Old Faithful CamChat’s Chat Logs December 1st, 2009 01:25 BB at work Lion i.e. 0124 on static 01:26 BB at work Yes., 01:26 BB at work yes, you can actually see something on static, there is enough light 01:27 BB at work Greek gave me the idea yesterday, so I checked the static cam first thing at the office this morning 01:27 BB at work great, now I will not get any work done either ;) 02:55 BB at work I couldn't get a connection to the cam for the last hour or so, so probably missed another Lion. 02:58 BB at work Just saw a lot of leftover steam there when the connection came back 03:34 BB at work Huge steam cloud in the basin, I have no idea where that is from but saved a picture 03:55 BB at work OF 0354 ie 04:15 GreekD2486 Is that Grand? 04:16 GreekD2486 nope 04:22 BB at work Hi, Greek, what time zone are you in? I didn't expect to see someone in here in the middle of the night 04:22 GreekD2486 pacific 04:22 GreekD2486 i should be sleeping 04:23 GreekD2486 doing homework instead 04:23 BB at work yes, I think so too :) 05:28 BB at work OF 0527 ie, I think 05:29 BB at work But it is really getting dark now, can't see much, so I will leave now 06:39 vw good morning CC. 06:40 CC hi 06:40 CC missed you yesterday 06:40 vw was just reading BBs notes from this morning. 06:40 vw sorry, really busy. gonna be like that most of this week/month. 06:40 CC ready for a phone call 06:41 vw dont know why but it seems to happen every year in December. lotsa angst i guess. 06:41 vw sure. let me fill my coffee up! 06:41 CC k 06:42 vw k. back. 06:56 vw OF 06:56 ie static 06:57 BB That's what I was typing right now :) 06:57 BB Hi vw 06:57 BB Hi CC 06:57 CC hi 06:57 vw good afternoon! 06:57 vw B, i absolutely love your mid-night postings! 06:57 CC I think it is hysterical that you were able to post times during the night 06:57 CC full moon 06:58 BB It was amazing how much I could actually see 06:58 BB Yes, full moon tomorrow according to my calendar 06:58 BB I wasn't sure about that last OF but the time fits so I guess it was correct 06:58 vw have you checked the sunrise/sunset website for YNP? 06:59 vw it might be helpful for you in figuring out the light too. 06:59 BB no, just got home and made a cup of coffee. But I was going to try to find a site about the moon rising and setting. Maybe at the Weather Channel? 06:59 BB This is all on my to-do-list for this afternoon 07:00 CC vw..doesn't look like much snow 07:00 BB And Rich's new picture that I couldn't open from the office 07:00 BB btw I didn't see another Lion although I was looking for it 07:00 BB And no BH 07:00 vw try http://www.google.com/ig/adde?moduleurl=www.calculatorcat.com/gmodules/current_moon.xml&source=moha&ct=1056755011 07:02 vw i dont know if that will work for you though because it gives info based on your time zone. might be way to tweek the zone though. 07:04 BB yes, it went to my time zone straight away, will have to play around a little to see if I can fix that 07:05 cb moring ladies 07:05 vw morning cb! 07:05 BB hi cb 07:06 vw CC - 90% chance of snow in YNP today. Temp is to dip down to the teens and below zero and stay there for several days 07:07 cb snowing your way vw? 07:07 vw just a skiff so far. supposed to start soon and snow all this morning. blowing winds and snow this afternoon. 07:07 vw winter is supposed to try to arrive. again. 07:08 CC morning cb 07:08 cb my home page is accuweather for yellowsstone and it shows snow most of the day. 07:08 cb morning cc 07:08 CC YEAH:) 07:09 vw CC, just in case we have a chinook, i will plan to bring warm weather gear for both of us 07:09 vw :D 07:09 BB couldn't get the time zone changed for the Google thing and TWC didn't have info on the moon but I found another link that has the info 07:09 BB http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Weather.aspx?loca… 07:10 vw thats a nice one! thanks BB! 07:10 vw we will want to make sure Rich sees it and have him add it as a link on the his YNP Resource page 07:11 cb 10 day forcast on that page shows snow 8 outta 10 days!! woo woo!! 07:11 cb ya all shall have snow for your winter trip to the park 07:14 cb heads up, Bill has a new handle 07:16 vw morning TL! planning on moving out the ol' steam engine? 07:16 vw or the GTO? 07:16 Track Layer morning 07:17 Track Layer setting up the Lionel Polar Express around the tree 07:18 Track Layer actually we have eliminated he tree, alltrain now 07:18 vw just stick a mini tree on a flatbed and you are good to go. 07:18 vw put miniscule lights on it, a star.... 07:19 Track Layer have a little handcar with Santa and Mrs Clause pumping the handle 07:19 vw :) 07:21 cb going to take a video when its all done and post it!!!! train is complete w a town. 07:22 cb can see the snow flakes starting to fall 07:25 CC no animals to be seen 07:26 CC afternoon D 07:27 BB Hi Derek 07:27 cb Hi Derek 07:27 CC Little cub 7:27 07:32 Allan Good morning everyone! 07:32 CC morning Allan 07:32 Derek Hi Allan 07:32 BB hi Allan 07:33 Allan V says hi to you all. 07:33 CC and to her as well 07:34 Allan She's counting down the days (actually hours) of teaching left to the semester. 07:34 cb Greetings Allan!! 07:34 cb V at home today? 07:35 Allan Yes, she has no classes today, but has to give a talk late this afternoon. 07:36 Allan No classesdoesn't mean no work, though 07:37 CC penta 7:37 IE 07:37 cb ! 07:38 Derek Wow 07:38 Derek You can even see the regular puffs of steam 07:40 Derek I noticed on a youtube video of Penta, it tends to pulsate 07:42 cb like the tall narrow steam/water jets you can see on the cam 07:52 Allan Well, 'tis time to go walk the dog. Bye. 08:15 vw been watching traffic. roads went from sounding wet to sheets of ice. gonna wait out the traffic just a wee bit longer 08:15 CC that is not good 08:16 vw being our first real snow/wet of the year, people still need to relearn how to drive on it. worth waiting them out. 08:26 CC OF 8:26 08:29 CC OF is a long 08:30 vw gonna give it a try. Hope all have a good day. bye! 08:30 CC drive carefully 08:38 GreekD2486 Plume 8:37 09:01 MAB I saw Indicator on static 0847 09:01 MAB and Beehive 0852 10:10 BB OF 10:10 10:26 Rich Hi BB 10:27 BB Hi Rich 10:27 Rich Hi GreekD2486 10:27 Rich Hi guest2197166 10:27 Rich Hi Derek 10:29 Rich Got a late start this morning, went out and photographed the Olympics across Puget Sound. 10:30 BB Sound nice. We will go there next summer, too 10:31 BB bbl, gotta cook dinner now 10:31 BB bye 10:34 Rich bye BB 10:54 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/25/09 16:13:00 32:37:00 11/26/09 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38:00 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16:00 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22:00 11/30/09 12/01/09 08:52:00 39:23:00 11:25 Rich Dec 01, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:47, Beehive 08:52, Lion 01:24ie, Little Cub 07:27, OF 03:54ie, 05:27ie, 06:56ie, 08:26L, 10:10, Penta 07:37IE, Plume 08:37, 11:29 Rich Updated the Resource Page, added Intellicast site and also added a Current Phase of the Moon link and display. Both Intellicast and Current Phase Of Moon are listed under Meteorology Menu. 11:30 Rich Hi guest322328 11:34 Rich Looks like snow might be moving into the Basin 11:36 Rich Hi BB 11:36 BB Hi Rich 11:36 Rich Good to see that you got to see things last night. 11:38 Rich The snow/fog has been moving in for the last hour or so. 11:39 Rich I think Grand might have gone around 11:12, I only got one capture so not sure. 11:39 BB Yes, I had fun today with the night pictures. BTW, I could just open the link to the new image. 11:40 BB It didn't work at the office nor earlier here but now it just did. 11:40 Rich I'll try and add more geysers as time permits. 11:41 Rich Might try clearing the cache files. Sometimes helps. 11:41 Rich I can only add geysers that are visible on the static cam. 11:42 BB My husband thinks that you got Riverside too far to the right :) 11:42 Rich I have captures of F&M, Excelsior so I can add them as soon as I find the capture. 11:42 BB From the picture I saved yesterday it looks like he might be right. 11:43 BB Wow, CC is really getting the snow she wished for. Not much to see anymore. 11:43 Rich Riverside blows around a lot, so it is possible the image I was looking at was a blow down. 11:43 Rich and it is time for OF, I think it is going but not sure 11:43 Rich there is a column above the vent. 11:44 Rich I'll check some more captures of Riverside and try for an average location. 11:45 BB It might just be a problem of perspective. The one I saved yesterday was from the static, and I didn't really know where to put it on the panorama image 11:46 BB My husband then took over and compared trees and whatever and decided on the location, so I have no idea if he is right. 11:46 Rich I use the trees myself. 11:46 Rich Looks like OF went off during the snow out. 11:46 BB yes, the time would fit 11:47 Rich Cat is reaisng a fit, doesn't like her food. Time for a trip to the store. bbl 11:47 BB I uploaded the pictures I saved today, so if you would like to see geyser by moonshine you are welcome to take a look. 11:47 Rich That I would 11:47 Rich Where did you put them? 11:47 BB just a moment 11:48 BB http://picasaweb.google.com/brieske24de/GeyserPict… 11:48 BB Maybe you can find out where the steam in the last two pictures came from 11:49 Rich I'll give it a whirl. 11:49 BB But you can do that later, feed your cat first :) 11:49 Rich lol 11:50 Rich thanks for the link. bb in a bit. 11:50 Rich gone for cat food bye 11:50 BB Bye 11:51 BB I have two cats in my house but luckily they aren't picky, will eat anything... 12:01 CC Here come the snow 12:13 CC Here goes the snow! 14:04 Rich gone for cat food My, I go away for a while and it snows in. Cool. 14:05 Rich Must have been a blinding snow. 14:10 Rich BB, I believe the last three of your captures are Grand, but will look at them closer in photoshop where I can lighten the images up. 14:10 Rich Hi Track Layer 14:13 BB That's a good idea. I lightened up the second OF after I got home, and now I am sure it was an eruption. 14:14 Track Layer Hi Rich, BB, and Derek 14:14 Track Layer cb here 14:14 Rich Bill put you to work? 14:14 Rich g 14:15 Track Layer bill's new handle o the day 14:15 Track Layer Were setting up the train.....has a new trestled pattern 14:18 Rich BB, Steam and Steam 2 I believe are Grand. 14:20 Derek Hi All 14:20 BB Thanks for looking, Rich. I can't even tell by daylight, so in the dark, I saw just steam :) 14:20 Rich I'm not sure what the left steam is in OF 1 will research. 14:20 Derek Just tried moving the cam, but it was hopeless 14:20 Rich lol 14:20 Rich Hi Derek 14:21 BB Hm, I never even noticed that steam... well, but I was actually trying to get some work done at the time 14:23 BB I don't think I will be able to see much this night but I will check tomorrow morning, just in case it clears up. 14:23 BB And now I am off to bed, good night, all 14:24 Rich Nite BB 14:24 Rich BB OF 1 looks like it is Grotto on the left. 14:48 CC Looks like castle 14:48 CC at least steam phase 14:49 Rich Looks like we might have just missed OF. 14:56 CC OF 14:56 14:59 CC OF is a Long 15:01 CC If the wind doesn't change direct during the night I expect to see ice on the lens tomorrow 15:01 CC all from the steam of OF 15:40 Rich I've added some links for Sunrise/Sunset and Moon Rise/Moon Set sites to the Resource page. Also a link to find Lat/Long for your city. (use for the Moon rise/set sites) 15:41 Rich All updates are under the Meteorology menu. 15:41 CC Speaking of the moon...it was beautiful tonight in Connecticut 15:42 Rich I'll have to try and stay up to see it tonight. g 16:13 Graham hello 16:13 Rich Hi Graham 16:13 Rich Dec 01, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:47, Beehive 08:52, Lion 01:24ie, Little Cub 07:27, OF 03:54ie, 05:27ie, 06:56ie, 08:26L, 10:10, 14:56L, Penta 07:37IE, Plume 08:37, 16:13 Graham whats happening? 16:14 Graham ah, thanks 16:14 Rich Not much to report today. 16:14 Graham Penta again? 16:15 Rich CC reported Penta I believe 16:15 Graham must be cold and damp, lots of thick steam 16:16 Rich It just turned to steam phase a little while ago. 16:16 Rich Most of the day has been foul weather. 16:16 Rich Hi guest347781 16:17 Rich Snow and or fog. 16:17 Graham nice they got some more snow tho 16:17 Rich Very pretty. 16:17 Kent High Rich. 16:17 Rich Hi Kent 16:18 Rich I think that BB caught a Grand during the night. She posted a link here. 16:18 Rich I downloaded her images and lighted them in Photoshop so I could see. 16:19 Rich The wind has been dialing. 16:20 Rich Grand might have gone around 11:12, but I only had one capture I could see. 16:20 Graham Depression 0849 from Pat 16:24 Kent I see you got MAB's Beehive times for the recap. It would have been strange if we completely missed a daylight BH. 16:25 Rich I was late getting to the computer this morning. The sun was very nice on the Olympics and I went up the hill to Sunset Park to take some photos. 16:25 Kent I have no excuse. I was in bed reading 16:26 Rich That is a valid excuse in my book. lol 16:26 Graham Pay said Ind at 0844 and BH at 851 16:26 Rich k 16:30 Graham Pat not Pay 16:31 Graham OF 1630 16:32 Rich Nice OF 16:33 Rich I added some links to the Resource page today, under Meteorology, Moon stuff mostly. 16:33 Rich Seems that the server is down tho, I haven't been able to get back in for a while now. 16:40 Graham k 16:40 Graham Looks like Little Squirt is going again 16:43 Allan Hi Rich, Graham 16:43 Graham hey ALlan 16:43 Allan Looks kind of wintery out there this evening. 16:44 Rich Hi Allan 16:45 Rich Snow has finally melted off the static cam lens 16:45 Rich Hi jbear 16:45 Graham yeah lots opf thick white steam everywhere 16:47 Rich Last I looked you couldn't tell that the parking lot had been plowed. 16:49 Rich Nothing visible at Mt. Washburn. 16:55 Rich hi cb 16:56 cb Hi Rich 16:56 cb and Graham and jbear 16:57 Rich Hu guest109679 16:57 Graham hi cb. nice evening in YNP again 16:57 cb a little whiter than yesterday 16:57 cb or even this am 16:59 Graham yeah, need more tho 16:59 Graham want 8' on the ground for CC vw and I 17:00 cb yep that be the best....good for water levels also 17:00 Graham yep, not much snow there for opening week in 2 weeks? 17:00 Rich wb Allan 17:01 Rich hi jenny 17:01 cb hi Allan and jenny 17:01 Allan Well, I have to go pick V up at the university. Bye all. 17:01 Rich Bye Allan 17:01 Rich Hi to VMW 17:08 Graham no wonder its steamy, in single digits 17:09 Rich Sleigh bells ring, - - - - - 17:10 Graham supposed to stay cold all week, highs in teens and lows below sero 17:11 Rich Must have started a new month. g 17:12 Graham Depression 1711ie 17:14 Rich wb guest322328 17:22 Rich 15 min of light left. g 17:25 Graham yep, fading fast 17:25 Graham I will see you tomorrow 17:25 Rich Nite Graham 17:26 Graham bye 17:26 Rich bye 17:31 Rich Nite All 17:31 Rich Nite Yellowstone 17:31 Rich Full moon again tonight, view YNP by moonlight. December 2nd, 2009 04:50 CC Hellow BB 04:51 BB at work Hi CC, you are up early 04:54 BB at work Not much to see this night, not enough contrast. I have been watching for almoust five hours now but couldn't even make out a single OF 05:27 cb -13 degrees at 527 this morning.....yicks! 05:28 cb good afternoon BB 05:29 cb can see a bit of the basin on static now 05:35 BB at work Hi, cb, well you are up even earlier 05:36 cb yeah cough got me up...having some tea and thought I'd ck the cam 05:37 BB at work There is still a little more to see than yesterday at the same time, but contrast has been terrible the whole night. 05:37 BB at work I might have seen a BH had I happend to watch, though. 05:37 BB at work But as I do have to get some work done I couldn't watch all the time 05:37 BB at work Just left the window open and looked from time to time, so anything might have happened 05:39 cb Interesting shots you posted last night .... moonlite shots 05:39 BB at work yes, yesterday was really nice 05:40 cb do you have a dark shadow over the upper right hand corner of the static 05:42 BB at work It has been dark in that corner the whole night. Yesterday I could see the sky and therefore OF's eruption in front of it, but not possible today 05:45 cb probably snow accumulation.... 06:02 cb hard to tell but looked like Grand at about 555 on the static 06:19 vw Hi B! 06:21 BB at work hi vw! Everybody seems to be up early today. 06:21 vw actually for me kind of slept in. 06:22 vw how are you today? 06:22 vw saw you mention you might have seen a BH. Was that around 3 MST? 06:22 vw I was up with the puppies and looked at my phone and thought I saw a column. 06:23 vw Just trying to figure out BHs intervals these days. 06:23 BB at work I didn't really see anything. I was actually looking for BH, and that area was clearly visible but I didn't have that much time to look 06:24 vw k. Wish I knew what time i got up! 06:24 BB at work I am alone at the office Wednesday mornings, so I have to answer the phone and the door, sort the mail and do my usual work, so not much time to check on geysers. 06:25 BB at work And visibility wasn't that good. After focusing on OF for about three hours, I gave up 06:25 vw should have gotten on computer but needed to get more sleep. 06:26 vw I suppose! Strange view with the full moon. Almost lunar in aspect. 06:26 BB at work I wouldn't get on the computer in the middle of the night either 06:26 BB at work geysers are fun but you can exaggerate everything 06:27 vw yeap. when you want to see something! look at how we all watch the steam from BH! 06:27 vw wait until Giantess is in play! 06:28 BB at work Actually I am very much waiting for that. I saw that incredible video on YouTube with that violent steam phase - very impressive 06:29 vw I have only seen it here. Pretty impressive! 06:29 vw even on the little screen. 06:30 BB at work if you have the time, try to see the one on YouTube. I found it under the link on the resource page, Dave M videos, I think. Easy to find 06:31 vw All of Dave Ms vids are wonderful. Did you see the one of OF this October that he posted? 06:32 vw several of us were in the park at that time, freezing. It was fun to come home and see the video. That eruption had greeted me just when I was in the parking lot at the Inn. 06:32 BB at work I don't remember that one. But I really enjoyed the long one, where his wife played the violin and he showed eruptions of several geysers - very nice 06:34 vw Tara is a wonderful violinist. Both are amazingly knowledgeable about the Park too. 06:58 vw looks like we are getting enough light in the basin to be able to see things on the cam. 06:58 vw cam not as icey as i would have expected. 06:59 vw static cam has not refreshed for almost 20 minutes 07:03 vw good morning lc 07:03 lc good morning 07:04 vw very cold in the basin this am 07:04 BB at work good morning 07:04 lc I see some was here early 07:04 vw BB is on a somewhat different time track than us! 07:05 lc yes, I have been checking the log. not in here for afew days. 07:15 lc bbl 07:34 vw Have to head out. Static cam still stuck at 06:40. Hope all havea good day. 07:34 BB at work bye vw 08:13 BB at work hi Derek 08:14 Derek Hi 08:15 Derek Looks like the static cam is down 08:16 BB at work yes, has been down for about 90 minutes now 08:17 Derek Has the live cam moved since you been watching? 08:19 BB at work No. CC looked in when it was still dark, haven't seen her since. Who else can move the cam? cb? She was also in very early. Haven't seen any cam operator since daylight 08:19 Derek I guess it's down to me then 08:20 BB at work It was quite foggy earlier so there wasn't much to see anyway. But it is getting better, I can see blue sky! 08:20 Derek I'm due to start in 10 minutes anyway 08:21 BB at work Not many people in here today. vw was in earlier but had to leave. And I am still working, too, but have an eye on the screen whenever I can 09:20 cb OF 919 ie 09:34 wana_unhook_ur_bra any girl 10:06 Rich Anyone know if the stuck static cam has been called in? 10:07 Rich Hi sparekitty 10:07 Rich Hi BB 10:07 sparekitty hola rich! how's life? 10:07 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 10:07 Rich Hi Derek 10:07 BB at work Hi Rich 10:08 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, Rich. 10:11 Rich sparekitty, it is in the low 30's upper 20's this morning. We had a clear night. Moon was very nice. 10:11 Rich Loisb took some photos early this morning. 10:16 Rich Hi CC 10:18 CC hi Rich 10:48 Rich Looks like the static cam is refreshing, it just isn't getting a new image to send. 10:49 sparekitty i can tell ya the view has not changed at all! same whitishness all morning. 10:56 Rich I'm getting the 06:40:53 image. 10:57 sparekitty so you're stuck with a dark image, huh? 11:11 Rich Hi Track Layer 11:12 Track Layer hi rich 11:43 Rich Hi Jason 11:43 Rich wb CC 11:44 Jason Snowfox hi Rich 12:01 Rich Surely something has happened in the basin this morning? Anyone see anything? 12:01 CC just the employee walking in the basin 12:01 CC he had on a badge so I guess he was doing official wokr 12:02 CC work 12:04 CC OF 12:04 13:10 CC Plume 13:09 13:31 CC Little Cub 13"30 IE 13:37 CC OF 13:37 13:40 CC OF is a long 13:43 Rich hi guest919022 14:18 brcvw73 what up? any chicks or all guys? 14:18 brcvw73 lookin at the names i think im outa luck 15:03 Rich Dec 02, 2009 recap Little Cub 13:30IE, OF 09:19ie, 12:04, 13:37L, Plume Plume 13:09, 15:03 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/25/09 16:13:00 32:37:00 11/26/09 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38:00 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16:00 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22:00 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22:00 15:20 guest322328 OF 1520 swc 15:20 guest322328 ie 15:21 guest322328 putting drops on the swc 15:21 Rich hi guest322328 15:21 Rich Are you viewing the static cam or the streaming? 15:21 guest322328 streaming 15:21 Rich ty 15:22 Rich thanks for posting the time, static stuck/offline today 15:24 Rich Hi Kent 15:24 Kent Hi Rich 15:25 Kent We're doomed. Static dead and Old Faithful just slimed the streaming. Probably a dirty lens until the park opens for the winter in two weeks. Shucks! 15:27 Rich If CC gets the wiper going might save the streaming. 15:28 Rich We could hope for rain. 15:28 Rich g 15:29 Kent With the road closure I probably could get to the UGB from SLC faster than Craig from Mammoth:) 15:36 Jason Snowfox looks like ice? :P 15:36 Kent Geyserite ice. We're still doomed. 15:36 CC sorry folks 15:37 Kent Thanks for the try CC 15:37 CC the water on the lens is frozen and the wiper is useless 15:37 CC I will continue to try 15:37 CC during the night if the wind shifts toward the lens it will freeze even more 15:42 CC ] 15:42 CC Looks much better now 15:43 Kent Yes it does 15:43 sparekitty thanks, CC!! i thought we were doomed to frozen mess! 15:44 CC once it gets dark we probably will be in trouble 15:51 cb hello all 15:51 CC hi 15:52 Kent Hi cb 15:52 CC you cab tell from the above that the water from OF began freezing on the lens 15:52 CC I was able to clear it 15:52 cb I was just reading that you are our hero today!!!! 15:54 CC bubblers going at BH 15:58 cb Hi Kent!!! You have snow? 16:00 Kent No snow here just cold. It has been a VERY dry winter so far 16:02 cb Here also....gotta put our dancing shoes on! 16:03 Rich Hi cb 16:03 Rich Hi contner 16:03 cb Hey Rich! 16:04 contner Hi Rich. Hi all! 16:04 cb have my fingers crossed for BH 16:04 cb Hello contner 16:07 CC cb I don't wanted another night like you had when BH went just as we were going to have to shut down! 16:09 cb Yeah!! That was frustrating ! 16:11 cb whopping 8 degrees in the basin this afternooon 16:16 Rich Hi guest834658 16:25 Graham hello 16:25 CC hi 16:25 cb hey Graham 16:25 Rich HI Graham 16:25 cb wind needs to switch direction to night 16:26 Graham not very good viewing conditions 16:26 Graham whats up with the static cam too, stuck all day? 16:26 CC yep 16:27 Rich Dec 02, 2009 recap Little Cub 13:30IE, OF 09:19ie, 12:04, 13:37L, 15:20, Plume 13:09, 16:27 Rich I figure the static will come online about 09:00 tomorrow. 16:27 CC Graham I think tomorrow we will awake to a frozen lens 16:28 Jason Snowfox looks like most of the ice got knocked off 16:28 cb agree 16:28 CC I really had to struggle to get the lens cleared 16:29 cb to the frozen flakes on the lens 16:29 CC I kept moving it in different positions 16:29 CC and wiping it 16:29 Graham oh well, I probably won't be home early enough to watch the ice on the cam :) 16:30 Graham pat saw Oblong 1412Depression 1450Plume 1406 16:33 CC Indicator 16:33 CC 16:33 Indicator 16:33 cb weeeeeeee!!!!!!! 16:35 cb when is OF due? 16:35 CC shortly 16:36 CC Bh must be going 16:36 CC indicator was on for a second 16:37 Graham rather short eruption don't yopu thoink? 16:38 CC yea 16:38 Graham grrrr keyboard is misbehaving 16:38 CC literally indicator was just a moment 16:39 Graham its still going 16:39 blal170 do any girls have acam 16:39 cb look at the the pink in the sky 16:39 Rich Sorry, blal170 16:39 cb opps!!! 16:39 CC lets call BH for 165:37 IE 16:39 cb There goes BH 1639 16:40 CC 16:37 IE 16:40 Graham I like 1639..... 16:40 CC go for it 16:40 Rich And the rulling from the judges is???? lol 16:40 cb g 16:41 CC and now it looks like there is an indicator 16:41 cb so much steam its hard to see what is what 16:41 CC at least it is light enough so we cansee it;) 16:42 cb thats a nice glimps . wind needs to stay in that directior 16:42 cb direction 16:42 cb G! 16:43 lc Hi all 16:43 cb hi lc 16:43 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 16:43 lc that was interesting 16:43 Rich Hi lc 16:45 Kent A fun eruption. 1639 is a lot better than 1729 16:45 CC Hey Graham when the reading come out I would be curious to see when BH actually started...keep track please as I now think it started at 16:38 16:45 CC it went into steam at 16:43 16:46 Graham based on when it ended, I was thinking 1638 16:46 Graham so we split the difference 16:46 CC lol 16:46 cb ok, gotta get dinner on started...see ya all tomorrow! 16:46 CC bye 16:46 Rich bye cb 16:46 Graham bye cb 16:47 cb Thanks cc 16:47 cb chow 16:47 Graham looks like wind has changed into a slightly better direction 16:47 CC as soon as OF erupts you can take the cam in case I have to wipe it 16:47 Graham k 16:48 Graham traffic was really bad and it was raining today, slow ride home today 16:48 CC it really does look like the wind direction has changed and i am glad you got home safely 16:50 Graham big steam today, must be cold 16:51 CC yes and wind has changed 16:52 Graham mmm -26 this morning, 11 now 16:52 CC I have most of my things purchased for January 16:52 Graham good, and its not even Christmas yet 16:53 Graham I had l;ots of Christmas ideas the first time I went in winter 16:53 CC just waiting for my gortex mittens 16:53 Graham mmmm I have a couple of those and gloves to wear inside them 16:53 CC me too 16:53 CC liners, fleece, etc. 16:54 Graham yep. I have asked for a new 300 weight Polartec this Christmas too 16:54 CC most things were on sale as well 16:54 Graham got the face mask as well? 16:54 CC yep 16:54 CC two of them 16:55 Jason Snowfox i'm starving the beast this year 16:55 Jason Snowfox cut my Christmas expendatures by 75% 16:55 CC I am finished with everything...even got my cards out 16:56 Graham the dace mask is the hardest item for me, still don't have one that keeps my glasses fog free 16:56 CC never thought of that 16:56 Graham I started Xmas shopping, ahead of the game this year 16:56 CC wonder if we should be a spray that keeps the lens fog free 16:56 CC buy a spray 16:56 Graham parking lot cam looks cold 16:57 Graham could try that I guess 16:57 CC who would see that 16:57 CC I now a scuba shop would carry it but I wonder who else 16:57 CC know 16:58 CC Graham do you think what we saw before was a short eruption of OF 16:58 Rich Big % 16:58 Rich Big 5 or REI 16:58 CC thanks Rich 17:00 Rich Have a good one. 17:00 Rich Bye 17:00 CC bye 17:00 Graham I missed it. looks like a long based on current interval 17:00 Graham bye Rich 17:00 lc good night all. 17:01 CC no I mean what just happened a few seconds ago 17:01 Graham bh fans all leaving 17:01 CC bye lc 17:01 Graham I missed that one too 17:01 Graham catching up on emails 17:02 Graham OF 1702 17:02 CC OF 17:02 17:02 CC real pretty 17:02 CC do you want to take the cam now 17:03 CC doesn't look like the lens will get wet 17:03 Graham nice and wintery 17:03 Graham sure 17:04 Graham next month we will be there :) 17:04 CC I am anxious 17:04 CC do you have th cam 17:04 Graham yes 17:04 CC okay then it is just you and Jason 17:04 CC see you tomorrow 17:04 Graham k, night 17:05 Graham maybe late tho 17:06 CC Back 17:06 Graham forgot something? 17:06 CC REI has a antifog lens cleaner for &8.00 17:06 CC $8.00 17:07 Graham ah, cool I will get some 17:07 Graham thanks 17:07 CC nite 17:07 Graham bye 17:14 Gazer-by-Proxy D'oh! I had another tab open and completely missed 'Hive! Oh, well. 17:15 Graham thats just bad planning! 17:15 Gazer-by-Proxy Yup. My fault entirely. 17:15 Graham blame it on the geyser? 17:16 Gazer-by-Proxy Nah. I only blame it on the geyser when it goes 30 seconds after the camera goes dark! 17:24 Graham 12/2 summary: Beehive 1638, Indicator 1633, Depression 1450, Oblong 1412, OF 0919ie, 1204, 1337, 1520, 1702, Plume 1309, 1406 17:24 Graham see you all 17:25 Gazer-by-Proxy Good night, Graham. 17:25 Gazer-by-Proxy And others! 19:31 irish male ny girls December 3rd, 2009 06:30 vw Temperature at OF this am a tad on the chilly side. -27 F at 6:15. At least the wind isn't blowing too much (only 1 mph), otherwise the wind chill would make it really cold. 06:30 BB Hi vw 06:30 vw Good afternoon B. 06:31 vw no picture here and see the static is still frozen. 06:31 BB haha, tad on the chilly side is good 06:31 vw must have been a boring day/night for you. 06:31 BB well, I could focus on work for a change... 06:31 vw yeah, that is cold even by my standards 06:31 vw ick. work. double ick. 06:32 BB just got home, now we have to wait for some light on the streaming 06:32 BB from reading the logs I wonder if we will be able to see anything 06:32 vw yeap. Guess I will get ready for my work day while I wait. 06:33 vw doesnt seem like there has been a Lion series for a couple of days? might be due for one. 06:33 BB The last lion I saw was during the night day before yesterday. 06:34 vw might watch for an initial then some time today. 06:34 BB But there has been a lot of fog since then, hope we can see more today 06:35 vw ahh. wasnt on much yesterday so dont have a sense of how bad it was. lotsa chatter about the lens being iced over though. 06:35 vw wet and the level of cold not good on the equipment i suppose 06:35 BB I was too tired last night, and there wasn't much traffic in the room anyway, so I missed most of it 06:38 vw if the lens is clear enough to see anything this am, should be getting the first views in just a bit. gonna get dressed for my day in the interim. brb. 06:46 CC morning everyone 06:46 CC afternoon BB 06:46 BB Hi CC 06:53 cb Morning cc, bb, vw and jason 06:53 CC morning cb 06:53 cb chilly morning.....-20!!!!!! 06:53 BB hi cb 06:56 cb brb 07:03 cb Lens looks good so far!! 07:03 CC yep 07:04 CC I worked ******* it yesterday to keep it clean 07:04 cb yes you did!! interesting, meebo deleted part of your sentance!!!! 07:05 CC what part 07:06 cb the word after worked is in stars 07:06 CC went to the today page to se 07:06 CC but they let the **** in 07:08 cb you have all your long johns ready to go to the park!!!! It's in the double negitive digits this am 07:08 CC just waiting for my gortex mittens 07:08 CC I have everything laid out on the bed in my guest room 07:09 CC washed and ready to go 07:09 cb G! I bet!! 07:09 cb how exciting! 07:10 CC OF 7:10 07:10 cb you have a small flashlight for your pack? 07:10 CC yes I do 07:10 cb you are prepared!!! 07:11 cb that is an amazing of!!! 07:11 cb OF 711 07:12 CC really beautiful OF 07:12 CC are you working today 07:13 cb yes this morning! only 1 house today 07:14 CC OF is a long...just made it! 07:14 CC starting a new quilting project today 07:15 CC flip flops for the beach....thinking summmer and it is a cute quilt 07:17 vw back. Good morning CC and cb! 07:17 vw looks like i missed a good OF? :( 07:17 CC hi 07:17 CC yep 07:17 cb sounds cute!! do you have a special quilting sewing maching? 07:17 cb morning vw!! 07:18 vw you know if life wouldnt keep intruding i could really enjoy myself... 07:18 CC did you happen to see last nights post from Graham regarding fogging of his glasses 07:18 vw good morning Gazer! 07:18 Gazer-by-Proxy Morning! (At least on the streaming camera!) 07:18 vw we have to change that so you are not by proxy! 07:18 CC I am going to get some anti fog for our lenses 07:18 vw saw that in the logs CC. good idea! 07:19 CC we can share it 07:19 Gazer-by-Proxy I've been to the park a few times with the SO (who is the main gazer in the family). 07:19 vw i just dont wear my glasses outside when really cold. dont have to read anything anyway! 07:19 CC okay 07:19 CC don't you wear sunglasses 07:19 cb hard when ya have to wear em to see your feet!! 07:19 vw yes gazer, but all you need do is spend a few hours sitting and waiting and you lose that proxy! 07:20 cb Hi Gazer X prx 07:20 Gazer-by-Proxy I can't get away with not wearing my glasses. It's easy enough to walk into a sleeping bison (aka a "furry rock") with them on -- I could probably walk into an awake bison without them. 07:20 vw yes CC, do wear sunglasses, but rarely have too big of a problem with fogging except when first exiting a warm building 07:21 vw rime covered trees are a nice holiday picture 07:22 cb I'm right there w you GXP!! I have to wear mine to see anything! 07:22 vw looks like a skiff of new snow? 07:24 cb my living room has turned into a train station 07:25 vw for Christmas you should get bill a ...oops. hes listening isnt he? 07:25 cb yeap!!!! 07:25 Track Layer no 07:25 vw Morning bill 07:25 Track Layer morning 07:26 vw toot toot! 07:26 cb I told him he needs to change his handle to engineer this am 07:26 Track Layer if you were thinking of an engineers hat...they dont fit 07:27 vw :D 07:27 vw head too big? :) 07:27 cb he has quite the train layout set up.......YES!!! 07:27 vw how about one of those paper ones with rubber bands that we used to get when we were kids riding the train? 07:28 cb I don't remember those! 07:28 vw they were great! used to have bunches of them. they would probably be collectibles now 07:28 vw at least antiques.... 07:30 cb That is really pretty 07:32 cb ok time to get in the shower...bbl 07:33 BB hey, static is back! yay! 07:33 BB 90 minutes earlier than Rich predicted yesterday 07:33 vw was just gonna say that! yahoo! 07:38 BB Maybe that yahoo! was too early... did anyone get a refresh in the last seven minutes? I am still stuck at 7.31 07:39 vw B - i am getting refreshes 07:40 CC not refreshing for me 07:40 BB strange... no refreshes in Firefox, but when I started Opera I get a current image... very strange, indeed 07:41 Track Layer refreshing here 07:44 vw Gotta get moving. hopefully back from the office. Hope everyone has a good day. 07:44 BB bye vw 07:45 BB looks like Firefox just had a hiccup, refreshes working fine now... I am relieved :) 07:46 BB Gazer, where you the one who wanted to know how to save pictures from inside Media Player? I remember something from the logs. 07:47 BB Did you figure that out in the meantime? If not, let me know, I'll explain then. 07:49 BB bbl 07:52 Gazer-by-Proxy BB, yes, that was me, and no, I don't know how to do it yet. Maybe when you get back you could explain. 08:19 Michael Hi. I wanted to toss in a possible geyser time: Plume 8:12ie?? Low confidence unless we see another one for sure at the right time. 08:26 cb off for work....see ya all later 08:26 Michael see you. 08:30 Michael For what it's worth, I am getting current time-stamped images on the still cam, but they are completely black. 08:36 Michael Old Faithful 8:36 08:36 CC OF 10:35 IE 09:21 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:21 Rich Hi Ham101 09:21 Rich Hi Jason 09:21 Rich Hi guest304467 09:23 guest304467 good morning 09:24 Ham101 HI Rich When was the last OF? 09:28 Rich Looks like last OF was ata 10:35 09:28 Rich but that was really 8:35 09:28 Rich g 09:28 Rich So OF should be in it's window around 10:00 09:30 Rich Must be a full Solar eclipse at YNP, static cam is refreshing but with a black image. g 09:34 Gazer-by-Proxy Heading to the gym now... 09:37 Rich Have a good time. 09:58 Rich Hi BB 09:58 BB Hi Rich 09:58 BB static still not working :( 09:59 Rich refreshing but no image, the time stamp is changing. 10:00 BB The weird thing is I managed to get one clear picture of the last OF eruption with Opera, that was after Michael had reported that everything was black. Since then I have been trying but no luck, whatever browser I try 10:01 Rich Hmm, very interesting. g 10:01 BB Not it's not ;) Just strange 10:02 BB OF 10:02 10:02 Rich Periodically, the static cam goes down for an extended period. Usually on Friday afternoon til Sat. mornings. 10:02 BB Looks like I came back at the right time 10:02 Rich lol 10:03 BB Well, if it stays down I will actually have to focus on work tomorrow AGAIN :D 10:07 Rich That would be a shame. g 10:34 Rich This is almost as much fun as watching sinter build up. 11:16 Rich Sure is taking a long time for the sun to rise at Yellowstone today. 11:16 Rich Dec 03, 2009 recap OF 07:10, 10:02, Plume ?08:12ie, 11:17 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 11:18 Rich http://www.paris-live.com/paris_webcam/eiffel_towe… 11:30 Rich Hi BB 11:30 BB Hi Rich 11:30 Rich I've been working on a new Resources page http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 11:31 Rich Might be a little easier to navigate. 11:32 BB That looks nice. But can't really look right now, don't want to miss OF 11:33 Rich np, when you have time 11:33 Rich Added a Member Links page for sharing images/stories/etc. 11:35 BB I like the layout/design a lot. It's much friendlier to the eye than the other one. 11:36 BB OF 11:36 11:48 Rich I've got a code error on the first site, trying to find it was more work than creating a new site. lol 11:49 BB Very nice, Rich, I have been clicking around everywhere, and everything is much easier to find, not so much scrolling involved 11:50 BB And the member link site is a nice idea too. I don't have many pictures to show yet, but you never know... maybe next summer 11:53 BB I am off to clean up the kitchen now... just jumped up after dinner because I didn't want to miss OF. I'll try to be back later. 11:55 Rich later 12:06 vw Plume 12:06 ie 12:28 Rich hi vw 12:29 vw Hi Rich. Figured everybody was eating lunch or working. 12:32 vw Hi D. Been steaming out there since i got here, but havent seen any water. 12:36 CC Regarding the Static Cam...they are having problems with the network and they don't know what the problem is or when it will be fixed 12:36 vw Good afternoon CC. Thanks for info. 12:36 CC welcome 12:37 CC the temperature here in CT is 63 degrees 12:38 CC it's predicted to get colder this weekend 12:39 vw think it is 1 degree F at OF nw! 12:40 abhi hey 13:11 Ryan Hi every one ull never guess wat i saw 13:12 BB Hi Ryan 13:12 BB So what did you see :D 13:14 Ryan Now i know for many of you who are at the park often this wouldnt be a big deal 13:14 vw OF 13:14 ie 13:14 Ryan but i went there for four days, and it just so happens that another person at the BH eruption isaw took a video of it and put it on ... OF 1314 ... youtube, and I was in the video! 13:15 Ryan You could see me holding my camera and cellphone (of course!) 13:15 Ryan BUT the best part is 13:15 Ryan the lady who took the video 13:15 Ryan Is one that I convinced to STAY at BH to watch it 13:16 Ryan She trusted me even tho the BHI wasnt going 13:19 Ryan looks like Plume 1318ie 13:21 BB So where is the link to the video on YouTube? Now you can't tell the story and then not post the link! :) 13:21 Ryan omp 13:21 CC Little Cub 13:20 IE 13:21 Gazer-by-Proxy Ryan, do go on... 13:22 Ryan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sHfO-RBFFk 13:22 Ryan ull see my comment about being in the video 13:22 Ryan I have the seconds of me in the video posted 13:23 Ryan When I told her Bh should be in like 45mins she said she couldnt wait, well i convinced her to wait for like twenty minutes and it went 13:28 Gazer-by-Proxy Way to go! 13:28 Rich Very good. 13:29 BB Great! I went to YouTube right away and watched it three times. How exciting that you were right even without Indicator! 13:30 Ryan ty 13:30 Ryan It felt good to have her come up to me and say thx after the eruption 13:30 Ryan First unpredictable geyser that waited for in YNP 13:31 Ryan then we waited Lion and Oblong 13:31 Ryan is that Old Tardy or Penta 14:27 cb Plume 1427 14:46 cb OF 1446 15:35 cb Plume 1535 15:53 cb Daisy 1553 15:58 cb Castle 1557 15:59 cb Castle is a major 16:05 CC Nice capture of Castle CB 16:05 cb Thanks cc...love the pink 16:05 CC really beautiful 16:05 CC just had supper and am exhausted and thought I would shut down the computer but Castle is to pretty 16:29 CC Grand is 16:28 IE 16:39 lc Hello all 16:39 CC hi 16:39 lc that steam is amazing. 16:40 cb hi lc 16:40 lc what is the one to the right? 16:41 CC possibly Grotto 16:41 lc really wide for Grotto. 17:05 CC hi vw 17:05 vw good evening 17:05 CC cb says hi as well 17:05 CC I am on the phone with her 17:05 vw :) 17:05 CC we have been chatting for 1/2 hour 17:06 vw hi back at her! 17:06 vw home early here and thought to watch the sun set a second time 17:07 cb Hi vw!! 17:07 vw hi! 17:07 vw same to you lc! 17:07 vw and guest 17:08 CC good night all..time to sign off 17:08 vw see you in the morning CC! hi to Victor 17:10 Graham hello 17:10 cb Hi G 17:11 vw looks like i missed quite a bit in the last couple of hours. :( hate it when work detracts from fun 17:11 vw Hi G! 17:11 cb you all missed a spectacular Castle eruption!!!! 17:12 cb :'( 17:12 vw but static isnt back yet. that messes with a lot of our regulars here 17:12 vw :'( 17:12 vw and it was followed shortly by Grand too. 17:13 cb Yes! and then either Riverside, Grotto 17:13 vw you could see it through all the steam? 17:13 cb It was the pink in the steam that just made Castle soooo pretty 17:13 Graham so what will I see before dark? 17:14 cb alotta steam 17:14 vw :D 17:14 Graham could have stayed at work for hot air 17:15 vw you still watching paint dry these days G? 17:16 vw wow 17:16 Graham no, paintings finished. Office moves are next week 17:16 vw dont know which is worse. 17:16 vw you moving your office too? 17:16 Graham yeah down the hallway. they move me once a year 17:17 vw ?? that has to be unsettling. 17:17 Graham I just travel light, 2 boxes 17:18 vw do you at least get to take your chair? 17:18 Graham I never really moved in when I started this job 17:18 Graham yeah I will take that, I have a nice one. furniture stays tho 17:18 Graham supposed to have good dexk in my new place 17:19 vw different setup. takes a while to remember where the stuff is when you get a different desk 17:19 Graham yeah they are changing the entrance door too, will confuse us all 17:20 vw Castle is still steaming nicely 17:22 Graham yep, nice tonight 17:23 Graham its Friday tomorrow..yeah 17:23 vw hurray! 17:23 vw needed in though on Tuesday! 17:23 vw needed IT 17:25 Graham almost 6 weeks till I leave... 17:26 vw i will be looking for your frequent countdowns. beyond number of fingers and toes i usually cant count too high! 17:26 vw light disappears pretty fast these days. 17:27 Graham well you can do a countdown too vw 17:27 vw should do a countdown on my calendars. some days might be too depressing though! 17:27 Graham try this link ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi-QEKZA-LY 17:28 Graham was the highlight of my Met trip before TG 17:28 vw i will be curious to see if my sleep patterns change after so many days of not HAVING to get up! 17:28 vw going to link now. 17:29 vw ahhh. this is one of the operas you saw in NYC? 17:30 vw who was in the cast that you saw at the Met? 17:31 vw i am getting the tingles 17:32 Graham well if you are going out with me in YNP you will be ready for breakfast before they open at 0630 17:32 vw no problem. i waken about 5 at the latest. 17:33 Graham Patricia Racette sang the soprano roles in all three of the Il Trittico opers including this scene 17:33 vw the music is astounding. 17:33 Graham I got there just before they opened so I could be first in line and out the door before 7 when its still dark but liughting up 17:33 vw guess i better get a cd and listen to the whole thing. 17:33 Graham yeah she acted the part very well too, got a standing ovation 17:34 Graham not the best opera really but the finale was great 17:34 vw quite the set in the vid. was the one you had similar? 17:34 Graham yeah same set 17:34 vw wow. thats a difficult aria for a soprano 17:35 vw lots of sustained power behind the high notes 17:35 Graham yes, and she is on stage a lot in this opera. not so much in the others 17:36 vw appearance of child at end kind of spooky 17:37 vw thank you. that carried me way past dark in the basin. 17:37 Graham yeah but she had us alkl haning on every note 17:38 Graham I go back the week after YNP 17:38 vw you are both evil and lucky! 17:38 Graham SUmmary for 12/3: 17:38 Graham Castle 1557 Major, Daisy 1553, Grand 1628ie, OF 0710, 0835ie, 1002, 1136, 1314ie, 1446, Plume 1206ie, 1318ie, 1427, 17:38 vw interesting musical ending as it ends so softly without flourish. 17:38 vw okay. i gotta go. catch up with you later. 17:38 Graham going to see DOmingo sine Simon Bocca****a and Cura sing Stiffelio 17:39 Graham ok, see you. time to eat here too 17:39 Graham bye 17:39 vw hope you have a good evening. 20:20 Rich Looks the same as it did all day on the static cam. December 4th, 2009 00:37 BB at work The fixed the cam!!! Lots of Bison around OF in the moonlight. How nice! 02:51 BB at work OF 02:50 i.e. 02:52 BB at work Visibility is much better now than an hour ago, I can actually see something! 