Lion 0856 09:01:58 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 09:03:04 /// 09:03:25 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 09:04:00 Depression 0903 09:07:19 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to kcmule 09:07:33 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 09:08:00 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 09:08:53 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 09:10:26 Il pleut. 09:12:05 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 09:12:32 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 09:12:52 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 09:14:09 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 09:14:45 oui 09:15:25 ynpvisitor33 changes nickname to contner 09:16:37 contner quit (timeout) 09:16:46 Hi contner 09:16:53 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 09:16:55 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 09:18:09 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 09:18:48 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 09:20:06 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 09:23:25 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 09:24:04 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 09:24:11 not much to see on the morning BH capture. indicator was going prior to the eruption but thats about all i can tell 09:25:05 ynpvisitor73 changes nickname to Kent 09:25:09 ty, kcmule 09:25:34 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 09:25:34 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 09:25:47 Plume 0925 09:26:10 ynpvisitor73 changes nickname to Derek 09:29:13 Hi All 09:29:21 Hi D! 09:29:42 Hi Derek 09:29:58 Hi 49 09:31:00 Kent quit (timeout) 09:34:23 OF prediction 10:23 09:34:57 yeap. 09:35:26 Prediction call line had not been updated when I called a little while ago. Curious as to what the VEC is saying about Castle. 09:35:36 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 09:37:14 Weather might make seeing Daisy cleary a problem. Getting very steamy. 09:38:48 hi everybody 09:39:08 Hi 44 09:39:40 i am from germany , sorry about my bad english.......i love this page 09:39:41 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 09:39:58 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 09:40:06 welcome 44 09:40:17 thanks :-) 09:40:18 we have another regular visitor who lives in Germany. 09:40:40 Bad English is NO problem! Those of us who profess to some proficiency mess it up routinely 09:41:01 and our typing always leaves a lot to be desired. 09:41:02 maybe i know him.........he tell me this page 09:41:05 Derek quit (timeout) 09:41:25 watch for the initials BB. That is our regular here. 09:42:15 can you tell me something about the weather in the next weeks........hard to say , i know :-) 09:42:34 i visit yellowstone at June 5th - 9th 09:43:00 this time of year, the weaher in the park is totally unpredictable. We could see highs in the 60's, night time lows well below freezing. 09:43:22 Spring also tends to be the rainy season, which means snow at those elevations. 09:44:17 Early June you are likely to still find snow at the higher elevations. Plan to wear layers of clothes so you can adapt to changing conditions. ALWAYS plan on a layer to protect you from wet! 09:44:25 And bring some bear spray! 09:44:42 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:44:42 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:45:01 ok, i hope for a little bit sunshine in June......for the grand prismatic an also the amazing geysers ! I love thats ok, with little bit of sunshine :-) 09:45:25 Will hope for sun for you too! 09:45:32 Churn 09:45ie 09:45:57 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 09:46:52 thats so nice from you ......thanky 09:48:03 Bear spray ?? i hope to see animals......and if i could see a bear, i would be the happiest person :-) 09:48:39 seeing a bear is very cool. But you want to be protected if there is too close an encounter. They move very fast. 09:49:19 Yes , i heard about should i buy a bear spray at yellowstone ? 09:50:07 You will most certainly see bison, elk. Good chance of wolves if you go where the watchers are. Lots of birds and other smaller animals. Bears are out there, and you will have a fair chance of seeing one or more. 09:50:44 Wow , sounds really great :-) 09:50:50 before you leave for vacation, watch the various forums for news about what the wildlife is doing. That might help you figure out the best place to see wildlife. 09:51:32 ok, thanks for that good advice 09:52:02 Daisy 0951 09:53:07 you visit yellowstone very often ? 09:53:51 in the past, there have been times I was there a couple of times a month. Now a couple of times a year. 09:54:12 I live fairly close. Just 4 hour drive to OF. 09:54:17 wow, so you a very lucky person 09:54:41 when it comes to access to the Park, yes, I am . 09:54:42 ok 4 hours is a short trip, i have a 11 hours flight from germany 09:55:21 Yes, I would imagine some of your layovers are longer than 4 hours 09:56:29 yes, we start a roundtrip from vegas over salt lake city to yellowstone......looking forward to 09:57:24 It should be a delightful trip. Some beautiful country you will be seeing. Some pretty barren, but there is a certain beauty in that too. 09:59:09 thank you so much for this informations.......nice to talk with you 09:59:26 please visit us any time! 09:59:36 most of us love to talk here! 10:00:26 thanks for invitation...... 10:00:39 Me, I recommend sun screen, but I don't think you'll need Bear spray, you may get lucky and see on, but no need to spray one usually 10:01:28 i recommend dun screan, I doubt you'll need the bear spray, but you may get to see one 10:01:31 I never go anywhere without sunscreen! I forget all about it! 10:01:35 10:01:37 ok, sounds good.......i would be carefull 10:01:49 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to steve 10:01:53 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 10:01:56 hey steve! 10:01:58 morning 10:02:58 recent reports of up to 5 bear in the UGB has me extra cautious about bears! I also have like to go off trail, so take that extra step of having spray in one of my backpack sleeves! 10:03:00 mornng, it appears I was about half an hor behind on the chat log for som reason 10:03:22 Allthe sudden, the rest appeared 10:03:23 huh? 10:03:30 that is weird! 10:03:37 O, well, not the first time I have been behind 10:03:43 5 .....amazing ..... 10:03:45 :D 10:04:08 Fairly big area 44, and those reports are very generalized. 10:05:19 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 10:05:35 have to go 10:05:38 Appearance of more people as we get near Memorial Day will also likely change wildlife behavior. 10:05:44 not buy :-) 10:05:49 Bye 44! Have a great evening. 10:06:39 Thanks , its 6 pm and now we have a barbeque :-) 10:06:54 enjoy! 10:10:13 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 10:12:11 Lion 1011 ie 10:12:14 Lion 1012 ns wc 10:12:17 step away for just a second.. 10:12:23 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 10:12:41 OK, I'll take 1011. 10:14:37 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 10:16:58 OF window open 10:20:15 Castle 1019 ie 10:20:22 Will have to check it out after OF 10:20:34 vw quit (timeout) 10:20:53 . 10:21:56 Plume 1021 10:25:50 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 10:26:04 Radio traffic from Interps at OFVEC, Riverside's cone is overflowing. About to enter window for eruption. 10:26:30 very good news. Thank you 37 10:26:44 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 10:26:48 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 10:26:48 Can we see Riverside in this weather? 10:27:11 Iffy at best. 10:27:18 We can watch after OF 10:27:20 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:27:40 OF 1027 10:31:20 OF is a long 10:31:46 Next OF should be right around oon 10:31:50 noon. 10:31:57 mooseitis 10:32:33 That earlier Castle time is definitely good. 10:32:43 And that is what VEC called it for. 10:33:01 Still seeing water at Castle now. 10:33:20 49, I am guessing you are referring to OF and not Castle? 10:33:35 Checking on Riverside... 10:33:59 With a stop at Grand 10:34:03 Grand 1033 ie 10:34:44 rare event: Castle steam interferring with view of Grand 10:35:55 Hopefully we will get reports from the basin on both Riverside and Grand. 10:37:16 who was hearing radio traffic. and more importantly where are they? 10:37:28 I believe I saw water at Grand, but it didn't last for very long. 10:38:08 maybe in the basin but in this site on a smart phone? 10:38:11 From what was said, sounded like radio reports into the VEC, Someone down at Riverside. Not sure who is in the basin or who reported on this page. 10:38:37 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 10:38:43 Kren? 10:39:02 Karen I mean 10:39:13 ? 10:39:29 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 10:39:30 technology is pretty cool 10:39:32 could be steve. Without id though, no way to be sure. 10:40:57 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 10:42:46 Prediction call line updated: Castle tonight at 1230 (confirms current eruption!), Grand 1930 (confirms we just saw the end of Grand), Daisy 1235, Riverside 1100. 10:42:57 All times with standard +/- times. 10:44:00 good that you added the +/- statement....I thought the VC was getting cokcy in its predictions 10:44:21 Recording noted that there is not prediction for Great Fountain, so that must be one of the geysers we will be able to get info on during the summer. 10:44:43 ALWAY depend on the gov't to hedge its bets! 10:44:49 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 10:45:27 Now if they could just add "last reported Fountain" that number would be really useful 10:45:39 The Firehole lake drive will be closed until Memorial day,so no downloads until then, thus no predictions 10:46:02 yes, especially if Fountain stays as reliable as it has been. Last summer was great. 10:46:11 It is only rrarely seen and reported from the road 10:46:42 and Memorial Day is dependant on if it is plowed. I have not heard. Maybe Kristine can update us! 10:47:22 I'm not sure they set up the download time yet. It was about 9-10 in the morning. 10:47:58 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 10:48:24 As for plowing, that should not be an issue, most of the lower basisn is melting fast now that it is warmng up 10:49:07 I hope so. One of my favorite sits. 10:49:44 I need to ask Marueen about Fountain. Ralph's data shows teo long periods, but monstly 6 hour intervals 10:50:02 Graham quit (timeout) 10:50:40 Oops, Ralphs date showed two period with longer intervals, but most are still 6 hours 10:51:04 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 10:51:07 sorry, on the phone. 10:51:17 6 hours was the reliable interval on Fountain last year. 10:51:49 Fountain's been stable since 2007. I love it 10:54:36 Castle is a major 10:55:47 Time already entered on, so can't update. Something we need to have Jake change! 10:56:07 Sorry, I was confusing the data down load on Great Fountian with Fountian. 10:56:56 The VEC did predict Fountain one summer, but it caused problems. They did not get the data until about noon so many of the predictions were off 10:57:22 Might be possible to see steam from Riverside. Somewhat clearer now, but not sure if it will last! 10:57:31 visitors complained and the VEC decided to quit predicting Fountain 10:57:47 YTG has reported a few Great Fountains from the road this winter, that was fun 10:58:04 I can imagine. Probably best for them to post last eruption and average interval. See if visitors can add. 10:58:28 last comment in re Fountain. 10:59:07 It would probably be mayhem with clueless visitors waiting on that skinny boardwalk 10:59:21 Yep, but te onew that complain the lowest usually can't add 10:59:31 Jake is working on way to make correction to 10:59:38 Without Lynn S in the park, predictions on Grt Fountain will be less dependable too. 11:00:57 ME has it covered pretty darn well 11:01:15 she's probably there right now. :) 11:02:30 I have not heard who is in the Park or will be this year. 11:04:57 I think it is the usual cast of characters with a few omissions, saw some dates of some in the Sput 11:05:41 Will Jim S be there? Comforting to look for his red jacket hanging out on the bw! 11:12:02 this rain is going to do a serious job on the remaining snow. 11:13:15 Biscuit Lake, here we come 11:13:39 :D bring your waders! 11:13:45 Goodbye F&M for a while 11:15:52 yeah, the creeks are going to rise 11:17:20 I have head Jim S is coming but that is all second hand. 11:17:37 Plume 1117 11:18:03 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 11:18:18 As for Lynn, I hope she visits for a while. 11:18:32 Ralph not until June 11:18:34 No downstream flood advisories at this time, but lots of precip forecast for the coming week could change that. Heavy wet snow likely at elevations starting Sunday. 11:18:46 steve quit (timeout) 11:19:00 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 11:19:20 thanks for volunteer updates steve! 11:19:40 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 11:19:44 I hope we will see all of those volunteers/gazers that we have come to love and rely on. 11:21:19 heavy wet snow doesn't sound like it will help the situation! 11:22:10 only a forecast 88! usually less than totally reliable! 11:22:29 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 11:23:00 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Graham 11:23:21 Recap 2011-05-07: BH 0544 ie wc, Castle 1019 ie wc maj, Daisy 0647 ie wc, 0951 wc, Depression 0903 wc, 0903 wc, Grand 1033 ie wc, Lion 0637 ie wc, 0748 ie wc, 0856 wc, 1011 ie wc, OF 0543 ie wc, 0709 wc, 0850 wc, 1027 wc Churn 0945 ie wc, Plume 0739 ie wc, 0830 ie wc, 0925 wc, 1021 wc, 1117 wc, 11:23:45 thanks for the recap 11:27:06 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 11:27:27 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 11:27:50 I am heading out for a while. Will see everybody later! 11:28:20 see you klater vw 11:28:28 vw quit (timeout) 11:29:14 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 11:29:19 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 11:30:14 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 11:30:19 bye 11:30:31 Kevin L quit (timeout) 11:30:52 ynpvisitor75 changes nickname to CC 11:31:45 11:31:50 hey Graham 11:32:10 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 11:32:16 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 11:32:16 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 11:32:51 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 11:33:27 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 11:34:04 vw quit (timeout) 11:34:56 CC quit (timeout) 11:36:11 Graham quit (timeout) 11:39:38 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 11:40:21 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 11:41:16 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 11:41:31 7 cars lined up at the North Entrance waiting to enter. 11:49:53 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 11:50:50 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 11:50:52 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 11:51:11 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 11:52:44 Graham quit (timeout) 11:55:13 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 11:57:19 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:04:08 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:04:25 Graham quit (timeout) 12:04:45 OF 1204 12:04:55 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 12:06:23 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:09:56 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:11:41 . 12:12:53 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:13:06 Graham quit (timeout) 12:14:47 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 12:15:08 Plume 1214 12:16:16 I remember a few days ago there was a discussion about the burst count on Plume. Was the result that it is still usually doing 5? 12:17:15 Menu from our grill: Castle 0015 5/8 +/- 1', Grand 1930 +/- 2', Daisy 1235 +/- 30", Riverside 1650 +/- 30" 12:18:45 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:19:42 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 12:20:52 I have not seen anything other than 5 bursts this year 12:21:17 Thanks Graham 12:22:34 Graham quit (timeout) 12:24:35 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:27:16 not to say it hasn't done more, just when i have counted its always been 5 12:30:15 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:31:50 Graham quit (timeout) 12:36:12 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:41:56 I see that Churn is one of the geysers we can select on Jakes page 12:42:01 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:42:23 watch it go dormant now! 12:42:31 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 12:43:37 Daisy 1243 12:45:25 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:46:44 steve quit (timeout) 12:46:53 Graham quit (timeout) 12:48:02 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 12:59:28 It looks windy and wet out there 13:00:13 beautiful day in the basin 13:04:29 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 13:07:18 Plume 1306 13:07:39 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 13:08:41 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 13:08:50 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 13:09:49 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 13:11:17 Graham quit (timeout) 13:21:17 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 13:21:21 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 13:21:50 ynpvisitor3 changes nickname to Derek 13:22:52 Penta 1322ie 13:22:57 hi Derek 13:23:06 Hi Graham 13:23:28 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 13:23:32 did you get invited to the wedding? 13:23:36 Off to Cornwall again next Saturday 13:23:53 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 13:23:55 k, hope you have fun there 13:24:19 Thanks 13:27:46 Graham quit (timeout) 13:28:48 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 13:31:36 ynpvisitor100 changes nickname to vw - afk 13:31:51 ynpvisitor92 changes nickname to Jake 13:32:02 hi Jake 13:32:02 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 13:32:13 Hi Graham 13:32:23 I'm doing my best to make Churn go dormant! 13:32:27 i c u have changed things, thanks 13:32:33 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 13:33:28 I tried to make the entry form in IE look better -- I know a lot more now about html forms, cascading style sheets and why some people hate IE 13:33:39 it still looks better in Firefox 13:34:17 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 13:34:20 i noticed it looked nicer and there were more geysers to pick from 13:34:46 hi Jake, sent u an email a little while ago 13:39:41 Graham quit (timeout) 13:40:37 Kevin L quit (timeout) 13:40:50 steve quit (timeout) 13:42:03 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 13:42:33 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Michael 13:43:37 Michael quit (timeout) 13:43:45 OF 1343 13:44:21 My turn to jinx something...from a quick glance at the geysertimes database, I think Castle has been all majors for over a week. 13:45:07 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 13:45:08 Average interval over that span is about 13h 50m. 13:46:02 When visibility is low, Castle majors haven't always been called from the cam. 13:47:08 13:48:14 I was just going by times. It's been advancing a few hours each day. The last interval that doesn't fit the pattern is around 4/26-28. 13:48:53 Penta still going 13:51:58 OF prediction 15:16 13:52:29 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 13:52:50 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 13:54:01 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 13:54:19 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 13:59:08 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:01:04 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 14:01:19 Plume 1401 14:01:50 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:02:49 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 14:09:07 Graham quit (timeout) 14:14:46 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:17:58 Churn 14:17ie 14:19:24 That was fun. 14:23:16 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:27:07 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 14:30:26 Jake changes nickname to Jake - afk for 14:30:44 Jake - afk for changes nickname to J-afkMintJulep 14:32:42 Graham quit (timeout) 14:35:53 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 14:41:20 Derek quit (timeout) 14:47:06 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:47:32 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:48:49 kcmule joins Yellowstone 14:50:28 Churn 14:50ie 14:50:33 Churn 1450 14:51:17 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 14:51:32 surprised me. I though it missed its chance already. 14:51:34 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 14:53:06 Plume 1452 14:54:34 Graham quit (timeout) 14:56:40 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 14:57:32 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 14:57:34 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 15:00:23 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 15:01:36 Graham quit (timeout) 15:03:50 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 15:05:13 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 15:06:23 Churn 1506 15:07:35 Graham quit (timeout) 15:13:19 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 15:19:27 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 15:20:13 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 15:21:07 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 15:26:46 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 15:26:54 OF 1526 15:31:22 Daisy 1531ie 15:32:20 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 15:33:06 Next Old Faithful probably kicks off the unofficial Beehive-watching window. Unless my arithmetic is wrong. 15:33:24 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 15:33:29 Sawmill 1535ie 15:33:50 so much for Churn now 15:34:49 Yup. I wonder how Sawmill managed to get going now...I thought it preferred to butt in right when Penta was looking promising. 15:35:44 Churn 15:35! 15:36:40 guess I missed that Churn 15:42:03 Churn/Sawmill 15:35 15:42:21 vw - afk changes nickname to vw 15:42:29 Good afternoon/evening all. 15:42:29 Thanks kcmule. 15:42:38 Hi vw. 15:42:55 yw. hi vw 15:42:56 Its been a busy day here! 15:45:51 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 15:48:28 Plume 1548 15:49:43 Graham quit (timeout) 15:56:30 Michael changes nickname to Michael (away) 15:57:42 Graham quit (timeout) 15:59:05 headin out, cya later 15:59:15 bye kc! 15:59:29 happy Mother's Day to all the women in your life! 16:00:11 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:06:38 ynpvisitor805 joins Yellowstone 16:07:50 wind picking up and blowing camera around 16:13:38 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 16:20:44 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 16:29:34 .. 16:30:53 Graham quit (timeout) 16:35:16 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 16:38:36 Plume 1638 16:51:57 OF 1651 16:53:53 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 16:56:01 OF is a long. Next eruption should be ~1824 +/-10m 16:56:54 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 16:57:37 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 17:22:51 Michael (away) changes nickname to Michael 17:24:09 ynpvisitor805 quit (timeout) 17:24:24 Another Sawmill eruption. Looks like we'll have to wait and see if Tardy can regain control overnight. 17:24:52 Yes Michael. I have been checking it periodically, but Sawmill is clearly in control right now. 17:25:10 Very windy, so hard to hold the camera down that way. 17:26:16 Sawmill had turned off earlier, but I didn't notice the time. 17:26:55 I know it was off at 17:00. Beyond that I have no idea when it stopped or started. 17:27:33 That may have been about when I noticed it. 17:27:49 I just can't be certain 17:29:56 Plume 1729 17:32:11 Michael quit (timeout) 17:32:11 J-afkMintJulep quit (timeout) 17:38:37 starting to see a steadier stream of steam from BH. Coming up on 12 hours now. 17:38:58 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 17:41:06 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 17:41:23 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 17:42:15 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 17:44:20 We're also at 7 hours on Grand. 17:46:09 In the spirit of the day, shall we set odds on whether Grand or Beehive erupts first? 17:46:29 I think BH before Grand. 17:46:59 My line has Beehive as a 2:1 favorite... 17:47:02 Just may not be around to watch! :( 17:47:09 both after dark? 17:48:01 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 17:48:10 off for some food. 17:49:39 Is the bison going to download Depression eruption times? 17:55:52 i was wondering if he was going to walk straight into Depression 17:56:04 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 17:58:39 Shoot. I am having problems getting the video feed the last couple of minutes. 17:59:57 same here too, cam control has gone slow 18:03:22 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 18:04:06 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 18:04:24 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 18:04:30 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 18:04:54 Hey! Who turned out the lights? 18:05:28 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 18:05:40 It sure gets dark fast this time of year. 18:07:07 What are the odds that both Beehive and Grand will erupt during this eclipse? 18:08:17 And we're back? 18:09:45 I am back and you all should be too 18:10:17 sawmill is off now 18:10:35 CC fixed the streaming cam 18:10:39 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 18:11:04 Two thumbs up! 18:11:09 Thank you CC 18:11:13 Thanks CC! In time for Daisy, too. 18:11:14 is it time for beehive? 18:11:47 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 18:11:55 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 18:12:35 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 18:13:12 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 18:13:46 The last one was 12.5 hours ago. 18:13:57 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 18:14:53 It will probably be a no indicator. I am watching grown men crash expensive cars, so I will miss it. 18:15:06 Daisy 18:15ie 18:15:08 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 18:15:09 Graham quit (timeout) 18:15:27 ynpvisitor98 changes nickname to CC 18:15:46 Stream is now running from my house 18:15:59 seems to be okay 18:16:41 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 18:16:41 ]nice Daisy 18:16:58 Hi CC. Thanks for the camera-work. 18:17:09 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 18:17:30 welcome 18:19:27 Plume 1819ie 18:19:52 anything at BH while I am at the computer 18:20:34 BH has not erupted, been splashing 18:21:08 me back if you need me 18:21:22 k, thanks 18:22:06 CC quit (timeout) 18:30:22 BHI and Depression 1829ie 18:30:41 wake up 18:30:56 I'm awake. I think. 18:31:23 I am awake also!!! 18:31:44 Go baby go! 18:31:55 Ping ping ping. 18:31:58 where are all the other lurkers 18:32:37 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 18:32:39 Ping ping ping 18:32:45 ynpvisitor26 changes nickname to CC 18:32:51 Ping ping ping 18:32:57 matve another dual 18:33:34 maybe 18:34:17 where is vw? 18:34:21 who is making all this noise???? 18:34:37 Can tell from a room away what is going ont! 18:34:37 good 18:34:38 A day without TWO Beehives is a day without sunshine :(* 18:34:42 :) 18:34:44 vw - afk changes nickname to vw 18:34:58 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to Allan 18:35:03 Hi all! Nice to see you here at the end of the day CC! 18:35:05 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 18:35:11 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 18:35:14 thanks to Graaham 18:35:16 Thought I'd join the crowd 18:35:27 hi Allan 18:35:35 Hi CC 18:35:37 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to cb 18:35:40 Hi vw 18:35:45 hi cb] 18:35:46 Hi Graham 18:35:48 what is that i see??? 18:36:04 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 18:36:05 could my luck be any better!!! 18:36:06 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:36:06 Michael quit (timeout) 18:36:09 hello everyone 18:36:10 friends make this page Rock 18:36:19 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to Kent 18:36:26 hi Kent 18:37:05 Beehive? Beehive? Did someone say Beehive? 18:37:17 Hey CC 18:38:02 Kent you in the park over Memorial weekend 18:38:22 Nothing like Beehive to bring us all out of hiding :) 18:38:26 I have reservations but am undecided. 18:38:42 TY vw 18:38:44 well, maybe I'll see you then 18:38:54 Hopefully 18:39:02 any one else have BSOD?? 18:39:10 is taht person on bw really walking away??? everybody yell. 18:39:35 I've had to stop and restart a couple of times, cb. 18:39:36 hi cb! i have livescope up, not public stream. mine is fine. 18:39:46 cb...maybe you have reboot 18:39:55 Mine is public and working. 18:40:07 public is working for me 18:40:19 I have it running right now from my house 18:40:30 keep refreshing and it works for a minutes and then fails....arggggg 18:40:42 Mine did it now. 18:41:17 Probably about 800 people logging on. 18:41:25 I go to VC and then back to stream and it works 18:41:29 I see we have a problem it keeps freezing 18:41:54 I do what Kent does. That gets the stream back 18:42:05 Looks like semi static. 18:42:15 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 18:42:31 cb quit (timeout) 18:43:10 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 18:43:12 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 18:43:30 CC quit (timeout) 18:43:38 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 18:43:50 Kent quit (timeout) 18:43:51 livescope is frozen also....paashaw!! 18:43:58 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 18:44:00 here too cb 18:44:03 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 18:44:15 but getting stops and starts on public stream. 18:44:50 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 18:45:07 ynpvisitor49 changes nickname to Kent 18:45:12 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 18:45:57 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 18:46:00 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 18:46:40 OF 1846ie 18:47:08 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 18:47:12 Dual day!!! 18:47:15 BH 1846 18:47:26 very cool. 18:47:36 Still dead 18:48:01 i guess that was not a start for OF?? 18:48:01 Keep switching Kevin 18:48:09 Allan quit (timeout) 18:48:13 my nps feed is holding now. 18:48:28 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 18:48:38 J-afkMintJulep quit (timeout) 18:49:46 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 18:50:05 Graham quit (timeout) 18:50:27 Trying 3 didfferent sources. Nothing. 18:50:51 Sorry :( 18:50:56 hopefully kc's capture program is getting it. problems might be affecting him too though. 18:50:59 I am finally getting a feed through this page Kevin 18:51:04 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 18:51:07 I soooo sorry 18:51:18 Allan quit (timeout) 18:51:18 Allan quit (timeout) 18:51:41 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to Allan 18:52:04 I've tried various things and apparently missed both OF and BH 18:52:06 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 18:52:36 Oh goody. It just came back. 18:52:43 Looks like I get a replay of the same part of the streamover and over. Weird 18:52:51 and i lost it....weird 18:53:04 with BH erupting tho, so not all bad 18:53:33 I didn't get any of it 18:53:43 although over and over BH eruption could make some ppl yawn...getting sleepy...zzzzzzz 18:53:51 Neither did I Kevin 18:54:17 Now I'm seeing BH post eruption. 18:54:19 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 18:54:29 Bath and Bed is in order!! goodnight all! ty Graham 18:54:41 BH is still erupting on my stream 18:54:51 longest eruption ever 18:54:52 Good night cb. Pleasant dreams 18:54:54 Goodnight cb. 18:55:04 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 18:55:12 bye cb 18:55:42 Kent quit (timeout) 18:56:09 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 18:56:34 cb quit (timeout) 18:56:39 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 18:56:41 BH still going... 18:57:37 finally over! 18:59:57 Heinrich's page got it about 5 minutes after it happened. I got most of it. Really wierd. At least I got most of it. I take back half the bad things I was saying about it a few minutes ago. 19:04:31 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 19:04:43 Allan quit (timeout) 19:08:42 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 19:10:17 Graham quit (timeout) 19:11:41 Is that the right amount of steam for Turban or for Oblong? 19:12:15 looks like Plume was before 1911? 19:12:25 yes probably Micheal 19:12:57 J-afkMintJulep quit (timeout) 19:14:14 I'm going to head out for the evening. Take care! 19:14:51 Michael quit (timeout) 19:17:04 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 19:18:14 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 19:18:17 Graham quit (timeout) 19:18:22 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 19:18:55 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 19:19:05 vw quit (timeout) 19:26:17 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 19:30:56 Penta 1930ie 19:35:57 Penta is off now, short eruption? 19:53:44 Sawmill 1952ns 20:13:51 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 20:14:42 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to Janet 20:15:53 Janet quit (timeout) 20:17:30 OF 2017 20:21:32 i am done for the day too, see ya 20:22:45 Graham quit (timeout) 20:26:54 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 20:41:10 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 20:41:52 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 20:43:07 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 20:43:18 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 20:44:12 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 20:48:03 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 21:02:35 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 22:05:09 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 22:26:41 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone Found 1203 log entries for 2011-05-08 04:25:53 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 05:45:30 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 05:45:49 ynpvisitor35 changes nickname to CC 05:48:09 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 05:57:00 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 05:57:01 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 05:57:24 morning everyone 05:57:45 I see we have another mild night in the basin:( 05:58:02 OF 5:57 05:59:16 morning. 06:00:52 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 06:01:41 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 06:05:46 an awful lot of steam by Giantess 06:06:17 do I see water 06:08:08 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 06:08:17 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to vw 06:08:28 What did you make happen this morning CC? 06:08:34 Happy Mothers Day all! 06:08:42 checking seismo... brb 06:09:06 I was just going to ask for that link, can't find it. 06:09:14 nothing to be told from seismo. 06:09:27 06:09:44 Vault just turned on? 06:11:52 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 06:11:58 thanks, I will save the link correctly this time 06:12:43 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 06:13:29 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 06:13:40 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 06:18:47 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 06:19:37 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 06:20:34 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:21:45 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 06:22:44 checking seismo from yesterday, it appears there may have been some mild seismic activity starting around 2230 that we could associate with Giantess action 06:23:19 There was also a 3.3 quake in the Park just before that, but that size of a quake is not unusual for YNP or for that area. 06:23:36 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 06:24:07 So it appears possible that Giantess could have been erupting since late last night? Without eyes on the ground we just can't tell at this point. 06:28:40 I am sure looks like there is water at Giantess 06:28:58 if the wind would just change direction a little. 06:31:49 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 06:33:05 a little bit of sunlight on the subject will be nice too. 06:33:07 ynpvisitor75 changes nickname to Graham 06:33:20 happy mothers and Giantess day 06:33:25 Good morning Graham 06:33:35 we were waiting for you Graham 06:34:01 CC didn't want to wake you. I had no such qualms! :D 06:34:01 it does look an awful lot like an eruption 06:34:13 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 06:34:24 its erupting 06:34:34 YES 06:35:04 sending emails to the rangers 06:35:31 2330 MDT on 5/7 06:35:47 that is my read too G. 06:37:03 wait... wasn't it 2230? 06:37:09 Graham quit (timeout) 06:38:19 except... the time on the seismo is wrong. Check current time against current seismo. 06:38:50 that makes 2330 a more likely time 06:39:37 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to loisb 06:39:54 seismo is MST 06:40:29 BTY...we still must keep an eye on BH 06:40:41 that is why I keep going to wide view 06:40:44 yes, making the time when we saw the activity around 2230 as Graham noted. 06:41:07 BH more important than Giantess? 06:41:20 oops 2330. I am not going to get that right! 06:41:44 thanks for pushing out the listserve email so quickly Graham! 06:41:44 no but I still love it' 06:42:17 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 06:42:32 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 06:42:53 Giantess gets priority, ppl like MA can get there 06:42:57 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 06:43:10 and Kristine 06:43:31 did you see Vault earlier? 06:44:18 I think Kristine has training today. 06:44:48 Graham quit (timeout) 06:44:51 Around 0615 it looked like there was a pause on Giantess and surge from Vault 06:45:52 I sent an email to kc, along with a few others. Hopefull kc will get some captures. 06:46:06 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 06:46:26 I have it on capture 06:46:26 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 06:46:35 have had since OF went 06:46:39 great Lois! 06:46:43 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 06:46:59 with a boo boo now and then as I tried to notify folks 06:47:11 Great Lois\ 06:47:15 thanks 06:47:34 will upload probably a section at a time - raw - 06:48:41 I want to wake up everyone staying in the ugb 06:49:08 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 06:49:13 we have a hint that there is at least one gazer in the area, but I don't know who it might be. 06:50:25 does this mean Giant on Fathers Day? 06:50:31 Cault 0650 ie, VEC wc 06:50:46 that should be Vault... 06:52:15 Graham quit (timeout) 06:54:20 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 06:55:40 so that is Vault to the left of the tree on the VEC cam? I am not good figuring out what part of the Hill that is 06:56:00 yes, that is Vault 06:56:02 Hey Graham 06:56:21 Correct the date on the Geyser list serve 06:58:23 another pause from Giantess and increased action from Vault now? 07:02:58 if it started last night seems the date is correct 07:04:23 capture from about 6 - 620 07:04:27 Graham quit (timeout) 07:04:49 I am an idiot. all that above about Vault is totally wrong. Not enough caffeine. It was Dome ie at 0650. 07:05:09 get another cup - make it high octane 07:05:12 Sorry visitor 67. Led you astray. 07:05:16 I should go back to bed. 07:05:23 OK, I am not sure what that bump is, so I asked 07:05:28 and miss all the fun? 07:05:53 If that was Vault, Giantess would be to the left and would be visible I think? 07:06:40 last Giantess we could see stream from Giantess but only cause we knew where it should be 07:06:47 via the VC cam 07:06:51 When I go there this summer I will stand on the sidewalk and see what I can see from the vec 07:07:18 the VEC webcam pretty much only shows OF and Dome. 07:07:20 and label everything on your photo please 07:07:29 and the puny little thing 07:07:54 I will probably forget, whn I am there I'd probably just be on the Hill anyway and will forget 07:09:22 I made a mistake in the text of the post but will point that out tonight 07:09:36 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 07:09:50 loisb quit (timeout) 07:10:21 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 07:10:33 Vaukt comes up near the tree to the right of the Giantess steam 07:11:11 Just noticed that Graham, but the Memorial Day friends will love your prediction 07:13:17 yw 67..i just hope it erupts this year 07:14:31 Graham quit (timeout) 07:17:56 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 07:24:53 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:24:58 Technology is cool. A friend had posted on FB that they were doing a girls weekend at OF. I just caught her in FB chat and she is headed to the hill. 07:25:15 great 07:25:24 hope camera is in hand 07:29:35 keep watching for Vault but have not seen it yet 07:30:09 OF is in it's window so I have to keep the cam here 07:30:44 looks very grey in the basin 07:30:54 thats ok, can see it if it goes. probably has not had the initial yet or i missed an eruption 07:30:55 well tell OF to get a move on - we have things to see - g 07:31:35 this is one day you want the wind blowing to BH 07:31:46 yes 07:32:13 OF 7:31 07:36:05 wind shifted and it is better now to see Giantess 07:36:24 yes - not bad at all 07:38:56 hope the kid sleeps in this morning 07:40:42 Rangers have received my messages 07:41:05 just heard from Barbara 07:41:51 Folks remember I will still be looking for BH 07:42:06 too steamy from OF right now to see anything 07:42:33 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 07:43:51 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 07:44:41 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 07:47:41 we are around 13 hours now for BH 07:48:03 looks like steam - do you see water? 07:48:11 none 07:48:16 thx 07:48:33 I don't even see splashing 07:54:49 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 07:55:11 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 07:55:20 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 07:55:35 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to MJ 07:56:34 MJ quit (timeout) 07:57:15 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 07:57:32 ynpvisitor84 changes nickname to Kent 07:59:21 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 08:01:02 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 08:12:20 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 08:12:38 still no Vault report? 08:13:12 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 08:15:24 Just tuned in. Anything exciting happening this orning 08:15:31 morning 08:15:48 just Giantess 08:16:02 what time? 08:16:11 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 08:16:24 looks like it probably started last night 08:16:31 ty 08:16:41 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 08:16:52 big quake at 2107 MST 08:17:07 ynpvisitor49 changes nickname to Kevin L 08:20:28 nice wind this morning 08:20:38 morning kEVIN 08:20:43 hi 08:20:52 hi Kevin 08:21:07 quiet morning here, just waiting for Vault 08:21:14 Good morning. 08:22:18 and steam increase at BH 08:22:22 MJ quit (timeout) 08:23:16 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 08:23:49 ynpvisitor44 changes nickname to cb 08:24:06 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 08:24:26 Moring all 08:24:50 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to Derek 08:24:53 morning 08:24:55 hum....... 08:25:02 ho hum 08:25:35 hi cb 08:25:38 you can see the light steam coming from Vault area to the right of Giantess 08:25:56 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 08:26:09 nice water again 08:26:48 Well hello Giantess!! 08:27:04 I am exhausted and it is still early 08:27:21 been a busy morning for viewing 08:27:27 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 08:27:30 I here a beep from phone early in the am and rolled over and went back to sleep....BAD idea!! 08:27:42 MJ quit (timeout) 08:28:37 you have not missed Vault yet 08:29:11 will it really go Graham or just stream? 08:29:25 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 08:29:34 VC can see Giantess :) 08:29:34 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 08:29:55 yes 08:30:02 steam from it anyhow 08:30:08 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 08:30:20 exciting day in the basin for folks there 08:30:36 LoisB. have you heard from your friend again at OF 08:30:39 doesn't seem to be many out and about yet 08:30:55 sent a tweet to me about quake and nothing since 08:31:03 loisb quit (timeout) 08:32:28 Dome 0832ie 08:32:39 oh no, sorry cam moved 08:32:44 g 08:33:22 Graham quit (timeout) 08:33:28 Hi All 08:33:38 Morning Derek 08:33:57 Good Morning Derek 08:34:10 ynpvisitor92 changes nickname to Rich 08:34:14 hi D 08:34:50 Loisb, I guess our discussion about Giantess yesterday came about. g 08:34:55 Looks like my favourite Geyser again :-) 08:35:12 very exciting morning 08:35:16 Is Vault out of the frame now? 08:35:24 I think so 08:35:32 I will move it 08:35:34 its right of Giantess isn't it? 08:35:36 Do we know if BH did a short overnight? could have with Giantess 08:35:52 ty CC 08:35:58 has done that several times as I recall 08:36:17 this should be better 08:36:22 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 08:36:42 Morning 08:36:46 Rich 08:37:12 Morning 08:40:29 more good water 08:45:45 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 08:45:54 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 08:46:19 Dome 08:46:53 thanks Rich 08:48:14 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 08:48:18 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 08:49:11 finally people on the boardwalk 08:49:20 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 08:49:22 woke up 08:49:23 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:49:23 Dome is off now 08:51:12 am I stuck or are we really pointing at sky? 08:51:19 cb quit (timeout) 08:51:35 Happy Mothers 08:51:37 showing UGB 08:51:42 Day to all!! 08:51:56 that was suppose to be all on one line..... 08:52:02 we could sing even 08:52:10 lol 08:52:15 do over: Happy Mothers Day to all!!! 08:52:24 g 08:52:31 Thank you, cb. 08:52:40 g 08:52:44 Thank-you cb. 08:52:50 well the cat does love you best Rich 08:53:12 g 08:53:48 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:53:59 Thanks for the vid loisb 08:54:35 I don't think I am going to upload any more for awhile - will wait for a closer view 08:55:02 sounds like a plan 08:55:14 Morning Kent 08:55:19 Morning Mj 08:55:23 Morning Kevin L 08:55:38 movrning vw 08:55:41 Morning Rich. 08:55:43 morning Derek 08:55:49 loisb quit (timeout) 08:55:52 Hi Rich 08:55:59 Hey Rich 08:56:00 MorninigGraham 08:56:03 Morning CC 08:56:19 hi Rich 08:56:21 Hi visitors 15, 97 08:56:32 hello all 08:57:39 OF prediction 09:04 08:58:10 cb quit (timeout) 08:59:52 loisb quit (timeout) 09:00:12 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 09:00:20 MJ quit (timeout) 09:00:49 Hi visitor16 09:01:04 Vault appears to be erupting now. Just right of Giantess. 09:01:36 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 09:01:59 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:02:00 Steam is blowing the wrong direction for me to see. g 09:02:17 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 09:03:28 It looks a lot like Dome, really. 09:04:12 I have steam from 09:04:16 Dome now 09:05:10 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:05:22 short interval on Dome 10-12m 09:06:14 sorry, I can't add this morning. 09:06:27 Dome interval 20 m 09:06:48 OF 9:06 09:07:05 OF 0906 ie 09:08:14 really nice view on the VC cam 09:08:32 Dome off 09:09:04 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:09:47 vw quit (timeout) 09:10:54 Lion 9:10 IE 09:11:06 Graham quit (timeout) 09:11:49 Not sure about Lion 09:12:02 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:12:35 scratch Lion 09:12:44 bbl Y'all have a good day. 09:13:10 bye MJ 09:13:28 MJ quit (timeout) 09:13:37 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 09:18:05 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 09:19:44 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:22:33 Mark is out on geyser predict now so we will get times later today 09:22:35 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:23:00 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 09:24:13 Dome 09:25:20 0924ie 09:25:34 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 09:26:58 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:27:22 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 09:27:33 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 09:28:32 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 09:30:56 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 09:31:13 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 09:32:43 Rangers have actually been up to see Giantess 09:32:50 :) 09:34:03 vw quit (timeout) 09:34:10 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 09:35:02 e?Plume 0924 ie? 09:35:11 Plume 9:35 IE 09:36:54 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 09:37:32 ynpvisitor12 changes nickname to Allan 09:37:45 hi Allan 09:38:03 I see there was lots of excitement earlier! 09:38:08 Hi CC 09:38:11 Hi vw 09:38:21 Hi Rich 09:38:30 Hi Kent 09:38:31 no question about it..very exciting morning 09:38:44 Hi Allan 09:39:15 I was thinking last week that it was time for Giantess's spring eruption. 09:39:46 Also, doesn't it seem to like the early morning hours? 09:42:51 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 09:42:56 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 09:45:15 Dome 0944ie 09:48:46 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 09:49:45 loisb quit (timeout) 09:52:00 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 09:54:43 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 09:54:58 Hmmm,,, so , no BH yet this morning? 09:55:23 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to steve 09:55:54 Not reported anyway. 09:56:47 thanks 09:57:22 Morning steve 10:00:45 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:03:26 Allan quit (timeout) 10:04:22 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 10:04:37 Moring, I'm in and out, making Mother's day french toast with strawberries and Rasberries 10:05:14 are we looking at Riverside or ? 10:05:36 loisb quit (timeout) 10:05:57 CC quit (timeout) 10:06:00 I was thinking i was about time, but haven't checked the data. 10:06:07 Splendid would be nice now 10:06:30 Dome 1005ie 10:07:44 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:07:50 Kent quit (timeout) 10:14:01 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:14:22 Derek quit (timeout) 10:17:58 have a report from Giantess - just a great as I think it is - 10:18:25 wish we could see it 10:19:04 loisb quit (timeout) 10:20:15 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:20:31 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 10:20:37 report from basin Vault is playing now. 10:21:19 loisb quit (timeout) 10:22:43 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 10:24:38 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 10:26:16 Plate should be going on and off also, but with this wind iit'll be behind OF's stesm 10:26:17 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:27:22 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 10:27:44 Dome 1026ie 10:30:55 /// 10:31:31 Rich quit (timeout) 10:32:00 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:32:40 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 10:35:33 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 10:36:06 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 10:36:39 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 10:37:07 . 10:37:13 OF 1035ns wc 10:37:16 OF 1036 ie 10:37:28 Thanks Rich. Just came back to monitor and saw OF 10:37:33 Back in a few minutes. 10:39:21 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:39:27 OF long 10:42:27 Sooo. What have I missed? 10:43:04 Apparently just watching BH hole. 10:43:07 See there are a few people sitting up at Giantess. 10:43:30 BH may have gone early as a side effect of Giantess? 10:43:46 Doesn't seem like there is much in the log about BH steam or splashing. 10:43:50 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 10:44:14 Just a couple of references. 10:44:32 We have had several good periods of steam out of BH's cone 10:44:48 Appears to be steam coming from Giantess platform now. 10:44:54 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:45:05 Thank you 21. Will check BH every once in a while. 10:45:32 nice steam from Vault now 10:46:11 Looks rainy and wet in the basin 10:46:47 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 10:46:49 Water from Giantess 10:48:10 Very hard to see with the steam/fog conditions this morning 10:48:18 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:48:32 Lucky people on te BW 10:48:45 Dome 1047ie 10:48:46 Yes! 10:49:18 Quick peek at the rest of the basin. 10:49:36 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 10:49:41 Bison in the meadow. 10:50:05 Rich quit (timeout) 10:50:28 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:50:46 Water at Dome. 10:51:02 Headed <- or -> 10:51:27 bison not headed anywhere. Just eating 10:52:13 ty 10:52:53 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 10:53:24 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:54:22 Hey, RHBM here-- do you all know if there was an earthquake at 10:30 PM last night? Web-corders show one at 21:30 or so.... 10:54:36 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to RHBM 10:54:51 There was a 3.3 north east of West last night 10:55:09 Hi RHBM, welcome 'Home". 10:55:42 minor shaking on the OF seismo at about 10:30 (time on graph, not real time as has been pointed out to me here!) may have been start of Giantess 10:55:50 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 10:56:30 Graph is still MST rather than MDT. HAve to take that into consideration wwhen reading time 10:56:57 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 10:57:27 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 10:57:38 There have only been a few mentions of action from Vault this morning. Do we have any reports of sustained Vault eruption yet? 10:57:50 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 10:57:55 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 10:58:46 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 10:59:23 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:59:39 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 10:59:54 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:00:40 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 11:01:01 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 11:01:05 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 11:02:12 Nice splashing from Giantess now 11:03:22 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:03:33 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 11:06:54 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 11:07:53 nothing else to see in the basin besides Giantess 11:09:13 was on the hill for the 0900 vault. hit 15 but almost no discharge. def not initial 11:09:22 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 11:09:41 thank you 50. We have wondered about Vault 11:10:11 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 11:10:23 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to Janet 11:10:27 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 11:10:47 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:10:52 are you on hill now 50? 11:11:22 Janet quit (timeout) 11:11:51 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 11:12:14 vw quit (timeout) 11:12:22 Dome 1110ie 11:12:41 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 11:13:28 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 11:13:50 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:13:53 steve quit (timeout) 11:13:54 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:15:12 . 11:15:24 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 11:15:34 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 11:15:50 I am having trouble with posts not making it to the chat page. 11:17:15 Check the log to see if msg make it there, might just be a refresh problem. 11:18:52 Change in wind direction is going to affect view of Giantess 11:20:09 steve quit (timeout) 11:20:11 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:20:19 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:20:54 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 11:21:50 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 11:22:23 RHBM quit (timeout) 11:23:49 Janet quit (timeout) 11:23:49 Janet quit (timeout) 11:25:36 Plume 1125 11:27:27 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:28:35 I'm begining to worry about BH. But the Giantess effect varies from eruption to eruption. 11:29:11 I have only seen occasional steam from it while I have been watching 11:29:54 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 11:30:04 ynpvisitor15 changes nickname to Glennon 11:30:25 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:30:57 Very nice eruption now at Giantess 11:32:08 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:32:46 steve quit (timeout) 11:35:26 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 11:36:31 Dome 1135ie 11:38:43 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:42:53 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 11:48:41 Hi Glennon 11:49:28 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 11:50:48 Hi Rich! 11:52:03 Depression 1151 ie 11:52:33 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 11:52:34 Need to remember to watch for North Goggles too. 11:53:06 Did Lion series end? 11:53:27 Nothing in the logs abotu Lion since earlier this morning. 11:53:39 I haven't seen anything there 11:54:03 last was 9:10 i think 11:54:30 and CC wasn't sure about that Lion either according to the log 11:56:12 yeah, right... will delete it from my log. 11:56:20 thanks 11:56:25 Hi Glennon! 11:56:57 hi vw 11:57:34 I keep hoping we will get more news from the basin. Tidbits today so far. 11:57:59 Watching Giantess, we are probably missing things down basin. 11:58:14 Just don't get to see Giantess very often! 11:58:23 for sure ;) 12:00:05 no visitor reports from my app today either. 12:00:27 Dome 1158ie 12:02:48 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 12:04:02 steve quit (timeout) 12:05:05 Rich quit (timeout) 12:05:37 H2O at Giantess 12:09:43 Vault on at 1209ie 12:12:58 Vault off at 1212 12:16:20 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 12:16:38 Wonder why all those people on the bw waiting for OF aren't on the hill watching Giantess 12:17:01 Cause they don't know about Giantess. 12:17:11 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 12:17:50 sound of steam phase alone should be a clue 12:17:52 Need a GG there hyping Giantess. 12:20:00 Rain could be making a few of them consider staying close to lodging too. 12:20:12 steve quit (timeout) 12:20:47 Lack of knowledge is the biggest reason, I'll lay bets. 12:21:27 OF 1221 12:23:06 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 12:24:35 Short? 12:25:09 Dome 1224ie 12:25:21 Grand 1224 ie 12:25:35 sorry, i stepped away so I don't know how long OF lasted 12:27:22 We will need to rely on the VEC prediction 12:28:34 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 12:28:42 If we get one. 12:29:05 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 12:29:08 Today okay if not. Spending most of our time watching in that direction anyway. 12:29:49 OF prediction 13:46 VEC 12:29:57 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 12:30:20 Interesting interval 65 min. 12:32:54 Weather conditions in the Basin are perfect for creating huge steam plumes. Temp and dewpoint about even. 12:35:54 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 12:36:18 Did Giantess stop while I was taking care of kid? 12:36:41 was still going before we started watching Grand. 12:36:45 Going back in a second. 12:37:07 k 12:37:24 Rich quit (timeout) 12:37:36 still erupting 12:37:49 happy mother's day, vw. 12:37:56 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to sparekitty 12:38:11 tw sparekitty! Same to you. 12:38:14 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 12:38:32 ynpvisitor94 changes nickname to BB 12:38:34 thx. 12:38:45 so cool to see giantess erupting! 12:39:05 yes, its been a fun day. 12:39:19 some reports from the basin, but sure wish we had more gazers there. 12:39:52 hi sparekitty 12:39:58 benches look vacant now. Had people watching earlier. 12:40:21 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 12:40:58 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 12:41:02 yep. my database looks pretty much the same as Jake's today. mine sometimes has more vr 12:41:09 BB quit (timeout) 12:41:25 I am very curious as to what is going on at BH! 12:41:46 Hi BB 12:42:17 hi Rich 12:42:19 and all 12:42:26 Hi BB. 12:47:05 Dome 1245ie 12:48:55 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 12:56:19 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 12:57:02 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 13:00:17 Rich quit (timeout) 13:03:19 More water from Giantess. 13:08:29 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 13:08:53 Glennon quit (timeout) 13:12:34 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 13:19:59 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 13:27:22 Castle 1327 ie 13:27:25 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 13:27:27 H2O 13:29:41 OF 1329 ie 13:34:19 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 13:35:37 Daisy 1335 ie 13:35:37 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 13:35:47 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 13:35:56 for not really looking we are getting fairly lucky with eruptions this afternoon. 13:36:21 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 13:36:43 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 13:36:53 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 13:37:23 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to Graham 13:37:34 hello. anything interesting happened today? 13:37:39 ynpvisitor25 changes nickname to Kent 13:37:48 Hi Graham. 13:37:50 yup 13:37:51 Hi Kent 13:38:04 Hey vw 13:38:22 We have had Grand, Caste, Daisy. No BH. Oh yeah, and Giantess. 13:38:34 Churn and Penta? 13:38:51 Have had some very nice water spikes at Giantess all afternoon. 13:39:17 No Churn or Penta when we have looked over that way. 13:40:21 Weather has remained rainy and very steamy 13:40:44 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to ge 13:41:15 Had a nice Depression too. Forgot that one. 13:41:28 well i guess Giantess and Vault are stealing the spotlight today 13:41:47 you might say that... and it would be the truth 13:45:11 Kent quit (timeout) 13:47:41 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 13:48:02 Castle looks like it is in a steam phase now. 13:48:32 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 13:48:54 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 13:50:11 Well, has BH been out today? 13:50:36 not that we have seen steve 13:50:37 It's so gray out there, the only color is the umbrela 13:50:54 Bison and Giantess 13:51:20 Better than bear I suppose. THAT would clear off the hill. 13:51:37 nothing at BH; either went early or going long 13:51:50 Thank you Glennon! 13:51:59 I take it you have heard from someone in the basin? 13:52:06 There are babies amongst tese bison. 13:52:15 ge quit (timeout) 13:52:32 tHese bison 13:52:51 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:53:46 VERY nice water at Giantess now 13:54:34 haven't heard from the basin... just reviewing my notes of the times we know it didn't go.... 13:55:02 my notes: 13:56:10 steve quit (timeout) 13:56:59 lrk joins Yellowstone 13:57:06 lrk quit (timeout) 13:58:09 Steam from Vault 14:01:19 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 14:02:29 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:02:32 Graham quit (timeout) 14:04:32 Is a peek at Dome possible???? 14:05:17 You can also see Dome on the VEC static cam 14:05:43 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 14:05:49 It has been steaming regulatily today everytime we have looked. 14:06:09 THANKS!! Yes, I know, but I just wanted to see it live briefly. 14:06:26 was somewhat more active just a few minutes ago. 14:06:58 Vault is off 14:07:35 Yes, that is what spurred the question. Always interested in the rest of the hill when Giantess is active. Especially near the end. Thanks again. 14:07:52 No problem! 14:11:17 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:12:14 Glennon quit (timeout) 14:20:05 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 14:20:46 BB quit (timeout) 14:21:39 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 14:23:13 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 14:27:48 Graham quit (timeout) 14:32:30 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 14:35:36 Dome's location on the VC cam is just to the left of the big pine tree left of Old Faithful. 14:35:55 yes. 14:36:21 often the steam from Dome will be lost behind the trees 14:36:46 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 14:38:29 Depression 1438 ie 14:39:01 If the wind is blowing up basin. 14:40:27 ge quit (timeout) 14:41:39 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to Kevin L 14:41:48 Depression Major for sure. 14:42:21 Hey Kevin! 14:42:38 No men crashing expensive cars today! 14:43:01 how can depression be a major? 14:43:40 They sure did it last night. 14:43:53 Huge eruption. 14:44:13 Yes, last night's race was an odd one! Rare to see blue foam. 14:44:48 Folks, wind has changed making it somewhat more difficult to see Giantess at times. 14:44:52 They almost had to measure it in rounds instead of laps. 14:45:25 blogs were busy talking about a morning finish. Funny! 14:48:06 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 14:48:10 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 14:48:50 brb. need caffeine 14:50:55 Seems there are a few more people out in the basin. Maybe the weather is clearing a bit? 14:52:16 Aurum 1450 ie 14:53:46 sparekitty quit (timeout) 14:53:54 GReat Aurum shot! 14:54:05 that was a cool one! Thx K! 14:54:11 ya that was pretty cool 14:54:27 Looked sorta like grand/vent 14:54:29 kind of surprised we haven't seen one all day. Been kind of watching that area of the Hill. :D 14:54:50 Dome 1453ie 14:55:02 Even was good with all the Giantess steam. 14:55:20 Good Dome too 68! 14:55:21 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to cb 14:55:45 Wind was perfect to split Giantess steam from Aurum. Luck of the geyser gods. 14:55:48 Hi cb! 14:56:38 hi cb 14:56:46 Hi lrk 14:56:47 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 14:56:54 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 14:57:37 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 14:57:37 Hi all 14:57:50 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 14:57:52 HI 14:58:10 vw chat page says your are unknown?! ? :) 14:58:25 I am??? :( 14:58:36 same with you hon! 14:58:50 guess we can't pm! 14:58:56 ya...weird...anyway am here to take shift 14:59:10 I take it you will be driving the cam this afternoon? 14:59:28 yep! back on schedule 14:59:46 I don't really have any predictions because I hadn't expected to watch much other than Giantess! 14:59:49 ynpvisitor101 joins Yellowstone 15:00:08 Despite that, we have been very lucky and caught most of the bigger geysers erupting, except BH of course. 15:00:15 have read the log! still won't let me pm.... 15:00:15 OF due in 3 minutes. 15:00:31 Let me update somethings and I will post some times and predictions here. 15:00:39 brb. 15:00:41 \yep got that! 15:00:45 i got em 15:00:52 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 15:01:26 k. then I will just update the site. Glennon was in earlier and had been updating his site. 15:06:21 updated 15:06:31 So glad to have you back cb! Missed you. 15:06:38 .ty vw! 15:06:46 :) 15:06:51 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 15:06:55 busy week, but profitable!!!! 15:07:11 ynpvisitor101 quit (timeout) 15:07:34 Nice burst at Giantess! 15:07:40 ty for covering my shifts!! 15:07:40 did BH evr erupt today? 15:07:56 Not that we saw or was reported to us. 15:08:00 not that i read 15:08:05 thank you 15:08:11 We watched it closely, but not much other than steam. 15:08:43 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 15:08:56 probably won't go off today if it follows the pattern of the last 3 Giantess eruptions' 15:09:21 read there was some discussion about did it erupt or not?? 15:09:21 Is Giantess steaming now? 15:10:02 Out come was no. 15:10:04 I didn't see Lion this afternoon cb. I don' know about this morning. 15:10:04 OF 1509 15:10:23 ok ty!! 15:10:46 Happy Mothers Day vw! and all!! 15:11:23 CC thought she saw Lion this am, but it was right after OF and hard to see through the OF steam. Could even have been BH then, but without a clear view. 15:11:25 so sorry...llingered to long on the key!! 15:11:40 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 15:11:40 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 15:11:56 Same to you cb! and all of the other Mom's/Aunt's/Godmothers/friends out there! 15:12:12 I am going to sit back and enjoy the show now. Enjoy everybody! 15:12:16 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 15:12:27 bye vw 15:12:29 vw changes nickname to vw - sittin' ba 15:12:45 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 15:12:56 tried "sittin' back" but it didn't fit. 15:13:01 afk for now... 15:14:35 OF long 15:14:46 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 15:16:31 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 15:16:55 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 15:17:37 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 15:17:58 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:18:22 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 15:24:53 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 15:25:07 Dome 1522ie 15:25:29 Dome seems to be having shorter duration. 15:26:06 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 15:33:55 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 15:35:43 cb - intervals on Dome today have ranged between 20 -25 minutes. 15:36:49 ty rich! 15:37:09 yw 15:37:27 or 68 i should say!! opps 15:37:36 np 15:37:51 I'm just to lazy to change my name. g 15:38:01 I know that one!! 15:38:34 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to steve 15:39:09 I've just been in and out today, but it seems Vaul looks like it was quite active with this Giantess 15:39:10 Pllume 1539ie 15:39:11 There are still about 8 people at OF in front of the VEC. 15:39:26 Wonder what they are waiting for. 15:39:44 caught the end of the Plume 15:42:57 vw quit (timeout) 15:42:57 steve quit (timeout) 15:43:06 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 15:46:05 . 15:46:32 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 15:46:56 lrk quit (timeout) 15:47:07 >< 15:48:24 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 15:49:58 Ranger on VEC cam, 15:50:14 Might just be a hat. g 15:50:17 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 15:51:14 Dome has some steam, can't tell if it erupting with the low light. 15:53:53 another person off the bw behind and to the left of Dome...back on the bw now 15:54:39 A visit to the 'woods'? 15:55:07 Dome 1549 ie?? 15:55:09 I didn't catch this one w his pants down!! 15:55:20 hard to tell...very steamy at least 15:55:21 g 15:57:47 Graham quit (timeout) 15:57:50 Allan joins Yellowstone 16:01:36 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 16:02:54 sparekitty quit (timeout) 16:04:43 I just scanned the log and saw no sign that BH had erupted. Is that correct, or did I miss it? 16:04:59 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 16:06:13 You are correct, Allan 16:06:15 has not been reported here today 16:06:17 No report yet today. 16:06:36 ty 16:07:05 Hi cb 16:07:07 yw 16:07:21 Hi Graham and steve 16:07:54 I wonder, when you are up by Giantess you can sometimes see folks who look like they are off the BW, but they are on the overook trail. Can you see them like that with the WC? 16:08:12 Hi Allan 16:08:39 Steam, BHI? 16:09:05 Sorry, I am likely just dreaming 16:09:35 nope 16:09:44 steve quit (timeout) 16:09:54 g 16:11:50 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 16:11:59 No use treating hallucinations when they are happy ones 16:12:05 We can see people up on the overlook trail...the person I saw was no where near the trail 16:12:23 Thanks. 16:13:23 Daisy 1613ie 16:16:40 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:18:08 Some steam at Dome 16:16ie?? 16:18:26 was just cking rich 16:19:13 Duration is really short. 16:21:36 Looks like Vault 1621ie 16:28:11 Anyone able to read the signs in front of the VEC cam on the sidewalk? 16:29:06 Happy Mothers Day! 16:29:20 Cool! 16:31:33 ty cb 16:31:46 My eyes are about worn out for the day. 16:32:36 w, I just had to put drops in mine....allergies are killing me this yr 16:34:17 All of Lois' fruit trees are blooming now, Rhodies are about to bloom. 16:34:33 do we "know" anyone who is there today? 16:35:12 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 16:35:12 I do npot 16:35:45 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 16:35:47 I know a couple of employees are in the park. RHBM should be around Madison. 16:37:04 I don't know where the other one is working. 16:37:31 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 16:38:52 Well I hope someone who appreciates it gets to see it!!!! 16:38:53 cb quit (timeout) 16:39:34 MEwas in the upper basin earlier, saw one Vault, I think she is now at Fountain 16:40:17 where else would she be, lol 16:40:58 :) 16:41:02 g 16:41:28 True, so true. Bye, off to work 16:41:42 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 16:41:52 bye steve 16:42:02 bye Steve 16:42:20 steve quit (timeout) 16:42:23 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 16:44:49 OF 1644 16:46:54 The wind must be still tonight 16:47:10 Dome 1645ie 16:47:39 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 16:50:34 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 16:52:49 cb quit (timeout) 16:54:13 . 16:54:52 seems to be actiing up for me don't see my Plume post so am repeating it! Plume 1642 16:57:22 Graham quit (timeout) 16:58:32 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 16:59:53 cb quit (timeout) 17:06:06 Just curious: Does anyone know if Lion is effected by Giantess? 17:08:54 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 17:10:04 ynpvisitor68 changes nickname to Rich 17:10:17 I don't, Allan. 17:10:28 lrk quit (timeout) 17:10:44 I 'feel' that OF has a 'tell' before Giantess. 17:10:52 Bill just made BBQ chicken w Sweet bb rays sauce...yummmmy!! 17:11:03 ty, Rich. Guess I should check Scott's book. 17:12:44 lil cub 1712ie 17:13:22 The chicken sounds good, cb. Now keep your mind on the geysers :) 17:13:37 g 17:14:12 Dome 1712ie? 17:14:17 yum....em...oookkkkkk with mouth full and fingers all bbqie 17:14:55 That a definite Dome 1712 ie 17:15:01 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 17:15:03 Mind you, keep that stuff off the keyboard :) 17:15:26 now i just need a steamy hot chocolate chip cookie!!! finger linkin good!! 17:16:08 Sorry, I didn't bake any today. 17:21:21 T.Scott V4 pg 52 Giantess 17:21:55 basin bison 17:21:55 No mention of Lion. 17:22:32 I see one mamma a bab 17:22:55 "A gesyer as grreat as Giantess would be expected to have an efect on other springs in the area, and indeed it does. 17:23:33 Okay, Rich. ty. It would be easy enough to check. Just look at Ralph's data on Lion before and after Giantess. 17:23:51 Maybe I'll do that this summer. 17:24:09 Dome Geyser, Vault spring, Infant Geyser, Teakettle Spring, Plate Gesyser, Doublet Poo, Ear Sspring, Pot O Gold, Beehive Geyser, Plume Geyser, Spume Geyser and Ssurge Gyeser 17:24:30 Are all directly connected with Giantess. ----" 17:25:10 Nothing is mentioned under Lion. 17:26:04 Sorry for any typos 17:26:18 Depression 1726ie 17:26:53 np, Rich. 17:27:13 just under 3 hours for depression 17:29:39 didn't these longer/multiple Lion series begin after a Giantess a while back? 17:30:07 Now I want to go look at the data... :) 17:30:57 I seem to remember it was around the July 2010 Giantess time. 17:31:01 I think I recall mention of a lengthening of Lion's intervals after a Giantess 17:31:12 That was July 2/3, 2010 17:31:46 Hmmm, I was thinking after a spring eruption. But my memory ain't what it used to be. 17:32:00 Yes, I didn't know how to describe it. Lengthening with more eruptions within a series. 17:32:49 Well there was a May Giantess last year also, I believe. 17:33:00 yes I think you are correct Allan 17:33:10 I recall that also! 17:33:50 Was last year when BH went strange? 17:34:02 That cinches it cb! I'm never wrong :D 17:34:02 here is 2010 Lion 17:34:05 17:34:24 I believe it was Rich 17:34:37 me either! :) 17:35:19 I am usually wrong, so that should average things out 17:35:36 to funny! 17:36:02 so would correct and perfect be equally the same?? 17:36:08 Good one lrk :) 17:36:23 Wasn't there a Dec 2009 Giantes that Ryan called? 17:36:36 Oh, I don't know cb. 17:37:01 whoa look at 2009 - the long series starts in Oct 17:37:09 17:37:31 Time flies when you are 'getting' old. g 17:37:36 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 17:37:52 reminds me of a certain gazer couple whose votes just cancel each other out. Same thing with being right all the time. 17:37:55 Doesn't it though! :) 17:38:22 LOL 17:38:44 I should have remembered that cb, that was the Oct we were there. 17:39:50 I think that Oct froze my memory!! 17:40:02 lol 17:40:16 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 17:40:16 I know it froze several 'other' of my parts. g 17:40:21 or it was the night in the Inn w no heat that froze it! 17:40:45 That last day breakfast was very 'refreshing'. g 17:42:50 Dome 17:41ie 17:43:48 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 17:44:58 so now where do I track down Giantess dates. 17:46:26 Lynn Stephens?? 17:47:04 Or mine them from the chat room logs. 17:47:15 There are some Giantess articles in the Transactions and maybe the Sput 17:47:22 GeyserList Serv? 17:47:25 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to Jake 17:47:26 17:47:27 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 17:47:31 Those would probably be older. 17:48:04 open them up, Ctrl+F to find 'Giantess' 17:48:08 Should be able to search Geyserlist msgs 17:48:22 I was referring to the articles, not the VC logs 17:48:31 *) thanks Jake 17:48:52 After Lynn the of vc logs weren't kept up. 17:48:53 I think that every Giantess eruption would be in those 17:49:27 Also Browser Menu - File and then Find 17:49:42 bbl, have to walk the dog 17:49:45 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 17:50:18 once I get older eruption times entered into, this sort of question will be a lot quicker to answer 17:50:35 When did you say that they were 'installing' flood light in the UGB?? g 17:50:45 Allan quit (timeout) 17:50:49 all I get in '09 is a February eruption. 17:51:17 Plume 1751ie 17:51:24 hmmm, and you're all pretty sure there was a Dec 09 Giantess? 17:51:30 That is probably the last Giantess Lynn entered. 17:52:04 I just wouldn't be sure about 'off-season' eruptions that may have been missed 17:52:57 The log for this chatroom would be the next place. 17:54:07 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 17:54:48 17:55:44 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 17:55:50 There ares some eruption logs there also. I don't remember how complete they are after about August 2010 17:57:27 a quick email search of the ListServ shows Jul 09, Oct 09 and Dec 09 Giantess reports 17:58:25 I think most eruptions of Giantess get sent to the listserv with Giantess in the subject line 17:59:25 the long Lions started Oct 15 of 09 per my quick viewing 17:59:45 and Feb 09 Giantess too 17:59:50 you must not delete the mails from the list, that's not a bad idea to keep a record 18:00:43 My understanding is that a hard copy is made and included in the History of the Park. 18:00:44 BHI 1800ie 18:00:49 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 18:00:58 Feb 17, Jul 6, Oct 13, Dec 24 for 2009 Giantess 18:01:02 . 18:01:07 . 18:01:07 . 18:01:08 . 18:01:08 . 18:01:08 . 18:01:09 . 18:01:09 . 18:01:31 . 18:01:32 that must be a Long Rich Series 18:01:32 . 18:01:33 Wake up 18:01:33 18:01:35 . 18:01:36 . 18:01:37 . 18:01:38 . 18:01:45 lol, got it now! 18:01:51 all the listserv emails are archived too and you can access them on the web 18:02:13 Gee, what is all this pinging about? 18:02:35 BHI 18:02:37 Hi Kevin 18:02:55 Hi. TY all. 18:03:10 BH 1802 18:03:14 if you remember your password!, you can get in 18:04:52 really tall!! 18:05:45 yes, it would be interesting to get a rough measurement vs old captures 18:06:37 seems like it usually gets to the treeline and a little above, but that seemed to go way up there 18:06:54 'sure did! 18:07:40 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 18:09:21 are post-Giantess BH's known to be especially powerful? 18:09:35 OF 1809 18:10:05 quite a show they're all getting out there on the boardwalk! 18:10:17 vw - afk quit (timeout) 18:10:49 Giantess Jan 30 2010 18:10:58 A postcard 18:11:50 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 18:12:04 Jake quit (timeout) 18:12:55 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 18:13:49 Dome 1812 ie 18:19:25 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 18:20:06 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to Michael 18:21:05 I'm only dropping in for a minute...wanted to see if the recent Giantess (and Lion, etc.) history had been sorted out. 18:22:38 not really, what do you remember 18:23:31 What are the main questions? 18:23:53 lrk quit (timeout) 18:24:05 was it a Giantess that triggered the Lion series lengthening into so many eruptions 18:24:35 They did both happen at about the same time, in October 2008. 18:24:55 Great, I will go look at 2008 18:25:20 Soory, October 2009. My mistake. 18:25:50 That was also about the same time that Depression shortened its intervals. 18:26:25 lol, just looked and saw mostly 4 per series. 09 it is! I saw that previously, about Oct 15 18:26:55 How soon we forget.... now it is coming back to me. THANKS 18:27:02 For the record, I don't believe most of the Giantess-connection theories out there. After all none of the Giantess eruptions since have done anything noticeable. 18:27:15 But the coincidence is too striking to ignore completely. 18:27:39 It's at least a fun thing to watch. We like change, it keeps us on our toes 18:27:45 (or on our bikes...) 18:27:58 sparekitty quit (timeout) 18:28:12 And since none of know what's really going on underground, it is a lot of fun to speculate. 18:28:26 all part of the fun, you are so right. 18:30:15 And about powerful Beehives, I doubt Giantess makes any difference. (short intervals, yes.) Here's a stock photo of a tall Beehive. 18:30:37 Oct 13 Giantess, Oct 15 long Lions. There, my curiosity and aging brain is satisfied now, that I "thought" I remembered that. 18:31:52 cb quit (timeout) 18:32:18 good timing Michael I was just leaving when you popped in 18:33:03 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 18:33:09 When you get a chance, the October 2009 Depression data is quite interesting too. 18:34:03 missed ynp31 with that. That'll be my cue to leave too. 18:34:39 Michael quit (timeout) 18:34:42 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 18:35:21 Rich quit (timeout) 18:37:06 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to Allan 18:37:22 . 18:37:34 Is that Vault to the left of Giantess's steam? 18:38:00 Or is it Aurum? 18:38:33 Vault is to the right, I believe 18:39:46 ty, Rich 18:40:47 I think I read that in the log today. 18:40:55 Jake quit (timeout) 18:42:27 Dome 1840ie 18:50:19 Daisy 1850ie 18:52:53 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 18:53:37 Rich quit (timeout) 18:54:30 Plume 1854 18:55:19 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 19:00:08 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to kcmule 19:00:19 some Giantess h2o from earlier 19:00:34 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 19:01:07 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:01:22 ty kcmule 19:02:05 yw 19:02:16 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:07:49 OF Prediction 19:42 mdt 19:08:21 Could we get a Grand??? 19:09:13 Grand earlier was at 12:24 19:09:52 could...8 hrs would be 2024 19:10:12 ty cb 19:10:23 So it's roughly 6 hrs and 20 mins? 19:11:35 No, 7 hrs and 13 mins. 19:11:57 So we could see one before dark if we're lucky. 19:12:08 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 19:12:23 i am thinkin so!! one never knows though 19:12:26 ynpvisitor37 changes nickname to Graham 19:12:30 Today is a lucky day... 19:12:37 hello again 19:12:54 Hello Graham 19:14:11 Dome 1912ie 19:14:53 Allan quit (timeout) 19:14:53 Allan quit (timeout) 19:14:53 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:14:53 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:15:37 too many geysers erupting today :) 19:18:00 cb quit (timeout) 19:18:07 Kevin L quit (timeout) 19:18:26 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 19:21:25 Define too many ! 19:21:52 1 19:21:55 more than one! ?? !! 19:22:03 >1 19:22:28 g @ cb 19:22:54 I would like to see the following in one day: Steamboat, Giant, Giantess, Excelsior. 19:23:10 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:23:16 the fundamental problem is that they are all at the same time, and you can't get there from where you are 19:23:31 no matter where you are, something else is erupting somewhere else 19:23:33 Wow.....Great Expectations!!! 19:23:39 good problem to have, eh? 19:24:17 Hey, while I'm wishing for it, I'll specify 1hour betwee the end of one eruption and the beginning of the next 19:24:23 Ocham's Razor. 19:25:01 make sure you add NO Animal jams 19:25:37 Absolutely. No animal jams. 19:25:38 there ya go. Please post the times before hand so we can all get there. 19:25:51 G 19:26:19 Right. Posted times. But just for us :) 19:26:51 yeah, the "secret" chat room 19:26:58 How about July 1 19:27:02 How about one of those Star Trek things that can just beam you to the geysers. 19:27:24 Why not? 19:27:38 beam me to the UGB please....I could have used that one today!!! 19:27:38 July 1 is no good. I will have left by then 19:27:46 Heinlien's Stepping Pads? 19:28:01 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 19:28:18 OK, June is good too, lots of gazers will be around then and will follow you anywhere 19:28:38 Maybe that was Larry Niven's 19:28:53 wow that was weird...all of the sudden it went to preset! 19:29:44 Webcam has a mind of its own! 19:30:12 occationally does...or could verywell be operator error 19:33:47 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:34:02 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 19:34:58 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:36:34 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 19:37:42 Another sign at the VEC cam. 19:37:58 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 19:39:19 Another Mommy's day sign 19:40:22 ty 19:41:19 bbq sauce on the controls cb? 19:41:26 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 19:41:40 I actually typed that a while ago, I had a nasty timeout and tried it several times! 19:41:52 Lucky you only get to read it once. 19:41:58 no...need coffee i think though 19:43:44 Dome 1942ie 19:43:57 Allan quit (timeout) 19:44:40 OF 1944ie 19:44:43 OF 1943ie 19:45:15 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 19:45:32 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:45:35 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 19:47:31 . 19:48:26 Rich quit (timeout) 19:48:46 .. 19:48:57 OF long 19:49:20 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:49:27 OF prediction 21:16 mdt 19:49:59 ty rich! 19:50:35 Not that I'll be up for it. g 19:52:02 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 19:54:21 Jake quit (timeout) 19:58:20 Plume 1958 19:58:26 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:00:55 Rich quit (timeout) 20:03:46 Rich quit (timeout) 20:04:41 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 20:06:32 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 20:06:37 Rich quit (timeout) 20:06:59 .. 20:08:25 Depression 2008ie 20:11:10 Wild Depressions today. 20:11:57 they very cool!! 20:14:04 Dome 2012ie 20:15:09 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 20:17:29 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 20:18:13 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 20:22:01 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 20:22:46 Well, I'm calling it a night. Good night all. 20:23:15 Nite Allan 20:23:31 good night Allan! Hi to V .... i am falling asleep at the wheel i think 20:23:51 Watch Grand go on the next Turban after I leave :) 20:24:35 Allan quit (timeout) 20:24:47 g 20:25:28 ok... 20:30:59 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 20:34:21 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 20:35:53 i am done now too, see you 20:37:36 Graham quit (timeout) 20:43:31 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 20:44:29 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 20:46:23 Dome 20:45ie 20:51:13 Nite everyone 20:51:29 nite rich 20:51:34 bye 20:51:41 bye 20:52:23 Rich quit (timeout) 20:53:13 I am going to call it a eveing after this plume 21:00:43 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 21:03:38 Plume 21:02ie 21:04:16 good night all....i whopped 21:04:20 ty kc 21:04:31 good day, cya tom. 21:04:40 will do! 21:05:22 cb quit (timeout) 21:18:04 nite 21:18:45 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:45:53 Kevin L quit (timeout) 22:05:09 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 22:05:51 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 22:08:12 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 22:12:03 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 22:19:18 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 22:23:22 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 22:38:28 vw - afk quit (timeout) Found 705 log entries for 2011-05-09 01:46:00 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 01:50:09 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 02:19:15 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 05:47:33 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 05:49:00 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 05:49:31 Good Morning - any sign of Giantess this morning? 05:50:34 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 05:51:14 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to CC 05:51:19 morning 05:51:28 Morning 05:51:33 gues we will have a quiet day today 05:51:38 getting light early these days 05:51:57 its still early - lots of time for excitement 05:52:13 I see that BH went finally yesterday 05:53:42 I wasn't on when it went 05:53:57 me neither - past bedtime 05:54:10 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Loisb 05:55:37 hi lois 05:55:47 Hi CC 05:56:07 how did your video come out 05:56:21 kc posted another video from the afternoon - bison and calf by Giantess - want the url? 05:56:49 it 05:56:56 05:57:08 thanks I will look shosrtly 05:57:16 seems like a very nice view - could tell what they were - g 05:59:12 my video not bad - think you were on for the ones I have posted so far 05:59:16 05:59:23 thats the first one 05:59:35 lots of Bison dropping calves now 05:59:46 thanks again..enjoyed KC's video 05:59:49 sure are - hope things green up fast 05:59:56 nice of him to share 06:00:15 he does a great job :) 06:00:57 these are the days when I do wish for the larger streaming image and the OF cam though - used to get a better image 06:01:14 but still glad it went when I could see at least part of the day 06:02:09 hopefully things will improve soon 06:02:25 at least before the next Giantess - g 06:02:54 yesterday the VC couldn't find any record of the January eruption even though they had confirmed it for us - g 06:03:39 that is strange 06:03:50 thats what I thought 06:04:05 had to dig though the recaps to find all the data 06:04:15 I know Barbara was up on the hill to confirm 06:04:36 in Jan? 06:04:57 yes and it was the Ranger Barbara 06:05:05 it might have been a summer person answering questions yesterday though I would have thought it was in their log 06:05:35 there are several new Rangers at the VC now 06:05:39 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 06:05:47 tis the season 06:06:23 did George retire? 06:06:58 not that I know off 06:07:11 he is seasonal 06:07:45 just haven't heard anything - he is usually on the videos though there really haven't been any new ones lately 06:09:43 Plume 6:09 06:10:46 looks like its been raining up at Roosevelt Arch too 06:12:11 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 06:13:40 foggy rainy steamy day, I see 06:13:57 sure is 06:14:16 more snow at Washburn of course 06:16:09 must be time for more coffee - brb 06:23:04 b 06:23:09 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 06:30:54 Loisb quit (timeout) 06:31:42 have you had an OF yet? 06:31:55 nope 06:32:50 OF is in preplay now 06:32:54 thanks, I am in and out today. Maybe we will get some list reports from someone who was there yesterday 06:33:17 it was a busy day 06:33:53 fire lookout looks like winter has returned. I am making my round of the cams 06:34:06 rain at Roosevelt 06:36:08 ,,, in the basin as well 06:36:20 <<< 06:36:28 well yes - vbg 06:37:04 /// 06:38:17 looks like rain everywhere, I haven't looked at parking lot yet, the rain may really start cutting thru the snow piles 06:38:55 the piles seem to have gotten a lot smaller yesterday 06:40:03 that is a really dark cloud moving in on the vc cam 06:40:50 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 06:41:38 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 06:44:15 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 06:45:00 Kevin L joins Yellowstone 06:45:59 OF 6:45 06:54:16 could we have a little peek at least at Giantess CC? 06:54:57 sure 06:55:04 thx 06:55:18 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 06:55:41 can't see much because of the OF steam 06:55:49 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 06:56:01 I will try later 06:56:14 I thought I saw its steam via the vc cam - maybe it was something else 06:56:15 thx 06:57:59 thanks, later. 06:58:07 we can finally see the benches 06:58:23 at least we can tell they are all still there now 06:58:42 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 06:59:41 it is amazing how much fog can melt snow 07:00:53 still snowing every day just about at Rainier - spring flowers may not be till Aug 07:01:00 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:10:04 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 07:10:53 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to cb 07:11:03 isn't that Lion at 710? 07:11:09 yes 07:11:17 Hi all! 07:11:23 I was just looking at it. almost couldn't tell. 07:11:25 looks like an initial to me - guess we have to wait and see 07:11:29 hi cb 07:11:33 morning 07:11:37 hey Kevin 07:11:38 Morning CB 07:11:43 Morning 65 07:11:51 sound like the kid just woke - bbl 07:12:11 Add a Depression also? 07:12:44 and Lois 07:12:51 Hi CC 07:13:09 and visitors 65 and 15 and John boy!! 07:13:14 forecast for friday is 64 degrees and sunny...oh that will be a hard day to be at home 07:13:28 that forecast is for west yellowstone 07:15:00 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 07:15:32 the forecast doesn't look too bad after the next few days 65 07:16:44 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:17:31 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 07:18:09 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 07:18:58 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 07:19:29 Lios.. here is Giantess that you asked for 07:19:53 Looked better yesterday. 07:20:12 G 07:21:15 where are you LoisB? 07:21:52 She said her gkid was up 07:22:01 thanks cb 07:22:31 I'll try again later for her 07:22:41 geyser fog! 07:23:26 Bison moved over by Ham's last night 07:23:54 from up by Dome 07:27:47 finally water on the lens...I will be wiping 07:28:29 thats great!! it has been really mucky!! 07:28:51 not sure it will get the silica off but it is worth a try 07:28:52 Grand kid day...bye all 07:29:01 have a good day 07:29:07 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 07:29:20 Need a wiper fluid with Lime Away. 07:29:46 cb quit (timeout) 07:29:58 doesn't look like it is taking the silica off 07:30:20 need a real good soaking 07:45:56 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 07:46:36 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 07:50:32 CC quit (timeout) 07:51:30 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 07:57:15 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to CC 07:57:22 Plume 7:57 07:57:47 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 07:58:08 CC quit (timeout) 07:58:37 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 08:09:12 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 08:09:16 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 08:09:42 is that Plate or Sponge erupting? 08:10:12 too late now. behind OF. 08:12:20 I have it on capture - will ask Rich later and post if he recognizes 08:13:38 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 08:13:38 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 08:22:09 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 08:23:46 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 08:23:58 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 08:27:02 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to CC 08:27:07 OF 8:21 08:27:15 Lion 8:25 08:27:53 CC quit (timeout) 08:29:47 ynpvisitor007 joins Yellowstone 08:33:08 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 08:33:25 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 08:34:55 ynpvisitor007 quit (timeout) 08:36:52 nice bison group 08:37:06 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 08:38:00 . 08:38:54 CC joins Yellowstone 08:39:04 BHI 8:38 IE 08:42:29 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 08:43:21 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:43:33 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 08:43:42 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 08:44:15 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 08:44:28 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to vw 08:44:42 I just love it when people walk right by BHI when it is going 08:44:50 Good morning. Got a call that there was some excitement going on here. :) 08:45:34 well maybe they are going back 08:46:10 looks nlike they are walking right into what will be the path of the spray. 08:46:31 at least they will get to see it 08:46:33 nice timing 08:47:31 good timing for me, I have to leave. LOVE it when it works out! 08:48:01 vw quit (timeout) 08:49:29 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 08:49:47 . 08:49:48 . 08:52:37 that is it!!! walk away nothing to see 08:52:47 BH 8:52 08:52:53 it took too long 08:52:56 ynpvisitor007 quit (timeout) 08:52:59 arg 08:53:11 look back! 08:53:33 hey Lois stick around and I will go back to Giantess when BH is finished 08:53:52 thanks - would really like to know if its still going - been over 24 now 08:53:56 14h52m interval. No apparent Giantess effect 08:54:14 from yesterday to today 08:54:55 a very nice BH 08:55:24 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:55:30 Another very tall one. 08:55:41 yes 08:56:08 looks like those last two folks turned around in time 08:56:22 might have heard the noise maybe 08:56:49 I would love to eavesdrop on their "oh look honey" conversation 08:57:36 i want to hang around and see how many seconds it takes the couple on the bench in front of the VC to leave after the next OF starts 08:58:27 may have to set up my other capture program and check after I take kid to school 08:58:34 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 08:58:57 vw quit (timeout) 08:59:04 going to Giantess now...may take 30 seconds for you to see 08:59:14 k 08:59:19 Thank you CC. Be back later. 08:59:36 looks like we may run into OF stea, again 08:59:43 yep 08:59:45 sorry steam once again is present 08:59:57 vw quit (timeout) 09:00:02 doesn't look like much steam from it though 09:00:10 I went earlier and it was clear but you weren't around 09:00:21 usually can see a thick spot 09:00:23 likewise I must exit, thanks CC 09:00:30 if you went I have it on capture 09:00:31 bye all 09:00:34 we got lucky yesterday with wind direction. We were able to see Giantess almost all day long 09:00:36 bye 09:00:39 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 09:00:45 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 09:01:18 about what time did you check before when it was clear CC? 09:01:25 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 09:01:44 CC quit (timeout) 09:01:53 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 09:02:14 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 09:03:20 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to Rich 09:03:25 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 09:04:15 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 09:04:17 Morning Rich 09:04:23 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 09:05:07 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 09:06:13 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 09:06:45 Morning Loisb 09:06:55 Morning Kevin I 09:07:11 Hi visitors 47, 18, 80 09:08:28 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 09:14:03 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 09:23:26 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 09:25:18 Morning Rich. I am lurking tody. 09:25:23 Today. 09:25:51 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 09:27:23 Always good. g 09:38:44 Loisb quit (timeout) 09:39:54 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 09:41:40 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 09:49:23 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 09:54:23 Dome 0947ie? 09:56:57 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to kcmule 09:57:02 Lion 09:56ie 09:58:52 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 09:58:52 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 10:00:32 Il pleut. 10:01:23 OF 1000ie 10:02:34 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:04:25 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:04:59 sorry I can't tell OF duration 10:05:46 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:06:13 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 10:07:14 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 10:13:17 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 10:14:14 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 10:14:53 ynpvisitor64 changes nickname to Derek 10:26:35 Hi Derek 10:26:52 Hi Rich 10:27:15 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 10:36:21 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:48:22 I don't think I'm gong to be able to see many Dome's today, 10:54:09 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 10:54:26 ynpvisitor20 changes nickname to CC 10:54:36 Lion 10:54 IE 10:55:03 It is very difficult to keep up with the rain/snow....I will wipe as often as I can 10:55:30 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 10:55:47 CC quit (timeout) 10:55:51 Plume 10:55 10:56:33 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 10:57:53 Kevin L quit (timeout) 11:00:04 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 11:00:15 Note for Glennon - unable to enter report to your site. 11:03:21 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 11:03:34 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 11:04:30 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 11:06:09 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 11:06:39 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 11:07:06 ynpvisitor1 changes nickname to glennon 11:07:27 Rich... Hacking at it right now.. Si 11:07:50 Recap 2011-05-09: Beehive 0852 wc Beehive indicator 0838 ie wc Dome ?0947 ie wc Lion 0710 wc, 0825 wc, 0956 ie wc, 1054 ie wc Old faithful 0821 wc, 1000 ie wc Plume 0609 wc, 0757 wc, 1055 11:07:55 So, not ready for prime tine use today 11:08:03 np, thanks glennon 11:08:24 I tried to enter Lion 1054 11:08:34 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 11:08:59 Derek quit (timeout) 11:10:24 I think I'm seeing Dome but it is being blown down. 11:12:31 Also... Jake and I plan to sync and share our databases. 