Found 91 log entries for 2010-10-23 11:07:11 hi yellowstone fans.... welcome to the new chat. 11:07:46 I've broken the link to Meebo as it seems they have no ETA on restoring the logs. 11:08:07 this is a new chat capability built directly into the page. 11:08:30 it logs behidn the scenes into a database.... I'll create a page from that to browse logs. 11:08:46 I'll have something basic (at least) up soon. 11:08:53 with more fanciness to follow later 11:09:01 please email me if you have any problems 11:09:31 as a side note, I'll be working on this for a bit more today, so there might be sporadic problems. 11:10:00 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 11:10:24 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 11:10:56 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to captbunzo2 11:16:06 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 11:19:01 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 11:20:19 ynpvisitor76 quit (timeout) 11:30:56 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 11:32:54 Hey paul...cb here. Thank you for all your work on the page and creating a new and improved data base!! Much thanks!!!! 11:33:15 no worries ;) 11:33:31 it's going t be a bit hit and miss today as I work out some technical details. 11:33:56 btw, you can set your nickname by typing /nick 11:34:18 also,there aer buttons at the bottom to show/hide various elements. :) 11:34:20 screen not to interesting, but I got your FB note and wanted to come on and tell you thanks 11:34:25 was just going to ask 11:34:58 I should add some help info eventually.. ;) 11:35:01 ynpvisitor99 changes nickname to cb 11:36:12 not having either cam has required some adjusting here...probably for the better. am going to the gym on a much more regular basis!! 11:36:38 that sounds like a good thing. ;) 11:37:08 G! yes, me thinks so!! 11:38:27 your efforts are much appreciated!! can't wait for the cams to come back! bye Paul 11:38:44 bye cb! :) 11:39:30 cb quit (timeout) 11:45:48 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 12:07:23 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 12:13:20 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 12:22:17 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 12:25:36 test 12:26:01 test 12:42:30 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) 13:09:46 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 13:10:28 hi. vw here. figuring page out. 13:10:41 ynpvisitor24 changes nickname to vw 13:11:51 Looks great Paul,! 13:12:03 cant wait until we have stream up an running. 13:12:24 will check back then. This page going into my favorites now. 13:13:53 ynpvisitor92 joins Yellowstone 13:14:33 vw quit (timeout) 13:14:38 Hi, Bruce da Moose here - I have to figure out how this works... 13:15:45 Nice and easy to get here! 13:15:59 How do I change my name? 13:16:41 ynpvisitor92 quit (timeout) 13:21:16 hi 13:21:28 name changes are /nick 14:12:11 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 14:13:03 ynpvisitor44 joins Yellowstone 14:13:34 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 14:13:34 ynpvisitor44 changes nickname to Bruce da Moose 14:13:41 Ok! :-D 14:14:34 Bruce da Moose changes nickname to BdM 14:15:33 BdM quit (timeout) 15:55:35 captbunzo2 quit (timeout) 16:20:37 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 16:21:42 ynpvisitor31 quit (timeout) 18:01:28 test 18:03:48 another test 18:09:27 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 18:33:08 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 18:33:33 test 18:38:34 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 18:39:10 ynpvisitor43 changes nickname to cb 18:50:35 test 18:51:14 test 18:51:40 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 18:54:48 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 18:55:32 ynpvisitor58 quit (timeout) 18:57:45 captbunzo quit (timeout) 18:58:41 captbunzo quit (timeout) 18:59:16 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 18:59:28 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to captbunzo 19:00:12 test 19:00:54 ynpvisitor94 quit (timeout) 19:03:24 test again 19:51:50 ynpvisitor94 is still testing 19:52:09 this is a test notice 19:52:28 ynpvisitor20 joins Yellowstone 19:52:46 hi 19:52:54 hi! 19:54:19 ynpvisitor20 quit (timeout) 22:33:06 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 22:33:29 ynpvisitor29 changes nickname to YNP4me 22:33:36 Just trying this out 23:28:51 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 23:57:37 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone Found 298 log entries for 2010-10-24 01:43:17 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 01:43:33 ynpvisitor86 changes nickname to Derek 01:47:38 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone 03:08:02 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 03:15:25 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 03:16:09 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to loisb 03:16:45 Paul - it seemed to take awhile to load and the font size is so small I can hardly ready it 03:17:17 is there a way to make it bigger - either individlually or in total? 