02:57 BB at work Steam around Lion, but can't really see anything. Saved a picture, though. 03:51 guest3694759 B - its vw. up in the middle of the night and wanted to say thank you for your posting. know when i might be able to see something! 04:25 vw OF 04:24 ie, static 04:27 BB at work yes! Hi, vw, are you sleepless? 04:27 BB at work Nice of you to join me here 04:28 BB at work Although it is a crazy day at work! Not much time to check the cam 04:28 guest464821 sorry, was in the meebo window. having trouble with it. 04:28 vw yep. up in the middle of the night. 04:29 vw now it looks like i am logged in twice. oops. 04:29 vw crazy days goes quickly at least. should be to your weekend soon. 04:30 BB at work Well, sort of. But I work for my husband, and I usually don't leave until I am done... so I have to see what I can leave for Monday and what I have to absolutely do today. 04:31 vw OF appears to have been a long, but dont watch static enough to be able to really tell! 04:31 vw family business. day never ends then! 04:31 BB at work But the good thing is no one will fire me for watching OF :) He was the first to check out the bison when I logged in this morning. 04:31 vw good for both of you! 04:32 BB at work I can never tell if OF is long or short in the night, not enough light to see any water. 04:32 vw steam from OF is preventing a view of anything else. was hoping to see another Lion. 04:32 vw agree regarding long and short. 04:32 BB at work Did you see Lion? Or did you just read my thoughts on the steam I saw earlier? 04:33 vw i was basing it on the number of frames where there was a stronger column 04:33 vw I didnt see Lion. was hoping to. 04:33 vw steam/fog had only cleared about last 20 minutes. 04:33 BB at work I couldn't see anything after that first steam, an hour later it was quite foggy 04:33 BB at work Visibility is still not good, was much better on my first night-watching day 04:34 BB at work I plan to leave in one hour, so I think I better get back to work. I will be back when I get home. See you then. 04:34 vw gonna head back to bed adn see if i can catch a few more winks. OF steam seems to be thinning so you might be able to see the other geysers. Will soon be getting darker though before the dawn. 04:34 vw see you in a while! 05:59 BB at work Lost the connection to the static cam, and it is so dark anyway that I have no idea what's going on. Although OF is due about now... 07:28 BB OF 07:28 i.e. *I think* 07:29 BB This is more a wild guess than anything else but from the steam it looks like it 07:29 BB And the time frame would fit 07:29 loisb Good Morning 07:30 loisb It looked like OF on the static to me - so nice to see something other than black 07:30 BB Hi loisb, I think we haven't met yet 07:30 loisb We haven't but I have seen you in the log - I am Rich's sister and haven't been able to be online much lately 07:31 BB Yes, I think I already heard of you. And I think I am spending way too much time here... lol 07:31 loisb but it's so much fun 07:31 loisb looks like this just might be a long 07:31 BB yes, it sure is :) 07:32 loisb nice new snow also 07:32 BB I couldn't see any water, and I don't have enough experience, but OF had long eruptions all night long 07:32 loisb I am told that if its over 3 minutes its a long 07:32 BB Almost exactly every 90 minutes 07:33 loisb usually means they were longs then - not that I know any more than I have been told 07:33 BB Yes, I think CC said 2 1/2 minutes of water, then it is a long, but I couldn't see any water... I wasn't even sure what OF was doing anyway :) 07:34 loisb I just usuallly watch and enjoy and wait along with everyone else for a Beehive 07:34 loisb Washburn is kind of nice this morning 07:35 BB I haven't seen BH for over a week, it has to go in the mornings for me to be able to watch it. But I love it too, it is quite catching when everybody gets excited about it 07:35 loisb I suspect you have heard about Rich and Bruce waiting for it - sitting in the snow in Oct 07:36 BB no, nobody told me about that yet 07:36 loisb Think Rich sat there for hours 07:36 BB I am reading in the archives whenever I have time but there is a lot to read 07:36 BB I hope he got to see it eventually 07:36 loisb He says its better than being out in the rain though 07:37 BB Well, I guess so, if you are dressed for the occasion... 07:37 loisb yes - and got some really nice photos also- they both did 07:37 loisb and I got a static cam capture of the two of them waving the first day they were there 07:38 loisb I think I am destined to be a warm weather visitor 07:39 loisb Morning Allan 07:39 Allan Good Morning Lois 07:40 loisb just had a nice OF if you did't see the log 07:40 Allan No I didn't. Wasn't it kind of steamy? 07:41 loisb the basin is so overcast hard to tell but it was a long - we think it started at 728 07:55 loisb Good Morning Kent 07:56 loisb A point of interest - according to NOAA its -5F at Firelhole River OF station 07:58 BB which is almost warm compared to yesterday g 07:59 loisb almost 07:59 loisb almost being a relative term 08:00 BB :) 08:13 Rich Hi Allan 08:13 Rich Hi BB 08:13 Rich HI losib 08:13 Rich Hi guest322328 08:13 BB Hi Rich 08:14 Allan Hi Rich 08:18 loisb Morning Rich 08:19 Rich BB have you tried looking at the Mt. Washburn cam at night? http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/tours/livecams/mtw… 08:19 BB No, should I? 08:20 BB Do you think there is anything to see but dark? 08:22 Rich Probably not with all the overcast. It just has some nice low lying fog and think it might be nice in the moonlight. The cam is facing south so if there is moonlight it should be visible. 08:23 BB OK, will try tomorrow 08:28 Rich Hi guest304467 08:39 Rich Hi Brad_J 08:56 BB OF 08:55 08:59 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 08:59 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, Rich! Yay, it looks like that static cam is back. 08:59 Rich YEah!!!!! 09:00 Rich I was getting to feel like a hibernating bear. 09:02 cb Hi Rich and Lois! and bb and GXP 09:03 Rich Hi cb 09:03 BB hi cb 09:03 loisb Hi CB 09:03 BB bbl 09:03 cb been ccking in and looks like i missed OF!!:T 09:03 Rich bye BB 09:03 Rich just 09:04 loisb its been regular at 90 - BB has been keeping an eye on things 09:04 loisb bye BB 09:04 loisb oops 09:04 cb yep....tryinng to put house back together 09:04 cb b4 work 09:04 Rich You disassembled it because? 09:04 loisb come do mine next 09:04 cb g 09:04 Gazer-by-Proxy Did entropy attack? 09:04 cb train stuff everywhere!!! 09:05 Gazer-by-Proxy Aha. 09:05 Rich ah, back to Track Layer. g 09:05 Rich Just put a sign up saying Santa's Workshop 09:06 cb yep...Bill's been working ******* getting the raised portion banked approopriately so I don't sail the whole thing off the track and land in the village sq 09:06 Rich That might be fun. lol 09:06 cb don't have an ambulance car yet 09:07 cb how are things in W? 09:07 Rich below freezing and cold. g 09:08 cb cold here also! 2nd am to wake to frozen automobile 09:08 Rich Today was supposed to have low of 36, but it was 29 09:08 Rich this morning 09:09 cb yicks..,...you have that yellow ski suit up there w you 09:09 Rich yep 09:09 cb might need it!! :D 09:09 Rich in the trunk of the car, for emergency use. lol 09:09 Rich I have 4 sleeping bags on the bed. 09:09 cb omg 09:09 Rich In fact am sitting in one now. 09:10 cb you need a snuggy....those things they advertise on TV 09:10 Rich Sleeping bag was much cheapre. 09:10 Rich cheaper 09:10 cb well gots ta get off to work! bbl 09:10 cb chow all 09:10 Rich Goodwill - $1.29 09:11 Rich have fun 09:11 loisb have a good day 09:11 cb much better buy 09:11 Rich yep 09:11 Rich later 09:11 cb will chat more later....just looked at the clock 09:11 cb yicks ,,,,by 09:11 loisb bye 09:11 Rich bye 09:20 Rich ?Lion 09:23 Gazer-by-Proxy I can't tell through the steam. 09:25 Rich We'll just have to wait and hope for clear view in an hour. 09:37 Rich Hi GreekD2486 09:37 loisb Morning 09:37 GreekD2486 Good morning all 09:38 loisb Good timing - its sort of starting to clear 09:42 Rich Glacier Apgar Mtn is sure pretty. 09:44 Rich Hi guest919022 09:53 Rich Grand ie 09:52:52 ie 09:54 Rich static cam just froze for me. 09:56 Rich Plume ie 09:54:46 wc 09:56 Gazer-by-Proxy I am having trouble getting that frame to load entirely. 09:56 Rich It is going is starts and stops. Must still be having tech difficulties. 09:57 Rich Wonder what the little one to the left of Grand is? 09:58 Rich Guess it could be just a view thru the trees. 10:10 Rich HI guest622396 10:15 Rich Oblong? 10:15 Rich wb BB 10:15 loisb wb bb 10:16 BB wow, nice weather 10:17 BB You can actually see something 10:17 Rich Finally. g 10:17 BB So, Rich, do you remember when the last BH was? 10:17 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 10:18 Rich None reported yesterday during daylight. g 10:19 BB And I didn't see one during the night. But of course I wasn't watching all the time. But the BH area was pretty visible all the time 10:19 Rich You don't stay up 24 hours a day? Gee, I'm disappointed. lol 10:20 BB But I sleep when you are still watching :) I logged in right after midnight in Yellowstone which was 8 am my time 10:22 Rich If I saw Lion, it should be in it's window long about now. 10:23 BB I thought I saw one during the night but forgot to email the picture to myself so I can't upload it today 10:26 Rich Hi Derek 10:26 Derek Hi 10:26 loisb Hi Derek 10:26 BB hi Derek 10:27 Rich anyone want to guess on Lion? 10:27 Derek Stage 2 of xmas decoration hanging is now complete. Stage 3 tomorrow 10:27 BB wow, how long does one stage take? 10:28 Derek We like to put on a good show :-) 10:28 loisb you'll have to share photos 10:28 BB I guess so if you have to do it in stages :) 10:28 Derek First I do the lights in the front room window 10:29 Derek Then we have to move some furniture so the tree can fit in the bay window 10:30 BB So you put up your tree this early too in the UK? 10:30 Derek Today we dressed the large tree in the front room, and the small tree in the back room 10:30 Derek Any time in early december 10:31 BB That's very early for me 10:31 BB But of course you get to enjoy it longer 10:31 Derek I also hang some light around the ceiling in the back room 10:31 Derek There were a few houses in our street that were earlier than us. 10:32 BB No trees inside houses yet around here, but plenty of lights in the windows and gardens 10:34 Derek Christmas is the same every year for us. We go for lunch and tea at my oldest sons place on the 24th. On 25th, we bring my mother here to spend the day with us and our youngest son. 10:34 BB OF 10:34 10:35 Derek Then sometime in the days after christmas we have my eldest son and his family down here 10:37 Derek CC sent me an email saying she is having an allergic reaction to something either a medication or something she ate and will not be on the cam today. 10:38 BB I was wondering where she was, she is usually pops in rather early. Hope she feels better tomorrow. 10:39 BB I shouldn't change my mind on what I want to write in mid-sentence. Then it doesn't make sense anymore ;) 10:39 Derek I will be on until 11:30 MST (18:30 GMT) 10:39 Derek The I will try and do some more time after tea. 10:42 Derek Sawmill ie, and large heard of Bison this side of river behind Split Cone 10:42 BB They were going back and forth OF between midnight and 1 am. That was fun to watch. 10:46 Derek Sprinkler ie 10:47 loisb bbl 10:47 Rich bye 10:47 BB bye 11:03 Rich Dec 04, 2009 recap Grand 09:52:52 ie, OF 02:50ie, 04:24l ie, ?07:28ie, 10:34, Plume 09:54:52ie 11:03 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 11:03 Rich Plume ie 11:02:21 wcc 11:04 BB Rich, your recap is missing OF 08:55, I think 11:05 Rich So it is, Thank you. 11:06 Rich corrected recap Dec 04, 2009 recap Grand 09:52:52 ie, OF 02:50ie, 04:24l ie, ?07:28ie, 08:55, 10:34, Penta Plume 09:54:52ie, 11:02:21ie, 11:07 Rich well now there is Penta in it, but there wasn't a Penta this morning. 11:26 Rich We're off to run some errands. bbl 11:26 Rich enjoy 11:33 Derek 11:33 Castle ie 11:46 Derek Cam will be unmaned for a while. Back later 12:03 BB OF 12:02 12:05 BB Lion 12:05 i.e. 12:11 GreekD2486 Lion or Beehive? 12:19 BB Greek, your probably right, I was talking on the phone and just looking with half an eye, and nobody was posting anything 12:20 BB While I was still talking I was wondering about BH 12:20 BB But multitasking is not so easy :) 12:22 BB All of a sudden there was steam everywhere on Geyser Hill. Might have been a Plume in there too. 12:22 BB Did anyone see an indicator? I wasn't really paying attention 12:23 GreekD2486 I just noticed BH ie at 12:07 12:23 GreekD2486 no indicator perhaps? 12:24 BB Maybe, I wasn't really paying attention. Derek has gone for tea, and the guest didn't say anything 12:25 BB So, Rich, if you are reading this for the recap, cross out Lion, make it a Beehive 12:26 BB bbl 13:01 Ryan /hi D 13:02 Ryan I saw the static from shcool is was a BH 13:03 Ryan Plume 1303? 13:04 Ryan with no indicator too 13:04 Ryan later 13:14 Ryan I see steam coming from the steps in the far ridge could it be F&M 13:14 Ryan ~Fan and Mortar~ 1314 13:34 lc OF 1329 13:34 lc OF was a long 13:45 Derek 13:45 Plume 13:50 Rich Hi lc 13:51 Rich hi rhbm 13:51 lc hey Rich 13:52 RHBM Hi Rich. What's shakin'? 13:53 Rich The sun came out here in Seattle. We bought a Christmas Tree. Had Subway for Lunch. 13:53 Rich g 13:53 RHBM I got to visit my bff in Michigan, and with niece and grand nephew. 13:53 lc been fishing today, about 40 degrees. 13:54 RHBM where? 13:54 lc Tennessee 13:54 RHBM nice 13:55 RHBM So OF just went off? 13:55 RHBM Drat. 13:55 lc suppose to get some snow tomorrow 13:55 RHBM really?? 13:55 lc don't think it will abount to much 13:55 RHBM I wish we would 13:56 lc as long as it don't stick around too long 13:56 RHBM :) 13:56 lc got to do my walking, 4 more miles. 13:57 lc bbl 13:57 RHBM i'm going to try to catch 40 winks, before wild grand-nephew arrives to spend the night. 13:57 RHBM see y'all later. 13:58 Rich bye RHBM, good thing to do before hand. 13:58 Rich g 13:58 Rich Dec 04, 2009 recap Beehive 12:05ie Castle 11:33ie, Grand 09:52:52 ie, OF 02:50ie, 04:24l ie, ?07:28ie, 08:55, 10:34, 12:02, 13:29l, Plume 09:54:52ie, 11:02:21ie, 13:45, 13:59 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 13:59 Rich oops, need the current Beehive in there. 14:00 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 14:02 Rich Beehive interval 43 h 26m 14:02 Rich bye 14:39 engrahar some one there 15:07 Gazer-by-Proxy OF ie 1506 15:33 Gazer-by-Proxy Plume ie 0332 16:02 Gazer-by-Proxy Lion? 1601ie 16:02 Gazer-by-Proxy (That Plume ie 0332 should be 1532.) 16:07 Gazer-by-Proxy (And most recent Lion report may just have been steam - it's windy and I can't tell.) 16:18 Gazer-by-Proxy Possibly Aurum ie 1615 -- back and to the right of OF, sort of behind Giantess. 16:47 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Graham. 16:48 Graham hello how are you? 17:06 Graham Grand 1705ie 17:15 Gazer-by-Proxy Dinner time. Good night! 17:18 Graham Summary for 12/4: 17:18 Graham Beehive 1205, no indicator seen,Castle 1133ie, Depression 0---------, Grand 0952, 1705ie, Oblong 1317, OF 0250ie, 0424ie, 0728ie, 0855, 1034, 1202, 1329, 1506ie, 1635, Plume 0954ie, 1102ie, 1206, 1303 (?), 1345, 1532, Riverside 1411 17:21 Graham looked like Plume at 1719 too 17:21 Graham goodnight December 5th, 2009 07:06 Graham morning 07:08 CC morning everyone 07:08 Graham hello, time to wake up 07:08 cb morning cc i was just trying to send you an emasil\ 07:08 cb mail 07:08 cb you feeling better 07:20 cb ck out the mt washburn web cam! interesting cloud formation around the tetons!! 07:21 Graham oh yeah, weird 07:21 cb yeah it is! 07:22 Graham someone is going to get some snow 07:22 cb that cam has been really interesting the past few mornings....watching the clouds/fog roll in over the valley 07:22 cb yep! 07:23 cb how are you this am g? 07:23 Graham morning fog is so interesting 07:23 Graham and you can be down-basin and see a totally different view 07:23 cb g 07:23 Graham i am doing good, got my coffee - coffee pot cooperated and worked today 07:23 cb time for a new one? 07:25 cb I just got my 2nd cuppa....drained the first one 07:26 Graham I have asked Santa for one. sometimes it doesn't want to work 07:27 cb have you tried a vinager solution wash through the water res? cleans out the water system 07:28 Graham i think its the sensor for automatic shutoff........anyway I have confidence Santa will provide for me :) 07:29 Graham a carafe one too rather than the hot plate 07:29 cb those are nice!! 07:29 cb doesn't sorch the coffee 07:29 Graham yep, I hear a rumor theres one under the tree 07:30 cb you musta sent your list to santa early 07:31 cb so this one has to hold out for a coupla weeks longer! 07:31 Graham his helper - my mom - gets most of it done before Thanksgiving. everything other than what she has to get for the family in Denver which we will do the two days before Christmas 07:31 Graham I think it will do ok, its usually the second pot of the day it is reluctant to make 07:32 Graham possible Plume there at 0702 07:33 Graham looked like forced steam behing OF steam 07:33 Graham behind 07:35 cb i thought you had the cam? guess cc has it... 07:35 Graham preplay 07:35 Graham yeah I will be on at 1130MST 07:36 Graham just catching up here, have coffee then go out and figure out what to get for christmas...and dinner 07:37 Graham waiting for snow to dstart here too, its about 20 miles west of here 07:37 Graham OF 0737 07:46 cb times up gotta get on w the day. see ya later g 07:47 Graham bye 08:32 Graham hi BB 08:32 Graham just started to snow here for the first time this winter 08:32 BB hi Graham 08:33 BB we didn't have any snow yet. And to be honest, I don't need it in the city 08:33 Graham we should get about 3" but roads should be ok since ground is warm 08:34 BB First snow always results in chaos on the roads here because nobody remembers how to drive on snow. We don't really get much snow in Berlin 08:35 Graham most winters we dont get much here either in Washington DC area but now and then we get dumped on 08:35 Graham the worst thing is when we get freezing rain 08:36 BB Freezing rain is bad but we only get that once in maybe five years. Do you have that often? 08:37 Graham we get some every year 08:37 Graham had bad one two years ago, about 1/2 inch and it totally gridlocked the roads 08:37 BB When does it start to get really cold in the DC area? I was twice there in October, and it was nice and warm both times. 08:38 Graham quite variable, we can get a foot of snow in Nov, but usually its in Jan/Feb 08:38 Graham last year we hardly got any 08:39 BB And when does it start to get warmer again? I hear summers are really hot and humid there. 08:39 Graham March starts to get nice, May starts getting hotter 08:39 Graham July Aug usually get long spell of 90F + days 08:39 Graham not as hot as a lot of places in US 08:40 BB But much hotter than here. Mid 80s are the hottest we usually have here 08:40 Graham only got down to -3F this morning at OF 08:41 Graham yeah, thats why we always stay insife in air conditioning :) 08:41 Graham inside 08:41 BB Now I have to check the conversion sheet to Celsius for these temperatures. I have a pretty good idea about 30-100 F, but everything outside that range could be anything for me. 08:42 Graham -3F is -10C I think 08:42 Graham I mean -20C 08:42 BB Ok, I am back. -3F is still cold enough 08:43 BB yes, - 20 C is correct 08:43 Graham so the other day it was -34C 08:44 BB Yes, I checked that right away. I have never experienced cold like that - and I think I don't need to :) 08:44 Graham well maybe it will be cold like that in Jan for my trip. coldest I have had there was was about -27C 08:45 Graham eyelashes frost up and you have to wear a face mask 08:45 BB Never had that either. If it gets really cold here, and it seldom does, we might have about -10C or maybe even -15, but that's it. 08:46 Graham yeah its a whole different world at OF in the winter 08:46 Graham I have to go out now, bbl 08:46 BB bye 08:58 BB hi Derek 08:58 Derek Hi 08:58 BB Did you do any more Xmas decorating today? 09:00 Derek We did a few more, but they're not finished yet. Been out for a few hours at the ****ensian Christmas Festival in Rochester. 09:01 BB Well, it should be fun, not work :) And there is still some time until Xmas 09:11 BB OF 09:10 10:06 Rich Hi BB 10:06 Rich Hi Derek 10:06 Rich Hi Graham 10:06 Rich Hi guest109679 10:07 BB Hi Rich 10:17 Ham101 Temp@ Of? 10:18 Derek Hi Richard 10:19 Derek 10:18 Old faithful 10:20 richard Hi Derek 10:21 richard My Weather Channel app sayd 14 degress 10:22 richard says 10:23 Derek - 4 F at Lake yellowstone 10:24 Rich Hi richard 10:26 Rich Ham101 - http://donsplace.com/ofcc2/Meterology, several weather links 10:28 Rich link correction - http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 10:33 Rich OLD FAITHFUL RANGER STATION, WY (OFAW4)Elev: 7320 ft; Latitude: 44.4567; Longitude:---------- 1degree F at 09:15 10:37 BB the sun! blue sky! 10:42 Rich Yea!! 10:44 Rich http://ns.www.nps.gov.edgesuite.net/featurecontent… my teddy bear is still hanging from he tree. 10:45 BB ??? 10:45 Rich Hi parachute got caught on a limb. g 10:46 Rich His parachute 10:46 BB aha 10:51 BB bbl 10:51 Rich bye BB 10:51 Rich later 10:54 Derek 10:54 Depression ie 10:54 Rich Hi guest921902 10:54 Rich Hi guest322328 10:55 Rich Dec 05, 2009 recap Lion 10:53:1ie, OF 07:37, 09:10, 10:18, Plume ?07:02, 10:56 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 10:56 Graham Depression 1056ie 10:57 Derek I was first LOL 10:57 Rich Sorry no Lion. 10:57 Rich The Job is yours. 10:57 Graham oh, sorry Derek, missed that 10:57 Derek No thanks. I don't like the wages 10:57 Graham haha I am actually trying to get my christmas shopping donw. keep looking in 10:58 Derek CC is not well again today 11:13 Graham either a big roar or a minor from Lion at 1111 11:14 vw Hello all. 11:14 vw pretty in the basin. Pretty cold that is! 11:16 Graham hope its like this in Jan? 11:16 vw Dont need it to be quite this cold D! 11:17 Rich hi vw 11:17 vw but i do love cold days when the sun is shining bright. 11:17 vw hi R 11:17 vw have hand and feet warmers for us if it is cold G 11:17 Graham get good frost and the snow sticks to the trees longer 11:18 vw yep. would make a nice Christmas card! 11:18 Graham sitting in the snow waiting for Grand could be chilly if its 20 below 11:19 vw see that i missed a rather filled day yesterday. Two Grands! envy all who were here. 11:19 Graham yeah nice to see one after I got home 11:19 vw at 20 below we would want to use that anti-fog stuff on our binoculars and watch for turban cylces! 11:20 vw i missed the whole day yesterday except for some pre-dawn fog. :( 11:21 Graham eaasy to see Turban erupt then, all that steam. hard to see waves on Grand or Vent overflow but I can hardly see them in the summer 11:21 vw same here. 11:21 vw plume? 11:21 vw hard to tell through the OF steam 11:22 vw havent checked the logs to see if we have had a Plume today 11:22 Michael I was going to ask about Plume, too. 11:22 Graham good catch 11:22 Graham I guess 1122ie 11:23 vw thanks on the time G. Not paying enough attention i guess. my bad 11:23 vw oh yeah, and hi Michael. 11:23 Graham thats fine. I just want it in the log to know when to look next 11:24 vw looks like the only other one today was an uncertain at 702 11:24 vw guessing might have been a few since then! 11:24 Graham yeah I think it went then based on steam coming up that didnt look like OF steam 11:25 Rich Sure they were back in the mist somewhere. 11:25 Graham probably doing its 60+ intervals 11:25 vw has it been pretty steamy all day? 11:25 vw that wind direction does not bode well for the camera lens 11:26 Michael Hi vw, and everyone else. 11:27 Rich Fog shrouded until around 10:30 11:27 vw so for once my timing is good R? :D 11:29 Rich excellent time as usual, vw. 11:29 Rich Hi Michael 11:30 Graham this wind direction can change whenever it wants 11:30 vw i dont know about my usual 11:30 vw just glad i can be here now. 11:30 vw we are having lots of wind warnings in Blgs today. more about wind chill than high winds, but none the less something we are watching here 11:32 Graham we have snow here, first of the year 11:32 Derek Hi Graham, sorry I had to go and move the car 11:32 Graham ok, i just took the cam 11:33 Derek The local football team had a home match so there were no parking spaces when we got back from Rochester 11:33 Graham ah. did they win? 11:33 Derek Don't know. 11:34 Derek Wife follows the football, but I'm not too interested :-) 11:36 Rich wb BB 11:37 Michael Daisy 11:37? 11:38 Graham yep, sorry I got confused on that one :) 11:38 Graham I thought OF was starting 11:38 Graham was it actually Daisy or all Sawmill? 11:38 Derek Going for tea BBL 11:39 Graham I think its Daisy still going 11:39 Michael I'm pretty sure Daisy is erupting in there. 11:40 Graham yep i agree 11:40 Graham now that its stopped too 11:41 Michael So without the question mark: Daisy 11:37ie. 11:51 Abe1306 any girl here 11:51 Rich Sorry 11:52 Abe1306 thats alright :D 11:52 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 11:55 Graham OF 1155 11:58 Rich OF ie 11:56:26 wc 12:24 Graham this wind is nasty 12:30 Gazer-by-Proxy It appears the tree to which the camera is attached drank too much coffee this morning. 12:31 Graham Lion 1230ie 12:31 london_bridge hii 12:31 Graham this wind direction is not nice 12:44 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 12:46 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, Rich. 12:47 BB Hi, Gazer, do you have time for my explanation of saving pictures now? 12:48 Gazer-by-Proxy Sure thing, BB! 12:48 BB It's actually pretty easy. You just press the "print screen" button. That puts a screenshot in your clipboard. 12:49 BB Print Screen 12:49 BB no idea why that was messed up 12:49 BB Then you need a picture editing program, any one will do, even good old Paint 12:49 Gazer-by-Proxy Hmm. When I've tried this with media player, and then pasted the screenshot into a graphics editor, I end up with active video stream instead of a still shot. It's weird. 12:50 BB That is weird... unfortunately I am not a computer expert. 12:50 Gazer-by-Proxy (Or a blank media player screen.) 12:50 BB blank is good... I can help you fix that 12:50 Gazer-by-Proxy Well, I'm glad it works for you! 12:51 BB Blank is what I got. That means you have to change your settings in media player. 12:51 Gazer-by-Proxy OK. What are your settings? 12:51 Rich BB meembo translates quote P as an emoticon. 12:52 BB Thanks, Rich, didn't know that. I think I should just eliminate all signs and capital letters and so on, but I do so much typing at work that I always forget :) 12:52 BB Ok, back to the settings 12:53 BB You have to open Media Player on your Computer, then got to Tools - Options 12:53 BB Then to the tab performance 12:53 BB Then click the advanced button 12:53 Gazer-by-Proxy OK. 12:54 BB There you have to remove the check at Use Overlays 12:54 BB Save, close and try again. Now you should have a geyser picture, not a blank screen 12:55 Gazer-by-Proxy This seems promising. I have to close this window to allow an update to take effect, then I'll be back to see if it worked. 12:56 BB But since I am not a computer expert I have no idea what these overlays are for. Just googled and found this solution. It works fine for me. But if you ever have problems with another video, remember where you changed the settings and change them back. 12:56 BB this camera is making me dizzy... 12:57 Rich Switch to the static. 12:58 BB I watch both... but somehow I can't avert my eyes :) 12:58 Rich lol 13:21 Gazer-by-Proxy By golly, it works! Thanks, BB! 13:21 BB Glad I could help X-D 13:22 Graham OF 1322 13:22 Rich Lion trying? 13:23 Gazer-by-Proxy Hah. Camera just got a shower. 13:24 Rich We got wet on the static cam also. 13:24 Gazer-by-Proxy It's too bad there aren't windshield wipers. 13:24 Graham see if I can get CC to clean it 13:24 Gazer-by-Proxy Or an auto-squeegee. 13:24 Rich Streaming cam has a remote controlled wiper. 13:25 Gazer-by-Proxy Oh! I was kidding. I didn't realize it was that high-tech. Impressive! 13:26 Graham I think it has frozen already 13:27 Michael Hi. I'm back. Looks like my chat-presence saw Lion and Old Faithful. Maybe it took some pictures of them for me. 13:28 Graham Castle 1327ie H2O 13:31 Michael Plume 13:31ie, I think. 13:33 Graham Lion 1333 13:36 Graham we might have had Depression at 1333ie too, not sure 13:38 Graham Castle is a Major 13:38 Graham steam whipped away by the wind 13:42 Rich Hi Allan 13:43 Allan Hi Rich 13:43 Allan Hi vw 13:43 Allan Hi Michael, Graham 13:43 Allan Hi BB 13:43 Graham hey Ryan 13:43 BB hi Allan 13:46 Michael Hi Allan 13:53 Graham Sawmill didn't last long 13:57 Guy5565 hello? 13:57 Graham Daisy 1356 14:34 Graham Lion 1433 14:36 kcmule hi all 14:36 Rich hi kcmule 14:36 Michael Hello. 14:38 kcmule hope everyone had a good holiday. the park looks nice today. chilly but nice 14:39 Graham it always looks nice 14:39 Graham but I would like the wind to blow away from the cam 14:39 Rich It has cleared nicely. 14:51 Rich Dec 05, 2009 recap Castle 13:27ie H2O Major, Daisy 11:37, 13:56 Depression 10:56ie, ?13:33ie, Lion 12:30ie, 13:33, OF 07:37, 09:10, 10:18, 11:55, 13:22, Plume ?07:02, ?13:31ie, 14:52 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/27/09 14:51:00 22:38 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 15:00 Graham OF 1500 15:10 Graham Riverside 1509ie 15:39 Graham Lion 1539 15:40 Michael Down in front, OF! 15:40 Graham OF is making it tough to see things today 15:41 Graham now you can see Lion 15:42 Michael Good. I like seeing geysers even more than I enjoy identifying steam clouds. 15:44 Rich Stratonimbus? 15:44 Michael Tha's what quite a few of them seem to be today. 15:44 Rich lol 15:45 Graham BH has been splashing a bit based on the steam 15:46 Michael Yes, first signs of life I've seen from it. (might also be the first time I had a clear view). 15:46 Graham yeah I can't really leave the cam on it because theres too much OF steam blowing acrtoss 15:52 Rich Steam headed for the static cam. g 15:53 Graham got up to 13F today, nice and warm 15:57 Graham Oblong 1557ie? 15:59 Michael I can agree with that. 15:59 Michael The wind is taking it too far left to show up on the still cam. 16:00 Graham yeah but its big billowy steam, not vertical stuff 16:03 Michael I'm certainly convinced we just saw an Oblong cloud. 16:05 Graham would be nice to see Grand with some sun out 16:05 Michael Yes. Will you settle for Daisy? 16:08 Graham Daisy 1608 16:21 Graham Depression 1620ie 16:22 Michael Nice catch. 16:23 Graham been watching for it for a while now 16:29 Rich Dec 05, 2009 recap Castle 13:27ie H2O Major, Daisy 11:37, 13:56, 16:08, Depression 10:56ie, ?13:33ie, 16:20ie, Lion 12:30ie, 13:33, 15:39, Oblong 15:57, OF 07:37, 09:10, 10:18, 11:55, 13:22, 15:00, Plume ?07:02, ?13:31ie, Riverside 1509ie, 16:29 Graham OF 1629 16:30 Graham frozen over already 16:37 Michael Hi Rich. There was a Plume at 11:22ie that a few of us think we saw. I'm less than confident about the ?13:31ie sighting. Though it would be about the right interval. 16:37 Rich ok 16:38 Rich corrrected recap 16:39 Rich Dec 05, 2009 recap Castle 13:27ie H2O Major, Daisy 11:37, 13:56, 16:08, Depression 10:56ie, ?13:33ie, 16:20ie, Lion 12:30ie, 13:33, 15:39, Oblong 15:57, 16:39 Rich OF 07:37, 09:10, 10:18, 11:55, 13:22, 15:00, Plume ?07:02, 11:22ie, ?13:31ie, Riverside 1509ie, 16:45 Michael Lion 16:45ie 16:46 Gazer-by-Proxy Michael, are you watching the static cam or the streaming cam, or both? 16:47 Michael Switching back and forth. There was one clear view on static just before, and one during the eruption. 16:47 Graham you can see it on streaming now 16:48 Graham Grand and BH are the only ones left 16:49 Michael How many more minutes of light do we have? 16:49 Graham 30 with the clouds 16:52 Rich I'm off to the store, have a good evening everyone 16:52 Michael Bye, Rich. 16:53 Gazer-by-Proxy Happy shopping. 16:53 Graham bye 16:59 Michael Little Cub is doing its best impression of Indicator on the still cam. I am not fooled. For very long. 17:00 Graham teah I was watching that too 17:01 Graham more steam this time 17:21 Graham goodnight all 17:21 Gazer-by-Proxy Night, Graham. 17:21 Michael Good night. 17:22 Graham if the wind keeps blowing this way there is going to be a lot of ice on the cams in the morning 17:22 Graham i hope it changes direction and blows hard to evaporate the ice 17:22 Graham see you 17:25 Michael Too dark to see anything. 17:28 Michael Dec 05, 2009 recap Castle 13:27ie H2O Major, Daisy 11:37, 13:56, 16:08, Depression 10:56ie, ?13:33ie, 16:20ie, Lion 12:30ie, 13:33, 14:33, 15:39, 16:45ie, Oblong 15:57ie 17:28 Michael OF 7:37, 9:10, 10:18, 11:55, 13:22, 15:00, 16:29, Plume ?07:20, 11:22ie, ?13:31ie, Riverside 15:09ie 20:13 guest8838027 Hola 20:43 tonyspirit9 hi ppls 20:44 tonyspirit9 and...strike 3 no1 responds 22:59 20mnyc any girl? December 6th, 2009 06:11 vw OF 06:10 ie, static cam 06:44 BB hi Graham 06:45 Graham morning 06:45 Graham or afternoon 06:46 Graham little bit of light 06:46 Graham not as cold last night either, low was -10F 06:48 Graham well I see I was wrong, it was only -3F yesterday morning, so its colder today 06:50 BB sorry, just went away for a few minutes because it was still so dark 06:50 Graham you didn't miss much 06:50 Graham I have a lot of photos on Facebook too if you want to look at them sometime 06:51 Graham mainly Yellowstone but some of Alaska, Utah, etc 06:51 BB I already started. I wanted to ask you anyway if you ever go to the lesser known basins like Shoshone and found my answer right there 06:51 BB Didn't get to the other pictures yet 06:52 Graham yeah have been to SHoshone twice and did a Heart Lake trip before I went digital 06:53 BB I am reading the Heart Lake section of the book right now but we will definitely concentrate on the basins that are easily accessible next summer 06:53 BB I am a city girl and have no experience with wildlife and thin crust around the geyser, so I wouldn't go there alone anyway 06:55 Graham its a long walk too, 8 miles in and then 8 miles back out. Not too bad but the altitude can get you if you are not used to it. Worth it if someone that knows SHoshone is going with you 06:56 Graham the latest edition of Scotts book has mush better information too 06:56 Graham much 06:56 BB the latest being which one? I have the fourth, I believe 06:57 BB It says 2008 in there, so I guess this is the newest? 06:57 Graham 4th is the right one 06:58 Graham looks like the wind is blowing in the right direction today 06:58 BB yes, I was wondering about ice on the cam, but the static looks good so far 06:58 Graham interesting steam cloud out near BH.. 06:59 Graham i think its just from Little cub 06:59 BB can't see anything because I am not getting refreshes. Will try another browser 07:05 Graham streaming cam looks blurry due to ice 07:11 CC Morning everyone 07:12 Graham morning 07:12 BB Hi CC, how do you feel today? 07:12 CC better thank you 07:13 CC It looks to me like there is still ice on the lens and I don't know if I will be able to wipe it until it warms up or until OF sprays the lens again 07:14 Graham I can't get back into cam control 07:14 Graham not that I need it today 07:14 CC that doesn't make any sense 07:14 CC try it now 07:14 CC wait two more minutes 07:15 Graham ok. I got in earlier and tried to stop the cam from searching but I couldn't. so I exited 07:15 Graham now I can't get a connection 07:15 CC let's see what happens in a minute 07:15 Graham got to work on christmas gift photo book today 07:16 CC maybe you have to close down your computer and then open the cam again 07:16 CC okay try it now 07:18 Graham still not happy. oh well, I have plenty of other things to do today 07:19 Graham making a book of photos from the trip to Bryce, Zion, Grand Canyon with my mom for her 07:19 Graham get it printed at mpix 07:19 CC can you shut your computer down and then reboot 07:21 Graham i will try that now 07:22 CC Little Cub 7:22 07:24 Gazer-by-Proxy Good morning. 07:24 BB hi Gazer 07:27 Graham back and into the cam now, so back to norrmal 07:27 Graham lok at all that steam from Little Cub 07:32 CC Do you want me to take it or do you want to stay on until Derek arrives 07:33 Graham I could take it till Derek arrives if you like 07:33 CC yes 07:33 Graham got it 07:33 CC okay 07:40 Graham Plume 0739 07:45 lc Good morning all 07:46 BB hi lc 07:46 lc OF was at 0741 07:47 lc couldn't tell if it was long, too much stem. 07:48 Kent Lens is sad. I bet it requires a ladder and a rag? 07:49 Graham so I missed OF completely? 07:49 Graham not much steam came up off the platform 07:50 BB I didn't actually pay attention :( 07:52 cb morning ladies and gents 07:52 BB hi cb 07:52 lc hi cb 07:52 cb afternoon to you bb 07:53 BB :) 07:53 Kent Good morning cb 07:53 cb I forget were not all on one continent 07:57 Graham Depression 0757ie 08:04 Graham looks like Castle 0802ie 08:04 Graham I think its more than just splashing but still hard to tell 08:04 cb bbl need to baby sit this am 08:05 kcmule oops didnt mean to leave this on all night 08:05 kcmule good morning to all 08:05 Graham morning 08:06 kcmule that is one steamy geyser basin 08:07 Graham could have been Daisy 0806ie too but who knows. a whole lot of steam down there 08:09 Graham hum, I think it was all Sawmill and COmet steam now, not Daisy 08:34 Graham so much steam from Little Cub 08:35 vw good morning all. 08:35 BB hi vw 08:35 vw was that a Lion? So much steam cant tell! 08:36 vw good afternoon B 08:37 Graham mainly steam from Little Cub 08:37 vw okay. just thought i saw a steam column at Lion on the static 08:37 vw but i guess EVERYTHING is steamy this am! 08:39 Graham it has been splashing, not in series now 08:39 vw k. thanks G! 08:40 Graham Plume 0839 08:40 Graham nice on static 08:48 Graham OF 0847ie 08:49 Graham almost impossible to watch OF on streaming 08:52 Graham lc - I guess we know the previous OF was a short 09:05 Graham OF was a long 09:05 lc yes, I thought it was but there was so much steam I couldn't tell if there was still water. 09:06 lc got to go, everyone have a nice day... 09:06 BB bye 09:14 Michael Hello. What can we convince to erupt today? 09:32 Michael Riverside 9:32ns 09:37 Rich Hi BB 09:37 Rich Hi Derek 09:37 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:37 Rich Hi Graham 09:37 BB Hi Rich 09:37 Rich Hi kcmule 09:37 Rich hi Michael 09:37 Rich Hi vw 09:40 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, Rich! 09:41 Michael Good morning, Rich. 09:43 Rich Could we have Riverside and F&M? 09:44 Michael Steam was blowing left, so I really couldn't say for sure what was erupting down there. 09:45 Michael Graham called Riverside at 15:09ie yesterday. 09:48 Rich Dec 06, 2009 recap Castle 08:02ie, Daisy ?08:?06ie Depression 07:57ie Little Cub 07:22, OF 06:10ie, 07:41, 08:47ie, Plume 07:39, 08:39, Riverside 09:32ns, 09:48 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 09:50 Rich Hi guest322328 09:53 Rich I'm starting a Hints and Tips page for the Resource Page. If anyone has something they have found helpful, and would like to contribute please do. 09:53 Gazer-by-Proxy What is this "resource page" of which you speak? 09:55 Rich ah, I put together a page of links from this room and other 'helpful' stuff. g http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 09:55 Rich That is my newest version. 09:55 Gazer-by-Proxy Oh! Nice. 09:57 Rich I am currently working on a Hints/Tips and also a Bookmarks page. The bookmark page I am hoping will be a place we can share our bookmark files. 09:59 Rich So if you have any websites/links that you would like to contribute, please do. 09:59 Rich Any favorite webcams. 10:04 Rich Also I need help from you streaming cam viewers making the Reference Photo for the Streaming Cam Panorama. 10:10 Michael If I had any editing tools, I'd try to add Castle, Daisy, Sawmill, Oblong, Giant and F&M to the "Steaming" Reference photo. 10:11 Michael For all practical purposes Oblong is right behind Grand and Giant is the same spot as Grotto. 10:11 BB You can actually do that in Paint 10:11 BB I could do the editing but I have no idea where exactly all the geysers are 10:12 Gazer-by-Proxy I might be able to do this next week -- I have good graphics software. I would just need someone to send me the panorama, and then I can label it. 10:12 BB The panorama picture is on Rich's reference side, you can download it from there 10:12 Gazer-by-Proxy Oh - great. I'm on it. 10:13 Michael Aurum 10:12ie? 10:13 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2 10:13 Rich and the Reference Images 10:13 Rich Either use the second or third link, right click and save it locally. 10:18 Michael Old Faithful 10:18 10:27 Michael I'm singing off. Lovely weather for geyser watching, though. 10:28 Gazer-by-Proxy La la la, Michael. 10:30 Rich bye Michael 10:30 Rich lol 10:42 Graham back from the store, got the salty licorice and Marmite 10:42 Rich Hi GreekD2486 10:42 Derek Hi 10:43 GreekD2486 Hello 10:43 Rich Where did you go to the store Brisbane? 10:43 GreekD2486 I think that might have been plume 10:41:15 ie 10:43 Graham english Marmite, Dutch licorice 10:44 Graham from World Market chain 10:44 Graham aussies have vegimite which is not the same as marmite 10:45 Rich ok, I'll take your word for it. lol 10:47 Graham I did see Australian licorice too but not the salty stuf that my sister likes 10:49 Graham brb, time to see if my coffee pot will let me have some more 10:51 Rich A Breath a lizer coffee pot? 10:53 BB bbl 10:55 Graham no coffee for me :( it only seems to want to make one pot a day 10:56 Graham Daisy 1056ie 10:57 Graham nice water there 10:58 Rich Lion? 10:59 Rich Hi guest109679 11:06 Graham Plate 1106ie? 11:07 Derek It's hard to say 11:07 Graham hard to tell 11:07 Graham looked like thick white steam but now I don't see it 11:07 Graham don't think it was Plume 11:07 Derek Have you actually spoke to CC today? 11:07 Graham yes, shes feeling much better 11:08 Derek I suppose the best idea is to wait for the next splash on the glass, then get her to wipe it. 11:08 Graham might have been Plume at 1106 based on the one interval seen today 11:09 Graham yesterday it was freezing pretty much instantly 11:09 Graham its still below zero 11:09 Graham -4F at 0915 11:09 Graham maybe over zero now 11:16 vw just peekingin. temp still below 0 at OF at 9:15. -4, with wind at 2-3 mph. at that temp, even a mild breeze will feel biting. steam columns here would indicated might be blowing harder? 11:17 Graham wind direction changed too 11:18 vw temp at lake 1+ but wind there 8 mph with gusts up to 18. Wind chill -13F 11:18 Graham more out of the east now. was blowing toward giantess earlier 11:18 vw does it seem to be blowing harder now than earlier. have been back and forth from monitor 11:19 Graham yeah but still not blowing as hard as yesterday 11:20 vw we have a very light cloud cover here that is preventing the sun from shining clearly. hard t otell from cams what is going on there. 11:22 Graham suns out now, can see shadows 11:24 vw OF ranger station temp reading may be down. Firehole monitor is showing +1 at 11:00, but OF ranger station not on mesowest map, and direct link only has the older reading. 11:26 vw CC in the house. maybe time for a BH? :) 11:30 CC it does look like the bubblers are going...hard to tell through the ice 11:30 CC ice on the lens that is 11:31 vw little bit of steam from BH too, but then everything is steaming this am 11:31 Graham they are going 11:32 Derek Looks like a bubbler 11:32 CC anyone know when OF is predicted 11:32 CC or at least the last one 11:32 Derek 10:18 11:33 Rich Moonrise is at 21:40 tonight. 11:33 CC thanks 11:33 Rich 75% full 11:34 Derek See you guys later 11:34 CC bye 11:35 vw Bye D! 11:41 Rich Hi guest279868 11:45 Tonya Hi Rick 11:46 Rich Dec 06, 2009 recap Castle 08:02ie, Daisy ?08:?06ie, 10:56ie, Depression 07:57ie Little Cub 07:22, OF 06:10ie, 07:41, 08:47ie, 10:18, Plate 11:06ie, Plume 07:39, 08:39, Riverside 09:32ns, 11:46 Rich Hi Tonya 11:47 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 11:53 CC OF 11:51 11:55 CC OF is a long 12:01 CC anyone see water at Grand 12:01 CC so much steam it is difficult to tell 12:03 Rich wb BB 12:10 Tonya See ya'll later... 12:11 CC bye 12:11 Rich bye Tonya 12:17 dhawalmehta2025 any girl 12:17 dhawalmehta2025 wants 2 chat wid 12:17 dhawalmehta2025 25 male 12:17 dhawalmehta2025 pls reply 12:19 Rich sorry was getting hot apple cider 12:19 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 12:26 vw See conditions havent improved greatly while i was in the kitchen. :D 12:28 Rich Mostly OF steam 12:30 Rich 'My' teddy bear is still stuck in the tree at Apgar Mtn Glacier http://ns.www.nps.gov.edgesuite.net/featurecontent… 13:30 CC OF 13:29 13:40 cb hello all! 13:44 Graham Ind or just CtC? 13:45 CC yep 13:46 Graham whatever it is its 1245ie 13:46 Graham looks small for Ind but maybe the wind is blowing it down 13:47 Graham but its the Ind 13:47 CC I think it is indicator 13:45 13:47 Graham oh yeah..where did that 1245 come from? 13:47 Graham haha 13:50 Graham OF is making it a hard gazing day again 13:54 Rich and it all disappears in OF steam 13:54 Rich Hi cb 13:55 Rich I'd say that is indicator 13:56 Gazer-by-Proxy Ooh! back just in time! 13:58 CC Beehive 13:58 13:59 Rich Hi guest395062 14:02 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 14:03 Rich What a mess. g 14:06 Rich I'm off to the store to get cat food. bbl 14:34 cb Hi all. back again! 14:37 Michael Hi. I see I missed Beehive. And the sky is less blue. But Grand looks nice in shades of gray too. 14:38 Michael OF 14:37 14:39 cb boy is the lens a mess!!! 14:40 Michael It's OK if you can just convince the camera to focus on somethings else. 14:47 cb Did ya all see Grand already today? 