July 1st, 2010 03:00 BB at work Can't report anything about BH, didn't see a thing 03:01 BB at work OF was 02:02 i.e. and 03:32 ie, and I could see a few clouds passing in my captures, but otherwise it was pretty dark 03:01 BB at work no flashlights either 03:02 BB at work but I didn't start capturing until 00:35, so with a 9 h interval the eruption would already have been over by then 04:05 BB at work OF was 05:02 ie 04:05 BB at work Seems to be on exactly 90 min cycles today 04:41 Loisb I captured till o'dark and it really got dark, no sign of BH or BHI in my captures. I stopped around 2300 05:23 Loisb Morning Kent 05:33 Loisb Of 06 32 59 05:34 Kent Good Morning Loisb 05:35 Loisb How are things for you this morning - nice OF to start with for sure 05:35 Kent Hot here. Strong south wind the last two nights. 05:36 Loisb i suspect its chilly here - only 65 inside - but still not real sun out 05:36 Loisb 'they' keep saying summers coming 05:37 Kent It took a while, but it has finally made it to Salt Lake 05:37 Loisb maybe it will move northwest for me 05:38 Kent I hope the basin fog clears before nine o'clock. 05:39 Loisb would be nice - going to mount a BH watch then? 05:39 Loisb was much worse earlier 05:40 Kent I will be in and out, but I intend to keep the page open 05:40 Loisb got the sound on? 05:40 Loisb should hear a lot of clicking if we see BHI 05:54 Kent Ralph has got the electronic data on Aurum posted through yesterday. It looks like Aurum might be moving into summer mode. 06:12 Rich Good Morning 06:12 Loisb Good Morning 06:12 Rich Looks like the basin in is clearing nicely. 06:12 Loisb yes - was totally fog when I first got on 06:13 Rich Green sure shows up this morning. 06:13 Loisb and we can see the trees now 06:13 Rich yes 06:14 Loisb these folks don't seem to have the heavy jackets on that the early folks did 06:15 Rich Northern folks 06:15 Loisb Seattle 06:15 Rich lol 06:16 Rich Dave said you had something like 247 days below 75 a record. 06:16 Loisb yes 06:16 Rich Not nice 06:16 Loisb thought maybe we were going to try for a whole year 06:16 Loisb nope 06:16 Rich I think she wishes she had a jacket. 06:16 Loisb think we have hit 75 or a tad above only twice 06:17 Rich brrrrr 06:17 Loisb she needs to go back to the car and warm up 06:17 Rich 69 in the bedroom this morning. 06:17 Loisb 65 in the dining room right now 06:17 Loisb and overcast out 06:17 Rich Normal. 06:17 Loisb fingers are chilly 06:17 Rich triple digits again for the weekend here. 06:18 Loisb sorry 06:18 Loisb they think we might have clearing for the 4th 06:18 Rich My plan is to stay inside. 06:18 Loisb think they are wishing cause of the fireeworks show 06:18 Rich The better see the firework shows. 06:18 Loisb you may need to move to the ac room 06:19 Loisb we are invited to the middle sons 06:19 Rich Nice 06:19 Rich House warming? 06:20 Loisb bbq and cake I believe 06:20 Rich Nice 06:20 Rich g 06:20 Loisb not that I have a need to know yet 06:20 Rich Somebody's birthday? 06:20 Loisb clearing very nicely now 06:21 Loisb think maybe 06:30 Rich I can almost eat breakfast. 06:30 Loisb I just finished but need to make a pot of coffee since I am home today 06:31 Rich Nice 06:31 Rich Must be the coating on the Kodak lens, that makes the color change. 06:32 Loisb I don't know but they were both straight from the camera 06:32 Loisb and about the same time of day though the light may have been different 06:33 Rich I notice similar change with my first Minolta 06:33 Loisb k 06:34 Rich People are waking up at OF. 06:34 Loisb seems so 06:34 Loisb have quite a wait yet 06:35 Rich This way they can get the good seats. g 06:36 Loisb and of course there will be a seat shortage at 802 06:36 Loisb it may be 803 this time - gh 06:37 Rich k 06:37 Rich There was a bird in the last frame 06:37 Loisb first seen bird of the day 06:37 Rich g 06:39 Rich No report of Lion this morning? 06:39 Loisb nothing except me and BB with OF 06:39 Rich k 06:39 Loisb really couldn't see anything till the last OF 06:39 Rich It started so late last night I thought it might still be going. 06:39 Rich k 06:50 sparekitty happy canada day, rich! 06:51 sparekitty lois too, didn't see you there... 06:51 Rich Hi sparekitty 06:51 sparekitty how's everything this morning? 06:51 Rich God Save the Queen. 06:51 Rich Loisb is bouncing in and out, 06:51 Rich Basin is clearing nicely. 06:52 Rich no report of an overnight BH. 06:52 sparekitty only 43 more days till i'm there!! i can hardly wait! 06:52 Rich I haven't seen any splashing or steam around there yet. 06:52 Rich YEAH!!!!! 06:53 Loisb how long are you going to be there? 06:53 sparekitty one of my goals while i'm there is to see what is where i _THINK_ indicator is but it's never indicator. there's something else there and i intend to find out what! 06:53 sparekitty i will be there for 5 days...staying at the KOA in west 06:53 Loisb g 06:53 Rich nice 06:53 Loisb should be good weather for you 06:53 sparekitty then maybe a couple more on the way back. since i'm no longer employed, there's no ruch to get home. i think the weather will be PERFECT. 06:54 Rich Indicator is about 10 feet to the right of BH. Hole in the ground. 06:55 Rich When you see people standing about a 1/3 of the way to OF on the BW they are in the area to watch for water in BHI vent. 06:55 sparekitty i know where indicator is but i want to find out what ELSE is around there...often i see something i think is indicator, but it's not. 06:56 Rich ah 06:56 sparekitty i've see it in person a bunch, but don't recall what else is around... 06:56 Rich As I remember there are close to cone holes about 3 I think. Most on the left side of BH. 06:57 Rich One of the run off channels from Plume goes by BHI vent. 06:57 sparekitty so what should i do so you know it's ME waving while i'm there?? it will likely be me, my older daughter (who's a bit taller than me) and my neighbor from accross the street. we will totally stand right on the BW 06:57 Rich So sometimes it is possible to see steam from Plume run off there. 06:59 sparekitty brb 06:59 Rich k 07:01 Loisb rr 07:01 Rich Walk/talk time. 07:01 Loisb a little late this am 07:02 Loisb must not be the basin talk - maybe getting ready for a walk 07:02 Rich It's just 08:00 07:02 Rich yes 07:03 sparekitty back 07:03 Loisb wb 07:03 Rich wb 07:04 Rich Given the limitations of the static cam. If we know jacket colors? 07:04 Loisb OF 08 03 41 07:04 Loisb at least I 07:04 Loisb think I see water 07:04 sparekitty i'll never remember what i said i'd wear...i'll just have to jump around like crazy. 07:04 Rich lol 07:05 Loisb take a pillow case and wave it - can always use it to sit on 07:05 sparekitty good idea 07:05 Rich Stay in the air more than 60 seconds? 07:05 sparekitty that woudl be a trick! 07:05 Loisb Note to BB - well now that there are people here OF is not minding 07:05 Rich Have a mirror with you and flash the sun at the cam. 07:05 Loisb if she holds a pillow case in front of her we should be able to see it - g 07:05 Rich Hi cb 07:05 Rich Hi Bruce 07:06 Loisb Hi CB 07:06 Bruce da Moose Howdy doody! 07:06 Loisb Hi Bruce 07:06 Rich Mirror is handy for emergencies also. 07:06 Rich How did the presentation go? 07:06 Rich Don't answer if it you don't want to. g 07:06 sparekitty i try not to carry things that will break...i'm entirely into plastic 07:07 Bruce da Moose The presentation went better than I expected, and more importantly, the darn thing is OVER! :-D :-D :-D YAYAYAYAY! 07:07 cb good mor*****ll 07:07 Rich No makeup mirror? 07:07 Loisb always the best part Bruce 07:07 Rich YEA!!!!! 07:07 sparekitty no makeup...ever 07:07 Rich congrats 07:07 cb OF 807 07:07 Bruce da Moose These ladies need no makeup - :-) 07:08 Loisb sunblock 07:08 sparekitty yes on the sunblock!! 07:08 Rich OF 08:07:42ie 07:08 Bruce da Moose hey! What's all that steam in trhe way of Giantess? 07:08 Rich Aluminum foil? 07:08 Rich It's been a foggy morning. 07:08 Bruce da Moose BTW, WTH is Giantess doing? Looks rumbly... 07:08 Rich Comes and goes. 07:09 sparekitty my thoughts exactly, bruce, but the last time i brought up giantess ryan went OFF... 07:09 Bruce da Moose @Rich :-) 07:09 Rich g 07:09 Rich Why? Is it doing something it shouldn't? 07:10 Rich Hi Kent 07:10 Rich Must be BH time, the gangs all here. g 07:11 Kent I hope we are approaching the window? 07:11 Bruce da Moose Naw - it just looks - unsettled - for some reason. i say this, of course, from a disadvantaged perspective. 07:11 Rich I've noticed a lack of steaming. 07:11 cb Hi all 07:12 cb Plume 811 07:12 Rich 60's up here this morning cb 07:12 Bruce da Moose Oh - I thought I saw some energetic billows interspersed with the quiet. 07:12 Rich g 07:12 Bruce da Moose Looks like Plume might ahve just played. 07:13 cb yes. it was 811 previously called 07:13 Rich lol 07:13 Rich We all live in our own little worlds. 07:13 Rich lol 07:14 Rich Who called it? 07:14 Rich g 07:14 Bruce da Moose Yepp, I bet it did - twice in two frames there is a puff there. CB, can you see it form your own little world? ;-) 07:14 Rich steam at BH 07:14 cb yep....sorry but I can 07:14 Rich Bird 2 07:15 Rich Don't be sorry. 07:15 Bruce da Moose CB - if you called it at 0811, then I must be geting the still frames about 2 minutes behind actual time. WUWT? 07:15 Rich It is nice to at least have someway to know. 07:15 Rich Different time zone in Placerville, Bruce. 07:16 cb WUWT??? 07:16 Rich What's up with that 07:16 cb can keep up with all the appr 07:16 cb g 07:16 Rich g 07:16 Bruce da Moose Oh, yeah, that time zone thing will discombobulate a guy every time. 07:17 Bruce da Moose It makes it especially touth when us goofy characters just invent the abbrevs as we go along (AWGA) 07:18 Rich A new form of Scrabble. 07:18 Bruce da Moose :-D 07:18 Rich Abreviations only. 07:18 Bruce da Moose Oh, oh - NILU!!! 07:19 sparekitty i'm not even gonna try. 07:19 Bruce da Moose I'm GBH - TIJTF 07:20 Rich Babelfish doesn't handle txt speak. 07:20 Bruce da Moose Hint: All of these have to do with unrestrained hilarity at this location. 07:21 Rich How long do we have? 07:21 Bruce da Moose Until the sauerkraut is done? 07:21 Rich Kimshee? 07:21 Bruce da Moose Lutefisk? 07:22 sparekitty kim chi ROCKS. some of my favorite food. 07:22 Bruce da Moose What is it? 07:23 sparekitty rotten cabbage...kinda 07:23 Rich All that comes to mind for me about kim chi is MASH 07:23 Bruce da Moose It's not from that screwy dictator guy in North korea, is it? 07:23 Rich Relative to the south? 07:23 sparekitty very spicy pickled cabbage that's aged. smelly, wonderful and korean, but i think it pre-dates either north or south. 07:24 Bruce da Moose Did they make it in those beautiful Korean green potteries? 07:24 sparekitty in some pottery but i don't know if it has a special kind. 07:25 Bruce da Moose If you are ever in the Asian Art Museum in SanFran, check out the Korean green potteries - they are stunning. They have a special name, i forget offhand. 07:26 Rich Celadon 07:27 Rich ~~~ 07:27 Bruce da Moose That's right! Celadon, thanks Rich. http://www.korean-arts.com/about_korean_celadon.ht… 07:36 Todd_Lori Lori says morning all. looks like I missed a food conversation :( what else have I missed? 07:37 Rich Hi Lori 07:37 Rich Hi Todd 07:38 Todd_Lori todd is slaving at work again, and i have the dayoff again. so, paperwork is on my schedule for the day, which means i can keep one eye on the screen if i need to 07:38 Rich The puzzles for today: 1 - What is Giantess up to? 07:39 Rich 2 - What are the anacronyms Bruce used mean? 07:40 Bruce da Moose Oh, now I'm an anachronism, eh? I resemble that! 07:40 Rich You are rather abbreviated. g 07:41 Bruce da Moose Y, TY, IM abbreviated. 07:41 Todd_Lori sounds like a discussion of the big words, g I'll just enjoy so I don't make a fool of myself, lol 07:41 Rich g 07:41 Rich Join the rest of us. We lead by example. g 07:42 Bruce da Moose rotflmao! 07:42 Bruce da Moose :'D 07:42 Rich I need more tissues. 07:43 Bruce da Moose Get us a mop! 07:44 Rich Mop Mop, Bo Bop, fee fi mo Mop. 07:44 Todd_Lori <3 this page 07:45 Todd_Lori ranger program at bh? 07:46 Rich I like that segue. lol 07:46 Rich yes 07:46 Rich That's it reign us in Lori. g 07:48 Rich maybe that should be rein us in. g 07:51 Rich Yesterday it would have been, rain us in. 07:54 Bruce da Moose Well, I have a bunch do wrap up stuff to do, so i better get to it. back in awhile. 07:54 Rich later Bruce 07:55 Todd_Lori sorry, i used all i had! continue on, i enojy it and am making notes for the future. bye bruce- didn't mean to stop the fun :) 07:55 Rich g 07:59 Rich Must be nap time for the old folks. 08:00 sparekitty i ahve to go wash the car. you can tell me all about how wonderful BH was when i get back. 08:01 Rich later sparekitty 08:01 Rich lol 08:07 kcmule big steam on treeline 09:06ie 08:08 kcmule too far left to be riverside? 08:08 Rich F&M? 08:08 kcmule i reckon! 08:09 Rich Now it is moving back to Riverside. 08:10 Rich Shape wise it looks more like Riverside. 08:11 BB Hi all 08:11 Rich Hi BB 08:11 BB and no Rich, no indicator this time 08:11 Rich lol 08:11 Rich People 08:12 BB I was wondering about that steam back there. I thought I saw Riverside earlier this morning, but didn't the steam move too far to the right by now for F&M? 08:12 BB Will check captures 08:13 Rich It seems to be oscilating. 08:14 kcmule was definitely further left before but i know wind patterns are different down basin 08:14 kcmule now it is smack on riverside on my map 08:14 BB I think it is Riverside 08:15 BB It started out in the F&M place, but I had that a few weeks ago, got all excited, and then Graham said that the wind could blow Riverside steam all the way over to the left 08:15 BB There was something earlier, but I can't tell what it was 08:15 BB Might have been leftover morning fog dissolving 08:15 kcmule oh well at least it was an exciting way to start my day. and riversides seem hard to spot when the air gets warm. 08:16 BB Or maybe it was F&M earlier... with the wind you never know 08:16 Rich It sure has been difficult to spot the last few days, that's for sure. 08:16 BB I remember the two eruptions that Steve saw in the park. When we checked our captures there was almost nothing to see 08:41 BB Depression 09:39 ie 08:42 Rich Hi RFL 08:47 Rich OF 09:46:55ie 08:48 Rich Groblong 09:47:54ie 08:49 kcmule had to step away for a bit, groblong 09:48ie 08:56 Rich Time for me to walk. bb in about 20m. 09:10 kcmule quite a few folks at bh but no sign of indy that i can see 09:12 kcmule Plume 10:11:56ie 09:46 Rich walking b 10:01 Rich We are getting more people at BH/BW 10:10 Rich Hi kent 10:10 Kent Hi Rich. Time for Plume 10:11 Rich Hi BB 10:11 Todd_Lori anybody want to help sort about a million Lego's while we wait? 10:11 Rich Sure, pass me a bucket. 10:13 Todd_Lori i also have k-nex to sort- which do you prefer, g 10:13 Rich I 'see' a haze, but - - - 10:14 Rich k-nex, don't know what they are, so I can get distracted sooner. g 10:14 Todd_Lori i need to clean my glasses :( 10:14 Rich Some of the people turn a lighter shade of brown. g 10:15 Todd_Lori another building toy that is great for the imagination, and a pain when they grow up and you get to sort all the pieces into the origiona toy. 10:16 Todd_Lori some are a bit fuzzy- is that a clue? 10:16 Rich OF 11:14:34ie 10:16 Rich Ah, fun time. 10:17 Todd_Lori yeah, i think he moved out so he wouldn't have to help, lol 10:18 Rich Put them in a box and give them to his children?? 10:18 Rich The mix 10:22 Todd_Lori hopefully that isn't anytime soon, but the Lego's are in a LARGE tote right now. I could just lable it and put it in the corner of the basement! 10:22 Rich Sorry folks doesn't look like anything. 10:22 Rich There you go!!! 10:22 Todd_Lori crowd dispersing? 10:22 Rich some what. 10:30 Rich Defintely watching for water in BHI vent. 10:30 Rich hi figre 10:31 Rich Regrouping. 10:31 figre hey - is it just me, or is the cam down right 10:31 figre now 10:32 Rich The streaming cam is down. 10:32 Rich There is no now time frame for fixing. 10:32 Rich no known time 10:33 sparekitty back...what'd i miss? 10:33 Rich nothing yet 10:33 sparekitty cool. 10:34 Rich My nerves are going to be shot if some pattern isn't established soon with MCBHIs. lol 10:38 Rich Any VOLUNTEERS to be on-sight spotter??? 10:38 Rich Cell phone required. 10:39 Todd_Lori i'll go, if you make sure the kids don;t have the cell :) 10:40 Rich lol 10:40 Rich good luck with that. g 10:40 Todd_Lori can I at least say it can only call out, lol 10:40 Rich Isn't that standard birth issue equipment now a days? 10:41 Rich TYG 10:43 Rich I was thinking a prepaid cell phone would be good for kids. If they use up the time, they either pay up or do without. g 10:44 Rich Give a monthly 'phone allowance' 10:48 Todd_Lori but I would manage to call with bhi! 10:48 Todd_Lori or any other you need eyes on:) 10:49 Rich For now BH/BHI would be a great help. 10:49 Rich Now is the time for a FRS relay. 10:56 Todd_Lori lost me- FRS? 10:56 Rich Walkie-Talkie in the Park. 10:56 Rich What the geyser gazers use to call in times to VC. 10:57 Todd_Lori did that when we were there, but don't think it will pick up in IA, lol 10:57 Rich Hence, the relay 10:57 Rich Relay it thru the internet. 10:58 Todd_Lori good plan! can you fix the streaming cam too please :) 10:58 Rich Sure, why not. g 10:58 Rich I don't miss it. 10:58 kcmule Plume 11:57:42ie 10:58 Rich Nice Plume 10:59 Todd_Lori you just look back at captures anyway, g 11:00 Todd_Lori plume is always good while awaiting bh 11:00 Rich I never have the streaming cam. g 11:04 Todd_Lori nice to see a full erruption, not just pieces 11:05 Rich yes 11:08 Rich First Plume in person eruption shocked me, there was more than a littl steam. And it had several bursts. g 11:12 Todd_Lori sound is one of the best parts- even streaming can't do it justice 11:13 Rich Only thing with sound is if voices are caught, falls under privacy invasion. 11:18 kcmule (meeting) id like to hear the ranger talks live, like they do with the live monterrey bay aquarium cams 11:18 Rich Me too. 11:19 Rich Bear again reported in UGB last night 11:19 Rich from David S via geyserlistserv 11:21 Todd_Lori lets just post signs at the gates, saying they are being recorded anywhere in the park. Cause everyone obeys the signs :) 11:21 Rich No F&M as of 21:30 06/30/10 11:21 Rich Works for me. g 11:22 Rich Big Brother is watching and listening. 11:22 Todd_Lori and us stalkers :) 11:23 Todd_Lori ok- gotta go back to the basement, so hold off bh. bbl 11:23 Rich Is it lunch time yet? 11:23 Todd_Lori leftover pizza and bbq chips at the desk. g 11:24 Rich Round TAble delivers. g 11:30 Rich What ALIEN!!! 11:30 kcmule (meeting) caldera ie? 11:30 kcmule (meeting) lol sorry : ) 11:30 Rich Check the seismo 11:31 BB Argh... what happened???? 11:31 Rich Bruce reported something like that the other night after dark. 11:32 BB And I forgot to capture!!! 11:32 BB Did you get one, Rich? 11:32 Rich I got a couple 11:32 Rich One blue and one black 11:32 Rich Will upload asap 11:33 Kristine I think I missed something... 11:33 Rich Alien 11:33 BB yes... alien slime attack or so 11:33 Kristine Oh, okay 11:37 Rich Uploaded to FB http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 11:37 Rich two captures 11:39 Todd_Lori did you just block bh so I wouldn't know I missed it, lol 11:39 Rich lol 11:40 Rich Can't say we don't have exciting times. 11:41 Rich g 11:41 Rich Actually it was to block Giant. 11:43 Rich Wonder if I can install a pass thru from the kitchen to the bathroom. Install a computer there. 11:47 Todd_Lori only if you don't have a webcam on it! 11:47 Rich (Blushing) 11:48 Todd_Lori but it would be good for you to keep me current- no time out for you, g 11:49 Rich lol 11:49 Kristine Gotta go grab lunch..later all 11:49 Rich later Kristine 11:50 Todd_Lori bye 11:51 Rich Hi guest345810 11:52 Rich Plume 12:51:16ie 11:58 Rich OF 12:56:49ie 12:02 Rich July 01, 2010 recap Depression 09:39ie Groblong 09:47:54ie OF 02:02ie 03:32ie 05:02ie 06:32:59ie 08:07 09:46:55ie 11:14:34ie 12:56:49ie Plume 08:11 10:11:56ie 11:57:42ie 12:51:16ie Riverside 09:06ie? 12:04 sparekitty so are we thinking people indicator at BH or ranger walk? 12:05 sparekitty rich, i love that "groblong" has become almost official. 12:10 Todd_Lori there have been people at bh off & on all morning- driving me crazy! 12:10 Todd_Lori looks like people posing for the camera 12:11 BB I just found Aurum in my captures at 10:17:57 12:11 Rich I have to look up the originator. 12:11 BB of groblong? 12:11 Todd_Lori nice spotlite now on lion is it wants to go :) 12:11 Rich ty BB 12:11 BB that was kcmule who invented it 12:11 Rich I thought it was he. 12:12 Todd_Lori ok, cloudy as soon as I was ready for it :( 12:12 Rich Brillance must not go un rewarded. g 12:12 BB It also calls Indicator Indy which I find very cute, but unfortunately that is not catching on :) 12:12 BB HE also calls.. 12:12 Rich g 12:12 Todd_Lori took me a while to get groblong 12:13 Rich Very appropriate for us cam viewers. 12:14 Todd_Lori i need to print out a map, so i don't have to ask so many stupid questions 12:15 sparekitty no stupid questions!! 12:15 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 12:15 sparekitty oops, i mean there are no stupid questions. sorry 12:15 Rich Reference images 12:16 Todd_Lori i think you meant it the first time, lol 12:16 Rich Ones foot doesn't always fit in one's mouth easily. 12:16 sparekitty fortunately for me, my mouth is REALLY big...plus, i put my foot in it often. 12:17 Rich lol 12:17 Rich Let's see I was going to log Aurum at some point. 12:18 sparekitty gotta go mop. i'll check in to see if BH tries to erupt just 'cause i'm not around... 12:20 Rich thank you for your self sacrifice. 12:20 Rich Hi guest36358 12:39 Rich Steam at BHI? 12:39 Todd_Lori ? 12:39 Rich People Indicator? 12:39 Rich Hi RFL 12:40 Todd_Lori people have been mid-cycle this a.m. 12:40 RFL looks like indicator ? 12:41 Rich I tweeted/fFB'd 12:44 Rich Hi guest232411 12:46 Rich NOTE: cb/vw/graham/derek any help would be appreciated. 12:49 BB Indicator is even more difficult to see than yesterday 12:49 Rich yes 12:50 Rich People indicator is there. 12:50 Rich And growing. 12:50 BB I am trying to find a start time but it is really difficult 12:50 Rich I think it was before 13:40 12:51 Rich The crowd started forming about then. 12:51 BB Do you have the 13:43:51 capture? It is really huge (well, huge for indicator) in that frame. 12:51 Rich Water must have been called with that many people. 12:51 Rich will check 12:53 Inez Austin what a wonderful sunny day! 12:53 Rich no 13:43:22 then 13:45:22 12:53 Rich Hi Inez 12:53 BB My best guess is 13:34 as the earliest capture I can see Indicator in 12:54 Inez Austin Hello back, does this mean I might catch BH? Hows Lion and Depression?? 12:54 Rich No Lions today yet 12:55 Rich Depression 09:39 12:55 Inez Austin Are you sure they arn't just giving away free samples or something? The boardwalk isn't used to that much concentrated weight.....LOL 12:55 Rich We are trying to decide on BH 12:55 Rich lol 12:56 Inez Austin Perhaps there are gladiators or somethin down along the river and they are all in the audience! 12:57 Rich g 12:57 BB I posted the capture. It almost looks like a splash from BH, but it is Indicator. 12:57 BB http://picasaweb.google.de/lh/photo/ERjfRVPw-aCYJT… 12:58 BB Beehive 12:58 Todd_Lori yeah 12:58 BB starting at 13:57:24 12:58 Inez Austin Good one! 12:59 Todd_Lori excellent! 12:59 Rich Great 13:00 Rich Now I can take my blood pressure again. g 13:01 Inez Austin It surely does appear that the water and pressure are down in that area at the moment, with the reactivation of one items and the MCBHI. 13:02 Todd_Lori should be perfect bp 13:02 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/28/10 13:06:19 9:59:00 06/28/10 23:18:00 10:13:00 06/29/10 09:24:00 10:06:00 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:03:00 13:03 Rich I don't feel so bad about the indicator call now. 13:03 Todd_Lori nope, you did good 13:03 Inez Austin Better said than silent, at least it makes us look! 13:04 Rich ty 13:04 BB PatS posted to FB that the earliest she saw Indicator was 13:31, so it looks like it was under 30 minutes again 13:04 Rich I feel like the 'old dog' learning a new trick. 13:04 Rich whew 13:04 Todd_Lori and ty for the link- got the map printed:* 13:05 Rich In the Cartography link there are maps also. 13:05 BB Looks like I can go to bed a little earlier today than yesterday - bye all 13:05 Rich Bruce's and Dave M's are good. 13:05 Rich Bye BB 13:05 Inez Austin Well, we are out of oreos, almond snickers and figgies, and not to mention other boring stuff so I am away for a bit. 13:05 Rich Thank you for your help. 13:05 Todd_Lori nephew was in, asked why bhi wasn't labled on the map, g 13:05 Rich g 13:06 Todd_Lori been hangin out with me and is addicted i think 13:06 Rich Very good question. 13:06 Rich Tell him it is 'that' far from Beehive to the right. 13:07 Rich Correction on the interval time should be 23h 13m 13:08 Todd_Lori yep, he was helping me look for water. not room for another arrow ;) 13:09 Todd_Lori and had me print a map for him to take home 13:09 Rich Since it's name is Beehive Indicator - might be assumed to be close by. g 13:09 Rich Cool 13:10 Rich Now I can finish loading BB capture. 13:10 Todd_Lori going to have todd get the big topo map of yellowstone out and look at it with him. 13:11 Todd_Lori better finish the chores now :( bbl, it has been a fun day 13:11 Rich Yes it has Lori 13:11 Rich enjoy the remainder 13:26 Rich July 01, 2010 recap Aurum 10:17:57ie Beehive Indicator 13:31 Beehive 13:57:24ie Depression 09:39ie Groblong 09:47:54ie 13:26 Rich OF 02:02ie 03:32ie 05:02ie 06:32:59ie 08:07 09:46:55ie 11:14:34ie 12:56:49ie Plume 08:11 10:11:56ie 11:57:42ie 12:51:16ie Riverside 09:06ie? 13:27 Rich OF 14:26:27ie 13:30 kcmule oh well kinda had a feeling that would happen. another long indicator huh 13:30 Rich wb kcmule 13:30 kcmule ty 13:31 Rich 26m 13:31 Rich approx 13:36 Rich Uploading a BH capture now. 13:39 Bruce da Moose PLUME! 1438 13:39 Rich Beehive 13:57:24ie 07/01/10 after ~26m indicator http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 13:40 Rich Hi Bruce 13:40 Bruce da Moose Hi! I;m on vacation! :-) 13:40 Rich YEAH!!!! 13:53 Rich bb, going to stroll out to the back yard and see how the plumes are doing. Need to get off my back side. It has been a long morning. g 14:34 Rich Plumes and loquats. 14:34 Rich What to do with them. 14:42 Inez Austin Mix the plums and loquats to make jam, or tarts, or freeze them with a little sugar. Yum! 14:43 Rich Thinking about juicing them 14:43 Rich Don't have the freezer space 14:53 sparekitty you could always make plum jam or jelly, but jelly is so much more work 14:56 Rich That's what use to happen. I'd pick fruit, bring it to Mom and take jars of stuff home with me. 15:00 Rich hi Kristine 15:00 Kristine Hi Rich 15:01 Kristine I see I missed Beehive...I knew I would 15:01 Rich g 15:01 Rich sorry 15:02 Rich http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 15:02 Rich A BH capture 15:02 Kristine Is that the only one reported today thus far? 15:03 Kristine Nice...looks like a great day for a Beehive shower 15:03 Rich so far 15:03 Rich No overnight reported yet. 15:04 Kristine of 15:04 Rich OF 16:03:12ns 15:07 Kristine Well, that was nice 15:10 Kristine Old Faithful is a pretty geyser. 15:12 Rich After the fog burned off this morning it has been a very nice day. 15:13 Kristine Looks like it. 15:14 Rich We had some tense moments trying to decide if BHI was going or not. 15:14 Kristine :) 15:15 Kristine Welp, I've gotta go do something useful. Later. 15:15 Rich Between summer steam patterns and MCBHI, I didn't know what was happening. 15:15 Rich Have a good afternoon. 15:23 Rich hi guest109679 15:29 cb hey rich! was reading the log to see if there was a bh today. I see there was 15:29 Rich Yes 15:29 Rich Hi cb 15:30 Rich I was starting to panic. 15:30 cb ? 15:30 Rich I couldn't decide to call BHI or not. 15:30 kcmule Aurum 16:49:22ie 15:30 Rich Used the people indicator the most. 15:30 cb no one here to confirm the I 15:31 cb Ind. 15:31 cb that works also 15:31 Rich Not to scientific. g 15:31 cb no, not very 15:32 cb just stopping in for a bit while I had a bite to eat. 15:32 Rich So if we assume the 23h interval was a double, BH interval now ~9 - 11.5 h. 15:33 cb it is very interesting so far this summer! 15:33 Graham hello 15:33 Rich Hi Graham 15:33 cb hey graham 15:34 cb bbl 15:35 Rich Can we give a bicycle flag to the gazer on duty to take with them to BH. 15:36 Graham didnt they already erupt? 15:36 Rich yes 15:36 Rich But would be nice to get a visual. 15:40 Rich Don't think my nerves can stand many more days of this. 15:41 Rich We also had alien event. 15:43 Graham ah, aliens are always fun 15:43 Graham bbl, off to eat 15:43 Rich later 15:47 Rich Plume 16:46:44ie? 16:01 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 16:01 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, Rich! And others. 16:13 kcmule Plume 17:12:20ie 16:13 Rich Hmm 16:14 Rich I thought the 16:46:44 was off interval. 16:14 Rich Now for sure want to check myself. 16:15 Rich 16:46 is in the shadow, so I'll scratch it. 16:19 Rich Hi Michael 16:19 Rich Hi Lori 16:20 Michael Hi Rich. 16:28 Rich OF 17:27:50ie 16:35 Michael Well, I've seen a geyser now. Time to get back on the tour bus. 16:36 Rich lol 16:36 Rich Glad you could make the stop. 16:59 kcmule drivin home bbs 17:34 Rich Anyone else having a cam problem? 17:34 Graham Pat had Grand at 1312ie 17:37 Rich by 13:20 it was gone 17:37 Graham k 17:38 Rich The question still remains is anyone having a cam problem? 17:44 Rich And yes I feel ignored!!!! 17:57 Graham I am having no cam problems Rich 18:00 Graham Plume 1900ie 18:21 Gazer-by-Proxy My camera is looking good at 1920 Mountain. 18:32 Inez Austin Things really got quiet after I tabbed away. At least I see a little steam at Lion 18:34 Inez Austin Is that the MCBHI 1933? 18:34 Graham nothing now 18:36 Inez Austin I think it there, 193536.... 18:37 kcmule u crazy I_A 18:37 Inez Austin Always! 18:37 kcmule :D 18:37 Inez Austin Maybe I just have a bigger screen 18:38 Inez Austin And it is gone now! 18:38 kcmule i could blow that up to 46 inches there still be no indy :D 18:38 Inez Austin Well darn! 18:38 Inez Austin Lookie lookie 193805 18:40 Inez Austin Obviously it doesn't want me to generate interest 18:41 kcmule it only goes active when u r not looking 18:42 Inez Austin Well then I suppose my break should end and I should get back to work.....nah, ten more minutes 18:42 kcmule Plume 19:41:36 - see something is happening 18:43 kcmule sorry, meant Pump 18:43 Inez Austin humph 18:43 kcmule even better :D 18:43 Inez Austin Happier if it's pump! 18:44 kcmule i bet i got Graham to move the cam 18:44 kcmule :) 18:48 kcmule missing some great lighting here 18:49 Inez Austin we have rain blowing in but not thunder etc 18:50 Inez Austin See nice steam at BH i's teasing, be back at midnite 18:52 Inez Austin Depression 195137ie 18:53 Inez Austin See....it sure looks like it 18:54 Inez Austin pump is still doing well 19:00 Inez Austin Daisy???195938ie 19:03 kcmule everyone is here waitin for something 19:03 Inez Austin Oh, well open the valve at Lion. Just push the button 19:04 Inez Austin Would you settle for Little Cub? 19:05 kcmule aurum plume grand lion.. 19:05 Inez Austin What have you all done with Rich.? 19:06 Inez Austin Nice steam bump to the right on Lion at that spring 19:08 kcmule rich is all seeing he does not need to be present 19:09 Inez Austin Probably working on a Loquat receipe to share...hope hope 19:10 Inez Austin You may have to settle for OF 19:13 kcmule plume should not be far off, its been around the top of the hour all day today 19:13 Bruce da Moose I absconded with Rich!~ 19:14 Inez Austin hard to see, but that looks like it now 19:14 Inez Austin Are you guys running away to yelly belly without telling us? 19:15 Bruce da Moose You never know... 19:17 Inez Austin Nice steam from Lion 19:17 Graham well I am done tonight since nothing is erupting 19:18 Inez Austin have a good one 19:18 Bruce da Moose FHS, give that geyser some ex-lax! 19:18 Graham yeah good luck with seeing something erupt :) 19:19 Inez Austin Little cub 19:25 Bruce da Moose So sad. 19:25 Bruce da Moose No geysers. 19:25 Bruce da Moose No Rich. 19:25 Bruce da Moose No fun. 19:25 Bruce da Moose No ravens. 19:25 Bruce da Moose No bears. 19:25 Bruce da Moose No chocolate. 19:26 Bruce da Moose What's a moose to do? 19:26 Bruce da Moose I need at least ONE of these things to happen. 19:26 Rich I just love computers. NOT! 19:26 Rich Eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. 19:26 Bruce da Moose Yay! Yay! My wish comes true! 19:27 Rich lol 19:27 Inez Austin no idea, oh oh bad computer, lots of magic smoke?? 19:27 Bruce da Moose lol! 19:27 Rich No, still can't get into the page I normal watch the cam thru. 19:27 Inez Austin Rich, turn the switch get an eruption going, I must get back to work 19:27 Rich It just times out. 19:27 Rich Mammoth cams are also out for me. 19:28 Bruce da Moose WEll, BARF on that! 19:28 Rich I just restarted the eruption program, shouldn't be long til it syncs up. 19:28 Inez Austin ty 19:28 kcmule all these people in the room and we're missing plumes, need help rich 19:28 Bruce da Moose That's either Depression or the Dwarves 19:28 Rich yw Inez, anything for Gorgeous Lady. 19:28 Inez Austin no spikes, no depression 19:29 Inez Austin roflol 19:29 Bruce da Moose A stillcam ***n;t always showe the spikes, tho 19:29 Bruce da Moose Anemone! 19:29 Inez Austin let me have my little fantasies about these thingies 19:29 Inez Austin Good call, a first for anemone today 19:29 Rich Or steam 19:30 Bruce da Moose You got it - what's reality without fantasy? 19:30 Rich There are people there, so must be Anemone. 19:30 Rich I promised I wouldn't be negative. 19:31 Inez Austin why???? 19:31 Bruce da Moose That's no fun! what's positive without negative? 19:31 Rich I still would like to know what the bright spot to the left of Plume?OF on the board walk is? 19:31 Bruce da Moose Light shining on the bench side? 19:31 Rich it's depressing for one. g 19:31 Rich That far down? 19:32 Rich Ok 19:32 Bruce da Moose Cannot quite tell - these 90-year-old eyeballs need reaidng glasses 19:32 kcmule depression is depressing. it looks ie every 3 frames 19:33 Bruce da Moose It's a two-bit, four-flushing, low-down, dirty rotten indiscriminate sput 19:33 Inez Austin will settle for OF followed closely by Lion, if the geyser ghostie is listening 19:33 kcmule i walked by it for 6 years didnt know what it was til i got here 19:34 Bruce da Moose In the Basin, the peaceful Basin, the Lion sleeps tonight (fail) 19:34 Rich ? 19:34 Bruce da Moose Your guess is as good as mine. 19:34 Inez Austin Lion King parady 19:34 Rich There be a bear wandering in the basin the last couple of nights 19:34 Inez Austin hide the oreos 19:35 Rich Definetly 19:35 Bruce da Moose Now I want an Oreo 19:35 Rich Also don't go to F&M alone or after dark. 19:35 Inez Austin Just bought a new pack, in the fat drawer in the kitchen, go boy go 19:35 Bruce da Moose Also, please don't feed da Mooses 19:35 Rich I don't want to find the bell and bear spray 19:36 Bruce da Moose MMMM - bear spray! 19:36 Inez Austin but no dude, 19:36 Bruce da Moose Tastes peppery! 19:36 Rich Unless you can stand in water and act like grass, not likely to happen. 19:36 Rich lol 19:36 Bruce da Moose lol! 19:36 Rich I'm getting faster at walking, Bruce, so there is a chance I won't be last in line. 19:37 Inez Austin nice steam from depression 19:37 Rich I can now do about 1 1/2 miles in 20min. 19:37 Inez Austin Is that aaurum? 19:37 Bruce da Moose You'll do fine - we'll give you some old Fred Waring CDs to play and he'll go righthh sleep. 19:37 Rich aurum location yes, aurum ?? 19:38 Bruce da Moose Don;t see it. 19:38 Rich Aurum last reported at 16:49 19:38 Inez Austin I think so, but wo seconds ago so 2036ie 19:38 Inez Austin so is it good? 19:38 Bruce da Moose That's pretty short for Aurum. I saw some other stuff, but looked more like THAT thing, 19:39 Inez Austin OF? 19:39 Rich yes 19:39 Bruce da Moose Yeah, the big palooka. 19:39 Rich OF 20:38:18ie 19:39 Inez Austin so 303818 19:39 kcmule mars time? 19:40 Bruce da Moose :--) 19:40 Inez Austin Darn, gott stop typing the number first, then trying to recoup 19:40 Inez Austin yes! 19:40 Inez Austin I keep putting the time first and it kicks me off. SO where is Lion! 19:41 Rich Meebo doesn't like numbers alone 19:41 Inez Austin Well tell it to loosen up 19:41 Rich Privacy thingie 19:41 Bruce da Moose Meebo has some weird algorithms 19:41 Rich So you don't accidentally disclose your phone number 19:41 Inez Austin I actually have to look when I type numbers so I forget, but then again I still get it wrong. 19:42 Bruce da Moose That would be quite an accident! 19:42 Inez Austin Phone number is in the book, so foiled again 19:42 Rich Welcome to the club. g 19:42 Rich g 19:42 Rich lol 19:42 Inez Austin It's the cntrl v thing that could get me in trouble 19:42 Rich Paste? 19:43 Rich A person at Pump 19:43 Inez Austin yes, from a different tab 19:43 Bruce da Moose MMMM - paste... 19:43 Inez Austin Perhaps a human sacrifice 19:43 Inez Austin yummy school paste 19:43 Rich I get caught pasting before I've copied. So I get the clipboard stuff. 19:44 Bruce da Moose I like mine with salsa... 19:44 Rich With chalk for crunch. 19:44 Inez Austin never could get the clipboard to work for me 19:44 Inez Austin ick 19:44 Inez Austin nice steam at bh 19:44 Bruce da Moose lol 19:44 Rich yes 19:44 Inez Austin that time of nite 19:44 Rich Inez and Lori are good at segues 19:45 Bruce da Moose time for ick? 19:45 Bruce da Moose You guys just make me hungry! 19:45 Bruce da Moose I see a stream of drive-in-movie food pasisng before my eyes... 19:45 Inez Austin back to looking at deaths in elko county in the 1920s. I really hoped for lion. See ya 19:45 Rich Chalk and school paste? 19:46 Rich I know where Elko Co is in Nevada 19:46 Rich I even know where Inez is in Nevada 19:46 Bruce da Moose We've been to Elko. 19:46 Rich Inez is next to Berlin 19:46 Bruce da Moose With the Ichthyosaur! 19:46 Rich Nice state park at Berlin. 19:47 Rich Yes 19:47 Rich Big sucker. 19:47 Rich 60' 19:47 Bruce da Moose MMMM - ichthyosaur... 19:47 Rich Inez is the oldest operating mining town in Nev. 19:47 Rich They have bison there also. 19:47 Bruce da Moose You;re a regualr Funk & Wagnalls tonight! 19:48 Rich lol 19:48 Bruce da Moose brb 19:48 Todd_Lori richopedia, lol 19:48 Rich And all with just two brain cells. 19:48 Rich Hi Todd 19:48 Todd_Lori lori, todd is reading the paper ;0 19:48 Rich Not fair it is Todds time of night. lol 19:49 Rich The typewriter paper? 19:49 Rich Tell him to turn it over. 19:49 Todd_Lori he was in the field until dark, so behind schedule 19:49 Rich ah, see what happens when it quits raiing? 19:49 kcmule down to 5, all these sacrifices.. where are the geysers 19:50 Rich You can see most of them steaming away. 19:50 Bruce da Moose Anticipate Grand not too long... 19:50 Rich Riverside is still avaliable. 19:50 Todd_Lori I'll have todd get on if you set something off , lol 19:51 Rich lol 19:51 Rich stink bomb? 19:51 Rich g 19:51 Bruce da Moose Ewww 19:52 Bruce da Moose BTW, Rich, got another QSL today - Xian, China 19:52 Rich Lori are you trying to blackmail us? 19:52 Bruce da Moose Izzat Plume? 19:52 Rich Cool 19:52 Todd_Lori enticement 19:52 Rich I got a foot closer to the Icom 19:52 Rich lol @ Lori 19:52 Rich Got me. 19:53 Bruce da Moose Let's get your Icom going ASAP 19:53 Rich We are just supposed to be enjoying the view. 19:53 Bruce da Moose It was a good vertical blast, in any case. 19:54 Rich It's late enough, if you don't put a time we can't call it. 19:54 Rich It won't go out to the listserv. 19:54 Rich So now is your time to guess away. 19:54 Bruce da Moose I'll come up and help you put up a wire. 19:54 Bruce da Moose I hate to guess - when i do, I'm usually worng. 19:55 Rich I'm planting a pine seed and attaching the wire to the top. 19:55 Bruce da Moose Now there's a man with patience... 19:55 Rich There be steam behind people on the BW so Plume 19:55 kcmule Plume 20:54ie 19:55 Rich went sometime recently 19:55 Bruce da Moose Actually, kcmule is right - that's Plume. 19:56 Rich Some one with courage. You get the Heart kcmule. 19:56 Bruce da Moose Just a cowardly Moose 19:56 kcmule lol i was struggling to get capture 19:56 kcmule and missed it of course 19:56 Rich I find myself forgetting to do the capture first. 19:56 Bruce da Moose But ya got the call! 19:57 Rich WE heard you Bruce da Moose 19:57 Rich g 19:58 Rich Anyone remember putting the green sheet on the TV screen and tracing stuff of the program? 19:59 Rich It was clear green plastic. 20:00 Rich I was suppose to eat dinner awhile back. Oh, well. 20:01 Bruce da Moose That does not sound familiar. 20:01 Rich Must have been the top of the hour, the room went quiet. 20:01 Todd_Lori no green plastic at my house. 20:01 Rich B&W TV? 20:02 Todd_Lori oh, yeah. 20:02 Todd_Lori had one in our kitchen until a few years ago 20:02 Rich Phone bell box mounted on the base board. 20:03 Todd_Lori party line, listening for your special ring 20:03 Rich yep 20:04 Rich Sky King 20:04 Rich WLS 20:04 Rich Chicago. 20:05 Rich That's not right. 20:05 Todd_Lori wls, but not sky king? 20:05 Rich Now I don't remember. 20:05 Rich Early tv Saturday morning kids program. 20:05 Rich Adventure 20:06 Rich Cold Chef Bo ardee spaghetti 20:06 Bruce da Moose Bleccchhh - 20:07 Todd_Lori have they renamed tv dinners to computer dinners yet? 20:07 Rich It was vegetarian. 20:07 Todd_Lori even worse! 20:07 Rich No meat. 20:07 Todd_Lori exactly! gotta have those mini meatballs 20:08 Rich SPAM, the luncheon meat not junk email. 20:08 Rich There be PUMP 20:08 Todd_Lori still pack that for rations on vaca 20:08 Bruce da Moose I have not eaten meat in 21 years. 20:09 Rich Ever have bbq uncut bologna? 20:09 Todd_Lori I'm sorry. I think they make vege Spam now 20:09 Todd_Lori fried bologna sandwich 20:09 Rich Mom would buy about 3 lb chunk and put bbq sauce on it and bake it. Yumm 20:09 Todd_Lori never had that 20:09 Rich Mayo sandwich 20:10 Todd_Lori lettuce with mayo, school special. if you finished everything else you could have a second half 20:10 Rich lol 20:10 Rich Salad, a wedge of lettuce with dressing. 20:11 Todd_Lori has to be iceberg with thousand island dressing to be served that way 20:11 Rich Molasses sandwich 20:12 Rich I dislike thousand Island. yuck 20:12 Todd_Lori lettuce with a scoop of cottage cheese and a peach half, with a cherry on top :) 20:12 Bruce da Moose Peanut butter - banana - Nutella sandwich 20:12 Rich yum 20:12 Rich Chive Cottage cheese 20:12 Todd_Lori butter, sliced radish & sugar sandwich 20:12 Rich never had that 20:13 Bruce da Moose MY face just got all distorted 20:13 Todd_Lori must be fresh garden radish, on white bread 20:13 Rich lol 20:13 Rich Of Course. 20:13 Rich g 20:13 Todd_Lori salt on watermelon? 20:14 Rich yes 20:14 Rich salt on cantalope 20:14 Todd_Lori and pepper on cantelope (or as known here, muscmelon) 20:15 Rich Riverside? or OF steam 20:15 Rich OF steam 20:15 Rich Pickled eggs 20:15 Todd_Lori i agree, for what it's worth, g 20:15 Rich to which? 20:16 Todd_Lori no on the pickled eggs, but pickeled beets are a yes 20:16 Rich OF Steam? 20:16 Rich Harvard Beets 20:16 Todd_Lori yep, steam. this is the OF chat page, right:D 20:16 Rich Some nights. 20:16 Todd_Lori haven't had harvard 20:17 Rich Others - the Gourmet corner of YNP. 20:17 Todd_Lori works for me 20:17 Rich sugar/vinegar/corn starch/ sliced beets 20:17 Todd_Lori don't do regular beets 20:18 Rich Liver? 20:18 Rich NO 20:18 Todd_Lori absolutely not! 20:19 Rich Dandelion greens? 20:19 Todd_Lori nope, we spray for those, lol 20:19 Rich lol 20:19 Rich 409 for bug spray 20:20 Todd_Lori never tried that 20:20 Rich Hi guest7693933 20:20 Todd_Lori absorbine jr for gnats 20:20 Rich sulfur for *******s 20:21 Todd_Lori are we back on food ? lol 20:21 Rich Not yet 20:21 Rich Chocolate covered Grasshoppers? 20:23 Todd_Lori chocolate and a grasshopper (cocktail) 20:24 Rich Better yet 20:24 Rich Grand 20:24 Todd_Lori roger grand, lol 20:25 Bruce da Moose That's Grand? 20:25 Rich Not yet 20:25 Rich Working up to it. 20:25 Bruce da Moose Looks Oblongy to me... 20:26 Rich Turn me into the Grand police. 20:26 Bruce da Moose That would be a Grand gesture. 20:27 Rich And it is gone 20:27 Bruce da Moose Grand Geyser - Grand Prismatic Spring - Grand Canoyn of the Yallerstone - Grand Teton. 20:27 Rich Grand Cayman 20:28 Rich hi cb 20:28 Bruce da Moose Grand Island (Nebraska) 20:28 Rich Grand Torino 20:28 cb hey rich....and to answer your question.....yes! having computer problem 20:28 Bruce da Moose Rio Grand(e) 20:29 Rich I'm ready to go on vacation 20:29 Rich Grand Central Station 20:29 cb on a Grand Vacation? 20:29 Bruce da Moose To Grand Bahama? 20:29 Rich Depression 21:28:48ie 20:29 Todd_Lori the grand ole oprey 20:29 Rich Grand Trunk RR 20:30 Bruce da Moose Grand Strand 20:30 Todd_Lori grand central station 20:30 Bruce da Moose Grand Manan Island 20:31 Todd_Lori grandparents house 20:31 Rich What was your computers problem, cb? 20:31 Bruce da Moose Michel LeGrand 20:31 Rich Le Grand, CA 20:32 Bruce da Moose Grand Mal 20:32 cb couldn't stay connected to the room. 20:32 Rich Must have been heavy usage this evening. Holiday. 20:32 cb weird cause I was getting everyones posts, but couldn't post from my computer 20:33 cb ahhhh. bet your right 20:33 Rich Have to have those 4 day weekends 20:33 Rich Tinker Toys 20:33 Bruce da Moose Erector Sets 20:33 Rich I still have a set around. 20:34 cb llincoln logs!! 20:34 Rich K-nex 20:34 Bruce da Moose Legos 20:34 Rich Let go my Legos 20:34 cb pixysticks....??!!?? 20:34 Bruce da Moose I just did model trains. 20:34 Bruce da Moose Pixie sticks? With the sugary powewder isnide? 20:34 Rich lol 20:35 Todd_Lori and we are back to Lego's :) my sign to turn it over to Todd, bye all 20:35 Rich Candy cigerettes 20:35 cb or is that pic up sticks....seems to me pixysticks were edible 20:35 Rich lol 20:35 Rich nite Lori 20:35 Rich It's been GRAND 20:35 Bruce da Moose Nite Lori :-) 20:35 cb bye lori 20:35 Bruce da Moose Oblong or Grotto... 20:35 cb can still by candy cig's at our local "newstand" 20:36 Rich Soy Beans 20:36 Rich Groblong 20:36 Bruce da Moose Candy soy beans? 20:36 Rich Boston Baked Beans 20:36 Bruce da Moose Yeah! I remember those 20:36 Rich nifty cb 20:36 Rich Slo-Pokes 20:37 Rich Paper candy sticks 20:37 Rich Black Cows 20:38 Bruce da Moose by Holloway! 20:38 cb Look Bars....yum!' 20:38 Bruce da Moose Skybars 20:38 Rich yumm 20:38 cb that is Oblong i believe 20:38 Bruce da Moose I loove them! 20:38 Bruce da Moose Still available too 20:38 Rich You 'love' any candy Bruce 20:38 Bruce da Moose Well - not hard candy, nor gooey stuff 20:39 Rich Marshmallow cups 20:39 cb chocolate covered raisens!!!!! 20:39 Bruce da Moose ONly sans gelatin 20:39 Bruce da Moose I love Raisinets 20:39 Rich Sorry, Bruce, I forgot. 20:39 Bruce da Moose np! 20:39 cb sorry I coveted those while in the park and could NOT find any 20:40 cb had to go to Jackson to find em..... 20:40 Rich Wow 20:40 Bruce da Moose Really? No WYell? 20:41 cb just happened to be going on a drive that day....really had nothing to do w the compulsion I had 20:41 cb but I found em!!' 20:41 Rich No, never 20:41 Bruce da Moose :)>- 20:42 Rich Peppermint stick in an Orange 20:43 cb Bill loves the chocolate covered orange sticks... 20:43 cb silly!! 20:43 Bruce da Moose Sounds OK! 20:44 Rich What about the chocolate orange wedge thing. 20:44 Bruce da Moose good too. Don;t care for raspberry choc 20:44 cb yep! he likes those too...have em at cabelas 20:45 cb now I have a sweet tooth.....going to the fridge 20:45 Rich Lechee nuts? 20:45 Rich lol 20:46 Bruce da Moose and macadamias 20:46 Rich Chocolate covered Reefer? 20:46 cb ? 20:46 Bruce da Moose ? 20:47 Rich fridge - reefer 20:47 Rich never mind 20:47 Bruce da Moose ohhh! 20:47 Rich lame 20:47 Todd_Lori You had them worried Rich 20:47 Rich Imagin a big L on my forehead. 20:47 Rich lol 20:47 cb you had me going in a completely different direction 20:47 Bruce da Moose for Linguini? 20:48 Rich Spaghetti head? 20:48 Bruce da Moose I like Gnocchi 20:48 Bruce da Moose POtato Head! 20:48 Bruce da Moose brb 20:49 Rich Take the good one and leave, that's our Bruce. 20:50 cb Its a clear evening in YNP 20:50 Bruce da Moose Back again! 20:50 Rich On a clear day you can see the tree line. 20:51 Rich Turn the water off? 20:51 Bruce da Moose Nope - on emore segment to water. 20:51 Bruce da Moose Blurrisimo! 20:52 Rich Faster than the speed of light. 20:52 Rich Little Cub 20:53 Rich Nickel Cokes 20:54 Bruce da Moose I hear a faintecho of the past... 20:55 cb have to help bill! bbl 20:55 Rich And he's fading fast 20:55 Bruce da Moose Bye! 20:55 Rich later cb 20:55 cb bye! 20:55 Rich bye 20:55 cb nite yellowstone 20:56 Yellowstone Yo Mama!!! 20:56 Bruce da Moose That was clever! 20:57 Rich Beaver Cleaver 20:57 Todd_Lori Bedtime here, also 20:57 Bruce da Moose Good night, Iowa! 20:57 Rich Have a great evenign 20:57 Rich Nite Todd 20:57 Todd_Lori For me anyway, don't know about Lori! 20:58 Todd_Lori Nite RIch 20:58 Rich g 20:58 Rich Getting bedtime for me also. 20:58 Bruce da Moose Good night Paradise! 20:58 Rich Schedule is food, water and bed 20:59 Rich When are you heading out, Bruce? 20:59 Bruce da Moose I hope about 7 AM 20:59 Rich Good 21:00 Rich The valley should be fairly cool for the trip then. 21:00 Rich You turning off 5 at Weed? 21:00 Bruce da Moose I am afraid my wife wil be up all night - she has a TON of stuff to do. 21:00 Rich She can sleep in the car. g 21:00 Bruce da Moose No, we're going to Medford this time. Some waterfalls we want to see aoong the westren route. 21:01 Rich I don't think I've ever been that route. 21:01 Bruce da Moose Never came into CL that way, but have been up 5 21:02 Rich I've been Alturas, Weed and from the Bend down. 21:02 Bruce da Moose We like waterfalls :-) 21:02 Rich I got that impression somewhere. 21:02 Rich Burney Falls east of Redding? 21:03 Bruce da Moose I like the Bend route - but it does not get us what we want this trip out. Burney Falls is great! 21:03 Bruce da Moose ...adn as I've said before - Feather Falls is Faboo! 21:04 Rich Oh, that place. g 21:05 Rich I'll try and get the recvr dug out tomorrow afternoon. 21:05 Bruce da Moose Check for that battery, if its the R71 21:05 Rich I seem to remember a battery on the schematic 21:05 Bruce da Moose I don't think the R72 or R70 have that same problem. 