03:17:55 are you going to add the vc cam to the menu so we can check on the OF prediction ? 03:18:56 good work - we really needed to get rid of some of the ljurker 03:18:58 thanks 07:10:17 ynpvisitor54 joins Yellowstone 07:12:01 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 08:01:55 ynpvisitor11 joins Yellowstone 08:02:55 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:07:10 big change.... 08:10:15 reworking the page to add some more options... it'll not make sense for a while today 08:11:54 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to captbunzo 08:14:14 ynpvisitor11 quit (timeout) 08:25:23 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 08:26:21 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 09:25:31 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 09:25:48 ynpvisitor41 changes nickname to Derek 09:26:56 Hi Paul 09:28:27 hi derek 09:28:40 Nice work so far 09:28:43 working on some improved options for the page layout. 09:29:02 I was hoping to have that done today, but I think it'll likely take me more time then I have todau. 09:29:19 so I'll put the previous layout version (with new chat) back for now 09:29:33 I assume you don't have the option for the room to remember our regular name. 09:31:56 hmmnn... it does for me. 09:31:58 I think 09:32:10 anyhow, if not, it's something I can look into. 09:32:18 Hang on, I'll try again 09:32:22 this chat option is completely tweakable. 09:32:32 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 09:32:35 might take some programming, but much is possible. 09:32:56 Derek quit (timeout) 09:33:02 Nope 09:33:14 ynpvisitor13 changes nickname to Derek 09:36:17 When I closed the page it reverted back to the visitor 09:42:04 hmnn.. sorry about that. 09:42:09 I'll look into it eventually... 09:43:14 I'm also getting that page load, refresh click sound very frequently 09:43:44 Is there a way for me to disable that in IE? 09:45:16 don't use ie. 09:45:26 seriously, chrome is a better choice anyhow. 09:45:36 as for page load clicking, again, I'd have to look into it. 09:45:45 but that'll be another day. 09:45:52 OK 09:46:39 Derek quit (timeout) 09:48:25 I've tried Chrome and Firefox, but I'm still happy with IE8 09:53:57 OK, I figured out how to stop the click. 09:54:04 how? 09:55:02 Control Panel/ Sounds/ windows explorer/ Start Navigation 09:55:22 Change from default wav to none 10:02:40 :w 10:02:44 oops! 10:51:15 Derek quit (timeout) 11:22:12 Derek quit (timeout) 13:02:12 woohoo... more of the page working again now! :) 13:16:05 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 13:16:31 ynpvisitor73 changes nickname to Derek 13:16:45 hi derek 13:17:03 What have you got working? 13:17:06 new page mostly working now! :) 13:17:16 try the layout and big / little selectors 13:17:28 I can't get anything from any cam 13:18:09 hmmnn.. that might be an i.e. incompatibility. 13:18:16 I haven't done browser testing yet. 13:18:22 do you have chrome around? 13:18:28 and have you reloaded the page? 13:19:38 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 13:20:23 Nothing on Firefox either 13:22:07 hmmnn. 13:22:16 oh well, it's still a work in progress. 13:23:03 The page keeps refreshing but no cam images 13:28:12 ynpvisitor55 changes nickname to Derek2 13:29:27 Nothing on layout with IE or Firefox 13:44:12 i'll sort it out. 13:45:18 I'll be here till 2200 if you want any help 13:48:17 thx 13:50:51 ynpvisitor88 joins Yellowstone 13:53:25 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 14:19:19 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 14:19:26 Derek quit (timeout) 14:21:27 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 14:23:15 the program automatically causes timeout. Any way to avoid that? 14:23:36 what do you mean by that? 14:24:13 I actually have the program running in both IE8 and Chrome. The IE8 just timed me out. 14:24:34 a lot of visitors like to come and just lurk without joining in the conversation. 14:24:43 I am afraid they will get bumped. 14:24:43 hmmnn.... I am not sure. 14:25:15 I have been trying it for several days and haven't had any trouble. 14:25:19 but I'll think about it. 14:25:31 btw, this is vw. both 73 and 88 have been me. 14:25:36 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 14:25:49 you know how to change your nickname? 14:26:09 I came in to see how the updates were going and thought I would stick around to check out the options 14:26:15 yeap. too lazy today! 14:26:22 cool. are the different menus working for you? 14:26:54 They are, but in Chrome the big pic is way down on my screen. Resizing hasn't helped. 14:27:03 cant get pic at all on IE8 14:27:09 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 14:27:24 I still have no cams and no Layouts on IE8 or Firefox 14:27:47 D, do you have Chrome? 