14:52 Rich CC asked about if anyone saw water at Grand at 12:01, but no call. 14:53 cb yeah...sawmill and OF are hogging the show today 14:53 Graham not sure Grand actually went though......been too steamy to tell although you have to think Grand would have been huge. 14:55 cb with it as cold as its been,it would be! 14:55 cb It's snowing here right now!! 14:55 Rich in Placerville? 14:56 cb yep! 14:56 Graham getting ready for the big visit in Jan..maybe its actually going to be cold this year 14:56 Rich Where's my sled. Here I come. swoosh 14:56 Graham cool cb, we got our first snow yesterday. no problems getting around tho 14:56 cb last time I cked 80 was closed 14:57 Rich Hi Michael 14:57 Graham only up to 4F so far today at OF 14:58 cb caught a glimpse of what looked like Daisy 15:00 Rich 3F at the Ranger Weather station OF. 15:00 cb Think it's just steam 15:00 Rich at 14"15 15:00 cb cold.. 15:01 Michael Daisy erupting would fill half the screen with steam. 15:04 Michael Looks like the last Daisy seen was 10:56, on a ?2:50 interval. So 16:00-17:00 would be my best (not very good) guess for the next one. 15:05 Rich Daisy usually goes about 5 minutes after I post a recap for the day. 15:05 Rich g 15:08 Michael Then what are you waiting for? 15:10 cb depression 1510 ie 15:11 cb well that was a brief view 15:21 cb now the sun is out!! weird CA weather 15:21 vw let it snow let it snow let it snow 15:22 vw have you ever had a white Christmas in Placerville? 15:22 Rich But we have someplace to GO --- 15:22 Rich Yellowstone!!!!! 15:22 vw not much snow there either Rich! 15:22 vw well, at least not for YNP 15:23 cb yes we have...snows alot just up the road in camino...downtown p-ville gets snow about 3-4 times a year 15:24 Rich For our 'visitors' http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/meebo.htm 15:25 Michael Is the "This is not Adults-Only 15:25 Rich We do have minor members. 15:25 Michael " advisory new? Given the ad that pops up on my screen it sure seems like a good idea to set the record straight... 15:26 Rich My pup blocker must work over time. I've never had anything pop up from Meebo. 15:28 Michael Here I'm fine. The donsplace site reloads an ad each time I visit a page there. Guess I should fuss with my browser settings. 15:33 Rich I'm running AdBlock Plus, a Firefox addon. 15:35 Rich Michael the meebo htm is the text that I copy and paste when we get the visitors. 15:36 Rich Lion steaming? 15:36 Michael OK. Let me go find AdBlock and install it. 15:37 Michael Nothing out of the ordinary from Lion. 15:37 Michael Possible Riverside 15:36ie. 15:37 cb yep 15:37 Rich FireFox, Tools, Add-on 15:38 Rich I'll vote for Grotto complex 15:45 Michael ABP seems to have taken care of it. 15:45 Michael Plume 15:45ie 15:49 Rich Only 'problem' I've run across is when I have my cursor in the chatroom, a 'block' tab appears over the Page View area of the top menu bar. 15:49 cb Daisy 1549 ie 15:49 Rich I've accidently blocked the room once when changing views. 15:50 Rich Dec 06, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 13:45, Beehive 13:58, Castle 08:02ie, Daisy ?08:?06ie, 10:56ie, 15:49ie, Depression 07:57ie, 15:10ie Little Cub 07:22, 15:50 Rich OF 06:10ie, 07:41, 08:47ie, 10:18, 11:51L, 13:29, 14:37, Plate 11:06ie, Plume 07:39, 08:39, 15:45ie, Riverside 09:32ns, 15:51 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 11/28/09 09:07:00 18:16 11/29/09 17:29:00 32:22 11/30/0912/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 15:55 Rich Sunset is at 16:43, Moonrise is at 22:05, Moonset is at 11:28 12/07 15:56 Michael Rich, thanks for the tip. In any case your webhost encourages the non-adblocked world to visit sites that are probably indecent in some way. 15:57 Rich k 15:57 Rich ty 16:00 cb Michael................................................. 16:02 Graham RIch, I don't think it was actually Plate, I am going to report it as a possible Plume 16:06 Rich k 16:06 Rich I'll make an adjustment 16:10 Rich Addition/correction to Dec 06, 2009 recap no Plate and Plume 07:39, 08:39, ?11:06ie, 15:45ie, 16:19 cb OF 1619 16:21 cb yuck. looking through that reminds me of a old class of chocolate milk thats found days after its been drunk 16:21 Rich I started posting static cam captures to the Members Links page http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/memberlinks.htm 16:22 Rich I'm going to try and post a new image every couple of days. Mostly Interest or not so interesting captures. lol 16:24 Rich Today's offering is in homage to Alfred Hitchcock. 16:26 cb daughters fav 16:28 vw I should probably go get something done. 16:29 vw hope all have a good evening. Bye! 16:29 Rich Nite vw 16:29 Rich bye 16:33 Rich hi guest3418722 16:39 guest1155634 anyone having skype account??? plzzz reply 16:55 Graham sawmill is putting up a lot of steam 16:55 cb Yes it is...some nice burst also 17:02 Graham beautiful day in the park 17:04 cb g 17:05 cb bison!! 17:06 Michael Looks like he/she could use some company out there. 17:07 cb yes! 17:07 Graham I wi;ll go :) 17:08 cb g 17:08 Graham company at a distance from the BW 17:09 Michael Can we take a peek at Grand? There is more steam back there now. 17:11 cb so hard to tell! 17:11 Michael Well, something big is erupting. I think it's Grand. 17:15 cb losing light 17:19 Michael That was totally unclear. Oh well. 17:19 cb thanks for the heads up anyway 17:21 cb going to call it a nite. chow all 17:22 Rich niter cb 17:22 Graham see you, have a good evening 17:22 Graham I am headed out, got to finish my photo book tonight, see you 17:23 Rich Nite Graham 17:24 Michael Good night all. 17:24 Rich Nite Michael 17:24 Rich Nite kcmule 17:24 Rich Nite Yellowstone December 7th, 2009 04:07 BB at work OF 04:05 i.e. on static 04:08 BB at work Correction: make that 04.06 04:10 BB at work I couldn't see anything earlier, it was really lucky I just checked again 06:51 Rich Good Morning BB 06:51 Rich Good Morning Yellowstone 06:55 Rich Hi CC 06:55 CC hi you are up early 06:55 Rich I got a cold nose, woke me up, it is 24 outside this morning. 06:56 CC the temp here is about the same 06:56 Rich High today is going to be around 34. 06:57 CC I think it may reach the 40's here 06:58 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 06:58 Gazer-by-Proxy Morning, Rich. 06:58 BB Hi all 06:58 Gazer-by-Proxy (and CC and BB) 06:59 CC morning G-b-p 06:59 Gazer-by-Proxy Silly emoticons... BB end parenthesis 06:59 CC looks like you have become addicted 06:59 Gazer-by-Proxy Yes, and it didn't take long! 06:59 CC that's great... you need a new handle 07:01 Rich Hi BB 07:02 CC afternoon BB 07:02 CC it's great when you can see OF on the static ...it helps me to approximate the next eruption 07:02 Rich Sunrise at YNP is at 07:43 07:02 CC this is wonderful since I call it into the OF visitor center when they are in 07:04 BB This is exactly why I do it... I hate hanging around in the morning not knowing how long it will take to erupt. But there isn't much to see these nights, I was really lucky I caught the one I did 07:05 BB And of course I always hope to catch a BH during the night... 07:09 Rich Temp at the Ranger Weather station had -21 at 06:15 this morning 07:09 Gazer-by-Proxy Brrr! 07:09 BB OF 07:07 i.e. 07:09 BB Didn't pay attention, missed the beginning 07:10 Rich I'll check my captures. 07:11 CC the last OF was a long 07:13 Rich Which OF was a long? 07:13 Rich I have something at 07:03:52 ie OF 07:14 CC OF at 7:03 was a long 07:14 Rich k, ty 07:16 vw good morning 07:16 BB hi vw 07:16 vw cold in these parts. 07:16 Rich Hi vw 07:18 Rich I think it is cold in all parts. g 07:18 Rich My room was 53 when I woke up. 07:18 CC morning vw 07:18 vw morning CC. 07:18 vw surprised the cam isnt frozen today! 07:19 CC at this time of day you can usually see the geysers unless there is snow covering the lens 07:19 CC later everyone will notice the ice that is still on the lens 07:20 CC it frozen on contact the other day and has not budged 07:20 vw it wll be impossible to keep any moisture from instantly freezing on the cam. wind chills in the teens and twenties below 07:23 vw sadly, i have to go. will take longer to get the car warmed up today then it will to drive to work. Back here from the office. 07:23 vw bye! 07:23 BB bye vw 07:41 BB bbl 07:48 Gazer-by-Proxy OK, I'm off to a meeting. Not as much fun as watching geysers. More fun that watching geysers outside when it's -21F. 07:49 Rich By Gazer-by-Proxy 08:25 Rich wb BB 08:35 Excite hi there 08:35 Rich Hi Excite 08:35 Excite hi Rich 08:35 Excite ****** stuff here? 08:36 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 08:46 Rich Something back at F&M 08:48 Derek Hi ALL 08:48 Rich Hi Derek 08:48 BB hi Derek 08:52 BB OF 08:51 08:52 BB finally 08:55 Rich Very nice 08:55 Rich Almost looked like a twin 09:01 Rich hi guest304467 09:01 guest304467 good morning 09:07 vw Lots of steam at Lion. Did anybody see water? 09:08 Rich Nice steam if nothing else. 09:13 Rich Anemone ie 09:12:50 wc 09:16 Rich I think there was an Aurum just before Anemone, but I couldn't see water. 09:19 sparekitty morning everybody! 09:20 Rich Hi sparekitty 09:20 Rich I posted the last OF to FB 09:21 sparekitty i'll have to check it out. i'm actually HUGELY busy todya and tomorrow (out sick last week!) but you know i love having OF in the back ground. 09:22 Rich understand 09:22 Rich enjoy work. 09:22 Rich Glad you are better. 09:22 sparekitty thanks, rich! you're a dear. 09:23 Rich I created a new version of the Resource Page http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/if you want to check it out later 09:29 Rich We have sunshine at OF. 09:31 Rich Riverside? 09:34 eelannaskeew is there just a bunch of older guys in here? 09:52 Rich Riverside ie 09:29:40 wc 10:12 Rich More steam at Lion 10:15 tryan23 Hey 10:15 Rich hi tryan23 10:15 tryan23 sup 10:16 Rich Sure isn't the temperature, around -10 F at Old Faithful 10:18 Rich Depresion? 10:19 BB All I see is steam everywhere :D 10:20 Rich I'm beginning to think that Lion is going about every 60 and shortly after the hour. 10:24 Rich wb Gazer-by-Proxy 10:26 BB OF 10:25 ie 11:17 sparekitty do we have indicator?? 11:18 Derek I can't say for sure 11:19 lc sure looks like it 11:19 Rich hi lc 11:19 lc hi Rich 11:20 lc I thought I could see splashing at 1116 11:23 Rich That looks like it is on the other side of the boardwalk.??? 11:23 lc I think its Indicator... 11:24 Rich We will soon know. 11:27 Rich Lion? 11:29 lc Beehive 1127 11:30 sparekitty must be my lucky day! 11:32 lc good show 11:33 Derek Best I could do with all the crystals on the cam glass 11:34 Derek I'm going for tea shortly, bur CC is out for a while so she wont be taking over right away. 11:34 Derek but 11:34 sparekitty thanks for everything, derek! i'mso happy to see beehive today. 11:35 lc my thanks also Derek. 11:38 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 11:39 Rich Dec 07, 2009 recap Beehive 11:27, OF 04:06ie, 07:03:52L ie, 08:51, 10:25ie, Riverside 09:29:40ie Anemone 09:12:50ie, 10:27:12ie, 11:46 Derek Going for tea now. See you all later. 11:46 Rich Best I can see in my captures for Indicator was at 11:17:15ie 11:46 lc see you D. 11:53 lc Depression 1151 ie 11:56 lc OF 1154 11:59 lc OF is a long 13:27 CC OF 13:26 13:32 CC OF is a long 13:48 Derek Back again 14:24 CC Depression 14:24 IE 14:40 Ryan Hi all 14:45 CC Plume 14:45 14:54 Derek Goodnight All 14:54 CC nite D 14:59 CC OF 14:58 15:01 CC OF is a long 15:50 Graham hello 15:50 Graham Lion 1550ie 15:53 Graham couple of coyotes 16:00 Graham Daisy 1559ie 16:23 vw hi Graham. Just back in the office. Didn't realize I left my window open. Sorry about that. 16:24 Graham hey there 16:24 Graham was getting lonely here 16:24 vw how are you this evening? 16:24 vw can see every fissure in the basin today with the steam! 16:25 Graham Depression 1624ie 16:25 Graham just a 2h interval..hope it keeps that up 16:27 Graham glad to see they are getting some snow too. you getting some? 16:27 vw problem might be that things could have been erupting all day but they couldnt really tell the difference between steam and water? 16:27 Graham -23 this morning and a high of 4 in the log brrr 16:28 vw we have had a modest amount of snow. couple of inches is all. 16:28 vw very cold. 16:29 Graham looks like they had several inches at OF, the bench legs are getting shorter 16:30 vw the mysterious case of the shrinking benches? i like that. 16:31 Graham this time last yera I think someone had already stolen them 16:31 vw not likely to melt anytime soon either, even when the sun comes out. Still hold out hope of more snow for your January trip! 16:31 Graham I am sure there will be more 16:32 vw i mentioned to CC that the long range predictions for our winter are warmer and drier, so who knows what we will encounter. 16:32 Graham that means its going to be colder and snowier 16:33 vw :) 16:33 vw we have had the former, but not the latter so much 16:34 Graham 2 years ago I went to Midway and the icing on the trees by the bridge was amazing. Last year much less ice there 16:35 vw did you ski out to Midway? 16:36 Graham no, took the Firehole basin tour 16:37 Graham its a 3 hour tour in the afternoon most days. are you leaving on an express or tour snowcoach? 16:38 vw we are considering a tour. would be weird though to taking a van. Right now roads are dry enough that administrative travel is being done by regular vehicles. 16:39 Graham are you on the express snowcoach out? 16:41 vw sorry, cant remember. CC sent schedule but dont remember. 16:41 Graham OF 1641ie 16:42 vw was commenting that it was trying to do something! 16:42 Graham do you depart at 0630? 16:43 Graham the express doesn't stop at Fountain but the tour coach does 16:43 Graham and the Firehole Basin tour stops there 16:44 vw we decided to take the express. figured if we wanted to see anything else we would take a tour. 16:44 vw know we are staying over in West on Monday night to catch the early shuttle. 16:45 Graham ok. Firehole Basin Tour would be good one, its half day and goes down to Fountain and back on Freight road if its open 16:45 Graham the 0900 express from Stagecoach Inn? 16:45 vw does it leave early enough to catch the first Fountain of the day? 16:45 vw that express sounds right. 16:45 vw for some reason was thinking 8:45. 16:45 Graham haha 16:46 Graham I have seen Fountain only once on the way in 16:46 Graham I think 845 is the meet up time, 0900 is usually the departure 16:46 vw i have no luck with Fountain. Road closure this year kept me from seeing any of the morning eruptions. :( 16:46 vw i love Fountain. 16:46 Graham I have been trying to figure out how to get there for a whole day 16:46 vw very few i dont love to be honest though! 16:47 vw maybe we should just hire you to lead us! 16:47 vw i gotta go. still have a client to see 16:47 vw hope you have a good evening. you on tomorrow? 16:48 Graham bye 16:48 Graham if I get home in time I will be on 16:49 vw well, catch you when we can 16:49 vw bye! 16:51 Graham Lion 1650ie 17:13 Graham summary for 12/7: 17:13 Graham Beehive 1127, Ind 1116, Daisy 1559ie, Depression 0810, 1151ie, 1424ie, 1624ie, Lion 1550ie, 1650ie, OF 0406, 0703ie, 0851, 1025ie, 1154, 1326, 1458, 1641ie, Plume 1223, 1445Riverside 0929ns, 17:13 Graham goodnight December 8th, 2009 06:27 CC morning cb 06:27 CC I see you got your power back 06:38 cb Hi cc...sorry was plugging stuff back in!! 06:39 cb freezer and fridge on the generator 06:40 CC are you then on a generator only or is the power back in full 06:42 cb powers back on full for now!!!! 06:43 cb a HUGH storm for us..a good 1 ft of snow if not more 06:44 CC oh my G-d 06:44 BB hi cb, hi cc 06:44 cb we stood on our porch yesterday morning and could hear the branches of trees cracking and fallin to the ground 06:45 cb Hi BB 06:45 CC afternoon bb 06:45 BB Unfortunately there was nothing to see today, just pitch black night 06:46 cb phone and electirc wires on the ground everywhere.....was biggest storm for us in 20+ years 06:46 cb How are you both? 06:47 BB busy and spending way too much time in here :) 06:48 BB I read a blog of a lady who posts a new quilting design every day. One of her designs last week was called Super Daisy, and my first thought was Geyser! Then I realized it would be a floral design :D 06:49 BB way too much time in here :) 06:49 CC too funny 06:52 CC OF 6:52 06:52 CC that was by the static cam 06:53 CC can't tell if it is a long or a short 07:33 eelannaskeew 23 f nv here....looking to cam with a girl...any girls with a cam in here? 07:33 eelannaskeew hit me up! 07:38 cb Depression was 735 ie 07:39 Kent Park opens a week from today. If they don't get a good dump they are going to be hauling people to the Snow Lodge in buses. 07:40 Kent Good morning cb, afternoon BB 07:40 BB hi Kent 07:40 cb morning Kent! 07:41 cb This storm hit you yet? Its a whopper! 07:42 cb Had snow in Sacramento 07:43 Kent Mostly a southern storm here. We have about 4" but it is very light powder. 4' was forecast for our southern mountains 07:44 Kent You are so low in elevation that snow has got to be unusual? 07:46 cb we usually get some snow...2 - 6" is typically....16 18" hasn't happened in 20+ years....shut down the whole town 07:47 cb kcra.com will show you downtown placerville..... 07:50 Kent Photos are impressive. 07:51 Kent There's not much snow on those benches! 07:51 cb nope....thats what I was looking at....I like to watch em disappear! 07:52 cb yeap...P-ville is awfully pretty this morning! Now that we have power X-D 07:52 Kent I bet Xanterra would be a lot happier if we couldn't see them at all? 07:52 cb g 07:53 Gazer-by-Proxy Good morning. 07:53 BB hi Gazer 07:53 cb morning Gbp 07:53 Kent Good morning 07:54 cb still not sure how to apprev. your name! 07:54 cb it'll come 07:54 Gazer-by-Proxy Doesn't matter! 07:54 cb not much to see this am. 07:56 cb brb 08:15 BB OF 08:15 ie 08:16 cb Thanks bb 08:16 BB And there might be something going on at Lion too, but can't see anything through the steam 08:16 BB I wondered about Lion around 7 am when it was still rather dark 08:17 cb yep 08:19 BB bbl 08:20 cb frozen o 08:28 cb grand 828 ie 08:32 Derek Central heating engineer has just arrived. I'll be a few minutes. 08:32 cb ok 08:32 cb I put it on preset soon 08:34 cb steam cloud could indicate a 2nd burst....timing is about right 08:44 Rich Sunrise 07:48, Sunset 16:43, Moonset 12:17, Last Quarter 08:49 cb Hi Rich! 08:49 cb bet your house is buried in snow! 08:53 cb http://www.kcra.com/video/21889351/index.html Ck this out. Our local news reports of the snow 08:54 cb have to try to get my car out. see ya all later 08:56 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 08:57 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich. 08:57 Rich Dec 08, 2009 recap Grand 08:28ie, OF 06:52, 08:15ie 08:57 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 08:58 Rich Hi procrasturbation 09:14 Rich I do believe I can see the shadow of the webcams in the lower left corner of the static cam. 09:15 Derek You're correct :-) 09:15 Rich Hi sparekitty 09:16 sparekitty hey everybody. looks like a nother lovely day at OF. 09:17 Rich Plenty of Sunshine. 09:17 Rich Blue skies. 09:19 Rich Hi guest919022 09:19 Rich Nice clear shadow now. 09:31 Rich Lion? 09:33 Rich F&M? 09:34 Rich Hi BB 09:34 Rich Riverside? 09:34 BB Hi Rich 09:36 Rich Indicator? 09:36 Derek Just a large splash from BH 09:38 Rich I'm frozen on the static cam, so is Loisb 09:39 Derek Mine is showing 09:34 09:39 BB mine too, but that was five minutes ago 09:39 Rich I'm at 09:34:47 09:39 Derek Same 09:39 Rich 5 more minutes 09:39 BB Just got a refresh 09:40 BB 9.39 09:40 Rich refreshed 09:43 Rich I'm frozen again at 09:40:10 09:45 BB I have 9.44 09:49 Rich OF? 09:49 Gazer-by-Proxy Yes, I think so, Rich. Droplets on the streaming cam again. 09:50 Rich I looked over at Loisb's screen 09:50 Rich Now she is frozen also 09:50 BB I have been wondering about that for five minutes. All I see is steam 09:50 Rich refreshed 09:50 Rich OF went of recently 09:51 BB I think at 9.45 09:52 Rich Definitely within it's window. 09:53 Rich brb off to hang Christmas lights on the front window. 10:03 Rich b 10:04 Rich hi vw 10:04 Derek Don't you hang any lights in the trees outside your house? 10:05 Rich To cold out to be haning lights outside. 10:05 Rich Cold enough hanging them in the living room 10:05 Rich Not heating the living room this year. 10:06 Rich Winter wonder land. 10:06 Rich Think I'll put a real snowman in the window. 10:06 Derek I guess us city folks take heating for grantage 10:06 Rich I'm in the Big City now. 10:07 Rich Just takes a lot of heat to heat 3 stories. 10:07 Rich Shut off rooms we don't use that often. 10:08 Rich Hi Kent HO! HO! HO! 10:08 Derek We only heat the downstairs rooms. The heat from the hallway radiator rises to the bedrooms 10:08 Rich We heat the dining room, kitchen and 2 of the bedrooms. 10:09 Kent Morning Rich. Lots of HO! HO!ing here in SLC but still pretty sparce in Yellowstone. 10:09 Derek If it gets too cold up here, we can easily turn on the bedroom radiators 10:10 Rich I heard from Paradise that the snow is down to Wagstaff, the usual snowline. It's about a mile north of me. So doubt that I got much snow at home. 10:11 Rich Lois' house was built in 1907. 10:11 Derek This house is 1895 10:43 Rich Hi guest304467 10:45 Gazer-by-Proxy Is Lion erupting or just steaming? 10:45 Derek Little Cub 10:49 Rich So was it Lion - Little Cub or either one's steam? 10:50 Derek Little Cub was ie 10:50 Rich ty 10:51 Rich Hi stephanmoore58 11:09 Rich Dec 08, 2009 recap Grand 08:28ie, Little Cub 10:45ie, OF 06:52, 08:15ie, ~09:45ie, 11:10 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 11:16 Derek 11:16 Depression ie 11:28 Rich OF ie 11:27:23 wc 11:29 Rich Hi aweezy03 11:29 Rich Hi Jason 11:29 Jason Snowfox hi Rich 11:54 Rich hi guest152794 11:59 Rich I think I might have missed a Lion 11:59 Rich wb BB 12:05 Rich hi guest18173 12:10 Rich If you would like to know what direction North is on the static cam - the tree shadows are pointed that direction about now. 12:31 Rich hi guest985797 12:40 guest985797 Hi Rich. 12:41 Rich hello 12:58 CC Plume 12:58 13:05 Rich Did OF erupt? 13:05 CC I believe it did 13:06 CC didn't get the exact time 13:06 Rich k 13:07 CC now I am thinking Indicator and BH 13:08 Rich How about Lion? 13:09 CC IT LOOKS LIKE Little Cub 13:09 Rich ok 13:10 CC the way the steam is low to the ground I can't see BH 13:11 Rich Really difficult today. 13:11 CC so I am saying it is INDICATOR 13:11 Rich Looks like puffs from Plume 13:11 Rich k 13:12 Rich I can see 4 puffs 13:12 CC BH 13:12 13:12 CC Rich plume went at 12:58 13:12 Rich ok 13:13 Rich I'll have to check the times on the captures, I might have been stuck 13:16 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 13:56 Rich Dec 08, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 13:07 Beehive 13:12, Depression 11:16ie Grand 08:28ie, Lion 09:30:40ie, Little Cub 10:45ie, OF 06:52, 08:15ie, ~09:45ie, 11:27:23ie, ~13:05ie, Plume 12:58, 14:04 Rich hi guest3742081 14:23 Rich I just uploaded today's BH captures to FB. 14:29 jimmy111111 any girls wanna view my big **** on cam IM me 14:29 jimmy111111 any girls wanna view my big **** on cam IM me 14:29 jimmy111111 any girls wanna view my big **** on cam IM me 14:29 jimmy111111 any girls wanna view my big **** on cam IM me 14:36 Derek 14:36 O.F 14:39 Rich ty Derek 14:40 Rich We were working on getting the tree up. It was frozen in the pail of water we had it standing in. 14:41 Rich Hi TimmyHotty 14:42 Derek jimmy111111 got kicked out :-) 14:52 Rich Hi guest322328 15:12 Rich HI guest2948930 15:41 Rich Riverside ie 15:40:22 wc 15:49 Rich Grotto ie 15:46:45 wc 15:55 Rich Not sure if it is Grotto or Oblong, I know, there is a big difference, but it started at Grotto and moved to Oblong. Wind seems to be blowing down river. 15:55 Rich Riverside still steaming 16:04 Rich OF ie 16:02:48 wc 16:20 Rich Plume ie 16:19:22 wc 16:59 Rich hi guest322328 17:05 Rich Hi guest921902 17:05 Rich I'm timing Grand now. 17:08 Rich Grand ie 16:54:53 wc 17:15 Graham hi Rich 17:15 Graham and guests 17:16 Rich Just reloading 17:16 Rich was about to post recap 17:17 Graham ok, thanks 17:17 Graham looks like the benches have shrunk some more 17:20 Rich Another crash 17:20 Rich omp 17:21 Rich Dec 08, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 13:07 Beehive 13:12, Depression 11:16ie Grand 08:28ie, 16:54:53ie, Lion 09:30:40ie, Little Cub 10:45ie, OF 06:52, 08:15ie, ~09:45ie, 11:27:23ie, ~13:05ie, 14:36, 16:02:48ie, 17:21 Rich Plume 12:58, 16:19:22ie, Riverside 15:40:22ie, 17:21 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/01/09 08:51:00 39:22 12/02/09 16:39:00 31:48 12/03/09 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 17:22 Rich I had another possible Riverside or I really think F&M 17:22 Graham Pat had Depression 0734 also 17:22 Rich Posted to FB 17:23 Graham Pat saw someting at 0933 but not sure. fits with Riverside time tho 17:23 Rich Was really puffy, shows nicely in the capture 17:24 Rich and was at 09:32:59 wc 17:24 Rich Looked to me to be further left from Riverside 17:25 Graham yeah but take 6 hours off the riverside and you get 0940...hum.... 17:25 Rich hmmm 17:25 Graham so id you didn't see another steam cloud from Riverside, I am betting it was riverside all along 17:26 Rich The captures are there. 17:26 Rich OF ie 17:25:45 wc 17:26 Rich ?? 17:27 Graham looks like Grotto to me 17:27 Rich To the right? 17:27 Graham to the left 17:28 Rich Something is going on the right of the static cam 17:28 Graham could be, I was not watching before so I have nothing to compare with 17:28 Rich Sky was pretty even and no clouds 17:29 Rich Could be light loss tho. 17:30 Graham k. I will post the times 17:30 Rich k 17:31 Graham thanks for them, no chance to watch anything today 17:31 Graham see you 17:31 Rich I posted BH to FB 17:31 Rich all my captures 17:31 Graham thanks 17:31 Graham see you tomorrow 17:31 Rich yep 17:31 Rich BB posted a BH capture also. 17:42 Rich Nite guest322328 17:42 Rich Nite Yellowstone December 9th, 2009 06:35 CC afternoon BB 06:35 CC We had 2 to 4 inches if snow last night 06:48 BB at work Hi, CC. Sorry, I was working and somebody turned off the sound on the laptop, so I didn't hear the click when your messages came in 06:48 BB at work Couldn't see anything this night, I guess I will have to wait for the next full moon 07:10 Allan Good morning BB and CC 07:10 BB at work hi, Allan 07:11 BB at work Click is working again :) 07:11 Allan We had SNOW last night (and this morning). A blizzard, even. 07:12 Allan V's school was canceled. First time since we've been in Eau Claire. 07:12 CC morning Allan 07:12 CC I heard that you were going to get snow 07:13 Allan I haven't been out yet, but it looks like a foot of the stuff. Blowing all around. 07:13 Allan Great fun!! 07:13 Allan Do you know if Long Island got snow, CC? 07:14 CC I am sure it did 07:14 CC haven't had the tv on or the radio for that matter 07:14 Allan I'll have to email my daughter. She lives on Long Island 07:15 CC CB lost her power again yesterday...they got hit pretty bad..worse storm in 20 years in here area 07:15 Allan Wow!! 07:21 CC indicator 7:21 07:22 BB at work finally! I missed the last two times!!! 07:22 BB at work Hi Gazer 07:22 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, BB! Just rain where I am. 07:23 BB at work Same here. Around 40F, light rain, nasty. But I don't really need snow in the city 07:24 CC OF 7:24 07:24 CC OF is going to block BH 07:24 BB at work :(:'( 07:24 CC the steam thatis 07:25 Gazer-by-Proxy We can hope it's a long Indicator... 07:25 CC maybe we will catch the end of BH if indicator is long eough 07:26 Allan BB, V says Hi 07:26 CC looks like it is going now 7:26 07:27 Gazer-by-Proxy Yep -- I was on static, which had frozen at 7:23. 07:29 CC I will call BH then at 7:24 07:30 CC I mean BH 7:26 07:31 Allan Well, I'm going to go out and push some snow around. Bye all. 07:31 BB at work bye 07:31 Gazer-by-Proxy Happy shoveling! 07:31 CC bye 07:34 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi, cb. 07:34 cb hello gazer! 07:34 cb Hi CC 07:34 BB at work hi cb 07:35 cb Hi BB, didn't wanna bug you at work~X-D 07:35 BB at work was just watching BH anyway, at least what we got to see 07:35 Gazer-by-Proxy (which wasn't much, due to OF's steam) 07:35 cb OHHHHHH. I just missed BH!!!:S 07:36 cb Ahhhh OF hogging the show lately 07:36 CC hi cb 07:36 CC whe did you get your power back 07:37 cb middle of the night some time!!! 07:37 CC ah 07:38 cb trees keep falling due to weight of the snow and falling o the power lines....Here this storm is making it way toward allan and Vicki 07:49 CC sounds like they got it alreqady 07:49 CC already 07:59 cb ahh I just read the log from this am....2 4 inches is very pretty LOL 07:59 cb that should read 2 - 4" not 24 08:00 cb makes the holiday season pretty 08:00 CC Little cub 8:00 IE 08:10 CC Lion 8:10 08:12 cb ahhhh nice! 08:15 BB at work lots to see today, makes it hard to get any work done 08:18 cb makes getting ready for work difficult also!! keep sitting down at the computer 08:19 BB at work I am actually glad that I can't see anything when it is morning here, I would never get ready if started checking geysers before breakfast 08:21 CC Daisy 8:21IE 08:22 CC well I have had a busy morning...lots of eruptions 08:23 BB at work wow 08:23 BB at work how about something out of the ordinary? Like maybe Giantess? :D 08:24 CC that would be nice 08:26 VMW Hi CC, BB 08:26 BB at work hi VMW 08:27 VMW The govenor closed all WI system schools and told us to stay home 08:27 CC a nice break for you VW 08:27 Derek Hi 08:27 CC Hi 08:28 VMW Hi Derek 08:28 CC busy morning 08:28 Derek Mine has been :-) 08:28 VMW Yes, it's nice what a little blizzard can do for you 08:28 Derek Arrived at Beryl's Fathers place and found 2 of her sisters there 08:28 CC the cam is yours...see you later 08:29 CC bye all 08:29 VMW bye CC 08:31 VMW Bye 08:31 BB at work bye 08:31 BB at work hi Derek 08:31 Derek Hi BB 08:48 Bruce da Moose Hi, folks - how are y'all? 08:49 Bruce da Moose Sounds like Derek had a busy and interesting morning ;-) 08:49 BB at work Hi Bruce 08:49 Bruce da Moose Hi, BB - Happy Humpty-Dumpty Day! 08:50 Derek Hi Bruce 08:50 Bruce da Moose Hola amigos. My first chance in awhile to get in here - work has been a crunchola. 08:51 BB at work Just to prevent any misunderstandings, I am not Bill :) 08:51 BB at work Or who did you think I was, Bruce? 08:51 Bruce da Moose OK - then who the heck are ya? :-D 08:51 Derek I have aquired a DVD of the Cumbres & Toltec, and 2 of the Durango and Silverton. 08:52 BB at work I am Beatrice in Germany, just went to my initials last week to stop all the strange guys who come in here by accident to hit on me 08:52 Bruce da Moose BB, I never know for sure - people use a variety of names, and I can't keep track. That's why I usualy make sure my firts name is in there somewhere ;-) 08:53 BB at work Yes, but your name is obviously male. Obviously female names get hit on all the time 08:53 Derek It's tough being a woman ;-) 08:53 Bruce da Moose I thought you were Bea... :-) 08:53 Bruce da Moose heh - I think even the males get hit on here. I have been a few times :-D 08:53 BB at work And Bill changes his handle all the time which makes it even more confusing. 08:53 BB at work People are strange... 08:54 Bruce da Moose Bill is just funny... 08:54 BB at work I didn't mean Bill, I meant the strange guys that come in here 08:54 BB at work Bill sure is funny 08:55 Bruce da Moose I juist want people to know who they are talking to when I am here...I have used one or two other handles - as jokes - and my style was not enough to tip them off right away. 08:55 BB at work Derek, you are in here twice?! 08:55 Old Barnacle Butt Here is my handle for Halloween and Talk-Like-A-Pirate-Day 08:56 Bruce da Moose Derek has his other name as moderator 08:56 BB at work I know that, but there is one kentishman and two Dereks 08:56 BB at work And you and me 08:56 Derek Only one Derek here 08:57 Bruce da Moose Once in awhile, two of the same name will show up - I think it is when someone refreshes. happens to me. 08:57 Bruce da Moose IS OF Eruopting? 08:57 Bruce da Moose Sure looks like a big steamy mess... 08:57 BB at work The time would be right 08:57 BB at work The last was 7.28 08:58 Bruce da Moose Yes, OF ie 0858 09:02 Bruce da Moose Well, work beckons again - and I must answer its clarion call. See you guys later! Wishing you much aerial hot water... 09:03 BB at work bye Bruce 09:10 BB at work Is that Lion again? 09:10 BB at work Can't see anything with all the steam but it looked like it on static 10:07 Derek 10:06 Lion ie 10:25 Derek 10:25 O.F. ie 10:28 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 10:29 BB at work Hi Rich 10:29 BB at work And bye all 10:29 BB at work We are finishing here right now, I will try to be back later 10:45 Rich Dec 09, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 07:21, Beehive 07:26, Daisy 08:21IE, Lion 08:10, 10:06ie, Little Cub 08:00IE, OF 07:24, 08:58ie, 10:25ie, 11:02 Rich Sunset 16:43, Twilight 17:16, Moonrise 12:35 am, Moonset 12:40 pm 11:10 Rich Lion? 11:11 Derek Steam 11:15 Rich Lion 11:09:44ne wc 11:15 Rich oh, well. 11:31 Rich Hi jenny 11:51 Rich Hi guest304467 11:53 guest304467 hi, good afternoon 12:00 guest322328 OF 1159 ie 12:07 Rich My earliest capture for last OF was ie 11:57:22 wc 12:07 Rich Lion ie 12:02:53ie 12:17 CC Depression 12:17 IE 12:52 Rich wb BB 12:52 BB hi again Rich 12:53 Rich It's cold again today. brrrrr 13:24 Rich Wildlife - one ****sapien 13:29 Rich OF ie 13:28:47 wc 14:01 Ryan Hi Derek 14:02 Ryan Hi sparekitty 14:02 Derek Hi 14:02 Ryan Hi ronaldvii 14:02 ronaldvii hey 14:02 Ryan How r u guys 14:02 ronaldvii fine and u? 14:02 Ryan fine 14:02 Ryan anything special today 14:03 ronaldvii not really 14:03 Ryan lol 14:08 Derek 14:08 Lion ie 14:09 Ryan Nice Lion 14:09 Ryan wb BB 14:10 Ryan r u in control D 14:10 Derek No 14:10 Ryan O i was wondering y u werent zoomin in on Lion g 14:11 BB hi Ryan 14:11 Derek It was CC, but she hasn't moved it for a while 14:11 Ryan Ok Hi BB how r u 14:11 BB fine but tired 14:12 Ryan lol me too 14:12 BB actually I am on my way to bed, eight hours ahead of Yellowstone 14:12 BB I am just back to report some stuff for the record g 14:13 BB I found a program that automatically saves a screenshot every 30 seconds, and I just went through the pictures. I have a Lion i.e. at 13:05 at the static 14:13 Ryan ok ty 14:13 BB And I think I caught a Plume at 13.55 14:14 BB I have never been able to identify Plume but it is a small burst just to the left of OF, and no steam in the way, so I think I might be right 14:15 BB I will upload the picture to Facebook for the experts to look, but not today 14:15 BB I am off to bed now 14:15 BB good night all 14:16 Ryan Night BB 14:17 sparekitty hi ryan. how are you? 14:22 Ryan good how r u sk? 14:22 sparekitty good enough; working too hard; occasionally yelling at my kids; the usual. 14:25 Ryan but im sure some chatcam breaks help? 14:25 sparekitty pretty much anything to do with yellowstone makes my days better ;) 14:25 Ryan me too 14:52 Derek Goodnight, I'm outa here. 15:03 Ryan OF 1503ne 15:47 Ryan Grotto 1547ie 16:05 Graham hello 16:05 Graham Oblong 1604ie 16:07 lc Hey G. 16:08 Graham how r u? 16:09 lc I thought there was 2 steam clouds on the static but maybe not. 16:10 Graham must be cold. a lot of steam from Sawmill drifting into static screen 16:11 lc when its this cold the steam can really fool you. 16:12 lc lion 1611 16:12 Graham thanks, I am still checking emails 16:12 lc make that ie. 16:12 Graham not a very ling Lion 16:13 Graham people too! 16:13 lc i am watching the static and streaming, saw the 2 people. 16:14 Graham k, thats what I watch too 16:14 Graham says it was -4 an hour ago 16:36 RHBM Hi there 16:36 lc Hi 16:36 lc got to go. have a good nitht all. 16:36 Graham hello, goodbye 16:36 RHBM stay warm! 16:50 Graham Castle 1649ie 16:50 Graham OF 1650 16:52 Graham can see Castle on static cam too! 16:56 RHBM Cool! 16:57 Graham very steamy cold day 16:58 Graham temps dropping again, high of -4F, now down to -7 16:59 RHBM My YNP temp thingie shows -5 f. 17:00 Graham I guess the low overnight was -15 17:00 Graham try this one at OF http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mesowest/getobext.php?sid=OFAW4&table=1&banner=off 17:01 RHBM Yikes. 17:01 tonyspirit9 hi ppls 17:01 RHBM Howdy 17:01 guitarist- tony figure ill come straight out wiht my name matching my intentions 17:01 Graham Castle is a Major 17:02 Graham play guitar while OF erupts? 17:02 guitarist- tony lol\ 17:02 guitarist- tony well looking for another interesting in playing with me 17:03 guitarist- tony or learning 17:04 Graham I know nothing of any value 17:04 guitarist- tony lol 17:04 guitarist- tony no id teach ppl 17:04 RHBM nor me. son has a guitar for sale, tho. 17:05 guitarist- tony acustic? 17:05 RHBM nope electric 17:05 guitarist- tony i got a electric so im trying to get a acustic 17:05 RHBM can't help you here. 17:06 guitarist- tony interested in learnign anything 17:06 guitarist- tony or simply listening 17:07 RHBM we just listen to the ranger talk and watch geysers. 17:07 guitarist- tony lol 17:08 guitarist- tony pm me if u want to listen wat i can do but i no amp atm lol 17:09 guitarist- tony guess not 17:26 Graham 12/9 summary: 17:26 Graham Beehive 0726, Ind 0719ie, Castle 1649ie Major, Daisy 0821ie, Depression 0824, 1217ie, Grand 1059, Lion 0810, 0908, 1006ie, 1109, 1202ie, 1407, 1518, 1611ie, Oblong 1604ie, OF 0724, 0858ie, 1025ie, 1328, 1503ie, 1650, Plume 1355 (?), 17:26 Graham see you, I am out of here 17:26 RHBM g'nite graham. December 10th, 2009 07:04 CC hello everyone 07:04 BB hi CC 07:04 BB hi Derek 07:07 cb GOOD morning/afternoon all 07:07 CC power been ok cb 07:08 BB hi cb 07:09 cb so far so good!! 24 hours w power! WooWoo 07:10 CC what is the predicted weather the next few days 07:10 CC hopefully calm 07:10 cb another storm coming in tonight....people worried about accumulation of snow on trees and more downed trees and toppled wires 07:10 CC oh my 07:10 CC sorry to hear that 07:10 cb callling for 2 ft more of snow in the high country 07:11 cb how u? 07:11 cb all? 07:11 CC I bet Yosemite is beautiful 07:12 CC we got about 5 inches of snow and then it rained and washed most of it away 07:12 cb Your right....I should look at that cam this am! 07:19 Derek Hi everyone 07:21 cb hi D! 07:24 kentishman Our unwanted visitor has be kicked out 07:24 cb who'd you boot D? 07:24 Derek Sexy 07:25 Derek He made an indecent pm to me LOL 07:25 BB I was wondering why he left without saying anything 07:25 BB Oh, so he hit on you??? 07:25 cb I guess I need to watch the list more.... YICKS 07:25 Derek He must have fancied me LOL 07:26 cb g 07:26 BB Good for you:D 07:26 Derek Old boys like me can't afford to be too choosy, but there are limits LOL 07:26 BB lol 07:26 cb lmao 07:27 Derek Lucky for him, he didn't pm Bill LOL 07:28 cb to funny. I saw from the log yesterday that there was some more comfusion about BB and Bill....our last name is Beverly so BB could be both of you 07:29 BB When Bruce got us mixed up I figured as much 07:29 BB My last name doesn't even start with B anymore, but my maiden name did, so for initials I still go for BB 07:29 BB And it could also mean Beatrice from Berlin 07:30 cb g 07:30 William James Beverly that better 07:30 BB very nice lol 07:30 William James Beverly goodmorning 07:30 BB Good morning. So I take it we are being formal today? 07:31 Derek Hi Bill 07:31 cb aka track layer, hangtown, p-ville pete, hangtown spy, ad if........ 07:31 William James Beverly I just didn't want any mor confusion 07:31 William James Beverly gm derek 07:39 cb I'd really like the wind to change direction!! 07:43 cb hum cam got stuck!! 07:44 cb OF 743 08:00 BB bbl 08:11 brdavis For those of us just trying to learn the views... ah, rats, it panned away 08:13 cb what would you like to know? 08:13 cb Mr Davis? 08:13 brdavis Right now the cam is trained on a geyser that was erupting more visibly slightly earlier. Oblong? Or am I (likely) comepletely off? 08:14 cb this view? 08:15 cb When Oblong erupts we can see its steam from this view 08:15 brdavis Well, it just panned right... now it looks like around Grand area? I'm just trying to get oriented. 08:15 brdavis Thank you - I only recently got the live view working, so I'm trying to figure it out. 08:16 cb I'm on the cam right now and Derek or I can help you get your barrings 08:16 Derek I'm back now 08:16 cb Hi D 08:16 Derek Just helped wash the dishes 08:17 cb Hi BDM!!! 08:17 brdavis Geyser Hill I can sort of get - but stuff "in the background" (F&M, Grand, Oblong, Daisy, etc.) are harder to figure out for me. 08:17 cb Thats to funny.... 08:17 Moose Harold Jensen It's about time, Derek - that place was starting to smell funny! Hi, cb :-) 08:17 cb join the crowd.... 08:17 Derek Got your card yesterday Bruce 08:17 Derek Thanks 08:17 Moose Harold Jensen OK :-) 08:18 Moose Harold Jensen We got yours too :-) 08:18 cb read yesterdays log....some confusion? 08:18 Moose Harold Jensen Not among us mooses...? 08:19 Derek Oh and thanks for the 500 bucks check you enclosed, even though it bounced. 08:19 Moose Harold Jensen We aims to be flexible mit our finances ;-) 08:19 cb Derek you ready...I need to get ready for work 08:20 Derek I never seen a rubber check before 08:20 Derek OK cb 08:20 Moose Harold Jensen It's also very elastic - it can used to hold things together, like spandex pants... 08:20 Derek Hmmmm 08:21 cb thanks! See ya all later.....gotta dig out again today! 08:21 brdavis Thanks cb! 08:21 Moose Harold Jensen Let it snow let it snow let it ... NOOOO! 08:21 Moose Harold Jensen Looks like Plume - yay or nay? 08:22 Moose Harold Jensen still cam hard to tell... 08:22 Derek Oh Bruce, we now have two identical photos of your son LOL 08:22 Derek You sent that one last Christmas too. 08:22 Moose Harold Jensen !!! Really? I thought we sent along the newest one...yikes! 08:23 Moose Harold Jensen Wait unitl I tell Mrs. Moose - she will be so embarrassed... 08:23 Derek Maybe, but he looks exactly the same 08:23 Derek I shouldn't worry though... I can't find last years one anyway LOL 08:24 Moose Harold Jensen His latest picture has a slightly more conventional haircut...and he is not wearing a tie. 08:24 Moose Harold Jensen In fact, his latest picture is the best one he's ever taken. He looks like a matinee idol. Too bad he doesn't act like one! 08:24 Derek I don't know where Beryl's stowed it. Otherwise I'd go have another look 08:25 Derek He's better looking than his Dad 08:25 Moose Harold Jensen If you didn't mount it and throw darts at it, Nick would be disappointed... :-D 08:25 Moose Harold Jensen Agreed - he makes his old man look like a troll, 08:25 Moose Harold Jensen ...or a moose. 08:26 Moose Harold Jensen Especially since he got his braces off. 08:27 Moose Harold Jensen All the women in the office come in and gaze at his photo. 08:27 Moose Harold Jensen (sigh) 08:28 Derek How much does he pay you to be his publicity manager? 08:28 Rich Hi brdavis 08:28 Rich Hi Derek 08:28 Rich Hi Moose Harold Jensen 08:28 Moose Harold Jensen lol! 08:28 Rich Hi William James Beverlyh 08:28 Moose Harold Jensen Hi, rich :-) 08:28 Rich Hi guest322328 08:28 Derek 08:28 Plume 08:29 Moose Harold Jensen Look how low the sun is - the place looks like the Arctic Circle... 08:30 brdavis It does look slightly on the chilly side... 08:31 Moose Harold Jensen Sigh - I miss white Christmases... 08:33 Moose Harold Jensen Reminds - just saw "White Christmas" - Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney - on TV - what a silly movie LOL 08:33 Moose Harold Jensen brb 08:57 Rich No sillier than 'It's a Wonderful Life'. 09:00 Derek A really silly but enjoyable film is called Texas Across The River. 09:03 Moose Harold Jensen I'm not sure that It's a Wonderful Life is nearly as contrived, nor as superficial, as White Christmas. Let's face it - the story is hung purely on Irving Berlin's lyrics and nothing more... 09:07 brdavis "Cats" 09:07 brdavis How long has it been running on Broadway? 09:10 Moose Harold Jensen Let's see - Texas Across the River - have to look that one up, I think - 09:11 Derek Stars Dean Martin 09:11 Moose Harold Jensen Cats - Starlight Express - Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat - anything by AL Webber - silly fluff. He should have stopped with JC Superstar IMHO. 09:12 Moose Harold Jensen Anything with Dean Martin is bound to be silly :-) that guy couldn't do anything if it wasn't goofy fun. 09:12 brdavis Yep. Just pointing out the silly and superficial is sometimes still entertaining :). 09:13 Moose Harold Jensen We have a "kids" show called Animaniacs - Steven Spielberg cartoons. Very funny - and one cartoon was about Webber musicals and how egotistical he is. 09:14 Moose Harold Jensen They produced a 5-minute Webber musical called 'Cats of Phantom Boulevard" - a hilarious tiny satire on what passes these days. 09:14 brdavis I know Animaniacs... but not that bit. I'll have to dig it up. 09:15 Moose Harold Jensen I agree, fluff can be entertaining - but after seeing it once, I rarely want to see it again. I forget the exact cartoon title - we have it at home on DVD. 09:18 Moose Harold Jensen Also had a bad experience with " Phantom" - my wife and I, and her brother and sister-in-law, had tickets to see it in San Francisco. 09:18 Moose Harold Jensen Then, just the night before, I found out my father had terminal cancer. Seeing that musical was one of the most excruciating experienecs of my life :\ 09:19 brdavis Ugh. Very sorry. 09:21 Moose Harold Jensen Ah, thanks, but no problem - that was 14 years ago. However, I have never enjoyed the musical since then (I didn't think it that good anyway - I greatly prefer the Lon Chaney silent). 09:21 brdavis Agreed. 