21:06 Bruce da Moose Google Icom R71 and you'll get a mess of hits 21:06 Rich R71-A sound familiar 21:06 Bruce da Moose yes 21:06 Bruce da Moose I have the R75, quite a nice RX 21:06 Rich I remember it was big bucks back then. 21:07 Bruce da Moose No kidding - it's not a toy 21:07 Bruce da Moose It's a serious DX machine 21:07 Rich I wanted a good one. 21:07 Bruce da Moose You chose wisely, my son! 21:07 Rich Don't know that I ever figured out all the bells and whistles. 21:08 Bruce da Moose We'll get to that :-) 21:08 Rich Loisb was licensed as was Dad 21:08 Rich I never could master the code 21:08 Bruce da Moose Excellent! Me too. 21:08 Bruce da Moose Neither could I 21:08 Bruce da Moose wb1gal 21:09 Rich Dad only did code 21:09 Bruce da Moose You knew that 21:09 Bruce da Moose Really? What a HAM! 21:09 Bruce da Moose OMG I;m so funny! 21:09 Rich Old School. g 21:09 Rich Ham it up 21:09 Bruce da Moose lol 21:09 Rich Pretty sky 21:10 Rich I know it is false color but still nice 21:10 Bruce da Moose WEll, with that, I have to shut off the sprinkler, take a shower, sort some stuff for the morning, and hit the hay. 21:10 Rich Have a safe, enjoyable journey, my friend. 21:11 Bruce da Moose Thanks :-). Will try to be in touch at key moments. 21:11 Rich ok 21:11 Rich sounds good to me. 21:11 Bruce da Moose Good night 21:11 Rich I'll carry a pen and paper 21:11 Rich Nite Bruce 21:11 Rich Nite kcmule 21:11 Rich Nite Yellowstone July 2nd, 2010 03:30 BB at work OF 04:28 ie 03:30 BB at work I didn't have time to check captures today but I thought I saw OF when I logged on at 01:20 i.e. 03:30 BB at work Interval would fit 05:55 Chris Grand 06:53ie - or of course it could be Oblong 05:57 Loisb Morning Chris 05:58 Loisb its something anyhow 05:58 Chris morning 05:58 Chris yup, steam for sure 05:58 Loisb lots of that this morning 05:58 Loisb been watching BHI but am sure its only steam 05:59 Loisb there's a new mammoth webcam and its really nice 05:59 Loisb great color and huge 06:00 Chris Likely midnight - 1 on BH so again later this morning maybe? 06:00 Loisb morning Richard 06:00 Loisb hopefully 06:00 Chris hi Rich 06:00 Rich Morning 06:00 Rich Hi Loisb 06:00 Rich Hi Chris 06:02 Loisb now that is something nice back to the left 06:03 Loisb or it was last refresh - g 06:03 Rich I think Grand and Grotto 06:03 Loisb k 06:03 Rich I don't think I got the start of Groblon. 06:03 Loisb nice to see that they have sun - raining here 06:04 Chris I'd believe that 06:04 Loisb now forecast - by 'those' people - to rain though the 4th 06:05 Rich Not nice 06:05 Loisb nope 06:06 Loisb but not the first time we have sat in our winter coats under umbrellas to watch the fireworks 06:06 Rich No 06:06 Loisb hope Bruce and family have something warm for when they pass though this direction 06:07 Rich They should be leaving in about an hour. 06:07 Loisb Crater Lake before dark then 06:08 Rich They are going via Medford route 06:08 Loisb ah 06:08 Loisb did you mentin Newbery? 06:09 Rich That was my next msg after he left. g 06:10 Rich My first capture of Groblong was 06:53:58ie 06:10 Rich Grand 06:53:58ie d~10m 06:10 Loisb will look and see what I can do for you 06:11 Loisb loading some photos from my camera to drive right now 06:11 Rich k 06:26 Rich OF 07:25:31ie 06:31 Chris Well, I can't hang out today. Gotta get back to "work" (DIY home improvements) - C-ya, happy gazing. 06:31 Rich Have a good day, Chris 06:31 Rich bye 06:31 Loisb have fun Chris 06:35 Loisb 52 58 is the first I see of it 06:41 Derek 07:40 Plume 06:41 Loisb Hi Deek 06:42 Loisb Derek - finger tbl this am 06:42 Derek Hi 06:42 Derek So you have Moos-itus LOL 06:42 Loisb think they are just frozen - tis chilly here again 06:43 Derek Too warm here 06:43 Derek Hi 80s 06:51 Rich ty, Loisb 06:52 Rich Hi Derek 07:07 Todd_Lori morning Loisb and Rich- work today, so just a little time to check in- what's up this a.m. 07:07 Loisb Morning Lori 07:07 Rich Hi Lorie 07:07 Rich Not much happening so far 07:07 Rich Grand and OF 07:08 Loisb early stream - some stuff Rich knows what it is and more steam 07:08 Rich Checking a geyser report out of geyserlist serv. 07:09 Rich F&M still not erupted as of 21:15 07:09 Loisb I'm doing photos so bouncing a lot 07:10 Rich No overnight report on BH 07:10 Rich so it's up for grabs 07:10 Todd_Lori oh, no delusions of "Grand"eur this morning? lol. Sorry couldn't resist- it was in my book last night! 07:11 Loisb g 07:11 Rich Using an 9 - 11h interval - watch should start any time. 07:12 Todd_Lori I've got limited time, but will be around for a bit. happy pic posting 07:12 Rich So another day of starring at BHI - g 07:12 Todd_Lori can you think of a better way? 07:12 Loisb enjoy what yoiu can 07:12 Rich I'll probably see it on captures 07:12 Rich Furniture moving today 07:12 Rich 'New' TV 07:12 Loisb ah 07:13 Rich Hand me down. 07:13 Loisb big one? 07:13 Rich 55" 07:13 Rich Still trying to clear a spot. 07:13 Rich Not many spots in the living room that it will fit 07:13 Rich That don't already have something that does fit. 07:13 Loisb g 07:14 Rich Christmas tree had to take the hit. Now in storage 07:14 Loisb well it does have some time to relax in there 07:14 Rich Yes 07:15 Rich And I might put it on top of the new TV. lol 07:15 Loisb g 07:15 Rich Just don't know yet if there is clearance to the ceiling. 07:15 Loisb chop a hole? 07:15 Rich NO 07:16 Rich The oak tree did that. 07:16 Loisb not in the right spot thojugh 07:16 Rich What do you want? Eggs in your beer? 07:17 Loisb not in beer for sure 07:17 Rich g 07:17 Rich I'm going to get my walk in early. Truck arrives around 9:30 07:17 Loisb k 07:17 Rich bb in about 20 min. 07:17 Loisb have a nice walk 07:18 Rich ty 07:38 Rich b 07:38 Loisb wb 07:38 Rich ty 07:39 Loisb I haven't seen anything exciting but have been working too 07:39 Rich np 07:39 Rich Will run the captures 07:39 Loisb k 07:39 Rich ty 07:39 Rich 125/72 96 07:40 Loisb after walk? 07:40 Rich yes 07:40 Rich just starting cool down 07:40 Loisb not bad unless it was a casual stroll 07:41 Rich 20m 07:41 Rich There was a pit bull out for a walk. 07:42 Loisb all by himself? 07:42 Rich no 07:42 Rich but the lady isn't big enough to stop him if he decided to do something. 07:42 Rich She says he is friendly. 07:43 Rich Wide birth 07:43 Loisb but not to be trusted 07:43 Rich not by me anyway 07:43 Loisb not by anyone with sense 07:44 Rich Still got a little to move around in the dining room so we can come in the back and then one turn straight to final resting place. g 07:44 Rich Just boxes of 'fire' stuff 07:44 Loisb not too bad then 07:44 Rich Nope 07:46 Loisb watchers out there? 07:46 Rich In about the right spot to see if there is water in the vent 07:47 Rich Might be waiting for Plume or OF 07:47 Loisb k 07:48 Rich they moved on up to Plume 07:51 Rich OF 08:50:10ie 08:13 Rich Hi kcmule 08:13 Loisb Morning KC 08:13 Rich A few BH watchers come and go. Nothing yet 08:14 Rich One standing watch over the vent. 08:15 kcmule good morning 08:15 Rich That it is. 08:17 Rich July 02, 2010 recap Grand 06:53:58ie d~10m OF 01:20ie? 04:28ie 07:25:31ie 08:50:10ie Plume 07:40 08:18 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/28/10 13:06:19 9:59:00 06/28/10 23:18:00 10:13:00 06/29/10 09:24:00 10:06:00 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 08:21 Loisb more watchers now 08:26 kcmule Plume 09:25:44ie 08:26 Rich Plume 09:25:44ie 08:52 Rich Hi Kristine 08:52 Kristine Mornin' Rich 08:53 Rich BH - no overnight report - yet. No unusual activity there this morning. 08:55 Kristine I would've been surprised if it had gone overnight 08:55 Rich Why? 08:56 Rich Hi BB 08:56 BB hi Rich 08:56 BB I just checked my overnight captures but it was too dark to say anything about BH 08:56 BB I spotted another OF though at 02:56 ie 08:57 Rich ty 08:57 Rich ok 08:57 BB And I have Depression at 5:06 ie and 7:48 ie 08:57 Rich wow, you've been mining. 08:57 Rich ty 08:58 BB Had not time today to check them earlier, on Fridays I'd rather finish up early, can always check the captures at home :) 08:58 Rich Good plan 08:58 BB And I checked the latest GOSA data: the steam I saw two nights ago at 3:24 was indeed Lion 08:58 Rich Loisb is off baking cookies for the GKid 08:59 Rich very good 09:01 Kristine Yum...what kind of cookies? 09:03 Loisb choco chip of course 09:03 Loisb do grandsons like any other kind? 09:03 Loisb almost done 09:04 Kristine Is there another kind of cookie? :) Chocolate chip are the best 09:04 Loisb I think he would prefer it if they were choco choco chip but he will manage 09:06 Loisb brb 09:11 Rich I'm off to pick up a 'new' tv for me. bb later 09:11 Rich Captures running 09:11 BB bye Rich 09:12 Rich I'm turne the chatroom off, save band width. 09:12 Rich bye 09:12 Kristine Well, I'm outta here too. Later all. 09:15 BB bye Kristine 09:32 BB OF 10:30:50 ie 09:35 Inez Austin chirp, chirp, chirp, what's up? 09:38 Inez Austin No BH and no Lion..... 10:06 Inez Austin Watchers and steam at BH 110523 10:17 kcmule (working) Plume 11:16:25ie 10:17 Inez Austin (working too) Missed that 10:57 Inez Austin (working too) OF 115602ie 10:57 Inez Austin (working too) Well more likely 1155ie for OF 11:11 Inez Austin (working too) Plume 121030ie 11:18 Inez Austin (working too) Lion perhaps 121711, wait and see 11:18 Inez Austin (working too) Lion 121711 ie 11:19 Inez Austin (working too) So now we should get BH, she says with exasperation 11:21 Inez Austin (working too) Hi Kent and Chris 11:21 Chris Hi everyone 11:22 Chris I could see the peoplecator on my phone, so I took a break. Is there an Indicator? 11:22 Inez Austin (working too) It's been steaming for an hour but if there is an incicator it's not showing up very wellllllllll 11:24 Chris All those people waiting for the indicator? I think it more likely that it's been called. Did the people show up recently? 11:24 Inez Austin (working too) In the last 2 minutes. maybe a tour??? 11:26 BB I am not sure about Indicator, but the area started to look fuzzy around 12:22 11:27 Chris If I use my imagination and squint a little bit - I can see steam from the indicator. 11:27 BB I think I agree 11:27 Inez Austin (working too) It hasn't changed, so it that is the incicator it's been doing since 110523 11:28 BB Inez, it has changed, but I went through my captures at least five times 11:28 BB It is really hard to see 11:28 Inez Austin (working too) I hope it is. I need to get going here. It has been cycling 11:29 kcmule looks like it to me too 11:33 Inez Austin (working too) I see the unk off to i'ts right is erupting (about an inch ~1232) 11:37 Rich I might have made it in time. YEA!! 11:37 Inez Austin (working too) Happy with the new tv? 11:38 BB Good timing, Rich! 11:38 Rich I tweeted and FB people indicator. g 11:38 Rich Happy now that it is in the living room. Still get the pleasure of hooking it up. g 11:38 Rich Have to 'rest' up. 11:38 Inez Austin (working too) Haven't noticed any Pumps for you 11:39 Rich At least I can see some steam at BH today. 11:39 Inez Austin (working too) I have the egg timer set for a minute and keep tabbing back 11:39 Rich ty, Inez 11:39 Rich And it struck me the name of the mining town in Nevada isn't Inez it is Ione 11:39 Inez Austin (working too) Easy peasy, just flip it over. Is that plume 11:40 Inez Austin (working too) Oh, there are other ones with the name, poor things 11:40 BB There is Beehive 11:40 BB 12:40:04 11:41 Inez Austin (working too) you got to look first! 11:41 Rich NIce 11:41 Inez Austin (working too) Well, I'm away to get lunch, perform absolutions, etc 11:41 Chris yes, very nice BH 11:41 Chris even better 11:41 BB That was almost a short Indicator today... if we have the correct start time 11:42 Rich Beehive Interval 22h 43m 11:42 Rich So if there was an overnight and this is a double interval, 11h 20m for new interval time. Intervals are getting longer. 11:45 Rich Just check my capture for while I was gone, looks like I didn't refresh after 11:41 mdt 11:45 Chris I've got to get back to work too. C-ya 11:46 Rich Later Chris 11:48 BB And I have to clean up the kitchen and get the laundry out of the washer... no excuse to procrastinate longer 11:48 BB bye all 11:48 Rich lol 11:48 Rich the price of fame. 11:48 Rich later BB 11:48 Rich bye 11:53 Rich Bug!!!!! 11:57 kcmule wth is that 11:57 Rich Bug 11:58 Rich missed the capture on that one. 11:58 kcmule that smoke lookin stuff in lower right? 11:58 Rich I'll post the other one. 11:58 Rich I believe so. 11:58 Rich I just captured one top middle screen 11:58 kcmule 12:56:36. weird 11:59 Rich Happened last year about this time too. 11:59 Rich They have six legs, and long wide-ish body 12:00 Rich Look to be beetle family 12:01 Rich I'm uploading BH series now, so will probably drop out of the chatroom. brb after uploaed. 12:02 kcmule now thats definitely a bug 12:09 Inez Austin (working at lunch prep) box elder? 12:17 Rich Beehive eruption 12:40:04ie mdt 07/02/10 and Bug on lens http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 12:21 Rich Bug 12:31 kcmule Lion 13:30:39ie 12:32 kcmule OF 13:31:41ie, dual 12:33 Inez Austin (headed for post office) WOW, a twofer 12:33 Rich Nice 12:58 kcmule nice bird caught in mid flight 135719 12:59 Kent Thanks for the captures Rich. I was away as usual :^( 13:02 kcmule Plume 14:01:12ie 13:40 kcmule Lion 14:39:46ie 13:48 Loisb Hello 14:00 Loisb Of 14 59 48 14:54 kcmule hi Graham 14:58 kcmule groblong 15:56:54ie, looks like grand 15:01 Graham hello 15:01 Graham been wandering around 15:02 kcmule Grand 15:56:54ie 15:02 Graham its Grand 15:02 kcmule it's been a nice day, altho giant insects may or may not be taking over the ugb 15:03 Graham ah, cool 15:04 kcmule awesome weather, im totally jealous of everyone who is there 15:04 Graham 2b 15:05 Graham yeah it does look nice 15:27 Rich July 02, 2010 recap Beehive Indicator 12:22ie? Beehive 12:40:04ie Depression 05:06ie 07:48ie Grand 06:53:58ie d~10m 15:56:54ie 2b Lion 12:17:11ie 13:30:39ie 14:39:46ie 15:28 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/28/10 23:18:00 10:13:00 06/29/10 09:24:00 10:06:00 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43 15:32 Rich OF 16:31:27ie 15:33 Rich Hi Loisb 15:33 Loisb Hello 15:34 Rich Just in time for OF. 15:34 Loisb would appear so 15:35 Graham Lion 1635ie 15:37 Rich There was a Lion at 15:31:51ie 15:38 Graham ok, thats about the right time 15:39 Rich Just started back thru captures 15:40 Rich BUG 15:40 Graham is there any more to the recap Rich? 15:42 Rich I'm missing an hour or so this morning from 11:41 on til 12:20 or so 15:46 Graham no OF or Plumes 15:46 Rich Must not have gone thru I posted here. hmmm 15:46 Rich OF 01:20ie? 04:28ie 07:25:31ie 08:50:10ie 10:30:50ie 11:56:02ie 13:31:41ie 14:59:48 Plume 07:40 09:25:44ie 11:16:25ie 14:01:12ie 15:49 Rich Odd, I didn't get a meebo msg saying it didn't go. 15:50 Rich This is what I normal recv from meebo - Meebo Message: Could not IM buddy 16:09 Graham thanks Rich 16:10 Rich np, sorry I didn't know they didn't go thru. 16:11 Rich I found another Plume at 10:21:50ie 16:17 Rich Bug 16:17 Graham return of the killer bugs? 16:18 Rich Looks like the same kind as last year. 16:20 Graham the same aliens back? 16:21 Rich I don't know what happened the other day. Never saw a ladder go by or a face, just bluish screen then a dark screen. 16:22 Graham they didnt fix the streaming cam tho 16:23 Rich My screen didn't change. g 16:34 kcmule Lion 17:34:06ie 16:35 kcmule with bug 16:35 Rich lol 16:35 Rich Lion is hungry? 16:37 kcmule thats true the lion king ate bugs in the movie 16:43 Rich HI Gazer-by-Proxy 16:43 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich. 16:43 Gazer-by-Proxy How's it going? 16:43 Rich Good 16:44 Rich Cooler weather here today. 16:44 Rich Saving the heat for the weekend. 16:45 Gazer-by-Proxy Here, too. 16:45 Rich Triple digits are threatened again. 16:46 Gazer-by-Proxy Yup, another scorcher! 16:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Cool and rainy here, I see that little steamy bit at BH. Missed Lion since the initial. 16:53 Rich I was going to asked if your call was on an initial, ty, Inez 16:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yes, it was. 17:00 kcmule drivin home bbl 17:00 Inez Austin (working a tab away) enjoy 17:00 Rich later kcmule 17:00 Rich safe journey 17:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) looks like there are enough folks for OF..... 17:01 Rich yep 17:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Plume? 17:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) that would be 180136 if it is 17:14 Gazer-by-Proxy OF 1844ns 17:15 Gazer-by-Proxy sorry 1814ns 17:15 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Wondered about that, ya made me look 17:15 Gazer-by-Proxy time flies! 17:16 Rich Time is but a fleeting moment. 17:31 Rich Lion 18:30:12ie 17:34 Rich wb kcmule 17:36 kcmule ty is nice to be back 17:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) you must live close to home, that wasn't much of a drive kc 17:47 Graham I live close to home :) 17:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) You also live 8 hours ahead of me! 17:49 Kristine Evenin' everyone 17:49 Rich Hi Kristine 18:02 Graham hi there. I am distracted, packing 18:02 Gazer-by-Proxy Vacation or work travel? 18:03 Rich Pretty quiet afternoon. 18:05 Rich Must be easily distracted, Gazer-by-Proxy. g 18:06 Gazer-by-Proxy Seems that way! But he's in good company. 18:06 Rich What! Sorry was distracted. 18:06 Gazer-by-Proxy (If I may say so myself....oh, look! A bison!) 18:06 Rich g 18:07 Rich lol 18:07 Rich I did! 18:09 Gazer-by-Proxy I probably should've said "butterfly" or "shiny thing". :D 18:09 Rich Where??? 18:20 Graham Castle 1919ie 18:20 Graham vacation, off to Glacier 18:20 Gazer-by-Proxy Nice! Enjoy. 18:21 Graham thanks, will do 18:21 Gazer-by-Proxy I, meanwhile, am off to the gym. 18:21 Graham you all enjoy Giant and Giantess while I am away 18:23 Rich Enjoy the gym. 18:23 Rich Only if they are schedule for during the week. 18:30 Rich Lion 19:29:15ie 18:36 Rich Hi Todd_Lori 18:36 Todd_Lori Hey Rich, just go tin from moving hay bales 18:36 Todd_Lori got in 18:36 Graham they are scheduled during the week, in daylight Rich 18:36 Graham Castle is a Major 18:37 Rich ty, Graham. 18:37 Rich Rolls or super bales? 18:37 Todd_Lori Large Rounds 18:38 Todd_Lori about 6' in diameter 18:38 Rich yep 18:38 Rich I have a photo on FB that you have to see. I'll find it and pass the link. 18:38 Todd_Lori just a month behind schedule, but the hay will be up after tomorrow 18:38 Todd_Lori ok 18:39 Rich OF 19:38:16ie 18:43 Rich Hi Kent 18:45 Rich The first two images - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2012017&id=1427016656&l=78d59176cc 18:45 Todd_Lori Wil go check it out-thanks 18:45 Rich yw 18:51 Kent Hi Rich. Quite a group on the boardwalk. 18:51 Rich Planning the fire works display for Sunday night. 18:52 Rich I heard they were going to steam power human flight. 18:53 Rich What I find interesting is the 'puffs' of steam from BH 18:54 Todd_Lori was going to say something about the NH steam, but figured it was my imagination 18:55 Rich I have a very fertile imagination. I'll share. 18:55 Rich Looks like people in front of the steam. 18:56 Todd_Lori That's the cone isn't it? 18:57 Rich I'm checking the capture 18:57 Todd_Lori Oh, by the way we have never rolled up a badger in our bales-:0 18:57 Todd_Lori -:0 18:58 Todd_Lori -:) 18:58 Rich lol 18:58 Todd_Lori 3rd times the charm 18:58 Rich I don't think OF cone is that tall. 18:58 Rich And it is back and shorter. hmmm 18:59 Rich As usual it is probably just OF steam. 18:59 Todd_Lori not to get off track, but there must be a naked girl on the bw 18:59 Todd_Lori Plume? 19:00 Rich That looks better. 19:00 Rich Plume 19:59:21ie 19:01 Todd_Lori Lori's home, better go. bbl, but will stay on 19:01 Graham bye Todd 19:01 Rich bye Todd, Hi to Lori 19:01 Todd_Lori later G 19:02 Todd_Lori she's not on-- yet-:) 19:04 Kent Ranger Program. 19:30 19:04 Kent Rangers are usually fully clothed. 19:05 Rich Log entry 07/02/10 Ranger Program 19:30 kent 19:07 Rich Hi Lori 19:07 Rich Sawmill? 19:07 Rich Split Cone? 19:09 Rich Safety video http://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/viewanim.htm 19:12 Rich sorry that is the same link just differnt heading. 19:18 Graham going to head out, see you 19:18 Rich Have a good vacation Graham 19:18 Rich See you in the Fall. g 19:18 Graham thanks, enjoy ll the dancing bears 19:20 Rich Depression? 19:22 Gazer-by-Proxy Wow, sounds like I missed some excitement around 19:30... 19:24 Rich lol 19:26 Rich Before I turn into bug food, I'm going to find dinner. brb 19:30 kcmule Lion 20:29:52ie 19:42 kcmule OF 20:40:53ie 20:06 Rich b 20:12 Todd_Lori wb, what's for dinner tonight? 20:13 Rich Rice, veggies and hamburger 20:13 Rich Might have some applesauce 20:13 Todd_Lori oh, nutritious :(, lol 20:14 Rich Doc likes me better. 20:14 Todd_Lori yeah, they a happy campers when we actually follow orders 20:14 Rich I picture, mash potatoes/gravy, meatloaf, chocolate chees cake. 20:14 Todd_Lori how's that working for ya? 20:15 Rich hmmm 20:15 Rich Funny tasting gravy 20:15 Todd_Lori I've been craving those little wax bottles with the colored liquid in them since last nights retro chat 20:16 Rich ooooooh, meanie, now I want some. 20:16 Todd_Lori brought them back as a gift for the kids once after a trip without them. they were thrilled! 20:16 Rich Wax lips or mustache. 20:17 Todd_Lori gotta go with the red lips 20:17 Rich I prefer the mustache. g 20:17 Rich I look better in black. 20:18 Todd_Lori I don't want to draw any undo attention to the real mustache (rapper) 20:18 Rich They are probably not PC these days. Have something terrible in them, I'm sure. 20:18 Rich lol 20:18 Todd_Lori of course- anything fun is off limits now 20:19 Rich My mustache is blond and has never shown up. 20:19 Todd_Lori you could get those glasses with one attached 20:20 Rich I'm just amazed when people I've known for years, discover my mustache for the first time. 20:20 Rich I always wonder what they've been looking at when looking at me. 20:25 Rich I'm going to call it a night, early morning tomorrow and a road trip. 20:25 Rich Have a good evening. I should be home in the afternoon. 20:26 kcmule nite Rich 20:26 Rich Nite kcmule 20:26 Rich Nite Lori 20:26 Todd_Lori have fun- maybe you will find the bottles at a gas station:) Have one for me- I'm sure the wax is calorie free! Nite 20:26 Rich I'm going to look for them. 20:26 Rich bye 20:28 Todd_Lori time for another OF before dark? 20:29 kcmule 22:10 +/- 20:30 Todd_Lori hmmm, guess I'll hang out a bit and see. Haven't been on much today- need a fix :) 20:33 kcmule no aurums today bothers me 20:37 kcmule Lion 21:36:28ie 20:38 Todd_Lori pretty good lion. is aurum usually daily? not too familiar with that one 20:39 kcmule it's a pain in the @$$ 20:40 Todd_Lori gives you something to look for, lol 20:41 Todd_Lori got some blurry people on mine now- you too or was my one cocktail too many? 20:42 kcmule it can get pretty psychedelic this time o night 20:42 Todd_Lori comforting, thanks g 20:43 kcmule put some floyd on and enjoy the show :) 20:44 Todd_Lori no floyd- will beetles white album work? 20:44 kcmule oh it'll work... 20:45 Todd_Lori I must admit, I kinda like the people disappearing 20:48 kcmule Plume 21:47:59ie 20:49 Todd_Lori shows up well against the dark trees 20:51 kcmule other than OF im not sure what we're gonna get 20:51 kcmule even that is in question 20:54 Todd_Lori getting very dark :( 20:54 Todd_Lori have to be happy with Lion & Plume 20:55 Todd_Lori and the beetles ;P 20:56 kcmule a nice OF silhouette perhaps 21:06 kcmule the 19:38 OF was a short 21:08 Todd_Lori cool pic, but I am clueless 21:09 kcmule it was an hour interval instead of an hour and a half (approx) 21:09 Todd_Lori oh, yeah I get that, but am clueless how you can tell anything now? 21:10 kcmule if one OF was 19:38 and the next was 20:40, then the 19:38 had to be a short 21:12 Todd_Lori ok- so would the next be very predictable? 21:12 kcmule to my knowledge another short or long would be possible, so no more predictable 21:15 Todd_Lori keep ya guessing :) part of the fun. If it was too predictible, we would only have to tune it at the exact time. Now, I feel luccky to catch things. 21:17 kcmule try to catch an aurum. it is predictable too, one you know the current interval. only lasts maybe 2 frames tho 21:18 Todd_Lori I should have some time tomorrow to check in. is there a current interval? 21:20 kcmule new data went up on the gosa site today or yesterday, up to end of june 21:21 kcmule i guess im not sure if aurum would be considered predictable. but it definitely settles into patterns 21:21 Todd_Lori ok- i'll be back tomorrow. bye for now 21:22 Todd_Lori and thanks for the info! 21:23 kcmule np hope i got it all right, cya tomorrow 21:24 kcmule i cant see a thing either, so nite yellowstone July 3rd, 2010 03:42 BB OF was 04:40 ie 03:42 BB The nps servers seem to be down... I can't reach the usual webcam pages 03:43 BB The static cam pictures refresh inside the room, and also on the Great Outdoors webcam page 03:44 BB I finally managed to set up the capture program using the Outdoors page, that was very annoying 03:44 BB I am such a creature of habit!!! :) 03:54 BB Lion 04:51 ie 04:48 Loisb I can't get any of the cams to load either B 04:50 Loisb or the park main page 04:51 BB hi Lois 04:51 BB was away, getting some coffee 04:51 Loisb Hi BB 04:51 Loisb this is very fustrating 04:52 BB At least I can capture from the Outdoors page 04:52 BB but the picture is in a different position on the screen 04:52 Loisb I don't have that url here 04:52 BB I never realized how much I am used to the one site that I always use 04:52 BB http://www.the-great-outdoors.net/yellowstonewebca… 04:52 BB It is also on Rich's resource page 04:53 Loisb thanks 04:53 BB Without the resource page, I would never find anything 04:53 BB at least not so quickly 04:53 Loisb I never thought to bring everything over here 04:55 Loisb they are all working on the outdoor page but the streaming - strange 04:57 Loisb is that just steam at BHI? 04:59 BB just Beehive steaming 04:59 BB as far as I can see, too white in that area right now 04:59 Loisb of course- g 04:59 Loisb tis that time of day 04:59 BB now it's better, nothing at Indicator 05:00 BB but two LoisBs in the room 05:00 BB not anymore :) 05:00 Loisb still trying to get windows rearranged due to going to different url 05:01 BB I had the same problem... glad to see I am not the only creature of habit who gets annoyed when their routines are disturbed 05:01 Loisb not nice of them 05:01 Loisb I sent off a tweet but Yelliowstone never responds 05:02 Loisb ever 05:03 Loisb almost got things arranged now 05:03 BB Plume 06:02:55 ie 05:03 Loisb the mammoth3 cam hasn't refreshed since yesterday but at least it still has an image up 05:04 Loisb snowed at Crater Lake last nite 05:09 Loisb rainier cams aren't working 05:10 BB OF 06:06:55 ie 05:10 Loisb if you say so - its so white - ugh 05:11 BB It is hard to see with the white-out, but the steam in the runoff channels is a good clue 05:11 Loisb I think I need coffee and to clean my glasses - g 05:15 Loisb brb 05:27 Loisb b 05:27 Loisb I see the sky is improving on the basin 05:31 BB Lion was 06:27 ie 05:31 BB And I think Depression was ie in the same frame 06:02 BB bbl, bye Lois 06:17 Loisb Hi Kent 06:18 Kent Good Morning 06:19 Rich Hi Loisb 06:19 Rich Hi Kent 06:19 Loisb BB and I were having tbl getting the cam to load again this morning 06:19 Loisb Morning Rich 06:20 Rich I'm having trouble getting it to refresh auto. 06:20 Rich Either that or I'm moving so fast time has stood stll. g 06:21 Rich Hi Chris 06:21 Chris Morning everyone 06:21 Loisb Morning Chris 06:21 Loisb Morning Chris 06:31 Loisb 52 out this morning 06:32 Chris yellowstone.net says 0 degrees (provided by weather underground) 06:32 Rich 65 here 06:33 Rich People are bundled up there. ' 06:33 Chris already 78 here - but the humidity has been low recently 06:34 Rich no fun that. 06:35 Chris let me add - 0 degrees F - and I'm sure that's not right. 06:35 Rich I don't think those folks would be standing still in that temp. 06:39 Rich July 03, 2010 recap Lion 04:51ie 06:27ie OF 04:40ie 06:06:55ie Plume 06:02:55ie 06:39 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/28/10 23:18:00 10:13:00 06/29/10 09:24:00 10:06:00 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 06:41 Rich OF 07:40:36ie 06:41 Rich Groblong 07:40:36ie 06:41 Rich Lion 07:40:36ie 06:41 Chris didn't I just sit here for 30 minutes with nothing erupting? 06:41 Rich Triple play 06:41 Rich yes 06:42 Rich Wasn't that a short time? 06:42 Rich g 06:42 Chris yes 06:43 Rich I haven't gotten a refresh yet 06:44 Rich I forced one finally 06:52 Rich Is groblong still going? 06:52 Rich No refresh 06:52 Chris yes 06:52 Rich ty 06:53 Chris actually a possible resurgence - now very little again 06:53 Chris almost gone 06:53 Rich Grand 07:40:36ie 2b? d~12m 06:54 Chris fair guess 06:54 Rich g 06:54 Rich brb 06:58 Rich g 06:59 Rich Plume 07:58:38ie 07:08 Rich brb 07:12 BB Glad to see the nps server is back online 07:12 BB On the Outdoor page the static cam picture is not right at the top, and my husband didn't realize that and accidentally moved the page 07:13 BB Now from 07:27 until 8:05 all my screenshots are missing the time and date 07:13 BB not very helpful when you want to spot eruptions :) 07:16 Rich b 07:16 Rich There are days like today. 07:21 Rich I'm off to the big city - Sacramento 07:21 Rich I'll be back later this afternoon. I'm leaving the capture running, hopefully nothing crashes. 07:21 Rich Enjoy BH for me. 07:21 Rich bye for now. 07:42 Chris I have to go, c-ya. 07:43 Loisb bye 07:43 Loisb Hi Lori 07:50 Loisb peoples out by BHI 08:01 Loisb Hi Kent 08:18 Loisb OF 9 06 46 08:26 Todd_Lori ranger or bhi? 08:31 Todd_Lori must have been ranger- most moved on 08:35 Loisb apparently 08:36 Loisb if the light would change a tad we might be able to tell if there is really steam out there 08:38 BB Hi again Lois and hi Lori 08:38 Loisb Hi BB 08:38 BB Just checked my captures and have a few more times for the recap 08:38 Loisb k 08:39 BB Plume 6:59 ie and 8:59 ie 08:39 BB Depression 9:20 ie 08:39 BB and Lion 8:52 ie 08:39 Loisb I'm back and forth - ked dependent today 08:40 BB Note to Rich: I think you can put the 6:27 Depression in the recap, maybe with a question mark 08:40 BB I am also back and forth, Lois, trying to get some sewing done 08:40 BB Wi***** weren't so hot 08:41 Loisb sorry 08:41 Loisb would send you the cold from here 08:41 BB Wish I could ship some of the warmth over to you 08:41 BB haha 08:41 BB gm 08:41 Loisb rain again this morning 08:41 Loisb want to take the kid to the park 08:41 BB We could use a little rain, hasn't rained for weeks now 08:42 Loisb the northeast side of rainier is still closed due to snow 08:42 BB I didn't get really warm here until last week, but then it came with full force 08:42 BB It, not I 08:43 Loisb 'they' keep promising summer will come 08:43 BB I hope 08:43 BB I hope they are right 08:43 Loisb often it arrives after the 4th of july 08:44 BB Well, then the wait wouldn't be too long any more 08:46 Loisb we'll see 08:49 BB The whole neighborhood is going crazy right now 08:49 Loisb more fun? 08:49 BB I don't really care for soccer but I guess Germany just won 08:49 BB not that fun, Lois 08:50 Loisb oh- bet they are excited - best stay off the streets today 08:50 BB just checked, they beat Argentina 4:0... wow, they must be good 08:50 BB not that I would know 08:50 Loisb I think that means they are good 08:50 BB or lucky 08:51 Loisb there is that 08:51 Loisb when the US was still in there was a lot of noise about us needing 3 goals to get 2 to count 08:51 BB I will try to finish my sewing now, will be back to check for Indicator often 08:51 Loisb later 08:52 BB I heard a lot of complaints about the referees this year, but honestly, I have no clue about soccer, so I don't have an opinion 08:52 Loisb I wasn't watching but had a housefull that were - they got very loud 08:54 Loisb going to get louder over there BB - the game they won advances them to the semi final - could mean at least two more games 08:56 BB I know that... our son doesn't care for soccer either but since it's the World Cup (and probably peer pressure at school) he pretends to be interested 08:56 Loisb BBC has a bunch of photos - they have been doing live coverage 08:57 BB Since it is boring to watch at home (my husband doesn't care either) he always watches at my MIL 08:57 BB more fun there 08:57 Loisb more fun it seems if there are lots of cheering folks - g 08:58 BB There is steam in the BH area... I think it is BH itself, can't see Indicator but if you see the people indicator move in, don't go away 08:59 Loisb my options on being here are dependent on a short person - g 08:59 Loisb but have capture going 08:59 BB I will try to get some sewing in, maybe this will encourage BH, but be back in a few minutes 08:59 Loisb k 08:59 BB will leave the chatroom open 08:59 Loisb me too 09:18 BB Plume was 09:54 ie 09:18 BB Lion is just huffing and puffing, I didn't see an eruption since 8:52 09:36 Todd_Lori of 09:36 Loisb OF 10 36 30 09:37 Loisb Fast catch Lori 09:37 Loisb nice OF too 09:38 Todd_Lori luck- just sat back down ,g 09:39 Loisb happens that way - I just glanced up - was loading a Curious george for the kid 09:51 BB Plume 10:49 ie 09:55 Loisb sure wish I knew if those were tourists or gazers out at BHI - I blew up a capture but still can't see anything 09:57 Todd_Lori teasers 09:57 Loisb and they are doing that 09:57 Todd_Lori or teazers 09:58 Loisb ah well - we shall just hide and watch some more 10:09 Todd_Lori tell those tourons to get back on the boardwalk! 10:10 Loisb should be a ranger out shortly to remind them 10:11 Loisb surprised that a tour would do that - might just be a church or school group and not a regular tour goup 10:11 Loisb we may have BHPI 10:12 Loisb last one I enlarged looks like there might be something 10:12 Todd_Lori looks like a larger group 10:12 Loisb the masses are gathering 10:13 Todd_Lori soon would be good- need to run a quick errand before 2:00 10:13 Loisb and I have silence from the small child - brb 10:13 Todd_Lori always a warning sign 10:14 Todd_Lori now the bhpi have spread out again :( 10:18 Loisb b 10:18 Loisb he was into the cheese 10:18 Loisb he loves cheese 10:19 Todd_Lori could have been much worse, g 10:19 Loisb sure could have 10:19 Todd_Lori so, they are gathering again, and it looks a bit fuzzy on my screen- steam? 10:19 Loisb but grandma is pretty quick when silence starts 10:19 Loisb am going to enlarge another one as soon as the light comes back 10:20 Loisb or it goes off - whichever cmes first 10:20 Loisb so it gets darker 10:21 Todd_Lori so you don't have the zoom cam? 10:21 Loisb nope - just the static 10:21 Loisb looks like steam out there 10:21 Loisb as much as one can tell from just enlarging 10:22 Loisb those folks seem to be serious about looking though 10:22 Todd_Lori any idea of the last bh? 10:22 Loisb Rich says that serious gazers will move to our left when they see water 10:22 Loisb haven't seen anything for a night report 10:22 Todd_Lori depending on the wind, lol 10:23 Loisb what you think BB? 10:24 Loisb surprised none of the regulars are here - isn't today Sat? 10:24 Loisb other than us I mean 10:26 Todd_Lori graham on vaca, rich gone til p.m. 10:26 Loisb oh - didn't know graham was on vac also - knew Bruce was 10:26 Loisb guess I could read the log closer 10:26 Todd_Lori not sure, but i think todd mentioned him going to glacier 10:27 Todd_Lori kinda looks like something more to me now? 10:27 Todd_Lori could be wishful thinking :) 10:35 BB I was off eating dinner 10:35 BB still can't see Indicator 10:36 BB BH is steaming from time to time to confuse us 10:37 BB Last BH was yesterday at 12:40, but it probably went overnight 10:37 BB And I also think that Graham went to Glacier 10:37 BB I think he mentioned he was packing yesterday 10:38 BB will see if I can find desert and be back soon 10:38 BB I mean dessert 10:38 BB don't need a desert, hot enough here 10:45 Loisb child and I are going to go play in the wet dirt - bbl 10:45 Loisb am leaving all on 10:50 Todd_Lori hi guest10967 10:58 BB Plume was 11:45 ie 11:01 BB and Aurum was 9:46 ie 11:01 BB Lucky the cam caught that, OF steam is blowing in that direction today 11:11 BB July 03, 2010 recap Aurum 09:46ie Depression 06:27ie 09:20ie Grand 07:40:36ie 2b? d~12m 11:12 BB Lion 04:51ie 06:27ie 07:40:36ie 08:52ie OF 04:40ie 06:06:55ie 07:40:36ie 09:06:46ie 10:36:30ie Plume 06:02:55ie 06:59ie 07:58:38ie 08:59ie 09:54ie 10:49ie 11:45 ie 11:12 BB Hope I didn't forget anything 11:12 BB Sure looks more chaotic than when Rich does it, but at least I got the info out 11:14 BB OF 12:13 ie 11:17 BB Space Bug is back at 12:16 11:19 BB Where is that steam coming from? 11:19 Todd_Lori Did BHPI move left? 11:19 BB Indicator? 11:20 BB This bug keeps disctracting me while checking my captures 11:20 BB I thought I saw something at Indicator when OF erupted but then the bug got in the way 11:22 BB There was steam at 12:13, but I can't decide where it came from 11:22 BB I am pretty sure Indicator is visible in the 12:15 frame 11:24 BB I pinged Lois, but she will probably not see it 11:25 BB Lori, are you still here? 11:25 Todd_Lori Yep 11:25 BB Good, was about to ping you 11:25 Todd_Lori Trying to save a capture and blow it up 11:28 BB BH 12:27 ie 11:30 BB Can't find anything at Indicator before 12:13 in my captures... so it might be going back to "normal" durations 11:32 BB That's about 23h 50m for (hopefully a double) interval 11:32 BB I will leave the exact calculations for Rich 11:35 BB That was nice... now I am off to do other stuff 11:36 BB Will leave the room open and captures running... looks like a shortage of "staff" here today 11:37 Todd_Lori not that I am :staff:, but will keep looking as I pass thru- getting ready to grill out tonight before fireworks. Burnt the sugar cookies during bh :) 11:55 BB I hope you know I was just joking about the staff thing... we are all doing this just for fun 11:56 BB Plume was 12:42 ie 11:57 BB steam at Depression for just one frame at 12:22... Depression is really hard to call when it is warm 11:58 BB But interval fits, so I though I would mention it 12:26 Gazer-by-Proxy Oops. Looks like I missed 'Hive by about an hour. Oh, well! Glad a couple of you were around to see it, at least! I'm off to do "useful" things. 12:28 Loisb my son came home and shut me down while I was gone - am headed to my house now 12:28 Loisb bye 12:42 BB OF 13:38 ie 12:42 BB Plume 13:41 ie 13:29 BB July 03, 2010 recap Aurum 09:46ie BHI 12:15ie BH 12:27ie Depression 06:27ie 09:20ie 12:22ie ? Grand 07:40:36ie 2b? d~12m 13:29 BB Lion 04:51ie 06:27ie 07:40:36ie 08:52ie OF 04:40ie 06:06:55ie 07:40:36ie 09:06:46ie 10:36:30ie 12:13ie 13:38ie Plume 06:02:55ie 06:59ie 07:58:38ie 08:59ie 09:54ie 10:49ie 11:45ie 12:42ie 13:41ie 13:30 BB And now I declare my shift officially over :) 13:30 BB I am going to bed, bye Lori and kcmule 13:47 Todd_Lori hi kb- looks like you are in charge :) 13:47 Todd_Lori typo kc 13:56 kcmule tough to do on a saturday much less a holiday w/e ! 13:56 kcmule already missed a plume 14:11 kcmule OF 15:10:30ie 14:42 kcmule Plume 15:41ie 15:35 kcmule OF 16:35:11ie 15:47 kcmule Plume 16:45:42ie 16:00 kcmule Grand 17:00:14ns 16:10 kcmule 2b 16:22 kcmule im off to enjoy the holiday. hope everyone else is too 19:47 Loisb OF 16 35 41OF 18 12 23 19:53 Loisb OF 19 46 35 20:21 Todd_Lori OF 21:20 20:26 Rich NOTE: I thank everyone who has stepped into and made a special effort to log eruptions times. Thank YOU, Thank YOU!!! 20:26 Rich Hopefully tomorrow I will be here more of the day. I know I will be away after 02:00 mdt. for evening pot luck and fireworks show. 20:26 Todd_Lori Just poked heads in the room and caught OF, so we actually got to post an eruption for the first time 20:27 Rich Hi Todd_Lori 20:27 Todd_Lori Just got home from our Fireworks show 20:27 Rich g 20:27 Todd_Lori Just doesn't seem right when your not here 20:27 Rich Thank you. 20:28 Rich I miss being here. but Life outside geyser gazing does sometimes creep in. lol 20:29 Todd_Lori It appears that you are really hooked on this 20:29 Todd_Lori Easy to do 20:29 Rich I'm just very happy that I don't have to search the captures for all the reported times. 20:29 Rich Addicted? 20:29 Todd_Lori MAybe 20:29 Rich Friends tell me I need to get a Life. I give them the YNP webcam links. g 20:30 Todd_Lori There's a lot worse things to spend time doing 20:30 Rich No converts so far, but I'm still 'crazy' and they still like me. g 20:30 Todd_Lori That's good 20:30 Rich Like, Housework, laundry, grocery shopping, sleeping, eating. lol 20:31 Todd_Lori Funny. I have always been reserved about my feelings towards the park 20:31 Rich After spending the day out of town, I came home and found a msg inviting me to a BBQ this evening. 20:31 Rich I went and spent a couple of hours, good food, company. 20:31 Todd_Lori Did you go? 20:31 Todd_Lori too late 20:31 Todd_Lori on the ? 20:31 Rich One too many beers. but it's a holiday. 20:31 Rich np 20:32 Rich I have been accused of putting words in peoples mouths before. g 20:32 Todd_Lori We had family here-Lori's mom and her husband 20:32 Todd_Lori You're a faster typer 20:32 Rich Now I just answer questions before they are asked. lol 20:32 Rich Did it for a living for awhile. 20:32 Rich 90 wpm 20:33 Todd_Lori Oh , I thought you meant asnwering ?'s 20:33 Rich That too. 20:33 Rich lol 20:34 Todd_Lori Or a psychiatrist 20:34 Rich Most of the time I talk to hear myself type. 20:34 Todd_Lori spelling 20:34 Rich g 20:34 Rich Looks good to me. g 20:34 Todd_Lori I only had one beer-should have been about 6 20:35 Rich There is always tomorrow. 20:35 Todd_Lori mushroom cloud down basin 20:35 Rich Get an earlier start 20:35 Todd_Lori gone now 20:35 Rich Grotto 20:35 Rich or from the Grotto group. 20:35 Todd_Lori Have never seen Grotto or Giant ie 20:35 Rich I've never seen Giant 20:36 Todd_Lori Lori wants to start planning a fall trip to the park 20:36 Rich I got a Grotto the other day. Even was a confirmation on the geyserlist for it. ONe for my book. g 20:36 Rich Nice 20:37 Todd_Lori Don't know how you call a lot of them 20:37 Rich Get it in before the snow flies up North and you go ice cutting. 20:37 Todd_Lori I have been saying I was done cutting ice for the last 5 years 20:37 Rich I think ice cutting would be interesting - but only once. g 20:37 Rich Hmmm 20:38 Todd_Lori It has become a standing joke when someone asks me if I am going again 20:38 Rich something tells me you aren't doing it for the ice cutting anymore. 20:38 Todd_Lori No it hasn't been for that for a long time now 20:39 Todd_Lori My brother in law and I went togehter for the first 10 years. 20:39 Rich Something about helping out and good company and the out of doors. 20:39 Todd_Lori You said it all right there 20:40 Rich And from the photos and webpage it looks to be a beautiful spot. 20:40 Todd_Lori Brohter in law was killed in a drowning accident in 2007 and life has not been the same since . We were really close. 20:40 Todd_Lori Almost every trip to Cnada was with him 20:41 Rich Loss of a family member, love one is very difficult to over come. 20:41 Todd_Lori He was chief of police in Burlington , IA and was 6 months from retirement. 20:42 Rich My sisters and I lost our Mom in 2004 in a car accident. 20:42 Todd_Lori You know what it's like 20:42 Rich yep 20:43 Todd_Lori Hard to get past-especially if you were close 20:43 Rich It is still a very troubling issue for me. 20:43 Rich Hi Chris 20:43 Rich Therapy time. g 20:43 Chris Hello 20:44 Todd_Lori He had started to manage a marina on Miss river and died loading a track hoe onto a small barge when it went in, trapping him 20:44 Rich Tragic. 20:45 Chris Its late, but I figured BH is at 9+ 20:45 Todd_Lori Took them 4 hours to get it out of the river. 20:45 Rich I haven't figure interval today, BB mentions 23h+ so probably more like 11h 30m the last couple of days figuring on a double overnight invertal. 20:46 Todd_Lori going to be dark before it goes? 20:46 Rich Mississippi is a lot of water. 20:46 Rich We lived close to the Missouri at KC. 20:46 Rich Canoed on the Missour a lot. 20:46 Todd_Lori Never have been a big river rat and that really sealed the deal 20:47 Rich I guess so. 20:47 Rich I have yet to drive the section of road where Mom was killed. 20:48 Todd_Lori Seems the older i get the more things like this are hard to deal with 20:48 Rich Graham 12:46 capture might have your geyser in it. I'll try and upload to FB. 20:49 Rich Continuing on is the important thing. Remember the good, accept the bad. 20:49 Todd_Lori It can be a cosuming thing at times 20:49 Rich 2 years of meds for me. 20:49 Todd_Lori I should be. 20:50 Rich I'm rather dense about some things. Getting involved in something helps. 20:51 Rich I'm trying to get involved in life again. 20:51 Todd_Lori The sister that lived in Lander, WY took her life in 2005 and then a younger brother died in 5 months later, then B-in-L in 2007. 20:51 Todd_Lori So in 19 months time, lost a lot. 20:52 Rich Your family sure did. 20:52 Todd_Lori The last time I saw my sister was in Yellowstone 20:52 Todd_Lori A month later she was gone 20:52 Todd_Lori So last fall was the first time I had been back to Wy and YNP 20:53 Rich I'm glad you went. And that you and Lori had a good time. 20:53 Todd_Lori Spent some time with her husband and it was good, was worried though about how it would be. 20:54 Todd_Lori You are right, it was one of the best rips I have ever been on 20:54 Todd_Lori trips 20:54 Rich It is so important to talk about it. Difficult to get started, but everyone envolved feels the same way. 20:55 Todd_Lori This is a funny place to do it, but it seems ok 20:56 Rich I found that out when Mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I started talking about all the 'funny' things that happened along the way. Put it out there to friend and foe alike. Mom survived BC for 14years. 20:57 Todd_Lori Was she alone in the accident? 20:57 Rich Now I'm outspoken about Men and Breast Cancer. Yes, we can get Breast Cancer too. 20:57 Rich No, Mom was a passenger in the back seat of a Lincoln town car. 20:58 Todd_Lori Any one else hurt? 20:59 Rich Passenger also died from injuries a month after. Driver had only minor injuries. The person driving the other car only got a sprained wrist. He spun out from a side road and hit the right front of the Lincoln. 21:00 Todd_Lori What a drag. 21:00 Rich I learned that big cars don't always make safer cars. 21:01 Todd_Lori Must have been traveling fast? 21:01 Rich Loose gravel on the side road added to what ever speed. 21:02 Rich Mom and Dad raised us to believe that accidents happen. I try and hold that. 21:02 Todd_Lori That's about as big of car as you can get 21:02 Rich Kid was 17y/o 21:02 Todd_Lori Not surprising 21:03 Todd_Lori Hi CHris. Sorry for dragging you into this. I'm Todd 21:03 Rich Late night at the YNP bar. 21:03 Chris Hi Todd, no problem, I just let you guys talk 21:03 Rich Grap a stool and have a drink. 21:03 Rich g 21:04 Todd_Lori Wish we in YNP at the Bears den in Old Faithful Inn 21:04 Rich I like that place. 21:04 Rich Great people watching place. g 21:04 Todd_Lori Had a few beers there in 1981 21:05 Todd_Lori The Inn is one of my favorite places 21:05 Chris Yes, the Inn makes me feel good just walking in 21:05 Rich The last morning in the Park we decided to have breakfast in the Dinning room. Of course, the night before the heating system broke down for the dinning room. 21:06 Todd_Lori bummer 21:06 Rich Because we were 'young' and dressed for outside we got to sit in the annex part. 21:06 Rich BRRRRRR 21:06 Todd_Lori You really need to go when the weather is good 21:06 Rich Mind you I was 62. I don't know what they consider OLD> lol 21:07 Todd_Lori 80's 21:07 Rich It was a great time to see the Park. I enjoyed the snow and blowing wind. Snow coming in the cracks in the room, not so much. But was interesting. 21:07 Todd_Lori The Inn is as much Yellowstone as the natural parts 21:07 Rich Yes 21:08 Rich I have enjoyed the Great Lodges of the national Park PBS series. 21:08 Todd_Lori Have stayed in the Inn one time. Yea, it was a good series 21:08 Chris Last year my boys and I took the flags down on the roof. Great experience. 21:08 Rich It just went into Pledge break reruns here. 21:08 Rich I'll bet it was. 21:09 Rich How long were you on the waiting list? 21:09 Todd_Lori Lori and I ot to do that last fall, also 21:10 Chris Well, what happened was... Gazer friends had signed up to do it, then had to leave before their turn, so they let us take their spot. 21:10 Rich Lucky. 21:10 Todd_Lori It is so cool up there and I have been wanting to get up ther since I was 14 21:10 Chris yup 21:11 Rich Was that the year after it opened? g 21:11 Todd_Lori That was my first rip to the park in the mid 70-'s 21:11 Todd_Lori smarty 21:11 Rich lol 21:11 Rich That's me. SA. 21:11 Rich I have a degree in it. g 21:12 Todd_Lori My daughter that worked in the park had a friend sign us up about a month before we got there 21:13 Todd_Lori Was anybody else with you Chris? 21:14 Todd_Lori besides your boys? 21:14 Chris no, just the three of us 21:15 Todd_Lori I wondered how many could go. It was just Lori and I last fall 21:16 Chris Our friends told us they are only suppose to take two - but with two kids standing there they said "oh ok" 21:16 Todd_Lori ok 21:17 Todd_Lori Shower time guys. Lori might jump on- don't know for sure. May be back to say good bye. 21:18 Rich nice 21:18 Rich Don't rust. 21:18 Chris ok Todd 21:18 Todd_Lori soft water 21:18 Rich very good. 21:23 Chris pretty colors 21:24 Rich Very Nice 21:27 Rich Flashlight on theBW 21:27 Chris yup 21:28 Rich Maybe a BH gazer. 21:28 Chris "Kitt? Is that you?" 21:29 Rich Hi Kent 21:29 Rich lol 21:31 Rich Lower left flashlights 21:32 Todd_Lori bear been back? 21:33 Rich I haven't seen any mention from the geyserlist serv or YNP FB 21:33 Todd_Lori good news- hate to have another bear in trouble 21:34 Rich Yes 21:34 Rich Root cause is usually human. 21:34 Todd_Lori yep 21:35 Todd_Lori he was probably just looking for honew at bh :) 21:35 Todd_Lori honey 21:35 Rich Very good. g 21:35 Chris yes 21:35 Rich Whinnie the Poo 21:35 Rich syndrome 21:37 Rich July 03, 2010 recap Aurum 09:46ie Beehive Indicator 12:15ie? Beehive 12:27ie Depression 09:20ie? 06:27ie 12:22ie? Grand 07:40:36ie 2b? d~12m 17:00:14ns 2b Lion 04:51ie 06:27ie 07:40:36ie 08:52ie 21:37 Rich OF 04:40ie 06:06:55ie 07:40:36ie 09:06:46ie 10:36:30ie 13:38ie 12:13ie 15:10:30ie 16:35:11ie 18:12:23ie 19:46:35ie 21:38 Chris well, I guess thats all folks, goodnight Rich, goodnight Todd 21:39 Todd_Lori of 21:20? 