14:27:56 Nope 14:28:09 I feel that 2 browsers are enough 14:28:14 k. I am getting pictures on Chrome. Just oddly located 14:28:59 I think captbunzo is an agent for Chrome LOL 14:29:13 ynpvisitor85 quit (timeout) 14:29:16 :) 14:29:31 I'm an agent for secure browsers. 14:29:42 which doesn't typically include internet explorer! 14:29:45 Trying to see if IE8 let me back in as 88 14:29:57 yeap, guess so. had to restart. 14:30:10 Thats a matter of opinion 14:30:46 I take advice from my son. He's into web as his main job. 14:31:12 Got honors degrees in UNI too :-) 14:32:23 ynpvisitor30 quit (timeout) 14:32:37 Both my websites and my temporay chatroom work on any browser. 14:32:59 come now, internet explorer has been known for years to be the least secure browser on the market. 14:33:17 keep in mind Derek that this is a work in progress. 14:33:37 I've been coding at this for hours and hours this weekend. Give me some time and it will be sorted. 14:33:37 Strange how I haven't heard that about IE 14:34:27 I appreciate your work captbunzo. Sure makes operating more fun when we can chat too. 14:34:37 While you're busy earning a living I have loads of time on my hands with this PC 14:34:43 :-) 14:35:30 I need to get some stuff done. I am going to leave these windows open though. See how long it takes to time me out. 14:35:55 thanks vw! :) 14:35:58 I've been trying to get the media encoder working on this new PC 14:36:01 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to captbunzo2 14:36:24 I think my son needs to open something in the router 14:36:46 It still works on the old PC 14:38:56 hey derek - try firefox again. 14:39:07 I think it should (mostly) work there 14:39:28 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 14:41:00 Big and little work on Bear and Biso 14:41:08 ynpvisitor68 changes nickname to captbunzo-ie 14:41:24 captbunzo2 changes nickname to captbunzo-ff 14:41:57 And on IE8 too :-) 14:42:12 all the cams? 14:42:27 Only Big works in Elk and Mosse 14:42:56 Elk & Moose should just have a tall chat window. 14:44:13 Yep you're right 14:44:23 All cams work 14:45:24 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 14:45:36 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 14:46:01 Hey don't forget the OF parking lot cam :-) 14:46:08 14:50:52 Looks like 15 minutes is the timeout limit. 14:51:14 When I refreshed in IE8, cam pictures showed up for me. 14:51:31 trying Chrome... 14:51:40 still here. 14:51:46 But pics still off 14:52:09 IE and FF are now fine for me 14:52:46 chrome works, but I have to scroll down for the big picture inall of the layouts. 14:53:03 Hey VW, what's that steaming just left of OF? 14:53:19 captbunzo-ff quit 14:53:20 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 14:53:36 captbunzo-ff joins Yellowstone 14:53:40 captbunzo-ff quit 14:54:22 Derek2 changes nickname to Derek-ff 14:54:43 Derek changes nickname to Derek-ie8 14:55:12 just saw none of my things are posting.. trying in chrome now... 14:55:24 Just to the left of the trees is Dome. 14:55:36 Thanks 14:55:54 There was mention in the listserve several days ago that it was active. Some believe it is an indicator for a possible Giantess. 14:55:54 Have you got time for a call? 14:59:32 captbunzo-ff joins Yellowstone 15:00:40 muwahaha. moose is now working properly in both i.e and firefox 15:00:57 you have to do a page reload 15:04:09 I have trouble with the reload. Probably my computer rather than the program. 15:05:11 Goodnight all 15:05:49 Derek-ff quit (timeout) 15:05:57 Derek-ie8 quit (timeout) 15:07:22 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 15:10:54 ynpvisitor88 quit (timeout) 15:11:00 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 15:19:02 closing out Chrome window as it is very problematic. 15:19:40 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 15:24:38 testing 15:26:32 had to try a refresh on IE8 because of timeout, now cant get back into page. 15:26:50 guess that is enough experimenting for the day. Will check back later. 15:26:56 Thansk captbunzo! 15:27:34 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 15:37:51 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 15:39:20 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 15:40:24 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 15:41:05 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 15:44:34 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 15:45:59 ynpvisitor69 quit (timeout) 15:46:09 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 15:46:41 Woah, new chat room!? 15:46:56 ynpvisitor63 changes nickname to Ryan 15:48:04 indeed. ;) 15:49:00 ;D 15:49:05 :D 15:49:18 nice emotes! haha its pretty nice 15:50:23 well, until the cams are back! later! 