11:12:45 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 11:13:11 sounds good 11:14:04 glennon quit (timeout) 11:14:54 I get the feeling that it is snowing in the UGB. g 11:14:55 glennon quit (timeout) 11:20:05 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 11:20:51 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 11:22:17 glennon quit (timeout) 11:25:38 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 11:28:44 Snow visible on the VC cam. 11:29:46 big wet flakes 11:30:56 Nice comet trails on the VC cam. g 11:37:43 OF 11:36ie 11:40:47 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 11:45:25 glennon quit (timeout) 11:46:33 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 11:46:35 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 11:46:36 wow, the wiping seems futile at this point...could barely make out OF's cone with a clear lens! 11:47:49 Blizzard condition, only been 10m since OF and the ground is turning white. 11:49:26 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 11:49:56 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 11:50:09 glennon quit (timeout) 11:51:44 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 11:54:00 OF prediction 13:08 mdt VC 11:54:25 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 11:54:35 ynpvisitor46 changes nickname to CC 11:54:55 Should I give up wiping this lens? 11:55:17 I don't want the snow and ice to freeze but.... 11:55:17 ynpvisitor678 joins Yellowstone 11:55:21 Snow is letting up now. 11:55:44 you can't see anything past OF 11:56:10 It is clearing a bit. 11:56:18 ynpvisitor678 quit (timeout) 11:56:30 I can see the base of the far tree line again now. 11:57:08 Is is Spring Yet???? 11:57:44 Spring time in the Rockies. 11:58:48 unfortunately even with all the water/rain/snow we still have silica on the lens 11:59:17 I can see Lion now at 11:59 IE 12:00:35 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:02:58 Must be clearing. 12:05:49 CC quit (timeout) 12:07:10 kc (working) quit (timeout) 12:16:06 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 12:27:23 Here comes the snow. g 12:29:12 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 12:30:17 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 12:31:57 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 12:32:38 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 12:35:07 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 12:35:42 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 12:37:49 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:40:49 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 12:40:54 Lion 12:40ie 12:42:24 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 12:42:40 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to BB 12:51:48 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 12:53:58 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 12:55:00 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:55:29 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 12:55:36 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 13:01:12 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 13:02:11 While you are watching the rain fall in the Park, here is an interesting article on technology and the NPS. 13:02:50 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 13:06:32 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 13:07:05 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 13:12:55 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 13:21:29 Plume 13:21 IE 13:23:34 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 13:25:24 BB quit (timeout) 13:38:05 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to Graham 13:38:17 hello 13:38:31 mmmmm glad it was a nice day yesterday for moms and Giantesses 13:38:41 hi 13:38:57 a busy wiper day? 13:39:37 yes 13:40:46 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 13:42:34 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 13:43:06 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to Derek 13:44:41 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 13:46:48 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 13:47:29 Liopn 1346ie 13:50:47 Derek quit (timeout) 13:55:27 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 13:56:26 Derek quit (timeout) 13:56:32 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 13:57:29 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 13:57:32 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 13:57:43 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 13:59:16 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 14:01:38 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:01:38 BB quit (timeout) 14:07:55 Rich quit (timeout) 14:15:59 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 14:16:21 Only one DOme today Rich? 14:16:43 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 14:17:04 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to CC 14:17:08 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:17:14 is stream going out to the public 14:17:28 Rich quit (timeout) 14:17:43 yes 14:17:55 k 14:18:00 I think I've seen a couple of others, but hey were blown down so much behind the tree I couldn't tell for sure. And for the last hour or so I haven't been watching the cam. 14:18:04 taking cam to wipe 14:18:39 Plume 14:18 14:18:46 yeah it needs it for of. didnt take long to get hard to see anything when i took it. hope it stops 14:18:59 nice catch 14:19:10 thanks 14:19:16 to you want it back 14:19:21 after OF 14:19:30 I think that was a record number of geyser reports yesterday Rich, good job 14:19:51 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 14:20:03 OF 1419 14:20:09 It was nice to have something to watch for. 14:20:44 what a beautiful day ion the basin :) 14:21:00 Not everyday I get to see anything but OF. 14:21:03 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 14:21:29 it almost looks like the sky is clearing 14:21:55 Clearing before the storm. 14:21:56 a bit brighter down-basin 14:22:05 yep 14:22:12 its waiting for my regular arrival time 14:22:26 guess so 14:22:43 I think I heard someplace that West was suppose to get about 4 inch tonight. 14:23:00 are you kidding Rich 14:23:07 hum, thats gonna cause some flooding 14:23:13 nope 14:23:27 snow 14:23:47 oh, 4" of snow is no problem :) 14:24:29 Well it has been snowing in the park this morning. 14:24:34 Pat reported Vault at 0605ie with screen shots 14:24:48 Covered the sidewalks and the foreground with white. 14:24:51 i saw that nice fresh white stuff 14:25:07 you want the cam back Graham 14:25:09 the benches are in full bllom now tho 14:25:18 sue i will try it 14:25:28 its yours 14:25:37 thanks 14:27:16 CC quit (timeout) 14:34:55 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 14:37:36 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:38:56 Rich quit (timeout) 14:44:16 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 14:53:43 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 14:54:48 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to CC 14:54:56 cam is yours again 14:55:11 thanks. rain lightened up but i think its coming back again 14:55:31 I see spsots on the is useless 14:55:49 yeah was getting worse 14:55:56 could do with the wind direction to change too 14:56:33 let me take it one more time and you grab it as soon as I stop 14:56:43 k 14:57:45 get ready 14:58:12 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:58:47 hope to catch Lion but it might be done 14:59:04 guess not over 14:59:08 Lion 1458 14:59:24 its almost like when it is on the OF setting the drops appear 14:59:41 yeah i think its blowingthis way 14:59:42 didn't seem to mount up as badly at Castle 14:59:51 nice Lion catch 15:00:27 last was 1346, so due 15:00:35 CC quit (timeout) 15:01:48 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 15:07:17 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 15:10:15 CC joins Yellowstone 15:10:40 Graham what is the geyser that is erupting right behind the tree in the river 15:11:22 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 15:12:00 not in view now 15:12:07 maybe spatter? 15:12:11 not sure 15:12:19 need a wipe tho 15:12:59 its yours agian 15:13:03 or sprinkler if its on this side 15:13:59 two the left of the tree 15:14:01 so its on this side, SPrinjkler 15:14:24 thanks 15:14:32 that's it 15:14:44 Kevin L quit (timeout) 15:16:00 had enough of OF steam 15:17:06 OF steam blowing all the way over here 15:17:11 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 15:21:21 Depression 1520ie 15:21:28 is it actually still raining 15:21:40 yep, all wet again now 15:22:38 we didn't have a Daisy all day 15:22:48 when is OF due 15:23:00 soesn't look very steamy now either 15:23:08 1552 15:23:20 or 1551 per VEC 15:23:27 I'll wipe around then 15:23:53 k,its not brightening up any more 15:23:57 ynpvisitor37 changes nickname to Jake 15:24:29 hi Jake 15:24:29 so you expect it to continue to be nasty and rainy/// 15:24:48 yeah you all have the rainy icons going today 15:25:21 could go outside in then70F and sunny weather instead? 15:25:41 Grand is predicted for 7 +/- 2 15:26:23 I can't see a thing it is so steamy 15:26:25 k, thanks. hard to see now 15:26:33 taking cam 15:26:41 k 15:26:52 better 15:27:11 yours 15:27:13 yeah but not as good as i expected, just poor visibility 15:27:59 good day to stay inside the it open now? 15:28:17 I think everything is now open 15:28:24 at least Snowlodge is 15:28:53 not sure about OF Lodge 15:28:57 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 15:29:40 Inn opened 6th, cabins 13th 15:29:43 bty, Castle had a prediction 15:29:55 k, when was the minor? 15:30:05 don't know 15:30:18 probably was on the read out 15:30:22 lower store on the 20th 15:30:28 k 15:31:57 guess I won't get much setting done tonight 15:32:13 BTW, what is gas in the DC area 15:32:32 its all over $4 15:32:40 off trails 15:32:48 here it is 4>19 to 4:29 15:33:01 disgusting 15:33:27 Graham quit (timeout) 15:33:28 are those people off the boardwalk 15:33:39 just the 2 15:33:57 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 15:34:20 couldn't follow them in the crowd anyway 15:34:40 the VC got themn 15:34:50 Just talked to Butch 15:34:56 yes 15:35:04 k, i guess they were visible out there for a while before walking past us 15:35:29 and there are new signs everywhere so there is no excuse 15:35:35 cam is too wet now 15:35:59 wiping 15:36:31 thanks. of window starts soon too 15:37:00 it really has been impossible all day keeping this clean 15:37:07 I have done my best 15:37:10 if it stays like this i will give up and keep an eye on it to see if it stops 15:37:21 k 15:37:36 looks likei ts picking up again 15:37:39 I'll stay on til OF 15:38:07 getting wet wuick now 15:39:04 Churn 1538ie? 15:39:31 yep 15:39:32 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 15:40:59 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 15:41:35 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 15:41:51 won't see OF anyway 15:43:06 shame for the visitors where this is their one day in the park 15:44:01 Plume 15:43 IE 15:45:48 Graham did that look like plume to you 15:46:06 i was watching the stream and didnt see it 15:46:28 looked like all OF steam to me 15:46:41 well then scratch that Plume 15:47:20 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 15:47:27 hard to see Plume like this 15:47:54 early for it too, 1418 was the last confirmed, probably after 1600 for next 15:48:35 not sure how you managed to keep up with this all day, its tiring just watching! 15:49:52 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 15:49:55 Graham quit (timeout) 15:51:22 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 15:56:35 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 15:57:57 OF 1556ie 15:59:43 nasty wind direction for viewing in any direction 15:59:48 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 16:00:51 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 16:00:51 drenched those kids on the bw, i had to lol a little.. 16:01:18 last wipe 16:01:23 it is impossible 16:01:37 Graham I am out 16:02:08 ok, thanks. i will watch for a break in the weather 16:02:33 CC quit (timeout) 16:07:10 i think it may be all white there in the morning. 16:08:03 its all white now :) 16:08:26 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 16:08:46 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 16:09:45 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 16:10:13 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 16:13:09 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 16:14:50 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 16:14:53 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 16:15:19 white-"et" 16:15:41 I mean "er" 16:17:32 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 16:19:19 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 16:19:51 ynpvisitor71 changes nickname to Kristine 16:20:53 Hello all 16:21:05 hi K, how was Giantess? 16:21:28 Great! Tried to get a few photos, but it was grey on grey up there. 16:21:44 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 16:22:02 I did get photos of a bubbling, muddy Infant. 16:22:49 yeah but at least it was better than being there today 16:23:20's still raining. 16:23:34 may have been Churn 1622ie ? 16:23:36 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 16:24:26 not sure about than one, not going in the rreport, didnt look clear enough 16:24:44 cam is all wet, hard to see anything 16:25:34 something looks bursty out there... 16:26:06 too hard to tell if its just steam swirls tho 16:26:07 for the 3 seconds of relatively clear viewing 16:26:58 so how is work K? 16:27:47 All we've done so far is clean and stock. The lodge opens Friday. 16:28:20 yeah, thats good 16:28:30 got all the gazer cabin requests? 16:28:32 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:29:48 think some of the steam there is from Tardy too, hard to tell with it blowing this way 16:29:57 I'm in the gift shop so I don't handle cabin requests. 16:30:41 Well, I better get going. I just popped in to say hi real quick. Later all 16:31:18 bye 16:31:29 Kristine quit (timeout) 16:39:01 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 16:49:27 given how wet the cam is and how much steam is coming from OF I am just elaving the cam here. Grand is in its window 16:52:18 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 16:55:44 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 16:59:02 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 16:59:09 Jake quit (timeout) 17:00:41 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 17:03:02 Daisy 1702ie 17:03:58 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 17:10:24 very dark on VEC cam 17:12:37 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 17:21:13 Plume 1720ie 17:26:52 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 17:27:42 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 17:27:43 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 17:28:35 not as many drops falling now 17:30:41 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 17:33:09 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 17:38:41 OF 1738 17:39:01 here we go again 17:43:14 yeah no fun today 17:43:25 i am stepping away, bbl 17:59:23 drivin home, will check in later 17:59:34 k, cya 18:00:54 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:09:12 Grand 1809ie ? 18:10:44 Either Grand or a VERY large Turban. 18:11:35 lots of rain going straight up 18:13:25 I woulkd say thats a little bit too big for Turban 18:14:33 actuallly saw some water there 18:14:39 True. You don't often see Turban splashing above the trees. 18:27:49 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 18:28:50 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 18:31:20 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 18:32:45 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 18:36:55 visibility isn't good anywhere, foggy on VEC too 18:37:06 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 18:59:05 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 18:59:55 ynpvisitor87 changes nickname to cb 19:00:49 Hi all 19:01:03 been a pretty mucky day 19:01:04 hello there 19:01:29 can barely see today 19:01:42 CC has been wiping a lot but i am giving her a break now 19:01:44 I got on the page via my phone at around 3 and read CC's blight 19:02:04 late for her 19:02:25 yeah i am not foing much tonight 19:02:51 doing...hoping...? i think doing 19:03:00 when OF erupts it blows right over here so you cant see anything 19:03:17 hehe doing 19:03:35 G 19:03:49 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 19:03:59 glad it was nicer yesterday for Giantess watch 19:04:13 wow...yes me too! 19:13:06 to hard to see...Goodnight all 19:13:28 giving it a good go Graham...ty 19:13:37 bye 19:13:45 ok, thanks. see ya 19:14:22 cb quit (timeout) 19:14:34 OF 1914ie 19:17:38 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 19:18:15 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 19:19:24 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 19:20:27 i am quitting, sorry i can't do anything with the cam now 19:20:41 hopefully the rain will stop tonight 19:20:51 see ya 19:23:13 Graham quit (timeout) 19:54:57 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 19:57:11 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 19:58:30 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 20:00:03 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 20:22:58 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 20:26:45 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 20:28:57 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 20:29:42 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 20:33:34 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 20:34:17 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 20:34:23 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 20:35:48 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 20:38:32 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 20:45:52 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:59:15 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 20:59:18 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 21:04:11 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 21:20:14 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 21:22:08 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 21:26:06 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 21:41:44 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 21:52:51 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 21:53:32 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 22:23:07 Jake quit (timeout) 22:29:38 Jake quit (timeout) 22:31:49 Kevin L quit (timeout) Found 546 log entries for 2011-05-10 05:28:43 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 05:43:05 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 05:52:07 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 05:52:35 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to cc 05:53:08 No matter how much I wiped the lens yeterday there are still big spots on the lens 05:53:17 cc changes nickname to CC 05:54:13 I wonder what can be done, do you have an idea? 05:57:19 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 05:58:01 as long as the camera remains outside in the tree we have to deal with the elements 05:58:56 Just wondering if a real person on scene can do anything 06:01:12 OF 6:01 06:01:57 may just be free play 06:17:39 I actually think it is ice crystals on the lens now 06:17:54 as it warms that should melt 06:18:32 that should be later this week, hopefully, 06:18:51 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 06:21:47 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 06:23:13 good morning 06:26:10 I was expecting more snow on the sidewalk, looks better than I thought 06:51:34 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 06:53:02 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 06:53:31 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 06:54:44 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 07:05:06 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 07:05:36 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to MJ 07:07:03 MJ quit (timeout) 07:07:07 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 07:10:06 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 07:10:10 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 07:10:15 Good Morning CC, thankyou for trying to keep the cam lens clear. 07:10:40 welcome 07:11:02 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 07:11:11 I appreciate all that you and the others do. 07:11:18 I expect later this mroning we will get some melting from the ice 07:12:11 Could y'all send some moisture down to our arrea? 07:13:05 where are you 07:13:38 North west Panhandle of Oklahoma. 07:19:23 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 07:20:40 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 07:21:33 MJ quit (timeout) 07:28:22 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 07:29:47 30 DAYS TO THE PARK CB 07:30:43 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 07:31:39 whoo hooo. 07:31:47 But who's counting, right? 07:31:52 OF 7:31 07:32:20 who is #79 anyway??? 07:32:32 better yet who is CB? 07:32:55 AND ALL CAPS TOO 07:33:08 :) 07:33:12 ynpvisitor15 changes nickname to Kevin L 07:34:47 Hangtown Bill 07:35:30 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 07:35:32 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to Hangtown Bill 07:36:19 I could tell you who cb is but I would be in big trouble 07:36:20 ynpvisitor46 changes nickname to vw 07:36:28 Good morning all. 07:36:30 Sorry folks...with all this ice is difficult to focus 07:36:43 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to cb 07:36:53 See we are still having "weather" in the basin. :D 07:36:57 OMG...Never let bill keep a secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07:37:14 morning vw 07:37:29 BILL!?!?!?!? Do we know a BILL? Nahhhhh. 07:37:50 Hi CC. cb, Kevin. Oh yeah, and Hangtown. 07:38:03 I have a few Bills I would like to get rid of.... 07:38:10 hi vw 07:38:11 :D 07:38:28 Looky Looky Ice is washing away 07:39:00 ice is mostly gone 07:39:23 cb quit (timeout) 07:39:27 Probably won't stay that way. Rain/snow all day. 07:39:30 be will happen 07:39:49 June maybe? 07:40:02 cute 07:40:04 feeling like even June might be optimistic 07:40:30 Memorable spring all over the country, that's for sure. 07:40:34 don't like that sky this morning 07:40:34 It's even cool and rainy down here. 07:40:44 Swipe swiper swipe.....Dora the Explorer...I spend WAY to much time w the grandkids i think!! 07:41:05 Way to go CC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07:41:15 gotrdone! 07:41:27 Much better! 07:43:40 Hangtown Bill quit (timeout) 07:44:15 depression 7:44 IE 07:45:33 good, we can see if Giantess has changed anything. 07:45:37 vw quit (timeout) 07:45:41 Well if we can see later today that is 07:49:19 someone go check Gaint 07:49:23 Giant] 07:49:45 who is taking bets on what this steam cloud is? 07:50:18 !! 07:50:53 Holy Moly!! 07:50:58 it's probably grotto but who can tell for sure from this angle 07:51:48 steam is just so high and wide 07:52:09 vw quit (timeout) 07:55:29 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 07:57:57 vw quit (timeout) 08:04:11 vw quit (timeout) 08:04:47 Well, IT is SNOWING AGAIN 08:05:27 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 08:07:09 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 08:07:24 imagine that! 08:07:42 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to Rich 08:07:44 I it Spring yet? 08:08:33 I repeat...Spring time in the Rockies! 08:09:03 cb quit (timeout) 08:09:45 vw quit (timeout) 08:10:11 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 08:13:23 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 08:13:59 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 08:16:04 vw quit (timeout) 08:16:05 Morning cb 08:16:12 Morning Kevin I 08:16:17 hi 08:16:21 Morning vw 08:16:21 hi rich 08:16:21 morning CC 08:16:38 hi visitors 7,57,48,81,94 08:17:48 I'm heading to the workshop for a bit, so watch for BH. 08:18:05 k 08:18:10 bye 08:22:01 vw quit (timeout) 08:28:37 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 08:28:41 Rich quit (timeout) 08:29:10 OF prediction 09:04 mdt. 08:30:31 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 08:30:35 vw quit (timeout) 08:33:40 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:34:08 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 08:35:17 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 08:35:34 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 08:48:55 I think there was a Dome last evening ~1906 ie. 08:49:50 CC quit (timeout) 08:50:24 vw quit (timeout) 08:50:46 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 08:50:53 A flock (3) of Birds on the VC cam. 08:51:47 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 08:52:04 I hear the East Entrance is Closed due to snow. 08:52:55 cb quit (timeout) 08:52:55 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 08:53:23 Plume 8:53 ie 08:56:17 vw quit (timeout) 08:57:23 yes I read Norris-Canyon closed for a time yesterday too 08:57:30 It just keeps coming. 08:59:48 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 09:00:33 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 09:08:28 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:11:09 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:12:12 . 09:12:40 vw quit (timeout) 09:14:34 OF must be late due to 'Giantess effect'. g 09:19:25 vw quit (timeout) 09:19:37 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 09:19:39 09:21:19 I wasn't watching is this still the wait for the 904 prediction? 09:21:36 OF 0920ie 09:22:09 question answered, it is always on time- it's own time. 09:25:39 vw quit (timeout) 09:25:47 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 09:26:45 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 09:27:56 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 09:28:44 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:31:07 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 09:33:36 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:01:56 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 10:02:42 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 10:06:00 vw quit (timeout) 10:07:04 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 10:09:07 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 10:11:27 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 10:11:35 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:12:13 persnickety page for me today 10:13:40 vw quit (timeout) 10:14:46 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 10:15:17 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 10:15:42 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 10:19:34 vw quit (timeout) 10:28:38 Rich afk quit (timeout) 10:30:09 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 10:31:25 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 10:35:32 Rich afk changes nickname to Rich 10:46:14 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 10:46:58 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 10:52:01 OF 1051ie 10:57:19 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 10:57:49 Correction on review of captures OF 1050ie 10:58:11 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 11:03:12 Recap 2011-05-10: Depression 0744 ie wc Old faithful 0601 wc, 0731 wc, 0920 ie wc, 1050 ie wc Plume 0853 ie wc 11:04:06 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 11:04:27 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 11:09:26 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 11:10:53 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 11:13:39 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 11:18:03 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 11:21:11 Dome 1115ie 11:24:47 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 11:27:15 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 11:37:01 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 11:37:22 ynpvisitor53 changes nickname to kc (working) 11:39:56 depression 1139ie 11:40:26 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to Jake 11:44:52 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 11:45:03 Plume 11:44ie 11:52:00 Rich afk quit (timeout) 12:06:33 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 12:11:04 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 12:11:44 What happened to the rain/snow? 12:15:27 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 12:15:50 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 12:15:57 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to CC 12:16:03 BH 12:15 12:16:10 No indicator 12:16:48 an again folks walking away 12:17:21 now indicator 12:18:58 my stream must be a minute behind yours so I was able to catch it all! 12:19:47 My stream is a full 2 minutes behind. I waited and waited for BH to start after the call. ty 12:21:41 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 12:21:45 I've never seen a no indicator start 12:21:48 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 12:22:11 yes...many times 12:22:24 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 12:22:30 until now, that is 12:22:45 I've seen lots of indicators with no BH, though 12:23:10 There is a 30 second delay from the time I see eruptions, etc. and post on Pauls page 12:24:38 so 1217 for BHI? 12:24:55 2ish minutes later? 12:26:29 well, that was sudden! 12:26:43 thanks, CC! 12:27:48 OF 1227ie 12:28:36 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 12:31:03 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 12:31:39 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 12:33:50 CC quit (timeout) 12:35:05 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 12:39:43 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 12:40:38 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 12:42:27 I knew it. Back in the shop again. Rats! 12:43:07 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 12:51:03 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 12:51:51 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 12:52:48 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 12:55:33 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 13:00:59 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 13:02:17 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 13:04:56 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 13:07:28 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 13:08:44 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 13:15:54 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 13:16:46 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 13:16:48 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 13:16:55 BH 12:15 13:19:00 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 13:23:04 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 13:23:23 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 13:27:07 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 13:28:08 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 13:29:48 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 13:31:59 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 13:34:25 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 13:35:13 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 13:36:08 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 13:38:33 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to Kent 13:39:14 An interesting Beehive start. Thanks kcm you were a lifesaver as usual. 13:39:40 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 13:42:41 yw Kent, anytime 13:46:50 Allright! TY kc! 13:47:25 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 13:48:18 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 13:48:25 kcmule quit (timeout) 13:51:04 Jake quit (timeout) 13:56:08 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 14:00:39 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 14:08:14 OF 14:07ie 14:10:56 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 14:16:25 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 14:34:50 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 14:40:37 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 14:43:16 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 14:57:34 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 14:57:59 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:59:22 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 15:12:53 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:12:53 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:17:50 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:18:43 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 15:26:15 Kevin L quit (timeout) 15:34:11 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:34:14 Plume 15:33ie 15:34:19 OF 15:33ie 15:47:05 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 15:49:43 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 16:01:07 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 16:01:21 ynpvisitor96 changes nickname to Graham 16:02:08 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 16:02:17 hello 16:02:35 hi 16:02:48 nicer day today 16:03:39 Kent quit (timeout) 16:05:55 much 16:05:56 ynpvisitor90 changes nickname to Jake 16:08:42 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 16:11:23 Kent quit (timeout) 16:15:59 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 16:22:29 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to VW 16:24:02 good afternoon all 16:24:07 VW changes nickname to vw 16:24:13 hat my name capitalized! 16:24:41 HI VW and hi vw 16:25:21 are we expecting anything? 16:25:34 Plume 16:25:37 and Giant 16:25:59 Giant would be nice! 16:26:10 OF steam might get in the way of seeing Plume 16:26:41 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 16:31:18 Plume 1631 ie 16:35:07 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 16:50:59 the weather has been a paid, but all the moisture and wiping sure has cleaned off the camera! 16:52:33 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:52:33 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:54:14 paid = paiN 16:55:16 What you putting in that coffee vw? 16:57:13 obviously not enough caffeine Kevin. 16:58:50 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:59:41 . 17:00:33 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 17:01:15 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 17:04:20 drivin home a little early tonite, back in a jiffy 17:04:32 see ya soon! 17:04:58 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:09:34 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 17:10:06 OF 1710 17:10:19 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to cb 17:10:48 Hi cb 17:11:05 Hi vw! and all 17:13:30 yicks wind is in a bad direction again 17:13:55 don't complain, its so much nicer than yesterday 17:14:12 agree...yesterday was the pits 17:14:27 that wind and rain yesterday was tough on CC all day 17:14:34 CC worked so hard to get the lens clean.... 17:14:41 yeah, hope nobody minded leaving OF early. don't want to mess with our clean lens! 17:14:43 here it comes 17:15:24 all that rain shrank the snow piles a lot 17:15:52 alot of people on the bw! 17:17:37 more Friday when the cabins open 17:27:51 snow by the cabins could create parking problems. 17:28:03 cb quit (timeout) 17:28:20 hopefully it will be gone by the time i arrive 17:28:56 I am sure it will be gone when (if) I get there. 17:29:30 when is that Kevin? 17:29:53 July. 17:30:18 hum, may have gone by then, depends how much new stuff we get 17:30:27 i am just hoping its gone by Sept :) 17:36:15 I am hoping to get a few more days in September. I got two, but would like some more around Sep 8 when I have to take my daughter to Rexburg for school. With the cost of gas and our "affordable" health insurance, I probably can only make one trip. 17:36:49 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 17:37:34 ynpvisitor17 changes nickname to kcmule 17:38:03 hope you get there in Sept, i will be here then, great time of year 17:38:55 Graham, are you around this week? 17:38:56 Going to watch the Crabbers tonight Kevin?? 17:39:02 on CamChat that is... 17:40:04 Looking forward to it. I get east coast feed for high def here so it comes on in about an hour and a half. Looks like Jake is back to his old ways again. 17:40:08 yes 17:40:49 would you mind trying to break some HTML forms for me later this week? 17:41:26 yep it does....tish tish!! :) 17:41:33 i cant help comes naturally 17:41:34 sure 17:42:31 Pizza and crab fisherman on the agenda for this evening!! 17:42:36 ok, thanks. I'm trying to make the site prettier too so if anyone has some suggestions as to color schemes or table layouts or whatnot--I'm all ears 17:43:11 that weird blue color on the data log was just me playing around and now I've seen it for so long that I actually like it 17:43:37 Sounds good. Have to take daughter to school, watch crab fising, pick her up and take her to ballet, then get her an hour later. 17:44:32 i don't tend to be very picky about color scheme, keep it simple 17:44:56 unless theres a documented style guide...then i can find a lot wrong with it :) 17:45:02 cb quit (timeout) 17:45:16 lots of pastel for Spring, warming colors for Summer... 17:45:30 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 17:45:46 you used to compare documented style guides with websites and point out all the mis-matches? 17:45:46 has to be legible for nearly blind ppl like me 17:46:27 developers must loathe you 17:47:53 the taxi man! 17:48:02 yeah...thats why thy promoted me to manager so i wouldn't touich the keyboard any more 17:48:23 understood 17:49:02 i only looked at style guyds for products we were releasing...after a while if each page looks different it got to be a pain so just started to document all of them 17:49:35 i think 200 defect reports was my peak day 17:49:44 steam behind trees in Penta area. 17:49:45 in 8 hours? 17:50:01 After Gordon's report today, not jumping on calling Penta! 17:50:10 more like 12 hour days then 17:50:35 This wasn't what I had in mind when I retired, but since the wife is working I can't complain about it. The fun thing is the Ballet studio is run by Desi Arnaz Jr. 17:51:01 G! 17:51:25 what you building in ur workshop? 17:52:03 Graham quit (timeout) 17:52:24 I do woodwork. Getting ready for some cabinets and shelves, but I just bought a lathe and have been making wooden pens & pencils. 17:53:13 sounds interesting! ya otta put up a pic or two of em 17:55:58 200 does sound like a lot in one day...maybe thats the testers equivalent of a fish story .. it was this big.... 17:56:40 Gordons report was interesting .. he didnt say any reports were wrong tho.... 17:56:51 I will have to get my daughter to hook me up a facebook page and I will post some. 17:58:44 Gordon was just cautioning against the acceptance of a report, specifically about Giantess, but Giantess is a big enough event that it any report will be seen and scrutinized 17:59:00 but don't mess up the time on your next Plume call!!! 17:59:24 and he talked about the newbie rangers 18:00:08 he commented on some big Old Tardy eruptions and i know they can be in the right spot on the cam, Ben confirmed my errors in the past there too 18:00:31 must be using the rounding to 15 minute warnock rule 18:00:43 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:01:20 so you going to the park this summer Jake? 18:02:35 not sure, I need to get a job and some stability in life before knowing 18:02:42 maybe in the fall 18:03:31 ah, job and stability are good 18:03:43 of course job tends to interfere with visiting the park 18:03:54 and stability has never been a requirement for going to the park 18:04:21 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:04:28 if stability were a GOSA membership requirement, membership would be low 18:06:07 yep, most of us are cranky like the geysers 18:09:25 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:12:03 Nice steam from Grotto area 18:13:05 where are the bears vw? 18:14:16 just wondering that myself 18:14:38 with all the carcasses that are reported to be around, they are probably in a most feeding frenzy haze. 18:14:48 most = Post 18:15:35 didn't see any reports of bison today either 18:16:28 inspired me to look for a bearcam.. of course there is one! 18:16:56 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:16:58 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:19:09 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:19:42 no bears there either or steaming geysers 18:20:26 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:20:28 way in the back 18:22:05 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:23:10 looks like bits of snow again. 18:23:13 cb quit (timeout) 18:25:37 .. 18:27:38 Plume 1827 18:28:25 Graham quit (timeout) 18:28:31 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:30:02 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:30:03 cb quit (timeout) 18:34:29 . 18:35:44 see if OF is going to spray us this go around 18:35:57 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:39:06 Graham quit (timeout) 18:39:10 steam does not bode well 18:42:31 OF 1842 18:43:20 Tall OF 18:44:48 and we got slimed.. 18:45:36 Graham quit (timeout) 18:45:55 Rain over the last couple of days has doen a job on the snow. 18:51:27 Graham quit (timeout) 18:56:25 VEC had predicted Castle to erupt sometime in the middle of the night, but it looks pretty active now. 18:56:34 has for a while, although i haven't seen any water. 18:59:33 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 19:00:24 Graham quit (timeout) 19:03:24 Graham quit (timeout) 19:05:22 Grand 1905 19:05:28 I think. 19:05:44 picture quality has gone down! 19:06:10 yes on Grand 19:06:21 zzzzzzzz 19:06:38 you are a hard man to satisfy Graham. 19:06:51 Need some tunes to play with each eruption. 19:07:11 oh, is something erupting? 19:07:22 better wake up then 19:07:38 jury still out! 19:07:53 anyone else having problems with the stream? 19:07:59 mine keeps stopping 19:08:15 are you on public stream or livescope? 19:08:29 I have had problems with the public stream stopping too. Gave up on it 19:08:34 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 19:09:57 cb quit (timeout) 19:10:10 public keeps stiopping 19:10:20 nice oblong :) 19:10:47 I am still waiting to see clear indications of water! 19:11:06 got real foggy 19:11:15 its no erupting now 19:11:31 nope. 19:11:59 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 19:12:36 didn't last long enough for Grand either 19:12:42 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 19:13:50 So no Grand. Either Turban or Oblong. 19:14:17 pretty sure it was Oblong given the size 19:14:38 So we are STILL waiting for Grand! 19:15:09 exciting huh? 19:15:21 something to keep you away looking for it 19:16:10 after all the excitement Sunday i guess we were due for a few quiet days 19:16:23 Graham quit (timeout) 19:18:02 Time for a Plume, but with the wind blowing OF steam at the camera, we are going to miss anything erupting on Geyser Hill for a while. 19:21:50 This looks a little more promising 19:22:10 Grand 1921 19:22:28 yea hyeah i have heard that geyser before 19:23:13 Maybe if I just keep calling it every 15 minutes or so it will eventually erupt? 19:23:15 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 19:23:27 Graham quit (timeout) 19:24:36 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 19:25:29 Jake, you still here? 19:26:22 in and out, here now 19:27:00 Question about something I think Glennon said here earlier. Mention of you two working together on your pages to sync them. Just want to make sure we are getting info out to gazers! 19:29:08 yep, we will...I'm still working out some bugs and issues before I go announcing it to the whole world 19:29:41 k. I will look forward to hearing how you guys are progressing. 19:30:08 I have certainly started to use your page for eruption times. Very handy tool. 19:32:54 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 19:33:49 Don't think we got a 2nd burst out of Grand tonight. 19:33:56 Lots of steam. 19:34:08 or maybe we did but couldn't tell? 19:34:12 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:34:12 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:34:14 i have updated the times btw 19:34:22 Thanks Graham. 19:37:53 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 19:38:13 just tried geysertimes on my blackberry ... fields are all out of alignment 19:38:20 vw quit (timeout) 19:38:30 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to vw 19:38:40 beautiful day 19:38:52 wb vw 19:38:55 fields on the entry form? or the headers: home / enter data / etc.? 19:39:08 entry form 19:39:29 computer giving me fits today! 19:39:39 is that one defect per field or for the whole page? 19:39:40 19:39:41 hehe 19:40:07 thats ok vw....gonne quit watching with the snow on the cam 19:40:15 depends on what your commission is based on 19:41:04 I am about ready to give up for the evening too. 19:41:13 have to reward testers by the number of verified defects 19:41:23 too steamy to see much and OF is going to prevent us from having a good view of anything. 19:41:45 not as bad as yesterday but that was the same problem then 19:42:28 Afraid the lens is going to be all messed up again in the morning. 19:42:38 Nothing that can be done about it though. 19:43:18 I am calling it a night. Hopefully spring will return to the basin soon and we will have better viewing in a day or so. 19:43:24 Have a good evening all. 19:43:31 night vw 19:43:55 i am quitting too 19:44:02 vw quit (timeout) 19:44:10 bye...looking forward to the sunshine tomorrow :) 19:44:19 nite 19:44:56 Graham quit (timeout) 20:00:57 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 20:01:19 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 20:02:29 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 20:20:20 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 20:21:37 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 20:24:43 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 20:33:57 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 20:41:23 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 20:42:52 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 20:43:30 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 20:51:47 Jake quit (timeout) 21:05:09 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 21:31:29 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 21:32:14 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 22:34:42 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone Found 474 log entries for 2011-05-11 04:20:51 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 05:26:13 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 05:44:25 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 05:48:46 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 05:49:04 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to CC 05:49:13 OF 5:46 05:53:02 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 05:55:04 CC quit (timeout) 05:56:11 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 06:08:16 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 06:09:23 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 06:14:41 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 06:15:36 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 06:23:58 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 06:37:05 . 06:37:39 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 06:38:51 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 06:40:24 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 06:44:47 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 06:45:49 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 06:45:49 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 06:48:59 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 06:49:12 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:53:35 ynpvisitor101 joins Yellowstone 07:07:13 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 07:08:28 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 07:25:33 ynpvisitor101 changes nickname to CC 07:25:42 of 7:25 07:26:20 CC quit (timeout) 07:29:44 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 07:58:00 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 07:58:16 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to Rich 07:59:43 ynpvisitor101 joins Yellowstone 08:06:24 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 08:06:44 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 08:07:04 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 08:08:23 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 08:17:04 Rich quit (timeout) 08:18:02 ynpvisitor101 quit (timeout) 08:19:12 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 08:23:44 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 08:24:32 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 08:25:38 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 08:26:18 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 08:27:06 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 08:30:01 Rich quit (timeout) 08:33:14 Rich quit (timeout) 08:35:27 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 08:36:50 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 08:43:14 Rich quit (timeout) 08:44:51 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 08:45:36 Rich quit (timeout) 08:45:53 ynpvisitor64 changes nickname to Janet 08:47:33 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 08:50:13 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 08:50:32 ynpvisitor68 changes nickname to MJ 08:51:22 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 08:52:03 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 08:52:46 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 08:52:54 Good Morning evryone. 08:53:10 GOOD MORNING 08:53:21 Morning MJ 08:53:39 Hello Rich 08:54:27 Hello Visitor 88 08:54:30 08:55:22 Looks like a little blue sky down basin. 08:55:37 MJ quit (timeout) 09:00:17 Looks so calm and still. 09:04:52 MJ quit (timeout) 09:05:19 OF 0904ie 09:15:34 Janet quit (timeout) 09:15:49 Rich quit (timeout) 09:18:43 Rich quit (timeout) 09:23:23 Rich quit (timeout) 09:27:25 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 09:27:45 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to kcmule 09:27:47 mornin 09:29:31 Morning kcmule 09:35:33 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 09:36:55 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 09:37:44 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 09:40:25 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 09:41:01 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 09:43:45 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 09:44:21 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to CC 09:44:41 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 09:46:11 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 09:47:16 CC quit (timeout) 10:02:16 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 10:02:42 ynpvisitor1 changes nickname to Derek 10:04:41 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 10:05:27 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 10:05:52 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 10:08:53 Plume 10:00 IE...was on the phone and believe this to be correct 10:09:13 Hi CC 10:09:17 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 10:09:21 hi 10:10:59 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 10:20:08 Rich quit (timeout) 10:20:52 Lion 10:20 IE 10:21:03 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 10:22:47 Rich quit (timeout) 10:23:15 Derek quit (timeout) 10:25:28 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:27:37 CC quit (timeout) 10:30:49 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 10:32:41 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 10:33:10 Rich quit (timeout) 10:34:47 Rich quit (timeout) 10:34:49 ynpvisitor53 changes nickname to CC 10:35:56 Rich quit (timeout) 10:36:43 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 10:37:03 Rich quit (timeout) 10:38:00 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 10:38:31 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 10:39:39 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 10:43:31 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 10:43:49 OF 10:43 10:44:01 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 10:44:25 It use to be 30 seconds before the stream went out to the public and now I think it is almost two minutes 10:45:25 guess we need to correct that as well 10:45:51 especially for those geyser gazers who want an exact time 10:45:57 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 10:46:57 CC quit (timeout) 10:48:18 Wind is blowing the right direction for a beautiful view of OF 10:57:20 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 11:01:01 Rich quit (timeout) 11:01:12 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:02:04 Recap 2011-05-11: Lion 1020 ie wc, Old faithful 0546 wc, 0725 wc, 0904 ie wc, 1043 wc, Plume 1000 ie, 11:02:44 No report of BHI/BH activity. 11:07:19 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 11:07:29 Plume 11:06 IE 11:08:20 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 11:08:29 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 11:10:43 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 11:14:21 Rich quit (timeout) 11:14:32 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 11:21:52 Rich quit (timeout) 11:22:54 Rich quit (timeout) 11:28:33 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 11:28:34 ynpvisitor961 joins Yellowstone 11:29:26 ynpvisitor961 quit (timeout) 11:31:10 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 11:45:01 Lion 11:44ie 11:50:03 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 11:50:46 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 12:01:13 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 12:08:59 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 12:09:51 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 12:14:27 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 12:15:54 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 12:16:44 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 12:19:50 OF 12:19 12:20:28 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 12:22:10 beautiful 12:23:36 Right, but this would be a horrible day for a BH OF dual. 12:25:17 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 12:34:04 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:34:04 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 12:41:00 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:41:49 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:45:56 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:46:55 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 12:51:40 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 12:51:48 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:56:36 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 12:56:42 kc (working) quit (timeout) 12:56:47 Grand 12:56 IE 12:57:29 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 12:58:25 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:58:48 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 13:00:09 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 13:03:06 Lion 13:02ie 13:04:48 hope these times arent too out of wack with the increased lag. i dont see the last few eruptions on jake's log so adding them now 13:05:32 Looks like Depression may be ie 13:06:58 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 13:09:40 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 13:13:24 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 13:16:38 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 13:17:39 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 13:18:12 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 13:19:57 Few more days of nice weather and the old picture of the upper basin will match up good. After that the grass will green up. 13:20:46 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 13:29:34 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 13:29:34 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 13:45:43 BHI 13:45ie 13:45:46 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 13:45:53 ding 13:45:57 ding 13:47:08 I'm awake! I'm awake! 13:47:17 ynpvisitor96 changes nickname to Kent 13:47:35 ping 13:47:39 ping 13:47:44 g.. gotta wake KL up now 13:49:05 . 13:49:09 . 13:51:00 OF is due, this could be close 13:51:49 And the wind is not good 13:54:03 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 13:54:44 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 13:54:47 ynpvisitor3 changes nickname to Jake 13:55:01 hi Jake 13:55:17 prediction: BH, OF dual w/ triple rainbow 13:55:58 ill buy that for a dollar 13:56:39 If we get a rainbow the fries are on me at the Geyser Grill 13:58:13 OF 13:58ie 13:58:22 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 13:58:32 BH 13:58ie 13:58:54 Excellent! 13:59:09 very nice dual 13:59:15 Now for the rainbow 13:59:45 i have no streaming cam right now so i'll have to imagine...but at least ii get the rainbow! 14:00:45 lion looks real steamy back there, too 14:00:59 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 14:01:01 when BH steam isn't blocking the view... 14:01:26 I thought I saw Lion begin, too 14:02:05 There is something going on at Lion 14:03:09 NPS needs to do something about all the steam...I'm writing my Congresman 14:03:53 Lion is still trying to start... 14:04:00 A few glimpses thru the steam just now doesn't show an eruption tho.... 14:04:21 Just puffs 14:04:23 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:05:09 Kent quit (timeout) 14:05:45 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 14:07:38 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:07:42 well, if lion did pull of an eruption during BH, it was a short one followed by big after-puffs 14:10:26 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:11:27 Plume 14:10 ie 14:12:20 im having trouble remoting into my home pc so i'll have a capture up later this evening 14:12:43 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 14:13:16 KC What is the website to look at your captures 14:14:49 i host them on my own web server, - but there is no single page to see all the captures 14:15:24 ty 14:16:49 yw 14:16:54 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:19:08 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 14:20:25 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:28:59 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 14:29:41 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 14:31:00 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:31:09 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 14:31:50 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 14:33:23 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 14:33:53 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:36:40 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:39:28 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:44:26 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 14:47:31 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..... Sputter...cough..Darn. Missed BH again! 14:47:59 we pinged and dinged all we could 14:48:42 I don't think a stick of dynamite would have worked this time. Appreciate the try anyway. 14:49:06 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 14:49:17 g .. yw 14:52:16 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:09:18 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 15:09:56 ynpvisitor3ty joins Yellowstone 15:10:18 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to vw 15:10:27 Good afternoon! 15:11:06 I am away from the computer for 1 hour today and I miss BH. Looking forward to a capture (hint, hint). 15:11:14 Thanks for heads up anyway kc! 15:11:20 going back to read the logs. 15:13:01 Graham's night to drive the cam. But I think I will take it until he gets home 15:13:04 Plume 1512 15:13:57 hi vw! it was a nice dual, hope it comes out ok 15:14:02 I see from CC's note that the public stream is lagging by 2 minutes?!?! That is a huge lag. 15:14:23 I will look for the capture later this evening kc. Sure appreciate those. 15:14:32 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:14:38 i noticed it was longer than usual yesterday 15:14:46 like right now i am seeing the 1st plume burst 15:15:06 wow 15:15:13 u just zoomed in 15:15:31 yeah its pretty rough, which means our earlier times are likely a tad askew 15:15:51 just a tad! 15:16:14 so unless an operator gets them we can assume they are off. 15:16:49 i would say that is a valid statement 15:17:07 Let me find a stop watch and I will time it. Need to open the public stream. If someone is watching stream on chat page, please time it. 15:18:07 I am going to measure the direct NPS feed starting from when I move the cam closer in to OF. 15:18:26 ill let ya know when i see that 15:18:44 starting now 15:18:57 stop!!! 15:19:02 pushed wrong button! 15:19:09 g 15:19:22 three buttons, two hands. 15:19:46 start 15:21:31 *now* 15:22:00 1 minute 49 seconds on direct feed, another 5-7 on chat page. 15:22:14 I was trying to measure too but had buffering issues 15:22:19 Daisy and Plume would both be over! 15:22:22 i measured 1 min 42 15:22:52 seems like that was the lag time for yesterday too 15:23:08 I will try it again on the next move without trying to do 3 things at one time. 15:23:44 OF is due. You can tell approximatly by when I type in the start time as that only takes a second 15:24:21 OF 1524 15:25:12 we can also use the time on the chat page 15:25:49 *now* 15:25:54 now 15:26:30 no less than 1 min 30 thats for sure 15:27:11 vw, we won't 'miss' plume, we'll just see it later...;) 15:27:31 Becasue CC mentioned it, I am sure she has already passed the information on to Park personnel 15:28:03 I get to see things twice! That is if I have public stream open. Don't always. 15:28:38 My concern is if a viewer sees something, it is likely too late for the operator to go back and find it. 15:29:08 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 15:29:17 You are "stuck" with our eyes. Speaking for myself, mine are kind of bleary some days! 15:30:45 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:30:45 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:30:45 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:36:35 Standing water 15:38:09 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:41:07 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 15:41:23 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 15:41:52 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 15:43:27 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:46:00 Plate nice and steamy 15:46:23 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:49:19 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:51:12 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 15:51:18 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 15:51:32 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to Graham 15:51:39 hello 15:51:42 hi Graham 15:51:59 Hi Graham 15:52:10 took the cam. Wanted to enjoy the nice weather! 15:52:22 whats on tap for today? at leat its not raining 15:52:50 beautiful sunny day. 15:52:51 musta moved south to colorado.. been raining/sleeting/hailing all day here 15:52:59 Not a lot of times caught from the logs. 15:53:00 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 15:54:05 I have entered the two times I got onto 15:54:20 i see you all took care of BH and Grand already 15:56:26 i guess lion is done with a short series too, pretty sure cc's 1020 call was an initial 15:56:43 not much snow left 15:56:46 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:57:00 vw quit (timeout) 15:57:18 ynpvisitor3ty quit (timeout) 15:57:25 I am amazed at how much the snow has melted. 15:59:44 I am going to be afk for most of the evening, but hoping for a Daisy or two, maybe a Grand repeat? :) 15:59:52 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 16:01:19 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:13:18 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 16:13:50 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:15:15 Aurum 1615? 16:16:01 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:16:01 I have been watching but didnt think it had gone 16:16:16 ok, looked like lots of steam 16:17:12 just Aurum being Aurum, I guess 16:17:23 although it shouldn't be very thirsty this time of year 16:17:38 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:17:39 Plume 1617 16:19:10 I see Plume now 16:19:28 about a 2min lag 16:19:30 confirms lag of 1m30s 16:21:04 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:21:40 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 16:24:56 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 16:25:10 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 16:26:44 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:29:26 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 16:36:13 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:42:14 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 16:43:33 Graham quit (timeout) 16:43:44 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:46:06 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 16:47:17 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:47:17 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 16:47:30 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 16:47:35 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 16:50:13 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:56:04 Plate 1655ie 16:57:16 oh yeah, there it is 16:57:40 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:57:56 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 16:58:57 Oblong 1658ie 16:59:21 g.. its like u are predicting the future 16:59:45 maybe there really is something to that 5/28 giantess... 17:00:02 OF 1659 17:00:15 I haven't even seen oblong steam yet! 17:00:24 maybe i should just add 2 min and make it match your times? 17:00:40 this is all very bizarre and yet funny. 17:01:18 I never watch public stream. These days I have to! 17:01:25 now OF 17:02:43 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 17:02:52 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 17:04:13 Penta 1703ie 17:04:16 Beautiful OF 17:05:03 sneaking out of work a little early, bbs 17:05:41 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:05:54 Jake quit (timeout) 17:07:54 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 17:14:27 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 17:19:37 Plume 1717ie 17:20:17 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 17:22:11 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 17:22:58 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 17:24:32 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 17:43:31 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 17:43:40 Jake quit (timeout) 17:44:16 kcmule joins Yellowstone 17:44:36 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 17:46:17 Jake quit (timeout) 17:51:36 Jake quit (timeout) 17:56:51 Churn 1755ie? 17:57:54 yep 17:59:21 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 18:02:31 kcmule changes nickname to kc (away) 18:06:00 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 18:20:39 Plume 1820 18:30:41 OF BH dual 13:58 18:31:20 Thank you kc! Been waiting for that. 18:31:48 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 18:32:31 Plate again? 18:34:26 that was an awesome dual. Wind direction on Of was just right. 18:36:20 Nice capture. Thanks kc. 18:36:29 I am out of here. Have a great evening all. 18:36:55 thanks kc 18:36:56 bye vw 18:36:57 ty kc, bye vw 18:37:07 vw - afk quit (timeout) 18:38:58 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 18:39:20 OF 1838 18:43:19 Graham quit (timeout) 18:46:09 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 18:48:18 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 18:48:46 brb 18:49:01 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 18:49:36 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 18:52:46 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 18:54:44 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 19:04:29 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 19:07:34 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 19:08:22 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 19:16:53 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 19:26:57 Plume 1926 19:31:35 Daisy 1931 19:53:24 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 20:05:12 OF 2004 20:06:15 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 20:07:06 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 20:07:51 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 20:33:44 Plume 2033 20:37:44 not sure what that was down there, maybe elk or a moose? 20:38:04 kc (away) changes nickname to kcmule 20:38:17 Looks like a moose to me. 20:38:18 looks like a moose! 20:38:31 yeah first moosecam 20:38:46 i had no idea they came around the ugb 20:39:42 First moose I've seen in ugb 20:39:49 wish the lag wasn't so bad might have been able to follow more 20:40:06 I saw a small bull moose by Lion about 20 years ago. 20:40:23 Way cool! 20:40:35 yes 20:40:45 Good catch Graham. 20:41:07 was going to say bear? but then it ran way strange 20:41:34 Hopefully it will stick around. 20:41:56 may move on down below biscuit 20:42:06 too many ppl up here 20:49:09 Moose 20:37 20:51:39 thanks kc, i was hoping you caught it. 20:51:58 ty kc 20:52:35 great catch on the cam 20:53:45 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 20:57:42 well it was just standing there, almost missed it when I zoomed in 20:58:04 time to go to bed, see you, that was an unexpected treat after a quiet evening here 20:58:17 bye 20:58:31 Great fun. Have a good one. 21:01:29 ty kc,,,,cb here!!! Bill just opened up the chat page and said Moose on the camj!! Ty for the capture 21:01:53 Graham quit (timeout) 21:02:06 It was a lot of fun to see it. 21:02:41 What did you think of crab fishing last night cb? 21:10:44 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:19:42 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:54:46 Kevin L quit (timeout) 22:52:17 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 22:53:27 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 23:17:30 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 23:30:31 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) Found 715 log entries for 2011-05-12 00:34:39 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 00:40:55 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 00:40:57 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 00:45:51 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 04:49:47 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 05:21:31 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to steve (too earl 05:34:26 Bison or Bear by BH 05:37:10 OF 0536 wc 05:37:23 OF 5:37 ie 05:40:57 I think a long, but with the wind direction it is hard to be sure 05:45:59 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:45:59 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 05:46:47 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 05:49:52 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 05:51:41 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:52:04 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 05:52:24 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to CC 05:52:39 thanks ynp27 for OF 05:53:08 and Steve too 05:57:45 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 06:03:42 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 06:05:54 Lion 6:04 IE 06:10:17 steve (too earl changes nickname to steve going to 06:10:38 steve going to changes nickname to steve sleeping 06:11:38 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 06:16:34 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 06:18:44 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 06:19:42 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 06:21:24 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 06:23:39 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 06:23:47 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 06:25:28 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 06:25:51 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 06:27:42 Looks to be a spectacular day in the park. Melt, melt, melt! 06:30:16 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 06:33:41 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 06:35:44 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 06:38:10 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 06:40:13 Kevin L joins Yellowstone 06:41:20 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 06:47:47 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 06:59:54 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 07:01:02 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 07:06:32 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 07:06:55 OF 7:06 07:07:23 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to Janet 07:07:33 CC quit (timeout) 07:07:48 lrk joins Yellowstone 07:08:36 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 07:10:13 Janet quit (timeout) 07:15:33 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 07:18:03 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 07:21:54 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 07:27:59 Lion 0727 by my clock 07:28:25 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 07:28:37 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 07:29:01 ynpvisitor101 joins Yellowstone 07:30:01 ynpvisitor101 changes nickname to CC 07:30:37 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 07:31:03 Janet..Lion would be IE at 7:27...we are going to have to change this lapse of time between the operators time and the public viewing. 07:31:16 Unfortunately it may take a while before we can do this 07:31:23 thanks for the post anyway 07:31:26 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 07:32:13 CC quit (timeout) 07:32:15 Not a problem. :) I'm showing 0732:15 now 07:32:45 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 07:33:23 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 07:34:05 Just checking - I'll pay attention to the lag time I'm seeing whenever something else erupts and is announced. 07:34:17 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 07:34:44 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 07:35:54 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 07:37:21 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 07:38:22 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 07:39:21 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 07:48:41 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 07:50:16 Janet, You may want to check your computer time. I have 7:50, will see what the log says when I post 07:51:16 My eyes are not working yet. I was sure your post time was different then the time you put in. Now I look and it is spot on! 07:51:17 When Janet posted 07 32 15 that is the time that it was logged. 07:51:37 40 - yours was 07 50 15 07:51:40 Checked - it's synched with the atomic clock 07:51:59 sorry 07 50 16, don't have my glasses on. 07:52:27 must be something in the air. Government experiments maybe 07:52:37 g 07:52:45 LOL - not a bad thing to check and double check. 07:53:16 My stream is about 1 to 2 minutes off usually. The OF at 0706 was over on the VC cam before it started on the stream cam. 07:53:43 I think it was a 3 min delay for me here 07:53:56 It is odd I was in the doc's office reading some science mag. They had an article about how a company is running a shorter fiber line from the USA to Uerope just to take a few miliseconds off the transfer time 07:54:36 All for instant trading of stocks and comodities. 07:54:38 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 07:54:45 Cant spell is normal for me. 07:54:56 g 07:55:00 Mooseitis 07:55:05 AH - yes, they would get that on teh dot 07:55:18 fumble fingers for me this morning as well 07:55:36 The few mili seconds is enough to pay for the cost of the line in what people can make with faster trades. 07:55:41 What did we do before, waited for the monthy mail ship to come in. 07:56:12 I wasn't sititng in a chair for this much time each day, that's for sure! 07:56:39 Make panic buying and selling more influencial? 07:56:44 we didn't trade on international markets and the world still managed to tick along just fine 07:57:01 lol 07:57:05 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 07:58:00 sometimes I think technology is the problem, not the solution. on the other hand, what would i do without my daily geyser fix? 07:59:12 Live closer? 07:59:20 Work in the park? 07:59:50 Kids are funny with tracking packages now. When I was a kid, we would send a check out and in 4 to 6 week you might get your stuff. Now they want to know where it is at all times and complin if it takes more than 2 days. 07:59:54 Awwwww. now you're making me feel bad 08:00:13 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 08:00:52 :( 08:00:56 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 08:01:10 Delay or not, I'm extremely grateful that the geysers are available like this! 08:01:45 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 08:02:16 One more cam operating would help. g 08:02:55 I think I've identified one more thermal feature on the VC cam. 08:02:57 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 08:03:02 Chinese Spring. 08:03:18 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:03:51 can anyone tell me why i'm not getting the live streaming webcam with my firefox update? 08:04:02 i'm having to watch it with ie 08:05:08 Microsoft and Apple don't play well together. 08:05:12 Ever. 08:05:19 And it's highly irritating. 08:05:27 Check your security setting - should be on Medium rather than High 08:06:03 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 08:07:14 IF you are talking about FF 4 08:07:36 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 08:08:14 lrk quit (timeout) 08:08:16 I'll have to check that. Thanks for the tip! 08:08:26 well, my son would have a fit if i change the security setting without discussing it with him. it looks like it is currently on med-high 08:08:50 so off to my email - lol 08:09:17 g 08:10:06 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:10:38 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 08:10:39 he's an it person and he thinks i'm an idiot 08:10:44 he might be right 08:11:03 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 08:11:36 Parents never know anything. g 08:11:50 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 08:12:31 Gad, it looks like a wonderful day in Yellowstone - still snowing here. I'm glad for the moisture, but I'm ready to pack my bags looking at the webcam today! 08:12:49 Someone said they could not get it with FF4. I have never updated for that reason. For some reason it does not work with ie on this machine, but does on another one I have. 08:14:10 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 08:14:24 Sunshine here today, building to 1.7inches of rain on Sunday. g 08:15:10 Looks great. Heading out. Be back in the afternoon. 08:15:27 Later Kevin 08:15:49 Have a good day! 08:16:16 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:16:52 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 08:17:29 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 08:19:13 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 08:22:32 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 08:24:00 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 08:26:40 steve sleeping quit (timeout) 08:26:50 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 08:28:14 Lion ie 08:28:21 0828 08:28:50 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 08:30:19 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 08:30:41 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 08:31:22 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 08:31:43 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 08:32:03 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 08:33:22 Janet quit (timeout) 08:34:10 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 08:35:02 Planning on being in the park the last week of May. Bring my bike or skis? 08:35:10 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 08:35:26 both? 08:36:02 No room for both. 08:36:24 Also should I bring my pork chop necklas or honey? 08:36:39 OF 0835ie 08:37:10 But of Course!! lol 08:38:05 Wow that is a delay. Almost over before we get to see it. 08:38:44 Maybe a plastic doughnut. I could tease the rangers with it. 08:39:44 If I left it out on a bench and hid, would I catch more bears or LE? 08:39:52 LI 08:40:21 Back to serious. 08:40:43 Anyone know if I can take my laptop and stand int he VEC and see myself? 08:41:34 Maybe in front of one of the cams. 08:42:04 OF long 08:42:41 news flash- avalanched closed Sylvan again. 70 feet wide and 20-30 feet deep 08:42:58 Any idea what frequency the GG use for there radios? I was told to look at the guyser site and never found it. 08:43:00 WOW!! 08:43:37 Just big enough to cover the cone walker bus! 08:44:09 steve sleeping quit (timeout) 08:45:08 Got to go. Will check the logs later. 08:45:12 Monitor 4 switch to 5 for pc. 08:45:49 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 08:45:56 4.5 FRS 08:47:26 OF prediction 10:08 08:52:36 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 08:53:23 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 08:53:39 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to MJ 08:55:34 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 09:02:43 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 09:03:25 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 09:03:38 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 09:04:48 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 09:04:51 MJ quit (timeout) 09:20:51 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 09:21:32 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 09:23:14 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 09:24:29 steve sleeping quit (timeout) 09:30:31 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 09:31:12 steve sleeping changes nickname to steve sorta awa 09:31:22 what a good looking day. Spring? 09:31:29 steve sorta awa changes nickname to steve awake? 09:34:10 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 09:41:32 Is that Aurum 0941 ie wc? 09:45:58 kcmule joins Yellowstone 09:47:15 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 09:50:37 ynpvisitor00 joins Yellowstone 09:52:15 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 09:52:33 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 09:53:07 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 09:54:28 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 09:55:34 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 09:57:05 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 10:05:37 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 10:10:58 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 10:13:58 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 10:14:50 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 10:17:50 OF 10:15ie 10:20:09 lrk quit (timeout) 10:25:58 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 10:27:44 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 10:33:17 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 10:36:02 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 10:41:22 Lion 1040ie wc 10:42:36 minor or I just got the very end 10:45:54 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 10:46:40 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:48:38 steve awake? quit (timeout) 10:52:05 Plume 1052 ie 10:52:26 Plume 10:51ie 10:53:54 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 10:58:45 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 10:59:52 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 11:00:30 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 11:01:36 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 11:06:47 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 11:11:49 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 11:12:05 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 11:12:14 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 11:12:56 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 11:14:48 kc (working) quit (timeout) 11:15:22 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 11:16:08 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 11:32:14 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 11:42:35 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 11:43:55 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 11:44:18 Lion 11:43ie 11:45:43 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 11:51:04 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 11:56:07 ynpvisitor63 changes nickname to Glennon 11:57:55 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 11:58:24 Plume 11:57ie 11:58:50 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 12:00:40 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 12:03:57 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 12:04:09 ynpvisitor98 changes nickname to Kevin L 12:11:03 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 12:11:41 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 12:13:39 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 12:45:57 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 12:47:15 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 12:47:37 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 12:48:01 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 12:52:22 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 13:03:36 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 13:03:58 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:12:44 OF 1313ie 13:16:42 short per VEC 13:22:52 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 13:24:38 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 13:24:53 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 13:26:24 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 13:29:46 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 13:33:33 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 13:34:59 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 13:36:58 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 13:41:15 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 13:45:50 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 13:52:45 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 13:53:59 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 13:55:30 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 13:56:41 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 13:58:04 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 13:59:27 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 14:01:40 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 14:03:23 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 14:14:40 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 14:15:14 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 14:16:33 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 14:18:32 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 14:18:46 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 14:21:12 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 14:21:28 ynpvisitor53 changes nickname to Kent 14:21:56 Plume 1418ie. 4th burst was the best of the series 14:21:59 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 14:22:40 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 14:22:49 Kent quit (timeout) 14:26:17 OF 14:25 ie 14:28:43 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 14:57:15 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 14:59:22 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 14:59:37 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 15:00:42 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:01:20 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 15:01:28 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 15:02:32 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 15:02:32 Castle 15:02 IE 15:02:35 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:03:08 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 15:05:04 cool 15:05:14 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to cb 15:05:57 once again it took over 1minute 30 seconds from the time I moved the cam to the time the public saw Castle 15:06:08 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:07:05 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 15:08:35 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:11:43 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:12:19 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 15:13:38 cb quit (timeout) 15:14:29 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:14:37 wel,, it may have been streaming before my comment @ 15:05:04 ...I wasn't watching the stream 15:14:42 closely 15:16:35 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:17:18 that's Churn.. 15:15ie with a minute lopped off for a little more accuracy 15:19:04 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 15:19:15 and Castle is a major 15:19:33 nice bursts 15:19:47 ty kc...was going to post it in just a miniute....still trying to get set up.LOL 15:20:05 hi cb!! 15:20:06 and lunch is on the first order!! 15:20:30 so the intervals have been in the 10 min range....??? 15:21:11 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:21:17 for which geyser? 15:21:20 I can't remember from G report 15:21:24 Churn 15:21:42 I have't been on much lately 15:21:55 gosh im not sure 15:22:39 I knew I should have written it down in my little book 15:22:54 I will ck on it soon 15:23:31 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:25:25 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:29:46 wow...the responce time is seriously slow! 15:30:51 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 15:35:05 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 15:47:34 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 15:49:39 kc (working) quit (timeout) 15:55:09 i know Jake has been working diligently to integrate his cool geysertimes page with Paul's chat page, but in the meantime folks might find this link helpful to see the chat and times on one screen: 15:55:50 u will likely need to drag the frames divider to adjust for your monitor's resolution 15:56:33 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:59:00 having trouble getting the chat section to load kc...btw ty for Moose vid!! 16:00:13 yw, it was a great surprise last nite! 16:00:46 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 16:00:53 u can only have chat open in 1 window or tab or the chat gets angry, that might be the prob 16:00:57 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 16:01:18 wonderful to see!!! Bill just happened to get on the page for a minute...showing the grandkids something and walla....Moose..Very cool 16:02:21 thought that might be the problem 16:04:03 it's just a simple frames page, all it does is point to the other url's but i made it so the geyser times auto updates every 30 sec 16:04:32 I saw it updatiing...very cool 16:04:56 OF 1604ie 16:05:24 ah so i have over a min to get a drink before OF 16:05:43 strange 16:06:08 might as well take advantage of it : ) glug glug aaahh 16:06:15 That's funny, I had't thought about it that way!! 16:06:15 was approx 1604.45 16:06:32 Means you can get the word, go get a drink, call the kids in, and still not miss it! 16:06:35 and there it is 16:06:42 g 16:07:07 depends on how fast your kids run!! 16:07:15 well that was pretty puny 16:07:40 is that OF or grotto fountain? 16:07:45 cb quit (timeout) 16:07:56 . 16:20:35 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 16:20:57 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 16:22:07 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 16:22:12 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 16:22:51 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 16:23:36 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 16:24:00 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to Graham 16:24:06 hello 16:24:20 Hi Graham 16:24:21 afternoon 16:25:09 hello 16:25:14 Graham quit (timeout) 16:25:23 any more mooses? 16:25:28 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 16:25:40 no more meese reported yet 16:25:43 not that i have seen...Great catch!! 16:25:46 :) 16:25:57 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:26:22 have an indicator watcher 16:26:31 yeah was fun. kc did all the work tho, didnt stay on cam long 16:26:53 wonder what made him run? 16:27:12 cam shy 16:27:24 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 16:27:39 there were several ppl around last night 16:32:16 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 16:32:20 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:33:29 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 16:36:51 Indicator watcher just called to warn me about Sylvan being closed (Kitt) 16:37:29 He said Beehive had no steam at 5 ish today 16:37:40 thanks, i will make sure i take a different route home :) 16:37:42 Hi 16:38:12 any moose up on geyser hill? 16:38:21 could the indicator watcher call when plume erupts?? 16:38:33 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 16:38:38 G 16:38:54 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 16:39:11 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:39:22 how is the cam lag doing today? 16:39:46 not good...over a minute 16:40:14 i see that. was about 2min yesterday 16:40:33 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:41:08 heatwave, shorts and no coats.....57 and suny 16:41:18 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:41:31 I keep getting an occational BSOD but it comes back in a few 16:41:58 Glennon quit (timeout) 16:42:52 brb coffee time 16:44:44 snow slide report 16:45:13 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:45:49 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:48:30 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:50:05 Plume 1650 16:50:06 headed out, enjoy BH 16:50:13 and Plume in a couple of minutes :) 16:50:24 G! bye Graham 16:51:11 bye graham. working on a blackberry-compatible times display for you. 16:53:00 Daisy 1652ie 16:57:07 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:00:46 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:01:56 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:02:10 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 17:03:45 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 17:05:14 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:05:42 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 17:07:25 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 17:07:45 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 17:08:09 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 17:08:26 ynpvisitor43a joins Yellowstone 17:09:07 ynpvisitor43a quit (timeout) 17:09:10 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 17:11:59 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 17:18:03 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 17:19:46 Is that Penta? 17:20:33 I just moved back to see 17:20:36 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 17:21:36 Penta/Spasmodic coming up....delay 17:27:29 Glennon quit (timeout) 17:28:49 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 17:31:45 cb quit (timeout) 17:34:24 . 17:34:42 so was there a Penta vedict? 17:34:49 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to Glennon 17:34:55 no dancing bears moose or BH? 17:35:51 Looked like a Penta to me. No moose or BH, but I am hopeful for both. 17:36:29 you got your moose yesterday, cb needs hers today :) 17:36:36 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 17:37:10 I like that Kevin!! 17:37:28 I wasn't sure about Penta...never really saw the height or colume 17:37:53 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to kcmule 17:38:31 wind coulda been a factor 17:40:13 I did see a couple of water spikes coming up. 17:40:35 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Allan 17:44:27 OF 1744 17:44:28 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to kcmule 17:44:41 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to kcmule 17:45:10 . 17:45:29 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to kcmule 17:45:46 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 17:46:28 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 17:46:28 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 17:46:33 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to kcmule 17:46:40 now I see OF 17:47:51 Takes a bit from the time cb turns on the valve till it erupts. 17:48:03 G 17:48:40 My crab viewing places got foiled on tuesday Kevin....I have it recorded but have't been able to watch it yet 17:48:46 plans 17:49:27 Next week is really going to be interesting. They leave you hanging big time. 17:53:11 so we have Penta probably was before? 17:53:46 looked very simialr 17:53:51 1719ie I guess 17:54:04 This is what I saw before. Is this Penta then? 17:54:22 yep, pretty clear water bursts now 17:54:23 That's what I saw at 1718 (Kitt) 17:55:09 Hey Kitt, Pa here 17:55:10 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 17:56:10 Hello! I suppose you thought you'd beat an Indicator phone call? 17:56:31 hope so. g 17:56:39 I have a gazer watching for it 17:56:41 it is about time 17:57:00 thought that was a hint..... 17:57:15 I called to let him know about Penta 17:57:40 He arrived yesterday and still hasn't seen Sawmill 17:57:52 Geyser Gazing sure has changed since I started. 17:58:35 back to penta 17:58:38 Allan quit (timeout) 17:58:52 I see him on the phone!! G 17:59:16 is that Jim? 18:00:03 . 18:02:01 got to go, time for Idol. 18:02:40 bye #10 18:04:25 Depression 1804ie 18:08:09 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 18:08:16 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:09:53 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:13:57 BH seems awfully quiet. I haven't seen any splashing. 18:14:04 fps is down below 20...... and BSOFD 18:14:10 stream has died for me 18:14:16 ditto 18:14:35 ditto 18:14:37 Cough. Sputter. splat. 18:14:57 didn't mean add the "F" in that, but now that it's there....... 18:15:05 Not even going to ask what the f is for. 18:15:31 Me neither, but knowing cb, I can imagine :) 18:15:44 LMFAO!!! 18:16:18 back now...gone now 18:16:36 wow...fps is now at .08 18:17:07 now .07 18:17:10 18:17:18 . 18:17:20 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 18:17:41 .06 18:17:50 I leave my desk for a minute and you have another eclipse 18:18:14 I am going to disconnect and reload 18:18:23 Well, don't leave Kitt! 18:18:45 still here 18:18:52 Graham quit (timeout) 18:18:56 Then it wouldn't have happened! :) 18:19:33 .04 18:25:16 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 18:25:23 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 18:25:40 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 18:26:09 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 18:26:33 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 18:27:20 hey look at the Bull moose in front of OF 18:27:40 Not funny! 18:27:54 With a bald eagle on its back no less. 18:27:59 here comes the wolf pack chasing the moose round and round 18:28:23 and they are heading right for Jim!!! ... Look at him run 18:28:27 look at that - they all stop to watch BH erupt 18:28:57 Is that Giant in the background? 18:29:03 now thats all over, could be time for an early night? 18:29:20 ooohh and Lioness 18:29:37 zooming over to Splendid 18:29:56 glad kc has the video evidence...waiting for the link kc :) 18:29:57 I think that the cam operator should be giving us a 'play by play' of all the action. 18:30:16 Even if he or she has to make it all up :) 18:30:25 I think the fantasy is probably better than the real. 18:30:26 yeah cb is not telling you the good stuff 18:30:33 sorry.....I have lost the cam.. 18:31:07 am trying to get it back Having connectivity problems 18:31:17 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 18:31:24 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 18:31:45 Beehive Indicator per the gazer (only wish I could see it) Kitt 18:32:03 SHIT!!!!!! 18:32:54 Just my luck. The one day I would not have missed it. 18:33:22 We should all think happy thoughts 18:33:40 BHI 1833ie 18:33:44 Got it !! 18:33:57 maybe the stream will start in 2min... 18:34:18 I've got it! 18:34:21 did we get a strat time on BHI please? 18:34:22 Well show us Graham. 18:34:30 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 18:34:37 Good going cb! 18:34:42 look over Allans shoulder Kevin 18:34:42 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 18:34:58 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 18:34:59 Kitt did Ind watcher give you a start time for Ind?? 18:35:09 ynpvisitor72 changes nickname to Kent 18:35:43 i got in on the NPS feed but not on this page 18:35:45 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 18:36:30 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 18:36:59 cb quit (timeout) 18:37:34 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 18:37:36 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 18:37:57 I have the stream on this page again 18:38:06 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to cb 18:38:11 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 18:38:13 . 18:39:04 . 18:39:09 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 18:40:10 BH 1840 18:40:40 There is a God. I can see again! 18:40:41 long lag time went away? 18:41:19 Cuz i kicked the ^$%& outta it!! 18:41:55 Nice lighting 18:45:52 I take back half the bad things I said about the cam. 18:46:08 only half? 18:46:45 Well no sense in wasting ALL those bad words.... 18:46:49 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 18:48:13 Kevin, I doubt you said half as many bad words as cb did! 18:48:34 Churn 1848 18:49:02 cb's going to ignore me :) 18:49:09 you know me toooo well allan!! 18:49:36 :) 18:49:51 I am a swearer!! 18:50:15 Yup. It releases tension! 18:50:36 And it got the cam working! 18:50:46 glad there is no microphone on my LT!!! 18:50:47 BH 1840 18:51:12 Sorry, I thought I put the time. I think he said 1833 for start for Indicator (Kitt) 18:51:26 ty Kitt 18:51:49 I was so excited to get the call, but I had to switch to get the streaming cam 18:52:07 Then I called several gazers 18:52:23 your post was 1831 tho 18:52:35 need the "ping" alert 18:52:49 All's well that ends well 18:52:57 OK, I sent the post as soon as I got the call 18:53:03 it all good!!.. :) 18:53:04 doesn't really matter does it 18:53:24 Now you know why I write numbers in my log book 18:53:46 G! 18:53:52 It was a beautiful eruption and made my day 18:54:17 Me too....Glad I got the cam back in time....WHEW!! 18:54:25 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 18:54:26 was close 18:55:04 now where is the moose? 18:56:32 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 18:57:39 We could have Beehive for lunch tomorrow 18:58:18 no crap for the fisherman this season!! 18:58:19 Does that include honey? :) 18:58:23 crab 18:58:26 G 18:59:09 Red crab or Blue crab? 18:59:10 As long as not moose :) 18:59:23 'red 18:59:43 Moose is very tasty. Makes some fine jerky. 19:00:11 :) 19:00:36 maybe thats why the moose was running away from Kevin 19:01:13 Here doggie. Come to Daddy..... 19:01:22 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 19:02:08 My idea of hunting is to see which store has the best deal on Porterhouse. 19:03:56 bbl 19:04:40 Allan quit (timeout) 19:14:07 Kent quit (timeout) 19:14:53 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 19:15:57 OF 1915 19:23:30 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 19:30:26 Daisy 1930 19:32:02 nice view 19:32:14 Glennon quit (timeout) 19:32:58 nice evening the backlight 19:33:16 ya, it's pretty 19:34:25 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 19:36:17 bison? 19:36:26 moose? 19:36:28 elk> 19:36:30 wolves? 19:36:37 bears? 19:36:40 Not a moose 19:36:51 but is a four legged 19:37:03 yawnnnnnnnnnn 19:37:22 i am expecting better than that cb after yesterday 19:37:41 so sorry!! 19:38:42 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 19:39:01 anyone know a moose call!! 19:39:37 Kevin tried earlier but i don't think it worked 19:40:02 that person and the bison look awfully close 19:40:17 hard to tell, could be quite a way 19:40:27 persective 19:40:58 bison charging tourist would do cb 19:41:20 that would work for me too 19:42:36 thats right...get a little closer 19:42:41 fool 19:43:05 guy in white shirt has the right idea 19:43:26 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:43:36 hehe yeah keep someone else between you and the bison 19:43:53 lots hiding behing split cone 19:44:27 yeap! that little cam blip seemed to really help w the time lag! 19:48:11 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 19:49:25 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to Allan 19:50:15 Nice evening. Has Lion gone off recently? 