21:40 Rich ty Lori 21:40 Rich nite Chris 21:40 Rich Or Todd. 21:40 Todd_Lori Todd saw it, Lori is just reviewing :) Have a wax bottle?, lol 21:41 Rich Additions/Corrections: OF 04:40ie 06:06:55ie 07:40:36ie 09:06:46ie 10:36:30ie 13:38ie 12:13ie 15:10:30ie 16:35:11ie 18:12:23ie 19:46:35ie 21:20ie Plume 06:02:55ie 07:58:38ie 06:59ie 08:59ie 09:54ie 10:49ie 11:45ie 12:42ie 13:41ie 15:41ie 16:45:42ie 21:41 Rich No, didn't find one. All sad and mopey now. g 21:41 Todd_Lori get the tv in? 21:43 Rich Got it semi in place. Hooked up the dvd player and watched The Nelson Family, in B&W. lol 21:43 Rich Still have to figure out what to do with the 'stuff' that came from the hole. g 21:44 Todd_Lori good luck with that- maybe the neighbor needs something else to trade in, lol 21:44 Rich I'm hoping. 21:45 Rich I just need to move a couple of tables back to the garage rafters. 21:45 Todd_Lori flashlight? 21:45 Todd_Lori on bw, not for the garage, g 21:45 Rich Moving the love seat to where my recliner was and the other recliner to in front of the front window. 21:45 Rich lol 21:46 Todd_Lori ah, intererior decorating at it's best. move stuff around til it fits 21:46 Rich Shucks I just closed the cam window. 21:46 Rich Need to move a dumpster to the back door and just shovel it all out. g 21:46 Todd_Lori np, just seeing if i could identify one. 21:46 Rich Some of it hasn't seen the light of day for several years. 21:46 Rich Bright white spot? 21:46 Todd_Lori yep 21:47 Rich Flashlight or cell phone. 21:47 Rich size is usually the determining factor. 21:47 Rich Cell phones brighter. lol 21:47 Todd_Lori pretty big, say flashlight 21:49 Todd_Lori i have been cleaning out, took two trunkloads to a church that gives stuff away- they were thrilled, makes it worthwhile. and I have less stuff 21:49 Rich I do that and usually bring different and more stuff home with me. 21:50 Todd_Lori that is a problem, lol. 21:50 Todd_Lori well, better turn in for now. I'm sure we will be back tomorrow. Have a good night 21:51 Rich Nite Lori 21:51 Rich will do, you too 21:51 Rich Nite Lori/Todd 21:52 Rich Nite Yellowstone July 4th, 2010 03:49 BB OF 4:48 ie 03:49 BB Beautiful sunrise in Yellowstone 03:49 BB Hi LoisB 03:49 BB Happy Birthday 03:50 Loisb Hi Bb 03:50 Loisb was trying to get setup 03:50 Loisb Thanks for the BB card 03:52 BB yw 03:52 Loisb looks like you had a productive time at the workshop 03:53 BB you might think so... but that's not really true 03:53 Loisb did you have fun anyhow? 03:53 BB It was not a workshop, just a meeting with friends, and we started with an extensive coffee break 03:53 BB lots of fun 03:53 Loisb a good way to start 03:54 BB not too many dyed fabrics (compared to the years before), but it was hot, and we were not in a hurry 03:54 BB and I have more fabric than I actually need 03:54 Loisb some weather person has now said that we are going to get to 90 next week - thats a 40 F degree jump 03:55 Loisb we might really complain then 03:55 Loisb don't we all have more fabric than we need? 03:55 Loisb think I have enough that I will need to live to be 200 to use even most of it 03:55 BB I guess so... you wouldn't be a real quilter otherwise 03:55 Loisb g 03:56 Loisb my middle son wants a quilt for his wedding in Oct - I can't decide what to make for them 03:57 BB That's difficult... have you asked them what they would like? 03:57 Loisb yes 03:57 Loisb and have no better clue after asking 03:57 BB and what did they say? Whatever you want? 03:57 Loisb yep 03:57 BB very helpful indeed g 03:58 Loisb 'we like all your blankets mom' 03:58 Loisb I should give them the cat one I made for him when he was little 03:58 BB just let them look through your magazines or the internet, and then they should tell you what they find really pretty 03:59 Loisb then again I could just start digging in the piles of fabric till I find some combinations I like 03:59 BB That would give you at least a basic idea 03:59 Loisb have been thinking about a trip around the world 03:59 Loisb not to hard and very colorful 04:00 BB I would probably get bored piecing all the squares together, but it is rather easy and wouldn't take too long 04:01 Loisb one of my mags has a sort of strip piecing pattern 04:01 Loisb make in four sections and then seam together 04:07 Loisb sunrise lovely at Goat Haunt 04:07 Loisb http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/glacier/goathaunt.htm… 04:07 BB very pretty 04:07 Loisb still missing some pixels but nice 04:08 BB That's Glacier NP? 04:08 Loisb yes 04:08 Loisb here's a menu for all their cams 04:08 Loisb http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/glacier/index.html 04:09 Loisb and if you want to check on rainier now and then here is a menu for their cams 04:09 Loisb http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/rainier/ 04:10 Loisb brb - coffee is needed 04:10 BB Thanks, Lois. I have seen the Glacier cams before, but never the Rainier cams 04:26 BB Depression 05:25 ie 04:28 Loisb b 04:29 Loisb I hate popup windows, thats why I built my own menus - g 04:55 BB Hmmm... could be Lion erupting back there 04:56 BB I think it is... Lion 05:54 ie 04:58 BB But because of the white-out I am not completely sure. Should not go into the recap unless it erupts again in the next hour 05:00 Loisb we shall see 05:00 Loisb everything is so white 05:07 BB I am off to do other stuff... will leave the room open and check back often 05:07 BB I assume we will be "understaffed" again today 05:07 Loisb I suspect so 05:07 Loisb not sure of Richards plans though 05:08 BB I think he might be in in the morning but not the afternoon 05:08 Loisb I will be out from around 11 to 3 mdt 05:08 Loisb church and dinner with family 05:08 Loisb but I left capture running at my house today - g 05:08 BB I remember thinking, he will leave when I go to bed, so no one here to cover the afternoon shift :) 05:08 Loisb ah well 05:08 Loisb should be lots of gazers in the park today 05:09 BB In any case, have a great day, Lois 05:09 BB But I am sure I will be back before 11 mdt 05:10 BB see you later 05:11 Loisb later 05:23 Loisb I think OF may have gone at 6 15 23 - take a look when you get time BB and see what you think 05:23 Loisb everything is still so white 06:13 BB 6:15 ie for OF is correct, Lois 06:14 BB and Lion was 07:06 ie again, so my last call was probably correct 06:16 BB couldn't find a Plume in my captures so far... wind is blowing OF steam in that direction today 06:22 Rich HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lois!!!! 06:23 Rich Hi BB 06:24 Rich http://mms.nps.gov/yell/webcams/old_faithful_cam.h… is back online 06:25 Rich Groblong 06:29 Rich F&M overnight 07/01/10 via David S geyserlistserv. 06:37 Rich Groblong 07:25:03ie d~8m 06:40 Gazer-by-Proxy Good morning, and happy 4th! 06:40 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 06:41 Rich And Happy Julyth to you. 06:41 Rich OF last was 06:15, Lion at 07:06 06:42 Rich And I believe I caught Grand, but was just shy d~8m. 06:44 Gazer-by-Proxy Make that OF 0743ie! 06:44 Rich lol 06:44 Rich g 06:47 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/29/10 09:24:00 10:06:00 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 23:47:00 06:49 BB Hi Rich 06:49 BB and hi Gazer 06:49 Rich Hi BB 06:49 BB What is that? Riverside? 06:49 BB 07:49 ie 06:50 Rich Looks like it might be, with F&M being called overnight 07/01-07/02 06:51 BB pretty far to the left again but who knows where the wind is blowing back there 06:51 Rich yep 06:51 BB in any case, nice of it to erupt just as I came back to check my captures 06:51 Rich Very well planned. 06:53 BB When did you start capturing, Rich? Do you have 07:17:29? 06:53 BB Looks like a possible Plume in there behind OF steam 06:53 Rich Let me check 06:55 Rich Might be something back there - 07:17:29 is my capture. 06:55 Rich We can ie? it. 06:55 Rich Wait for next hour 06:55 BB let's do that 06:56 Rich ok, works for me. g 06:56 Rich Bird 06:59 BB I am off again, will leave the room open and check in again later 06:59 Rich later BB. 06:59 Rich ty 07:04 Rich Lion 08:04:04ie 07:07 Gazer-by-Proxy Nice! Initial? 07:07 Gazer-by-Proxy Maybe not. Who knows? 07:08 Rich Sorry I didn't post Lion Lion 05:54ie 07:06ie 08:04:04ie 07:08 Rich Putting together a recap now. 07:12 Rich July 04, 2010 recap Depression 05:25ie F&M overnight 07/01 - 07/02 via David S. Grotto 07:57:33ie Lion 05:54ie 07:06ie 08:04:04ie OF 04:48ie 06:15:23ie 07:43ie Plume 07:17:29ie? Riverside 07:49ie d~20m 07:14 Rich Addition: Groblong 07:25:03ie d~8m/- 07:19 Rich Depression 08:18:05ie? 07:21 Rich Plume 08:20:08ie? 07:26 Loisb b 07:26 Gazer-by-Proxy Thanks for the recap, Rich. And hi (and happy b-day?) Lois! 07:26 Rich wb 07:27 Loisb Thanks Gazer 07:27 Loisb don't fell a century older 07:27 Rich kik 07:28 Rich lol 07:28 Rich that was my fingers laughing. 07:28 Rich yw@Gazer-by-Prozy 07:31 Rich I'm going to celebrate your BD today, Lois, going to have Oatmeal/cranraisins for breakfast. g 07:31 Rich Hi Todd_Lori 07:31 Loisb a nice bd breakfast 07:31 Loisb morning Lori 07:31 Todd_Lori morning 07:32 Todd_Lori happy b-day Lois. I'm not having oatmeal in your honor, g 07:32 Rich lol 07:33 Todd_Lori maybe froot loops? 07:33 Loisb you can not have oatmeal if you choose - but fruit loops? 07:34 Todd_Lori I don't usually eat cereal- it is in the cupboard from the kids 07:34 Loisb ah 07:34 Rich I'm not going to say a word. mmmmm mmmm mmmmm 07:34 Loisb well you can not eat cereal too 07:34 Rich RIGHT!!! 07:35 Rich g 07:36 Todd_Lori I don't normally eat breakfast 07:36 Loisb but this is a holiday 07:37 Todd_Lori yep. any special eruptions scheduled? 07:38 Loisb the park failed to send me a notification 07:38 Rich lol 07:38 Rich Fire 'em!! 07:38 Todd_Lori oh man, I thought this room was all knowing :( 07:38 Loisb they forgot 07:39 Rich All knowing, maybe but mystic - - - - - 07:39 Gazer-by-Proxy I'm hoping Giantess will put in a patriotic eruption. 07:39 Gazer-by-Proxy (Hey, a girl can dream, right?) 07:39 Rich That should bring Ryan running. g 07:40 Rich Yes she may. 07:40 Todd_Lori can you run that program Rich? 07:40 Gazer-by-Proxy :) 07:40 Rich The IT guy is on holiday, needs a re-boot. 07:40 Rich (Read - kick in the - - -) 07:41 Todd_Lori the guy or the program, lol 07:41 Rich HMMMM, readers choice. 07:42 Loisb July is National Bison Month 07:42 Rich Happy Bison Month, Lois. 07:42 Todd_Lori good to know- happy bison month 07:42 Rich When is 'Take a Bison to lunch' day? 07:43 Rich And on that low note. brb breakfast. 07:43 Todd_Lori daughter just changed my Wyoming Wildlife calendar to july yesterday and it isn't listed. Does have a nice pic and paragraph on the American Kestrel. 07:43 Loisb k 07:44 Loisb very good 07:44 Todd_Lori we have a local restraunt that serves bison 07:44 Loisb http://www.bisoncentral.com/ 07:44 Todd_Lori could be eat a bison for lunch day :) 07:47 Loisb we stopped at a place that served bison when I was on the last trip but I stuck to beef - they had a bison head staring at me 07:47 Gazer-by-Proxy Ooh, National Bison Month! Our plush herd will be glad to know that. X-D 07:48 Gazer-by-Proxy (Uh, but I won't mention Lois' experience...) 07:48 Loisb yes, lets keep it our secret 07:50 Todd_Lori i don't think I want to know... 07:51 Todd_Lori well, since nothing is "perdected" soon, and the program is down for giantess, guess i'd better get a few chores done, holiday, Sunday or not :( 07:51 Todd_Lori should have said predicted 07:52 Loisb you can take the day off Lori - just tell your family I said so 07:52 Rich BH around 11:00ish 07:52 Loisb and what time is Giantess by the way - this is July 07:53 Loisb or is it waiting for BB to get there? 07:53 Todd_Lori I'll be lurking around 07:53 Todd_Lori lion? 07:53 Rich I'll have the IT guy put it on the schedule for BB visit. 07:53 Loisb k 07:53 Rich Lion 08:53:09ie 07:54 Todd_Lori yeah, i got it right! 07:54 Rich (Rich, turning over rocks looking for Lori) 07:54 Loisb good going 07:54 Gazer-by-Proxy That seems quick...didn't it just erupt? I guess I've been online longer than I thought! 07:54 Rich 07:43 07:54 Gazer-by-Proxy (Lion, I mean.) 07:54 Gazer-by-Proxy Yup. Online longer than I thought! 07:55 Rich Tyme flis when you are having - - - 07:55 Loisb need coffee - brb 07:55 Rich hb 07:55 Rich Hi Kent 07:56 Todd_Lori something to the far left, or just steam? 07:56 Rich Could be Turban/Vent cycle 07:58 Rich Sorry I was sleeping. that was an of time. Lion was 08:04:04 07:59 Rich Have to remember Lion starts with L and Old Faithful just starts. 07:59 Rich With O. 08:01 Rich Must be warmer in the basin today, I see lots of shorts 08:05 Loisb b 08:05 Rich wb 08:05 Loisb they are all Seattle people gone east for sun 08:06 Rich lol 08:06 Rich Which one are you? 08:06 Loisb frozen Sttle person 08:06 Rich g 08:06 Loisb if I was there it would be raining 08:07 Rich lol 08:19 Rich Time for a stroll down/up the street. Walk time. 08:19 Rich bb in about 25 minutes 08:19 Loisb have a nice walk 08:20 Rich For certain. g 08:20 Loisb later 08:20 Rich bye for now 08:21 Loisb OF 09 20 41 08:44 Rich b 08:45 Rich ~~~ 08:45 Loisb wb 08:45 Rich ty 08:45 Rich Hot wind a blowing. 08:45 Rich We are up 7 degrees in about 2 hours 08:46 Rich And the sun just got above the trees 08:46 Rich Most fo the house is closed up, two windows to go 08:47 Loisb house closed up totally here 08:47 Rich You want to keep the heat in, I want to keep it out. g 08:48 Loisb got to get that kid to breathe more 08:48 Rich lol 08:48 Rich do naked spins in the living room 08:49 Loisb he likes to do those but Curious George on now 08:49 Loisb no movement except for giggles now and then 08:49 Rich ah, no time for movement. 08:50 Rich g 08:51 Rich People out on the board walk. 08:51 Loisb walking 08:51 Rich I hope 08:51 Rich g 08:52 Rich 4th of July Parade. 08:54 Loisb lion again? 08:54 Rich Lion 09:53:45ie 08:54 Rich yes 08:56 Rich Nice color/sky 08:56 Loisb so much nicer than it was early when all was white 08:56 Rich Over exposure isn't nice. 08:57 Loisb some of those folks seem to be hanging around out there 08:57 Loisb wishful thinking? 08:58 Rich Waiting to see if the water level changes in BHI vent. 08:58 Rich And WISHFUL THINKING!!! 09:04 Loisb we're up to 54 outside 09:04 Rich Might make 55 today. 09:04 Loisb Times says maybe 67 09:05 Rich Must be after the fireworks go off. 09:05 Loisb could be 09:06 BB Rich, I agree with your Depression earlier 09:06 BB But Plume is very elusive today 09:06 Rich ty 09:06 Rich yes 09:06 BB Maybe at 09:16:11? 09:07 BB But OF erupted shortly after that, could have been behind that too 09:07 Rich I'm cleaning up captures and looking for anything else now. 09:10 Rich OF is steaming so much around then, I'm not sure. 09:12 Rich Bug is back 09:12 Loisb never left 09:13 Rich Probably 09:14 Rich Stuck inside the housing again. 09:14 Rich BB~~~ 09:14 Rich Plume 10:13:47ie 09:14 Rich One we can see 09:19 BB Were you waving at me, Rich? 09:19 BB I wasn't paying attention, but I also have a nice capture of Plume 09:19 BB So the other times were probably correct too 09:20 Rich Kind of a finger wave pointing at Plume. lol 09:20 Rich I think so 09:27 Rich hi guest695159 09:39 Rich Steam at BHI 09:46 Rich Hi Michael 09:47 Michael Hi Rich. 09:48 Rich July 04, 2010 recap Depression 05:25ie 08:18:05ie F&M overnight 07/01 - 07/02 via David S. Groblong 07:25:03ie d~8m/- Grotto 07:57:33ie Lion 05:54ie 07:06ie 08:04:04ie 08:53:09ie 09:53:45ie 09:48 Rich OF 04:48ie 06:15:23ie 07:43ie 09:20:41ie Plume 07:17:29ie? 08:20:08ie? 09:16:11ie? 10:13:47ie Riverside 07:49ie d~20m 09:48 Michael Thanks. 09:49 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/29/10 09:24:00 10:06:00 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 23:47:00 09:49 Rich yw 09:56 Rich Lion 10:55:51ie 10:03 Loisb OF 11 02 32 10:10 Michael Plume 11:09ie 10:15 Loisb bbl 10:22 Rich What happened, every fall down with sleeping sickness. No space on the benches. g 10:23 Rich everyone 10:23 Todd_Lori Poppies,Poppies..... 10:24 Rich More people on the BW to. 10:24 Rich too. 10:24 Todd_Lori Get it---from Wizard of Oz? 10:24 Todd_Lori Lame , I know. 10:25 Rich No, I must have been over the rainbow then. 10:25 Rich Bug 10:26 Todd_Lori The Wicked witch sent poppies down to put them all to sleep so the couldn't make it to the land of Oz. 10:26 Rich Now my brain cell circulated. I remember. 10:27 Rich She scared me too much, i blank her out. g 10:28 Rich I carry a sprinkling can with me when I'm in Kansas. 10:29 Todd_Lori Yes, that's right you are from there 10:29 Rich Mom was born in Kansas. I grew up in Missouri. g 10:30 Rich And Mom' 10:30 Rich s name was Dorothy. 10:30 Gazer-by-Proxy Ooohhhh.... 10:30 Rich We never had a dog named Toto. 10:30 Gazer-by-Proxy Did you have a little dog, too? 10:30 Gazer-by-Proxy Oh, too late on the draw... 10:30 Rich But we did have a small cocker mix that was black. 10:31 Rich g 10:32 Todd_Lori Kansas- Missouri. Same thing isn't it? 10:32 Todd_Lori Iowa- Ohio same thing isn't it? 10:32 Rich oooo 10:33 Rich right 10:33 Rich k 10:33 Todd_Lori I get that a lot 10:33 Rich I'm sure 10:33 Todd_Lori Idaho, too. 10:33 Rich Someplace out west. 10:33 Todd_Lori Any thing west of the East coast is classified as out West 10:33 Rich I always thought - 'You live back east' was a good one. 10:34 Rich Or 'You live out West' 10:34 Rich lol 10:34 Todd_Lori I don't know how we have survived all these years in the uncivilized part of the country 10:35 Gazer-by-Proxy A surprising number of Californians think Chicago is on the East Coast. (At least, those who ever think about Chicago!) 10:35 Todd_Lori I have heard that 10:35 Rich lol 10:35 Rich Or can think? 10:35 Gazer-by-Proxy That, too! 10:36 Gazer-by-Proxy (Full disclosure: I was temporarily a Californian.) 10:36 Todd_Lori GxP, we saw you had a private msg for us? 10:36 Rich (Full disclosure: I'm a native Californian.) 10:36 Gazer-by-Proxy :) 10:37 Gazer-by-Proxy Just wondering if you would be in the park or at home around the second week of August. Road trip. 10:37 Gazer-by-Proxy Always fun to meet other gazers along the way, even if it can't be in the park. 10:37 Rich sparekitty is going to be in the Park in August 10:38 Todd_Lori We should be around. 10:38 Gazer-by-Proxy Cool. No plans actually set yet; everything's still in the very nebulous stage, but I'll keep you posted. 10:40 Todd_Lori We are same way- no definite commitments yet. 10:40 BB I will be in the park in August 10:41 BB Will miss sparekitty by one day 10:41 Gazer-by-Proxy Bummer! 10:47 Loisb b 10:47 Rich wb 10:47 Rich Happy Birthday. 10:47 Rich g 10:48 Loisb its still the same one Rich 10:48 Rich You sure? 10:48 BB Are you trying to confuse her? 10:48 Rich You are - - -. 10:48 Loisb well - 10:49 Rich I'm the one that is confused usually. g 10:49 Michael Steam down by Grand at 11:48. 11:02 Rich bb in a bit, making cookies. 11:02 Rich Peanut butter and Ginger snaps. 11:02 BB Are you trying to convince Beehive to erupt? 11:03 Loisb I'll take some of each 11:03 BB I was thinking I should go and clean up the kitchen but if you are leaving right now, I will wait a little longer 11:03 Loisb think his leaving is a sign BB? 11:04 BB Beehive might think so 11:04 Loisb g 11:04 BB And I don't like either peanut butter or ginger, but I wouldn't mind some of your chocolate chip cookies 11:04 BB Although I bet they are all gone by now 11:04 Loisb 3 left 11:04 Loisb will make a new batch for you 11:05 BB wow, that's nice, thank you 11:05 Loisb might have to make more than one batch before Aug 11:07 Michael Plume 12:06ie 11:11 Loisb lion? 11:11 Todd_Lori Lion 12:11 11:11 Loisb bug for sure 11:12 Todd_Lori Bug 12:12 ow 11:12 Loisb g 11:14 Todd_Lori "ow" is short for "on window" 11:18 Loisb sure is a crowd out there 11:21 Todd_Lori I think this year will be worse for summer crowds than last year 11:21 Loisb more folks got the itch to travel? 11:22 Todd_Lori I think the economy is causing more people to travel in the US on traditional vacations 11:23 Loisb and the cost of passports is going up again this month 11:23 Loisb along with all the extra plane charges 11:23 Todd_Lori Last year was a record year for attendance. 11:23 BB how much do you have to pay for a passport? 11:23 Todd_Lori was a 100 11:23 Loisb I haven't looked lately BB - just saw a notice that it was going up this month 11:23 Todd_Lori now going to 135 11:23 Loisb ugh 11:24 Todd_Lori for adults 11:24 Loisb think my first one only cost 35 11:24 BB ok, then I will stop complaining about the cost over here, mine was 50 Euros two years ago 11:24 Loisb I am going to get an enhanced drivers lic so i can go to Canada though 11:25 Loisb that bug needs to find a home elsewhere 11:25 Todd_Lori Cheap skate me bought the card last year and it was still 65 11:26 Loisb my traveling buddy and I think we might want to go up sometime and I have to renew next year anyhow and so does she 11:27 Todd_Lori The card is only good for land travel into Mexico and Canada 11:27 Loisb right 11:27 Loisb but its only 3 hours to Canada from here 11:28 Todd_Lori I have been to Canada about 30 times now and it is 11 hours to the border for me 11:29 Loisb we used to go up every other year for a picnic with a group but all the hassle kind of killed it off 11:30 Todd_Lori Too bad things ave had to come to this 11:30 Loisb yes it is 11:31 Loisb that bug just keeps hovering over where BH is supposed to be 11:31 BB And for some reason it seems to know when BH is due 11:32 Loisb yes 11:32 Loisb whoever goes to the park next needs to take bug spray along with the glass cleaner 11:39 Loisb OF 12 38 35 11:40 Rich back for a moment 11:40 Rich 409 will work for both jobs. 11:40 Rich g 11:40 Loisb g 11:40 Loisb wb 11:40 Rich Half the cookies are done 11:41 Loisb I don't see mine 11:41 Rich What you think everyday is your Birthday or something? 11:41 Loisb yes 11:42 Rich lol 11:42 Loisb I am old - treat me kindly 11:42 Rich very good 11:42 Rich Have you sent in your Clearing house sweepstakes yet? 11:42 Loisb nope - not letting you pick out my home 11:42 Rich lol 11:43 Rich They have some nice ones up there, view of the Sound and Olympics. 11:45 Loisb I already have that view 11:53 Todd_Lori When is this Beehive thing-a-ma-jig going to spout? 11:53 Loisb its waiting for me to leave 11:55 Todd_Lori Change your nickname and come back 11:55 Loisb g 11:55 Loisb it always seems to know when I do that 11:55 Loisb sneaky 11:55 Todd_Lori It has a mind of it's own 11:55 Loisb sure does 11:56 Loisb was pretty regular last summer - we can keep hoping it will settle into a pattern 11:56 Michael I'm heading out of the house in 15 minutes, if that will help. 11:56 Loisb we'll let BH know 11:56 Todd_Lori We waited in the rain for 2 hours last fall for it. It had been real regular on 12 hour intervals before that day 11:56 Loisb so you're the one that caused the change 11:57 Todd_Lori Herb from Texas kept telling us "Beehive doesn't like bad weather" 11:57 Loisb not sure what it doesn't like this year 11:57 Michael Last summer's activity was pretty special. We won't always be that lucky. 11:57 Todd_Lori His Texan accent I can still hear 11:58 Todd_Lori We can hope 11:58 Rich See what happens when I go to YNP 11:58 Todd_Lori You need to stay if I am going to be there 11:59 Todd_Lori away 11:59 Loisb so now I have at least two people to blame it on 11:59 Rich Beehive hasn't been the same since. 11:59 Todd_Lori Don't need winter in Sept 11:59 Rich yep 11:59 Rich lol 11:59 Todd_Lori g 12:00 Todd_Lori Only a days drive for you, just jump in the car and head east 12:00 Todd_Lori there are 24 hours in a day 12:00 Rich Not where I am. 12:01 Rich There are either to many or not enough. Never fails. 12:01 Todd_Lori that is true 12:02 Rich Think Lion has quit for the day? 12:02 Loisb how long has it been since the last one? 12:03 Rich 50m 12:03 Rich lol 12:03 Rich I missed the 12:11 12:03 Todd_Lori seemed like a short one 12:03 Todd_Lori I don't know the cycle details 12:04 Todd_Lori would have to get the book 12:04 Loisb you mean you don't have it at hand? 12:04 Todd_Lori At the end of my feet as they are propped up on the desk 12:05 Loisb too far to reach 12:05 Todd_Lori That would mean leaning forward 12:05 Todd_Lori yes 12:06 Todd_Lori ok , I've got it and am looking it up. 12:06 Rich 05:54 ie 07:06 ie 08:04:04 ie 08:53:09 ie 09:53:45 ie 10:55:51 ie 12:10 ie 12:07 Rich Bug 12:07 BB No need to move to look up Lion in the book since Lion changed its behavior last October 12:08 BB The book talks about three eruptions in a series as normal 12:08 Rich Hmm, I remember someone going to the Park about then. 12:08 BB Are you now trying to claim you made Giantess erupt? 12:08 Rich No, Ryan does that. 12:08 Todd_Lori Was the water frozen? 12:09 BB ah, yes, how could I forget that 12:09 Rich close to it. 12:09 Rich g 12:09 Michael The short version is that a Lion series ends when, at the time when you expect the next eruption, it roars but just can't get the water column going. 12:10 Rich Michael, you are pretty handy to have around. Do you make a book shelf version? 12:10 Todd_Lori Winter trips are great--if you take them in the winter 12:10 Rich g 12:11 Todd_Lori g 12:11 Rich Not that a book could ever replace you. 12:11 Todd_Lori We have not had much luck Lion in person. Have heard the growl though. It's spooky. 12:12 Todd_Lori with Lion 12:12 Loisb rr 12:12 Rich hi guest349732 12:12 sparekitty hey lois, i hear it's your birthday. have a happy one!! 12:13 Loisb Thanks 12:13 Loisb I think a lot of folks are going to help me celebrate - they usually do 12:13 sparekitty i saw it was your bday on rich's FB. what WOULD we do without FB? 12:14 Loisb makes for fast communications sometimes 12:14 sparekitty i'm at the colorado river, trying not to get sunburned. 12:14 Rich Have some privacy? 12:15 Loisb enjoy the sun - another overcast day here 12:15 Loisb you floating or just looking? 12:15 sparekitty it is LOVELY here, just around 105, which is practically perfect...floating in the river, out on the boat, you name it! 12:15 Gazer-by-Proxy Rich, I think the bookshelf version is http://www.amazon.com/Geysers-Yellowstone-T-Scott-Bryan/dp/0870819240/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278270856&sr=8-1 12:15 Loisb great 12:16 Loisb was 54 here last I looked 12:16 Rich ty 12:18 Rich sparekitty, you going to raft the Colorado back home? 12:19 sparekitty nope. too far. we'll be driving back sometime tomorrow. 12:19 sparekitty i have to pick peaches and start making jam. 12:19 Rich YEAH. the last batch was GREAT!!!! 12:20 Loisb when you get done with the peaches you can come pick cherries here 12:20 Rich How is the 'dwarf' cherry tree doing Lois? 12:20 Loisb getting taller 12:21 Rich It was 30 feet tall last year. 12:21 Loisb well - its taller 12:22 Loisb think someone must have misread the label when they applied the root stock 12:22 sparekitty later, all. time for more water! see you soon! 12:22 Loisb have fun 12:22 Loisb bye 12:22 Rich Good hearing from you sparekitty 12:23 Michael Lion 13:22ie 12:25 Michael Have a great afternoon, everyone! 12:25 Loisb bye Michael 12:25 Rich Bye Michael 12:25 Rich you too 12:29 Todd_Lori Getting back to dwarf fruit trees. The whole thing is lie.-:) 12:29 Loisb this one sure is 12:29 Rich g 12:29 Loisb tallest tree around 12:29 Todd_Lori Dad planted all kinds in the 70's and they all got huge 12:29 Rich Hi guest9476074 12:30 Loisb it has 5 different kinds of cherries on it - and of course I can't reach most of them 12:30 Loisb not that the birds leave me many 12:30 Rich Can on a stick 12:30 Loisb a very long stick 12:31 Rich One of the telescoping type. 12:31 Loisb a very long telescoping type 12:32 Kent Aurum 1330? 12:32 Rich Nacole waited for the cherries to just about ripe, then pruned the tree. Handed out branches of fruit to people. 12:32 Rich woow 12:32 Loisb good idea 12:32 Rich cool Kent 12:33 Rich Hi Chris 12:34 Chris Hi Rich 12:34 Loisb Afternoon Chris 12:35 Chris Hi Loisb 12:35 Chris From the people on the BW, I guess she's running late? 12:36 Rich bug 12:36 Todd_Lori Hi Chris, Bye Chris--Lori is taking over for me. 12:36 Todd_Lori Bye all 12:37 Loisb bye 12:37 Rich Bye Lori 12:37 Loisb maybe BH was waiting for Lori 12:37 Rich Trying to confuse BH? 12:37 Loisb doesn't seem to have been waiting for Chris 12:37 Rich g 12:37 Lori Changed Nickname that will do it 12:38 Loisb g 12:38 Rich I'll hold my breath. 12:39 Loisb at least the bug changed postion for the moment 12:39 Loisb BH will go now - time for me to go eat lunch with family 12:39 Rich moved so it could get an even tan. 12:39 Loisb enjoy it all 12:39 Rich Enjoy 12:39 Loisb bye 12:39 Rich bye 12:39 Lori bye 12:39 Chris bye 12:40 Rich HB 12:42 Rich Wonder what the guy in lower left corner is pointing at. 12:42 Rich ? 12:43 Lori water at indicator?? 12:43 BB I think so, came back just in time!!! 12:43 Rich In the sky? 12:44 Rich Of course people left. 12:44 BB I think it started at 13:39 12:44 Lori waited for me- i'll try & find todd, he went outside. just started raing here. 12:54 Chris I think I see the indicator - no imagination or squinting necessary. 12:54 BB That's because it is erupting ;) 12:55 Rich If the sun/camera cooperate and we get to 'see'. 12:55 Chris Look at that crowd out there - look for ME starting on the 10th. 12:55 BB You have to wave at us 12:56 Chris of course I will 12:56 BB Ah... that's better 12:56 Rich BH 13:54:40ie 12:56 BB Beehive 13:55 ie 12:58 Lori plume 13:58 12:58 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 23:47:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 13:03 Rich If we had a double interval overnight, 25:28, makes a ~12:45 interval now. 13:07 Rich July 04, 2010 recap Aurum 13:30ie Beehive Indicator 13:39ie? Beehive 13:55ie Depression 05:25ie 08:18:05ie F&M overnight 07/01 - 07/02 via David S. Groblong 07:25:03ie d~8m/- Grotto 07:57:33ie 13:07 Rich Lion 05:54ie 07:06ie 08:04:04ie 08:53:09ie 09:53:45ie 10:55:51ie 12:10ie 13:22ie OF 04:48ie 06:15:23ie 07:43ie 09:20:41ie 11:02:32ns 12:38:35ie 13:08 Rich Plume 07:17:29ie? 08:20:08ie? 09:16:11ie? 10:13:47ie 11:09ie 12:06ie 13:58ie Riverside 07:49ie d~20m 13:08 Rich OF 14:07:11ie 13:09 Chris ok, have to go finish mowing - guests arriving soon - Happy 4th Everyone! 13:10 Lori have a great party chris 13:10 Chris thanks, c-ya 13:10 Rich bye Chris 13:10 Rich you too 13:12 Rich I think there is bug on lower right 13:12 BB I will go to bed now 13:12 BB bye all 13:12 Rich Nite BB, thanks for your help. 13:13 Rich off Boardwalker. 13:13 Rich Out to the run off channel 13:13 Rich Riverside? 13:14 Rich hi guest109679 13:14 Rich Three people off boardwalk 13:15 Rich Bug 13:16 Rich No more steam at Riverside. 13:16 Rich hmmm 13:45 Lori just looked back= lion? 14:45 13:46 Rich I was also away, checking captures now. 13:47 Rich Hi kcmule 13:48 Rich Lion 14:42:44ie 13:49 Lori thanks Rich. knew I didn't have the start 13:49 Rich yw 13:54 Lori well, Todd may be taking me to a movie, so think I'll get ready just in case :) check back later 13:55 Rich lol 13:55 Rich Enjoy 13:55 Rich good having you with us today. 13:57 kcmule hi rich. im in and out today 13:57 Rich np 13:57 Rich I'm going to be leaving in about an hour 13:58 Rich Dinner and fireworks 14:45 Rich OF 15:44:51ie 14:46 Rich I'm leaving now. Have a good afternoon/evening 14:46 Rich Be safe 14:46 Rich bye 14:47 kcmule bye Rich 14:47 kcmule happy 4th 14:47 Rich bye kcmule 14:47 Rich bye Lori 14:47 Rich bye guest109679 18:00 kcmule OF 18:59:10ie 19:31 kcmule OF 20:30:50ie 19:56 kcmule Grand 20:55ie 20:26 Michael Previous Grand was 11:48ie. 20:26 Michael I remarked on the steam but forgot to put the eruption into the log. 20:26 kcmule happy 4th Michael, its pouring rain in golden, co.. 20:40 kcmule OF 21:39:26ie 20:47 kcmule Plume 21:46:27ie 20:54 kcmule July 04, 2010 recap Aurum 13:30ie Beehive Indicator 13:39ie? Beehive 13:55ie Depression 05:25ie 08:18:05ie F&M overnight 07/01 - 07/02 via David S.Grand 11:48ie 20:55ie Groblong 07:25:03ie d~8m/- Grotto 07:57:33ie 20:55 kcmule Lion 05:54ie 07:06ie 08:04:04ie 08:53:09ie 09:53:45ie 10:55:51ie 12:10ie 13:22ie 14:42:44ie OF 04:48ie 06:15:23ie 07:43ie 09:20:41ie 11:02:32ns 12:38:35ie 14:07:11ie 15:44:51ie 18:59:10ie 20:30:50ie 21:39:26ie 20:55 kcmule Plume 07:17:29ie? 08:20:08ie? 09:16:11ie? 10:13:47ie 11:09ie 12:06ie 13:58ie 21:46:27ie Riverside 07:49ie d~20m 21:01 kcmule nite Yellowstone July 5th, 2010 View 04:28 BB at work Have been watching for one hour and haven't seen OF 04:28 BB at work so it will probably erupt while I am driving home 05:09 BB OF was 5:30 ie, I saw it on the screen as I was leaving 06:19 BB Depression was 06:58 ie 06:19 BB OF was 07:14 ie 06:47 Rich Good Morning Yellowstone 06:55 Rich It took me a while to get into the chatroom. 07:43 Todd Hi Rich 07:43 Rich Hi Todd 07:44 Todd Can't stay long, just thought I'd pop in and see what's up. 07:44 Rich Only thing so far has been OF and Depression. 07:45 Rich OF is due now. 07:45 Todd I see that. What a morning out there. 07:45 Todd Little chilly. 07:45 Rich VC hasn't changed time from last night, yet. 07:45 Rich People have a bit more on. 07:46 Rich Last OF was 07:14 07:46 Todd Looks like it will warm up nicely though. Ok, shouldn't be long then. 07:47 Rich Does look to be a good day. 07:47 Todd Snow all but gone up on Washburn. 07:47 Rich Just in time for new snow. g 07:48 Todd Might be. Never know out there 07:50 Todd Was amazed last fall to find out how little the rangers now about what's going on in hte basin. And how much info comes form the gazers. 07:50 Todd know 07:51 Todd from 07:51 Rich Rangers rotate thru different parks. Gazers are Forever. g 07:51 Todd True. 07:52 Rich The rangers get a information hand out and learn the speech and away they go. 07:52 Rich There are rangers that do know a lot, been in the same park for years. 07:52 Todd Found it funny that the prediction board info was coming from gazers radioing it in to them. 07:52 Rich My luck, I get the one that started yesterday. 07:53 Rich Is an interesting arrangement. 07:53 Todd Nice color 07:53 Rich very nice 07:53 Todd Wind is perfect 07:53 Rich OF 08:52:47ie 07:53 Rich Nice 07:55 Todd I remember getting up around 6:00 A.M. and turning on the radio and someone was reporting info on all kinds of geysers. I wondere know if it was Graham. 07:55 Todd wonder now 07:55 Todd sorry 07:56 Rich Could have been. 07:56 Rich He does like to catch night times. 07:57 Todd They must have been out there before first light to have known all that they were reporting on. 07:57 Rich Yep 07:58 Rich Did you have any trouble getting into the chatroom? 07:58 Todd No, I got right in. 07:58 Rich k 07:59 Rich Took me a while, probably server load at the time. 07:59 Todd I did have trouble a week or so ago, but not since then. 07:59 Rich k 07:59 Rich ty 08:00 Rich I guess some folks still have a holiday today. 08:00 Todd I have the day off from the Gypsum Plant 08:01 Rich Get to do chores today? 08:01 Todd No livestock in the lots now-all on pasture. 08:02 Todd We only have Registerd Polled Hereford cattle. 08:02 Rich That is one nice thing about summer. g 08:02 Rich ah 08:02 Rich k 08:02 Rich nice 08:02 Todd Yes, it's really nice after winter to get them out on pasture. 08:03 Todd My brother does most of the cattle stuff. 08:03 Rich You do the haying? 08:03 Todd But I help out with haying and putting up silage. We artificially breed some of them and I get that too 08:04 Todd I mean putting up the hay 08:04 Rich yes 08:04 Rich g 08:05 Todd Get in hauling manure also, especially when we clean out the barns in the spring. 08:06 Todd Wouldn't miss ever doing that job again. 08:06 Rich lol 08:06 Rich Breed a manureless cow? 08:07 Todd Don't mind the manure part, it just takes a lot of time and I would rather do something fun. Good idea. 08:07 Rich I know a dairy family, they have converted to methane generation. 08:07 Todd Don't see that coming anytime soon around here. 08:08 Todd Big operations about have to do something like that. 08:08 Rich they were some of the pioneers in the field 08:08 Rich Hi Kent 08:09 Todd It will go that way. I'm sure. 08:09 Rich They have a generator bag the size of a barn. 08:09 Todd what is a "generator" bag? Catches the gas? 08:10 Rich Big rubber bag, digester for the manure. 08:10 Todd Are they producing electricity? 08:10 Rich Yes 08:10 Todd Is this in Ca? 08:10 Rich Converted diesel 08:11 Rich Yes 08:11 Rich Durham 08:11 Todd Can't imagine farming in Ca. 08:11 Rich Sell surplus to PG&E 08:11 Rich Also use it to run well pumps 08:11 Todd Groblong? 08:12 Rich They use the wash water first to pre chill the milk then to wash the barns. 08:12 Kent Morning Rich. Beautiful day in the Basin. 08:12 Rich Beautiful day. 08:12 Todd Would love to get a wind generator here, but wind speeds are too low to make it pay. 08:13 Todd So it is well water? 08:13 Rich Probably Oblong but who knows with the wind. g 08:13 Rich Slow morning for us Kent. 08:13 Kent Yep 08:14 Rich Depression at 06:58 and then just OF 08:14 Kent I'm thinking BH possibly mid-afternoon? 08:14 Todd Nice day for a Giantess. 08:14 Todd It is July. 08:15 Rich After 14:00, I figure 08:15 Rich Intervals seem to be getting longer. 08:15 Todd Should be nice dark afternoon storm clouds by then to give it a good background. 08:16 Rich I like the way you think Todd. g 08:16 Todd You know how much I love rain clouds. 08:16 Todd Rained here this morning. 08:17 Rich I thought you did, you always have them. Loisb just loves the overcast and rain. g 08:17 Todd Actually this past week has been beautiful for haying-low humidity and highs in the low 80's. 08:18 Rich She had the back porch enclosed to generate some solar heat, so far I think she has open the door about 5 times. 08:18 Todd Light little shower this morning actually pretty nice. 08:19 Rich Sounds ideal. 08:19 Todd The perils of Seattle. 08:19 Rich Rinse the dust off, clear the air. 08:19 Todd Rain all the time, high cost of living, etc. 08:19 Rich She didn't like snows in KC area at all. Wonder how she feels about rain now. g 08:20 Todd Has she been out there long? 08:21 Rich We grew up in KC area, she has been in Washington state since 1968 08:21 Todd That's a long time. 08:21 Kent Do you think the bug is inside the camera housing? 08:22 Todd My guess is no 08:22 Rich That was what was mentioned last year. Craig et al had to go down and clean it out. 08:22 Kent It has provides some interesting images 08:22 Todd Did I miss Plume? 08:22 Kent provided 08:23 Rich We will probably see it again today. 08:23 Todd Must have been an OF steam cloud. 08:23 Rich I haven't been paying attention Tood 08:23 Rich I'll check captures. 08:23 Kent We need a good Lion series! 08:23 Rich Yesterday was Lion day. 08:24 Todd Niether have I, just caught a glimpse that made me think that. 08:24 Rich If we get Lion today, I figure late afternoon. 08:24 Rich ~~~ 08:24 Rich wonder if the 2 guys are landing an air craft? 08:25 Kent OK, so I'll get of my computer and get some wook done. See you at lunch time. 08:25 Rich Later Kent 08:26 Todd Misse dit, went to bathroom real quick. 08:26 Todd Missed it 08:27 Rich I don't see anything that is a definite Plume back to 08:30 08:27 Rich Doesn't mean it wasn't there. 08:27 Todd I'm sure it was my imagination. 08:28 Rich No. 08:28 Todd Is it stll on 20 minute intervals.? 08:28 Rich Plume? 08:28 Todd Yes 08:28 Rich Plume usually runs 50-70 min intervals 08:29 Todd I had it in my head that last fall it would go every 20-30 minutes. 08:29 Rich It might have. 08:30 BB Hi Rich and Todd 08:30 Todd Seemed like it was going all the time when we were waiting on BH. 08:30 Todd Hi BB 08:30 Rich Hi BB 08:30 BB I had last hour's Plume at 08:29 ie 08:30 Rich I just didn't go back far enough. lol 08:30 BB Did we have that in the log yet? 08:30 Rich Thank you BB 08:30 Rich no 08:30 Todd You see , I did imagine it. 08:30 Rich do now. 08:31 Rich Delayed reaction. 08:31 Rich So it is due now. 08:31 BB or we missed it 08:32 Rich I'm not being correct, the window for Plume is open. 08:32 BB I couldn't find anything in my captures for the last 10 minutes 08:32 Rich Yep 08:32 Todd It's my kind of geyser. Abruptly blasts out of the ground with no warning and scares me every time it does it. 08:33 BB Are you the one who calls it Surprise Attack Geyser? Love that name, much better than Plume 08:33 Todd That would be me-:) 08:33 Rich g 08:33 BB Guess they should have asked us before they named they geyser, people in here come up with much better ideas 08:34 Rich lol 08:34 Rich There is a book out that covers the Names of Thermal Features, history of the names. 08:34 BB I am off again, will be back later to look for BH, just wanted to post the Plume time 08:34 BB bye for now 08:34 Rich bye BB 08:34 Rich later 08:34 Todd Bye BB 08:35 Rich I should get my morning walk in while it is still morning and cool. 08:35 Rich I'll bb in about 25m 08:35 Todd Better go do something around here. Lori or I will be on later. 08:35 Rich Captures are running. 08:35 Todd bye 08:35 Rich Later, Todd. Good Morning to Lori. 09:13 Rich Hi Chris 09:13 Chris Hi Rich 09:15 Chris We leave for our trip to Yellowstone tomorrow - just trying to stay in tune with the geysers 09:16 Rich Great 09:16 Rich just doing a recap now. 09:18 Rich July 05, 2010 recap Depression 06:58ie OF 05:30ie 07:14ie 08:52:47ie Plume 08:29ie 09:18 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/29/10 18:27:00 9:03:00 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 23:47:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 09:19 Rich Beehive intervals seem to be getting a bit longer. 12:45 as of yesterday. 09:19 Rich Ralph has new data up at GOSA 09:19 Chris I agree BH is lengthening a bit. Last year it was about every 12-13 while we were there and I was present at 19 eruptions. 09:19 Rich F&M was on 07/01 at 23:03 09:20 Rich Nice 09:20 Chris I'm excited to get there - the hard part is the next three days of driving... 2200 miles. 09:21 Rich I think the F&M before was on 06/25 - 06/26 overnite 09:21 Rich That is a long way. 09:22 Chris tell my kids 09:22 Rich Animal census time. 09:22 Rich Horse? 09:22 Rich License plate 09:23 Rich Hi kcmule 09:23 Rich thanks for the times yesterday kcmule. 09:23 Chris Yeah, "cows on Jake's side"... "that's a U is that Utah?" 09:23 Rich g 09:24 Rich Different when one is on the 'adult' side of the game. 09:25 kcmule morning 09:25 kcmule np rich, fireworks and everything else got cancelled so i had time 09:25 Rich Not very nice to cancel. 09:26 Rich OF 10:25:58ie 09:29 Rich I get the feeling this year that people are sticking around longer after the intial eruption of OF> 09:31 Rich Bird 09:34 Rich BUG 09:52 Lori morning all 09:52 Lori bhpi or just prople? 09:53 Chris I don't know - been distracted 09:54 Chris I'd expect BH later - day before yesterday there were tons of people on the BW well before the indicator 10:03 Lori last couple of days have been a little later, but I just got on and don't want to miss if it is earlier today. g 10:05 Rich Hi Lori 10:06 Chris It is getting crowded out there 10:06 Rich Aurum 11:05:33ie 10:06 Chris yup, nice capture - BUG 10:07 Rich lol 10:07 Rich blocking Aurum for me. 10:07 Rich How do kids, pets and bugs know where not to stand? g 10:11 Rich Plume 11:10:35ie 10:14 Rich Does look like People Indicator 10:14 Rich Early for the 30 min crowd at OF also. 10:16 Chris I can't stay though - need to get the Thule Box and bike rack on the Pilot - I think I'll leave my windows open however - bbl 10:16 Rich later Chris 10:16 Rich You might just 'wander' by. 10:20 Lori anyone know of a book with the name origins of the geysers? 10:20 Rich Yes, 10:21 Rich Can't remember it tho. g 10:21 Rich I have a copy, Lois is reading now. 10:21 Rich I'll see if I can 'dream' it up. 10:23 Lori np, Todd and I have just been talking about it and wondering if there was such a book 10:23 Rich Yes 10:23 Rich Larger format 10:23 vw Good morning. 10:23 Rich Hi vw 10:23 Rich vw might know. 10:24 vw I was just reading the logs to see if we have had a BH and saw Lori ? regarding names of geysers. 10:24 vw Nomenclature by Lee Whittlesey has a lot of the naming history of most every feature in the Park. 10:24 CardioNan I think Yellowstone Place Names by Lee W. has some. 10:25 vw Place Names has quite a few also. You beat me to it CardioNan! 10:25 CardioNan We were typing at the same time. :) 10:25 vw Place Names is readily available. Nomenclature less so. I think you can check the Gosa site? 10:26 Rich The GOSA store should have it listed. 10:27 vw not sure that whole thing went through? Meebo says I exceeded character limits. 10:28 CardioNan $39.95 new on Amazon. $29.99 on YA site. 10:28 vw That is for Place Names, Cardio Nan? 10:29 CardioNan Yes 10:29 vw I think I got mine at YA, but I have also had luck having my local Borders order YNP related publications for me. 10:30 CardioNan I got mine at Yellowstone General Stores when he was there signing it. 10:30 vw cool! 10:30 CardioNan But you get YA discount there too. 10:31 Rich Webpage http://www.yellowstone-online.com/history/yhtwo5.h… 10:31 CardioNan Cool 10:33 vw BHI 1133 ie 10:33 vw confirmed on operator cam 10:33 CardioNan Well gotta go let the dog out :) Wil come back and chat with you guys later. 10:33 vw send those tweets Rich 10:33 vw Cardio, might want to wait!!! 10:33 Rich sent 10:34 CardioNan Ok I'll wait LOL 10:34 vw I was just about to leave too! 10:34 vw Lori, thank you for giving me a reason to come in! 10:34 Rich Heavy arm twisting going on there. g 10:34 vw :D 10:35 CardioNan I wish the streaming cam was working 10:35 Loisb Morning 10:35 Rich Hi Loisb 10:35 vw me too 10:35 Lori anytime :) I have lots of ??? 10:35 Rich maybe that should be Hi Loisbolder. 10:36 Loisb been checking the robins nest at glacier - just noticed BHI 10:36 CardioNan They posted on Facebook that the eggs are gone out of the nest' 10:37 Loisb two gone - one smashed still there 10:37 Loisb all 3 were still there intact my last capture a little after 930 last nite 10:37 Loisb have to check the early hours when I get home and see if I can tell what happened 10:38 Rich And Graham was going to check on them for us. 10:38 Loisb can we blame it on him? 10:38 Loisb Bill thinks maybe they will start a new batch 10:39 Rich He's not in the room is he? lol 10:39 CardioNan My dog is trying to eat the cat. I think he has potty anxiety. But you guys are making me wait! 10:40 Rich lol 10:40 CardioNan Any more bear action? 10:41 Rich I haven't heard of any lately. 10:41 Rich Hi Michael 10:41 Michael Hi Everyone. Guess I picked a good time to come home from the July 5th parade. 10:42 Rich Excellent planning 10:45 vw Nice crowd out there for BH 10:46 vw Hi Kent 10:46 Rich Hi kent 10:46 Kent Looks like BH is going to beat our prediction Rich? 10:46 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Hi, from the cabin, I don't know how folks using a modem do this. I have a 20k BOD rate and it takes soooooo long to load and the first 30+ times would not load the chat! Inez 10:46 Rich By a whole lot. 10:47 CardioNan Hi Inez Where is your cabin? 10:47 Rich Interval is now at 21:55 10:47 Rich Hi Inez 10:47 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem In fact now I can have the chat or the static but not both. It takes a minute to load the static. The cabin is in the Blue Mtns of NE Oregon 10:47 Rich Go to the static and watch BH then. 10:47 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem chirp chirp back. I take it you are hoping for BH. How is Lion 10:48 Lori ooo..pretty. watch bh, then chat imho 10:48 vw big splash from BH 10:48 Rich Lion went most of the day yesterday. 10:49 Rich Might make a return this afternoon. 10:49 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem BOD now down to 8k so no static no how....This is an old party line, that we are the only survivers of, the snow keep*****ting the poles at the highway.... 10:49 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem p;ow 10:49 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem plow ackkkkkk 10:50 CardioNan darn those plows 10:50 vw BH 1149 10:50 Lori maybe of could be a bit early and have a double? 10:51 CardioNan Lets put an order in and see if it happens. 10:51 Lori rich- run the program :) 10:51 Rich lol 10:51 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Yeh, but whatcha gonna do, if it wasn't for the chip trucks running over the summit from Elgin to Wallowa I doubt they would even plow. Darn, missed BK! 10:52 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Now can't type atall 10:53 Rich OF is trying 10:53 Loisb not hard enough 10:53 Rich Hi guest109679 10:53 Rich probably not 10:54 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Finally loaded the pic, just at the end, but hurrah!! 10:55 Loisb still nice - 10:55 Rich Big 10:55 Rich Bug 10:55 vw well, back to work for me. Hope everybody has a great day! 10:55 Loisb you too vw 10:56 Kent That was very nice! 10:56 CardioNan bye! 10:57 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Good turn out on the BW for the day most folks have to go home. 10:57 Rich bye Cardionan 10:57 Rich yes 10:58 Loisb probably be a busy week - lots of folks take vac this week 11:00 Loisb OF 11 59 11:00 Lori of, just couldn't get that program running qiuck enough Rich, g 11:01 Lori saw on-line reservations last night you could get an OFI room for tonight. found that odd 11:01 Rich Holiday weekend lag. 11:01 Rich OF was up all night partying. 11:02 Rich post Holiday and a MONDAY??? 11:02 Rich OF was after all around when we became a country. 11:03 Lori I expected extra erruptions of everything scheduled for Celebrating the 4th :) 11:03 Rich Been thru 234 of them. 11:03 Rich lol 11:03 Rich Next year. I'll make sure it is in the program. 11:03 Lori thanks- g 11:03 Rich hi guest695159 11:04 Lori hi guests- the program schedule is really just a joke! 11:04 Rich g 11:04 Rich Ye of little faith. WELL!! 11:05 Lori don't want you in trouble when the extra erruptions don't happen right on the 4th. OF is government after all :) 11:06 Rich ah, ty very much Lori, always watching out for me. 11:06 Rich Plume 12:06:11ie 11:07 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I actually saw it!!! 11:07 Rich me too!!! 11:07 Rich My kind of Plume. 11:08 Lori schedule worked out well after all Rich, g 11:08 Lori can we have a lion now, please? ty 11:08 Rich Yep, we got to SEE Plume. 11:08 Rich Hi slrlion85 11:08 Rich sorry 11:08 Rich Hi slvrlion85 11:08 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Will it have a duplicate eruption, that is the question 11:08 slvrlion85 hi rich 11:09 Rich Last eruption of Plume was. 11:09 Rich Alien Bug 11:09 slvrlion85 wats up, ppl? 11:09 Rich Watching geysers at Yellowstone Natioanl Park. 11:10 Rich http://mms.nps.gov/yell/webcams/old_faithful_cam.h… 11:10 Rich Right now the invasion of the bug. 11:10 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I see the bug, egads! 