15:51:05 Ryan quit (timeout) 15:55:44 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 15:58:09 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 16:01:36 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 16:09:07 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 16:42:28 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 16:49:11 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 16:50:25 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 16:52:55 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 16:59:20 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 17:03:10 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 17:04:56 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 17:07:32 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 17:08:51 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 17:12:26 captbunzo-ie quit (timeout) 17:14:31 ynpvisitor49 joins Yellowstone 17:16:36 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 17:22:41 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 17:28:41 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:27:50 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 18:28:20 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 18:39:40 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 18:50:19 ynpvisitor8 joins Yellowstone 18:51:30 ynpvisitor8 quit (timeout) 19:08:04 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 19:09:15 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 19:12:28 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 19:13:38 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:15:56 anyone here? 19:16:10 just me working on the page 19:16:13 who are you? 19:16:28 hint... /nick NICKNAME set's your NICKNAME... 19:16:31 lc, just checking the chNGES 19:16:36 cool 19:16:46 it's just about 100% done now! :) 19:17:05 great 19:17:16 please test all the menus for me. 19:17:22 how do I change my nickname 19:17:33 please let me know if it's all working! :) 19:17:41 hint... /nick NICKNAME set's your NICKNAME... 19:18:50 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:21:28 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:22:44 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:24:38 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:27:22 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:29:46 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:30:57 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 19:32:30 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 19:46:02 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 19:54:56 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 20:02:58 ynpvisitor75 quit 20:03:05 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 20:03:12 ynpvisitor75 20:03:17 ynpvisitor75 testing 20:03:41 captbunzo testing received 20:03:45 over and out ;) 20:05:16 rehash 20:05:29 20:05:35 testing 20:06:30 haha ... that'd be /rehash 20:06:39 and how do you know about that anyhow? 20:06:42 who are you? 20:07:08 ynpvisitor75 changes nickname to kcmule 20:07:13 sorry captain 20:07:22 no worries! 20:07:32 slash-help gave me the options 20:07:46 just curious who has found my page that can actually find the options! :) 20:07:59 so, do you visit the page often? 20:08:18 ive run chat pages before :) yes i live here on weekdays 20:08:50 cool... it is good to know there are other knowledgable folks around. 20:08:56 you might be interested to know.... 20:09:20 I've just got done this weekend replacing most of the page code... 20:09:50 in particular, the chat is now based on my own installation of phpfreechat 20:09:55 the old site was meebo. 20:10:08 was just looking up phpchat 20:10:08 anyhow, also reworked all of the DHTML stuff.... 20:10:13 have not worked w it before 20:10:19 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 20:11:02 just noticed the running ping in the lower right corner, neat 20:15:10 that comes with phpfreechat 20:17:30 captbunzo-ff quit (timeout) 20:19:50 ynpvisitor49 quit (timeout) 20:22:36 captbunzo quit (timeout) 20:26:21 done for tonight. ;) 20:26:39 thanks for visiting.. please let me know if you find any problems! 20:26:46 thx for all the work, nite 20:27:21 kcmule quit 20:27:29 kcmule joins Yellowstone 20:33:25 kcmule quit 20:33:29 kcmule joins Yellowstone 20:34:18 kcmule quit 21:06:28 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 21:12:28 ynpvisitor29 joins Yellowstone 21:12:40 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 21:54:13 ynpvisitor62 joins Yellowstone 21:55:18 Hi, Cappy - this page aligns everything vertically for me - whihc measn I cannot fit it all on one screen. 23:29:07 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 23:59:31 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone Found 82 log entries for 2010-10-25 03:54:04 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 03:56:36 Heya bruce... it's supposed to aligning similar to before, not just vertical, and should fit on one screen. Looks like I need to do some more cross browser compatibility testing. 