09:22 brdavis Q: The cam is centered on Beehive currently, right? Is there a rough estimate on it? 09:22 Derek Rich is your main man for estimates :-) 09:23 Moose Harold Jensen What's your favorite musical? I think I have to go with "Man of La Mancha," in part because I love the Don Quixote story anyway... 09:24 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 09:24 Rich I figure it went over night. 09:24 Moose Harold Jensen Pretty scattered distribution of times - might be hard to nail down a time. 09:25 brdavis I'm not honestly sure what my favorite musical would be, I'd have to think about it. One's I've been in tend to stick in the head. 09:25 Moose Harold Jensen You in them? amateur, pro? We did many in High School - lots of fun! 09:25 brdavis Rich: Yes, those are more than slightly scattered in interval.. There's OF 09:26 Moose Harold Jensen Beehive often becomes rather irregular, if not rare, in wintertime. 09:26 Rich Hi guest919022 09:27 brdavis Very very amateur - a guy who can sing in highschool tends to get leads due to a lack of other options, but I had a blast for about 6 years or so. Not since college, however. 09:27 Rich Hi sparekitty 09:27 Rich Hi BB 09:28 BB Hi Rich 09:28 Moose Harold Jensen Well, I have a massive pile of work to do. So, have to shove off, tote that barge, lift that bale, swab the deck and set the sail. See ya later, mateys! 09:28 Rich I'll go for after 15:15 for BH 09:28 brdavis See you - I've got to take off as well, running off to teach the last class of the term 09:29 Rich Might have been a Plume behind OF. 09:29 Rich Have a good day brdavis 09:31 Rich Hi guest304467 09:31 guest304467 good morning 09:33 Rich OF ie 09:25:20 wc 09:42 satyrolove hi all 09:43 Rich OF was a long. 09:44 Rich hi satrolove 09:44 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 09:45 satyrolove hi 10:06 Rich Old Faithful Ranger Station Weather Station reports -3 F at 09:15 10:13 sparekitty hey rich! how's everythign today? 10:14 Rich Cold 10:14 Rich I can't seem to get into the regular camchat thru Pauls site. 10:14 Rich wb Moose 10:14 Moose Harold Jensen Thanks - just have a few... 10:15 Rich Static cam seem to be frozen for me. 10:27 Moose Harold Jensen sigh - have to leave again. Cheers all! 10:28 Rich bye Bruce 10:33 SENSE hiiiiiiiiii everyone 10:34 SENSE some one there 10:34 SENSE ????????????? 10:39 Rich Some is here. 10:42 Rich Steam at Lioin 10:43 Rich Might be some at indicator 10:46 BB Big steam behind the trees. Any expert opinion? 10:47 Rich not expert, but IMHO Riverside 10:47 BB That's what I thought but I have no idea what else is back there and where it would appear in the picture 10:48 Rich More toward the center of the static cam behind the trees is Excelsior 10:48 Rich then to the left goes Riverside, F&M, Grotto, Oblong, Grand 10:48 BB Excelsior? Like Midway Basin Excelsior? Or am I completely mistaken? 10:48 Rich With a lot of others thrown in between F&M and Grand 10:49 Rich I believe that is the Excelsior 10:49 Rich OF ie 10:49:05 wc 10:50 Derek No 10:50 Derek Preplay 10:50 Rich Just have to watch and see how long 'Riverside' runs. 10:51 Rich Yep, that was OF preplay, alright. 10:51 Derek I'm zoomed into it now 10:51 Rich BB, I use the 'saw tooth' in the treeline to mark Riverside. There is another sawtooth to the left . 10:51 Rich I'm not 10:52 BB I will have to dig out the picture of Riverside and check 10:53 Rich If I remember correctly Riverside will run for about 20 minutes. 10:54 BB The book is downstairs in my bag, so I can't check on Riverside right now 10:54 Rich I'll try and dig up an Excelsior capture from last winter. 10:55 Derek More preplay 10:55 Rich Solitary is the steam you sometimes see on the far right of the static cam in the treeline. 10:59 BB You were right about Riverside, the book says 21 minutes 11:00 Derek 11:00 O.F. 11:02 BB The oven timer just beeped, got to go. bye 11:03 Derek Old Faithful is a Long 11:03 Rich vbye 11:03 Rich ty 11:11 Rich Dec 10, 2009 recap OF 07:43, 09:25:20l ie, 11:00l, Plume 08:28, 11:11 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 11:11 Derek Possible Grand 11:11 Derek Watching for water 11:12 Derek Nope 11:27 Jason Snowfox Top of the Morning all. :) 11:27 Jason Snowfox So so busy this week. Usually december is slow! 11:27 Derek 11:27 Daisy ie 11:33 Rich Hi Jason 11:34 Jason Snowfox Hi Rich, Derek 11:34 Jason Snowfox Another storm coming through soon 11:35 Derek Hi Jason 11:35 Derek We've got a spell of cold weather on the way too. 11:36 Jason Snowfox Supposed to be a double header. One tonight, a few hours off, then rain all through the weekend. 11:37 Jason Snowfox A lot of snow on the Mountains around here 11:45 CC Little cub 11:45 12:30 CC OF 12:30 12:33 CC OF is a long 12:34 Rich I added some software links to the Resource Tips page 12:35 BB Yes, I already saw that. Did you try the program I found? 12:36 Rich Lois loaded it, but she is napping so I haven't had a chance to find out. 12:36 CC depression 12 :36 IE 12:36 BB I have been saving almost 500 pictures again today, but all I can see is steam 12:36 Rich Yesterday we were in the middle of trying a GiveAwayOfTheDay capture program. 12:37 Rich ScreenCapture 12:38 Rich By the time we had figured out how to make it work the time limit had expired for the free download. 12:38 Rich http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/ 12:39 BB The one I found is very simple but works well for me. It is the only one that had a timer like I wanted one 12:39 BB Now I am all set for the next full moon :) Will save everything and go through the pictures afterwards 12:39 Rich I'll try and get GOTD link posted. 12:41 Rich The one we were trying yesterday lets you take snapshots as well as vid captures. Don't think it had a timer on the still capture tho. Also had a feature to let you use your webcam with more than one application at a time. 12:42 Rich I think Lois had at least one question about X-Shot2002 but the help file is in German, so I referred her to you. lol 12:44 BB No problem :) Although I think I didn't even download the help file. It was easy to figure out how to make the program do what I wanted it to do. But I can always go back and check. 12:44 Rich Lois has been working on her HighSchool Class website, they are planning their 50 year reunion. 12:46 Rich I just got the lights on our Christmas Tree. Will try and get a night shot and post later. 12:47 BB We will go away for a week this year (until the 26th) so we won't even buy a tree. 12:48 BB We rented a small cottage in the Czech Republic. I think they have Wifi there - otherwise I will come back in complete geyser withdrawal ;) 12:48 Rich Since I was up this year, Lois decided we needed a real tree. We have been dig out ornaments from our childhood to put on it. 12:49 sparekitty my favorite ornaments are the ones that were my mothers in her childhood. they're not very pretty now but i sure love them 12:49 Rich Have to burn a dvd of your captures so you can simulate YNP. 12:49 BB X-D 12:50 Rich We have several strings of blown glass beads from my Dad's grandmother's tree. 12:50 Rich They are so delicate anymore, breathe on them and they seem to crumble. 12:50 BB Wow. Don't break them 12:50 Rich They get special handling anytime they come out. 12:51 Rich We always had fir tree, and Mom would spend about 2 weeks decorating it. The tinsel was laid on one strand at a time, and she covered all the interior branches as well. 12:52 Rich I think I have a scan of our tree in about 1955, I'll look for it. 12:53 BB We used to have tinsel too when we where kids, and my mother hated it when we just threw handsful on every branch. She also prefered the single strand look 12:53 BB But with four children there was not much she could do about it 12:53 Rich Mom's are like that, yeah they are. lol 12:53 BB But after we all moved out she gave up on the tinsel altogether 12:53 Rich the three of us kids got to string popcorn while Mom decorated. 12:53 sparekitty my husband is the ONLY person allowed to add tinsel to our tree. he is somewhat of a perfectionist and i cannot stand to listen to him critique the tinsel placement. so we don't have to listen to him if he does it! 12:54 BB That is the best solution g 12:54 Rich Made construction paper chains. Cutting and glueing. No stapling in those days. 12:54 Rich lol 12:55 Rich I think we had to glue because it took longer to make. g 12:55 BB Or she didn't want you to staple your fingers 12:55 Rich Never thought of that, hmmmm? 12:55 Rich Maybe Mom was wise after all. lol 12:55 BB I did that once, believe you, you don't want to try it 12:56 BB believe me, I mean 12:56 CC Little cub 12 :56 12:56 Rich About as much fun as getting a fish hook caught in your finger. 12:58 BB Well, I guess we could find a few things that are as much fun if we really tried ;) Like trying to cut of your fingertip with a rotary cutter 12:58 BB off 12:58 Rich I already cut the tip of my left little finger off with a table saw. g 12:59 BB Same finger, but I stopped at almost g 12:59 BB See, even quilting is dangerous 13:03 Rich Mom sewed her finger to something once. 13:03 BB Ouch. Though I hear this is a rather common sewing accident 13:04 sparekitty my sister ran the sewing maching needle through my thumb when i was 10. man, that hurt! 13:04 BB I am glad I never tried that (yet) 13:09 Rich I was supposed to be going to a Sergovia guitar concert the day I cut off the end of my little finger. I didn't make it. 13:16 Rich Hi thaiboxer645 13:21 Jason Snowfox As a child, I saw my dad do horrible things to him with powertools. 13:21 Jason Snowfox himself that is 13:21 Jason Snowfox I certainly learned to respect them. :D 13:21 BB That sounds like Tim The Toolman Taylor X-D 13:22 Jason Snowfox I learned ALWAYS know where your hands are.. in relation to tablesaws and drills. :D 13:24 Rich Hi guest717319 13:45 sparekitty plume ie 13:44 14:01 CC OF 14: 14:02 CC Grand 14:02 14:08 CC OF 14:08 14:09 Derek And a spectator 14:09 CC yep 14:09 Derek Maybe he's one of the builders working on the new vc 14:11 CC OF is a long 14:11 brdavis I was thinking the same thing. 14:19 Kent I think the Xanterra employees started coming in from Mammoth today so we ought to have more spectators from now on. 14:56 Rich Hi Kent 14:56 Rich Hi brdavis 14:58 Kent Hi Rich 15:00 Rich Just found some 8mm homemovies that have been transfered to tape, and I captures on computer. Going to try and edit for YNP stuff. 15:00 Rich There is a nice capture of Riverside. 15:02 Rich A sign that says something Next eruption July 5 between 4:30 and 5:00 pm. 15:04 brdavis Plume at ? 15:04 Rich Quite possibly. 15:05 brdavis (5:03 my time, Eastern, so, what, 16:03 ?) 15:05 Rich would be 15:03 mst 15:06 Rich two hours earlier than you. 15:07 brdavis Ah, OK, got it. Day too long, too many student questions. Need food. 15:07 Rich Need CHOCOLATE!!!!! 15:08 brdavis Nestle semi-sweet morsels right now. But I really should top them off with something else as well (the pizza will be ready for pick-up in 10 min) 15:08 Rich Pizza topped with chocolate? 15:09 brdavis Ugh. No, there are limits, even for chocolate. I think. Maybe. 15:10 Rich lol 15:11 Rich No point in wasting good chocolate. g 15:11 brdavis OK, off to get the pizza. TTFN. 15:13 cb Hello jason, Rich, and guest32232 15:14 Rich Hi cb 15:16 Rich We are off to the grocery store before the sunsets and everything turns to a deepfreeze 15:16 cb ok 15:16 cb see ya later 15:23 cb Depression 1523 ie 15:35 fire1996 hello 15:35 fire1996 asny girls here with cam press 1 15:35 fire1996 if ur a girl here press 2 15:37 cb OF 1537 15:40 cb long 15:58 cb looks like close to cone 16:00 cb Wow!!! a two legged on the boardwalk 16:05 Jason Snowfox hey Cb :) sorry, I had to actually work 16:07 cb no worries! 16:07 Jason Snowfox Cam looks so pretty 16:08 cb Does kinda watching both castle and Daisy 16:08 cb and keepin an eye on BH 16:09 Jason Snowfox Must be the way of the sunlight that's so appealing to me 16:11 cb yep this time of night/afternoon the light hit the steam and gives off that beautiful pink huw 16:43 Rich And it is still cold outside. 16:43 Rich brrrrrr 16:44 cb yes it is. snow is just starting to melt here 16:50 Rich Sunset is at 16:43, Twilight is 17:16, Moonrise tomorrow 02:58am 16:54 Rich Dec 10, 2009 recap Daisy 11:27ie, Depression 12:36IE, 15:23ie, Grand 14:02, Little Cub 11:45, 12:56 OF 07:43, 09:25:20l ie, 11:00l, 12:29:49l ie, 14:08, 15:37L, Plume 08:28, 13:44, 16:03, 16:56 cb thanks for the recap rich. 16:56 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 16:56 Rich you got it. g 16:56 cb how things in seattle 16:56 Rich Might be Riverside again, I'll have to check captures. 16:57 Rich Cold, Cold and broke a 99 year record cold. 16:57 Rich lol 16:57 cb Looks like BH 16:57 cb Indicator 1657 iee 17:00 cb really pretty w the pink on indicator 17:00 Rich Hi guest395062 17:00 Rich Well, sorry cb, I missed by about 1h 45m. g 17:02 cb what'd you miss? 17:02 cb did you predict BH? 17:02 Rich I predicted BH after 15:15 17:03 cb after is the key word....you got it...I just quickly glanced at the log today.... trying to shovel the porch also 17:04 cb steps like a ice rink this morning 17:05 Rich Get the kitty litter out/sand 17:05 cb need to get the majority of the snow off first 17:06 Rich ah, that does help. 17:07 CC back just in time 17:07 cb Hi cc! 17:07 CC hi 17:07 cb home now? 17:07 CC great timing 17:07 CC ]no 17:07 cb yes!! 17:07 CC leaving first thing tomorrow morning so I wo 17:08 CC won't be on the cam 17:08 CC Bh 17:08 CC beautiful 17:09 Rich BH 17:07:56ie 17:10 CC OF 17:10 17:10 cb OF 1710 17:10 CC A Dual 17:10 cb argggggg 17:10 Rich cool 17:10 cb I'm swearing!!! 17:11 Rich lol 17:11 CC well at least you saw the first three minutes 17:11 Rich yep 17:11 Rich might see somemore yet. 17:11 CC I can still see a little of it 17:11 cb yeap and can ee a bit of it to the left 17:12 CC nice job cb 17:13 cb yicks here comes the steam 17:13 cb wipers ready CC 17:14 Rich Riverside 10:46:05ie, 16:46:58ie, 17:15 CC time to sign off....see you sometime tomorrow 17:15 cb thanks CC 17:15 Rich HI guest921902 17:15 cb I do the cam in the am 17:16 CC that would be great....thanks 17:16 CC goodnight all 17:16 cb drive safely 17:16 cb night 17:16 Rich nite CC 17:17 cb a waiver 17:17 Rich steam at Lion 17:18 cb been steaming alot since I got on this afternoon 17:20 Rich I just like to mention in case some one is looking in the log and notice that Lion steams about every hour. lol 17:20 cb ahhh ok 17:21 cb Plume 1721 17:22 Rich How about Little Cub 17:22 Rich And on the home movies there is the Riverside sign with July 5th eruption between 4:30 and 5:00 pm 17:23 cb see ya all in the morning 17:24 cb night rich 17:24 Rich nite cb 17:24 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/04/09 12:05:00 43:26 12/05/09 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 17:30 Rich Dec 10, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 16:57 Beehive 17:07:56ie, Daisy 11:27ie, Depression 12:36IE, 15:23ie, Grand 14:02, Little Cub 11:45, 12:56 17:30 Rich OF 07:43, 09:25:20l ie, 11:00l, 12:29:49l ie, 14:08, 15:37L, 17:10, Plume 08:28, 13:44, 16:03, 17:21, Riverside 10:46:05ie, 16:46:58ie, 17:41 Rich Riverside times were added after reviewing the captures. 17:43 Rich Nite guest395062 17:43 Rich Nite guest921902 17:44 Rich Nite Yellowstone December 11th, 2009 06:46 BB Hi, cb 06:55 cb Oh Hi BB. sorry was reading the newspaper while waiting for light 06:56 BB no problem :) I usually read email or blogs while waiting but since I figured out the click thing it got a little easier 06:57 cb g 07:05 cb looks like Lion on the static at 705 ie 07:05 BB yes, I think so too 07:06 cb yep Lion 705 ie 07:06 BB I was just reviewing my screenshots, and there was steam before, but no eruption unteil 7.05 07:06 BB until 07:07 cb OF 707 07:07 BB and OF 07:07 07:08 BB good show, just for the two of us :) 07:08 cb g 07:08 cb in the early morning light 07:08 brdavis Three of us: I keep popping in and out and just caught it on the live cam (thanks for the pan) 07:09 cb hi Brian 07:09 BB hi 07:09 brdavis Goodmorning! 07:09 cb I'm assuming the br stands for Brian!! 07:10 brdavis Yep. Brian Davis in RL, brdavis on the geyser listserve. 07:10 BB I was wondering how you knew his name... couldn't remember anything from the logs 07:11 cb I think I've seen your posts to the list.... 07:11 cb OF is a Long 07:11 brdavis I'm the physics guy who keeps building geysers in his kitchen, becasue he doesn't have the time/money to get to see the real thing :). 07:11 brdavis There was a long yesterday too IMS 07:12 brdavis I'll drop by later - got to do morning stuff, but I'll end up grading most of the day (which is a good time to watch the cam). 07:13 cb Ahhh I remember that! 07:26 BB cb, which one is that? My wild guess would be Sawmill? 07:29 cb I'm sorry I'm just not paying attention to the chat log... 07:30 cb talking w my hubby and watching the screen...so sorry. not sure which one you were asking about 07:32 BB The one that was erupting in the basin. 07:32 BB I think it was to the left of Grand. 07:33 Hangtown Bill looked more like spasmodic BB 07:33 BB Ok, thanks. 07:33 cb Here i'll go back 07:33 BB Still trying to figure it all out 07:33 cb I think it was sawmill 07:34 BB right this one, between the two lone trees 07:34 cb that is sawmill in the center of the screen 07:34 BB yes, that's what I thougt 07:34 BB thought 07:34 Hangtown Bill looks like they are both going 07:34 cb daisy to the L and spasmodic to the r 07:35 BB I have marked Daisy on my reference photo but not Spasmodic yet. 07:35 BB I will check the book for locations 07:36 BB Argh, didn't pay attention where you moved the cam! What am I looking at now? 07:36 cb this is spas 07:36 cb spasmodic 07:36 BB ty, saved a screenshot right away 07:38 vw Good morning/afternoon all. Been busy, and i missed being here! 07:39 BB hi vw 07:39 Hangtown Bill gm] 07:39 cb MORNING vw 07:39 BB Just getting private lessons on geyser locations here 07:39 vw cool! 07:39 cb have missed you lately 07:39 vw i will have to go back and read the logs so I can get the tutorial too! 07:39 vw yeah, been busy cb. :( 07:40 cb figured....that time of the year 07:40 vw oh i only wish. havent even had time to get ready for christmas! two weeks away! 07:40 cb you have needy clients that are keeping you running? 07:41 vw very needy. and all of a sudden more needy! 07:41 BB Well, over here they always behave as if everything ends once the holidays are here 07:41 vw BB - one of the things that i find here is that the perspective of the camera really messes with the map in my mind. things that i KNOW where they are seem out of place sometimes here. 07:41 BB vw, I noticed that before 07:42 cb that time of the year for them! 07:42 vw why i never "call" something down basin 07:42 BB That's why I asked ;) 07:42 vw between perspective, wind, steam from lots of things, unless we have eyes down there i just dont feel comfortable 07:42 cb Yes the perspective i different on the cam...for example oblong seems 07:43 cb .....arrgggg by pinky has a mind of its own today.... 07:43 vw :D 07:43 BB I save screenshots of every geyser somebody else calls, and then I try to figure out where it is in the panorama picture. 07:44 BB Use trees for reference, for example. But it is still difficult. 07:44 BB I still haven't found out where to put Penta 07:44 vw that will work best when we do have eyes in the basin. also watch the wind direction at any given time. and wind down basin can be a lot different than on geyser hill 07:45 BB Graham called Penta, and I am sure he knows where it is. But I got really confused with the picture and the map in the book and finally gave up 07:45 vw the ones that confuse me are Riverside, Grotto and Fan and Mortar. in my mind they should be a lot further to the right on the cam, but arent! 07:45 cb will show you where Penta usually can be seen....remeber that it has variable...wind, inversion, temps etc 07:46 vw the cam operators are TOTALLY reliable. they spend so much time here that they have translated location in their brains! 07:47 cb you to funny vw. in the center of the screen where the steam is...is Penta 07:47 cb 's general location 07:47 vw the operators often see water too when i cant. they know what they are looking at! 07:47 cb pinky 07:47 BB so it would be to the right of that higher tree 07:47 BB yes, ty 07:47 cb have zoomed for you 07:48 vw when Graham, CC and i are in the basin in january, we will try to let you know when things erupt down basin. 07:48 BB ty, cb, I have been saving screenshots like crazy :) 07:48 vw :) 07:49 cb oh my 07:49 vw there are so many amazing gazers who know what they see, i really rely on them. 07:49 cb pink 07:49 vw you beat me to it cb! 07:49 vw i have missed this and you guys so much. 07:49 BB very nice 07:49 cb Pink sky in the morning sailors take warning 07:49 vw actually warming a tad now. about time! 07:50 vw Billings is actually in the teens today. Yahooooo! 07:50 cb noticed you all are not in the negitivess this am 07:50 cb We are above 30 today....still have snow in our street and yard. 07:51 vw yesterday we started our warming trend. 20 degree difference from a couple of days ago. downright balmy. 07:51 cb we got slammed by that storm on monday. and paralyzed our little city 07:51 vw did you see the NASA photo of the snow and storm/ 07:52 vw oops...? 07:52 vw http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/NaturalHazards/view.php?id=41554&src=nha 07:52 vw amazing photo. amazingly big storm! 07:52 vw Daisy/ 07:52 vw oops again 07:53 vw faulty pinkies are a problem this am 07:53 cb Thats amazing!!! 07:53 vw isnt it cool! 07:53 BB wow 07:53 vw could pick out your location right away cb! 07:53 vw ALL that white! 07:53 cb yeah mine keeps freakin out and tapping the enter key randomly 07:54 cb yep. by the big body of water? 07:54 vw well, guess i better get back to working. end of the day and week will come sooner that way. 07:55 vw have a good day all! 07:55 vw bye. 07:55 BB bye vw 07:57 cb brb 08:02 cb needed breakfat 08:02 cb fast 08:05 BB cb, thanks for the lesson. I dug out the photo of Penta, and it turns out that I was obviously too late when I saved the screenshot. It was nowhere near the location that you showed me. No surprise I couldn't match it with the map 08:09 cb Lion 808 ie 08:09 cb caught the last little bit 08:09 cb on the static 08:10 BB Argh, meebo just kicked me out! 08:11 BB I reviewed the screenshots, I have Lion i.e. at 08.06 08:11 cb welcome to the meebo gremlins!@! 08:11 cb ahh thank you! 08:11 cb you and Rich are great a saving ss's! 08:12 BB He gave me the idea... and since he is not here right now I thought I should do it 08:12 cb g 08:13 BB I finally found a programm that will take one every 30 seconds automatically... I plan to use that during the next full moon :D 08:13 BB Are you looking at the static, too, cb? Or just the streaming? 08:13 cb ahhhh that was great. Have looked on occation during a full moon but haveb't seen much 08:14 BB Because there just was some steam that I couldn't identify 08:14 cb my fingers have mooseitts 08:14 BB your fingers have what??? 08:15 cb named after Bruce da moose.......mooseits....typing mistakes:S 08:15 BB aah 08:15 BB Sometimes I get confused... remember I am not a native speaker :) 08:16 cb yes I try to remember that but you are sooooo good at engli*****s hard to remember 08:16 BB ty 08:17 BB Now that's Castle, if I remember correctly... 08:17 cb yes 08:17 BB yay! 08:18 cb just steaming now...waiting to see if I can see jets of water 08:30 BB Hi Derek 08:30 cb Derek 08:31 cb Hi 08:31 cb that was backwards....I gotta get ready for work! cam is yours 08:32 cb By for now...tx's for sharing my morning w me BB! 08:32 BB Bye cb 08:32 BB And thank you for all the explanations 08:36 cb chow 08:38 BB OF 08:38 ie 08:38 BB didn't pay attention again :( 08:55 guest9232567 hey all 08:56 guest9232567 how is everone 09:07 Derek 09:07 Lion 09:32 brdavis What's steaming in the background far left? Sawmill seems further left than that. 09:38 BB I am back. Wow, full house. Hi, all 09:39 brdavis Hello! 09:42 sparekitty anybody else seeing blue on the streaming cam? 09:42 BB yes 09:42 brdavis Yep. 09:43 kentishman I'll call CC 09:43 sparekitty thanks; often, it's just me. thanks derek! 09:43 Rich Hi BB 09:43 Rich Hi brdavis 09:43 BB Hi Rich 09:43 Rich hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:43 Rich Hi Kent 09:43 Rich Hi Rich 09:43 brdavis Hi Rich 09:44 Rich Hi sparekitty 09:44 Rich hi guest919022 09:44 sparekitty hola rich! 09:44 Gazer-by-Proxy Yo, Rich! 'Sup? 09:45 Rich Me, we are having a heat wave in the house it was 61 in my bedroom this morning. lol 09:45 sparekitty that's pretty cold for INSIDE the house 09:46 Rich It has been in the low 50's 09:46 Derek CC is going to phone Craig Johnson 09:46 Rich Hi Derek 09:47 Gazer-by-Proxy I woke up to a 55-degree apartment. 09:49 Rich Frosty the snowperson? 09:53 BB people on the static! Well, at least one 09:54 brdavis I think I saw the same guy going L to R just shortly after the live feed went down. 09:54 Rich BB, under the Cartography section of the Resource page is a link to a map that has the Field of Views marked for the static cam and the streaming cam, by Bruce. 09:55 BB Are you reading today's log, Rich? :) 09:55 BB Yes, I already found that map but it is still difficult... 09:55 Rich Read it, just getting the answers together. 09:55 Rich True 09:57 BB I guess I will just have to ask and ask and ask again, until I figure it all out. Today I learnt to pinpoint Spasmodic, and also the location of Penta, if it ever wants to erupt again 09:57 brdavis Rich, is that something the rest of us can access (the FOV "maps" for the static and streaming)? What URL? 09:59 BB Rich is talking about his resource page where he collects all sorts of useful stuff. 09:59 BB http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 10:00 BB And he is always happy to take suggestions what else he should put up there 10:01 brdavis Holy cow! Wow, thank you, there's a lot of nice stuff there (professionally displayed)! 10:03 Michael Hello. I guess today is a static-only day? 10:04 BB Hi Michael. Yes, at least for the last 20 minutes. Before the streaming was fine 10:05 Michael To add to the geyser-ID discussion, there is another geyser right behind Penta (named "Old Tardy") that looks almost the same on camera. 10:06 Rich Sorry, lost connection, on dial up. 10:07 Rich Thanks BB. 10:07 Michael I can only tell them apart based on what Sawmill and Spasmodic are doing. 10:07 Rich Hi Michael 10:07 BB I think OF might be going? 10:07 Michael Old Faithful 10:05ie. 10:08 Rich If OF was a short last time, it is in it's window. 10:08 Michael Definitely not the start. 10:08 Rich I'd say OF 10:09 BB Last OF was 8.38 i.e., so I would think it was a long? 10:09 BB When I looked the water column was already going down 10:10 BB Back to Penta: Thanks, Michael. I would never venture a guess for Penta anyway, from what I hear it's pretty rare. 10:10 BB I was just confused with my screenshot, and now I know it there wasn't Penta in it anyway 10:12 Michael Lion 10:11 10:12 brdavis Lion 10:11 on static? Mine is updating slowly 10:13 Michael Mine is stuck on an eruption start at 10:11:42 10:14 brdavis Ditto, just updated to 10:13:05 10:15 CC streaming cam may be down for a while 10:15 CC Something has happened to the connection in the cold weather. 10:15 CC My apologies to you all 10:33 Rich I was fighting with my computer during the last OF, I misread OF last eruption, I was reading the log for Lion. 10:33 Rich i 10:33 Rich I'm connected now at 41.2, zooming over the previous 37 10:36 Rich brdavis, as BB stated, if you have any thing you would like to share, photos, links, bookmarks, hints/tips/software, a trip report, reference material link, I'll gladly add them to the Resource pages. 10:41 Rich Splashing at Indicator? 10:42 Rich or BH, sorry. 10:46 Michael Wasn't paying attention. 10:55 Rich For those of you that might be interested, I'm looking for BH after 11:45. 10:58 BB g 10:58 Rich lol 10:59 BB I am cooking dinner right now but checking the log, don't wanna miss BH. Just had to come back after reading your prediction ;) 10:59 BB bbl 11:02 Rich bye BB 11:06 Rich Dec 11, 2009 recap Lion 07:05ie, 08:06ie, 09:07, 10:11:42ie, OF 07:07l, 08:38ie, 10:05ie, Pump 10:19:42ie, 11:06 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 11:06 Derek 11:06 Plume 11:07 Derek Streaming cam has come back online all by itself 11:07 Derek But there is no guarantee it wont go off again 11:08 brdavis I wondered how you saw plume on the static. The streaming cam NPSpage actually changed (& still says) "down". 11:12 Michael Thanks for the update Derek. I see that the streaming image is still rather shaky. Now it's gone again. 11:14 Rich Sunset 16:43, Twilight 17:16, Moonset 13:27, Moonrise 12/12/09 04:10 11:18 Michael Lion 11:17 11:18 Michael ie 11:20 Rich hi guest322328 11:25 Rich One question arouse when reading your geyser model http://mypage.iusb.edu/~brdavis/GeyserModel.html ------ Who was your Adult Supervisor? lol 11:27 brdavis I sometimes interprete "adult" very loosely :) 11:27 Rich lol 11:28 brdavis It's too bad I can't put together an "outtakes" video: live steam jets, water hitting th ceiling, and the entire geyser tipping over would be just some of the highlights. 11:28 Rich The Wife? 11:28 brdavis ...is *VERY* understanding. 11:29 Gazer-by-Proxy We gazer-spouses have to be! ;) 11:29 Rich hi guywithcam 11:46 Rich Little Cub? 11:52 Michael Old Faithful 11:51 11:54 Rich BB, the tree shadows are aligning to North at 12:00. 12:01 Rich I believe there was a Plume at 11:51:40ie 12:06 BB Sorry, Rich, I wasn't paying attention. I watched Brian's YouTube video on his geysers and didn't hear the click. 12:06 BB Brian, I am completely in awe 12:06 BB Rich, I thought about Plume in that shot, too, but then Michael announced OF right away, so I thought it was just the beginning of OF 12:07 Rich I'm going to ? it in the recap. 12:08 Rich br's youtube is linked on the Multimedia page also. 12:15 BB Lion 12:15 ie 12:16 Rich Fresh Bread in 5 minutes. 12:18 Rich Buttermilk Wheat bread. 12:23 Rich Loisb got the family home movie edited and posted YNP portion to YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwoKNhc859M&feature=youtube_gdata 12:58 Ryan Hi all how r u 12:59 BB Hi Ryan 12:59 Ryan How r u BB 13:00 BB Fine. Trying to read the log, taking screenshots of the static and watching the chatroom all at the same time :) 13:00 Ryan nice... 13:00 BB keeps me busy waiting for BH 13:01 BB Rich predicted 11.45. He was off for almost two hours yesterday, so I am still hoping 13:01 Ryan lol 13:01 Rich lol 13:01 Rich Hi Ryan 13:02 Rich Something tells me it is going to be much later for BH. g 13:02 Ryan Hi R how r u 13:02 brdavis Oh good, so I've not missed BH yet? ;) 13:02 BB It probably waits until I get tired and go to bed 13:02 brdavis Reading back, I'm glad the video is a hit. I'll gladly accept fresh bread in payment. 13:03 Rich lol 13:03 Rich I'll scan the loaf and email you some, br. 13:03 brdavis lol 13:03 Ryan Hi brdavis how r u 13:04 brdavis good. Grading papers and watching the static cam. 13:05 Ryan Oooh wat do u teach? 13:06 brdavis Physics, astronomy, geology... universisity level. Term is almost done, so I'm grading. 13:06 Ryan WOWOW!!! 13:06 Ryan I could use some teaching there 13:07 brdavis As in "you want some", or "you need some becasue those subjects are hard"? 13:09 SENSE hiiiiiii any girl wanna cam chat?????? 13:10 Rich sorry 13:10 brdavis Ryan: I've heard you're into rocketry. What type? 13:10 Ryan Amateur 13:10 Ryan Sugar Fuels 13:10 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 13:10 Ryan Epoxy Fuels 13:10 brdavis I may have a chance to launch a LEGO payload on a NASArocket this year... we'll see if it works out. 13:11 Ryan Nice 13:11 Ryan http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lilryry2121&search_type=&aq=f 13:11 Ryan my youtube videos 13:11 brdavis Could be. Cool on the videos, I'll take a look. 13:14 BB Lion 13:13 ie 13:14 Ryan Is anyone elses streaming down 13:15 BB Yes 13:15 BB has been for over three hours 13:15 Ryan ok good so its not my computer 13:15 BB Some kind of connection problem due to cold weather, I think, CC said 13:17 BB I am giving up for now 13:17 BB So my prediction is you will see BH within the next 30 minutes ;) 13:17 brdavis So, then... BH should be any minute,, lol. 13:17 BB g 13:18 BB bye 13:18 Ryan lol; bye bb 13:18 brdavis bye BB 13:28 Rich OF ie 13:27:32 wc 14:09 Rich Hi Kent 14:10 Rich Dec 11, 2009 recap Lion 07:05ie, 08:06ie, 09:07, 10:11:42ie, 11:17ie, 12:15ie, 13:13ie, OF 07:07l, 08:38ie, 10:05ie, 11:51, 13:27:32ie, Plume 11:06, ?11:51:40ie, Pump 10:19:42ie, 14:10 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 14:14 Rich Lion ie 14:14:15 wc 14:15 Michael Interesting that we don't have a time for Depression. More likely lack of paying attention than lack of eruptions. 14:15 Rich There is always a missing 30 seconds for the static cam. 14:16 Rich Static cam froze for me at 14:14:15 14:16 brdavis ditto 14:17 Rich refreshed at 14:17:07 14:18 Michael Right. and technical difficulties too. 14:19 Rich It's not unusual for the static cam to go down on Friday around 15:00 and not come back until 12:00 on Saturday, either. 14:21 Rich wb BB 14:21 Michael Yes. If that happens I'll have to take up another hobby for the day. 14:21 BB So no BH yet??? 14:21 Rich not yet. g 14:22 Michael No, but it is sending up an encouraging number of steam puffs. 14:22 brdavis Nope. But your back - does this mean a longer BH delay? 14:22 Rich I was thinking the same thing. 14:22 Rich lol 14:22 BB :P 14:23 Rich Plume ie 14:22:04 wc 14:23 Michael Plume 14:22 14:27 Michael Depression 14:27ie 14:28 brdavis Depression L of the walkway, L of lion etc.? 14:29 Michael Yes, that's the one. 14:30 brdavis Thanks. Now I know where to look 14:30 BB What is Depression's interval? How often could you see it per day? 14:31 Michael BB, for the last few weeks Depressions intervals have been 2.5-4 hours or so. Before that it was going once or twice a day. 14:31 Graham hello 14:32 brdavis hi 14:32 BB The books says at least 8 hours, that confused me. I was going through my screenshots, and I might have found one or two more today. 14:32 BB hi Graham 14:33 Michael There are also some small geysers behind Depression, called the Dwarves. Earlier this year one of the Dwarves was large enough to create confusion as well. 14:33 Graham depression shortened its intervals drastically in September. It was on more typical intervals of 12-24 hours before 14:34 Michael Hi Graham. 14:34 BB Ok. I think I will save the pictures and have the experts look at them again :) 14:34 Graham actually it changed in October. see this link for how fast it changed.. http://gosa.org/geysers/DEPRESSION/articles/F%2003… 14:35 Graham ok, os own up, who broke the cam? 14:35 BB But my Plume from two days ago was confirmed by Rich and Bruce, so I might be getting better at this. 14:35 Rich Hi Graham 14:35 Graham hello, home early to watch the streaming cam...and its down :( 14:35 Graham maybe I should go back to work 14:36 Rich lol 14:38 Rich Dec 11, 2009 recap Depression 14:27ie, Lion 07:05ie, 08:06ie, 09:07, 10:11:42ie, 11:17ie, 12:15ie, 13:13ie, OF 07:07l, 08:38ie, 10:05ie, 11:51, 13:27:32ie, Plume 11:06, ?11:51:40ie, 14:22:04ie, Pump 10:19:42ie, 14:38 Graham I actually didnt go in to work today anyway, went to an Executive off-site...sounds fancy doesn't it? 14:38 Graham thanks Rich 14:38 Rich Have a good afternoon/evening/night. I'm off to thestore. 14:39 BB bye 14:39 Graham so we are due a Lion or its done for this series? 14:39 Graham bye RIch 14:39 Ryan Bye R 14:39 Ryan Bye everyone! 14:39 brdavis Bye Ryan 14:40 BB One more question about Depression: what about duration? In how many frames of the static would I have to see steam? 14:41 Michael Last Lion was 14:14 14:41 Graham its usually 4 min of significant steam. when its really cold you can see the steam from the runoff down the hill 14:42 BB Thanks, Graham. 14:42 Graham k, thanks Michael. will get HAL to update his list later :) 14:42 BB I think I will look through my almost 600 screenshots from today another time. Will go to bed now and give you all a chance to see BH X-D 14:42 BB bye 14:43 Graham Depression continues to erupt as it drains so theres pften a lot of lingering steam too 14:43 Graham bye 14:43 Michael Good night, BB 14:49 brdavis Well, i'll increase the chances of a BH by having to leave as well :|. 14:50 Graham see ya 14:50 Michael Bye, brdavis. 14:55 Michael Old Faithful 14:55 ie 14:56 Graham nice 15:07 Graham Pat had Plume at 1220 so I think the 115o is probably not plume, would have been a bit early (but possible) 15:08 Graham also Riverside at 1102ie, Oblong 1254 15:25 Michael There's Lion. 15:25. 15:25 Graham yep 15:26 Michael Not sure when I last saw a Lion initial. As far as I know they're about as frequent as F&M now. 15:28 Graham haha...probably more than F&M but its nice to see the long series 15:31 Michael It is nice to know there's probably going to be another eruption. Especially if I've convinced passers-by to wait for one. 15:31 Michael Hello Moose. 15:31 Moose Harold Jensen Hello, folks! 15:32 Graham yeah I hope it is still doing this in Jan. would be nice to watch a day of Lion and Depression eruptions while waiting for BH 15:32 Moose Harold Jensen It's raining here, but looks like a pretty (if chilly) day in Paradise! 15:32 Graham hey there 15:32 Moose Harold Jensen Hi, GM 15:33 Bruce da Moose There - that's better :-) 15:34 Bruce da Moose Gettng our vacation plans together for next summer... 15:34 Bruce da Moose 2 days Crater Lake, folllowed by 3 days Columbia Gorge & Portland 15:35 Graham cool, mid-summer to go round Crater Lake? 15:35 Bruce da Moose Then 6 days at Mt. Rainier, both NW and S sides 15:35 Bruce da Moose then 2 nights near Sandpoint ID... 15:35 Michael That sounds really nice. Al of it. 15:36 Bruce da Moose Followed by 5 nites OF, 3 nites Canyon, 2 nights Tetons, and One night home. 15:36 Graham nice trip..how many days in YNP? 15:36 Bruce da Moose Yeah, should be nice. I am always torn between seeing somethnig new and watching geysers... 15:37 Graham thatys a long trip 15:37 Bruce da Moose But this year my wife decided we should make a nice 4-week tour of different things, and can harldy argue - I love the Gorge & Rainier, and have never really looked much at Crater lake. 15:38 Bruce da Moose All in July. 15:38 Bruce da Moose Graham, I am up for anything that me out of this crummy little suburban mess. 15:38 Bruce da Moose gets me out 15:39 Graham yeah I know what you mean. i went to Crater Lake, I think it was early May and the snow was wonderful 15:39 Michael Hey, is that Indicatro? 15:39 Michael 15:38. 15:39 Bruce da Moose We did a grand tour of OR & WA about 5 years ago, and it was smashing. So many waterfalls, and Rainiier was clear every day! What a treasure. 15:40 Graham never been to Rainier 15:40 Graham is that ind? 15:40 brdavis indicator15:37? 15:40 Graham yep 15:41 lc Hey everyone 15:41 Graham cam control is up 15:41 Bruce da Moose ..and all i got is this lousy static cam!:p 15:42 Graham theres hope for streaming 15:42 Bruce da Moose Not here, there ain't! They cut me off after that Giantess I watched too much one day ;-) 15:43 Graham ah 15:43 Graham Beehive 1543 15:44 brdavis yep. cool. 15:44 Graham pretty! 15:44 Bruce da Moose Brilliante! 15:44 Michael Love the sunlight on the column. 15:45 brdavis I was just thinking about the sunlight & wind direction. Perfect. 15:46 Bruce da Moose OOOH, the static cam shot is nice! 15:47 Graham not much wind 15:47 Graham yeah nice 15:47 Michael Grand 15:47 15:50 Bruce da Moose I preserved a few static cam shots on Facebook 15:50 Michael Good. They're definitely keepers. 15:51 Bruce da Moose Not too bad - the cam has a bunch of skuzz on the glass window, but you can see the geysers OK. 15:51 brdavis Is that Grand? 15:51 Bruce da Moose yes! 15:51 brdavis Cool. Missed the start, on the phone. 15:51 Bruce da Moose GRANDiose, ain't it? 15:53 Michael Looks like grand still has its own sunbeam too. 15:54 brdavis Beautiful 15:57 Graham second burst 15:59 Graham no thiird 16:01 Michael Great way to wrap up the afternoon. 16:01 Graham nice day in the basin 16:03 brdavis A very nice finish. Signing off to go out to dinner. 16:03 Bruce da Moose It is raining like the rear 5,000 BC around here... 16:03 Graham bye 16:03 Bruce da Moose Year 5,000 BC (oops) 16:03 Graham you building an arc? 16:04 Bruce da Moose if so, I better get cracking! 16:04 brdavis an ark might work better, unless your arc is *really* tall 16:07 Bruce da Moose Right - unless I build an Ark, I might eaten by a Shark! 16:08 Graham haha 16:08 Bruce da Moose The sky is much too Dark to Build an Ark to Escape a Shark 16:08 Bruce da Moose This could get ugly... 16:09 Bruce da Moose ...but I will refrain :-) 16:09 Bruce da Moose ...In the Rain 16:10 Graham yeah its beyond ugly :) 16:10 Bruce da Moose Well! Don't we have a low tolerance level today! /:) 16:11 Bruce da Moose I'll just take my witticisms elsewhere! 16:11 Graham you need to find the OF WhittCam 16:11 Bruce da Moose lol 16:13 Bruce da Moose Can you imagine waiting for Giant Geyser and having to sit next to the likes of ME??? 16:13 Bruce da Moose I say, what an ordeal. 16:14 Graham thats why I go and sit at Oblong when the cage gets crowded 16:14 Bruce da Moose Ah, sweet escape... 16:15 Bruce da Moose Well, I have to do ONE MORE major thing before IO leave today - so I'll see you fellows later. A pleasant evening! 16:15 Graham bye 16:16 Graham stay dry 16:22 Michael I step away for 20 minutes and miss a whole song-and-dance number... 16:28 Graham yeah, good timing :) 16:28 Graham OF 1628 16:35 Michael Missed that too. But will try to catch Lion if it isn't already too late. 16:36 Graham Lion is trying 16:41 Michael Lion 16:40ie 16:42 Graham really short? 16:42 Graham there it is, I see it 16:43 Michael So far I've only seen it in that one frame. 16:43 Graham you have good eyes 16:43 Graham I would have missed it 16:45 Michael It helps when my refresh gets stuck there for a couple of minutes. 16:46 Michael So I guess now would be a good moment for a Giant cloud to blow up across the horizon. 16:47 Graham would be easy to spot Giant Now 16:50 Michael Pretty much what my last Giant start looked like -- a towering column of steam at the fringes of daylight. 16:50 Michael You had a somewhat better view. 16:52 Graham yeah I have been right there on the Boardwalk for them. not all in ideal weather tho, some rain and fog for the start of the winter one 16:57 Michael I managed to catch a couple from the boardwalk in 1997. One early enough in the morning to be mostly steam. One under light overcast. Badly deprived of sleep on both occasions. 17:00 Graham good 17:03 Michael I'd like to try seeing it wide awake and unfrozen for once. 17:04 Michael Maybe next time. 17:05 Graham picky picky 17:07 Michael I've seen enough photographs to believe that it can be done... 17:08 Graham hopefully it will come back to life son 17:11 Michael *checks wish list* and Splendid, too. Or Echinus for that matter. 17:11 Michael Is that enough steam to be Oblong? 17:11 Graham I think its Oblong 17:12 Graham although thats quick if Pats report was right 17:21 Graham Castle 1721ie 17:24 Michael Castle? Where is that visible? 17:25 Graham I can see round corners 17:26 Michael That 's a good skill to have. 17:26 Graham yep 17:28 Michael Well, If the cameras are up and running tomorrow I'll probably be back for more. 17:28 Michael Good night. 17:28 Graham ok, see you 17:29 Graham castle is still going so its likely to be a Major 17:30 Graham summery for 12/11: 17:30 Graham Beehive 1543, Ind 1537, Castle 1721ie H2O, Depression 1427ie, Grand 1547, Lion 0705ie, 0806ie, 0907, 1011ie, 1117ie, 1215ie, 1313ie, 1414, 1525, 1640, Oblong 1254ie, 1510ie, 17:30 Graham OF 0707, 0838ie, 1005ie, 1151, 1327ie, 1455ns, 1628, Plume 1106, 1220, 1422ie, Riverside 1102ie, 17:30 Graham goodnight 22:43 HAL Time duly noted and added. Rich seems to be slipping. Must be an age thing. 22:46 HAL Twilight 12/12/09 07:16am, Sunrise 07:50, Sunset 16:43, Twilight 17:16, Moonrise 04:10, Moonset 13:56 22:47 HAL Dec 11, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 15:37, Beehive 15:43 Castle 17:21ie H2O Depression 14:27ie, Grand 15:47 Lion 07:05ie, 08:06ie, 09:07, 10:11:42ie, 11:17ie, 12:15ie, 13:13ie, 14:14:15ie, 15:25, 16:40, 22:48 HAL Oblong 12:54ie ps, 15:10ie, OF 07:07l, 08:38ie, 10:05ie, 11:51, 13:27:32ie, 14:55ns, 16:28, Plume 11:06, ?11:51:40ie, 12:20ps, 14:22:04ie, Pump 10:19:42ie, Riverside 11:02ie ps, 22:50 HAL Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 22:57 HAL Grand captured at ie 15:46:45 wc 23:00 HAL BH close to cone ie 15:45:12 wc 23:02 HAL Riverside ie 10:59:05 wc December 12th, 2009 06:52 CC morning all 06:52 BB hi CC 06:52 Graham morning 06:52 BB hi Graham 06:52 CC Until Craig can turn on this computer the media player will be down 06:52 CC at least right now we don't have a blue screen 06:52 Graham ok. camcontrol came on yesterday during the indicator 06:52 CC how wonderful 06:53 CC I didn't see it though 06:53 Graham it was very pretty eruptiopn, nice sun on the steam 06:53 CC I have already sent an email to Craig 06:54 BB I saw the pictures that Bruce posted on Facebook as it was too late for me again. The afternoon light was very nice. 06:54 Graham ah, ok. I just emailed one to you. have not checked FB for a while 06:54 Graham supposed to be snowy today 06:55 Graham glad to see Karens report that theres good snow in the basin 06:55 CC Nice Graham...I got my fix on BH for the day with that shot 06:56 CC BTW...I am already to go to the Park 06:56 CC I have everything bought 06:56 Graham well hopefully it will be splashing this morning... 