19:50:34 last was 1143 19:50:41 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:51:07 Isn't that a long time ago for Lion? 19:53:58 Here Mr. Moosey..... 19:54:47 not realy Allan, its often only seen once in daylight. it had a series all morning 19:55:09 cb, you know better than trying to call me that way D) 19:55:17 )D 19:55:45 everyone has to switch their layout to Moose 19:55:53 LMAO!! OMG...I didn't even think of that!! 19:55:54 Huh how did that big grin go again 19:56:07 G 19:56:41 to funny! Did you see the Moose yesterday Allan? 19:57:05 No, I didn't. I wasn't online 19:57:33 I watch kc capture last night...Graham caught it on the web cam 19:58:29 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:59:12 u r not convincing me them 4 leggeds are moose cb 19:59:28 short legs 20:00:07 moose vs bison fight.. which will end up w/ most youtube hits 20:00:51 both r mean, dunno who would win 20:01:40 g.. i should have used quotes.. 'moose' vs 'bison fight' 20:03:57 Graham quit (timeout) 20:09:53 i am out of here early today, see ya 20:10:08 Night. 20:10:23 Night Graham 20:12:12 Graham quit (timeout) 20:14:33 cb quit (timeout) 20:15:55 Good Night all 20:16:06 Oblong 2015ie 20:16:20 night Allan 20:17:06 Allan quit (timeout) 20:25:40 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 20:26:31 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 20:44:51 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 20:45:52 cb quit (timeout) 20:54:11 OF 20:51ie 20:57:05 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 21:02:52 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 21:54:27 nite 21:55:07 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:55:10 Later 22:29:18 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone Found 543 log entries for 2011-05-13 00:44:01 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 05:00:12 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 05:00:25 Snow removal crew spent all day yesterdaty widening Craig Pass. Today the road from South - Grant, Grant - Old Faithful and Grant to Lake ALL OPEN 05:02:11 West Thumb opens to the public today 05:15:11 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 05:37:03 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 05:37:29 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to ynpvisitor68 05:44:56 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 05:50:21 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 05:52:37 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 05:53:41 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 05:53:45 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 06:16:00 68 do you get that info from tweets? 06:16:32 yes 06:17:35 does it matter 06:17:41 OF 617 06:18:21 no, just curious because I don't do twitter, but sometimes think I should, and that info is a good example. 06:19:20 its rather nice sometimes - and you don't have to get the whole worlds tweets 06:19:58 thanks, yeah. My understanding of it is pretty limited. 06:20:21 I acess twitter directly - not linked to my phone 06:20:31 so I pick up tweets when I choose 06:21:20 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 06:21:37 Is it hard to choose? facebook confuses me, multiple Yellowstone pages, several geyser pages, seems anyone can start a "club" with any name they choose 06:21:59 I started with just a couple of friends and added some of the parks 06:22:10 Denali and Glacier are the best at tweeting 06:22:21 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:22:21 and Yosemite Science 06:22:35 YNP is hit and miss but they have some really nice rangers 06:22:39 is it actually NPS/Yellowstone doing the updates? Or just an insider 06:22:58 what I posted came from a friend in the park 06:23:42 K, thanks. So really it would depend on who is in the know and volunteering to tweet, and my choice of following them. (A little slow in my understanding...) 06:24:17 just get a login - 06:24:38 like facebook, do I have to "know" them or "friend" them, know their email addy or anything? 06:24:51 don't have to show your real name though you do have to give an email address - and verify it - but you can choose for it to not be seen' 06:24:59 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 06:25:12 ynpvisitor83 changes nickname to CC 06:25:16 you have to find their twitter name - but with the parks its easy 06:25:24 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 06:25:25 I have seen twitter sidebars on some sites, I can't imagine the traffic on some sites/issues! 06:25:27 Hi CC 06:25:30 and you can search by interests 06:25:39 moring cc 06:25:48 Thought I might have seen BH erupting while OF was going....hard to tell with all the steamm 06:25:57 they like FB make suggestions based on who you follow 06:25:59 I will investigate, thanks 68 06:26:04 I sure couldn't tell 06:26:25 if you decide you don't like it easy to not use when you access directly 06:26:30 CC quit (timeout) 06:26:47 and they must not show your email to anyone as I haven't gotten any spam 06:27:08 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 06:29:43 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:35:17 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 06:36:26 . 06:37:42 there is an early riser on parking lot cam. Wish it was me there right now 06:38:19 g 06:40:29 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 06:42:16 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to cb 06:42:24 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 06:44:48 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 06:47:17 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 06:47:32 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:47:58 .. 06:49:51 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 06:49:54 cb quit (timeout) 06:50:01 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to CC 06:50:22 OF was at 6:17.. it was a long and went at least 4 minutes 06:50:41 BH is steaming so it did not erupt earlier 06:50:52 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 06:51:15 That makes me feel better. 06:51:19 CC quit (timeout) 06:52:09 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 06:54:31 elk at mammoth hot springs 06:56:38 cb quit (timeout) 06:56:51 the terraces look nice in the morning sun, thanks 06:57:23 very nice - and nice to see the animals again 07:02:03 big herd of elk on the YA cam also 07:04:42 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 07:15:27 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 07:15:49 ynpvisitor49 changes nickname to CC 07:17:51 Moring 07:18:07 hi 07:18:08 Morning 07:18:41 I can never get that word out correctly in the am..... 07:19:02 I knew what you meant 07:19:16 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 07:19:23 sent you a email cc 07:19:25 just computer shorthand 07:19:30 k 07:20:18 got it...calling 07:32:56 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 07:33:17 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to MJ 07:35:27 Lion 7:35\ 07:46:55 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 07:47:43 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 07:48:02 OF 7:47 07:48:41 CC quit (timeout) 07:48:53 nice view in the vc cam 07:49:09 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 07:49:16 Yes, thank-you CC 07:50:10 cb quit (timeout) 07:56:22 MJ quit (timeout) 07:56:28 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:00:36 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:04:23 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:07:36 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to Rich 08:12:11 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 08:21:29 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 08:25:40 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 08:30:19 OF prediction 09:20 mdt 08:32:03 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 08:32:25 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 08:33:13 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:37:37 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 08:38:13 ynpvisitor8 changes nickname to sparekitty 08:40:12 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 08:41:41 sparekitty quit (timeout) 08:42:38 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 08:46:56 Hi sparekitty 08:47:04 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 08:50:28 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 08:51:51 Depression 0850 ie ? 08:53:04 sparekitty quit (timeout) 08:53:20 Rich quit (timeout) 08:55:25 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 08:55:44 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:00:10 Rich quit (timeout) 09:02:54 Rich quit (timeout) 09:15:07 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 09:21:12 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 09:22:54 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:24:06 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 09:24:18 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 09:26:06 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:27:56 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 09:28:13 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to kcmule 09:28:15 mornin 09:33:28 OF 0932ie 09:41:02 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 09:44:55 Plume 9:44 ie 09:45:46 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 09:46:09 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 09:47:35 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 09:47:35 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:50:23 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:56:05 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 10:01:13 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 10:04:09 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 10:13:34 Is that Indicator? Can't quite tell. 10:13:45 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 10:14:03 Looks steamy 10:14:12 could be indicator 10:14:24 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 10:14:26 looks like somebody's there watching. 10:15:25 Wish we could zoom in. 10:15:48 definetly looks hot. Can't tell if it is erupting or not 10:15:54 definitely BHI 10:16:08 i agree 10:16:13 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 10:16:16 . 10:16:20 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 10:16:21 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 10:16:26 . 10:17:08 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 10:17:10 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:17:34 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 10:17:35 OK Everybody wake up! 10:17:56 kc (working) quit (timeout) 10:18:01 vw here. Not changing my cool number. 10:18:14 Thanks Keving and kc! I love our heads up system! 10:18:16 awake!!!! 10:18:43 . 10:19:46 I lucked out. Was out in the shop and just checked by chance. Will have to mug my kid and take his cellphone for text messages out there. 10:20:14 so calling BHI for 1013 ie? 10:20:24 I have livescope up, but am not controlling cam. 10:20:31 Plus the lag time. 10:20:45 lag time is back to normal i think? 10:20:54 ~30s ? 10:20:57 good to know! 10:21:07 And it would be ie at that time. 10:21:19 on such a great day, doesn't matter about lag time, I just want to SEE 10:21:22 :) 10:21:43 call made. zoom coming 10:22:16 Gazers there, tourons leaving. 10:22:33 Easy to tell them apart. 10:22:52 Probably looking for the moose. 10:22:58 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 10:23:18 I still never understand how it is possible to walk away from BH when BHI is erupting.... 10:23:21 that was really cool. Watched it on kc's capture. 10:23:23 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 10:23:25 BHI 1023 10:23:33 oops. BH 1023 10:23:59 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 10:24:27 They are coming back now. 10:24:39 Should think so too 10:25:13 NICE! another tall one 10:25:42 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 10:26:52 ynpvisitor233 joins Yellowstone 10:28:47 That was a nice mid-morning break. Thank you for the heads up. Thank you CC for the view! 10:29:11 Lovely. Thank you 10:29:16 good stuff, now back to work 10:29:21 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 10:29:25 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 10:29:29 what kcmule said! 10:29:33 Sure glad I left my shop vac in the garage. I was coming to get it when I saw the indicator. 10:29:58 ynpvisitor233 quit (timeout) 10:30:07 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 10:30:09 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 10:31:32 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 10:32:53 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:33:09 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 10:37:25 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:38:30 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 10:40:40 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:41:50 thanks cam drivers! 10:42:31 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 10:43:39 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:46:33 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:50:30 ynpvisitor233 quit (timeout) 10:57:22 ynpvisitor101 joins Yellowstone 10:58:55 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:01:46 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:02:01 ynpvisitor101 quit (timeout) 11:02:29 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 11:02:43 Plate might be erupting. 11:02ie? 11:03:25 Rich afk quit (timeout) 11:04:01 Plume for sure. 11:03 11:04:45 Plume 11:04 11:05:13 the 11:04 Plume was IE 11:05:43 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 11:05:53 ynpvisitor101 quit (timeout) 11:07:19 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:09:26 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 11:10:02 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:12:14 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 11:13:16 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 11:14:51 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:17:54 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 11:21:13 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:21:57 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 11:24:44 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 11:25:59 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:28:43 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:29:03 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 11:30:02 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 11:30:27 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 11:30:29 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 11:32:27 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 11:41:25 Daisy 11:41 IE 11:44:07 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 11:56:55 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 11:57:53 I got a report that Grand looked like it was going off soon - did it go yet? 11:59:06 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:05:08 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:12:24 I just heard from someone headed there, I thought about calling the # to check on Grand so I could text them, but I just texted them the phone number to call it themselves, duh. 12:13:43 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:16:37 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:16:56 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 12:19:32 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:22:34 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:25:32 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:28:39 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:35:11 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 12:36:15 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 12:37:03 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 12:42:47 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 12:51:52 what is that by lion? 12:52:22 12:52:31 gone now, but it was low and dark 12:52:41 12:52:46 two somethings 12:54:20 looks like depression is ie 12:55:49 sparekitty quit (timeout) 12:55:53 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 13:13:06 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 13:13:09 Kevin L quit (timeout) 13:14:06 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 13:14:40 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 13:14:41 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:22:03 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 13:23:32 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:24:19 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 13:26:26 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:29:18 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:32:19 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:34:51 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 13:35:15 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 13:35:25 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:41:37 sparekitty quit (timeout) 13:56:55 OF 13:56ie 14:00:45 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 14:04:40 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 14:04:47 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 14:07:47 Recap 2011-05-13 BH 1023 wc BHI 1013 ie wc Daisy 1141 ie wc Depression 0850 ? ie wc Lion 0735 wc OF 0617 wc, 0747 wc, 0932 ie wc, 1356ie ie wc Plume 0944 ie wc, 1103 ie wc 14:07:53 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:09:19 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 14:11:25 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:14:16 Castle 14:12ie h2o - mostly steam but ii saw at least 1 burst of water 14:14:32 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 14:15:23 Rich afk quit (timeout) 14:17:23 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:18:04 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 14:18:08 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:19:12 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:19:39 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to Graham 14:20:03 hello, whats goinf on today? 14:20:07 afternoon Graham 14:20:23 i lucked out and saw BH at work today 14:21:03 nice! i put my customers on hold while it erupts.. im sure they love that 14:21:55 haha.....its a mental helth activity 14:25:32 Plume 1524ie 14:25:40 I mean 1425ie 14:28:58 Rich afk quit (timeout) 14:31:22 81F today woohoo 14:31:29 grrr cant type 14:31:29 61 14:34:46 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:35:52 almost same temp here and in west yellowstone. amazing to think there's still weeks of hockey left 14:36:40 hockey - isn't it over? 14:38:04 only for us... and now the red wings too 14:39:20 only one team goes home a winner, so theres lots of unhappy fans in the end 14:40:49 sports can be cruel but we keep coming back for more 14:45:55 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 14:47:54 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 14:59:41 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 15:00:34 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:00:53 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 15:04:17 had to peek in and get times before driving up :) 15:05:04 have a good safe trip 15:06:01 gonna be disappointed if I dont get another Giantess this weekend like I did last - ha 15:06:23 we get spoiled so quickly, dont we? 15:06:46 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 15:09:09 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:13:48 Graham quit (timeout) 15:17:35 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 15:18:14 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 15:19:24 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to Jake 15:19:59 Graham, do you have any knowledge/input on history of reporting webcam times as in static vs streaming? 15:20:40 I don't think it's necessary to differentiate, mostly because it adds another layer of complexity to 15:20:54 and it's little value-added 15:22:39 or...anyone?. . . Bueler? . . . Bueler? 15:25:24 i may have upset Graham by bringing up hockey again...nah i dont think it's necessary to differentiate 15:27:24 zzzzzzzz 15:27:55 did i miss anything? 15:28:14 checking hockey scores...nope Caps still not winning 15:28:41 Jake - i don't think you need to distinguish which webcam it came from 15:31:39 ok, Rich had mentioned something about it earlier and I see that there's a distinction made in the transcribed VC logs 15:32:02 but maybe that's from a time when people were more leary about times from those sources 15:32:48 ok, guess i need to look at the VC logs... 15:33:15 wc = web cam, swc = streaming webcam ... at least for 2010 15:33:49 but those times would have come from you via listserv (I think) so how would Lynn have known the difference? 15:34:04 as it is, almost all times are swc 15:34:35 unless they were actually written into the logbook at some point... 15:34:51 well looking at the Jan 2010 times, they say "cam" 15:35:59 even the wc timestamp was proven to be inaccurate 15:36:02 Plume 15:33ie 15:36:04 ok, now Isee Lynns log 15:36:13 at the top is her description 15:36:29 do a search for swc or space-wc and you'll see where they are 15:36:36 within the log 15:36:58 kc, you mean that wc times are not accurate because they don't match electronic? 15:37:04 should we distinguish between VEC and Basin cam too? 15:37:10 if it ever comes back to life 15:37:40 I say no to distinguishing 15:38:29 the timestamp did not match atomic clock time 15:38:32 Lynn put in all sorts of interesting notes when matching wc times with electronic and/or log book entries 15:40:06 I love when she puts in [Note: this is not a typo.] for anything strange....could be interpreted as [Note: I am not the moron who wrote such a ridiculously inaccurate thing] 15:40:46 I like this one from 2010: 5/14/2010 Falcon 11:50 vr [Note: This is not a typo.] 15:40:53 5/14/2010 Falcon 11:50 vr [Note: This is not a typo.] 15:41:08 5/14/2010 Falcon 11:50 vr [Note: This is not a typo.] 15:41:20 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 15:41:40 OF 1541 15:41:49 yeah, where is Falcon? 15:41:56 kc, was the timestamp off by more than a couple of minutes? 15:41:57 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 15:42:59 i dont think so 15:43:20 5/18/2010 Spasmatic 7:19 ie [Note: The name is not a typo.] 15:43:33 [Note: the name is not a typo.] 15:44:05 followed the very next day by: 15:44:20 5/19/2010 Spasmadic 10:26 ie [NOTE: The name is not a typo.] 15:44:27 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 15:45:00 also not a don't envy Lynn for going through all that 15:45:20 no, its harder than it looks 15:45:50 theres a similar problem woith the log times here too, figuring out whats a real report and which of the ? ones should be entered 15:45:56 and dealing with time zones and typos 15:48:19 6/8/2010 Lion 7:52 9:09 ie 10:25 10:28 10:48 15:48:35 I'm having trouble copying these records in...sorry 15:49:31 Lion times for 6/8/2010 in the VC Logbook: 752, 925ie, 1025, 1028, 1048 <---something wrong with this picture? 15:50:51 minors? 15:50:54 minors or restarts i would guess 15:51:16 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 15:51:55 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 15:52:00 note - they are not my quirly times :) 15:52:19 have to check Jan and Sept for those - although I cant load most of Sept and beyond 15:52:57 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 15:53:54 you can't load Sept from the VC log file? 15:53:59 and what's a 'quirly' time? 15:54:31 quirky 15:55:14 quits at 9/5/2010 15:56:25 oh yeah, so it does 15:57:01 misses all your BHI's and N Goggles Major 15:57:32 now that IS a shame 16:00:16 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 16:00:40 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 16:03:41 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 16:13:30 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 16:14:12 Graham quit (timeout) 16:16:48 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 16:25:08 are we waiting for Lion? 16:25:33 ok. guess not. 16:27:01 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 16:27:27 now I am confused. I guess I better go back and read the logs and figure out what we could be watching for? 16:28:03 Graham quit (timeout) 16:28:08 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 16:31:54 grand?, aurum?, depression? 16:32:10 about time for a plume... 16:32:28 little cub 1632ie 16:33:15 Graham quit (timeout) 16:33:47 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 16:36:17 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 16:37:26 a moose? 16:38:28 Graham quit (timeout) 16:38:28 Graham quit (timeout) 16:42:50 well, still not sure what we are watching, but it is better than tv. 16:47:19 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 16:49:01 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 16:56:28 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 16:59:30 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 17:01:17 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 17:01:29 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to vw 17:01:39 good evening all! 17:01:48 Hi 17:01:51 hi vw 17:01:57 Looks like it continues to be beautiful in the basin. 17:01:59 hi vw, bbs 17:02:12 sure kc... leave just as I come in. I get the hint... 17:02:14 :D 17:02:34 over 60 17:02:38 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:02:48 We have been meaning to talk to you about your mouthwash... 17:03:01 :D :D :D 17:03:14 I love seeing the snow gone 17:03:21 63 here in Billings. Been nice for a couple of days now. Making some of us a little nervous! 17:03:45 So besides another 3+ earthquake, anything shaking in YNP? 17:03:45 Only mid 90's here. 17:04:11 Interesting pictures coming out on Sylvan Pass avalance 17:04:52 geysers are all sleeping 17:04:56 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 17:04:58 vw quit (timeout) 17:05:18 They are getting old. 17:07:00 Deleted this. had to go find it: 17:07:58 vw quit (timeout) 17:08:02 Plate 1707ie ? 17:08:21 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 17:08:44 17:08:49 thats better. 17:11:02 nice snow 17:11:31 I wondered if the Ranger driving that truck didn't see it coming when they went around the bend! 17:13:40 bye all 17:14:18 Jake quit (timeout) 17:14:37 OF 1714 17:14:44 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 17:14:53 vw quit (timeout) 17:16:47 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 17:17:58 vw quit (timeout) 17:22:01 . 17:22:33 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 17:26:57 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 17:27:21 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 17:31:18 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 17:32:38 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 17:33:46 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 17:34:46 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 17:35:35 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 17:35:42 ynpvisitor61 changes nickname to kcmule 17:47:07 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 17:52:23 vw quit (timeout) 17:53:42 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 17:56:55 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 17:57:57 vw quit (timeout) 18:00:48 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 18:01:24 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 18:01:32 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 18:03:09 vw quit (timeout) 18:06:32 vw quit (timeout) 18:07:00 Penta 1805ie 18:08:31 . 18:08:51 Graham quit (timeout) 18:09:10 vw quit (timeout) 18:10:09 . 18:10:30 Chat page doesn't like me tonight. Guess I will take a hint and head out. 18:10:37 Hope everybody has a great evening. 18:11:09 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 18:11:18 vw quit (timeout) 18:11:19 Bye vw 18:11:51 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 18:11:59 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 18:16:32 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 18:17:24 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 18:17:32 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 18:40:03 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 18:40:59 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 18:52:36 nice OF 18:53:45 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 18:56:15 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 18:56:24 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 18:57:06 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 18:59:49 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 19:00:05 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 19:20:28 Daisy 19:20ie 19:24:05 Graham quit (timeout) 19:27:18 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 19:29:39 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 19:30:25 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 19:58:00 Plume 19:57ie 20:00:00 Grand 19:59ie 20:00:36 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 20:00:49 . 20:13:28 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 20:13:48 Lion 2013ie 20:15:55 . 20:24:05 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 20:24:11 OF 2023 20:24:48 ynpvisitor44 changes nickname to MJ 20:25:28 i am done for the day, see you 20:25:40 nite 20:25:59 nice evening in the park 20:26:43 Graham quit (timeout) 20:28:51 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 20:31:57 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 20:36:49 movie time see ya 20:37:26 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:38:03 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 20:38:56 Good Night Everyone. 20:39:43 MJ quit (timeout) 20:44:22 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 20:58:10 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 20:59:51 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 21:04:22 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:26:10 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 21:27:25 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 22:11:33 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 22:12:27 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 23:18:16 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone Found 620 log entries for 2011-05-14 00:09:46 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 01:55:10 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 02:09:12 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 05:30:03 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 05:31:29 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 05:31:31 if thats you CC I think I saw OF start at 526 did you catch it? 05:31:52 ynpvisitor26 changes nickname to CC 05:31:55 It 05:32:05 It's me and I did not catch it 05:32:25 it is so blurry on the cam I can't see anything 05:32:26 I was capturing - will check again as soon as it process's 05:32:47 k thanks 05:32:53 but looked like 5 26 and about 1/2 - was big anyhow 05:34:27 somehow I managed to clear view...I will keep it this way for a while 05:34:31 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 05:35:07 does look a lot nicer - g 05:36:16 looks like it was preplay 05:36:27 just saw some water 05:36:41 k 05:36:56 was just about to look at capture - shall wait - g 05:37:56 might help if I got my reading glasses on instead of drving ones 05:45:00 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to Loisb 05:45:17 fetched my reading glasses and now I even know who I am 05:45:34 lol 05:46:14 I aways said we wore name tags at work so we would know who we were in the mornings 05:50:01 OF 549 05:50:29 nice 05:50:50 can't see too much at this time of day 05:51:29 not bad on the vc cam 05:53:24 calling it a long....over three minutes 05:53:48 I think so too - still saw water on the vc cam 05:55:30 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 05:57:27 the inversion is really bad this morning 05:58:05 must be cause it was a nice day yesterday 06:00:40 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 06:01:20 elk and bison both at Roosevelt 06:01:23 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 06:01:29 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:02:22 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:04:51 . 06:07:47 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:09:01 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 06:10:35 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:12:52 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:17:34 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 06:17:43 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:21:38 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 06:22:29 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:27:28 . 06:29:29 finally got connected correctly (I hope) and I can't see a thing- what fog! 06:30:16 the rain was forecast to move in this afternoon - think the weather guessers got it wrong a tad 06:30:53 Loisb quit (timeout) 06:32:53 maybe that guy will wave when something erupts 06:43:34 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to Graham 06:43:38 morning 06:43:52 Morning 06:45:21 beautiful day 06:45:41 tis a grand day for ducks 06:46:03 raining here too 06:46:33 they canceled the work party in the park today so I am planning on dry and warm - inside 06:47:32 ah, good decision......should have postponed it tho? 06:48:05 have no idea why postponed - just got notice 06:48:43 we are working planting, weeding, mulching in a local park once a month so this only saves me this month 06:49:49 postponed rather than cancelled 06:50:06 oh ok 06:50:18 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 06:50:44 we had a great week but its gonna rain on and off all weekend 06:50:45 cancled for the month - g 06:52:08 Cabibs should be open now too right? 06:52:12 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 06:52:17 cabins 06:52:50 I haven't seen anything on the cabins but all the other stuff was opening by this weekend according to what I read 06:53:05 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 06:54:05 they were scheduled to open yesterday 06:54:24 we will look over there later :) 06:54:25 then they must have 06:54:32 hard to tell from here with todays view 06:54:42 was clearer at 5515 06:54:47 515 06:55:37 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 06:56:16 several lightly dressed walkers out but its still 29F 06:56:45 they came from some place where its warm 06:56:50 they aren't from around here 06:57:15 look at how that snow has gone off the BW 06:57:58 didn't take long either 06:58:31 they still have the baricade up at the front door to the vc though 07:00:45 you would have figured that would be open by now 07:00:45 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 07:01:05 maybe the person assigned to that task is ill 07:02:23 not too many ppl at OF yet but will pick up fast now 07:03:33 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 07:03:41 guess most schools get out in May 07:03:45 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 07:03:58 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 07:04:25 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 07:04:37 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 07:04:57 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 07:05:05 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 07:07:08 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 07:07:23 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 07:13:14 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 07:13:26 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to Kevin L 07:14:33 OF 0713ie 07:15:43 thanks Graham 07:15:51 are you timing OF 07:16:30 watching it, still going 07:16:43 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 07:16:44 difficult to see 07:16:48 Can you even see it to time it? 07:17:13 can't zoom in because the cam won't focus 07:17:29 I still water though 07:17:37 see water 07:17:41 over 3min 07:17:54 k 07:17:57 yeah its a Long 07:18:00 It would be fun to be on Geyser Hill right now. 07:18:13 always fun to be on GH 07:18:27 True. 07:18:49 good conditions for a Grand eruption too 07:18:58 Fog in the morning always makes it more fun. Love to sit but Doublet. 07:19:04 by 07:19:19 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:20:19 Graham quit (timeout) 07:20:31 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 07:24:26 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 07:25:53 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 07:26:08 Graham quit (timeout) 07:33:13 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 07:35:18 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 07:38:10 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 07:39:43 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 07:43:22 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 07:44:10 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 07:44:12 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 07:44:38 looks like it is clearing a bit 07:45:12 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to karen 07:48:45 karen quit (timeout) 07:52:09 headed out, bbl 07:52:26 later 07:52:28 see ya 07:57:20 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 08:07:23 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 08:09:30 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 08:10:22 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 08:10:53 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 08:18:58 Loisb quit (timeout) 08:20:53 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 08:22:04 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 08:22:16 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to Rich 08:22:59 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 08:24:46 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 08:25:23 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 08:25:39 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 08:26:25 Plume 8:26 IE 08:37:03 CC quit (timeout) 08:38:25 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:38:31 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 08:40:37 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to CC 08:40:39 OF prediction 08:46 mdt 08:41:07 Making a correction on Plume...looks like 8:37 possibly 08:41:28 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 08:41:57 *:41 IE OF 08:42:07 8:41 IE OF 08:42:49 CC quit (timeout) 08:47:46 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 08:50:43 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 08:51:27 8:50 IE Riverside 08:58:33 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 09:02:41 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 09:04:15 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 09:06:09 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 09:14:43 Castle 9:14 IE 09:14:45 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:18:40 Jim said Castle is minoring and the VC is going out to do geyser downloads so we will get a more definite when they come in 09:20:01 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 09:20:26 CC quit (timeout) 09:32:04 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:35:49 Rich quit (timeout) 09:40:13 Rich quit (timeout) 09:46:03 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 09:47:06 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 09:51:17 Rich quit (timeout) 09:58:10 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 10:01:21 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 10:02:47 Rich quit (timeout) 10:15:00 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 10:16:30 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 10:16:38 OF 1015ie 10:20:03 OF long 10:26:20 Recap 2011-05-14: Castle 0914 ie wc min, OF 0549 wc, 0713 ie wc, 0841 ie wc, 1015 ie wc, Plume 0826 ie wc, 0837 ? wc, Riverside 0850 ie wc, 10:26:47 ty 10:27:36 No report of BHI/BH yet 10:27:43 yw 10:27:45 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 10:29:05 Plume 1028ie 10:31:47 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:40:53 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 10:42:08 Rich quit (timeout) 10:42:46 Rich quit (timeout) 10:57:48 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 11:01:03 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 11:01:48 Sawmill 1101ie 11:03:26 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 11:04:07 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 11:15:35 Oblong 1115ie ? 11:18:43 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 11:21:37 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 11:22:53 Daisy 1122ie 11:26:41 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 11:28:18 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 11:29:00 Plume 1128 11:41:36 Todd joins Yellowstone 11:42:19 Todd quit (timeout) 11:43:54 OF 1143ie 11:47:43 Hello all 11:48:06 Hi Todd 11:48:42 Hey G, I saw in your reports a Giantess eruption 11:48:50 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 11:49:41 today? 11:50:22 No last week or or so. 11:50:26 Sunday morning was when we saw it 11:50:48 seismograph said Saturday night start 11:51:40 and then the Wednesday moose - more rare than Giantess 11:51:55 I still check emails while farming, so I was keeping up with all the reports 11:52:10 Saw that to--I missed all the good stuff 11:52:21 Hows the corn doing? 11:52:22 :( 11:52:28 :) 11:52:39 Corn coming up all over now 11:52:55 We have had a beautiful stretch of weather here 11:53:11 kc and lois got lots of video for replays 11:53:11 Allowed us to get a lot done. 11:53:18 Great. Mine is about 18" tall. Don't expect much out of it though. 11:53:39 Great on the videos and your corn 11:54:24 Got a little rain shower here last night and this morning so we are shut down for a few days 11:54:39 Todd quit (timeout) 11:55:12 Better get it in before the NASCAR race. Surest way to end a drought is schedule a race. 11:55:40 So true--or dig a hole or tear off shingles 11:55:50 Or cut hay 11:55:57 Right on both counts there. 11:56:22 Tearing off shingles even works here in Vegas. 11:56:40 :) 11:56:44 :) 11:56:59 Rain was perfect though, as we really needed it. And the break 11:56:59 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 11:58:26 Looks like the surface of the moon there Graham 11:58:49 decided its a tree stump, not a 4 legged 11:59:11 yeah the compression made it piilzte and change a lot 11:59:26 Still moose hunting? 11:59:47 would be nice 12:00:08 probably too many ppl around during the day tho 12:00:10 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 12:00:15 Wolves have all the moose about wiped out don't they? 12:00:41 they declined after the fires because a lot of the willows burned 12:00:54 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:01:17 Good morning/afternoon. 12:01:23 not sure theres much moose wolf interaction, i think the wolves go after the herds rather than the solitary moose 12:02:09 Probably luck of the draw on the wolves not finding a moose throught the winter 12:02:35 lot more bison and elk for them to learn how to take down 12:02:46 Once they ran across a cow/calf, I would think they would eventually get it 12:03:05 True 12:03:30 yeah but with the bison or elk herd its a continuous feast. single moose dinner doesn't last long enough 12:03:47 I know in Canada they say that only 50% of the first year calves make it through the first year. 12:04:02 would you go after Kevins corn or Todds? hehe 12:04:22 :) 12:04:44 i am sure mortality is pretty high for all species 12:05:35 i usually doint see any moose when i go to Yellowstone, probably only seen a handfull before but i dont really go looking for wildlife 12:05:44 How do I find the links to the moose video and Giantess? 12:05:58 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:06:31 moose 12:06:47 They are a very reclusive species 12:07:04 Thanks for the links. 12:08:35 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:09:12 or kcmules page has a bunch of videos 12:10:12 Alright, taking a look. Graham have you read the book "Playing God in Yellowstone"? 12:10:48 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 12:12:07 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:12:25 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 12:15:10 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 12:17:01 Todd quit (timeout) 12:18:10 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:20:44 I have not read it 12:20:55 was watching the bison battle on kcs page 12:21:41 kcmules channel is now added to my favorites 12:21:59 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 12:22:03 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:22:19 I read it years ago. By Alston Chase. He has many therioes on park management. 12:22:47 Loisb put a series of Giantess videos out too 12:23:21 thanks, going for a look. Are we due for a Plume? 12:23:41 yep, and BH 12:23:53 Wind is bad for Plume 12:24:07 Or is it to the right ? 12:24:11 yeah. of lightened up for the last one tho 12:25:43 Todd quit (timeout) 12:26:21 Graham quit (timeout) 12:26:42 Plume 1226 12:31:30 Need to work on the lawn mower, the safety module failed that stops the blades whenever you back up or get off the seat. Luckily it is still under warranty, otherwise $200 part 12:31:59 Will leave sound up so Lori will hear the ping alerting me to an impending BH 12:32:09 ok, good luck 12:32:25 :) Be baback later after you alert me:) 12:32:41 Kevin L quit (timeout) 12:34:16 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:39:02 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:41:40 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:42:27 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 12:43:55 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 12:45:07 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 12:45:17 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 12:48:42 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 12:50:17 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 12:52:16 I'm back, they gave me a used module and apparently it is no better than our used module, since it doesn't work either 12:52:36 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 12:52:48 at least their quality is consistent 12:53:01 haha 12:53:43 John Deere dealer already closed for the day, so I guess the grass will wait until Monday 12:54:22 i need a jhob there, short hours and low quality 12:54:43 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 12:55:20 Well in all fairness, they have been going non stop there for the last few weeks also, so this rain is giving them a break, too 12:55:37 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 12:55:51 Sawmill or Churn? 12:56:05 Sawmill has been going for a while now 12:56:22 2 hours 12:56:52 It's an entertaining feature 13:00:35 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 13:00:39 Todd quit (timeout) 13:01:03 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 13:04:28 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 13:06:51 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 13:11:42 Plate 1311ie 13:12:21 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 13:20:03 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 13:20:30 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 13:21:56 Plume 1321 13:22:16 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 13:26:29 OF 1326 13:29:18 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 13:32:21 looks like Sawmill is off now 13:32:36 Loisb quit (timeout) 13:36:21 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 13:44:17 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 13:45:24 Going to try and install a new hard drive in our PC. Wish me luck, if it goes badly, might not be back for a while........ 13:45:28 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 13:45:34 Bye for now 13:45:40 hehe....come back soon 13:45:46 Jim is waiting for BH 13:46:06 Jim? 13:46:16 It is good to have Jim back. 13:46:25 Is he in the basin? 13:46:44 Jim S? 13:46:50 Hopefully for the season. 13:47:48 yes, hes in the red coat for the season 13:47:50 Todd quit (timeout) 13:48:02 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 13:49:44 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 13:50:20 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 13:53:02 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 13:54:30 looks like Jim might have some company there now 13:55:39 Daisy 1355 13:58:03 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 13:58:22 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to Kent 14:01:47 Loisb quit (timeout) 14:09:44 Kent quit (timeout) 14:11:49 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:12:50 Graham quit (timeout) 14:13:09 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 14:17:39 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:18:10 Uncertain 1417ie 14:18:57 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:19:12 mini BH :) 14:19:30 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 14:26:48 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 14:37:45 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 14:43:15 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 14:43:47 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 14:46:07 Sawmill 1445ie 14:47:55 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 14:49:25 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:02:55 OF 1502 15:07:08 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 15:08:01 Plume 1507 15:08:09 Plume? 15:08:16 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to Kristine 15:08:20 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 15:08:21 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 15:08:26 yep 15:08:40 OF is not making it easy today 15:08:59 No, it's not 15:09:43 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 15:10:12 Looks a little windy today :) 15:10:28 wind has picked up 15:10:31 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 15:12:29 Later all 15:13:07 Kristine quit (timeout) 15:15:03 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 15:15:27 hard to leave the cam on BH 15:16:02 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 15:16:31 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:17:27 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 15:17:52 Sawmill is off 15:26:25 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:26:53 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 15:28:42 BHI 1528ie 15:28:44 Indicator 1528? 15:28:47 wake up everyone 15:28:51 its going 15:28:54 . 15:29:10 ynpvisitor92 changes nickname to Todd 15:29:38 ynpvisitor6w joins Yellowstone 15:29:47 On the daughtrs laptop while the new hard drive is partioning 15:29:56 :) 15:30:19 ynpvisitor6w quit (timeout) 15:30:20 wb Todd 15:30:32 thanks 15:31:00 Todd quit (timeout) 15:31:40 Good timing. Right during a rain delay on the race. 15:32:08 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:32:12 Kevin L quit (timeout) 15:32:23 nice time for a wind shift to get OF out of the way too 15:32:35 That would be nice. 15:32:53 you're asking for a lot now 15:33:22 wind shift or moose...hum which do i want more? 15:33:48 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:33:51 lion in the background 15:34:19 Jim is there, not building a big crowd tho 15:34:22 This is one time we don't want a dual. 15:34:46 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:34:55 if they don't ask he don't tell. g 15:35:17 Rain delay is ending. 15:35:38 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:35:47 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 15:36:50 Graham quit (timeout) 15:36:55 Kevin has a decision to make---BH or Race 15:37:12 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 15:37:37 It just went green. Decision is 13" crt or 42" high def. 15:39:22 that was easy 15:39:34 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 15:39:50 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to Kent 15:39:50 It's 13". 15:39:55 And BH. 15:40:33 allrighty then 15:41:51 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 15:41:52 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 15:43:01 maybe not 15:43:10 BH 1542 15:43:13 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 15:43:25 ynpvisitor21 changes nickname to CC 15:43:28 you missed my earlier comment.. 15:43:29 nice BH 15:43:33 Jim is there, not building a big crowd tho 15:43:44 no, lost it...grrr 15:44:01 yeah good of OF to not get in the way right now 15:45:34 I was shutting down the computer for the night and took a quick peek...lucky me 15:46:05 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 15:46:10 Not a bad crowd 15:46:18 hope I will be this lucky in a weekand a few days 15:47:08 I am sure you will, with a few more ppl on the BW then too 15:47:34 no question about that 15:47:36 I am sure Jim was happy the indicator went, hes been there a while 15:48:04 especially Memorial day weekend....our usual crowd expected 15:48:16 have a good evening 15:48:29 k, see ya, glad you caught it 15:48:46 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 15:48:56 CC quit (timeout) 15:49:00 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 15:50:44 Turban 1550ie ? 15:51:10 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 15:52:52 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 15:53:10 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 15:54:21 Watched Thomas graduate and arrived home in time for a Indicator ie phone call 15:54:43 Whole family enjoyed the eruption of Beehive 15:54:57 cool, congratulations to Thomas and you all 15:55:04 thats that out of the way :) 15:55:26 whats he gonna do now? 15:55:52 Thomas goes to Univ. of Wy. this fall 15:56:24 k, sounds good 15:56:46 you going to the park Memorial weekend? 15:57:09 No. I will head in about June 22 15:57:31 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 15:57:45 Hopefully Sylvan will be open by then. 15:58:53 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 15:59:03 Kent quit (timeout) 15:59:07 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 15:59:10 Karen posted BH pics on FB :) 15:59:57 and I am geyser hill still! 16:00:15 ah, at Plume? 16:00:35 yep. newish smart phone 16:00:49 looks like the wind is unpleasant 16:01:17 BTW - is there a Grand prediction? 16:01:40 not too bad actually. and perfect wind direction for beehive 16:02:20 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 16:03:55 Plume 1603 16:05:16 VC says Grand 1945 +/- 2', Daisy 1650 +/- 30", Riverside 2030 +/- 30". 16:05:40 k, thanks Kent 16:05:50 yw 16:06:36 that OF steam is annoying 16:06:48 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 16:10:45 Kent quit (timeout) 16:11:24 could be Turban at 1610, a bit early for Grand tho 16:14:27 Todd quit (timeout) 16:15:54 headig out to supper. Maybe in 3 or 4 hours this new hard drive will have copied all the files over by then 16:16:17 Thanks for pulling all the rods and levers tooday Graham 16:16:42 yw Todd, may be quiet 16:16:49 mm food sounds like a good idea here too 16:16:52 see ya 16:16:59 bye\ 16:18:19 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 16:27:00 Race is over. Was for sure grown men crashing expensive cars on this one. 16:27:27 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 16:28:16 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 16:28:33 i dont know how they fix them so quickly 16:28:43 5mph crash totals a real car 16:30:00 This one they needed a broom and dustpan. Ended under yellow on the 2nd Green-white-Checker. It was pretty ugly. 16:33:00 Turban 1632ie ? 16:39:52 Daisy 1639ie 16:47:08 OF 1646 16:48:36 Todd quit (timeout) 16:53:24 cars and ppl in the cabin area - life is good 16:57:05 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 17:00:01 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 17:01:22 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to cb 17:01:34 may have missed Plume 17:01:38 hi cb 17:01:44 Hi all 17:02:03 in a lull here now 17:02:24 got BH out of the way 17:02:38 OF steam blowing hard in the wrong direction most of th eday 17:06:21 cb quit (timeout) 17:26:32 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 17:27:07 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to Allan 17:32:56 Allan quit (timeout) 17:40:23 Tardy is going now 17:43:01 cb quit (timeout) 17:43:17 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 17:44:49 Todd quit (timeout) 17:51:16 Plume 1750 17:52:16 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 17:53:32 brb 17:56:17 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 17:58:13 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 18:04:00 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 18:04:38 ynpvisitor75 changes nickname to Allan M. 18:07:02 Sawmill 1806ie 18:14:08 OF 1813 18:31:42 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 18:32:42 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 18:33:18 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 18:35:12 cb quit (timeout) 18:36:35 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 18:41:15 Todd quit (timeout) 18:47:09 Todd quit (timeout) 18:47:18 Plume 1847 18:47:53 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 18:49:22 cb quit (timeout) 18:50:22 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 18:51:26 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 18:51:43 Grand 1851 19:02:51 lots of steam there, was hoping for a 3rd but 2 was nice 19:03:27 Was a great 2nd. 19:03:45 only 9m so I was looking for a 3rd 19:04:11 I was hoping. it was a short one. Now where is that moose? 19:07:07 I was hoping to spot a Lion instead? 19:07:28 cb quit (timeout) 19:08:18 Speaking of critters, we haven't had a coyote for ages. 19:08:44 hum, thats true. what happened to the 4pm coyote? 19:08:46 Todd quit (timeout) 19:09:01 They are in Arizona looking for roadrunners. 19:09:09 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 19:10:52 Graham quit (timeout) 19:14:25 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 19:20:27 Allan M. quit (timeout) 19:21:59 or they became wolf chow 19:27:40 Daisy 1927 19:28:54 Todd quit (timeout) 19:31:27 Sawmill is off again 19:35:20 Plume and OF could be close 19:36:05 yep 19:37:31 Plume wins 1937 19:39:03 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 19:49:34 OF 1949 19:50:12 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 19:57:02 Churn is steamy but no Tardy yet 20:09:14 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 20:10:31 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 20:15:43 Riverside 2015ie 20:17:02 Todd quit (timeout) 20:24:28 Here moosey moosey mossey..... 20:24:45 right time of day 20:24:49 just too many ppl out there 20:25:45 Maybe if they knew OF would be going in less than an hou rthey would leave? 20:26:23 ON the plus side, the other moose I saw in the basin was on Geyser Hill. 20:26:27 the moose? 20:26:53 got to figure they won't hang out on GH for long 20:27:11 Either one. They sure have a greater intelligence than one tour group I remember. 20:27:39 thats true...but they do go off trail 20:27:56 maybe they were all moose dressed as ppl 20:28:18 Could be. 20:33:19 Plume 2032 20:36:17 Tardy going 20:37:55 Sawmill 2037ns 20:39:56 Castle is over 11 hours post-minor 20:44:07 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 20:47:02 goodnight all 20:48:25 Graham quit (timeout) 20:52:02 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:52:40 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:52:50 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:53:37 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:54:19 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:54:57 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:56:08 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:56:47 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:57:27 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 21:00:31 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 21:00:52 Todd quit (timeout) 21:02:41 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 21:03:51 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 21:21:24 Kevin L quit (timeout) 23:03:04 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 23:04:26 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 23:15:58 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) Found 955 log entries for 2011-05-15 05:22:42 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 05:26:38 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 05:29:48 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 05:35:12 ynpvisitor60 changes nickname to CC 05:49:31 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 05:51:19 bh 5:50 05:51:54 THAT IS BHI 5:50 06:01:36 I can't believe that person is just walking away 06:02:12 could be Jim 06:02:22 I guess 06:04:48 BH 6:04 06:06:25 nice tall one 06:06:27 Depression 6:05 IE 06:07:05 Just love BH from the cam point of view 06:07:37 some day I want to be far enough away to take a video of the entire eruption - with all its height 06:08:01 and no people in the way of my view of course 06:08:26 If you stand on the over side of the Firehole you probably can do just that 06:08:44 Never have managed to be there when it went off 06:09:44 we might get to see two today though since its so early 06:11:28 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 06:12:15 Lion 6:12 06:14:04 Lion looks like it was a start /stop 06:14:22 just wanted to get your attention 06:17:25 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 06:17:43 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 06:18:10 ynpvisitor67 changes nickname to Graham 06:18:14 guess i got up too late :) 06:18:28 yep 06:18:30 just a few minutes 06:18:33 morning 06:18:41 morning 06:19:59 ynpvisitor25 changes nickname to kcmule 06:20:01 BH 06:04 06:20:24 morning KC 06:21:19 by the way KC..loved your moose video 06:22:35 good mornin, thx CC was a good catch by Graham or we mighta missed it 06:22:53 agreed 06:24:08 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 06:24:50 thanks for the BH replay kc. i just got lucky with the moose, wasn't looking for one :) 06:26:26 seems like thats how it works sometimes. u posted first and got my attention and KL's too i think 06:26:28 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 06:27:02 i see someone got to see BH up close 06:28:00 I think it might have been im because he walked the hill 06:30:15 Sawmill 0629ie 06:30:17 Graham is that Churn 06:30:26 may be hard to get Penta and Churn again today 06:30:39 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 06:30:51 splashes to the right of the tree are Sawmill especially big ones 06:31:00 modt of Tardy is behind the tree and smaller 06:31:02 k 06:31:05 Churn is between the trees 06:32:06 kc's video should help you see what to look for down there 06:32:17 it shows where the action from churn is 06:33:59 still waiting on OF 06:34:32 better to be waiting for OF rather than BH 06:34:49 may have missed it during BH 06:35:06 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 06:35:38 finally preplay 06:35:50 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 06:37:06 i was just checking the video, no OF steam during BH and not post eruptive 06:40:06 I was watching the vc cam also during BH - no OF 06:40:12 think it went around 505 06:41:24 could be nicely lit 06:43:39 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 06:46:18 OF 6:34 06:46:41 ? 06:47:29 OF 6:45 06:47:36 thanks 06:48:01 np 06:48:19 It was 06:45:34 06:48:38 using my stop watch...sorry 06:49:09 great view on both cams 06:49:41 static cam was beautiful 06:49:42 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 06:53:33 CC quit (timeout) 06:55:08 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 06:56:51 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 06:57:12 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to CC 07:00:00 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 07:02:32 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 07:04:31 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 07:09:55 CC quit (timeout) 07:26:17 guess the rest of the morning will be boring - only steam to watch 07:30:25 can always hope for a bear 07:30:47 am watching it snow at Rainier - g 07:31:59 nice 07:32:16 snowing at Yosemite also 07:33:02 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 07:39:36 looks nice up in Glacier, lets go there! 07:42:28 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 07:42:45 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 07:42:59 ynpvisitor1 changes nickname to cb 07:43:17 Hi 07:43:41 Morning 07:43:52 its even above freezing at Apgar 07:44:05 woke to snow in our front yard 07:44:42 one of the Yosemite guys said he woke wondering why he wasn't hearing rain on the roof 07:44:47 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 07:45:00 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 07:45:06 CA @ 1800ft 07:45:36 only rain here but snow all around 07:45:44 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to CC 07:45:50 morning cb 07:46:01 morning CC! 07:46:03 wow you need to go somewhere where its warmer about Yellowstone? 07:46:44 mornin 07:48:04 soon Graham 07:48:46 /// its crazy! This is about the 3rd "snow on the Dogwoods" so far....Spring is here! 07:49:13 love that /// cloud 07:49:29 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 07:49:47 ynpvisitor50 changes nickname to MJ 07:49:53 I know theres a snow cloud also. i can't remember how to do it though 07:49:58 morning mj 07:50:12 Good Morning CC 07:50:16 Hi kc and MJ 07:50:48 where is the sunshine rather than snow and rain? 07:50:49 Good Morning cb 07:51:06 I thought the park would be socked in w rainy/snowy weather also 07:51:14 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 07:52:13 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 07:53:27 MJ quit (timeout) 07:55:28 cb quit (timeout) 07:55:41 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 07:56:10 CC quit (timeout) 07:58:16 Plume 7:57 08:08:01 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 08:24:43 OF 8:24 08:31:38 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 08:31:39 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 08:32:05 :***: 08:32:24 : * * * : = snow 08:32:36 ynpvisitor21 changes nickname to Kevin L 08:33:11 thanks Kevin for the:***: 08:33:26 yw 08:34:13 MJ quit (timeout) 08:38:17 Aurum 0837ie 08:38:56 CC quit (timeout) 08:43:17 *** 08:43:22 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 08:43:31 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 08:43:44 ynpvisitor78 changes nickname to CC 08:43:56 *** 08:44:13 :***: 08:44:23 got it!! thank you 08:44:23 now you have it 08:44:40 I love these little signs 08:44:43 Wondered if you were doing mini crabs. 08:45:14 windy in the park today 08:46:21 went for a drive to see the snow...going to be some down powerlines soon!! a ft of snow just a little way up the hwy from our house! 08:46:40 unbelievable 08:47:02 crazy 08:47:22 I was looking at the forecast and it is supposed to be low 60's here midweek. Was 95 Saturday! 08:47:22 I have to start packing for the park...ugh 08:47:34 can't get motivated 08:48:12 you haven't started ......????? 08:48:20 not yet 08:48:50 with this crazy weather I have to take a variety of clothes 08:49:28 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 08:51:34 cb quit (timeout) 08:59:11 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 09:03:20 Daisy 0903ie 09:07:38 CC quit (timeout) 09:12:30 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 09:13:48 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 09:14:51 Sawmill 0914ie 09:17:27 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 09:17:35 slm 09:17:54 nasilsiniz 09:18:07 isinne 09:18:42 slm 09:18:57 09:18:59 09:19:00 09:19:00 09:19:01 09:19:49 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 09:21:37 slm 09:21:59 maynemiz 09:22:03 dursun 09:22:47 slm 09:23:08 slm 09:23:14 slm 09:23:28 slm 09:23:34 mat 09:23:46 nasilsiniz 09:23:55 nonuyaz 09:24:26 mat 09:24:47 05382502490 09:24:51 ara 09:25:22 ynpvisitor61 changes nickname to missouri 09:25:47 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 09:26:21 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 09:26:54 ynpvisitor55 changes nickname to Rich 09:27:39 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 09:28:26 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 09:28:37 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 09:29:02 Have to run. Good luck with BH. 09:29:20 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to sparekitty 09:29:37 wow--nicer weather at OF than at my house! 09:29:39 well BH will be a while :) 09:30:05 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:30:22 looks like its gonna be a good day again 09:30:29 maybe spring is finally here 09:31:01 its windy tho 09:31:30 raining and COLD in pasadena...not typical May weather! 09:31:57 i feel so sorry for you, i thought it was sunny there all year round? 09:32:33 usually, it is lovely so much this spring. oh well, it's easier to water the lawn this way. 09:32:41 Rich quit (timeout) 09:33:05 yeah hopefully keep fire risk down too 09:36:38 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 09:38:00 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 09:41:22 Unfortunately, late rain makes for taller weeds - greater fire hazard. 09:41:41 can't win! 09:42:09 Wish it was so. 09:42:36 California still dries out completely buy July. 09:46:07 cb quit (timeout) 09:46:26 Rich quit (timeout) 09:46:33 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 09:48:22 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 09:48:38 cb quit (timeout) 09:51:32 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 09:51:53 Possible steam at Dome 09:52:24 ynpvisitor78 changes nickname to vw 09:52:34 Good morning. 09:52:55 Looks like it has been a nicely busy day here today. 09:52:57 domnt see any Rich 09:53:00 hi vw 09:53:16 Maybe a chance for a late BH! Nice to have two closed intervals. 09:53:27 CC was busy 09:54:55 ynpvisitor37 changes nickname to Todd 09:55:16 OF 0954 09:55:35 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 09:56:05 Wind direction is nice, but the speed is sure knocking the top off 09:56:19 kcmule quit (timeout) 09:57:39 Morning all 09:58:05 Morning Todd 09:58:09 camera is bouncing around a lot 09:58:54 New hard drive is installed and running 09:59:26 Congrats!! 10:00:52 Get lucky once in while and all goes as it should 10:00:55 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:00:55 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:01:11 Sre sped things up 10:01:15 sure 10:04:34 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:08:28 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 10:08:41 VC OF prediction 11:28 mdt 10:09:49 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 10:10:09 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:10:56 Rich quit (timeout) 10:17:05 missouri quit (timeout) 10:17:56 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 10:18:14 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 10:18:21 Todd quit (timeout) 10:18:27 Recap 2011-05-15: Aurum 0837 ie wc, BH 0604 wc, BHI 0550 wc, Daisy 0903 ie wc, Depression 0605 ie wc, Lion 0612 wc, OF 0505 ie? wc, 0645 wc, 0824 wc, 0954 wc, Sawmill 0629 ie wc, 0914 ie wc, Plume 0757 wc, BH 06:04 10:18:30 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to Kent 10:19:20 Morning Kent 10:19:31 Morning Rich 10:21:35 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:25:18 Good capture on Beehive. Something of a steamfest. kcm, your combo program is very useful. Thank you! 10:27:35 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:27:48 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 10:28:05 Todd quit (timeout) 10:28:30 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 10:29:04 Todd quit (timeout) 10:29:12 Peeps at the Lodge. Spring. 10:30:14 I'm still curious about the barrier set up in f ront of the VEC. Still possible snow avalanche? 10:31:14 probably snow - it may not get much sun there 10:31:20 There were great pile of snow that had slid off the roof and it is the shady side of the VC so melting is slow. 10:32:16 The barrier has a sign on it directing people to an open entrance. 10:32:16 ty, Kent 10:32:49 Great engineering on the roof. 10:33:33 vw quit (timeout) 10:35:54 . 10:36:17 prgram keeps timing me out. Had lots of problems yesterday too. grrr. 10:37:25 Graham quit (timeout) 10:37:26 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 10:37:27 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 10:37:40 ynpvisitor33 changes nickname to CC 10:38:56 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:39:11 Plume 1038 10:40:45 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:40:50 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 10:42:17 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 10:49:50 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 10:50:33 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 10:51:04 Todd quit (timeout) 10:51:32 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 10:53:33 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:54:43 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 11:00:50 Rich quit (timeout) 11:00:54 Todd quit (timeout) 11:04:03 sparekitty quit (timeout) 11:04:26 Trying to get that Ranger to wave at the cam for a while! 11:05:17 Rich quit (timeout) 11:05:19 Is that Marc? 11:05:56 Not sure K. He is on the phone with CC 11:06:50 ~~~ 11:07:29 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 11:07:38 ~~~ 11:07:43 We don't normally zoom in on people unless we know them, they ask or are waiving. In this case, all of the above! 11:08:07 Here we are getting a nice wave! 11:08:07 hi 11:08:07 Marc is a good guy and a good ranger. 11:08:31 how 11:08:36 do you put 11:08:36 Wonder what the people on the bw are thinking! 11:08:44 This is a hoot 11:08:53 php chat on your website 11:09:20 please 11:09:24 Calling mom 11:09:27 answer 11:10:11 Mom should be pleased! 11:10:17 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 11:10:25 vistor84, the owner of this site is not online at this time. 11:11:08 That was fun. Back to geysers now. 11:11:17 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 11:11:25 Back to work for me too. 11:12:05 Kent quit (timeout) 11:19:36 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 11:20:10 CC quit (timeout) 11:23:45 Rich quit (timeout) 11:26:14 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 11:30:01 In the window for a few geysers: Daisy, Plume, Depression. 11:30:06 Waiting for OF now though 11:32:04 Plume 1131 11:33:18 OF 1132 11:37:13 Rich quit (timeout) 11:37:52 OF long 11:37:56 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 11:38:25 kcmule changes nickname to kc (away) 11:39:51 Wind is going to make zooming in on things very difficult today. 11:42:36 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 11:42:48 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 11:44:05 Todd quit (timeout) 11:44:26 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 11:52:55 Todd quit (timeout) 11:55:14 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 11:57:16 Rich quit (timeout) 12:01:19 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 12:03:53 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 12:05:16 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 12:07:08 Castle 1206 ie 12:07:52 Rich quit (timeout) 12:08:06 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 12:13:30 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 12:18:57 Grand 1218 ie 12:19:10 Didn't think it was Grand, but just saw burst of water 12:19:19 can't get very close though 12:20:39 You can tell the wind is howing because there is virtually no steam plume 12:22:43 2nd burst at Grand 12:24:17 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 12:24:21 3rd Burst 12:24:43 that is with a ? 12:24:53 Rich quit (timeout) 12:25:14 Not close enough to read for sure. Will have to wait to see if we get a report from the basin 12:25:51 Another 12:25:59 yeah. Surprised me 12:26:39 hard to read pauses though with the wind blowing all the steam down basin. 12:26:56 Could have been a coninuous stream and we might not have been able to tell. 12:27:06 And another??? 12:27:22 Something interesting is going on! 12:27:30 I hope there is a gazer there 12:27:35 me too. 12:28:41 Wow 12:28:51 ditto 12:31:45 There is just no way to tell from the cam how many bursts there were on that Grand. 12:31:50 Rich quit (timeout) 12:32:33 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 12:33:11 Rich quit (timeout) 12:33:15 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 12:33:39 Hi, Pat Snyder here 12:33:48 Hi Pat. 12:33:57 Did I just see a four burst Grand??? 12:33:58 Were you watching that Grand? 12:34:15 Sure looked like it to me, but hard to tell. Know someone in the basin? 12:34:20 Yes, that's why I logged on, I am not believing my eyes 12:34:21 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 12:34:35 Me either. Pulled away after two and then more. 12:34:39 No, but Karen Low said she was gazing this weekend, I hope she was there. 12:35:02 Jim in the basin too. Hoping he hasen't left for the day. 12:35:18 I would think Jim would be there 12:35:21 . 12:35:36 It was very hard to read from the cam because of wind. Ground report will help. 12:35:37 He usually doesn't leave until after he sees Grand 12:35:55 I am hoping for that today! 12:36:28 I think I saw in the log that he may have been on the Hill for BH this morning around 6, so getting towards a long day for him. 12:36:47 Well, thank you. Hope we get a report tonight. Regardless, it was a great eruption. 12:37:00 Greetings from Polly via Kitt 12:37:01 I enjoyed watching it a lot! 12:37:08 thanks for logging on! 12:37:13 Grand started at 1212 12:37:22 Hi kit and Polly! 12:37:28 It was a G6Q 12:37:29 how many bursts on that Grand? 12:37:32 Hi Kitt and Polly 12:37:47 Duration 16 minutes and 21 seconds 12:37:57 Wow 12:38:06 No kidding! 12:38:17 Jim, Barbara, Polly, Maureen, and others are still in wow mode! 12:38:38 Grand was still depth charging after the eruption. 12:38:54 The first burst lasted about 9 minutes. 12:39:01 G6Q!!!!!!!!! 12:39:11 Here's hoping this is what our summer will be like. 12:39:32 Yes, a Grand start, six burst, turban and vent quit 12:39:37 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 12:39:53 I counted 5 and thought I had to be off! 12:40:18 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:42:03 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:46:01 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 12:49:52 kc (away) quit (timeout) 12:49:54 Just talked to Tara 12:50:05 She said extremely rare 12:50:08 Thanks to Pat s for making sure I was awake, Kitt for carrying messages from the basin to us, and to Gazers in the basin. An amazing Grand! 12:50:18 and now thanks to Tara too! 12:50:22 Five burst in 2002 she recalled 12:50:32 i can't even imagine how awesome that was! 12:51:12 She wasn't watching the webcam, sadly, but her hubby records the cam every day 12:51:22 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 12:51:22 He will probably post it in YouTube 12:51:38 problem is we didn't have a great view because of the wind. not the best anyway. 12:51:52 I will write him a note with the time so he can find it on his recording 12:52:05 all I counted was what i thought was 5 bursts. We missed the first minutes too. 12:52:06 Thanks everyone for confirming what I saw! 12:52:28 I couldn't believe my eyes, ha ha 12:52:48 Have a nice day and maybe a Beehive later! 12:52:53 Bye! 12:52:55 yes! 12:53:01 bye! 12:53:42 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 13:14:02 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 13:17:11 OF 1316 13:17:42 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to Jake 13:18:07 Hi Jake. Quiet day here except when something is erupting. 13:18:08 wow, a G6Q ... I almost don't recognize such a notation! 13:18:25 hi vw 13:18:31 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 13:18:31 I thought it was over after 3... 13:18:45 she was just getting started at 3! 13:19:10 ynpvisitor77 changes nickname to Kevin L 13:19:22 the final burst was beautiful. and much taller than I would have guessed a burst that far along in the sequence would be 13:20:03 I've always thought that they get taller as the bursts progress, but then, I've only seen 3 max, maybe a 4, once 13:20:04 Hi Kevin. NOt watching men crashing expensive cars today? Probably got enough of that yesterday in the final lap? 13:20:45 my homegrown theory is that there's less water 'in the way' for the eruption so it can power up with more force 13:21:13 there was plenty of force left in that one. I really could not believe my eyes. 13:21:20 maybe, who knows?, I'm glad gazers got to see it! 13:21:33 Several gazers on the ground to see it, which is a good thing! 13:22:04 yes, and if it starts doing this once a week or even a month--no one will want to miss a Grand eruption 13:22:07 Good timing. Hope kc has the replay. 13:22:42 Castle off, missed Daisy, Grand exhausted. OF steam is preventing a good view of Lion Group. Could be limited viewing for a while. 13:24:06 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 13:25:48 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 13:26:11 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to Todd 13:26:50 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 13:30:40 cam watching is making me seasick today 13:31:05 yes, it is hard when the wind is blowing so much. 13:31:20 not much I can do. have it at a fairly calm position now. 13:32:03 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 13:40:02 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 13:44:59 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 13:45:22 Daisy 1344 ie 13:45:35 Can't tell if it is just getting started or just ending. Too windy. 13:47:41 ending 13:52:27 vw quit (timeout) 13:52:42 . 13:56:51 Camera controls are being strange again. I believe cb and Graham had the same problem Thursday. Frames per second dropping really low and camera is barely responding. 13:57:02 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 13:59:12 vw quit (timeout) 14:01:06 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 14:01:33 . 14:01:46 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:05:27 Plume 1405 ie 14:10:14 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 14:15:47 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 14:18:03 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 14:19:23 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 14:24:30 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 14:33:28 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 14:34:06 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 14:34:12 vw quit (timeout) 14:34:42 . 14:36:09 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 14:37:22 hope those bench sitters aren't waiting for BH 14:40:45 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 14:42:20 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 14:44:27 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 14:47:39 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 14:48:41 OF 1448 14:55:47 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:56:57 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:57:40 ynpvisitor68 changes nickname to lc 14:58:10 good afternoon everyone 14:58:23 Hi lc! Have missed you! 14:58:25 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to cb 14:58:42 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 14:58:43 Hi all 14:58:51 Hi cb! How are the storms in your area? 14:58:58 just checked the log, G6q 14:58:58 14:59:03 Dayluge 14:59:07 Welcome to everybody that I missed! 14:59:33 Yeap a G6Q. That is based on report from gazers in the basin who were there too. 14:59:56 that is great 15:00:35 We kept seeing bursts here, but the wind conditions made 'reading' the eruption hard. 15:01:22 also couldn't get too zoomed in because of bouncing camera. :( 15:01:31 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 15:04:16 sitting back and lurking. 15:04:31 vw changes nickname to vw - lurking 15:07:36 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 15:10:27 hi all, nice weather :-) 15:10:51 a bit on the windy side, but nice to see the sun and dry benches! 15:11:15 is :***: here 15:11:53 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 15:12:25 hope to have sun in june (5-9) i am there :-) 15:12:55 :) hope so also! 15:14:17 i dont care if its cold and windy but the sun have to shine :-) 15:14:46 cb quit (timeout) 15:16:03 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 15:17:15 anyone else have the BSOD 15:17:44 not here 15:18:44 cb quit (timeout) 15:18:50 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 15:18:51 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 15:20:02 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to cb 15:20:15 had to reload....better now 15:21:29 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 15:27:47 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 15:29:47 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 15:29:52 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 15:30:02 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to Graham 15:30:25 hello....anything happen while i was out? 15:31:15 nah, nothing at all G. 15:31:29 Good drive, good music? 15:32:24 oh and btw, (whispering here....) we had a grand Grand. 15:32:33 5 burst Grand? 15:32:43 yeah no traffic and music was good :) 15:33:01 6 burst... 15:33:08 6 burst 15:33:39 we weren't sure how many we were seeing here, and then we got report from Polly and other gazers via Kitt. 15:34:04 cool...wonder what made that happen? 15:34:26 We missed the first several minutes of the eruption here, and then I was pulling away at the end of a long pause after 3 burst. Couldn't get back fast enough! 15:35:37 Todd quit (timeout) 15:35:38 Hi Graham 15:36:03 hi cb...see what happens when i go out? 15:36:15 was there a moose down there too? 15:36:25 when both of us go out!! I missed it also 15:36:41 no moose. No wildlife at all today. 15:36:53 3 or 4 of em.....a whole family affair 15:38:41 glad the gazers got to see it 15:43:12 Plume 1542ie 15:45:34 so when was the previous 6 or more burst eruption? 15:46:32 not sure how we would figure that out except from cam or gazer reports. Electronic data does not reocrd number of bursts. 15:46:39 pre Hebgen lake equake?? 15:47:39 page mentions 11 bursts "during the last few years" 15:49:11 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 15:49:21 that will challenge the statiistitions 15:50:26 jumping in...I think it's too difficult from the data logger to determine burst count 15:50:27 might be able to extrapolate from the durations of eruptions, and then compare back to log's but I don't know of any other way. Except maybe extraordinary memories of some gazers! 15:51:47 I think so too Jake. logger only gives time and interval. 15:52:29 unless someone knows of a formula for intervals, durations and bursts. 15:53:15 no, the logger records water temperature every 30 seconds or so 15:53:26 for Grand, the logger is in the runoff stream under the boardwalk with the benches 15:53:41 then Ralph looks at the output to see when the eruption was 15:54:15 it's pretty easy to see when an eruption starts because the temperature goes from 50 degrees (low) to well over 100 degrees F 15:54:22 right. meant the electoonic monitor files show eruption times and intervals. 15:54:48 but I don't think the runoff temperature dips very much between bursts 15:54:54 Daisy 1554 15:55:31 I'm sure Ralph has looked into determining burst counts from the data logger, but it might be too unreliable or difficult to do 15:55:36 can't zoom....feel like im on a oceanliner 15:55:56 thats how it has been for a while. Very hard to watch! 15:56:27 try it for a minute and when we start rocking I will pull back 15:56:57 I don't see how the current loggers could count bursts. Runoff water temp can't change significantly enough between bursts to distinquish? 15:58:16 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 15:58:29 back to lurking! 15:58:43 I'm not sure how the temperature graphs look for a typical Grand... 15:59:23 might be tough to determine what's a burst vs Turban/Vent continue also 16:00:09 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 16:03:15 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 16:03:36 Todd quit (timeout) 16:09:37 ynpvisitor00 joins Yellowstone 16:11:51 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 16:11:51 Todd quit (timeout) 16:13:28 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 16:16:03 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 16:21:09 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 16:21:20 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to CC 16:23:57 Opps OF 1622 16:28:01 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 16:28:11 Graham quit (timeout) 16:28:57 CC quit (timeout) 16:29:54 Jake quit (timeout) 16:31:27 Graham quit (timeout) 16:32:13 Plume 1632 16:35:16 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 16:37:03 its having shorter intervals 16:37:06 Grand effect? 16:37:18 really short 16:37:32 Giantess effect 16:37:38 ? 16:39:14 Sawmill 1639ie 16:40:14 maybe its a Grand/Sawmill effect? 16:40:58 Or Churn/Penta/sawmill/grand efffect 16:41:02 :) 16:41:16 SOOOO bouncy! 16:54:42 Need a nice Lion series tonight 16:59:19 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 17:04:14 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 17:04:55 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 17:12:09 Jake quit (timeout) 17:15:26 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 17:17:27 Todd quit (timeout) 17:19:55 Todd quit (timeout) 17:21:22 Plume 1721 17:22:25 Graham quit (timeout) 17:22:46 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 17:23:17 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to Graham 17:26:25 Graham quit (timeout) 17:30:04 I'm updating the website so it might not work for a little while 17:30:09 I'll let you know when it's back up 17:32:21 ty Jake! 17:33:00 wow BHI 1732 17:33:05 1732ie 17:33:26 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Glennon 17:33:30 cool 17:34:53 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 17:41:09 Jake new-- new design looks nice. I have almost finished connecting my Android app to 17:42:16 so i wonder if this will turn into an "interesting" bhi 17:43:55 BH 1743 17:44:23 hurray! 17:45:00 hopefully the wind will stay semi still for a bit 17:45:46 sigh, just a regular BHIU 17:46:08 BHIU??:) 17:46:15 Jake quit (timeout) 17:46:28 that kinda like my BSOFD 17:46:29 nice unusual wind direction 17:46:40 hehe 17:46:50 someone put the U too close to the I 17:46:53 yes it is 17:47:14 wind shift! 17:47:26 and the F to close to the D!!! OPPS!! 17:48:11 maybe a little shower 17:49:10 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 17:49:22 Well THAT was too cool...a little earlier than I had expected!! 17:49:46 very good. have a good night everyone. 17:49:48 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 17:50:03 bye lc!! you too! 17:50:08 OK, and with that Beehive eruption, is back up with some changes 17:51:15 yeah Sawmill is no longer na other geyser 17:51:28 lc quit (timeout) 17:51:29 just for you, Graham 17:51:50 Looks great Jake!! 17:52:09 Thanks for the call LC 17:52:26 I called Polly in her cabin and let her know 17:53:43 well i figures its worth entering Sawmill while we are/were in Penta Churn mode 17:53:52 with the new, you need to be signed in to enter eruptions 17:54:12 you can delete your own entries and the button shows up to edit the entry but it doesn't work yet 17:54:45 and you can 'flag' an entry if it's incorrect 17:55:07 hum...why do you need an email address? 17:55:23 do you have a privacy policy? 17:56:36 I don't have a privacy policy 17:56:56 I just get worried about ANYONE logging in and entering stuff 17:57:19 I need a better way to control users 17:57:34 don't we all! 17:57:47 G 17:57:57 there's no check on the email address so you can enter anything, if you want 17:58:29 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 17:59:51 vw - lurking quit (timeout) 17:59:58 I noticed a question about loggers counting bursts at Grand 18:00:02 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to Allan 18:00:30 You can't count bursts per the logger 18:00:51 It shows a temp. spike for the start of the eruption 18:01:17 Brusts are counted the good old fashioned way 18:01:33 By visually seeing them 18:01:48 brb 18:01:50 ty!! 18:03:15 I hope someone captured that beautiful Beehive (Kitt) 18:03:41 Polly arrived for the last few minutes 18:04:01 OF 1803 18:04:09 Back to chors 18:04:19 bye kitt 18:04:49 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:05:07 Nice OF 18:05:20 Nice lighting 18:05:31 thank goodness it waited till after BH!! 18:05:37 Hi Allan! 18:06:05 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 18:06:30 Hi cb. 18:06:33 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to Ryan 18:06:53 hmm... strange Google Chrome is saying that the plugin is not installed... will switch to IE 18:07:18 That's a nice website, Jake 18:07:41 Hi everyone btw, nice to "see" you Graham, kc, cb, and Jake 18:07:46 And Kewnvin 18:08:13 Hi Ryan! 18:08:22 Hi cb, hows it been? 18:08:23 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 18:08:33 Been good ty!! 18:08:48 U? 18:08:52 ynpvisitor94 changes nickname to Ryan2 18:08:56 Good! 18:09:09 Ive been soo busy, been watching the cam but couldnt get on! 18:09:18 Ryan quit (timeout) 18:09:38 Ryan2 changes nickname to Ryan 18:10:20 Daisy 1810 18:10:48 Ryan quit (timeout) 18:11:00 Daisy 18:10 18:11:24 Ran the Pitt Half Marathon today, 13.1mi in 1hr 25mins and 15 secs :D 18:12:05 35mins, sorry 18:12:22 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 18:15:08 think i missed Plume...right at the same time as Daisy 18:15:50 Wind has calmed down quite a bit!! 18:15:53 Rather see Daisy! 18:16:17 good time Ryan 18:16:37 Thanks G 18:16:51 Allan quit (timeout) 18:18:02 . 18:18:10 . 18:18:49 so whats your summer plan Ryan - still up for YNP? 18:19:02 No :( Alaska 3 weeks :) 18:19:30 Utah in two and a half weeks :) 18:19:57 YNP next yr, i now have an easy access to YNP, however Alaska may not happen again for a while :/ 18:19:57 cool. where are you going in AK? 18:20:03 Where in Utah? 18:20:27 Most places between Denali and Anchorage 18:20:31 SLC 18:20:34 hiking 18:21:08 Cig city, but nice places around it. 18:21:26 yes :) 18:21:48 hum......i don't think there are many places betweeh Anchorage and Denali .. oh go see Palins in Wasilla :) 18:21:58 its a nice drive tho 18:22:04 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 18:22:14 And around anchorgae, Katmi etc 18:22:15 Find some nice fish somewhere. 18:22:22 :) 18:22:45 floatpolanes at Anchorage are cool, and the small avaition museum if you like planes and bush pilot history 18:22:49 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 18:23:15 Will have to check it out 18:23:23 ok, drive south is nice along the water. was there in 2008 18:23:47 you going on he bus into Denali? 18:23:56 grrr cant type at all today 18:23:56 No were driving 18:24:12 I would love to ride the train up there. 18:24:44 ok, cant drive far into Denali, have to ride the bus 18:25:03 kc (away) quit (timeout) 18:25:05 Depression 1824? 18:25:25 That I know, i have an aunt and uncle that live up there 18:25:56 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 18:26:21 k, so you going to stay with them? 18:26:49 yes 18:27:17 Depression 1827ie 18:27:25 18:27:55 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 18:28:12 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 18:28:27 took a while for a splash to show up but it did. Ryans time may have been early 18:28:50 I wait for a splash 18:29:14 looks like a weak eruption 18:29:48 a couple of good splashes that I could see 18:29:49 stayed in a nice B&B just noprth of the park, was great, quiet with a wonderful view 18:34:37 Allan quit (timeout) 18:35:48 Penta 1835ie 18:36:01 :) 18:36:30 actually saw a spike of water 18:36:44 yep, glad to see it 18:36:56 And another 18:40:14 Here little moose with a big snazolla!!! I really wanna see you again!! :) 18:40:53 Jake quit (timeout) 18:41:54 might another Grand before dark 18:42:07 Ya think?? 18:42:23 could i guess.... 18:42:38 :) 18:42:55 you know vw just had to one-up my moose with a 6 Burst Grand... 18:43:01 so what are you goingto do to top that? 18:43:21 stand on my head and run the web cam??? 18:43:27 Isn't Giant due? 18:43:33 there was a 6 burst? 18:43:40 TY Kevin!!!! 18:43:50 where have you been all day Ryan 18:44:00 see - he doesn't even ask about my moose 18:44:41 I wanna catch the entire Moose family....mama, and 2 lil ones 18:45:09 was a G6Q 16m31s today Ryan 18:45:09 schoolwork 18:45:18 Wow, mustve been nice 18:46:28 Ryan quit (timeout) 18:46:33 Jake quit (timeout) 18:46:42 look at the dads w small daughter on shoulders....they llook like having fun 18:47:10 The daughters are anyway. 18:47:31 Lion 1847ie 18:47:37 woo hoooo 18:47:45 ie 18:49:08 Lioness or Big Cub would trump 6 burst Grand cb 18:49:20 ya they were @ Kevin!! 18:49:35 :) 18:49:39 would Splendid!! 18:49:49 Or Giant 18:49:53 one could pray 18:50:02 yep....although i have seen SPlendid... 18:50:14 North Google Major? 18:50:18 I left Lioness & Big Cub & Splendid out of the entry form to give them a chance to erupt 18:50:25 we have sene a N Goggles major on the cam 18:51:01 1997 was a great year, 5b Grands, SPlendid, Giant, F&M...never needed to leave the down-basin area 18:51:18 for N Goggles 18:51:18 I wouldn't mind another Bear at the lunch counter either!! 18:51:24 Jake quit (timeout) 18:51:31 kc (away) quit (timeout) 18:52:04 was my first year fior 2 weeks too 18:52:20 Ryan quit (timeout) 18:52:22 Graham quit (timeout) 18:52:32 was a very good year! 18:52:42 was going to go to Tetons for a week and then YNP ... but i changed plans when Giant was active 18:54:19 was fun watching hot periods for a week...then a really good hot period :) 18:58:40 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 19:01:13 Ryan quit (timeout) 19:02:34 Plume 1901 19:03:15 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:04:53 Sawmill 1904ie 19:05:11 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:06:00 wowser, 6 burst is worth getting excited about!!!! 19:06:29 ya think!!!! :) 19:06:53 I am sure they just lost count :) 19:07:00 Yeah!! Just logged in, that made my day 19:07:09 LOL Graham. 19:07:42 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 19:07:43 You know how you "breathlessly wait" even for a 2nd, or 3rd? My all time was a 5, everyone was practically engaged by the 5th! 19:08:27 lol 19:08:44 lol 19:08:45 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to Todd 19:08:52 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 19:09:01 hum, that could be scary when you are with a bunch of gazers! 19:09:24 not kidding! screams, hugs, and joyous chaos 19:09:36 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:09:55 It certainly was memorable... maybe it will become USUAL this summer, wouldn't that be SWEET 19:09:57 castle? 19:10:32 thumbs up....."like" that idea!!!!! 19:10:33 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:10:34 Grand window has just started.... 19:10:55 all you have to do now is make it have >6 bursts cb 19:11:27 OMG....the pressure!!! 19:11:31 or 6 with a moose or bear in the foreground 19:11:46 or a dualie with Giant :) 19:11:48 I vote for Bear at the lunch counter!! 19:12:06 a beer at the lunch counter? mmm that sounds good 19:12:11 That would be my luck. You get a 6 burst Grand and a bear chases you out of the area. 19:12:23 :'D 19:12:41 Kevin, you crack me up!! 19:13:17 6 would be cool from the asphalt or Castle too, don't despair 19:15:13 weird weather here in P-ville....raining on one side of the house and sunny on the other....sooooo bizzare 19:16:04 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 19:16:06 lol, well im pooped ive been up since 3am, the half-marathon kicked my butt big tgime. See you all tomorrow. I finally have the time to get back on alot! 19:17:19 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:17:28 ynpvisitor55 changes nickname to Allan 19:17:35 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:18:48 <> 19:19:22 night all 19:19:27 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 19:19:46 bye Ryan 19:19:53 sweet dreams about 6b Grand 19:20:09 Ryan quit (timeout) 19:20:43 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 19:22:32 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:23:18 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:23:30 Good stuff has happened lately. 6 burst Grand, Giantess. Could Giant be far behind? 19:24:50 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:25:11 yes :( 19:25:25 it could be far far behind 19:25:30 yes:) 19:26:13 it erupted last year so theres still a chance this year 19:26:40 I think sometime around June .......14th sounds good 19:27:09 was going to say the 13th but got superstiouserjaikf;famoif;jai...ous 19:27:21 I hate spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 19:27:31 I think June 15th would be a little better. Then we'd be settled in and ready for it. 19:27:38 that's hilarious. *) 19:28:00 june 14 would be good and then it has more going down to 5 day intervals in September 19:28:05 did a little Bill pounding there!!! ROFLMAO at myself!!! 19:29:54 cb quit (timeout) 19:34:37 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:35:19 . 19:35:25 Allan quit (timeout) 19:36:59 . 19:37:03 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:37:32 Todd quit (timeout) 19:37:42 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:38:49 <> 19:39:41 OF 1939 19:41:35 nice 19:41:59 >"< 19:42:20 i am sure it would have been nice if my stream didnt freeze 19:44:11 ya mean ya missed the moose and everythibng?? 19:44:43 grrrrr where is kc when you need the video replay 19:46:13 I saw a moose! 19:46:53 you see a moose every day!! 19:47:01 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 19:47:38 Yep :) 19:50:39 Plume 1950 19:50:49 Plume 1950 19:57:31 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 19:59:36 Lion 1959 20:15:41 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 20:19:01 Well, good night all 20:19:27 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorry i leaned back in my chair for a minute 20:19:36 bye Allan 20:19:49 nite 20:19:55 bye Allan 20:20:41 Allan quit (timeout) 20:27:52 Jake quit (timeout) 20:28:11 Grand 2028 20:28:35 oooh I wonder if anyone stayed around for this one!! 20:28:54 they probably are at Enos. :P 20:28:55 is that a third burst? 20:39:20 end of first..11 min 20:40:51 just 1b 20:41:07 yeap...drat 20:41:17 :( 20:41:19 and no moose 20:41:26 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRING 20:41:42 I think wwe missed plume and Diasy also 20:41:48 Daisy 20:47:27 i am done, see you 20:47:46 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 20:48:07 night Graham...waiting for last OF of the evening and I will be following you 20:48:15 night G 20:49:48 Graham quit (timeout) 20:49:48 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 21:00:53 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 21:03:05 Lion 2102 21:03:12 lion? 21:03:23 sorry 21:03:33 no worries 21:03:47 :) 21:16:05 wind direction has changed 21:20:33 OF 2120 21:20:35 ie 21:20:43 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 21:21:02 That is a cool look 21:21:25 sorry i was late on the draw there 21:21:55 worked for me 21:22:13 Flashes from the cams are good too 21:22:16 am calling it a night. 