03:57:04 ynpvisitor36 changes nickname to captbunzo-andro 03:58:16 captbunzo-andro changes nickname to cptbnzo-android 03:59:07 Amusingly enough, the page looks perfect and chat works on my Android phone! I :) 04:07:19 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 04:08:07 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to loisb 04:10:36 I got all the cam screens to load with no problem 04:11:15 interesting layouts - and titles - g 04:12:04 the fonts do seem bigger today - maybe its cause I cleaned my glasses 04:51:28 I see a lot of timeouts but I haven't experienced any yet 06:02:06 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 06:02:30 ynpvisitor27 changes nickname to captbunzo-work 06:03:13 lol lois.... I haven't changed the font sizes - that's one feature that was still in the queue! :)# 06:04:32 glad you like the layouts... I've made Moose the default as it's my favourite.... of course, it'll be a lot better once the streaming cam is back. 06:04:56 anyhow, if you would still like some bigger fonts, let me know. I think I can swing that fairly easily.... 06:05:47 everyone make sure to test all the menus. If anything doesn't seem to work, please report back either here or on the camchat facebook group. 06:06:27 also, make sure to note that the log is functional with my new chatroom. it only links to today and yesterday properly now, but you can easily edit the URL for other days. 06:06:44 I'll improve the log page eventually... ;) 06:06:57 when reporting errors, please include: 06:07:10 ** browser make & model 06:07:22 ** a screenshot if possible 06:07:33 ** and what triggered the error 06:07:41 have a great day, folks! :) 06:28:17 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 06:42:52 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 06:58:33 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 07:17:58 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 07:21:47 ynpvisitor94 changes nickname to lc 07:30:22 ynpvisitor23 joins Yellowstone 07:30:57 ynpvisitor23 changes nickname to Derek 07:53:54 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 07:54:22 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 07:55:10 Hi, Captnbunzo - both at home and at work, the three main blocks are aligning vertically. I use IE at work (which I canot change) and Chrome at home. 07:55:50 Everything looked normal on Friday, BTW. It was not until after you announced the changes that things went vertical. 07:56:35 ynpvisitor82 quit (timeout) 07:57:59 ynpvisitor69 joins Yellowstone 07:58:09 I really like the addition of the other cams on the "little" menu! Again Thank you paul!! 07:59:25 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 09:38:11 ynpvisitor75 joins Yellowstone 09:57:30 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 10:12:33 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 10:14:40 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 10:14:46 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 10:27:17 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 10:27:55 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 11:22:54 ynpvisitor83 joins Yellowstone 12:50:28 . 12:51:40 been here a while and it hasn't timed me out. FYI 13:10:32 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 13:12:31 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 13:13:28 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 13:13:46 ynpvisitor68 quit (timeout) 13:40:27 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 14:12:06 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 14:12:20 ynpvisitor25 changes nickname to Derek 14:17:05 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:22:35 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:27:59 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:34:18 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:41:07 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 14:41:09 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:44:21 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 14:45:45 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 14:46:41 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:52:08 ynpvisitor83 quit (timeout) 14:54:28 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 14:55:15 ynpvisitor12 quit (timeout) 15:16:02 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 15:41:45 ynpvisitor26 joins Yellowstone 17:18:00 ynpvisitor31 joins Yellowstone 17:48:37 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 20:26:28 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 20:27:19 ynpvisitor65 changes nickname to cbynpvisitor65 20:27:35 cb 20:27:49 cbynpvisitor65 changes nickname to cb 20:28:02 3rd times a charm!! 21:18:02 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 23:21:09 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 23:21:32 OK - this looks good here at home! 23:22:21 OOps - almost. Now it's weird again! 