06:56 Graham alright good 06:56 Graham I have to get the anti-fog stuff from REI 06:56 CC hopefully we will get some more snow and warmer temps 06:57 Graham other than that I don't have to buy anything...oh - maybe a new pair of boot sock liners 06:57 CC I sent an email to Carolyn L. 06:57 CC I am so glad she will be back...at least for the winter 06:57 Graham I was going to email her directly too to see when shes going to be around 06:57 Graham hopefully she will get to spend more time at OF than she indicated 06:58 CC I did tell her when I will be there and hopefully she can meet us one day 06:58 CC you have a better chance to see her as you will be in the OF area longer 06:59 CC maybe when the express bus stops in Madison she will be there 06:59 Graham yeah have to see which days she is there 06:59 Graham yep 06:59 Graham 5 weeks today, will be in the park 07:00 Graham or at least waking up after a short night - I probably won't get to bed until 2am MST 07:01 CC I can't wait....I am so excited to be going in the winter 07:01 CC snow snow snow 07:01 Graham then have the basic continental breakfast at Stagecoach 07:01 CC vw has to make arrangements for us for that night 07:01 Graham haha I bet there will be more snow. the cold weather now will ensure it builds up. may get a foot this weekend 07:01 CC I have taken care of the rest of the nights 07:01 Graham the breakfast there is pretty basic 07:02 Graham ok. Stagecoach has a web site too or can call direct 07:02 CC when I go to the Park food is never on my priority list 07:02 CC too much else to do and see 07:02 Graham thats true for me but in winter you need a good breakfast and dinner 07:03 CC do you ever have a problem with water freezing while in the basin 07:03 Graham no, has not frozen on me but I have not been there for the real cold stuff. would probably keep some in my layers if its -40 07:04 Graham just keep the bottle inside the pack rather than on the outside 07:04 CC k 07:04 Graham I usually take snacks for lunch too so I don't have to come up to the Geyser Grill 07:05 CC vw is so knowledgeable I have learned so much from her 07:05 Graham but after a big breakfast I am not too hungry anyway 07:05 Graham good, is she taking extra stuff for you? 07:05 Graham its lighting up now 07:05 CC I think I will have to go in to the grill just to warm up 07:06 Graham yeah or the VC 07:06 Graham VC is closer 07:06 CC yes it is getting lighter but we are the only ones that can see it until he turns on the computer 07:06 CC true 07:06 Graham static is waking up too 07:07 Graham FYI - here is the photobook I did for my Mom http://share1.sendtoprint.net/bshare.php?hashid=73… 07:10 CC Oh my G-d...just beautiful...you take the most breath-taking shots 07:10 CC still to dark for the streaming cam to focus 07:12 Graham thanks. I did an alaska album last year so I think she will like this years too 07:12 CC morning cb 07:13 Graham hows the big dig out going cb? 07:13 BB hi cb 07:13 cb morning cc, bb, graham and double70 07:13 cb new storm melted the whole shabangy 07:14 Graham cool, that saved some work. probably caused flooding tho? 07:14 cb when from a ft of snow to none in a day 07:14 Graham I see the OF benches are getting shorter 07:14 cb not bad!! I thought so also 07:26 CC wishful thinking regarding the benches 07:26 Graham the more important ones are at BH and Grand....its nice to see them buried but then you have to dig out a place to sit 07:27 CC do you bring that little seat you have 07:29 cb Graham your pic book is fantastic!!!!! I love how you organized the pic's on each page!!! 07:30 cb especially the lizard in the background with pics around it!! 07:30 cb and Wall Street!!! 07:30 cb and the hanging gardens! 07:32 Graham thanks cb. it took a while but I think its good. mainly in chronological order 07:32 CC Graham do you bring that little seat you have 07:32 Graham it was a good trip. I should get the book today I think 07:32 Graham not in the winter 07:32 CC k 07:33 Graham the stadium seats coiuld work as insulation 07:33 Graham but I just sit in the snow 07:33 CC I have the stadium seats 07:33 Graham or lay in the snow 07:33 CC I will have to ask vw 07:33 Graham vw may have some to save you carrying them out 07:34 CC yep 07:34 Graham can get quite comfortable in the snow, moulding it the way you want 07:34 Graham I had a nice recliner at F&M last year 07:36 Graham headed out, bbl 07:36 CC bye 07:39 CC OF 7:39 07:42 CC OF is a long 07:47 BB hi vw 07:47 vw good morning B, all. 07:47 vw no vid here. others? 07:48 BB No, it went down yesterday. 07:48 vw oh. :( 07:48 BB I think it is fixed but CC said someone had to turn on a computer first before it works with media player again 07:48 vw ok. 07:48 BB She could see it in the cam window again this morning 07:49 BB We've been watching the static all day yesterday 07:49 vw guess maybe that is my sign to actually get some work done?!?!?! REAL :( 07:49 BB :( 07:54 Gazer-by-Proxy Good morning, everyone. 07:55 BB hi Gazer 07:58 brdavis Goodmorning 08:02 vw well, guess i will check back later. 08:03 vw bye! 08:03 BB Hi brdavis 08:03 BB sorry, I was not paying attention 08:03 brdavis Hi there. that's OK, I'm cleaning and moving furniture. 08:06 Derek Hello everyone 08:06 BB Hi Derek 08:07 brdavis Hi Derek 08:08 CC afternoon D 08:08 Derek Hi 08:49 Michael Hello. Lovely blue weather we're having on the streaming cam. 08:49 Graham its a blue-out 08:50 Graham my guess is that Craig started his computer, so now you are seeing what the cam-control is showing 08:50 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Michael. 08:50 Graham very blue 08:56 Graham dedicated photographer there 09:04 Graham cameras are all working now! 09:04 BB yes, thank you 09:04 Graham hard to see anything tho 09:04 BB still pretty blue ;) just a different blue 09:05 Michael Let's hope it's not so temporary as yesterday afternoon. 09:05 Graham the snow is going to make it hard to see all day I think 09:06 Graham at least its blowing away from the cam 09:09 Graham I think we might lose the benches overnight 09:11 Michael Hard to say. The NWS is predicting steady snow but not very heavy. Then again I've seen their `scattered showers' turn into a whiteout blizzard. 09:13 Graham by Monday it says 8-13" of accumulation 09:13 Graham so maybe not enough overnight 09:13 Graham but maybe by opening day 09:25 Graham OF 0925 09:33 Rich Hi BB 09:33 Rich Hi Derek 09:33 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:33 Rich Hi Graham 09:33 Rich Hi Michael 09:33 Rich Hi Rich 09:33 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich 09:34 BB Hi Rich 09:34 Gazer-by-Proxy Did you just greet yourself?! 09:34 BB I think he does that on most days... 09:34 Gazer-by-Proxy I hadn't noticed. Too funny! 09:35 Graham wonderful day for a Giantess eruption Rich 09:36 Michael Hi Rich. 09:38 Rich Hmm, wonder who that Rich is. lol 09:39 BB Multiple personality? g 09:39 HAL Rich does have that problem. 09:39 Rich I'm not the only one. g 09:40 Rich hi guest322328 09:40 Rich Hi HAL 09:40 Rich And HAL is off to Andromeda again. 09:44 HAL Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do, I'm half crazy over the Love of you. 09:44 Rich lion? 09:46 Michael Wasn't watching. 09:46 Rich Did someone forget to pay the light bill? The sun seems to be pretty dim today. 09:46 Rich OF steam is blocking now, but as usual for me, it was probably just OF steam. 09:47 Graham i don't think the sun is going to shine fully today 09:48 Rich Have to have HAL run thermal/infrared scanning on OF area. 09:48 HAL Thermal scanning on. 09:50 Rich Those puffs from Plume? 09:51 Graham hard to tell. OF is puffy now too 09:55 Ryan morning all 09:57 Rich Hi Ryan 09:57 Ryan how r u 09:57 HAL Good Morning Mr. Ryan. 09:57 Rich The temp is up about 10 degrees, must be a heat wave. now in the upper 20's 09:58 Ryan same temp here in PA 10:02 Michael Hello Ryan. 10:10 Ryan Hi Michael 10:14 Graham blue again 10:15 HAL Still murky gray from here. g 10:16 Graham you have the best view 10:19 HAL Clearing a bit now. 10:36 HAL It is 19 degrees as the Ranger Station Weather station. 10:48 Michael Depression ie at 10:47:47? 10:51 Graham looks like it...could be Ind too...I can't tell 10:51 Michael Or is that (wishful thinking) Indicator? 10:51 Graham looks to be a bit to the right for Depression but who knows 10:51 BB please let it be Indicator 10:51 Michael I'm leaning toward Indicator now. 10:51 Graham cam control is back.... 10:52 Graham and streaming cam 10:53 Graham but not for long 10:54 Graham I guess we wait for 30min and see if BH erupts :) 10:55 Graham still going..got to be Ind 10:57 Michael Any minute now we should see a larger gray splotch over there. 10:57 Michael Beehive 10:56:50 I'm pretty sure. 10:59 Ryan if thats not BH then im Queen Eliazabeth III 11:00 BB was OF due? 11:00 BB looks like it at 10.59 11:00 Graham yep its due 11:00 Michael Good question. It's certainly going. 11:01 Ryan So its a dual 11:01 Michael Least photogenic dual I've seen in a while. 11:02 BB shades of grey 11:04 Rich We made an excursion into the living room and put some more ornaments on the tree. 11:05 Rich Santa won't have to land on the roof this year, there will be enough frost on the living room floor. 11:06 Rich Missed BH, I guess 11:06 BB Not much to miss actually 11:11 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 11:11 Rich Dec 12, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 10:51, Beehive 10:56:50 Depression ?10:47:47ie OF 07:39, 09:25, 10:59, 11:13 Rich Hi guest945556 11:13 Graham I would strike the Depression report, it was propbably Indicator steam 11:13 Rich k 11:20 guest945556 is it all blue for everyone? 11:20 Derek Yep 11:20 guest945556 ok thanks, so your times are from the still cam, that is working for me too 11:21 Derek There is a break in the connection somewhere between the cam and the server. 11:25 Graham people 11:25 HAL Homosapiens 11:27 HAL everyone wave, he's on his cell phone. 11:27 Graham yeah i see that 11:27 Rich ~~~ 11:33 HAL I'd run a diagnositic on the connection to the computer and/or the cable going to the computer. Seems to be the same type of problem as they had this summer's remote cam. 11:41 Graham better to be down today when theres nothing to focus on anyway, rather than yesterday when it was such a nice day 11:43 crymetyme_yoyoyo hi 11:43 crymetyme_yoyoyo asl? 11:50 Ryan now im depressed 11:51 Graham why? 11:51 Graham you didn't miss Giantess 11:51 HAL Or Giant 11:52 Ryan actually our kitty died thursday 11:52 Ryan i just helped my lil brother put up a tombstone on her grave 11:52 Ryan :( 11:52 Graham oh thats no fun 11:53 Ryan Nope i knew id have to do it someday 11:53 HAL I'm sorry Ryan. 11:54 Ryan ty she didnt suffer tho 11:54 Ryan she got sick at about 9 on thurday, sshe died at about 10pm 11:58 Ryan she was 14yo lived like a queen too she was fattt 11:58 Ryan ate and slept and pooped 11:58 Ryan and got petted 11:58 Graham typical cat 11:59 Graham so what u going to do to cheer up this week? 11:59 Ryan Our poor dogs been sulking ever since she misses her buddy 11:59 Ryan new type of rocket fuel 12:00 Graham when is the next rocket design supposed to surface? 12:00 HAL Loisb's cat is 18, and now gets insulin shots twice a day. 12:01 Ryan I have a launch New Years Day and the next should fly late january early feb 12:02 Graham ok, so you will be busy throgh the holidays getting ready 12:02 Ryan yeppers 12:03 Rich I meant to ask yesterday about the epoxy fuel? 12:03 Graham cam control is back.... 12:03 Ryan Oh the mix is called RNX-57 12:04 Ryan i dont have cam yet 12:04 Graham streaming is back 12:04 sense hiiiiiiiiii 12:04 sense some one say hiiiiii 12:05 Ryan 70% KNO3 (potassium Nitrate) 22% East Systems epoxy (6:1 R- H) and 8% Fe2O3 (Red Iron Oxide) 12:05 Ryan Cameras back ! :) 12:05 sense Graham 12:06 Rich Hi sense 12:06 Ryan its not my fuel a man named Richard Nakka developed itr 12:06 sense hiii rich 12:07 Graham hi 12:07 sense wats ur good name rich 12:07 Ryan hi sense 12:07 sense hiii graham 12:07 sense hiii ryan 12:08 sense helllllo evertyone 12:08 sense anyone there 12:08 HAL http://www.intellicast.com/Local/WxMap.aspx?location=USWY9917&weather=hdVisSatIRBlend_Icast 12:08 Rich Several of us here. 12:09 sense so say hiiiiii 12:09 Rich Rich: Hi sense 12:10 Ryan Plume 1210 12:10 sense wats ur asl rich 12:10 Graham yeah, still hard to see it zoomed in 12:10 Ryan i kno 12:11 Graham Rich must not have his cut and paste greeting ready 12:11 Rich I do 12:11 Rich just waiting 12:11 Graham for? 12:11 Rich went private 12:11 Graham k 12:11 Graham enjoy 12:22 CC what time did this come back on 12:22 Ryan my cam is flickiring now 12:22 Ryan about 20 minsw ago 12:22 CC thanks 12:23 Ryan OF1223 12:25 Graham sorry, was distracted looking at the photo book, just arrived 12:26 CC Please keep track of when this goes and comes on so I can report it to Craig 12:26 Graham k 12:27 Ryan ofs a long 12:27 Ryan is that steam from LS 12:28 Graham no LS 12:29 Ryan grr ok 12:30 Graham theres a little bit of steam but I think its something other than LS 12:32 Rich Ryan just googled Richard Nakka, very interesting stuff 12:34 Graham lost the cam 12:34 Ryan I know its very helpful 12:34 Ryan cam gon 1234 12:34 Ryan came on about 1205 12:35 Graham well we got two eruptions and the cabins before it quit 12:35 Ryan lol 12:57 Rich Hi brdavis 12:58 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12:59 Rich Dec 12, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 10:51, Beehive 10:56:50 OF 07:39, 09:25, 10:59, 12:23l, Plume 12:10, 13:05 Rich Hi Kent 13:05 Rich wb BB 13:10 Kent Meebo doesn't like me today. Hi Rich. I want ALL the cams back before Christmas or I am going to hold my breath until I turn blue!!! :) 13:13 Rich That won't take long in these temps 13:16 Graham Plume 1315 (?) 13:28 Rich Hi Michael 13:28 Michael Hi Rich, and everyone. 13:29 Rich Hi guest945556 13:31 Kent I was expecting more sympathy from you Rich?:) 13:32 Rich My fin g e r s a r e f r o z en. 13:32 BB How about some gloves? 13:33 Rich I'm headed for the shower to thaw out 13:34 Graham where have you been RIch? 13:34 Kent Quit whining. We have been below zero here for the last week. You Califirnians (even in Washington) are such wimps :) 13:35 Rich We've been below freezing for about 1 1/2 weeks now. 13:35 Rich Night times, and most days 13:35 Rich We got a couple of the pipes thawed out yesterday morning. 13:36 Rich brb, quick shower/thaw. 13:38 Kent OK, I apoligize. High 30s here today with snow predicted. :) 13:47 Ryan this isnt so bad i keep pretendings its an extremely slow streaming cam 13:48 Ryan wee need to do what we can with what we got :D 13:49 BB That's the spirit! 13:49 Ryan that and i just watched tremors II 13:49 Ryan the movie 13:50 Derek I've only ever seen Tremors 1 13:50 BB And I have no idea what you are talking about :) 13:50 Ryan tremors II Burt Gummer: "Doing what I can with what I got!" 13:50 BB I will take your word for it 13:50 Ryan after he blows up a worm with a grizzly 50 cal ;) 13:51 Ryan Animal on the BW 13:51 Ryan in front of OF 13:51 Ryan cyote? 13:51 BB thanks, I would have missed it 13:51 Ryan its really small ,like a fox 13:52 BB and very patient - still there in the third frame 13:52 Ryan OF 1351ns 13:52 BB now it's gone 13:52 Ryan and gone in the best art of the ruption too 13:52 Michael Old Faithful 13:51. The fox/coyote isn't watching. 13:52 Ryan I wonder ewhat it was 13:52 Ryan maybe it was a yeti baby LOL 13:53 BB Yes, that's probably what it was ;) 14:02 Rich Speaking of yeti babies - http://ns.www.nps.gov.edgesuite.net/featurecontent… there is one on the tree trunk. 14:03 Rich Daddy is watching from the right center foreground. 14:03 Graham still there 14:04 Ryan lol 14:05 Graham I will have to report in the summer when I go to Apgar 14:18 Ryan Aurum 1417 14:18 Graham huh? 14:18 Ryan bext aurum 17:48 +/- 30 mins ??? 14:19 Ryan aurum just erupted 14:19 Graham I couldn't see it on either shot 14:19 Graham theres steam but it could have been from OF 14:19 Ryan wat r u talking bout big steam cloud fron left flank of giantess 14:19 Ryan no this wasnt OF 14:19 Graham yeah, OF steam I think 14:20 Ryan ok... 14:20 Graham you can't look at steam like that and call an Aurum eruption. could have been from Pump blown over, Giantess swirl, or easily OF 14:21 Graham it could have erupted too but not clear enough 14:22 Graham Plume 1422 based on the steam from it blocing out the dark sinter 14:23 Graham and its upwind of OF 14:24 Ryan ok 14:27 Michael I'm wrong so often on Aurum that I don't call it from the still cam unless I see water. Which almost never happens this time of year. 14:28 Michael Then again, I didn't see what it looked like this time. 14:30 Graham I only call it if I see water column straight up in the right place. Otherwise OF, Giantess, Pump and some of the other springs can put up steam clouds that look like they are in the right place 14:37 Rich So does anyone have a capture of a 'right place' Aurum? 14:38 Graham sure, on NPS site 14:39 Graham one of the links on the static page 14:39 Rich A webcam shot? 14:39 BB http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/tours/livecams/old… 14:40 Graham just line it up against the trees below it, its above a close pair of trees 14:49 bnightwing Hi 15:07 Rich http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30393879&l=79dfae2b71&id=1427016656 15:09 Ryan thats wat i thought i saw... 15:10 Rich That one is from Nov 10 15:15 Graham yeah but the difference is that in the FB pic, theres no steam coming from anything else and you can see where the steam starts. Today OF steam is blowing right across the Aurum area so you can't see the source of the steam for sure 15:24 Graham OF 1523 15:26 Rich Hi guest8598882 15:31 RHBM Hi guys, 15:31 RHBM I've got a blue screen for the streaming cam. Interesting. 15:31 Graham not very interesting after you have watched it for a few hours 15:32 RHBM lol! I see static cam is snow/ice covered. Did the streaming cam go kerflooy? 15:33 Graham it was up for about 30min earlier, thats about it other then a few minutes 15:33 RHBM Loverly. 15:33 Graham static is pretty clear other than the dark spot. its just snowing harder now 15:34 Graham probably missed a Plume around the last OF 15:34 RHBM Well, I only have time in between batches of cookies so I guess I'll head back to the kitchen. Enjoy your evening! 15:35 Graham mmmm cookies 15:40 Rich hi rhbm 15:40 Ryan latrer all see u tomorrow! :) 15:48 Michael I'm going to sign off. I haven't been watching anyway. 15:48 Graham bye 15:51 Rich bye 15:51 Graham can't imagine why people are not staying to enjoy the snow 15:51 Rich It's loverly 15:55 Rich We've had .06" of precip since I entered the room this morning. 15:55 Rich it is 22 F 15:55 Rich at 15:15 15:56 Rich about 50m to sunset 15:58 Graham yeah precip number not going up much but the snow is getting closer to the benches 16:15 Graham coyote? 16:15 Graham gone 16:16 Rich I missed it, if I could have seen it. lol 16:19 Graham Plume 1618 16:20 Rich No Lion today. 16:20 Graham no but it had a series all day yesterday 16:25 Hangtown Bill Hi all 16:26 Rich Hi Hangtown Bill 16:26 Rich or cb. 16:26 Hangtown Bill its cb 16:26 Hangtown Bill whats up w the cam? 16:27 Graham um...Derek broke it :) 16:27 Rich lol 16:27 Hangtown Bill ahhhh Dereks's fault?!? 16:28 Hangtown Bill been down since yesterday. or did he break it today? LOL 16:28 Rich Just cause he's not here to defend himself. g 16:28 Rich was up from 12:05 til 12:34 16:28 Hangtown Bill ahh a half hour glimse 16:29 Rich Got 2 eruptions then 16:29 Graham but theres been nothing to see really, snowed in all day 16:29 Graham did spot Plume 16:29 Hangtown Bill always best to pick on those least able to defend themselves :( 16:30 Hangtown Bill Ahhh...I've been trying to clean and decorate the house while bill's up chaining....have a break and thought I'd looksy 16:30 Rich Loisb and I take turns putting ornaments on the deepfreeze living room tree. 16:31 Hangtown Bill ya all need some warm to happen up there? 16:31 Rich We need a whole lot of something warm happening up here. 16:32 Hangtown Bill somethings happening on the cam.....got a black line 16:32 Rich was 27 again this morning. 16:32 Rich tic tac toe? 16:32 Hangtown Bill Yicks 16:32 Graham haha the snow has warmed up YNP. do you want some of that Rich? 16:32 Rich I'd take the snow. 16:32 Rich Seattle wouldn't like me for it tho. 16:33 Rich The city grinds to a very quick halt when it snows. 16:33 Hangtown Bill were up to 48 today.....get out the shorts 16:34 Rich Where is Bill working? 16:34 Graham may get some freezing rain tonight then more rain tomorrow here 16:35 Rich Is he at Cisco Grove? 16:35 Rich Lois is looking for a web cam now. 16:35 Hangtown Bill been raining here since friday....he's up on hwy 50 puttin on chains on folks cars....$30 dallars a car 16:35 Rich maybe we can see him. 16:35 Hangtown Bill go to caltrans road conditions and look at hwy 50 at myers 16:35 Rich 34 F at Cisco Grove and snowing 16:36 Rich ty 16:36 Hangtown Bill want the link? 16:36 Rich We'll wave. 16:36 Rich still searching. 16:36 Rich omp 16:36 Graham chains? what are they? 16:36 Hangtown Bill I think chain control is from Twin Bridges to meyers. 16:37 Hangtown Bill Funny linky thing that wrap around your tires....LOL 16:37 Graham we dont let them into Va 16:38 Rich http://www.video.dot.ca.gov/asx/d3-meyers-50.asx 16:38 Hangtown Bill tryed to help a man stuck in the snow in front of our house on monday....had silly little loafers on and had his truck STUCK in the snow....he was from NY and was ****y about how unkept our road are 16:38 Rich 50 at Myers 16:39 Hangtown Bill your makin fun of my speallin rich? 16:39 Rich Looks to be a streaming cam 16:39 Rich media player is loading up. 16:40 Rich wat u meen, spelin 16:41 Hangtown Bill 50 at ski run was a white out this morning!!' 16:41 Rich I see a car stopped on the right side of the road 16:41 Hangtown Bill gotta stir the stew brb 16:41 Rich Is the first car with the guy standing by it - Bill? 16:45 Rich Guy just moved to the right side of the car, now. 16:48 Hangtown Bill Bill is up at Twin Bridges....he works on the placerville side of the summit.......Tahoe apes work on the meyers side 16:48 Hangtown Bill chain monkeys....apes....LOL 16:48 Rich Guess I can't see him then. 16:48 Rich shuck 16:48 Rich s 16:48 Hangtown Bill nope 16:49 Rich Hi guest921902 16:50 Hangtown Bill the tahoe chain apes used to work right under where that cam is.....now they work below it...don't want to be under video surv! 16:55 Rich Is it really 46 in Placerville? or is the weather service lying again? lol 16:56 Hangtown Bill yep....And thats warm!!! 16:57 Hangtown Bill son in laws's here to help me put up some lights outside...see ya tomorrow 16:57 Graham OF 1656 16:59 Rich OF ie 16:56:22 wc 16:59 Rich How close to Ski Run, cb? 17:00 Graham missed her Rich 17:00 Rich Happens all the time, g 17:02 Graham I am leaving too, I don't think the blue screen is going to come to life. Maybe tomorrow. 17:02 Graham see you 17:02 Graham stay warm December 13th, 2009 06:56 vw OF 06:55 ie, static cam 07:00 Graham morning 07:03 vw good morning Graham 07:03 Graham hi vw 07:03 Graham I see you were watching in the dark 07:03 vw just watching static before i start my day. 07:03 vw i am always in the dark G. :D 07:03 Graham haha 07:04 vw looks like so far the Park has escaped the deep freeze. 07:04 Graham looks like the top of the benches are still visible 07:04 Graham well it had the deep freeze last week really 07:04 Graham the snow machine is keeping it warm now 07:05 Graham did you see the photo album link I posted yesterday? 07:05 vw 23 at OF at 6:15. We are -7 in Billings with a wind chill around -25 07:05 vw no. is it the one you made for your mom? 07:05 Graham um, that is surprising. was it clear overnight for you? 07:05 vw i will check the log 07:06 Graham here is the link again http://share1.sendtoprint.net/bshare.php?hashid=73… 07:06 Graham I received it yesterday, looks nice 07:06 vw not really. there is just a cold trough coming out of Canada. East of the Rockies is very cold 07:06 Graham k 07:06 vw think the Absaroka Mtns might be protecting the park. 07:06 vw clicking on link now... 07:07 Graham 5 weeks time I will be walking down basin probably... 07:08 vw your pictures are spectacular. this is gonna take some time! 07:09 vw you realize that by taking such wonderful pictures we have all developed a very high expectation of you! 07:10 vw and why do you say MAYBE you will be walking down basin??? ABSOLUTELY you will be walking down basin! 07:10 Graham haha yeah well I enjoy taking them 07:10 Graham took me a day to make the book, figuring out how to set it up and selecting the pictures 07:11 Graham well could be going over to the hill in case its a BH morning 07:11 vw ahh. but you wont want to sit out there all day! 07:11 Graham I am looking forward to a day of Lion, Depression and BH 07:12 Graham If Lion and Depression are going, and BH splashing in the morning, I will stay all day on the hill 07:12 vw ok. i agree! 07:12 vw hopefully we will have a little sun to enjoy while sitting on the benches. 07:13 Graham yep......an inch of snow at night to brighten things up, and sun during the day 07:15 Graham harder to take the photos when its snowing all day - still some good opportunities but not as easy 07:15 vw i kind of like snow falling around the steam vents. nice juxtapositioning of hot and cold 07:16 vw your panarama of the red cliffs, clouds and light... taken at Cedar Breaks/ 07:17 vw oops...?, not / 07:17 Graham yeah, you will like this shot... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30244430&l=184e312398&id=1470722670 07:17 vw :D 07:17 Graham the two page spread is at Bryce 07:17 vw too fun! 07:18 vw k. thanks. it really is beautiful. you can almost feel the rain wanting to start falling. 07:18 Graham I put a double spread at the beginning of Zion, Bryce and GC 07:18 Graham that was a very photogenic storm. we watched it for an hour 07:18 vw was it close? photo could be deceiving. 07:19 Graham some vertical rainbows too but they were rather far away so didn't make the cut 07:19 Graham it was several miles away 07:19 vw even from someone who lives in the West, i am always amazed at how far away storms are when they look so close. 07:20 vw except lightening storms, and they are always closer than one might want 07:20 Graham yeah there was lightning from that storm too 07:20 vw that surprises me. those clouds didnt look like thunder clouds. 07:21 vw maybe i am just seeing the ones highlighted by the sunlight? 07:22 Graham Lion 0721ie 07:22 Graham it was a compact storm 07:23 vw i missed that Lion. saw a steam column, but still not sure when i see water on the static. 07:24 Graham I have folders for Bryce, Zion and GC on Facebook with more pics if you want to see them 07:24 Graham I only caught one frame but was not paying full attention 07:24 vw signed onto FB yesterday for the first time in over a month. not very good about it. will check your page today. 07:25 Graham the albums are on page 3 and 4 of my photo albums 07:25 vw k. 07:26 vw i better get moving. too much house stuff to do in only two days. :( 07:26 Graham like this one? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30092300&l=42f8bee666&id=1470722670 07:26 Graham k, see you 07:27 vw still here. 07:27 vw is that one of the ones you sent to CC earlier? 07:27 vw she sent on to me. She is so hopeful that the Lodge will have that much snow again! 07:27 Graham not sure, I took it coming in one evening, you can see the ice rink on the right 07:27 Graham I expect it will 07:28 Graham snow is building up now 07:29 vw slowly, but it is accumulating! 07:29 vw gotta go. be back in a while. Sorry to leave you alone. 07:29 Graham it will be great anyway, so different 07:29 Graham bye 07:39 Graham hi BB 07:40 BB hi Graham 07:40 BB hi Ryan 07:40 Graham looks like the cam will be down today 07:40 BB I am actually not really here :) Trying to make my son figure out a math problem. He is smart enough to do it but just too lazy 07:41 BB I read the log so I know I missed OF and Lion and have a little time until either goes again 07:41 BB Will try to be finished by then 07:42 Graham he sounds like me...I could always do Math, just didn't want to finish homework 07:42 Graham yep, in a lull now 07:43 BB He can do anything he really wants to... if he sets his mind to it which he doesn't most of the time 07:43 BB The problem is I have to figure it out first ;) 07:44 BB which I can do but it is rather time consuming 07:44 Graham good luck :) 07:44 BB thanks g 07:49 Graham Lion 0749ie 07:50 Graham guess the earlier one was a mionor, we didn't see much of it anyway 07:51 lc I just caoe in to ask about that, my static cam had 0747 the first I saw. 07:52 Graham k 07:52 Graham thanks 07:52 lc this one was pretty short also. 07:53 Graham not if it started at 47, it was still going at 51 07:53 Graham a full strength eruption 07:54 lc I left the static to sign on, I guess I was away longer than I thought. 08:12 Graham Depression 0811ie 08:36 Graham OF 0835 08:36 Graham I am off to the store..bbl 08:53 Ryan Still no streaming cam? 08:53 Ryan Lion 0851ie 08:58 Ryan its gonna be another snowy cloudy day 09:02 Ryan oh wait i see blue skies 09:14 Ryan Also I THINK I just saw a NFB on Giantess but im not certain 0913 09:15 Derek Wishfull thinking :-) 09:16 Ryan i know 09:16 Ryan but when u suddenly see a LARGE steam cloud from Giantess its hard to tell :D 09:29 Gazer-by-Proxy Hey, everyone! Nicer weather today than yesterday. 09:30 Ryan Yes but still no streaming cam 09:30 Rich At least we can see the treeline. g 09:30 Ryan lol 09:32 Rich Hi BB 09:32 Rich Hi Derek 09:32 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:32 Rich Hi Graham 09:32 Rich Hi Rich 09:32 Rich Hi Ryan 09:33 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi Rich. 09:33 BB Hi Rich, hi Gazer 09:33 Ryan Hi R' 09:33 BB Still doing math problems, not really here 09:33 Ryan Hi Gazer 09:33 Ryan Hi BB 09:34 Graham hey Rich. hows the heat? 09:34 Rich Warmer than yesterday 09:34 Rich Was 60 in my bedroom this morning 09:34 Rich 70 here in the living room 09:35 Graham thats warm...wow get out the shorts 09:35 Rich For Sure!! 09:36 Rich Enclosed back porch is 41 this morning. 09:37 Rich about 15 degrees warmer 09:38 Rich Old Faithful Ranger station weather station is 21F. 09:40 Graham nice blanket of cloud there 09:52 Graham Lion 0952ie 09:53 Graham maybe a Plume there too but I can't tell for sure 10:03 Rich Hi 921902 10:06 Graham OF 1005ie 10:20 Graham Lion 1019ie 10:20 Rich Is Lion a perculator today? 10:21 Graham seems to be having a few minors 10:21 Graham I only saw the last eruption on one shot but wasn't watching closely before 10:21 Rich Lion and Little Cub dual? 10:22 Graham yep 10:22 Rich That's the kind of thing I was seeing a couple of days ago. 10:22 Rich was very regular about every hour then. 10:24 Rich Must have had some good flows out of OF earlier, the snow is really melted back. 10:25 Graham I think its the change in wind direction blowing OF water this way 10:29 Rich wb guest921902 10:29 Rich Streaming cam back up yet? 10:31 Graham could be Depression 1030ie but I ma not sure, maybe not enough steam? 10:33 Graham hey its up...how did you know Rich? 10:33 Rich mmmmm 10:34 Rich Just popped into my head 11:13 Rich Hi GreekD2486 11:15 Rich Hi guest550061 11:16 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/A resource pager for the camchatroom 11:17 guest550061 whatis that we are seeing now 11:17 Derek I'd be happy if someone could figure a way to get this chatroom on my Nokia phone :-) 11:17 Ryan my phone too :D 11:17 Derek We are looking down basin 11:17 Ryan Is that Trban maybe?? 11:18 Derek The only thing we can be sure of is Spasmodic ie 11:18 Ryan Spasmodic looks nice today 11:19 Derek Sawmill too 11:19 Ryan yepp 11:19 Graham Lion 1119ie 11:20 Ryan Nice Lion 11:20 Derek The only thing I can view on my symbian Nokia is the static cam 11:20 Ryan Ican see the static but cant use the chatroom 11:20 Graham didn't last long 11:20 Derek Same here 11:21 Derek Even the cam control wont load on my phone 11:21 Derek Must be a java problem 11:21 Ryan yeah mustve been a quick Lion 11:21 Derek Notice the steam behind Little Cub? 11:22 Ryan yes 11:22 Derek Must be from Lioness or Big Cub 11:22 Ryan cubby hole or BC or Lioness 11:22 Ryan maybe itll erupt 11:23 Derek Grotto maybe? 11:23 Ryan Grotto? 11:24 Ryan Grotto start or Grotto Fountain 11:24 Derek Now you're getting technical LOL 11:25 Ryan Well.... its one of the two ;) 11:30 Ryan s[rinkler 11:30 Derek Yep, or Sprinkler ;-) 11:32 Ryan a skier!!! 11:32 Ryan KAren or Carol? 11:33 Ryan Never noticed the ice hanging from the BW 11:33 Derek Maybe even Carolyn L 11:33 Ryan must be nice tpo be there alone sometimes 11:34 Rich Isn't bad sitting at BH in the blowing snow, alone, listening to the wind blow. 11:35 Rich Hi guest109679 11:35 Derek Going for tea now 11:37 Graham OF 1137 11:38 Ryan Nice 11:38 Graham I have seen nicer ones 11:39 Rich Hi guest771072 11:40 guest771072 hi 11:40 Graham someone out on BW by Anemone 11:41 Rich Karen was off today, wasn't she? 11:42 Graham not sure. they are not really on-schedule yet I think, i bet several will be out and about if the snow dies down too 11:54 Rich Lion? 11:54 Graham Lion 1153 11:55 Graham this is a full eruption 11:56 Graham summary: Depression 0811ie, Lion 0721ie, 0749ie, 0851ie, 0952ie, 1019ie, 1119ie, 1153, OF 0655ie, 0825, 1005ie, 1137, Plume 0952ie (?), 11:57 Graham missed the possible Depression from that list 12:04 Rich Dec 13, 2009 recap Depression 08:11ie Lion 07:21ie, 07:47ie, 08:51ie, 09:52ie, 10:19ie, 11:19ie, 11:53:26ie, OF 06:55ie, 08:35, 10:05ie, 11:37, 12:05 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12:06 Rich Hi cb 12:06 Rich hi brdavis 12:06 brdavis hi there. We have livecam back 12:06 Rich yep 12:06 Hangtown Bill Hi rich.......WEEEE...its back 12:07 Rich Came back on about 10:30 12:07 Hangtown Bill Hi all 12:07 Graham hey cb 12:07 Graham at least I presume its cb given the enthusiasm 12:08 Rich Could be Bill glad to get in out of the cold. g 12:08 Hangtown Bill baking today.......thought i'd ck on cam! yep. it's me 12:08 Ryan Hi Hangtown 12:08 Ryan Hi brdavis 12:08 brdavis Hi Ryan 12:08 Hangtown Bill Bill is still out in the cold...:( Long weekend for him 12:09 Hangtown Bill looks like your getting your xmas wish Graham....Let it snow 12:09 Graham yeah it lightened up for a while but looks like its going to snow again 12:10 Graham benches are still there tho 12:10 brdavis Shorter, I noticed. 12:11 Hangtown Bill I'm with you. love to watch em get buried and then reappear in the spring 12:11 Graham so did Bill have a good day yesterday? 12:11 Hangtown Bill Yes!!! 12:11 Rich brb, time to shot the cat 12:12 Hangtown Bill shoot? 12:12 Hangtown Bill shot? 12:12 Graham insulin 12:12 Hangtown Bill ahhh shot 12:12 brdavis ugh. we had one that was on sub-Q fluids for about a year. 12:14 Rich Figure to do as much as we can for her, she is 18+ 12:15 brdavis agreed. we gained another year for ours, and (for us) it was well worth it. 12:16 Rich My sister in Atlanta did the subQ fluids for failing kidneys for abou 5 years. 12:16 Graham visibility is dropping again 12:17 Rich I added a cloud cover NOAA link to the Metorology resource page. 12:18 Graham and let me guess.....its cloudy over YNP now? 12:18 Ryan Our cat died on thursday 12:18 brdavis sorry Ryan - been there just once, & once was too many times. 12:19 Ryan yep, we buried it and i helped my little brother put a tombstone up he made 12:20 Rich http://www.intellicast.com/Local/WxMap.aspx?location=USWY9917&weather=hdVisSatIRBlend_Icast 12:20 Hangtown Bill So sorry Ryan! 12:22 Ryan ty 12:22 Graham we are rooting for Giantess to cheer you up Ryan 12:23 Hangtown Bill That is a cool link Rich 12:24 Ryan a nice BH would be nice too ;) 12:25 Hangtown Bill bbl..ran outta eggs, and vanilla....going to store 12:25 Graham looks like we are not going to see Daisy now 12:25 Graham I think you are going to have to make do with some more Lion eruptions instead Ryan 12:28 Graham I am thinking BH is unlikely before dark 12:28 Rich I started watching the cloud cover during fire season, I'd watch the smoke plume wash up and down the canyons. 12:29 Ryan ok 12:29 BB Well, could leave and increase your chances for BH ;) 12:30 BB Have not been watching much anyway 12:30 Ryan lol 12:30 Graham still working on homework BB? 12:31 Rich Please stay BB, it's nice to have a full house. 12:31 Rich I was just going to pop some popcorn. 12:31 BB It turns out that my son should have been working on his math homework for the last two months. Of course he didn't, and it's due this week before Christmas 12:31 Graham coule be a late night huh? 12:31 brdavis Turns out most of my students should have been working on their papers for the last 2 months. 12:32 BB Nope, I am done. He's on his own now. He is smart enough 12:32 brdavis Clearly, from my grading, they didn't either :( 12:32 Rich Put him on line with us and he will have several serogate parents on his case. lol 12:32 Graham and HAL and our rocket scientist will help out 12:33 BB I don't think the teacher expects them to actually solve the proplem. It is pretty heavy stuff in my opinion. She just wants them to look at the problem and think about it. 12:33 HAL You RANG? 12:33 Graham probably someone with a Math degree in here somewhere 12:33 BB I just wish we lived in the US because you have fewer coins ;) lol 12:33 Rich What leave of Math are we - doing? 12:33 BB Explanation follows shortly 12:34 Rich lol 12:34 BB The problem is: How many possibilities are the to change a 10 Euro bill in coins 12:34 Graham Plume 1234 12:34 BB And we have 0,01, 0,02, 0,05, 0,10, 0,2, 0,5, 1 and 2 Euro coins 12:34 Rich How many Euro coin denominations? 12:34 Graham ah...how many currencies are there in the world? 12:35 BB Would be much easier with just nickels, dimes, quarters and pennies 12:35 Ryan im clueless 12:35 Graham and half-dollars, and dollars 12:35 BB I don't have the exact number either, there must be millions 12:35 BB of possibilities 12:36 BB She just wants them to think about it and figure out a system to check the possibilities 12:36 BB I am in denial about half-dollars and dollar coins lol 12:36 Rich isn't this one of the 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 things? 12:36 Graham HAL knows the answer :) 12:36 Rich and then you have Susan B's, and Sac's 12:37 Graham and the 50 state quarters 12:37 Rich new and old nickels, pennies 12:37 BB You know what, we actually have most of these... have to check which are missing before next summer 12:37 BB We also have the cardboard map - nice tourist stuff :) 12:37 Graham should start doing the park quarters soon too? 12:38 BB My husband is actually the coin hunter, will pass on your suggestion lol 12:39 brdavis hmm... 10 E can be 1000 0,01's, so that's one way. 1000 0,01's could be 9998 0,01's & 1 0,02's or 9996 0,01's & 2 0,02's, etc. 12:40 Rich lol 12:40 guest4376708 any hot girls here 12:40 brdavis There should be 5000 of those "0,01 & 0,02" combinations. So... for each of those combinations, how can you modify it with 0,05's? 12:40 Graham just empty out the coin jar and start piling them up 12:41 Graham my head hurts. predicting BH is easier 12:41 BB Brian, please, don't do this! 12:41 brdavis People really 'walk' into a chat room labeled "old faithful" looking for "hot girls"? One wonders what their success rate is. 12:41 Rich My solution: Google it\ 12:41 BB The come in because of CamChat 12:42 brdavis Heehee. Yeah, but now you've got me curious :) Google's no fun, I want to figure it out. 12:42 Rich Me too. 12:42 Rich Don't know how many 0,01 etc is in a euro. 12:43 BB Really, guys, I don't need a solution. If my son presents an actual number his teacher will now that he never did that on his own. 12:43 Rich Our 'visitors' come in thru MEEBO.com and are just check all the rooms listed at Meebo 12:43 Rich Have to show your work. 12:44 Rich Only way in Math. 12:45 BB We made a spreadsheet, and I forced him to think about two and three coin combinations, and he figured out a systematic approach pretty quickly. I think that will be enough. 12:45 brdavis had a tachers that challenged us in HSto produce 100! (knowing that no computer could do it). Didn't count on us reprogramming an Apple ][+ for arbitrary precision :) 12:45 brdavis Yeah, understand the method here is the crux. If you can do it with 1 E and 0,01's and 0,02's, you can generalize. 12:46 BB Well, he is just ten years old, so I don't really think any of the kids will get it on their own. 12:46 BB So let's drop it and get back the the quarters. 12:46 Graham I bet theres an iphone app for that :) 12:47 BB Graham, I googled and showed my husband the new coin series page, and he is very enthusiastic. So we will have to look for these too 12:49 Graham Ithey start next year right? 12:50 BB yes, 2010 12:50 BB and the Yellowstone should be out by summer 12:52 Ryan Little Cub 1251ie 12:52 Graham I like the bison and OF 12:52 Ryan Bison? Where? 12:53 Rich Hayden Valley? 12:53 BB Are we still talking about coins? 12:53 BB Because I don't see any bison either 12:54 Graham i see they haven't picked the YNP design yet. 12:54 Graham yeah bison on the coin 12:54 Graham the commission rejected all the designs 12:55 Graham http://www.parkquarters.com/yellowstone-national-p… 12:55 BB Ah 12:55 BB I just looked at the US Mint site, and there were no pictures, that's why I was confused 12:56 Ryan I like any of them with geysers! 12:57 BB Yes, but I can see why they want more development for the geyser picture. I agree, bison and OF are nice, but they could make a better effort picturing OF 12:58 Graham maybe with BH erupting too? 12:59 BB g 12:59 Graham Lion 1259 13:02 brdavis To paraphrase some tourists I've heard, "Gee, why do they leave the geysers running when there's nobody there?" 13:03 Graham to save electricity, just like they turn the cams off at night too 13:08 Graham OF 1307 13:24 BB I will be leaving now, I am really tired after all this math 13:25 Ryan bye 13:25 Graham ok, goodnight 13:25 BB If anybody cares, the answer seem to be 321,335,886 possibilities. 13:25 brdavis That's more than I wanted to work out :) 13:25 BB Google knows people who know everything g 13:25 Ryan im here but falling asleep so i may maY not respond... zzzz... zzzzz... (sleepy) 13:25 Rich lol 13:26 BB good night, see you tomorrow 13:26 Ryan bye BB 13:26 Rich nite BB 13:26 Rich ty for the answer 13:26 brdavis Night 13:30 Rich HI guest197723 13:32 Graham clearing up again 13:32 Rich Almost see the butte 13:34 Graham Plume 1334 13:34 Graham think that was the end of it 13:35 Ryan seems like it took awhile for that second vent to come on 13:35 Rich at 13:34:05 on the static cam there was just flattened out steam 13:35 Graham last burst 13:35 Graham it was Plume tho, could see on streaming 13:38 Rich HI guest770032 13:41 Karen I don't suppose anyone got a screen capture of me out in the basin earlier? 13:42 Ryan Told u it was Karen!! 13:42 Derek So that was you? 13:42 Ryan Were u skiing past BH 13:42 Derek I saw you pass BH 13:42 Karen well, there were also two new drivers out on the hill earlier, with cameras and tripods 13:42 Derek Dave M will have the entire day recorded 13:43 Karen I skied the front section of the hill today, because the Aurum ice bowl was so bad on Friday afternoon 13:43 Derek I did zoom in on you :-) 13:43 Ryan yes he did 13:43 Karen cool 13:43 Graham someone ski'ed over later too 13:43 Ryan btw wats the Aurum ice bowl ??? 13:43 Graham what time were you out there? 13:44 Karen When Aurum erupts, it melts the snow and ice on the boardwalk, which re-freezes in a bowl shape 13:44 Ryan ooo so the bowls covering the BW im guessing? 13:45 Karen I was down basin most of the morning. Skied bike path to Castle then boardwalk to Grotto, then waited for Riverside, then up to the hill 13:45 Karen yes, Aurum Ice Bowl is the nickname of the section of boardwalk there, very treacherous 13:45 Rich Hi Karen 13:45 Ryan nice... 13:46 Karen I was standing at Plume for the 1136 eruption 13:46 Graham there was a bit of sun/less snow today 13:47 Karen because I was studying the runoff and newer wash channel at Improbable 13:47 Karen I posted a report to the geyser list 13:47 Graham ah, has it been overflowing more? 13:47 Rich Hi guest4953575 13:47 Derek Hey Karen, was it you who fixed the cam? 13:48 Rich Hi sweetwittytwitty 13:48 sweetwittytwitty chello 13:48 sweetwittytwitty 24 m here 13:48 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 13:49 Karen I'm thinking (and hoping) that Improbable is trying to do something intermittant 13:49 Karen I don't fix webcams 13:49 guest770032 she just breaks snowcoaches instead ha ha ha 13:49 Graham will keep an eye on it from the cam. hard to watch most days with the wind direction 13:49 Derek It had been offline since yesterday 13:50 Derek But came back a short time before we saw you LOL 13:52 Graham snow is picking up again 13:53 Karen Ok, now that I've found this chat, I'll probably stop by occasionally. Chores now 13:53 Ryan c ya 13:53 guest770032 karen did u guiys take buses down 13:53 Rich Glad you could stop by. 13:55 Graham one peep 13:58 Rich On a broom? 13:58 Graham I think Karen teleported over to the BW 13:59 Rich Was she to the left of BH earlier? 13:59 Graham she came round the front of GH 14:00 Graham lion is trying 14:01 Graham Lion 1201 14:01 Graham oops 14:01 Rich I've got one person at the railing to the left of BH 14:01 Graham Lion 1401 14:01 brdavis Maybe. 14:02 Graham would have been after 1100 Rich 14:02 Rich This is at 11:33 14:02 Graham thats probably right 14:02 Ryan nice Lion!! 14:05 Graham yep. 9th we have seen so far 14:06 Ryan It was q full eruption too 14:08 Rich Static Cam capture 11:31:50 12/13/09 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30430660&l=d2a74bd76d&id=1427016656 14:09 Graham Depression 1409ie 14:10 Ryan Right on time ;) 14:11 Graham yeah hard to call unless you are watching close tho. could be dwarf and lil cub on static cam 14:15 brdavis ttyl, got to go fold clothes 14:16 Rich bye brdavis 14:16 Rich Enjoy 14:24 Rich Dec 13, 2009 recap Depression 08:11ie, 14:09ie, Lion 07:21ie, 07:47ie, 08:51ie, 09:52ie, 10:19ie, 11:19ie, 11:53:26ie, 12:59, 14:01, Little Cub 12:51ie, OF 06:55ie, 08:35, 10:05ie, 11:37, 13:07, 14:01, Plume 12:34, 13:34, 14:24 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 14:31 cb The last OF was a dual w Lion? 14:33 Graham no. Lion was 1401 but not OF..unless I missed it 14:34 Graham OF preplay now 14:37 cb rich you have OF as erupting at 1401 in your recap...just fyi 14:37 cb Plume 1437 14:38 Rich Hi cb 14:38 cb Hi ya Rich 14:39 Graham OF 1439 14:40 cb kinda blurres into the background..... 