21:22:24 cam on preset 21:22:36 night-thanks for show 21:22:37 nite all 21:23:00 night all 21:23:30 cb quit (timeout) 21:23:50 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 21:24:08 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 21:25:45 Todd quit (timeout) 21:39:49 Jake quit (timeout) 21:42:05 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 21:50:36 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 21:54:15 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 21:54:56 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 21:57:18 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 21:58:10 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 22:22:13 Kevin L quit (timeout) 23:05:17 Glennon quit (timeout) 23:26:18 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 23:28:44 kc (away) quit (timeout) Found 653 log entries for 2011-05-16 00:10:24 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 00:11:27 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to kcmule 00:11:29 6 burst Grand 12:12 or youtube 00:12:42 5/15/2011 00:52:38 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 03:28:17 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 05:12:22 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 05:12:35 ynpvisitor20 changes nickname to CC 05:26:59 Just watched the 6 burst Grand from yesterday....thank you KC 05:46:19 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 05:59:50 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 06:00:46 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 06:02:20 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 06:03:31 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 06:04:11 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 06:08:11 OF 6:07 06:15:59 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 06:17:27 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 06:17:33 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 06:18:32 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 06:19:17 Anything from Beehive yet? 06:20:41 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 06:20:47 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 06:22:32 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 06:23:05 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 06:26:13 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 06:29:03 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 06:30:33 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 06:30:49 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 06:38:34 Going for a spin? 06:38:34 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:39:00 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 06:39:38 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to cb 06:40:03 Morning all! 06:40:12 hey cb 06:40:21 Good morning 06:42:52 I hoped Beehive would erupt before I went to work 06:43:29 doesn't look like it 06:43:40 I haven't seen any splashing 06:43:52 Jim left the boardwalk a while ago 06:43:54 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 06:43:54 I think it is waiting for some gazers 06:44:02 ynpvisitor76 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:45:17 Hi Kevin 06:47:21 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 06:47:48 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:48:26 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:49:26 OMG....calling for MORE snow today!!!!! 06:49:28 just saw some water at BH 06:49:40 more snow in CA 06:49:55 yes! 06:50:13 going right into winter again? 06:50:24 forget summer and spring 06:50:47 a foot or more of snow through tonight Argggggggggggggggggg 06:51:16 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:52:19 .. 06:53:02 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:53:29 splashing at BH 06:54:13 are we going on 13 hours now? 06:54:40 yes 06:54:53 thanks 06:55:29 just over 13 hrs now 06:55:40 here come Jim 06:56:16 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 06:57:26 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:59:45 space shuttle just took off 07:00:21 BHI 7:00 07:00:48 wow Jim was right on cue!! 07:01:50 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 07:02:11 Jim and Polly say good morning 07:02:24 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 07:02:28 Morning back at em!! 07:02:31 Cool. Shuttle launch and Indicator! 07:02:38 say good morning to them 07:02:38 wow great timing to day and last night 07:03:06 tell them thye are on Candid camera 07:03:14 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 07:03:24 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 07:03:35 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to vw 07:03:40 GOOD morning! 07:03:42 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to MJ 07:03:49 Those people are leaving.... 07:03:50 Morning vw! 07:03:50 morning 07:04:04 Was just watching kc's youtube of yesterday's Grand and got Kevin 07:04:04 Good Morning ! 07:04:10 hi 07:04:15 'oops.. Kevin's wakeup email! 07:04:25 thanks Kevin. 07:04:42 I tried, but Polly is putting her poncho on 07:05:01 Beautiful lighting for it. 07:05:11 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to lc 07:12:41 BH 7:12 07:13:28 Looks like it wil be another tall one 07:13:41 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 07:13:43 This is Spectacular! 07:14:53 great view of BH and Ind....different wind directic 07:15:26 It is fun to see these last two with the north blowing wind 07:15:36 direction 07:15:47 Polly needs to move closer 07:15:59 cam shy? 07:16:26 water shy! Chilly this morning 07:16:30 early for a shower. 07:16:39 haha 07:16:58 excellent 07:17:04 Morning LC 07:17:29 morning, K? 07:17:36 Yes 07:17:47 thought so. 07:18:07 good way to start your day. 07:18:12 Watched space shuttle launch, Beehive, then work 07:18:24 ditto for me also! 07:18:40 Did the same except for work. 07:18:52 have a good day 07:18:54 that was very nice. Thank you for the heads up Kevin. Thanks for the camera work CC! OFf to wake up some more. 07:19:21 vw, do you have the link for Grand & yesterday's BH? 07:19:32 vw quit (timeout) 07:19:35 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 07:19:39 it's on the page earlier today 07:19:47 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 07:19:49 TY 07:19:52 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 07:19:54 at least kc's grand is 07:20:02 That was like Christmas and the 4th of July, thank-you CC. 07:20:32 welcome 07:21:02 Have a good day, off to work 07:21:21 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 07:21:34 have a good one. 07:21:50 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 07:22:01 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 07:22:11 Depression starting 07:22:31 well near end 07:22:41 thanks anyway K 07:23:36 Daisy is erupting also 07:23:41 lc changes nickname to lc - bbl 07:23:47 k 07:24:06 You mean we missed a Depression for a BH? 07:24:36 Daisy 724 ie 07:24:48 just for the record 07:25:10 Just passed on last night's Grand information. 07:25:28 Jim thought Grand erupted about 4 AM 07:25:52 Now I am really off to work. Bye 07:25:58 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 07:25:59 it is wonderful to have Gazers in the basin 07:26:00 bye Kitt 07:26:09 please thank them for the info 07:26:26 and thanks Kitt for passing info on to us 07:26:33 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 07:26:51 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 07:27:30 cb quit (timeout) 07:35:15 MJ quit (timeout) 07:36:52 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 07:37:23 OF 7:36 07:38:01 CC quit (timeout) 08:17:09 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 08:18:09 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:18:48 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 08:23:54 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 08:24:40 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 08:24:57 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 08:27:45 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 08:28:41 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 08:33:08 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 08:39:21 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 08:40:24 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 08:40:38 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 08:51:19 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 08:56:27 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 09:13:00 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 09:17:49 OF 0915ie 09:19:24 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 09:20:02 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 09:20:20 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 09:23:26 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 09:27:23 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 09:28:35 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:28:53 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 09:31:06 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 09:35:46 ynpvisitor100 changes nickname to Rich 09:38:17 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 09:39:33 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 09:40:36 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 09:40:38 Rich quit (timeout) 09:41:29 Rich quit (timeout) 09:46:42 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 09:47:31 Rich quit (timeout) 09:53:16 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 09:54:13 Rich quit (timeout) 09:54:29 ynpvisitor2 changes nickname to sparekitty 09:54:46 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 09:54:54 Morning sparekitty 09:55:06 hola rich! how are you? 09:56:31 Once again it is going to be a rainy day in Seattle. g 09:56:31 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:56:56 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 09:58:02 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 09:59:46 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:59:55 10:00:05 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 10:00:12 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 10:00:16 Road officials : "a big oozing blob" 10:00:32 Lion19:58 IE 10:00:42 Lion 9:58 IE 10:00:45 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 10:01:48 ynpvisitor12 changes nickname to kc (working) 10:01:55 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 10:03:04 sparekitty quit (timeout) 10:07:12 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 10:07:54 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 10:20:18 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to Jake 10:20:38 Hi Rich, how do you like the updated 10:21:03 I added a "Questionable" eruption checkbox to the entry form 10:21:19 I'm unable to edit my entry 10:21:24 so you don't have to put those into the time when you enter it 10:21:39 yes, I'm still working on that programming 10:21:40 I think I can delete it but can't edit. 10:22:01 I noticed the "?" in the entry tips. 10:22:04 unfortunately, for now, you can only delete an entry and then make a new one 10:22:17 So do I just delete and reenter? 10:22:19 gm 10:22:21 I'm trying to get the edit part done this week 10:22:21 ty 10:23:23 yesterday was a busy one! hopefully you were outside the house and not staring at a monitor like me 10:24:36 I went out and enjoyed the 'overcast' skies. g 10:24:52 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 10:25:43 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 10:26:19 Should I enter the overnight Grand as just a comment? or use the ~4:00 am? 10:27:15 I deleted the 'edit' entry and reentered. Worked. 10:27:20 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 10:27:28 hmmm, I've been thinking about this, but don't have a good answer yet 10:28:00 try just doing the overnight Grand time as a comment 10:28:15 Do you happen to know what happened to yesterdays data from Glennon site? 10:28:31 no, I don't 10:28:34 Grand - overnight to add as comment. 10:29:03 ty 10:29:09 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 10:29:10 it's up to us how we want to record that type of data 10:30:27 another option is 0400 (?) w/ comment: overnight guesstimate per Jim 10:30:36 k 10:31:05 we can figure it out as we go along! ;) 10:31:55 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 10:31:58 certainly, that type of Grand info is useful to the gazer, but only until the next Grand eruption... 10:32:22 probably by now the rangers have the electronic overnight times and have made their prediction 10:32:40 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 10:34:14 I just copied and pasted the entry from the chatroom into the comment box. I believe from conversation that visitor91 is Kitt. 10:34:23 OF VEC predictions per the phone number: Castle none, grand 1330, daisy 0900, riverside 1225 10:34:36 yes, I think so 10:34:53 Just entered overnight grand, no link available to read entry. 10:36:15 ok, I guess we'll need to enter these as 0400 (?) w/ a comment then 10:36:27 you can see and delete that Grand entry here: 10:36:38 less than - greater than bracketed entry doesn't appear in the entry. 10:36:48 I can't delete it because I'm not signed in as you 10:37:17 I got to the Grand by going to Retrieve Data. 10:37:31 oh, smart! 10:37:45 With out the time no link from Home table. 10:38:13 I have to learn more about storing comments, but I have noted that problem 10:38:39 comments are stripped of characters that hackers could use to manipulate/destroy the database 10:38:52 of which < and > are a part of 10:39:07 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 10:40:52 before yesterday's changes, just entering a comment w/o a time would show up on the home page daily log as 'comment' but I guess I changed something 10:42:15 g 10:43:22 Also Retrieve Data now copies and pastes as a line delimited entry. 10:43:50 Before it was tab delimited all on one line. 10:47:59 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:49:56 Plume 10:49 10:51:33 Rich quit (timeout) 10:56:06 OF 10:55 10:59:12 OF long 11:08:27 Recap 2011-05-16: BH 0712 wc, BHI 0700 wc, Daisy 0724 ie wc, Grand ~0400 Jim via Kitt in basin, Lion 0958 ie wc, OF 0607 wc, 0736 wc, 0915 ie wc, 1055 wc, Plume 1049 wc, 11:09:22 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 11:10:32 addendum: 6 burst Grand 12:12 or youtube 11:14:30 ty Rich 11:14:36 Lion 11:12ie 11:16:23 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 11:17:34 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 11:21:15 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 11:24:07 ynpvisitor53 changes nickname to Glennon 11:24:39 hello all 11:28:39 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 11:29:41 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 11:31:00 Hi Glennon 11:31:27 hi, Rich. 11:31:39 Glennon, are you working on your site? 11:32:21 Last I was there, no data for 15th, just one for this morning. 11:32:52 kc (working) quit (timeout) 11:33:20 it shows data since midnight by default. if you click on the "daily summary" title, it'll show you a timeline of the last 100 observations (including previous days) 11:33:34 (i hope, at least) 11:33:50 I'm headed there now 11:33:55 most of the data, of course, is coming from the Android app version 11:34:47 That worked, ty. 11:44:08 Rich quit (timeout) 11:45:39 Jake quit (timeout) 11:49:19 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 11:49:23 Kevin L quit (timeout) 11:53:36 Plume 1153ie 11:56:12 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 12:05:28 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 12:07:25 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:12:11 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 12:13:03 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to BB 12:13:31 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 12:14:49 Jake quit (timeout) 12:17:32 Evening BB 12:20:14 hi Rich 12:21:02 Rich quit (timeout) 12:27:33 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 12:27:44 OF 12:27 12:29:02 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 12:31:54 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 12:33:45 VC OF prediction 14:00 mdt 12:34:23 Recap 2011-05-16: BH 0712 wc, BHI 0700 wc, Daisy 0724 ie wc, Grand ~0400 Jim via Kitt in basin, Lion 0958 ie wc, 1112 ie wc, OF 0607 wc, 0736 wc, 0915 ie wc, 1055 wc, 1227 wc, Plume 1049 wc, 6 burst Grand 12:12 or youtube courtesy Loisb Beehive Geyser, 712 MDT, May 16, 2011 12:36:52 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 12:37:37 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 12:37:54 Rich quit (timeout) 12:44:51 Rich quit (timeout) 12:45:46 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 12:52:30 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 12:57:47 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 12:58:06 vw here. 12:58:19 Want to thank Jake for updates to 12:58:46 there are times when I watch the cam, but don't have time to log on here. Can input times then. 12:59:00 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 12:59:12 Daisy 12:58 IE 12:59:18 Daisy 1250ie wc vw 12:59:20 thanks 31! 12:59:32 Actually Rich, i just deleted that entry 12:59:44 trying out the new format now. 13:00:37 Thanks CC 13:00:51 visitor 31's ie report entered. 13:01:13 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 13:01:15 Off again for now. Bye! 13:01:53 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 13:02:00 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 13:02:12 welcome Rich 13:02:56 Sawmill must have just quit. It was going a few minutes ago. 13:03:49 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 13:03:53 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 13:04:09 Rich quit (timeout) 13:07:05 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 13:12:59 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 13:14:34 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 13:17:32 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 13:17:43 Lion 13:17 IE 13:18:37 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 13:18:42 look at BH steaming 13:19:02 Bh has been doing this for a while 13:19:51 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to Ryan 13:25:15 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 13:25:23 Grand 13:24ie 13:25:49 Does subscribing to the Sput also mean i have joined GOSA? 13:25:53 thanks ynp 69 13:26:11 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 13:29:26 Ryan, I think so. I vaguely recall there is some technicality (for IRS purposes) where the only true "Members" of GOSA are the board of directors. 13:30:33 If that's true, then for most of us GOSA is a publishing house that we can subscribe to. 13:31:24 wonder how many gazers are sitting at Grand now 13:32:08 They're getting a second burst, at least. 13:35:14 looks like all is quiet 13:35:31 maybe just Turban going 13:35:53 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 13:36:35 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 13:36:53 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 13:36:55 BB quit (timeout) 13:37:32 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 13:38:15 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 13:40:13 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 13:45:21 Plume 13:45 ie 13:46:20 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 14:02:24 BB quit (timeout) 14:05:11 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:07:36 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 14:08:28 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 14:08:37 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 14:08:37 OF 1405 14:09:15 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 14:21:34 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:21:56 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 14:23:01 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:25:25 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 14:25:56 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 14:26:12 Lion 14:25 IE 14:26:50 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:40:03 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 14:42:36 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 14:43:21 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 14:47:45 Plume 14:47 14:48:29 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 14:48:45 lc - bbl quit (timeout) 14:56:39 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 15:02:00 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 15:03:11 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 15:03:13 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to ge-working 15:03:15 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 15:03:15 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:04:15 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 15:04:21 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 15:08:24 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 15:09:41 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 15:10:36 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 15:11:47 Ryan quit (timeout) 15:18:36 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 15:22:06 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 15:23:01 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 15:26:25 ge-working quit (timeout) 15:32:13 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 15:32:30 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 15:35:24 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 15:35:32 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 15:35:41 ynpvisitor12 changes nickname to CC 15:44:39 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 15:50:03 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:51:34 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 15:52:34 Plume 15:52 15:53:09 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 15:53:39 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:55:26 OF 15:54 15:56:14 CC quit (timeout) 15:56:14 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 16:05:51 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 16:06:14 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to Graham 16:06:24 hello 16:07:32 Castle 1607ie H2O 16:09:11 hi Graham 16:22:28 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 16:24:20 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 16:27:11 looks like Old Tardy 16:28:53 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 16:28:56 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 16:30:11 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 16:31:10 Castle is a minor 16:31:14 I mean a Major :) 16:32:32 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 16:37:30 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 16:43:02 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 16:48:41 Glennon quit (timeout) 16:52:04 Plume 1651 16:59:51 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 16:59:52 Depression 1659ie 17:01:52 drivin home 17:02:16 see ya 17:02:41 Thanks, KC, for the Grand video 17:02:49 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 17:05:22 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 17:09:49 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 17:13:17 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 17:15:01 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 17:17:54 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 17:19:29 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 17:20:21 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 17:24:27 ge-working quit (timeout) 17:25:29 Graham quit (timeout) 17:28:34 OF 1726 17:34:46 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 17:34:57 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 17:36:55 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 17:39:08 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 17:42:04 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 17:42:45 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 17:45:36 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 17:47:24 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to Rich 17:47:37 Recap 2011-05-16: BH 0712 wc, BHI 0700 wc, Castle 1607 ie maj, Daisy 0724 ie wc, 1258 ie wc, Depression 0722 ie wc, 1659 ie wc, Grand ~0400 Jim via Kitt in basin, 1322 ie wc, Lion 0958 ie wc, 1112 ie wc, 1217 ie wc min, 13:17 ie wc min, 1425 ie wc, 17:47:40 Little Cub 14:30 ie wc, 16:28 ie wc, OF 0607 wc, 0736 wc, 0915 ie wc, 1055 wc, 1227 wc, 1405 wc, 1554 wc, 1726 wc, Old Tardy 16:27? ie wc, Plume 0545 ie wc, 0745 ie wc, 1049 wc, 1153 ie wc,1345 ie wc, 1447 wc, 1552 wc, 1651 wc, Sawmill 12:51 ie wc 17:48:03 6 burst Grand 12:12 or youtube courtesy Loisb Beehive Geyser, 712 MDT, May 16, 2011 v=l0uwJ6JXnQE&feature=autoshare 17:48:05 hi Rich 17:48:13 Hi Graham 17:48:15 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 17:48:52 long recap :) 17:49:09 yep 17:50:23 no great abnormalities today 17:51:15 No SNOW!! g 17:51:29 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 17:51:29 yet 17:53:33 two video captures, makes it nice. 17:53:44 Plume 1753 17:56:16 Rich quit (timeout) 18:00:11 I noticed that Dave M's Conewalker videos are no longer available on YouTube. 18:01:12 i think both dave and kc saiod they would pull them after a while 18:01:39 k 18:03:29 Rich quit (timeout) 18:04:35 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 18:06:30 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 18:12:34 Daisy 1812 18:12:42 Rich quit (timeout) 18:13:30 When was the last Fan & Mortar? 18:13:34 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 18:14:10 have not heard any recent reports. its probably getting too much river water now 18:15:15 There was a recent msg on Geyserlist serv about the sand not having moved. 18:17:10 last report is April 22 18:18:42 go tilt! 18:19:42 Gordon Bower on May 10th." F&M did not see fit to disturb their pile of black sand. " 18:21:29 Steve Eide was the last report of an eruption I vcould find 18:21:46 posted on 25th 18:23:00 hopefully they will recover when the water levels drop 18:23:13 brb 18:23:18 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 18:24:18 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 18:26:48 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 18:27:40 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to kcmule² 18:27:56 ynpvisitor21 changes nickname to cb 18:27:59 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 18:28:09 hi all 18:28:36 Hi cb 18:28:47 hi cb 18:28:49 G! I like the second power!! 18:29:22 i must be still signed on at work 18:29:31 or....the power of 2 18:30:00 my friends at school always said i was a square... 18:30:15 to funny kc!! 18:30:26 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:30:45 New YNP report from Gordon Bower just came thru on Geyserlist serv 18:31:17 F&M mentioned but no eruption. 18:31:36 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 18:33:11 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 18:35:10 ynpvisitor1 changes nickname to Allan 18:37:31 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:38:41 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:38:51 What a cute little doggie. Let me feed it some grass.... 18:39:15 not conewalkers but bison harassers 18:39:28 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:40:30 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:40:30 Graham quit (timeout) 18:40:49 Have F&M been erupting regularly? 18:41:07 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:41:44 Hi Allan 18:42:39 Hi Rich. didn't notice you were on. 18:42:43 18:21:29 ‹Graham› Steve Eide was the last report of an eruption I vcould find 16/05/2011 18:21:46 ‹Graham› posted on 25th 18:43:52 I'm a pale brown today. g 18:44:14 S, that seems to indicate that there isn't much activity at F & M 18:44:30 So, not S 18:44:42 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 18:44:57 So it would seem. 18:47:15 I seem to rcall that when Giant was active a while back, F & M were pretty inactive. 18:47:46 i dont think they are connected tho, just on different cycles 18:47:54 spring slowdown is common got F&M 18:48:10 for 18:49:12 I didn't know that spring slow downs were common for F & M. ty 18:49:17 cb quit (timeout) 18:49:40 presumed due to the river water level 18:50:02 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 18:50:36 BHI 1850ie 18:50:39 wake up 18:50:44 A cooling effect due to lower water temperatures cooling the rocks?? 18:50:57 During low water - Do the Chocolate Pots turn into geysers? 18:51:11 Two BHs today? 18:51:26 ding 18:51:31 Looks like it. 18:51:43 ding ding ding 18:52:01 Hope it is a short Indicator. 18:52:21 Rich quit (timeout) 18:52:31 wind is strong enough to keep OF away 18:52:34 Rich, probably not. But the overall structure of F & M could be different from other systems. 18:52:49 I think not Rich 18:53:19 ty 18:53:26 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 18:53:44 I hope this pattern continues through spring!!! 18:55:36 <> 18:55:57 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 18:55:58 at least thru August :) 18:56:27 Won't it get 'boring'? 18:56:41 but I arrive in Sept 18:57:01 so its welcome to get interesting then 18:57:37 Are you serious, Rich? :) 18:58:07 g 18:59:31 some big OF preplay and it didnt go a couple of times 18:59:43 that was for my benefit Allan 18:59:48 Go BH. I have to take my kid to ballet! 19:00:23 plume is slow too 19:00:42 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 19:00:57 something 1900 19:01:36 Yes!!!!! 19:02:26 OF 1902 19:02:53 Great wind direction for a dual also!! 19:04:06 wonderful!! 19:04:28 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 19:05:14 I love the perspective...the people on the bw look like ants! 19:08:19 still didnt see Plume 19:08:27 for the record... 19:08:30 BH 1900 19:08:55 that was your ....something? 19:08:58 G 19:09:30 That was nice! So, what's next? :) 19:09:52 Plume 1909ie 19:11:03 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 19:11:23 BH OF dual 1900 19:13:04 Rich quit (timeout) 19:15:40 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 19:15:44 zzzz 19:17:56 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 19:19:15 ty, kcmule 19:21:13 cb quit (timeout) 19:21:44 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 19:21:56 yw 19:22:42 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:26:39 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 19:41:25 kcmule² quit (timeout) 19:46:17 Depression 1946ie 19:47:50 Bye all! Have a nice evening. 19:48:10 by Allan 19:48:27 Nite Allan 19:48:30 Allan quit (timeout) 19:55:07 Penta 1954ie 20:03:24 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 20:04:10 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 20:04:24 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 20:05:14 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 20:06:51 Rich quit (timeout) 20:10:55 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 20:12:50 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 20:13:57 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 20:17:13 Plume 2016 20:17:50 Graham quit (timeout) 20:18:08 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 20:20:22 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 20:20:38 ynpvisitor69 changes nickname to MJ 20:22:33 MJ quit (timeout) 20:35:13 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:36:55 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 20:37:58 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 20:39:09 MJ quit (timeout) 20:44:57 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 20:44:57 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 20:46:43 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 20:47:26 I need to make a correction. (Kitt) 20:47:44 OF 2047 20:47:50 ok..hello there 20:47:56 This morning I posted that Jim thought Grand erupted at 0400 20:48:32 yep...that was his guess? 20:48:43 I misheard. He thought it erupted at 0430 20:49:02 based on refill? 20:49:15 The actual eruption was 0427electronic 20:49:30 hes good :) 20:49:51 Anyway I wanted everyone to know. 20:50:30 Also I posted that because last year the rangers didn't always download the overnight due to meetings 20:50:35 k, thanks. we should not put in overnight estimates 20:51:17 in the i mean. ok to enter an estimate in here for planning purposes 20:51:29 but what if it pulls a 15hr interval just for fun? 20:52:54 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:57:19 Daisy 2056 20:58:32 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 20:58:32 MJ quit (timeout) 20:59:56 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 21:02:01 have a good evening 21:04:16 Graham quit (timeout) 21:04:18 MJ quit (timeout) 21:16:37 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 21:18:09 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 21:21:28 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:45:07 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 21:57:43 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 21:57:49 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 22:02:27 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 22:55:01 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 23:03:02 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 23:04:30 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) Found 522 log entries for 2011-05-17 05:36:27 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 05:36:45 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to CC 05:37:18 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 05:42:56 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 05:43:46 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 05:49:35 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:00:29 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 06:04:46 kcmule quit (timeout) 06:06:18 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:09:48 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 06:15:36 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:15:42 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:17:49 OF 6:17 06:19:11 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:21:15 CC quit (timeout) 06:21:41 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:21:59 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:26:36 steam from BHI? 06:27:02 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 06:27:09 or just steam from BH? 06:27:54 I think that is BHI 06:28:40 s\it does look that way 06:28:43 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:28:52 O yea 06:29:01 BHI 6:28 06:29:25 Make that 6:28 IE...was getting coffee 06:29:35 S 06:29:59 still brewing my first cup 06:30:26 BH 6:30 06:30:44 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to steve 06:31:06 difficult to see with steam from both indicator and OF 06:31:57 CC quit (timeout) 06:34:42 Looks like Jim is there 06:35:11 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:35:15 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:35:47 Is that Depression also? 06:36:18 06:36:25 06:36:44 hmm... or GHG-3? 06:37:06 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 06:37:17 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:37:26 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 06:37:52 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:37:53 Missed it by that much. Again! 06:39:14 steve quit (timeout) 06:44:12 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 06:45:14 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to cb 06:45:27 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 06:45:57 I see the early bird gets the BH again 06:46:55 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 06:47:22 I thought I was early. 06:47:56 me too Kevin! 06:51:13 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 06:52:45 cb quit (timeout) 06:55:21 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:56:46 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:57:14 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 06:59:34 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:04:38 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:04:47 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 07:04:48 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 07:05:06 ynpvisitor66 changes nickname to missouri 07:06:50 Rats. I see I missed BH this morning 07:19:47 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 07:23:20 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:23:49 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 07:24:11 The hill should at least give us an Aurum for the lousy thing it did to us with BH this morning. 07:24:58 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to Rich 07:25:04 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 07:25:05 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:25:19 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 07:25:40 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 07:25:47 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:26:31 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:27:00 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 07:28:12 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 07:28:26 cb quit (timeout) 07:28:26 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to MJ 07:29:24 MJ quit (timeout) 07:31:18 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 07:31:19 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:35:13 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 07:35:13 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 07:37:12 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 07:39:27 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:41:13 cb quit (timeout) 07:42:52 MJ quit (timeout) 07:46:30 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 07:46:52 Looks like some steam from Dome and Chinses Spring. 07:47:13 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 07:51:42 Rich quit (timeout) 07:53:08 MJ quit (timeout) 07:53:21 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 07:53:22 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 07:55:40 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 07:56:37 Rich quit (timeout) 07:58:17 OF 07:54ie 07:58:51 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 07:58:59 OF 0758ie wc 07:59:02 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to CC 07:59:15 OF 7:57:18 07:59:47 OF 0754 was preplay. 08:00:07 Lousy view from VC cam, beautiful view from stream cam. Amazing what the difference is with just a little movement. 08:00:40 I won't complain about sunshine, given the forecast for rain and snow. 08:01:17 7:57 Is the correct start time for OF 08:01:53 Was there a question? 08:01:59 CC quit (timeout) 08:03:28 MJ quit (timeout) 08:06:40 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 08:08:53 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:09:32 Kevin L - I say there was about a 15 degree arc between cam locations. 08:10:35 missouri quit (timeout) 08:11:25 The grass is greening up nicely under the trees in front of the VEC. 08:13:02 plume 812ie 08:13:04 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:13:21 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 08:14:40 MJ quit (timeout) 08:22:57 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:24:03 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 08:36:49 cb quit (timeout) 08:41:32 With the camera pointing towards Grand, I'm guessing we are in the window. When was the last Grand? 08:42:46 1322 yesterday is the last report unless someone heard from Jim this morning 08:44:33 Rich quit (timeout) 08:47:13 Rich quit (timeout) 08:47:16 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:50:32 Kent joins Yellowstone 08:50:33 Rich quit (timeout) 09:03:34 Kent quit (timeout) 09:05:14 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 09:19:17 Rich quit (timeout) 09:20:14 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 09:21:12 Plume 0920ie 09:21:28 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 09:22:01 Not much of a direction difference in the cams, but it sure showed up this morning. 09:22:11 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 09:24:29 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 09:25:29 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 09:30:10 Using 8h intervals on Grand, I'd start looking for Grand any time now. 09:31:17 Rich quit (timeout) 09:32:16 Rich quit (timeout) 09:34:50 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 09:44:04 Rich quit (timeout) 09:48:16 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 09:48:36 Rich quit (timeout) 09:49:17 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 09:50:35 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 09:51:38 Rich quit (timeout) 09:51:57 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 09:53:10 Looks like we missed OF 09:54:23 OF 0935 ie wc 09:54:46 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 09:55:34 sorry to leave this on all nite... im actualy here now 09:56:17 Morning kcmule 09:57:16 mornin' 10:01:57 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 10:03:20 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 10:07:49 Rich quit (timeout) 10:09:32 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to Kent 10:11:16 VC Predictions: Grand 1045 +/- 2', Daisy 1025 +/- 30", Riverside Noon +/- 30" 10:12:09 Rich quit (timeout) 10:14:24 I didn 10:14:39 I didn't miss by much on the Grand window. g 10:20:05 Thanks for the update Kent. 10:26:30 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 10:34:24 Plume 1034ie 10:39:38 Kent quit (timeout) 10:42:37 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 10:42:56 kcmule quit (timeout) 10:43:56 Rich quit (timeout) 10:44:58 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 10:45:05 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to Glennon 10:45:21 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 10:55:16 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 10:56:55 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 11:00:16 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 11:01:08 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 11:07:04 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 11:07:39 OF 1106ie 11:09:01 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 11:10:26 OF long 11:13:41 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 11:15:03 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 11:16:35 Recap 2011-05-17: BH 0630 wc, BHI 0628 ie wc, OF 0617 wc, 0757 wc, 0935 ie wc, 1106 ie wc, Plume 0812 ie wc, 0920 ie wc,1034 ie wc 11:24:54 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 11:30:18 Rich quit (timeout) 11:32:54 Rich quit (timeout) 11:36:24 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 11:36:40 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 11:39:36 Plume 11:38ie 11:41:16 Rich quit (timeout) 11:41:28 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 11:42:41 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 11:42:51 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 11:49:01 Rich quit (timeout) 11:55:17 Rich quit (timeout) 11:56:33 Rich quit (timeout) 11:57:34 Rich quit (timeout) 11:58:52 Rich quit (timeout) 12:00:20 Glennon quit (timeout) 12:00:40 Rich quit (timeout) 12:01:19 Rich quit (timeout) 12:02:34 Rich quit (timeout) 12:04:57 Rich quit (timeout) 12:09:01 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 12:09:44 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 12:10:37 Rich quit (timeout) 12:10:39 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 12:16:56 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 12:17:31 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to BB 12:18:42 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 12:20:10 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 12:23:57 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 12:30:09 Rich quit (timeout) 12:31:41 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 12:32:42 Any reports from Grand recently? 12:33:37 Rich quit (timeout) 12:34:26 Kent reported VC prediction for 1045 +/- 2 h 12:35:36 Hi BB 12:36:01 hi Rich 12:38:32 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 12:39:18 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 12:39:19 Rich quit (timeout) 12:39:59 OF 12:39 ie 12:40:59 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:41:27 Plume 12:41 ie, I think 12:41:32 behind OF steam 12:41:44 yes 12:41:45 Yes. 12:44:33 Rich quit (timeout) 12:44:58 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:45:51 OF long 12:48:40 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 12:48:50 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 12:49:20 ge-working joins Yellowstone 12:50:25 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:51:01 Rich quit (timeout) 12:51:48 Rich quit (timeout) 12:54:39 Rich quit (timeout) 12:59:09 Rich quit (timeout) 13:02:49 Recap 2011-05-17: BH 0630 wc, BHI 0628 ie wc, OF 0617 wc, 0757 wc, 0935 ie wc, 1106 ie wc,1239 ie wc, Plume 0812 ie wc, 0920 ie wc,1034 ie wc, 1138 ie wc,1241 ie wc, 13:03:07 Glennon quit (timeout) 13:06:38 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 13:08:47 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 13:09:44 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 13:12:05 Rich quit (timeout) 13:12:33 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 13:13:28 ge-working quit (timeout) 13:15:45 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 13:16:45 Rich quit (timeout) 13:18:23 Rich quit (timeout) 13:22:29 , 13:24:11 Rich quit (timeout) 13:26:51 Rich quit (timeout) 13:28:54 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 13:29:35 Rich quit (timeout) 13:30:01 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 13:32:14 Rich quit (timeout) 13:36:53 Rich quit (timeout) 13:38:10 Rich quit (timeout) 13:40:43 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 13:41:55 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 13:43:07 Plume 1342ie 13:43:25 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:44:26 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 13:45:12 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 13:51:00 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:00:01 BB quit (timeout) 14:05:17 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 14:05:34 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 14:08:19 It looks like gazers are having a long wait at Grand 14:08:48 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 14:15:07 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 14:16:32 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 14:17:05 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 14:21:32 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 14:23:40 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 14:25:56 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 14:26:10 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 14:27:19 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 14:28:28 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 14:40:37 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 14:51:06 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 14:51:52 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to Glennon 14:52:35 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 14:52:42 ynpvisitor96 changes nickname to vw 14:52:47 Daisy 1452 ie 14:55:55 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 14:57:41 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 15:00:05 Fairly quiet afternoon likely. Current VEC Prediction times: OF 1553(+/-10m), Castle 1/18 0130(1h), Grand 2030(2h), and Riverside 1745(30m) 15:00:48 Another BH possible as it erupted this morning at 0630. 15:01:36 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 15:05:57 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 15:06:37 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to Todd 15:07:25 Hi vw. 15:07:28 Hi Kevin 15:07:54 Hi Todd. 15:08:00 Just stopping to see what is going on. Just home from work, so I can start work here 15:08:10 Only paying partial attention here as it is pretty quiet in the basin right now. 15:08:17 Looks all quiet for the moment 15:08:29 Looks cool out there today 15:08:30 Farming in America. 15:08:48 Yes-unfortunately 15:09:01 Very quiet. I don't anticipate much until later when we may have a repeat of BH and Grand. 15:09:50 I don't know if I'll be able to make it back for them, but will keep it in mind 15:09:54 So Grand finally went? 15:10:44 I am not sure. I didn't see anything in the logs, but the VEC has a prediction for 8:30 this evening, so it must have erupted around 1030? 15:11:49 Yesterday's repeat performance from BH was about 11 hours after the morning's eruption, so that window should open around 1700 this evening? 15:12:20 Going to head out and see what we needs done tonight. Will try and stop in later. Bye for now 15:12:33 :) 15:12:34 Bye! hope to see you later. 15:12:59 Todd changes nickname to Todd(Away) 15:13:07 I hope. That was a nice short interval yesterday. 11 hours, 48 min, I think 15:13:11 see you Todd 15:13:27 Hi Glennon. 15:13:50 :) 15:19:26 away again! Day will be like that. 15:40:52 Sawmill active this afternoon 15:41:06 I didn't see a start though 15:43:47 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 15:43:58 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to kcmule 15:45:02 hi kc 15:46:21 hi vw 15:47:02 almost forgot to come back for OF! 15:54:10 tired of waiting! lots of preplay 15:54:25 OF 1554 16:04:51 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 16:05:29 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 16:09:17 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 16:21:08 People sure disappear after OF. Such an odd phenomena 16:27:09 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 16:28:04 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 16:29:23 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 16:34:21 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 16:35:40 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 16:37:03 A little bit of steaming at BH 16:40:56 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 16:41:25 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 16:49:25 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 16:51:28 Recap 2011-05-17: BH 0630 wc, BHI 0628 ie wc, Daisy 1452 ie wc, OF 0617 wc, 0757 wc, 0935 ie wc, 1106 ie wc,1239 ie wc, 14:20? wc, 1554 wc, Plume 0812 ie wc, 0920 ie wc, 1034 ie wc, 1138 ie wc,1241 ie wc, 1342 ie wc Sawmill 15:36 ie wc, 16:52:17 Thank you visitor 41 16:52:38 yw 16:52:42 pretty quiet today. 16:57:38 brb 16:57:50 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 17:06:02 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 17:06:26 Depression is ie 17:07:32 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 17:08:42 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 17:08:46 Thank you visitor 81 17:08:58 Welcome 17:09:40 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 17:11:09 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 17:12:27 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 17:12:33 Daisy 1712 ie 17:13:14 ynpvisitor87 changes nickname to Glennon 17:13:20 didn't see any burst from Depression 17:13:30 Just over 2 hour interval on that Daisy 17:13:45 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 17:13:48 I didn't see any water on Depression, but was away from computer. 17:17:05 BHI 1716 ie 17:17:09 near start 17:17:29 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:18:03 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 17:18:18 ding 17:18:31 email just went out to you kc 17:18:42 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Cough sputter YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17:18:56 ty vw 17:19:13 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 17:19:17 yw. Wasn't sure who was awake 17:19:18 this is getting too easy 17:19:47 time to watch OF too. another dual? 17:28:24 BH 1728 17:30:07 10h 58m interval 17:31:37 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 17:33:01 nice water spikes from BH 17:33:57 OF 1733 17:34:40 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 17:34:45 Almost a dual 17:35:26 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 17:35:39 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 17:35:57 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 17:36:00 Plume 1735 ie 17:36:17 I think that is an actual time on Plume, but it is behind OF so can't be sure 17:37:47 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 17:37:59 OF is a long 17:42:35 That was a nice half hour. Now what? 17:43:18 going for tv here, good night. 17:43:44 good night visitor 75. Have a wonderful evening 17:45:32 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 17:47:46 Nothing really due right now except Riverside 17:48:22 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 17:48:56 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 17:52:30 . 17:55:18 Frames per second on cam control have bottomed out. Need to do something to make it work. May disappear. 18:07:57 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 18:08:52 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 18:12:44 Sawmill is on again at 1812ie 18:27:07 I just noticed that the delay to the public stream is very long again. I will time it when Plume erupts 18:29:15 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 18:34:36 i see plume .. now 18:35:13 sorry kc. people stopped by and i have lost my attention! 18:35:20 I will look for it in a minute. 18:35:21 g 18:35:59 Olume 1834ie 18:36:11 Plume, sheesh!!! 18:36:51 delay is about 60 seconds 18:36:54 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 18:38:05 So When kc saw Plume, it had already been erupting for a minute. But we will call it 1834 ie, 18:40:03 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 18:40:39 Steam in the Grand/Oblong area. Could be a Turban cycle 18:45:49 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 18:55:46 repeat on that steam. I think we are seeing Turban cycles. 18:59:42 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 19:00:23 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 19:02:04 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 19:06:23 OF 1906 19:09:16 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 19:16:36 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 19:18:23 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:26:53 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 19:27:12 ynpvisitor46 changes nickname to Michael 19:27:25 Good evening Michael 19:27:52 Hello vw. I see I've missed more Beehives than usual today. 19:28:14 only because there were more BH's than we are used to seeing here in one day. 19:28:38 although we are getting spoiled with seeing 2 a day. 19:28:53 we might come to expect it! 19:29:27 Missing Beehive a lot can be a good thing, if it's done right. 19:29:58 hmmm. You might need to explain that to me! 19:30:31 I actually don't mind missing BH when I am in the basin, if it is for a chance at Fan and Mortar. I will even miss BH in favor of Grand. 19:31:58 Plume is due, but we are in the window for Daisy and Grand. 19:32:28 Tough decisions, then. 19:33:05 Yes. Times like this I really miss the old webcam. 19:34:09 BH 06:30 19:34:28 Thank you kc! 19:34:31 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 19:35:10 Daisy 1935 19:35:13 Plume 1935 19:35:19 going with Daisy folks 19:36:13 nice 19:36:41 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:37:14 ynpvisitor49 changes nickname to cb 19:37:21 nice!! 19:37:36 Hi cb! 19:38:46 We'll catch the next Plume for sure, unless Old Faithful blocks it. 19:38:52 Grand 1938 ue 19:39:22 very nice 19:41:11 cool. and with that goodnight! off to code some more on the prediction regressions for 19:42:03 Good night Glennon! 19:43:43 Glennon quit (timeout) 19:56:28 cb quit (timeout) 19:57:53 Glennon quit (timeout) 20:08:51 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 20:13:33 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 20:18:27 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 20:18:50 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to Graham 20:19:02 good evening 20:20:21 hi 20:21:21 Hi Graham. 20:21:35 Hello Graham. 20:21:58 ho hum another 2 beehive day 20:22:05 Good gazing evening, although we have had some long spells of quiet. 20:22:14 yes, ho hum. 20:22:16 hehehe 20:23:49 no 6 burst Grand or moose today? 20:24:11 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:24:52 no, none of those oddish kinds of events 20:26:15 very ho-hum, hardly worth watching 20:27:02 very nice, large crowds gather to see OF these days. Can certainly tell the tourist season is upon us. 20:31:41 brb. my egg drop soup is in need of some eggs. Plume due. 20:39:38 OF 2039 20:39:40 OF 2039 20:40:47 And with that, I am going to head out for the evening. Hope everybody has a pleasant one. 20:40:50 Good night! 20:41:02 Good night. 20:41:04 goodnight vw 20:41:11 nite 20:41:28 vw quit (timeout) 20:46:06 Plume 2045 20:46:22 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 20:46:32 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 20:47:08 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 20:48:25 Todd(Away) quit (timeout) 20:50:22 Little Squirt 2050ie 20:52:37 nice sky this evening 20:52:44 i am done tho, see you tomorrow 20:53:24 Graham quit (timeout) 21:01:57 Is Graham so bored with Geyser Gazing? 21:11:14 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 21:27:42 Todd(Away) changes nickname to Todd 21:31:54 Back from Illinois, that took a lot longer than I expected. 21:32:28 Selling more bulls? 21:33:25 No, had to return some unused seed and bean metering cups to the seed dealer 21:33:56 That doesn't sound like much fun. 21:34:30 Done with corn , so we sent back what we didn't use. And done with the soybeans too 21:35:03 Ah, racing fuel on the hoof. 21:35:07 Actually, saw some family that we ended spending a few hours with catching up 21:36:13 Silly me thought I would make it back to catch that second BH of the day 21:36:42 That bad boy is really going early. 21:36:45 There's always tomorrow morning. 21:37:21 Get up REALLY early. 21:37:28 I've been hoping Lion would put in a late appearance, but time is running out tonight. 21:37:36 What time central time? 21:39:09 Anyone want to make the prediction? 21:39:44 I would bet at or before first light. 21:40:38 All right then, your on:) 21:41:12 The afternoon eruption was 6:30pm Central time. A 12-hour inerval would work well.. 21:41:41 Perfect-right before I head out for work 21:42:01 I'm not sure what time it gets light at Old Faithful, though. 21:42:31 Last one was an 11 hour interval. 21:42:45 That would put it in darkness for sure. 21:43:00 I would think 5:30AM mountain time it will still be dark 21:44:49 Old Faithful was seen at 05:49 a few days ago. But it's a bigger target. 21:45:15 Only way to find out is to wait for tomorrow and see. 21:46:11 And having said that, I'm off to the shower and bed. Night all 21:46:15 My geyser day is done now. Good night. 21:46:26 bye 21:46:36 bye 21:46:54 Michael quit (timeout) 21:47:19 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:48:12 Todd quit (timeout) 21:50:33 nite 21:54:21 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone Found 751 log entries for 2011-05-18 04:23:27 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 04:52:39 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 05:14:04 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 05:19:32 It would be nice to know if Beehive erupted before it got light. 05:20:09 it is steaming quite a bit now 05:20:53 Could just be morning temperatures and humidity 05:20:54 it also looks like a bubble might be going 05:21:04 bubbler 05:21:36 We can hope. 05:41:09 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 05:44:10 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 05:46:50 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 05:54:12 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 05:54:55 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 05:55:37 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 05:58:30 05:58:35 OF 558 06:06:10 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 06:06:51 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 06:18:04 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to cb 06:20:25 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 06:21:08 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 06:28:31 . 06:28:55 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 06:32:56 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 06:37:54 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 06:39:55 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 06:40:14 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 06:41:37 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 06:44:03 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 06:46:01 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 06:47:17 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 06:47:36 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:47:54 Did you watch crab fishing cb? 06:48:21 I did....but feel asleep before the end.....hate it when i do that!! 06:48:35 The CM is having a rough time!! 06:48:52 u? 06:48:55 I was afraid it would turn up like that 06:49:21 It has been a rough season for all of them. 06:49:35 Not sure i like the new capt. 06:50:27 i have last weeks recorded but haven't had the time to watch...the NW was kinda absent last night 06:51:20 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 06:54:01 I hadn't thought about it, but I don't remember seeing it. It showed a lot in last week. That Seabrooke horn was sure a real loser. 06:55:49 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 06:55:49 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 06:56:40 yes....I need to watch last weeks episode! 06:57:45 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 06:57:46 .. 06:59:28 Doesn't look like it wants to go in the next few minutes. 06:59:49 ya...think not 06:59:52 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 07:00:02 finally the fog is starting to clear 07:00:35 I am guessing it probably went before light. 07:01:08 were you watching at the crack of dawn? 07:01:40 read some posts of early am steam 07:01:46 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 07:02:29 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 07:02:44 I came in just a bit after 0630 with the fog. 07:02:45 crack of fog might have been the view 07:02:56 haha 07:03:07 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 07:03:33 2 ft of snow over donner summit in the past 2 days....ughhhh 07:03:46 Kind of mixing gazing with cooking breakfast and getting kids to school. 07:03:58 u a good papa! 07:04:34 I saw that. Who would think it this late in May. We did not even make 70 in Vegas yesterday! 07:05:21 enjoy the cooler temps....the heat wave is not far behind 07:07:59 That is what I am afraid of. At least this Summer I will have AC. With the new "Affordable healthcare" I may not have money to run it though. 07:08:36 :( 07:09:09 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 07:09:31 Hopefully they won't do a clean food and drinking water act. 07:10:57 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 07:29:52 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 07:30:10 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to MJ 07:31:41 MJ quit (timeout) 07:31:48 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 07:32:21 OF 732 07:32:46 wow, that surge was pretty cool 07:34:06 cb quit (timeout) 07:34:49 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 07:34:51 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:35:20 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 07:36:00 nice blue sky background 07:36:31 Morning eruptions are great 07:36:43 agree 07:39:55 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 07:40:14 MJ quit (timeout) 07:41:36 getting ready for back on preset 07:42:14 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 07:42:26 listening for bhi "beebs" 07:43:35 MJ quit (timeout) 07:43:54 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 07:45:19 cb quit (timeout) 07:46:06 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 07:48:12 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 07:50:02 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 07:51:55 07:52:21 good 07:57:18 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:58:32 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 07:58:35 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 08:01:36 .. 08:04:02 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 08:17:18 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 08:18:30 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:20:12 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 08:20:52 any signs of life on the hill this a.m.? 08:20:58 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:25:37 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 08:29:18 There is a bison next to the boardwalk just left of camera 08:32:54 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:39:12 ty vw. i am off 08:39:55 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to Rich 08:40:03 bye cb 08:40:04 cb quit (timeout) 08:40:13 Dome is steaming. 08:40:24 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:43:27 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 08:43:55 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:44:59 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 08:45:14 Anyone else noticing a split column on OF? 08:46:18 cb quit (timeout) 08:46:42 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 08:46:42 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 08:46:44 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 08:53:11 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 08:53:26 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to vw 08:53:29 good morning 08:53:49 I am having trouble getting the VEC static page to open. Anybody else? 08:54:12 Is fine for me 08:54:23 Wondering when the VEC is predicting OF will erupt. Would rather follow the bison, but can't miss OF. 08:54:27 thanks 48 08:54:41 NP here. 08:54:48 got it 08:55:11 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 08:55:32 I think this red doggie was likely born just a while ago. Quite the size difference between that bull and the calf. 08:55:50 905 Pred 08:55:52 Am surprised mom is leaving the baby that close to the bull. 08:56:00 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 08:56:19 time to watch for OF. darn! 08:56:28 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 08:57:51 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 08:59:21 cam going back on preset. I will check back later. 09:00:00 vw quit (timeout) 09:00:45 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:04:18 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 09:05:47 OF right on time 09:05:55 0905 wc 09:06:38 and the "crowd" walks away 09:07:02 but, of course 09:08:08 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 09:08:44 kcmule joins Yellowstone 09:15:49 Rich quit (timeout) 09:19:03 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:21:27 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 09:21:43 Rich quit (timeout) 09:28:54 Depression 0927ie 09:30:34 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 09:31:22 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 09:34:37 Plume 0933ie 09:35:21 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:36:49 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 09:39:18 Rich quit (timeout) 09:46:15 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 09:49:55 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 09:51:58 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 09:52:14 Something for all you folks that get borred between eruptions. 10:01:21 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 10:02:26 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 10:02:49 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 10:04:22 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 10:18:06 Rich quit (timeout) 10:18:43 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 10:19:03 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 10:19:20 Recap 2011-05-18: Depression 0927 ie wc, OF 0558 wc, 0732 wc, 0905 wc, Plume 0933 ie wc, No BHI/BH reported yet today. Beehive eruption yesterday afternoon BHI 1716 ie BH 1728 MDT from KC 10:20:29 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 10:21:50 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 10:22:15 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 10:22:38 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 10:24:50 Rich quit (timeout) 10:24:52 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:25:13 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 10:25:23 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 10:25:30 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 10:27:41 Rich quit (timeout) 10:28:49 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:29:01 Rich quit (timeout) 10:31:42 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 10:32:22 Rich quit (timeout) 10:33:39 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 10:33:42 Rich quit (timeout) 10:33:44 Plume 1032ie 10:34:42 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 10:36:17 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 10:45:56 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 10:47:32 OF 1046ie 10:50:06 Rich quit (timeout) 10:50:18 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 10:51:33 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 10:52:19 Rich quit (timeout) 10:53:05 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 10:55:20 Rich quit (timeout) 10:58:11 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 11:09:21 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to Glennon 11:09:29 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 11:18:41 So, has BH been doing any splashing, or does it look like it made a pre-dawn apparence? 11:18:56 ynpvisitor84 changes nickname to steve 11:19:53 I suspect pre-dawn 11:20:23 me too. BH's been very quiet since I've been here 11:21:02 I was wondering. Ihaven't been able t check in much but I saw no splashing when I did. Thanks. Now back to work 11:22:24 steve quit (timeout) 11:24:29 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 11:25:37 Plume 1124ie 11:26:45 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 11:31:52 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 11:36:28 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 11:37:52 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 11:46:39 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 11:46:46 When is the next prediction for Grand? 11:49:39 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 11:49:43 I don't have the overnight. I'd expect it around 2pm 11:50:55 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 11:51:19 from Grand: May 18, 2011, 05:02 MDT (+/- 2 hrs) 11:52:47 right -- stale prediction on my site 11:56:27 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 11:58:47 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 12:00:24 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 12:06:34 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 12:07:15 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 12:09:46 Last rpt'd Grand 1938 yesterday. 12:11:33 closed intervals have been between 8.5 and 9 hrs. 12:12:52 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:14:27 OF 12:13ie 12:16:01 I placed a proxy eruption for Grand to update the prediction (will flag it into oblivion later). 12:23:40 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 12:25:04 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 12:26:13 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:26:26 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 12:29:04 Glennon: I'm visitng OFI over Memorial Day. Tell me about 12:30:05 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 12:30:08 simple reporting page... here's the "about" page. 12:30:15 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to Kevin L 12:30:25 Thank You 12:30:31 :) 12:32:07 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 12:32:19 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 12:37:31 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 12:37:43 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 12:39:02 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 12:40:24 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 12:42:08 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 12:43:20 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to BB 12:44:23 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 12:51:06 Another 'mobile' eruption entry site 12:51:51 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 12:52:25 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 13:02:11 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 13:02:37 Grand 1300 ie 13:02:48 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to vw 13:02:52 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 13:07:01 we will likely get a better start tiem from a gazer report. 13:07:05 2nd burst 13:11:04 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:11:13 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:11:17 well, 2 are better than 1 13:12:36 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 13:12:37 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:14:43 vw quit (timeout) 13:14:43 6 are better than 2 13:16:16 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:16:18 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:16:53 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:17:39 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 13:17:47 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:19:02 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 13:24:11 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:25:29 vw quit (timeout) 13:25:33 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:25:34 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 13:27:22 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 13:28:33 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:30:12 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:39:44 vw quit (timeout) 13:39:46 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 13:40:02 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 13:40:04 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:42:07 Glennon (away) changes nickname to Glennon 13:43:56 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:44:53 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:46:12 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:47:19 OF 13:47 ie 13:47:29 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:52:50 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:54:22 vw quit (timeout) 13:54:25 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:54:42 ynpvisitor8 changes nickname to Rich 13:55:03 Recap 2011-05-18: Depression 0927 ie wc, Grand 1300 ie wc 2b, OF 0558 wc, 0732 wc, 0905 wc, 1046 ie wc, 1347 ie wc, Plume 0933 ie wc, 1032 ie wc, 1124 ie wc, No BHI/BH reported yet today. Beehive eruption yesterday afternoon BHI 1716 ie BH 1728 MDT from KC 13:55:07 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 13:55:30 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:56:06 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 13:56:26 Addition OF 1213ie wc 13:56:28 BB quit (timeout) 13:57:28 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 13:58:26 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:58:41 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 13:59:33 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 13:59:49 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:00:56 Rich that capture is actually yesterdays morning BH @ 0630 14:01:24 vw quit (timeout) 14:01:38 will correct, ty 14:01:55 np 14:02:23 I must have copy the wrong link. g 14:06:01 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:07:29 vw quit (timeout) 14:08:27 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:08:52 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 14:09:25 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 14:10:48 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:11:41 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 14:12:22 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 14:13:47 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 14:16:17 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:19:15 vw quit (timeout) 14:19:27 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 14:20:09 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 14:20:47 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:23:45 Rich quit (timeout) 14:25:53 getting some pushes from Lion... 14:25:56 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 14:26:21 Lion 14:26 wc 14:27:11 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 14:27:36 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:32:40 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:34:10 vw quit (timeout) 14:38:17 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:39:11 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 14:39:23 vw quit (timeout) 14:40:24 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 14:41:12 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:41:52 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:42:32 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:42:43 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 14:43:11 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:44:59 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:51:55 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:55:51 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 15:00:52 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 15:01:17 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 15:05:38 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 15:06:58 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:07:52 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:13:41 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:14:37 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 15:14:52 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:15:16 et 15:15:19 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 15:21:17 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 15:22:56 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:30:54 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 15:31:44 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:36:53 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:37:06 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to cb 15:37:24 taking the cam till Graham arrives 15:37:48 hello all 15:38:07 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 15:38:16 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 15:39:02 Hi, thanks for moving to Beehive. 15:39:18 W! just got home from wk 15:40:37 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:40:52 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 15:40:52 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 15:41:36 Lion 1541 15:41:59 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 15:42:13 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:43:02 OF 1524 VC 15:43:05 long 15:43:32 ty! 15:43:43 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 15:49:14 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 15:54:43 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 15:56:34 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 15:56:43 cb quit (timeout) 15:56:54 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 15:57:08 . 15:57:51 hoping to get a recent time for plume 16:00:32 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:01:12 how about 1600ie : ) 16:01:32 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 16:02:04 ty kc...trying to fix some (late) lunch...starvin!! 16:02:32 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 16:02:35 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 16:02:37 have no idea who just took the cam 16:02:59 might be Graham??? 16:03:26 BHI 1603ie 16:03:36 BHI 1603ie 16:03:38 I do not have the cam and have no idea who does 16:03:51 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to Graham 16:03:56 does this help? 16:03:57 aha 16:04:04 ty graham' 16:04:04 16:04:04 16:04:09 its all your 16:04:31 good timing I guess 16:04:46 Hi Graham, it waited for you! MB 16:05:10 cb quit (timeout) 16:05:42 yeah thats nice of it 16:05:44 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:05:53 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 16:05:57 so nobody saw an early morning eruption? 16:06:29 Emperor here...hpw was my timing? 16:06:36 Oh what timing. Finally got a close one. 16:06:44 how 16:07:17 i lost control... 16:07:33 take it 16:08:16 wow look at all our esteemed guests today 16:08:44 bowing maiden says hello dear sir!! 16:08:45 that's all I get? 16:08:59 Much better Carol 16:09:04 ty 16:09:07 ty John!! 16:09:08 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 16:09:36 Gonna be there 6/2 16:10:00 Hi Emperor. Grand Duchess here. 16:10:09 :( will miss you 16:10:16 Hello Dutchess!! 16:11:07 lots of visitors when BH is so boringly predictable 16:11:10 I am so looking forward to this trip 16:11:15 Oh, I like this number (Kitt) 16:11:41 You will have to try harder. 16:11:42 That was very good timing for BHI 16:12:04 you just get home K? 16:12:11 I kknow that feeling!!! I am there w you!! 16:12:21 LC called me right after I got home from preschool 16:12:36 Inside information then.. 16:13:08 Today was last day for all 29 preschoolers 16:13:27 wooooo hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16:13:30 Who is happier...then or you Kittt? 16:13:37 big party?? 16:13:40 them 16:14:14 Just play in classroom, outside & in gym then cupcakes for a birthday 16:14:56 its official....Schools out for summer!!!!! sing it w me!!!! 16:15:15 schools out for ever 16:15:19 No, Kevin isn't done until next Wd. 16:15:41 We still have 3 weeks. 16:16:03 Yuck, you must have airconditioning 16:16:37 Although I'm not sure we get summer this year 16:17:16 doesn't every one in LV have air conditioning??? 16:17:20 We better have AC. It almost hit 100 last week. 16:17:43 Uk still has at about 7 or 8 weeks 16:17:50 Most of them do, but I didn't from August until February. 16:18:57 I hope this is a tall 16:19:07 Beehive 16:19:10 I am a menopausal mom who thinks "swap coolers" should be banned along w incandesent lightbulbs 16:19:49 pushed ours outta the window w my foot.....Big aircondition was i before nightfall!! 16:19:56 in 16:19:56 Hey, I was REALLY glad to have that swamp cooler last year. 16:19:59 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to Kent 16:20:25 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:20:40 spits warm wet air......YUCK!!!!! 16:21:27 18m..... 16:21:29 Do we get an Old Faithful veil for Beehive? 16:21:50 If the humidity is down, they work really good. I haven't run the AC yet this year. The big problem is if I do run just AC my power bill is about $700 a month. 16:22:03 will be a fasle indicator by then 16:22:10 We are in a Lion series. 16:22:47 Beehive 16:23? 16:22:53 1622 16:23:04 ty 16:23:05 Saved by a long Indicator.l 16:24:45 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 16:25:51 Bet the people at Castle got wet. 16:27:41 cb quit (timeout) 16:28:16 Sweet ...bye for now 16:28:30 bye 16:28:30 have a good nitht everyone. 16:28:33 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 16:28:43 Thank you Beehive & thank you LC 16:28:49 bye bye BH fans 16:29:02 Until tomorrow 16:29:03 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 16:29:04 yw K. 16:29:17 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to CC 16:29:18 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 16:29:29 good evening all 16:29:30 hi cc 16:29:38 just got back from dinner 16:29:40 hi 16:29:41 hi CC..hope you have been watching 16:29:44 Kent quit (timeout) 16:29:47 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 16:29:51 on the road all day 16:29:53 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 16:29:59 happened 16:30:16 G! 16:30:18 saw BH steaming but guess I miss it 16:30:36 missed it by THAT much!!! 16:30:49 that's okay...a few more days and it will be for real 16:30:59 :) 16:31:04 at least 19min indicator today 16:31:24 took that from Kevin!! who I think got it from the Get Smart Guy!!!! ???? 16:31:29 like the good old days 16:32:36 going to check mail..see you later 16:32:36 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 16:32:47 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 16:33:08 bye all! 16:33:22 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 16:33:48 cb quit (timeout) 16:35:22 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 16:36:33 down to that was quick 16:37:53 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 16:39:19 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 16:42:08 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 16:42:50 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 16:43:05 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 16:43:19 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 16:48:25 Lion 1647 16:49:58 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 16:49:59 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 16:50:23 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 16:51:02 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 16:54:19 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 16:55:47 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 16:57:38 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 17:03:08 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 17:03:11 OF 1702 17:03:27 Graham quit (timeout) 17:04:07 ynpvisitor60 changes nickname to Jake 17:05:37 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 17:05:45 kc (working) quit (timeout) 17:07:18 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 17:07:30 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 17:09:11 Penta 1708ie 17:10:53 . 17:13:23 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 17:19:37 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 17:23:26 Jake quit (timeout) 17:24:50 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 17:29:55 Churn 1728ie - dual with Penta 17:37:50 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 17:42:41 Churn 1742 17:44:50 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 17:45:59 Graham quit (timeout) 17:49:53 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 17:50:07 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to Jake 17:50:11 howdy all 17:50:42 hi 17:51:27 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 17:51:53 hey Jake 17:52:12 any complaints about entry forms today? ;) 17:52:28 complaints? me? 17:52:49 Mr. 800-error-logs-a-day 17:53:00 does the edit button work yet? 17:53:06 no... 17:53:09 you win 17:54:18 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 17:54:25 didnt even need to click the button 17:54:25 I did move the geyser field to the front and give it focus for you, though 17:54:46 yes, i noticed that and i like it so much. 17:54:54 thank you, how can i ever repay you? 17:55:15 by entering as many correct eruption times as possible 17:55:25 correct? 17:55:32 no fat fingers 17:55:36 whats the fun in that 17:56:59 thats what the edit button is for 17:59:27 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 18:02:28 I had a dream about Grand Geyser last something wrong with me? 18:02:34 probably the wrong group to ask 18:02:53 how many bursts? 18:03:09 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:03:11 If it was a one burst, you have a problem. 18:03:20 what time did it start? 18:03:38 well, I know it was Grand, but then I was with my family and we were sitting at a picnic table on the sinter with some other people in lawn chairs and some people were right up by the crater 18:03:40 is there a button on the entry form for dream times? 18:04:15 If you were viewing from the rock, you are OK. 18:04:16 a tour bus load of ppl? 18:04:46 then the water level rose suddenly and just stayed high and slightly overflowing and everyone was like "oohhh, ahhhh" and I said "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE" because by this point we were inside a large room where grand was part of the floor 18:05:18 What beverage did you have for supper? 18:05:21 so my family ran out just as it started to erupt, Great Fountain, blue-bubble style and a huge amount of water came pouring out the door 18:05:38 my dad got knocked to the ground, but was OK 18:05:53 I assume the people that were still inside the room were boiled to death and/or drowned 18:06:00 Bet that was horrible on the TV set. 18:06:09 still need the start time..did you look at your watch? 18:06:10 then I woke up 18:06:33 I ate Lucky Charms for dinner---maybe that was it 18:06:34 and the time was? 18:07:12 didn't look at my watch, somewhere around 8am 18:07:14 blue bubble from Grand would be cool...have to ask Lynn when the last one was 18:07:31 If you ate Lucky Charms, it would have been the 6 burst. 18:07:54 when we were close to the pool, it looked like Fountain's crater. Just a complete mismash of stuff in my brain 18:08:52 sounds like a perfectly normal dream to me 18:08:57 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:09:31 I am dreamking that Depression is erupting now 18:09:34 1809ie 18:11:14 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 18:12:10 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:13:52 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:14:12 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 18:14:22 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 18:16:15 Lion is done for the day? Will Beehive be seen tomorrow morning? Tune in tomorrow for another exciting edition of "As the Basin Turns" 18:16:32 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 18:16:51 . 18:17:11 stop the video when Grand pauses at the 7min mark for commercials? 18:17:20 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 18:18:00 fade to OF steam? 18:18:01 I can't think of a better geyser time for commercials... 18:18:18 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 18:18:33 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:18:56 Mastiff surging but not quite going? 18:19:01 no Daisy's seen today 18:19:05 Giant surging... 18:19:15 Giant surging is a good hook 18:19:26 or just a hot period 18:19:39 good water in high and gold thats not quite a lock? 18:19:59 Artemisia has no showmanship, as do most geysers 18:20:36 Daisy 1820ie 18:20:48 speak of the devil... 18:21:08 I know.........75' splash out of Steamboat 18:21:43 you could edit/tease that into a whole season 18:21:51 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 18:21:52 And now a word from our commercial sponsors... 18:22:16 wasn't YNP and the NPS coming to that? 18:22:22 Motarola, North Face 18:22:45 what was the big hoopla about park sponsorship again? it was going to be the Old Faithful VC presented by Kodak? 18:23:07 one was over sponsorship of the webcams 18:23:29 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 18:23:30 and some was over naming for exhiubits but they have corporate sponsors already 18:24:06 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 18:24:55 not sure if you're a Stephen Colbert fan, but did you see his Super-PAC filing? brilliant. 18:25:19 nope, didnt see it 18:25:31 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 18:26:06 oh, I think "As the Basin Turns" is the name for the soap opera that is the gazer community 18:26:16 the geysers themselves will need a different title 18:26:20 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to Kevin L 18:26:49 Sounds like NASCAR. 18:27:08 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 18:27:22 sponsorship names for eacg geyser? 18:27:29 The Coca-Cola Grand Geyser had a 2 burst eruption at 1758.... 18:27:39 the Jolly Green Giant? 18:27:53 Perfect! 18:28:08 could be hard on spiteful 18:28:16 Campbells soup could sponsor Spa Geyser. 18:28:35 Could rename it to SPRITEful. 18:28:54 good one Kevin 18:29:33 why don't you two just look for more eruptions of Pun-ta 18:29:44 WE could even get sponsors for the Animals. The Hormel Bison herd was in the Upper Basin today.... 18:30:45 Is there any geyser that is named after someone (other than Norris something something)? 18:31:22 Monarch? 18:31:52 Daisy? 18:32:01 Phillips, Dr. Allen both at Norris 18:32:35 Carnegie Drill Hole? 18:32:43 Looks like preplay on the Timex Old Faithful. 18:32:53 King? 18:33:04 mmm bid up price with Rolex competition 18:33:15 I'll bet Swatch is in on that too 18:34:00 even though I have a Casio---just too white-trash for Old Faithful 18:34:44 Right. And you would never be able to get the battery changed in OF again. 18:35:04 just buy a new one for $7.99 18:35:26 Casio make good atomic watches :) 18:35:44 That is about it. I have tried to change the battery on mine and I can never get it to work right again. 18:35:51 one of the drug manufactures will name Depression 18:35:56 yep, I still have mine from 10 years ago 18:39:33 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 18:40:12 The old ones i could change the battery. This Databank 150 eats a battery about every 3 months and it takes about a week to get everything to work again after I change it. 18:41:18 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:42:21 Don't forget Harding Geyser. :P 18:43:07 Plume 1842 18:43:49 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 18:44:14 seems the 1m30s lag has disappeared... 18:44:20 ynpvisitor60 changes nickname to Michael 18:44:35 back to the more normal 20-30 18:44:40 where're all the moose? 18:45:07 watching Giant 18:47:01 OF 1846 18:47:11 nice start! 18:48:34 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 18:52:01 brb 18:52:50 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 19:08:31 Churn 1908 19:10:52 kcmule quit (timeout) 19:14:48 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 19:18:12 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 19:21:45 kcmule quit (timeout) 19:28:02 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 19:28:44 ynpvisitor66 changes nickname to vw 19:28:48 Good evening 19:29:13 anything exciting happening here? 19:29:32 Saw I got some BHI email, but was away. Thanks to all anyway. 19:29:40 Chgurn Penta duakl? 19:29:49 Churn Penta dual 19:30:16 was nice, BHI started when i got home 19:31:47 Nice that it waited for you Graham 19:34:11 just thought I would check in at the end of the day. Will be back tomorrow. Good evening all! 19:34:51 vw quit (timeout) 19:38:30 Plume 1938 19:42:14 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 19:55:04 Tardy just started 20:11:16 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:19:37 OF 1919 20:19:38 OF 1919 20:19:51 oops..2019 20:21:05 Nice eruption either way. 20:21:28 yep, very pretty last OF in daylight 20:21:37 uhoh wind shift 20:21:54 was nice for a while 20:23:28 the spray doesn't freeze on the camera so much, at least. 20:23:46 Aurum 2023ie 20:24:09 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 20:24:52 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 20:25:47 lots of steam in the Sawmill Grand groups 20:25:59 Any chance for Grand tonight? 20:26:24 1300 today so window started at 2000 20:27:05 so maybe 2 chances before dark? 20:27:56 ready for moose too 20:28:01 OK, that's worth a shot. Of course Grand usually does the opposite of what I want or expect. 20:28:39 knows when you are here 20:34:08 Plume 2033 20:36:14 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 20:37:37 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 20:38:01 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 20:40:12 Sawmill 2039ie 20:40:46 Oh well. 20:41:08 cant see if Churn is going 20:42:38 Well if I don't catch Grand tonight, I can still see spikes of water over a tree. 20:43:01 nice eruption 20:43:40 that was a nice tall burst 20:43:45 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 20:45:20 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 20:51:45 Daisy 2051 20:52:38 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:53:42 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:54:22 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 21:01:56 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:03:59 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:05:49 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:10:16 headed out, will be dark soon. looks like no Grand 21:10:35 nite 21:10:39 Thanks for running the camera, Graham. Godd night. 21:11:04 goodnight - i did put Barbaras times in Jakes database so its a pretty good list today 21:11:23 yw Michael, was nice to see Churn again today 21:11:33 and that BH thing again 21:12:34 Graham quit (timeout) 21:14:09 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 21:20:12 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 21:22:41 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:38:32 Michael quit (timeout) 21:47:34 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:48:51 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 21:50:11 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 22:34:15 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 22:35:53 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 22:38:28 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 23:18:02 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone Found 423 log entries for 2011-05-19 04:10:24 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 05:03:51 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 05:11:43 lot of steam at Beehive 05:17:01 We may have Indicator (too pixally to tell) 05:18:59 Beehive 0518 ie 05:21:31 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 05:21:45 ynpvisitor35 changes nickname to CC 05:22:02 Can confirm BH in eruption at 5:21 05:22:30 nice call ynp 68 05:22:49 Good morning CC (Kitt) 05:23:18 hi 05:23:57 Had one of those feelings 05:24:16 just sent you a PM 05:27:26 Well that is done, back to bed for another hour of sleep 05:28:03 Have a good day 05:28:33 bye 05:29:26 CC quit (timeout) 05:32:42 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 05:32:51 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 05:33:37 CC send me an e-mail and I can send requested info. (Kitt) 05:47:35 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 06:02:54 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 06:03:20 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 06:04:17 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 06:05:28 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 06:06:24 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 06:07:40 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 06:08:12 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 06:13:16 ynpvisitor47 changes nickname to cb 06:13:25 . 06:14:52 cb quit (timeout) 06:14:57 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 06:16:08 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 06:20:42 cb quit (timeout) 06:20:58 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 06:22:11 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 06:22:16 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 06:22:47 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 06:22:52 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 06:22:53 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 06:23:30 is that Oblong? 06:23:57 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 06:24:08 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:25:58 don't think far right 06:27:22 drifting into the Grand/oblong area 06:27:45 trying to keep the cam outta OF steam to protect the lens 06:29:31 I agree 06:37:18 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 06:38:01 I am watching for OF on the vec screen! 06:38:22 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 06:46:45 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 06:46:55 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:48:12 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 06:56:38 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 06:57:44 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 07:05:25 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 07:05:38 ynpvisitor10 changes nickname to MJ 07:07:23 Daisy 707ie 07:16:50 Plume 716 07:17:20 OF 717 07:18:02 Well that did that....there goes the lens............pashawwwwww 07:18:23 no wipers available..:( 07:18:38 MJ quit (timeout) 07:18:42 You could see it coming. 07:19:40 yep and not a thing I could do about has to be on OF at every eruption... 07:20:11 would they dock your pay if you missed one? :) 07:20:47 G! as Trump would say;....Your Fired!! 07:21:12 yuck!!!! 07:21:37 *) 07:21:41 They said on it, not in it..... 07:21:57 G! 07:21:59 funny Kevin!! 07:23:15 CC needs to find a McDonalds with WiFi 07:25:37 hold on going to try and "shake" 07:26:49 didn't work! 07:27:04 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 07:28:40 sent a request to the powers at be... 07:28:54 Need to train a chipmonk to wipe lens. 07:32:28 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:37:51 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 07:38:31 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 07:39:53 cb quit (timeout) 07:40:20 back on preset. bye all 07:41:35 cb quit (timeout) 08:23:33 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 08:38:43 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 08:38:54 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 08:40:22 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 08:42:48 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 08:43:53 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 08:47:22 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 08:51:56 ynpvisitor63 changes nickname to Rich 08:58:29 OF 8:58 ie 09:06:56 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 09:08:12 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 09:19:43 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 09:21:07 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 09:21:47 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:22:55 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 09:25:37 Lion 0925ie 09:29:39 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 09:42:31 kcmule joins Yellowstone 09:45:56 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 09:51:12 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 09:52:10 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 09:52:39 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 09:59:32 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 10:01:28 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 10:01:50 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 10:04:58 No new updates from YNP Webcam Update Page since 04/28/2011 10:17:12 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 10:19:07 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 10:22:04 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 10:24:31 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 10:25:23 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 10:30:28 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 10:40:13 OF 1039 ie 10:40:16 OF 1039 ie wc 10:40:50 Looks like Lion ie 1040 10:46:53 Rich quit (timeout) 10:48:13 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 10:48:48 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 10:51:55 Recap 2011-05-19: BH 0518 wc, BHI 0513 ie wc, Daisy 0707 ie wc, Lion 0925 ie wc,1040 ie wc, OF 0717 wc, 0858 ie wc,1039 ie wc, Plume 0716 wc, 10:59:14 ynpvisitor67 changes nickname to Glennon 11:00:42 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 11:02:11 Rich quit (timeout) 11:06:07 Rich quit (timeout) 11:08:05 Rich quit (timeout) 11:10:41 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 11:11:36 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 11:35:01 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 11:48:23 Lion 1147ie 11:52:57 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 11:54:25 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:57:59 Grand predicted for 1730 +/- 2' 12:03:14 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 12:04:04 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 12:04:57 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to BB 12:07:03 Cool. Proxy added to update the Grand prediction at 12:14:49 OF 12:14 ie 12:15:17 OF 12:13ns wc 12:23:59 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 12:28:16 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 12:55:18 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 13:02:26 Lion 1301ie 13:07:34 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 13:09:07 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 13:23:07 Plume 1322ie 13:24:56 Glennon quit (timeout) 13:25:59 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 13:33:00 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 13:42:24 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 13:43:07 BB quit (timeout) 13:47:46 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 13:51:28 OF 13:50ie 13:58:08 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 13:59:18 BB quit (timeout) 14:10:06 Lion 1409ie 14:23:23 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 14:23:54 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to vw 14:24:04 good afternoon all. 14:24:15 Plume 1424 ie 14:24:21 hi vw 14:24:37 Hi, vw 14:24:50 I have tried throughout the day to get a better view, but between the wind and the dirty lens it has been real hard. 14:25:00 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 14:25:09 I will keep an eye on things but I don't really see things getting better. 