11:10 Rich lol 11:10 Lori weird how it goes transparent 11:11 Rich It is out of focal lenght for the lens. 11:11 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem or craps...... 11:11 Lori lion? 11:12 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem LION!!!! 11:12 Lori ty rich! great job today! 11:12 Rich At least I got it afternoon. g 11:12 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem or as I always hope, goggle. but can't see the time so someone call it 11:13 Lori maybe 12:11? 11:13 Rich Should be an Initial 11:13 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I set the resolution to low so it would load the static but now can't see the time-date etc. But I have a pic. 11:14 Rich time is right Lori 11:14 Lori so, not to be greedy, but have you scheduled Giantess Rich? 11:15 Lori I am usually excited and don't look at the time right away, g 11:15 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Or even Dome.... 11:15 Lori that is why I am not "staff" and usually have a ? after, lol 11:16 Rich I cheat, I look at the capture. 11:17 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 23:47:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 11:17 Rich ~~~ 11:19 Rich July 05, 2010 recap Aurum 11:05:33ie Beehive Indicator 11:33ie Beehive 11:49 Depression 06:58ie Lion 12:11ie OF 05:30ie 07:14ie 08:52:47ie 11:59ie Plume 08:29ie 11:10:35ie 12:06:11ie 11:23 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem bug repeat 11:23 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem someone should be able to id that silhouette 11:24 Rich I think it is a beetle 11:24 Rich Looks to have a hard wing cover. 11:26 Rich Probably a pine bark beetle and they will have to cut the tree down. 11:26 Rich lol 11:27 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem To save the trees we must not id the bug!!! That way the folks that cut trees can't do it.... 11:27 Rich very good Inez 11:27 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Same logic as "blue eyes in prision" 11:28 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem still can't type. Every time it refreshes the pic, it cuts off the chat for a few. 11:30 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I wish we could get DSL but it's not even on offer. Of the 9 lines for this side of the mountain, only one works and only when the weather is good. It's 56 outside now and sunny, got down to freezing last night. 11:31 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Almost shorts weather!;) 11:47 BB Hi all 11:47 Rich Hi BB 11:47 BB I see I missed BH 11:47 Rich Sorry 11:47 BB Well, I think I have seen it for at least a week daily, so I will survive :) 11:47 Rich I can post captures. 11:48 BB I have captures, but thanks anyway 11:48 Rich k 11:48 Rich Pretend it is 'live' whenyou look at the captures. g 11:48 BB It is not as much fun... I love the indicator discussion... is it going? is it not going? is it my imagination? 11:49 BB I just read something funny on FB 11:49 Rich vw was in today so she called it. not so much drama. g 11:49 BB Do you remember the movie "Back to the Future"? 11:49 Rich yes 11:50 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem another non-bug... 11:50 BB When Doc sets the time machine to 25 years in the future, today is the day they go to 11:50 BB I will get out the DVD and check 11:50 Rich Far OUT!!! 11:50 BB Now where are the flying cars??? 11:51 Rich Was like that with '1984', I started lookinig for Big Brother. 11:51 BB On the other hand, that makes me feel old... I was 16 when that movie came out 11:52 BB I think my husband found the DVD box... will report later if it is true 11:52 BB bye for now 11:52 Rich Bye BB have a good evening 11:55 Rich bb in a bit, going to find a bite to eat. 11:55 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Is that Plume agian? 11:56 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem So difficult to tell 11:56 Rich Possibly 11:56 Rich Time frame is ok 11:56 Rich bb 11:56 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Sorry, go get your sandy witch 11:56 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem bb 11:57 Chris - wandering Well, I caught BH on my phone - that alone makes me love my new phone. Gotta get back to packing and will sign off now. C-ya. 11:57 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem bye Chris 12:05 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem The hubster says we are making do with stone knives and bear skins for an internet.....hummmm 12:09 BB Rich, we have to wait another five years for the flying cars 12:09 BB They go to 2015, not 2010, 30 years into the future 12:10 BB Too bad, but I will go and watch the movie anyway 12:11 Rich lol 12:11 Rich yep 12:11 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Rich, did you get the new tv to accept the staic images so you can see them up close and clear?? Enjoy the movie BB. Rich is taking a lunch break. 12:11 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem sniped 12:11 Rich Not yet, my 'new' tv is only new to me. it is a 55" analog. 12:12 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem is that pume instead? 12:12 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem not capable of spelling here 12:12 Rich I don't think so 12:13 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Well, find a geek and get them to wire it up for you. It's great on a big screen (not that I have one here). 12:13 Rich I don 12:14 Rich I don't remember if my video card will out put TV signal. I have a tv tuner card in my computer. 12:14 Rich Seems to me it won't go that direction. 12:15 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem well darn! 12:15 Rich It's ok 12:15 Rich The new flat Screens all have computer hook ups 12:15 Rich next set. g 12:16 Rich This was free hand me down. 12:16 Rich Much bigger than my 30 in 12:17 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem You will need to be careful with watching the news now. What was ickky may now be gruesome. 12:18 Rich I try not to watch the news. 12:18 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem good for you 12:18 Rich Loisb filters my news for me. I like the BBC stuff she finds. 12:19 Rich Bruce da Moose keeps me up todate on the Oil spill. 12:19 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I liked CBC's The National, but now we can't get it, because the US Cable and digital folks don't want us watching something they can't control. 12:20 Rich I like to listen to the CBC National on the radio. 12:20 Rich Loisb use to get CBC TV out of BC. 12:20 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem So I only get stuff off the air, and never never never will have cable or digital satillite. 12:21 Rich At the moment I can't get PBS, it was about all I wanted to watch. 12:21 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Now if you live more than 100 miles from the Canadian border they (the US) blocks it. 12:21 Rich Not nice 12:22 Rich Time to dig out my shortwave and start listening to the WORLD. 12:22 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Up here we used to get the three biggies and PBS, but when they went digital (to kill more bees) we lost all signals, which is fine, we still have a radio.... 12:23 Rich Mom and I use to watch Curling on the old big sat TV feed 12:23 Rich CBC 12:24 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem AND still has his teeth LOL 12:25 Rich We watched the news feed from Desert STorm, learned real fast that the US news isn't always truthful. 12:25 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem None of them are. Remember history is written by the winners. Lion is gearing up. 12:26 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem lion 12:26 Rich Watched stuff on the feed, (raw footage) the news that night had the same footage with differnt overlaid voice. Totally differnt meanings. 12:26 Rich yep 12:26 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem call the time 12:26 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem maybe 1329 12:26 Rich Lion 13:24:51ie 12:26 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem B) see can't see the time. 12:27 Rich 3 = 8, 6 = b always give me trouble. 12:28 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Have the screen on low resolution so I literally can't see the time. HEHEHEHEHEH 12:28 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem OF too? 12:28 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem ya needs to call it 12:28 Rich Bug 12:29 Rich OF preplay 12:29 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem or not, since it was just a bucket 12:29 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem sniped 12:29 Rich g 12:30 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem temp went down to 54, quess I'll not change to shorts.... 12:30 Rich I myself wouldn't. g 12:31 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Somehow it just seems that July should invovle shorts, at home it surely would.. We were going to go sailing yesterday, but decided since they just opened the road yesterday, not to. 12:32 Rich Ice boat sailing? 12:32 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Drove up there and it was great and not too windy as mtn lakes can be. And there was only snow in the shaddows, so we shuda 12:33 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Gotta stop second guessing 12:33 Rich OF 13:31:51ie 12:33 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I see it! 12:34 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem It seems to need that Lion kicker today! 12:34 Rich It took me about two years to figure out that OF had preplay. 12:35 Rich For a long time I thought OF had double eruptions. g 12:35 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem About 3 buckets 12:36 Rich Now I fudge, I enter the time but don't send it til I see the next refresh. 12:38 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem I see. Hubster want the computer. So it's up but not me. 12:38 Rich k 12:38 Rich later Inez 12:41 Lori hello hubster, g 12:41 Rich Hi Mopman 12:45 Rich bb in a bit, going to work in the livingroom. 12:47 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Hi back, turning it back to the wife, so I can go watch the deer at the pond 12:49 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem From the clouds at OF it seems it will thunder etc. May get a good geyser with the pressure change. 12:50 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Plume 1346ish 13:02 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Nice steam from Giantess 13:03 Inez at the cabin on a SLOW modem Hot spell done..... 13:06 Inez (cabin-SLOW modem ) getting ready to go home brb 13:11 Inez (cabin-SLOW modem ) getting ready to go home Ranger show 13:13 Inez (cabin-SLOW modem ) getting ready to go home See ya in a few hours, keep an eye on Giantess, she likes storms LOL 14:33 Rich b 14:36 Rich Plume 15:35:07ie 14:48 Rich hi guest7633716 14:49 Kent Aurum 1547 ie 14:50 Rich Lion 15:49:39ie 14:55 Rich Hi Ham 101 15:16 Rich hi ross_james 15:16 ross_james hi 15:21 Lori nap time is over, g ...what did I miss? 15:21 Lori besides plume, aurum and lion, lol 15:21 Rich lol 15:22 Rich OF? 15:22 Rich I was working up a recap 15:23 Rich Somehow I think I got an OF time incorrect I got one at 11:50 and then again at 12:00 15:23 Rich 11:59 15:23 Rich guess the 11:59 is the one to go with. 15:25 Rich Plume 16:24:15ie 15:27 Rich July 05, 2010 recap Aurum 11:05:33ie 15:47ie Beehive Indicator 11:33ie Beehive 11:49 Depression 06:58ie Lion 12:11ie initial 13:24:51ie 14:32:02ie 15:49:38ie 15:27 Rich OF 05:30ie 07:14ie 08:52:47ie 11:59ie 13:31:51ie 15:12:37ie 16:24:15ie Plume 08:29ie 11:10:35ie 12:06:11ie 13:02:48ie 13:52:24ie 14:42:30ie 15:35:07ie 15:28 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 22:43:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 23:47:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 15:29 Lori has bh gone at night or is it really all that long? 15:33 Rich Some of them have overnights. I have to check and see when Ralph's data was last updated. 15:34 Rich I know he has updated but I haven't checked since the end of the month. 15:35 Rich Beehive data is current. 15:36 Rich Nothing newer than 06/30 04:45 posted by RT 15:37 Lori looks like it just started a new cycle for July, lol. If you could have it switch back to twice a day for August, that would be great. Still considering a trip west...hmmmmm 15:37 Rich 06/19 was the last longer interval of BH - 20:23 15:38 Rich Daylight twice a day. Standing order for August. 15:38 Rich g 15:39 Lori question- I have had a couple times the chat box pops up, someone says hey, but they don't show as being in the room. names I don't recognize. Is it legit? I am hesitant to talk back. 15:39 Rich I think you might be a year late. 15:39 Lori we were there last august, it was great! 15:39 Rich Names or guestnumbers? 15:39 Lori names 15:40 Rich Lately? 15:40 Rich We did have that problem about 2 months ago and before. 15:40 Lori yep, just in the last couple days. a new one this a.m., but that name was shown in the room. they always say hey. 15:41 Rich Interesting. 15:41 Rich I would say ignore unless you know the name/person. 15:41 Lori i responded to the one in the room this a.m., but no further chatting. Otherwise, I didn't reply. 15:42 Rich Most of the hit and runs are looking for non geyser gazing activities. 15:42 Rich Do you come into the chat thru Paul's site? 15:43 Lori Since I haven't been on all that long, not sure if it was regular that was just on vaca or something. I have enough outside activities, don't need them on-line, thanks..lol 15:45 steve Hello Rich, I have a few other Beehive ties, 7-2-19 01:03, 7-3-10 00:27, the other nights no one waited on it or it was too cold to wait it out. 15:45 Rich Thank you steve 15:45 Rich Understandable. 15:45 Rich Thank you. 15:47 steve Ralph is downloading weekly now, so i it should be up soon. Beehive has been going like last summer with a range of 9-14 hours however most have been in the 11-12 hour range 15:47 Rich OF 16:46:45ie 15:48 Rich I have to remember that Ralph is in the park now. 15:50 Rich We got spoiled with two daylight eruptions last year. 15:50 Lori can he get the bug out? 15:50 Rich Need night vision glasses. 15:51 steve Or a new improved streaming cam' 15:51 Rich That too. 15:51 Lori as long as it doesn't go too far, and I would have to do math- which I won't, lol- it could be going that direction. a bit earlier today than yesterday. 15:51 steve Night vision geyser cam 15:51 Rich Has everyone checked out the new Mammoth cam? 15:51 Rich That would be great. 15:51 Lori nvgc would be perfect!! 15:54 Rich Lion 15:55 Rich Lion 16:52ie 15:57 Lori so was that Mammoth Cam just a distraction so I would miss the start? not playing fair Rich, lol 15:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Didn't miss it by much did I (Lion) who is now home and wearing shorts because it's hot. 15:58 Rich No there is a new 'NEW' Mammoth cam. 15:58 Rich lol@Inez 15:58 steve I got back last night, I'll try to get the trip report posted tonight. There is a new geyser up white creek off the edge of the upper 5 sisters erupting to 3-4 feet 15:59 Rich Cool 15:59 Rich The Steve Geyser? 16:01 Rich Lois' link to the new NEW Mammoth cam. I don't have the NPS link. http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/mammoth3.html 16:01 Rich It came out in a tweet from YNP 16:03 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 16:03 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 16:03 Rich IF I did my math correctly. 16:04 steve Steve geyser would violate park rules. I'm trying to think of a name to suggest. Spelling (for me) is the big issue so far. 16:06 Rich It appears that the new New Mammoth cam is an Olympus 16:06 steve How about Filial geyser? Filial, having to do with a daughter or son. 16:06 Rich Nice 16:07 Rich that is correct spelling also. 16:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) BHI??? 16:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) time 170717 16:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) stopped 16:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) or getting harder to see 16:09 Rich that would make for an almost record short interval 16:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) mid interval? 16:11 steve there were several days with mid cycle Beehive indicatiors. They were short enough not to effect BH 16:12 steve I think they were 4-6 hours before the next eruption but I don't have my geyser book handy to check right not 16:12 steve Opp, right now 16:12 Rich I don't think we've had any MCBHI's for almost a week. 16:13 Rich Not that have been reported anyway 16:13 Inez Austin (working a tab away) If you have a capture go look, it's the one just before the time i put in 16:13 Rich k 16:16 Rich Missed that time, but before and after captures might be some haze/steam 16:16 Rich The bright sky is hard to adjust to. 16:16 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I only saw it for the one time, I should have grabbed it.... 16:18 Inez Austin (working a tab away) plume 16:18 Rich Uploading captures to FB 16:18 Inez Austin (working a tab away) that is 171749 for plume 16:22 Inez Austin (working a tab away) There it is again BHI 172123 16:27 steve The mid-cycle BHI I saw were short a nd at intervals of about 10 minutes 16:29 steve durations of just a few to maybe ten seconds. Kitt saw some that were stronger. 16:30 Rich Bracketing 17:07 07/05/10 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339three images 16:33 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i50.tinypic.com/ih3146.jpg 16:33 Inez Austin (working a tab away) It may be too small , but I give up. 16:34 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice steam bump at BH 16:35 Inez Austin (working a tab away) is that plume? 16:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) aurum? 16:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) that is 173651ie 16:37 Rich Interval on Plume today has been ~49 - 56 m 16:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Looking good for Lion???? 16:43 Rich Just looking at Aurum data on GOSA, Aurum is all over the place now. 16:43 Rich Intervals short as 3h2m to 11h52m 16:43 Rich I got spoiled at 3h20m 16:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Is it possible to post adobe files? They show up much better than the jpg's??? 16:44 Rich You would probably need to find a file sharing host instead of a photo sharing host. 16:44 Rich I've never tried. 16:45 Rich Someplace like Rapidshare 16:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I know I can't with tinypic, but l am going to try just from my computer.....nice steam at lion again 16:49 Inez Austin (working a tab away) c:\my documents\Old Faithful CamChat 074037 28 6 10.psd 16:49 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ok that didn't work. 16:49 Inez Austin (working a tab away) LION 174923ie 16:58 Rich brb, going to start dinner/supper. g 16:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Is that because the good stuff has erupted... 16:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) So I am gonna fix our supper and feed the dog, so this is the time for Giantess LOL 17:00 Lori we will be eating also- shout if anything happens, so I can hear from the kitchen 17:13 Kent Plume 1811ie 17:14 Kent Time doesn't fit but I could see a person between the cloud and the camera? 17:14 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I saw it too 17:16 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OF 181556ie 17:18 Rich Kent it is a 53 m inteval, what it's been running 17:19 Rich 00:55 00:56 00:49 00:50 00:52 00:49 00:53 00:53 17:20 Inez Austin (working a tab away) smudge at BHI 17:21 Kent Thanks Rich 17:22 Rich yw 17:22 Rich np 17:22 Rich anytime 17:22 Rich now 17:22 Rich then 17:22 Rich stop Rich g 17:22 Rich Food Rich 17:22 Kent Meds Rich :^) 17:22 Rich Them too 17:22 Rich lol 17:23 Rich g 17:24 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Hope your grub was as good as ours: home made au gratin spuds, choice of steak or portchop, green salad with all the extras, italian lemon soda... 17:24 Rich Mine is 'going' to be veggies/pasta and hamburger 17:24 Inez Austin (working a tab away) nice steam an inch to the right of Lion 17:24 Rich But I'm having ginger snaps and pb cookies for snack later. 17:25 Inez Austin (working a tab away) see, sounds good 17:25 Rich Might open a can of chilled pears to go with the cookies 17:25 Inez Austin (working a tab away) oh stop!!! 17:25 Rich I could freeze them. yum 17:26 Inez Austin (working a tab away) add a snickers to the freezer too 17:26 Rich I'm slowly finding things that I like and the Doctor will like. g 17:27 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Does he let you have a meal a week of the "bad stuff"? 17:27 Rich I don't know, don't want to ask him. I do tho, go to lunch with a friend once a week and we have a burrito and chips. 17:28 Rich burrito is beef and bean with grilled onion. 17:28 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Good, sometimes that helps keep you on the stricter reguime 17:28 Rich Peanut butter is my downfall 17:29 Rich If I have it, I will eat it. 17:29 Rich had it for lunch today. 17:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I find, we still have the "bad" stuff, just in smaller portions and just once a week. I'm surprized you had to eliminate it. Just cut down ..... 17:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Do you like almond butter? 17:29 Rich Not on my kidney stone list. g 17:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) nice steam at BHI 17:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ah 17:29 Rich brb before it burns 17:30 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Those are not fun, not at all 17:30 Inez Austin (working a tab away) we will have something fun erupt while you are gone!! 17:32 Rich Giantess? 17:32 Rich lol 17:32 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Na, a short interval BH, although I think Giantess is getting closer 17:33 Rich I figure one kidney stone every 50 years I can live with. 17:33 Rich still have 37 years for the second one. g 17:33 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nope, I have had two and I will not ever go thru that again!!! 17:35 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Any pumps today? 17:38 Rich One every ~5m or so 17:38 Rich g 17:40 Rich Nice steam at BH 17:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i45.tinypic.com/2sb0twz.jpg 17:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) For the steam a minute ago, it really is hanging in there 17:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) PUMP 184029 17:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice low screamingin..... 17:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) So if that is the indicator for real, it started at about 1836ie 17:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ANd it's backkkkkk 17:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Might be thinking about another Lion... 17:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) nice bhi.... 17:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) nice steam plume and I still want to know what it is....so I will post a pic. 17:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i47.tinypic.com/4i0q2w.jpg 17:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Lions looking good 17:57 Rich Well we need to assign someone to go there and carry a flag. Have them move around until they line up and then id it. 17:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Lion 1855I will volunteer, if we can figure out why I would take time off and go, and it would stand up to my bosses so to speak..... 17:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) no lion 17:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) None, wrong fingers walking too too fast 17:58 Rich lol 17:58 Rich A favor for a friend? 17:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Sadly the book is way way overdue.... 17:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) BUT I could in September, LOL 17:59 Rich ah 17:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Looks like myu Lion 185901ie 17:59 Rich It will probably still be there. 17:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yeppers 18:00 Inez Austin (working a tab away) blast, erase that one toooooooo 18:00 Inez Austin (working a tab away) You have to call the next one! 18:00 Rich lol 18:00 Lori Crying wolf 18:01 Lori -:0 18:01 Rich I'm good a calling Lion roars. g Even when I don't want to. 18:01 Lori -:) 18:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) just crying..... 18:01 Rich brb 18:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yes, a sacrificial victim 18:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) for the lion that is 18:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) see it's trying agian 18:04 Rich b 18:04 Rich With food. 18:05 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yum, I am tabbing away for a few 18:05 Rich k 18:06 Todd I've officially changed identities. 18:06 Rich Lion puff 19:05:32ie 18:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) So who are you now Todd? 18:06 Rich Pump 19:06:02ie 18:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice Lion, nice lion, nice lion..... 18:06 Todd Jumped in on Lori's nickname 18:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Pump and Plume 18:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) so that's 190632 for each 18:07 Todd She was off making supper. 18:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ah 18:07 Rich Plume 19:07:08ie 18:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ha, I got it first 18:08 Rich lol 18:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) and pump 18:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I can't stick around much longer, gotta get to work. so inform the hill to get hot, so to speak 18:09 Rich I'll put more water in the boiler tonight. 18:10 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yes please 18:10 Todd The Hill answers to no one. 18:10 Rich lol 18:10 Inez Austin (working a tab away) and why not! 18:10 Todd It just doesn't 18:10 Todd -:) 18:11 Rich Dropped it's cell phone down a vent. 18:11 Todd We need an agent undercover with a cell phone out there. 18:11 Todd Live reports 18:12 Rich We will have one shortly. 18:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) who gets a signal there..... 18:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Lion again 18:12 Rich Bruce da Moose 18:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ie191133 18:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Lion 191133 18:13 Todd Can't argue with this one 18:13 Inez Austin (working a tab away) thank goodness 18:13 Inez Austin (working a tab away) white screen for a minute 18:13 Rich See I just had to add more water. 18:13 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ty 18:13 Rich lol 18:13 Rich yw 18:14 Inez Austin (working a tab away) so I am tabbing away to work..... 18:14 Todd some one launched an Alka Seltzer into it. 18:14 Rich ok 18:14 Rich g 18:15 Todd Heard that someone threw a chunk of dry ice into Giantess and got caught. 18:16 Rich Good! 18:16 Todd Any truth to that story? 18:17 Rich I hadn't heard of it. 18:17 Todd I can't remember where I got that, but I think it was a reliable source. 18:17 Todd Might have been Herb from Texas telling me that. 18:18 Todd About as bad as the three guys urinating in OF last year. 18:19 Todd Park employees, to boot. 18:19 Rich yep 18:20 Rich We watched them, live. 18:20 Rich Vid is posted to YouTube I think 18:20 Rich I think Graham was on cam duty that night. 18:21 Todd I saw the vid 18:22 Todd You never know who's watching 18:22 Rich But someone is. 18:23 Rich I'd say that at any one time there are several thousand people watching. 18:23 Todd No doubt. 18:24 Rich I do the math, but I'm full and drowsy. g 18:25 Todd I new a park ranger back in the early 80's who was telling me about the time the park service tried to get Morning Glory pool to erupt by siphoning the water out of it. 18:25 Todd knew 18:26 Rich I was incorrect only ~228 a day 18:27 Rich But I don't know how long ago the 2.5m figure was last updated. 18:27 Todd seems like a low number 18:27 Rich My computer has been known to lie to me. g 18:28 Rich something about garbage in/garbage out. 18:28 Todd That was the idea. Didn't work though 18:29 Rich about 19 people an hour, gee I use up a lot of space then. 18:29 Rich When we have 13 people in the room we use up the quota 18:30 Todd qouta? 18:30 Todd quota? 18:31 Rich If there are 19 people an hour and we have 13 in the room, pretty close to the 'quota' for that hour. 18:31 Todd k 18:51 Rich OF 19:50:38ie 19:00 Rich ~~~ 19:00 Todd Hi Kent, wb Rich 19:01 Rich crashed out of the room. 19:01 Rich ty 19:01 Todd thought so 19:02 Todd Plume? 19:04 Rich Possible, I didn't get a refresh just then. 19:05 Todd Shower time gang-bye for now. 19:05 Rich later Todd 19:09 Rich Lion 20:08:10ie 19:09 Kent I saw some low ground steam at 2001, but not enough to call Plume 19:09 Rich k 19:10 Rich think Lion was just a roar. 19:12 Rich It does look like steam in the run off channel for Plume 19:14 Rich Kent do you know what the steam is right of Lion is? 19:14 Rich almost half way to OF 19:14 Rich Just a little wisp now. 19:15 Rich I guess it could be a clearing in between trees. 19:22 Rich I posted a capture to FB http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 first image 19:22 Rich sorry 19:22 Rich http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 19:29 Rich Perhaps Ear Spring? 19:29 Rich Lion 20:29:13ie 19:38 Rich wb 19:38 Todd Ty. That image is the one I was asking you about when you got trown out of the room. 19:38 Rich Link to article about the digester in Durham http://www.rcmdigesters.com/publications/Langerwer… 19:38 Todd thrown 19:38 Rich ah 19:38 Rich k 19:39 Todd I saw it too and am wondering what it is. 19:39 Rich There are so many small features in the area. 19:39 Rich Take the flag and we will do some surveying. g 19:40 Todd Will check out the digester. If we go out, I will take a flag along. 19:40 Rich lol 19:42 Rich Several more links to the Dairy. I googled it. 19:43 Rich It is about 20 miles away from me. 19:43 Todd Have it up and taking a look now. 19:43 Rich k 20:00 Todd Plume? 20:00 Kent I see 2059 20:00 Rich I'm starting to suffer from snowblindness. 20:01 Todd Looked like it 20:02 Rich Aurum 20:59:46ie 20:11 Rich Depression 21:10:47ie 20:21 Rich OF 21:20:51ie 20:22 Rich Looked like squalls earlier. 20:22 Rich We are going to get wet. 20:22 Todd right on 20:22 Rich Missed us. 20:23 Rich water from OF leaves water spots on the lens. 20:23 Rich the silca fuses to the glass. 20:24 Todd Yea, don't want it on the camera lenses either 20:24 Rich g 20:40 Rich Lion 21:38:50ie 20:40 Rich Very Nice Lion 20:41 Rich nice sky color 20:41 Rich Might have to post that one to FB 20:41 Todd looks wintry 20:42 Rich Snowed while you weren't looking. 20:42 Todd Could 20:48 Chris This is my last visit before we take off in the morning. I'll be waving from the BW. 20:48 Rich Hi Chris 20:49 Todd Take a flag 20:49 Chris Hi Rich 20:49 Rich Beehive had a shorter interval today. not much. 20:49 Chris when was it? 20:50 Rich BHI 11:33ie BH 11:49 20:50 Rich STill in the 12 hour range 20:51 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 20:51 Chris ok, thats right, I caught it on my phone, just couldn't remember when. 20:51 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 20:51 Rich Days just blur together. 20:52 Rich I didn't hear anything about F&M yet 20:52 Chris I'll wave my poncho on the BW after BH. 20:52 Rich k 20:52 Rich 3 day journey? 20:53 Chris I'll try to figure out the bright spot near the BW left of OF and Plume. 20:53 Chris Yeah, 3+ 20:53 Rich Graham suggest it was light reflecting off the end of the bench there. 20:53 Rich k 20:53 Chris roll in sometime on July 9 20:54 Rich Probably Friday then? 20:54 Rich We'll be watching. g 20:54 Rich Flashlight at BH 20:55 Todd First time I've seen that 20:55 Todd spooky 20:55 Rich That is part of the fun of watching after dark. 20:55 Rich lol 20:55 Chris Wow, got dark in a hurry - I've got to get the bikes on the rack and hit the rack. See you on the cam. 20:55 Rich Have a safe and enjoyable journey Chris 20:55 Todd Have fun out there. 20:56 Rich Remember they are your kids. 20:56 Rich g 20:56 Chris thanks - we will 20:56 Chris c-ya 20:56 Rich bye 20:56 Todd bye 20:56 Rich Last year Ryan caught BH plume outlined by flashlights. July 6th, 2010 02:13 guest34411 hallo 05:04 Loisb Looks like OF went at 5 48 21 per my captures 05:05 Loisb But it was really streamy in the basin 05:32 Loisb It must have just been steam before - nice OF at 6 14 23 05:33 Loisb along with a photographer who thought no one was looking 05:58 BB hi guest 05:59 BB I had no time today to check my early morning captures at the office, and I will be away most of the day 05:59 BB But I just happened to catch something on Geyser Hill and don't know what it is. 05:59 BB Is that where North Goggles is located? 05:59 BB Here is the public link for anyone who wants to check 05:59 BB http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=287024&l=60590f1484&id=100000534101661 06:00 BB I will be back later, if not today, then tomorrow 06:43 Loisb OF 7 42 36 06:56 Gazer-by-Proxy Grand? 0755ie 07:00 Gazer-by-Proxy possibly further to the right...would love to hear that it's F&M or Giant, but I suspect not! 07:00 Rich Morning Gazer-by-Proxy 07:00 Gazer-by-Proxy Morning, Rich! 07:00 Rich Hi guest926452 07:00 Gazer-by-Proxy Man, not even 10AM and already it's 95 here. 07:01 Rich I've got a few captures, haven't had a chance to look at them, but will check. 07:01 Rich YIKES!!! 07:01 Rich That is way to hot. 07:05 Gazer-by-Proxy I concur. 07:05 Rich My earliest capture is 07:33:02 and it looks like the steam down basin was over in the Grotto group area. 07:05 Gazer-by-Proxy OK, I could believe that. 07:06 Gazer-by-Proxy That's too long to be Grand, unless it had an extended series of bursts... 07:06 Gazer-by-Proxy Right now it's a comfy, cool 54F in Bozeman, so there would be steam... 07:07 Rich At 07:40:03 the steam column is about half way over to the tall trees F&M/Artemesia area. 07:07 Gazer-by-Proxy OK, for anyone getting times from the log, the 0755ie time was likely NOT Grand. 07:09 Gazer-by-Proxy Rich, how does your capture set-up work? Did you write a program to retrieve the JPEGs at intervals, or is there some available software that will do it, or what? 07:10 Rich X-Shot http://www.NSBnet.de is the program. Very small. BB found it first. 07:10 Gazer-by-Proxy Neat. 07:10 Rich Screen capture, you box the area you want and hit screen shot. Allows for automation. 07:10 Gazer-by-Proxy OK, steam downbasin is still going, so let's call that a probable Grotto 0733ie. 07:11 Rich Lori just installed it yesterday. 07:11 Rich I agree. 07:11 Gazer-by-Proxy Aha. So if I do a lot of tabbed browsing, it probably wouldn't work so well -- would get random pages, depending on what I'm looking at. 07:12 Rich No, it will do a screen area, so that is one of thedownfalls. I have to remember not to open a window over the selected area. 07:13 Rich Right click save is the only thing I've found that uses the cache file, but you have to rename each time. 07:13 Rich Bird 07:14 Rich I've thought that a program to use the cache file with the ability of xshot (options) would be a good mix. Always looking for it. 07:16 Rich Back in the old days I could possibly have written a batch file to do the job. But that is the extent of my 'programming' skills. . 07:16 Rich Now Groblong is going 07:17 Rich The steam downbasin is so diffuse that I can't tell when it started. 07:17 Rich Steam out of BH, but I think it morning steaming. 07:18 Rich Or splashing 07:18 Rich I rarely can tell the difference. 07:20 Rich Then MCBHI has been thrown in the mix 07:20 Rich Plume 08:19:40ie 07:21 Rich I've toyed with adding a second video card and a second monitor just for doing the capture. 07:27 Rich brb, going for breakfast. 07:33 Gazer-by-Proxy Bon appetit. 07:34 Rich Well if oatmeal can be classified as 'Bon appetit' material. g 07:34 Rich ty 08:10 Gazer-by-Proxy OF 0909ie 08:23 Rich Time for morning walk, bb in about 25 minutes. 08:49 Rich Hi guest109679 08:49 Rich Hi kcmule 08:58 Rich I posted a capture of Lion from last night 21:39:50 to FB http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 08:58 kcmule mornin 09:02 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi KC 09:04 Rich July 06, 2010 recap Grotto 07:33ie OF 06:14:23ie 07:42:36ie 09:09ie Plume 08:19:50ie 09:05 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 09:05 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 09:06 kcmule Groblong 10:05:17ie 09:10 kcmule steam has dissipated but looked too big to be turban 09:11 Rich It will just have to be happy with Groblong for a name. g 09:13 kcmule i guess 'Obland' doesnt quite have the same ring 09:14 Rich g 09:14 Rich Odd but no. 09:19 Rich I guess the BW crowd is anticipating BH to be on a shorter interval. 09:21 Rich Just about big enough crowd for People Indicator. 09:42 Rich OF 10:40:54ie 10:00 Rich July 06, 2010 recap Groblong 10:05:17ie Grotto 07:33ie OF 06:14:23ie 07:42:36ie 09:09ie 10:40:54ie Plume 08:19:50ie 10:03 Rich Groblong 11:00:23ie 10:04 Rich A good crowd at BH 10:07 Rich IF that is Grand we have a big crowd at BH. 10:07 sparekitty hi all! 10:07 Rich Hi sparekitty 10:07 sparekitty everybody have a nice weekend? 10:07 Rich People Indicator at BH. 10:07 sparekitty i saw your FB. 10:07 sparekitty thx 10:07 Rich very nice thank you, and YOU? 10:08 sparekitty yep; we spent a couple of days at the colorado river. very relaxing 10:08 Rich Good, you need it. 10:09 Rich Groblong has been running ~8m 10:11 Rich IF OF will just coop and go vertical. 10:11 Rich Thank you OF 10:13 Rich Grand 11:00:23ie d~11m 10:14 kcmule i can def see the indicator now 10:16 Rich Must be 100 people out there. 10:17 Rich More arriving from Grand probably 10:17 Kent Is everyon locked up? 10:17 Kent everyone 10:18 Rich http://mms.nps.gov/yell/webcams/old_faithful_cam.h… 10:18 Rich I'm still refreshing 10:19 sparekitty i'm okay too 10:19 Kent I'm locked at 11:06 everywhere I try 10:20 kcmule any help with shift or control- refresh? 10:21 Rich http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/loisb's reflector site 10:23 Rich Hi Michael 10:23 Michael Hi everyone. 10:24 Rich BH 11:23:25ie 10:24 sparekitty what a lovely view!! 10:25 Rich wonderful 10:25 Michael And -- for the moment -- the crowd isn't getting chased around by the spray. 10:26 Rich g 10:27 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 10:27 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:23:25 10:28 Rich Correction 07/06/11 11:23:25 23:34:25 10:33 Rich People all the away back to Lion 10:47 Michael That was fun. Now back to work. 10:48 Rich later Michael 11:19 Loisb hello 11:29 Rich Hi 11:29 Rich was out watering 11:29 Loisb figured you were something 11:29 Loisb somewhere 11:29 Rich lol 11:34 Loisb think the robin has given up - nest has been empty since early this am 11:34 Rich Probably 11:34 Rich Saw the post for the Osprey chicks. 11:35 Loisb I saw one last nite but didn't get a capture fast enough 11:44 Loisb 3 heads right now 11:45 Loisb sorry - all gone I think 11:45 Rich To far for me to go. g 11:45 Loisb g 11:45 Rich Now I'm half way home. 11:48 Rich The world tilted back up right. 11:48 Loisb imagine that 11:57 Rich wb Kent 11:59 Kent ty. I am hoping the 4th, 5th and 6th are double intervals. I await Ralph's downloads. 12:00 Rich g 12:00 Kent My computer lock was truly madening. I knew BH was erupting, but there was nothing I could do. I eventually rebooted, but that took twenty minutes. 12:00 Rich I believe it was steve that filled in the 2nd and 3rd 12:01 Rich I know the feeling. 12:01 Rich Boat anchor here it comes. 12:02 Kent I will be in the park this week, but taking a class in Gardiner. Unless something unusual happens at Mammoth I doubt you will hear from me. Class starts Thursday. 12:03 Rich Enjoy and learn lots. 12:03 Kent History not geysers, but I am looking forward to it.\ 12:04 Rich History can be fun. 12:05 Kent It is. I am doing a class on "Dudes and Savages" taught by the park historian. 12:06 Kent Dudes are tourist, savages are people who work in the park. 12:06 Rich ah 12:06 Rich I was thinking more along the line of reversed. 12:07 Kent I suspect park employees would agree with you :^%) 12:07 Rich g 12:31 Rich Bison 12:31 Rich Lower right 12:32 Loisb he must not have noticed that the tourists didn't go home yet 12:32 Rich no 12:32 Loisb two of them now 12:33 Rich k 12:33 Rich Grass finally got green enough. 12:33 Loisb guess so 12:34 Rich No one seems to be concerned about proximity. 12:34 Loisb stupids 12:35 Loisb wasn't it this time last year we watched them walk over the top of the boardwalk? 12:35 Rich Guess the people sitting on BW have already seen a Bison. 12:35 Rich yes 12:35 Loisb guess so 12:36 Rich Seen one, you've seen them all. g 12:37 Loisb unless one happens to want to sit in your lap 12:37 Rich lol 12:38 Rich The bison must be someone's pets 12:38 Loisb right 12:38 Rich Plume 13:37:39ie 12:41 Loisb looks like bison all gone now 12:42 Rich Down to the meadow 12:51 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Hello, great things happening? 12:51 Rich OF is in the wings. 12:51 Rich Hi Inez 12:52 Rich BH was at 11:23 12:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) had to go out to lunch at my favorite sushi place..... 12:53 Loisb OF 13 52 11 12:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) One assumes (just love that word) Lion is laying low today (another visual) LOL 12:54 Rich g 12:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Went white screen on me! 12:54 Rich It has been puffing, but no eruptions yet. 12:55 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Well, perhaps it likes me and now it will erupt, but I'm not holding my breath.... 12:55 Rich Ah, how come? 12:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) HP programming glitch with old pics vs photo paper vs colour vs black and white, sure wish they would remember not everything was taken yesterday and printed today. 12:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice little puff from the lion... 12:58 Rich lol 13:04 Rich I think I'm going to find lunch. Take a short nap. 13:04 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Enjoy 13:05 Loisb I am off for my nap too - keep everything gushing properly 13:05 Loisb bye 13:05 Rich I hope to. The dog next door started in at about 01:00 this morning. 13:05 Rich bye Loisb 13:05 Rich bb later 13:07 Rich lunch/nap July 06, 2010 recap Beehive Indicator 11:14ie Beehive 11:23:25ie Grand 11:00:23ie d~11m Groblong 10:05:17ie Grotto 07:33ie OF 06:14:23ie 07:42:36ie 09:09ie 10:40:54ie 13:52:11ie Plume 08:19:50ie 13:37:39ie 13:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) odd steam or dirt cloud to left and now gone...1406 13:07 Rich lunch/nap OF steam drifting left. 13:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Hey, you are supposed to be napping and eating! Perhaps not in that order! 14:02 Bruce da Moose Hi, Guys - juts a quick check in 14:04 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Is any one else having connection problems today? 14:05 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice puff from Lion 14:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Pump 1505ie 14:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Another nice puff from Lion so perhaps soon....1509 etc 14:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Then again maybe tomorrow 14:25 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OF 1523ie 14:26 kcmule could be a short 14:28 kcmule vc confirms it is a short 15:24 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Pump 1624ie 15:26 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OF 162That could have been Plume at 1624 ie, very hard to tell 15:26 Inez Austin (working a tab away) About 30 seconds after Pump 15:27 kcmule plume has been elusive today 15:32 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I noticed my mystery geyser on the hill, so I am off to post the pic....you get OF, which eludes me at the moment! 15:34 Rich Aurum 14:47:14ie from captures 15:35 kcmule nice 15:35 Rich OF 12:15:31ie from captures 15:35 Inez Austin (working a tab away) That was a great steam puff from OF 15:35 Inez Austin (working a tab away) you are back!! 15:35 Rich I still can't find any more Plumes or Depressions 15:35 Rich preplay 15:36 Rich yes, i b back 15:36 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The OF steam is getting in the way as usual. 15:36 Rich yes 15:38 Rich Inez, both BB and I posted a capture of the steam to the right of LIon yesterday. Pat S. noted it might be Ear Spring. 15:38 Rich BB's http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=287024&l=60590f1484&id=100000534101661 15:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I thought that too, but I also caught it from Lower Ham last year...... 15:39 Rich Mine should be close to the beginning of this album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 15:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i47.tinypic.com/5k3nmh.jpg 15:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yes, yours is number 2 on the list 15:40 Rich That's the same spot. 15:41 Rich Pat said she hoped someone would go take a look at Ear Spring with this many boils it needs to be watched. 15:41 kcmule i noted some h20 15:41 kcmule *h2o there the other day 15:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The light is making the Lion group look funny 15:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Perhaps in Sept.... 15:42 Rich Or anyone else that might check in before going to YNP 15:42 Rich sparekitty is going in August as is BB 15:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OH MY, is that a HINT??? 15:43 Rich g 15:43 Rich no 15:43 Rich observation. 15:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) We must tuck you in someones luggage! 15:43 Rich g 15:43 Rich I wouldn't know what I was looking at any more in person than I do from here. g 15:44 kcmule OF is now in a window for a long duration eruption altho the previous was a short 15:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) In some ways it's easier from here, one doesn't get so tired. 15:44 Rich Think the preplay was it? 15:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I wondered about that 15:44 kcmule idk, worth noting 15:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Wouldn't that be a hoot 15:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see steam from Pump 15:45 kcmule OF 16:44:27ie 15:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) oh my 15:45 kcmule looked pretty tall 15:45 Rich That answered that. g 15:46 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Look in the background, is that Plume steam?? 15:46 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Too late 15:46 Rich OF preplay at 16:32:57ie 15:47 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ??? 15:47 Rich Just noting the preplay of OF 15:47 Inez Austin (working a tab away) See steam now directly behind and far back of OF? 15:48 Rich Hi Kent 15:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The light is really washing out everyting on the hill 15:52 Kent Hi Rich. That was a rather long "short" 15:52 Rich lol 15:52 Rich I agree 15:53 Rich Falls more in the category of a short - long. 15:54 Rich ~81m 15:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) great steam from pump 15:54 Rich Where is the ref, we need an instant replay. 15:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I always thought of it as perpetual.... 15:55 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Pump is at 165359 15:55 Inez Austin (working a tab away) sorry phone keeps ringing 15:57 Rich Hi Lori 15:58 Rich Hi BOBinGA 15:58 Lori evening all- worked today, so I know nothing- what happened today? 15:58 BOBinGA Greetings Gazers, how's the basin? 15:58 Rich pretty quiet today. 15:58 Rich will post a recap. 15:59 kcmule hi lori and bob. i'm taking a sanity walk, bbs 16:01 Rich July 06, 2010 recap Aurum 14:47:14ie Beehive Indicator 11:07 ps Beehive Indicator 11:14ie Beehive 11:23:25ie Grand 11:00:23ie d~11m Groblong 10:05:17ie Grotto 07:33ie 16:02 Rich OF 06:14:23ie 07:42:36ie 09:09ie 10:40:54ie 12:15:31ie 13:52:11ie 15:23ie 16:32:57iepreplay,16:44:27ie Plume 08:19:50ie 13:37:39ie 16:24ie? Pump 15:05ie 16:24ie 16:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Plume I think 1700ie is that possible 16:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Look thru the steam at the one about 170059 16:02 BOBinGA Update on the travels of MJ & Bob: we have postponed the Grand Canyon trip and will try again next year. Maybe we can find a compomise and do both GC and YNP on the same trip. 16:03 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Glacier and Yelly Belly yes, Grand Canyon and YB, whew too hard 16:03 Rich So you going someplace else exciting? 16:04 BOBinGA Western Med, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, back to Sicily 16:04 Rich My, but that is a scarifice. g 16:05 BOBinGA I know, but for a while we had both scheduled and it was just too much. 16:05 Rich With both you would have had to take a 'vacation' from the vacations. g 16:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice steam puff from Lion 170530 16:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) And now from Little Cub, not to be outdone 16:07 BOBinGA ??? The Lion is eating cream puffs??? 16:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yes, much easier on the mammals 16:07 BOBinGA Never mind, I must be hungry even though we just ate. 16:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) It always amazes me that folks eat cream with vol a vent not white (bread) buns....We ala;ways had buns...just a segue 16:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) time for a ice lolly so to speak 16:08 BOBinGA Tell that cloud to move so the camera can adjust properly. 16:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) NO KIDDING, it's been that way all day! 16:09 BOBinGA That's better 16:10 Rich Where Have you BEEN all day, BOBinGA. We could have used your abilities most of the day. 16:11 Inez Austin (off to the library) Gotta go to the library, need something to read.... 16:11 Rich later Inez 16:11 Rich They are called books, Inez 16:11 Rich g 16:12 BOBinGA Tuesday and Thursday I am at the Red Cross processing class rosters and calling ner-do-wells who skipped their training. 16:12 BOBinGA I found a great shelf at our library, it's called LARGE PRINT 16:14 Rich lol 16:14 Rich Ours is called 'The over 50' shelf. 16:15 BOBinGA Ours is also the short people shelf because I get dizzy trying to read the titles on the bottom shelves. 16:15 Rich That's a very good idea. 16:15 Rich I want that principle applied to the grocery store. 16:16 BOBinGA Are those folks really going to sit there for an hour waiting for OF? 16:16 Rich Have to get down on my hands and knees to see/reach stuff on the bottom shelf. 16:16 Rich Then know a secret. 16:16 Rich g 16:16 Rich Must be another Bison parade scheduled. 16:17 BOBinGA We need to team up with a shorter person. We do the upper shelves, they do the lower. 16:17 Rich I was ok with Mom. We covered it then. 16:18 BOBinGA MJ can reach down, but we don't go shopping together that often. 16:18 Rich Separate shopping lists? 16:19 Rich Maybe the firework show at YNP was delayed? 16:20 Lori Todd's theory on the bench people is that they are so lazy, rather than walk around for an hour. Then, as soon as it starts, they are ready to leave. Mission accomplished, check OF off the list :( 16:20 BOBinGA I generally do the shopping on Wednesday when both Kroger and Publix have "Senior Day" 16:20 Rich I doubt we can squeeze another BH in during daylight. 16:20 Rich lol@Todd 16:21 Lori a little closer though right- so there will be 2 by the end of aug. 16:21 BOBinGA To me it would make more sense to be out there on the BW where you can see OF, and also be closer to BH, Plume, Lions, etc. 16:21 Rich I liked it at Kroger when you could go in and get stuff with expired shelf life. 16:22 Lori dad bought an "aged" roast today. Luckily he put it directly in the freezer, rather than age it further in the fridge til the weekend. 16:22 Rich Go shopping at 11:59 and get meat, by the timeyou checked out it was expired. 16:22 BOBinGA Our Food Banks get all of that stuff now, just a few days before expiration. I guess the stores can write it off at full price that way. 16:23 Rich yep 16:23 Rich Good for Dad. 16:24 Rich I have veggies that restart growing in the bin. 16:24 Lori Bob, that is why we are YNP lovers and gazers. The others are the tourons, there so they can say ther did it. Don't know what they are missing! 16:26 BOBinGA My plan is to catch the upper basin geysers early in the day and then tromp on out to the other, less well known, areas 16:26 Rich Have you scheduled that with the geysers? 16:27 BOBinGA Hey, didn't you just say you needed my talents today. I can call them up as needed. :) 16:28 Rich There is a 'Request' List started. Vacationing folks in August first two weeks and the last two weeks would like Giantess. 16:29 BOBinGA Hmm, she has not been cooperating lately. I will work on it. 16:29 Rich Bruce da Moose will be there shortly, he would like F&M 16:29 Rich and Giantess. 16:30 BOBinGA Look, I did F&M the other night, and people let the bears scare them away from watching it. 16:30 Rich You might have to start a 'Geyser for Fee' service. 16:30 Rich lol 16:31 BOBinGA Let's not get into that subject. The Rangers would dump me in the hottest pool in the park. 16:31 Rich I think there was talk about a Daily Giant service. 16:32 Rich They would pass out speical glasses, like 3d, so only the fee payers could see it. 16:33 BOBinGA Really, part of the charm is the lack of predictability. If they all went off like clockwork, what fun would that be? 16:33 Rich Disney Land of Wyoming? 16:43 BOBinGA Don't suggest that, Disney might do a new area in their parks with OF, Giant, Steamboat, etc. 16:44 Rich (Rich quickly erases his message.) 16:44 BOBinGA On the other hand a lot of folks might prefer riding in a bison sleigh to slogging around the real park. That would leave YNP to us. 16:45 Rich Sorry I was trying to figure out Devin Nunes' bill to let congress block national monument designations. http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/archives… 16:46 BOBinGA I just skimmed through the chat log. Did anyone figure out what BB saw this morning? 16:47 Rich The concensus so far is Ear Spring, also my FB post from last night and Inez's mystery geyser. 16:47 Rich Pat S and Bruce da Moose agree that is probably Ear Spring. 16:48 Rich I've been noticing it for some time, just haven't ever gotten a response. 16:48 Rich Geyser 29 T. Scott's ed4 pg 45 16:50 Rich Sorry thermal feature 29. 16:52 Rich T. S. Bryan's The Geysers of Yellowstone is available for Kindle for $9.99. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=%22University+Press+of+Colorado%22 16:53 kcmule Plume 17:52:05ie 16:53 BOBinGA HOORAY, I was about to post to the email blog and ask him if it was going to be converted to an EBook. 16:54 Rich He just posted it to the geyserlistserv today. 16:54 BOBinGA Now if they would just create a Kindle app for my PC so I don't have to buy another gadget. 16:54 Rich hmmm 16:55 Rich http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fkindle%2Fpc&ei=TcIzTLrKD4KonQf61eWzAw&usg=AFQjCNGwoyZI--3dIKrk55XTTiI9DE5prg&sig2=wvp24UbOBKYlZ6QW8q8DYg 16:55 Rich Free prgm http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CB0QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmashable.com%2F2009%2F11%2F10%2Fkindle-pc-launches%2F&ei=TcIzTLrKD4KonQf61eWzAw&usg=AFQjCNEdh4xT6SmwCgcOslQp-fH9AWr4Ww&sig2=ABDF1Xr1upzxzI0AayLlxA 16:58 BOBinGA Rich, thank you. This is very interesting. 16:59 Rich http://www.snapfiles.com/downloads/kindlepc/dlkind… 16:59 Rich I'm downloading now to see how big 16:59 Rich 6.2mb 17:00 kcmule Groblong 17:59:38ie 17:00 kcmule appears to be grand 17:01 Rich Interval would be 6h59m 17:03 kcmule drivin home bbs 17:03 Rich later kcmule 17:04 Rich I'll catch the duration 17:04 BOBinGA I have to go now, MJ is scooping up the Bryers Snickers Ice Cream. :P 17:04 Rich There is Ear Spring 17:04 BOBinGA bbl 17:12 Rich Grand 17:59:38ie d~10m 17:16 Lori another request, lol F&M during daylight. Went when we were there last fall, said it wouldn't go til morning, and it went overnight, so I missed it :( 17:16 Rich lol 17:17 Rich k 17:17 Lori and now I wanna watch Meet the Deedles again- "surf wyoning!" 17:17 Rich g 17:17 Rich Hi cb 17:17 cb ey rich 17:17 cb hey 17:18 cb hello to lori and BIG 17:18 cb g 17:18 Lori are u canadian cb? g 17:18 Rich g 17:18 cb Not.....just lazy fingers! or tired 17:18 Rich BIG is having ice cream. g 17:19 cb I see that! Have you seen the snow man on the Washburn cam? 17:20 Rich I guess I better head over before he melts. 17:20 cb was there this am 17:21 cb Not there....was really cute!! 17:21 cb little snowman in the lower L cornter 17:21 Rich I can't get the cam to load right now. 17:21 cb How was everyones 4th? 17:22 Rich Very nice day. 17:22 Rich Went to a potluck. 17:22 Lori I had a date night :) daughter came home to an empty house and kept posting on FB that she was home alone! 17:23 cb home from college? 17:23 Rich Three? 17:23 Rich OF 18:22:37ie 17:24 cb Did you see the folks this am off the boardwalk rich? 17:24 Lori yep, moved back home, not sure what to do this fall, but working full time for the summer anyway. Not used to parents who actually just come and go when they please. 17:25 cb g 17:25 Rich No, but Loisb caught one in a capture. 17:25 cb I caught em on the cam and tried to call the VC, but couldn't get through 17:25 Rich The one I 'saw' was only just in front of the BW. 17:25 Lori need a speaker from the cam so they could be yelled at from all over the USA! 17:25 Rich lol 17:26 Rich BIG BROTHER is surely watching you then. 17:26 Lori hey, I already suggested posting that at the gates- just to keep them on their toes! 17:27 Rich Works for me. 17:28 cb I saw em coming from inbetween split cone 17:28 cb and OF 17:28 cb sorry the phone rang 17:29 Rich ah 17:29 Rich Definitely out of bounds. 17:29 Rich np 17:29 Lori should be booted from the park. 17:29 cb oh yeah 17:29 BOBinGA BiG is back for a few minutes 17:29 Rich YOu bring ice cream around? 17:29 cb they were just taking a stroll ....off the bw from in front of the sign 17:29 cb Hi BIG 17:29 Lori are you the BIG BROTHER watching for off bw tourons? 17:30 BOBinGA Thanks for the new nickname, cb 17:30 cb no problem!! LOL 17:30 BOBinGA No, but I would call the cops on 'em if I could 17:30 cb I couldn't get through either of the #'s I have....busy signal! 17:31 Lori need a red phone- direct line, lol 17:32 cb I gave it a go and then had to get to work....was just touring the basin before work 17:32 BOBinGA If we ever get the streaming cam back, there should be a public monitor somewhere in the VC. Would serve two purposes, interest people in watching when they get home and raise a rukus when someone goes OBW. 17:34 BOBinGA I hate reading about the geysers that have been destroyed by people doing thinks to them, and about people that have been injured or killed because they were careless around the hot springs and geysers. 17:34 cb there is a monitor in the VC. it is behind the desk but pointed out so everyone can view it 17:34 BOBinGA Things, not Thinks 17:35 BOBinGA I should have known that, and I do know that the cam is still working, just not linking out to the world. 17:39 Rich brb, I need food. 17:40 cb bye all 17:40 BOBinGA bye cb, I'm going too 17:40 BOBinGA C'Yall 17:45 Rich bye cb 17:45 Rich bye BIG 18:00 Rich Pump 18:59:12ie for Inez 18:03 Rich Plume 19:01:42ie 18:03 Rich Ear Spring steam 18:07 Rich Depression 19:06:12ie? 18:12 Rich Scratch the Depression, not at all sure it wasn't just a splash 18:12 Rich Push 18:15 Lori not good light for of :( 18:16 Rich no 18:16 Rich Difficult time of night all round. Everything is steaming. 18:16 Lori need a fix- been without all day! 18:16 Rich No captures to look at? 18:17 Lori didn't do it today, had trouble with loosing the pic this a.m. and didn't want a bunch of error pics :) 18:18 Rich k 18:18 Rich They delete pretty easily. g 18:18 Lori off work tomorrow, so should be able to catch some while doing home jobs 18:18 Rich But I understand. 18:19 Lori delete- true- i'll practice tomorrow, sork again Thurs. 18:19 Lori *work 18:19 Rich lol 18:19 Rich I kinda liked sork. 18:19 Rich Feels that way sometimes. 18:20 Lori how true,g 18:20 Rich I figure I can get about a weeks worth of captures on one cd. 18:21 Rich Doesn't take up hd space then. 18:21 Lori yeah, i could make a "best of BH" 18:22 Rich yep 18:22 Rich OF 19:21:44ie 18:24 Rich That makes the second short interval today. 18:26 Rich Ear Spring steaming 18:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I'm back so what's good? 18:29 Rich Ear Spring 18:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) AH???? 18:30 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see depression, chance of an eruption? 18:30 Rich Several steamings while you were away. 18:30 Inez Austin (working a tab away) very good, want me to try and take pics?? 18:30 Rich Might have been, not sure, there was a little steam in the run off channel but not very long duration. 18:30 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Must be getting close to the dew point, lots of steam 18:31 Rich That time of day. 18:31 Rich Lion had a pretty good steam, lasted 2 refreshes. 18:31 Rich Not really enough to call a minor. 18:33 Rich There's Ear Spring 18:33 Inez Austin (working a tab away) sorry reading the log 18:34 Rich np 18:34 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The hubster and dog (Lucky Loretta) have gone out to get junk food for supper - hurrah! 18:35 Inez Austin (working a tab away) even sissor spring (poor spelling) is steaming nicely 18:35 Rich lol 18:36 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Summer has arrived for sure, I am sitting in the dark with the ac on. I hate summer!!! 18:36 Rich g 18:37 Rich I did catch a Plume, that one could see. 18:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Good! 18:37 Rich 19:01:42 18:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see a persistant Dwarf by Depression 18:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I didn't miss it by much, does that count??? 18:38 Rich Sure 18:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ty 18:38 Rich Only way I learn is by doing. g 18:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see Pump steam 18:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see Aurum steam - not much too 18:39 Rich Hard to tell on Aurum 18:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) It would be 193618 or so 18:40 Rich k 18:40 Rich That looks more promising at Depression 18:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I tried number first then forgot the time, so a minute later. Nice spike from Depression 18:41 Rich k 18:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Cross your fingers and toes... 18:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Look at 194045 above Giantess 18:42 Loisb Hello 18:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Doorbell rang while I was trying to capture... 18:42 Rich Is it Halloween already? 18:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Hello back 18:42 Rich Hi Loisb 18:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) No, I ignored them. 18:42 Loisb sun came out again 18:42 Loisb 72 in house 18:43 Rich wow 18:43 Rich Definitely Summmer. 18:43 Loisb summer has arrived 18:43 Loisb supposed to get up to 90 tomorrow - we'll see 18:43 Rich Could you see Rainier today? 18:44 Loisb not from my house 18:44 Loisb but the cascades were nice and clear 18:44 Rich Good 18:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I will check and see if I can see it from Gibbon Peak tonight. 18:44 Rich Your tax dollars at work. 18:44 Rich neat 18:44 Loisb sometimes I can see it from Johns house - the top of Rainier anyhow 18:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Taken last year from the Observatory on Gibbon Peak in the Horse Heavens. Smoky from fires. Aug 2009, I think it's Rainier, but could be Adams..... 18:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i49.tinypic.com/2e0o6s2.jpg 18:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice little steammyyy bit from Lion 18:54 Lori ranger conducting a choir? 18:55 Rich Might be. g 18:55 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yes, praying for Giantess 18:55 Rich lol 18:55 Rich Candle light? 18:55 Lori hey, works for me 18:56 Rich I'm zapped 18:57 Rich TB 18:57 Rich Tired Bones 18:57 Rich Nice big Pump 18:57 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OK what's this steam? http://i45.tinypic.com/2jaxq49.jpg 18:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Looks like a LION 18:58 Inez Austin (working a tab away) No just trying to lure me in.... 18:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) see the steam behind LC again 195817 19:01 Rich brb, got something in my eye. 19:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i50.tinypic.com/b712y0.jpg 19:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Be careful we need your eyes! 19:03 Rich Was sweat I think, just burned 19:03 Inez Austin (working a tab away) DUDE, turn on the AC 19:03 Rich Definitely going to go play in the sprinkler later. 19:04 Rich Not that hot, just need to keep my fingers out of my eyes. g 19:04 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Poking self in eye.....hum..... 19:04 Rich Just 87 by the computer 19:04 Rich Checking to see if I'm dunn. 19:04 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The compter will not like that, they like cooler temps 19:05 Rich That is by the exhaust 19:05 Inez Austin (working a tab away) See there is your justification for more AC 19:05 Rich lol 19:05 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Get one of those fans that clip on near the exhause and blow it up and away. 19:06 Rich I have a window fan blowing cool air from the floor at the intake. 19:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Maybe you should consider working in the basement for a while, then again you will feel like a mushroom 19:06 Rich If only there was a basement. g 19:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) That is how I feel when I have to have the AC on and all the drapes closed on the south and west side of the house 19:07 Rich Yep, grew up in KC area. 19:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Made the mistake of going there in July, that WON"T happen again 19:07 Rich As soon as the sun goes down, windows and doors open. Sunrise windows and doors/drapes closed. 19:08 Rich lol 19:08 Rich Just passed our 'swamp' cooling technic to a lady in England. 19:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Dream of the area around Yellowknife or Fort Smith.....might work...not the towns tho 19:08 Rich Wet a sheet and crawl under. 19:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) It also works to put on a wet shirt or a wet towel on your head... 19:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) High humidity and tha won't work tho 19:10 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice steam at PUmp again 19:10 Rich Worked enough for us to go to sleep. 19:10 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ahhhh 19:10 Rich Trick was to soak in the bathtub full of cold water first. 19:10 Rich g 19:11 Rich When you teeth started to chatter you could go to bed. g 19:11 Rich your 19:11 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I think I like AC better 19:11 Rich Didn't have it back in those days. 19:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) AND PEOPLE LIVED THERE WITH THAT HEAT! what were they thinking....and I only was there 2 days in my whole life 19:12 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 19:13 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich. So, who sweated more? 19:13 Rich Sturdy farm folks. g 19:13 Rich Never did a survey. g 19:13 Inez Austin (working a tab away) TMI on that survey 19:13 Rich Just wanted to get to sleep. 19:13 Rich lol 19:14 Inez Austin (working a tab away) wandering away to see if I can find a better pic of Rainier from the east side.... 19:14 Rich Salt tablets and lots of water. 19:14 Rich k 19:17 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Guess the geyser: http://i49.tinypic.com/2meo8cl.jpg 19:18 Rich There's Depression 19:18 Rich Depression 20:17:22ie 19:19 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yahoo 19:20 Inez Austin (working a tab away) weird icon in sky too 19:20 Rich I got a guess 19:20 Inez Austin (working a tab away) AND??? 19:20 Rich Something is buzzing in my head. 19:20 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Closeeeeeeee 19:21 Rich Daisy? 19:22 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Castle in background 19:22 Rich I'm looking for the concrete pipe by the boardwalk. 19:23 Inez Austin (working a tab away) bh 19:23 Rich And BHI 19:23 Rich But what is the one in the background? 19:23 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yeppers, but a strange angle 19:24 Rich Looks like from the benches by Plume. 19:24 Inez Austin (working a tab away) To the right, Castle and its fans.... 19:24 Rich Ok, I was to far to the right. 19:25 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yep, great angle for a puzzler. 19:25 Rich When I was there, most of the time the snow was blowing so I couldnt see that far. 19:25 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I don't do snow there, just flurries, BW is too scary if it's icy. Most folks won't get that Pic. 19:25 Rich I think I spent a total of about 12 hours walking that section of BW, in a two day timeframe. 19:26 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Next time lie down and look at BH at that angle 19:26 Rich k 19:26 Rich Nice photo 19:27 Inez Austin (working a tab away) still looking for Rainier..... 19:29 Rich brb going for pears and cookies 19:30 Inez Austin (working a tab away) enjoy 19:32 Rich b 19:32 Rich Pear juice is nice and cold. 19:36 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yum! Here is another unknown, taken from Lower Ham toward Singlet geyser. It erupted a few times, than we didn't see it again. 19:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) http://i48.tinypic.com/5xjr0h.jpg 19:38 Rich Just something about pears and gingersnaps. 19:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) No idea here and it was two years ago, haven't seen it since. Only if there are homemade, I have to draw the line somewhere, and if it's ginger cookies that line is at a dozen not 2. 19:39 Rich made them Sunday Morning. 19:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yum 19:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) AND YOU STILL HAVE SOME? No way could I do that 19:40 Rich Lion on the left, Pump on the right 19:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yes!!! 19:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) so lets hope lion keeps going and isn't fing around 19:41 Rich I labeled them with my Doctors name, as a reminder. g 19:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ahhhhh roflol 19:41 Rich Not going to give them to him, just a scare tactic. g 19:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I thought it was to remind you that you would have to visit if ya ate'm 19:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice belch from Lion 19:43 Rich Going to try and get a head shot of him to post on the refrigerator. 19:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Only works if ya opens yur I's 19:43 Rich You'd have to see my Doctor. g 19:44 Rich Don't even have to turn the lights on to be scared. g 19:44 Rich I'm not being nice. 19:44 Rich Actually a very nice guy. 19:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I won't tell, millions might, but not me 19:44 Rich He is probably one of the guest visitors. g 19:45 Rich My luck. 19:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Well why isn't he iding my stuff??? 19:45 Rich Next visit will tell. I'll fool him though, I'll take some gingersnaps with me, so when he asks for his, I'll be johnny on the spot. 19:47 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Thar ya go 19:47 Rich then, he will stick me with the needle. g 19:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Didn't find Rainier pics, must be on the other computer....want to see some of Giant or Lone Star (trying to get your mind off needles) 19:48 Rich Probably the one that looks like a Turkey baster. 19:48 Rich sure 19:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Gamma globlin 19:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) back in a minute. 19:48 Rich k 19:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Giant 9-23-06 http://i45.tinypic.com/16bzghj.jpg I was looking to see if I had one of folks running to it and one running away as the steam enveloped them.... 19:54 Rich b 19:54 Rich Opened up the house. 19:54 Rich 5 degrees cooler outside 19:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Lone Star11 Sept 2008. http://i48.tinypic.com/358yphy.jpg 19:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Glad it helped to open the windows etc 19:57 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Seems funny it gets dark earlier again, I want a redo of midsummer! 19:57 Rich g 19:58 Rich That is a great angle on LoneStar 19:59 Inez Austin (working a tab away) It's an almost for me. I can make it back to those hot spots on the hill just shy of the bridge on one charge. Then we have to stop and s*** out batteries or just push me..... 20:00 Rich F&M is a max distance right now. 20:01 Rich If I plan on getting back to the Inn. 20:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Some jerk keeps putting a log across the trail right at the bike rack at Lone Star, so I have to have someone move the log each time so I can have access. Otherwise it's a gimp friendly trail, a little wet on one place. 20:01 Rich Trying to work up to a couple of miles. 20:01 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Maybe you can bring a bike, that helps, I used to have to work up to the walk til I got used to the altitude, but now that I roll it doesn't matter 20:02 Rich Don't think I could make it to Shoshone. 20:02 Rich I'm trying to work on a mtn bike. 20:02 Rich Need to learn how to shift gears. 20:02 Rich To many options. 20:02 Rich I figure I'll slip it in reverse. 20:03 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Well if you go in DeLacy it's a lot farther, but not so stenuous. I've done it a few times, but lots of times over the hill from Lone Star, not any more tho, not gimp friendly, same for Heart Lake. 20:04 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I had a Schwin. One of those 3 hear and a back peddle brake, they work fine for Yelly Belly if it's just the trails they let bikes on. I wouldn't try any large elevation changes.... 20:04 Inez Austin (working a tab away) that would be gear 20:05 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I give up, figure out the spelling.... 20:05 Rich I speak computer typing. g 20:05 Inez Austin (working a tab away) good 20:05 Rich OF 21:05:24ie 20:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OF210524 20:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) sniped 20:06 Rich I cheated, you were typing. 20:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Morning Mist from NezPierce on Mary Mountain is nice and gimp friendly but no bikes. Just over a mile one way, but take someone with you. 20:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Bars, woffs and buffs hang out there 20:07 Rich have to take bear bait for that one. g 20:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yes, or a slower person.... 20:07 Rich I heard about that one. Somebody wanted me to go along. lol 20:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) They want me as a wheelie toooooooo 20:08 Rich g 20:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Sounds like my ride to the observatory is here, see ya tomorrow. 20:08 Rich I keep handing out bells and pepper spray. 20:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) lol 20:08 Rich bye Inez 20:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) going, going, gone 20:08 Rich bye 20:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) bye! 20:53 Rich Riverside 21:49:28ie 20:54 Rich Might be F&M 20:55 Rich Better position for F&M 20:55 Michael Hi Rich. I was going to ask if F&M had been seen since July 1. Because that cloud looks very promising. 20:55 Rich I haven't see it mentioned. 20:56 Rich Good positioning. 20:56 Todd Hey Rich , Lori says goodnight. 20:56 Rich nite Lori 20:56 Rich Hi Todd 20:56 Rich Hi Michael 20:56 Todd Hi Michael 20:56 Michael Hi Todd. 20:56 Rich I just ran back thru captures and no steaming in the usual Riverside location by the tree. 20:57 Rich And it hasn't moved since it started. 20:57 Todd Need a man on the scene. 20:57 Rich I'm going to go with F&M 21:49:28ie 20:58 Todd or woman 20:58 Michael Sounds good to me. And if F&M erupts during semi-daylight there's usually some eyewitnesses. 20:59 Todd Do you think there is enough steam? 20:59 Rich Checki FB now to see if Pat might have it. 20:59 Rich There was good steam. 21:00 Rich I'll try and get the series up on FB will be at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 21:00 Todd Not an expert, how long does F&M usually last? 21:01 Rich I'm not sure 21:02 Todd I've only seen it on youtube vids 21:02 Michael It's big for about 5 minutes, and dies down over the course of a half-hour. 21:02 Todd k 21:05 Rich There was good plume for ~5m 21:05 Rich Solid above the treetops. 21:05 Todd Sounds like you have it right. 21:07 Todd Michael, here's a link to Starved Rock State Park. http://www.starvedrockstatepark.org/ 21:09 Rich I'll probably drop out of the room, need about 15 minutes for the upload. 21:09 Michael Thanks. If we end up driving that direction it definitely looks worth a visit. 21:09 Todd Got ta go myself-nite all 21:10 Rich Nite Todd 21:10 Todd Just a thought 21:10 Rich yes 21:10 Todd My brother sure liikes it there 21:10 Michael Good night, Rich and Todd. 21:10 Todd Night 21:10 Rich Nite Michael 21:11 Michael Looking forward to the field reports from F&M tomorrow. 21:11 Rich For sure 21:11 Rich Ben is in the Park July 7th, 2010 06:26 BB Groblong 07:17 ie 06:26 BB From the size of the steam column I would say Grand, it is really tall 06:26 BB But that's pure speculation on my part :) 06:38 BB OF 07 06:38 BB OF 07:36 ie 06:47 Rich Hi cb 06:47 Rich Bye cb 06:48 Rich Must have a room restriction today, only one person at a time. lol 06:55 Rich Depression 07:54:13ie? 06:58 Rich Riverside 07:57:04ie? 07:00 Rich Plume 07:59:04ie 07:01 Rich Riverside time isn't close to start. Will check captures. 07:02 Rich Riverside 07:52:03ie 07:07 Rich hi cb 07:09 Rich Hi Todd 07:09 Lori morning Rich 07:10 Rich Hi Lori 07:11 Rich Hi Inez 07:11 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Hi back. big steam on left 07:12 Rich Grotto in marathon 07:12 Rich imho 07:13 Rich Riverside is still going also. 07:14 Inez Austin (working a tab away) well, it's something, not a big as Giant but still big altho it's hard to tell without perspective..... 07:14 Rich July 07, 2010 recap Anemone 07:26:30ie? Depression 07:54:13ie? Groblong 07:17ie OF 07:36ie Plume 07:59:04ie Riverside 07:52:03ie 07:15 Inez Austin (working a tab away) So no one recognized my unknown from yesterday. I had high hopes. 07:16 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 07:16 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07:20 Rich Is that the one with the Ranger 'conducting'? 07:21 Inez Austin (working a tab away) No, the long thin pic from Lower Ham. I took pics of Adams and Rainier last night, nice steam from Aurum? 07:22 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Aurum 082107ie??? 07:22 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Back in a minute, gotta go get camera card. 07:23 Rich k 07:24 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Bidding in 5 minutes, then I will load a pic for ya 07:24 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice Lion steam 07:24 Rich k 07:35 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OK, Taken from Horse Heaven Observatory on Gibbon Peak on 7-6-10: Adams on Left, Rainier on Right Venus above. http://i46.tinypic.com/2rg19b4.jpg So that is looking west, not as spectacular as from Seattle Tacoma, but pretty. 07:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Is that possibley Plume 083708? 07:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Took a while to type it.... 07:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Just as I did OF started puffing in the way 07:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Need more tea, way too early. Got what I bid on at least. 07:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Interesting steam from Giantess 07:41 Rich very good 07:41 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I type, it goes..... 07:41 Rich lol 07:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see one of us left! 07:44 Rich Right 07:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) no left LOL 07:55 Rich I guess left is better than departed. 07:55 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yep! 08:02 Rich Hi sparekitty 08:04 Rich Hi guest333449 08:05 Rich OF 09:04:12ie 08:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Plume? 090542???? 08:06 Rich I'm not getting a refresh 08:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) nor am I 08:07 Inez Austin (working a tab away) itsssss baaaaccccckkk 08:07 Rich forced a refresh 09:06:41 08:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice white puff in back 08:08 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Not OF or just the sun, probably sun 08:09 sparekitty hi everybody. what a glorious day at UGB! 08:09 Inez Austin (working a tab away) white screen 08:10 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I see me twice for a minute, wonder why? Still no pic 08:10 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Obviously I'm supposed to ask that question caus I have it again 08:11 Rich sorry, I'm stuttering, one refresh, then no refresh, repeat as needed. 08:11 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Me too, at least we know it's not us 08:12 Rich Always a relief. 08:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) steam from ear spring, not much tho 08:13 Rich I haven't noticed it much today. 08:13 Rich But then I might not be looking. 08:15 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I am looking at old geyser pics and I forgot to label them. You would think they would be easlily recognizable, but no... 08:16 Rich lol 08:21 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The attic fan just kicked on, I think it may be warming up! 08:21 Rich We're suppose to get to 95 today, 99-100's tomorrow 08:24 kcmule grand ie? 08:24 kcmule sorry nm - cached image 08:24 kcmule good morning 08:25 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Howdy 08:25 Rich Hi kcmule 08:26 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice steam from middle back?? 08:26 Rich We had a possible F&M last night. 08:27 Rich 21:49 08:27 Rich Waiting to hear any onsite reporting. 08:27 kcmule i read about that just before i shut down my cpu and saw the caps. looks good to me 08:28 Rich That's right you were here. duh, early morning sludge brain. 08:28 Rich Time for a walk. bb in about 25minutes. 08:29 Inez Austin (working a tab away) While you are gone the geysers will play... 09:01 kcmule Riverside 09:58:23ie 09:09 kcmule Plume 10:08:17ie 09:17 kcmule duration on riverside was about 18 mins 09:21 BB Hi all 09:21 Rich Hi BB 09:21 BB I was wondering about the two Riversides this morning 09:21 Rich me too. 09:21 BB I reviewed captures... and I agree with both of them... strange 09:22 Rich Mine could be something else, it was steaming all over down basin this morning. 09:22 Rich Going to have to wait this one out I think. 09:22 Inez Austin (working a tab away) How was the walk? 09:22 Rich Walk was good, turned into spraying the blackberry vines. 09:23 BB I know, Rich, but it was in the right spot, and the duration was also right 09:23 BB and with F&M out of the picture, I have no idea what it was 09:23 BB or maybe Riverside went crazy, as Ryan would say, and had a two hour interval :) 09:23 Rich Might have been something else on F&M too. 09:23 Rich lol 09:24 kcmule sorry i didnt even think to look at today's logs - i just called riverside cause that's what it appeared to be 09:24 BB and it did look like Riverside 09:24 Rich As it should be. 09:24 Rich yes 09:24 BB unfortunately Rich's looked like it too, although there was lots of morning steam and fog around 09:25 BB with RT in the park, it shouldn't take too long to solve this mystery 09:25 Rich Lucky for us Ralph is in Park and doing weekly updates to data loggers. 09:25 BB g 09:25 Rich gm 09:27 Rich And we could know late this afternoon after geyserlist is out. 09:27 Rich There are at least 3 gazers in the park. 09:28 kcmule how does link geyser show up on the wc? i dont know too much about it to be honest 09:29 Rich I don't recall Link every being called in the last couple of years. 09:30 kcmule the link on the gosa web site goes nowhere, no pun intended 09:31 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Usually because no one can decide, all you really see is a really big increase in water if you are at F&M and from Grotto you arn't looking. I would think from this angle it would appear to be F&M..... 09:33 Inez Austin (working a tab away) If you have the captures look at May 29 and 30 around noon if I remember correctly. It could have been later tho. 09:34 Rich the only other thing is a location? 09:34 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I know it was the first day of a possible F&M and that went 2 days later and there was water in all three channels from Link/Chain Lakes..... 09:36 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Sorry, not tracking.....if you have the F&M capture from May 31 and can see that steam, then go back to see the steam from Link etc 09:36 Rich Then Llink is close to F&M location? 09:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Oh. I seel. Yes. It is across the river between Grotto and F&M but on the F&M side of the road. 09:37 Inez Austin (working a tab away) OF103650ie 09:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Nice steam from Depression. 09:38 Inez Austin (working a tab away) same time as OF 09:39 kcmule it erupted for me once while in the park but it was during riverside so i didnt even notice until i turned around and saw all the runoff 09:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Looking nice at Lion too 09:39 Rich Lion? 09:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) See plume 09:39 Inez Austin (working a tab away) of steam at Lion, it's thinking about it 09:40 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I think that is Depression back a minute ago..... 09:42 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Let me do this right Depression 103650ie LOL 09:42 Rich g 09:43 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Sooooo, did you look at Rainier pic???? 09:44 Rich I'm still trying to catch up. g 09:44 Rich Hadn't looked at FB this morning. 09:44 Rich Only 222 new status updates. 09:44 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Skunk in the garbage can on the street (don't know whose) this morning when the truck emptied them, took it poorly, stinks here.... 09:45 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Not on FB, sorry, just posted here earlier.... 09:45 Rich Who's skunk or who's garbage can? 09:45 Rich g 09:45 Rich Catching up here now. 09:46 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Probably the skunk that's been dining on the fish in my pond, the slow ones, so maybe my can, I am not willing to go find out..... 09:46 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:46 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich, et al. Just a quick peek, working on a poster for a conference next week. 09:46 Rich Take a wiff of febreeze first. 09:47 Rich Christmas In July??? 09:47 Inez Austin (working a tab away) is that a reference to my skunk heheheheheh 09:47 Rich yes 09:47 Inez Austin (working a tab away) ~~~~~~~~ 09:48 Rich Hi guest109679 09:48 Rich g 09:48 Rich I think I can smell it here. 09:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) You have an entire family waving, so who is it? 09:48 Rich Might have my own too. 09:48 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Can't remember the speed of smell, is it like light???? 09:49 Rich Skunk is and it lingers a whole lot longer. 09:49 Inez Austin (working a tab away) yep 09:50 Rich There is one in the neighborhood that comes by every couple of days in the middle of the night. Stops at my bedroom window, I sure. 09:50 Rich ~~~\ 09:50 Inez Austin (working a tab away) stopping drying fish at that window LOL 09:50 Rich Looks like we might have a WAVE going on. 09:50 Inez Austin (working a tab away) So, who are they??? 09:50 Rich My cousins. 09:51 Inez Austin (working a tab away) names, we want names 09:51 Rich lol 09:51 Inez Austin (working a tab away) none of this brothers in arms crap 09:51 Rich I don't know who they are, do you know how many people wave at this camera a day? 09:51 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Favorite son byw, Dire Staits (spelling) 09:51 Inez Austin (working a tab away) song 09:51 Rich I don't have that many living releatives. 09:52 Rich ~~~ 09:52 Rich two more on the right. 09:52 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Well post pics of them on your wallllllllll, no same folks 09:52 Inez Austin (working a tab away) The first group had two kids, don't know where they went 09:53 Rich Beamed them UP! 09:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I throw darts at pics of some relatives.... 09:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) good one 09:53 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Make sure when you beam them down, it's not in hot water! 09:53 Rich Hitchhikers 09:54 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Ahhh 09:55 Inez Austin (working a tab away) well I wonder when BH and Lion are planning their partieee, I need to go get dressed and leave to pretend I am a professional for a few hours..... 09:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Just noticed your cousins standing on the bench, the beam up isn't working,just levatating.... 09:56 Inez Austin (working a tab away) They figured out I narked on em and sat 09:56 Rich Nice photo Inez, even have twinkkling street lights. 09:56 Rich g 09:57 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yes, and we wish they didn't, way too much light pollution since the place was built. We may have to move the thing a few miles away. Not looking forward to that expense 10:01 Rich May 29 11:37 steam left of 'F&M' location ran until 12:01 10:02 Rich Looks like Riverside kicked in agoutr 13:42 on the 29th 10:02 Rich about 10:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) that is it, and that seems familiar also 10:02 Inez Austin (working a tab away) So now you know where Link is. 10:02 Rich Or not. g 10:02 Rich A start 10:03 Rich Was a pretty stormy day. Wind blowing down basin from Grand to F&M 10:03 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Yes, rain sleet and wind, but with sunny breaks 10:04 Rich yes 10:06 Rich May 30 looks like steam is blow in from Oblong/Grotto 10:06 Inez Austin (working a tab away) I remember Grotto on both days I think, too long ago and we were at the bridge at F&M sitting.... 10:09 Lori a quick off topic request for prayers. my cousins young son (HS freshman next year) killed himself yesterday. sad day in IA 10:12 Inez Austin (working a tab away) What a heavy burden he has placed on his family.... 10:13 Inez Austin (working a tab away) Lots of sympathy for them. My first husband offed himself and it really affected my kids. 10:20 kcmule Groblong 11:19:25ie 10:22 Lori most people seem to have some experience with it, all we can do is pray for peace for those he left behind. thanks...on to happier topics now. 10:24 kcmule my condolensces lori 10:28 kcmule Oblong 11:19:25ie d~7 mins 10:28 Lori can I get a bh to make it a better day? Looks like nice lighting right now. not to be selfish or anything, you can all watch , too, g 10:28 kcmule oblong gosa 10:33 kcmule oops that was intended for the google search bar 10:34 kcmule nice bison on the wc saying hello lori 10:38 Rich Making it back from a crash. 10:38 Rich One BH coming up. g 10:43 kcmule baltimore is 105, almost the highest temp ever recorded there. dc and nyc not far behind 10:43 kcmule darn it keep typing in the wrong window. chatting with my friend about the weather 10:44 Rich Bet Graham is glad to be in Glacier NP. 10:46 kcmule i wondered about that. great place to be this week 10:46 Lori ok- i am going to capture while i head next door to see a niece that is in town (other side of the family) will be back on later. thanks all 10:47 Rich Chin up. Smile on the face. 10:47 Rich later Lori 10:48 Rich brb, have to check bread. 10:53 Rich Bread is on second rise. 11:03 Rich hi guest695159 11:08 Rich Looks like there are a bunch of folks camping out at BH. 11:10 Rich OF 12:09:30ie 11:28 Rich Hi Kent 11:29 Kent Hi Rich. 11:31 Rich July 07, 2010 recap Anemone 07:26:30ie? Aurum 08:21:07ie??? Depression 07:54:13ie? 10:36:50ie Groblong 07:17ie 11:19:25ie OF 07:36ie 09:04:12ie 10:36:50ie 12:09:30ie Plume 07:59:04ie 08:37:08ie? 10:08:17ie Riverside 07:52:03ie 09:58:23ie d~18m 11:31 Rich If that is a duplicate, sorry, meebo gave me a could not IM buddy msg 11:36 Rich http://yellowstoneinsider.com/20100707603/news/art… 11:36 Rich http://www.nps.gov/yell/parknews/10058.htm 11:45 Rich that the Grand crowd coming over? 11:47 Kent It may be the crowd that was at Beehive leaving? 11:48 Rich k 11:48 Rich Now I can't see for the shadows. 12:20 Rich hi guest6214081 12:21 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) So I didn't miss anything? 12:22 Rich Wait, I'm trying to figure out who/what you are. lol 12:22 Rich No you haven't. 12:22 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Was a professional, now just living in dread for cleaning teeth at dentist LOL 12:22 steve Hi Rich, no BH het? 12:23 Rich Hi steve. No BH yet 12:23 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Got a stay of execution for book, since I am still nowhere ready for the editor..... 12:23 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Plume steam at 132307 maybe? 12:24 steve1 Hmm, well, I can't stay around, work calls. Good luck 12:24 Rich ty, enjoy, later 12:26 kcmule Grand 13:24:38ie 12:26 Rich Groblong 13:24:38ie 12:26 kcmule i'm going OOAL : ) 12:26 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) both or ?? I still can't sort them out 12:26 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) ooal? 12:27 Rich g 12:27 kcmule out on a limb :D 12:27 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) aaahhhh 12:29 Rich I'm a fence rider. g 12:31 kcmule like desperado? 12:32 Rich Desperado, Great Escape, or wishy washy. 12:32 Rich Can't make up my mind. 12:35 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Great song, but hasta be the long version.... 12:35 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) We have called the mouse house (trap) Hotel California....hows that for a seque 12:36 Rich g 12:37 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) that would be with a g. I see OF 133639ie 12:38 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) nice steammy from Pump 12:39 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Plume in Background 133809ie 12:39 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) At least I think so..... 12:40 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Look at the orange blob at Giantess 134009 12:41 Rich algae bloom 12:41 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) I know but still cool looking with the sun on it huh 12:41 Rich yes 12:41 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Ok so lets be having Lion and BH! 12:42 kcmule holy crowd thats quite an exodus of people there 12:42 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) I'm not getting a clear enough signal but is that BHI???? 12:42 Rich Lunch would be good, also. 12:42 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Already had it, treated myself! 12:42 Rich good 12:43 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Whatcha having? 12:43 Rich Unknown at this time. 12:43 Rich If the bread gets done, then I will have pb & J. 12:44 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) You will have to encourage the garden to grow, it will increase the possibilites 12:44 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) White out on the hill, tell the cloud to shove off 12:44 Rich You mean like plant seeds and plants? 12:44 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Good one! 12:45 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) cute question mark plunme from Lion 12:46 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) plume 12:46 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) spelling error not geyser..... 12:49 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) So, does it look smudgy to you at BH? 12:49 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Or is it wishful thinking on my part??? 12:49 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) The answer to that is patently, "always" 12:50 Rich yes, yes, always. 12:50 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) lol 12:51 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) At least there is a critical mass of folk at the boardwalk to get wet, quick, are there enough packs to make the drenching worthwhile, BH wants to know.... 12:52 Rich Does look to be people indicator. 12:52 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) and smudgy 12:52 Rich lol 12:52 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) So with luch a BH by 1410 12:52 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) luck 12:53 Kent That's got to be people Indicator! 12:53 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Yes and if it's BHI it's been going for about 7 minutes 12:54 kcmule appeats to be steam at bhi in the latest capture 12:54 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) great!! 12:55 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Nice one at Lion, but no longer a question mark. BHI for sure 12:56 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) little to no wind, should be a nice eruption 12:58 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) steam bloop from ear spring 13:00 Rich Good timing, I can still get a short nap in. g 13:01 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) AFTER the two eruptions??? 13:02 Rich After BH anyway. 13:02 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Lion is serously thinking of trying,,,,,, 13:02 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) I just know it ROFLOL 13:02 Rich Thought transfer? 13:02 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) If necessary! 13:02 Rich g 13:03 Rich Are you just trying to accidently forget the DDS? 13:03 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Can you hear the BW creaking, many many folk....yes, selective memory 13:04 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) It would be a slide down to the river...... 13:04 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Appt is at 3 pm my time arggghhhh 13:04 Rich I did that at the bridge crossing. 13:05 Rich Still plenty of time to forget. 13:05 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) ....... 13:06 Rich think it is going to wait for 6 m? 13:06 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Oh, you slid by the bridge fro OFL. Not fun for me in the chair, even tho there is only one line I can take down and up and I ask folks to move if the step in it, they are like lemmings.... 