14:40 Graham snow is picking up now 14:41 cb yes it is! 14:41 Graham got to get a few more feet of snow for CC 14:41 cb i think that will happen!! 14:41 Graham off to watch the Redskins to lose again...bbl 14:42 cb by Graham 14:52 Rich Lois says it is raining in Sac. 14:54 cb back to the blue screen...cam is down again 15:08 Michael Lion 15:07ie 15:09 Rich Hi Michael 15:09 Graham what did you do to it cb? its broken 15:09 Rich I broke it. 15:10 Rich I was finished watching it. 15:10 Graham you did Rich? we need Karen back to fix it :) 15:11 Rich I'm busy cleaning windows right now, I'll fix it in about an hour. 15:18 cb sorry I was talkin to cc 15:18 cb I broke it! 15:23 Rich http://www.paris-live.com/paris_webcam/eiffel_towe… 15:23 Rich I found a new geyser. 15:27 Rich It's going 15:29 cb I'm going to keep checking the cam...back to makin cookies 15:29 cb cam just suddenly went to a blue screen 15:46 Graham another person 15:50 Graham fell over 15:53 Rich The Eiffel Tower usually puts on a show at midnight. 15:54 Rich 8 minutes 15:58 Rich 30 seconds 16:00 Rich show started 16:00 Graham ooohhhhh 16:01 Graham ahhhhhh 16:01 Graham how come OF static cam doesn't update that freqnently? 16:02 Rich It isn't set 16:02 Rich There is a streaming cam link also 16:04 Rich The white lights will go off shortly 16:04 Graham k 16:05 Rich 'They also suffer from computer time / real time differences. 16:05 Graham done 16:05 Graham yeah I noticed that 16:05 Graham still prefer OF cam 16:06 Rich They usually turn off all the 'white' lights except the ones on the ground. 16:07 Rich Quite the show during the Mellienum celebration. 16:07 Rich hi mascarin 16:08 Graham k, I didnt watch it, well I guess I saw some of it on TV 16:09 Rich That was the first year Lois and I found the Eiffel Tower cams 16:10 Graham Lion trying 16:12 Graham Lion 1611 16:12 Rich The person is gone now. 16:13 Graham OF 1612 16:13 Graham yeah, gave up on OF 16:13 Rich that much too soon 16:14 Graham well maybe they wanted to ski and warm up 16:14 Rich Could have skied around the sidewalk I guess. 16:15 Graham maybe get one more Lioon before dark 16:18 Ryan nO STREAMING??? 16:19 Rich I think the skier fell down during the visit. 16:20 Ryan Nice steam at Giantess ;D 16:20 Ryan :D 16:20 Ryan ;) 16:21 Ryan steam at Depression 16:26 Rich http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30430743&l=4f33ff5fc7&id=1427016656 16:49 Ryan nice sunset 16:51 Rich nice colors 17:02 Graham was that Grand or Oblong? 17:02 Ryan Looked like Oblong to me? 17:03 Graham just wandered back and saw it 17:03 Graham figured I would come back for one more Lion 17:04 Ryan wb 17:05 Rich I'll hae to check timing on captures. 17:05 Graham you are supposed to be fixing the cam Rich 17:05 Rich I got HAL working on that one. 17:08 Rich First capture was at 16:54:25. 17:09 Rich and last capture was at 16:59:23 17:09 Graham probably Oblong then 17:09 Ryan Oblong? 17:09 Ryan Oblong 1654 wpeote 17:09 Rich Was straight. 17:10 Ryan wpeote = way past end of the eruption 17:10 Graham possible Plume 1709 17:10 Ryan better yet... 17:10 Ryan Oblong 1654 wpteoteawdbofscc 17:11 Ryan explanation = way past the end of the eruption and was determined by old faithful static cam captures 17:11 Graham Lion huffing again 17:15 Graham is that a coyote? 17:15 Graham saw it in previous frame too 17:15 Graham gone now 17:16 Graham Lion 1715 17:17 Ryan u got ur wish Graham 17:17 Graham yep 17:17 Graham 12 Lions today 17:18 Rich Isn't that a pride? 17:18 Ryan im guessing 9+ lions in a series is now the norm 17:19 Graham they are mainly long yes although Ralphs data still showed some short series I think. 17:19 Graham dont always get to see it run all day too. the first we saw was a minor, so its a >12 series 17:19 Ryan Like only 2-3 eruptions in a series short 17:20 Ryan looks like an aurora borealis 17:21 Graham there were 5, 7, 2 in late Oct but all others were longer including the 32 eruption series 17:21 Ryan u shoukd put it on FB Rich and see how many people believe u 17:23 Rich lol 17:23 Rich No one believed my UFO one I posted way back when. 17:23 Ryan now it just looks creepy 17:23 Ryan UFO??? 17:23 Ryan U still have a link? 17:23 Rich I'll have to dig it out again 17:24 Rich It had a couple of flying sauces in it. 17:24 Graham well I am out of here. see you tomorrow evening 17:25 Rich Nite Graham 17:30 Ryan Nite R give me the link tomorrow :) 17:30 Rich Will do 17:30 Rich Nite Ryan 17:46 guest9952062 rich 17:46 guest9952062 you believe in ufos 17:46 guest9952062 i want to see what you are talking about 17:46 guest9952062 i have been seeing ufos since i was 12 17:47 guest9952062 people still think im crazy 17:49 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcaps/cap01/pages/ol… 17:49 Rich just found the link 17:49 Rich Someplace there is one with a couple of shapes like that. 17:49 Rich I think I posted them to YNET 17:50 guest9952062 k 17:51 guest9952062 wow 17:51 guest9952062 thats a good pic 17:51 guest9952062 very clear 17:51 Rich Captured from the Old Faithful Webcam 17:52 guest9952062 would be hard to call a fake considering the clarity 17:52 guest9952062 man you want me to blow the lid on it for you 17:52 guest9952062 your dealing with more then just phenomena 17:52 guest9952062 str up 17:52 Rich I watched the clouds for about an hour until they formed up just right for that capture. 17:53 Rich I know it is a cloud formation. 17:53 guest9952062 no i know 17:53 guest9952062 i knew that was i was saying it would be hard for anyone to try and say it was fake in general 17:53 guest9952062 but what im saying is 17:53 guest9952062 ufos are real 17:53 guest9952062 and they def arent clouds 17:53 Rich ok 17:54 guest9952062 1 sec 17:54 guest9952062 i need to find this vid for you 17:54 Rich l 17:54 Rich k 17:57 Rich Nite guest921902 17:57 Rich Nite Yellowstone 17:58 Rich Good Nite Mrs. Kalabash where ever you are. December 14th, 2009 06:57 BB I think I have OF i.e. 06.55 on static 06:57 brdavis OF 06:55:24 ie from static 06:57 BB Hi brdavis 06:58 brdavis Hello. 06:58 brdavis Just happened to pull up the static on OF ie; haven't got live cam yet 06:59 BB You couldn't see anything on the streaming yet anyway. The static is more light sensitive 07:00 brdavis Hi cb 07:00 BB Hi cb 07:00 BB Wow, are we fast today :) 07:00 brdavis :) 07:00 cb Hi Brian and Bb 07:04 cb lost the streaming cam yesterday afternoon 07:04 brdavis Same blue screen? 07:04 cb yep 07:04 cb lost it as I was moving the cam yesterday 07:05 CC morning all 07:05 BB Hi CC 07:05 brdavis hi there CC 07:05 CC no blue screen this morning 07:06 CC now we have to see for how long 07:06 CC problem still has not been fixed 07:06 brdavis No blue screen, but I can't get a connection on this end 07:06 cb you are the fixer cc 07:06 CC we have to wait for Craig to turn on his computer 07:07 CC I did email him yesterday after you called CB 07:07 brdavis At least the static view looks fairly clear (no whiteout) 07:10 cb just cking in to see if the cam is working....gotta get ready for the kids...see ya all later 07:10 BB bye cb 07:11 brdavis ttyl - I'm taking off fo kickboxing class in a few as well. 07:11 BB bye brdavis 07:17 CC BB...tomorrow predictions start again at the VC 07:18 BB oh yes, it's the 15th already 07:50 Kent Morning CC. I got streaming by clicking on the "open external media player" link. 07:50 CC Craig has turned on his computer 07:50 BB Hi Kent. Thanks for saying that, I tried again, and it is working in the chatroom too 07:51 Kent It's nice to have it back 07:51 CC the question is for how long?? 07:51 CC it still has not been fixed 07:51 Kent fingers crossed 07:53 Kent I still can't get it to come up in the chat room or on John's page. 07:54 CC it is working for me on the chat page...I haven't tried Johns' [age 07:54 BB Maybe your browser? Firefox works for me - at least today. 07:54 Bruce da Moose Happy 10 shopping days 'til Christmas! 07:54 BB Hi Bruce 07:54 CC hi bruce 07:55 Bruce da Moose Morning, friends. Hope your week is starting off well... 07:59 BB bbl 07:59 CC k 08:00 CC Plume 8:00 08:13 CC Hi Derek 08:13 Derek Just got back from shops 08:13 CC just waiting on OF 08:34 Rich Hi BB 08:34 Rich Hi Bruce da Moose 08:34 BB Hi Rich 08:34 Rich Hi Derek 08:34 Rich Hi cb 08:34 Rich Hi Rich 08:34 Rich Hi guest550061 08:35 Derek Hi everyone 08:36 Derek 08:36 O.F. 08:37 Bruce da Moose Hi, Rich and Derek 08:37 Bruce da Moose Was that a short OF? 08:37 Derek Must have been 08:38 Derek It had a couple of very high preplay bursts before it started 08:38 Rich I never even saw it. 08:38 BB static was stuck 08:38 Bruce da Moose That explains a lot! 08:38 BB I went from 8.35 to 8.37 directly, but I could see it on the streaming 08:39 Bruce da Moose For safety's sake, probably best to assume a short then, unitl further notice 08:40 Derek The main play did not start before 08:36 08:40 Rich or preplay 08:40 BB no, definitely OF 08:41 BB Next time I will save a screenshot from the streaming for you :) 08:41 Derek Bruce's querey came at 08:37 08:41 Derek So it was somewhere between 1 and 2 minutes 08:43 Bruce da Moose BTW, Derek, my wife confirmed that Nick's picture this year was the latest model :-) 08:45 BB bb in about 45 minutes. Tell BH to wait for me. 08:45 Rich Hurry back 08:46 Rich Beehive, wait for BB to get back with us. 08:46 Bruce da Moose BH *must* learn some patience! Naughty, impetuous Beehive! 08:48 Bruce da Moose Gotta go, guys - have fun! 08:49 Rich bye Bruce 08:51 Rich Hi guest919022 08:54 Rich Hi guest304467 09:14 sparekitty so rich, what's goin on this morning? it looks like we're waiting for beehive? 09:18 Rich http://www.meebo.com/meebomobile/ 09:18 sparekitty aw, yuck! blue screen of death! 09:19 Rich Hi sparekitt 09:19 Rich y 09:20 Rich We had a series of 12 Lions yesterda 09:20 Rich y 09:20 Rich can't seem to get the y to work. 09:20 Rich hmmm 09:20 Rich moose itis 09:20 sparekitty so we WERE waiting for BH and now we're waiting for a straming cam pic. 12 lions is a lot for one day? 09:21 Rich Until the snow lifts I can't see beyond the tree line. 09:21 Rich I guess we could wait for Depression to strike. lol 09:22 Rich http://ns.www.nps.gov.edgesuite.net/featurecontent… 09:23 Rich Looks like the static cam is frozen for me 09:23 Rich another 4 min 09:23 sparekitty let me try...still blue screen! 09:24 sparekitty my static reads 9:23:27 09:24 sparekitty i'm updating on static. 09:24 Rich OF should be around 09:30 if the last was a short. 09:25 sparekitty thanks; i'm excited that the predictions will be back up again tomorrow. 09:29 Derek Tried that link Rich, but my mobile says it requires javascript 09:29 Rich wb BB 09:30 BB Now who broke the cam again??? ;) 09:30 Rich Me 09:30 BB Well, it was nice while it lasted 09:31 Rich It will be back. 09:31 BB weather is getting worse, I think. Fog moving in on Geyser Hill 09:31 Rich Google Javascript Mobile, Derek 09:33 Rich Take the phone into your provider and ask them. 09:34 Rich Now there is a Snowduck at Apgar. 09:34 Rich Yesterday it was a person. 09:37 BB OF 09:37 ie on static 09:50 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:53 Rich Looks like the sun is trying to break thru 10:07 Rich http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30431581&l=0d9bd2f9d1&id=1427016656 10:07 BB Rich, sometimes it seems you have too much time on your hands lol 10:08 Rich And? lol 10:08 BB We will see what I will do when I finish reading the logs :) 10:10 Rich I do have all the logs archived on the Resource page, complete by months. 10:10 Rich I ediited out spaces so you can read faster. 10:14 vw good morning all. 10:14 BB hi vw 10:14 vw see still no cam. :( kinda getting used to the disappointment. 10:14 BB I comes and it goes... was back earlier, now it's gone again 10:15 vw Not as much snow in the basin as i had hoped for. 10:15 Rich Hi vw 10:15 BB Benches are still visible 10:16 vw we got more than a fair dusting here in Billings. Heard yesterday it was also coming down pretty good north of the Park around Emigrant. 10:16 Rich We just had a very big cold dry front move thru here in Seattle, so unless it picks up moisture someplace, more than likely it will just be cold. 10:17 vw our cold is supposed to move out after today. -8 in Blgs now with a wind chill of about -24. admit even i need the break. 10:18 BB too cold for me 10:18 Rich Yesterday the inside house time actually broke 65. 10:18 Rich temp 10:22 CC anyone know when it went into blue screen again 10:23 BB Between 8.45 and 9.15 10:23 BB It was still on when I left 10:23 Rich Around 09:00 first reported out. 10:23 Rich sparekitty reported it out at 09:18 10:23 CC thanks 10:25 Rich yw 10:25 CC I reported it again but I know they are aware 10:39 Rich Hi guest395062 10:41 Rich Hi brdavis 10:42 brdavis hi there 10:42 Rich Dec 14, 2009 recap OF 06:55:24ie, 08:36, 09:37ie, Plume 08:00, 10:42 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 10:52 Rich I'll say Beehive at 14:25 +/- 20m. 10:52 sparekitty hope the streaming is up by then! 10:52 brdavis it would be nice 10:57 Rich Hi iesfinestwood 10:57 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 11:02 Rich Hi guest309277 11:02 vw did we just miss an OF? just clicked on page, and thought might have seen water? 11:02 vw wish i could pay more attention. :( 11:03 Rich It's possible. 11:03 brdavis I missed it if so 11:03 Rich I haven't caught one today. 11:03 vw time frame is right. 11:03 vw I am going to say OF 11:01 ie, static. very end of eruption. 11:06 Rich Given 11:01, it was a short then. Cause the 11:03:24 capture has nothing. 11:07 Rich Which means we get a Giantess soon. 11:07 brdavis :) 11:07 Rich Next 3-4 days. 11:07 Rich lol 11:08 vw i saw the static just before it refreshed. eruption at that point was only about 10 feet high? as i said, very end. on refre***** was gone. 11:08 vw need giantess to wait about 5 weeks. 11:09 Rich last couple of giantess have been preceeded by OF double shorts events. 11:09 Rich short, long, short cycle 11:12 vw problem with calling that last one a short Rich, is i didnt see the beginning. 11:14 brdavis OF 11:13:38 11:15 Rich Solved that problem. g 11:15 vw so what i saw wasnt an eruption. sorry guys. 11:15 Rich preplay 11:15 vw it was big preplay! 11:15 brdavis no problem - you got the rest of us watching closer. g 11:15 Rich Gave us something to speculate on. 11:15 vw anybody check the temp at OF recently? 11:17 Rich OF ranger st station 18 at 10:15 11:17 vw thx R. rather warmish. 11:17 Rich lol 11:17 sparekitty WARM-ish? vw, i think you'e lived in montana too long! 11:17 Rich I just don't understand why they post temps taken every 15 m, but only update the site every hour. 11:18 Rich -8 to 18 is wormish 11:18 vw sorry sparekitty, relative to temp in Blgs, anything over zero these days is warmish! 11:18 vw we are all rather excited about nearing 30 tomorrow! 11:19 sparekitty i'm a terrible wimp! anything below 30 for me is almost unbearable. 11:19 vw it was colder than that when you were here! you did good! 11:20 sparekitty i guess it's all relative... 11:20 vw R - i have wondered same. could it be that with as many sensors as there are on the mesonet system that they only flash the electronic signal one time per hour? would be an interesting research project for you! 11:28 Rich Then why gave it sense every 15, just do hourlies 11:29 Rich ok 11:29 Rich I'll put HAL on it. 11:30 Rich that should have been HAVE 11:30 Rich moose itis 11:48 Rich wb BB 11:49 Rich No BH yet 11:49 Rich last OF 11:13:38 11:49 BB Good to know :) Was just checking the log 11:50 vw R - saw where you are thinking a BH around 14:25 +/- 20? 11:56 Rich yep 11:57 Rich As good a time as any. lol 11:57 brdavis Well, if it goes enjoy it - I've got errands to run. 11:57 Rich HAL just sent a communication to NOAA regarding aformentioned question. 11:57 Rich still have 2 hours. 11:58 brdavis Yeah, but I've got shopping, recycling, and then three hours of teaching chess. Unlikely to catch it. 11:58 Rich Or maybe 3 depending on my frame of mind when I did the prediction. g 11:59 Rich You can always view captures on FB, BB, Loisb and I usually get something posted. 12:00 Rich And since we are all watching the static cam, no matter what time you see the capture, it is the same image. 12:01 brdavis True :). I need to link up with more folks on FB it seems. 12:01 Rich Anyone else noticing that there is steam coming from Lion every hourish. 12:29 Rich Sunshine came softly thru my snow today. 13:10 Rich I'm off to the store. bbl 13:16 Ryan Does any1 else have a white streaming cam? 13:18 Ryan btw: Woohoo!!! My epoxy arrived!! (This is the happiest youll ever see a kid get about 5lbs of glue) ;D 13:18 Ryan :D 13:18 sparekitty what in the world are you going to do with 5lbs of epoxy?? 13:18 sparekitty btw, my streaming is blue... 13:19 Ryan mine is white 13:19 sparekitty it's kinda a bummer to "revert" to the static, huh? 13:19 Ryan and Im making rocket fuel w the epoxy 13:19 Ryan Yes it is but at least you wont miss the big geysers ;) 13:19 Ryan Do what we can with what we got! 13:26 Ryan Aww you see i come here and the blue skies come out for me :) 13:26 sparekitty ok smartypants--see if you can fix the streaming cam...if you can fix the weather, the cam should be a piece of cake! ;) 13:27 Jason Snowfox crazy 13:27 Ryan ill work on it give me a sec ;) 13:28 Ryan holy crap it worked no no im only joking (thats the last time too bcause im not a boy who cries wolf ;)) 13:30 sparekitty lol ryan! thanks for trying. i know you'd fix it if you could! 13:31 Ryan trust me i would but it b out of my control 13:41 Ryan so wat all has happened today? 13:42 Jason Snowfox Stupidity in this world amazes me sometimes, and i worry about MY job. 13:54 Ryan Hi Hangtown' 13:56 Hangtown Bill hi ryan 13:58 WeatherD2009 any hott gay or bi guys with a cam (I DO NOT HAVE ONE) pm me and i will give u amazing **** sites but u have to go on ur cam 1st 14:02 Ryan Plume 1420 14:03 Ryan Plume 1402 14:03 kentishman Booted 14:05 Ryan lol 14:14 Ryan OF 1414ne 14:14 Ryan ne (near end) 14:15 lc my static time was 14:13:10 14:20 Ryan ok OF 1414ns 14:21 Ryan Turban or Oblong 14:22 lc my guess Turban 14:22 Ryan yeah it was short 14:23 Ryan not enough steam for Oblong either 14:25 Hangtown Bill wow.....think someone is a little testy today 14:25 Ryan who me? 14:26 Hangtown Bill no, not you ryan......just realized they're not here anymore. was reading the log 14:27 Ryan oooo who did u mean then? 14:29 Rich Hi cb 14:29 Rich hi lc 14:30 Rich And PLEASE speak kindly of my STATIC cam. AT least we have it. g 14:30 lc hi R. 14:30 Rich Happy Holidays, lc 14:30 Hangtown Bill Hi rich 14:30 sparekitty sorry, rich! 14:30 Ryan Hi Rich 14:30 Rich lol 14:30 lc yes, better than nothing 14:31 Hangtown Bill >:( 14:31 Rich g 14:31 Hangtown Bill I got it Ryan 14:31 Ryan You saw wat i said R Do wat we can with wat we got lol 14:31 Ryan nice Hangtiwn lol 14:31 Ryan Hangtown 14:31 Rich Always have, will always try. 14:31 Hangtown Bill >:( grrrrr 14:31 Hangtown Bill having fun w emocons 14:32 Rich Computer trials cb? 14:32 Ryan >:( >:( GRRRRRR!!!!!! 14:32 Rich Ryan and I did that one afternoon. 14:32 sparekitty now boys, behave. santa is watching! 14:32 Hangtown Bill no. Ryan just taught me a new emocon that I love!!!! 14:32 Rich put words in ( ) see what you get. 14:32 Ryan (sleepy) 14:32 Ryan (love) 14:32 Ryan uhhh... 14:32 Ryan (death) 14:33 Ryan (zombie) 14:33 Rich (cry) 14:33 Ryan grrr 14:33 sparekitty (kiss) 14:33 sparekitty didn't work for me! 14:33 Hangtown Bill (hug) 14:33 Rich ooops, now see what you started, Ryan!!!! lol 14:33 Ryan It wasnt me!!!! lol It was you!!! lol :O 14:33 Ryan hey thats a new one! 14:33 Ryan :O 14:33 Rich OH! So it was. lol 14:33 Ryan : then O 14:34 Hangtown Bill (ninja) this one is still my fav 14:34 Ryan (ninja) 14:34 Ryan lol 14:34 Ryan lol 14:34 Hangtown Bill gotta go more cookies to baked 14:34 Hangtown Bill bake 14:34 Ryan c ya Hangtown 14:34 Hangtown Bill chow 14:35 Rich bye cb 14:35 lc where do all the characters come from? 14:35 Rich what's happening in front of Giantess? 14:36 Rich That just OF steam? 14:36 Rich ah, twas snow and steam 14:48 Rich Is that steam at BH? 14:54 Derek Strange how the stream no longer has a blue screen. 14:54 Derek However the control screen is still blue 14:56 Rich http://www.paris-live.com/paris_webcam/eiffel_towe… The Eiffel Tower must have caught what ever the streaming cam has. 15:12 lc could that be Oblong? 15:14 Ryan Oblong 1514ie 15:15 lc been going about 5 minutes 15:17 lc looks lik it ended, that would be about right for Oblong. 15:21 Rich Started at 23:00 Paris time 15:23 lc ? 15:30 Rich The Eiffel Tower has a colored light show. 15:32 Ryan is at the gym ;) :): bye everyone ill b back later! 15:33 Ryan is at the gym ;) :): c ya 15:33 Rich Dec 14, 2009 recap Oblong 15:14ie, OF 06:55:24ie, 08:36, 09:37ie, 11:13:38ie, 14:13:10, Plume 08:00, 14;02, 15:33 Ryan is at the gym ;) :): byee 15:34 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 15:34 Rich bye Ryan 15:42 sparekitty OF ie 15:42 16:03 Graham hello 16:04 Rich Hi Graham 16:04 Graham looks like its snowing again but the benches are more visiblke 16:05 Rich Not a very active day. 16:06 Rich Hi guest319724 16:09 sparekitty so rich, whatever happened with your BH prediction? 16:09 Rich Another day, perhaps. 16:09 Rich Another time zone 16:10 Rich I never know for sure 16:10 Rich might be tomorrows 16:10 Graham what was the BH prediction I missed? 16:11 Rich 14:25 16:11 Rich I did add 12 hours to it, so it could be at 02:25 +/- 20m. g 16:12 Graham ah, knowing we won't know if it goes at 0225 16:14 Rich There are people in the basin, we might get a report. 16:14 Graham haha not at 0200 16:15 Graham sumemr - maybe. winter - not a chance 16:15 Rich ok 16:16 Rich The Christmas tree at East Gros Ventre Butte had lights on last night. 16:16 Rich The Eiffel Tower was terrific tonight at 23:00 Paris time. 16:16 Graham better than yesterday? 16:17 Rich much 16:17 Rich Multicolored arrays 16:18 Graham interesting steam.... 16:18 Graham around 1616 16:18 Graham nope 16:19 Rich I've been think I see steam at indicator. 16:19 Rich but hard to tell in failing light and snow 16:21 Rich Also been seeing steam from Lion shortly after the top of the hour on and off all day. 16:36 Graham camera is back... 16:43 Graham BH bubblers are going - not that it means much 16:54 sparekitty so beehive looks very melted. did i miss it? 16:56 Graham not recently. the bubblers are going so its primed 16:57 sparekitty thanks for the update! i've actually had to work today (gasp!!) and have not seen much. 17:00 vw Stream!!!! 17:00 vw good evening all! Love the frosty blue view! 17:00 Graham streaming cam loves me :) 17:01 vw hmmm. we may have to take up a pool to pay you to stick around G! 17:01 sparekitty count me in if it means the streaming cam will work all the time!! 17:01 vw If we are staring at BH, does that mean BH hasnt erupted? 17:02 Graham no eruption. bubblers are going 17:02 Graham means it will probably erupt after dark 17:02 Graham haha 17:03 vw dont remember the last time i saw BH erupt. looonggggg time. bad scheduling on my part. 17:03 vw need to get my priorities straight. 17:04 Graham yeah..need to get some good luck going here too for our Jan trip 17:05 vw still 5 weeks. a lot can happen both weather and geyser wise in that time! 17:08 Graham yep...a month tomorrow... 17:10 vw dark might overwhelm even before we can see OF again. 17:11 Graham again? I have not seen it today 17:11 sparekitty you can slum it with the static, vw. it seems light longer. 17:12 vw that neon blue on static is sooooo distracting sparekitty! :D 17:12 Graham OF 1712 17:13 vw That wind out of the west is blowing the cold front out of here. Yeehaw! 17:14 Graham that was a nice static shot 17:14 Rich Hi guest109679 17:14 Graham yeah - you ready for a warm up now? 17:14 vw looking forward to anything over zero at this point! 17:15 vw supposed to be close to 30 in Billings tomorrow. we are all rather sceptical at this point. 17:15 Graham ouch, not so good but you can practice waiting for Grand or BH by sitting outside for a few hours 17:16 vw wind chills have been in the -20s. too cold even for my bones. cant escape the chill. 17:16 vw that was a nice ending to the day. Thanks G. Know you had to work on that focus! 17:16 sparekitty i'll send you some warm thoughts, vw... 17:16 vw thanks sparekitty! 17:17 vw heading out. 17:17 Graham lets send all the cold and snow to OF for a month 17:17 vw hope all have a good evening. 17:17 Rich nite vw 17:17 Graham I am out of here too, see you 17:17 vw snow yes. cold not so much. :) 17:17 Rich you to 17:17 vw bye! 17:17 Rich nite Graham 17:17 Rich bye 17:17 sparekitty bye guys, i'm off to school. 17:17 Rich HI guest322328 17:33 Rich Hi Ryan is at the gym 17:33 Rich No BH 17:33 Rich Cam came backon tho 17:33 Ryan is at the gym ;) :): im back but its dark apparently 17:34 Rich Very dark December 15th, 2009 06:55 BB Hi CC 06:55 CC afternoon BB 06:55 CC just hoping the cam comes on...I sent Craig an email to see if he could get it started this morning so I can call in the first eruption 06:56 CC it is just 7 at his house so hopefully he is now getting up 06:56 BB That would be helpful. Difficult to determine anything on the static, especially when it is still dark 06:57 CC he got it started again last night right as the park was getting dark 06:57 CC but needless to say it is blue again this morning 06:57 BB I think I read the in the log. Difficult to keep track these days :) 06:57 CC the static is just getting light 06:59 BB Enough to see OF erupt but not to determine length. It erupted about this time yesterday 07:00 CC the static keeps getting stuck on my computer 07:01 CC BB what time do you have on the static 07:02 BB 07:00:59 07:02 CC mine is stuck at 6:58 07:02 BB Sometimes a different browser helps. I usually open the chatroom in Firefox, and the static gets stuck a lot. 07:02 BB Opera works better for me 07:03 CC I use firefox 07:03 BB I am at 7:02 now and keep saving screenshots. If I see OF I will let you know 07:03 CC well if you see an eruption of OF please post...I am at a loss 07:04 CC I went into IE and I now have 7:03 07:05 BB I was about to suggest that. Tried IE myself and also had 7:03 07:16 cb I'm Blue >:( 07:16 cb Hello everryone 07:17 BB Hi cb 07:20 CC morning cb 07:21 CC looks like something at Grand on the static but can't tell for sure 07:22 cb sure does 07:38 brdavis sorry, wasn't watching this morning for OF 07:39 CC no problem 07:39 CC I don't think it has erupted so that we can see it 07:40 CC I guess Craig couldn't get the encoder started remotely 07:41 CC very disappointing 07:42 Derek Hi Everyone :-) 07:42 BB hi Derek 07:42 brdavis hello 07:43 CC blue greetings 08:02 brdavis Are we in a lion series? 08:02 CC Lion 8:02 IE 08:02 brdavis Lion 08:01? 08:03 brdavis I thought there might have been one about anhour earlier, but wasn't sure. 08:03 CC didn't see it if did in fact erupt 08:04 CC with the streaming down it is very difficult to tell 08:04 brdavis agreed 08:04 BB I looked through the screenshots from an hour ago, but it was still so dark back then, lots of steam, but it could all have been from OF 08:06 CC this cycle of Lion was about three minutes before it went into steam 08:06 lc good morning all 08:07 brdavis hi 08:07 lc my static cam time for last Lion was 08:01:43 08:08 brdavis yep 08:08 CC the time on the static cam is off by about 1/2 to l minute 08:09 lc I agree 08:10 lc and the streaming is about 40 seconds late (when working) 08:10 CC not really 08:11 lc was in July. 08:11 CC remember we see everything a goo 15 to 30 seconds before you 08:11 CC and then we first have to post on this page 08:12 lc ok, I was talking about my streaming. 08:12 lc sorry 08:12 CC no problem 08:12 CC every operator may use a different way to post 08:13 guest550061 Out of lurk mode. 08:14 guest550061 Can they fix the time on static then so it is more accurate to what is really happening? 08:14 CC I can ask but don't count on it 08:15 CC they loose their power so often who knows what can happen 08:16 CC looks like OF is in preplay 08:17 BB about time ;) 08:17 brdavis OF 08:17:19 on static 08:18 CC bye all 08:18 guest550061 so streaming being 40 secs late, the times we see and post then are a little behind reality? 08:18 guest550061 This is confusing me. 08:18 brdavis ttyl CC! 08:18 lc I think so. 08:19 guest550061 I know someone who uses their atomic clock when watching streaming, but it isn't what is actually happening, then. 08:19 guest550061 Pretty close though, less than a minute. right?\ 08:20 lc in July I was on the phone with my son while I was walking from BH up to Plume 08:20 lc I got to the bench at Plume about 40 sec before he saw me. 08:23 brdavis visibility is dropping :( 08:23 lc I should say he was watchig the streaming cam. 08:24 BB I should really get some stuff done, bbl 08:24 brdavis bye. I may have to leave soon too. 08:43 Rich Hi lc 08:43 Rich Hi guest550061 08:43 Rich Hi guest919022 08:43 Rich Hi Derek 08:43 Derek Hi Sir Richard 08:47 lc hi R. 08:49 Rich I don't know if this link will let everyone view the video, never done a FaceBook video before. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=11667037… 08:49 Rich It is of the Eiffel Tower last night. 09:09 sparekitty morning! are we without the streaming cam again? 09:17 Rich Hi GreekD2486 09:17 GreekD2486 Hi Rich 09:17 GreekD2486 Any guesses until the cam's back up? 09:18 GreekD2486 The techies at my school blocked the static cam >< 09:18 Rich How nice - not of them 09:18 Rich It is afterall an educational site. 09:19 Rich From the Log, Craig has been notified, but wasn't able to do a remote restart. 09:21 Rich GreekD2486 you might try http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/ 09:21 Rich loisb has a reflector site of the static cam set up. 09:29 Rich Hi BB 09:29 BB Hi Rich 09:29 BB Cam still not working... I have green stripes on blue now 09:30 Rich It's Christmas decorations. g 09:31 BB Oh... right 09:31 Rich lol 09:34 Rich Hi Kent 09:34 Kent Morning Rich 09:35 Rich The predictions are back up on the static cam. 09:35 BB I never even realized that... I am so used to our own predictions by now 09:36 Kent Park's open. Where are the people? I noticed the prediction. Been waitng all morning for the first one. I can be such a dork :) 09:37 Rich Tis ok, folks. We ARE creatures of habit. g 09:38 letsgocards any chicks with cams? 09:38 Rich sorry 09:38 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 09:39 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/meebo.htm 09:49 BB OF 09:48 ie 09:51 hot girl Do you want something Special ? come here http://LNK.by/cZCJ (18+ only) 10:40 Rich Looks like steam back around F&M 10:42 BB Sorry, was in the kitchen. Can't help you with that, not good at reading steam in the background 10:43 Rich np 10:44 Rich Just want to note when there is steam in that area. Tring to narrow down what steam is really F&M and something else. 10:44 Rich New markers were set at F&M, 10:44 BB Yes, I read that somewhere 10:45 Rich Geyserlist 10:45 BB yes, I guess so 10:45 Rich Plume ie 10:34:44 wc 10:49 Michael Typo on Plume. 10:44:34 wc 10:49 Rich ty Michael 10:57 Rich I'm froze on the static cam for another 3 min. 11:19 CC we have tried all morning to fix the blue screen remotely but no luck 11:19 sparekitty thanks for trying CC. 11:20 Derek Hi CC 11:20 CC Craig will have to go down to the OF area to repair and that probably will be on Friday 11:26 Rich Nice staem at Giantess 11:33 Rich OF ie :11:28:53 wc 11:35 Rich We have 2 people 11:59 Rich 6 Birds 12:02 Rich Dec 15, 2009 recap OF 08:17:19ie, 09:48, 11:28:53ie, Plume 10:44:34ie, 12:03 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12:03 Rich Lunch time crowd 12:34 Rich wb Kent 12:37 Kent I was expecting more people on the boardwalk today. I guess $100+ to ride in and out with no services available is a little much. 12:39 Rich So far I've seen about 10 people. 12:39 Kent And just now two people show up :) 12:39 Rich and now a bunch 12:40 Kent Good to see although I've enjoyed having the UGB to ourselves the last six weeks. 12:46 Rich About 25 people 13:16 Michael Did anyone catch what time the last Old Faithful was? I forgot to take note. 13:35 Kent I think I remember 1305 ie 13:36 Kent Sleds and coaches on Parking Lot cam. Winter is underway. 13:36 Michael Thanks. I guess that matches the new prediction (14:34) pretty well too. 14:27 sparekitty bh?? 14:27 sparekitty nope. 14:31 Michael Old Faithful 14:30 ie. Not near the start. 14:31 Michael Depression might be ie at 14:30 as well. 14:33 Michael But it could just be steam from OF runoff. 14:36 lc M. I had OF at 14:28:10 14:38 Derek Hi lc 14:40 lc Hey D. 14:40 lc been out walking, about 5 miles. 14:40 Derek Wow 14:41 lc about 40 degrees, seems colder. 14:42 Derek 31 outside here 14:43 lc it was 48 this morning, dropping all day. 14:43 Derek Here it should drop to 27 during the night 14:44 Derek Light snow forcast for tomorrow. 14:44 lc we have a chance for light snow Sat. 14:53 Derek Goodnight All 14:55 lc Later D. 15:41 Ryan Hello cb 15:41 Ryan Hi sk 15:42 Ryan We got a new kitten today :) 15:44 sparekitty hi ryan! what type of kitty did you get? 16:00 Ryan a uhh im not sure its black and brown 16:03 sparekitty how old is your kitty? 16:03 Ryan 3 months 16:04 Ryan OF 1604 16:07 sparekitty what did you name it? 16:08 Ryan 15 December 2009 recap - Lion 08:01ie; OF 08:17ie, 09:48ie, 11:28ie, ?13:05ie?, 14:28ie, 16:04; Plume 10:44ie 16:08 Ryan Uhh we havent decided yet... :S 16:09 Ryan brb 16:09 sparekitty kitties are fun but a lot of work. 16:43 Graham hello 16:44 sparekitty hi graham. 16:46 Graham I see its another blue day 16:46 sparekitty i'd so love to be there! 16:47 sparekitty well maybe if it was a bit warmer. 16:47 Graham yeah a cold snowy day in YNP is still better than being anywhere else 16:48 Ryan (AWAY) Yeah really ;) 16:49 Graham hey Ryan away 16:50 Graham have to remember we can get OF predictions off the cam now :) 16:51 Ryan yeah really :) 16:52 Graham very little in the log today, hardly worth posting 16:53 Graham has it been dull and snowing with no streaming cam all day? 16:57 Ryan yeppers 16:58 Graham maybe all the cam watchers are in the park? 16:59 Ryan possibly 17:10 Graham Depression 1709ie 17:10 Ryan Depression 1709ie 17:11 Graham thanks Ryan :) 17:11 Ryan for? 17:12 Graham the echo 17:12 Graham haha 17:12 Ryan oh your welcome 17:12 Ryan lol 17:12 Ryan ;) 17:13 Ryan 15 December 2009 recap - Depression 17:10ie; Lion 08:01ie; OF 08:17ie, 09:48ie, 11:28ie, ?13:05ie?, 14:28ie, 16:04; Plume 10:44ie 17:13 Graham it was 1709ie 17:13 Ryan oops ;O 17:13 Ryan :O 17:14 Ryan revised recap... 17:14 Ryan 15 December 2009 recap - Depression 17:09ie; Lion 08:01ie; OF 08:17ie, 09:48ie, 11:28ie, ?13:05ie?, 14:28ie, 16:04; Plume 10:44ie 17:15 Graham at least I got to see one geyser erupt :) 17:18 Ryan hehe the day is waning ... :| 17:19 Graham I see theres only 15" of snow on the ground at OF 17:19 Ryan only 17:19 Graham thats not much for there 17:21 Graham i am out of here, see you 17:21 Ryan really? lol thats like state of emergency here 17:21 Ryan c ya G December 16th, 2009 07:05 CC hi bb 07:05 BB at work Hi CC 07:05 CC still blue screen and very frustrating 07:06 BB at work yes, but didn 07:06 BB at work sorry, wasn't finished yet 07:06 CC static is just coming through 07:06 BB at work didn't you say it would be like that until Friday? 07:06 CC yep 07:06 CC but I was hoping it might reset itself 07:07 CC at least until Friday..who knows maybe longer 07:07 CC you didn't happen to catch OF 07:08 BB at work No, but I wasn't paying attention. We had some trouble with the fax machine right now 07:08 BB at work But I have screenshots, will look through them 07:09 BB at work No, nothing to see there 07:09 CC thanks 07:10 CC morning cb and bill 07:10 cb Morning cc and bb 07:10 Hangtown Bill morning cc 07:11 BB at work Hi cb and Bill 07:11 cb reading log.....no stream till friday cc? 07:11 CC that is the earliest Craig can get down if he can catch a snowcoach 07:12 Hangtown Bill quite a white out today in the park 07:12 cb ok:'D 07:12 cb more like a blue out 07:12 Hangtown Bill ops...now is blue out 07:38 BB at work CC, I will leave you too. I have to get my work finished, and I will leave early today, so I will be back later from home. Besides, the static cam keeps getting stuck :( 07:38 BB at work bye 07:38 CC bye 08:20 Michael Hello Derek and Rich. 08:20 Michael I showed up at 7:51 and haven't noticed any eruptions. 08:20 Rich Hi Michael 08:20 Rich Hi Derek 08:21 Rich Not much chance of missing one today, can see very well. 08:23 Michael I could miss Plume if I'm looking somewhere else at that minute. 08:24 Rich I was amazed at Plume erupting 5 times when I was there in October. I never see more than one eruptions on the static cam. 08:29 Michael Did you get to see a 2-burst Grand also? 08:30 Rich No, got to see a T1C and a G1c 08:30 Rich For the G1C I waited 13 Tuban cycles. 08:31 Rich I sat alone for about 9 Turban cycles before I got company on the benches. 08:32 Rich for the T1C, I had the privilege of waiting with Lynn. 08:32 Michael Did you have any guidance on what to look for while you were out by yourself? 08:34 Rich I went to YNP with Bruce and he was a GREAT personal guide. 08:35 Rich While I sat waiting thru the Turbans, I started making my own observatons. With all the steam sometimes it was difficult to see the water overflowing, but I noticed when the water started running down the channel infront of the benches. 08:36 Rich So after a while I got to where I associated the water flow with filling. 08:37 Rich At the same time Bruce and I were there, CB and Bill, Kent, vw, Lynn, Bill and John Wornock rounded out our gazer group. 08:40 Michael The water-runoff observation is even more useful at night. Then you can even hear the difference when Grand is full enough to cosider erupting. 08:46 BB Wow, the cam is back! 08:46 BB Hi all 08:48 Rich Hi BB 08:50 BB No OF yet? Couldn't find one in the log 08:50 Derek Hi 08:51 Rich Tweet and FB status updates, away. 08:51 Derek I just swung the controls hard round to the left and it came back on 08:51 BB Skillful hands g 08:51 Derek I just told CC I am not going to move it from where it is now. 08:52 BB You are probably right, this way we can at least see something 08:52 Rich Hmm, connector problem? 08:52 Derek I agree Rich 08:55 Michael About OF. I think there was nobody here between 738 and 751 so it could easily have been missed. 08:56 BB Yes, that might be it. The static cam was stuck a lot between 7 and 7.30, but if it went then it should be due about now 08:56 Rich So for either a short or long OF, window should be opening. 08:57 Rich BB, gm. 09:01 sparekitty streaming cam up! what a wonderful surprise! 09:01 Rich hi cb 09:01 Rich hi sparekitty 09:02 BB hi sparekitty. Derek fixed it with his magic hands g 09:02 sparekitty i am SO happy, whatever fixed the cam. but i will thank derek profusely, in case he has to do it again! 09:04 BB OF 09:03 ie 09:04 cb of 903 09:05 cb wow what is that 09:05 cb snow blower 09:05 sparekitty snowplow? 09:05 cb opps caps on 09:06 cb quite the impressive snow drift in front of the benches!! 09:09 Rich Hi guest304467 09:10 Rich hi guest945552 09:10 guest304467 Good Morning 09:10 geyserlady Hello 09:11 Michael Hello. 09:12 Rich hi geyserlady 09:12 geyserlady hello 09:12 geyserlady looks cold up there 09:13 Rich At 08:15 it was 27 F 09:13 BB 27 F at 8.15... That's not too bad g 09:13 BB gm again? 09:13 Rich lol 09:15 Rich Current temp should be updated shortly. 09:16 Rich This is a link to a Resource page for this camchatroom. http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/ 09:16 Rich under Meteorlogy there is a link to the Ranger station temps. 09:17 Rich The page is updated about every hour. 09:17 geyserlady thanks 09:17 Rich yw 09:18 Rich HI guest298174 09:18 Rich Hi guest322328 09:19 Loisb Hello - meebo didn't like my age and wouldn't let me be me 09:20 Rich Hi Loixb 09:20 Loisb guess I am too old to be here 09:20 cb Hi lois! 09:20 Loisb Hi CB - staying warm? 09:20 BB Hi Lois. At work, meebo kicked me out altogether, couldn't even remember my name. 09:20 BB Had to fill in the info again. Just lie, we will not check g 09:20 cb looking back through the log this am meebo isn't letting some on my conv on \ 09:20 Loisb it forgot me today too - 09:20 cb Hello to all 09:21 Loisb Meebo wanted me to be much younger - you can check this age all you want 09:21 cb that was left out earlier 09:21 BB lol 09:21 Loisb BB I have been using that program you sent us to - works like a charm 09:22 BB Yes, I like it too 09:22 BB Took me forever to find but I am quite happy with it 09:23 Loisb I left it on last nite to capture Kileaua - very nice 09:24 BB I am still waiting for the next full moon over Yellowstone... I will save eight hours of pictures and not miss a single eruption... I hope 09:24 Rich Dec 31, a Blue Moon. 09:24 Loisb should work - and its not long now - 09:25 Loisb I think I am going to try and get Eiffel for New Years and see if they do anything more special than they have been doing 09:25 BB Not a good date, will not be working that day g 09:25 BB And it is hard to hog the computer the whole day long at home 09:25 Rich Shall I ask that you be given a 'special' project? 09:25 Rich lol 09:25 Loisb well then I shall have to capture it for you - with the time difference I should be able to get Eiffel and OF both 09:25 BB very thoughtful, Rich, very thoughtful 09:26 Rich g 09:27 BB Speaking about hogging the computer, my son wants to play a few games... bbl 09:27 Rich l8r 09:40 Rich I got dumped by my isp 09:40 Loisb wb Rich 09:48 Michael Oblong 9:47ie I think. 09:49 Derek Sorry I can't give you all a closer look, but we're afraid to touch it in case it goes off again 09:50 Michael Understandable. If it has a second burst then it's probably something else. 09:51 Derek It has to last until the engineer can get to it 10:13 sparekitty did the streaming cam die again?? 10:15 Michael Uh-oh. 10:15 BB Yes, sparekitty, it looks like it :'( 10:16 sparekitty bummer oh well, at tast it was a nice sueprise this AM. 10:16 sparekitty that's "at least." 10:16 Derek I still have it on the control screen 10:16 sparekitty lucky!! 10:17 BB It's gone in media player 10:19 Derek This is obviously not the same fault otherwise I wouldn't see it. 10:19 Derek Maybe Craig turned his PC off not realising that we had a picture 10:42 brdavis Still playing cat & mouse with a working streamingcam I see? 10:42 Derek Hi 10:43 brdavis hi there 10:43 BB hi brdavis 10:44 Derek The bluescreen fault is due to a bad connection between the cam and the VC. What we have now is a stream fault 10:44 Michael Hi. My view is streaming just fine -- at 2-3 frames per minute. 10:45 brdavis Huh. I just get a hang while it waits to connect, then finally it times out. 10:53 brdavis OF 10:52:21 static 12:21 vw OF 12:21 ie 12:21 BB OF 12:21 ie on static 12:22 BB hi vw 12:22 vw hi BB! 12:22 BB When did you sneak in? lol 12:22 vw just got back to the office from client appointments all morning. tired already, and only half done with my day! 12:22 vw isnt it bedtime in Germany almost? 12:22 BB almost... 8.20 pm 12:23 BB gives me about 90 minutes... one more OF g 12:23 vw :) 12:24 BB Oh, when did the streaming come back on? 12:24 BB I think I am loosing track here... 12:24 vw I have only just now logged in so cant say. 12:25 vw doesnt appear to be any color in vid i have. looks gloomy in the basin but not sure EVERYBODY there is dressed in black! 12:26 BB yes, it is mostly grey. But nobody dares messing with it after Derek fixed it by accident 12:27 vw fixed it by accident? too funny! 12:27 vw guess i better read the logs 12:28 BB Yes, do so. I was about to leave anyway, just waiting for OF. Maybe I will be back later. Don't work too much X-D 12:28 BB bye 12:28 vw bye! 12:31 Derek Hi VW 12:32 vw Hi Derek. How are you today? 12:33 Derek Fine thanks 12:34 vw heard you fixed the cam. pretty cool trick from across an ocean! 12:35 Derek Now cc is logged in with her admin access 12:35 vw ahhh. 12:35 vw so has the video stream been black and white since it came back? 12:36 Derek If it moves, we're afraid the connection will break again 12:37 vw well, i am just glad to see it working! just so used to watching things move i cant read the static! 12:37 vw view of Grand nice to have back too. 12:38 Derek Personally I think the cam is colour. But there's just nothing in colour to see 12:38 vw hints of color on static though. will have to watch when there are more bodies on the bw. 12:39 Derek I am also monitoring the control screen and that looks the same 12:41 vw when there were people waiting and watching at OF, i kept looking for anybody to have a coat in some color other than black. didnt see anybody. would have expected at least one or two. 12:48 vw brb. need to run and buy some tea. if i dont get some caffeine in me it is going to be a tortuous day. 13:57 vw OF 13:57 ie 13:58 BB So you were waiting, too? g 13:58 vw on the phone for work. watching here! 14:01 BB That's it for me... good night, all 14:01 vw good night BB 15:30 lc OF 1528 15:38 vw i am gone. Have a good day all. 15:54 guest6938923 iyaa 15:54 guest6938923 iya 16:12 Michael At 16:12 the streaming cam is back up. 16:12 Graham hello 16:12 Graham I see that 16:12 Graham I cant get control tho 16:13 Michael There was a theory that the connection is motion-sensitive. So Derek left the camera parked in the wide view. 16:14 guest6938923 hello 16:14 guest6938923 ppl 16:14 Graham yeah it is related to motion somewhat, probably a bad connection at the cam 16:14 Michael Hello guest6938923. 