14:25:27 BH is steaming nicely and deserves to be watched too. 14:26:29 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 14:26:40 bbl 14:27:21 vw quit (timeout) 14:29:44 Report flagging for bad/erroneous eruptions is now enabled at -- if the number of unique reports for an eruption is less than the number of 'bad' flags, the event is scrubbed from the public timeline 14:42:15 Recap 2011-05-19: BH 0518 wc, BHI 0513 ie wc, Daisy 0707 ie wc, Lion 0925 ie wc,1040 ie wc, 1147 ie wc, 1301 ie wc, 1409 ie wc OF 0717 wc, 0858 ie wc,1039 ie wc, 1214 ie wc, 1350 ie wc Plume 0716 wc, 1322 ie wc, 14:44:47 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 14:48:01 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 14:48:42 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 14:52:32 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 14:59:36 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 15:05:47 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 15:06:34 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 15:12:49 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 15:13:26 ynpvisitor3 changes nickname to vw 15:13:56 I think we have been seeing a Castle eruption, but with the wind it is too hard to tell. We will need to wait for a report from the basin. 15:14:35 vw quit (timeout) 15:16:57 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to Jake 15:17:55 Lion 1514 15:17:56 Lion 1514 15:18:13 thx Glennon. I am not paying enough attention today! 15:18:36 vw changes nickname to vw - lurking 15:21:33 It is time for OF, and with the wind, it could obscure our view of BH. BH steaming heavily. 15:22:35 Looks like we will definitely get slimed by OF again. 15:24:56 we are going to avoid watching OF 15:26:41 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 15:29:08 We won't have the ability to wipe the lens until later this evening. I want to preserve it as much as possible for later eruptions. 15:30:55 makes me thankful that I don't have to wait until evening to have the ability to wipe 15:31:17 :D 15:31:59 OF 1531 15:32:55 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 15:33:21 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 15:33:40 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 15:34:07 wind changed just enough for us to be able to watch OF 15:37:49 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 15:38:51 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 15:40:42 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 15:40:56 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to Kent 15:47:35 Jake quit (timeout) 15:47:50 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 15:49:41 Kent quit (timeout) 15:51:48 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 15:52:07 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to cb 15:52:19 Hi 15:52:32 hi cb! 15:58:24 I am heading out for the evening. Hope everyone has a good one! 15:58:27 GO BH! 15:59:05 vw - lurking quit (timeout) 16:00:55 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 16:03:13 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 16:03:49 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 16:05:22 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 16:10:24 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 16:10:29 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 16:11:11 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 16:21:40 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 16:21:46 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 16:22:44 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 16:24:16 Lion 1624 16:28:42 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 16:29:57 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 16:40:50 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 16:48:47 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 16:49:17 <> 16:55:06 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 16:57:16 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 16:57:39 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to Graham 16:57:52 hello 16:58:00 time for something to happen now? 17:01:18 OF 1701 17:09:59 gRAND 1709IE 17:10:06 dAISY 1709IE 17:11:30 wipers did wonders for the cam 17:16:41 via CC via the VC there is a wolf in the basin last seen at Castle going down basin 17:17:15 Looking for the moose? 17:17:33 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 17:17:48 dinner call! 17:18:36 where is it cb... 17:18:39 here doggy 17:18:58 hangiing out waiting for F&M 17:18:59 find it, find it 17:19:18 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 17:23:01 out for a wolf, enjoy wolfie and BH 17:24:06 lens is soooo much better! 17:25:13 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 17:25:37 Glennon quit (timeout) 17:26:12 Graham quit (timeout) 17:26:51 Glennon quit (timeout) 17:32:11 BHI 1731 17:32:14 BHI 1732 17:32:43 Good boy. 17:32:44 was 31...I had timed out and couldn't get the post ulp 17:32:55 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 17:33:27 Yea, BHI, nice time to sigh on. 17:36:00 ok, cb, I believe you ;) 17:37:49 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to steve 17:39:10 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 17:39:21 ynpvisitor48 changes nickname to CC 17:39:29 won't miss it tonight 17:39:49 Hi CC 17:39:54 hi 17:40:04 did you find the wolf 17:40:36 nope...but have not given up!! got a feeliing it will come up to the hill for the evening :) 17:40:53 wishfull thinkin 17:44:19 i guess i should be glad it rained and cut my walk short...confused BH 17:44:43 hi graham\ 17:44:43 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 17:45:43 Hi, MB here 17:46:02 Hi MB 17:47:33 . 17:47:46 Graham quit (timeout) 17:47:52 hi CC. you made it part way? 17:48:01 yep 17:48:06 in Iowa tonight 17:48:52 here we go 17:48:52 BH 1748 17:48:58 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 17:49:56 CC quit (timeout) 17:50:24 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 17:51:18 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 17:53:11 For those driving in Iowa: 17:53:14 17:54:16 Graham quit (timeout) 17:54:17 very nice Kevin! 17:54:45 isn't it a flyover state? 17:57:43 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 17:59:22 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 18:01:18 is it nap time now? 18:01:44 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 18:01:47 for a little bit 18:01:57 kc (working) quit (timeout) 18:02:13 Unless you find that wolf or perhaps another moose. 18:02:58 Jake quit (timeout) 18:03:03 either one would be fine by me 18:04:14 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 18:04:57 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:06:44 tryiing to avoid the OF area to preserve the cam lens best I can 18:08:49 ranger was there 18:09:11 yep thats why I have it zoomed i a bit and panning 18:10:00 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 18:10:44 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 18:11:55 may have been a Churn 1811ie? 18:12:08 over now 18:12:20 sorry. 18:13:17 np, not sure it erupoted anyway 18:14:09 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 18:14:25 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 18:15:00 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 18:19:00 where is that wolf??? 18:24:48 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 18:24:48 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 18:25:04 Glennon quit (timeout) 18:26:16 cb quit (timeout) 18:27:33 Graham quit (timeout) 18:30:44 Glennon quit (timeout) 18:31:23 OF 1831? 18:32:06 hammered with work today - will catch up later. cya! 18:32:20 bye kc 18:32:29 called wipers coming 18:32:42 kc (working) quit (timeout) 18:37:43 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 18:38:24 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 18:49:30 so was that OF time good cb? 18:50:16 yes it was...sorry.. 18:51:29 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 18:51:29 k, thanks 18:52:01 I wasn't sure because the steam came right at the cam...had cc on the phone 18:52:12 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 18:57:56 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 18:59:51 Graham...Atomizer via Barbara?? 19:00:11 yep 19:00:21 cool! 19:00:24 I put her times in yesterday too 19:01:10 neato keen 19:01:23 I have not figured out how to spot Atomizer steam clouds on the streaming cam...not yet anyway 19:01:38 keep trying 19:01:53 ask the NPS to knock down a few trees, level a few hills 19:02:33 gotta go to work...say hi to all the moose for me 19:02:51 don't work to hard 19:03:14 I'm driving a bike taxi so it's usually pretty hard work 19:03:18 but I like it 19:03:19 work ..... .late for that 19:03:25 bye 19:03:32 ah, have fun 19:03:40 watch out for the drunks 19:03:48 G! 19:03:49 sounds like a good job for jakeman. :) 19:04:03 Jake quit (timeout) 19:04:49 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 19:06:46 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 19:07:36 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 19:08:41 steamy Churn 19:09:27 or at least steamy Tardy 19:09:39 yeah! 19:09:53 hard to tell the cam is bouncing around so much 19:09:56 have to wait for it to quit i think 19:10:12 can see the steam is this side of the BW 19:10:24 yes! 19:33:10 Daisy 1933 19:35:29 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 19:38:05 could get Churn now Spasmodic is dying down 19:38:36 and Tardy is off 19:47:04 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 19:47:44 Graham quit (timeout) 19:47:59 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 19:48:35 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 19:48:50 Depression 1948 19:49:18 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:53:47 cam's going to get drenched again 19:54:29 Graham quit (timeout) 19:56:05 last one in daylight probably 19:56:15 yep 19:56:42 might be yucky my morning. cc said she would ck it out in the am 19:57:17 what time will she be checking for BH? :) 19:57:28 what time will she be checking for BH? :) 19:57:58 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 19:57:58 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:57:59 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 19:58:04 Graham quit (timeout) 19:58:14 i must be lagged in the chat room 19:58:34 yeah that was weird 19:58:36 . 19:58:40 steve quit (timeout) 19:59:16 BH is getting awfully timely! 19:59:16 Graham quit (timeout) 19:59:22 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 20:04:02 cb quit (timeout) 20:06:11 steve quit (timeout) 20:07:11 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 20:07:52 OF 2007 20:09:18 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:10:56 Is OF a long? 20:11:18 yes 20:11:45 Everyone just walked off 20:12:29 dodged the bullet this time! 20:14:48 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 20:17:44 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 20:18:15 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to Glennon 20:19:12 steve quit (timeout) 20:19:25 cb quit (timeout) 20:19:37 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:22:08 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 20:27:58 calling it a nite early 20:28:56 cb quit (timeout) 20:30:06 nite 20:31:26 steve quit (timeout) 20:31:44 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:36:40 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:53:22 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 20:58:11 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 22:14:13 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 22:16:25 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 22:17:31 Kevin L quit (timeout) 22:20:36 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 22:22:59 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 23:08:02 steve quit (timeout) Found 1020 log entries for 2011-05-20 00:02:42 Glennon quit (timeout) 04:02:12 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 04:22:19 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 05:03:18 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 05:03:39 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 05:04:05 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 05:15:27 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 05:16:44 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 05:17:55 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 05:23:29 0521 Old Faithful ie 05:25:50 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 05:30:52 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 05:37:15 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 05:43:20 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 05:43:50 Looks like Depression 05:45:01 Too far away to see water 05:46:15 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 05:46:19 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 05:46:52 looks like it is erupting 05:46:58 I am surprised that the VEC sidewalk looks dry 05:47:20 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 05:50:32 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 05:51:54 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to vw 05:52:04 Jim is waiting 05:52:36 Looks like it. Good sign that BH hasn't erupted yet. 05:53:20 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 05:53:27 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 05:57:15 Lens is a lot better this morning. I guess we must have gotten a wipe last night. 05:57:29 Hopefully OF will be kind today and not spray the camera again. 05:58:53 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 05:59:26 Lion 0559 ie 05:59:36 maybe not. 06:00:08 just a big puff 06:03:12 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 06:03:42 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to CC 06:03:48 morning all 06:03:58 good morning CC! 06:04:01 hi 06:04:07 hi 06:04:23 Looks like we have at least one gazer in the basin to report eruptions to the VEC 06:04:31 I did wipe the lens last night but it did not do much good 06:04:44 It looks a lot better than it did! 06:05:39 Lion is in "I think I can" mode 06:06:06 calling 06:06:15 k 06:06:26 need to find my phone! 06:06:39 got it. 06:08:03 What a beautiful sight. 06:08:40 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 06:08:54 ynpvisitor35 changes nickname to cb 06:09:41 cb quit (timeout) 06:10:17 cb quit (timeout) 06:11:42 good morning cb! 06:12:04 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 06:12:56 morning! 06:13:24 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 06:13:50 CC quit (timeout) 06:14:56 somebody already reported here that OF has erupted so we have a start time for the rest of the day. Sure makes things easier! 06:15:04 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:20:31 Yes, I was waiting for Beehive 06:20:48 I should have been sleeping 06:22:15 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:24:31 Plume 0624 06:25:41 cb quit (timeout) 06:26:30 . 06:29:44 Oblong 0629 ie? 06:30:59 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 06:31:23 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:34:30 BHI 0634 06:34:38 Indicator 06:35:16 Kitt, are you here? 06:35:34 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 06:35:45 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to CC 06:35:52 BH loves me 06:36:04 Hi cc 06:36:09 :) 06:36:11 :) 06:36:17 Yeah Indicator 06:36:33 Yes Kitt is here 06:36:40 Good. 06:37:27 thought you gave up. g 06:37:27 Kitt are you there? 06:37:32 gonna be a steamy one 06:37:33 I figured that Beehive was waiting for the next Old Faithful 06:37:44 Yes, this is Kitt 06:38:09 tried to email you yesterday...didn't go through 06:38:33 cb has my e-mail 06:38:41 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 06:38:46 i found it cc!!! 06:38:47 she couldn't find it 06:38:49 will send 06:39:03 ynpvisitor61 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:39:05 was on Williams computer 06:39:18 aah 06:39:18 Wow! What luck! 06:39:27 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 06:39:31 morning kevin 06:39:47 good morning Kevin 06:39:53 hi 06:40:11 Didn't see you there vw 06:40:23 np Kevin! 06:40:44 my internet connection is giving me problems, so am afraid to open up my mail program while watching for BH! 06:40:48 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 06:41:04 do you want me to take the cam vw 06:41:07 Hi Kitt (btw) 06:41:13 for BH 06:41:18 hello 06:41:20 I had just sent you a message. 06:43:56 I got it! Thx! Nice to get those. 06:44:16 CC quit (timeout) 06:44:21 I have it CC 06:44:22 CC - cb took cam. wouldn't want to lose it during BH! 06:44:34 k 06:44:49 looks cold this mornint. anyone know the temp? 06:44:57 Especially after waiting since the last Old Faithful 06:45:06 see you people later 06:45:17 thanks CB 06:45:17 safe travels CC 06:45:22 I knew she has had a sip of cofffee so is awake. BH is a nice compliment to a morning cup of coffee. 06:45:25 bye 06:45:32 bye CC. Be safe! 06:46:04 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 06:46:23 CC quit (timeout) 06:46:37 OF 646 06:46:46 Drat drat and Double drat 06:46:52 ditto 06:46:52 I knew it 06:46:55 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 06:47:01 lol 06:47:11 Ugh! 06:47:13 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to CC 06:47:14 I was thinking I had great timing!! 06:47:18 As my one student says, Cry 06:47:18 Damn OF 06:47:39 shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06:47:42 OF is a wonderful geyser don't make it feel bad. 06:47:53 Please OF just a peek 06:47:56 But this is very bad timing 06:47:57 my prediction is that we will still see some of BH 06:48:08 Kitt you may as well go back to bed. g 06:48:23 Can 06:48:32 Cam 06:48:36 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 06:48:47 Looks like my fingers did 06:48:50 Where is a short when we really need it? 06:48:51 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 06:48:58 CC quit (timeout) 06:49:09 Can't go to sleep, It is time to get up 06:49:15 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to Ryan 06:49:20 wipers?? 06:49:21 Hello everyone :) 06:49:27 Temp is 34 Humidity 89% 06:49:33 BH 649 06:49:51 Wait for us Bee 06:49:53 We can see it! So long as the wind is kind.. 06:49:54 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 06:50:01 Nice timing 06:50:06 Morning cb 06:50:07 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to CC 06:50:08 Looks like water on the lens 06:50:09 Morning vw 06:50:17 took cam so I could wipe the lens 06:50:19 Morning K, and CC 06:50:22 CC has it and is wiping 06:50:39 nothing like a team effort here!! :) 06:51:05 Thar she is! 06:51:08 Morning Ryan 06:51:16 :) 06:51:20 CB it is yours as soon as OF is done 06:52:36 Morning ynpvisitor25.. Kitt? 06:52:53 Yes 06:53:37 Tall BH. 06:54:02 Poor kids get crispy sausage this morning. 06:54:05 Ah, ok, i figured, just wanted to be sure 06:55:08 It is amazing how many Beehive Old Faithful duals occur when watching on the cam 06:55:18 CC quit (timeout) 06:55:21 yeah 06:55:33 Hi Ryan. Didn't mean to ignore you. 06:55:53 My ipod shuffled just now to Rocky Mountain High... its sunny and 75 here and the windows are open... :) its a good day 06:56:00 can zoom for the post eruptive steam lovers 06:56:02 No problem vw 06:56:05 and both updated. 06:56:40 Bye Have a nice day 06:56:47 nice... never knew there was a website for that 06:56:52 Time to get ready for work 06:57:02 Bye Kitt 06:57:08 Have fun 06:57:11 Bye Kitt! 06:57:16 later Kitt 06:58:00 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 07:00:18 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 07:07:15 I sure hope this morning's steam from OF is not an indication of how the rest of the day is going to be. :( 07:10:06 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 07:14:04 g morning cb 07:15:10 clickity clack 21 days 07:15:31 morning #88.... 07:15:47 omg...Billium 07:16:03 so how is everyone's morning? 07:16:39 cold and rainy here Ryan, but any morning that starts with a BH can't be all that bad. 07:17:16 lol :) im undertaking the sad task of writing sympathy letters to a couple teachers in a neighboring school district 07:17:50 that is a hard task. 07:17:54 PRinciple had a heart attack and died yesterday morning in the hallways 07:18:13 oh my Ryan! 07:18:48 its terrible, i feel very bad for them, all our academic competitions were there so... i know two of the teachers very well... 07:18:55 good of you to keep those teachers in your thoughts. 07:19:03 Wow. What level of school? 07:19:10 High 07:20:25 That would be tough on the kids also. At that age they think everthing is immortal. 07:20:50 he was taking a kid to the office :\ 07:20:53 :/ 07:21:28 That should leave a lasting impression. 07:23:07 you are a good Laddy Ryan!! 07:23:17 Plume 0723 07:23:18 :) 07:23:19 Pllume 723 07:24:09 Looks like Yellowstone is in the middle of a low pressure swirl. Probably nasty weather all day. 07:25:30 Wet weather is in the forecast. Virtually all of MT is wet today, and I am sure it will get down into the Park. 07:25:39 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:26:06 Hopefully the evening BH will be better than the morning one was. 07:26:18 bbl... errands to run 07:26:26 bye 07:26:28 Bye Ryan 07:26:35 bye ryan 07:26:40 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:26:43 Ryan changes nickname to Ryan AWAY 07:26:49 please make giantess wait 07:26:57 Even been cool down here. Mid 70's with some clouds a bit of rain. 07:27:14 I don't think you have to worry Ryan. 07:29:25 :D 07:29:50 need more coffee. brb. 07:31:25 Ryan AWAY quit (timeout) 07:34:37 did I miss anything? 07:38:27 . 07:39:20 I keep losing the cam control, so it is going back to preset. I will try again in a bit. 07:39:39 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 07:41:32 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 07:42:48 Ryan AWAY quit (timeout) 07:49:11 Ryan AWAY changes nickname to Ryan 07:49:14 b 07:58:14 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 07:58:14 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 07:59:25 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:01:39 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 08:01:47 Castle 0801 ie 08:02:07 vw - afk changes nickname to vw 08:02:17 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 08:02:29 ynpvisitor76 changes nickname to MJ 08:02:38 cb quit (timeout) 08:02:39 good morning MJ 08:02:41 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 08:02:57 Ah, Good MOrning VW 08:03:22 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 08:04:27 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to missouri 08:04:33 MJ quit (timeout) 08:04:36 Ryan quit (timeout) 08:04:43 good morning missouri 08:04:57 Is this snow that I'm seeing? 08:05:01 good morning. 08:05:15 Not sure if snow, but certainly rain in the basin. 08:05:27 I haven't checked the temperature at OF this morning. 08:05:39 i think i see snow 08:05:39 Lots of steam and precip 08:05:45 We are getting some long over due moisture. 08:06:12 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:06:44 MJ quit (timeout) 08:07:38 What a beautiful view vw 08:08:23 I think so MJ. Any view of the park, even cold and wet is beautiful to most of us on this page! 08:08:46 Just checked the temperature at OF. Has been hovering around 34 for a while. 08:08:47 I will second that! 08:08:56 We could be seeing a mix of rain and snow. 08:09:29 I long to return and just sit on those benches! 08:09:47 me too. even in the rain and snow 08:10:05 That is right Missouri 08:10:16 break out the snow pants! 08:10:43 I just placed my bibs in the other closet. 08:10:50 cb quit (timeout) 08:11:28 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 08:12:03 this might be a spring when bibs would be advisable into the start of summer at YNP 08:12:30 You are right. 08:12:45 Last year it was wet and cold well into June too. 08:13:01 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 08:13:19 Oh goodness,that is along time to wait for Spring. 08:13:32 Looks like Castle is entering steam phase. 08:13:46 getting hard to see though. 08:14:05 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 08:14:33 You really have all of us looking at a excellent view of it. 08:14:54 rather dreamlike with the mist! 08:15:11 Castle is a Major 08:15:34 just what i was thinking - had to be getting close to a major 08:16:08 I was just waiting for the steam to start going in earnest! 08:16:19 This is spectacular. 08:17:38 my lucky day. i was here earlier anonymously earlier and caught beehinve just behind of too. feeling good! 08:17:53 or beehive 08:18:13 it has been a good day so far! 08:19:21 is it clearing a bit too? 08:19:35 it seems brighter 08:19:37 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:19:38 MJ quit (timeout) 08:20:04 Seems to be. Will move the cam in a second. About time to check Plume, but concerned about steam from OF. Could be a quick peek. 08:20:31 Lots of water on the lens! 08:21:12 It has gotten brighter. 08:21:48 Until the water on the lens evaporates though, we won't be able to see much except close up, and steam is preventing good views of most areas. 08:22:05 yup 08:23:14 I appreciate all that you do vw. 08:23:24 Plume 0823 08:23:33 ta da 08:23:45 great timing 08:23:47 thank you MJ, but they couldn't pay me to do this job. I love it. 08:24:00 Oh wait.... they DON;T pay us to do this! 08:24:17 Ha-ha you are too funny. 08:25:06 I'll be back later y'all have a good viewing. 08:25:08 Amazing steam at Castle now. 08:26:03 MJ quit (timeout) 08:26:35 Hate to ask, but has OF gone since 6:46? 08:27:16 just what i was wondering 08:27:23 Not that I have seen, but am avoiding having the camera pointed that way because of spray getting on the lens. 08:27:47 no new prediction up either 08:27:57 Makes sense. Mabe we can catch it out of the corner of our, uh, lens. 08:27:58 We have limited ability today to get the camera wiped. 08:29:03 We usually will always catch OF, but if doing so causes us to lose the view, rarely we will avoid it. Have been pointed downbasin for most of the day for that reason. 08:29:52 Doesn't look like it's gone recently, so I'll keep the VEC camera open to look for it. 08:30:33 might be heating up now. 08:30:49 ta da 08:30:49 OF 0830 ie 08:32:04 actually quite pretty on the VEC 08:32:11 c'mon SUN 08:32:20 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 08:32:43 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 08:32:44 Ryan quit (timeout) 08:33:15 yeah, we need some sun and heat to dry of the camera! Feel like shaking my fur! 08:33:38 Wasn't any point in keeping the camera on OF! 08:33:58 Good time for some downbasin geysers to erupt. I vote for Splendid. 08:34:18 Plume 0834 08:34:25 that earlier call must be wrong! 08:35:04 I am pretty sure Plume isn't having 11 minute intervals 08:35:18 probably not, but the earlier one sure fooled me 08:35:51 easy to be deceived in so much steam and wet though 08:37:37 Heads up for Glennon: have commented on of error. has been corrected 08:37:50 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 08:38:42 Dewpoint must have really changed in the last couple of minutes as amount of steam in the basin has dropped substantially 08:39:01 Light hitting steam at Castle now. 08:39:17 its beautiful 08:41:06 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 08:42:52 ynpvisitor83 changes nickname to sparekitty 08:45:19 any guesses on grand??? 08:45:27 good morning sparekitty 08:45:41 No guesses from me Ryan. 08:46:04 morning sparekitty 08:46:35 Most likely in the next 4 hours. 08:47:14 VEC prediction should be updated soon. As we are pretty sure Jim has been out in the basin, that prediction should be good when we get it. 08:47:30 It is also possible that both Grand and Daisy erupted when we couldn't see down basin. 08:49:27 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 08:52:21 missouri quit (timeout) 08:53:56 Ryan quit (timeout) 08:55:49 looks pretty quiet at Daisy 08:56:07 Sawmill has been active all morning though 08:57:23 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 08:59:01 Depression heating up. Based on Kitt's call this morning, the timing is about right. 08:59:10 Depression 0859 09:00:11 pretty weak eruption, but we did see water 09:00:34 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 09:02:08 wind picking up, so closeups are going to be a problem. :( 09:05:06 brb 09:06:46 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 09:08:17 Ryan quit (timeout) 09:13:25 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 09:14:46 hola everybody! sorry, i wasn't ignoring you--just working. what's up?? 09:15:14 not much, cleaning... you? 09:15:18 just enjoying the arrival of sunlight in the basin now sparekitty! 09:15:51 working away here. it is lovely in the UGB though. i'd sure love to visit but prob not this summer. 09:16:09 same here... passed up ynp for alaska :) 09:16:12 sorry to hear that sparekitty. 09:16:48 i'm glad to have a new job but it certainly cuts down on the amount of vacation i can take! 09:17:05 :) :( 09:17:15 This is a good time to remind everybody that the VEC now has a prediction recording available. You can call 307-344-2751 and get predictions for the major geysers in the UGB 09:17:26 Daisy 0917 09:17:36 vw, brenna is missing billings already--she's been home for just 2 weeks. 09:17:56 Good to know that she misses it, despite the long winter we had! 09:18:13 winter can be tough on California kids! 09:18:16 she never complained even one time about the weather. 09:18:34 She is tougher than most than! 09:18:44 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 09:18:48 Even us Montanan's complained this year. 09:18:50 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 09:19:03 i hear it was AWFUL cold... 09:19:31 i gotta get back to work; i'll check in later. have a great friday all!! 09:19:40 you too! 09:19:44 see you later. 09:20:20 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:20:36 bye sk! 09:21:36 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 09:21:50 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to Kristine 09:21:57 Morning everyone! 09:22:04 Most of the people have disappeared from the basin. 09:22:10 Hi Kristine! 09:22:31 How goes it? 09:22:37 Hi vw 09:22:45 Hi Kristine 09:22:48 It's going. Sucks having a cold though 09:23:16 eww, tell me about it, im getting over one 09:23:35 Conewalker on Split Cone 09:23:39 least it's my wekend 09:23:41 sorry to hear. Making the rounds here in Billings too. 09:23:47 Crap 09:23:51 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to Rich 09:24:10 ughh stupid people 09:24:22 I thought so too, but when I went back, didn't see one 09:24:38 Ran right over the top 09:24:57 Hmm...I was just gonna call the VEC 09:25:14 Gone now 09:25:15 thought I saw someone running out just as I was panning over to Plume. 09:25:29 I saw it too 09:25:35 cam control is real sluggish so couldn't get back fast enough 09:26:00 right in front of VEC so hopefully a Ranger saw it. 09:26:32 Wouldn't count on it right now. It's only a skeleton crew while all the newbies are in training. 09:26:43 drats. 09:27:01 I reported some folks close to that cow bison two days ago and the kid working the desk didn't do anything. 09:27:09 I got the CW captured on the VC cam. 09:27:26 All the fun happens when I leave. 09:27:29 people are so stupid 09:27:45 Hi Rich 09:28:05 Hi Ryan 09:28:15 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 09:28:17 How have you been? 09:28:45 Good, ty 09:28:55 thats good 09:29:25 Forecast for today is 70 and sunshine. 09:29:40 in CA? 09:29:55 That must be your forecast Rich. Certainly isn't for OF 09:30:05 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 09:30:38 I'm still in Seattle 09:31:48 VEC Prediction times: OF 1000(+/-10m), Castle 2300(1h), Grand 1100(2h), Daisy 0915(30m), Riverside 1030(30m) 09:32:15 guess we r in grands window :) 09:32:47 Yeap. They sure pegged the Daisy prediction! 09:33:14 I think we missed Plume during the conewalker time. OF steam getting in the way too. 09:37:15 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 09:38:25 Anyone in the UGB doing data collection? 09:39:27 There are gazers there doing reporting, but I don't know who might be updating the log books Rich. I think Ralph won't be there to download his data until June. 09:40:29 Just wondered if someone might be doing an unscheduled download. 09:40:45 But the didn't see vest. 09:41:09 Oh you mean in terms of the conewalker. Not likely. That person RAN out. 09:43:14 I need to get some things done, so am going to be away from the keyboard for a lot of the day. I have my reminder calendar going so will be watching for eruptions as I can.. 09:43:25 It looks like we are getting steam at Grand now 09:45:08 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:49:21 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 09:49:39 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 09:50:29 Riverside 9:50ie? 09:50:49 i was just thinking the same 09:51:24 wisp I saw was too small to be sure. 09:51:28 Now it looks good 09:51:45 OF in the way though 09:52:16 there be the steam again... trying? perhaps... it is in its window 09:53:08 The wind must be playing tricks with Riverside's steam cloud. 09:53:12 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:53:16 OF is trying too 09:53:33 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 09:56:00 Rich quit (timeout) 09:57:03 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:57:03 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 09:57:15 of 0956 09:57:22 Ryan quit (timeout) 09:58:13 Geyser shower! 09:58:27 Yeap. Can;t avoid it. 09:58:45 i got it up at 09:59:00 Quite a few visitors got caught in the sudden rainstorm, too. 09:59:00 thank you Ryan 09:59:09 Okay who's got the wiper... :) 09:59:16 I am also posting to 09:59:23 ok 09:59:43 tyoping difficult when the cat wants your attentiuon 10:00:05 we are wiperless for a while now. 10:00:09 I have that problem also, Kristine, cat wants to be brushed NOW!!! 10:00:20 Kristine: :D 10:00:28 I have the same problem with my dogs. 10:01:02 Daisy wants to be pet right now so she's pushing on my hands while I'm trying to type 10:01:52 my small dog wants to walk on my fingerpad. havoc when I am on the cam! 10:02:08 My apologies to all who want to see OF. Just not good to watch today. 10:02:25 Of course it doesn't help that I have my cereal bowl with milk in it next to my computer 10:02:36 :D :D 10:02:39 share! 10:03:10 I have; she got a few drops of milk. She's seriously spoiled 10:03:55 absolutely nothing wrong with spoiling our pets IMO. My grandmother would have disagreed, but a different generation! 10:04:43 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 10:04:44 Daisy is my fur-child. 10:05:05 VEC is calling that OF a long. Next predicted for 1130. 10:06:33 Ryan quit (timeout) 10:13:40 time to watch for Plume. Because we missed the last one, we have somewhat lost track of it. 10:16:43 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 10:18:00 Ryan quit (timeout) 10:19:15 Castle 2300 +/- 1' 10:20:34 Grand 1100 +/- 2', Riverside 1600 +/- 30" 10:20:38 maybe I can catch Castle if I leave now. :P 10:20:52 :) 10:20:56 Drive fast! 10:21:05 lol 10:21:39 Would be a great way to start your weekend. 10:21:49 That Riverside prediction is updated from earlier, and confirms the possible we saw here 10:23:07 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 10:23:13 Rich quit (timeout) 10:23:13 Wind direction this morning is going to make seeing Plume nearly impossible 10:23:26 Kristine quit (timeout) 10:24:43 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:28:43 Rich quit (timeout) 10:28:48 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 10:29:32 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:29:41 Rich quit (timeout) 10:29:50 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 10:30:20 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 10:30:24 steve joins Yellowstone 10:30:46 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 10:30:53 Ryan quit (timeout) 10:32:20 Ryan quit (timeout) 10:32:34 . 10:37:02 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 10:47:35 Rich quit (timeout) 10:48:55 Ryan quit (timeout) 10:54:31 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 10:54:33 We haven 't logged an eruption now for almost an hour. Does that mean the UGB has gone to sleep? Or just us? 10:55:50 Ryan quit (timeout) 10:56:56 Looks like West Triplet may be erupting. too bouncy too get in any closer 10:58:45 Nope. That is Spasmodic 10:59:01 needed to see where the boardwalk was. 10:59:31 Rich quit (timeout) 11:01:02 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 11:01:02 No four legged creatures either. 11:01:37 I read in the logs from last night that a wolf had been seen down basin. Maybe it has moved the bison out? 11:03:46 Recap 2011-05-20: BH 0649 wc, BHI 0634 ie wc, Castle 0801 ie wc maj, Daisy 0917 wc, Depression 0546 (?) ie wc, 0859 wc, Oblong 0629 (?) ie wc, OF 0521 ie wc, 0646 wc, 0830 ie wc, 0956 wc, Conewalker Split Cone 0923 wc, Plume 0624 wc, 0723 wc, 0834 wc, Riverside 0950 (?) ie wc, Conewalker on Split Cone pid=31361063&l=afc39fefc0&id=1427016656 11:04:10 Thank you Rich. 11:04:16 Riverside 0950 (?) ie wc, Conewalker on Split Cone pid=31361063&l=afc39fefc0&id=1427016656 11:04:35 hmmm, can't get Riverside to post. g 11:04:49 well, we weren't sure we saw it here anyway. 11:04:55 Riverside 0950 (?) ie wc, 11:04:57 brb 11:05:10 Riverside 0950 (?) ie wc, Conewalker on Split Cone pid=31361063&l=afc39fefc0&id=1427016656 11:05:35 There it is. Chatroom doesn't like 'tabs'. 11:06:00 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 11:07:16 Ryan quit (timeout) 11:08:04 Grand 1107 ie 11:08:44 I stepped away for a minute so not sure if it just started? 11:10:15 steve quit (timeout) 11:10:57 Rich quit (timeout) 11:12:58 Ryan quit (timeout) 11:13:21 Rich quit (timeout) 11:13:53 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 11:15:50 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 11:16:34 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 11:19:21 A pause is hard to read in these conditions 11:20:09 Looks like we are also getting steam drift from something else. Probably Grotto? 11:23:36 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 11:25:25 ynpvisitor22 changes nickname to kc (working) 11:25:53 Hi kc 11:26:10 more rain in the basin, and getting camera lens wet 11:26:20 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 11:26:23 mornin vw. not sure how much viewing ill get in today.. boss is in town 11:26:45 oh no! work?!?!?! on a Friday? 11:27:59 yeah its unthinkable 11:28:25 You need to have words with your boss. Gentle words, but words nonetheless. 11:30:17 We have probably missed another Plume. Afraid it is going to be one of those days. 11:31:59 OF 1131 11:34:35 Can't focus through the water spots. Darn 11:34:35 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 11:36:39 have to settle for watching people leave 11:37:51 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 11:39:04 Next OF predicted for 1304 per the VEC webcam 11:39:46 Rich quit (timeout) 11:40:49 I am back on standby for now. Daisy due soon. 11:41:07 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 11:43:30 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 11:44:09 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 11:44:11 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 11:48:03 Rich quit (timeout) 11:49:22 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 11:49:22 sorry everybody, but the lens is too wet to focus on anything. 11:49:32 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 11:49:38 Ryan quit (timeout) 11:49:47 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 11:50:14 hopefully things will improve, but for now I am putting it on OF preset. 11:51:07 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 11:52:21 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 11:55:22 Ryan quit (timeout) 12:00:06 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 12:01:59 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 12:02:21 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:09:36 Ryan quit (timeout) 12:16:29 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 12:22:57 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 12:23:08 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 12:23:28 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to BB 12:24:40 BB quit (timeout) 12:27:24 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 12:36:17 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 12:41:29 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 12:42:14 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 12:45:02 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 12:47:18 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 12:47:19 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 12:48:29 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 12:49:01 Jacques Cousteau cam? 12:52:37 ynpvisitor44v joins Yellowstone 12:53:18 ynpvisitor44v quit (timeout) 12:53:20 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:54:00 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:54:48 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:55:43 --> 12:56:12 74: :D 12:56:19 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:56:57 Can power through water on lens, but unzoomed doesn't work so well. 12:57:58 back to preset. Will check again later. 12:58:19 ladder and a squeegee, hire me and I'll go down there 12:58:43 lots of volunteers for that job! 12:59:07 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 13:02:08 OF 1302 13:04:28 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 13:05:38 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 13:05:48 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 13:05:59 ynpvisitor66 changes nickname to CC 13:06:11 just wiped the lens 13:06:29 Hi CC. wasn't even paying attention! 13:06:32 nice! 13:06:45 arrived at hotel in Omaha 13:06:53 will see family tonight 13:07:04 Good to know you had a safe arrival. How is your weather? 13:07:27 rainy 13:07:46 Seems to be a common theme around the country today. 13:07:48 driving between rain cycles 13:08:07 actually lucky because the roads were not too bad 13:08:42 do you want me to stay on the cam a while 13:09:15 that would be great! If you need a rest, just ping me? I will leave chat page open. 13:09:16 I think it is a losing battle with the lens today 13:09:25 Has been all day! 13:09:48 I have lost track of what might be due. 13:09:56 no problem 13:10:02 Castle, Grand and BH of course are out of contention. 13:10:33 GG gets on shortly..maybe an hour and a half 13:10:37 VEC has predicted OF for 1435 13:10:55 was the last a short 13:11:03 Long 13:11:17 k 13:12:16 So now I really AM away from keyboard. Will be listening for pings though. 13:12:32 have fun! 13:12:53 thanks for everything 13:13:18 they couldn't pay me to do this job.... :) 13:13:35 lol 13:13:54 Looks like Plume for you at 1313 13:14:07 but we have been fooled once today already! 13:14:33 Plume is going now 13:13 13:15:00 Montana radar from NOAA: 13:15:02 sorry computer has a mind of its own 13:15:09 some of that is likely bleeding down into the park. 13:15:56 NOAA radar though does not reach to the Park though so we can never be sure 13:16:17 my frame rate is very slow 13:16:29 btw, the livescope program has been very sluggish today. 13:16:42 I can see that 13:16:53 I never know if it is my computer or the program. 13:17:14 my fram rate is .o8 13:17:25 we had a conewalker earlier that I got a glimpse of when I hit a preset button, and couldn't get back in time for. 13:17:49 what time 13:17:55 yes, mine has gone that low. Sometimes when that happens the program disconnects me. No explanation that I can figure out. 13:18:24 let me check the logs. rich got a capture of it from the static cam. brb 13:20:42 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 13:22:37 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 13:28:16 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 13:31:52 CC quit (timeout) 13:40:56 vw - afk quit (timeout) 13:48:51 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 13:50:35 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 13:53:42 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 14:04:04 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 14:05:42 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 14:06:10 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:10:38 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 14:10:44 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:11:26 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 14:12:39 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 14:12:42 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 14:24:18 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 14:24:25 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 14:25:27 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 14:28:10 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:28:56 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 14:29:11 Lion 14:28 14:29:32 . 14:30:08 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 14:30:30 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 14:32:23 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 14:33:45 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 14:34:57 Rich joins Yellowstone 14:35:30 Conewalker Split Cone 0923 wc pid=31361063&l=afc39fefc0&id=1427016656 14:36:02 lrk quit (timeout) 14:36:03 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:37:54 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 14:38:22 lrk quit (timeout) 14:38:28 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 14:40:34 lrk quit (timeout) 14:40:43 Recap 2011-05-20: BH 0649 wc, BHI 0634 ie wc, Castle 0801 ie wc maj, Daisy 0917 wc, Depression 0546 (?) ie wc, 0859 wc, Grand 1107 ie wc, Lion 1428 wc, Oblong 0629 (?) ie wc, OF 0521 ie wc, 0646 wc, 0830 ie wc, 0956 wc,1131 wc,1302 wc Conewalker Split Cone 0923 wc, Plume 0624 wc, 0723 wc, 0834 wc, 1313 wc, Riverside 0950 (?) ie wc, 14:41:25 lrk quit (timeout) 14:42:22 Rich quit (timeout) 14:43:59 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 14:47:05 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 14:50:40 OF 1447 ie 14:51:26 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 14:53:59 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 15:01:35 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 15:04:40 ynpvisitor7 changes nickname to Glennon 15:22:25 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 15:22:55 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 15:24:05 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 15:25:31 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 15:26:41 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 15:28:41 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 15:32:08 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 15:34:48 kc (working) quit (timeout) 15:35:57 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 15:36:14 Lion 1535 15:37:49 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:39:47 ynpvisitor76 changes nickname to vw 15:40:26 Plume 1540 15:40:40 Aurum 1539 ie 15:41:32 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 15:41:50 ~~~ 15:42:22 Wel could could sort of see it throught the OF steam. 15:42:37 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 15:43:25 Aurum may have been 1540 also, was ie just before Plume 15:43:37 another note for Glennon: i went ahead and entered a dispute for the Plume that I incorrectly called today. 15:44:14 thanks 94. I didn't see Aurum, but then I wasn't really even watching for Plume! 15:45:12 yw, could see it pretty good for 15-20 sec, then OF steam got in the way. 15:45:13 Looked like Aurum to me. It was mostly blocked by OF steam, but it did have the water spike. 15:45:51 thanks Kevin 15:45:51 I am going to enter it as 1539 ie on because that is what was entered on Glennon's site 15:45:53 thanks vw. 15:45:59 Thanks for confirmation Kevin 15:46:35 umm... well, i was just watching the same thing as everybody else 15:47:15 we might get a time from the basin too. Lots of gazers love to watch Aurum. 15:47:42 good point. hold it as a tentative time and then change it later if needed 15:48:18 which raises the question Glennon: have you and Jake discussed entering the data from listserve reports? 15:48:24 sounds like a huge task to me! 15:48:39 lc here, my time may be a min slow. 15:48:47 hi lc! 15:48:54 hi vw 15:49:15 your guys' weather calm down? We are WET and chilly out here in Montana. 15:49:16 Jake and I had a long talk about all sorts of data issues and integration yesterday. 15:49:50 Glennon: get some sponsors and hire someone! 15:50:00 :) 15:50:26 we'd like to get as much good data in the database as possible 15:50:27 or better yet... pay yourselves? 15:51:12 btw, what is the prediction criteria that you are using on your site? 15:51:50 vw, if you talk to CC tell her I didn't ignore her a couple of days ago. I didn't see her msg. until she had left. 15:52:12 :) I will be sure to pass that on lc! 15:52:26 ty 15:52:36 She is making occasional visits here while she is on her trip, so you might actually catch her here. 15:53:02 k 15:53:33 I know she is also reading her email, so if you responded via email, I am sure she got it. If you don't have that email address, just pm me and I can give it to you. 15:54:41 thats ok, can probably chat later. thanks. 15:54:51 no problem! 15:55:25 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 15:59:11 After spending most of the morning adn early afternoon on the cam, I hadn't meant to come back here today. This place is addictive! For now though, I am going to just lurk while getting other stuff done. 15:59:19 vw changes nickname to vw - lurking 16:03:34 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 16:05:33 kc (working) quit (timeout) 16:05:58 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 16:12:12 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 16:12:32 kc (working) quit (timeout) 16:12:33 vw - lurking quit (timeout) 16:13:45 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 16:16:34 . 16:25:15 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 16:25:23 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 16:27:12 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:32:09 I think we missed an OF. 16:37:31 sorry, got distracted. I saw an OF recently, but no time was logged, and I didn't notice the time when I saw it.. Anyway, there will be a hole in the data. 16:37:35 back to it here. 16:38:40 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 16:39:47 looks like last OF was a short---new VC prediction is 1720 16:40:03 was 1620 previously 16:44:32 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 16:51:02 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 16:52:02 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 16:52:46 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 16:53:31 Lion 16:53ie 16:53:34 lion 1653 16:54:01 lots of people there to enjoy it 16:54:07 looks like a ranger group out on the boardwalk, too 16:56:31 Kevin L quit (timeout) 16:58:15 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 17:08:46 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 17:18:50 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 17:20:05 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 17:21:00 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 17:28:05 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 17:29:04 Holstein reports Fountain had an eleven hour interval. Uh Oh. 17:29:13 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 17:29:28 yiks. that isn't good. 17:29:34 OF 1729 ie 17:29:50 vw - lurking changes nickname to vw 17:30:27 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 17:30:31 I don't think we have many closed interval times for Fountain this year? I haven't been following, but might need to go back and read the listserve reports. 17:35:49 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 17:36:12 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:36:33 actually should rephrase that Holstein ran into LS who reported that. 17:36:55 both credible! 17:36:55 vw quit (timeout) 17:37:03 . 17:37:05 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 17:37:14 Daisy 1737 17:37:26 that Daisy is ie. Did not see start. 17:38:55 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to Glennon 17:40:33 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 17:45:00 . 17:45:35 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 17:45:39 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 17:47:00 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:48:21 vw -- predictions are: (last eruption + mean period of all closed intervals from last 3 months) 17:48:32 11 hours since this morning's BH 17:49:59 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 17:50:59 RE: Fountain, I was told about 8 hour intervals when I came in last weekend. Then I think it became more erratic. - Polly 17:51:37 thx Polly. Did you see any of the weird ones from M's Thief? 17:52:40 No - went out once but was inbetween eruptions. ME calls in times to VEC when she has them. 17:53:57 thank you. 17:54:02 Fountain times, that is - not sure about MThief 17:55:19 Time to go watch grown men grash expensive trucks. Will listen for BHI pings. 17:56:59 Lion 1756 ie 17:57:49 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 17:58:28 drivin home bbs 17:58:50 BH looks steamy kc! No stops! 17:59:19 only one important one - the beer store :D 17:59:28 :D 17:59:33 call ahead? 17:59:39 its been a looooooooooooong week 17:59:49 amen kc! 17:59:58 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to sparekitty 18:00:24 its 5 oclock somewhere. 18:00:25 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:00:44 it's 5p in pasadena, actually, this minute! 18:04:57 Plume 1804 18:18:19 ynpvisitor666 joins Yellowstone 18:18:43 good night al. good luck with BH. 18:18:50 all 18:19:03 ynpvisitor666 quit (timeout) 18:20:43 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 18:20:44 sparekitty quit (timeout) 18:27:46 No one is going to comment on my nickname? 18:27:53 ynpvisitor666 changes nickname to Todd 18:28:49 Hello all 18:28:56 hi, Todd 18:29:12 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 18:29:19 Just in from the field, rain on the way 18:29:42 So we have a possible BH on the schedule? 18:30:45 it's in its window 18:30:56 Good deal 18:37:57 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 18:41:53 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to kcmule 18:42:21 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:42:26 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 18:43:13 sparekitty quit (timeout) 18:43:36 Todd quit (timeout) 18:43:37 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:47:06 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 18:47:45 ynpvisitor68 changes nickname to Kent 18:49:03 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:49:23 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 18:50:20 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 18:52:14 Lion 18:51ie 18:53:32 Todd quit (timeout) 18:53:46 Are we running without a cam operator 18:53:49 ? 18:56:18 I think the Friday night person may be headed to Jackson. 18:57:32 Ah 18:57:38 ok 19:01:51 BHI 1900ie 19:02:22 Thanks for the confirmation 19:02:25 good call 19:02:36 If only we could get closer 19:02:41 Is vw on or away? 19:02:47 txt away 19:03:32 Help us Obie One 19:03:39 :( 19:04:40 At least it isn't pooring rain like in Worland 19:05:01 And the lens cover is relatively clean 19:05:08 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:05:35 OF is due...gonna block BH! 19:06:09 OF 1906 19:06:17 Kevin L quit (timeout) 19:06:19 Not a repeat of this morning 19:06:47 Today just isn't my day 19:06:50 oka... who is making all this noise and disturbing my nap??? 19:07:02 Thar she blows 19:07:07 Hi all! 19:07:09 yea vw is awake! 19:07:14 OF is going to coat the lens again 19:07:30 but I am not on the cam tonight. 19:07:39 Everyone blow 19:07:52 another BH eruption, ruined by OF :P 19:08:06 Aargh! 19:08:13 CC is out with her family tonight and I don't want to call her. 19:08:22 this is not good! 19:08:33 agreed 19:08:39 so it goes.... 19:08:42 Sorry folks. 19:08:55 Not your fault 19:09:00 it's times like these that makes us more grateful when we do see it 19:09:15 We can still get the start or an ie. 19:09:16 Can't you hack in and take over? 19:09:35 Not really. Kind of against the rules. 19:09:39 :) 19:09:50 Now that looks more like Worland 19:10:00 rules are made to be broken 19:10:22 Not these rules. 19:10:42 blast from the past 19:11:29 See what happens when you suffer from lack of sleep 19:12:09 drying quickly 19:12:12 plume 1912 19:12:12 Plume 1911 ie 19:12:17 That first Old Faithful was a long time ago this morning 19:13:04 thanks kc 19:13:05 nice catch Kent 19:14:35 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:14:56 they play nice in that one 19:15:03 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 19:15:31 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:15:52 image has cleared up relatively well already! 19:15:59 the view is better now 19:16:58 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:18:19 looks like there are people at BH now 19:19:42 BH 1919 19:19:52 Todd quit (timeout) 19:20:26 Yippee! 19:21:30 Can tell the wind has calmed down quiet a bit. 19:21:39 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 19:21:56 Aurum 19:21ie 19:22:14 I was thinking that also. 19:22:15 wow! a near quadruple! 19:22:56 aren't we in Grand's window too? :) 19:23:12 yes 19:23:17 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 19:23:30 grand is at 8h16m 19:23:31 Our view may be fuzzy, but at least the visitorson the boardwalk are getting a good view 19:23:55 and if we had been zoomed in on BH we would have missed Aurum. 19:24:25 what a positive attitude 19:24:36 what a positive attitude 19:24:58 its a good preset just needs a bump to the left 19:25:02 What a psitive attitude 19:25:28 Kevin L quit (timeout) 19:25:40 . 19:25:40 Let's hear it for tall, hot, water 19:25:43 back out to the kitchen for me. Go Grand! 19:25:56 later vw 19:26:14 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 19:26:15 Kent quit (timeout) 19:26:18 Back to dinner for me. Bye 19:26:26 quit (timeout) 19:27:09 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 19:27:10 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:27:14 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 19:27:51 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to Graham 19:27:56 hello 19:28:05 hi, Graham 19:28:24 whatsup Graham 19:29:00 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 19:29:08 hum, looks like post eruptive steam from something 19:29:23 sparekitty quit (timeout) 19:30:48 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 19:34:39 bye all! 19:34:46 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 19:35:17 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 19:36:54 Kent quit (timeout) 19:39:12 Missed BH. Lots of bent sheet metal. 19:39:31 Hopefully I can catch a replay from kc. 19:40:02 alright? 19:46:28 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 19:50:05 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 19:50:24 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to MJ 19:59:09 Depression 1958ie 20:00:56 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 20:02:28 I am heading out for the evening. Hope everybody has a good one. Bye! 20:02:37 Lion 2002 20:03:06 vw quit (timeout) 20:04:32 cool restart 20:08:53 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 20:13:57 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 20:14:48 Glennon quit (timeout) 20:15:00 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 20:16:24 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 20:18:28 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to Michael 20:19:35 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 20:19:53 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 20:21:20 That's quite a puff of steam from Bank Geyser. 20:21:22 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 20:22:22 yep but not as big as the one coming up 20:22:57 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 20:23:02 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 20:27:18 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 20:29:30 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 20:30:06 Daisy 2029 20:31:23 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 20:33:26 goodnight 20:33:52 Not staying for one more Old Faithful? 20:34:00 Good night Y'all 20:34:26 Graham quit (timeout) 20:34:34 Good night MJ. 20:34:50 MJ quit (timeout) 20:35:27 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 20:42:50 Old Faithful 20:42 20:45:35 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 20:47:48 Lion 20:47ie 20:48:01 good performer today 21:13:06 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 21:22:22 Plume 21:22 21:25:25 Good night, all. 21:25:43 nite 21:26:03 Michael quit (timeout) 21:26:22 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:31:08 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 21:32:17 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 21:35:21 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:39:09 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 21:58:23 Recap 2011-05-20: BH 0649 wc, BHI 0634 ie wc, Castle 0801 ie wc maj, Barbara Lasseter major at 0758ie Daisy 0917 wc, Depression 0546 (?) ie wc, 0859 wc, Grand 1107 ie wc, Lion 1428 wc, Oblong 0629 (?) ie wc, OF 0521 ie wc, 0646 wc, 0830 ie wc, 0956 wc,1131 wc,1302 wc, Conewalker Split Cone 0923 wc, Plume 0624 wc, 0723 wc, 0834 wc, 1313 wc, Riverside 0950 (?) ie wc, 21:58:58 Conewalker on Split Cone pid=31361063&l=afc39fefc0&id=1427016656 21:59:50 RIP PLK. 22:02:21 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 22:03:08 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) Found 984 log entries for 2011-05-21 05:05:56 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 05:13:47 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 05:15:15 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 05:19:03 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 05:19:24 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 05:22:03 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 05:23:28 . 05:23:29 ..... 05:23:41 ynpvisitor81 changes nickname to cb 05:28:34 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 05:29:37 nice picture on VEC static cam 05:36:16 cb quit (timeout) 05:38:02 . 05:40:48 cb quit (timeout) 05:42:21 cb quit (timeout) 05:46:51 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 05:47:10 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to cb 05:50:36 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 05:52:02 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 05:54:13 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 05:54:33 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to Graham 05:54:39 morning cb 05:54:56 moring Graham!! 05:55:12 i don't know why i have such a hard time w that greeting 05:55:27 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to vw 05:55:29 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 05:55:34 wow you ar an early bird....04xx 05:55:46 Good morning Graham 05:55:47 hi vw 05:55:55 ya...have been having stomack ailments and couldn't sleep 05:56:03 looks like a beautiful morning in the basin 05:56:11 it is!! 05:56:12 hmmmm. two middle aged women who can't sleep. A theme going on there? 05:56:15 oh, sorry to hear that 05:56:21 G 05:57:25 haha..and im up before 0800 on a weekend day! 05:57:53 and here we all are. No obssession there. 05:58:27 hmmm. BH steam turned off. I had hopes of seeing it early. 05:58:32 mmm brb got to put coffee on... 05:59:23 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 05:59:39 sure wish the reported wolf would come wandering up to the Hill. 06:00:41 Jim is at BH 06:00:55 yep.... 06:02:19 Good morning everyone (Kitt) 06:02:30 Mornin Kitt! 06:02:31 Good morning Kitt. 06:02:44 Wish our weather was better here. Wind is howling 06:02:51 (got it correctly typed that time!!! wooo hooo) 06:02:51 should we teack Kitt how to change her name in the chat room? 06:03:08 maybe she likes to remain mysterious! 06:03:13 morning Kitt...why are you at the wrong end of the camera? 06:03:40 Today I'm baking and decorating 2 sheet cakes for church 06:03:57 good project when the weather is not so nice. 06:04:05 storm from the pacific that hit us is coming your way! 06:04:08 Do you have rain? More predicted here in Billings today. 06:04:10 mm to the park next weekend? 06:04:27 Ah, yes, but transporting them the short distance may be tricky 06:04:55 chocolate????? 06:05:08 trick from my house would be to not eat them first 06:05:17 One choc. and one white 06:05:27 nummy!!!!!! 06:06:00 Choc. gets eaten first then the men return to test the white which they also like 06:06:02 "down carol's "favorite!! :) 06:06:50 As for rain our lawn is so squishy that it will take a week to dry out 06:07:01 If the rain ever quits 06:07:17 same here. Tall too, but can;t mow it 06:07:48 I mowed it Tues. between storms so lucky there 06:08:24 mine got half done. Now it looks funny. 06:08:42 thats on the agenda for me today....that time of year when I have to do it weekly 06:08:49 tall enough in places that the little dog could get lost. 06:08:53 Bill is tired of the snow on the passes 06:09:36 His truck has to do extended scenic trips to get to point B 06:09:47 About the time they get it cleared, you will be heading to the park and he can check out the snow there! 06:09:49 wow look at the skyline!! 06:11:01 thats gotta be frustrating! My Bill LOVES snow on the passes!! $$$ 06:11:39 He should come up here and work for the MT DOT clearing the Beartooth! 06:11:57 I saw the pic's!! 06:12:26 some of the 'over the side' shots almost made me sick! 06:13:18 I can't wait for a little scrubba dubb on the lens... 06:13:51 cb quit (timeout) 06:14:00 . 06:14:14 I vote that Beehive erupts between Old Faithfuls today 06:15:14 here here!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06:15:24 have we seen an OF this morning? 06:15:29 nope 06:15:47 No I slept in 06:15:48 Plume 615 06:15:50 Graham quit (timeout) 06:16:26 oohhh geyser 06:16:59 with a nice backdrop too 06:17:13 dont have to call it in with Jim out there already 06:17:28 am loving that skyline!! 06:18:18 when does CC get there to clean the cam? :) 06:18:36 G 06:18:44 ah thats better, have my coffee now 06:19:01 just need a piece of cake kitt? 06:19:24 not baked yet 06:19:25 OF 619 06:19:28 oooh another geyser 06:20:47 I am nursing a coke the am.... 06:20:51 this 06:21:29 with caffeine? 06:21:59 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 06:22:01 ran outta Ginger ale...for just doesn't sound to go this morning 06:22:07 good 06:22:58 so if today is the end of the world, maybe it will be a good geyser day! 06:22:58 yeah thats no fun 06:23:16 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 06:23:20 cb quit (timeout) 06:23:27 ah yes...what geyser do you want to see erupting as the world ends? 06:23:37 excelsior? 06:24:00 oohh its gonna end on my shift too, so i can point the cam at it 06:24:27 steamboat would be my next guess 06:24:37 is it supposed to be at a certain time? 06:24:40 that would be good, one that nobody alive has seen in full eruption 06:25:00 1630 MDT I think 06:25:17 wow!!! just had a little fox up on our porch....Cat went nuts!!!!!!!! 06:25:40 cool...wheres the video? 06:25:53 have to wait for kc to post it :) 06:26:05 am still wiping my eyes and can't believe I just saw that 06:26:25 little kitty is completely freaked!!! 06:26:35 sounds pretty bold for a fox! 06:26:43 no shit! 06:26:49 shoot! 06:26:51 sorry 06:27:11 "no kidding" ! 06:27:31 sounds better..ty 06:28:02 keep an eye on your kitty! 06:28:45 so since you are off to a good start for animals......where is wolfie 06:29:52 hum, just saw news story - Pope blesses Astronaughts". they will have a good view of the end of the world 06:30:04 haha spellering is gooder today 06:30:05 look there's sun on the hillside 06:30:22 At least I think that is what sunshine looks like 06:31:34 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 06:33:03 Need to tend to kitty....blood! 06:36:11 who else is out there with Jim? 06:36:59 Maybe Barbara? 06:37:11 visitor 06:37:22 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 06:37:36 maybe visitor, not Barb 06:38:05 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 06:38:20 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 06:39:13 06:39:33 That wasn't Barb 06:47:15 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 06:49:27 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to lc 06:49:38 good morning everyone 06:49:52 good morning lc 06:50:02 morning lc! 06:50:24 Kitt, Bill get home? 06:53:37 He's driving either over or around the Bighorn Mountain today 06:53:59 He did get home from Rock Springs 06:54:27 and gone again? 06:54:31 Morning LC 06:54:53 That's his life 06:57:02 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 06:58:01 I think 06:58:25 Try again, I think Barbara may be at the Ind. spot 06:58:40 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to CC 06:58:49 morning 06:59:00 good morning CC 06:59:17 Hi CC 06:59:27 Is everyone's computer pinging today? Mine is not so I just wondered. Thanks 06:59:31 I am here.....what with BH 06:59:51 83 your cursor may be in the text area, that quiets the pings 06:59:51 morning CC...almostr there 06:59:57 It is being supervised 06:59:57 83 - mine is pinging fine 07:00:04 some folks out waitiing. nothing as yet 07:00:36 thank you very much. Will move cursor. Did not know that. It was exactly there. 07:00:37 who is in control? especially since I have the BEST team 07:00:51 raising hand! 07:00:58 Beehive is in control 07:01:05 lol 07:01:10 hahaha 07:02:06 terrible night...smoke alarm kept chirping until the took the damn thing out 07:02:18 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 07:02:51 makes it hard to sleep. 07:02:55 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 07:03:10 sleep....what sleep? 07:03:16 sounds horrible 07:03:21 not in a great mood 07:03:27 sorry!!!! 07:03:40 complained to hotel staff?? 07:03:44 really tired...not a good way to start a vacation 07:03:44 wores than banging pipes in the Inn 07:04:14 that's different 07:04:18 you mean worse 07:04:33 I could at least walk outside and see something wonderful 07:04:55 thank gosh he didn't put a "h" in that word!! lol 07:06:05 cb quit (timeout) 07:06:37 haha 07:06:51 see you all later....bye 07:07:05 yeah but not sleeping meant i went to bed early the next night and missed a rather large geyser eruption on the next hot period 07:07:06 bye CC. 07:07:15 bye CC 07:07:51 CC quit (timeout) 07:08:07 must have been 2005 07:08:08 Hmm, let's see Beehive about 7:50 07:08:24 that was a brief apperance of the sun on the hillside earlier!! 07:08:46 That's more than we've had 07:09:07 no, it was 2004 07:09:34 Daisy 709 07:10:48 so quick pole of ppl here - should i try and merge reports from the park with the webcam times or just where they have additions to the list or not include them in my list from here? 07:11:21 right now i dont put the geysers in the list if we have nothing to add but that means there are two lists of times 07:11:58 I like seeing a merged report but lots of work. Hopefully Glennon's and/or Jake's sites will have merged data eventually 07:12:00 thru summer how often is there a webcam catch that is missed in person? 07:12:09 i dont want to put ppl off from reporting from the basin 07:12:35 there can be a lot of late ones because the basin dauily reporters leave early 07:12:45 I am for keeping them seperate 07:13:44 completely seperate or include where there are extra times? 07:15:00 . 07:15:05 Churn 0714 07:16:38 so sorry graham was thinkin about your question and BH 07:17:03 k, it was a nice eruption ended when the cam moved i bet 07:17:08 thye dont last long 07:17:29 hard to catch Churn while you are on BH watch 07:17:40 i think the shortest interval we have seen is 8min 07:17:45 and I think keeping them completely seperate 07:17:54 still not many reports about it from the park 07:18:00 I thought so but moved over to ck 07:18:33 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 07:19:20 k, thanks cb. anyone else? I was planning on using whats in Jakes database so it will include some in-park reports if ppl start to use their smart its gonna be blurry 07:19:55 just my opinon though 07:21:06 yeah i asked for it :) I am not sure how i want to do it. I think its useful to add them if we have more data so ppl can see the intervals without having to stich the data together but there are several options. 07:21:11 I wonder what can of worms might be opened if you posted that question to the list. 07:21:31 yeah i thought about that too....i might fo that 07:21:34 It's all about information, and who carefully reads the daily mails, or who would actually access the sites from in park 07:22:54 when Jake and i were in the park in the fall it was very helpful to see the times when we came back from Fountain of SHoshone...could get info without having to go to the VC or find someone 07:23:10 better to have repeated / duplicate infromation than to miss some. If it is clear where the times stated originate (ie webcam) there shouldn't be too much confusion... 07:23:18 we needed to know when the last false indicator was to know when to head out for the next one :) 07:23:22 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 07:23:26 lol 07:23:46 lc quit (timeout) 07:23:51 i think i will start using the wc indication to seperate them, good idea 07:23:54 agree w #1 07:23:57 Maybe a different font or notation for real time reports vs web 07:24:20 Aurum 0724 07:24:21 But you are setting yourself up to be the keeper of information, and a lot of work! 07:24:33 true 07:25:55 i think Jakes database - or Glennons assuming they merge is the easiest way to keep the online data and since i dio a report each day its not that hard to combine some info 07:25:58 that is my concern too. If people are using the smartphone app's, then consolidated info can be found on those websites. You also raise a good point of people not submitting trip reports on the listserve. 07:26:23 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 07:27:03 the databases do differentiate webcam reports from live reports. 07:27:27 so maybe i dont need to do anything, just advertise the link...hum thats a good idea 07:27:42 what will i do with all that free time :) 07:28:20 by advertising the links, that might encourage people to submit data to the sites too. 07:28:36 I thank you Graham for all the work you do but into the daily reports!!!!!!!!! 07:28:48 have to see if the Jake/Glennon consortium is ready for prime-time 07:29:04 thanks cb... 07:29:24 if i stop emails i won't be risking the wrath of BH lovers :) 07:32:17 No smmart phone for me, but I will use the prediction phone number when I am in the basin if I don't find a person in the know 07:32:52 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to kcmule 07:32:52 yes, thanks for the work you do with the daily reports, it is appreciated Graham 07:33:18 might be good to have the sites add a prediction page too 07:33:26 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:33:40 Glennon's site has predictions 07:34:05 maybe I am old school, but that sounds like cheating! Where's the fun of figuring it out ! 07:34:08 his predictions don't always match up with the VEC's, but it is there. 07:34:36 some days that works 29, but other days I am just too math challanged! 07:34:47 I am getting all the data from and just adding my ho-hum commentary and dropping duplicates (which are much less common now that Jake has added the delete function) 07:35:02 cb... how many days to the park 07:35:28 I'd rather get mad at the feds than Jake if it was way off. :P 07:35:32 not telling BILL!!!! 07:36:43 still over 100 days for me :( 07:37:13 hows that cereal i hear you chopping on #80! 07:37:28 :D 07:37:59 well...its TWENTY !!!!!!!!!! 07:38:10 New and inproved Chocolate cheerios!!! 07:38:20 32 days for me 07:38:27 wow! fingers and toes! 07:38:40 38 07:39:24 CC is getting close? 07:39:42 will be wonderful to see both of you in the park!!!!! 07:40:04 IM GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE COUNTING DOWN 07:41:27 going to hate it next year when (if) we can't count down....:( 07:42:28 guess its all a moot point if we all vaporize today! 07:42:35 don't dwell on THAT when you haven't been yet THIS year!!! 07:42:39 speaking about next year, looks like loging reservations are open now 07:42:50 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:42:53 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 07:42:53 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 07:43:25 Did you read KL say that Lake lodge is still snowed in 07:44:11 ty #29!! stay in today....Bill is going to buy me my last cuppa starbucks 07:44:18 Graham quit (timeout) 07:45:35 is that Oblong? 07:45:56 no 07:46:02 to far right i think 07:46:14 and has been going for awhile 07:46:22 be heres a peek just in case 07:46:53 ok, just now noticed it 07:48:57 lc changes nickname to lc - bbl 07:50:32 You going on walk about LC? 07:51:08 Lion 751ie 07:52:10 Nice initial 07:53:32 noticed the quick "gather and run" from BH folks 07:55:25 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 07:55:27 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:56:57 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 07:58:40 OF 758 08:07:52 BH is delaying my Saturday chores. Maybe I will sacrifice for those souls up there. 08:08:10 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:09:28 depression 809 08:13:11 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 08:15:10 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 08:16:57 LMAO...say super soaker squirt gun fast three times... 08:18:13 i cant even say it fast one time 08:19:25 BHI 819 on the dot 08:19:28 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:19:47 yeah 08:19:51 Yippee! 08:19:55 cool, I was just gonna leave. 08:19:59 got back just in time 08:20:06 We are in between OF 08:20:16 ding 08:20:31 we r! 08:20:58 good job i stayed and made my 2012 cabin reservations and just hung up the phone 08:20:59 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 08:21:02 Do you want a call LC? 08:21:03 ynpvisitor76 changes nickname to Kent 08:21:34 no, I'm here. 08:21:51 Just got back from getting a coffee......Lucky 08:21:55 Just teasing 08:22:04 g 08:22:27 G! #68.... I sent Bill 08:22:58 Is he our gazer sacrifice? 08:23:26 Good decision 08:25:51 wavers on the BW at BH 08:26:04 waving back at ya 08:26:05 ~~~ 08:26:36 like the "wave" kent! 08:26:47 Stolen from Rich 08:26:48 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 08:26:56 G 08:28:04 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 08:29:23 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:29:42 could be touch and go for a second BH tonight 08:29:55 may have to stay awake late 08:31:33 thinkin that a nap is in order...Going to a Birthday party for Grandchild #9 today and am hoping to get a pic of all 11 of em at the park! 08:31:50 so not sure when to fit in the nap!! 08:32:45 they are gonna run grandma around a lot 08:33:30 thank gosh it is nice outside...and all that energy can be funneled to the park!! 08:34:11 yeah....11 g-kids inside would be rather loud and busy 08:34:12 Bill and I decided on a supersoaker water gun!!! for a 3 yr old......hehehe parents beware!! 08:36:38 good job you can be outside 08:36:53 these indicators have been pretty long recently 08:37:26 BH837 08:39:56 no wind...straight up and down!! 08:41:04 those are cool eruptions up-close wit hthe geyser wind vortex effect 08:42:05 a little wind shift can sure give you a sower 08:42:31 What's a sower? 08:42:45 Shower I think 08:42:51 ROFLMAO......sleep deprived!! 08:42:55 well, some people have rain gear. g 08:42:58 Ah! 08:43:26 time for a walk, bbl 08:43:28 bye, off to bake cakes 08:43:28 ck out the steam formation coming up 08:43:53 came up before i could finish typiing... 08:43:57 that's funny that you have the sneak preview 08:44:03 see you Kitt 08:44:14 have a good day all 08:44:15 happy baking 08:44:51 back later 08:44:54 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 08:45:04 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 08:45:12 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 08:45:30 likewise, have fun with the rest of the day 08:46:12 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:46:29 Kent quit (timeout) 08:49:47 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 08:51:09 BH 0837 08:52:54 as always: thank you kc! 08:53:17 ynpvisitor59 changes nickname to Rich 08:53:20 ty, kcmule 08:53:56 Graham quit (timeout) 08:54:19 np 08:55:08 for me I love when I have missed an eruption and can go back and watch it from your capture. much appreciated! 08:55:46 awesome, thanks. 09:02:15 Lion 902 09:04:08 wow!! that steam cloud dissapeared into the clouds above!! 09:04:17 Graham quit (timeout) 09:04:19 Re Merged data: WC for webcam times, nothing for In Park reports. has 00:00 format while 0000. 09:05:27 I copy and paste for Recap, so those two sources are identifiable. 09:07:22 And if Glennon and Jake start using just one database, the data will already be merged. Just two different front ends. 09:08:47 Re Amount of work envolved combining data - I spent all day everyday when I was doing Eruption logs last year. 09:09:57 Graham, I don't think an General annoucement is in order until all functionality is enabled on both Glennon and Jake's sites. 09:11:22 The critical missing data is the Log book at the VC. How is that going to be included? 09:12:19 If someone continuse to 'copy' the book and post it, then it can be handled via a volunteer. 09:12:24 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 09:13:45 Re False Indicator: If another field was use like the 'question mark' box. the information would be available. 09:19:20 Re Ping noise: click on the 'speaker' icon below the entry line. Turn it off or on. 09:19:20 outta my league Rich, but I am glad you will help get it figured out, and functional. 09:19:23 bbl 09:19:51 Been testing features everyday. 09:20:07 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 09:20:30 Plume 1920 09:20:44 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 09:20:51 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to Glennon 09:20:57 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 09:21:14 Riverside? 09:21:51 There is also another data reporting sight: 09:23:32 I am headed out...bye all 09:23:47 bye cb. 09:23:52 bye cb 09:23:59 I have the cam, but have been away and have NO idea what is due! 09:24:21 Graham quit (timeout) 09:24:24 OF in preplay 09:24:36 Old Faithful 09:24:40 looks hot! 09:24:46 hummmmmore than preplay 09:25:05 bye 09:25:25 bye! 09:25:45 cb quit (timeout) 09:26:13 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 09:26:13 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 09:27:03 Recap 2011-05-21: Aurum 0724 wc BH 0837 wc BHI 0819 wc Churn 0714 wc Daisy 0709 wc Depression 0809 ie wc Lion 0902 wc Old Faithful 0619 wc, 0758 wc Plume 0615 wc 08:51:09 ‹kcmule› BH 0837 09:27:20 thx Rich 09:28:00 yw 09:28:09 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 09:29:26 Glennon - love your prediction chart for times like this when I am not prepared! 09:34:33 ynpvisitor53 changes nickname to Kevin L 09:34:48 Somebody took away our little bit of blue sky that we saw first think this morning. 09:34:57 Hi Kevin 09:35:11 Thanks, vw. 09:35:19 Look like I missed the am BH. Thanks for the video link kc. 09:35:24 Hi vw 09:35:56 I wasn't paying attention and only caught the end of it Kevin. Thus... no email. :( 09:36:47 Do you have a link for the pm BH last night. I was busy watching them bend sheet metal at NC last night. 09:36:53 OF 0936 09:37:38 People running away from steam 09:37:46 And we got slimed. 09:37:56 No problem vw . I was sleeping in. I get about 1 day a month I can do that. I am geeting yelled at to make hotcakes, so I will be lurking. 09:38:17 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 09:39:04 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 09:39:44 file got corrupted KL 09:39:44 kcmule quit (timeout) 09:39:56 I have called for a wipe on the camera lens. 09:40:55 OF was a long as far as I could tell! 09:41:04 bear is out 09:41:22 Next OF 1109 09:41:35 Oh well. TY kc anyway. It was a great race so I don't feel too bad. 09:45:47 No wipe as CC can't get onto her administrator site. We will have to deal with the fuzzy screen. 09:48:43 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 09:49:23 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 09:51:32 Daisy 0951 09:54:25 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 09:55:57 I can't tell where all the steam in the Spasmodic/Penta area is originating from. 09:56:09 It does look like Penta is steaming heavily. 09:57:10 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:58:49 Anybody up for a hot steam spa treatment? Think we might have found a good location for one. 10:01:20 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 10:01:58 Churn 1001 ie ? 10:01:58 ynpvisitor73 changes nickname to Jake 10:02:45 Graham around? 10:03:25 That Churn is a definite. 10:04:16 Today a good day to watch for the Churn/Penta cycles 10:04:52 Graham quit (timeout) 10:06:19 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 10:08:03 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 10:08:44 ~~~ 10:08:55 thought we lost you 10:09:09 went for my walk post-BH 10:09:24 so you are up to two walks a day now? 10:09:25 :D 10:09:27 That is the best way to do it. 10:09:37 just one, for an hour 10:09:51 Nice walk then. As long as the weather is good anyway. 10:10:15 mid 70s and sunny 10:10:15 Wanted to get your take on Churn, Penta, and whatever else might be spewing steam over in that area! 10:10:27 4 laps of the pond 10:11:01 well with SPasmodic fairly quiet and no sawmill or Tardy, Churn is possible 10:11:19 I am sure we are seeing Churn 10:11:27 cant see water at Penta, a bit too far out 10:11:40 I will zoom. Keeping an eye on Grand too. 10:12:01 bumpy ride 10:12:07 Churn looks like staem now 10:12:27 yes. Saw small spikes of water a few minutes ago. 10:12:38 thats Tardy now, steam in front of the BW 10:13:15 Grand 1012 10:13:53 We had heavy steam from both the Tardy and Penta areas. But hard to read as there has been so much steam. 10:16:11 No water spikes, so that Grand is wrong. 10:16:32 i think Oblong 10:16:56 yes. too big for Turban. 10:17:07 so Oblong 1012 10:17:22 ie 10:17:33 ty! 10:17:36 never call an Oblong start from the cam 10:17:42 nope. 10:18:06 i dont even call them from grand because the overflow and thumps don't always put up a lot of steam 10:18:59 Whenever I am expecting it while I am waiting for Grand, I walk down the bw. Love to watch it from above. 10:20:35 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 10:23:05 Uncle Graham's Gazer Tip #61: never call an Oblong start from the cam 10:23:23 Cute! 10:23:50 got to be there for the thumps 10:25:35 kcmule quit (timeout) 10:25:48 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 10:27:39 Seeing Plume might be a problem 10:28:09 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 10:31:56 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 10:33:36 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 10:48:10 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 10:48:12 Crowd a little sparce for OF. Might speak to what appears to be a cool blustery day in the basin 11:02:48 Rich quit (timeout) 11:03:38 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 11:04:45 I am out of here. Hope everybody has a great day. 11:05:10 by vw 11:05:23 vw quit (timeout) 11:05:38 bye 11:06:07 hum, so no second Lion report? 11:11:22 Depression 1110ie 11:12:03 OF 1111 11:12:49 Wipers! 11:14:14 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 11:14:37 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 11:14:57 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to CC 11:15:04 hi CC 11:15:20 Graham is yours in a minute 11:15:33 cam 11:16:17 k 11:16:27 thanks for wiping 11:16:28 do you have the cam Graham? 11:16:37 yep got it 11:16:50 call me if you need another wipe 11:16:53 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 11:17:07 k, thanks 11:17:46 CC quit (timeout) 11:17:46 CC quit (timeout) 11:20:21 Recap 2011-05-21: Aurum 0724 wc, BH 0837 wc, BHI 0819 wc, Churn 0714 wc, 1001 ie wc, Daisy 0709 wc, 0951 wc Depression 0809 ie wc, 1110 wc, Lion 0902 wc, OF 0515 wc, 0619 wc, 0758 wc, 0936 wc, 1111 wc, Plume 0615 wc, 0920 wc, kcmule BH 0837 kcmule bear is out 11:21:45 small update to the home page at to show some current intervals 11:21:57 of course, it looks better in Firefox than IE...argh 11:22:06 kcmule quit (timeout) 11:23:05 Jake vertical overlap with FF v3.6.17 11:25:00 Horizontal black line is covered by interval box. 11:25:02 Rich, it overlaps the log table? or the header? or the geysers overlap each other? 11:25:04 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 11:25:41 back to the drawing board... 11:25:43 Intervals - no overlap 11:26:50 Inteval box moved to right side of browser window on refresh. 11:27:37 Plume 1127 11:27:49 Rich quit (timeout) 11:29:01 I don't have time to work on it until it in the way right now? if so, I'll remove it. I thought it would be helpful to not have to do math 11:29:54 Looks good now. 11:30:33 cool! 11:30:38 doesn't seem to be in the way of anything in current versions of ie, firefox, chrome, and mobile safari. 11:31:29 thanks, G...I'll have to copy your multiple browser testing environment 11:32:10 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 11:32:26 it would be nice if we could get the Home-page like view of eruption times but for earlier days - like for Yesterday 11:32:32 hiking - bbl 11:32:43 I'm off to work driving a bike taxi...going to be a long day with U2 playing at Mile High in Denver here--80,000 people 11:32:55 and what with the coming apocolypse and all... 11:33:00 good payday i hope for u 11:33:02 have fun 11:33:10 kcmule quit (timeout) 11:33:15 Graham, you can do that in Retrieve Data I think 11:33:36 by typing in yesterday's date 11:33:42 ah ok, good 11:33:48 top box 11:33:55 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 11:34:02 is that what you're asking for? 11:34:03 thinking about getting out of the email business if you all get your BD's synked and ready for release to the world 11:34:20 BD's or DB's? 11:34:25 or BVD's? 11:34:36 hehe DB's 11:34:44 not dB's 11:35:00 Email is good anyway, as I was told the Geyserlist is printed hardcopy and inclucded in "History" of YNP. 11:35:31 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 11:35:37 could be an automated email, but would lack Graham's color commentary 11:35:53 which is as equally good as the data 11:35:57 Sawmill 1135ie 11:36:21 it would not upset the BH fans tho if its just the facts 11:36:52 could 90% of the audience be described as just BH fans? 11:37:16 pretty much or at least that matches the negative comments and hate mail i get 11:37:30 hate mail!? 11:37:56 like, watch more BH! don't pan over to Plume! 11:41:08 no, telling me not to ask for something interesting to happen again 11:41:39 ppl seem to like its boringly predictable phases 11:42:26 haha, to each their own--if they went through the trouble to send out an email everyday, they could spout their wishes, too 11:45:06 ppl like excitement at Grand but didnt like the 80h BH intervals 11:46:06 BH does lose a little bit of its specialness when it's so regular.... 11:46:28 but that emotional effect probably only happens to 20 people in the world, at most 11:46:29 was fun watching indicators last year not knowing if BH would join in 11:47:59 lion was doing lots of splashing 5m ago---couldn't get it done, I guess 11:48:25 maybe it was a minor but it just didnt look like much 11:49:06 looked like a bunch of false starting stuff 11:49:47 but the kind of surging that I associate with an initial 11:50:09 but I see there already was a Lion today 11:50:18 yep 12:05:58 Grand 1205ie 12:06:26 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 12:07:15 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 12:12:28 2 12:13:48 3 12:13:51 3 12:15:59 thats it 12:17:02 nice eruption 12:17:13 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 12:20:14 Jake quit (timeout) 12:23:06 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 12:24:47 Graham quit (timeout) 12:28:46 Rich quit (timeout) 12:29:07 Daisy 1228ie 12:30:59 Plume 1230 12:33:16 Castle minored 12:33:46 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 12:33:55 Castle 1223ie minor 12:34:51 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 12:35:57 ynpvisitor100 changes nickname to BB 12:37:49 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 12:38:07 ynpvisitor12 changes nickname to CC 12:38:15 back just in case 12:38:31 thanks its blowing a bit better now 12:38:46 or not :) 12:39:30 hows family? 12:39:48 wonderful 12:39:58 grandkids are adorable 12:40:20 you can get them all wound up for a few days and then leave 12:40:58 yep 12:42:41 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 12:49:13 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 12:49:15 OF 1248 12:49:52 looks like you will be okay 12:50:18 yeah wind seems to have shifted a bit 12:51:05 gonna be a snoozefest for a while 12:51:38 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 12:51:46 CC quit (timeout) 12:54:36 Sawmill is off now 12:54:47 can't even watch it 13:00:18 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:19:36 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 13:20:29 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to Kristine 13:22:21 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 13:36:49 for Glennon and Jake on time format... 13:36:54 Plume 1336 13:37:27 I see Lynn has been using the 00:00 format so if y oiu want to be compatible with her format then maybe that's what should be used. 13:38:46 good to know. 13:38:48 she also spells out major and minor 13:39:12 and has Beehive's Indicator which is the correct name for it 13:39:47 need to establish the ANSI standard for geyser reports :) 13:40:32 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 13:41:02 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 13:44:58 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 13:48:07 thx graham. I think Beehive's Indicator and South Grotto Fountain are the only differences in geyser names in the two databases 13:48:28 Yardy on 13:48:45 or maybe even Tardy 13:48:47 ok 13:49:01 G 13:49:35 just think if we had to free-form type all the geyser names what a mix you would end up with 13:50:05 So Tardy is directly behing the taller tree left of the shorty? 13:50:18 behind 13:50:58 its the one erupting behind the tree there 13:51:20 Sawmill comes up roughly the same place only a bit to the right and a lot more splashy 13:51:21 OK, right of shorty. 13:51:46 Thanks 13:51:47 and Churn comes up behind the BW and to the left 13:52:21 for sure... i have a prototype for receiving reports by twitter. all the possible variations are boggling 13:53:00 yeah i am sure 13:53:11 thats why entry using a form is a good idea 13:56:23 Sawmill 1355ie 13:58:35 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 14:04:21 BB quit (timeout) 14:05:06 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 14:05:06 Graham quit (timeout) 14:08:40 Depression 1408ie 14:09:24 Kristine quit (timeout) 14:09:50 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 14:15:14 Kristine quit (timeout) 14:20:28 Kristine quit (timeout) 14:23:25 of 1422 14:29:47 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 14:30:31 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 14:30:37 Kristine quit (timeout) 14:30:39 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:34:56 Recap 2011-05-21: Aurum 0724 wc, BH 0837 wc, BHI 0819 wc, Castle 1223 ie wc min, Churn 0714 wc, 1001 ie wc, Daisy 0709 wc, 0951 wc, 1228 ie wc, Depression 0809 ie wc, 1110 wc, 1408 ie wc, Grand 1205 ie wc, Lion 0902 wc, 1014 ie Oblong 1012 ie wc, OF 0515 wc, 0619 wc, 0758 wc, 0936 wc, 1111 wc, 1248 wc, 1422 wc, Plume 0615 wc, 0920 wc, 1127 wc, 1230 wc, 1336 wc Riverside 03:49? wc, Sawmill 1135 i 14:35:19 Sawmill 1135 ie wc, 1355 ie wcm kcmule BH 0837 kcmule bear is out 14:36:32 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 14:36:42 Kristine quit (timeout) 14:37:14 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 14:37:14 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 14:37:50 Plume 1437 14:37:53 Plume 1437 14:40:17 Sawmill is off, a shorter eruption 14:42:37 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 14:54:00 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 14:55:05 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 15:02:12 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 15:05:23 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 15:06:57 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 15:07:13 Kristine quit (timeout) 15:08:05 Daisy 1507 15:08:44 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 15:08:51 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to Ryan 15:08:58 Hello everyone :) 15:09:19 hello 15:18:07 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 15:19:06 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 15:19:36 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 15:21:13 Ryan quit (timeout) 15:22:21 Graham quit (timeout) 15:23:39 Kristine quit (timeout) 15:28:05 Ryan quit (timeout) 15:29:12 Kristine quit (timeout) 15:29:32 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 15:33:49 Ryan quit (timeout) 15:34:10 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 15:38:26 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 15:38:41 Hmm 15:40:43 Plume 1540 15:41:53 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 15:43:13 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 15:44:38 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 15:52:09 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 16:02:15 OF 1601 16:02:36 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 16:03:12 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 16:04:30 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 16:06:27 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 16:06:47 CC wiping the cam now. doesn't look like it got too badly splatted 16:07:52 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 16:08:16 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 16:08:19 ynpvisitor61 changes nickname to CC 16:08:40 hello 16:08:47 don't know if it did much good 16:08:50 thanks for the wipe 16:08:58 cam is yours Graham 16:09:08 when i zoomed out it didn't seem to be too bad 16:09:23 thanks 16:09:28 sorry to have to call you 16:09:28 when is ther next OF due 16:09:44 1734 16:10:25 VC has 1735 16:10:57 k 16:12:08 CC quit (timeout) 16:22:37 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 16:24:05 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 16:26:12 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 16:26:48 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 16:27:01 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 16:32:16 Ryan quit (timeout) 16:40:27 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 16:43:03 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 16:45:34 hum...i didnt see any major eruption at the end of the world today 16:45:55 i guess this is what the afterlife is like 16:45:58 Ryan quit (timeout) 16:47:55 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:49:44 probably missed Plume 16:49:57 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 16:51:09 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 16:55:48 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 16:58:17 Ryan quit (timeout) 17:01:19 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 17:02:28 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 17:10:15 Depression 1710ie 17:19:57 Time to go watch them bend more sheet metal in Charlotte. Will be listening for BH pings. 17:26:19 k, enjoy 17:30:34 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 17:35:22 OF 1734 17:36:31 looks like you are okay with the cam 17:36:52 hello. looks that way but i wasn't sure leading up to it 17:37:17 I will wait until it is over then I am heading out 17:37:22 thanks for checking with us tho 17:38:02 9h on BH now 17:40:09 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 17:41:42 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 17:50:22 Plume 1750 17:54:32 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 17:55:16 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 17:55:43 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to vw 17:55:50 Good evening. 17:56:03 hello 17:56:24 may have missed Dasiy waiting for Plume 17:56:54 Hate it when that happens! 17:57:35 not much steam around so its hard to know for sure 18:04:10 have a good night everyone/ 18:04:15 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 18:04:35 bye lc 18:04:55 lc - bbl quit (timeout) 18:07:21 Ryan quit (timeout) 18:10:55 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 18:11:40 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 18:12:22 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 18:13:28 vw changes nickname to vw - lurking 18:20:37 Castle 1820ie H2O 18:20:43 Nice! 18:20:56 got to keep checking 18:21:30 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 18:21:37 something to fill the gap here 18:23:04 beautiful gap filler Graham 18:23:29 good wind and light for it 18:24:32 Good no BH. LOTS of bent sheet metal and a bit of structural steel in the preliminary race. Main race should be good. 18:25:15 Hey Kevin. I haven't checked.... Where is the race this weekend? 18:25:23 Barbaras email is on its way 18:26:40 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 18:26:49 This is the All Star race in Charlotte. The Nationwide is in Iowa tomorrow. 18:28:16 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 18:29:09 Thanks Kevin! 18:29:49 BH time seems different tho 18:33:17 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 18:33:29 her BH time is 1 min before out BHI time 18:34:01 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 18:34:02 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 18:35:26 Castle is a Major 18:38:03 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 18:38:21 Churn 1837ie 18:39:30 Ryan quit (timeout) 18:46:53 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 18:47:37 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 18:52:29 Plume 1852ie 18:59:33 could get wet with the next OF 19:03:20 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 19:03:45 OF 1903 19:07:16 got lucky! 19:07:35 yep, just a couple of drops 19:08:00 lots of ppl 19:27:43 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 19:33:15 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 19:41:03 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 19:51:46 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 19:53:18 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 19:54:00 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 19:54:13 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 19:55:25 big BH splash there 19:55:41 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 19:59:28 Plume 1959 19:59:41 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 20:00:27 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 20:05:13 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 20:07:50 Daisy 2007 20:08:11 Graham Bill wants to know if you are driving? 20:08:32 yes 20:08:45 Depression is due now too 20:09:00 you packed? 20:09:09 He was laughing so hard from your neeeeer 20:09:21 Jumping from Daisy to Beehive 20:09:53 This is some great light! 20:09:53 missed the last Daisy so I wanted to get this backlit one 20:10:04 Almost packed, cakes decorated and dropped off at the church 20:10:30 good...cakes still in one piece? 20:10:48 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 20:11:24 He says you're messing with his vision 20:11:28 doesn't look like we missed anything 20:12:25 maybe we missed Depression because its watcher has left 20:12:29 or it dropped 20:14:03 The sun finally came out in Worland this evening 20:14:26 nice in UBG too 20:14:50 is today Spring? 20:18:50 Are we waiting on BH? 20:19:06 I am 20:19:09 12 hours since the indicator 20:19:21 What is its current interval? 20:19:27 so i am sure some ppl are waiting for BH :) 20:20:05 it likes 11 1/2 - 13 1/2 20:20:52 but maybe it will do something different for a change ... 20:21:23 ok lol 20:21:31 well it is steaming 20:21:47 it had some good splashes a while ago 20:23:06 Ryan quit (timeout) 20:27:10 vw - lurking quit (timeout) 20:31:34 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 20:31:46 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 20:33:54 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 20:34:39 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 20:34:41 Graham quit (timeout) 20:36:14 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 20:36:51 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 20:38:09 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:40:17 OF 2039 20:44:01 Grand 2043ie ? 20:44:12 iSi! 20:45:14 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 20:45:25 Looks cold this evening 20:46:42 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 20:46:59 it is Grand..hard to see the water tho 20:48:40 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 20:48:47 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 20:50:04 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 20:50:04 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 20:50:42 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 20:52:44 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 20:53:30 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:54:05 Ryan quit (timeout) 20:57:54 Riverside 2057ie? 20:58:56 its a bit over to the left tho 20:59:51 idk 20:59:51 Maybe Grotto? 