13:06 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) I have hit a few and they are so surprized.....ignorant...... 13:07 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Or then again, maybe they arn't used to an adult at navel level..... 13:07 Rich I was with folks that blazed individual tracks. 13:07 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) bhi? 13:07 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) sure looks like it at 140645ie 13:08 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) BH not BHI 140645ie 13:08 kcmule not much doubt now. very steamy in this direction 13:08 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) at least by my clock.... 13:09 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Nice steam plume at Pump 13:10 BB wow, am I lucky 13:10 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) did you just get back? 13:10 BB I was sure I had missed it 13:10 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) It waited for you 13:10 BB yes, I forgot I was still in here, left the window open and went to make dinner 13:10 BB that was hours ago 13:11 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Nice long eruption 13:12 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Please note I said it would erupt by 1400, I am not often right about this one. 13:12 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Nix that I said 1410.... 13:14 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) really nice steam at Pump 13:15 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) see the steam from the goggles.... 13:16 BB That was nice, now I am off to bed 13:16 BB bye all 13:16 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) guess the group is now hanging at Lion, lets hope it encourages it. Bye BB 13:16 Rich bye BB 13:19 Rich BH interval 26h 43m 13:20 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 13:20 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 13:20 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) A bit long.... 13:20 Rich longer, g 13:24 Rich These people have a long wait for OF. 13:25 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) I was thinking that too. Maybe they will watch Lion instead, I am trying to convince it..... 13:25 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) I see RR don't I on the left 13:26 Rich Yes 13:40 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) So when was the last Lion, says the woman who must get some work donw today..... 13:40 Rich napping Lion 21:38:50ie 07/05/10 13:42 Rich napping ~~~ 13:43 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) enoy! 13:43 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) enjoy.... 13:43 Rich napping ty, you too. g 13:43 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) dentist arghhh 13:44 Rich napping g 13:44 Rich napping bye for now. 13:44 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) bye sleep well 13:54 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Aurum 145320 I think..... 14:01 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) great steam plume from Ear Spring 150022 14:01 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) Plume 150022ie 14:14 Inez Austin (who is now back until time for Dentist) OF151349ie 14:43 Inez Austin (who is at the Dentist) So much for Lion..... 14:54 kcmule Lion 15:52:22ie. initial? 14:54 Gazer-by-Proxy It looked big enough to be an initial. 14:57 kcmule Plume 15:56:53ie 15:00 kcmule solid steam phase still continuing for lion too 16:14 Lori what time did bh go today? i tried the capture program, and forgot to turn off the virus update so I have a box in front of most of my pics :( 16:14 Rich omp 16:14 Rich BH 14:06:45ie 16:14 Lori thanks 16:17 Rich I'm miising 16:00 - 17:00 due to a time out 16:20 kcmule Lion 17:19:01ie 16:20 kcmule spfft 16:22 kcmule could be a minor, was pretty big cloud in the next capture. it's been huffing quite a bit in the last half hour or so 16:26 Lori eating- later all 16:26 Rich later Lori 16:29 Rich Hi guest921902 16:29 Rich wb 16:29 kcmule more activity at what might be ear spring in the 1727 capture 16:31 Rich I think I will run a list of 'Ear Spring' times for the last couple of days, see if there is a pattern. 16:33 Rich kcmule, I have Lion at 15:50:03ie 16:35 kcmule ty, im sure i didnt get the first capture - i was back and forth with work at that time 16:35 Rich ok 16:39 kcmule to my knowledge it has not had a full eruption since then but i cannot say for sure 16:39 Rich ty, 16:40 Rich I don't have captures from 16:00-17:00 16:43 Rich Do you remember the location of the bison this morning? 16:44 kcmule yes about 15 feet in front of the bw towards OF. i was surprised everyone sat there and didnt move. it moved from right to left 16:45 kcmule i guess i should say behind the bw towards OF. 16:46 Rich Just wanted to make sure it wasn't down basin in the meadow, difficult to find sometimes there. 16:49 Rich It has clouded over here. 16:50 kcmule been raining in denver area all day 16:51 Rich Our rainy season is usually over by mid to late June. 16:51 kcmule there goes lion again. lets see what it does this time 16:51 kcmule Lion 17:51:04ie 16:52 Rich bigger 16:53 kcmule it does look quite tall. wonder if it was saving its energy for the last 2 hours 16:54 Rich NOTE: On Ear Spring, there is a clearing in the treeline just behind Ear Spring. 17:04 kcmule drivin home, should bbl 17:04 Rich safe journey, kcmule, later 17:16 Rich No fun there. 17:16 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Yeppers 17:16 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) So. Lion?? 17:17 Rich two eruptions so far. 17:17 Rich several roars 17:17 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Ha! 17:17 Rich Last was at 17:51:04ie 17:17 Rich I'm starting a track on Ear Spring. 17:18 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) ty 17:18 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) I really really wish I could go sit there..... 17:18 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) on the BW 17:19 Rich I want to sit at Pump. 17:19 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) But I must stay and work here because there is no wifi there. I would gladly sit with my brolly on my chair and work on the BW and I'd watch Pump for you ttoo! 17:20 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) I see Pump 17:21 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) I wonder if I've ever even taken a pic of Pump or Ear Spring, I've seen them many times. Got that nice steam and will post it (Pump) 17:21 Rich One thing I have noted is that there seems to be an open space behind the treeline at Ear Spring. Sometimes shows up like steam. 17:21 Rich k 17:22 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) I think that's a reach, most of the steam really is steam, maybe I should post the pics.... 17:22 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) back in a flash or two 17:23 Rich Most has been but several times The Shape has been the same and when I blew them up it was identical. 17:23 Rich OF 18:22:47ie 17:25 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Here is that neat Pump steam: http://i27.tinypic.com/16j55si.jpg Pump 182007 7-7-10 17:25 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Obviously I must watch Ear more closely..... 17:25 Rich Nice capture. 17:26 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Yes, must have been a really good boil.... 17:26 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Usually they are as big as the one right now 17:26 Rich yes 17:28 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) bigger one again at Pump 17:32 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) steam at ear 7-7-10 183008 http://i32.tinypic.com/2vts5lh.jpg 17:33 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Pump is just going wild! WOnder why the steam/pressure/whatever is wicking up there?? 17:34 Rich Evening dew point? 17:34 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) More likely, but not there quite, you can't see the plume at Giantess yet 17:35 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Note how bright white ear is in the capture, not dull 17:36 Rich yes 17:36 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Means we will be able to see Depression. Got another nice steam from Plate reagion coming up. 17:37 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) can't spell either 17:37 Rich I never made it to the upper loop. Now I wish I'd paid more attention to what was behind the treeline. 17:38 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) 7---------12 geyser near Plate or steam http://i25.tinypic.com/rh2v76.jpg Just means ya gotta go back 17:39 Rich Maybe I can get a job as a Greeter, like at WalMart. 17:40 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Well, you might want to see what they have for voluteers...used to be ok and yu could camp at the employee area 17:42 Rich Probably would help if I learned Hello, how are you? in several hundred languages. g 17:42 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) ear7-7-10 184009 http://i28.tinypic.com/mijnn7.jpg 17:42 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) Na, not that complicated for Yelly. 17:43 Inez Austin (who needs a crown ack) My kids have worked there, they key is not to have to pay for food and board, how about for Hamilton Stores tthat were???? They like early and late season folks 17:44 Rich Hmmm 17:44 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) New title for me.... 17:44 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) See it again, not the air behind it..... 17:45 Rich I think I'm going to stick with just collecting time right now. 17:45 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) I understand that, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to be there. Nice puff from Lion 17:46 Rich Very cool 17:46 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice steam from Depression too, wonder if it's working up to an eruption.... 17:47 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) I would gladly volunteer to try the paths and trails for gimphood ease......just bring my camper and I'm up for it. Looks like a lion roar at 184640 17:47 Rich g 17:47 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Lion 184640ie 17:48 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) nice complementry puff from ear tooo 17:49 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) I would even load tours for gimps, all for the price of cheap parking..... 17:49 Rich What we wouldn't do to live at YNP 17:49 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Heck, I'd even wear funny T shirts, hows that for prostituting myself..... 17:49 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice Lion 17:50 Rich I still have a like new yellow one from the lat 80's 17:50 Rich late 17:50 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) gottcha 17:51 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) gotta go feed the dog, back in a few 17:51 Rich k 17:56 Rich Plume 18:55:11ie 18:01 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) dog fed and I missed Plume.... 18:02 Rich g 18:02 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Keeping your eye on Depression? 18:02 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice one from Pump 18:02 Rich steam at Dep 18:03 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) and a little from BH in support? 18:04 Rich Wonder how much the rotation of the earth is affected by the geysers erupting? 18:04 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) no clue 18:04 Rich Maybe that should be the orbit of the earth. 18:05 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) whew that the butterfly wing thing scientifically, not my area at all 18:05 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice steam from ear, not not not ground 18:06 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) It, like beach spring is cycling and pulses 18:07 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) (says she who thinks ear spring needs champions) 18:07 Rich We walked out to Narcissus. That was cool, got a 'major' eruption. 18:07 Rich Not sure that is the term used on Narcissus 18:07 Rich Hi Lori 18:08 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) I have a cool pic of that somewhere. Back a few decades ago they used to do Ranger tours to it. Yes, it has minors and majors like Pink Cone does 18:08 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Hi Lori, too 18:08 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) and guest from zip code near me, cause I can't see the final number 18:09 Rich First we stood at Pink Cone, nothing happened, we waited and waited. 18:09 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice white steam bowl from Little cub 18:09 Rich After we moved on the discussion lead to me making the observation that the roadway was wet when we first got there. lol 18:10 Rich That was the first day of the trip and my first 'geyser observation' trip. 18:11 Rich Who'd a thunk that wet pavement was a geyser indicator. 18:11 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) yeppers 18:11 Lori just in & out tonight. pic froze and I didn't get BH, just the very beginning, about a million times :( 18:11 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) bummer 18:11 Rich sorry 18:11 Rich I lost an hours worth of captures to the browser timing out. 18:12 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Perhaps you would enjoy my ear spring pics..... 18:12 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Says she who is trying to increase it's fan clug 18:12 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) club 18:12 Lori Todd didn't know it was running, mentioned Big Brother when I had pics of the pages he had been to, so it was kinda cool anyway :) 18:12 Rich Ear Spring fan clug! has a certain ring to it. lol 18:12 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) good one 18:13 Rich The joy of learning. 18:13 Rich I can picture the T-Shirts now. 18:13 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) better define clug, soon they will require one to be 21 LOL 18:14 Rich I got fresh bread Lori. 18:14 Rich Late night snack, hot bread and butter? 18:14 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice pfft from your friend Pump and I want some of that fresh bread! 18:15 Rich I have an album on FB devoted to my 'baked' goods. g 18:15 Rich You can download and eat to your hearts content. 18:15 Rich Hi Bruce 18:15 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Moce steam from Goggles pic soon 18:15 Rich Location Bruce? 18:15 Bruce da Moose Hi! Just a quick visit 18:15 Bruce da Moose troutdale or 18:16 Rich Sorry I missed you yesterday. 18:16 Bruce da Moose s'ok - only had a second 18:17 Bruce da Moose saw some big waterfalls 2day 18:17 Rich Good time being had by All? 18:17 Rich cool 18:17 Bruce da Moose More or less :-) 18:17 Rich g 18:17 Rich New experiences are a good thing. 18:18 Bruce da Moose agreed 18:18 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Goggle steam 7-7-10 191413 look close, http://i28.tinypic.com/9u5fk6.jpg 18:19 Bruce da Moose That Goggle is very interesting 18:19 Rich I wondered why Troutdale sounded familiar 18:19 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) So you are doing the waterfall loop by Multnomah? 18:19 Rich Drive the 5 bypass going to Seattle. 18:19 Bruce da Moose yepp - that was today. Eagle Creek tomorrow 18:19 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Just flashed on it and it's looks like a small eruption... 18:20 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) IS that by The Dalles in the Gorge? 18:20 Bruce da Moose everything we are seeing west of the Dalles 18:21 Bruce da Moose Eagle Creel=k is just east of Bonneville dam 18:21 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Oh, they have nice wild flowers there, an interesting species of shooting stars 18:22 Bruce da Moose Eagle Creek has 10-12 waterfalls in that canyon 18:22 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) It's been years, but it was a wonderland for wild flowers 18:22 Rich http://web.oregon.com/hiking/eaglecreek.cfm 18:22 Bruce da Moose it's nice now, although spring is late. 18:23 Rich w home kcmule 18:23 Rich wb 18:24 Rich Eagle Creek looks wonderful. 18:24 kcmule ty nice to be back 18:24 Bruce da Moose That's the one. His trail mileages are two-way. Cannot wait! Been looking forward foir years :-) 18:25 Bruce da Moose well, gotta go again. movie night :-) have fun! 18:25 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice steam bump about a half inch to the right of BH and on the other side of the boardwalk. 7-7-10 191944 http://i29.tinypic.com/2agjl14.jpg 18:25 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Great Pump steam for it's fans 18:25 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Bye Bruce 18:26 Rich Enjoy Bruce 18:26 Rich bb, going to start dinner. 18:27 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) whatcha having? 18:28 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Was that Aurum peaking up?? 18:31 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) plate steam 7-7-10 192744 http://i30.tinypic.com/35ic6dc.jpg 18:31 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) No, not plate....hummmm???? 18:32 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) ear.... 18:32 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) yep, ear 18:34 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Just a complementry message from your ear fan club....says she who really needs to tab away and get to work, but none of the rest of you are talking..... 18:47 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice Google steam: 194346 http://i30.tinypic.com/wi9b9y.jpg 18:47 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Lion 194647ie 18:51 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) Nice steam from the pool by Plate 18:52 Rich b for a second, same as always, veggies, rice or pasta, some meat thrown in. g 18:53 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) sounds good none the less 18:53 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) OF will be soon 18:53 Rich Yes, usually is. Or I would switch. g 18:53 Rich I'd eat rice bowls all the time if they weren't so high in sodium. 18:53 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) If only it would control it's steam when it is done and not obscure the othersl, sigh 18:54 Rich g 18:54 Rich Plume 19:53:17ie 18:55 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) missed that I am on 195347 18:55 Rich I'll upload to FB, I'm not as quick as you are. 18:55 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) NOt to worry 18:56 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) I am only fast because I am avoiding getting back to what I should be doing LOL 18:58 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) They are cutting me off at 10pm to do system work, so I haven't gotten much done today. I like that steam at Goggle 18:58 Rich Plume 19:53:17ie mdt 07/07/10 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 18:58 Rich bb 18:59 Inez Austin (who thinks ear spring is pretty cool) I will wait for OF and then I must go. Enjoy your grub 19:00 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) OF195917 19:00 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) ie 19:01 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) More likely 30 seconds earlier but it didn't refresh for me\ 19:10 Rich b 19:15 Rich Groblon 20:14:20ie 19:24 Rich Groblong 20:14:20ie d~9m 19:43 Rich July 07, 2010 recap Anemone 07:26:30ie? Aurum 08:21:07ie??? 14:53:20ie? Beehive Indicator 13:49 Beehive 14:06:45ie Depression 07:54:13ie? 10:36:50ie Grand 13:24:38ie Groblong 07:17ie 11:19:25ie 13:24:38ie 20:14:20ie d~9m 19:43 Rich Lion 15:52:22ie initial 17:19:01ie roar 17:51:04ie 18:46:40ie 19:46:47ie OF 07:36ie 09:04:12ie 10:36:50ie 12:09:30ie 13:36:39ie 15:13:49ie 18:22:47ie 19:59:17ie 19:43 Rich Plume 07:59:04ie 08:37:08ie? 10:08:17ie 13:23:07ie? 15:56:53ie 15:00:22ie 18:55:11ie 19:53:17ie Riverside 07:52:03ie 09:58:23ie d~18m 19:44 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 19:44 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 19:53 Rich Lion 20:52:26ie 19:55 Rich Grotto 20:02 Lori Hi Rich, Todd here. 20:02 Rich Hi Todd 20:05 Rich Lori's getting the hang of X-Shot. 20:28 Rich Hi Kent 20:29 Rich You in West yet? 20:32 Todd OF 19:31 20:32 Rich lol 20:32 Todd How's that fro a time delay? 20:33 Rich not to bad. 20:33 Rich But aren't days long enough already? 20:33 Todd Long as you got it logged, that's all that matters. 20:33 Rich That's the way I feel about it. 21:03 Rich Groblong again 21:03 Rich Would be nice to know what it is this time. 21:03 Rich Day is done, gone Rich. I'm off to bed. 21:03 Rich Nite kcmule 21:04 Rich Nite Yellowstone July 8th, 2010 03:52 BB at work OF 04:50 ie 06:36 Michael Old Faithful 7:35ie 06:36 Michael Depression looked ie a few minutes ago (7:32ie?) 06:39 Michael Hi Todd 06:39 Todd oops, forgot to change the name. Lori here :) 06:39 Michael Hi Lori. 06:40 Todd beautiful morning in the park! 06:40 Michael Yes. You can see everything today. 06:41 Todd do you know the temp? I haven't looked at the big pic yet 06:43 Michael It was 33 degrees at 7am. 06:43 Todd oh, crisp :) nice 06:44 Todd just steam, or something more exciting in the basin? 06:44 Michael The forecast high is near 70, with the usual change for isolated showers. 06:44 Rich Hi Lori 06:44 Rich Hi Michael 06:44 Todd I don't think I have ever been that there wasn't an afternoon shower in the mts or the park. 06:45 Todd morning rich 06:45 Michael I think the downbasin cloud is Grotto. 06:46 Lori been pretty big since i got on 06:46 Michael If I saw a cloud like that at 3 in the afternoon, then I'd get pretty excited about Giant. 06:47 Michael Hi Rich. 06:52 Lori if i saw a cloud like that here, i'd have to call the fire dept, lol. Location, location, location... 06:55 Rich g 07:04 Rich ~~~ 07:07 Rich Not to be a fashion critic, but? 07:08 Lori just walked back in- what did I miss??? I like to be a fashion critic, g 07:09 Rich Bright Pink jeans 07:09 Rich Luckily I couldn't tell the gender. 07:10 Michael Next summer everyone will have a pair. 07:10 Lori oh, was it an itty bitty little girl? If older than,say, 12, it is wrong- no matter the gender 07:10 Lori take a while for trends like that to make IA 07:10 Rich Older than 12 07:10 Rich Grand? 07:10 Michael Looks like our first Oblong-gram of the morning. 07:11 Lori ouch. you may have to keep that capture, just because 07:11 Rich I'll post it to FB, g 07:11 Lori nice. what not to wear 07:12 Lori a public service announcement 07:12 Michael Do you have to put the photo behind some kind of Caution label? 07:12 Rich not that bad. 07:12 Lori could cause loss of eyesight? 07:13 Lori you shouldn't stand out more than the geysers, g. and what a pretty morning they are providing today 07:14 Rich It is a very nice morning. 07:16 Michael I think Grand just started, too. 07:16 Rich Grand and Vent? 07:17 Michael My impression is Oblong at 8:11 (didn't note the time) and Grand at 8:14 or 8:15. 07:17 Rich k 07:17 Rich Oblong 08:10:13ie 07:17 cb I have it up on the cam control and it is Grand 07:17 cb hi all 07:18 Michael Hi cb. 07:18 Rich Hi cb 07:18 Michael Do you know if Grand just started 2 minutes ago, or more like 6? 07:18 Rich Now or before 08:15? 07:19 cb I just got on the static about 2 min ago and saw the colume of steam so cked it out and I have it on close ulp w water spikes 07:20 Michael Well, we can always wait and see how long Grand keeps going for. 07:20 Rich yep 07:20 Rich cb, we think we had both going 07:21 Lori i know nothing, but i would agree on two. location is just a bit different than when I first wondered what it was 07:23 cb 2nd burst 07:25 Michael Showed up pretty well on the static cam. 07:26 Lori Grand way to start the day ;P 07:26 Rich Grand starting time 08:14:12ie 07:26 Lori I'm off- have dentist apt (Yucky) and then work. Have a fine day all 07:27 Rich Have a pleasant visit. lol 07:27 Rich later Lori 07:27 Rich Hi sparekitty 07:27 Michael Bye Lori. Same story here, just without the dentist appt. 07:28 Rich bye Michael 07:29 Rich thanks cb 07:29 Rich Just when we needed the extra eyes. 07:30 cb ur welcome. 07:31 Rich You are missed around these parts. 07:31 cb g 07:31 cb busy around here laltely 07:31 Rich Life does have that way of butting in. g 07:32 cb got to go to work....:-( signing off 07:32 Rich Have a good one 07:32 Rich bye for now 07:43 Rich hi guest278213 07:43 Loisb Good Morning 07:43 Rich Hi Loisb 07:45 Rich And how is Seattle? 07:46 Loisb They say its going to be warm today 07:46 Loisb 71 inside already 07:46 Rich Good sign. 07:47 Rich Possible we might triple. 07:47 Loisb I have everything open but am thinking of shutting things up soon 07:47 Rich Must not got to warm. 07:47 Rich Cat will want to move. 07:52 Rich I see the youngest got online 07:54 Rich Hi guest695159 08:06 Rich OF 09:04:50ns 08:06 Loisb a very nice one 08:07 Rich indeed 08:10 Rich Hmmm down basin steam F&M area 08:10 Loisb humm 08:18 Rich Unknown down basin geyser 09:09:50ie start 08:18 Rich Hi BB 08:18 Rich bye BB 08:19 BB Hi Loisb and Rich and sparekitty 08:19 BB My guess: that was a very windy Riverside 08:19 BB There is still some faint steam, and it moved over to Riverside's location 08:20 Rich I'm just wondering if with conditions today, we might see F&M cycle 08:20 Rich yes 08:21 Rich Now it appears in the 'notch' 08:21 Rich Another wait and see. 08:21 BB I bet if F&M ever goes and is visible on the cam, I will declare it a Riverside :) 08:22 Rich Well at least once. g 08:23 BB meebo is giving me trouble today, didn't want to let me in 08:23 BB Now that I am in the room, I will stay logged in 08:23 Rich I had that problem a few days ago. 08:23 BB but will probably not be watching all the time 08:23 Rich Just when I think the steam is done it puffs. 08:26 Rich Hi contner 08:26 Rich hi kcmule 08:27 contner Hi Rich 08:27 kcmule mornin 08:27 contner One week and 6 days till I get to YNP! 08:28 Rich YEAH!!! 08:29 Rich July 08, 2010 recap Grand 08:14:12ie 2b d~11m Oblong 08:10:13ie OF 04:50ie 07:35ie 09:04:50ns Something down basin 09:09:50ie 08:29 contner Thanks! 08:30 Rich Oblong/Grand duel/dual 07/08/10 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 08:31 Rich yw 08:33 Rich Grotto 08:33 contner Nice pics on Facebook Rich!;) 08:34 Rich We had trouble figuring out what was happening. cb came on was viewing the op feed. 08:34 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Morning, all 08:34 Rich Hi Inez 08:35 Rich steve posted a nice note about Ear Spring in his report to the geyserlist. 08:35 contner Good Morning all! 08:35 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) hi 08:36 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Looks like I will need to bring up my email. I have to go out again this morning so I am just viisting for a few. 08:37 contner Have a great day everyone! Happy gazing 08:39 Rich bye contner 08:40 Rich Hi guest4494125 08:40 Rich Walk time. bb in 25m 08:43 steve Hi Rich, only half here 08:44 Loisb he went walking steve - should be about 20 min - guess he's hoping nothing exciting will go off - g 08:45 steve1 Ahh, well I' m putting off going in to work. I think a batch of banana oatmeal cookies needs my help 08:47 Loisb they sound good to me 08:47 Loisb I need to make another batch for the grandkid myself 08:48 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) If you will make some oatmeal butterscotch cookies and post them we can enjoy them virtually..... 08:52 steve1 I was just trying to figure out how to use some older banana besides banana bread. Oatmeal cookies sounded like a reasonable try. 08:53 BB If today is wish for your favorite cookie day... I am very fond of Macadamia nut white chocolate chip cookies 08:54 BB Full schedule for LoisB today :) 08:56 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) But the grandkids will be full and happy 09:00 steve1 My favorite is still soft gingersnap cookies. Maybe 'cause they are soft I should call them soft molasses cookies 09:02 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) all these cookies are making me hungry. 09:03 Rich walking I made a fresh batch Sunday, steve1 09:05 Rich Just shy of 'snapping' 09:06 Rich banana/pineapple oatmeal???? 09:10 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) If you love ginger, try using the Tollhouse receipe and instead of choc chips use chopped up crystalized ginger and grated fresh ginger, and instead of vanilla add powdered ginger, and if you are feeling hogwild add preserved pink stem ginger...yummmm 09:10 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) In fact leave in the chocckie toooo 09:10 Rich lol 09:11 Rich I like your thinking Inez 09:11 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Can you tell we love ginger LOL 09:11 Rich Everything goes well with chocolate. 09:11 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) tooooo true 09:11 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Good walk? 09:11 Rich YEs, but just about to warm. 09:12 Rich Worked up a little sweat today. 09:12 Rich I don't mind getting warm, but this bordered on HOT! 09:12 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Someone is taking a pic of us taking a pic 09:12 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Still cool here, but soon to be triples 09:13 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) The hill is very quiet 09:13 Rich Morning break time. 09:14 Rich Cookie talk made the geysers hungry too. 09:15 Rich My Food album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2034193&id=1427016656&l=a9ea42f3f7 09:16 Rich Bread and breakfast rolls and Loisb's bd cake from last year. 09:20 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) ok now I am seriously hungry 09:20 Rich lol 09:21 Rich the Cake (Marzipan) came from Larsen's Bakery http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CAYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.larsensbakery.com%2F&ei=vPo1TOPkKcXjn****oSAAQ&usg=AFQjCNHZL6I6D6gVjkEYTTOYUzh58t088Q&sig2=El46wRjL1FAiYxkYZuRYAw 09:25 Rich Report in about F&M, NO overnight lastnight. Ben H via Pat S 09:25 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) I have a receipe for that. I do a lot of baking with almond flour, the other half being I have to limit the baking cause I do a lot of eating of the baking LOL 09:26 Rich lol 09:26 Rich How well I know that chain of events. 09:28 Inez Austin (who is still ear spring's only supporter) Nice steam from Pump 09:29 Inez Austin (pretending to be a professional, again!) Well, I must get going....I will leave this up a while, but really I am just glancing as I get ready. Have a great day! 09:30 Rich Have a good day. 09:30 Rich later Inez 09:30 Inez Austin (pretending to be a professional, again!) bye 09:30 Rich bye 09:30 Rich Depression? 09:31 Rich Plume 10:29:59ie 09:33 Rich I'm going with Depression 10:29:59ie 09:35 Rich OF 10:34:02ie 09:50 Rich Hi Kristine 09:50 Kristine Hi Rich 09:51 Rich Beautiful day in the Park. 09:51 Kristine It is. Wish I was there 09:53 Rich I think we need a 'Geyser Gazing National Holiday', everyone gets the day of to visit the geysers. 09:53 Rich off 09:53 Kristine That sounds good! 09:54 Kristine I could spend a weekend between Beehive, Grand, and Castle 09:58 Kristine Gotta go...later 09:58 Rich Later Kristine 10:05 kcmule the 0909 eruption musta been riverside, no? 10:06 Rich I don't know, there didn't appear to be any down basin wind. It started over in F&M area, but it did move back and finished closer to Riverside. 10:07 kcmule yesterday's riverside was similar, if it werent for the previous F&M i would have thought it might have been F&M 10:08 kcmule at least at the start 10:08 Rich Need more F&M eruptions so we can zero in on it. g 10:09 kcmule or more fodder for a downbasin webcam : ) 10:09 Rich g 10:18 Rich Hi guest695159 10:20 Rich July 08, 2010 recap Grand 08:14:12ie 2b d~11m Oblong 08:10:13ie OF 04:50ie 07:35ie 09:04:50ns 10:34:02ie Plume 10:29:59ie Something down basin 09:09:50ie 10:23 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 10:23 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 10:52 Rich Some geyser reading http://geology.about.com/od/structureslandforms/a/… 10:52 Rich Hi Loisb 10:56 Rich http://www.takemytrip.com/08wyo/08n_65a.htm 10:59 Rich The second link has a photo of Ear Spring on the Old Faithful page. 11:08 BB That is a great link, Rich. I could go reading on forever. And beautiful pictures. Unfortunately it's kitchen clean-up time 11:08 BB But I bookmarked it, will definitely go back there 11:08 BB Oh, and OF was ie just now 11:08 Rich OF 12:06:11ie 11:08 Rich I was off reading it myself. g 11:09 BB was checking captures for OF time, didn't catch the beginning 11:09 Rich 06 was my closest 11:09 BB yes, same here 11:09 Rich k, ty 11:35 Rich Looks to be a crowd forming at BH 11:56 Rich Smile, we are being caught on camera. 12:18 sparekitty hola all! 12:19 Rich wb sparekitty 12:19 sparekitty thx 12:28 kcmule Plume 13:27:51ie 12:31 Rich hi guest934992 12:31 Rich 935992 12:34 Rich Plan a trip with kids in mind - http://www.kidscantravel.com/destinationguides/yel… 12:49 Rich OF 13:48:53ie 12:50 Loisb and so it is - though I thought I saw water in the previous view - g 12:50 Rich g 12:51 Loisb is BH going to go so I can take my nap or is it waiting for me to go? 12:51 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 12:51 Rich Waiting for you to close your eyes. 12:51 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich. Lois, I'm hoping it'll go soon, too. 12:51 Rich Me too 12:51 Loisb I finally got all my editing done and am ready to see it NOW 12:52 Rich Y'Ma'am 12:54 Rich Sentries are posted, Look outs alerted. 12:56 Loisb guess I will get up and get some water - that should help it hurry 12:56 Rich I hope you have to go far. 12:56 Loisb probably not far enough 13:00 Rich Beehive Interval is now at 23h54m 13:01 Loisb so - given that it probably went in the nite we have anywhere from 6 min to 4 hours 13:01 Rich lol 13:01 Rich something like that. 13:02 Loisb I'll wait the 6 min anyhow 13:02 Rich A few more people out on the bw. 13:02 Loisb probably just walking 13:13 Gazer-by-Proxy Or boarding. 13:14 Loisb as it were 13:17 Rich Looks like people coming or going by Lion. 13:17 Loisb sure a lot out there 13:17 Loisb and these folks sitting are going to be waiting quite awhile 13:18 Gazer-by-Proxy Post-July-4 traffic, I guess. 13:18 Rich Don't imagine all the ones here on the benches are waiting for the next OF. 13:18 Loisb well if June set an attendence record July sure is on its way to topping it if this view is any indication 13:18 Rich Hi Michael 13:19 Derek Hi All 13:19 Rich Hi Derek 13:19 Michael Hi Rich. 13:19 Loisb Hi Michael, Derek 13:20 Derek Does anyone know much about microwave ovens? 13:20 Rich They have fuses. 13:20 Gazer-by-Proxy Don't put metal objects in and turn them on. Nor small animals. 13:20 Derek I've had a basic one for years, but I'm seriously thinking of getting a combi 13:21 Rich I'm still trying to get mine to stop flashing at me. 13:22 Gazer-by-Proxy With the convection oven? My MIL has one of those and she was scared to use one of the functions for a long time, for fear she'd set something on fire. 13:23 Derek What's made me think of getting one with a built in grill, is that Beryl has trouble using the grill on our gas cooker because it's too low down. 13:23 Rich Plume 14:22:58ie 13:23 Derek The one I'm looking at has convection and grill. 13:28 Loisb nap is calling - enjoy everything folks 13:28 Loisb bbl 13:28 Rich bye loisb 13:29 Rich Now we can have BH. g 13:54 kcmule groblong 14:53:31ie 13:55 Michael Grand-sized cloud at 14:53. That would be a pretty short interval if it's another Grand. 13:55 kcmule appears to be grand to me too 14:01 Michael That makes an interval of just under 6h 40m. I'm going to check the RT data to see whether that fits into the recent patterns. 14:03 Michael Looks like Grand's been throwing in a couple of sub-7h intervals each week. 14:03 Michael Second burst. 14:05 Michael Right now the prediction window is 6.5-10.5 hours and every bit of it is needed. 14:07 kcmule so a chance for 3 viewable grands today is possible 14:09 Michael I certainly wouldn't wager on it, but stranger things have happened. 14:10 kcmule ive become a fan of strange things since joining this site : ) 14:10 Rich I resemble that. g 14:11 Rich Hi Lori 14:12 Lori hi all, home early today, missed a second grand? 14:12 Rich just 14:12 Rich still some steam 14:12 Lori shouldn't have talked to the father-in-law first :(, lol 14:13 Michael Beehive waited for your arrival, at least. As did Old Faithful. 14:13 Lori oh, nice! 14:13 Lori and I did see grand this a.m. 14:13 Michael I'm heading out now, so enjoy them for me. [Of course Beehive could continue to wait all day if it wants...] 14:14 Lori so, the twice in daylight isn't working out yet? 14:16 Lori OF? 14:18 Rich OF 15:15:33ie 14:19 Rich July 08, 2010 recap Grand 08:14:12ie 2b d~11m 14:53:31ie 2b d~15 Oblong 08:10:13ie OF 04:50ie 07:35ie 09:04:50ns 10:34:02ie 12:06:11ie 13:48:53ie 15:15:33ie Plume 10:29:59ie 13:27:51ie 14:22:58ie Riverside ? 09:09:50ie 14:24 Rich Pllume? 14:25 kcmule i think so too rich but it changed before i could squint at it 14:25 Rich What the heck 14:25 Rich Plume 15:23:05ie 14:28 Rich hi guest 835412 14:43 Lori people gathering, or just some groups on bw near bh? 14:43 Rich Some one turned out the sun. 14:44 Rich Looks to be a crowd growing. 14:44 Rich If this side starts to fill in, might just be 14:45 Rich It's an hour till OF again. 14:47 Lori Story of the Day: Dentist asks, on his way out the door- Have you been there? I am wearing a YNP t-shirt. I say yep, bunch of times. He says that his family is going the end of the month. 14:47 Rich cool 14:48 Rich I found a link to a site today to help plan a trip with kids in mind. 14:48 Rich http://www.kidscantravel.com/destinationguides/yel… 14:48 Lori I ask how many days in the park. He says: don't know, my wife taking care of things. I say, the longer the better. He says they are going to Wyoming, so should they have part of a day or a who;e day. 14:49 Lori I say: you could spend weeks and not see it all. He asks: So, do they have rides and stuff? 14:49 Rich lol 14:49 Rich Down basin steaming 14:49 Lori I say, nope- just nature. He says, so animals and stuff? 14:49 Rich I guess it is Oblong 14:50 kcmule Oblong? 15:48:39ie 14:50 Lori yep- he will prob never see anything but OF :( 14:50 kcmule indy? 15:49:39ie 14:51 Rich One of the 'It's erupted, we can go now.' 14:51 Lori I wanted to sit him down and have a talk with him-me holding the drill, explaining why you need to "see" YNP, not just drive thru YNP and say you were there. 14:51 Rich My first capture for Oblong is 15:46:38ie 14:51 kcmule rack it 14:52 kcmule definitely indicator 14:52 Lori yeah! 14:54 Rich And all those people just walked away. 14:55 Lori trying to capture- talk later 14:55 Rich g 14:56 Rich You'll get the 30 second shuffle down. 14:56 kcmule i decided long ago to stick with the vid caps 14:56 kcmule 'course i've been out of work for a little while... 14:56 Rich And they are great. 14:57 Rich lol 14:57 kcmule wonder if that would qualify me for unemployment 14:57 Rich Did you get paid in the first place? 14:57 kcmule yep, in gratitude : ) 14:58 Rich ah, then you can probably get unemployment paid in kind. 14:58 kcmule good i'll start the paperwork 15:04 Rich Beehive 16:03:09ie 15:04 kcmule question while we enjoy BH... when should we use 'ns' ? 15:06 Rich Anytime something is not in full eruption. 15:06 Rich Like if you see water at OF. 15:07 kcmule like preplay water? it stands for 'near start' correct? 15:07 Rich near start is correct. Preplay different story. 15:08 Rich But yes, water like preplay 15:08 Rich I think it is a pretty flexible term, use when you think it applies. 15:09 Rich Most of the time with the static cam everything is ie due to the time delay factor. 15:09 kcmule if i see a clear treeline, and the next frame is clearly grand then it would be grand x:xx ns? understood on the subjectivity, just curious on the interpretation 15:09 Rich By the time we see it is ie. 15:09 kcmule less the kissy face... 15:10 Rich That is how I interprete it. 15:10 Rich lol 15:10 kcmule so pretty much everything on the still cam will be ie 15:11 Rich ne is sometimes used when you know that. Like seeing steam in the OF run off channel. 15:11 Rich That's the way I treat it. 15:11 Rich With the streaming cam you can 'see' when it starts. 15:12 kcmule i should have noted ne on a grand call the other day, it ended up being 10 mins into the eruption 15:12 Rich I'd say anything 'short' of full eruption could be considered ns. 15:12 Rich If you weren't sure ie is good enough. 15:13 Rich Especially if you noted a duration time. 15:13 kcmule it might be a little misleading... i was away and the room was empty, when i entered the room grand was ie. i called the time, 2 frames later it quit 15:14 Lori giving up to the nephew- bbl 15:14 kcmule my time went into the logs, but at first glance one might think it was near the start time 15:14 kcmule bye Lori 15:14 Rich bye Lori 15:15 Rich Our logs are not 'official' in any sense of the word. 15:15 kcmule understood, but i still like to be right-er when i can : ) 15:15 Rich Supplemental information to visual and data logger data. 15:15 kcmule depression? i can never tell... 15:16 Rich I'd say probably 15:16 Rich steam in the run off channel 15:18 Rich My best time for Depression is 16:15:11ie? 15:19 Rich Usually the Dwarfs aren't that big. 15:19 kcmule thats the time i noted too rich 15:20 kcmule in my officially unofficial notebook 15:20 Rich When in doubt put a ? and check RT's data logger later. 15:20 kcmule Plume 16:20:11ie 15:21 Rich I look at this as a learning place. If I don't call it, I don't have the data to check later. 15:21 kcmule definitely a learning place here 15:22 Rich The reason we supply webcam times to the geyserlist is only to supplement when there are no times reported from the basin. For general reference only. 15:27 Rich Hi guest921902 15:27 Rich wb 15:30 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 06/30/10 04:44:00 10:17:00 06/30/10 14:44:00 10:00:00 07/01/10 13:57:24 23:13:00 07/02/10 01:03:00 11:06:00 07/02/10 12:40:04 11:37:00 15:30 Rich 07/03/10 00:27:00 11:47:00 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 07/08/10 16:03:09 25:57:00 15:31 Rich Hi guest695159 15:33 Rich July 08, 2010 recap Beehive Indicator 15:49:39ie Beehive 16:03:09ie Grand 08:14:12ie 2b d~11m 14:53:31ie 2b d~15 Oblong 08:10:13ie 15:46:38ie 15:33 Rich OF 04:50ie 07:35ie 09:04:50ns 10:34:02ie 12:06:11ie 13:48:53ie 15:15:33ie Plume 10:29:59ie 13:27:51ie 14:22:58ie 16:20:11ie Riverside ? 09:09:50ie 15:48 Rich OF 16:46:44ie 15:49 Rich ~~~ 15:49 Rich Was that preplay? 15:51 Rich Hmm 15:51 Rich See what the VC says 15:52 Rich Called a short, I'd say I only got one capture. 15:54 Rich Nothing at 16:45:14, Full at 16:46:44, small amount of steaming at 16:47:46. 15:54 Rich If you blinked you missed it. 16:13 kcmule Plume 17:12:17ie 16:17 kcmule this upsets me greatly 16:17 kcmule http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=142851&catid=339 16:23 Rich kcmule, the link is broken due to meebo I think, what is after stor and before = 16:26 kcmule after the question mark its 16:26 kcmule stor***=142851&catid=339 16:26 Rich three ***? 16:27 kcmule http://tinyurl.com/295ary6 16:29 Rich ty 16:29 Rich Where is Darwin when you need him. 16:30 Rich Leave the door open and a refrig. 16:31 kcmule and a broken latch on the door betw garage and home 16:31 Rich idiots. 16:32 kcmule then he tries to get the bear to leave... 16:32 kcmule and gets bit, then bear who did nothing but do what bears do, has to leave the earth 16:33 Rich Wonder if there is any ordinance requiring proper storage? 16:33 kcmule i believe there is. i wrote the CDOW and told them the man should have been cited and the bear relocated 16:33 Rich With people it is called an 'Attractive Nuisance', like swimming pools with out fences. 16:34 kcmule but ill bet they have a policy that if the bear bites it has to die 16:34 kcmule exactly 16:35 Rich At the least he is guilty of causing the death of an endangered species. 16:37 kcmule i'd better stop, i'll get myself all wound up : ) 16:37 Rich Back to geysers 16:42 Rich brb, time to start dinner 16:43 kcmule OF 17:43:21ie 16:46 kcmule interesting definition for ns on the old gosa page: "near start (the top of a steam column is observed still rising--when in doubt, ie is used)" 16:57 Rich Ok 16:58 Rich Hi Kristine 16:58 Kristine Howdy 16:59 kcmule drivin home amigos, should bbl 16:59 Rich safe journey, later kcmule 17:28 Rich Hi Michael 17:28 Rich Hi Lori 17:28 Michael Ben Hoppe reported Fan and Mortar this afternoon at 17:09. 17:28 Rich hmmm 17:29 Michael So I guess the cloud we saw one or two nights ago wasn't it. 17:29 Michael Fooled me. 17:30 Rich All I have on capture is two frames with a whisp of steam above the tree line. 17:32 Rich First is 17:11:47 and then in 17:12:17 17:34 Rich I got a email for Chris same report on F&M 17:35 Rich from Chris. 17:42 Rich brb, checking on dinner 17:46 Rich Meatloaf is done. 17:52 Lori with lots of onion ? And ketchup on top? 17:53 Rich Lost of onion, no ketchup yet on top. g 17:53 Rich lots of 17:53 Rich lol 17:53 Rich must be hungry 17:54 Rich Don't know how well ketchup goes with curry. Should be ok. 18:04 Rich Depression? 18:05 Michael Depression 19:03ie I think. 18:05 Rich ty 18:14 Michael Thought I saw Plume at 19:12. Not 100% sure. 18:14 Lori think i just saw a white skirt 18:15 Lori looks like a couple of posers, too 18:15 Rich I caught a glimpse of it too, I think. 18:15 Lori maybe i was right about the wedding, g 18:16 Rich Anything is possible. g 18:22 Rich OF 19:21:33ie 18:23 Rich Hi guest558285 18:26 steve Hi Rich, gee, imagine, F & M in the daylight 18:26 Rich Hi steve 18:26 Rich And we still didn't see it. lol 18:28 steve I had a good F & M run for a while, but I'm beginning to think it doesn't like me anymore 18:28 Michael A daylight Giant is harder to miss. Wish we got one of those every couple of weeks. 18:28 Rich You move on to G&N? 18:29 steve Hmmm, how high to they get? 18:29 Michael This show has been brought to you by the letters "F" and "M" and the number 8 18:29 Rich roflmao 18:34 Rich Looks like BH interval is creeping up, ~13h today. 18:36 Rich if we've had double intervals 18:41 Michael Oblong 19:40ie 18:41 Inez Austin (pretending to be a professional, again!) I am back, has it been a good day? 18:41 Rich Definitely, you are here. 18:42 Rich Haven't noticed it to much today. 18:42 Rich Guess I got bored. g 18:42 Rich I did find a photo of it. 18:43 Rich On the Old Faithful page at this site http://www.takemytrip.com/08wyo/08n_65a.htm 18:43 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Ear Spring?? 18:43 Rich YEs 18:43 Rich It's down the page a ways. 18:44 Rich http://www.takemytrip.com/07yello/07_05a.htm a more direct link 18:45 Rich 2/3 the way down 18:45 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Those are nice pics and a nice site, I found Ear.. 18:47 Rich I like the way he takes you along, sometimes iding other times not, just like you were walking along. 18:49 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) I think that is your friend Pump or something just oo it's left. 18:50 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Nice steamy form Ear too 18:50 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) No, that may have been the googles, I stopped to sneeze and it refreshed..... 18:55 Rich brb 19:06 Rich Lori, the ketchup on the curried meatloaf isn't bad at all. 19:09 Lori Indian meatloaf? 19:09 Rich that's what it turned into. 19:10 Rich I used ground turkey. 19:10 Rich Have to do something to kill the turkey fowl taste. 19:12 Lori how about some beef & bacon, lol 19:13 Rich lol 19:13 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Have you tried ground lamb? We had lamb burgers at the Scottish Fest In Prosser and they were GOOD! 19:13 Rich Going to have to try something different, reminds me of plucking feathers. 19:14 Rich I forgot I do have some bacon in the freezer. 19:14 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Turkey is not my thing, altho a turket chunk sandy wich, from real turkey I cook myself is good. Not that sliced crap. 19:15 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Is that anemone 201409 19:15 Rich It's Anemone but I don't know if it is erupting. 19:16 Michael It was probably erupting. The big question is which Anemone was it? 19:17 Rich North 19:17 Rich lol 19:17 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Anemone http://i30.tinypic.com/2mfn215.jpg not usually that steamy or clear 19:18 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) The more I look at it the too far right it looks 19:19 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) I see Aurum steam 19:21 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) tap tap tap tap, hello, hello???? 19:21 Rich Who's that rapping at my door 19:22 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) The person wanting answers to silly questions.... 19:22 Rich I agree 19:22 Loisb Hello All 19:22 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Hi Lois, take a look at the pic I posted please 19:22 Rich Hi Loisb 19:24 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) More ear for ya all http://i27.tinypic.com/2e2la4x.jpg 19:25 Loisb on my way 19:25 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Ear Spring and the Goggles are really steaming. 19:25 Loisb seems like its going to be that kind of evening 19:25 Rich yep 19:27 Loisb that 215 looks like it might have water - did you enlarge it Inez? 19:28 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) I surely can try, back soon 19:30 Loisb 21a4x looks like just steam tome 19:31 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) http://i26.tinypic.com/2vl4c3q.jpg fro water, could be???? 19:32 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Yes, 2la4 is just steam, but good for seeing what is hot, I have been enjoying the small plays from the Goggles. 19:33 Loisb always fun to watch 19:34 Loisb I can't tell about the image - my eyes just aren't good enough - do you see water at the base when you blow up the whole image? 