23:23:34 There - that's better! Uisng Chrome, things now look more or less like the old days :-) Found 77 log entries for 2010-10-26 05:14:34 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 07:26:40 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 07:27:05 ynpvisitor52 changes nickname to ynpvisitor30 07:27:18 Hi 07:33:02 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 09:09:22 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 09:57:49 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 10:24:55 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 11:36:01 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 11:50:26 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 13:08:51 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 13:35:29 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 14:20:21 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 14:49:25 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 14:49:52 hi... anyone there? 14:50:01 ah, just me... 14:50:04 ynpvisitor14 changes nickname to captbunzo 14:59:27 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 15:00:00 ynpvisitor33 changes nickname to captbunzo-ie7 15:02:21 captbunzo-ie7 quit (timeout) 15:04:56 ynpvisitor65 joins Yellowstone 15:36:29 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 15:39:32 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 16:01:50 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 16:02:29 ynpvisitor22 joins Yellowstone 16:10:16 woohoo! ie7 bug fixed! :) 16:14:47 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:25:14 oh my! the fire lookout and mt washburn views are great today! they've cleaned the lenses! :) 16:28:29 ynpvisitor96 joins Yellowstone 16:29:30 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 16:31:41 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:32:14 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 16:34:22 Washburn views are beautiful! 16:35:17 must be strong wind on Mt Washburn 16:38:16 ynpvisitor96 quit (timeout) 16:39:34 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 16:41:14 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 16:50:17 ynpvisitor33 joins Yellowstone 16:58:29 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 17:00:55 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 17:03:40 ynpvisitor65 quit (timeout) 17:04:03 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 17:07:38 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 17:07:49 ynpvisitor22 quit (timeout) 17:08:01 captbunzo quit (timeout) 17:15:38 ynpvisitor93 quit (timeout) 17:33:27 captbunzo quit (timeout) 17:43:34 ynpvisitor19 joins Yellowstone 17:43:52 ynpvisitor19 changes nickname to cb 17:45:24 cb quit (timeout) 17:52:39 cb quit (timeout) 17:55:09 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 17:56:04 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 18:23:11 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 18:24:42 not many visitors with the cam down 18:24:54 ynpvisitor67 changes nickname to Graham 18:25:10 hopefully it will be back to normal soon 18:26:39 Graham quit (timeout) 18:27:14 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 18:35:29 ynpvisitor24 joins Yellowstone 18:36:11 ynpvisitor46 joins Yellowstone 18:36:20 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 18:39:29 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 18:41:32 ynpvisitor46 quit (timeout) 18:41:42 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 18:41:56 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 18:44:37 ynpvisitor7 joins Yellowstone 18:45:00 ynpvisitor24 quit (timeout) 18:45:25 ynpvisitor7 quit (timeout) 18:45:33 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 19:17:28 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 19:19:08 ynpvisitor14 quit (timeout) 19:20:53 ynpvisitor48 joins Yellowstone 19:21:54 ynpvisitor48 quit (timeout) 19:55:03 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 19:55:46 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 23:58:24 ynpvisitor38 joins Yellowstone Found 27 log entries for 2010-10-27 00:04:00 ynpvisitor38 changes nickname to Derek 03:50:46 ynpvisitor14 joins Yellowstone 07:44:04 ynpvisitor51 joins Yellowstone 08:40:10 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 08:54:05 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 09:59:52 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 10:00:21 ynpvisitor56 changes nickname to Derek 10:04:31 ynpvisitor89 joins Yellowstone 10:06:24 ynpvisitor89 changes nickname to Derek2 10:07:01 test 10:07:52 test 10:09:18 Derek2 quit (timeout) 10:19:59 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 10:21:54 ynpvisitor41 joins Yellowstone 10:36:28 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 11:39:54 ynpvisitor63 joins Yellowstone 13:10:53 ynpvisitor80 joins Yellowstone 13:45:44 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 14:07:37 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 14:11:58 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 14:19:50 ynpvisitor50 joins Yellowstone 14:45:03 ynpvisitor37 joins Yellowstone 14:45:23 ynpvisitor37 changes nickname to captbunzo 14:56:40 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 15:07:24 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 17:15:49 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 22:14:23 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone Found 54 log entries for 2010-10-28 02:49:32 