21:00:08 always thought Riverside was inbetween the two trees 21:00:15 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 21:00:18 its closer to F&M but i think with the wind drifting left its Riverside 21:00:22 nice sky 21:00:24 F&M tends to come up by the step in the horizon 21:03:59 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 21:04:54 Plume 2104ie ? 21:06:24 whats left? 21:06:40 21:06:43 bh\ 21:07:12 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 21:07:44 theres grotto 21:07:54 look at all that steam 21:08:14 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 21:09:40 well... i think i will retire... night all 21:10:40 Diehards at BH or just passing by? 21:11:14 Ryan quit (timeout) 21:12:10 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to Todd 21:12:45 they are waiting for it 21:12:53 Just realizedcnever did change the nickname 21:13:26 Might as well wait now. They have been there for quite a while. 21:14:16 Lori and waited a lot for it last fall--and waited and waited. Saw a lot of Indicators tho 21:14:24 Lori and I 21:14:43 nice long indicators 21:14:45 We saw quite a few indicators too. 21:15:27 Predictable beats Unpredictable any day 21:15:43 agreed 21:15:47 thats why we all watch OF 21:16:35 Even if BH goes now we won't see much except steam 21:16:47 Do not believe we are going to win the darkness race 21:17:04 also agree on the steam 21:17:13 getting late especially given the long indicators 21:17:17 Maybe a no indicator eruption then 21:17:28 good spalshes 21:17:33 splashes 21:17:34 befoe dark 21:18:05 Splashes just delay the inevitable 21:18:53 Hopefully everyone has brought their spotlights 21:19:28 more spashes 21:19:33 splashes 21:20:21 turn up the burner and get this thing going 21:20:41 soon 21:21:48 Should never have removed the spotlights from the Old Faithful inn roof:) 21:24:37 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 21:24:44 BHI 2124 21:24:57 finally 21:25:05 Don 21:25:26 Just now seeing it 21:25:27 opps 21:26:02 getting late. My typing is getting bad 21:26:55 Good things come to those who wait 21:27:39 And we have done plenty of waiting 21:28:35 decided ot zoom back before it gets too dark 21:28:47 cam has difficulty refocussing once you move it when its dark 21:28:59 ah, ok 21:29:37 Should get a good view from here 21:30:19 its a bit lighter if I go on full screen video 21:30:44 seems like it 21:31:24 Now we can have a nice Sunday morning BH 21:35:17 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 21:35:36 nice indicator eruption :) 21:35:59 This is gping to be down to the wire 21:36:03 going 21:36:14 ynpvisitor94 changes nickname to cb 21:36:34 It was nice for it to wait for the race to finish. 21:36:37 Graham quit (timeout) 21:38:42 Are we going to make it? 21:39:41 Yes, but not really 21:39:47 :( 21:40:12 BH 2139 21:40:14 cb quit (timeout) 21:40:21 Houston, we have liftoff ! 21:40:34 Graham quit (timeout) 21:40:42 flashlights 21:41:12 Pretty cool after all 21:42:01 Sort of unique 21:42:28 They need my sun 21:42:45 That's a very tall Beehive 21:44:21 Well, I'm calling it a night. Night all! 21:44:38 Night 21:44:46 I am done too, good luck with another OF :) 21:44:48 se ya 21:44:51 As the sun slowly sets into the west..... 21:45:12 Nite all.... 21:45:32 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 21:46:00 Good job Graham. 21:46:16 Thanks Graham 21:46:18 Todd quit (timeout) 21:46:46 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 21:47:09 Graham quit (timeout) 21:47:13 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 21:53:32 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 21:54:42 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 21:55:59 Ryan quit (timeout) 22:10:34 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 22:14:18 Kevin L quit (timeout) 23:06:09 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 23:25:24 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 23:37:00 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) Found 1126 log entries for 2011-05-22 05:15:59 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 05:16:40 Morning Ryan 05:17:53 Of 514 VC 05:18:42 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 05:52:40 Morning 05:54:17 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 05:54:27 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 05:56:17 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 06:06:24 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 06:06:46 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to Graham 06:07:04 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 06:13:14 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 06:29:10 Jim is at BH early today, less than 8 hours in 06:29:34 no, i guess its almost 9 hours now 06:31:38 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 06:36:30 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 06:37:25 . 06:38:39 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 06:52:12 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 06:53:32 OF 0653 06:56:25 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 06:56:34 ynpvisitor44e joins Yellowstone 06:56:42 ynpvisitor37 changes nickname to CC 06:56:52 morning Graham 06:58:19 morning 06:58:29 Jim is at BH already 06:58:48 I need to get his cell when I am in the park 06:59:41 heavy rain and HAIL last night here in NE 06:59:45 we only just got BH in last night 07:00:06 weather still is iffy in the park 07:00:14 i hear there were storms 07:00:27 well it is May! 07:00:41 I don[t remember a May like this in 07:00:42 made cabin reservations for next year already 07:00:45 ages 07:01:01 did you make January reservations 07:01:05 07:01:26 a couple of years ago there was still a lot of snow but more this year and flooding problems, Bozeman to West road closed yesterday 07:01:47 rte 191 07:01:49 I have not done Jan yet but i should, wil be the same holiday week 07:01:58 yep 07:02:11 I am planning the same week as you 07:02:19 I loved the company 07:02:21 it was flooded from a side creek but it was open and closed all day 07:02:28 k, thats good 07:02:56 I am waiting for you because I want to use my points for airfair 07:03:20 ah, i dont have any left, got my fall trip on points 07:03:51 thinking of going thru Jackson this time,so will probably be on American or United anyway 07:04:19 I will go through Bozeman as usual...Delta 07:04:46 and who will be there to calm me down before flying 07:05:02 I will miss that 07:05:13 ah, you will be just fine 07:05:47 i am going out through Idaho Falls in Sept 07:06:07 I have no frames per second on the scope 07:06:17 i have 2.6 07:06:26 maybe because we are at the hotel 07:06:31 flight there was 32,500 miles, less than thru BZN 07:06:50 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 07:06:53 I think mine will be 50000 07:07:01 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 07:07:05 yeah you can always get those 07:07:22 sometimes get the 40,000 07:07:38 not in years 07:07:43 almost impossible to get the 25,000 tickets at the weekend 07:07:53 especially with one stop 07:08:06 sometimes they show up, just keep trying 07:08:34 in fall its easier for me since i have 3 airports here and 4 around YNP 07:09:05 winter is harder 07:09:29 be back in a few 07:09:47 k 07:10:08 CC quit (timeout) 07:10:28 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 07:13:09 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 07:17:56 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 07:28:36 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 07:29:00 Graham quit (timeout) 07:30:24 Plume 0730ie 07:31:26 ynpvisitor44e quit (timeout) 07:39:29 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 07:40:43 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 07:43:45 Steamy Depression 07:43:54 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to missouri 07:44:17 everything is steamy this morning 07:48:54 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 07:49:34 Yep 07:49:40 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 07:50:38 headed out, bbl 07:52:08 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 07:56:52 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 07:57:34 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 08:09:47 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 08:11:09 Graham quit (timeout) 08:14:23 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 08:16:18 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 08:17:00 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to vw 08:17:13 good morning 08:17:35 morning 08:17:43 Morning vw 08:17:58 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 08:19:07 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to sparekitty 08:20:26 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 08:20:38 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 08:20:54 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 08:21:07 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to Kevin L 08:22:58 just checking in. See Jim (?) sitting at BH, so know it hasn't erutped yet. 08:23:15 I will check back later. 08:23:53 vw quit (timeout) 08:30:55 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 08:30:56 missouri quit (timeout) 08:31:04 Plume 8:30 08:31:40 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 08:32:04 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 08:32:09 ynpvisitor70 changes nickname to Michael 08:32:40 Old Faithful 8:32 08:32:49 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:34:37 sparekitty quit (timeout) 08:34:50 Graham quit (timeout) 08:45:16 Riverside 8:44ie 08:45:24 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 08:46:18 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 08:48:03 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 08:51:37 Graham quit (timeout) 08:53:23 are you sure Michael? 08:53:38 probably 08:54:02 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 08:54:04 too far right for F&M 08:55:01 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 08:55:02 Was my best guess at the time. It fits OK with last night's 20:57 report. 08:55:27 Michael quit (timeout) 08:55:44 yeah with this little wind its coming up where it should 08:55:48 Even when I'm in practice, F&M gives me trouble. 08:57:18 Jim is having a long wait, he was there early 08:57:42 that is under 11 hrs for double interval. Is that not a little short? 08:58:28 its almost 12 hours 08:58:38 make that under 12hrs. 08:58:40 I can't recall if it's even gone under 11 hours for a single interval recently? 08:59:01 Riverside double was about 12 which is good 08:59:35 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 08:59:46 pardon my math. g 09:01:01 on 17th we had 10h58 09:02:01 for several days it was getting a little bit earlier, then it revrsed and has been getting later 09:02:59 lots of ppl here this morning 09:03:26 missouri quit (timeout) 09:03:57 Tardy going 09:03:58 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to Rich 09:04:07 Split Cone steaming. 09:04:22 could be time for Castle too 09:04:56 you able to watch with us today Rich? 09:05:29 Just VC. 09:05:30 ynpvisitor45 changes nickname to Todd 09:05:39 Morning Todd 09:05:45 Hi Rich 09:05:55 Hello all 09:06:06 k 09:06:11 hi Todd 09:06:32 Hi Todd. 09:06:34 Hi Todd 09:06:36 Looks like a good morning for a BH 09:06:38 not many BH fans out yet..must be having a leasurely brunch 09:06:52 Nice slight breeze 09:07:25 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 09:07:58 Looks like Plume has a few targets to aim for 09:08:19 0830 was the last tho, a bit early now 09:08:37 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to steve 09:08:46 missouri quit (timeout) 09:09:27 Rich quit (timeout) 09:09:52 Daisy looks close to ready 09:10:21 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 09:11:30 Depression 0911ie 09:12:06 good one this time 09:12:26 Morning all. Lynn didn't mention it but Maureen tells me withe the long intervals on Fountain Morning't theif will sometimes erupt several times before Fountain 09:12:59 yeah, Polly and Barbara reported that earlier I think 09:13:03 Good to know 09:13:07 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 09:13:15 nice to have a clear view of MT 09:14:13 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 09:14:21 Should be fun to see 09:14:33 That was a good Depression 09:14:46 maybe it will quit and Morning erupts 09:14:53 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 09:15:19 I;m always hoping for a Morning or two 09:15:55 Graham quit (timeout) 09:16:40 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 09:17:06 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 09:17:40 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 09:17:48 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 09:18:33 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 09:18:36 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 09:19:43 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 09:27:09 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 09:27:21 missouri quit (timeout) 09:27:23 ynpvisitor72 changes nickname to missouri 09:28:08 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to kc (working) 09:28:41 sparekitty quit (timeout) 09:28:58 Well, I am going to be your BH sacrifice for today. See you this afternoon. Hopefully there will be a replay. 09:29:13 bye 09:29:20 maybe it will be exciting and wait for you 09:30:15 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:31:58 A lot of people in the room this morning 09:32:26 Daisy 0931 09:32:47 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 09:34:03 Must not be much to do in the rest of the world. 09:34:07 missouri quit (timeout) 09:34:27 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 09:34:36 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 09:34:40 didn't the rest of the world expire yesterday? 09:35:03 uh oh. you know what that says about us, don't you? 09:36:07 probably missed Plume during Daisy 09:36:41 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 09:38:00 Penta 0937ie 09:38:14 steve quit (timeout) 09:38:21 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 09:39:04 I'm not sure. think that might be Old Tardy. 09:39:10 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 09:39:18 thats what i was just thinking too 09:39:19 Todd quit (timeout) 09:39:33 its further to the right 09:39:39 strike that Penta 09:39:42 nice Old Tardy tho 09:40:11 I am surprised we can see OT so well. 09:40:28 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 09:40:30 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 09:40:38 I think that's my new way of telling them apart. Penta is always 90% hidden, OT I can sort of see. 09:40:56 haha 09:41:03 Gordon said it was having good eruptions 09:41:17 would be interesting to compare our reports with on-site reports 09:42:56 wind blowing in their faces watching for BHI 09:46:59 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 09:50:00 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 09:51:33 Todd quit (timeout) 09:53:32 interesting patch of sunshine 09:53:48 Michael quit (timeout) 09:55:17 not very splashy 09:56:45 Rich quit (timeout) 09:59:15 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 10:00:52 Todd quit (timeout) 10:02:00 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 10:10:22 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 10:10:39 OF 1010 10:11:04 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 10:11:17 Rich quit (timeout) 10:12:18 nice OF 10:12:29 Todd quit (timeout) 10:13:06 I know how everyone loves predictability in their geysers :) 10:13:38 great sound when it powers up to full hight 10:14:51 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 10:15:06 this looks lile Penta 1014ie 10:15:12 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 10:15:35 hiding from us 10:15:36 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 10:15:39 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 10:16:05 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 10:17:15 has that thin pulsed stream of water characteristic too rather than the Sawmill burstiness 10:17:57 That is a new adjective sawmill burstiness 10:18:13 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 10:18:16 cute 10:18:30 Todd quit (timeout) 10:19:15 could be in for a long BH wait 10:19:47 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 10:19:54 Tehe Top Vent of Penta does not have to burst through a pool like Sawmill does. 10:20:16 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 10:20:16 Oh yeah! 10:21:14 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 10:22:10 Plumm 10:22ie 10:22:22 Plume 10:23:35 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:23:59 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 10:24:25 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 10:24:44 i have some things to do but will be around. make some noise if BH erupts :) 10:26:38 Will do, though I am multi-tasking a bit too. 10:26:57 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 10:27:02 Plume! That's it. 10:27:20 For some reason I couldn't think of the name of it. 10:27:39 And was to lazy to get my geyser book out :) 10:27:44 too 10:29:01 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 10:29:21 Make one up, it works for me. 10:29:23 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 10:29:49 g 10:29:54 Daisy? 10:30:37 Somewhere there's a reference photo from the streaming cam with a lot of the geyser locations written in. 10:30:43 found it: 10:30:51 Referring to the steam in the trees when the camera was panned? 10:31:04 Daisy went at 09:31 10:31:13 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 10:31:34 Okay :) 10:32:06 Large group of dark jacketed tourists 10:32:13 You found it Michael. g 10:32:30 Oh, that's nice. Thank you for the link! 10:32:33 I take additions and corrections. 10:33:55 That one is Castle? 10:34:23 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 10:34:38 BHI Indicator 10:34:40 It's Time! 10:34:50 10:33 10:34:56 ? 10:35:06 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 10:35:08 Was the a start time? I wasn't watching. 10:35:08 yes BHI 10:35 10:35:09 woo hoo! 10:35:14 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 10:35:25 Hi kc. 10:35:29 ie for me 10:35:38 Don't since it was going when cam panned to it 10:35:45 Don't know 10:35:47 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 10:35:49 hi Michael.. guess its break time 10:35:53 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 10:36:17 The link for my Yellowstone Resource Page - 10:36:18 whats all this noise about? 10:36:24 missouri quit (timeout) 10:36:35 It's a zoom request 10:36:37 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:36:39 Predictability? 10:36:43 Todd quit (timeout) 10:36:56 Hi Graham. Little Cub is going! 10:37:14 an thanks Michael 10:37:24 see that 10:37:31 cool 10:38:51 Looks like they could use a good campfire over there 10:39:25 pretty chilly 10:40:00 Todd quit (timeout) 10:40:42 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 10:40:48 Indicate it, and they will come" 10:41:17 Interesting VEC prediction for next OF 11:35 10:41:35 steve quit (timeout) 10:42:18 it was about 3 1/2 min so maybe they shortened it a bit 10:43:36 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 10:45:14 Todd quit (timeout) 10:46:17 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 10:47:13 Gee, i wandered away atht e wrong time, but walked back at the right time 10:47:38 Hmm, At the, not atht a 10:48:00 (&^%$ fingers 10:48:02 ::) 10:48:43 By the clothes, it looks a bit brisk in the park this morning 10:50:23 Round these parts we call the 'fingering problem' Mooseitis 10:50:33 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 10:50:53 Hate it when my hoofs don't work :) 10:51:01 LOL 10:51:04 Did you see then person take a picture of the Indicator and walk off? 10:51:13 the person 10:51:13 G 10:51:20 BH 10:51 10:52:49 steve quit (timeout) 10:53:07 Need some sun 10:53:23 very nice 10:53:25 I love listening to it. 10:53:31 Indeed 10:53:51 Wind shift 10:54:04 Means gazer shift 10:54:10 some people getting wet 10:54:40 baptized; it is a Sunday 10:55:53 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 10:56:00 Todd quit (timeout) 10:57:03 Ahhhh.... 10:57:09 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 10:57:09 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 10:57:11 I can have my cake and eat it also 10:57:13 steve quit (timeout) 10:57:15 Glad thats over:) 10:57:32 Got home from church to find the Indicator erupting 10:57:40 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 10:57:47 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 10:58:06 10:58:16 Today Worland has sunshine Yippee! 10:58:18 bet Jim is happy also.. g 10:58:22 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 10:58:34 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 10:58:35 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 10:58:37 Looked like he had a big group 10:58:46 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 10:59:05 Churn 1058 10:59:09 lot of people at the overlook also. 10:59:10 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 10:59:35 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to vw 10:59:47 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 10:59:56 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 11:00:05 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 11:00:12 Graham quit (timeout) 11:00:21 Can you see the overlook from the cam? 11:00:52 missouri quit (timeout) 11:01:07 no, but could see them walking back\ 11:01:25 Oh, okay! 11:03:45 I'm going to step out. Grand is probably in its window but I shouldn't stay in watching geysers all day. 11:04:14 That was nice....made my day! 11:04:23 got to go 11:04:25 Michael quit (timeout) 11:05:07 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 11:07:05 Plume coming up? 11:07:15 vw quit (timeout) 11:07:25 . 11:07:49 Last Plume 10:22 11:08:32 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 11:08:51 ty 11:09:08 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 11:09:39 yw 11:10:22 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 11:10:47 Recap 2011-05-22: BH 1051 wc, BHI 1033 wc, Churn 1058 wc, Daisy 0931 wc, Depression 0911 ie wc, OF 0514 wc, 0653 wc, 0832 wc, 1010 wc, Penta 1014 ie wc, Plume 0730 ie wc, 0830 wc, 1022 ie wc, Riverside 0844 ie, BHI/BH May 21, 2011 0819/0837 courtesy Loisb 11:12:25 . 11:12:36 good morning. Taking me a while to get setup here. 11:12:43 See I missed BH. :( 11:12:47 hi vw 11:12:55 yes:( 11:13:00 thanks Rich and Lois for the vid. Will watch in a bit. 11:13:04 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 11:13:14 Rich quit (timeout) 11:13:15 Hi Todd. The rain reaching east to you? 11:13:32 Sort of, not really 11:13:35 Amazing amounts of rain have been falling here in Billings. 11:13:41 Spotty t-Storms 11:13:54 2-4 INCHES in the last couple of days. 11:13:56 We could use a shower 11:14:06 That seems like a lot for you 11:14:46 Churn 1114 11:15:13 it is a lot. Almost 5% of our total average yearly precip. 11:15:20 Amazing Churn 11:15:33 Will make for a beautiful green spring 11:15:56 yeap. Too bad my lawn is too wet to mow. Have a forest. 11:16:21 Nice wild look 11:16:34 Potential Plume victim 11:16:38 s 11:16:56 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 11:17:10 That's right, look in that crack 11:17:49 i am out of here. see ya 11:18:01 bye 11:18:22 Bye Graham. Thanks 11:19:34 Plume 1119 11:19:38 Todd quit (timeout) 11:21:40 Love that thing:) 11:21:42 just read an earlier entry. recent precip here in billings is about 15% (not 5) of average annual. Need some work on my #1 key. 11:22:17 Good for the west to be above nornal in precip 11:22:22 normal 11:22:43 Yes. Time to catch up on the decdes long drought 11:25:01 Last OF must not have been a long. VEC predicting it for 1135, only 85 minutes after last one. 11:25:58 10:42:18 ‹Graham› it was about 3 1/2 min so maybe they shortened it a bit 11:26:20 Todd quit (timeout) 11:27:16 New people might be on the VEC desk too. MIght need some time to figure things out. OR they might be totally right. We will watch and see. 11:28:34 Pretty respectable crowd there to see it. 11:38:15 . 11:41:03 OF 1140 11:44:52 No questino on this one. Clearly a long. Over 4 minutes now 11:47:22 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 11:48:06 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 11:52:24 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 11:52:37 Todd quit (timeout) 12:04:54 VEC is not predicting Castle as there was a reported minor. No prediction on Daisy either, althouth it should be soon. VEC prediction on Grand is 1500 plus or minues 2 hours, Riverside 1455 with a 30 minute variable. 12:06:22 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 12:08:47 Daisy 1208 12:13:01 Look ma.... BLUE sky!!! 12:14:11 Depression 1213 12:15:43 Plume 1215 ie 12:17:59 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 12:18:23 a few things in quick succession. Now it will be quiet for a while. 12:19:03 Unless of course we get Castle, or Grand, or..... Giant! 12:19:28 . 12:19:31 stepping away from keyboard for just a few minutes. brb 12:19:35 It could happen 12:19:38 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 12:22:43 Rich quit (timeout) 12:23:20 Giant needs to wait for the Memorial Day weekend crowd! 12:23:40 They might need something to warm them up. 12:25:02 Better bring a coat just in case. 12:26:09 fleece would be highly recommended. 12:28:42 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 12:29:08 ynpvisitor47 changes nickname to BB 12:31:30 Hi BB 12:31:46 hi vw 12:32:52 Castle acting like it is trying to do something. 12:33:39 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 12:33:44 BB quit (timeout) 12:33:55 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to BB 12:35:10 Todd quit (timeout) 12:37:16 family photo time! 12:47:56 Question for Jake and Glennon the next time someone sees them here: Do they plan to put Fan and Mortar in their Intervals/Predictions tables? 12:49:07 After BH, I think that is the most sought after information for visitors on this page. At least during the summer anyway. 12:49:29 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 12:58:14 Crowd gathering early for OF 12:58:28 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 12:59:01 I see we have some more unsuspecting visitors over at Plume 12:59:38 Love watching that area when Plume is due. Kids especially 12:59:51 g 13:03:21 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 13:05:25 They've got their backs turned to it. He He 13:05:36 :D 13:05:39 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 13:06:03 Little do they know what danger they are in 13:07:49 Nice preplay 13:09:30 OF 1309 13:09:33 Plume 1309 13:09:40 We are going to miss it Todd. 13:09:52 Dang 13:10:00 :D :D 13:10:15 Double 13:10:19 Doesn't take much to entertain us, does it 13:10:38 Not me, anyway 13:11:07 Seems like a short 13:11:20 still going. 13:12:06 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 13:13:01 They are still sitting there Todd. Plume didn't scare them away! 13:13:28 Water from OF for just under 4 minutes, so a long. 13:13:40 My bad on the call 13:13:52 Must be zombies over there 13:13:56 It was one of those eruptions where it came and went 13:14:09 We'll get em next time 13:14:38 bug on cam 13:14:57 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 13:15:12 all this moisture could make bugs a real problem when the temperature heats up. Bring you spray folks! 13:15:54 Heavy snowpack makes for a good crop of bugs 13:16:28 yeap. I heard the gnats were already out despite the cold nights. Mosquitos and horse flys are next. 13:17:02 Todd quit (timeout) 13:19:40 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 13:19:57 brb 13:20:23 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 13:26:07 nobody scared up any eruptions while I was away? 13:26:19 Nice skyline to look at anyway. 13:26:55 All quiet on the western front 13:27:43 best estimates are that we might not see anything erupt until Plume in another 40 minutes or so. 13:29:02 A Castle major would be nice right about now. 13:29:14 thats ok, I need to head out. Have been multitasking today, watching cam 13:29:30 And getting caught up on paperwork that I've been putting off while we got crops in 13:29:41 has the weather been kind enough for you to get your crops in Todd? 13:29:51 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 13:30:08 Yes we have a good stretch of weather and are in ggod shape 13:30:12 good 13:30:18 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 13:30:36 Good. Like you said, now its time to catch up on the paperwork. :P 13:30:44 Things look good right now, but we do need a shower 13:31:05 There are tornado watches out for today, so we have a chance 13:31:09 I don't think our recent storms are headed your way. Too bad cuz they had lots of moisture in them. 13:31:14 for rain:) 13:31:25 Tornados not condusive to germination I suppose 13:31:49 Mostly not good for anything 13:32:00 removing topsoil? 13:32:09 Unwanted mobile homes... 13:32:26 I suppose they do some, that's why they are black 13:32:26 and I suppose in your area farm silos too. 13:32:41 Any thing in the path 13:33:05 rather rare in my neck of the woods. Luckily. 13:33:06 But I'm almost 50, and have only seen one funnel cloud in my life, and it never touched down. 13:33:22 hope your luck holds. 13:33:29 10-4 13:33:57 Will be back later for more fun. Bye for now, good chatting. 13:34:07 Bye. Have a great day 13:34:11 Todd changes nickname to Todd(BBL) 13:34:16 Will look for you later. 13:35:35 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 13:36:28 Looks like Penta 1336 ie 13:38:24 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 13:38:56 ynpvisitor59 changes nickname to Kevin L 13:39:29 after this morning's discussion of Penta v Old Tardy, I am entering this with a ? 13:39:33 Graham quit (timeout) 13:39:38 Well looked my sacrifice worked. Now to the Indy time trials (aka rain). 13:40:37 Rain everywhere! Well except where it is needed of course. 13:41:11 Steam from Sawmill, but not seeing water right now. 13:41:13 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 13:41:15 BB quit (timeout) 13:41:58 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 13:42:15 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 13:43:28 Spasmodic is on too 13:44:28 wb Graham. Thought you disappeared. 13:44:43 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 13:50:46 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 13:52:42 Graham quit (timeout) 13:52:42 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 13:57:40 BB quit (timeout) 13:59:02 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 13:59:59 . 14:00:25 Hi Graham. 14:00:35 hello, was disconnected 14:00:37 Did you get your walk around the pond in yet today? 14:00:51 yeh, few spots of rain but a nice walk 14:00:58 It has been relatively quiet here. 14:01:17 we ha a canada goose...they seem to like the grass in the median 14:01:29 had a canada goose jam 14:01:40 good as long as they don't become road kill. 14:02:09 ppl were stopping for them 14:02:20 although we now have 6 gosslings instead of 8 14:03:02 Not rare enough out here for people to slow down too often for them. Usually don't see too many in town though either. 14:03:24 Plume 1403 14:04:22 we have a lot here and they poop everywhere 14:04:57 not a pretty sight. 14:05:08 slick when it rains too. 14:05:44 lots of ppl feed them so they know where to hang out 14:06:55 We have a large flock of ducks in my neighborhood for that very reason. They do cause traffic jams, especially when there is a string of ducklings following mom crossing the roads. 14:07:37 good coyote snacks 14:07:59 not too many of those in town! 14:09:16 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:12:38 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 14:13:37 Castle 1413 ie. H2O 14:15:02 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:15:09 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:15:42 I will wait to update the geyser pages until we know if this is a major or minor eruption. 14:20:55 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:25:32 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 14:26:44 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:29:44 Graham quit (timeout) 14:30:11 Kevin L quit (timeout) 14:32:13 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:32:18 Castle is a Major 14:33:04 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 14:33:05 Grand 1432 ie 14:33:17 and time to watch OF. 14:35:58 Graham quit (timeout) 14:36:17 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:36:47 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 14:37:06 vw quit (timeout) 14:37:25 . 14:38:03 OF 1437 ie, static cam 14:38:16 That is near start 14:39:50 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:42:01 Daisy 1441 ie 14:42:12 sorry about that folks. clicked on wrong place on screen. 14:42:39 did we miss Daisy entirely??? 14:42:43 :( 14:42:57 almost but it was OF fault 14:43:15 serious bummer! 14:43:21 There are times when I reallly don't like OF 14:46:51 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:47:49 Been so busy the last few minutes, I don't even know what I have entered onto the database pages! 14:53:03 Updating the data now. Plume and Depression are both due. 14:53:35 Graham quit (timeout) 14:55:00 I think the geyser databases are current now. Please let me know if we have missed anything, or feel free to update! 14:55:05 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 14:55:42 kc (working) quit (timeout) 14:59:00 Did we miss Plume? 14:59:26 Plume 1459 14:59:30 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 14:59:30 guess not! 15:01:03 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 15:01:11 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 15:02:13 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 15:02:28 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 15:02:35 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 15:03:00 ynpvisitor90 changes nickname to Derek 15:03:20 small crowd at Depression a while ago has left, so we may have missed it. Hard to see when there isn't very much steam 15:08:07 Grand? 15:08:39 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 15:08:47 we saw Grand starting at 1432 ie 15:08:51 Derek quit (timeout) 15:09:40 Hoping that we will get a report from the basin on Grand as we didn't catch the start, I wasn't able to watch closely enough to see if we had extra bursts. 15:10:10 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 15:11:06 Thank You 15:11:15 The latest data on eruptions can be found at or 15:11:22 You are welcome! 15:11:55 It has been a very busy hour. 15:12:17 Now things will quiet down substantially. Could be a rather boring evening. :( 15:13:08 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 15:13:39 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 15:13:49 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 15:14:01 ynpvisitor58 changes nickname to kc (working) 15:14:06 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to cb 15:14:29 Hi kc and cb! 15:14:31 I on in a min. just ran in the door 15:14:48 Kevin L quit (timeout) 15:14:57 No problem! Nothing is going to erupt soon anyway! 15:15:33 hi 15:18:35 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 15:19:59 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 15:21:00 Hi all..ty vw 15:21:24 I am heading out. MIght try to check in later this evening! 15:21:43 Have a great day everybody. Bye! 15:22:11 bye vw 15:22:19 vw quit (timeout) 15:28:47 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 15:29:45 ynpvisitor60 changes nickname to Rich 15:30:00 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 15:30:40 Recap 2011-05-22: BH 1051 wc, BHI 1033 wc, Castle 1413 ns wc maj, Churn 1058 wc, 1114 wc, Daisy 0931 wc, 1208 wc, 1441 ie wc, Depression 0911 ie wc, 1213 wc, Grand 1432 ie wc, OF 0514 wc, 0653 wc, 0832 wc, 1010 wc, 1140 wc, 1309 wc, 1437 ns wc, Penta 1014 ie wc, 1336 (?) ie wc, Plume 0730 ie wc, 0830 wc, 1022 ie wc, 1119 wc, 1215 ie wc, 1309 wc, 1403 wc, 1459 wc, Riverside 0844 ie, 15:30:51 courtesy LoisbBHI/BH May 21, 2011 0819/0837 May 22, 2011 1033/1051 15:31:31 Hi rich! 15:31:59 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 15:32:06 Hi cb 15:32:27 We had 18 in the room for BH today. 15:32:46 wow...thats a record i think!! 15:33:44 I seem to remember 19, but either way, a BIG crowd. g 15:34:27 popular geyser pick!! 15:34:54 been busy w travel prep today! 15:35:15 Rich quit (timeout) 15:35:25 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 15:36:14 Taking the 5th wheel? 15:36:49 yep! have had to do some repairs and clean up from yosemite trips 15:37:17 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 15:37:48 Yes, Yosemite is such a 'dirty rocky' place. g 15:37:49 and the Ants had taken up residency in my pantry....uggghhhhh 15:39:00 Yosemite and all the snow this year was a bad trip..$ on repairs...ouch! 15:39:00 Get some Bay leaves. 15:39:13 California Bay Laurel 15:39:43 pulled out the heavy duty Ortho!! Ant be gone!!!...or dead...I will try that!! great suggestion 15:40:23 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 15:47:47 Rich quit (timeout) 15:52:04 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 15:54:03 Plume 1553 15:54:43 Rich quit (timeout) 15:56:16 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 15:57:48 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 16:04:07 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 16:08:32 OF 1608 16:11:58 kc (working) quit (timeout) 16:13:22 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 16:13:26 cd, try Amdro Ant Block. Expensive but the only thing that I found that got rid of my persistant Nevada ants. 16:14:09 OK!! 16:14:16 where you get it? 16:15:15 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 16:19:53 Rich quit (timeout) 16:20:10 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 16:21:52 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 16:22:05 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 16:26:15 Todd(BBL) quit (timeout) 16:26:43 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 16:28:30 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 16:31:37 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to Glennon 16:33:14 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 16:33:34 ynpvisitor53 changes nickname to kcmule 16:33:38 I got it at Lowes, but I have seen it at Walmart. 16:34:57 cool!! I will try it...have problems w kitchen ants too...usually use Terro and it works on the kitchen ants 16:42:46 here comes the rain 16:48:41 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 16:51:57 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:52:42 kcmule quit (timeout) 16:52:49 Kevin L quit (timeout) 16:54:09 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 16:58:19 Is Plume going? 16:58:45 nope 16:58:54 i was over at Daisy 16:59:52 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 17:00:05 am over 17:00:14 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:00:20 I just saw some steam drifting over into the VC cam view. 17:00:29 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:01:19 ty...sat there for a bit, but don't want to miss Daisy so am there now. 17:01:50 although it is getting rainy and foggy!! 17:01:52 k 17:05:03 Glennon, don't know if you saw VW's question about including F&M in yours and Jakes prediction tables. 17:05:26 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 17:06:28 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 17:09:11 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 17:10:18 Daisy1710 17:10:32 RIght now, the database has one F&M observation -- 22April2011, ~11AM. If F&M observations start rolling in, I'll place the geyser more prominently on the front page. Otherwise, Jake and I both will make sure the data are available via database search 17:11:28 Sounds good. 17:16:39 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 17:21:15 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 17:22:08 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 17:23:07 . 17:26:45 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 17:37:10 . 17:37:47 Kevin L quit (timeout) 17:46:58 Plume 1746 17:48:02 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 17:48:33 Surprise attack by Plume 17:48:57 must've just missed the last one 17:49:27 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 17:49:36 Can't catch em all 17:49:37 OF 1749 17:50:02 yep! nice to see the sun out again! 17:50:15 excellent 17:51:00 and all the snow is gone 17:51:06 Very nice OF from VC cam 17:51:28 Glennon quit (timeout) 17:51:39 agree 17:52:01 blue sky even!! 18:00:21 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 18:01:01 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 18:01:23 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 18:06:40 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 18:08:33 courtesy LoisbBHI/BH May 21, 2011 0819/0837 May 22, 2011 1033/1051 18:08:54 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 18:10:22 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 18:10:40 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 18:11:18 Depression 1811 18:11:22 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 18:12:03 nice bubbles!! 18:12:46 Wow! 18:13:01 ditto kevin! 18:14:38 that was a cool eruption!! 18:14:49 That was a good show 18:15:06 :) 18:15:30 Have never noticed that little spouter off to the left before 18:15:36 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 18:17:08 Aern't we about due for a Lion series? 18:17:30 .. 18:17:30 would be nice!! 18:18:08 It has been a couple of days since last reported Lion. 18:18:28 I wondered 18:18:47 Well make that yesterday morning. g 18:18:54 Looks like it warmed up rather nicely today 18:19:01 I forgot what day it was. 18:19:06 Today, that is. 18:19:08 peep's up at the observation area! 18:19:23 The trail must not be to bad 18:19:36 South facing slope helps big time 18:20:22 Gee, lets climb over this barrier. Is there a bear out there I can pet? 18:20:27 I think they are young teens! 18:20:39 behavior tells a strong tale 18:20:42 Not the way to be old teens. 18:20:59 What else are they doing in the basin? 18:21:06 Lion 7 series on 20, 3 series reported on 21. 18:21:06 yes...especially standing on one foot on a rock slope 18:21:36 thanks Rich 18:21:52 yw 18:22:21 Recap 2011-05-22: BH 1051 wc, BHI 1033 wc, Castle 1413 ns wc maj, Churn 1058 wc, 1114 wc, Daisy 0931 wc, 1208 wc, 1441 ie wc, 1710 wc, Depression 0911 ie wc, 1213 wc, Grand 1432 ie wc, OF 0514 wc, 0653 wc, 0832 wc, 1010 wc, 1140 wc, 1309 wc, 1437 ns wc, 1608 wc, 1749 wc, Old Tardy 09:37 ie wc, 18:22:25 Penta 1014 ie wc, 1336 (?) ie wc, Plume 0730 ie wc, 0830 wc, 1022 ie wc, 1119 wc, 1215 ie wc, 1309 wc, 1403 wc, 1459 wc, 1553 wc, 1746 wc, Riverside 0844 ie, Tardy 09:03 ie wc, 18:23:08 Off they go to do something they shouldn't over at Solitary 18:23:18 Hope not 18:23:44 me either...trail looks good 18:23:47 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to Todd 18:24:09 Sorry, forgot to change name earlier 18:24:58 Lodge cabins open already? 18:25:23 yep. and the pile of snow is dwindling down!! 18:25:46 If you didn't know better, you'd think it was asummer day 18:25:53 a summer 18:26:05 is that plate??? 18:26:22 Nice! 18:26:25 Nice catch. that would be my guess 18:26:28 looks to be behind plate 18:27:24 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 18:29:24 Umpire? 18:29:46 g 18:29:54 I don't know Kevin? 18:29:54 18:29:54 18:29:54 18:29:54 18:29:56 omg 18:30:12 i fell into that one w both feet!!! 18:30:35 Quite a crowd for todays game 18:30:44 G 18:31:06 Ok time to move on hurry, back to the bus 18:33:04 It was Plate, right? Looks like according to all my triangulations. g 18:33:56 And the Second Base Ump calls it "Plate"! 18:34:08 I always thought Plate was the feature that was steaming in front and to the Left of that erupting feature... 18:34:20 Riverside 1834 ie 18:35:35 18:26 event 18:35:43 am not sure! it was fun to watch and wish I knew for sure what if name is! 18:35:48 ty kc 18:35:59 thanks kc 18:37:14 Plume due in the 10 minutes? 18:37:15 ty kc 18:37:21 next 18:37:25 yes 18:37:55 or so..... 18:38:23 OF steam dead wrong 18:39:46 yw. i think it is plate 18:40:13 ok!! ty kc 18:40:33 perspective!! 18:40:42 Will need "experts" to verify for us part-timers 18:40:53 for comparison 18:41:24 nice wind shift 18:42:24 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 18:42:30 notice how BH and Lion steam goes one way and OF goes the other way? 18:42:56 scratch that thought:( 18:43:21 this might be better comparison 18:43:43 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 18:44:29 thats it!! ty for cleariing that up for me!! 18:45:50 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to lc 18:46:04 And the instant replay decision? 18:46:13 Plate!! 18:46:19 sorry rich 18:47:10 its a good capture, will save it 18:47:27 all righty!! 18:47:42 Plume 1847 18:47:56 And a time for Plate? 18:48:17 1826ie 18:48:58 ty 18:49:11 question about Riverside. It went at 0844 and 1834, that is 9h 50m right? Really short double interval? 18:51:03 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 18:51:04 ya know I don't EVER call that steam cloud behind the trees, but felt fairly confident that it was in the correct place...I would put a question mark on that given your info lc 18:52:05 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 18:52:33 cb, I didn't see it and I'm not questioning your call, just seems short. 18:53:32 no worries i have just panned back over that way i see the same steam cloud still hanging in the air so i think i was wrong 18:53:50 and appreciate your correction!! 18:54:31 so that makes it......? 18:54:41 not! 18:54:44 Grotto? 18:54:58 that steam now is probably Grotto. ? 18:55:00 probably 18:55:15 thats what I was looking at i believe 18:55:43 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:55:45 although it was alot taller...might get clarification in LS report 18:56:01 yes 18:56:35 ->nice<- 18:56:37 reminder to self....Don't try to be a steam reader!! 18:57:05 no harm done 18:57:25 ->haha I was reading WAY up and replied to something hours ago<- sorry 18:57:26 It's nothing to get all steamed up about 18:57:37 g 18:57:39 So the decision is NO Riverside? 18:57:44 G! 18:57:52 sorry, that was really lame 18:58:12 everyone needs a laugh. 18:58:24 correct rich 18:58:49 ty 18:59:04 No streaming cam Rich? 18:59:17 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:59:21 No 18:59:28 Dang 18:59:34 Glennon joins Yellowstone 18:59:38 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 18:59:47 You must be pretty frustrated right about now listening to all this 18:59:48 No UGB static cam either. 19:00:20 Not really, just want to get eruptions recorded correctly. 19:00:28 we all miss that one Rich, nice to look down basin 19:01:10 the steam behind the trees, is that Turban? 19:01:22 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 19:01:43 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 19:01:59 Glennon quit (timeout) 19:02:07 good evening geyser fans 19:02:32 hello 19:03:38 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 19:05:09 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 19:05:15 cb quit (timeout) 19:05:15 cb quit (timeout) 19:05:21 . 19:08:02 going to watch tv, have a good night everyone. 19:08:21 night 19:08:34 bye 19:08:35 nite 19:08:45 Riverside (short) 5:33 Riverside (Long ) 6:33 RT thru March 11 19:09:55 lc quit (timeout) 19:10:12 I should read closer, I'll try that again. 19:11:20 Riverside (short) 5:21 Riverside (long) 6:38 for Jan-March 2011 Ralph Taylor 19:11:54 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 19:11:57 I added double interval predictions yesterday to the site if that helps anyone 19:12:09 (cheating) 19:12:40 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 19:13:16 As good as any method for geyser work. 19:13:21 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 19:14:24 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to Graham 19:14:29 hello again 19:14:47 He's back...... 19:14:52 hi 19:15:23 Hi Graham 19:15:25 wow Todd...with a greeting like that i need a grander entrance 19:15:38 Graham, you missed a Plate Debate 19:15:59 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 19:16:21 what was the debate about? 19:16:50 Whether it was or not 19:16:58 Yes, I wanted to ask that too. 19:17:10 Jakes site says it was 19:17:15 We all talked ourselves into it 19:17:15 so it must be so 19:17:46 Instant replay available. 19:17:48 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 19:17:52 Rich and KC posted links to help us part-timers out 19:18:10 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:18:14 kc posted the capture Graham and some others for comparison! I believe it to be Plate given that info 19:18:15 18:35:35 ‹kcmule› 18:26 event 19:18:16 Great fun was had by all 19:18:27 duration and placement looks right for plate 19:18:35 and rich... 19:19:14 eruption size and behavior is same also 19:19:43 geysers have behavior???? answer...yes!! 19:20:06 I think Bill spiked the chicken tonight!! 19:20:18 Other debate was over Riverside--We need "a man, in a van, down by the river," to clarify 19:20:19 instant replay under review...not really instantly tho 19:21:48 nice video of 19:21:48 Has it been regular rencently In my 3rd ed Geysers of Yellowstone intervals of every 1 to 2.5 19:21:55 OF 1921 19:22:37 nice video of plate 19:22:55 Cool!! 19:22:59 ty 19:22:59 it has been mostly dormant but comes with Giantess 19:23:18 Okay! 19:24:00 comes to life with Giantess. its been seen several times since the last Giantess 19:24:11 Rich quit (timeout) 19:25:05 When was the last Giantess? 19:25:15 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 19:25:27 . 19:25:48 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 19:25:55 2 weeks ago 19:26:18 thank you 19:26:48 05/07/2011 23:30 Giantess (start times) 19:27:17 ynpvisitor45 changes nickname to GrantCamper 19:27:51 14 day 13 hr 20m ago for Giantess 19:28:10 That's exact :) 19:28:51 The days of modern electronics. g 19:30:12 Eruption time courtesy of Days/Hrs/Mins courtesy 19:31:27 And if you are truely in Grant camping, and online you can access both for current eruption times 19:31:46 GrantCamper quit (timeout) 19:32:17 hum, i see the ARiverside time doesn't really add up, too early 19:32:36 yes my mistake 19:32:46 so what was it? 19:32:55 Grotto probably 19:33:03 Artemisia? F&M? Link? 19:33:13 boooo 19:33:17 Steam 19:33:20 lasted for to long 19:33:34 › Other debate was over Riverside--We need "a man, in a van, down by the river," to clarify 19:34:04 was trying to be a steam reader...WON"T try to do that again 19:34:36 Graham quit (timeout) 19:35:24 keep wondering if that steam is Bulger 19:35:45 not sure what else could be causing it there 19:35:53 and its gone nopw 19:38:02 Daisy 1937 19:38:48 ahhhh yes 19:38:48 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 19:42:54 Plume time, again 19:44:06 GrantCamper quit (timeout) 19:45:04 Plume 1945 19:45:25 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 19:45:59 nothing to see here , just keep walking 19:48:00 Plume and OF will be in competion for last eruption of the evening 19:48:38 maybe Grand 19:48:46 Someone turning off the steam? g 19:48:58 Riverside? 19:57:16 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 19:57:55 Churn just erupted, I think. 19:56ie? 19:57:59 could have been a Churn there 1956ie but i am not sure. stopped now 19:58:04 yep 19:58:41 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 19:59:55 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:00:02 still no Lion? 20:00:12 nope 20:00:26 looks like it wants to tho 20:01:05 has looked like it for the last couple of hours 20:02:20 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 20:03:42 i am quitting early tonight, see you. 20:03:57 nite 20:04:03 Good night. 20:04:09 nite graham 20:04:14 night 20:04:52 Graham quit (timeout) 20:05:42 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 20:06:15 cb quit (timeout) 20:11:17 . 20:11:43 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:12:27 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 20:19:53 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:20:57 *) 20:21:36 Yes? 20:21:46 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 20:21:53 ->no reason, bored <- 20:22:01 lol 20:22:15 a random idea!!?? 20:22:18 *) waiting for Giantess *) 20:22:34 or at least Lion! 20:22:42 I hope you have a book. 20:22:55 And a night-light. 20:23:05 And plenty of sun screen. 20:23:21 I bet by this weekend we may see some flashlights at Lion :) 20:23:54 I doubt that I will. g 20:24:39 Wouldn't you need moonscreen? 20:26:15 Lead foil? 20:26:41 Rich...Dave from Billings...I spoke to you a couple of days ago. My daughter and I will be on Geyser Hill next weekend trying to catch Beehive in the dark. 20:27:38 Great!!!! Hope you have a BIG NET! 20:27:44 Riverside 20:27ns 20:27:45 Glennon quit (timeout) 20:27:48 Enjoy for all of us. g 20:28:04 Todd quit (timeout) 20:28:11 Plume in the dark is an experience too. 20:28:14 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 20:28:51 As long as you stand up wind. 20:29:04 Lion in the dark, and Doublet are my picks. Actually OF is loud at night! 20:29:29 I love Fountain in moonlight!!! 20:29:37 Nothing like being out on Geyser Hill at night. I never thought about going out at night until a few years ago I saw flashlights all over Geyser Hill. I'll never go to Old Faithful without going out gazing in the dark. 20:29:49 but it gets a little creepy 20:30:06 Bison snort noises sound like bear growls. 20:30:23 lol @ #77 20:30:50 Little Women is of my all time fav's 20:30:57 true story!! We ran, or I shouuld say, shuffled, away 20:31:01 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 20:31:15 Bison can also look like rocks or bushes until you just about trip over them. 20:31:18 g 20:31:43 And we think all of this terrifying dangerous stuff is ... fun? 20:31:45 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 20:32:03 tis! 20:32:17 lol 20:32:19 Rich quit (timeout) 20:32:33 I am waiting for someone to sit and send good PentaChurcn reports from on scene. 20:32:44 Churn 20:32:57 Kinda read like "church"! 20:33:34 ur n just needed a topnotch 20:34:30 It has a Summer crewcut. 20:36:01 my butt is tired....5.5 hours of sitting....argggggg 20:36:51 My computer is tellimg me it has been on for 11:55 20:37:21 bet its tired to...starting to smell smoke? 20:37:31 No one out at OF on the VC cam. 20:37:45 g 20:38:20 Plume 2038 20:38:29 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 20:39:14 I would like to see some 4 legged's walking around.... 20:39:15 I prefer the kind of geyser gazing day where your feet are tired. 20:39:21 or running 20:39:30 lol 20:39:37 me too! 20:39:56 Tons of bear sightings all over YNP if you read blogs and chat pages. There should be one around OF, you'd think 20:40:23 guess it's cam shy 20:42:44 Peaceful in the basin this evening 20:45:45 I can almost smell the campfires burning. 20:45:47 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 20:46:33 Take a good one to stay warm this time of year 20:52:43 Todd quit (timeout) 20:56:52 OF 2056 20:57:58 Rich quit (timeout) 21:00:18 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 21:01:12 Well all, its been fun, time for bed here. Thanks for the entertainment cb. 21:01:21 Night 21:01:44 w time for me to get the laundry foldeed also 21:01:51 Welcome 21:01:57 :) 21:02:14 thanks cam drivers. 21:02:15 :) 21:03:11 I will leave the scope up and listen for pings in the case of a early BH or Grand. 21:03:27 Todd quit (timeout) 21:05:41 Nite everyone. 21:06:03 nite rich...ty for all you do! 21:06:19 yw 21:06:21 yes thanks Rich 21:06:37 Nite 21:07:08 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 21:07:17 Rich quit (timeout) 21:13:07 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 21:14:05 Depression 2112ie 21:15:19 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 21:16:34 thats about as close as i can get without having "the fuzzy focus" 21:17:20 thanks 21:17:22 bye 21:17:25 It looks quiet now. 21:18:11 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 21:21:56 am done for the evening..night all 21:23:31 cb quit (timeout) 21:26:02 Good night. 21:26:48 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 21:42:49 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 21:52:24 nite 21:53:02 kcmule quit (timeout) 22:05:07 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 23:30:09 Kevin L quit (timeout) Found 518 log entries for 2011-05-23 05:39:20 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 05:40:01 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 05:55:10 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 06:09:33 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 06:10:50 morning 06:33:50 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 06:41:37 OF 0640 06:44:59 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 06:48:49 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 06:50:10 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 06:52:10 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 06:52:25 ynpvisitor90 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:57:29 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 07:08:44 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 07:11:25 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 07:12:12 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 07:12:32 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:12:47 . 07:14:22 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 07:18:50 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 07:22:04 . 07:27:26 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:27:45 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to cb 07:30:20 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 07:35:20 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 07:36:12 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 07:39:25 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:42:48 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 07:43:38 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 07:43:50 Morning all! 07:43:59 Hi 07:44:10 morning cb 07:44:24 slept in, and can only be on for a bit longer...g-kid day 07:44:35 Hey Kevin! 07:45:05 looks like nice day 07:45:35 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:45:36 not a cloud in far 07:48:33 forecast is for rain and flash flood warnings 07:49:32 Back on preset! bye all! 07:50:05 That was quick! 07:50:42 cb quit (timeout) 07:51:00 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 07:53:02 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 08:09:41 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 08:13:20 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 08:15:24 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 08:16:46 OF 0815ie 08:16:48 OF 0816 ie 08:17:20 Plume 0816ie 08:18:07 OF was 0816 08:22:46 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 08:28:04 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 08:29:50 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 08:40:37 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 08:42:51 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 08:48:58 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 08:50:00 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 08:54:46 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 08:55:10 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 08:56:14 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to Rich 09:04:09 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 09:09:22 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:16:34 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 09:16:47 hello 09:16:53 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 09:16:58 what's happening so far today 09:18:13 Recap 2011-05-23 OF 0640 ie wc, 0815 ie wc, Plume 0816 ie wc, 09:20:30 Rich, make that 814 OF 0816, my thping mistake. 09:21:05 well I did it again, shoule be 00815 09:21:30 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:21:32 change to 0816 09:22:40 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 09:22:51 will do 09:23:02 ty 09:23:23 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 09:26:33 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 09:26:37 Plume 0925ie 09:27:26 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 09:28:30 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 09:29:22 could be Depression 0928ie 09:29:33 will put a ? 09:29:42 Significant activity 09:30:21 I'll put data entry on delay. g 09:30:36 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 09:36:32 Are the river levels up at F&M? We haven't had any marker reports lately, or am I speed reading the reports too fast? 09:38:20 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 09:39:57 ynpvisitor45 changes nickname to kc (working) 09:40:13 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 09:41:15 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 09:41:30 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 09:42:21 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 09:43:15 I don't recall any recent reports of River levels here. 09:44:20 or marker replacement lately, I guess.. 09:44:30 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 09:48:04 guesses on BH? must leave for a bit 09:50:20 not for another couple of hrsm my guess. 09:50:29 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 09:51:02 will check back- thx 09:51:49 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 09:55:58 A little steam out of Dome 10:02:58 OF 1002 ie wc 10:06:52 Rich quit (timeout) 10:08:18 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 10:08:32 OF long 10:14:05 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 10:15:26 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 10:16:16 OF prediction 11:35 mdt 10:18:38 Beehive interval is at 23h27m 10:18:38 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 10:20:06 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 10:20:49 Could we put in a request for old faithful to stay away from Beehive today? 10:21:33 Duly noted. g 10:25:22 Rich quit (timeout) 10:28:34 Plume 10:28ie 10:30:05 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 10:32:44 Rich quit (timeout) 10:34:30 Rich quit (timeout) 10:34:35 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 10:36:34 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 10:39:40 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to steve 10:40:35 So, was that BH interval a solid number, or a "and counting..." 10:42:22 and counting from Jake's site 10:42:59 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 10:43:29 Thanks. Unfortunately, work is pounding on the door. Back later I hope 10:44:09 later, good MOnday to you. 10:44:14 steve quit (timeout) 10:44:19 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 10:47:09 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 10:47:51 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 11:02:51 Recap 2011-05-23: Depression 0928 ie? wc, OF 0640 ie wc, 0816 ie wc, 1002 ie wc, Plume 0816 ie wc, 0925 ie wc, 1028 ie wc, 11:04:32 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 11:06:16 ynpvisitor45 changes nickname to Glennon 11:06:48 Morning Glennon 11:07:00 hello! 11:07:09 hi, Rich. 11:12:55 Rich quit (timeout) 11:13:54 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 11:14:13 Kevin L quit (timeout) 11:17:19 Rich quit (timeout) 11:18:23 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 11:19:41 Rich quit (timeout) 11:27:05 Plume 11:26ie 11:28:19 OF 11:27ie 11:28:22 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 11:28:53 OF 1126ns wc 11:41:56 11:42:15 Any predictions for the next Grand? 11:42:58 Rich quit (timeout) 11:44:00 7:20pm +/- 2 hrs per VEC number 11:45:09 the rest: Castle 7pm +/- 1 hr, Daisy 11am +/- 30mins, Riverside 2:20pm +/- 30 mins 11:46:32 thanks, kc. 11:47:15 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 11:47:18 yw 11:52:07 I added a proxy eruption for Grand on so it would provide the prediction. After it erupts next I'll remove it. 11:52:11 11:53:14 bbl 11:53:17 bye for now 11:54:01 cya after lunch Rich 11:54:16 kcmule changes nickname to kc (lunch) 12:06:47 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 12:07:09 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to vw 12:07:17 Good morning/afternoon. 12:07:27 Hi 12:07:54 Just checking on the BH situation. Doesn't look like we have had one today? 12:09:00 Because we don't have an operator to cover today, I am going to leave chat open. If someone sees BHI, ping. Hopefully I will be around. 12:09:55 I just go back and I don't see anything on it. I am lurking also. 12:10:57 Thanks Kevin 12:17:58 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 12:18:07 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 12:18:45 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 12:23:26 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 12:24:18 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 12:25:12 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 12:25:47 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 12:26:14 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 12:26:20 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 12:29:38 vw - afk quit (timeout) 12:37:10 . 12:37:39 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 12:40:48 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 12:43:03 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 12:43:18 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to BB 12:43:34 kc (lunch) changes nickname to kcmule 12:43:37 indicator? 12:43:48 I was just wondering about that 12:44:01 that would be lucky 12:44:02 1243ie unless someone has a better time 12:44:13 Yes 12:44:53 According to the VEC prediction, OF due in about 15 minutes too. 12:45:11 thanks for ping 12:45:39 Kevin, u here still? 12:46:10 all those not present, please let us know : ) 12:46:22 :D 12:46:38 Kevin said he was lurking, so could be nearby if we just keeping pinging 12:46:49 ping 12:46:50 Glennon (away) changes nickname to Glennon 12:47:19 ding 12:47:21 I got an email sent to a group like that once, "please let me know if you didn't get this" 12:47:57 <> 12:48:30 bing 12:48:48 Lots of people 12:49:28 OF could be a spoiler again. :( 12:51:31 kc, you calling BHI at 1243 ie? 12:51:55 rack it 12:52:48 Thank you Glennon for updating both database sites. 12:52:59 Whew, just got back 12:53:15 Beehive and lunch (Kitt) 12:53:25 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 12:53:27 Good timing 12:53:31 Hi Kitt. Great timing. 12:53:52 Hello 12:54:08 Nice reprieve from the kids! 12:54:17 alland joins Yellowstone 12:54:37 Preschoolers are done. Today is my last day. 12:54:46 Woohoo! 12:54:53 Car all packed up and ready to go? 12:55:23 Actually it is more fun with preschoolers. 12:55:32 Kitt, can you pm me please? 12:55:56 How? 12:56:18 click on my name and then click on private message. 12:56:35 I hope you are going to stop OF ruining the show Kitt... 12:56:41 I can't open a pm with a ynpvisitor 12:58:51 BH 1258 12:59:43 I just got back from my walk, good timing. 13:00:27 I will have to cut back to OF when it starts. 13:00:54 hey Kitt, my timing is better than yours. lc 13:01:14 OF 1300 13:01:17 I only had to wait about 15 sec. g 13:01:37 watch the crowd scatter. 13:01:47 Rich quit (timeout) 13:03:58 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away_ 13:04:05 Glennon (away_ changes nickname to Glennon (away) 13:04:37 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 13:04:40 Ok. That was exciting. 13:05:23 I am off again. From the predictions, not sure there will be much to see this afternoon other than Geyser Hill eruptions. Hopefully Lion will get something going! 13:05:25 Bye! 13:05:34 cya vw 13:06:03 vw - afk quit (timeout) 13:06:14 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 13:06:14 Oh what timing. Darn! 13:06:22 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 13:06:25 alland quit (timeout) 13:10:31 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 13:18:48 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 13:21:26 is that Aurum? 13:22:19 plume 1321ie 13:23:17 Aurum 1321ie ? 13:49:26 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 13:51:00 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 13:51:09 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 13:53:22 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 13:57:46 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 13:58:46 BB quit (timeout) 14:00:22 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 14:05:30 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 14:06:36 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 14:09:11 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 14:13:52 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 14:14:38 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 14:15:05 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 14:26:25 Plume 1426ie 14:30:04 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 14:46:43 14:53:58 last OF may have been a short? next pred 15:36 14:55:10 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 14:56:19 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 15:04:24 Rich quit (timeout) 15:07:49 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 15:08:43 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 15:24:06 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 15:24:22 ok so 15:24:40 m setting in the parking lot. what is going on today. 15:24:53 ??? 15:25:15 Quiet. 15:25:28 check 15:25:48 No cam operator. We are waiting for Plume and OF. Exciting. 15:26:34 ok thanks. will check out the visitors centor. any ideas on f& M? 15:26:49 Not a word here 15:27:09 Plume 1527ie 15:27:10 got to go my batteies are tiered. 15:27:24 suggestions that the river is too high. A report from the basin on it would be great. 15:32:18 will let you know if I have enough battery left. 15:33:05 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 15:37:11 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 15:37:56 OF 1536 ie, VEC webcam 15:37:59 OF 1537ie. Previous was a short 15:38:03 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 15:38:06 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 15:40:51 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 15:42:16 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 15:42:30 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 15:43:28 newly posted short yellowstone film from 1950 on youtube 15:44:53 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 15:52:48 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 15:53:49 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 15:57:09 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 15:57:40 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 16:04:25 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 16:04:50 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 16:12:22 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 16:12:25 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 16:17:28 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 16:19:03 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 16:19:29 . 16:29:45 . 16:32:09 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 16:32:35 ynpvisitor70 changes nickname to Graham 16:32:39 hello 16:40:25 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 16:44:07 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 16:45:38 helllo 16:51:00 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 16:52:43 hola 16:53:36 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 16:53:52 we dont have much to say tonight 16:54:26 am looking at snow photos from Beartooth, pretty amazing 16:54:27 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 16:55:00 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 16:55:24 i looked at the Glacier pictures - looks like they may be struggling to be open by 4th July 16:56:38 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 16:57:07 beartooth is delaying opening 16:57:56 looks like Penta 1656ie 16:58:52 bbs 16:59:31 kcmule quit (timeout) 17:01:01 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:07:55 Lion 1707 17:08:26 Gee, a geyser! 17:08:47 looks like an initial the way its getting going so slowly 17:13:26 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 17:14:41 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 17:15:36 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 17:16:55 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 17:17:07 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:17:12 Graham quit (timeout) 17:17:13 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 17:17:17 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 17:17:29 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to Kent 17:17:33 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 17:18:24 Kent quit (timeout) 17:18:34 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 17:19:34 Big crowd on VC 17:22:08 is there a holiday coming up? 17:22:29 Idny 500 weekend. 17:22:38 Indy 17:22:44 ah, ok. stopping at YNP on their way 17:23:12 are any roads east open? 17:24:38 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:27:37 OF is taking its time. 17:28:18 OF 1727 17:28:33 you can get thru Sylvan at night, when slide danger is lowest 17:28:49 Chief Joseph is still open too 17:28:53 east entrace road has closures. northeast is open from Wyoming, but not Montana 17:29:56 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 17:30:24 k, thanks. i know CC is supposed to be headed to the park 17:35:38 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:35:59 and a big slump near Sedge Bay has traffic lights - only one lane is passable 17:36:52 I hear the road south of Jackson had a big slide and is closed until further notice. 17:37:41 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 17:38:11 yeah that's an amazing thing. 17:38:39 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to kcmule 17:38:47 I-90 is also cloused near Mt Wy line due to flooding. 17:38:52 closed 17:40:58 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 17:44:58 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 17:45:05 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 17:46:32 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 17:47:41 Churn 1747ie 17:48:21 the slide on the Snake has stabilized and they are starting 24/7 removal operations 17:55:33 Penta has quit 17:57:56 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 17:59:34 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 18:01:38 Daisy 1801 18:02:14 Graham quit (timeout) 18:02:33 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 18:03:30 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 18:06:09 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 18:09:28 Churn 1809ie 18:10:26 Kent quit (timeout) 18:11:19 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 18:11:57 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 18:12:42 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 18:12:55 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to cb 18:16:10 hi cb 18:16:27 hey kc! 18:16:40 Hi all...just getting in 18:16:41 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 18:16:43 hello cb 18:17:05 flooding is the word of the day?? 18:17:31 sounds like it 18:18:30 u have any? 18:18:48 nope! all good here 18:19:44 I know that others are having a heck of a time trying to get into the park 18:20:13 yeah i hear CC is going thru the NE entrance from WY 18:21:04 yeap 18:21:23 Kent quit (timeout) 18:21:33 Churn 1821ie 18:22:52 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 18:22:56 Lion 1822 18:27:00 Castle 1826ie H2O 18:29:15 minor unless it restarts 18:30:21 Grand 1829ie 18:30:54 ty..i thought i saw that as you went over to lion 18:31:40 everything waited for your arrival today Graham 18:31:57 for your arrival? 18:32:20 I was a tad bit late for Daisy!! 18:32:49 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 18:32:49 haha 20min and get Lion Castle Churn and Grand 18:32:54 missing Depression 18:33:05 Churn 1832 18:38:50 cool 18:41:31 long second? 18:42:20 Castle was a minor 18:42:24 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 18:44:50 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 18:49:28 Churn 1848ie 18:50:43 first time i have seen 5 Churns 18:53:28 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 19:01:04 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 19:02:40 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:02:59 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 19:04:13 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 19:05:14 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:07:19 <> 19:07:39 Lion 1907ie 19:07:42 OF 1907 19:08:50 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 19:09:59 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 19:11:54 brb 19:21:04 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 19:26:19 Hi Kent and Kevin....didn't mean to leave you out of greetings 19:26:53 I'm here now, but I have been in and out. 19:33:54 It is OK, I am still lurking. 19:34:41 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 19:34:55 I have been in the workshop turning old .50 cal machinegun shells into really cool pens. 19:35:38 that sounds like something that would have been at the last Friends of the NRA dinner we attended 19:36:30 That would have fit right in. They are a bit heavy, but make a great conversation piece. 19:37:07 sounds like they would!! I llove to see one! 19:37:19 Tardy is on again 19:38:45 kcmule quit (timeout) 19:39:32 cb, I sent you a pm. 19:40:43 got it :) 19:43:53 Kent quit (timeout) 19:46:07 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 19:47:04 cb quit (timeout) 19:50:13 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:51:22 .. 19:52:41 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 20:03:43 Graham quit (timeout) 20:05:05 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 20:16:15 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 20:16:46 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 20:16:48 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:17:02 ynpvisitor96 changes nickname to Kristine 20:17:23 Evening all 20:17:36 Penta 2016ie ? 20:17:56 Lion 2017ie 20:18:19 hi there. how r u? 20:18:26 Cool 20:18:42 I'm good. Had a great walk through the basin this evening 20:18:53 looks like an interesting sky 20:18:58 any geyser reports? 20:19:23 Kristine quit (timeout) 20:21:36 I have times for Grand, Castle, Churn, W. Triplet, Lion, and Daisy 20:22:45 take back that Penta, looks more like Old Tardy 20:23:09 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:23:20 you can enter any extras in if you like 20:23:49 Cool. Never done that 20:23:53 although now it looks like Penta :) 20:24:08 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:24:33 we saw 5 Churns 20:24:38 Old Penta maybe? :) 20:24:48 hehe 20:24:49 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:24:57 the wind direction is making it hard to tell 20:25:30 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:25:36 I have times for 4 Churns. It's the first time I've seen it erupt. 20:25:46 congrats 20:26:06 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:26:30 Neat geyser 20:26:44 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 20:27:02 the splashes we see from here look good 20:27:15 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 20:27:20 these are the ones we saw 1747 ie wc, 1809 ie wc, 1821 ie wc, 1832 wc, 1848 ie wc 20:28:35 You saw them about a minute after I did. 20:28:53 small splashes first? 20:29:12 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 20:30:02 Small splashes then it would get bigger. I didn't know it erupted as high as it did. 20:30:20 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 20:30:31 takes us a while before we decide its more than just steam 20:30:38 yeah looks good over the trees from here 20:30:49 Yeah 20:31:14 did we see all the ones you saw? 20:31:20 Bulger was also erupting, but just a little water and splashing from Penta. 20:31:22 neat, how do the other times match up with webcam?? 20:31:28 Yep 20:31:32 Daisy 2031 20:31:56 The webcam time are about a minute after mine. 20:32:32 k 20:33:42 Kristine quit (timeout) 20:35:35 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 20:42:55 OF 2042 20:44:41 Kristine quit (timeout) 20:46:20 Kristine quit (timeout) 20:49:19 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 20:49:38 thats it for me. you might get another Lion 20:49:57 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 20:50:57 goodnight 20:51:36 Graham quit (timeout) 20:54:18 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 20:56:42 Plume 20:56ie 20:58:01 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 21:05:30 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 21:07:10 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 21:26:29 Lion 21:25ie 21:30:55 nite 21:31:32 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:38:20 Kevin L quit (timeout) 22:06:16 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone Found 60 log entries for 2011-05-24 04:48:00 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 05:17:05 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 05:18:16 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 06:13:34 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 06:14:40 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 06:17:50 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 06:18:06 OF 615 VC 06:19:52 I saw water for about 3 min for OF 06:20:37 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 06:21:33 thx- wasn't watching just getting my day/computer organized 06:30:07 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 06:32:04 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 06:33:05 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 06:33:33 looks like a cloudy day in Yellowstone. 06:35:03 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 06:39:22 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 06:40:53 All of Yellowstone National Park is under a Flash Flood Watch until Wednesday morning at 6AM MDT. 06:45:54 lots of flloods in MT too 06:48:36 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 06:53:01 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 06:53:20 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:59:56 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 07:00:39 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to cb 07:02:31 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 07:03:44 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 07:05:11 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 07:05:23 cb quit (timeout) 07:10:13 Morning Kevin, #'s 79,28,65,70,&92 07:10:39 god morning 07:10:47 good 07:10:56 morning! 07:10:57 loi!! 07:11:05 HI 07:11:28 Hi- 07:11:33 typing is going to be a issue for me today!!...loi = lol 07:11:57 loi 07:11:58 At this point waking up is an issue for me. 07:12:03 :) 07:12:09 always is for me. g 07:12:27 I kinda like that ....loi...may just stick! 07:12:58 it could become a useful word. 07:13:01 kinda like moring seems to have.... 07:13:16 Good morning...looks like a rain gear day at UGB 07:13:41 I thnk snow is the word of the day today 07:14:14 what was starting to green yesterday has a funny color of white, and collecting, today 07:14:52 snow is a four letter word! 07:15:17 I am allergic to snow. 07:15:48 yes...becoming so isn't it!!....calling for some more here in N. CA again!! 07:16:06 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 07:17:01 so far no flooding here though 07:17:52 not much to see this am 07:18:11 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 07:18:48 a few hearty soles on the bw this am!! 07:20:34 what is your elevation cb? 07:24:10 appox 2500 ft 07:24:52 usually just at the snow line...but not this year 07:24:54 That is a low snow level for this time of year! 07:25:58 it has snowed on the dogwoods many times this year!!! and the flower have fallen and its still snowing on the doogwoods 07:26:11 wow, thanks 07:33:44 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 07:37:53 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 07:37:56 Nice bison walking in front of the VC cam. 07:40:25 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to Rich 07:42:52 Rich quit (timeout) 07:44:45 The snow is moving in on OF. 07:44:56 Hi Rich! 07:45:16 Hi cb 07:46:55 Happy Vaca to all those touristas! Hope they brought their warm shoes 07:47:30 Dome is steaming nicely. 07:48:35 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 07:49:51 OF 749ie 07:53:09 Duration to close to call for me. 07:54:31 Happy Birthday BB. 07:55:38 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 07:57:26 Bison capture 08:03:01 Rich quit (timeout) 08:09:24 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 08:16:36 back on preset. 08:22:04 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 08:23:47 cb quit (timeout) 08:30:15 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 08:43:38 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 08:49:59 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 08:50:33 . 08:51:34 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 08:54:55 Rich quit (timeout) 09:00:16 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 09:01:15 I guess it is raining now, sidewalk is all wet. 09:05:02 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 09:06:45 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 09:08:49 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 09:10:42 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to kcmule 09:10:43 mornin 09:12:31 Morning kcmule 09:13:37 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 09:33:37 OF 0932ie wc 09:35:25 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 09:40:14 ynpvisitor11 changes nickname to Glennon (away) NOTE: CamChatroom went down in the afternoon, log available says 0 entries. Found 2214 log entries for 2011-05-25 04:59:40 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 04:59:47 Rich quit (timeout) 04:59:51 cb quit (timeout) 04:59:53 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 04:59:58 Todd quit (timeout) 05:00:00 Kevin L quit (timeout) 05:00:06 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 05:00:12 ynpvisitor62 quit (timeout) 05:00:17 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 05:00:20 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 05:00:26 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 05:00:33 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 05:01:30 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 05:01:36 Rich quit (timeout) NOTE: Log only consisted of quit (timeout) msgs over 4,000 enties. Found 532 log entries for 2011-05-26 01:21:20 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 02:02:54 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 02:37:28 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 02:55:13 hello 02:55:18 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to captbunzo 02:55:27 hello 02:55:30 working again. 02:56:10 captbunzo quit (timeout) 06:08:32 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 06:08:44 hello 06:08:46 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to captbunzo 06:08:59 muwhahaa. migrated to my new server :) 06:12:29 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 06:13:58 please let me know via the facebook page or an email if there are any more problems. 06:13:58 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 06:21:13 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 06:24:25 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 06:25:31 :) 06:25:50 Allan M joins Yellowstone 06:27:28 Allan M quit (timeout) 06:31:13 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 06:33:40 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 06:34:18 ah good 06:53:25 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 06:54:05 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 06:54:12 OF 653 ie 06:54:24 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 06:54:54 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 06:55:10 06:55:38 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 06:57:57 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:02:47 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 07:05:31 It looks like a day that you will need the wipers. 07:09:30 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 07:10:25 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to cb 07:10:39 Just checked the forecast for the weekend at OF. Since I only make 1 trip a year to the UGB, it looks like I picked the wrong one. 07:11:14 well drat #95 07:11:21 hello all! 07:11:33 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 07:11:44 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to Kevin L 07:11:53 Yea! It works!!!! 07:11:55 nice to see the page back up. Thank you Paul!! 07:12:10 ditto Kevin!! 07:13:01 Throw Paul a bag of cookies! 07:13:14 thin mints? 07:13:24 You got it. 07:14:24 I agree completely Kevin on your take of the captin of CM 07:14:53 Just a bad deal all around 07:14:59 I will have to leave this morning until tomorrow afternoon. They are honoring my father's unit on the 60th aniv of a battle in Korea. 07:15:28 That does bum me out on the CM. I think it is a boat in bad trouble. 07:15:59 wow Kevin!! Thats great! 07:17:02 Not much to see this am.... 07:17:24 They were over run by several thousand emnemy troops and held and the unit did not lose a man even though there were around 300 of them! 07:18:02 I will think of your papa today!! 07:18:15 incrediable 07:19:03 In fact they did not lose a man in the entire deployment. It will be fun to go somewhere with him that we don't have to bury someone. 07:20:15 sounds like a great unit to have been with!! 07:22:34 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 07:22:59 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 07:23:10 Thank him for his service for me please!! 07:23:26 I will. 07:23:30 ahhhh nothing like the first sip of coffee in the morning!! 07:23:53 :) 07:31:48 hey Kevin, my brother was at Chosin reservoir, they were not so lucky. 07:34:21 I know what you mean 15, it was really ugly. Right near where my Dad was a unit from Wyoming was almost totally wiped out. I really don't think the guy from Korea get the respect they deserve. 07:34:58 ynpvisitor15 changes nickname to lc 07:35:16 I agree 07:35:56 his unit was outnumbered about 8 to 1. 07:38:46 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 07:38:46 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 07:39:31 They had that big push where they overran almost everyone. It was really brutal. My Dad didn't ever talk about it until about 10 years ago when the did a documentary on it. The interesting thing is all of us in the family who were in the service ended up in field artillery. 07:40:43 my brother was in the marines, I was in the AF. 07:41:32 Hats off and ty to you also lc!! 07:41:46 thanks cb 07:42:27 I was too young for Korea. 07:43:37 My Dad was National Guard and my nephew and I were regular Army. I was too young for Korea, and missed Nam by months. I was 1st Cav and they came back less that a year before I joined. 07:43:40 sorry to interupt, can anyone get the previous logs? 07:44:12 I got them. There isn't one for yesterday. 07:44:29 same here 07:44:46 23 and 24th? 07:44:57 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 07:46:09 I just noticed that the archive comes back as file not found 404 error. 07:46:40 i could early thi am, but not now 07:46:52 I get yesterday with all timeouts, but 24th shows "0 entries" 07:48:16 that's what I got too 63 - they are on the old server ? 07:54:50 Plate 754ie 08:03:40 lc changes nickname to lc - bbl 08:04:23 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 08:06:38 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 08:20:08 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 08:20:51 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to Derek 08:20:57 Plume 720ie 08:21:37 Pacific :0 08:21:46 :) 08:21:57 opps 08:22:04 :) 08:22:08 Plume 820ie ty 08:27:58 back on preset 08:28:05 bye all 08:28:49 cb quit (timeout) 08:35:38 lc - bbl quit (timeout) 08:35:46 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 08:36:34 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 08:38:39 Rich joins Yellowstone 08:38:58 OF 0836ie wc 08:39:22 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:41:00 OF long 08:43:07 Corrrection on OF after checking captures 08:43:23 OF 0835ie wc 08:45:42 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 08:48:49 Derek quit (timeout) 08:50:16 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 08:58:09 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 08:58:37 I have a partial log for the 23rd. 09:08:34 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 09:10:21 Rich quit (timeout) 09:10:39 ynpvisitor7 changes nickname to kcmule 09:10:50 mornin. thanks captbunzo 09:11:21 Rich quit (timeout) 09:11:33 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 09:15:17 Plume 0914 ie 09:20:13 steve joins Yellowstone 09:21:14 Rich quit (timeout) 09:28:24 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 09:32:33 Rich quit (timeout) 09:33:33 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 09:35:23 Rich quit (timeout) 09:41:55 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 09:42:05 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 09:55:08 Dome 0949ie wc 10:01:10 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:01:56 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:01:57 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 10:03:41 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 10:06:15 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 10:06:31 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 10:11:00 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:12:44 Plume 1012ie 10:13:47 OF 1013ie 10:14:02 OF 1012ie wc 10:14:08 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to ge-working 10:14:45 Dome 1013ie wc 10:14:50 steve quit (timeout) 10:17:59 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:23:43 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 10:23:48 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:23:48 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 10:24:54 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:28:30 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 10:30:48 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:31:05 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 10:31:19 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 10:32:28 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:34:21 Rich quit (timeout) 10:36:34 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 10:36:49 Recap 2011-05-26 Dome 0949 ie wc, 1013 ie wc, Old Faithful 0653 ie wc, 0835 ie wc, 1012 ie wc, Plate 0754 ie wc, Plume 0820 ie wc, 0914 ie wc, 1012 ie wc, 10:39:23 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:40:13 See you all tomorrow pm 10:41:19 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 10:41:36 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:41:45 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:43:40 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 10:45:27 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 10:46:04 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 10:55:07 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 10:58:50 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:05:20 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:08:37 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:08:40 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 11:09:25 Plume 1108 ie 11:15:06 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:17:57 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 11:18:41 ynpvisitor70 changes nickname to Glennon 11:21:48 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:28:39 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:34:21 Any idea on the next Grand? 11:37:34 paraphrasing Jim S., it will erupt when it will erupt. I see no reports on any Grands today 11:37:47 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:37:47 5/26 vec predictions: castle 12:30, grand 11:45, daisy 8:50, riverside 14:36 11:40:14 I'll update them at soon (with short-lived proxy eruptions) 11:41:47 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:44:02 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:44:02 ty 11:48:52 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:52:57 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 11:56:03 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 12:00:40 just added proxy eruptions corresponding to those prediction times. I commented them "(proxy for prediction)" -- they'll be removed via the flagging process as eyewitness observations arrive 12:00:57 OF 1100ie wc 12:01:20 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 12:01:26 sorry --- correction OF 1200ie wc 12:05:34 Plume 1204ie 12:11:47 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 12:11:56 ge-working quit (timeout) 12:13:15 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 12:13:25 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 12:13:44 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to BB 12:15:39 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 12:20:43 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 12:21:06 ynpvisitor26 changes nickname to MJ 12:25:42 MJ quit (timeout) 12:29:41 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 12:31:59 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 12:36:49 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 12:38:28 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 12:40:52 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 12:40:54 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 12:41:19 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 12:42:57 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 12:53:01 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 12:53:25 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 12:56:28 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 13:05:54 . 13:13:38 ge-working quit (timeout) 13:15:45 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 13:15:46 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 13:20:31 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 13:20:59 . 13:25:52 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 13:28:05 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 13:38:56 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 13:39:36 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 13:43:43 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 13:45:42 there was an OF at 1334 ie 13:46:26 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 13:59:49 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 14:00:43 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 14:01:10 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 14:03:49 BB quit (timeout) 14:04:55 ynpvisitor75 changes nickname to Jake 14:05:02 . test post . 14:08:38 did I miss anything. Like Giant? 14:09:41 Pretty quiet here 14:09:44 I don't think anything Giant-like has been reported 14:09:51 no BH either 14:10:26 Plume 1409 ie 14:17:10 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:17:11 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 14:20:08 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 14:27:39 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:32:54 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:33:36 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:38:10 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:41:04 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 14:41:12 ? 14:41:54 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 14:42:42 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 14:43:31 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 14:43:49 Rich afk quit (timeout) 14:47:00 ? 14:47:56 yucky day in the basin! 14:48:51 Weekend not looking too good either. 14:49:56 some will cancel, some won't 14:55:03 good luck with Beehive and blizzards. 14:55:27 I think we could still see it if it erupts right now 14:55:42 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 15:00:43 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 15:01:12 ynpvisitor16 changes nickname to vw 15:01:19 wow. what happened to the basin! 15:01:55 If it wasn't for the crowd, I wouldn' t know we were expecting OF. 15:02:30 It does look a little unsavory out there. 15:03:05 well put Glennon! 15:04:44 I will check back later to see if the view improves. 15:05:24 vw quit (timeout) 15:06:56 OF is erupting, right? 15:07:23 yep 15:07:46 so OF 1506ie 15:07:53 ;) 15:08:57 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 15:09:06 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to Graham 15:09:09 agreed-- it just took a while to separate the fog, precip, and ancillary steam from the eruption 15:09:20 mm beautiful day! 15:09:47 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 15:10:02 mm beautiful day! 15:10:07 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to cb 15:10:52 wow!! a little socked in! 15:11:27 is spring here yet? 15:12:26 Tis here at least! Beautiful day 15:12:35 no so much in the park 15:13:20 up to 90 here, summer has arrived in time for pool opening weekend 15:13:21 Hi Graham! 15:14:08 a sunny 67 here and perfect spring weather 15:14:28 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 15:15:09 cb quit (timeout) 15:15:43 ynpvisitor92 changes nickname to CC 15:15:48 i all 15:15:54 hi 15:16:57 Hi cc! 15:17:02 wiping camera doesn't even help 15:17:28 yeah it look cold and wet! 15:17:38 hi cb 15:17:59 predicted weather isn 15:18:05 having fun CC? 15:18:09 isn't great for weekend 15:18:19 lots of animal activity 15:18:24 yes i was just lookiing 15:18:35 no wolves...lots of bear 15:18:40 were are on the 15 day forecast as of today! 15:18:43 also otter 15:18:46 springtime in YNP....lovely for all the weekend visitors 15:19:04 wonderful!!! 15:19:51 glad you got there and avoided the road closures 15:20:22 they closed part of I/90 again 15:20:44 guess you will just have to stay longer 15:20:47 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 15:21:09 this time from Livingston to Springdale 15:21:23 forecast looks better starting monday!! 15:21:31 I can't believe what is going on at OF 15:21:37 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 15:21:37 sun here in Gardiner 15:22:03 give in 10....could be sunny again! 15:22:26 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 15:22:51 having dinner tonight with friends 15:23:14 sounds fun! 15:23:21 we were out in Lamar this morning at 6:30 am 15:23:40 hear howling?? 15:23:58 no....wolves are illusive 15:24:19 Dome 1523ie? 15:24:33 sure is steamy 15:25:05 looks like enough for an eruption 15:25:15 glad the chat room is back up too 15:25:33 yes!! I am liking you site Jake 15:25:37 your 15:25:50 sure help w that chat page down yesterday 15:25:58 the...fiingers 15:28:16 no BH yet? 15:28:54 not thats posted to GT 15:29:00 looks spashy 15:29:05 splashy 15:29:54 Jim not out there today? 15:29:54 ynpvisitor15 joins Yellowstone 15:30:58 ynpvisitor15 quit (timeout) 15:35:19 not a is empty 15:40:43 I-90 is only closed eastbound (Mission Exit) east of Livingston. 15:41:14 bye all 15:41:21 Any chats or blogs you recommend for animal sightings in Yellowstone? 15:41:30 ye CC 15:41:53 CC quit (timeout) 15:42:35 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 15:51:04 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 15:54:09 yes, cb, I caught BH yesterday because of geysertimes when I happened to see the Indicator get posted 15:54:52 great! it was nice! 15:55:03 almost a dual 15:56:41 i will ck back in a bit and see it the weather has cleared 15:56:57 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 15:56:58 zzzzzz 16:14:58 not much you can do with it right now, but has been updated 16:15:19 you can now: edit your entries, add URLs to other people's entries 16:16:02 I hope I didn't break it 16:16:10 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 16:26:40 Nice! it cleared 16:27:06 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 16:28:12 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 16:28:24 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Kent 16:30:46 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 16:33:01 Lion 1632 16:33:03 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 16:36:28 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 16:43:39 OF 1643 16:44:41 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 16:45:37 Jake quit (timeout) 16:50:27 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 16:51:57 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 16:52:53 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 16:52:59 bye all! 16:53:09 bye Jake 16:53:37 Jake quit (timeout) 16:54:11 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 16:55:05 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 16:55:33 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 16:55:54 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 16:56:00 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 16:57:09 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 17:00:52 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 17:03:15 Plume 1702ie 17:03:56 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 17:04:16 that was the tail end of plume...:( 17:04:21 Last burst. Lucky catch. 