19:34 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Tiny pic surely did cut that pic down. For the anemone. I see it steam again, so let me try something else.... 19:35 Rich Groblong 20:34:42ie 19:35 Rich Grand interval? 19:36 Rich no, probably just Turban/Vent 19:36 Loisb really hard to tell 19:37 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Anemone or who again, still too small a resolution pic from the camera.... http://i29.tinypic.com/2uz411k.jpg 19:37 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) http://i29.tinypic.com/2uz411k.jpg 19:38 Loisb we need the mammoth 3 cam here 19:38 Rich steve is gone, and there is PLH 19:40 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) http://i28.tinypic.com/2q0ldo9.jpg one more time. Nice steam from NH 203842 19:40 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) No, tiny pic keeps making it small even if I make it big... 19:41 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) NH should have read BH 19:41 Loisb just have to wait for another time then 19:41 Loisb very nice steam 19:41 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Let me try attaching the pics to the email messages we get. 19:43 Michael I'm going to be a bit of a party-pooper here, and say that the thing we're calling "Ear Spring" is something else entirely. My best guess is Roof Geyser. That's more of a guess than an ID, though. 19:43 Rich Ok 19:43 Loisb all guesses welcome 19:43 Rich Now I get to read up on another geyser 19:44 Rich T Scott ed 4 pg 55 theremal feature 52 19:45 Michael Truth is, I don't know which crater out there is Roof. There are lots of unnamed holes in that area. 19:46 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Ok I sent the anemone type pic to geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu 19:46 Inez Austin (how is ear spring?) Roof would be even more cool! 19:48 Rich bb in a bit, chores and shower time. 19:48 Rich captures on. 19:48 Loisb later 19:48 Rich OF 20:48:14ie 20:12 Rich Passing thru 20:12 Rich Hi Todd 20:13 Michael Plume 21:12ie 20:18 Loisb Nite all - enjoy 20:18 Rich Nite Loisb 20:19 Rich Big eruption to come. 20:19 Rich Notice I didn' 20:19 Rich didn't say when, tho. 20:22 Todd Hi Rich, got side tracked 20:23 Todd Hi Michael 20:24 Rich np 20:24 Rich A cookie jumped out and got me. 20:25 Todd internet kind or food kind? 20:25 Rich Food kind, internet kind don't really do it any more. 20:25 Rich g 20:26 Rich Gingersnap 20:26 Todd just finished my nightly bowl of ice cream. 20:27 Rich My middle makes me pass on the ice cream. 20:28 Rich The more ice cream I eat the bigger it gets. 20:28 Todd I know it, but can't stop myself. 20:28 Rich We have to have some vices. 20:28 Rich Otherwise what's the point. 20:29 Rich I wouldn't feel like I was 'getting' away with anything if I ate only the things I should. 20:29 Todd There's worse problems to have 20:30 Rich I try to pass on those too. g 20:30 Todd There are worse problems to have. Better grammer. 20:30 Rich lol 20:30 Todd Must be proper 20:30 Rich I like to keep my HS English teacher spinning in her grave. 20:31 Todd Did you get Inez straightened out on the mystery steamer 20:31 Rich I think we've come to the conculsion it is one of the holes out there. 20:32 Todd You know I'll bet it is one of those holes out there. 20:32 Todd g 20:32 Rich Going to be sneaky and follow Michael about and wait till he figures it out. g 20:32 Rich Or maybe follow Lynn. 20:33 Todd Where is our man on the scene? 20:33 Rich She makes good pancakes. 20:33 Michael I've taken as wild a guess as I can manage. 20:33 Rich Chris is in park 20:33 Rich I got an email from him today 20:33 Todd Can anyone talk to him? 20:33 Rich I wasn't expecting him til tomorrow. 20:33 Rich I don't know 20:34 Rich He just sent F&M time. 20:34 Todd cool 20:34 Rich yes 20:35 Rich With the new iPhones, he probably is watching the cam as we are. g 20:35 Todd I suppose. 20:38 Todd Funny how few people are in the basin at this time of night. 20:39 Rich Early to bed, early to rise, makes for johnny on the spot in the morning. 20:40 Todd True, but I'm not a morning person, so I opt fro the late night 20:40 Rich I don't want to be an early morning person, but something wakes me up at about 4 am. 20:40 Todd age 20:41 Rich That too. 20:41 Rich Good thing I only need 4-5 h sleep. 20:41 Rich I want more, just can't keep the eyes closed. 20:41 Todd I wake up early, but can still go back to leep 20:42 Rich I've taken to listening to books on tape in the morning, don't have to get out of bed. 20:42 Todd Have done that when Lori and I travel. 20:43 Rich Listening to Lord Of The Rings first book. 20:43 Todd I would think that would be a lot of listening 20:43 Rich 12 cassette tapes 20:43 Rich I'm starting 9 20:44 Todd a;most done 20:44 Todd almost 20:44 Rich Tony Hillerman is up next. 20:44 Rich probably finish Sunday. 20:44 Todd people are in the park 20:45 Rich At least 6. 20:45 Michael Steam push from Depression. Could go any time if it wants. 20:46 Todd was ready to ask 20:46 Michael There it is. 21:45 20:46 Rich I was going to say Looks like it just did. g 20:46 Rich Hi sparekitty 20:46 Rich How goes the jamming? 20:47 sparekitty hey there rich; i cleaned. peeled and cut the peaches but wanted to make sure nobody wanted to learn how to jam before i started. i will prob make tomorrow or maybe sat. 20:47 Rich k 20:47 sparekitty just wanted to see how the day was shaping up at UGB. sure wish i was there!!! 20:47 Rich You will be soon enough. 20:48 Todd here,here 20:48 sparekitty can't hardly wait; but, like my daddy says, i'll just have to! 20:48 Rich Unless you leave early and leave your daughter behind. g 20:49 sparekitty tempting, but i'll prob wait for her. 20:49 Rich g 20:51 Rich It's been a pleasure spending time with you today. 20:51 Rich Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Happy Trails to you, keep smiling until then. 20:51 Rich Going to call it a nite. 20:52 Todd Same here. Nite all. 20:52 Rich May the geyser gods smile down upon you and grant you a Giant. 20:52 Rich nite Tood 20:52 Rich Nite Michael 20:52 Rich Nite sparekitty. 20:52 sparekitty you too, rich; i'll prob see you all tomorrow...esp if i'm making jam. i have almost enough blackberries from the backyard bush to make a batch 20:52 sparekitty take care, rich. 20:52 Rich sounds good to me. 20:53 Rich I'm waiting for the Concord grapes. 20:53 Rich g 20:53 Rich nite 20:55 Michael Riverside 21:54ie July 9th, 2010 View July’s Logs « July 8th, 2010 06:31 Rich Hi guest695159 06:32 Rich OF 07:27:31ns 06:50 Rich Via Pat S BHI 05:43, BH 05:49 06:53 Rich Hi Karl 06:56 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 07/03/10 12:27:00 12:00:00 07/04/10 13:55:00 25:28:00 07/05/10 11:49:00 21:54:00 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 07/08/10 16:03:09 25:57:00 07/09/10 05:49:00 13:46:00 06:58 BB Hi Rich and Karl 06:59 BB I see you already have Pat's early morning BH info 06:59 BB And this happens on the one day where I wasn't watching 06:59 Rich Prediction for BH - ~19:35: 06:59 Rich Hi BB 06:59 BB too late for me 06:59 Rich Of course. It's Geyser World. 06:59 BB or too early 06:59 Rich early 07:00 Rich You get up shortly after that. 07:00 Rich I believe Lion has been puffing 07:00 Rich I've caught a couple this hour. 07:00 BB That's 3:35 am for me... no way I will get up shortly after that 07:00 Rich Was hard to tell with morning steaming. 07:00 Rich lol 07:01 Rich ok 07:01 BB especially on a Saturday *g* 07:01 Rich Especially on Saturday. lol 07:01 Rich Ralph has posted new data 07:02 Rich Lion 08:01:35ie? 07:03 Rich Just another puff from Lion. 07:03 BB Lion is probably waiting for Inez 07:04 Rich Yes 07:05 Rich I got up early today to try and catch BH, but didn't quite make it that early. g 07:05 Rich I woke up a couple of times during the night hearing thunder. 07:05 Rich Might have been a dream. g 07:08 Rich Michael caught Riverside at 21:54 last night. 07:22 Rich Aurum 07:23 Rich Aurum 08:20:37ie 07:25 Rich Lori 07:27 Rich I didn't realize it was that light when BH erupted, might have to think about getting up earlier. Wrong!!! 07:28 Lori computer not agreeing with me this a.m. trouble staying connected, off to work soon anyway :( 07:28 Rich Hi guest6429384 07:28 Rich Good to have you here when you 'are'. g 07:29 Lori plans this evening, so this may be my fix til late 07:30 Rich Late we do. 07:30 Rich Until around 22:30 these days. 07:30 Lori so does Todd, lol 07:30 Rich I heard you do opposite sides of the day. g 07:31 Lori pretty much. I give it up to him when he is finally in and sitting down for the night 07:31 Rich I know it takes me a while to unwind from the day. 07:32 Lori he works, then works on the farm when he gets home. So until dark, he doesn't really relax 07:35 Rich Groblong 08:35:09 07:41 Lori another pretty morning in the park. i really want to be there next month. put my pedometer on just now- maybe if i get in shape, Todd will take me :) 07:42 Rich lol 07:42 Rich I'm working on being able to walk a couple of miles. 07:42 Rich Up to about 1 1/2 miles in 20m 07:43 Rich Duration is the challenge. 07:45 Lori I was in good shape last fall, but it is pretty much gone now. I need a reward like a hiking trip to get me motivated. I have a month- I thinnk I can do it....ask me every day if I walked my 10,000 steps yet. Peer pressure works 07:46 Rich Lori, Have you walked you 10,000 steps today? 07:46 Rich If not, why not? 07:46 Rich Now, lady!! 07:46 Rich Well??? 07:47 Rich What you out of breath from walking? 07:47 Rich Good. 07:47 Lori meter says 3, lol. as soon as OF goes, I'm off. It's all OF's fault..... 07:47 Rich LOL 07:47 Rich RIGHT!! 07:47 Lori my motivation as well as my excuse, lol 07:47 Rich Must not be far from bed to computer. 07:48 Rich lol 07:48 Lori put it on at the computer, g 07:48 Rich The pedometer? 07:48 Rich Won't make my steps that way. 07:48 Rich Hi guest1143367 07:49 Lori yep. first one I had, had 3 steps recorded all day. guy at the return desk said i must have stayed in bed all day :) 07:49 Rich lol 07:49 Rich Me thinks he was on to something. Heh? 07:50 Rich We can set up a virtual Marathon. 07:50 Lori and i just watched an excercise that i can do with a chair to strengthen abs. i can do them while watching the cam! I think I can do that! 07:50 Rich See who can walk the furthest between OF eruptions? 07:51 Rich rofl 07:51 Lori that actually may motivate me! gotta work today, but on my next day at home, you are on!, g 07:52 Rich lol 07:52 Lori how many steps in a mile? a marathon is alot of miles... 07:53 Rich Now just have to string the webcam out to the street so you can follow me and make sure I don't cheat. g 07:54 Lori yeah, don't put it on the neishbors dog or anything! My dog would roll in the cow crap and ruin my meter. 07:54 Rich New website - 'Watch Rich get hit by a car' 07:54 Rich lol 07:54 Rich I LIKE the way you think 07:54 Rich Unfortunately I don't have a handy pet. 07:54 Lori a friendly squirrel? 07:54 Rich Birds or squirrels? hmmm 07:54 Rich gm 07:55 Lori birds don't "step" much, lol 07:55 Rich Put it on the wing. 07:55 Rich A whole new meaning to 'On the wings of a Dove' 07:55 Lori then it will fly crooked :( 07:56 Rich Ok, Birds out! 07:56 Lori the trick will be to catch the squirrel to check the meter, lol 07:56 Rich Roadkill? 07:56 Rich No, not to many steps 07:57 Lori anyone have a two year old? I was in my best shape when the boy was little 07:58 Rich We can use Loisb, Granny power. 5 y/o should work. 07:58 Lori oh yeah. anything under the sleeping teenage years. 07:59 Rich I remember those years. The best years of my Life and I didn't know it. 07:59 Lori because you slept thru them,? 08:00 Lori been doing my chair squats. harder than you think! I'll have abs of steel in no time.g 08:00 Lori nice of! 08:00 Rich OF 08:59:41ie 08:03 Rich Sorry, I fell asleep. 08:03 Lori teenager at heart <3 08:04 Rich g 08:04 Lori i am watching every bit if OF before i check it off the list. g 08:05 Rich lol 08:05 Rich Hoping or a long steamy one? 08:05 Rich My walk starts after OF. 08:05 Lori yep. a full blown sauna :) add more water please, g 08:06 Rich g 08:06 Lori i'm out for the day after. talk to you tonight maybe. thanks for the challenge! 08:06 Rich If I don't get started it will be a sauna outside. 08:06 Rich later Lori 08:06 Rich enjoy 08:06 Lori wear more than a towel! 08:06 Rich How many steps? 08:07 Rich ah 08:07 Rich no fun. 08:07 Rich there's a joke that goes with that, tell it later. 08:07 Lori i'm up to 5, lol. guess squats don't count. i'll have to move my feet ore i guess 08:07 Rich More motivation? 08:07 Lori yep 08:08 Rich Put the mouse down and go. 08:08 Rich g 08:08 Rich bb in about 25 min 08:08 Lori sir yes sir :D 08:08 Rich very good 08:08 Rich walking captures running. 08:31 kcmule Plume 09:30:14ie. good morning all 08:32 sparekitty i wi***** was as clear at my house as it is in UGB. we 08:32 sparekitty are practically fogged in! 08:33 Rich Hi sparekitty 08:34 Rich Hi kcmule 08:34 Rich I'll trade some fog for heat. 08:34 Rich heat I got. 08:35 sparekitty good morning everyone...or at least morning in calif! 08:36 Rich How can you tell? 08:50 Rich Our Resource Page: http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 09:02 kcmule groblong 10:00:47ie 09:09 kcmule appears to have been a one-burst grand 09:10 Rich About the same duration as the one I saw at 08:35 09:21 Loisb Good Morning 09:21 Rich Hi Losb 09:21 Rich Loisb 09:21 Rich blois 09:21 Rich lbois 09:22 Rich Well you know who you are. 09:22 Loisb whatever - g 09:22 Rich No, Loisb, there I got it 09:22 Loisb g 09:22 Rich g 09:28 Rich OF 10:27:19ie 09:29 Rich Nice 09:34 Rich Hi Inez 09:34 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) hello back 09:34 Rich WE have Lion on hold for you. 09:34 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Hiw cool is that! 09:35 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) how 09:35 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Any other good stuff this morning? 09:35 Rich It was puffing away when I first got on. Now pretty quiet. 09:35 Rich BH went at 05:49 this morning. 09:35 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) OH my! 09:36 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Way too early for me, just that lovely cool time of the A.m. when sleep is good. 09:36 Rich Last BH interval was 13h46m 09:36 Rich I agree 09:36 Rich I was sawing away. 09:36 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) So with any luck the second one today will be in the light.... 09:37 Rich I figure ~19:30 09:37 Rich So should be before dark. 09:37 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Shall we hold you to it? LOL 09:38 Rich Sure, why not. 09:39 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Is it about 36 hours since the last Lion? Never sure.... 09:39 Rich last Lion I have is 07/07 22:06 09:40 Rich So that sounds pretty good. 09:40 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Ah, so more likely by noon today. I will have to tab back often. 09:41 Rich ok 09:41 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Interesting steam by Google at the moment 09:41 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Means Lion is on the mve 09:42 Rich In the first hour I was on I remember about 3 Lion puffs 09:43 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) I was trying to talk two of the grandboys into going to Yelly Belly with me later in the month, but they know it just means I am looking for strong backs.... 09:43 Rich 07:46 might have even been a roar 09:43 Rich lol 09:43 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Good, goood 09:43 Rich Kids catch on way to quickly. g 09:43 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) They do 09:44 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) nice lion steammy 09:46 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) going to be hard to see plume today if the wind doesn't increase 09:47 Rich I was about to recheck for the 10:30ish one, I think I saw some steam behind OF. 09:48 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) yes, I did too, but wan't sure enough 09:49 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) family group looking at camera 09:49 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) ~~~~~~ 09:50 Rich Plume 10:32:20ie 09:50 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) Good one! 09:51 Rich If I'm wrong, I've still learned something. g 09:52 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) precisely! 09:53 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) I tried posting those pics of the eruption near anemone last night to the geyser at walla walla, but they didn't post.... 09:54 Rich Geyserlist is a moderated list. They had already dumped the msgs for yesterday probably. 09:54 Rich Might come out today. 09:55 Rich I'm slowly figuring it out. 09:55 Rich Looks to be they upload msgs around 05:00 each day. 09:56 Rich sorry 17:00 09:57 Inez Austin (Is Ear Spring really Roof Geyser?) not a problem, just an interest.....thx 09:57 Rich best I have at the moment. 10:09 Rich g 10:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I enjoy changing my nick name, can ya tell LOL 10:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) nice one from the lion 10:16 Rich Who is the strange person that keeps changing their name? Must be Rich. 10:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) yes, yes, him, he's like that you know.... 10:18 HAL How well I know. 10:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) not fooling me, but I see one of us left 10:19 Rich ah 10:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) nice one from Lion 10:22 Rich Hi HAL 10:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) lol 10:23 Rich You finally get charged up? 10:23 HAL Just about. 10:24 HAL Not much sunlight out this way. 10:24 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Plume??? 10:25 Gazer-by-Proxy Sure looks that way! Yay, Plume! 10:25 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Plume 112426ie 10:25 Rich Plume 11:24:26ie 10:25 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) gottcha 10:26 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 10:27 HAL I'm back to circling Pluto again. later 10:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) bye HAL 10:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Rich1 huh! 10:29 Rich It just gets better and better kcmule 10:34 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) nice puff from L 10:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) and from ES 10:47 Rich bb, need to vaccum so I can finish arranging the living room. 10:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) come do mine 11:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) OF 120430 more or less 11:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Came to it after it started. 11:16 Rich Couch is moved, now just have to do the tables. 11:16 Rich Aurum 12:15:36ie 11:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) missed it, on the phone 11:19 Rich I'm checking to make sure it was Aurum 11:21 Rich Checks out with the OF reference photo. 11:22 BB Looks like Aurum to me 11:22 Rich Posting now to FB, will pass link asap 11:22 Rich ty BB 11:22 Rich Plume 12:21:33ie 11:25 Rich Aurum 12:15:36ie 07/09/10 http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 11:30 Rich wow, it is already 12:30, my but the day has flown. 11:31 Rich No wonder I'm hungre 11:31 Rich And 'who' knew that housekeeping could be so dirty. g 11:31 MrShaggy hi 11:32 Rich oops, shouldn't have said that. g 11:32 Rich Hi MrShaggy 11:32 Rich Welcome to the wonderful world of Geyser Gazing. 11:32 MrShaggy hi hows it going 11:32 Rich Good 11:32 Rich It's a clear day in the Upper Geyser Basin. 11:32 MrShaggy gdgd 11:33 Rich http://mms.nps.gov/yell/webcams/old_faithful_cam.h… 11:33 Rich We are watching the geysers at Yellowstone National Park. 11:34 Rich Old Faithful is predicted to erupt next in about 1 hour. 11:36 Rich Lori: The color of the day today is ORANGE 11:51 Rich Seem that Tangerine/Orange is the popular YNP T-Shirt color. 11:55 Rich People must know something I don't, sure a lot of them waiting. 11:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Had their lunch and bored, so sitting... 12:00 Rich I guess, I think maybe there was a RR talk. 12:00 Rich I saw a RR in the crowd. 12:03 Rich July 09, 2010 recap Aurum 08:20:37ie 12:15:36ie Beehive Indicator 05:43 Beehive 05:49 Groblong 08:35:09ie d~9m 09:59:47ie d~9m OF 07:27:31ns 08:59:41ie 10:27:19ie 12:04:30ie Plume 09:30:14ie 10:32:20ie 11:24:26ie 12:21:44ie 12:07 Rich Six hours til BH. 12:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Thought for sure leaving to fix lunch for the hubster would cause a LION...... 12:12 Rich No luck, try it again? 12:12 Rich Maybe my going to fix lunch will do it? 12:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) sometimes ya just gotta sacrifice yourself 12:16 Rich brb 12:20 kcmule Plume 13:19ie 12:20 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Plume 1319ie 12:20 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) sniped but beatcha 12:20 kcmule hehe now u owe me a coke 12:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Will Pepsi do? I can pour it thru the hole in the computer where the thumb drive goes....watch, I will wait so you can either bend down and slurp or put a glass there 12:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) OK, here it comes.... 12:22 kcmule its cool u can hold it until next time we're in the park at the same time 12:22 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) ****, sparks, magic smoke...probably not a good idea.....park=Seppt. 12:22 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) can't type either 12:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) You will recognize me by the old floppy straw hat, oh wait, and by the zippy red electic chair.... 12:25 kcmule electric or eclectic? 12:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) battery power, so both HEHEHEHHEH 12:28 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Yours truely http://i28.tinypic.com/w2mxlh.jpg 12:29 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) got on computer specs tho... 12:30 kcmule you look familiar already, i usually visit in Sept 12:30 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Been gazing since 1957 so you've more likely seen me..... 12:32 kcmule very cool. were u nearby for the hebgen lake e.q. ? 12:34 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) No, we were about a hundred miles away in Idaho, but we felt it. 12:35 kcmule i visited quake lake for the first time a couple years ago, totally amazing 12:36 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Wasn't like you would expect, more like a series of small bumps or shifts 12:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I was there again about 10 years ago...seemed spooky to me, haven't gone back. 12:38 kcmule totally spooky, but ive always loved geology - its one of the big reasons i like geysers so much 12:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) My sister is a geologist, she's the same way. 12:39 Rich Nice photo, Inez 12:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I should find one with sunglasses, it looks more like I look there because of the glare. 12:40 Rich Have you been to the 'slide' down by Jackson Hole? 12:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Yes. Used to go to that area a lot, but once we moved to WA state we tend to go thru Montana rather than ID. 12:41 Rich Loisb and I did Hegden and that one. Very strange at both places. 12:42 Rich I'm off to the store, decided I need milk for the last of my cookies. g 12:42 Rich bb later. 12:42 Rich That should start Lion up. 12:42 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Idaho is really neat from a hot water aspect. Amazing how many features there are. Get you milk and hurry back for Lion.... 12:49 kcmule OF 13:48:11ie 12:50 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Ha, I was a tab away 12:50 kcmule just a jump to the left? 12:50 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) getting a little steam from Lion there, jump to the right.... 12:51 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I lost most of the mornings work because of a (expletive deleted) server update they decided to do without warning..... 13:52 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Gee, I was over on the other side of the office for ten minutes and it did nothing?? 13:59 kcmule i took a short snooze in the break room, maybe we missed something 13:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I could see the screen most of the time, but far away 14:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Plume 150418ie 14:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Rich, if you can take a look on the right side of the capture on 1511,toward the back, I didn't manage to pic it..... 14:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) OF 151619ie 14:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Lion is looking good 14:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Or not, but at least it's heating up and steaming.... 15:07 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) OK, no Lion as of yet, so lets play name the geyser and the geyser basin: http://i28.tinypic.com/14smiw0.jpg 15:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Number two, are you all sleeping? 15:11 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) http://i27.tinypic.com/2cen0g3.jpg Who and where?? 15:11 kcmule zzzz 15:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) AH HA! 15:12 kcmule is the 2nd one arty? 15:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) yeppers, that one was way too easy... 15:13 kcmule spent way too many hours waiting on that one. 15:14 kcmule Plume 16:13:35ie 15:14 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Next one is easy too, I see plume now, my renew is a few seconds behind yours. The one after that is harder..... 15:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) try who and where? http://i27.tinypic.com/5l55i8.jpg 15:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Harder: http://i25.tinypic.com/5u3ity.jpg 15:21 kcmule i think im only good at the easy ones 15:22 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Well, if I tell you, you will know....I'll post one more and then if you promise not to tell I'll tell ya.... 15:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) More Mainsteam: http://i30.tinypic.com/288rxc4.jpg 15:29 kcmule i knew which basin but could not recognize the features 15:31 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I sent you a message, still looking thru the book 15:36 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Hey Rich, I see you lurking 15:36 Rich Trying to find 15:11 15:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) thanks!! 15:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) The next who and where should give you a clue to a previous one: http://i32.tinypic.com/2cxw6ep.jpg 15:42 Rich A little steam from Vault area? 15:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Yes, that is what I thought. Just prior there had been a steam wave in that area. 15:44 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) ANOTHER OF...jheeese 15:45 Rich g 15:48 Rich I guess I don't know what I'm looking for or at. 15:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Lost sparekitty 15:49 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I will im you. But ya gotta promise not to tell..... 15:49 Rich Ok 15:50 Rich I promise 15:53 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Phone, back soon 15:59 Rich Hi Michael 15:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) OF165832IER 15:59 Michael I think Indicator might be going. Let's keep an eye on it for a minute or two. 15:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) no idea why we needed the r 16:00 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) WoW 16:01 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I can see water, but is it the other indicator? 16:01 Rich Hi guest965159 16:02 Rich Hi Lori 16:02 Michael To me it looks like Beehive's Indicator at 16:58ie. 16:02 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) very clear now 16:03 Lori perfect timing. hi all 16:03 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) hey back 16:03 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 16:03 Michael Hi everyone. Pull up a seat and enjoy the show. 16:04 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi! I want to shout at all the people leaving OF to turn around... 16:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) They are only there to see OF, that is what Yelly Belly is to them, they will not deviate..... 16:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I see quite a few gazers at BH tho 16:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Wow is that Plume 170505ie 16:06 Michael Yup. I have it on the 17:06:00 capture. 16:06 Michael Gone again at 17:06:30. 16:08 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Its doing a 2fer 16:09 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Lion is certainly hidding...as is LC. 16:11 Rich Only thing I can think of is that Lion had a short series over night. 16:11 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) hmpfffhhh 16:12 Rich Seems like a long interval for Lion. 16:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) hhhppppffffhhh again 16:13 Michael Beehive 17:12 16:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) yes!! 16:13 Gazer-by-Proxy Whoosh! 16:15 Lori_Todd A crowd starts to gather 16:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) as well they should 16:16 Michael And a few brave souls taking the Beehive shower. 16:17 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Lion 171631ie 16:17 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) or am I dreaming in the background 16:17 Michael Beehive steam is in the way, let's see the next frame. 16:18 Michael Looks like wishful thinking. 16:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) yes, bbboooooohoooooo 16:18 Gazer-by-Proxy Oh, well. Something to look forward to later... 16:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Take a look a nice steam from it after all 16:19 Michael Rich -- hard to tell if Lion had a short overnight series. It is also capable of resting 40-50 hours between eruptions on occasion. 16:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) and gone 16:20 Rich ;ty 16:20 Rich Just was wondering about the steaming Lion was doing this morning, I thought it might be post eruption/series. 16:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) perhaps.... 16:21 Michael I didn't notice one way or the other. But with Lion I really can't tell what it's doing based on the snapshots. 16:23 Michael Then again once it's more than a couple of hours post-series I could be right there on the boardwalk and still won't know how long it's been or how long until the next one. 16:25 Rich I try and keep my first real geyser experience in mind, I think we were at Pink or Pink cone which ever is next to the road. We waited and waited. Gave up and later in conversation I mentioned the wet pavement when we first got there. 16:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Nice steam cloud down basin 16:29 Gazer-by-Proxy OK, everyone wave back at the family... 16:29 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) ~~~~~~~ 16:29 Rich ~~~ 16:30 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Have any of you recent folks gone back to look at the who and where pics of geysers?????? 16:36 Gazer-by-Proxy I'm not sure I know what pics you mean, or if I'm a "recent folk". 16:36 Michael Just crunched the last month of RT's Lion data. A short overnight series is the more likely reason we haven't seen it yet today. But not the only possible explanation... 16:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I know we talked about this yesterday, the steam where the anemones are but lower. I have captured another, back soon 16:37 Rich ty Michael. 16:37 Rich I think I'm suffering brain overload. 16:37 Rich One brain cell short of two. 16:40 Rich I think I have the answer to our question about Lion 16:40 Rich Just got an email from Pat S with times for today. 16:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Here is the pic: http://i27.tinypic.com/295a1r9.jpg 16:40 Gazer-by-Proxy That it's not erupting? 16:41 Rich "Lion 0652 and a big roar (minor?) 0710 " 16:41 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I see, are there captures? 16:42 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Oh, the pic above is interesting steam lower than anemones 173503 7-9-10 16:42 Michael Well that answers the question, doesn't it. 16:42 Rich Not unless BB has some. I didn't start that early. 16:42 Rich g 16:42 Rich Sorry I didn't check my mail sooner. 16:42 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Is that an OF pfft? 16:43 Michael all I see in the picture is Old Faithful steam blowing across to the right. 16:43 Rich Was worth it, more information about Lion. 16:43 Rich ty, Michael for the information. 16:45 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) No, and here is the pic, same place as before: http://i30.tinypic.com/hrj9jk.jpg 16:46 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) when I zzoooonmmm in I can see it isn't but it is not as clear as before 16:54 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Funny stuff on hill, not OF: http://i26.tinypic.com/70ccpg.jpg 16:55 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I'm grabbing more 16:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Maybe nothing, but better safe than, etc. http://i28.tinypic.com/ekhvee.jpg 16:58 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) brb 16:59 Rich k 16:59 kcmule drivin home will bbs 16:59 Rich Pluyme 17:58:38ie 16:59 Rich safe journey kcmule 17:03 Lori_Todd another date nite- be jealous :) later 17:03 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Nice Plume again 17:03 Michael Bye Lori. 17:04 Lori_Todd w/Todd, lol 17:05 Michael I see Plume 18:03ie. Rich, can you check your other capture to see what's going on? 17:05 Rich bye Lori_Todd 17:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Thanks, I saw it too but didn't grab it 17:05 Rich I withdraw the 17:58:38 17:06 Rich I was questioning it anyway, out of interval. 17:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I think you were right, it was 2 ???? 17:08 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) trying to eat ice lolly and type LOL 17:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) hummmm.... http://i32.tinypic.com/34t4lqw.jpg 17:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) http://i32.tinypic.com/34t4lqw.jpg 17:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) More steam from that area, I will grab pics but not post 17:17 Michael Grand 18:17 17:23 Rich Depression? 17:24 Michael Didn 17:24 Michael Didn't see. There was one at 10:00ie, I think, so it would be close to the right time. 17:24 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) brb 17:25 Rich ty 17:25 Rich It might have just been a push. 17:25 Rich I don't see any run off steam 17:26 Rich second burst? 17:27 Michael Definite maybe. 17:27 Michael That's a new burst for sure at 18:27:08 17:29 Rich OF 18:28:39ie 17:29 Michael i 17:32 Michael I'm going to step out. With Grand, Beehive, and (probably) Lion all done for the day, it's going to be a quiet evening except for Giantess and the North Goggle major. 17:32 Rich g 17:32 Rich Have a good evening, Michael 17:32 Rich And thanks again for the education. 17:33 Rich Aurum 18:31:48ie 17:33 Rich A three Aurum day. 17:41 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) So I missed Aurum, oh wellllllll 17:42 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) really nice steam there for a minute from Lion (the fickle geyser) 17:43 Rich 3h20m and you can see another one? 17:43 Rich g 17:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) In the almost dark 17:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) back to looking at old negitives 17:43 Rich well 17:43 Rich still light at 22:30 17:43 Rich lol 17:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Not much, mostly hot pixels 17:44 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I forget it's later there 17:44 Rich g 17:52 Rich wb kcmule 17:52 kcmule tyt 17:52 kcmule ty 17:58 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Plume 185811 17:58 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) ie 18:01 Rich 'I love a parade' 18:01 Rich Dad, Mom, the kids 18:01 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) ok 18:02 Rich they were 'trooping' across the bw. 18:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) after the elusive something..... 18:06 Rich I guess 18:07 Rich ~~~ 18:15 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) ~~~~ 18:47 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I thought for sure something would happen while I was preparing supper, I must be dillusional.... 18:49 Rich Lack of food 18:49 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) time to eat.... 18:51 Rich me too 18:51 Rich Now what? 18:57 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I thought you went to the store? You don't want a bacon avacado hamburger, you wouldn't like it.... 18:57 Rich I'd have to try two or three to be able to make a reasonable decision one way or the other. 18:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) looks like OF 19:01 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Plume 195548ie 19:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) How true, but no buns I forgot them, do you want lettuce? 19:04 Rich http://www.yellowstone-notebook.com/ 19:05 Rich lettuce is fine. 19:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) One piece of nuked thin bacon cut into four pieces, 1/2 an avacado slicved, pepper jack if ya want it or green salsa, greens....on a BBQ'd drained lean but thick beef pattie 19:06 Rich Got any tortillas, you could make them a wrap. 19:06 Rich sound very good. 19:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I didn't make it to the store so no Italian lemon soda but I have black currant syrup and selzer? 19:06 Rich OF 20:05:48ie 19:07 Rich oooh, great 19:09 Rich brb time for food 19:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Or I can rustle up some home made choke cherry juice that you can sweeten with splenda or something and use seltzer.... 19:18 Rich Choke cherry juice does sound refreshing. 20:12 Rich Must be a Hoedown at the Inn tonight. No one in the Basin. 20:16 Rich Hi Todd, how was Friday night out in Sperry? 20:21 Todd Sorry, got side tracked - again 20:22 Rich Happens in the world 20:23 Todd Had a good meal at a restaurant we hadn't bneen to in Mt. Pleasant, 25 miles west of us. 20:24 Rich Good, everyone needs to get out and kick up their heels. g 20:24 Todd looks blustery in the basin 20:25 Rich Weather moved in 20:25 Rich Think they might be getting wet. 20:26 Rich but then the white in the grass might be snow. 20:26 Todd not all that cold, just wet and breezy. Wasburn looks pretty good, though. 20:27 Todd Washburn 20:28 Rich Loisb saw a snowman there a couple of nights ago. 20:28 Todd g 20:30 Rich Hi guest1143367 20:30 Rich hi guest2411989 20:31 Todd Hi to all Guest 20:34 Todd So, any questions from Guest 1143367? 20:37 Rich OF 21:35:28ie 20:37 Todd Wow-cool light and good wind direction change 20:37 Rich A light show. 20:38 Todd That was a good one. 20:41 Rich Hi guest7260861 21:09 Rich Nite Yellowstone 21:09 Rich NIte kcmule July 10th, 2010 04:12 Loisb OF 05 11 14 04:14 BB Hi LoisB 04:15 Loisb Morning BB 04:15 Loisb or Afternoon BB - as it really is for you 04:15 BB I completely forgot the time and just remembered to check the cam, just caught OF 04:15 Loisb was a pretty nice one given the steamy conditions right now 04:17 Loisb hope it clears soon - see that BH went last nite - forgot to check the interval but seems like it was close to 12 hours 04:18 BB I have to finish up a few things around, bbl 04:18 BB bye Lois 04:19 Loisb later BB - have a good day 04:41 Loisb Peoples lingering at BHI 04:41 Loisb too much steam to tell anything 04:58 Loisb More people at BHI 04:59 Loisb steam from there pretty steady since 05 55 49 but basin still too steamy to tell for sure 05:13 Loisb Beehive 06 12 51 for sure 05:15 Loisb BB - check your captures please - I thought I saw water earlier but too hard for me to tell 05:16 BB This must be my lucky day again 05:16 Loisb for sure 05:16 BB Just came back and caught the end of BH 05:17 Loisb did you have capture going? 05:17 BB yes 05:17 BB I am alreading checking, but really hard to see with all the white 05:17 Loisb I thought I saw water at BHI at 05 55 49 05:18 Loisb sure is 05:18 Loisb glad it didn't wait 5 more min - we would never have seen it 05:20 BB hmmm... really hard to tell 05:20 Loisb me too - ah well 05:20 BB to me it looks like BH steaming at 05:55:49 05:20 Loisb could be 05:21 BB All the next captures are just white, so there is no way to tell 05:21 Loisb yes 05:21 Loisb was afraid I wouldn't be able to see it at all 05:21 Loisb now it clears 05:21 BB First capture with definitely Indicator is 06:04:50 but of course it might have been going earlier 05:22 Loisb k 05:23 Loisb and that looks like Beehive now too 05:23 Loisb wonder if indicator just left off a big stream this morning 05:23 BB I was just wondering the same 05:24 BB I probably didn't walk in at the end of BH but before it actually started 05:24 BB It doesn't go for over 10 minutes, does it? 05:24 Loisb kind of looks that way - will have toi run my captures 05:24 Loisb not that I know of 05:24 Loisb maybe I can get some more contrast in my captures 05:25 Loisb looks like some peoples still out there 05:25 Loisb only looks like steam now though 05:25 BB First clear capture of BH I have is 6:20:52 05:26 BB It probably started when everything was white before that 05:26 Loisb k 05:26 Loisb with my luck 05:26 Loisb at least you didn't miss it 05:26 BB The steam before that must have been Indicator 05:26 Loisb sure was tall and strong for indicator 05:26 Loisb must have been fun out on the walk 05:26 BB It was pretty big but not as tall and straight as BH usually is 05:27 BB Anyway, I am glad I caught it 05:27 Loisb me too 05:27 Loisb seems the people have moved on now 05:28 BB Just checked FB, but PatS is not watching this early on a weekend, I guess 05:28 Loisb am sure there will be a gazer report later 05:29 BB And we have an approximate time for Rich's list. I don't think 5 minute will make that much of a difference 05:29 Loisb 06 03 20 looks like water at BHI 05:29 Loisb don't think so - but maybe another daylight one today 05:29 Loisb not that either of us will be awake 05:30 BB I go straigt vom 06:02 to 06:04, no 06:03 capture here 05:30 BB straight 05:30 BB And that might be Depression erupting back there 05:30 BB Have to check captures again, didn't pay attention 05:31 Loisb in our spare time 05:31 BB Depression 06:28 ie 05:38 Loisb OF 06 36 57 06:01 BB fog moving in 06:10 Loisb needs to go away 06:11 Loisb clear sky at washburn 06:12 Loisb wonderful sun at Mammoth 06:15 Loisb deer at the new yvo cam 06:15 Loisb http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/yvo/images/webcam/mobile… 06:23 BB Looks like Plume i.e. at 07:22:03 06:23 BB yes, Plume clearly visible in the next frame 06:23 Loisb ah yes - even I can see it now 06:24 BB And Lion trying? 06:24 Loisb could be water 06:24 BB Of course I can't get a refresh now 06:24 BB Ah, there it is 06:24 BB Yes, Lion 07:23 ie 06:25 Loisb I jumped to 24 09 06:25 BB Did we have Lion before or is that an initial? Will check captures 06:25 BB But an hour ago was white-out time 06:26 Loisb very much a white out 06:26 BB I just found Groblong at 06:35 ie 06:26 BB Can't tell about start time or duration, too much fog down basin 06:27 Loisb I thought I saw something start over there around 5 26 16 06:27 BB Lion was actually visible after BH for a few frames 06:28 BB It was 06:27 ie 06:28 Loisb k 06:28 BB Can you tell I am distracted today? g 06:28 Loisb me too - trying to get some edits done 06:28 Loisb may have bitten off more than I can chew with this project 06:29 Loisb Hello Guest 06:29 BB Lion was also 5:29 ie 06:29 Loisb k 06:30 BB And you are right about another Groblong 06:30 Rich Morning Ladies 06:30 Loisb I thought thats what it was but hate to call things 06:30 Loisb Morning Richard 06:30 Rich Busy morning 06:30 BB I think it may have started at 05:23, but again too much fog there to be sure about start time or duration 06:30 Rich Everything done until this afternoon. Catch you later. 06:30 Rich lol 06:30 Loisb so far = and very steamy and foggy till just now 06:31 BB hi Rich 06:31 BB We just figured out most of the action in the last few minutes 06:31 Loisb will check mine back and see if I see it earlier 06:31 BB good thing we have capture programs 06:31 Loisb yep 06:31 Rich yep 06:31 Loisb just need better eyesight at this end 06:31 Loisb sure wish we had that new mammoth cam 06:34 Rich Younger eyes 06:34 Loisb is that the problem? 06:34 Rich Bad resolution on the monitor?? 06:35 Loisb I could try blaming it on that I guess 06:35 Rich Around the time of the 0723 Lion check for Aurum? 06:35 Rich I think I see steam at 07:25 06:38 Rich I jump from 07 22 30 to 07 25 04 06:39 Loisb I have at least one a min 06:39 Loisb kid up - bb 06:39 BB I can only call Aurum with confidence when there is no steam around and I can see that cute blob of water 06:39 Rich k 06:39 BB but I have a capture that might be it, will upload it 06:39 Rich lol 06:39 Rich I'll ? it. 06:40 Rich use it for a reference and see in 3h20m 06:40 BB http://picasaweb.google.de/lh/photo/_RGXudp3x0sUy8… 06:41 Rich ty 06:48 Rich Aurum 07:24:09 ie?. I'll use it as a marker anyway. 06:54 Rich Hi Abe1306 06:55 Rich Welcome to the world of geyser gazing. 06:55 Rich http://mms.nps.gov/yell/webcams/old_faithful_cam.h… 06:56 Rich Old Faithful is predicted to erupt any time now. 07:16 Rich OF 08:14:35ie 07:25 Rich Lion 08:24:36ie 07:44 Rich Hi guest695159 07:48 Rich Depression 08:47:11ie? 07:48 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 07:49 Rich Hi Michael 07:49 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich. have to run off to Kinko's, but figured I'd see what was doing (or not doing) in the basin. 07:49 Rich BH 06:12 07:50 Rich So late afternoon early evening for next BH 07:51 BB Rich, afterwards LoisB and I thought that 6:12 was probably still Indicator although it was so steamy it looked like BH at the time 07:51 BB But BH was going until 6:25, and I think that's a little long if it started at 06:12 07:51 Rich k 07:52 BB Too much white on Geyser Hill at that time 07:52 BB and too much steam 07:53 Michael The Depression time looks good to me. I dropped in here to put that eruption into the log. 07:54 Rich I've just been running the comparison with RT's data, I don't seem to be doing so well with Depression. 07:55 Rich Hopefully I will have Depression, Grand and Aurum by this afternoon. 07:56 Michael Aurum always requires a little luck. 07:56 Rich I'm doing better with Aurum than with Depression. g 07:56 Rich That might not be saying much. lol 07:57 Michael Which way are you missing with Depression? 07:57 Rich both ways 07:57 Michael I know there are plenty of eruptions we're not catching, but we're also generating false reports? 07:57 Rich So I'm either calling Dwarfs or Pushes 07:59 Rich All the misses I have had I've marked with a ? 08:04 Michael Are most of them at a particular time of day? 08:05 Rich not done yet , another 15 min 08:06 Michael I imagine it is easier to make mistakes first thing in the morning. It takes a while to adjust to the steam conditions. 08:16 Rich Missed 6/ 56 3 Afternoons 2 by minutes to an hour and on missing data from RT. 08:16 Rich one missing data 08:19 Rich missing data hasn't been reported yet. so 5/55 08:22 Rich Uploading data now 08:26 Rich Lion 09:25:13ie 08:26 Rich tab delimited so you can copy and past to spreadsheet to sort. 08:38 Rich On the wings of a coal black Corvus 08:45 Rich IF you would like the link to the comparsion data IM me. 08:50 Rich OF 09:49:16ie 08:53 Rich Looks like Anemone 08:55 Rich Looks like we only missed on one Grand since last comparsion. 09:11 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Another anemone like one? 09:15 Rich Sorry working data on Grand. 09:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) I was looking at the daily log, busy morning for you. It didn't cool off last night, fog would have been great to wake up to here...... 09:19 Rich Here also, still haven't gotten my walk in. 09:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but working today) Stand up and walk away, it will still be here when you get back. 09:20 Rich I'll do Aurum after my walk, getting hot outside. 09:21 Rich bb in about 30m 09:23 Rich walking Lion 10:22:19ie 09:26 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Just walked back in the room and caught it! 09:26 CardioNan Looks like a prey clear morning. 09:26 CardioNan pretty lol 09:26 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) it does doesn't it, the fog is gone 09:29 CardioNan I wish I could go back. My 2 1/2 weeks in June was not long enough. 09:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Me too, but if I go alone I have to stay in a cabin and nothing is avaialble. I can't manage the RV by myself, no place to easily charge the chair and too much maintenence. Darn, it would be great! 09:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nice pump steam 09:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) could that be plume? hard to tell... 09:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) No, lasted too long 09:49 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) OK, what is the steam down basin? 09:50 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) tap tap tap, hello, hello, sound of screen door creaking open, head now inside.... 09:51 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Grotto maybe??? 