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 03:01:29 ynpvisitor32 changes nickname to captbunzo 06:40:27 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 06:41:00 ynpvisitor85 changes nickname to Derek 06:41:06 Hi Paul 06:41:27 I see it still doesn't remember my name :-) 08:29:33 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 08:31:28 ynpvisitor25 changes nickname to cbynpvisitor25 08:31:51 Hello Derek and Paul 08:33:18 cbynpvisitor25 quit (timeout) 10:01:31 ynpvisitor16 joins Yellowstone 10:02:28 ynpvisitor16 quit (timeout) 10:59:28 ynpvisitor52 joins Yellowstone 11:01:46 CC says another week on the cams. 11:03:48 ynpvisitor52 quit (timeout) 13:06:29 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 13:07:31 ynpvisitor40 quit (timeout) 13:20:04 Derek quit (timeout) 13:26:32 Derek quit (timeout) 13:51:12 ynpvisitor73 joins Yellowstone 13:54:21 ynpvisitor73 quit (timeout) 14:01:22 ynpvisitor9 joins Yellowstone 14:01:53 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 14:02:58 ynpvisitor64 quit (timeout) 14:03:08 ynpvisitor9 quit (timeout) 14:04:35 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 14:05:43 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 14:27:10 ynpvisitor78 joins Yellowstone 14:28:03 ynpvisitor78 quit (timeout) 14:35:17 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 14:35:58 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 14:43:41 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 14:45:43 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 15:02:43 ynpvisitor56 joins Yellowstone 15:03:42 ynpvisitor56 quit (timeout) 15:05:58 ynpvisitor99 quit (timeout) 15:56:37 ynpvisitor45 joins Yellowstone 15:58:59 ynpvisitor45 quit (timeout) 16:15:08 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 16:16:19 ynpvisitor30 changes nickname to lc 16:17:22 checking on the cams. looks like still down. 16:18:35 lc quit (timeout) 16:36:50 ynpvisitor6 joins Yellowstone 16:37:04 ynpvisitor27 joins Yellowstone 16:37:47 ynpvisitor27 quit (timeout) 16:39:24 ynpvisitor6 quit (timeout) 17:09:22 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 17:10:24 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 17:20:00 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 18:40:17 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 21:27:43 ynpvisitor59 joins Yellowstone 21:28:48 ynpvisitor59 quit (timeout) 22:49:21 ynpvisitor86 joins Yellowstone 22:50:06 ynpvisitor86 quit (timeout) Found 26 log entries for 2010-10-29 08:00:44 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 08:01:38 ynpvisitor42 quit (timeout) 09:46:52 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 10:25:10 ynpvisitor36 joins Yellowstone 10:47:10 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 10:51:34 ynpvisitor10 joins Yellowstone 10:51:44 ynpvisitor43 quit (timeout) 10:55:49 . 10:55:51 . 10:57:15 ynpvisitor36 quit (timeout) 12:22:50 ynpvisitor60 joins Yellowstone 12:59:08 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 13:21:43 ynpvisitor32 joins Yellowstone 13:31:00 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 13:31:42 ynpvisitor39 changes nickname to Derek 14:24:47 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone 14:26:12 ynpvisitor1 quit (timeout) 15:01:17 ynpvisitor39 joins Yellowstone 15:05:10 ynpvisitor39 quit (timeout) 15:21:10 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 15:22:11 Missing the cams. No geysers, no bison, no cone walkers :^( 16:18:50 ynpvisitor64 joins Yellowstone 17:20:34 ynpvisitor21 joins Yellowstone 17:22:26 one more week 21:38:19 ynpvisitor55 joins Yellowstone 23:28:39 ynpvisitor74 joins Yellowstone Found 18 log entries for 2010-10-30 04:06:37 ynpvisitor12 joins Yellowstone 04:52:31 ynpvisitor99 joins Yellowstone 05:45:54 ynpvisitor61 joins Yellowstone 05:49:26 ynpvisitor13 joins Yellowstone 05:49:28 ynpvisitor61 quit (timeout) 07:40:48 ynpvisitor58 joins Yellowstone 09:03:06 ynpvisitor67 joins Yellowstone 09:42:15 ynpvisitor30 joins Yellowstone 10:09:28 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 10:38:18 ynpvisitor35 joins Yellowstone 10:40:03 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 11:32:09 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 12:56:59 ynpvisitor68 joins Yellowstone 13:22:20 ynpvisitor98 joins Yellowstone 13:30:31 ynpvisitor34 joins Yellowstone 14:12:39 ynpvisitor43 joins Yellowstone 17:15:52 ynpvisitor82 joins Yellowstone 20:51:42 ynpvisitor1 joins Yellowstone Found 13 log entries for 2010-10-31 06:11:04 Missing daylight Beehives and F&M. Shane! Come back! 09:25:12 ynpvisitor42 joins Yellowstone 10:12:38 ynpvisitor84 joins Yellowstone 10:22:48 ynpvisitor94 joins Yellowstone 10:45:32 ynpvisitor5 joins Yellowstone 12:47:53 ynpvisitor85 joins Yellowstone 15:19:30 ynpvisitor93 joins Yellowstone 15:39:01 ynpvisitor3 joins Yellowstone 15:41:54 ynpvisitor77 joins Yellowstone 18:39:43 ynpvisitor25 joins Yellowstone 19:04:36 ynpvisitor76 joins Yellowstone 19:19:20 ynpvisitor40 joins Yellowstone 20:06:09 ynpvisitor72 joins Yellowstone