17:05:05 I guess one burst is better than none burst! 17:05:18 It gave us a time 17:05:28 exactly 17:08:52 Kent quit (timeout) 17:09:24 . 17:20:12 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 17:41:39 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 17:45:51 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 17:47:53 ynpvisitor54 quit (timeout) 17:48:54 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 17:53:27 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 17:54:15 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to Kristine 17:55:08 Lion 1754 17:57:43 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 17:58:29 Kristine quit (timeout) 18:00:04 Plate 1759ie 18:01:44 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 18:01:58 Plume 1801 18:02:39 just got where did all the snow go? 18:02:51 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 18:02:54 went to West I think! 18:09:00 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 18:09:29 I see ls entered a Fountain time on Jakes site 18:09:50 ah here comes the nice weather back again 18:10:01 ya I saw that also! 18:11:01 We had tornado's yesterday!!! actually touched down and did damage!! In Paradise CA! 18:11:17 WEIRD weather 18:11:31 Jake and Glennon should advertise, I let it out yesterday because there was no chat log 18:12:42 Really was one of the first days I used Jakes page and It is real user friendly...Nice work! 18:12:49 18:13:01 real = really 18:13:54 yeah well he had to deal with all of Rich and my helpful suggestions :) 18:15:05 BH wants out 18:15:42 They worked!! I could easily use it!! Forgot an wc on my first post and rich fixed it! 18:16:15 ya it does..that was a nice puff!! 18:16:22 woah how did Rich fix it? 18:17:06 just added the correct notation and then I assume Jake deleted the one w/out the notation 18:17:08 I have to delete and then re-enter 18:17:22 ah, ok 18:18:36 Dep trying? 18:19:25 ty :) its steamy but not there yet i think 18:19:54 I don't think so...I think i saw it at 1653ie but was not sure.. 18:20:33 thought i look around 1945 2000 and see if thats what I saw 18:20:53 k 18:21:01 if we can see it then 18:21:04 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 18:21:59 yeah...paashaw...Bill and I are both glad we made our reservation for later in the spriing this year!! 18:22:37 OF 1821 18:25:53 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 18:29:50 "its beginning to look a lot like Christmas......" 18:32:56 G! funny Graham 18:33:04 I was folding laundry 18:33:15 looks like it is sticking 18:33:22 again 18:33:28 yes 18:34:33 Big flakes 18:36:00 Question for Jake......the data from the form pastes well into an email now....thanks for whatever you changed. 18:36:12 actually more of a comment than a question..... 18:40:28 does that look like BH to you 18:40:33 does to me 18:40:41 BH 1840ie 18:41:13 yes 18:43:45 actually think that should be ns 18:44:02 yeah it did lok like it was starting then 18:44:49 good timing for the weather to clear out 18:45:51 nice now 18:48:09 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 18:48:13 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 18:51:14 ynpvisitor03 joins Yellowstone 18:56:53 Lion 1856 18:58:54 that look kinda magical!! 18:59:31 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 18:59:39 Snow adds a nice touch 19:00:16 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 19:00:27 and the dark sky in the background 19:02:02 did i miss it...?????... 19:05:45 darn 19:06:13 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 19:07:55 ynpvisitor03 quit (timeout) 19:15:05 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to kcmule² 19:15:05 BH 1840 19:15:13 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 19:15:43 well hi kc to the 2nd power!! ty 19:15:46 well hi kc to the 2nd power!! ty 19:16:08 g 19:16:09 g 19:16:44 its nice to have that other kcmule to do all my work for me 19:19:03 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 19:21:30 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:23:14 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 19:28:13 I'm headed to OF tomorrow...I've printed out Ralph's data from the gosa website from March 25. Anything else out there that has more recent data that I can take with me? 19:36:54 from the looks of it I think it was Depression I saw at 1653ie....gazer (looks to be the same one) has just assumed their position again! 19:37:34 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:43:29 27 are u bringing a phone that can access the geyser times pages? 19:44:09 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:45:48 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 19:46:04 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:47:10 I'm the former 27. No, my phone is from the dark ages. 19:47:12 Depression 1946ie 19:50:09 mine too. how is your new one working cb 19:51:03 wonderful!!!!! I love it... 19:51:45 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:51:57 tried to download skyfire, i was told that it could get the streaming cam, but i haven't been able to get it yet... 19:52:04 Plume 1951 19:52:40 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:53:43 just to have this page would be so helpful 19:54:26 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 19:54:52 I have it already on phone and cked it a bunch yesterday and today 19:54:59 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 19:55:09 along w this page , the nps page...etc....... 19:56:58 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 19:57:37 OF 1957 19:58:15 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 19:59:28 have u tried it in the ugb yet? 20:02:09 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 20:03:55 sorry i was busy posting to the GT 20:04:12 nope but you bet i will when I get there!!!! 20:04:35 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 20:04:37 early night for me, see you 20:04:49 night graham 20:05:17 nite 20:05:51 maybe riverside 20:06:09 Graham quit (timeout) 20:09:23 Computer problems. I'm the former 27 and 90. Thanks for the help! 20:10:25 have a fun safe trip 20:11:24 Searching for all my warm clothes as we speak 20:20:38 someone sitting out at Depression again....hum either they missed it or i got it wrong 20:21:17 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 20:22:39 here comes the snow again. 20:25:53 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 20:26:54 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 20:33:29 man that guy is in a sideways snow storm...he is determined 20:33:36 leaving now 20:44:03 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 20:47:19 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 20:48:21 calling it a early night....can't see a thiing w the fog and snow... 20:48:27 goodnight all 20:48:34 night kc 20:48:55 nite 20:49:31 I think i will lleave thescope up just in case it clears 20:50:24 cb quit (timeout) 20:51:50 kcmule² quit (timeout) 21:04:48 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 21:17:46 Lion 2117ie 21:17:58 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to cb 21:18:37 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 21:26:59 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 21:30:56 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 21:37:59 cb quit (timeout) 21:38:15 kc (working) quit (timeout) 21:50:07 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 21:51:09 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 22:03:12 kcmule² quit (timeout) 23:20:22 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 23:21:28 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) Found 727 log entries for 2011-05-27 05:27:56 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 05:28:28 kc - did you see the start of OF - it was going when I got on at 522 05:28:44 ynpvisitor54 changes nickname to Loisb 05:29:30 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 05:34:27 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:34:28 24.5 F at OF now 05:36:44 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:37:42 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:39:34 Loisb quit (timeout) 05:43:35 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:44:32 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:45:56 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:48:10 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:50:23 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:51:06 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:51:52 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 05:55:35 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 05:59:49 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 06:00:29 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 06:23:31 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 06:24:43 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 06:30:41 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 06:35:11 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 06:36:01 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to cb 06:36:13 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 06:38:21 Penta 637ie 06:44:31 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 06:47:51 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 06:50:41 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 06:52:10 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 06:53:22 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 07:05:40 OF 705 07:06:33 A mid-winter eruption the 27th of May 07:07:31 LOL 07:07:53 maybe by august we'll have summer 07:08:29 Let's hope! 07:08:34 I hope for the last of June 07:09:11 I would prefer june too, just getting a little run down with the rain 07:09:33 just a few more sunny days than last spring!! and mid june works for me! 07:10:16 last spring was yucky, but wonderful by comparison to this year! 07:10:43 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 07:10:43 Any guesses on how much snow UGB received last night? 07:11:16 frost on the BW in July last year. 07:14:23 #7 looks like a couple of " 07:15:07 I guess shorts are out of the question for this weekend! 07:15:31 depends on how hot blooded ya are!! 07:17:49 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 07:22:02 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 07:23:19 report from pk wkr All roads in Yellowstone are closed to public travel right now, except from West Ent to OF & North Ent to Cooke City. 07:24:01 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 07:24:02 whoa 07:24:20 ty 07:24:26 as if the snowplows aren't already working overtime!!! 07:25:21 thanks 65 - times like these I wish we had a Canyon cam that wasn't all the way up on Washbrn 07:26:09 are you friends with Gary on FB? 07:26:37 see he is posting some pics- snow and bison. 07:26:44 cb quit (timeout) 07:27:44 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 07:28:09 . 07:28:17 funny I just saw his pics on Loon 07:29:11 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 07:30:15 have a link to that 88? 07:30:21 :) 07:30:29 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 07:31:02 lol - he doesn't use a chat name, pretty easy to find! But brb I'll get it 07:31:16 07:31:33 ty.....G! 07:34:38 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 07:34:48 50 by Tuesday, maybe spring soon. 07:36:17 nice to see blue sky this am...with the pink tinge in the it! 07:38:46 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 07:38:48 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 07:54:52 just saw another post on FB about park roads being closed. 07:55:32 i don't twitter but loisb might get more current info 08:01:38 kc (working) quit (timeout) 08:03:35 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 08:04:55 bison in the basin this am 08:12:08 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 08:13:11 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 08:13:15 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 08:13:57 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 08:14:04 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 08:14:34 on preset 08:14:44 bye 08:15:19 Plume 814 08:17:32 ok done now. bye 08:18:31 cb quit (timeout) 08:34:33 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 08:36:20 BH interval almost at 14 hours. 08:36:47 OF 0835ie 08:37:11 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 08:37:46 Indicator 0835ie ?? 08:39:29 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to vw 08:39:35 Good morning. 08:39:35 BHI 0835ie 08:40:02 Just sat down with my first cup of coffee and to check the basin. BH is a nice way to strat the day! 08:40:30 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 08:41:25 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 08:43:01 anybody have more news on why the Park roads are closed? 08:44:39 Everyone is walking on by 08:44:44 and they waly right on by 08:44:52 walk 08:45:04 |How is that possible? It is on the sign..... 08:45:27 Not even looking back 08:45:33 are "clueless" and "not clued in" the same? 08:45:42 perfection, I was just about to leave! 08:46:29 I don't understand. A wonderful geyser and they just leave...... 08:46:47 I often wonder why some people walk around the Hill. 08:49:24 Exercise? 08:49:32 BH 0848 08:50:43 Not very many people on the bw this morning 08:50:56 most of the people who walked by are coming back now from the looks of it. 08:51:21 14h 8m 08:54:35 I need to go wake up now. Camera going on OF preset. 08:54:52 ty 08:55:19 thanks vw 08:55:26 vw quit (timeout) 08:55:34 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 08:57:20 cb quit (timeout) 09:02:08 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 09:03:48 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 09:04:01 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 09:06:07 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 09:07:16 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 09:07:34 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 09:09:07 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 09:10:25 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 09:13:43 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to Rich 09:19:59 Plume 0919ie 09:21:13 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 09:26:19 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 09:26:57 Do you know if Jake is interested in getting texts from the UGB regarding eruption times? 09:27:02 kcmule quit (timeout) 09:33:27 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 09:34:48 I believe the answer to that is, YES! 09:36:18 Just don't check WC box and that will indicate 'live' entry. 09:40:18 Coutesy Loisb, BHI/BH 0848/0835 05/27/2011 09:41:19 kcmule quit (timeout) 09:41:58 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 09:42:04 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to kcmule 09:44:20 nice BH this morning 09:46:52 Rich, Dave from Blgs again. My phone won't handle his website. Can I get him info any other way? 09:51:11 will it get to the enter form? 09:52:10 trying now 09:54:48 No, I'm afraid I can't. 09:55:33 Can you get to this chatroom? 09:56:32 You can relay info to us here or on FB 09:57:30 If all else fails you can email to someone on from this chatroom. 09:58:19 Can you get to Glennon's site 09:59:13 ty, Rich. I'll try these suggestions and get back to you in a bit. 09:59:22 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 09:59:35 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 10:00:52 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 10:07:22 OF 10:05ie 10:09:17 long 10:23:20 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 10:28:05 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 10:28:33 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 10:31:18 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 10:36:56 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 10:37:43 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 10:40:07 ynpvisitor76 changes nickname to Glennon 10:43:49 Morning Glennon 10:44:25 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to Graham 10:45:04 Hi, Rich 10:45:15 hi Glennon. nice to see u here early Graham 10:45:33 nice to be home early. around for a bit then out later 10:46:23 figured i would move the cam around a bit 10:46:29 nice to see the snow has gone 10:47:00 hopefully the weekend visitors get some nice weather 10:47:03 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 10:47:40 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 10:47:43 Last time I checked, it was still snowing at Mt. Washburn. 10:49:09 Recap 2011-05-27 BH 0848 ie wc BHI 0835 ie wc OF 0522 ie wc, 0705 wc, 0835 ie wc Penta 0637 ie wc Plume 0814 wc, 0919 ie wc Courtesy Loisb, BHI/BH 0848/0835 05/27/2011 pLioFs Courtesy kcmule² 05/26/2011 BH 1840 10:49:50 Rich, No go on either website you mentioned earlier. My phone can text and e-mail with no problems. 10:50:36 Sorry to hear that Dave. 10:52:17 so, it sounds like have a system that receives reports via SMS would be useful. We can do that. 10:52:29 We = Jake and I 10:53:23 g 10:55:29 so are "you" ready to sdvertise your site(s)? 10:55:32 I'm a little behind in the tech world. What is SMS? 10:55:35 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 10:55:43 text message 10:55:44 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to Kevin L 10:55:54 sms = text messaging 10:55:58 Rich quit (timeout) 10:57:08 Sure, people can disseminate I also have the Android app 10:57:59 i was figuring you all would do that too, is the database the same now or different? 10:58:06 It's at 10:58:07 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 10:58:12 That I can do! 11:00:05 Database are not synched up yet -- but we move closer every day (our database structure is very similar now) 11:00:53 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 11:01:16 ok, could get confusing for ppl if there are two sites 11:01:30 not confusing if the data is the same 11:02:10 Jake & Glennon...It's great to see your efforts. I can't wait to see what things are like by the end of summer. 11:02:46 ynpvisitor7 changes nickname to Dave from B 11:04:32 Agreed, Graham -- we need to get the databases synced as quickly as possible. I'm trying to make a system where the sync code works on both of our different servers (code once, hopefully) 11:05:33 k, hopefully you all will put me ot of the email business soon 11:05:47 :) 11:06:26 but more importantly hopefully the databse will get populated by more park reports 11:08:02 Right -- besides the sync issue -- the next focus for me is to make my android app work offline (so reporting can be done at Lower, Norris, etc). Data could be uploaded next time Internet is available 11:10:52 ok, thats cool 11:11:03 very cool 11:15:48 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 11:16:07 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to MJ 11:17:08 Hi MJ 11:17:23 MJ quit (timeout) 11:17:32 Good Morning 11:17:40 hello 11:18:02 How is everybody this morning? 11:18:52 hoping for smooth sailing to the weekend 11:19:33 Looks lovely at the Park 11:19:50 yikes. i'm running late for work... bbl 11:19:56 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (workin 11:20:11 Glennon (workin changes nickname to Glennon (away) 11:20:53 Plume 11:19ie 11:25:47 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 11:32:16 im still not used to seeing that many people on the bw 11:33:24 I I agree 11:34:07 that must've been over 100 people that just walked behind giantess 11:34:48 I sure want to be there so badly! 11:41:52 VEC preditions: Castle 4:15pm +/- 1hr, Grand 1:30pm +/- 2 hrs, (Daisy 9:10am +/- 30 mins.) No Riverside pred. 11:42:50 Thank-you for this information 11:43:17 OF must be waiting for a VIP. 11:43:18 np 11:43:46 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 11:48:03 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 11:48:13 MJ quit (timeout) 11:49:04 OF 1148 11:49:29 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 11:49:43 Dave from B quit (timeout) 11:51:51 thats my cue for tacos and tortilla soup, bbl 11:51:54 kcmule changes nickname to kc (lunch) 11:54:22 bbl,Bye. 11:54:45 Bye MJ 11:55:00 MJ quit (timeout) 11:56:33 Dave from B quit (timeout) 11:57:07 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 11:58:17 Dave from B quit (timeout) 12:00:37 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 12:00:39 Rich quit (timeout) 12:01:33 Dave from B quit (timeout) 12:04:24 Dave from B quit (timeout) 12:05:09 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 12:07:30 ynpvisitor72 changes nickname to Glennon (workin 12:13:39 Dave from B quit (timeout) 12:15:58 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 12:16:55 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to BB 12:18:55 Rich quit (timeout) 12:21:05 Rich quit (timeout) 12:24:23 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 12:24:41 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 12:26:09 Recap 2011-05-27 BH 0848 ie wc BHI 0835 ie wc Little Cub 11:02 ie wc, OF 0522 ie wc, 0705 wc, 0835 ie wc, 1005 ie wc, 1148 wc, Penta 0637 ie wc Plume 0814 wc, 0919 ie wc, 1119 ie wc Courtesy Loisb, BHI/BH 0848/0835 05/27/2011 Courtesy kcmule² 05/26/2011 BH 1840 12:28:45 might have missed Plume around 1214 before I panned over there 12:30:56 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 12:32:24 kc (lunch) changes nickname to kcmule 12:32:43 seismologists charged with manslaughter for failing to predict quake 12:32:56 Dave from B quit (timeout) 12:33:45 Daisy 1232 12:34:33 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to Jake 12:34:47 geez, kc, I was expecting an article from The Onion... 12:37:35 that's where it belongs 12:52:44 Dave from B quit (timeout) 12:53:44 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 12:54:03 ynpvisitor42 changes nickname to vw 12:54:04 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 12:54:08 Hi all! 12:54:27 They cut you loose early Graham? 12:55:17 hi vw 12:56:05 Dome 1255ie 12:56:14 yep, i bailed at lunchtime 12:56:40 I would imagine that there is a steady pace of early departures today G. 12:57:08 for those that even bothered to show up 12:58:30 I am trying to get a grip on the road situation in and around the park. 12:58:52 looked bad this morning 12:58:56 Last night the road from Bozeman to West was closed because of flooding, but that is not showing as closed on the MT DOT website. 12:59:15 anybody hear anything about the interior roads in the Park since this morning? 12:59:59 based on ppl count...some roads must be open 13:00:12 I95 was closed due to a fuel spill 13:00:47 dont think that will help you tho 13:01:47 The morning road report for the Park said West to Madison and down to OF were open. 13:02:01 so people at West could get to OF 13:02:22 looked pretty at OF this morning 13:03:27 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 13:04:03 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 13:04:16 MT DOT report showing road through Gallatin Canyon reopened. 13:04:49 All visitors to the park should be aware however that more rain is predicted for the weekend, so road conditions and flooding could affect all travel in the area. 13:04:58 hit the road at your own risk! 13:05:24 beautiful weather 13:06:14 took a while to arrive at VEC cam 13:10:11 We did miss Plume on the short end last time. 13:10:21 Plume 1309ie 13:11:21 thought i saw some steam when i got there late last time 13:11:38 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 13:14:20 OF 1313 13:18:00 I am out of here for a bit. bbl. 13:18:38 vw quit (timeout) 13:25:24 hard to see again 13:25:47 headed out, have fun 13:27:24 Graham quit (timeout) 13:27:41 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 13:31:57 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 13:48:44 Glennon (workin quit (timeout) 13:51:25 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 13:54:23 bbl 13:54:59 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:01:53 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 14:05:18 Plume 1404ie 14:06:19 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 14:12:37 BB quit (timeout) 14:15:48 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 14:16:26 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to vw 14:16:35 Good afternoon. 14:18:10 Pretty quiet in the basin. 14:18:46 We need a more recent report on Grand. I see we haven't had a report in a couple of days. 14:24:08 current VEC Prediction times: OF 1446(+/-10m), Castle 1615 (1h), Grand 2300 (2h), Daisy 1530 (30m), Riverside 1945 (30m) 14:24:17 So I guess we missed Grand again today. 14:24:27 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 14:25:06 Rich afk quit (timeout) 14:25:15 Where did you get those prediction times...I just called the phone number and OF was all that they predicted 14:26:17 the prediction number is 307-344-2751. Use option/number 2 to get non-OF prediction times. 14:27:07 Thanks vw. I guess I still have a lot to learn. 14:27:17 The number is a relatively new number to use, so we aren't sure how often they are updated, but the times I just got seem to be fairly current. 14:27:21 Welcome! 14:27:53 NPS/YNP are slowly coming into the 20th century... Oops except we are in the next century aren't we! 14:30:40 Change is slow for many; especially as we age. I'm excited to see the changes in geyser reporting. The only tough part is not knowing what is happening down basin out of camera's reach. 14:30:44 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 14:31:04 Once people are aware of the database sites and start to use them, the prediction numbers won't be so necessary. 14:31:38 I have noticed that now that we have gazers in the basin, the prediction numbers are more current. 14:31:59 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 14:32:33 ynpvisitor17 changes nickname to CC 14:32:41 Jim S in particular is good about gettting predictions into the VEC. Lynn S too, although she won't be in the basin for very long. :( 14:32:43 Hi CC!~ 14:32:50 hi 14:33:07 You were talking about road closures earlier. Can I get from Mammoth to Olf Faithful today or do I need to go to West? 14:34:04 roads are open now 14:34:13 I have wondered the same myself Dave. I would guess that the internal roads are probably open now. You can call the Park road report at 307-344-2117 14:34:37 Getting to West might be a problem as the Gallatin Canyon road is experiencing some flooding. 14:35:25 It is open now, but rock slides and flooding could be a problem 14:38:12 Thanks...I probably should be more worried about getting out of the park on Monday. Another storm passing through Montana Sunday and Monday. 14:38:58 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 14:40:31 On another subject...Where can I find info on the latest animal sightings in YNP? I thought I saw mention of a chat room a few days ago. 14:44:41 OF 144 14:45:20 for some animal sightings try: 14:46:12 that OF time should be 1444 14:55:35 CC quit (timeout) 14:57:36 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 14:59:53 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 15:00:37 There are several forums that get wonderful pictures and trip reports all the time. 15:00:41 Plume 1500 15:00:58 give me a second and I will post the links.... 15:01:41 my personal favorite: 15:02:19 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to kcmule 15:02:22 Loon page has lots of Yellowstone updates: 15:02:50 I thought this was the Loon page. 15:02:57 Yellowstone Net: 15:03:15 we are loony Kevin, but not THE Loons! 15:03:29 OK, that explains it. 15:03:49 Secret Yellowstone: 15:03:58 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 15:05:02 Many people also post updates to Facebook. You can find Yellowstone pages just by doing a search using the term Yellowstone. 15:07:16 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 15:08:43 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 15:15:30 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:16:22 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 15:16:22 Kevin L quit (timeout) 15:16:22 Jake quit (timeout) 15:16:22 kcmule quit (timeout) 15:16:22 vw quit (timeout) 15:16:24 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:18:40 15:18:44 Any place I can access the internet in OF with my laptop? 15:19:21 What I have heard is that there is now a public wifi. I don't know where you have to be to get a signal though. 15:19:34 Snow Lodge has wifi 15:19:37 I know the Snow Lodge is good, but may be able to access it from other areas too. 15:19:42 last year anyway 15:20:11 if you have an 'air card,' you can use the cell service to get the internet 15:20:34 ynpvisitor98 quit (timeout) 15:28:11 databases updated with latest OF and Plume. I haven't checked them for earlier times logged here. 15:29:33 CC reported that she has seen lots of wildlife in the north end of the park: black and grizzly bear, coyote, golden eagle, otters. Haven't seen wolves, but has heard they have been seen on new kills. 15:30:12 Good time to see wildlife, but you will want to dress for cool weather! 15:30:56 Thanks Jake. I will experiment this weekend. 15:32:12 I'm a soccer parent, I'm used to spending entire spring days outside. 15:32:38 Then you will have all the rain gear necessary! 15:33:16 My rain gear never leaves the trunk from March until July!! 15:34:03 I hear you. I alway have a set at the bottom of my pack, no matter what time of year it is. 15:35:09 Wind is laying down the steam at Daisy. May have missed the eruption. 15:35:39 ynpvisitor64 changes nickname to steve 15:35:53 Hi steve. 15:36:07 Hello all. did BH slow up this moring? 15:36:52 I'm still at work, won't leave for the park until tomorrow. Well, six days in the park is better than a poke in the eye 15:37:20 We did have a BH at 0848 this morning. 15:37:33 You go in through West steve? 15:37:45 I knew I shoulda logged on 15:37:56 Based on what we heard this morning about the roads, you will want to make sure to have the road conditions phone number with you. 15:38:17 slight chance of seeing another BH here later this evening. 15:38:28 Yes, through southern Idaho, through West and into the lodge cabins this time 15:38:46 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 15:39:12 I know its late May, but I'm still carring my full winter kit with me 15:39:20 smart move. 15:40:04 Report I heard was people camping at Madison woke to up to 6 inches of snow on their tents. 15:40:05 I remember a few years back getting four inches of snow on the 4th of July 15:41:30 I like the cabins this time of year, they're warmer. I do have a new sleeping bag but... comfort is nice. I must be getting old 15:41:43 :D 15:42:19 Thanks for the update. I must get back to work. 15:42:24 A couple of years ago I overheard a tourist complaining about how cold it was in the cabins. I guess they didn't investigate far enough to see the control on the heaters! 15:43:10 Hmmm, I've always found them warm.. Sometimes with a mouse or two, but warm 15:43:23 me too. Especially when compared to camping. 15:43:41 If you give a mouse a high energy granolabar... 15:43:49 :D 15:44:08 I keep thinking I see Daisy, but too bouncy to keep the camera zoomed in. 15:44:20 Camping in the rain is not my idea of fun 15:44:43 no, cold is enough. WET and cold is too much for these old bones! 15:45:07 Yep. Bye for now... 15:45:17 Bye! 15:45:32 Weather closing in again and affecting visibility. Snow in the UGB. 15:45:47 steve quit (timeout) 15:46:13 Back on preset until things clear up. 15:46:23 vw changes nickname to vw - away 15:57:55 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 16:05:53 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 16:10:49 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 16:12:43 Dave from B quit (timeout) 16:12:58 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 16:14:11 vw - away quit (timeout) 16:14:50 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 16:17:02 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 16:28:39 OF 1627ie 16:29:41 1624 VC 16:30:07 long 16:30:29 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 16:32:29 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 16:36:24 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 16:36:33 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 16:37:03 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 16:37:18 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 16:37:41 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 16:38:02 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 16:43:35 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 16:44:02 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 16:47:17 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 16:47:38 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 16:51:25 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 16:56:37 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 16:59:22 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 17:02:16 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 17:18:16 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 17:19:01 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 17:19:53 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 17:21:26 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 17:32:06 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 17:33:31 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 17:33:45 ynpvisitor4 changes nickname to vw 17:33:54 hmmmm. Not much to look at, huh? 17:34:10 getting worse before getting better 17:35:02 I am guessing that unless we get a wipe, we won't be seeing much tonight. Even if the snow is wiped off though I don't think there is much to see anyway. 17:35:22 forecast is for this weather to continue through Sunday at least. 17:35:48 im sure it will be nice.. in july 17:36:11 :) 17:37:03 I will try again later. If it looks like the basin is clearing we can probably call for the wipers. No point now if it is just going to continue to accumulate. 17:37:45 vw quit (timeout) 17:42:28 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to Graham 17:54:29 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 17:57:31 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 17:57:34 I think I see an OF on VEC cam. 17:58:07 yep 17:58:16 1756ie 17:58:39 good to know something is erupting. :P 18:02:09 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 18:03:31 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 18:04:22 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 18:04:29 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 18:05:37 vw quit (timeout) 18:07:42 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 18:09:39 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 18:11:18 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:15:53 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 18:17:25 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 18:21:35 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 18:25:07 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 18:27:11 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 18:30:53 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 18:31:08 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 18:31:16 ynpvisitor1 changes nickname to CC 18:31:30 just wiped the lens 18:31:39 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 18:32:17 hope we can get down there in the morning 18:32:45 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 18:33:02 how were things there today? 18:33:12 thanks CC 18:33:30 all roads closed except from West to OF and Mammoth to Cooke 18:33:43 wow, closed all day? 18:33:47 opened later in the morning 18:34:00 thanks 18:34:14 there was about 4 to 5 inches of snow from Mammoth to Lamar 18:34:21 beautiful spring day 18:34:33 roads were plowed but icy early in the am 18:34:48 by mid morning most had melted 18:34:50 the plow drivers are earning their keep this year 18:35:10 when we left Mammoth at 6:30 is was 27 degrees 18:35:24 later in the day it was 39 degrees 18:35:58 not bad if it is not wet I guess. 18:36:22 lots of wildlife...bison using the roads to get to their destination 18:36:27 have you seen elk calves yet? 18:36:56 saw many Grizzly bears but the excitement for me was the Golden Eagle siting 18:37:25 it was in a tree 10 feet from could see each and every feather 18:37:26 neat 18:37:32 WOW 18:37:56 and see how big they are at that range too! 18:37:59 some elk have calved...I haave not see any yet 18:39:17 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 18:39:20 I wonder how many gazers are changing their plans, or if they are still coming 18:39:33 me too 18:40:08 the usual crowd may be a little thin this year 18:43:11 the flooding in MT is unreal, I am reading Billings paper online 18:43:30 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 18:44:18 they are staying they do not know when they are going to open Dunraven 18:44:53 Beartooth is also delayed 18:45:02 I can only imagine. 18:45:07 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 18:45:37 i wonder who will be out for BH this evening? 18:46:08 What time was the morning eruption? 18:47:52 8:48 18:47:59 0848ie 18:48:02 848- I used the handy site! 18:48:22 hum, thats my moms flight number 18:49:51 kcmule quit (timeout) 18:59:59 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 19:00:20 CC quit (timeout) 19:01:30 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 19:01:39 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 19:01:57 ynpvisitor37 changes nickname to kcmule 19:05:20 Plume 1904ie 19:10:57 waiting for OF to clean lens if necessary and then its bedtime 19:11:19 getting up at 4:30 is killing me 19:11:47 whats tomorrows plan? 19:12:13 heading down to the geyser basin if roads are open 19:12:40 meeting friends...if you are on the cam be ready to zoom in 19:12:58 not at 0430 19:13:33 no at 9:00 but I don't think we will make it that early 19:13:56 I will call you if you have your phone one 19:14:02 looks like that, roads may be closed early 19:14:04 on 19:14:25 k. may be out in the morning but will be on later 19:14:52 k 19:15:23 just remember that a bad (weather) day in YNP is still a good thing CC 19:15:28 think positive 19:15:45 tell that to Victor 19:15:48 yeah BH in the snow is fun...really it is 19:15:53 he is impossible 19:16:09 nice big fireplace in the inn :) 19:16:22 I think the Inn would be great 19:16:32 I don't think it is going to be possible to keep the lens clean 19:16:39 Along with everyone else snowed in there. 19:17:15 you staying in the cabins? 19:17:40 Do you stop at Norris or head for the ugb 19:18:15 no..staying in West but not until Tuesday...back to Gardiner...meeting friends on Sunday and Monday 19:18:41 k, 19:19:48 at least you are there, my moms flight hasn't taken off yet 19:19:55 2 hours late and counting 19:20:14 is she heading for you sisters 19:20:47 yeah but the airport is in a hold because of thunderstorms, tjhey jsut missed getting out before they hit 19:22:36 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 19:23:34 ynpvisitor20 changes nickname to cb 19:24:07 hi 19:24:32 hicb 19:24:42 hey CC! 19:25:01 was reading the log....Victor not having such a good time 19:25:28 hi all 19:25:30 he doesn't sleep and is exhausted 19:25:48 that is not so good!! :( 19:26:20 his back is also killing him from lifting the grandkids 19:26:23 lens was completely snowed over when i last got on 19:26:40 here come the bison 19:27:02 wow 19:27:15 long cold winter for em 19:27:44 right now the wiper is frozen 19:28:01 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 19:28:33 Very cool! Now we know the bison have gone somewhere else. 19:28:39 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to vw 19:29:20 Nice to see the lens cleared off. 19:30:05 wiper isn't working now 19:30:18 yeah the flight took off..... 19:30:33 good 19:31:02 bbl 19:31:05 kcmule changes nickname to kc (away) 19:31:14 she will be tired tho, won't get to my sisters till after 2am EDT 19:31:19 OF was 32 degrees at 615, it's probably cooled off now 19:32:39 It may be solid ice tomorrow, need some of that winter wiper fluid 19:33:17 Need cb's grandson's super soaker loaded with antifreeze 19:34:49 G 19:35:05 hi cb! 19:35:13 wondered if you were here or not. 19:35:19 hey vw 19:35:47 Somebody forgot to forward the calendar from February. 19:36:14 The lady on the bw with the unbrella is a nice touch 19:36:23 Jingle bells, Jingle bells.... 19:37:29 lol 19:37:52 I don't think we have ever had a spring trip that we haven't been in our Cabela's rain gear some of the time!!! 19:38:07 cb 19:38:16 I wore mine yesterday 19:38:26 I bet you did!!! 19:38:33 we woulda been twins 19:38:41 yep 19:39:20 same outfits? 19:39:26 now i remember why i go in Sept :) 19:39:45 lots of travelers on the hwy today....pickemuptruck filled to the brim w sleeping bags and stuff....suppose to be in the low 30's here tomorrow. 19:40:06 you still getting snow cb? 19:40:17 calling for snow .....AGAIN tomorrow 19:40:33 Bill is doing the happy dance 19:40:38 gonna be 90 here 19:43:28 bye 19:43:34 It will be interesting to see how the basin looks in the morning. IF the cam lens is clear that is! Not holding my breath though. 19:43:38 so who logged the OF time? 19:43:44 Bye CC! Hope you have a good night! 19:44:06 bye CC 19:44:06 CC quit (timeout) 19:44:13 poof 19:44:23 ppl have left so i presume it erupted 19:44:43 was it 1936ie? 19:44:44 It did, but I wasn't watching the clock. 19:44:45 I t looks cold. 19:45:01 me either G sorry 19:45:22 Lens is going to be a mess in the morning. 19:45:31 at least we can see BH now :) 19:45:40 for a few seconds 19:45:43 only if it erupts NOW!!! 19:45:48 for a bit....looks to be accumulatiing again 19:46:50 Radar shows more precip pouring into the Park. 19:47:12 have i said this before....I am REALLY glad that we delayed our trip this spring!!!!!!!!! 19:47:31 another couple of weeks for you cb? 19:47:35 would have been on the road as i type 19:47:51 exactly 2 weeks at this very moment!!! 19:48:06 oohh 99 days for me :) 19:48:14 Carson City right about now!... 19:48:18 The way it is going I think there will still be snow! 19:48:34 Maybe even for your trip Graham! 19:48:48 its got to be cold the snow is sticking like glue to the lens 19:49:02 KEVIN....WAKE UP!!!! 19:50:03 well in Sept its getting cranked up again 19:50:17 so far i have missed the big stuff then but it did snow a foot just after i left one year 19:50:50 Who knows what the weather will do this year. So far it has been all out of whack 19:51:12 I am going to head out. I think our viewing opportunities are going to be limited tonight. 19:51:19 Have a great evening all. 19:51:32 night here too 19:51:57 vw quit (timeout) 19:53:18 CC didn't answer if she stops at Norris or heads for UGB. I hope we get weekend reports from there too. 19:55:54 no answer i guess #57 19:56:16 Graham quit (timeout) 19:56:19 Awaiting reports to the list on Monday or Tuesday 19:57:09 the rest of the week looks to be nice and sunny...warmer temps 19:57:42 Graham quit (timeout) 19:57:53 57 I heard there was a breakout in the trail in the back basin, that's all I know tho 19:58:20 warmer temps means more water to melt and go downstream, probably not good 19:58:32 Done here, I wasn't paying attention anyway. bye 19:59:03 bye #43 19:59:14 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:59:51 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, Hi cb 20:00:07 there you are!!!! 20:00:16 hi Kevin 20:00:41 how was the day w Dad? 20:02:33 kc (away) quit (timeout) 20:02:39 It was great. The dinner was put on by the Govt of South Korea to say thank you to the vets. That made it all the more special. They even had Korean college students that were telling the vets how much they appreciated the freedom given to them! Awesome. 20:03:10 VERY COOL!!! 20:04:09 Did you snap some great pics? 20:05:09 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 20:05:17 Korea gave them all a freedom medal. Most of the vets were in rough shape. About half he served with were dead. I forgot my camera, but my brother has a killer camera and got some great shots. He will e-mail them to me. 20:06:21 Very proud moments in time i'm sure!!! 20:07:58 bye Kevin Jake kc and #10 and 57 20:09:17 cb quit (timeout) 20:13:02 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 20:13:24 Image on VC cam is Currier and Ives 20:13:53 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 20:14:15 Jake quit (timeout) 20:21:56 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 20:22:13 wow it's actually sorta clear at Fire Lookout cam I was expecting it to be socked in 20:27:54 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 20:31:11 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to Glennon 20:32:21 20:32:33 . 20:39:00 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:41:32 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 20:42:08 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 20:43:15 very nice pic on vec cam 20:43:55 . 20:44:11 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 20:46:02 kc (away) changes nickname to kcmule 20:46:26 we missed a Lion.. 20:43 but it started a few mins before that 20:46:51 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:46:52 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 20:47:38 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 20:47:38 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:48:25 Plume 20:47ie 20:49:11 . 20:51:11 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 20:51:11 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:52:28 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 20:52:58 Wow- there's a Fountain interval on Jake's site. Thanks for putting that site together 20:55:40 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 20:58:17 ynpvisitor51 quit (timeout) 20:59:59 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 21:01:09 Received a visitor report of Castle 1914 from the Android app. No idea of its validity. 21:01:22 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 21:01:59 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 21:04:20 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 21:04:27 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 21:04:39 snowball fight 21:10:05 Jake quit (timeout) 21:10:54 Jake quit (timeout) 21:18:14 OF 21:16ie 21:23:44 Glennon can you add a field for ID of reporter? I don't have a droid so wouldn't know how it is setup. 21:26:00 Users of the app can set their username, but it is not required. Default is: guest 21:27:19 As word spreads, or if erroneous data becomes a problem I bet people will ID themselves, or at least where they heard or read it 21:28:08 Everyone wants the same thing: good timely information 21:28:35 All users can flag suspicious reports. If the number of these flags exceeds the number of unique observations, the report is removed from the public timeline 21:29:00 attachment added to last OF 21:30:20 Wow I see LS is adding times from radio calls, this is getting good. 21:36:45 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 21:39:28 nite 21:39:43 goodnight! 21:40:04 kcmule quit (timeout) 21:48:10 Glennon quit (timeout) 21:48:30 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 22:51:35 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 23:12:54 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 23:37:08 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone Found 731 log entries for 2011-05-28 02:43:52 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 03:03:31 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 04:30:59 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 04:44:05 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 05:09:18 OF 506 IE 05:10:51 as best I could tell a long - water till 05 09 05:16:44 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 05:18:52 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 05:19:58 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 05:20:54 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 05:30:48 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to Graham 05:45:24 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 05:45:40 ynpvisitor83 changes nickname to CC 05:45:44 morning 05:45:54 glad to see the lens is cleaner 05:46:15 road to OF is open and we are heading down 05:46:57 morning. thats good news...wrap up! 05:47:21 some roads still closed 05:47:29 can't believe its this white. must be pretty tho too 05:47:42 right now you can only go as far as further 05:48:03 i figured Craig Pass would be closed 05:48:03 West Thumb got lots of snow and ice 05:48:19 road to Lake I believe is also closed 05:48:29 ok, thats a high pass too 05:48:41 you stopping at Norris? 05:48:50 no 05:48:59 maybe later in the day 05:49:01 k 05:49:09 no BH report last night 05:49:15 we are meeting Loons at the VC 05:49:29 what time? 05:49:37 spending the morning walking around geyser basin 05:49:58 Gary and Kristine have organized a hike 05:50:15 not sure how long it will take to get down 05:50:17 doesn't need much organizing round the basin :) 05:50:33 so they dont have a meeting time? 05:50:55 we usually have talks on the geysers etc 05:51:12 oh ok, thats good 05:51:16 meeting at 9 but I don't think most folks will get in that early 05:51:31 k 05:51:36 maybe by 10 we will start the walk 05:51:44 I will call you from the basin 05:51:52 not sure what time 05:52:13 k, sounds good 05:52:32 Lion keeps huffing and puffing but i think its done 05:52:39 looked much clearer earlier 05:52:48 fog rolling in 05:53:10 doesn't look like Memorial Day 05:53:33 more like Nov but don't tell Victor that! 05:53:46 never in all the years we have been coming to Yellowstone has the weather been this bad 05:54:09 it is NOT interferring with our fun !!! 05:54:41 we just won't do any hiking ...too wet and muddy 05:54:51 lots of puddles 05:55:19 yeah i bet Norris back basin is a bit muddy 05:56:10 staying in front country helps, can go get some hot chocolate 05:58:15 just looked at the static cam and it really does look like winter 05:59:08 some of the pics on FB looked true winter snow clinging to the trees 05:59:39 going for breakfast you later 06:00:01 k, have a safe drive down to OF 06:00:29 CC quit (timeout) 06:03:59 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 06:19:58 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 06:20:43 might be clearing up a bit 06:23:08 blue sky! 06:31:44 snow, hmm! 06:32:14 Castle 1830ie H2O - may be minoring? 06:33:54 that would be 0600ie 06:34:00 grr 06:34:03 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 06:34:03 0630ie 06:34:22 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 06:37:05 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 06:37:22 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:38:05 OF 0637 06:44:23 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 06:47:09 Castle is a Major 06:56:15 Dome 0654ie 06:57:18 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 07:02:20 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:03:34 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:04:34 ynpvisitor33 changes nickname to cb 07:04:41 hi cb 07:04:51 Hi Graham 07:04:59 just getting up and coffee 07:05:07 k 07:05:16 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 07:05:27 clearing out nicely 07:05:49 thought the lens would be iced over this am 07:06:10 yeah its ok. CC stopped in too, she is going to OF 07:06:14 looks like a nice wintery day 07:06:43 yep. quite a few gazers should be in, Dave, Tara, Pat 07:06:55 per Lynns report 07:07:42 Churn 0706ie 07:08:35 i am really loving GT!! will be nice in the park 07:09:01 brb 07:09:04 yeah. Lynn put times in late last night so I missed them in my report 07:09:20 saw that!!! :) 07:18:44 nice sunbeam 07:25:04 Riverside 0724ie 07:34:13 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:43:01 looks like a 3 or 4 inches feel overight 07:43:08 overnight 07:46:30 fell...omg 07:51:44 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 07:52:51 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to vw 07:53:00 good morning! 07:53:38 morning vw 07:55:49 suppose we will catch up with Grand today? 07:56:29 might??? 07:56:54 Strange to go a couple of days without it! 07:57:54 accuweather has special warning for YNP 07:58:18 looks to be cold and wet for the weekend 07:58:26 Winter weather advisory? Just checking current situationthere. 07:58:43 hum ...YES!!!! 07:59:33 Temperature last night hovered right around freezing. 31F now. Not as bad as I thought it might be. 08:00:04 some blue sky this am! 08:00:22 .81 in inches of precip at OF in 24 hours. 08:00:50 really....from the benches looks to be a few Inches 08:01:50 1 inch of precip will generally translate to 8-10 inches of snow. 08:02:06 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 08:02:13 We saw a lot of rain yesterday though before it got cold enough to snow though. 08:02:14 G 08:02:46 If the new storm hits at night we will see a lot more snow tomorrow morning. 08:03:16 CC didn't take her snow pants. Wonder if I should fedex mine to her at OF! 08:03:39 or make a special delivery myself? :) 08:03:47 there you go!! 08:03:58 that sounds like a good idea!! 08:04:05 Road trip!!! 08:04:48 *) 08:05:33 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 08:05:59 she take her longjohns?? 08:06:24 could be chilly walk this am 08:08:28 She did take her longjohns. Not sure which weight, but know at least one pair. 08:08:56 I am just concerned that if the weather turns really nasty, that they will decide to head home early. 08:09:16 was wondering the same 08:09:33 looks like it should warm by tues 08:09:46 I think the weather in the Park is supposed to get better by Tuesday or Wednesday though. 08:10:04 Just need something to keep Victor satisfied until then! 08:10:23 we are oon the 15 day forecast...and looks like rain on our weekend arrival dates 08:10:33 an ipad??? 08:10:50 or a botta bag?!?! 08:10:52 ooohhh. That might do it! 08:11:03 or both!! 08:11:07 :D 08:11:25 be happy 08:12:04 with the cold, maybe some hot chocolate and schnapps would be better? 08:12:56 G - did you mom arrive safely? Saw in the logs her flight had been delayed last night. 08:14:20 ya...i am outta THAT loop 08:16:23 was trying to catch a plume to start the day....wind direction is not cooperating 08:18:32 OF 817 08:20:29 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 08:22:35 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 08:26:11 ynpvisitor1 changes nickname to kcmule 08:26:13 mornin 08:26:59 good morning kc 08:27:15 morning kc 08:27:35 I need to get going. That means of course that BH and Grand will erupt some time in the next couple of hours. Enjoy! 08:27:50 will wait! 08:28:11 vw quit (timeout) 08:30:43 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 08:31:02 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 08:32:11 kcmule quit (timeout) 08:33:53 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 08:34:57 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 08:35:22 morning 08:35:32 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 08:35:35 morning #81 08:35:42 ynpvisitor55 changes nickname to kcmule 08:35:44 ynpvisitor81 changes nickname to karen 08:36:58 i am moved in at faithful and planning to go see something erupt but may just go to firehole lake! 08:37:38 It looks cold in the UGB this morning 08:37:40 looks like ya have a wall of white coming at ya 08:37:42 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 08:38:32 and think you will have wonderful company at firehole!!! 08:38:32 karen quit (timeout) 08:39:04 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 08:39:09 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 08:39:27 snow is acomin 08:40:11 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 08:40:42 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to Rich 08:41:37 Does not look like a fun weekend in the park. 08:43:15 if dressed approp it would be fine 08:44:01 Not if you are allergic to snow. 08:44:28 G! that would be miserable...telliing story of LV!! 08:45:20 good place to live if you happen to have that tyype of allergy 08:47:57 Beautiful pics on the cam w the sun coming in and out on the wintery white 08:49:43 I do have to admit that it is pretty. 08:51:03 Daisy 850ie 08:51:10 ??? 08:51:12 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 08:51:48 I was wondering the same. It sure looks like it. 08:51:59 i am questioning 08:52:21 Wouldn't it be fun if it was Splendid? 08:52:23 it was such a thin line of steam 08:52:51 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 08:53:26 itdidn't quite look like a Daisy eruption but was in the right area...I will put a question mark on that in GT 08:53:45 I was getting coffee and didn't see the entire eruption. did anyone else? 08:54:03 It did look different than normal. 08:54:28 very thin, tall line of steam 08:54:59 serves me right for getting coffee...and its luke warm to boot 08:56:09 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 08:57:40 I got a plastic camo blank for the .30 cal pen. Never tried plastic before, but I think I am going to try one after breakfast. I will let you know how it comes out. 08:59:10 sounds interesting! Your pens are fantastic! 09:01:49 karen quit (timeout) 09:05:43 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 09:07:07 Rich quit (timeout) 09:07:21 depression 906ie 09:11:59 is depression still doing ~3hr? 09:12:12 yes 09:12:23 appro 09:12:27 cool. thanks! 09:12:46 welcome 09:14:01 karen quit (timeout) 09:14:09 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 09:14:26 ynpvisitor6 changes nickname to ynpvisitor00 09:15:54 like your choice of #'s ! 09:16:05 Rich quit (timeout) 09:18:28 fyi. the vc had a pred for Daisy for 9am. so I am fairly sure thats what we saw. was just a different eruption 09:19:28 Pred's for the day are Castle 2025, Grand 1450, Riverside 1320 09:24:02 karen quit (timeout) 09:28:38 previous post should say: VC pred's 09:34:50 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 09:37:11 karen quit (timeout) 09:37:27 Rich quit (timeout) 09:41:41 Text that Mammoth to Tower is closed account rock slide 09:42:24 ty 09:43:19 ynpvisitor44 changes nickname to steve 09:43:29 So, no BH yt this morning 09:43:43 correct steve 09:44:26 Is that Plate in all that steam ??? 09:44:27 Plate 943ie 09:44:51 ty 09:45:40 shoot OF faked me out again 09:46:13 It did look good for a while 09:46:22 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 09:46:37 yes it did :) big splash 09:47:10 u in the park steve? 09:48:41 nope, I have a few more hours of work today, then I leave. No real chance to gaze until tomorrow. But I will be in the park for 6 days 09:49:15 nice!! we will be there in 2 wks exactly... 09:49:31 From Dave in Park Overnight BHI 2343 BH 2357 09:49:31 decided to postpone for better weather' 09:49:54 Loons on there way to 09:50:10 OF 0949 09:50:23 good idea. I hope to visint about one week out of every 4-5 until closng. Well see how that works. 09:52:15 just saw your post rich! ty for passing the info along~! 09:56:40 the Loons 10:01:37 np, yw 10:01:48 Churn 1001ie 10:02:42 From prediction Beehive: May 28, 2011, 12:10 MDT (+/- 2 hrs) 10:02:53 I do so like Penta-Churn mode 10:03:16 Yes! 10:03:48 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 10:06:18 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 10:07:19 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 10:10:31 Dome steaming at 10:08 10:12:43 lil ol Plume has been illusive this am' 10:14:01 could be it decisded it was too cold out,... 10:14:15 Rich quit (timeout) 10:15:15 Marmot stole all of Plume's steam. g 10:22:42 via Loisb on FB Yellowstone Loons, May 28, 2011about 09:50 mdt 10:26:54 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 10:26:57 nice ty Lois! 10:27:25 ynpvisitor5 changes nickname to vw 10:27:31 Just catching up. brb 10:29:40 that is Victor sitting on the plume bench...the rest of em are up by anemone 10:30:56 cb, picture of camo pen is in your e-mail. 10:30:59 watching the youtube (thanks Lois B!) capture. I see CC intro'd everybody. :) 10:31:17 Sorry I missed it, but nice to be able to watch it. 10:31:29 yes she was!! cracked me up!!! 10:31:42 ty Kevin sking in a min. 10:31:51 do you need the pred's v 10:31:58 will I find all the names in the log? 10:32:17 No need with Jake's and Glennon;s sites! 10:32:21 ya ..... right...Frank.............etc!!!! 10:32:32 you ready to head to market cb? 10:32:36 Victor........ 10:32:43 yes i am! you ready? 10:32:44 :D 10:33:04 yeap. Taking cam now. 10:33:07 Thank you cb! 10:33:13 w. ty 10:33:19 Have fun! 10:33:27 bye plume seen and cc didn't have a time 10:33:34 k 10:33:35 bye all 10:33:41 bye 10:33:50 bye cb 10:35:24 cb quit (timeout) 10:37:59 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 10:40:24 Rich quit (timeout) 10:41:00 Rich quit (timeout) 10:45:17 steve quit (timeout) 10:46:32 Looks like another group photo shaping up on the benches 10:47:37 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 10:47:51 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to cb 10:48:13 forgot to post that Fountain was 835ns via CC 10:48:35 thought steve might like to have that info for plans!! 10:48:38 did you post to GT or do you want me to? 10:48:47 have a great time and I will post to GT 10:49:00 just remembered as i was showering 10:49:09 thx! 10:49:21 bye 10:49:23 Plume 1048 10:49:31 Thanks, I'm calling Maureen this evening for the latest update 10:49:36 finally!! 10:49:54 good deal 10:49:57 First Plume of the day? 10:50:12 First reported Plume 10:50:13 yes that we have seen on the webcam 10:50:54 Nice to get it. Sets a schedule for the rest of the day. 10:51:10 cb quit (timeout) 10:53:23 ynpvisitor00 quit (timeout) 10:54:10 fog rolling in again. Maybe snow too from the looks of the sky, but not seeing flakes. Yet. 10:55:01 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:55:57 Kevin L quit (timeout) 10:56:48 Rich quit (timeout) 10:58:24 Recap 2011-05-28: Castle 0630 ie wc maj, Churn 0706 ie wc, Daisy 0850 ie wc, Depression 0906 ie wc, Dome 0654 ie wc, Fountain 0835 ns, OF 0506 ie wc, 0637 wc, 0817 wc, 0949 wc, Plate 0943 ie wc, Plume 1048 wc, Riverside 0724 ie wc, 10:58:59 Now seeing snow flakes. Could be stuff blowing off the trees too. 10:59:47 Aso Churn 1001 ie wc 11:01:23 ty, steve, just didn't get it copied. g 11:03:54 I have been trying to get the VEC static cam to confirm the OF prediction, but the page won't open. Anybody else having trouble? 11:05:08 np here. 11:05:25 VC preds OF 11:22 mdt 11:05:29 k. Thx Rich. Guess I have too many windows open! 11:06:04 That jives with my prediction, but always want to make sure when it comes to OF. 11:12:56 Very ominous sky. 11:14:49 Definitely getting precip now in the basin. 11:17:39 Neither page auto updates either, which would be very helpful. 11:17:47 oops. wrong tab! 11:20:43 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 11:21:55 OF reluctant to start. It might be cold too. 11:23:58 still just mid-window 11:25:13 Am surprised at how little pre-play we are seeing. 11:27:50 OF 1126 11:29:13 steve quit (timeout) 11:29:18 nice BH splash there too 11:29:57 BH is wating for you to take the cam Graham. 11:32:04 OF is a long. Next OF prediction approximately 1259 11:33:13 mmm well that was nice of it. still a bit early tho 11:34:04 We might have missed Daisy while waiting for OF 11:34:34 Rich changes nickname to Rich afk 11:34:53 doesn't look like much steam there 11:34:58 going afk for a while. Have fun Graham! Go BH!!! 11:35:06 cya 11:35:07 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 11:40:54 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 11:46:26 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 11:48:13 OMG!!! ust watching the vid of the Loons again. Did anybody notice the looney tune in the background wearing shorts?!?!? 11:48:34 ynpvisitor50 changes nickname to Glennon 11:48:42 :) 11:48:52 hi 11:49:04 hello, how r u? 11:49:10 Lois B also posted a link to the YNP story about the rockslide between Mammoth and Tower. BIG rock. Travel around the Park is getting more restrictive by the hour. 11:49:18 back to it here. 11:49:51 luckily all we have to worry about here is snow on the cam 11:49:53 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 11:50:46 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 11:51:05 good. thanks. per a vw request earlier in today's chat, should refresh its page every 60 seconds. 11:51:21 nice rock! 11:51:25 as of now ... at least... i just added the tag to do it 11:52:43 looks like pretty clear weather at the fallen rock 11:54:15 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 11:54:32 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Kevin L 11:54:33 quite variable around the park 11:54:53 Plume 1154ie 11:55:11 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 11:57:03 no big crowd up at BH 11:57:31 12hours, its about time it did a short interval 11:57:53 I will vote for that! 11:58:16 not many BH fans here today either 11:58:46 I am here. 11:59:13 beehive is the shiz 11:59:53 looks like everyones watching for Depression 12:00:00 bbs 12:00:01 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 12:00:04 kcmule changes nickname to kc (away) 12:03:28 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 12:05:29 Depression 1204ie 12:06:37 nice splash coming 12:06:39 That explains why they were there. 12:08:20 nice eruption 12:08:30 we had an earlier report 3 hours ago 12:09:00 if i had to guess, thats Pat and Tara 12:09:34 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 12:09:52 maybe not 12:12:16 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 12:15:05 Hi all. I was the one that stopped in on Monday from the parking lot. Asked for what was going on and received a nice link. 12:15:33 welcome! 12:16:04 Only got to see Grand, Castle, and Riverside that day. 12:16:14 Dont count OF 12:16:41 Was asked for repeorts from the ground and was unable to get reconnected in the lot. 12:17:30 yeah -- spotty internet around the basin. sounds like you got to see some nice geysers that day 12:18:23 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 12:18:33 Other then there is lots of snow in the parking lot and way more people then we have ever seen this time of year the only other report is that the boardwalk by Castle is in good shape on top but the foundation is spongy. 12:19:21 River is a bit high but not flooding when we were there. As you know the weather is not great. 12:20:54 thanks for the report. 12:24:39 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 12:28:23 Lots of tour busses so early. We even saw one of the old yellow park busses go by with the top rolled back. Never have seen one this early in the year. It is normal for a few tour busses. This year there were many time the number. 12:28:52 I am sure I will insult some with this. Was not very impressed with the new VC. The only real cool thing is the model geyser in the kid’s section. The placement is such that they cannot see much from the windows other then OF. Even the new electronic board for times leaves off BH 12:29:09 Also for the 2 years it took them to build, the roof did not survive the winter in very good shape. At least one leak in the building and it was pouring in. Guess that is what happens when architects don’t listen to roofers. Even one corner of the building has damage from ice and snow falling from the roof. 12:29:40 I think that is what most of us expected. 12:30:01 Other then that we had a great cold time. Made our personal best with 4 black and 4 grizzlies Sunday evening. 12:30:27 cam just had BSOD and some crankiness 12:31:09 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (in&out 12:31:23 VC isn't gping to predict BH, its not that predictable most of the time 12:32:17 I think in my 30 years, I have seen them put it on the board one year only and it did not stay all year. 12:32:53 not gonna send tourists out and then have it do a 20h interval 12:33:11 Or a false indicator... 12:33:35 yep, them too 12:33:45 we are lucky now but no idea how long it will last 12:33:50 General tourists don't seem to have a sense of humor when something doesn't go right when they say. 12:34:52 the exhibits in the VC are good tho, lots of ppl like them 12:35:25 Got to go, enjoy the snow. Almost forgot. The grand 5-23 evening around 6 was a double and no one saw a turban start (could be because we were looking at Castle). West Triplet went off with it. The next grand on the 24th at 13:27 IE was a single and Rift was going when I go to the benches. Was down by Daisy 13:14 and on my way when Grand started. 12:36:31 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 12:38:42 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 12:40:36 Kevin, your not joking about general tourists not having a sense of humor about "off" "predictions" . Last year I was watching Grand 12:40:55 and people were getting mad at me. 12:41:24 I thought you said it was going to go off in this windown. 12:43:17 Glennon (in&out quit (timeout) 12:43:30 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 12:43:50 ynpvisitor87 changes nickname to BB 12:43:53 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to MJ 12:49:24 Churn was 1248ie 12:49:27 MJ quit (timeout) 12:51:42 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 12:53:04 aurum 1252ie 12:53:11 Aurum 1251 12:53:16 big crowd 12:55:07 Plume 1254 12:57:11 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 12:58:27 Back again. I know what you mean on Grand. We had one that Mary Beth called the "waves on Grand" and it went into a 3 Turban delay. There were a few that were not happy and left in a huff. 13:04:29 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 13:06:22 OF 1305 13:10:29 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 13:10:36 Riverside 1309ie 13:11:32 Kevin L quit (timeout) 13:17:59 Churn 1316ie 13:22:38 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 13:27:26 . 13:27:33 Churn 1326 13:30:59 snow is melting fast now 13:32:05 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 13:33:27 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 13:33:55 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 13:34:27 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to Karen 13:34:32 ynpvisitor40 changes nickname to Glennon, in&out 13:34:57 i am on Geyser Hill and you all arent! 13:35:13 is there a way to ban ppl? 13:35:15 Very true. I am envious 13:36:06 i guess sitting at my house by the ocean on a warm day in Santa Barbara will have to do 13:36:30 (ps-- I'd rather be cold and on the hill) 13:36:36 it is cold windy and starting to snow 13:36:43 Karen - any Grand report this morning? We have a 0526? 13:37:23 that's a proxy eruption -- since the VEC has a prediction for 1450 13:37:41 ah, ok..i didnt understand that 13:38:12 Karen quit (timeout) 13:39:30 Churn 1338 13:39:47 i'll manually scrub it from the timeline once better info is available (using my site's report flagging) 13:40:24 Tardy, too 13:40:44 Tardy has been going pretty much all day 13:41:02 have not seen Penta tho 13:42:02 hard to see again 13:42:04 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 13:43:00 this weather will test the gazers willingness to stay on the railing 13:43:55 is that BH railing staying up all summer? 13:44:22 yep 13:44:40 In perpetuity! 13:44:45 the railing? Is it new? 13:44:47 what are the chances it gets sawed off tonight? ;) 13:45:04 it was put in last fall. not sure why it went up tho 13:45:19 NPS had extra money to spend... 13:45:47 might help if theres an inch or two of snow/ice 13:46:12 useless last winter with all the snow, it was an ancle railing 13:46:17 Hmmmm . . . it hasn't had railing for years. 13:46:24 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 13:47:15 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 13:47:41 Is there a hot spring in BH's vicinity. I don't think so. 13:47:56 nope 13:47:59 I know they built a railing around Crested 13:48:17 the railing at Aurum sometimes helps in winter, depends on how the ice bowl is doing 13:49:19 Well, BH does spray on the walk and could make things pretty slippery. 13:50:51 turned off the auto refresh on -- testing revealed unexpected behavior on some browsers 13:51:18 will make it work right after the sync coding is finished 13:54:30 rail at Beehive made sidestepping on metal edged skis 13:55:32 Karen. Who else is at Beehive with you? 13:55:48 Karen quit (timeout) 14:02:55 Daisy 1401 14:05:59 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 14:08:39 BHI 1407 ? 14:08:46 BHI 1407ie 14:08:50 wake up 14:08:57 ty 14:09:13 hurray! 14:09:29 Glennon, in&out changes nickname to Glennon, buzzz 14:09:49 we should make noise 14:09:52 Kevin, you awake? 14:09:54 in case anyone is napping 14:09:56 email going out. 14:09:58 You are! 14:09:59 ding ding ding 14:10:18 I am awake, just got kicked out for a minute 14:10:41 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ cough choke ALLRIGHT!!!!!! 14:10:41 great view coming up 14:11:49 So we hope OF is a long.... 14:11:52 grrrrr 14:12:11 i thought you wanted BH vw? 14:12:19 Need a BIG cork for OF. 14:12:23 yes, but we are on the wrong side of the steam! 14:12:30 vw - afk changes nickname to vw 14:12:37 I think the request was to SEE BH.... 14:12:49 You got it 56! 14:12:55 rail at Beehive made sidestepping on metal edged skis 14:14:43 Karen quit (timeout) 14:15:34 per NPS: 2 Feet of new snow was reported Sat morning at Craig Pass 14:16:33 Grand gazers arriving? 14:17:49 BH 1416 14:18:10 "For now we see through a glass, darkly" 14:18:27 shorter indicator today 14:18:37 probably - dont think it started much before 1407 14:18:38 Wow! Looks like a polar bear in a snowstorm. 14:19:25 vw quit (timeout) 14:19:57 Sun! 14:21:44 hot chocolate time i bet! or over to Grand 14:21:51 decent crowd on the BW 14:23:30 wind direction meant no poncho's needed 14:24:26 cam may need one soon 14:25:02 yeah and our wiper is otherwise occupied. 14:25:56 headed for Gramd maybe, or hot chocolate? 14:26:40 If they are still in the basin, I am sure CC will head for Grand. Less sure about Victor! 14:26:49 Headed back to watch grown men crash expensive cars. 14:26:58 He might be ready for a hot chocolate in front of the fireplace in the Inn. 14:27:16 Have fun Kevin! 14:28:21 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 14:29:29 Karen condirmed BHI was 1407 start 14:29:47 and she posted BHI and Aurum pics on FB 14:30:16 Nice to know we weren't asleep. 14:31:01 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 14:35:23 Glennon, buzzz changes nickname to Glennon, in&out 14:37:22 BB quit (timeout) 14:37:25 steam is going to make OF start hard to read 14:40:35 OF 1439 14:40:57 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 14:42:47 Rich afk quit (timeout) 14:44:35 OF is a long, so next OF should be approximately 1612. We will want to veryfy that with the VEC prediction. 14:46:07 Nice steamy eruption. 14:46:57 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 14:47:05 Plume might be impossible to see if it erupts now. 14:47:26 Plate 1445 ie 14:54:19 :) 14:54:28 Grand 1453 14:54:35 waiting to see water though... 14:54:55 that was pretty clear 14:55:02 There we go! 14:55:05 put on GT already 14:55:07 Hurray! 14:55:15 neat 14:55:41 Just about 25 minutes after seeing steam from Turban. 14:55:45 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 14:56:59 Timing was perfect: gave all the BH watchers plenty of time to walk over. 14:59:38 mid window too so the guests will be happy 15:00:14 us humans do like to be regular. :D 15:00:55 Evening might be kind of boring now. Will need to find some wildlife to follow Graham. 15:01:47 maybe get Lion going and another Churn series and Penta 15:02:18 Lion has looked like it was gasping for a little excitement 15:02:50 Aurum looked pretty steamy a bit ago too. 15:03:37 Glennon, in&out changes nickname to Glennon (out) 15:04:57 1b? 15:05:06 yeap. I think so. 15:06:54 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 15:11:52 Glennon (out) quit (timeout) 15:19:54 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 15:21:11 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to Karen 15:22:12 Karen quit (timeout) 15:41:35 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 15:52:44 Plume 1551 16:03:09 Churn 1600 16:08:10 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 16:10:05 OF 1608 16:10:29 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 16:11:33 hum, Glennons site is down 16:11:41 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 16:15:14 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 16:15:25 i was restarting the server 16:15:30 ynpvisitor50 changes nickname to Glennon 16:15:37 it's back now 16:15:43 k 16:16:44 i think its up-to-date 16:18:17 Churn 1617ie 16:26:02 Daisy 1625 16:31:41 Churn 1630 16:40:15 hum, Tardy may have quit! 16:42:06 nope, its still going 16:43:45 Churn 1642 16:50:08 Plume 1649 16:52:59 vw - afk quit (timeout) 16:53:15 Tardy off again 16:53:59 . 16:56:08 Churn 1655ie 16:56:09 Nice bursts. 16:58:38 Aurum 1657ie 16:58:44 just as the cam panned over 17:04:41 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 17:07:57 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 17:08:53 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 17:12:09 Churn may be done, at least 5 eruptions in the series 17:19:40 nice weather bringing everyone out 17:21:34 i forgot, this is my Giantess prediction day isn't it? 17:21:40 when i mis-typed the date? 17:22:36 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 17:24:12 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 17:24:59 Depression 1724ie 17:25:46 Nice one. 17:26:23 yep. previous one was too 17:27:03 sploosh 17:27:30 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 17:38:48 kc (away) changes nickname to kcmule 17:38:49 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 17:41:40 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 17:42:38 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 17:43:38 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 17:44:13 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 17:47:41 OF 1746 17:52:18 Plume 1751ie 17:52:37 That was unexpected. 17:53:13 62min interval 17:55:45 nap time now? nothing much expected 17:56:46 just have to wait for Giantess now 18:14:20 Now did you predict the TIME Giantess would erupt? 18:15:02 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 18:16:00 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to cb 18:16:02 typo 18:16:27 some pplthought it was a prediction 18:16:50 you all know better, you know i cant type 18:17:12 Hi all! 18:17:20 hello 18:17:21 Kevin i never got email?? 18:20:55 cb quit (timeout) 18:20:59 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 18:23:40 BH 1416 18:32:42 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 18:37:56 did you erase all the OF steam kc? 18:41:28 that would be a neat trick but i just watched it myself for 1st time 18:41:49 unless adobe has a new filter for that we're sol 18:42:35 have to get Jake and Glennon working on that "enhancement" 18:44:33 i am unable to add as attachment. takes me to a blank page. 18:46:54 Plume 1846 18:52:15 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 18:58:53 Riverside 1857ie 19:12:28 I think Daisy went during the last Plume 19:13:03 oh well. 19:14:09 OF 1913 19:14:13 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 19:15:35 i wonder why they r scattering... 19:15:51 its raining 19:16:47 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:16:58 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 19:18:40 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 19:26:32 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 19:27:09 still no Pemta 19:28:01 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 19:29:15 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 19:44:18 Plume 1943 20:04:02 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 20:04:17 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to MJ 20:09:03 Depression 2008 20:13:36 Castle 2012ie H2O 20:17:31 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 20:20:59 nice view 20:21:00 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 20:21:51 Spectaular! 20:22:41 How about Spectacular! 20:24:17 that too 20:24:56 going into steam, its a Major 20:29:21 Churn 2028ie 20:31:58 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 20:37:01 Castle 2012 20:37:31 thanks kc, it was a nice one 20:38:37 i didnt have any castles, nice to have 1 20:40:47 Aurum 2039ie 20:41:08 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 20:42:04 vw - afk quit (timeout) 20:44:55 54 eruption reports noted from the webcam today. wow. per geysertimes/geysersnet 20:45:35 not done yet 20:45:54 :) 20:46:12 Plume 2045 20:46:17 Plume 2045 20:46:26 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:47:14 could have been a l ot more if we added all the Lil Cubs 20:47:54 OF 2047 20:48:09 ...and the geysers keep on cominh 20:48:17 coming 20:49:14 nice pinks in the sky now 20:50:07 Post Card Perfect! 20:50:24 runing out of geysers tho before dark 20:51:50 Graham you have had a magnificent run! 20:52:04 Off to take a walk before it gets dark here on the West Coast... have a good night! 20:52:16 see ya 20:52:29 been a good afternoon and evening 20:52:37 Good Night Glennon. 20:52:46 still waiting for Lion and Penta :) 20:53:24 Is'nt it suppose to snow tonight? 20:54:46 Penta 2053ie 20:55:01 yep more snow in the forecast 20:56:01 maybe Penta anyway, not sure with all that steam 20:56:41 Yes, alot of steam back there. 20:57:00 looked like vertical behind the right tree tho 20:57:19 need a wind shift 20:57:28 You have a good eye. 20:58:58 not going to enter it unless i can see better 20:59:31 call it a pentagraham? 20:59:52 it must be getting late :) 21:00:03 .Too funny. 21:00:50 Thank-you alot Graham for the good views,I appreciate it! 21:00:59 yw 21:01:53 Be back tomorrow, have a good night Gentlemen. Bye 21:02:39 MJ quit (timeout) 21:12:42 Churn 2110ie 21:14:53 Daisy 2113 21:20:22 I am done for today, good luck with the next Plume :) 21:21:00 nite Graham 21:21:46 Graham quit (timeout) 21:46:32 Plume? 21:44ie 21:47:49 pretty sure, but had to crank up brightness to see it 21:50:56 nite 21:51:52 kcmule quit (timeout) 22:01:43 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 22:11:44 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 22:13:42 Glennon quit (timeout) 22:15:44 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 22:21:30 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 23:02:00 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone Found 590 log entries for 2011-05-29 04:38:12 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 04:59:39 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 05:04:01 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 05:04:46 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 05:14:34 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 05:15:16 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 05:17:11 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 05:31:09 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 05:32:12 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 05:33:37 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 05:47:05 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 05:47:20 OF 0546 05:49:41 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 05:50:01 ynpvisitor91 changes nickname to Graham 05:50:13 morning and thanks 88 05:50:32 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to vw 05:50:43 Hi G. Forgot to chenge my nickname. 05:51:23 I didn't time it, but it is a long. 05:52:10 k, wondered who it was 05:52:14 Lens just now getting coated. Was clearer when I first got on. 05:54:22 Temp at OF 32F at 0515. Looks like there was about .25 inches of precip yesterday in the Basin. 05:54:29 Lots more predicted for today. 05:55:09 nice spring weather 05:55:18 Plume 0554 05:55:22 Plume 0554 05:55:30 im too slow :) 05:55:55 2 cups of coffee down today maybe gives me a speed bonus? 05:58:57 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 06:05:54 Just reading Lynn S's reports. I love her writing style. "How long you ask" cracks me up. 06:14:31 too much snow on the lens now to zoom through. Hopefully it won't accumulate too much more. 06:18:28 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 06:20:07 yeah shes ver good at entertaining us and generous about taking the time to do it 06:21:01 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 06:22:00 bison blobs 06:27:45 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 06:28:21 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:31:13 . 06:31:56 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 06:32:40 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 06:33:01 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 06:35:16 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 06:37:55 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 06:39:12 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 06:40:24 Lois reports Lion 0538 on FB 06:40:55 I saw that but couldn't be sure if Lion or Little Cub. 06:41:23 She usually posts with pictures, so maybe we could tell. 06:43:23 I am not finding that posting 06:44:19 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 06:45:38 she msg'd Rich 06:45:53 ahhh. gotcha. 06:47:47 Of course now the lens to too cluttered to see another eruption. grrrrr 06:47:59 tried to se if we had a gap to peer thru but we don't 06:48:45 wiper or warmer temp will be our only chances at salvation today. And that is assuming no further accumulation. 06:51:55 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 06:53:39 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 07:07:42 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 07:18:25 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 07:18:27 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 07:20:41 <> 07:21:08 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 07:21:58 the ynp forecast is ugly. 07:22:11 very!! 07:22:23 Yeap. Won't improve until about Wednesday. 07:23:38 One site I read is now including temps at elevations, to warn of fast snowmelt next week. 07:24:02 Like 60 degrees at 9000 feet. 07:24:43 That on top of our already full creeks/rivers and saturated ground could spell disaster designations. 07:26:09 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 07:27:08 headed out, bbl...maybe the snow will melt 07:27:10 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 07:28:06 OF 726 VC 07:28:10 Graham quit (timeout) 07:37:36 I was afk for a bit. Did we get a wipe on the lens? Looks clearere now. 07:37:58 had a wipe 07:38:06 ok. Thx! 07:38:23 Now if the fog would just lift.... 07:38:45 I think it might be more than just fog 07:39:04 could be. Just too unclear to tell! 07:40:17 there is more white stuff by the vc than there was an hour ago 07:41:02 watching for more accumulation on the camera. Only a few new drops now. 07:41:17 wind may have shifted 07:42:45 Wish we had a Canyon VEC cam about now, I'd love to see the rest of YNP and know what's going on 07:43:48 north entrance looks good - just high clouds 07:44:08 A Canyon cam would be very nice. It would be cool to see the Lower Falls year around. 07:44:26 thanks, I forget about that Arch cam 07:44:41 wonder if they ever put in those back country cams they were going to put in and hide from the public 07:45:13 elk were out and about earlier just by the ynp sign but looks like they have moved on 07:45:16 nice wipe 07:46:00 Mammoth looks good 07:59:12 vw quit (timeout) 08:07:36 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 08:17:00 BSOD is doing its stuff today. 08:17:43 looked more like someone playing with puter - set date and time 08:17:44 have 1/2 blue and 1/2 white 08:17:57 mine ok 08:18:12 buffering 08:18:12 ok as in you have a picture? 08:18:27 I only have the livescope (op screen) up, and mine is blue. 08:18:33 yes - but no9t sure its refreshing - let me do a manual 08:18:41 thanks 55 08:19:07 just went blue here 08:19:11 got another set time zone, date and time msg - and picture 08:19:13 k 08:19:15 and just went blue 08:19:28 Mine went blue too 08:19:46 web peeps working on a Sunday!! 08:20:04 or someone that doesn't have a clue what they are doing 08:20:53 coming back.. 08:22:02 got it back - complete with snow 08:22:09 did another manual refresh 08:23:22 We never like seeing the BSOD, but if it is going to happen, today wouldn't be such bad timing. We may not be able to see much in the Basin anyway. 08:23:58 ok now 08:25:02 Lets hope it holds so we can watch the snow accumulate. :D 08:29:22 steve joins Yellowstone 08:29:45 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 08:30:55 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 08:31:07 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to Kevin L 08:31:38 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 08:31:57 Yuck! What an ugly day. I guess I will have to settle with watching the Indy 500. 08:32:02 I have a picture, just snow over splite cone 08:32:25 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 08:32:26 Split cone 08:32:38 Mine is working fine - except it has a lot of snow. 08:33:06 Spring has sprung 08:33:20 a leak that is, steve! 08:33:48 g 08:34:27 if the weather don't improve in 4 weeks I may just stay home where its in the 90s 08:34:49 Well, I was supposed to be in the park yesterday, but finished worrk after 2300, so I'm leaving soon. 08:35:02 Weather report for tomorrow is better 08:43:49 Would you believe we are only supposed to be in the high 60's in Vegas today? 08:44:43 where is the butterfly effect when you need it? 08:44:44 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 08:46:31 technology is amazing, saw an android FB post from someone following a snowplow betweenNorris and Madison. 08:46:52 "yes the blade is down- LOTS of snow" was the report 08:47:59 Opening week was balmy compaired to this 08:48:57 Fountain under 7 hours was good news last night though! 08:49:49 yes. I hope it sttels back down to six again 08:50:18 Hmm... settels back to six 08:50:26 settles 08:50:34 we knew what you meant. 08:50:36 Something like that 08:52:10 Bye, back in a week. 08:52:48 best of luck with weather roads and geysers. 08:53:01 ty 08:53:40 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 08:53:41 steve quit (timeout) 08:56:51 Looks like steam at BH, but hard to tell! 08:58:07 Wishful thinking? 08:59:00 could be Kevin, but I don't think we will be able to tell from the cam. 08:59:03 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 08:59:56 Right. We may never know. And with that weather, there may not be anyone on the boardwalk out there. 09:00:04 weather conditions will also give us lots of steam today. 09:00:08 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 09:01:10 OF 0900 ie 09:01:30 there was also a report of a possible Lion earlier today, so steam in that area could be from Lion. 09:01:52 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 09:02:38 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 09:02:38 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:02:43 Someone watching static cam may have an earlier time on that OF. 09:03:37 ynpvisitor9 changes nickname to Karen 09:03:57 Hi Karen! 09:04:12 Morning. 09:04:32 Are you in the basin today? 09:05:48 will be out for part of the day before taking a bus to mammoth 09:06:24 Karen quit (timeout) 09:06:27 Looks cold and wet today. INside a warm bus sounds like a good place to be. 09:07:36 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 09:09:16 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 09:10:38 Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful and since we've no place to gooooo, let it snow let it snow let it snow 09:11:36 ynpvisitor57 changes nickname to Rich 09:15:58 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 09:16:17 Rich quit (timeout) 09:26:26 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 09:26:36 everyone is at lower hams 09:27:09 drinking hot chocolate and coffee 09:27:14 Karen quit (timeout) 09:27:21 If Paul S is there Tell him I said Hi. and give him my best. 09:33:55 Out till afternnon. Have fun all. 09:34:18 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 09:34:39 Kevin L quit (timeout) 09:34:50 ynpvisitor71 changes nickname to Derek 09:36:08 Hi All 09:37:19 Karen quit (timeout) 09:38:08 Rich quit (timeout) 09:41:17 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 09:44:21 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 10:08:41 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 10:21:13 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 10:21:45 Hi Derek 10:30:49 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 10:31:01 OF 10:29 ie wc 10:31:49 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 10:35:21 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 10:40:35 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 10:41:43 ynpvisitor21 quit (timeout) 10:43:08 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 10:50:04 Derek quit (timeout) 10:52:28 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 11:00:01 Recap 2011-05-29 OF 0546 wc, 0726 ie wc, 0900 ie wc, 1029 ie wc, Plume 0554 wc, 11:08:19 Rich quit (timeout) 11:09:57 Rich quit (timeout) 11:10:55 Rich quit (timeout) 11:18:47 Rich changes nickname to Rich away 11:20:03 Rich away quit (timeout) 11:21:27 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 11:26:54 report from Mammoth, bears all over, treed, hill, and other locations. Snowing and cars sliding backwards at Golden Gate. 11:27:06 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 11:39:16 vw quit (timeout) 11:58:13 . 11:58:53 Lens finally clear enough to see through. Kind of anyway. A quick tour around the basin shows everything pretty well socked in. 11:59:16 Cam going back on preset. I will check everyonce in a while as the day progresses. 12:03:07 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:05:13 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:06:39 Otters at Fairy Falls 12:06:44 ynpvisitor62 changes nickname to kcmule 12:07:32 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:07:38 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 12:09:53 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:11:06 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 12:11:21 ty 62 12:12:08 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:12:32 62 says yw 12:13:15 Sorry I did not see you change your name 12:13:38 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:13:56 np :) just going thru old footage 12:14:55 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 12:14:59 OF 1214 ie 12:15:28 That time is near the end of the eruption. Will need to check teh VEC prediction to get a better time. 12:15:54 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 12:16:10 OF was at 1206 VC 12:16:20 a long 12:16:53 So what I saw was just post play. Lots of steam! 12:16:58 ynpvisitor50 quit (timeout) 12:19:27 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:19:29 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:22:51 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:22:53 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:23:09 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 12:25:09 Not much to see. Also not very many people out and about. 12:25:13 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:25:14 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:26:14 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:27:21 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 12:30:41 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:30:41 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:31:24 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:31:24 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:33:57 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:34:01 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:35:33 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:37:18 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 12:41:33 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 12:56:48 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 12:58:10 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 12:59:36 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 13:06:13 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 13:07:53 ynpvisitor97 changes nickname to Graham 13:08:06 quiet here 13:08:31 Zzzzz 13:10:43 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 13:12:11 Hi Graham. Not spending much time at the computer. 13:12:29 Graham quit (timeout) 13:12:34 Only a few opportunities to look around the basin, and they mostly showed fog and fog. 13:19:32 Just checked the Park road reports. The same closures as reported yesterday: Closed: Mammoth to Tower, Tower to Canyon, Dunraven, OF to West Thumb, Craig Pass. East entrance closed from 8am to 8pm every day. Snow tires advised on all other roads. 13:20:01 afk again. 13:20:10 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 13:33:00 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 13:34:02 ynpvisitor18 quit (timeout) 13:38:49 kcmule quit (timeout) 14:01:17 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 14:01:46 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 14:04:25 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to Graham 14:04:57 back now after my Newseum and Rolling Thunder trip 14:04:58 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:05:20 mm i see conditions have picked up nicely...more rain than snow now? 14:05:22 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:05:38 or rwet snow 14:05:44 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:07:06 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 14:09:04 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to Glennon 14:10:15 reports: 13:35 Depression ns; 13:31 Aurum (observer: GRB) 14:10:25 static cam not loading? 14:10:46 Gordon i guess 14:12:32 You and Jake need to send an email inviting participation 14:12:50 Thanks, Graham -- for recording them over at GT. 14:13:46 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 14:14:53 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 14:15:18 try and keep them in-syns at least for most of the big ones 14:15:33 I've been meaning to write something for the listserv, but wanted to get things synced with Jake's site first. 14:15:34 not so botherd about Lil Cub unless someone gets serious about logging them all 14:16:00 you all will be done in a day or two .. right? :) 14:17:30 actually, it may be that fast. I've finished the basic sync bridge. now, i'm working on the details 14:18:36 k, that will be nice 14:20:59 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:20:59 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:22:08 Hi again all. I see things have improved! :D 14:22:14 vw - afk changes nickname to vw 14:22:41 yeah beautiful sunshine now 14:23:18 I think the storm has settled in for a while now. Raining here in Billings. 14:23:24 will be easy to see BH now 14:23:38 IF you are sitting on the cone. 14:25:17 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:25:43 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:28:04 Rich away changes nickname to Rich 14:28:24 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon (away) 14:34:36 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 14:39:42 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:40:01 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:40:54 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:41:51 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 14:42:02 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:46:23 You can see snow falling at Mammoth. 14:48:50 Pink Cone or Gt FTN day? 14:49:08 Ckiff? 14:49:19 or Cliff even 14:49:33 clearing up! 14:49:45 can see the BW 14:49:49 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 14:50:19 ooohhh. aaaaahhhhh. 14:50:19 Lone Pine. 14:50:34 All good windshield geysers 14:50:35 yeah but Craig Pass is closed 14:50:48 lol 14:50:59 anyone having problems wit hthe stream - mine keeps stopping 14:51:24 Mine is okay Graham, but I was away for a few minutes. 14:51:36 Earlier reported. 14:51:54 can see BH cone now 14:51:58 We had a few instances of BSOD again this morning. Passed that info on to CC. 14:52:55 k, it did that once yesterday too and kept saying it was disconnected 14:53:36 I mentioned yesterday's occurrences to her too. She didn't know about them. 14:58:47 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 15:01:22 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:01:29 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 15:02:09 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:02:15 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 15:02:42 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 15:02:59 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 15:03:00 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:11:20 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 15:12:15 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 15:12:23 cam is stuck on BSOD 15:13:13 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 15:14:17 quite a big crowd on VEC cam 15:22:25 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:23:27 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 15:24:26 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 15:24:50 OF 1523 15:24:50 OF 1523 ie wc 15:24:59 ie wc :) 15:25:33 stepping away, will stop by later to see if its less blue 15:26:29 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 15:26:57 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to cb 15:27:19 hi cb. 15:27:20 Hi all 15:27:29 hey vw! 15:27:40 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 15:27:46 hummmmmmmmmmm....thinkin that NOT the sky!!! 15:28:07 just got home 15:28:30 that would be very blue sky. Not on the menu today though. 15:28:59 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 15:29:04 ya...thinkin not 15:29:05 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:30:33 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:30:57 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 15:33:10 kcmule changes nickname to kc (cant see) 15:33:17 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:35:07 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 15:43:00 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 15:43:33 hmm 15:43:50 my thoughts exactly 15:45:22 Glennon (away) quit (timeout) 15:45:34 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 15:45:44 Park personnel are aware of the problem, but there probably isn't anything that can be done it being the weekend, and a holiday to boot. Maybe the camera will come back on its own like it has in the past. 15:46:17 thanks vw 15:46:33 By my reverse calculations using VC pred times, the missed OF was at 13:39. 15:46:34 welcome! 15:46:40 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 15:48:30 vw changes nickname to vw - afk 15:51:02 Rich quit (timeout) 15:52:00 Via FB - Pat Snyder Beehive on 5.28.11 at 1417 mdt. Not from the webcam 15:52:52 cb quit (timeout) 15:58:27 Text message from friend staying in cabin at OF. Power out. That may explain why we have a BSOD. Or not. 15:59:01 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 16:08:15 ynpvisitor79 changes nickname to Kevin L 16:08:51 Looks like I didn't miss anything. Back to watching them crash expensive cars... 16:14:23 new press release out, they are pulling crews off Beartooth to open Dunraven since the rockslide area is still unstable. 16:14:27 this is wild 16:14:47 "can't get there from here" in lots of places right now 16:17:16 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 16:17:19 ty #33 16:18:08 heavy rains will come tonight, that will probably all change tomorrow anyway! 16:20:31 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 16:22:45 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 16:25:52 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:30:44 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 16:34:06 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 16:37:06 cb quit (timeout) 16:38:45 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 16:43:06 not much going on I see 16:44:49 26 hrs since yesterdays BH 16:49:47 there was mention earlier that Pat S reported on FB that BH erupted today at 1417 16:50:10 OF 1649 ie, VEC wc 16:50:16 that was yesterday's time 16:51:30 okay. I missed that part! 16:51:58 need to keep better track of the date I guess. 