09:51 Rich Wind blowing down basin, might be Oblong 09:52 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) you are back, that was fast! 09:52 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) All the others are dead. 09:52 Rich lol 09:52 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) more cookies for us? 09:52 Rich lol 09:53 Rich Hot, out of breath, thirsty 09:53 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) so go get something, don't want to face plant the keyboard 09:53 Rich Even stopped along the way and chatted with neighbors 09:53 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) showoff 09:53 Rich 3 apricots away, water nxt 09:53 Rich Hi CardioNan 09:54 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) dried or fresh? They are just ripening here 09:54 Rich fresh 09:54 Rich Earlies are done 09:54 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Aurum 105322 ie maaybe 09:54 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) take a look and see 09:55 Rich omp 09:55 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) ty 09:55 CardioNan Hi Rich. 09:57 Rich Sorry Inez, just some whispy steam in my captures. 09:57 Rich Can't tell. 09:57 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) could that be plume 105622?? 09:58 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) It was a really fast shot and steam was up in the right place...... 09:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I am doubting it was plume, stayed too long 09:59 Rich I can't see any people in front of the steam. 10:00 Rich See them thru the steam 10:00 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) yep 10:08 Rich Working on Aurum now. 10:09 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) ty 10:12 Rich yw 10:14 BB I just checked my captures for Plume but OF steam is not helpful today 10:14 BB I have a possible Plume at 10:18 maybe, but that needs at least three question marks 10:14 Rich g 10:15 Rich We need to start looking for OF, then maybe it will 'disappear'. g 10:15 BB As you can see, I am not completely dead yet :) 10:15 BB But almost, it is unbelievably hot here 10:15 BB probably not for your standards 10:15 Rich So sorry, BB 10:16 Rich Temperature is all relative. 10:16 BB It's probably hotter where you are 10:16 Rich When I go to Loisb's I always have to put on long sleeves and jeans. For them it is down to skin weather. 10:17 Rich My cold temperature is there HIGH. 10:17 BB I really do hope the Pacific northwest doesn't get a heat wave like last year 10:17 BB I mean when I get there 10:17 Rich I stayed home, it should be ok. g 10:17 BB We almost never get triple digits over here 10:17 Rich Lois did mention it was warming up, tho. 10:18 BB About every five years we get a couple of really hot days, and then we all almost die 10:18 BB I think we might have made 100 F today 10:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Should be 102 here today again...85 and muggy now,.... 10:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) looks like you will get OF 10:18 BB at least we have dry heat 10:19 Rich OF 11:18:31ie 10:19 BB but nothing is air conditioned around here, usually not necessary 10:19 Rich That is way to hot for you guys. 10:19 BB yep 10:19 BB I don't need more than 80, in fact, 75 is fine for me 10:19 Rich You are drinking plenty of water? 10:20 BB yes, and not leaving the house if I can avoid it 10:20 Rich k 10:20 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I want 65! 10:20 Rich Throw in a sports drink now and then. 10:20 BB When we were in AZ in 1996, they had a "nice cooldown" as they called it on the radio 10:21 BB you know what that meant? no triple digits 10:21 BB haha, 99 was hot enough 10:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Are you here in the NW, BB? 10:21 Rich Summer time in AZ is 115 in the shade. g 10:21 BB Inez, I am in Germany 10:22 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Oh, my sister on the Isle of Man was talking about the heat in Germany yesterday 10:22 BB I know, Rich, I was there in 1994, we have a friend in Prescott, and that was the hottest I ever experienced 10:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) They had missed their vacation to the eastern mountains there earlier because of wet weather and were thinking of going, but are used to cool temps on the IOM so didn't know.... 10:23 BB Ines, when it cools down, people will complain that this is not really summer... somehow they will always complain 10:23 BB Yes, summer didn't really start until the end of June, but then it came with a vengeance 10:23 Rich g 10:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) She was saying the beaches on the north sea were really nice 10:24 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Lion again? 10:24 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) if it is it is 112326ie 10:24 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) hehehehe 10:24 BB and it is :) 10:25 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) short one tho, must be getting close to the end of the cycle 10:26 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I posted those pics of the thingie near the anemonies to the ww server last night. 10:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) another sputter 112626 form Lion 10:31 Rich Looks like we still need to work on Aurum calls. 10:31 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) whats this we stuff key mo sa bee?? 10:31 Rich WE as in everyone? 10:32 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I would need to be there, teleport me now! 10:32 Rich lol 10:32 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I find seeing it behind the Giantess steam problematic..... 10:32 Rich ZZZZZZZAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!!! 10:32 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) pfffft 10:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) ack, not reassembled correctly head somewhat lower, will need new jeans''''' 10:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) gales of laughter here 10:34 BB haha, that reminds me of "Spaceballs" 10:34 Rich lol 10:36 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I am going to have to wander away in a while, the dog has just reminded me she is out of chickie jerky, apparently an earth shattering fact and is now being consoled by the hubster with colbyjack.... 10:37 Rich lol 10:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) see what I mean about Aurum, that steam at 113657 could be it..... 10:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) However, I think it was earlier.... 10:43 Michael Depression 11:41ie? I saw steam over there a minute ago. 10:45 Rich Now I'll see if I can figure out a recap for today. 10:53 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I think I need to put a grid on my screen with the getser placement, then again the steam would mess that up....so to speak 10:54 Todd Hello all 10:54 Rich Hi Todd 10:55 Todd Just home from the funeral-:( 10:55 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) We were at one on THursday. 10:55 Rich So sorry Todd/Lori 10:56 Todd Parents of the boy seem to be holding up fairly well. 10:59 Rich July 10, 2010 recap Aurum 07:24:09ie? 10:53:22ie?? 11:36:57ie?? Beehive Indicator 06:03:20ie Beehive 06:25ie Depression 06:28ie 08:47:11ie? 11:41ie? Groblong 06:35ie 10:59 Rich Lion 05:29ie 06:27ie 07:23ie 08:24:36ie 09:25:13ie 10:22:19ie 11:23:26ie? 11:26:26ie OF 05:11:14ie 06:36:57ie 08:14:35ie 09:49:16ie 11:18:31ie Plume 07:22:03ie 10:18ie? 11:00 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 07/08/10 16:03:09 25:57:00 07/09/10 05:49:00 13:46:00 07/09/10 17:12:00 11:23:00 07/10/10 06:25:51 13:14:00 11:02 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Plume 120130 ie if not already called 11:03 Rich and we can see it. g 11:03 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nice to see it last two captures 11:03 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Where are the days of multiple bursts..... 11:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) tabbing away 11:06 Rich later 11:06 Rich Plume is going to take me a while to compile. Haven't done it before 11:06 Todd bye Rich 11:07 Rich I'm losing my mind, maybe that counts. g 11:09 BB Lion 12:08 ie 11:25 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) tabbed back, but he screen is hung up 11:25 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) nice capture of lion tho 11:28 Rich You still hung up? 11:29 Rich I'm on 12:28:33 11:29 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) yep 11:29 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) nice lion, tho 11:29 Rich Try and force a refresh 11:30 Rich reload the page? 11:30 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) three times already, I will just leave and come back in a while 11:30 Rich k 12:00 Rich OF 12:59:07ie 12:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) back and still not updated...... 12:20 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) WOW, now it's only 10 minutes behind. 12:21 Rich hmmm?? 12:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I take that back it is 1 hour and 10 minutes behind, forgot about the time difference 12:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Too hot here for the bytes... 12:22 Rich I guess 12:22 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) It still says 120931....nice Lion tho 12:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) going away again... 12:23 Rich Very strange 12:27 Rich Lion 13:26:12ie 12:43 Loisb Good Afternoon 12:44 Rich Hi Loisb 12:45 Rich Much better this afternoon. 12:45 Loisb sure can see a whole lot bettre 12:45 Rich Now it will probably rain. g 12:45 Loisb thanks 12:45 Rich Teal seems to be the color of the day today. 12:46 Rich g 12:46 Loisb better than white 12:46 Rich yes 12:51 Rich On the wings of a coal black Corvus 12:52 Rich Hi BOBinGA 12:52 BOBinGA Hello Rich, Gazer, and LoisB 12:52 Loisb Afternoon Bob 12:54 Loisb NOAA says high for us today 72 - already hotter than that 12:58 BOBinGA My car read outside temp of 101 at 1600 EDT on Thursday. No idea what the temp was INSIDE the car when I got in, but it was HOT! 12:58 Rich I'm melting just thinking about it. 12:59 Loisb ugh 13:00 Loisb guess I won't complain about the inside of my car then 13:00 BOBinGA Just got home from two classes at the Red Cross, CPR & First Aid. Anyone have a compound fracture that needs splinting? 13:01 BOBinGA Also know how to treat heat stroke 13:01 Rich I'm sure we could break one up. 13:01 Loisb heat stroke might come in handy 13:01 Loisb don't recall them putting any emphasis on that when I was taking first aid all the time - 13:03 BOBinGA I think they sort of rotate the topics and assume that you will eventually cover everything. This was my first time since the 60s. 13:03 Loisb I took the complete stuff every 3 years from 1963 though 1994 13:03 Loisb and defensive driving and cpr every year 13:06 BOBinGA Rich, what is BH doing? According to your posting, the intervals have been back and forth between about 24 hours down to 12. 13:06 Rich 24h are probably doubles 13:06 Loisb probably just means it went in the night and there was no one to see it 13:06 Rich running 11h - 13h 13:07 Loisb BB and i had a rough time seeing it this morning 13:07 Rich I figure anytime after 15:00 today 13:07 BOBinGA I saw that on the log. Was it lack of light or too much steam? 13:07 Loisb too much steam and white 13:08 Loisb BHI really looked like BH - we both thought so till it really went off 13:08 Loisb still not real sure when it started - went from white to BH with one frame 13:09 Rich It's 14:00 and I haven't had lunch. 13:09 Rich yikes 13:09 Loisb get with the program 13:09 BOBinGA So there might be another BH around 1800? 13:09 Loisb your oldest great nephew has discovered fig newtons by the way 13:09 Rich yummmy, smart child 13:10 Rich I guess we are about to be greats gain. 13:10 Rich again. 13:10 Rich M&M a boy expected. 13:11 Loisb going to be an all boy generation 13:11 Rich I guess 13:11 Loisb almost was the previous one 13:11 BOBinGA Both of my neices are expecting in September. Both boys. 13:12 Loisb nice 13:12 Rich Must be the water in GA 13:12 BOBinGA One is in Tucson, the other in Seattle. Not the same water at all for them. 13:13 Rich g 13:13 Rich Something going around? 13:13 BOBinGA Back at YNP, has that cloud formation been hanging there all day? 13:14 Loisb not all day - white sky early - fog - then overcast 13:14 Loisb now some blue and clouds - g 13:14 Loisb I missed several hours of course 13:14 Rich Some patch clear skies for a while. 13:15 Loisb the sun was nice at Mammoth and Washburn early 13:15 Loisb even the parking lot wasn't bad 13:15 Loisb just the basin 13:17 BOBinGA I guess the cam does some sort of averaging to firgur out the exposure. Make it bad when the foreground is in shadow and the hill in sun. 13:18 Loisb it seems to have a lot of trouble with light 13:19 Rich Rough cut on Plume comparison done. 13:19 Rich Only about 2 h more to go. 13:20 BOBinGA I can tell now that some of the clouds are moving toward the camera. 13:26 BobinGA-ALT Doing some scanning on MJ's machine. 13:31 Loisb must be a walking tour out on the bw 13:34 Rich brb, going for food and drink. 13:41 Loisb OF 14 40 48 13:41 BOBinGA Lion 201418 13:42 Loisb ? 13:42 BOBinGA Let me try again LION 14 soemthing 13:42 Loisb maybe 14 40 18? 13:42 BOBinGA Now I am really confused, but it was in the frame before OF 13:43 Loisb at would make it the 14 40 18 if you are refreshing in the same cycle I am 13:43 BOBinGA I certainly will accept 144018 13:43 Loisb g 13:44 Rich I knew there was something in the GA water. 13:44 Loisb early this morning there were about 10 folks right down front here and not one of them looked when OF went off 13:45 BOBinGA Yeah, there is a lot of dihydrogen oxide, it makes me dizzy 13:45 Rich They'd already seen it. 13:46 BOBinGA I noticed at least one ranger was watching just now. 13:46 Loisb good 13:47 Loisb the times says its 73 out now 13:47 Rich Nice 13:47 Loisb sure a lot bettr than yesterday 13:48 BOBinGA My little station says it is only 91 here in beautiful Decatur, GA 13:48 Rich Hi guest9619601 13:48 steve Howdy, its 98 in Boise 13:49 Rich I'll pass 13:49 Loisb its been really ******* folks here going from 60's to 90's in one day 13:49 Rich Hi guest5995754 13:50 Loisb Hi Steve 13:50 steve1 Rich, the logger for BH is on the web site now, it looks like its all been in the 9-14 hour range, mostly 11-14 lately 13:50 steve Hello Lois 13:51 Loisb be interesting to see what the gazers report for BH this morning 13:51 Rich cool 13:52 Rich I'm working up the comparison between our observed times and RT's 13:52 steve I'm all set for an evening BH 13:53 Rich Yesterday it fooled me, came early 13:53 Loisb I'm hoping for late afternoon 13:53 steve Looking at the web cam, it looks like a good time for a late lunch. 13:53 Loisb pretty quiet right now 13:53 Rich I'm haveing pb&j's 13:53 BOBinGA I should be back in a while, you all keep an eye or two on things. C'Yall 13:54 Rich later BOBinGA 13:54 steve I was thinking of a few hailstorms I've seen when at Grand 13:54 Loisb later Bob 13:55 Rich Not the place to be for a hailstorm. 13:55 steve It is exciting, but not so smart 13:55 Rich Either under the benches or under the few trees on the way to Sawmill. 13:57 steve Then again, I have walked across geyser hill with an umbrella in my hand during a thunder storm, with a steel handle. Kinda like a lighting rod. DUMB 13:58 Rich Do you have curly hair now? 13:59 steve Not anymore, it grew out 14:00 Rich lol 14:08 steve So, has this been an day off for Lion? 14:09 Rich No, an on day. 14:09 Rich I'll work on a recap. 14:10 Rich haven't got it caught up since noon 14:12 steve ty 14:15 Rich July 10, 2010 recap Aurum 07:24:09ie? 10:53:22ie?? 11:36:57ie?? Beehive Indicator 06:03:20ie Beehive 06:25ie Depression 06:28ie 08:47:11ie? 11:41ie? Groblong 06:35ie 14:15 Rich Lion 05:29ie 06:27ie 07:23ie 08:24:36ie 09:25:13ie 10:22:19ie 11:23:26ie? roar 11:26:26ie roar 12:08ie 13:26:12ie 14:40:18ie OF 05:11:14ie 06:36:57ie 08:14:35ie 09:49:16ie 11:18:31ie 12:59:07ie 14:40:48ie Plume 07:22:03ie 10:18ie? 14:16 Rich Beehive Date Time Interval 07/06/10 11:23:25 23:34:25 07/07/10 14:06:45 26:43:20 07/08/10 16:03:09 25:57:00 07/09/10 05:49:00 13:46:00 07/09/10 17:12:00 11:23:00 07/10/10 06:25:51 13:14:00 14:17 Loisb big rain cloud via the washburn cam now 14:17 steve Thanks Rich 14:17 Rich yw 14:23 Loisb nap time - later folks - enjoy 14:24 Rich bye Loisb 14:41 Rich wb Todd 14:44 Lori hi- just reading the recap. dreary afternoon 14:45 Rich But soon to get better. 14:45 Rich Lion 15:44:54ie 14:46 Lori waited for me :) 14:46 Rich yep 14:46 Rich Just for you. g 14:47 Lori nice, thanks 14:48 Rich We aim to please. 14:48 steve Hurmp, walk away for 5 minutes and Lion erupts. Ain't it just like a geyser 14:48 steve I think it likes Lori better 14:49 Rich yep 14:49 Lori i just needed it more today 14:49 Rich Beehive won't be long. 14:50 Lori started the program for me? thanks again. g 14:50 steve I should pay better attention 14:51 Rich Might be a couple of hours, but - - - 14:51 Lori still daylight, right 14:52 Rich Even at a full 13h interval it will still be light. 14:53 steve A sunset eruption would be nice, too bad we're on the wrong side for the rainbows 14:53 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I love it so very cooler temps looking! 14:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nice one from ear spring et al 15:03 steve Was that Grand in the last frame? 15:03 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) So close to the sign I am wondering if it was Goggle et al instead: http://i26.tinypic.com/68wody.jpg 15:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Surely looks like Grand 15:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Also like Plume???? 15:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) No, I take the plume back 15:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) But Depression is heating or erupting 160404ie 15:05 Rich First frame I have is 16:03:40ie but I'm missing captures today. 15:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) was it freezing and white screening you too 15:06 Rich The capture befoe that is 16:00 15:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Yep UI see Grand spike 15:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) So about 1603ie for Grand 15:06 Rich No, because I'm data crunching. 15:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) or earlier 15:06 Rich I forget my 30 second window. 15:07 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nice steam or indicatior from BH 15:07 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I think that may be BHI so 1504ie.... 15:08 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) that is 1604ie for BHI I believe 15:08 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Really hard to tell with the steam and dew point 15:09 Rich No people indicator. 15:09 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) too wet?? 15:09 Lori maybe a little early yet? 15:09 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I would think so, but who knows.... 15:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I would have thought at least 3 more hours, but sometimes with a low coming in.... 15:11 Lori last fall we were told bh doesn't like it stormy, it went long then 15:12 steve Its geting close to ten hours from the last eruption, it is possible for BH now 15:13 steve I've never noticed that BH doesn't like storms, but I'm not sure I like waiting for it on the hill during a storm 15:14 steve Frump, OF is not making this any easier 15:14 Lori waited at least a couple hours if I remember correctly- Todd would know, but he is outside. didn't go til the rain let up 15:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) It's the rapid pressure change (barometric) that can trigger several of the geysers. So it depends if this storm was low and slow or a screamer. More likely low and slow. 15:17 steve I can't tell if the extra steam is from BH or BHI 15:18 Lori i nned to do dishes after OF, so bh needs to wait just a bit, OK, g 15:20 Rich I put a change of work order in. 15:20 Rich Oblong? 15:21 Rich OF 16:20:30ie 15:27 Rich I'm sorry I'm not following anything down basin. 15:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) There is our little anemone bloop 1626 15:27 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) pic in a minute 15:30 Lori back in a bit- stalled as long as i could :) 15:31 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Below anemone http://i30.tinypic.com/2hn9qig.jpg 162629ie 15:34 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) No BHI 15:34 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Just steam from cone I believe 15:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Lion is trying tho 15:35 steve looks like the BHI watchers have arrived 15:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Guess we faked them out, or it fooled us 15:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I wish they would keep an eye on the below anemone thing and tell us about it, anyone twitter them?? 15:36 steve So, do you think that may be just big boils from Improbable geyser? 15:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I truely don't know. With I did, nice boil from ear or goggles 15:37 Rich Roof/Ear Springs 15:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) wish. I obviously need to turn on the light so I can type....living in the dark here. New aname is ES-R-G LOL 15:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nice steam form Plate's pool friend 15:38 Rich g 15:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Could that be Aurum?? 15:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) so steamy from Giantess it's hard to tell 15:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) I see your pal Pump tho 15:39 Rich It feels to high to me. 15:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Yes.... 15:39 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nice one from Lion 15:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) maybe a Lion at 163900ie??? 15:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) Nope, just venting.....hehehheheh 15:40 Rich BHI? 15:41 Inez Austin (friend of ES but likes the anemones too) seeems so 15:41 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) just tell OF to let up.... 15:42 Rich It always shuts off 1 frame after I say something. g 15:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) still there but very wispy 15:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) too wet decided to go back inside for a while 15:44 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) at 164301 that wispy was more like ES-R not G 15:45 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I was looking for some pics of the Monument geyser basin, but can't find them.... 15:46 steve I guess I was wrong about the BHI watchers also 15:46 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I don't think anyone did any official quesses for our who and where quiz on geysers yesterday.... 15:46 Lori ok, you can reset now. Cinderella isn't home today- had to do the dishes, fold the laundry and sweep the kitchen all by myself. 15:47 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Nowt but chatter happened 15:47 Lori that's what i requested, lol 15:48 Rich Ah, no little mice to help you? 15:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Nice puff from Lion 15:55 Rich Lion 16:55:02ie 15:55 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I almost got ti at 165444ie 15:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Skipped 180502 for me altogether 15:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) retype 160502 LOL 15:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I give up! 15:57 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I am only getting refreshes every 1-2 minutes 15:57 Lori no mice, no elves. must all be on vacation 15:58 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) They are here, huddling around the back door trying to get in and eat up everything and make me work way too hard getting them caught alive and removed.... 15:59 Rich MS doing an auto update? 15:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Not that I can tell. Just hot wires and skitishbytes 15:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) nice storm coming into the basin 16:01 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) well laundry calls here too, and I must think about making tacos for supper. brb 16:02 Rich k 16:02 Lori darker sky makes a nice view for bh :) 16:02 Lori leftovers- it's whats for dinner, g 16:04 Rich I haven't thought that far ahead yet. 16:04 Rich g 16:05 Rich BHI? one more time? 16:07 Lori i'm ready, go for it, lol 16:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) well, no BH while I was gone and the storm has moved off, it will now try to fake us out and be after supper...... 16:29 Rich Plume 17:29:06ie 16:32 Michael Depression 17:29ie 16:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Missed em both 16:55 Rich That sure looks like BHI to me. ?? 16:56 Loisb Looks like it to me too 16:56 Loisb Hello 16:56 Rich Hi Loisb 16:56 Rich OF 17:56:09ie 16:57 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) again! 16:57 Rich Why not 16:57 Rich Can't see now. 16:57 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) It's hogging the limelight 16:57 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) thank you wind 16:58 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) are you hoping for another lion? I also see the BHI 16:59 Rich I think Lion might be done. 16:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Then agian, maybe not???? It has had quite a few. Is tha BH??? 16:59 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) BH ??? 175910ie 17:00 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) it won't refresh for me again 17:01 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) must not have been, but that was a big BHI in the background 17:07 steve Opps, I was away for a while, is that BHI? Did I miss BH? 17:08 Loisb BHI still going 17:08 Loisb holding breathe waiting for BH 17:09 Todd Would advise against doing that 17:10 Loisb think I might turn a little blue Todd? 17:10 Todd You might- I took over for Lori 17:10 Loisb too much excitment for her? 17:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Do I see water? 17:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) yes I do 17:11 Todd Anticipation was too much 17:11 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) BH 181021 ie 17:11 guest2748609 Beehive 18:10:21ie 17:12 Loisb much easier to see than this morning 17:12 Todd Strange looking 17:12 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) no wind 17:13 Loisb top dropping right down 17:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) yep 17:13 Todd coming towards us? 17:13 Loisb a tad I think 17:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) From looking at the ground, I don't think so, or not much 17:13 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) pretty! 17:14 steve it looks almost straight up, straight down 17:14 Rich Looks like one of Ryan's simulations. 17:14 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) It's the right time for those down slope from anemone geysers 17:15 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) That is if they want to do three days or even four in a row 17:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I can actually see a real anemone 181441ie 17:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) gotta go and cook, watch for my anemone wanna be 17:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Please 17:18 Rich k 17:22 Rich Inez? 17:23 Rich 18:21:45, I think is your Anemone 17:24 Lori i would agree, but my opinion doesn't really count, lol. It was a fave of our sons when he was there. 17:24 Loisb Todd let you come back now that the excitment is over Lori? 17:24 Lori yep, i watched over his shoulder, g 17:24 Loisb g 17:25 Lori he is back outside to weed-eat :) 17:25 Loisb too bad you can't feed him dinner instead 17:26 Rich Don't you feed the weeds to the cows? 17:26 Lori he had his leftovers he warmed up himself, lol. Cows have their own weeds :) I'm not @ 10, 000 steps, so think i'll be Rich and take a walk, g 17:27 Rich How many steps today? 17:28 Lori 4,143 right now. didn't get put on til after funeral and nap :( 17:28 Loisb might not have walked too many steps during nap 17:29 Rich 6,000 more today. 17:29 Lori i've got miles to go, while i sleep- oh wait, that's before i sleep, lol 17:29 Loisb g 17:30 Lori does restless leg syndrom count? 17:30 Rich Lori, hit the road, get them feet to steppin' 17:30 Rich Nope 17:30 Lori sir, yes, sir, g 17:30 Lori back later 17:30 Rich g 17:30 Loisb later 17:30 Rich lol 17:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) So I missed it. It should erupt about 4 times in the next hour then stop. 17:33 Rich k 17:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Did you happen to cature it? 17:33 Rich yes 17:33 Rich Plume 18:32:43ie 17:33 Rich I think 17:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) can I see? 17:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Missed Plume too 17:34 Rich I almost missed capture plume. lol 17:34 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I do see a white thing behind folk at 183313 so that is the end perhaps 17:34 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) No, it must be somehting else, it's still there 17:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Lots of folk of BW by Plume 17:35 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) on 17:36 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) The dog has been fed, the tacos for the Hubster are ready, and I am having a grinder instead, so I can finish up the veggies from yesterday and use some of the fresh bagette from today. Yum! 17:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) So what pittiful good for you crap are you stuck with? 17:37 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) See I am gloating and will most likely drop dead 17:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Bought some of your favorite Italian Lemon Soda today. See I am being a pain in the patooty 17:38 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) nice steam from the lion 17:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) \Is that solid steam in the back Pump? 17:40 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Yes. 17:41 Rich Should be first two images http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 17:42 Rich Hi Kristine 17:42 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Yes, anemone friend is number 1 and Plume 2. Good pics. 17:42 Kristine Hi Rich 17:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Ok. I assume the heavy white steam is OF? 17:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Hi Kristine 17:43 Kristine Hi Inez 17:43 Ryan Hi Kristine 17:43 Ryan Hi everyone 17:44 Rich Hi Ryan 17:44 Rich Yeah 17:44 Kristine How is everyone this evening? 17:44 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Rich, Can we post the anemone friend one to the wwalla walla site? I am hoping to get someone more knowledgeable than me to track it. 17:44 Rich Recovering from stress of watching for BHI today. 17:44 Rich g 17:44 Ryan ES-R-G, and whats with the mid cycle indicators, I cant leave for even two weeks without something happening? 17:45 Rich It's all your FAULT!!! 17:45 Kristine Watching Beehive was stressful? 17:45 Ryan LOL, whats ES-R-G 17:45 Ryan ? 17:45 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) The hill is throwing curves, and we love it, so it's your fault is it, Ryan..... 17:45 Rich Couldn't decide if it was going to go or not. 17:45 Ryan lol 17:45 Rich BHI kept teasing. 17:45 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Ear Spring which could be Roof geyser which could be the Googles 17:46 Kristine Is it having more false indicators? 17:47 Ryan lol 17:47 Ryan nice! 17:47 Ryan no K, i left on vacation and missed them! 17:47 Loisb welcome home Ryan 17:47 Rich I don't know enough to be able to tell, just adds to it. g 17:47 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) BH went thru a spell of them for a few days, and still is having them maybe 17:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I think A-F may be on again. got the pic and will see 17:48 Rich If anyone would like the links to the comparison data I have for Grand, Aurum and Depression - IM me. 17:50 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Gotta go downstairs and answer the door, watch for me pleas. Should be two more bursts, about 20 minutes apart 17:50 Rich k 18:02 Rich Riverside 19:01:46ie 18:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Got it at 190357, just in time 18:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) It is quick 18:05 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) and the tail end at 190417 18:05 Rich There were some people standing back there, I saw some steaming just after you left. 18:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Thanks!! Hopenully they are gazers and will report. Nice Lion steam 18:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) gonna hafta put down the sandy wich to type. 18:06 Rich g 18:07 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) got es r g just now too 18:08 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Is that Af! 18:09 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) captured it. The dog swears she liked vggies and is coveting my Sw 18:16 Rich Grotto 18:16 Ryan Grotto 1916ns 18:17 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I sees it.... 18:20 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) That was quick, could it have been oblong? 18:22 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) OD192219ie 18:23 Kristine Ohh, pretty Old Faithful 18:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) OF192219ie 18:23 Kristine With those dark clouds behind it 18:23 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Makes a nice pic 18:23 Kristine Yes, it does 18:23 Ryan ON tuesday last week, there was a wall cloud that quickly formed a tornado over the ocean it was freakkyy! 18:24 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I hate wall clouds, every time I am in Kansas I live in fear! 18:24 Rich Did you find out what the fireball was? 18:24 Ryan LOL no didnt find it 18:24 Kristine Wow. I don't think I've ever seen a wall cloud 18:24 Ryan they are very scary 18:25 Kristine They look gnarly in the photos I've seen 18:26 Kristine I'd love to do one of those storm chasing tours through Tornado Alley sometime. 18:28 Kristine Speaking of photos, I've got some photos to process so I can enter the county fair. Later everyone. 18:28 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Have fun 18:28 Rich later Kristine 18:30 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Plume 193023ie 18:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Hello guest from a zip code near me but with one more number 18:33 Rich Hi guest921902 18:34 Rich Hi guest1143367 18:36 Rich July 10, 2010 recap Aurum 07:24:09ie? 10:53:22ie?? 11:36:57ie?? Beehive Indicator 06:03:20ie 17:55:09ie Beehive 06:25ie 18:10:21ie Depression 06:28ie 08:47:11ie? 11:41ie? 17:29ie Grand 16:03ie Groblong 06:35ie 18:36 Rich Grotto 19:16ns Lion 05:29ie 06:27ie 07:23ie 08:24:36ie 09:25:13ie 10:22:19ie 11:23:26ie? roar 11:26:26ie roar 12:08ie 13:26:12ie 14:40:18ie 15:44:54ie 16:39:00ie? roar 16:55:02ie 18:37 Rich OF 05:11:14ie 06:36:57ie 08:14:35ie 09:49:16ie 11:18:31ie 12:59:07ie 14:40:48ie 16:20:30ie 17:56:09ie 19:22:19ie Plume 07:22:03ie 10:18ie? 17:29:06ie 18:32:43ie 19:30:23ie Riverside 19:01:46ie 18:43 Lori reporting back Sir- 11,426 steps sir. the dog didn't go with me, but wanted to go when I got back, so an extra small jaunt put me over the top :) Now I need a bath. 18:44 Loisb taking the dog with you? 18:45 Lori normally he goes with the sister-in-law that lives across the road. She is gone tonight, so when he saw me, he did his little prewalk routine, and I was forced to talk a longer walk. 18:45 Rich Very Good, L 18:45 Lori she bathes him as well- and I don't share my tub 18:45 Loisb g 18:46 Rich g 18:47 Lori he rolls in cow crap when the bath is done, and I prefer bubbles and a roll in lotion :) 18:47 Rich Must be a retriever 18:47 Lori beagle/hog 18:48 Rich lol 18:48 Rich Hunting dag for sure 18:48 Rich dog 18:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I think the last minute or so has been Af 18:49 Rich Inez, I'm so tuckered out I don't even think I could see OF. 18:49 Lori just sniff trails from birds & rabbits that went thru a few days ago...should have named him Hoover- nose is always ******* on the ground 18:49 Rich lol 18:49 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I totally understand. I wasn't up nearly as early as you 18:49 Rich Still need to fix dinner 18:49 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Not to wrry I am grabbing them and will look closer 18:49 Rich Meatloaf sandwich is winning. 18:50 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) go get your grub, you will perk up 18:50 Lori he ate leftover sweetpotato fries for dinner 18:50 Lori curry meatloaf make a good sandwich? 18:50 Rich I'm afraid that if I walk past the bed room, the bed will jump me. 18:50 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) The hubster loves those (ML sandy) my sil loves the sweet pots 18:50 Rich I had a sampler one yesterday. 18:51 Rich brb 18:51 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) So Let it...you can grab an hour and eat later, unless it causes tummy problems 18:51 Lori enjoy, i'mm gonna bathe so i'll be nice and sweet smelling when i return, g 18:52 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) try not to slip and slide 19:13 Rich Between the curry and the hot veggies, I'm going to go stand under the sprinkler. 19:13 Rich bb in a bit, and the meatloaf is just right. 19:13 Loisb I am thinking of that myself - and am going - going, gone 19:13 Loisb bye 19:16 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) bye 19:17 Lori nite Lois 19:17 Lori I no longer smaell like the dog :) 19:17 Lori smell 19:18 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Its that time of night that is hard to callour for any eruptions..... 19:18 Lori lion? 19:19 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) callout 19:19 Lori 20:18:25? 19:20 Lori not sure- just caught the end of a pic 19:21 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Not sure, it stopped a while ago, but is thowing significant steam every once in a while 19:26 Lori posing for a pic on bw 19:35 Rich Report from basin from chris :" It was Riverside 1901ie (I saw from Oblong) Then Oblong 1912 d7 - durations on Oblong fell to 6-7 minutes today - had been 10 (At least the one at 1439 was also shorter - 6 MIN)" 19:43 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) No news on Af? 19:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) By the way I tried to capture your Af pic from your FB but couldn't do it.... 19:50 Rich I can send it to you. 20:00 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) OF205901ie 20:04 Rich HI CardioNan 20:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Ya missed some good stuff 20:06 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I think our friend af is still theres, see the steam to the right of OF down in the gully 20:07 Rich Oh, steve? 20:07 Rich Are you with us? 20:07 Rich Inez likes your little steamer. 20:07 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) closer to OF is more likely an anemone, and sightly lower and below is more likely Improbable-Cascasde known here as Anemone's Friend or af 20:08 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I was looking for pics I have of Cascade. The last one I got was years ago 20:09 Rich I'm going to leave capture running. I need to stretch out, my shoulders are really aching. 20:09 Rich Elbows on the table all day. Now I know why you aren't supposed to do that. 20:09 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Have a good night, I am away soon also. Gotta squeeze in some work 20:09 Rich lol 20:09 Rich Have a good one Inez 20:09 Rich I'll be back to close out when it is dark. 20:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) It's hell when you can work in your jammies or less..... 20:10 Rich afk lol 20:10 Rich afk nite Inez 20:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I'm tabbing away but will leave this up a while 20:10 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Go rest! 20:42 Lori nite all 20:45 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Nite, too 21:25 Rich afk Nite steve 21:25 Rich afk Nite Yellowstone July 11th, 2010 04:14 BB OF 05:12 ie 05:15 BB Indicator is going 05:15 BB have to check captures to see if I can figure out a start time 05:16 BB everything is very steamy and white 05:16 BB earliest capture I have is 6:13 ie 05:16 BB My last frame before that was 6:11, and it was definitely not going by then 05:19 BB complete white-out :'( 05:29 BB BH 6:29 ie 05:29 BB visibility is much better now 05:45 Loisb OF 06 43 29 05:45 BB hi LoisB 05:45 BB did you see BH? 05:45 Loisb Hi BB 05:46 Loisb just the tail end - and my captures had a windows thing blocking part - ugh 05:46 Loisb hate windows 05:46 Loisb always doing something when you don't want it to 05:46 Loisb nice OF though 05:46 BB me too... I am seriously considering a different OS for my next computer 05:47 Loisb and viewing is much better today 05:47 Loisb I am saving for a new Mac 05:47 BB That's what we are thinking... more user friendly than Linux 05:47 Loisb very user friendly - true plug and go 05:48 BB I haven't used the new netbook much but it keeps me constantly occupied updating all the software 05:48 Loisb my boys always want windows - they mostly play the games - anotehr ugh 05:48 BB not only Windows but also security updates for browsers and flash player and adobe reader and whatever there is 05:48 Loisb graphics are still better on Mac I think 05:49 Loisb some days it seems like all I do is get updates 05:49 Loisb have most of them set now to ask before downloading but microsoft sneaks things in 05:49 Loisb bird 06:02 BB Depression 07:01 ie, I think 06:02 Loisb I'll take your word for it 06:29 Rich Morning Ladies 06:29 Loisb Morning 06:29 BB hi Rich 06:30 Loisb Beehive was early today but you could actually see it 06:30 Rich very good 06:30 Rich I can't seem to get myself out of bed any earlier. 06:30 Rich g 06:30 Loisb we'll tell it to wait for you next time 06:30 Rich Aurum 07:30:16ie 06:31 Rich I was expecting it to be a little later this morning. 06:31 Rich At least we will have another afternoon BH. 06:32 Loisb true - or most likely 06:32 Rich g 06:36 Rich Chris reports BHI was at 06:13 06:37 Rich Grotto 06:39 Loisb going after coffee - brb 06:40 Rich k 06:40 BB I'll be back later, too hot in front of the computer right now 06:40 Rich wet towel around the neck. 06:40 Rich ty BB 06:50 Rich Riverside 07:49:08ie 06:54 Loisb 57 out this morning here 06:55 Loisb big change from this time yesterday 06:55 Rich Nicer 06:55 Loisb feels cold 06:55 Loisb child thinks we should stay in today - g 06:56 Rich lol 06:56 Rich The fog will burn off. 06:56 Loisb supposed to 06:56 Rich And it will get warm again. 06:57 Loisb not supposed to get really hot the rest of the week 06:58 Rich That would be ideal. 06:58 Loisb true 07:12 Rich I'm not getting a refresh 07:12 Loisb sorry 07:12 Rich I'm stuck at 08:06:40 07:12 Loisb I am 07:12 Loisb 08 12 11 - nothing happening 07:13 Loisb kid into something - brb 07:14 Rich k 07:14 Rich Hi Ryan 07:14 Ryan morning 07:18 Rich brb, rebooting 07:24 Loisb b 07:24 Loisb Hi Ryan 07:25 Loisb OF 08 18 44 07:29 Loisb Hi Guest 07:30 steve Morning Lois, I guess BH didn't wait for me to sleep in 07:30 Loisb nope - just me and BB 07:31 Loisb and we could actually see it this morning 07:31 steve I m glad you managed to catch it 07:32 Loisb I will try and post some later 07:32 steve Lion is still going however, I love these long series 07:32 Loisb small child needs me now 07:33 Loisb 08 24 22 is when that thing behind BHI by the tree line started if you will let richard know - I don't know what it is though 07:33 Loisb bbl 07:35 Rich Hi steve 07:36 Rich Lion 08:24:22ie 08:04 steve Hi rick, I m in and out so slow to respond. 08:05 Rich np 08:06 steve Hmm, there is something erupting behind BHI at the treeline? I suppose you have considered Kitten geyser and of course Ear Spring. How frequent is it? 08:07 Rich The one we have been noticing is to the right of N Goggles 08:08 Rich Ear Springs or Roof have been suggested as possible sources. 08:08 Rich I 08:09 Rich I've notice on occassion 10-15 intervals 08:09 Rich Last few days hasn't been active enough to attract my attention. 08:10 Rich Or at least conditions haven't be right for steam. 08:13 Rich Hi Lori 08:38 Rich Lion 09:37:24ie 08:51 Rich Depression 09:49:52ie? 08:51 Rich OF 09:50:52ie 08:51 Rich Hi Todd 08:51 Todd Hi Rich, and yes to Depression 08:52 Rich I'm sorry 08:52 Todd for what......? 08:52 Rich I have a little pink pill. g 08:53 Todd k 08:53 Todd g 08:53 Rich Just nuts 08:53 Rich Crazy nuts should be spelled different that nut nuts? 08:53 Todd Just thought the question mark after calling depression meant you were not sure 08:54 Rich After looking at the comparisons of my calls vs RT's data loggers, I'm not sure. g 08:54 Todd Looked like it was erupting when I saw it 08:55 Rich I saw water this time, but never really sure if it is Depression or Dwarfs 08:55 Rich ty 08:56 Rich Another early morning BH, so we should have one again this afternoon. 08:56 steve Sorry, was away again. I think the splash above BHI could also be Kitten Geyser. It usually just overflows, but sometimes it erupts to several feet high 08:57 Rich I'm not sure of your location. 08:57 Rich Like at Marmot Caves? 08:57 Rich Or further back? 08:58 Rich This is were you tell me to reach over and get T Scott's book. 08:58 steve Kitten is across the boardwalk from North Goggles about 30 feet from the boardwalk I thnk. I'm not so good with distances 08:58 Rich Which I just did. 08:58 Rich ok 08:59 Todd Later all. Good to hear about BH. Off to do something, anything, just think I should do at least one thing today. 08:59 steve Nawww, using Scotts book is to easy, however it is more accurate 09:00 Rich And occasionally I know where it is. 09:00 Rich I agree, distances are very difficult to judge from map to cam. 09:01 Rich I'll add Kitten to my possible choices. 09:03 Rich Unfortunately I didn't make the trip around back of Geyser hill. So I don't have a 'visual' map to compare. 09:03 Rich I walked past Lion about 4 times coming and going from BH to Grand 09:10 steve If its still going in three weeks I'll try to catch it. 09:11 Rich I think I uploaded some to FB 09:12 Rich I have to double check but would be in this album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2039628&id=1427016656&l=024d591339 09:15 Rich checking now 09:16 Rich http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30742214&l=b24ccb53c1&id=1427016656 09:16 Rich Found one. 09:17 steve Where? 09:18 Rich The last llink 09:19 steve I guess I mean which frame? 09:20 steve Sorry, I was slow on the uptake 09:21 Rich On second page, but the second link is direct to it. 09:21 steve ty 09:21 Rich But on the album second page 6th image 09:28 steve Thanks, I finally figured it out, it what I get for dropping in and out 09:30 Rich I'd probably make more sense also if I haven't been staring at All the Plume eruption data points for two days. 09:32 steve G 09:33 Rich Now I seem to have crashed the spreadsheet. 09:34 Rich Groblong 09:35 Rich 10:33:38ie 09:38 vw good morning 09:39 Rich Hi vw 09:39 vw Just wanted to stop in an note Grand. 09:39 vw I did not see the start. 09:39 Rich My first capture is 10:33:28ie 09:39 vw k. Thanks Rich. 09:40 vw Op cam has been blue the last couple of days, but I was able to get it started this morning. 09:40 Rich great 09:41 vw Lion? on static 09:41 Rich Lion 10:40:58ie 09:42 vw Nice Grand. Steam blowing towards bw though, so not sure what the people sitting there are able to see. 09:43 vw 2nd burst 09:43 vw Bison to the right of Split Cone 09:44 Rich ty 09:44 vw Op cam went to BSOD, so dont know if there was another burst from Grand 09:45 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) morning all 09:46 Rich Hi Inez 09:46 Rich I'm late for my walk and breakfast. bb in about 25m 09:46 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) sounds like computer problems....for you? 09:46 Rich Too MUCH computer. g 09:47 Rich bb 09:50 vw I am going to head out too. Camera keeps going to BSOD. Able to get it back, but it wont hold. 10:14 steve Rich, I think the last frame had the thing above BHI on it 111202 10:15 Rich Just got back, will check 10:18 Rich Hi Todd 10:18 Todd he is watching market to market- i just didn't change the name, sorry 10:20 Rich Hi Lori 10:20 Rich np 10:20 Rich grab the computer while you can. g 10:22 Rich Hi kcmule 10:22 Rich must be a great concert 10:22 kcmule mornin 10:22 Rich g 10:22 kcmule yep good times 10:23 kcmule aurum? 10:23 kcmule 11:23:04ie 10:23 Rich yep 10:24 kcmule thats a nice welcome 10:25 Rich and a fine How do you do. 10:31 Rich OF 11:30:35ie 10:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I missed Aurum! I was organizing the ES-R-G pics I have captured for the last few days to post to the wallawalla server. It is the one you thought might be kitten. 10:33 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) gone - posting those pics 10:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Another Lion??? 10:48 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Lion 1148ie 10:54 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) All those folks at BH and no hope...... 10:54 Loisb Hello 10:55 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) Hi back 10:55 Rich Hi Loisb 10:55 Loisb fog is now high up enough it is overcast instead 10:56 Rich lol 10:56 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) best way to think about clouds. start on earth and head for heaven....whew deep and redundant 10:57 Loisb its these wide swings in temp that are going to drive us all nuts out here Inez 11:04 Inez Austin (friend of ES-R-G but likes the anemones too) I wish we had those here, I am tired of the heat... 11:05 Loisb I can live without the heat but going from 60 to 90 and back to 60 is ******* the body too