16:15 Michael For logging purposes, I thought Depression was ie at 1603 on the still cam. 16:19 Graham k, thanks. It did seem steamy there 16:41 Rich Hi Graham 16:41 Rich Hi Michael 16:41 Rich Hi Rich 16:41 Rich Hi sparekitty 16:41 Graham hey Rich 16:41 Graham quiet day here 16:43 Rich I was just loading the log. 16:45 Michael Hi Rich. 16:48 Rich I see they are cleaning the snow off the benches. 16:48 Rich Where were they in October. lol 16:48 Graham haha 16:48 Graham and they would be snowmobilers? 16:51 cb Hi all!! 16:51 Graham hello 16:52 Graham OF 1652 16:53 Rich Hi cb 16:53 cb silly people cleaning the snow off the benches.....haven't they heard of gortex 16:53 sparekitty hey rich! 16:53 sparekitty how are you today? i've been busy...dang work! 16:53 cb Hi rich 16:54 Rich Haven't they heard of JOB SECURITY? 16:54 Rich lol 16:54 cb g 16:54 sparekitty here, your job is only secure the moment you're actually doing it. other than that, it's a crap shoot 16:54 Rich Sort of like LIFE? 16:55 cb we have waivers on the BW 16:55 Graham not me there yet...18 workdays to go 16:55 Rich ~~~ 16:55 sparekitty BW? 16:55 cb boardwalk 16:56 cb bw 16:56 Rich Under the Boardwalk, down by the Geysers, that's where Graham will be. ---- 16:56 sparekitty of course...i'm a bit slow most of the time... 16:56 cb g 16:56 Rich tis ok 16:57 cb don't know why i put it in cap's.....silly me 16:58 Graham so when you all going to YNP? 16:58 Rich Information about the Effiel Tower light show http://www.tour-eiffel.fr/teiffel/uk/actualites/page/news_list.html?f=1&Year=2009#News197 16:59 cb be there for memorial day!! 16:59 cb warm today....accuweather 29 16:59 Graham cool...thats a long wait tho 16:59 Graham have to get Rich there whe nits warm too 17:00 sparekitty i'd like to go in april but my kid's easter break ALWAYS seems to be when the park is closed 17:00 cb yep.....thats why we went in Oct 17:01 cb a half way spot....and it is usually not very warm when we are there....gets warmer by mid june 17:01 cb 18 work days and counting G? 17:01 Graham true but hopefully warmer than Rich's last trip 17:01 Graham yep...holidays make it come sooner :) 17:02 cb G. yep -8 was cold!!! 17:03 Graham i am ready for that this trip 17:04 Rich Heat wave at OF was 31 F at 16:15 17:04 Graham over freezing too, see all the snow melted 17:04 Rich The snow will soon be melting off the benches. 17:04 cb G. you going to make Graham panic Rich 17:05 Rich There will be piles of snow in the parking lot. Or at Mt. Washburn. 17:05 Graham yeah. CC and I want lots of snow 17:05 Graham vw doesn't want it on the roads for her drive 17:06 cb I can understand that.....opps.... there it went/ back to black 17:06 cb >:( 17:07 Graham wasn't me that pulled the plug 17:08 Rich I think watching thermal melting of the snow is more FUN than watching grass grow. g 17:08 sparekitty i'd definitely agree with you there, rich 17:08 Graham especially when the melting is induced by F&M or Giant 17:09 Rich Did the streaming cam turn into a crystal ball? 17:09 Rich Maybe IF I stare long enough I'll see the future. 17:10 Rich Dec 16, 2009 recap Oblong 09:47ie, OF 09:03, 10:52:21ie, 13:57ie, 15:28, 16:52 17:11 Graham any connection between the park opening and lack of times? 17:11 Graham or is everyone out Christmas shopping? 17:13 Rich More difficult to see and ID geysers from the static cam. 17:13 Rich Lack of zoom. 17:13 Graham its the blue screen of death problem on the streaming cam? 17:13 Rich Yep 17:14 Graham cam is back 17:14 Rich I did go shopping to day for Ornament hangers. Had to go to 5 stores before I found one that had them. 17:14 Rich You'd think that if they sell ornaments, they would have sold hangers. NOT! 17:15 Rich I bought popping corn also. Going to string popcorn for the tree. 17:15 Graham hum, thats odd isn't it. so you didn't get any gifts for me? 17:15 Rich Thought about buying red and green construction paper for paper chains. 17:15 Rich Ornament hooks around, for everyone. g 17:16 Graham cam has stopped again 17:16 Rich Have we seen anyone out on the Board Walk? 17:16 Graham thet have been on the close BW 17:16 Rich 15 minutes or so of light left on the stataic cam. 17:16 Graham were 3 ppl not long abo 17:16 Graham and 2 for OF 17:17 Graham cam came back 17:17 Graham its jumpy tho 17:17 Rich Wind is blowing. 17:19 cb goodnight all....going to my grandson's xmas pagent...:) 17:19 Rich Enjoy, cb 17:19 Graham have fun! 17:19 Rich Hi to Bill 17:19 Rich Take lots of photos 17:19 Rich Be a GOOD Gmother. 17:19 sparekitty have fun cb 17:19 cb thanks chow 17:20 sparekitty i had an evil grandmother...and a nice grandma. 17:20 sparekitty of course, the nice one died first. 17:20 Rich lol 17:20 Rich of course 17:20 sparekitty the evil one i guess wasn't so much evil as she was a drinker. 17:21 Rich That is 'evil' from the kids point of view. 17:21 Graham 3 days with no BH? 17:21 Rich No Visible one anyway. 17:22 Rich Could have been one last night right at dark. 17:23 Rich Pixel star time. 17:24 Graham yeah. time to eat here, see you 17:24 Rich Nite Graham 17:30 sparekitty hasta la vista, todos! time for me to go home. see you tomorrow. 17:30 Rich beunas noches 17:31 Rich Nite sparekitty 17:31 Rich Nite Michael 17:31 Rich Nite Yellowstone 17:31 Rich Time to 'trim' the tree. g 17:31 Rich Ho, Ho, Hoooooo!!!!! 17:32 Rich * 17:33 Rich ** 17:34 Rich Snow is falling someplace tonight. December 17th, 2009 07:01 BB hi CC, hi Derek 07:01 Derek Hi 07:02 BB cam looks blue again 07:02 Derek Yep 07:04 CC afternoon BB 07:05 CC thanks to Derek we had the cam up and running yesterday as long as we did not move it 07:05 CC He deserves a big SHOUT OUT 07:05 BB I know. I already praised his magic hands yesterday g 07:07 Derek I am watching the static cam for daylight to apear, then I will intensify my efforts 07:07 BB I keep my fingers crossed that you will be able to repeat that. It was really nice yesterday. 07:08 Derek No guarantees, but I will do my best 07:12 cb OF 712 ie 07:12 cb hello all 07:13 BB hi cb 07:13 Derek Hi 07:13 cb gotta swing that cam again D? 07:15 Derek Just going to check on Beryl. Be right back 07:15 CC morning cb 07:16 cb morning cc 07:20 BB I think we have Lion i.e. 07:18 on static 07:21 BB Looked through my screenshots, nothing before that 08:58 BB OF 08:57 ie on static 09:17 Derek Cam back online at about 09:10 MST 09:58 Rich Hi BB 09:58 Rich Hi Derek 09:58 Rich Hi Rich 09:59 Rich Hi guest31578 09:59 BB Hi Rich 09:59 Rich Hi guest322328 10:00 Rich What a lovely day in the UGB. 10:00 BB Streaming cam seems to be down again... but not the blue screen like this morning, just black this time 10:00 BB Yes, it wasn't that nice this morning 10:00 BB But I have a nice collection of screenshots to review how the sun came out 10:02 Rich A people. 10:02 Michael Depression 10:00:52 ie 10:02 Rich Hi Michael 10:02 Michael I've been watching the still cam "offline" this morning. 10:04 BB So for how many frames could you see Depression, Michael? I was wondering about steam in that area this morning but there was nobody here to ask. 10:06 Michael I only saw that one. Wasn't watching immediately beforehand, and it was gone by the time my screen refreshed atl 10:02:xx. 10:07 Rich I had 3 frams with steam. 10:07 BB Could you post them, Rich? 10:07 BB I had only one frame this morning and am still not sure about the location 10:07 Rich Sure. 3mp. g 10:07 BB g thanks 10:19 Rich Hi sparekitty 10:19 sparekitty hi rich! how's everything today? i see the streaming is currently down. 10:20 Rich As far as 'locating' Depression my captures aren't much help. 10:20 BB Rich, thanks again, I looked at the pictures. Now how do you tell Depression apart from Little Cub? 10:20 sparekitty lovely static view though. 10:20 Rich http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30434603&l=75444c8b4f&id=1427016656 10:20 Rich Sun just dripped out a little. Has been more light on UGB. 10:21 Michael Little Cub is higher up and further to the right. 10:21 BB Yes, that's what I thought. 10:21 Michael Depression is about the same elevation as Beehive. 10:22 BB Okay... will look at the pictures again 10:24 BB Yes, I think Depression is exactly where I thought it would be. After zooming in I could see where the steam was actually coming from. In the second pictures it looks like the steam is coming from what I think is Little Cub - wind blowing, I guess. 10:25 Michael Oblong 10:23:11 ns 10:27 Rich One can usually adjust for wind drift based on what OF steam is doing, but only for the Geyser Hill geysers. Any further away than Lion/Little Cub and the wind can shift around. 10:31 Michael Old Faithful 10:30 ie 10:31 BB So, Rich, could you look at this picture and tell me what you think of the steam in the Depression area? 10:31 BB http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/XCw0G0k82vGwy… 10:32 BB It was just in this one frame and gone in the next. 10:36 BB Have to cook dinner now, will be back later to see if anybody has an opinion for me. 10:36 BB bye 10:37 Rich Something for when you loose all webcaming ability. http://funandmania.blogspot.com/ 11:05 Rich My guess on BB's steam is Marmot Cave. 11:11 Rich Hi lc 11:11 lc hi R. 11:12 lc that sure looks in the right spot for Depression. 11:13 lc it should have been in more than 1 frame if the cam was updating 11:16 Michael I agree with everything lc just said. 11:17 lc should last 3 min or so. 11:17 Rich I retract. 11:18 Michael Grand 11:17ie 11:22 Rich Static cam is frozen for me for another couple of minutes\ 11:23 lc OF 11:22:51 11:24 lc me to 11:39 Rich I guess I haven't gotten my 'winter' eyes yet. Don't have markers set yet. 11:40 Michael I'm signing off for a bit. Mostly wanted to see Grand while the wether was cooperating. 11:41 Rich Dec 17, 2009 recap Depression 10:00:52ie, Grand 11:17ie, Lion 07:18ie, Oblong 10:2:11ns, OF 07:12ie, 08:57ie, 11:41 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 11:44 lc There was a Plume at 1132 ie. 11:44 lc bbl 11:48 pandalea hi 12:22 Rich wb BB 12:23 BB Hi again Rich 12:23 BB Still working on that Depression thing, thanks for taking a look 12:24 BB Graham told me some thing a few days ago, was just looking for that in the logs 12:25 Rich Michael and lc called it Depression, and after enlarging it i agreed with them. I'm trying to get use to winter time markers. 12:26 BB I think enlarging is the way to go... I will check the other captures in a minute for more steam 12:28 Rich k 12:30 BB Now that I know I got the location right, I am actually pretty sure it was Depression i.e. at 07:22:56 this morning. The next picture has too much steam everywhere to see anything. 12:31 BB But in the captures afterwards there is actually steam, but it is more to the left, just like your second picture, and I wasn't looking there for Depression steam 12:33 BB I have small lingering steam puffs until 07:26, then the cam was stuck until 7:28, and by then it was definitely over 12:33 BB Interval would fit, Graham said 2 1/2 - 4 hours. 12:33 Rich I'm trying to learn duration times of eruptions. Helps in determining which is which. g 12:33 BB Yes, that's why I asked about how many frames it would be in. 12:34 BB But the wind can really be confusing. 12:35 BB From now on, I will just post geyser xy maybe i.e.? and then upload the picture and post the link right away, so people who know better can check. Otherwise I will never learn to tell them apart. 12:35 Rich If you ae getting a refresh every 30 seconds i figure 3 minutes/3 frames. 12:36 Rich But Plume has 4-5 eruptions in a series and I usually only see one puff. go figure. 12:36 BB I am lucky if I see Plume at all. Too close to OF for me. Maybe in summer with no snow? 12:37 BB My goal for the new year is to figure out Depression's location, eruptions, duration and interval. :) When I am sure about that, I can maybe move on to Plume. By that time, the snow will probably be gone. g 12:37 Rich When there are people out on the boardwalk behind OF, you can tell it is Plume if there is a person between you and the steam. 12:37 BB That's a good trick. Will have to remember that. 12:38 Rich There is also a bench at the corner by Plume, and some times you can see people sitting on it just to the right of Plume and left of OF. 12:38 BB Where did the sun go? It looked so nice earlier. 12:38 Rich Snow 12:39 Rich The snow has been moving up the basin. 12:39 BB Good for CC :) 12:39 Rich Looks like the first visitors of the day have made it to OF. 12:40 Rich 32 F at Ranger station weather station. 12:40 BB That's almost warm 12:40 BB Hope the snow doesn't melt 12:41 Rich 7.11 inches of precip 12:42 Rich Wind chill 24 F 12:43 Rich Air Quality cam - Parking lot http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/WebCams/parks/yellca… 12:43 Rich Look at the snowmobilers 12:44 BB I would really love to try that one day. Looks like fun 12:45 BB My son just saw the parking lot cam and wants to try it right away g 12:45 Rich lol 12:56 Rich Snowmobilers brought snow. 13:01 Rich A little over 7 inches of precip at OF Ranger weather station. 13:02 Rich Air Quality cam - look likes a line up of 'reindeer'. 13:03 Rich Or 20 mule team Borax wagon. 13:08 Bruce da Moose Wow! Lookie at da people! 13:08 Rich And look there bee one more here. 13:08 Rich Oh, 13:08 Rich Hi Bruce 13:08 Bruce da Moose 'allo! 13:08 BB Hi Bruce 13:08 sparekitty bruce!! where have you been? 13:09 Derek Hi Mr Moose 13:09 Bruce da Moose HI, BB & sparekitty & Derek & Rich & esteemed Guests! I have been impossibly, unmitigatedly busy. 13:09 sparekitty nice to see you back. 13:10 Bruce da Moose 9 hours at work each day 13:10 Bruce da Moose 4 hours each day helping Nick with homework 13:10 sparekitty homework totally sucks! 13:10 Bruce da Moose running around to various school functions 13:10 Bruce da Moose yes, homework sucks - especially AP Chem & Honors Math! 13:11 Bruce da Moose 15 minutes a day eating 13:11 sparekitty so you're a skinny busy guy then. could be worse... 13:11 CC looks more like freezing rain and sleet 13:11 Bruce da Moose and 13 microseconds, give or take a picosecond, for sleeping - AAAHHHHHH! 13:11 Rich lol 13:12 Bruce da Moose Excuse me while I slip out of this straightjacket... 13:12 Bruce da Moose OF ? 1312? 13:12 BB yes, in the fog, I think so too 13:13 Bruce da Moose can;'t quite tell... 13:13 Rich OF ie 13:11:42 wc 13:16 Rich BB, one way to tell for sure that OF has erupted - the people all start to leave. 13:16 BB g 13:16 Bruce da Moose Gee, it looks like the off-season again... 13:16 BB And I will be leaving too 13:16 Rich have a good evening 13:16 Bruce da Moose BYe Bye BB! ;-) 13:16 BB There is something about Yellowstone on TV here right now, but it is not the one with the cute fox hunting in the snow 13:17 BB Will go and check 13:17 BB Bye 13:17 Bruce da Moose Is it the one where old Faithful erupts? 13:17 Rich lol 13:17 Bruce da Moose No, really, I like that one! 13:17 Bruce da Moose ;-) 13:18 Rich Get a chance to look at the old home movie of YNP Lois posted? 13:18 Bruce da Moose !!! No! on FB? 13:19 Rich Yes 13:19 Bruce da Moose !!! brb... 13:24 Bruce da Moose Ha! That was good - I liked the walking trail behind Riverside... 13:25 Rich We believe it was around 1949, Dad was working out of Pocatello, Id. 13:26 Rich And I had my first BD there in 1948. 13:28 Rich Hi cb 13:31 Bruce da Moose What a year, 1948! Pocatello rolls off the tongue just like... 13:31 Bruce da Moose kooook - 13:32 Bruce da Moose a-munga! 13:40 Rich About to get sunshine. 13:40 Rich Hi Kent 13:40 Kent Good afternoon Rich 13:47 Rich Riverside ie 13:45:36 wc 13:47 Bruce da Moose welll - back to work for da Moose - see you folks later ;-) 13:47 Rich l8r 13:53 Rich Hi Omer101 13:56 Derek Hi Kent 13:59 Rich http://gosa.org/geysers/LION/eruptions/Lion%20erup… 14:15 Michael Very pretty Old Faithful at 14:12:39 wc 14:20 Rich Hi guest395062 14:33 Kent Hi Derek. Hope you guys are having a wonderful Hiliday Deason? 14:34 Rich g 14:35 Derek I was just trying to figure out if those typos were diliberate LOL 14:36 Kent They were not intentional. I am terrible at the keyboard. You almost have to know what I mean in advance to understand my messages:) 14:37 Derek Aahhh, so you suffer from Bruce the Moose syndrone LOL 14:38 Kent In spades! 14:40 Rich Around these parts the phenomenon is called Moose-itis, in honor of Bruce da Moose. 14:41 Derek lol 14:43 Kent Looks glorious in the UGB this afternoon. 15:07 Rich Note for vw: RE: Mesowest data collection. 15:07 Rich " I think the issue at hand is the data is 15 minute data, meaningobservations are stored every 15 minutes, but the data is onlycollected once an hour. When the data is collected from the station,it send four 15 minute observations." 15:16 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/memberlinks.htm 15:46 Rich If anyone is interested in Tracking boats and ships http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/default.aspx?leve… 15:52 Rich OF ie 15:51:54 wc 15:52 Rich OF ie 15:51:04 wc 15:53 Rich I'm sufferieng from white out. 15:56 Rich Hi guest395062 16:05 Rich Dec 17, 2009 recap Depression ?07:22:56ie, 10:00:52ie, Grand 11:17ie, Lion 07:18ie, Oblong 10:2:11ns, OF 07:12ie, 08:57ie, 13:11:42ie, 14:12:93ie, 15:49vc, Riverside 13:45:36ie, 16:07 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 16:07 Rich Have a good evening 16:07 Rich Hope you get a Beehive before dark. 16:07 Rich Bye December 18th, 2009 06:17 Hangtown Bill morning CC 06:17 CC hi bill 06:17 Hangtown Bill cb here 06:17 CC morning cb 06:18 CC looks like the cam is in wide screen 06:18 CC Derek put it there and I am going to leave it if it doesn't go to blue screen 06:18 Hangtown Bill black screen over here 06:19 CC it is still dark in the park thus the black screen 06:19 Hangtown Bill yep. can see a bit on the static 06:20 CC the media player has to be turned on by Craig for the encoder to work 06:20 Hangtown Bill Ahhhh. very frustrating 06:21 Hangtown Bill having my first cuppa 06:21 CC been there done that 06:21 Hangtown Bill g 06:22 Hangtown Bill you have a tree up for the holidays? 06:25 CC no 06:27 CC buying this weekend 06:42 vw good morning ladies! 06:43 vw got on cuz i think i saw a column from Of at 06:41 on static. hard to read, but might give a mark to watch for next one. 06:44 vw back at it here. have a good day! 07:50 CC hi cb 07:50 cb hi CC 07:50 cb showered, coffee,,,,,ready for the day 07:50 CC both Derek and I are watching in the default setting 07:51 CC I am afraid to move the cam but truthfully I don't think it will make a difference 07:52 CC looks like alot of the snow has melted 07:52 Derek Shall we try moving it back to wide angle? 07:52 CC I want to wait for OF to erupt and then you can take it and move it if you like 07:53 Derek ok 07:53 CC meanwhile the encoder if down and I don't know if Craig has left for the park or not 08:01 BB Hi CC, Hi Derek 08:01 Derek Hi BB 08:01 CC OF 8:01 08:02 BB Now that was good timing on my part g 08:04 CC OF is a long 08:05 Michael Good (North American) morning. 08:05 BB Hi Michael 08:07 Michael The streaming cam is currently visible here. I think that is a recent (last half-hour) development. 08:08 BB Thanks! When I logged in about ten minutes ago I couldn't get a connection but now it's there. 08:10 Michael Hello cb. Hello guest395062. 08:33 lc goodmorning all 08:34 Rich Hi cb 08:35 Rich Hi Derek 08:35 Michael Hi lc 08:35 Rich Hi lc 08:35 Michael Hi Rich. 08:35 Rich Hi Michael 08:35 Rich Hi Rich 08:36 Michael Turban is probably ie now. There was a similar cloud over Grand about 20 minutes ago. No idea whether Grand is empty or full or ready, of course. 08:39 Rich 13 F at OF Ranger station weather station at 08:15 08:54 Michael Depression 8:54ie 08:56 Michael Daisy 8:56 09:03 Rich hi sparekitty 09:03 sparekitty good morning, rich. i see the streaming cam is up (for now, at least). 09:18 Rich Hi guest919022 09:21 lc nice steam at BH. 09:33 Rich Hi guest530298 09:33 Rich Hi SKY 09:33 SKY HEY ROOM..............ANY LADIES UP FOR CAM2CAAM FUN??...........TYPE 234 OR PM ME PLZ 09:33 Rich sorry 09:33 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 09:50 sparekitty not again with the blue screen... 09:51 lc OF 0950, just before it went blue. 09:52 Michael Shoot. So much for moving pictures. 09:55 Derek Is the stream OK now? 09:56 lc yes 09:56 Derek Great 09:56 Derek My little trick worked :-) 09:57 lc thanks, only out a couple of minutes here. 09:59 lc I think OF was a short. not sure. 10:12 Rich Hi Bruce 10:13 Bruce da Moose Hi, Rich and everyone - not here for long, really tired, loads of work to do :-( 10:13 Rich VC arees with a short OF. 10:13 Rich agrees 10:14 Bruce da Moose Real steanbath downbasin... 10:15 lc hey BdM 10:15 Bruce da Moose Hi, lc - how are ya? 10:15 sparekitty hi bruce 10:15 lc good, rain here today. 10:16 Bruce da Moose Hi, sparekitty - hope things are going well! lc, rain is good :-) 10:16 lc may not get my 5 mile walk. 10:16 Bruce da Moose Aw - go for it anyway :-) 10:16 lc I will wait and see if it moves out. 10:17 Rich Dec 17, 2009 recap Depression 08:54ie, OF 08:01, 09:50, 10:17 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 10:18 CC wonder if that is fan and mortar 10:18 CC 10:18 big steam cloud 10:18 lc I was going to say someone call it. ha 10:19 CC there are geyser in the park so maybe someone called it 10:26 Rich L8r 10:26 Rich bye 10:28 Michael Wasn't watching when the cloud went up. If yesterday's Riverside 1345 was correct, this isn't really the right time for another Riverside... 10:28 Michael Bye Rich. 10:40 Michael Oblong is probably ie at 10:39. 10:40 Bruce da Moose Well, gotta go guys. later - 10:40 Michael See you, Bruce. 10:41 lc later B. 10:47 Derek 10:47 O.F. 10:53 lc OF long. 10:53 lc bbl 10:59 Derek I've posted this before but it has loads of webcams that you can control yourself: http://webcams.gajda.cz/america/ 11:07 32m any women? 11:30 Michael Hi Jason. 11:31 Jason Snowfox hello Michael 11:34 Michael Daisy 11:34ie 11:43 Derek Going for tea 12:10 Michael Depression 12:10ie 12:24 Rich OF sure isn't very faithful. g 12:26 Michael With the last interval under 60 minutes, it figures this one could go quite long. 12:29 Rich OF ie 12:29:02 wc 12:36 Rich Dec 17, 2009 recap Daisy 11:34ie, Depression 08:54ie, 12:10ie, Oblong ?10:39ie, OF 08:01, 09:50, 10:47, 12:29:02ns, 12:37 Michael I think there was a Daisy at 8:56 also. 12:38 Rich ADDITION: Dec 17, 2009 recap Daisy 08:56, 11:34ie, Depression 08:54ie, 12:10ie, Oblong ?10:39ie, OF 08:01, 09:50, 10:47, 12:29:02ns, 12:38 Rich ty Michael 12:54 Michael Blue screen again. 12:57 xSheszFlyyx3 Hello; (: 12:58 Michael Hi. 13:40 Derek Hi Michael 13:42 Michael Hello Derek. 13:43 Derek Looks like the stream is down again 13:43 Michael I'm not sure we've missed anything. 13:44 Derek I still have video on the control viewer 13:45 Derek I'm quite sure now that we have two seperate faults 13:45 Michael A little odd that I haven't seen Plume at all today. But it is easy enough to miss repeatedly. 13:46 Michael Let's hope we can patch up whatever is/are ailing the camera. 13:47 Derek Someone has just taken control of the cam, but they are not moving it. Probably CC 14:01 Michael Old Faithful 14:00 14:01 sparekitty OF 14:00 wc ie 14:18 Michael Plume 14:17 ie 14:19 Michael Signing off for now. Good luck convincing Beehive/Lion/Grand to erupt under sunshine. 14:53 Derek Goodnight All 14:54 sparekitty nite derek! 15:32 Graham OF 1531 15:33 Rich Hi Allan 15:33 Rich Hi Graham 15:33 Rich Hi 8309577 15:33 lc is that Plume behind OF? 15:33 Rich Hi guest919022 15:35 Graham Iwasn't watching closely 15:35 lc I'm pretty sure Plume 1532 ie. 15:36 Graham k, thats a reasonable tome for it, a bit of a long interval but not too long 15:36 lc only saw one burst. 15:37 Graham well thats all you usually get on static, 2 if you are lucky 15:38 Graham is your streaming working? 15:38 lc yes, my static don't update every 30 seconds. 15:38 lc no 15:39 Graham cam control was on for a while there but just failed 15:39 Graham oops now its back on cam control 15:40 lc was working most of the day, but been down for a while now. 15:41 lc bbl 15:41 Rich bye lc 15:42 Graham Depression 1541ie 15:43 Graham hi Rich 15:52 Graham Oblong 1551ie? 15:53 Rich Hi cb 15:54 Rich Dec 17, 2009 recap Daisy 08:56, 11:34ie, Depression 08:54ie, 12:10ie, 15:41ie, Oblong ?10:39ie, ?15:51ie, OF 08:01, 09:50, 10:47, 12:29:02ns, 14:00ie, 15:31, 15:54 Hangtown Bill hey rich cking on cam.....<:( 15:54 Rich coming and going 15:54 Rich I'm off to run some errands 15:55 Rich Have a good evening 15:55 Hangtown Bill Ok you to 15:55 Rich by Graham 15:55 Graham I am getting ready for snow 15:55 Graham bye Rich 15:55 Rich Bye cb 15:55 Graham latest forecast 16-18" 16:08 Graham streaming is back 16:19 Ryan Hi Graham, still no Beehive? 16:20 Ryan I dont have a streaming either 16:21 Graham not yet 16:21 Graham looks very splashy tho 16:21 Ryan yay 16:21 Graham keep seeing lots of steam there 16:21 Ryan ok, looks like Lion is puffing good too 16:22 Ryan I dont have streaming 16:22 Ryan :( 16:22 Graham yeah, it was on for a few minutes then back off 16:22 Ryan darn 16:23 Ryan Nice sky 16:24 Ryan Turban 1624ie 16:25 Graham thats a tricky call Ryan 16:26 Ryan Unless it Grand or oblong, not enough steam for either tho 16:26 Ryan But there is steam coming from behind the trees... Weel see how long it lasts 16:26 Graham could be Spasmodic, W Trioplet, Turban and Vent, 16:27 Ryan OOOO ok i didnt see Grand yet so ts notT&V 16:28 Graham unless you missed them 16:28 Ryan Theres no Grand on the log, was there someone alwayson watching? 16:29 Graham don't know. i was on my own some of the time 16:29 Ryan ok 16:41 Ryan my statics frozen at 1632 16:42 Graham mine is still going 16:42 Ryan mines back now 16:45 Ryan looks like another geyser in the grand area 16:53 Ryan ?Plume? 1652ie 16:54 Ryan g2g nite graham, you should get a BH Grand and OF Triple Dulie now that I'm Leaving LOL ;) 16:54 Graham ok, I am watching 16:55 Graham streaming is back 16:57 Graham OF 1657 17:02 Graham hi lc. cam is back 17:03 lc I was watching the static and saw your msg 17:03 lc thanks 17:04 Graham it flickered a lot a minute ago but stayed on 17:04 lc yes, I thought we was going to lose it. 17:05 Michael I didn't see grand in several hours before 14:00. Unless the 10-something Oblong call was really Grand. 17:08 lc been thinking we will get BH before dark. 17:08 lc but ??? 17:09 Graham running out of time 17:09 Graham been almost a week now since we saw it 17:09 lc I hope its going at night 17:14 lc i 17:17 lc getting dark fast. 17:18 lc another day. have a good night. 17:22 Graham bye 17:22 lc just saw Grand on the static 17:23 lc Grand 1720 ie. 17:32 Graham Summary from 18 December: 17:32 Graham Daisy 0856, 1134ie, Depression 0854ie, 1210ie, 1541ie, Grand 1720ie, Oblong 1039ie (?), 1551ie (?), OF 0801, 0950, 1047, 1229, 1400, 1531, 1657, Plume 1417, 1532, 17:32 Graham goodnight December 19th, 2009 00:47 BB Hi, all 00:49 BB Hm, error message from meebo? Next try. 00:50 BB I had quite a hectic day yesterday and no time to come back, so I will leave a message here. 00:50 BB We are taking the next week off and will leave for the Czech Republic shortly, where we rented a small cottage. 00:51 BB We might have Wifi there but I am not sure. So if I won't be back until next weekend: Happy Holidays, everyone! 07:18 Graham morning 07:21 CC hi Graham 07:21 CC has it started to snow your way 07:23 Graham yeah we have about 8" so far and the real storm hasn't arrived yet. could be fun. calling for 1-2' by the time it finishes tonight 07:24 Graham trying to upload some photos to FB but it won't upload right now 07:24 Graham I did post a picture there......what CC might see in 4 weeks time in West.... 07:26 Ryan Morning CC 07:26 Ryan Morning Derek 07:26 Ryan Morning Graham 07:27 Graham hi Ryan. you ready for some snow? 07:27 Ryan Al ready have it 07:28 Graham its coming your way too CC, have you got any yet? 07:29 Ryan We have lke 3.5inchs now expected another 2-4 today 07:34 Graham is that Lion 0933ie? 07:34 Graham oops 0733ie? 07:34 Graham yep, definately Lion erupting 07:36 Ryan the streaming cam is fickering 07:36 Ryan hi lawrence P 07:36 lawrence P hi 07:36 lawrence P why does my name have tyo be in pink for 07:37 Graham let it snow let it snow let it snow http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30402307&l=d3ea15fca6&id=1470722670 07:37 Ryan bye everyone, its 25 degrees here and theres a ho tub 25yards away :D 07:37 Graham ok, these are the real pics..... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2023367&id=1470722670&l=b33f2a9d9c 07:38 Ryan nice see ya Graham 07:38 Ryan be safe if your gonna go out and drive somewhere 07:39 Graham not driving today, will walk to store later 07:51 CC OF 7:50 07:55 Derek Just taken care of the luchtime dishes 08:45 Graham Lion 0845ie 08:46 Derek And the cams back too 08:56 Graham Lion 0855ie. Hum makes me wonder if my earlier call was just a big steam huff? 09:00 Graham looks like Daisy 0859ie? 09:10 Derek She's a gonna 09:10 Derek And the streams gone too 09:11 Derek 09:11 09:41 Graham Riverside 0902 per Pat 09:44 Graham also possible Depression at 0907ie 09:45 Graham Pat and I both noticed the steam increase there but it was not that well defined to be sure. 09:55 Rich Hi Derek 09:55 Rich Hi Graham 09:56 Rich Note for BB: Happy Holidays for you and yours. 09:56 Graham hey Rich 09:56 Graham feels like Christmas here too 09:57 Graham http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2023367&id=1470722670&l=b33f2a9d9c 09:59 Rich And looks like Montana. g 10:00 Graham we could have more snow on the ground here today than OF has 10:00 Rich I think you do already. 10:01 Graham not yet where I am, they have 16 at OF. highest locally is 11 so far 10:01 Rich Graham have you ever tried a 'Mobile' upload to FB. You can just email it direct, don't have to wait for FB to load up the upload page? 10:02 Graham if I had a cam phone I might try that 10:04 Graham company doesn't let us have camera phones 10:04 Derek Hooray 10:04 Derek lol 10:04 Derek Got the cam back again 10:05 Derek Hi All 10:05 Rich I email my FB photos from my computer. 10:06 Graham ah, ok. I can try that 10:06 CC OK non breathe 10:06 Derek Hi CC 10:07 CC livescope has the cam working 10:07 Graham I know someone wants to zoom in on BH tho :) 10:07 CC while I was sitting having lunch the media player kept flickering 10:08 CC went to the livescope and lo and behold I could see the basin.... don't breathe 10:10 Rich tweet/fb away 10:10 Derek The stream is very jumpy 10:14 Rich Dec 19, 2009 recap Daisy ?08:59ie, Depression 09:07ie Lion ?07:33ie, 08:45ie, 08:55ie, OF 07:50, Riverside 09:02ps, 10:14 Graham I would delete the Lion 0845 - I think I jumped the gun 10:17 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 10:18 Rich Corrected Dec 19, 2009 recap Daisy ?08:59ie, Depression 09:07ie Lion ?07:33ie, 08:55ie, OF 07:50, Riverside 09:02ps, 10:23 Rich http://bellsouthpwp.net/h/o/holm5215/Untilxmas/Ind… 10:31 Graham that gets really annoying quickly...but Iits the thought that counts :) 10:32 Rich That it tis. 10:46 Graham Lion 1045ie 11:16 Michael There was an Old Faithful around 11:00ie. 11:19 Michael Just lost streaming. Another one of those days... 11:21 Graham based on the prediction posted, I am guessing it started at 1058 11:23 Rich Hi Michael 11:36 Graham Daisy 1136 11:37 Rich hi guest996949 11:38 Graham Lion 1138 11:41 james1971 hi 11:41 Rich Hi james1971 11:41 james1971 how you 11:41 james1971 are 11:42 Rich good 11:42 Rich I am 11:42 james1971 ok 11:42 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 11:43 james1971 ok cool 11:43 Graham Depression 1143ie 11:44 Rich Old faithful is predicted to erupt next at 12:28 mst. 11:47 james1971 ok 11:48 james1971 i favorited it 11:48 james1971 ty 11:48 Rich cool 11:54 Graham current conditions http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30402572&l=628da7cdcf&id=1470722670 11:59 BB Hi guys 11:59 BB Wifi is working, as you can see g 11:59 Graham hey BB, wb 12:02 Rich wb BB 12:02 Rich YEAH!!!! 12:03 BB Yeah is exactly what I thought... good that I brought the laptop 12:06 Graham Plume 1205 12:10 Rich Hi Yajur 12:10 Yajur hi rich 12:18 Michael Nice steam out of Beehive. Keep it coming... 12:22 Graham Ind 1221? 12:22 Michael Agreed. 12:22 BB yay, finally! 12:25 Graham OF could mess things up tho 12:29 BB And my connection keeps kicking me out... 12:30 Graham OF 1230 12:33 Graham streaming back just in time 12:33 Graham Beehive 1233ie 12:34 Graham or was it Lion? 12:36 Michael We are experiencing technical difficulties. 12:39 Michael Well, at least we know Beehive is still active. 12:39 Graham yep, intervals <= 1 week :) 12:39 Graham intervals < = 1 week :) 12:39 Graham oh, doesn't like symbols 12:40 Graham intervals less than or equal to a week 12:42 Rich Hi guest109679 12:44 Michael Bye everyone. Maybe we should start pleading for a sunlit Beehive for Christmas. 12:44 BB Bye 12:44 Rich bye 12:55 RHBM Hi y'all. What's shakin'? 12:56 RHBM OMG people at OF! 12:56 Graham yeah someone left the gate open 12:56 RHBM lol 13:01 Rich hi RHBM 13:07 RHBM hi Rich 13:11 Rich Dec 19, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator ?12:21ie Beehive 12:33ie, Daisy ?08:59ie, 11:36, Depression 09:07ie, 11:43ie, Lion ?07:33ie, 08:55ie, 10:45ie, 11:38, OF 07:50, 10:58vc, 12:30, Plume 12:05, Riverside 09:02ps, 13:13 CC how long ago did it go to blue screen 13:14 BB A few minutes ago? I didn't pay close attention but I think 15 minutes ago it was working fine 13:14 Rich Looks like about 12:36 13:15 CC thanks 13:15 Rich No report after that in the log. 13:15 BB No, Rich, it was still there when RHBM came in. 13:16 BB It did come and go, though, but it was running most of the time 13:16 Rich k 13:17 BB I have trouble connecting to the static today for some reason. 13:17 Rich Only way I know is if it is in the log. g 13:17 BB I know :) 13:20 Rich Grand, perhaps? 13:33 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 13:33 BB Lion i.e.? 13:33 BB That would be 13:33 13:33 BB I keep getting kicked out, either by meebo or my connection 13:33 Rich That be Lion 13:51 Rich Big Steam down basin captures 12/18/09 ~10:18 uploaded to FB 14:00 Derek Hey, the stream's back and I didn't touch it LOL 14:01 Graham neither did I 14:01 Derek Hi Graham. I thought you had gone out :-) 14:02 Graham still here, just sitting back 14:02 Derek I sent a couple of PMs but you didn't respond 14:09 Derek 14:08 O.F. 14:09 Graham sorry, my mom was on the computer 14:23 Graham Daisy 1422 14:24 BB I am going to bed. Good night all. 14:27 Rich Nite BB 14:28 Derek That was your biggest ever delay Rich. BB left 5 minutes ago LOL 14:29 Graham Lion 1428ie 14:32 Rich Hi ronaldvii 14:34 ronaldvii hi rich 14:36 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 14:38 Rich ~~~ 14:40 Rich Next Old Faithful eruption in about an hour. 14:58 Derek Goodnight All 15:13 Graham Depression 1512ie 15:26 Sh3xyyladyy heyy! 15:27 Rich Hi 15:28 Rich Guess Lion just wanted to roar a little. 15:31 Graham Lion 1531ie 15:36 Rich HI guest109679 15:41 Graham OF 1540 16:02 CC bison on the move in the basin 16:03 CC I decided to move the cam and so far it has stayed without going blue 16:03 Graham hello 16:03 Graham Isaw the camera wandering around 16:03 CC the encoder has to be down as media player is black 16:03 CC do you want to take the cam 16:04 Graham no, its ok. as its black I am sitting back here with my mom. hows your snow? 16:04 CC hasn't started yet 16:06 CC icicles around the boardwalk at BH 16:06 Graham yeah where were you for BH? 16:06 Graham ok. its still going here, probably 15" so far 16:06 CC sewing all day 16:07 Graham ok. some heavier snow bands coming back again. my car is buried 16:07 CC saw some of your pictures 16:08 Graham heres the last one before dark http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30402687&l=c23d7da9f3&id=1470722670 16:08 CC OH MY G-D!! 16:08 Graham and its still going 16:09 CC so you may get 2 feet yet 16:10 CC it feels good to move the cam even if no one can see it 16:10 CC I think I will call Craig and see if he can turn the encoder on 16:11 Graham nice to see the basin 16:11 Graham it was on for a while through BH but public cam was very jumpy 16:13 CC just spoke to Craig...he will turn the encoder on again 16:13 CC he has been doing it all day but something is causing it to go down 16:15 CC the strem is back up 16:17 Graham nice and something to watch 16:17 CC yep 16:18 Graham probably have a Lion around 1630 16:18 CC do you want it now 16:18 Graham lost the stream 16:18 CC no 16:19 Graham back again 16:19 Graham sure I can take it 16:19 CC okay 16:20 CC it is a pleasure to see it moving 16:20 Graham looks like little Squirt 1619ie 16:20 CC I actually don't think moving it cause it to go to blue screen 16:21 CC I was moving it for about 1/2 hour 16:21 Graham I think theres some relationship 16:21 Graham maybe its a loose connector and it just depends but then if its left still it still fails and restarts 16:24 Rich Wind 16:30 CC Little Cub 16:30 IE 16:36 Graham Lion 1636 16:42 Graham could be Grand 1641ie? 16:45 Rich Dec 19, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator ?12:21ie Beehive 12:33ie, Daisy ?08:59ie, 11:36, 14:22, Depression 09:07ie, 11:43ie, 15:12ie, Lion ?07:33ie, 08:55ie, 10:45ie, 11:38, 13:33ie, 14:28ie, 15:31ie, 16:36, 16:45 Rich Little Cub 16:30IE, Little Squirt 16:19ie, OF 07:50, 10:58vc, 12:30, 14:08, 15:40, Plume 12:05, Riverside 09:02ps, 16:45 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 16:45 Graham could have been Oblong too, not sure 17:20 Graham goodnight 20:56 guest2880455 hey December 20th, 2009 07:00 Graham morning 07:08 CC morning Graham 07:08 CC we did not get as much snow as they thought we might 07:09 CC maybe 10 inches 07:09 CC once again cam is blue for us 07:11 Graham ok. 07:11 Graham we got 16-19" around here 07:11 Graham but now its nice and sunny 07:12 Graham http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30403747&l=5e3d12ec28&id=1470722670 07:13 Derek Hi 07:13 CC yes you got hit harder than us...New London in the southeast got 2 feet of snow 07:13 Graham so yes, we do have more snow on the ground here than they have at OF 07:13 Graham hey Derek 07:13 CC that's what I meant yesterday that Santa got it wrong 07:14 CC we wanted the snow in the Park 07:14 Graham there were places to the east of here that got more too, just a pretty solid 16-19 over my area 07:14 Derek Our main problem is where snow started to melt on the sidewalks and then froze again 07:14 Graham yep..but the forecast is for more snow in YNP this week 07:14 CC that is good 07:14 CC hi D 07:14 Derek Hi Boss :-) 07:14 Graham its going to be about 35 daytime here and 25 nights for the week so we will have the thaw freeze cycle going 07:15 Graham will be a white Christmas here... but haha I am off to Denver where theyres no snow 07:15 CC Derek your problem is that you never get the snow and the area is really not prepared 07:15 Derek That is true 07:15 CC Graham I forgot you are leaving for Denver 07:16 Derek Did any of you hear about the high speed trains that broke down in the Channel Tunnel? 07:16 CC what are the dates again 07:16 CC no D 07:16 Derek Four 180 mph Eurostars all broke down and people were stranded for 12 hours 07:17 Graham nice. They closed all the airports here yesterday, messed up a lot of peoples Christmas travel plans 07:17 Graham my mom came up on Friday to beat the storm 07:17 CC airport is closed here as well 07:17 Derek Eurostar services have been suspended while investigations take place 07:18 Graham happy holidays! 07:18 CC I should be watching for OF...bbl 07:19 Graham I see the official local number is 18" here 07:20 Graham broke the records here for a December snowfall and I think it was the 7th biggest on record 07:27 Graham bbl 07:28 Michael Steam out by Grand/Oblong at 7:27 07:31 Michael And at Depression at 7:29 07:33 CC OF 7:32 07:34 CC I think it is Grand at 7:28 IE 07:34 Derek Dish washing to do. Back in a few minutes. 07:35 Michael OK Thanks for the ID. 07:35 CC OF is a long 07:35 CC I am using the static cam as reference since I too have a blue screen 07:38 Kent CC, I haven't been around enough to know if something has been posted, but do we know what is wrong with streaming? 07:52 Michael There might be a couple of issues. I know that sometimes the cam operators can see streaming images even when the rest of us can't. And other times (like today) it is a complete blackout. 07:54 Kent This has gone on for quite a while. Perhaps after the holidays they will be able to get it fixed? 08:32 vw Hi everyone. 08:32 vw Just wanted to stop in and give a snowfall update. 08:33 vw NOAA is predicting 9-15 inches of snow between now and Tuesday for the Park. 08:33 vw That should make all those wishing for a white Christmas in the Park a little happier! 08:34 vw Hope everybody has a good day. Bye! 09:19 Michael Old Faithful 9:18ie 09:23 Michael Probably a short, though I didn't see enough to be certain. 09:53 Michael Hello guest322328. 10:00 Rich Hi Ryan 10:00 Rich Hi Rich 10:00 Rich Hi Michael 10:00 Rich Hi Graham 10:00 Rich Hi Derek 10:09 Rich Bison in the UGB 10:12 Rich Bison 10:08:47 wc 10:13 CC to bad the streaming isn't working with the bison right by the benches 10:13 Rich At least 25 head 10:13 Rich to bad we aren't there sitting on the benches. 10:17 Rich HI guest345363 10:18 guest345363 hi, all - just stopping by- I've seen the link in the [Geysers] email summary 10:18 Michael I prefer to keep a bit more distance, or a few more trees, between myself and the bison. Sometimes they sneak up on me, though. 10:19 Michael Hi Guest345363. If the last Old Faithful was a short-duration, then it should be coming up soon. 10:20 Rich Welcome guest345363 10:20 Rich Streaming cam is down. 10:21 Michael Most weeks we also have remote-control streaming video to watch. It's on the fritz right now. 10:21 Derek Stream is back for now 10:23 Michael Thanks for the tip, Derek. 10:23 Rich If you would like to change from guest to a screen name, just click on edit nickname below to the left. 10:24 Rich The logs for this camchat room are available thru the menu bar just above this window 10:25 guest345363 Very cool setup - Thanks! 10:26 Rich Hi joe 10:27 joe (Sorry - Guest345363 is now joe) 10:28 Rich np 10:30 CC .Craig just turned the encoder on so lets see how long it lasts 10:30 Derek Hi cc 10:30 CC hi 10:30 CC you can move the cam if you like 10:31 Derek I'll try 10:31 CC just call me if it goes to blue and I will contact Craig 10:31 CC he is going to try to keep it running 10:39 Michael Old Faithful 10:38ie on still cam. 10:43 Michael Depression 10:42 ie. 10:45 Rich Bison captures uploaded to FB http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020267&id=1427016656&l=aca913b23d 10:48 Derek Bison seen near the lodge 10:51 Michael I like the boardwalk icicles by Beehive! 10:51 Rich To small for me to see. 10:52 CC I love it when the cam moves 10:53 Derek I'm making up for lost time LOL 10:53 Michael Derek was zoomed in for a bit. My computer froze there so I got a longer view. 10:53 CC I can see if keeps freezing 10:54 CC it keeps greezing 11:02 Rich Hi guest395062 11:04 Rich Dec 20, 2009 recap Depression 07:29, 10:42ie, Grand 07:28IE OF 07:32, 09:18ie, 10:38ie, 11:04 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 11:29 Rich Hi guest109679 11:36 BB Hi all 11:36 Rich h bb 11:39 Derek Hi BB 11:47 CC evening BB 12:07 Rich All the snowmobiles must not be there yet. g 12:11 CC OF 12:11 12:15 BB Someone down there is waving... anybody we should know? Probably missed most of OF because he looked at the cam the whole time 12:15 Rich ~~~ 12:17 Rich Hi guest187385 12:40 Rich A little steam trickle at Riverside 12:45 Rich Hi guest322328 December 21st, 2009 08:22 lc Plume 0821 ie 08:34 lc OF 0832 ie 09:03 sparekitty merry christmas (almost) everybody. no streaming today, huh? 09:07 lc all blue here 09:07 lc merry Christmas to you 09:08 Hangtown Bill Hi lc! 09:08 Hangtown Bill cb here 09:08 lc good morning 09:08 Hangtown Bill Happy Holidays 09:09 lc not much going on this morning 09:09 Hangtown Bill darn cam is on the friz 09:10 Hangtown Bill basin got a dusting of snow last night 09:10 Hangtown Bill morning sk 09:11 sparekitty hey cb, what's up? 09:11 Hangtown Bill not much! g-kid day and have them eating breakfast. thought i'd ck in 09:12 Hangtown Bill see if were blue this am 09:13 sparekitty i was definitely hoping for the streaming cam to be up but it's okay, i'll be happy enough with the static. 09:14 Hangtown Bill i think tomorrow will be the day for the big fix! 09:14 Derek Fingers crossed 09:14 Hangtown Bill and toes 09:15 Hangtown Bill bbl 09:20 lc is that Grand or Oblong 0918 ie? 09:31 lc went 9+ minutes, must have been Grand. 09:33 BB Hi all 09:34 lc hi BB 09:34 lc hi Michael 09:36 Michael Hi BB, lc. I guess I missed today's daylight Grand. 09:38 lc Pretty sure it just went, T & V going now. 09:45 Michael At least there's a chance for Beehive and Lion still. 09:49 777 hello... 09:51 Michael Hello 777. 09:51 777 whats up 09:51 guest2010383 any old guy is here 09:52 777 O.o 09:52 Bruce da Moose How old? 09:52 guest2010383 40+ 09:52 Michael We're watching geysers in Yellowstone on a webcam run by the National Park Service. http://www.nps.gov/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm 09:52 Derek 95 09:52 Bruce da Moose I'll be half a century this Saturday ;-D 09:52 guest2010383 how old r u 09:53 Bruce da Moose No joke - the five - OOOOH! 09:53 lc Hey Bruce, Derek 09:53 Bruce da Moose Hi, lc 09:53 lc 50, not so bd 09:54 lc bad 09:54 Bruce da Moose My first half-century is coming to an end. 09:54 lc I just turned 73 09:54 777 wwoooow im 18...... 