16:52:21 hey it's a holiday weekend, who cares 16:52:33 From the static cam it looks like things have cleared a bit, so hopefully someone is out there. 16:52:36 I'd like to fast forward to June. 16:53:45 kc (cant see) quit (timeout) 16:53:51 snow won't keep ppl away from the predictable regular boring BH 16:53:53 People on the bw would probably agree with you! At least to fast forwarding to June weather anyway. 16:54:17 agreed 16:54:50 kc (cant see) quit (timeout) 16:55:34 looks like i will be retiring from webcam posts 16:56:11 back to sleep 17:06:22 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 17:15:59 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 17:25:59 ynpvisitor31 changes nickname to kcmule 17:26:00 Uncertain 17:43:21 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 17:44:20 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 17:54:07 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 17:58:28 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 18:01:11 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 18:03:39 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 18:04:13 cam control is back 18:04:56 there are ppl waiting at BH 18:05:22 I am not seeing the stream tho 18:05:25 anyone? 18:05:40 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 18:05:49 'buffering'.. thats it 18:06:12 cam is still wet so the view is not very good 18:06:20 I am not getting public stream either. 18:06:49 maybe the encoder went down 18:07:06 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 18:07:09 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 18:08:11 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to cb 18:08:18 hi 18:08:21 ty vw! 18:08:35 . 18:08:45 yw cb, but not sure you saw my last text: no public stream. :( 18:09:06 ynpvisitor69 changes nickname to Allan 18:09:21 ya i did, but was getting on the computer from first tx so I thought i would con't 18:09:21 Good evening everyone. 18:09:37 hey Allan 18:09:58 k. Just wasn't sure cb. 18:10:01 Hi allan. 18:10:28 day weekend crew on BH wait 18:10:31 more than a dozen ppl waiting and the indicator isn't going 18:11:32 cb, are you looking at the streaming cam, or the control cam? 18:11:54 control cam! so sorry allan 18:12:13 No problem. 18:12:27 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone 18:13:32 cb, if BH erupts, then I expect a second by second report, just as if this were a ballgame :D 18:14:01 28 hours now... 18:14:20 making them all wait 18:14:59 does look like its drying up 18:15:18 ok something she!!!!.......talllll.......wooo hoooo........that was nice....something like that!!!! 18:15:29 :D 18:16:07 cb, you've got it!!!! Perfect!!! :D 18:16:21 oh forgot the applause!!!! and the side line comments like..."just like the forth of july except w water"! 18:17:28 Right. You can add those as time goes on. It just needs a little practice. :) 18:18:12 i promise to practice in a few weeks!!!! 18:19:08 That's good. Then I can give you feedback on your presentation :D 18:19:18 there we go!!! 18:19:37 and note more comments 18:19:59 got to get the pre-giant excitement and anticipation too as BH splashes 18:20:02 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 18:20:08 And all the people around us can think we're nuttier than a pair of fruitcakes. 18:20:22 you have heard some of those videos..... 18:20:54 Yes, the Giant videos are precious. :) 18:20:56 they give you more room on the bw that way Allan. 18:21:31 practice with OF 18:21:32 I have one stuck in my camcorder. It won't go in or come out. 18:21:47 That's true, vw :) 18:22:50 That's a Giant video stuck in my camcorder. 18:23:04 i dont see any umbrellas 18:23:08 yes Graham....the pre - Giant excitement is....wellll ...sometimes I wish i had more restraint of tongue 18:23:29 practice!!!!! 18:23:35 F&M also although theres more with Giant 18:23:53 OF 1621ie VEC Cam 18:24:17 Bill says hello Allan....asking me all kinda questions 18:24:18 I have been known to yell at Giant....and F&M 18:25:09 cb, give my greetings to Bill. I'm looking forward to seeing him. 18:25:14 yelled a lot at F&M this winter during that one good hot period 18:25:25 noboidy was there to listen to my rants 18:26:09 back to working in the trailer...inbetween rain showers. bbl 18:26:43 make that 1821ie for OF 18:26:47 not paying attention 18:27:05 cb quit (timeout) 18:30:49 Well, time to go. Bye, all. 18:31:28 Allan quit (timeout) 18:31:36 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 18:32:50 Gordon added some times to Glennons site and I synced them in Jakes 19:14:01 Rich quit (timeout) 19:22:42 Someone is working late at the VEC, OF pred updated to 7:53 pm mdt 19:22:57 Hi Rich! 19:23:08 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 19:23:11 Hi vw 19:23:14 VEC now staying open summer hours. Open until 8 (?) 19:23:27 ynpvisitor17 changes nickname to CC 19:24:09 sure looks like summer in the basin 19:24:16 I can't get the encoder to work and that is why it is not going out to the public 19:25:13 is this how BH looked yesterday on the can 19:25:25 BH 1924 BHI 1909 19:25:34 no OF steam was in the way yesterday 19:25:53 beautiful in person yesterday] 19:26:09 and more ppl could see 19:26:20 glad you got to see it then 19:26:29 loved it 19:26:42 then Grand was wonderful as well 19:26:50 not such a good day today 19:27:16 we only went into the park as far as Upper Terraces 19:27:19 you headed back to OF tomorrow? 19:27:25 weather is terrible 19:27:39 how was it - there was a report canary spring is going strong again a while ago? 19:27:52 a lot of folks leaving the park 19:28:13 not going to be very nice tomorrow either i hear 19:28:30 Canary is not is another area next to Canary and it is strong and beautiful 19:28:44 Kevin L quit (timeout) 19:28:57 k. is it close to the BW or further away? 19:29:07 further away 19:29:24 interesting to see all the changes there over the last year 19:29:32 amazing 19:29:56 did you get the message I left on your phone yesterday 19:30:08 yeah but i was out so i had no news 19:30:31 CB was able to capture the group 19:31:10 There is a posting on Youtube of the Loon group in front of the cam. 19:31:24 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 19:31:33 I would hope that tomorrow they would open the road to Tower but I think if will still be closed 19:31:52 that is going to be a while 19:32:26 they have pulled all plows from the Beartooth to work on Dunraven but still no definite date as to the opening of it 19:32:48 Beartooth will be delayed as well 19:33:06 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 19:34:34 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 19:34:46 CC quit (timeout) 19:37:07 signing off here, see you tomorrow 19:38:14 Same here. Have a good evening all. 19:38:52 vw - afk quit (timeout) 19:41:03 Graham quit (timeout) 19:41:06 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 19:43:20 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 19:46:56 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 19:53:50 coyote pups 19:54:38 ty, kc 19:56:44 its not BH but at least its somethin ;) 19:57:45 g 19:58:06 is that OF or is my capture wrong 19:59:02 i see OF on vec 19:59:16 OF 1957ie wc 19:59:54 yes, clicked it to full size 1956 ie (full height) 20:01:24 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 20:02:19 Rich quit (timeout) 20:04:29 I looked at my captures and 1956ie is my first. 20:06:27 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 20:07:13 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 20:07:38 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 20:08:12 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 20:08:34 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 20:09:05 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 20:10:28 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 20:10:57 Recap 2011-05-29 Aurum 1331, BH 1924 wc, BHI 1909 wc, Daisy 1704 ie, Depression 1335 ns, 1905 ie wc, Lion 0538 wc, OF 0546 wc, 0726 ie wc, 0900 ie wc, 1029 ie wc, 1206 wc, 1339 vc, 1523 ie wc, 1649 ie wc, 1821 ie wc, 1956 ie wc, Plate 1757 ie, Plume 0554 wc, 1645, 1752, 1859 wc, Riverside 1824 ie, Tardy 17:48, 20:17:27 Rich quit (timeout) 20:17:42 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 20:18:42 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 20:19:37 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 20:21:07 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 20:21:19 ynpvisitor63 quit (timeout) 20:37:55 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 20:39:13 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 20:39:41 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 20:41:08 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 20:46:43 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 20:55:40 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 21:06:31 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 21:07:29 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 21:11:34 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 21:26:07 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 21:26:52 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 21:26:53 ynpvisitor23 quit (timeout) 21:28:03 kcmule quit (timeout) 22:07:26 ynpvisitor71 joins Yellowstone 22:08:11 ynpvisitor71 quit (timeout) 22:26:39 ynpvisitor4 joins Yellowstone 22:26:52 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 22:33:30 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 22:36:21 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 22:41:24 ynpvisitor4 quit (timeout) 22:46:18 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 22:50:33 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 23:04:32 Kevin L quit (timeout) Found 1078 log entries for 2011-05-30 02:35:44 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 02:38:02 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 03:22:41 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 03:30:39 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 03:43:34 ynpvisitor57 joins Yellowstone 03:44:26 ynpvisitor57 quit (timeout) 04:01:22 ynpvisitor53 joins Yellowstone 04:05:59 ynpvisitor53 quit (timeout) 05:08:45 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 05:10:45 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 05:25:59 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 05:26:10 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 05:26:52 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 05:27:07 OF 0525ie 05:27:14 ynpvisitor28 changes nickname to Graham 05:29:19 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 05:29:36 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 05:29:54 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 05:30:11 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 05:30:18 looks like a long 05:30:30 yep 05:30:57 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 05:46:00 I have only a black screen. What are you looking at please? 05:47:49 yep, streaming cam is still down. VEC cam is working 05:48:09 Thank you. 05:48:19 will probably have to wait till tomorrow for the streaming cam to come back up 05:49:28 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 06:29:01 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:41:02 ynpvisitor74 quit (timeout) 06:45:06 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 06:45:45 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 06:51:01 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:55:48 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 06:57:57 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 07:05:57 OF 0703ie 07:09:40 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 07:12:55 looked like a long, probably started 0702? 07:17:25 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 07:17:50 are they on backup generators or did power come back? (do you know) 07:18:08 no idea 07:18:14 702 vc capture 07:18:33 thanks 44 07:20:03 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 07:21:46 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 07:22:29 Karen Low posted on FB last night that while the power was out at OF, the backup generator overheated. Fire crews were seen by the shed where the generator is kept. That may have affected the camera. 07:23:23 yeah thats what made it quit early. its running the shed, just not all the way through to the public stream now 07:26:00 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 07:32:05 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 07:32:12 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 07:32:53 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to Kevin L 07:42:45 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 07:49:45 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 07:52:42 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 07:55:23 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 08:00:44 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 08:02:19 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 08:09:55 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 08:10:30 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:11:01 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 08:14:21 not much to look at, so am surfing the web 08:14:22 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 08:14:36 Echinus had a spike yesterday a.m. maybe that means something. :) 08:15:03 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 08:15:10 Echinus "graph" I should say 08:23:56 ynpvisitor69 changes nickname to vw 08:24:15 morning 08:24:30 pretty good snowflakes at Mammoth, I see 08:25:00 Good morning 67. 08:25:11 I am running out of places to look to entertain me. 08:25:58 wish we could offer up the public stream for you but last I checked a couple of hours ago, it is still down. :( 08:26:39 might not see too much today anyway. but ..... would still like the opportunity 08:27:06 There are currently some gazers on the bw by BH. Hadn't been and thought it might have erupted earlier. 08:27:45 I am not going to stay glued to the op cam all day, but will try to keep everyone posted as possible. 08:27:48 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 08:28:09 Will also keep and updated as I am able. 08:29:05 appreciate that. How many are standing up there? 08:29:06 Conditions at OF not so bad now. Foggy, but am not seeing any precip. 08:29:12 And do they look miserably cold? :) 08:29:27 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 08:29:34 OF in preplay, will check afterwards. Looked to be about a half dozen or so? 08:32:19 Look like they are walking around. Might be to stay warmish. temp sticking right around freezing again this morning. 08:34:03 ynpvisitor2 joins Yellowstone 08:35:22 ynpvisitor2 quit (timeout) 08:37:15 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 08:38:04 just on principle, you have to keep the cam on OF even if no one else can see it? 08:38:40 No need to keep it on OF, but do by habit! Especially when nothing else is happening. 08:39:14 OF will block the view too 08:39:24 yes 08:40:08 OF 0839 08:41:02 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 08:41:09 Graham quit (timeout) 08:45:15 ynpvisitor5 quit (timeout) 08:47:02 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 08:52:21 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 08:52:21 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 08:54:56 BH update: steaming nicely, but no splashing noted. Only 2 gazers and one backpack out there now. 08:56:10 Churn 0855 ie 08:56:39 thanks, 13.5 hours now for BH 08:56:41 Conditions are very steamy this morning, so hard to see if there is water in most locations. 09:00:44 email from the basin: According to Jim S, Castle majored overnight. Penta was ie at 0537 this morning, Churn 0649. Grand predicted for about 1145 this am with standard deviation. 09:00:57 There was also a Plume at 0739 this morning. 09:01:01 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 09:01:10 I willmake sure all those times get posted to the databases. 09:01:40 There was about 3 inches of new snow overnight at OF, but the roads were just wet. 09:02:02 thanks for the info 09:02:10 hi G. 09:02:41 so BH is taking its time this morning? 09:02:51 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 09:04:01 Yes, but we are seeing people there now. 09:05:41 If Beehive shortens any, it might be the same as the recent Fountain.per the LS report 09:06:03 I am still not getting a stream cam. Is it me, or is it still down? 09:06:16 More info: Plume was at 0841. Fountain 0505ie. 09:06:29 Public stream is still down Kevin. 09:06:53 Boo! With Cox cable, you never really know. 09:08:57 4 BH watchers now 09:11:56 Basin report: FRS report of Aurum 0909 09:11:59 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 09:12:24 you must be getting good radio reception! 09:12:43 :) 09:12:52 isn't technology a wonderful thing! 09:14:43 LOL 09:15:28 who is the informer? 09:15:58 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 09:16:40 What would really be fun if we could stream FRS 4.5 onto the computer from the UGB. 09:18:21 " Go to 5" 09:18:43 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 09:19:47 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:21:26 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:22:14 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:25:21 databases updated. I think anyway! 09:25:47 thanks 09:26:11 I am rather slow on those things! 09:26:29 requires way more concentration than I usually have. 09:26:50 they have made the sites quite easy to use, still some differences 09:27:28 are they capable of text uploads? I have a not-too-smart-phone 09:27:36 I was rather hoping to see BH today since I can but the stream is down still... 09:27:57 Both sites very useful. 09:28:06 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 09:28:17 i think Glennon was working text msg input. not sure where that got to. they are trying to get to a single database first 09:28:49 it's all appreciated, and will change the way we do things, definitely good way to get info 09:29:33 Will change the list serve too, but I like the descriptive reports very much,not just bare bones times 09:30:27 will enable me to get to bed earlier :) 09:31:03 It wouldn't be so late for you G if you moved west! 09:31:05 We are getting closer to solstice and it still hasn' 09:31:16 hasn't been good weather! 09:32:03 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 09:32:12 yeah, meterological summer tomorrow 09:32:28 ynpvisitor100 changes nickname to MJ 09:32:35 goes to how much we can trust those meterologists. 09:32:56 good morning MJ 09:33:15 Good Morning vw 09:33:47 Is the stream down? 09:35:47 Yes 09:36:10 Depression 0935ie 09:36:29 I thought I was having some trouble at this end. 09:37:14 How can you see Depression? Which site should I look at please? 09:37:17 can't comment on the MJ 09:37:47 the streaming cam is down but the cam control is running 09:38:08 But we can't see that can we? 09:38:37 Okay thank-you Graham 09:40:28 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:40:43 no. cam control is a limited bandwidth display for operators only. can't support the load from public viewing. 09:40:54 its rather jumpy, low frame rate video 09:41:14 Thanks Graham. I was being hopeful really. 09:41:38 Thank-you graham for explaining 09:41:57 so the good news is the cam is working but the fix (probably software restart somewhere) probably won't happen until the holiday is over 09:42:39 but we can always hope, so logging the times gives a chance to see more if it comes back to life 09:42:55 Thank you. 09:43:37 We sure appreciate everything that y'all do! 09:44:58 thank you 09:45:52 To everyone have a safe Holiday.bbl-Bye 09:45:53 from yesterday's log: "19:24:16 I can't get the encoder to work and that is why it is not going out to the public" 09:47:19 MJ quit (timeout) 09:48:39 there is a chance someone will restart everything even tho its a holiday....not sure tho 09:48:57 Plume 0948 09:49:15 Public stream up 09:51:09 just talking about did it...good job G 09:51:19 :) 09:51:55 I am not seeing it.... 09:53:01 I have it now. Thank you whoever sorted it out. In time for BH. much appreciated 09:53:10 G - I am getting a feed from the NPS website. 09:53:45 HUGE thanks to our NPS guy who got on it as soon as he knew we were having problems. Even on a holiday!!! 09:54:54 He said he would post something on twitter to let people know. 09:55:05 got it now here and on the NPS site 09:55:36 It is very good of him to sort it out. 09:55:43 OK! LEt's have a Beehive and I'll get something else done today. 09:55:47 need to call MJ back 09:56:31 basin is really pretty today 10:02:17 what will be the protocol for uploading, I saw one that Glennon flagged because the sender didn't ID themselves. 10:03:14 That is a great question 79. We will have to make sure we ask Jake and Glennon. 10:03:16 several of us have been keeping it updated per the chat log - Rich, or the cam ops mainly 10:03:41 in park, anyone can send them. please put you name in if theres a question 10:03:51 I know when I input data I am using my initials, but probably forget sometimes. I also try to make sure I credit if from the basin or not. 10:03:57 we have flagged spme that are not as good as another time if theres a duplicate 10:03:58 Nice splashing at BH 10:04:10 this morning there was an incorrect BHI time so we flagged that too 10:04:13 like yours today vw, is "report from basin" adequate, or will we want to know if it was heresay, or a direct sighting 10:04:47 watches that aren't set the same could also create some duplicates 10:04:58 depending on how many people start using this in the field. 10:05:25 we try and get them from reliable sources 10:06:14 it will be very cool when the bugs are worked out, both sites are going to be synched? 10:06:20 Any one can flag an eruption time on 10:06:38 IF you make a mistake you can double 'Flag" the error and it will automatically be deleted. 10:07:39 Daisy 1007 ie 10:12:04 I believe the 'idea' is that WC check box covers whether it is an in person siting or a webcam time. 10:12:17 I haven't looked at the .net site, just .org. I like seeing the elapsed time 10:12:59 (saves me having to use my fingers and toes to count) 10:13:25 site give prediction on next eruptions based on data current entries. 10:14:36 when are they ready to go public? I am not sure how many people even know about it, if they don't come in here 10:15:17 Last word from Glennon was when they get the data bases sync'd. 10:15:48 Graham has been posting one link with the Geyserlistserv reports he does. 10:15:50 that may be soon too 10:16:06 that will be a flurry of activity, and a good test run 10:16:24 Basin report from FRS: Grotto 1013 ie 10:16:32 Thought I saw some steam over that way! 10:16:49 .net has an Anderiod app 10:17:44 so how will that Grotto be noted: FRS? 10:17:55 So far I haven't found a way to get archived data from from the web. 10:18:58 lets you search by date/eruption or all data. 10:19:41 this is very interesting stuff as we move into the next phase of data sharing and collection. 10:20:14 Both sites have a comment box, anything can be entered their pertaining to the eruption. 10:21:46 . 10:22:50 Will have to think of everyone's names if they only use initials! 10:23:14 OF 1022 10:25:59 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 10:26:33 I only use my initials, because I think most people here know me by those. Not sure how many even know my name! 10:26:59 Too bad I am not the cute little bug my initials imply.... :D 10:28:41 although I will admit to being more than a little round and rolly-polly... 10:29:28 but if it goes public, how many (not sure how to put this) outside (outside this room) gazers know everyone. 10:29:48 Cute on the roly poly vw :) 10:31:14 That is true to some extent. What I am finding though is that the people who are posting to the sites are names we are fairly familiar with. Lynn S, Graham in particular. As time passes, everyone will get a better feel for who is inputting reliable data. 10:31:33 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 10:31:34 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 10:32:24 I bet when it hits the list, someone will suggest a protocol, full names, FRS via XXX, whatever, so we know what comes from who 10:32:33 we will find out! 10:33:45 neat bear quiz 10:35:02 how well did you do? I got two wrong 10:41:27 . 10:41:38 If I logged in right now, I would assume that vw is in the basin with the FRS Grootto call, then would read wc on the other ones, assuming webcam. 10:41:53 Grotto, nott Grootto! 10:43:03 There is a wc/webcam option on both pages. I try to make sue I check them, but also know there are times I forget. :( 10:43:26 not clear we care about where the person entering it is located 10:43:51 knowing it was observed on the webcam is useful compared to in the park 10:44:33 besides, I kind of ike the idea of people thinking I can be in two places at one time! 10:44:43 yeah 10:44:49 BHI 1044 10:46:59 15.5 hours roughly? 10:47:24 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 10:47:36 yep 10:47:42 It's working! :) 10:47:54 ty 10:48:16 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to kcmule 10:48:20 thx vw 10:48:29 and the indicator is going! 10:48:35 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to kcmule 10:48:42 . 10:49:04 ynpvisitor55 changes nickname to GrantCamper 10:49:24 hey kc! wasn't sure if you knew we were "live" again. 10:49:28 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 10:50:06 Hi GrantCamper. You really in Grant? Heard earlier today power out there. 10:50:13 Very tall Indicator! 10:50:25 No, I wish I was 10:50:28 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 10:50:30 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 10:50:30 I'm in Colorado 10:50:37 ynpvisitor51 changes nickname to kcmule 10:50:41 . 10:50:50 You may be warmer and drier in CO. 10:51:00 i did not get the word til i got your txt 10:51:11 Yes, I would be snow camping at Grant. 10:51:34 that's the truth GrantCamper 10:51:39 wow 640x480 picture is back!! :D 10:51:54 Very good! Did not know that! 10:52:04 Curious how lag time is. 10:52:28 btw, we are probably missing Plume. Anybody mind? 10:52:43 I don't 10:52:58 It will likely be back in an hour anyway... 10:56:58 BH 1056 10:57:26 h 10:58:06 fgh.' 10:58:21 woops 10:58:43 :D that happens to me when the dog walks on the keyboard. 10:59:08 my son was watching with me. He's 12 10:59:16 need I explain more. 10:59:41 I am sure he finds us all rather strange! We are of course... 11:00:31 He wanted to watch BH. 11:00:39 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 11:01:41 Glad he could join us. 11:02:32 He's been coming with me to Yellowstone since he could barely walk. 11:03:08 Hopes for a wildlife biologist or geologist in the making! 11:03:30 thank you to whoever sorted out the cam so we could watch BH today. 11:04:06 Yes, he definitely likes science. 11:04:28 looks like some of the people on the bw may be heading towards Grand. Others still hanging out. 11:04:33 Yeah, I was missing it yesterday. 11:04:57 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 11:09:44 I got a report that there was a Castle Major overnight, but no time given. 11:15:29 bbl, thanks 11:15:53 bye 67! 11:16:10 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 11:16:40 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 11:19:07 I have to get a few things done. I will leave you with a view downbasin. be back in just a little bit. 11:19:34 okay, thank you! :) 11:19:41 I have to go too but think I will leave this open and listen for a 6 burst Grand. 11:21:16 Graham are you on? I had a PM question and it says you are unknown or not connected. :P 11:21:34 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 11:22:34 Still thinking about all this data entry stuff, but I'll just let it sort itself out over the next weeks. 11:22:41 later. 11:23:34 Grand 1122 ie 11:23:42 glad i wasn't too far away 11:26:14 ynpvisitor88 changes nickname to Glennon 11:28:33 :) 11:29:26 Kevin L quit (timeout) 11:31:13 Update from Basin: Grand start was at 1120. There was a Lion at 1125ie (yeehaw!) 11:32:05 yee haw 11:32:41 2b? 11:33:02 still waiting... 11:34:04 lots of steam, getting late tho 11:34:27 yeap. 2B. 11:34:36 or not to be,... 11:34:48 that was bad. My apologies. 11:36:09 BLUE sky!!! 11:36:21 I see that! 11:36:43 it brightens the spirit. 11:37:17 Yeah, nothing like the basin on a sunny morning or a sunny evening! :) 11:39:19 So Grant was a 2 burst? 11:39:38 Grand 11:40:09 yes 11:40:32 did the 12 year old stick for Grand? 11:40:42 GrantCamper quit (timeout) 11:41:14 It's alive!!!! 11:44:59 ynpvisitor100 joins Yellowstone 11:45:31 Hi Kevin! 11:46:11 Gee, I figured I may as well take care of stuff. Bad timing I guess. 11:47:22 but who was expecting the stream would go back live today? not me! 11:47:36 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 11:47:56 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 11:48:42 Dittos here. I thought it would be Tuesday late or Wednesday at the earliest. 11:49:19 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 11:51:26 Yes, me too. But our YNP guy got RIGHT on it as soon as he read his emails this morning. 11:52:07 Great service! 11:52:26 ynpvisitor34 quit (timeout) 11:52:37 Sending many cookies to YNP guy. 11:52:54 Things are lightening and brightening over the Basin. Could it actually turn into a nice day? 11:53:23 Well, most people should be leaving about now, so maybe. 11:53:31 OF 1152 11:54:14 I heard many people left early. So many in fact that at least one hotel in Gardiner reduced their rates early. 12:00:35 Riverside 1159 ie 12:05:05 Plume 1204 12:13:17 Snow plowing into the basin! 12:14:34 aiming cam down in hopes of keeping most of moisture off lens. 12:17:43 Unless this is a short lived squall, we are likelly to miss Lion and Daisy. 12:21:19 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 12:22:35 ynpvisitor35 quit (timeout) 12:23:49 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 12:24:50 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 12:26:52 see what happens when i go away, you lewt it start snowing again vw 12:31:25 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 12:33:39 impossible to keep moisture off lens. 12:36:23 Sorry G. I tried to keep it away but it is SO adament! 12:37:04 By my reminders we have probably missed Lion, Daisy and possibly Aurum. :( 12:37:35 teah, oh well 12:37:45 I am sure there are hardy souls still out there 12:37:55 now that BH and Grand have gone 12:38:29 My source headed back the to the cabins and then is going for lunch. Good timing on his part! 12:38:55 ynpvisitor100 quit (timeout) 12:39:04 I do wonder who all is there, or if they have left. 12:39:32 me too 79. 12:39:34 some may be cutting it short, or some usually leave today anyway 12:41:44 too much water on the lens to power through. will just have to wait for them to evaporate. 12:42:12 Lion 1241 ie 12:42:30 find a spot through the spots for you to see... 12:43:08 yeah 12:43:21 far, far away! 12:43:32 always :) 12:43:42 :) 12:44:05 migh still see Daisy 12:45:13 wondering same myself. Might be a little refracted though. 12:45:36 haha 12:46:02 Daisy 1245 ie 12:46:21 That time is near the end. 12:46:47 Basin updates: Daisy 1243 by FRS, Lion 1243 ie by FRS 12:46:50 good to know for later 12:47:44 no what can we stare out for? 12:47:57 water spots? 12:48:33 yeah not much. watch for Castle? 12:49:08 things further away the best as zoom helps power through spots. 12:49:35 zzz time 12:50:01 and now wind is going to make cam too bouncy for zoom. 12:50:01 definitely nap time 12:51:34 Going on preset until lens dries off a bit. Can't really see anything. 12:51:51 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 12:52:25 looks like it stopped raining so it might fry up 12:52:51 yes, I am sure it will Fry up. About July when the temps get into the 80's! 12:52:54 :D 12:53:18 but I am sure the lens will dry up before then. 12:56:33 More updates: Aurum 1247 ie, FRS. He is heading to the LGB, so we may get reports from there later. 12:58:12 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 12:58:37 looks wet 12:59:33 It certainly was a bit ago. Snow seems to have stopped for now. 13:00:13 wet or white, not sure which one sometimes 13:01:33 we had both snow and rain. A lot of it. 13:02:32 ynpvisitor79 quit (timeout) 13:02:56 thx, looks like I missed all the action earlier, glad its working again 13:03:39 stay tuned in: we got a Lion series that started. 13:03:53 That should keep us entertained today. 13:04:23 A Castle is probably due too. 13:07:16 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:12:04 Just checking condition of the lens. Spots seem to be shrinking. 13:15:42 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:16:00 A couple of long intervals on Plume today. 70 minutes now. 13:20:12 Plume 1319 13:20:37 75 minute interval 13:24:00 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:24:48 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 13:25:27 ynpvisitor61 changes nickname to Derek 13:25:43 Hi All 13:26:04 Hi Derek! 13:26:16 Hi Derek 13:26:18 hi derek, long time no see 13:27:02 I pop in here most days but people are usually too busy to notice :-) 13:27:25 ok, not usually when i am online 13:28:03 Some of us notice. 13:28:11 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 13:28:32 too many distractions these days! 13:28:44 For some reason I can't pm anyone 13:28:55 Sure wish OF would erupt. Want to check down basin. 13:29:17 I sometimes have that problem too D. It might help to refresh the page? 13:30:07 It says: You are trying to speak to a unknown (or not connected) user 13:31:31 OF 1330 13:31:43 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 13:32:28 ynpvisitor55 changes nickname to Derek2 13:32:44 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:33:02 Some of that OF spray could be landing on the Lodge Cabins! 13:33:13 I tried with IE and Firefox and got the same result 13:33:16 Derek2 quit (timeout) 13:33:37 There have been problems with the page in the last week or so, 13:34:06 I still have some video for you vw 13:34:54 guy 13:34:57 hi 13:35:02 how r u 13:35:26 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 13:35:57 Would love to watch D, but I am having so many problems with my internet connection, I can barely stay connected to the op cam. Think maybe the storms we hare having have played their games on signals! 13:36:00 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 13:36:06 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 13:36:14 OK 13:36:19 Depression 1335 ie 13:37:33 thought we missed most of it, but some nice bubbles. 13:38:24 Castle 1337 ie 13:38:40 Thought I noticed an increase in the steam on the pcicture! 13:39:05 My contact is not in the basin, so I can't get a better time on Castle start. 13:40:03 sitting at Fountain doesn't sound like a lot of fun in this weather 13:40:17 especially if it goes 11 or more hours 13:40:43 mind you, i have done it in weather like this 13:41:20 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:41:24 This weekend, it might be as much about the company hanging around as anything. 13:42:15 we are losing the picture die to another storm? going... going... 13:42:24 die = due! 13:42:43 yeah Castle vanishes into the fog 13:43:08 is that Plate 1342ie? 13:43:33 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 13:43:42 It could be G. Getting to foggy to tell. 13:43:44 who knows 13:43:44 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 13:44:05 looks a bit billowy but could just be the spring in this weather 13:44:29 going into evasive position again! 13:44:43 more white stuff 13:45:05 good time to grab something to eat. bbs 13:45:10 i am sure the sun will be out at 1500 :) 13:45:50 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to missouri 13:49:41 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:50:11 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 13:54:40 Lion 1354 ie ? 13:54:59 A hint of it throught he storm... or water on the lens! 13:55:23 Nope. Water on the lens. :) 13:58:01 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 13:58:58 ynpvisitor29 quit (timeout) 14:03:04 Storms seem determined to keep us from getting a good view of a Lion eruption today. 14:03:37 sure can't see much right now 14:04:52 Hi missouri! missed your entry. Sorry about that. 14:05:52 Yes, we have had several periods of thick fog and precip today. Better than yesterday though when we couldn't see much for most of the day and then the cam went down. 14:06:27 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:06:30 hi. that's all right. i noticed the cam was down yesterday afternoon sometime 14:07:19 Pretty thick now. Can barely see peaks of OF and Split Cone. 14:07:34 i was almost surprised to see it running this afternoon. being a holiday weekend and all, i thought maybe it woudl have to wait 14:08:14 static cam looks really dark too 14:09:18 Storms are supposed to be letting up. Not too sure about that prediction right now! 14:10:12 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 14:11:21 ynpvisitor66 changes nickname to cb 14:11:40 ya!!!! the cam is back to orginal resolution!!!!! 14:11:50 hi all 14:12:00 definitely clearing up. hi cb 14:12:05 now if we could just see something cb... 14:12:09 Hi! 14:12:21 agree!! 14:12:32 I am happy to have the full screen back 14:12:53 looks like big flakes falling 14:13:31 It has been an interesting day weatherwise. 14:13:43 really? 14:14:00 I have been out and about today... 14:14:09 snow in your area? 14:14:33 no...nice! Am going out to wash the trailer! While i can!!! 14:14:47 sunshine and clouds, but warmer 14:15:04 you have to get ready for your long haul that is coming up soon! 14:15:12 came in for a bite of llunch and thought i'd tune in for a minute 14:15:30 yeap...going to drag the beast to our fav spot!! 14:15:47 YNP or bust 14:16:08 that is assuming the snow has melted at Madison, right? 14:16:30 yes and its not a lake !! looks like warmer temp soon 14:16:59 Could be a lake when you arrive! 14:17:28 interesting for the books thats for sure 14:18:01 It might be clearing enough to see Plume. 14:20:13 cb quit (timeout) 14:23:09 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:26:00 either the weather is getting thicker again or my eyes are getting weary. Not sure which anymore. 14:26:52 Derek quit (timeout) 14:31:46 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:31:51 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 14:38:34 Plume erupted when we couldn't see it? Nearly 80 minutes now since the last one we saw. 14:39:52 well, there was certainly plenty of time when we couldn't see 14:40:16 funny how fast it changes from horrible visibility to pretty darn good 14:42:33 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:42:54 Plume 1442 14:43:08 83 minute interval 14:43:11 huh 14:43:54 what did graham say about the sun being out at 1500? 14:44:18 Yeah, when its HIS turn to drive the cam! 14:44:20 :D 14:44:36 looks like its getting close!!!! 14:45:46 ah, but here comes more snow. 14:46:14 Of course, it is almost time for Lion again. 14:47:13 OF too. 14:47:53 Lion 1447 14:48:00 getting snowier though 14:48:02 Not that we can really see it, but.... 14:51:09 I wonder how many visitor suggestions for covered viewing areas the Park is going to get after this weekend.... 14:51:44 back now...hum.wheres the sun? 14:52:07 we tried to get it sunny for you Graham, but it is a day when it just couldn't 14:53:39 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 14:53:57 I am heading out everyone. Thanks for keeping me entertained and awake! 14:54:02 Special acknowledgment and thanks for all of our servicemen: those who have served, those currently serving, and especially all those who died in service to our country. My thoughts are with you and your loved ones today. 14:54:06 beautiful day! 14:54:08 Have a great day all. 14:54:09 thanks vw 14:54:31 ynpvisitor33 quit (timeout) 14:54:46 vw quit (timeout) 14:55:27 missouri quit (timeout) 15:03:42 OF 1502 15:04:36 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 15:07:14 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 15:07:16 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:08:47 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 15:09:21 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:12:22 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 15:12:24 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:24:13 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 15:26:40 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 15:28:08 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 15:28:08 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 15:32:35 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 15:34:38 got a good interval on Aurum today I see 15:35:04 yep. Kent sent in reports 15:36:23 Was the Fountain time from him too? 15:37:03 I think so but may have been seen by someone else 15:37:34 So that's the "report from basin" or "FRS" relays I guess. 15:38:00 I think they are the same but not sure 15:38:34 I like knowing who is there, even if I don't know them, and think a name gives credence to the reports. 15:38:48 Just my opinion. 15:39:25 This day doesn't look as bad as I was expecting, weather wise, but tonight could be worse 15:41:50 sometimes if the call comes over the radio you cant figure out who its from 15:44:04 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 15:51:10 Lion 1550 15:51:21 understood, but we didn't know who was even hearing them and relaying. Looking at the last Aurum it would look like you got the report, but I read that one in the lo 15:51:32 oops, last word is Log. 15:54:04 theres a bit more detail with the online logs than the NPS logbook 15:54:13 do you think some people don't want their names here or in the data sites? 15:55:04 dunno, have not thought about asking 15:56:38 I think shortening the chain of info is always good, not 3rd or 4th person 15:59:11 have to weigh that against wanting data to be collected and not having too many rules that disuade people 15:59:28 true 15:59:52 right now theres not much of a data quality problem 15:59:55 We will see how it goes when a bunch of folks know about the site(s) 16:03:26 Plume 1602 16:06:53 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:06:55 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:14:28 Aurum 1612 16:15:23 Daisy 1614ie 16:17:23 3 1/2 hour Daisy interval 16:20:29 maybe this is a year for Splendid 16:20:49 you think 3 1/2 was a double? 16:21:00 would be nice 16:21:24 lots of ppl out not that its dry 16:21:30 I was just remembering the floods of '97, and that was a Splendid year too, wasn't it? 16:22:00 97 was SPlendid year but Daisy was down around 105min average 16:22:40 there was a 3:40 earlier this winter, just looking at the downloads now 16:22:57 k 16:23:24 January had a 3:55 16:23:25 theory is you want short Daisy intervals for Splendid to have a chance 16:24:06 feb 3:56 (I keep finding longer ones!) 16:25:27 there's even a 5:20 which was followed by several well over 3hrs 16:25:35 I'll quit now. :P 16:27:55 Lion 1627ie 16:37:41 Glennon changes nickname to Glennon(away) 16:38:24 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 16:38:32 Glennon(away) quit (timeout) 16:41:24 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:41:25 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:42:18 OF 1641 16:42:38 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:42:38 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:43:23 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:43:23 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:44:10 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 16:44:18 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 16:44:20 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:46:06 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:49:30 well this connection isn't working so well, I'll exit so you don't have to read all the time outs 16:49:34 Depression 1648ie 16:50:15 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 16:53:32 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 17:05:29 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 17:06:20 Plume 1705 17:07:24 Is that snow, or is it rain? 17:07:50 light snow 17:08:24 warming up again so may be rain 17:08:30 ty 17:09:13 can see it better zoomed out 17:09:49 ahh, yes 17:10:27 Just wondering what kind of Memorial day it is in the UGB 17:11:00 a wonderful one 17:11:30 soup and chili sales are up, ice cream down 17:12:09 And one is warm and dry in their Guidewear. 17:12:55 there seems to be a lack of crowds, or is that mu imagination? 17:13:17 my 17:13:42 a friend who works Mammoth Store called it job security: they kept selling hats socks and mittens non stop 17:13:48 there have been quite a few ppl out but its pretty poor weather for them to stay long 17:14:36 i am sure the gift shops and coffee and food places with nice comfy indoor seats are doing well 17:17:13 I've been to the Park in May with suitable equipment and without suitable equipment. I prefer the former. 17:18:20 yeah its an interesting time to be there, you think it should be warm but its not 17:23:00 bbl going out to enjoy some warmer, dryer weather :) 17:23:39 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 17:34:17 Kevin L quit (timeout) 17:37:44 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 17:38:06 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 17:39:01 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 17:42:43 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 17:45:26 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 17:45:32 enough work 17:45:55 yep, its a holiday! 17:46:13 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 17:46:49 just not in pakistan apparently 17:47:42 well its not fair you have to work 17:48:35 Lion may be done 17:48:58 still got to see some geysers today 17:49:17 they dont take holidays 17:49:38 in full def too, big bonus 17:50:39 ynpvisitor77 quit (timeout) 17:53:16 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 17:54:06 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 18:11:31 OF 1810 18:12:52 Plume 1811ie 18:23:31 Kevin L quit (timeout) 18:25:13 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 18:29:37 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 18:33:36 Churn 1832 18:39:24 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 18:44:50 The Firehole looks to be running a little high 18:45:12 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to Todd 18:45:27 BH 10:56 18:45:50 Hey kc, thanks 18:46:51 just for you, Churn 1832 18:48:30 so nice to have full res back! 18:48:38 now where is that moose 18:48:45 thanks, again 18:49:01 sure Todd 18:49:04 dancing in the snowstorm earlier 18:49:50 Global warming 18:56:35 did you see Holstein got a Plate, 1340 ns and a Lion 1343. It looks like you got the other ones 18:56:45 Nice BH, considering the weather. Churn is having quite a spring showing. 18:58:20 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone 18:58:30 ynpvisitor74 changes nickname to vw 18:58:44 ahhhh. nothing like a two hour nap to jump start your evening. 18:59:07 wow. knew I was tired, but maybe that was a little overkill. 18:59:16 just saw that, cool 18:59:21 see you cleared up the weather nicely Graham. 18:59:35 morning vw 19:00:00 careful G. Easy to confuse an old woman! 19:00:10 coffee on yet? 19:00:16 so do you correct those times, or leave yours as "wc" and call it close enough for horseshoes 19:02:04 Todd changes nickname to Todd(BBL) 19:03:05 Plume time on FB looks wrong compared to vw's here 19:05:23 did i mess up? 19:06:05 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 19:06:41 your time matched the log timestamp so I think its good 19:06:45 could be a typo on his part? Or 6 minutes of it. lol 19:06:48 wondering which times 19:07:18 Yellowstone Tour Guides on FB 19:07:52 aaah. Haven't read FB 19:07:56 ynpvisitor55 quit (timeout) 19:08:59 Daisy 1907 19:10:15 Nice Daisy. 19:11:17 I will update those times where they got an earlier start than we did. Will note changes in Comment sections with credit to YTG. The Plume though does seem a little too off to change. 19:11:41 I put the Plate and Lion in 19:12:43 Plume 1911ie 19:17:24 Castle and Depression updated on will have to have duplicate entries as someone else was inputting for me today cuz I was too lazy! 19:17:27 I had that Plate comment at 1342ie :) so I was right 19:19:24 so you did, good spot on that on a steamy snowy day 19:20:33 I saw that G! 19:22:41 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 19:22:45 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 19:22:48 ig weather again 19:22:51 ug 19:24:20 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 19:28:16 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 19:30:40 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 19:37:36 OF 1936 19:40:26 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 19:43:17 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:44:55 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 19:54:13 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 19:55:03 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 19:55:09 Steam making it hard to get a clear view of Aurum 19:55:21 Depression 1954 19:56:30 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 19:57:18 i think Aurum is a lost cause 19:57:32 me too. 19:57:34 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 19:57:43 Getting new spots on the lens or are those leftovers? 19:58:46 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 19:58:54 hmmm. thought we were going to get an encore from Depression 19:59:10 Not 19:59:24 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 20:01:27 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 20:02:24 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 20:02:32 i am done, see you 20:02:46 Have a great evening Graham! Thank you! 20:03:02 Evening Graham! 20:03:20 Weather rolling in again making anything down basin hard to see. We will have to be contented with Geyser Hill for a while again. 20:03:22 enjoy the sunshine and herd of moose 20:03:28 :D 20:03:31 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to GrantCamper 20:03:39 Here moosey moosey 20:04:02 Graham quit (timeout) 20:04:13 It is a beautiful evening on a grey day 20:04:27 Welcome back GrantCamper! 20:04:42 Not too many people out enjoying the weather at OF, that is for sure. 20:04:48 Thank you VW 20:04:54 do they sell moose calls like duck calls? 20:05:15 I bet they do! Check Cabela's! 20:05:26 lol 20:05:39 Not sure that I have ever heard a moose in rut before. 20:06:08 The black birds flying by.....kind of cool 20:06:16 ynpvisitor66 joins Yellowstone 20:06:35 ynpvisitor32 quit (timeout) 20:06:37 VW where are you from? 20:06:58 I am in Billings, MT. The center of the current 40 days of rain... 20:07:28 ahh! 20:07:46 Do you get to visit often? 20:08:17 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 20:08:25 I try. A 4 hour trip to OF no matter which way I go. Makes for a long day trip. 20:09:24 Yeah, you probably either need to go through Cody or Red Lodge. 20:09:46 Or Bozeman or Livingston 20:09:55 Livingston is actually my preferred route. Fast, and I love the drive from Gardiner south. 20:09:59 Yeah about 4 hours 20:10:11 40 days of rain, sounds like a bible story 20:10:15 ynpvisitor66 quit (timeout) 20:10:16 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to cb 20:10:22 Beartooth is beautiful trip, but weather plays such havoc with the road, it is iffy. 20:10:49 We are getting rain of biblical perportions 92! 20:10:55 Hi cb! 20:10:57 Someday, I would love to live in Bozeman or Livingston 20:11:04 hey all 20:11:08 and melting....well sort of. 20:11:25 Hello cb 20:11:25 Both Bozeman and Livingston are wonderful communities. Gardiner or West would be even better if you don't mind winter! 20:11:34 I guess i should have cked out GT 20:11:57 Melt hasn't even really started. Next week when the temperatures rise, it could get really ugly! 20:12:18 looks like the cam ops work from east coast to west coast to cover all the time zones, and not have to stay up too late? 20:12:28 That's what I hear 20:12:35 Plume lost in OF steam I am afraid. 20:12:48 Kevin L quit (timeout) 20:13:34 I went Chief Joseph last year...that was gorgeous 20:13:38 Cam ops are coast to coast, but Graham is on the east coast and he takes the late shift! 20:13:41 late nights for him. 20:13:50 has it been rainiing all day? 20:14:02 Off and on all day cb. 20:14:12 Nope, snowed most of the day. 20:14:32 Some blue sky now! 20:14:33 got it #14!!! 20:14:34 Spring time in Yellowstone. 20:14:39 :) 20:14:42 I see that 20:14:54 blue sky 20:15:23 ynpvisitor70 joins Yellowstone 20:15:33 I got the trailer all shinny!! 20:15:35 Looks like another cloud bank moving in though. 20:15:49 Cool cb! What is left before time to hit the road? 20:16:07 Where are you from cb; I'm from Colorado. 20:16:36 will look that way till we hit Carson city....maybe! Add winter gear and food...pretty much all the other stuff is done. 20:16:45 I am in Northern CA 20:16:53 by Lake Tahoe 20:17:05 ynpvisitor70 quit (timeout) 20:17:10 Oh... leave the winter gear at home! 20:17:12 :D 20:17:32 am scared too...thinking of bring snow shoes??!! 20:17:59 and X-country skies! 20:17:59 love hearing all the count-downs going on! Even if it doesn't look like it, that sure sounds like summer 20:18:10 yactrax are in already 20:18:32 The vacation season has now officially begun 92. You can always tell by the gas prices. 20:18:46 had lots of repairs to do on the beast from our Yosemite trip in the winter 20:19:32 has CC dropped in today? 20:19:39 My daughter went to lake tahoe this spring 20:19:50 I don't think CC has stopped in here today. 20:20:04 this spring??? Been awfully snowy here also!! 20:20:23 I wish I could do my earlier trip this year. Usually do one in late June. 20:20:46 But we won't come up until August. I'm bummed. 20:20:57 hubby is a chain installer on the hwy and worked on Sat night.....we usually get a scaattered snow storm, but to have chain control go up is unusual 20:21:03 next wave of weather... 20:21:28 I remember 2005, May 5 and hardly any snow. This is good. 20:21:31 but the snow should be gone by then... 20:22:11 Oh yes! 20:22:33 one would hope. 20:23:17 In the old days, the park didn't open until the middle of June. 20:24:11 Grant VC opened today I think, Grant Camper 20:24:27 or this weekend anyway 20:24:32 the road crew is making bank this winter!! 20:24:36 I am behind in reading news! 20:24:49 That would be about right. 20:24:51 All services in the Park were scheduled to be open, but with road situation and power outages you wonder how much traffic they got. 20:25:15 thanks to you and Graham for covereing all of the day on the cam vw! 20:25:21 no kidding, just moving that HUGE equipment from Beartooth BACK to Dunraven is a project 20:25:28 Several campgrounds won't open for a while because of the weather. 20:25:39 I bet 20:26:00 is Madison open? 20:26:19 yes Madison is oopen 20:26:20 Madison and Mammoth are open. 20:26:21 yes on Madison. Norris was delayed til Sunday 20:26:54 Madison is a bit higher. 20:26:59 Several reports from campers at Madison of waking Saturday to several inches of new snow. 20:27:01 I think only 1 loop is open though at Norris, it was a water quality prob 20:27:03 let me think...i know the yellowstone insider came last week...where is it!' 20:27:22 The only campground that filled yesterday was Mammoth 20:27:23 that should have been a ? 20:27:50 Bridge Bay is open too, but quite snowy, or parts of it are open, not sure 20:28:06 good to know 92. I hadn't heard that. 20:28:17 Todd(BBL) changes nickname to Todd 20:28:21 I think Tower is open!!! Too bad you can't get there except from Cooke 20:28:35 :D 20:29:07 Those folks at Cooke and Silver Gate are probably getting cabin fever. Maybe they could go camping? 20:29:19 read about the general store at Tower needing supplies thus the need to open Dunraven or Blacktail 20:29:38 It's still a gazillion feet deep at Cooke City 20:29:39 kcmule quit (timeout) 20:29:53 I can't believe Bridge Bay is open 20:29:58 They can get to Cody tho, if they need to 20:30:06 gazillion ya say!! G! 20:30:07 or Tower for that matter 20:30:21 That's what you call DEEP snow, gazillions 20:30:45 got it!! 20:30:51 Tower usually opens and fills up with the Lamar crowd this time of year, since Slough and Pebble are usually under water, even on a dry year 20:31:17 10 inches or 20; it's a gazillion when your camping in a tent. 20:31:33 it an interesting campground!! 20:31:47 think my personal lest fav would be Bridgebay 20:32:02 Tower; you know I've never stayed there. 20:32:34 its a nice campground. sites spaced appropriately 20:32:44 Fishing Bridge is my least favorite although I've never stayed there. 20:32:52 Tower is nice, VERY small. Cute amphitheatre for the ranger programs 20:33:08 It sounds nice. 20:33:14 ya mine also...packed in like sardines 20:33:16 feels like real camping, but you can walk to the store. :) 20:33:42 Tower that is, could walk at Fishing Bridge too, but that's another story. 20:34:04 Madison is my fav!! I love to sit out on the hillside and watch the rivers and animals w my coffee!! 20:34:50 I'm with you CB; I love Madison! 20:34:56 Madison and Grant are good for UGB access 20:34:58 I would love to stay at indian creek but our rig is to big 20:35:14 Grant is HUGH!! 20:35:30 that's too bad, it's nice too, I've done Indian Creek in the fall 20:35:38 What kind of rig do you have YNP92 20:35:46 tent!!! 20:35:52 28 ft 5th wheel 20:36:00 i mean CB 20:36:08 but it really is 30 ft tip to tail 20:36:50 Yeah, that's pushing it. I would love to stay at Indian Creek too. 20:36:55 Saw some good reports from in the basin today, that's good to get those reports when someone is willing 20:37:02 to big for the 2 of us....i miss our little 19ft trailer 20:37:21 what do you camp in Grant? 20:37:45 we have a 19 foot travel trailer. 20:38:17 LOL - I was going to tell you about the tent loop, I forgot that camping in Grant meant the person, not the campground. 20:38:20 perfect! 20:38:27 There are advantages to 5th wheels. 20:39:25 A lot of people enjoy canyon. 20:39:54 I used to do only tent camping. And I really miss some aspects of it. 20:40:05 there are....and draw backs...takes longer to drop at madison and run to geysers...more gas to pull....advantages...more space...recliner chairs...couches...but ya end up staying inside rather than being outside..draw back 20:40:46 I stilll have my tent camping gear...just in case! 20:41:17 I think I'll put my son in our tent. 20:41:57 where are you going to stay in Aug? 20:42:18 at kGrant :) 20:42:56 I love the lake and its proximity to UGB 20:43:26 camped there a few times, you can walk West Thumb at night, very nice 20:44:02 i haven't looked at the geyser times...anything due vw? 20:44:13 My husband likes it, but I would rather stay at Madison. 20:44:50 But I love Yellowstone Lake 20:45:07 When did the Inn open? 20:45:27 i would like to stay at Grant but it isn't open when we are in the park 20:45:53 When do you first visit? 20:46:11 Inn opened around 5/15 20:46:23 ahhhh 20:47:20 I am getting loopy, re the Inn, I was going to say 'I think 1903' 20:47:40 I came its 100th anniversary; it was open the 5th. I didn't stay there; I stayed may 5th 2005 20:47:41 Guess you meant this year. 20:48:03 so 1905 then? 20:48:24 I think you are right; it was 2003 20:48:47 let me check ;) 20:48:56 we are usually there right day through June 20:49:21 but this year we decided to go a little later cuz the past few years it was just to cold and wet 20:49:57 the lake at BBasin was just to much last year 20:50:25 I remember that last year the weather was horrible for your trip cb. 20:50:26 2004. I must have went in 2004. 20:50:45 Kinda like right now? 20:50:51 :) 20:51:12 1904 of inn 20:51:39 Yeah, spring time in Yellowstone. 20:51:43 ok we can split the difference! 04 it is! 20:52:05 yes Todd!! :) 20:52:47 I'm ready to go now 20:52:50 Boy it looks dismal out there 20:53:09 I think you made a good choice cb. 20:53:21 weather conditions are making it nearly impossible to see any eruptions. We are in the window for Grand, but I think our chances of seeing it are slim. 20:53:24 It will be bright and green soon 20:54:10 What is everyone's favorite geyser. If you can choose one 20:54:33 Can't 20:54:33 unfair question! 20:54:37 I suppose it's like choosing a favorite child? 20:54:46 10-4 20:54:49 Perfect GrantCamper! 20:54:52 I know what you mean! 20:55:19 there's power, grace, personality, character, cute....what else? 20:55:34 Fountain here!! 20:56:08 Plume aka (Surprise Attack Geyser), Beehive, Grand, Fountain, etc, on and on.... 20:56:16 I like the multi-bursters. Grand, Grt Fountain, Fan and Mortar. 20:56:25 Just can't pick one 20:56:28 i have a far at least...Fountain just always has a special place for both bill and I 20:56:30 Fountain is awesome! It makes me question my devotion to Great Fountain. 20:56:56 Grand is so awesome! 20:57:11 Bang for the buck, Fountain is fab. Did you read Lynn's durations from yesterday? wow 20:57:15 I love Beehive 20:57:38 I will read them. 20:57:43 agree Grant! 20:58:00 wow is right#92 20:58:24 They are like Lays potato chips, you can't eat(pick) just one. 20:58:31 For time spent, 39 minutes of Fountain is superb. 20:58:53 just when I was thinkin...whew, back to some "normal" (see lynns defination :) times 20:59:32 and close up and personal...and so much other stuff to watch..beautiful sunrises and sunsets!!! 20:59:34 I know, under 7 hours, then up to 11 hours. So you will have to figure it out cb 20:59:48 Yes, all are spectacular. Of course I would want to see Giant and Steamboat 21:00:03 i have Lynns reports saved to file on the phone for referance 21:00:27 What date is her report! :) 21:00:53 last night's was the 11 hour report 21:01:09 Lynn has great reports! 21:01:21 she has been posting daily reports for the past week.... the LS 21:01:52 don't try to drive thru Firehole in your rig though. :P 21:01:53 Soemthing going on in the Grand area, but have to keep cam on OF. 21:02:14 funny 92! 21:02:34 After reading Lynn's reports we may start to get licenses of offenders posted on the listserve! 21:02:42 it's been over 9 hours for Grand. 21:03:05 We are in the window for Grand. Have been keeping an eye on it when the weather conditions have allowed. 21:03:15 so drop off the trailer before you go to Great Fountain cb 21:03:17 ty vw 21:03:41 lol 21:03:45 Thats EXACTLY what we that time we are ready to drop and run 21:03:49 I think a Turban cycle. Timing it now. 21:04:45 we used to stop in at the ranger station, but w new phone and GT, not have to do that! 21:05:08 ur on it vw! 21:05:20 Do you reserve a site cb? 21:05:30 yeap!! #108 21:05:54 thats our site...except ffor last year they wouldn't let us have it 21:06:12 had A21...was nice..but I like #108 21:06:25 You know I've been coming to Yellowstone for "many" years and I'm always surprised and amazed! 21:06:46 that's why we keep coming back. 21:06:52 me too Grant...Think that is what keeps us coming back 21:06:54 How do you reserve a specific site? 21:07:06 you owe me a coke #92 21:07:06 ] 21:07:46 ya request a specific site 21:07:50 Tent camping I have even done reservations, just knowing that I would be in late and could run around the park til dark. 21:08:16 I always reserve coming from CO 21:08:19 But that's more expensive and only at those campgrounds. For Norris you just have to get there early. 21:08:35 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 21:09:11 yes! We aren't sure "the beast" will make the turns in the campground 21:10:12 I would LOVE to stay at Norris...this year we are packing a tent and sleeping bags w us...Bill wants to stay at Pebble creek for a night...I said "well see" 21:10:15 I was at Slough one time when one of those semi-s with trailer, towing a CAR came in. 21:10:40 They had to unhook everything to turn around, with the diesel engine keeping everyone awake 21:10:51 wow!!! 21:10:59 GrantCamper quit (timeout) 21:11:06 Pebble is underwater I think. 21:11:24 ya we have kept a few yosemite campers up late moving the beast around 21:11:40 me thinks so also...but try and tell Billum that!! 21:12:00 when is it supposed to open? 21:12:28 on a delayed opening ... i am not know vw? 21:12:33 Add a week or two this year. 21:12:46 so..... I have to tell someone this .. 21:12:48 I don't know 21:13:05 I think original estimates are being revised due to weather. 21:13:08 Bill bought me a pair of water (?) shoes today 21:13:26 The ones with the seprate toes!!!! 21:13:30 I think earlier they had planned to be open next weekend. Not likely though. 21:14:11 ew, how do those feel? 21:14:26 i had heard they were delayed...They are GREAT!!! like barefeet 21:14:47 remember the toe socks from the 70's? 21:15:00 I see a lot of people about in those. 21:15:07 OF 2114 21:15:29 they were horrible....For kicks i tried em on and was surprised...the more i wore em the better i liked em 21:15:34 I suppose it can't hurt to have a pair. 21:15:41 there she is! 21:15:47 YES, I had some that were striped 21:16:04 I had socks 21:16:08 ya outta try on a is surpriseingly comffy 21:16:24 i had striped ones also!! 21:17:32 The clouds are beautiful! 21:17:38 Nice ending for the evening 21:17:47 we take the grandkids to local Tahoe lakes in the summer and thought it would be nice to have a pair that can go from water to rocks in a blink of an eye!! 21:17:47 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 21:18:38 The nights in Yellowstone are longer in the summer than they are in Colorado. It is perfectly dark here. 21:19:19 21:19:24 . 21:19:38 farther west, maybe? 21:19:49 farther south 21:20:01 we are farther south 21:20:02 Night all-thanks for the conversations and the cam show 21:20:12 Night Todd! 21:20:22 Night Todd! 21:20:24 I am goiing to go...wrists are killing me..Very nice chatting w you Grant Camper!! hope we can meet in the park at some point 21:20:28 :) 21:20:30 I mean YNP. 21:20:33 night Tod 21:20:36 D 21:20:38 bye 21:20:46 Night cb. 21:21:07 That would be awesome. Sounds like we all love geysers :) 21:21:10 Found Pebble, it was due to open 10th of June, but will be delayed 21:21:17 i think so!! 21:21:27 Todd quit (timeout) 21:21:27 21:21:33 ty #92 21:21:52 I just tell Bill "will see how it goes".. 21:22:00 Good night! 21:22:03 I notice late nights when I am closer to the time change border 21:22:14 light late I mean 21:22:45 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 21:22:46 thanks for the chatter 21:23:08 bye all. 21:23:17 bye cb 21:23:28 sending you email Kevin!! 21:23:41 thought you were afk 21:23:48 bye 21:24:31 Been doing heath insurance enrollment for this year. Only words I could think of for the last few hours only had 4 letters each! 21:24:54 fav!!!!! 21:25:12 health insurance forms or four letter words cb? 21:25:20 sorry though Kevin...bye again 21:25:28 bye! 21:25:31 See you later. 21:25:32 what you think?? 21:25:38 :D 21:25:39 4 letter words!!!! 21:25:52 kinda guessed. 21:25:55 SNOW is a four letter word this year! 21:26:20 Snow is ALWAYS a 4 letter word. 21:26:24 but so is SPUT, is that better? 21:26:30 cb quit (timeout) 21:26:59 gone also, thanks for chatting. 21:27:52 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 21:28:21 I am going to call it a night. Hope everybody had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. See you tomorrow. 21:29:09 vw quit (timeout) 21:36:42 Kevin L quit (timeout) 21:58:59 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 21:59:44 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 22:07:31 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 22:09:39 kcmule quit (timeout) 23:33:24 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 23:37:59 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) Found 772 log entries for 2011-05-31 04:25:37 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 04:26:50 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 05:05:18 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 05:19:02 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 05:28:09 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 05:34:07 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 05:43:12 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 05:52:20 OF 0551ie 05:57:00 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 05:58:10 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:01:18 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 06:03:32 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:06:04 missed my OF to start the day 06:09:02 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 06:26:05 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 06:32:21 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 06:34:48 Depression 634ie 06:37:02 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to cb 06:37:32 that Depression should read done. 06:37:51 strong eruption 06:40:46 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 06:41:01 ynpvisitor93 changes nickname to Kevin L 06:43:34 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 06:50:47 did you see the youtube of time lapse drive in YNP? 06:50:58 Shows the snow levels along the road too 06:51:12 06:51:32 I haven't watched it yet. will do. ty!! 06:51:50 still trying to get the sleepies outta eyes 06:52:21 thanks, I will send that to some friends planning their June trips 06:56:26 GrantCamper quit (timeout) 07:05:08 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 07:20:23 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 07:22:56 OF 721 VC 07:23:08 ty 07:23:57 np 07:26:46 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 07:28:24 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 07:30:40 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 07:31:30 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 07:32:59 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 07:33:55 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 07:34:18 ynpvisitor13 quit (timeout) 07:35:20 Churn 734ie 07:36:46 saw a nice burst right before sawmil steam drifted over 07:41:53 Grand/oblong 740ie will watch to seee which one it is 07:42:38 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 07:42:53 thinkin Grand 07:43:18 Turban Major? 07:43:26 G! 07:43:30 Hi Kevin 07:43:34 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 07:43:36 HI 07:44:06 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 07:44:54 I'll bet on Grand. I saw some spikes myself. 07:45:28 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 07:45:35 cb quit (timeout) 07:48:20 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone 07:48:46 ty Kevin 07:48:59 Yeap that is a distinct Grand right there 07:51:43 I am guessing we saw the end of it. 07:54:12 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 07:57:26 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 07:57:29 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 07:59:23 ynpvisitor38 quit (timeout) 07:59:27 ynpvisitor90 changes nickname to Rich 08:00:56 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 08:02:09 Churn 801 08:02:35 wow 08:02:36 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 08:04:00 well that is fun!!! I hope this continues when we can see it in person! 08:06:21 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 08:06:23 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 08:06:24 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 08:06:43 ynpvisitor35 changes nickname to vw 08:06:54 Good morning. 08:07:24 Morning vw! 08:07:47 I have some times from the basin, but don't know if you already have them. 08:08:03 shoot em at us and lets see 08:09:01 Grand 0736, Churn 0734 and 0801 (by FRS), OF 0736ie 08:09:57 Just reading the logs, that OF looks off. 08:10:10 cb quit (timeout) 08:10:18 ty! had both churns. I was wondering if I missed one inbetween! 08:11:11 I see that. 08:13:22 had depression at 634ns also...did you pass that iinfo along? 08:13:23 I am guessing the Grand is a good time though. Knowing Kent he was sitting on the benches watching for it. Now he is probably headed in for breakfast! 08:14:26 how could they be off that much on OF? 08:15:02 not sure what is going on there. will text him back. 08:15:22 could be a typo too: he hates texting 08:15:31 Grand was VERY steamy. was hard to see...I think the time posted here was off..I missed the first part of it and to be honest didn't look at the time when someone else posted it here 08:16:20 I understand the typo. g 08:16:37 Lion 815 08:17:11 that could explain it!! :) 08:17:39 this initial? 08:18:29 It is the first one I havve seen on the webcam #69 08:18:44 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 08:18:44 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 08:19:27 <> 08:21:35 Edit function is working on GeyserTimes.Org 08:22:05 I noticed that yesterday. Very cool! 08:22:12 Hi Rich! 08:22:44 yes i think you and I were posting churn at the same time...i deleted mie 08:23:03 are you posting Lion rich? 08:23:19 Hi 08:23:26 I did 08:23:27 Hi!! G 08:23:30 ty 08:23:47 np 08:23:55 We need to ask Allan to change his "better" to "better/confirm" That way when we get double data like this we can confirm eruptions. 08:24:28 For two guys who are doing this on their own time, we sure are demanding of them!!! 08:25:26 As far as OF time - back out the new VC predition and it comes to 0721 08:25:50 Isn't that the time posted here? 08:26:06 yes 08:28:23 need to remember when watchin churn on the bw to move over!!! note to self 08:29:08 Hydrology report for the Park says snow melt starts today. OMG!!! 08:29:13 OR carry an umbrella? g 08:29:20 I am not following this, but trust that you guys will figure out the times! 08:30:08 time for a recap maybe?!?! 08:30:08 I read that hydrology warning, scary. High waters will hit on Thursday, is that the one you read vw? 08:30:20 VC predicts OF for 0854, subtracting 93 min equals 0721, the reported time here in the log before Kent's report. 08:30:27 I think all our times jive except that OF time. I have texted for info. 08:30:39 Yes. 08:30:57 With stream beds and rivers already running high, melt is going to cause major problems. 08:31:44 there are a few roads in YNP already in trouble where a stream or river is right on a curve 08:32:28 That plus the melting water will further undercut already unstable ground. More rockslides are likely. 08:36:39 Lets just hope that those that stuck around despite the bad weather will get a mostly sunny day! 08:36:53 oh look mom: a wildlife!!! 08:37:00 with a baby? 08:37:07 can't tell how many legs there are. 08:37:15 i don't see a bby 08:37:30 I think it is a bull! 08:37:58 LOL that is not a leg! :) 08:38:09 :D 08:38:31 ROFLMAO....I was tryiing to think how I could type that!!!!! 08:38:47 ynpvisitor80 quit (timeout) 08:38:59 this is going down-hill. g 08:39:03 08:39:28 this could be a fun day. You should hang around cb! 08:39:48 I am still laughting!!! 08:40:02 could keep you going all day cb! 08:40:10 i had 2 different posts.....both i deleted!!! 08:40:16 who's on first? 08:40:22 I mean who is on cam today? 08:40:39 I get to stay til I get a call from work, then will exit poste=haste 08:40:41 cb is on now. I will watch and occassionally take the cam. 08:40:47 Rich quit (timeout) 08:40:48 I am on right now, but am off soon 08:40:56 come back 45. I like your sense of humor. 08:41:26 for now I get to stay, so find some fun stuff, erupting would be best since this is a family page 08:41:41 I just opened my email and have more times from the basin and will post to the databases. 08:42:08 CAstle? 08:42:35 Jim via FRS: Riverside 0604, Daisy 0623. Jim is predicting Castle for 1700 this afternoon. 08:43:03 Plume via FRS (Barbara L?) 0716. 08:43:21 Relay from LGB: Grt Fountain 0630 ns, Fountain 0554 ie 08:43:41 Posting now. 08:45:48 thx vw 08:46:11 Kevin L quit (timeout) 08:46:21 We will want to thank Kent the next time he shows up here. Great to get reports! 08:48:05 2 Churns today, both from webcam though? 08:48:29 yes, and confirmed by report from the basin 08:48:33 from webcam and onsite reports 08:49:12 From Kent's chatroom presence, shouldn't he just be standing at Plume all day? 08:49:21 isn't he the one that pops in every hour? 08:49:36 observant #45!!! 08:50:03 I read the logs, he comes, he goes 08:50:18 Kent loves Plume 08:50:20 I would really like to catch Daisy before I have to leave 08:50:28 It also gives him an excuse to stop working! 08:50:38 see the folks taht were standing at Churn left 08:51:01 Based on Jim's report another couple of minutes before Daisy? 08:51:18 yes 08:51:50 well i am done...back on preset...have a great day all! 08:52:14 bye cb 08:52:15 bye 08:53:14 cb quit (timeout) 08:53:59 Wasn't gonna, but with Daisy so close I will take the cam for a little bit. 08:56:10 did we get better times on those Churns? I had to restart earlier so don't have all the text here 08:56:36 I think the Churn times exactly matched? 08:56:48 cool 08:56:59 coffee cup in one hand, dog on other arm, and I am kinda incapacitated here. 08:57:48 How do you drive the cam anyway? Is it mouse? 08:57:50 Rich quit (timeout) 08:58:29 tell the dog to stay on Daisy 08:58:55 :D shih tzu. He would be tossed in the air! 08:59:02 Archive Link - for other days change date at end of url 08:59:42 thanks Rich. Are the ones from before server change there? 08:59:48 Rich, do you know if Paul was able to recover the logs for the days when the chat was messed up? 08:59:58 same question, vw! 09:00:30 I remember being bummed cuz there was a link I wanted that disappeared. Now of course I don't remember what it was, but I am sure it was important! 09:00:36 45 - No 09:00:58 k. thanks! 09:01:05 vw - I believe both days were lost. 09:01:24 I have the most complete set of archives on my site. 09:01:25 rats. now I can't even get a crutch for my memory! 09:02:01 OF 0900 ie wc 09:02:23 oops 09:02:41 I'm fired 09:03:55 based on time, its a long. 09:04:09 what happens without enough coffee. 09:05:26 texting for start time. 09:06:48 have fun - my CAPTIURE says 900 09:07:05 thx 81 09:07:28 times like this I really miss the webcam. 09:07:39 Daisy heating up. 09:09:15 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 09:10:06 VEC start on that OF was 0859 09:11:46 you want to post that Rich or should I? 09:12:27 wind picking up so camera is bouncy. 09:12:36 Ladies first. g 09:12:48 k I will post 09:13:51 done 09:16:14 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 09:17:03 We may be seeing Old Tardy, but I can't be certain with the wind tossing the steam around 09:17:39 ynpvisitor72 quit (timeout) 09:18:45 needed to check the Hill. Group at BH. We will check it in a bit. 09:23:05 Daisy 0922 09:25:13 Almost exactly 3 hour interval 09:26:55 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 09:27:52 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 09:28:03 going on OF preset. 09:28:23 after Plume that is.. 09:28:26 Plume 0927 09:28:39 I wonder if they have an overnight time for BH 09:30:32 I haven't gotten one, so not sure. 09:31:50 away. I will text request for BHI warning for if I am away from computer. 09:31:57 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 09:32:06 vw changes nickname to vw - away 09:32:15 ynpvisitor34 changes nickname to kc (working) 09:33:44 Lion 0932 09:36:30 Rich quit (timeout) 09:37:18 Rich quit (timeout) 09:40:53 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 09:42:20 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 09:45:36 Rich quit (timeout) 09:55:39 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 09:56:34 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to MJ 09:59:04 MJ quit (timeout) 10:06:19 45 - I was just reviewing the logs and noticed your question about how the cam is operated. My apologies for missing it earlier. 10:07:05 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 10:07:20 the cam program has preset buttons for major geysers that can be seen from the cam perspective. We also have bars for moving the camera up/down, left/right. A mouse is used to operate those movements. 10:07:37 still here, thanks! 10:07:53 OF course! Just sorry I missed the question earlier. 10:07:59 So coffee and a dog are a bit detrimental I would guess. 10:08:11 they can be distracting! 10:08:28 Biggest fear is dog stepping on touchpad and sending the cam zooming! 10:08:45 I was just going to ask about touchpad or arrow keys, in case of mouse failre 10:08:49 failure. 10:09:10 arrow keys on keypad can be used, but I have never tried them. 10:09:11 interesting, thanks. 10:09:29 The program is not very new so in some ways unsophisticated. 10:09:42 Is it your laptop, could you operate from any wifi spot? 10:09:50 like Snow Lodge? :) 10:10:16 Yes, as long as I have an internet connection that is fairly strong, the cam can be operated. 10:10:29 cool 10:10:51 back to email, glad you beeped! thanks 10:10:58 At one time I wondered about being able to do it from a smartphone or iPad type instrument, but can't download program to those type of electronic devices. 10:11:17 happy emailing! I am back at it here too. 10:13:32 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 10:20:50 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 10:31:16 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 10:31:23 Plume 10:30ie 10:31:30 OF 10:30ie 10:31:53 Plume trying to hide again. 10:32:22 yep saw 1 puff before OF took over 10:38:53 Lion 10:38ie 10:42:44 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 10:47:46 ynpvisitor89 quit (timeout) 10:48:19 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 10:48:21 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:50:18 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:50:47 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 10:51:55 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:53:29 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 10:54:54 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 10:55:10 kc (working) quit (timeout) 10:55:29 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 10:55:35 New updates from the basin: Plume 1029. By FRS/relay: Artemisia 1040ie, Aurum 1006, Depression 0938 10:55:50 I am supposing Kent was at Plume? 10:56:28 I will check the databases and post. If later times posted from here, I will update the sites. 11:00:18 vw - away quit (timeout) 11:00:33 . 11:05:43 sites updated. Plume is duplicated with slightly different times, and will need to be amended later. 11:05:47 Back later. 11:06:30 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 11:10:19 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 11:10:48 have cam. CC coming on screen. 11:12:04 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 11:12:24 will this involve a ldder? 11:12:37 lAdder 11:12:45 we only wish!!! 11:13:06 Lime-away? 11:13:50 but the real question is if she knows anything about BH 11:14:53 no updates. 11:15:46 back on preset. 11:17:36 ynpvisitor84 quit (timeout) 11:18:28 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 11:20:31 text request for BH information that I am taking for no info on BH coming from the Basin! 11:22:04 vw - away changes nickname to vw 11:22:14 On cam for a bit. Maybe we will get some new info soon. 11:24:33 Steam at Churn, but nobody stopping there. 11:25:14 Not seeing water 11:32:47 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 11:35:06 Plume 1134 ie 11:35:21 I was not paying much attention and am not sure if I caught the start. 11:36:21 call from basin, that was start time 11:39:58 ynpvisitor91 joins Yellowstone 11:40:47 per CC, VEC Prediction times: OF 1203 (+/-10m), Castle 1700 (1h), Grand 1635 (2h), Daisy 1210 (30m), Riverside 1215 (30m) 11:41:19 ynpvisitor91 quit (timeout) 11:41:19 Lynn S is predicting Fountain for 1330, but with the latest odd intervals, even she is uncertain. 11:41:22 Lion 1140 11:42:12 oops 11:42:16 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 11:51:29 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 11:55:23 OF 1154 11:58:00 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 11:58:26 ynpvisitor95 changes nickname to B 11:58:32 B changes nickname to BB 12:02:34 vw changes nickname to vw - away 12:06:02 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 12:09:06 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 12:10:08 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 12:11:59 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 12:12:51 ynpvisitor81 quit (timeout) 12:15:17 per CC, Daisy looks dry, even though we are in its window. 12:23:55 ynpvisitor90 joins Yellowstone 12:24:32 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 12:27:50 Awaiting update from VEC logbook on BH. Setting cam to watch Daisy and Riverside as we are in the window for both. 12:30:34 per Kent, there were gazers earlier out by BH, but they have left that area. 12:30:52 Looks pretty quiet 12:33:14 Riverside 1231, from CC 12:34:30 Can barely see team there now 12:35:29 Plume 1233 per CC 12:40:29 VEC has no information on BH. By FRS: Lone Pine at West Thumb 1157 ie 12:46:58 kc (working) changes nickname to kcmule 12:52:02 Lion was at 1243 per FRS, CC 12:53:16 They are headed in for lunch, so probably no updates for a while. Time for me to get some things done! 12:54:16 thx vw 12:54:21 BH still looking very quiet. 12:57:19 All thanks are owed to Kent and CC for calling and texting updates. 12:58:16 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 13:01:04 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 13:03:15 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 13:08:46 Penta 1307 ie (?) 13:09:59 want to zoom in, but waiting out Daisy too. 13:11:03 Sun on the hills behind Black Sands 13:12:22 CC said is has been mostly cloudy with some sun, but warm enough to get you hot when walking. 13:15:17 almost time to flip the channel to OF. That means of course that Daisy will erupt during OF. 13:16:25 OF preset. Back as I can. 13:18:00 ynpvisitor90 quit (timeout) 13:18:35 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 13:29:59 ynpvisitor82 changes nickname to Jake (in & out) 13:30:47 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 13:31:59 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:32:36 OF 13:30ie 13:41:19 ynpvisitor87 joins Yellowstone 13:43:13 BB quit (timeout) 13:44:32 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 13:46:13 ynpvisitor26 quit (timeout) 13:52:17 ynpvisitor87 quit (timeout) 13:54:11 Lion 13:53ie 13:55:46 ynpvisitor81 joins Yellowstone 13:56:19 Call from CC: Lion start was 1352. There was a Depression and Plume too, but she didn't have the time. Texting Kent, but he is driving so I may not hear for a while. 13:57:19 aahhhhh! technology overload in The Basin! 13:57:36 someone else has the cam. 13:58:10 ynpvisitor81 changes nickname to Graham 13:58:14 lion recorded 13:58:14 hello 13:58:23 so it was YOU!!!! Hi G! 13:58:24 hi Graham 13:58:38 saw your msg vw and grabbed hte cam for Lion 13:59:08 all yours 13:59:18 in 45s 13:59:36 didn't know you were "away" but not away 13:59:50 's okay G!!! I am not really here anyway. 14:00:16 looks like u r :) 14:00:40 ephemeral. 14:01:10 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 14:03:11 Graham quit (timeout) 14:03:29 Penta 1402 ie, per CC 14:04:02 Water in Sawmill. Old Tardy on too. 14:04:33 windy 14:04:35 Those are from CC. She is headed to BH. 14:04:38 Nifty! 14:05:16 Text updates from Kent: Grotto Fountain 1318, Grotto 1320, Plume 1332, Depression 1333, Penta 1335, Lion 1352. ALL FRS calls. 14:05:35 you guys can tell how much work I am getting done today.... 14:06:00 work - whats that? 14:06:18 os BH is now at 15 hours 14:07:13 Yes, and VEC has no info about a night or early morning BH 14:07:52 not 15, 27h 14:08:00 BH is at 15h interval? ahhh, ok 14:08:00 Aurum 1405, per CC 14:08:12 missed another one 14:08:13 what's 12h between friends? 14:08:15 good correction Graham. 14:08:22 should have been on preset :) 14:08:45 so nobody stayed out in the beautiful weather last night for BH? 14:08:57 guess not! 14:10:40 just a general Q for Granam and others: for that ugly "current intervals" table on's your preference for when 'hours' start getting reported as 'days'? 14:13:53 back in a while. For now, I really am away! 14:14:22 untilt he next call or text that is... 14:18:10 heavy BH splashing 14:18:18 yeah 14:18:21 wake up 14:18:22 BH 1417 no indicator 14:18:27 wake up 14:18:28 BH 1417 14:18:29 wake up 14:18:30 wakw up 14:18:52 nice! 14:18:57 hope all were there 14:18:58 WHOIA 14:19:09 Wow! Bad time to be away! 14:19:19 caught me 14:19:20 CC called, confirm no indicator and still none. 14:19:22 several big surges then woosh 14:19:39 wondered what all that humming was about while I was out of the room! 14:20:03 getting some height despite the wind! 14:21:48 and FRS to VEC confirmation from Kent. 14:22:16 little cub 1421ns 14:22:17 dont think we needed that vw :) 14:22:22 what do you mean vw? 14:22:37 vw, you are getting carried away!! 14:22:50 just passing on the info people are willing to give me!!! 14:22:54 didnt see indicator at all 14:22:58 if they go to all that trouble... 14:23:28 ynpvisitor10 quit (timeout) 14:23:41 Miss Manners will have to write an etiguette guide to gazing...;) 14:23:49 etiquette 14:23:56 ynpvisitor95 joins Yellowstone 14:24:00 speaking of which, can you see Beehive from the VEC in the corner? 14:24:28 poor sentence structure, chat makes me stupid. 14:24:30 from the building? yes. on the webcam? no 14:24:50 building, yes. 14:24:53 Nice BH Graham. Glad you were "there" 14:25:07 yeah so am I :) 14:25:16 not watching for Churn :) 14:25:40 so I wonder who was caught not at GB? 14:25:51 the inital surging was certainly attention-grabbing 14:26:13 maybe kc will have something to share 14:26:20 Nice eruption. Would have been better if it gave us some warning. 14:26:39 nop, these are the best :) 14:26:54 only seen one IRL 14:27:01 Daisy 1425 per CC 14:27:21 will have capture up in about 3 hrs unless i get another sev1 in pakistan or something 14:27:36 I do admit they are way cool IRL. Very impressive and a big surprise. 14:27:47 per CC, Indicator just bubbled during BH 14:27:57 i cant remote into my home pc easily anymore 14:28:27 got me, what's IRL 14:28:32 I've never seen a BH w/o indicator ever joining in 14:28:39 IRL = In Real Life 14:28:43 In real life. 14:28:52 International Racing League 14:29:02 OK, thought I was missing some gazing nomenclature 14:29:03 Or this week Indy Racing League. 14:29:09 I'm Really Lame 14:29:22 :) thanks 14:29:59 Graham tries to shorten what he can...fewer opportunities to make typos 14:30:21 not much left now! 14:30:39 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 14:30:52 the false indicator BH's were fun too, never knew if it would go or not 14:30:58 so CC enjoyed it? 14:32:58 ynpvisitor95 quit (timeout) 14:34:13 Jake (in & out) quit (timeout) 14:34:17 ynpvisitor75 quit (timeout) 14:34:38 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 14:36:06 Plume 1435 14:37:27 ynpvisitor37 quit (timeout) 14:38:11 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 14:39:50 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 14:39:51 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 14:39:54 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:42:55 I think the databases are sync'ed now 14:45:41 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:45:41 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 14:47:20 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 14:47:34 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 14:48:19 kcmule changes nickname to kc (working) 14:48:38 synched manually? 14:49:12 yep 14:51:38 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:52:53 <> 14:53:27 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 14:54:04 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 14:54:20 ' 14:59:33 Anything happen while I was away? 14:59:50 zzzzzz 15:00:01 OF and Lion are waiting for u tho 15:00:03 Might be kind of quiet for a couple of hours now. 15:00:04 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 15:00:15 Thanks G! 15:00:23 yeah since you texted them all 15:00:33 :) 15:00:45 Kent off to Madison, so no more texts probably today. 15:00:50 CC might call though! 15:02:06 could watch for Churn after OF and Lion, looked like Tardy was off 15:02:11 and Penta was off too 15:02:35 that would put us in a good place to keep an eye on Grand too. 15:02:39 Grand is in its window not woo 15:02:46 yep 15:02:48 A little early in its window, but never knwo. 15:07:01 OF 1506 15:07:41 Lion 1507 15:11:34 Churn 1510 15:12:00 that time is per CC 15:12:30 k. was going to say i don't see it! 15:12:39 I don't see water, so I would not have called it! 15:13:33 Cam very jumpy so we are not going to be able to get close to much now. 15:13:59 Looks like a parade going over to the BH overlook 15:14:10 Churn has been as short as 8min and up to about 30 but a lot around 10-2 15:14:13 10-12 15:15:21 Sadly we aren't going to be able to watch it right now. Would need an iron stomach. 15:17:17 per CC, Grand is not looking good to go. A weak Turban and water levels are way down. 15:18:07 glad they are getting some sun 15:19:26 I think she is enjoying it. Said she was laying down on the benches at Grand. 15:20:21 did she enjoy BH? 15:20:32 Very much! 15:20:44 glad she got there in time 15:21:35 watching Penta is nice but not when you miss a no-indicator BH 15:21:55 Yes. I wonder how many gazers were there! 15:23:20 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 15:26:26 bbl 15:26:48 Bye G! 15:32:04 ynpvisitor60 quit (timeout) 15:33:13 15:34:35 Here comes the parade up to Plume 15:34:52 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 15:35:10 About all they have a chance to see erupting on Geyser Hill for a while now. 15:35:51 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 15:37:04 ynpvisitor80 changes nickname to ge-working 15:37:20 Plume 1536 15:43:19 Looks like the Washburn railing cam has been put back into place. 15:45:30 ynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 15:46:46 Interesting. That means administrative travel is okayed on Dunraven 15:49:44 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 15:50:03 Checking the wind via the trees. 15:50:11 Definitly some shaking going on! 15:53:42 ynpvisitor41 quit (timeout) 15:55:21 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:05:41 zzzzz 16:06:07 as predicted! 16:06:28 Couldn't even see water in Churn after CC called with the start time. 16:07:05 it had finished, you would have seen it when you zoomed over 16:07:21 can't keep camera zoomed out. too bouncy 16:07:33 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 16:07:39 did it erupt again after I left? 16:08:12 I think you were still here for the 1510 16:10:14 yeah it had finished then 16:10:34 nice to watch it while waiting for Gramd 16:10:43 wind is going to make some eruptions very hard to see. Churn, Depression come to mind. 16:11:09 yes, but will have to have very good eyes to see from far away! 16:17:50 over 50F today...break out the shorts and sunscreen 16:18:15 :D 16:18:32 That must be where the wind is coming from: Santa Ana's? 16:18:51 watch out for flooding 16:19:06 That is defintely a problem. 16:19:26 flowing water is also going to cause even more unstable ground too. 16:20:45 Castle 1617 ie, per CC 16:22:15 what - no start time from her? 16:23:10 She is still at Grand (I could hear the wind) and so time is probably from FRX 16:23:14 oops. FRS 16:26:26 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 16:27:40 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 16:29:20 Time to watch for OF. 16:29:37 Lion 1628 16:29:40 good timing! 16:30:05 minor 16:30:12 yeap. 16:30:41 I have not put those into the databases. Have you G? 16:30:48 sure 16:30:59 lots of water, Ralph will see it on the logger 16:31:11 Depression due too 16:31:27 sounds good. Want to be consistent. 16:34:58 another Lion start 1634 16:35:38 this one is going to take? 16:36:03 Nice with the lighting 16:37:40 Plume 1636 16:40:21 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 16:41:26 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 16:42:48 of 1641 16:43:12 guess I had cap lock on and didn't know it. That is OF 1641 16:46:11 OF is a long. Next prediction should be approximately 1813 16:47:02 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 16:47:12 Sizeable crowd for OF. General store shoudl be doing a good business with the need for winter wear. 16:52:45 another nap time? 16:52:50 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 16:53:04 or Daisy and Depression? 16:53:14 well, Daisy due, so that might be worth watching for. 16:53:53 ynpvisitor18 joins Yellowstone 16:54:13 ynpvisitor18 changes nickname to Jake (away or a 16:54:15 Depression looks the same as it has for the last 30 minutes. Wind makes it hard to see though. 16:54:27 Jake (away or a changes nickname to Jake (away/here 16:55:59 always chance for Grand now too in the second half of the window 16:56:36 yes. with having to keep cam back so far we are at least able to watch a few different locations. 16:58:54 drivin home bbs 16:59:04 Drive safe kc 16:59:26 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 16:59:30 kc (working) quit (timeout) 17:01:33 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 17:03:16 Daisy 1702 17:04:56 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 17:10:33 Now is a good time for a nap! 17:10:47 Unless Grand goes and report from CC is that it isn't looking too ready to erupt. 17:35:04 Plume 1734 17:39:07 Grand 1737 17:47:37 ynpvisitor28 joins Yellowstone 17:48:36 Hurray! 17:48:40 and Wow! 17:49:10 double wow 17:49:27 suppose we might get a triple wow ge? 17:49:28 good time to walk back in 17:49:47 depends if there is a third burst 17:49:55 :) 17:50:02 no pressure vw 17:50:08 vw - away changes nickname to vw 17:50:22 Just sitting back enjoying the show. No pressure! 17:50:37 how about Penta 1749ie for the trio? 17:50:52 Nice! 17:51:33 I am happy to get a double wow on Grand any day! 17:51:55 long 2 burst? 17:52:05 I think so. 17:52:22 still steamy 17:52:23 Nothing long enough to be a pause I think. 17:54:00 Steam from both Churn and Sawmill, but too windy to see water. 17:54:24 That looked like a burst from Sawmill 17:54:27 Tardy steam 17:54:34 okay. 17:54:40 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 17:54:45 then I am double glad you are here G! 17:55:01 and light Churn steam 17:55:25 We should begin to see an exodus from Grand 17:55:27 you would be seeing bursts from Sawmil if it was going 17:55:47 no triple wow, but really was a spectacular second start 17:55:52 I did see one burst, but the wind put it down right away! 17:56:14 Hey ge, nice to see you! Its been a while. 17:56:25 there are small bursts from Tardy you can see but not anything like Sawmills big bursts 17:56:27 the troops are marching home 17:56:56 gazers at Penta maybe 17:57:00 Steam back on at Churn 17:57:03 could get some rainbosw 17:57:15 it does that vw :) 17:57:27 But I WANT WATER!!! 17:58:10 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 18:00:43 Nice bursts from Penta 18:03:57 looks like Penta stopped and Old Tardy is going 18:04:34 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 18:05:03 OF due, but I am going to keep it here as long as i can. I am watching the static though for now. 18:06:06 ynpvisitor17 joins Yellowstone 18:06:42 Graham, did you notice the time when Tardy started? 18:06:53 nope 18:07:00 I could just use the timestamp as an ie time. 18:07:10 I will update the databases during OF 18:07:23 its erupting so much i dont bother recording it 18:07:45 hmmm. okay, then I won't either! 18:07:49 ynpvisitor17 quit (timeout) 18:08:04 would log Sawmill right now 18:08:21 but its not erupting :( 18:08:53 We will probably get a report from a gazer. All of this is happening so soon after Grand. possible someone there to see it. 18:09:26 and then there was wind. 18:09:37 Have to go to OF now. Can't wait any longer. :( 18:11:01 where was CC heading, out to West? 18:11:26 Not sure where they are at tonight. Did say they were leaving the basin after Grand. 18:17:04 OF 1816 18:22:41 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to kcmule 18:22:45 BH 14:17 18:23:07 thanks kc! 18:25:32 Rest of the evening it is likely to be fairly quiet. 18:26:01 We probably missed a Lion if the series is continuing as well as Aurum. 18:26:44 That leaves us Plume and maybe more Lions. Possible Depression and another Daisy. 18:27:12 ynpvisitor28 quit (timeout) 18:27:58 Penta back on? 18:28:00 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 18:28:03 that was a strange burst 18:28:18 could be Old Tardy 18:28:32 it comes up between the Penta tree and the next one on the right 18:28:34 even with the wind direction? 18:28:45 not as high but you can see water in the gap between the trees 18:28:59 This was more to the left. 18:29:13 could be anything else too :) 18:29:21 there are steam swirls 18:29:29 Bulger minor? 18:29:51 can you nudge left for Churn? 18:30:08 never mind, it was clear 18:30:11 Sorry! was going to do that when I saw the burst. 18:30:14 that other steam always confuses me 18:30:36 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 18:30:56 looks like Tardy stopped so this is good Churn chance 18:32:54 zoomed in, but not sure how much bouncing people can take! 18:33:27 yeah lots of steam tho 18:35:19 sorry. don't know what I did! 18:35:29 Need to check to see if any life left in Lion 18:35:51 Plume and Riverside due too. 18:38:32 I think with the wind, it may be impossible to see Riverside steam 18:38:50 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 18:38:51 ge-working quit (timeout) 18:39:49 ynpvisitor67 quit (timeout) 18:42:43 All seems quiet on the Hill. 18:49:57 Just like here on the chat page 18:50:12 :) 18:50:22 we wore out the geysers today 46 18:51:25 CHurn 1850 18:51:36 I came on too late. I noticed Grand a while back. Don't recall BH's time. 18:51:47 finally :) 18:51:56 BH was at 1417 18:52:01 ynpvisitor46 changes nickname to Allan 18:52:01 without an Indicator 18:52:12 Persistence pays sometimes G 18:52:19 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 18:52:42 yep and not too bouncy 18:52:48 Yes. Churn had a good sized burst a bit ago. 18:53:04 Yes, evening seems to have calmed the winds a bit. Hope it holds. 18:53:11 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 18:55:20 Jake (away/here quit (timeout) 18:56:10 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:01:12 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:16:15 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:20:06 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 19:20:41 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 19:20:48 ynpvisitor97 joins Yellowstone 19:21:17 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 19:21:40 kcmule quit (timeout) 19:26:59 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 19:32:37 Daisy 1931 19:43:58 Jake (away/here quit (timeout) 19:44:00 kcmule quit (timeout) 19:46:59 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 19:48:54 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 19:52:17 it's nice to see Hayden valley and Lake again from Washburn. Easier to check the weather in the mornings too. 19:53:00 Yes. The limited view of the railing and top of Washburn was great for checking ice and snow, but not much more. 19:53:33 OF 1952 19:55:22 what a wonderful geyser. 19:55:55 We sometimes forget how beautiful it can be 19:57:54 Some slight color finalling coming into the clouds for the evening. 19:59:41 Graham quit (timeout) 20:00:21 I am calling it a night. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. 20:00:44 nite vw 20:00:59 vw quit (timeout) 20:01:09 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:13:21 Allan quit (timeout) 20:18:41 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 20:18:59 Jake (away/here quit (timeout) 20:19:00 ynpvisitor96 changes nickname to MJ 20:20:26 Graham quit (timeout) 20:23:28 MJ quit (timeout) 20:35:00 Allan quit (timeout) 20:35:16 Plume 20:32ie 20:47:34 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 20:50:58 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:51:44 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:54:18 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:55:54 ynpvisitor44 quit (timeout) 20:56:18 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 20:57:57 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 21:06:47 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 21:16:09 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 21:16:46 ynpvisitor19 quit (timeout) 21:19:47 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 21:27:50 OF 21:26ie 21:38:54 Plume 21:37ie 21:42:07 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 21:49:48 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 21:50:42 ynpvisitor3 quit (timeout) 21:57:59 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 22:01:34 nite 22:02:10 kcmule quit (timeout) 22:11:42 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 22:13:13 ynpvisitor47 joins Yellowstone 22:13:37 hi 22:14:23 ynpvisitor47 quit (timeout) 22:32:53 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 22:34:28 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 22:44:17 ynpvisitor97 quit (timeout) 23:15:11 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 23:18:12 ynpvisitor79 joins Yellowstone