09:54 Bruce da Moose All these young whippersnappers! :-D 09:55 777 yeah yeah yeah.... you old fart XD 09:55 Bruce da Moose lc - two more and you're at 3/4 eh! 09:55 Bruce da Moose Emphasis on "fart" ;-) 09:55 777 lmao 09:56 lc Yes 3/4 09:56 Bruce da Moose Wish I was 18 again - to know then what I know now! 09:56 777 yeah I get that but I act older then 18....... 09:56 Bruce da Moose SURE you do ;-) 09:56 lc I am thinking about doing Shoshone this summer 09:57 Bruce da Moose My son, 15, thinks he has the wisdom of Solomon! 09:57 lc what you think? 09:57 Michael Old Faithful 9:56 09:57 Bruce da Moose OF 0957 09:57 777 you dont know me so dont act like you do 09:57 Bruce da Moose lc, I think Shoshone sounds great; and if we're there the same time, I might go with ya. 09:58 lc early July 09:58 Michael Bring lots of mosquito repellent. 09:58 Michael Actually, wearing the full-body netting is probably better. 09:58 Bruce da Moose Don't take it personally, 777, - just kidding ;-) 09:59 lc Kitt wants to go and I hope Tara will also. 09:59 lc need someone that knows the place. 09:59 Bruce da Moose When I was there last, in August, it was virtually bug-free. 09:59 Bruce da Moose I'll be there again in the latter half of July. 10:00 Bruce da Moose LC - the eastern group is easy to navigate, no sweat. Good trail, obvious features. The group across the creek is a bit harder to parse IMO. 10:01 lc I have never been, this is probably my last chance. 10:01 Bruce da Moose Oh, oh - think I made 777 mad at me - oops! 10:02 lc wanted to do it in the early 90's but couldn't find anyone to go with us 10:02 Bruce da Moose LC - if you can bring a bike, it sure helps take the sting off the walk. The first and last 2.5 miles is easily bikeable. 10:03 lc I think Kitt will have me a bike. 10:03 Michael Good point, Bruce. 10:03 Bruce da Moose Having a bike at the end is a godsend for tired feet! 10:03 Bruce da Moose LC, ever go to Heart Lake? 10:04 lc no 10:04 Bruce da Moose I have not been yet either - probably not this coming trip, wil have wife and son's friend along :-/ 10:05 lc one year Carlton C. ask me to go with him. I didn't know if I was up to it. 10:06 Bruce da Moose Pretty long walk - 18 miles - and uphill on the way back. 10:06 lc don't think I could do that. 10:07 lc I try to walk 5-6 miles a day, some days I do 10+. 10:08 Bruce da Moose Shoshone is also 18, but as I said, you can chop off 5 miles of that with a bike. Also, the Shoshone trail has only gentle climbs and descents, even tho it crosses the Great Divide. 10:09 Bruce da Moose BTW, the Shoshone route is also really pretty - it passes Lonestar, some smaller hot springs and meadows, and then is forested up to the pass...no fire damage. 10:09 Michael Agree with everythig Bruce just said. 10:09 Bruce da Moose Beyond the pass, it winds down through some pretty small meadows, then all along the side of Shoshone creek to the geyser basin. 10:10 Bruce da Moose Michael, you see Graham's photos of the western group, including Velvet Spring? Superb! 10:10 lc do you have to cross any creeks/river? 10:11 Bruce da Moose Along the way, there are typically bridges at creek crossings. There is one that uses just a couple of narrow logs, but a walking stick makes that one easy. 10:12 Bruce da Moose There is a stream crossing at the basin itlsef. Used to be a bridge just below MinuteMan Geyser, but they took it out. 10:12 Bruce da Moose It is not hard, but you get your feet wet. 10:13 Bruce da Moose I think there is also a log crossing just south of Union Geyser in the woods that works also, but I have not seen it. 10:13 lc do you take your shoes off? 10:13 Michael Haven't seen the photos. Can you post a link? 10:13 Bruce da Moose In any case, no serious obstacles to see Minute Man, Tauris Spring, Union or Soap Kettle. 10:13 Bruce da Moose I would take my shoes off. 10:13 ohhiseaJ hey there 10:14 Bruce da Moose Hang on - I'll get the link... 10:14 Michael The crossing upstream of Union is just a logjam. Some years it is pretty ricketty. 10:15 lc that could be bad for a old man. ha 10:15 Bruce da Moose http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/album.php?aid=2017489&id=1470722670- is Graham's Facebook Shoshone album. 10:16 Michael Thanks! 10:16 Bruce da Moose His pictures of Velvet Spring are killer! 10:19 Bruce da Moose Hey, Derek, are ya digging out yet? Our eastern seabord just got another blizzard - Wish we would :-( I so miss white Christmases... 10:24 lc bbl 11:25 Jason Snowfox Some of my east coast friends are saying 22 inches of fluffy white love is on their doorstep 11:27 Rich I wouldn't mind that. 11:30 Rich Dec 21, 2009 recap Grand 09:18ie, OF 08:32ie, 09:56, Plume 08:21ie, 11:30 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 11:32 BB Hi Rich 11:34 Rich Hi BB 11:34 Rich Hi Jason 11:34 Rich Hi Rich 11:34 Rich Hi Ryan 11:34 Rich Hi Derek 11:36 Jason Snowfox hi Rich 11:50 CRAZY BOY HIIII 11:50 CRAZY BOY ANY GIRL FOR MEEEEE????????/ 11:50 Rich hi 11:50 Rich sorry 11:50 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 11:59 Rich Beehive Indicator? 12:00 lc you beat me to it 12:00 Rich Looks like I'm frozen 12:01 lc i first saw it 1158 12:01 Rich I'm checking capture now 12:01 Michael Same here. Wasn't looking before that. 12:02 Rich Looks like BH Ind 11:58 was my first capture. 12:02 Rich Tweet/FB away 12:05 Rich snowmobiles have arrived 12:05 lc I got back a couple of minutes before Indicator started, good timing. 12:07 lc Beehive 12:06:55 12:09 Rich Hey, turn to your left and look at BH. - - -- - 12:10 lc looks like a short/wide eruption. 12:11 lc those can be fun when the boardwalk is full. 12:11 Rich lol 12:13 Rich ~~~ 12:13 lc well I can go finish my walk...Have a good day everyone. 12:13 lc bbl 12:13 Rich You too lc 12:13 Rich bye 12:17 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12:17 Rich 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/17/0912/18/0912/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 12/20/0912/21/09 11:58:00 47:25 12:22 Rich Correction to Beehive 12/21/09 12:06:55 47:33 12:23 BB Arrgh! Beehive hates me! 12:24 BB Just came back, and not even screenshots 12:24 BB Thanks for the PM, Rich, unfortunately I was in the next room. 12:24 BB Didn't hear it 12:24 Rich sorr 12:24 Rich y 12:24 Rich I'll post captures shortly 12:25 BB I will go back to sulking on the sofa now :( 12:25 BB I caught some kind of virus and am hanging around with a cough and a temperature during our vacation 12:25 Rich Not nice, wish you well soon 12:25 BB ty 12:26 BB I watched for hours and hours, then I decided to get some food and BH erupts 12:26 BB Ok, enough self-pity now g 12:26 Rich That's the way BH works. lol 12:27 BB Yes, for most people, unless you are CC 12:28 BB I am still trying to figure out Depression and might have an eruption captured earlier. I think it was 09:16 ie. 12:28 BB http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=49988&l=c025d1d2cf&id=100000534101661 12:29 BB The first capture without steam was at 9:20, so that would fit. 12:40 Rich BH captures uploaded http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020267&id=1427016656&l=aca913b23d 12:58 Rich Me thinks that someone figured or typed in the wrong time for OF at the VC. 13:01 Ryan drat i missed BH 13:02 Rich Sorry 13:02 BB Welcome to the club g 13:02 Ryan it ok Hi R 13:02 Ryan Glad to be in it BB 13:02 BB How is the new kitty, Ryan? 13:03 Rich I posted my captures and if the streaming cam isn't working it is just as good now as seeing it on 'time'. g 13:03 BB Did you name her yet? 13:03 Ryan Un fortunately its not as exclusive as those for people whove seen Giantess,, Giant or Steamboat 13:03 BB Thanks, Rich, I already looked. Glad I can count on you. 13:03 Ryan We named here Balee and shes doing great! 13:03 BB How old is she? 13:03 Ryan 3 months 13:04 Rich cool 13:04 BB Sooooo cute 13:04 Ryan I kno i love it 13:05 Ryan OF 1304? 13:06 BB I have to admit I lost track of OF. I wondered about when it was due when Rich said the prediction was wrong. 13:07 Rich Somehow I missed the 11:00 or 11:30ish OF 13:07 Rich Still can't figure out which. 13:07 BB I think it was around 11.00. The one before was short. I will look through my screenshots. 13:07 Ryan i saw plume at 0707' 13:08 BB OF was 11.03 ie 13:09 Ryan then a predicted 1232 wouldve been right 13:09 Ryan looonmgg interval 13:09 Rich but a 13:07 wouldn't be 13:10 Ryan two hours 13:10 BB I didn't take any more screenshots after BH. So if you don't have any, Rich, we won't know. 13:10 Ryan as opposed to the 90min prediction? 13:10 Rich BH was at 12:06 13:11 BB I looked when Ryan said 13:07, and it did look like the end of OF to me... but I wasn't really paying attention 13:11 Rich And the people indicator at OF has been there the whole time. 13:11 BB And they started leaving at 13:07 13:11 BB So maybe it really was such a long interval 13:12 Ryan I saaw something in TSBryans book today thats pretty intresting 13:13 BB which edition do you have? 13:13 Ryan 4 13:13 Rich For some reason I don't have any captures between 09:59 and 11:26 13:13 BB ok, got it right here, which page? 13:13 Ryan It talked about random waves on Geyser Hil;l 13:13 Ryan first page about GeyserHill after OF in the book 13:14 Ryan about random waves of odd activity 13:14 BB checking 13:14 Ryan page 33 13:14 Ryan last two paragraphs befire 7.) Bronze Spring 13:15 Rich Guess we need to pay attention for any other odd behavior. 13:16 Rich I figured out my timing problem, I wasn't logged on before 11:26 today. the 09:59 was yesterday 13:17 BB I am too new to this to decide if anything is odd. For me it is odd enough that BH and OF always erupt at the same time when I am watching g 13:17 BB Do you think anything is odd, Ryan? Or should we just file this info away for future use? 13:17 Ryan Like it said that "first seen in 2002 have been randm episodes of strange geyser activity that apparentky have nothing to do w dinural or the GHW. This behaviour is marked by odd often unprecidented eruptions in several geysers at once." 13:17 Ryan Well lets see since October 14, 2009 13:18 Ryan October 14 2009 - Giantess erupts (always unusually) 13:18 Ryan Depression abruotly changes intervals and becomes regualr 13:18 Ryan Lion begins to have 10-32 major eruptions in a series 13:18 Ryan Little Squirt erupts for 5days straight 13:18 Ryan BH goes erratic possibly dorament 13:18 Rich BH goes into long intervals 13:19 Ryan PLH maybe becomes periodic 13:19 BB I see. Now that you say it it seems odd. 13:19 BB Sounds like too much to be a coincidence. 13:19 Ryan I read that and began thinking... hmm... maybe just maybe... 13:20 Ryan OF has a @ HOUR INTERVAL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 13:20 Ryan 2 Hour sry 13:20 Ryan :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O 13:20 Ryan Just somethink to think about 13:21 BB OF had a few rather long intervals since I have been watching 13:21 Ryan Yeah, it has 13:21 BB I remember that I waited at least 110 minutes a few times 13:21 BB But I really enjoy seeing Lion almost every hour when it is in series 13:22 Ryan yeah really 13:24 Ryan brb 13:24 Rich k 13:25 Rich Plume ie 13:24:36 wc 13:27 Rich scratch that Plume, was OF steam. 13:34 Rich Hi Bruce 13:35 Bruce da Moose Hiya, Rich 13:36 Ryan Hi Bruce 13:36 Ryan Havent seen u for a while 13:39 thick.chick hi 13:40 Bruce da Moose Hi, Ryan - I have been desperately busy and trying to catch up on lots of other things. It has been so bad that it seems like even Christmas, normally one of my favorite times of year, is passing me by :-( 13:41 Ryan aww, ive had a damper on my xmas too our cat died :( 13:41 Bruce da Moose So sorry - it is heartbreaking when an animal friend dies. 13:42 Ryan yepp, we got s new one but it not the same i still love the new kitty just as much tho 13:43 Ryan shes on my shoulder meowing going "Hey look its BH!!" Im going "No, just steam" LOL 13:43 Ryan xd 13:45 Bruce da Moose My cats just want food all the time :-) 13:45 Ryan lol 13:45 Bruce da Moose they are oinkmasters, just like their Dad... 13:45 Ryan Mine too :) 13:45 BB same here 13:46 Ryan Mines very social, shell lay on my chest and fall asleep then i cant move all night and wake up w sore bone :S 13:46 Bruce da Moose Actually, on Christmas Evee, early in the AM, we have two boxes of ashes from deceased animal friends to scatter in the wilds. 13:47 Bruce da Moose One of my cats likes to sleep on my legs; she's a heavyweight, so it's like being traction all night. 13:47 Ryan g2g guys 13:47 Ryan byee rocket time :D 13:47 Rich bye Ryan 13:47 BB bye 13:47 Bruce da Moose Bye! have fun! 13:47 Rich Merry Christmas 13:48 Bruce da Moose I assume everyone here celebrates Christmas? 13:48 BB we do 13:48 Rich we do 13:49 Ryan merry christmas to all and to all good luck with Giantess, Giant, Excelsior (i think the steam would be seen from here), Link (maybe), cya 13:49 Ryan I do too!!!!! 13:49 Rich vbg 13:49 Ryan lots of steam by the anemones 13:49 Bruce da Moose It has been a long time since I've been in a place where that is true. California is such a melting pot... 14:00 Rich Hi GreekD2486 14:01 GreekD2486 Hi Rich 14:02 GreekD2486 Still stuck with the static cam i see 14:03 Derek The repairs should happen tomorrow 14:05 Derek When the technician makes the 4 hour trip from his office in Mammouth to O.F. by snow coach 14:05 GreekD2486 btw RIch, both of the other OF Cam sites you sent me work now that I'm at home 14:07 Rich good 14:16 Rich The VC predition time jumped from 12:32 after the 13:02 OF eruption to 14:32. 14:23 Rich Lion? 14:23 Rich Depression? 14:26 Rich Hi cb 14:26 Hangtown Bill afternoon rich 14:32 Bruce da Moose Don't look now... 14:32 Rich OF ie 14:32 Bruce da Moose OF 1432 ie 14:32 Rich So what happened to OF today? Hmmm??? 14:44 Graham hello 14:45 Rich Hi Graham 14:46 Graham how are you, ready for Christmas? 14:47 Rich Of course NOT!! 14:47 Rich lol 14:47 Derek Baaah Humbug 14:48 Rich I met him once. Baaah Humbug, pretty nice fellow except for his holiday atitude. 14:49 Graham no decorations up for you Derek? 14:50 Derek They went up weeks ago 14:51 Graham so you are in the holiday spirit :) 14:53 Rich Jim Beam? 14:55 Graham so were those Lion and Depression reports from you real eruptions Rich or just steam sightings? 14:55 Rich Depression was just steam as far as I could tell. Lion looked to be a minor. 14:57 Rich I'm still pondering the OF ? of the day, if there was an 11:03 eruption - 12:32 VC prediction, why then a 13:04 OF eruption? 14:58 Rich Hi guest322328 14:58 Graham was there an 1103 eruption? 14:58 Rich Hi guest395062 14:58 Rich BB thought there was. 14:58 Rich Hi cb 14:58 Rich wb 14:58 Graham nothing in the log 14:59 Hangtown Bill your quick rich!!LOL 14:59 Rich lol 14:59 Hangtown Bill Hi all 14:59 Hangtown Bill havihngb a afternoon cuppa coffee 14:59 Hangtown Bill wow,,,,what happened there? 14:59 Hangtown Bill having 14:59 Rich ANOTHER one? 14:59 Rich lol 15:00 Rich OF 08:32ie, 09:56, ?11:03ie,PredictionVC 12:32, 13:04ie, 15:00 Hangtown Bill don't often drink coffee in the afternoon, but the rainy day.....kids almost asleep...sounded good...how 15:00 Hangtown Bill s everyone? 15:00 Rich very good. 15:01 Bruce da Moose Hi, Bill - we're frazzled to a crispy critter, but hanging in there. 15:02 Hangtown Bill Hi BDM,.. cb here 15:02 Rich Going from the 09:56 - a short would be 11:00, 12:32 then a 14:00, 09:59 - a long would be 11:30, 13:00 15:02 Bruce da Moose Giantess is putting out some gusts of delicious steaminess today! Oh, Hi cb :-) 15:02 Graham actually Rich - I have often seen OF have a short, then the next interval is longer than usual, so it could have erupted 1103 (short interval) and 1304 15:03 Bruce da Moose Rich - the next one would be the 1432, right? 15:03 Rich and it was, as you know 15:03 Rich But the VC predicted 12:32 15:03 Bruce da Moose and alwasy shall be! 15:03 Rich g 15:03 Bruce da Moose The VC forgot to set their clocks! 15:04 Rich reset and then reset again? 15:04 Rich sorry, shift lock stuck 15:04 Bruce da Moose Or else goofed the timing of the play 15:05 Rich I don't have any captures before 11:26, so don't know what the earlier prediction was. 15:05 Hangtown Bill looks like the snow on the bw is melting fast 15:05 Bruce da Moose I want snow :-( 15:06 Hangtown Bill calling for snow tonight in the foothills.....again 15:06 Bruce da Moose I need a white Christmas so bad I can taste it. 15:06 Hangtown Bill low of 23 in pville' 15:06 Rich Head up to Mt. Tam 15:06 Graham Rich - 1232 would have been the "normal" prediction after a 1102 eruption 15:06 Rich 14:15 temp at OF Ranger station 29 15:07 Hangtown Bill need a friend w a cabin up by truckee BDM! 15:07 Bruce da Moose That might be warm enough to melt that boardwalk clean. 15:08 Bruce da Moose I know some people with cabins up there, CB - but who has time to get out of town any more? I can hardly go to bed before I have to get up and rock the world again. 15:08 Rich You move to the Haight, Bruce? 15:08 Bruce da Moose My 50th birthday is Saturday - I might just give myself a present. 15:09 Bruce da Moose No, still stuck in San freakin' Lorenzo :S 15:09 Rich Just dawned on me, Bruce, you share my Dad's BD. 15:09 Hangtown Bill sorry u so busy Bruce. You need to give yourself a break 15:09 Bruce da Moose Wow! So doe smy sister - and my cousin Steve 15:10 Hangtown Bill happy pre-birthday BDM! 15:10 Bruce da Moose Thanky :-) 15:10 Hangtown Bill 50's not so bad....huh Rich? 15:10 Rich Happy Winter Soltice. 15:11 Rich I don't remember 50. 15:11 Hangtown Bill lol 15:11 Bruce da Moose A half century of dissipation and regrets... ;-) 15:11 Bruce da Moose I think I may be older - I remember an amazing amount of stuff from before I was born. 15:12 Bruce da Moose My mom-in-law is always amazed...my memory fo the 40's is a good as hers. 15:12 Graham Happy B-Day Bruce and everyone else 15:12 Hangtown Bill HUM no regrets! you gotta do something for yourself Bruce! 15:12 Bruce da Moose Thanks! 15:12 Rich Bon Noel a tous! 15:13 Bruce da Moose Buon Natale? 15:13 Bruce da Moose Waiting for Greek to chime in :-D 15:13 Hangtown Bill coffee cups drained,,, back to work! ttfn 15:14 Bruce da Moose Bye, Tigger :-) 15:14 Hangtown Bill lol 15:14 Rich Zorionak eta urte berri on 15:14 Rich bye cb 15:15 Graham I will do my last timing post to the listserve today, may not do another for a while 15:16 Rich Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo 15:16 Bruce da Moose Klaatu barada nikto 15:16 Rich God jul och gott nytt ĺr 15:18 Rich ?a?? ???st???e??a! 15:19 Bruce da Moose sic semper paratus 15:21 Rich QISmaS botIvjaj 'ej DIS chu' botIvjaj 15:21 Bruce da Moose Mele Kalikimaka 15:21 GreekD2486 ?a? ?a?o ?????! 15:22 Bruce da Moose Maligayang Pasko !!! 15:22 Bruce da Moose Mutlu Noeller 15:23 Graham can see the BW reappearing, thats not a good sign 15:23 Bruce da Moose ...and for all you folks from a small island nation in the Mediterranean - Il-Milied it-Tajjeb! 15:24 Rich http://www.holidays.net/christmas/voices.htm 15:26 Bruce da Moose Whoa - this reminds me of listening to the shortwave radio! 15:26 Bruce da Moose ...or the kids at mny son's school :-) 15:27 Rich g 15:27 Bruce da Moose It's a Tower of Babel out thar! 15:27 Rich Lion ie 15:26:44 15:27 Bruce da Moose I've only ever been able to talk like that when I've had a few... 15:28 Rich Or a mouthful of chocolate 15:28 Bruce da Moose being a teetotalitarian, it doesn; thappen often... 15:28 Bruce da Moose Rich knows about me and the chocolate... 15:28 Rich lol 15:28 Bruce da Moose I get Moose-itis of the Mouth 15:29 Graham I guess thats the Lion Initial 15:29 Bruce da Moose Looks good on the stream? 15:29 Rich The one an hour ago wasn't nearly that large. 15:30 Bruce da Moose Hmmm - that's some interval then... :-O !!! 15:30 Graham its not very clear on the stream 15:30 Bruce da Moose T'ain't exactly the Mona Lisa on the still cam neither. 15:30 Graham when was the last Lion Rich? 15:31 Rich ~14:23 15:31 Bruce da Moose Didn;t you gusy say it looked like a minor? 15:31 Rich I'll check if I got a capture 15:31 Rich I did 15:31 Bruce da Moose 'swhat I thought 15:31 Rich but what do I know. 15:31 Bruce da Moose You know plenty, friend! 15:33 Graham did it have one before then? 15:33 Bruce da Moose Well actualy - got a couple of things to finish up before I depart, so cya l8r folks... 15:35 Rich I'll check for earlier captures. 15:37 Rich was less defined at 13:15 15:37 RHBM Hi all. is streaming cam totally messed up or is it my computer 15:37 RHBM ? 15:37 Rich And 12:00 was covered by BH 15:37 Rich hi rhbm 15:38 Graham streaming cam is still broken 15:38 Graham they are supposed to be trying to fix it tomorrow 15:38 RHBM Hi rich. I've got a wacky blue screen 15:38 Graham so Rich - does that mean Lion erupted at 1314? 15:40 Rich There is a blown over column of steam, not very big. 15:40 Graham maybe just splashing 15:40 Graham the 1526 eruption was quite long 15:40 Rich But I have jumps in my capture times of 5 min. 15:40 Graham k 15:41 Rich The only thing I find curious is that Lion has been steaming at close to hour intervals. 15:42 Rich I can't go back any further today than the 12:00ish time. 15:42 Graham nobody else put it in the log 15:42 Rich Graham did you ever take a look at the Big Steam down basin captures the other day? 15:43 Rich That is why I put times when I think something is going, then at least it is in the log. 15:43 Graham nope...will look on FB 15:44 Rich I figure when the GOSA data is updated I can compare the log to data logger data and learn something. 15:45 Graham it was Grotto on the 18th, too far to the left 15:48 Graham move it half way over to the Riverside tree and it would be about right 15:48 Rich I seem to remember a more diffuse cloud of steam to the right prior to the Grotto column. 15:49 Rich I always figure the first downslope on the butte behind. 15:49 Graham maybe Plume 1548? or OF steam 15:50 Rich There is a little after steam at Plume in 15:49:27 capture, so I'll go with Plume 15:50 Graham k 15:51 Rich I'll try and gather up the possible Lion captures and upload them asap. 15:53 Rich Moon is waxing Crescent 15:53 Graham k, thanks 15:57 Rich Could it be that because of the cold, we are seeing steam at Lion on Lion's series times? 16:01 Rich Hi guest31578 16:02 Rich OF 16:01:57 wc 16:02 Rich ie 16:03 Rich make that ns 16:03 guest31578 reading log and thought I would pop in. 16:04 Rich Welcome back 16:04 guest31578 If u have a capture program, look back to the OF after lunch. I cudda swoan the prediction was 1252, I was here then 16:04 guest31578 sworn. oops 16:04 guest31578 But I could be wrong 16:05 Rich 12:32 was the predicted time 16:05 Rich just double checked 16:07 guest31578 k, thanks. I was hoping it would clear up confusion, I must need glasses. :) 16:07 Rich I think my FB posts of Beehive should have the VC time 16:07 Rich http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020267&id=1427016656&l=aca913b23d 16:09 Rich The VC prediction after the 13:04 OF eruption was for 02:32. 16:15 guest31578 cool I will open it, thx 16:22 Rich Lion? 16:23 guest31578 my browser keeps sticking. too much multi-tasking. Happy holidays. 16:23 Rich Happy Holidays to you and yours. 16:25 Rich My car is done at the mechanics. Have a good evening everyone 16:25 Rich bbl 16:45 Rich away I'm back 16:47 Rich HI guest322328 16:51 Graham was there a Lion at 1646ie? 16:53 Rich I don't know if I was back yet. I'll look 16:55 Rich Lion ie 16:44:52 wc 16:56 Rich Hi Allan 16:56 Rich Happy Holidays Allan 17:01 Allan Hi Rich and thank you. Happy Holidays to you as well. 17:02 Rich ty 17:02 Allan And Happy Holidays to you Graham and Ryan 17:02 Rich Sunset is at 4:31pm mst, Moonset at 21:52 mst 17:03 Rich Sunrise tomorrow is at 07:52. 17:04 Rich Effiel Tower light show http://www.paris-live.com/paris_webcam/eiffel_towe… 17:04 Allan Bye all. 17:04 Rich Bye Allan 17:06 Rich Lights appear to be out for this evening. 17:13 Rich Hi cb 17:14 Hangtown Bill Hi rich. get your car fixed today? 17:15 Rich Yep, I'm poor now. 17:15 Hangtown Bill I bet...what was sriong 17:15 Hangtown Bill wrong 17:15 Rich Spark plugs, wire and ingnition module thingy. They were all orginal equipment. 17:16 Rich 60 - 80,000 miles life and I've got 87,000 17:16 Hangtown Bill ahhhh... 17:16 Hangtown Bill what kindacar 17:16 Rich Gas mileage should improve. 17:16 Hangtown Bill fingers have moosites 17:17 Rich Ford Taurus Se 17:17 Rich mine too 17:17 Rich it is a two thousand 17:17 Hangtown Bill think i need to cut my fingernails 17:17 Hangtown Bill hate car problems 17:17 Rich numbers still don't go thru here on meebo. 17:17 Rich Better now than half way home. lol 17:18 Rich And a 'LITTLE' something for you guys http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/memberlinks.htm 17:18 Hangtown Bill yeah, that happpens to me all the time...#'s. Yes better there than on the road home. 17:20 Hangtown Bill my grandson said oh no santa.....crash 17:20 Hangtown Bill to funny 17:20 Hangtown Bill mom's here..gotta go 17:20 Hangtown Bill chow 17:26 Rich Dec 21, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 11:58ie, Beehive 12:06:55ie, Grand 09:18ie, Lion 14:23ie, 15:26:44ie, 16:44:52ie, OF 08:32ie, 09:56, ?11:03ie, (PredictionVC 12:32) 13:04ie, 14:32ie, 16:01:57ns, Plume 07:07, 08:21ie, 15:48, 17:26 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/06/09 13:58:00 49:53 12/07/09 11:27:00 21:29 12/08/09 13:12:00 25:45 12/09/09 07:26:00 18:14 12/10/09 17:07:56 33:37 12/11/09 15:43:00 22:35 12/12/09 10:56:50 19:13:50 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 12/21/09 12:06:55 47:33 17:37 Rich Nite Ryan 17:37 Rich Nite Graham 17:37 Rich Nite Yellowstone 19:14 Graham g-night Rich, sorry I was afk. December 22nd, 2009 06:54 Derek Hi BB 06:55 BB Hi Derek 06:55 Derek Although the stream hasn't been started yet, the cam seems ok on the control viewer 06:56 Derek It's still dark, but that's better than blue LOL 06:56 BB g 06:56 BB I will keep my fingers crossed 06:57 Derek I got to take my wife Beryl to the hairdressers in one hour so I'll miss the start of my camera shift. CC will cover for me. 06:57 BB ok 07:01 CC hi everyone 07:01 Derek Hi 07:01 BB hi CC 07:01 CC looks like Craig turned on the encoder 07:02 CC well maybe not 07:15 CC someone is actually watching the for the eruption of OF 07:16 BB There was somebody there around the same time yesterday 07:17 Derek A very devoted gazer 07:27 CC OF is 7:27 07:30 CC OF is a long 07:31 CC The person was exercizing on the benches 07:32 CC Craig got the luggage coach so hopefully the problem will be fixed 07:32 Derek CC, I will being leaving both my PCs turned on while I pop out with Beryl 07:32 CC k 08:55 Rich Hi BB 08:55 Rich Hi Rich 08:55 Rich Hi Ryan 08:55 Rich Hi Derek 08:55 Rich 08:56 BB Hi Rich 08:56 BB I think I am the only one here 08:56 Rich 08:56 BB Derek went out to drive his wife to the hairdresser. 08:56 BB Are you trying to 08:56 Rich Ryan probably left his other computer on. lol 08:56 BB say something? 08:56 Rich I actually am saying sometihng. 08:56 BB Yes, Ryan has been here during the whole Yellowstone night. 08:56 BB g 08:57 BB There were two blank messages from you 09:06 Rich I'm frozen on the static cam 09:07 BB In the room me too 09:07 BB But I have it open in a diffent browser and keep getting refreshes there 09:07 Rich Loisb isn't frozen, she said she will share. 09:07 BB OF is due any minute 09:08 Rich Definitely in it's window\ 09:10 BB Now I am stuck at 9.07 everywhere 09:10 BB that probably means OF is going 09:10 BB and it is 09:10 Rich Lois is stuck at 0907 also 09:10 BB 09:10 OF ie 09:10 BB just got a refresh in firefox 09:11 Rich Hi Bruce 09:11 Rich OF likes you Bruce 09:11 Rich ~~~ 09:11 Bruce da Moose Hi Rich and everyone - naw, just coincidence. 09:12 BB Hi Bruce 09:12 Rich Hi sparekitty 09:12 sparekitty hey rich; looks like the streaming cam is still down. i was hoping for a christmas miracle. 09:13 Rich Craig is on his way to UGB, might have your wish. 09:13 sparekitty static has a lovely view, complete with people waving! 09:13 Rich Nice 09:13 sparekitty how is your holiday season shaping up? having any fun? 09:14 Rich Getting colder and damper, might get a dusting of white stuff. Would be nice. 09:16 Rich ~~~ 09:20 Rich Hi guest322328 09:22 Rich I was going to string popcorn for the tree, but it seems to disappear faster than it gets strung. lol 09:23 BB We don't do that over here but we wouldn't have a chance at stringing any of it. Especially since one of our cats is completely crazy about popcorn. 09:24 Rich lol 09:24 Rich Might give it another try today. 09:24 Rich Static cam frozen again. 09:25 Bruce da Moose stat cam works here OK 09:26 Rich Just doning it's normal off for 10min, on again routine. 09:27 Rich Another minute and I should be back. 09:27 BB Try closing the tab and then opening it in a new one 09:27 BB Unless that takes forever on dial-up g 09:27 BB It works for me most times it looks stuck 09:28 Rich Some one will tell me if Giantess goes off. lol 09:30 Rich I refreshed 09:39 vitally any girls pm me 09:54 Rich Sunset at 16:44, Dusk at 17:17 09:56 Rich At 08:15 it was 18 F at the Ranger station weather observation station. 10:00 Derek Hi Everyone 10:03 Rich wb Derek 10:03 Rich Looks like snow moving up the basin. 10:03 Rich Hi Jason 10:03 Jason Snowfox hello Sir rich 10:17 Rich hi guest62147 10:21 Kent Hi Rich. Just stopped by to see if there is any Craig news. Kent 10:21 CC not yet 10:21 Kent Saw CC's note that he is on the luggage coach. 10:21 Kent Thanks CC 10:22 CC no problem 10:22 Rich Kent, GOSA data updated 10:22 Rich Interesting BH 10:22 Kent Thank You! I will go look. 10:23 Rich short interval of 09:25, long interval 28:43 10:31 Rich The Langoliers are coming. g 10:34 Jason Snowfox Not the Langoliers 10:34 Jason Snowfox Insomnia was a great book too 10:34 Bruce da Moose OF appears to be preplaying 10:34 BB OF was 10.32 ie on static 10:34 Rich OF ie 10:33:23 wc 10:35 Bruce da Moose Are you sure that is an eruption? Maybe... 10:35 Rich Looks like water to me. 10:35 Rich Pretty tall 10:35 Rich Call the people on the benches. 10:35 Bruce da Moose I see water - but all I see is about 30 feet 10:35 Bruce da Moose Completely enshrouded in FOG 10:35 Bruce da Moose Your call - not a big deal. 10:36 Rich So, it isn't erupting. 10:36 Bruce da Moose Well, it might be - I cannot tell. 10:36 Bruce da Moose Is the time right? 10:37 Rich IF the people leave we will know. 10:37 Bruce da Moose OF was ie at 0910 10:37 Bruce da Moose So close, maybe a teensy bit early 10:37 Rich They be leaving. 10:38 Bruce da Moose Well, that settles THAT! :-) 10:38 Rich lol 10:38 BB Bruce, just for you: 10:38 BB http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=52099&l=32da7640a5&id=100000534101661 10:38 BB It was just this one shot but it sure looked like OF 10:39 Rich VC predicts 12:02 10:39 Bruce da Moose Thanks, BB - it sure looks eruptive in your grab. I never got that picture - all I saw was FOG and no water or steam in front of the geyser at all. 10:40 Bruce da Moose Rich, that 1202 makes sense. 10:41 Jason Snowfox I've come to a depressing realization.. I downloaded ST:voyager.. and i'm enjoying it 10:41 Bruce da Moose That reminds me - I still have to upgrade to W7... 10:41 Bruce da Moose Maybe tonight 10:41 Jason Snowfox i'm passing on OS7 until i read about more driver support 10:42 Jason Snowfox vista I skipped altogether 10:42 BB good for you. This laptop runs on vista, and it is really a pain 10:43 Derek I'm still on XP 10:43 Jason Snowfox XP Professional here 10:43 Jason Snowfox home, and laptop 10:43 BB At home we have XP as well. Would never upgrade there 10:44 Derek XP Home on the old PC. XP media centre on this one 10:47 Rich OF uploaded 10:33:23 to FB http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30440342&l=38b22f0084&id=1427016656 10:54 Rich Temp is up to 23 F at OF 10:55 Rich Bruce, any word on Mayon? 10:57 Rich Loisb did an overnight capture of the satelite view, just incase. 11:22 Bruce da Moose Mayon? 11:23 Bruce da Moose Mayonnaise? Sorry, don't know mayon... 11:24 Bruce da Moose I have Vista at home on two computers with the service pack - works fine, maybe a little slow. I've heard that W7 is much better, and the upgrade was free with the new PCs (old PCs crashed). 11:27 Rich The Volcano in the Phillipines? 11:28 Rich There are 266 Facebook Groups that are tagged Yellowstone National Park. g 11:28 Derek And they were all created by you LOL 11:28 Rich Hi guest109679 11:34 Rich Hi Michael 11:34 Rich Hi guest322328 11:34 Rich Several 2012 groups you might like Derek. 11:35 Michael Hi. Here's a link to the Philippine Institute of Vulcanology (last update 7am local time). http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/ 11:36 Bruce da Moose Sorry, Rich - I am brain dead just now. Looks like the earthquakes are getting stronger. 11:41 Bruce da Moose The current report on the website is old - 7 AM on the 22nd was a LONG time ago, especially if they are using Philipines time. UTC is not much better. 11:41 Derek Going to tea now 11:42 Rich JUst picked an email up from Ryan 11:42 Rich "Although im pretty sure excitement, cold weather, and winds are tricking, me, I have seen a good sized steam column from Giantess since 0909am YNP time, 11:42 Rich is it erupting?Ryan Maurer (please be erupting! PLEASE BE ERUPTING!!!!!)" 11:42 Rich Any word? 11:44 Michael Nothing on the Old Faithful seismogram. No earthquakes, no Giantes signal. 11:44 Rich ty Michael 11:47 Bruce da Moose Is Ryan there? 11:47 Bruce da Moose Giantess does not look eruptive... 11:47 Rich He's at school 11:47 sparekitty not on break from school? 11:47 sparekitty my kids are out until jan 4 11:48 Rich He didn't mention when he got out. just from his school address. 11:48 Bruce da Moose i think he's on break, but I thought he was at home (did rockets yesterday 11:49 Bruce da Moose yesterday Giantess was steaming quiite strongly in puffs, but it did not look eruptive either. 11:49 Rich email dated today. 11:49 Bruce da Moose Right now the wind is bad for us still cam watchers. 11:50 Rich Is it? 11:51 Rich g 11:52 Rich My but the lower basin is just steaming away. 11:57 Bruce da Moose http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=91- map of Philippine volcanos. Mayon is V11. Could generate a local tsunami in that bay... 11:58 Michael Plume 11:57 11:59 Rich Just roughing it, I'm thinking BH is on about a 15-16 interval. 12:02 Michael When would that put the next eruption? 12:03 BB Too late for me... I think it went about noon yesterday 12:11 Rich After dark tonight, but maybe an early morning tomorrow. 12:13 Rich Ryan replied he should be home in about 1/2 hour and in the room. 12:13 Michael I'll be an optimist a look for a daylight eruption today. 12:13 BB OF 12.13 ie 12:20 Rich Why not, good a time as any. 12:36 Rich Lion? 12:39 Michael Don't see anything now. But I'd sure enjoy it. 12:42 Rich I always have a difficult time when there is so much steaming. 12:42 Rich I think Grand went. 12:47 Michael Just noticed that my static was frozen. So I have no idea what has and hasn't erupted. 12:47 Michael And I'll be miffed if I missed Lion. 12:48 Rich Looking back on captures ?Grand 12:35 ie 12:48 BB I don't think it was a Lion eruption. Just a lot of steam. But something in the basin did erupt. Unfortunately I have no idea what 12:48 Rich About the same time as when I saw something at Lion. 12:49 BB Could that be Plume again? 12:49 Rich Grotto complex is putting up a lot of steam. 12:49 Rich Yes 12:49 Michael Yes that looks like Plume at 12:48 12:49 BB Ha, did I really see Plume?! Yay! 12:49 Rich Congrats 12:50 BB And that was on next year's schedule - still working on Depression g 12:50 Michael I'm certainly willing to believe Grand. It looks like a Vent + Turban cloud over there now. 13:02 Ryan hey the streaming is back 13:04 Ryan juss read the log, we get out tomorrow and will b back on the 5th of jan 13:04 Ryan and i wish i was in YNP! 13:04 BB Don't we all? g 13:04 Rich Hi Ryan 13:05 Ryan Hi R i was hopin for a Giantess grr 13:05 Rich g 13:05 Rich Maybe after Graham gets there in January. 13:06 Ryan lol 13:06 Ryan We got dancers on the OF boardwalk 13:06 BB you can even see them on the static Rich 13:07 Ryan Is that BHI!?!?!?!?! 13:07 Ryan Looks like indicator steam 13:07 BB too early for Rich's predicion ;) 13:07 BB There has been a lot of steam in that area all day long 13:08 Ryan GAAAAH! I cant get nothing right today ;) 13:08 Rich What a great thing to do at OF, two step around the basin. 13:09 Michael Guess it was a big attention-grabbing puff from Beehive. 13:09 Ryan there still ndancing too... 13:10 BB And now they are waving... maybe we should applaud 13:26 Derek Hi 13:26 Derek I am on the cam again until 15:00 MST 13:27 Rich Elk have been spotted at St. Mary's in Glacier http://ns.www.nps.gov.edgesuite.net/featurecontent… 13:27 Rich I don't see any right now. 13:28 Ryan Hi Derek 13:28 Derek We have the live stream back but no picture on our cam control viewer 13:29 Derek So I have to calculate where I want the cam to point in relation to what is on the stream, allowing for the delay. 13:29 Derek Not easy :-) 13:30 sparekitty i'm sure you're up to the challenge, derek! 13:30 Derek My toughest challenge so far 13:31 Bruce da Moose With Captain Brice in charge, we are in good hands :-) 13:33 Michael For what it's worth the Old Faithful prediction window just opened. 13:35 Michael That's a lot of steam from the vicinity of Plate. 13:35 Derek Yep 13:36 Derek I would say it's pretty safe to call Plate 13:36 Michael I'll back you up on it. Plate 13:35ie. 13:41 Derek 13:41 Plume 13:41 Rich Is that a person out on the boardwalk infront of Plume? 13:41 Derek Yes 13:41 Derek Depression 13:41 Derek 13:41 13:42 Rich I froze at 13:39 13:43 Michael Old Faithful 13:43 13:43 BB OF 13:42 ie 13:43 Rich OF ie 13:42:39 wc 13:43 Michael Action-packed 10 minutes. 13:43 Derek Yep 13:47 Ryan O hey look OF 13:47 Ryan OF 1347ie 13:47 Derek You're too late Ryan 13:47 Ryan sry but i saw everyone else called OF and i felt left out 13:48 Derek Your time is 5 minutes late too :P 13:48 Ryan :D 13:48 BB But he said ie, so he is not technically wrong lol 13:49 Ryan lol 13:57 Rich Hi Kent 13:58 Rich Dec 22, 2009 recap Grand 12:35ie, Little Cub 13:50:11ie, OF 07:27, 09:10:06ie, 10:32:53ie, 12:13:30ie, 13:42:39ie Plate 13:35ie, Plume 11:57, 12:48ie, 13:41, 14:04 Rich Oblong 14:05 Rich Ah, Hot apple cider, yum 14:09 Kent Hi Rich. I read on John's page that streaming was back, but not for me? Am I the only one? 14:09 Ryan oh crap my streamings down 14:10 Derek It's OK here 14:10 sparekitty i'm afraid to say it, but my streaming is just fine. i'm usually the one with problems... 14:10 Kent Mine's never been up. 14:10 BB try to reconnect. mine is fine 14:10 Kent OK I will go see if I can find a back door. Thanks sparekitty 14:11 Ryan back kinda 14:19 lc hello all 14:19 Derek Hi 14:19 BB hi lc 14:21 lc was going to say my streaming was froze, but its ok when I loged on. 14:21 Rich Hi lc 14:23 Ryan wat is steam below Beehive 14:24 Derek That is the aproximate location of the illusive Teapot Geyser mentioned in Scotts book 14:27 lc Derek, I'm impressed. I couldn't remember. 14:28 Derek I measured the position on the detailed topo map supplied by Gosa 14:28 Rich Don't forget that the Effiel Tower is putting on a light show every night around the top of the hour from about 8pm Paris time thru midnight 14:28 Rich http://www.paris-live.com/paris_webcam/eiffel_towe… 14:29 Derek Scotts says it is about 150 feet northwest of Old Faithful 14:29 Derek That spot is about the same distance 14:30 lc I think thats it. I remember it being kicked around on the list serv some time back. 14:30 Derek I did post a couple of screen caps when there was visible water splashing from it 14:32 Derek I'm getting a lot of interuptions in the stream here 14:38 Derek I'm watching for water 14:38 Rich There are several run off streams that enter the Firehole between BH and behind OF. 14:40 BB People off the boardwalk 14:40 sparekitty i really hate it when this happens. 14:40 sparekitty somebody stupid if going to get hurt!! 14:41 Ryan Grr .:( 14:41 Ryan >:( 14:42 sparekitty i just spoke with the visitor center. they are dealign with it. 14:42 sparekitty they had not yet noticed. 14:42 BB good!!! 14:43 sparekitty the number, for future ref is ------------ 14:43 Derek I'll already called cc 14:43 sparekitty don't you think they would NOTICE nobody else was off the boardwalk?????????? 14:43 Derek She called the vc 14:43 Ryan nice BH surge 14:43 BB They do notice. They just don't care. 14:43 sparekitty wow, i hope that's not the case. 14:44 sparekitty looks like they're caught! 14:44 Ryan :) 14:44 BB Or they are too stupid to think about it 14:45 CC law enforcement has been called 14:45 sparekitty yeah! 14:45 Ryan ty 14:45 Rich ty 14:45 lc oh, you mean we can't do this in winter..... 14:46 Rich Steam headed toward the cams 14:47 Ryan Ahhh i like the lecture hes giving 14:50 Ryan Come on pull out bthe book and give em a fine! 14:51 BB Well, he was taking pictures of them with their camera before... so I doubt the lecture and fine 14:51 Derek CC called law enforcement so they maybe waiting for them 14:51 Ryan she literally caled the police!?!? 14:51 sparekitty yay CC! 14:51 Derek Yep 14:51 Derek There they are 14:52 Ryan Go CC!!! 14:52 Ryan Hey someone else justleft tghe BW and they r back 14:52 sparekitty i think that was an officer, ryan 14:53 Ryan O ok thats fine then 14:53 Rich FYI, if you would like to keep the contact number, copy it from this room window, it doesn't show up in the log. 14:53 Ryan If it was a person id reach through the cam and smack em' 14:53 Ryan Its in my cell phone contacts 14:53 sparekitty that's a good idea! 14:53 Derek Aim a rocket at em 14:55 Bruce da Moose FWIW - walking off the boardwalk is probably not as dangerous as it may seem - that used to be the normal way things worked until maybe 50 years ago, and the they built boardwalks. 14:55 sparekitty i know, but dang it, it screws up my national park. 14:55 sparekitty and that makes me MAD. 14:55 Bruce da Moose The actual reason is probably to protect the resource from the footsteps of millions of people, which is a worthy reason in my book. 14:56 sparekitty it we went off the boardwalk in ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD we would so be arrested. 14:56 sparekitty can you tell it makes me mad?? 14:56 Rich The home movie link Loisb posted last week has people out walking near OF. 14:56 Bruce da Moose Keeps people away from the sensitive areas (like OF's vent) and protecst the sinter from damage. 14:56 BB Yes, but please don't yell at us. ;) We are not stepping off the boardwalk. 14:57 sparekitty ok, sorry. 14:57 Bruce da Moose Considering how long people were allowed to wander about aimlessly, it is surprising that so few injuries and fatalities occured. People can be so idiotic, dontcha know. 14:57 BB I agree with you completely. If people can't even stay on the boardwalk, who knows what else they might do. 14:58 BB I was really surprised at how many people still seem to think that Morning Glory Pool was a wishing well. 14:59 Bruce da Moose Some thermal areas are much more dangerous - Norris Geysers and some other less visited areas really have thin, dangerous crust. 14:59 Rich Speaking of safety -- For those of you planning your first visit to YNP and the UGB, be careful on the plastic boardwalks if it is wet/snowy. 15:00 Bruce da Moose One area that strikes me as hazardous is the River Group, at the end of Fountain Flats Drive - a walk along the river is very rewaridng - lotsa nice springs and geysers... 15:00 Rich They are extremely slippery when wet. 15:01 sparekitty that is a beautiful shot! 15:01 Bruce da Moose ...but there are so many places where the path crosses sinter bridges and so forth that it is seemingly a disaster waiting to happen. 15:02 BB I am going to bed now, it is after 11 pm. Hope I can sleep after all the excitement g 15:02 BB bye 15:02 lc Bruce, you been to Crater HIll? 15:03 Rich Nite BB 15:03 sparekitty bye bb 15:03 Rich Sugar plum fairies dance in BB's head. 15:05 lc Beehive 1504 15:05 Derek No indicator 15:05 Derek Just as CC took the cam LOL 15:06 sparekitty beehive DOES love CC 15:07 Bruce da Moose LC, have not yet been to Crater Hill, want to go, rather with a seaosned pro. 15:07 Bruce da Moose and the bear spray ;-) 15:08 Rich Or take a slow friend. 15:08 Bruce da Moose and the bison spray :-) :-) 15:08 Derek Goodnight All 15:08 Bruce da Moose g'nite Derek! 15:08 Rich Bye Derek 15:08 sparekitty nite derek! 15:08 Derek And Moose repellent 15:08 Bruce da Moose AHHH! Run away! ;-) 15:09 Bruce da Moose The Moose can stick with the slow friend 15:09 Rich Well we 'know' who the slow one is. g 15:10 Bruce da Moose LOL - we'll bring the spray, just in case. 15:10 lc sorry B. was watching BH 15:10 Bruce da Moose Apologize not, my friend! 15:11 Ryan nice BH 15:11 lc if you go with several people I think you will be ok 15:11 Bruce da Moose Very opaque. 15:12 Bruce da Moose LC, my main concern is not bears, really, but the stories I've heard of dangeorus ground. 15:12 lc we had about 10-12 people. 15:13 Bruce da Moose Well, THAT should certianly keep bears and everyone else away! LOL! 15:13 lc you are right, have to be very careful 15:13 Rich Beehive Indicator at 14:48:47ie 15:13 Bruce da Moose Little slow on the draw, Rich? ;-) 15:14 Bruce da Moose Izzat a note from the VC? 15:14 Rich Might even go back further, checking Loisb's captures 15:14 sparekitty ?note from VC? 15:15 Bruce da Moose Thank heaven for Lois - we'd never know what the heck is going on! 15:15 Bruce da Moose I was wondering if Rich called the VC for that BHI time 15:15 sparekitty thx, bruce 15:15 Bruce da Moose A-yupp :-) 15:16 Michael Old Faithful 15:15 15:16 Bruce da Moose OOOH - OF 1515 ns 15:16 lc food calling 15:16 lc bbl 15:16 Bruce da Moose Food can have a loud voice. 15:16 sparekitty not loud enough sometimes! i forgot half my lunch today! 15:17 sparekitty i don't know how that could happen. 15:17 Rich L8r 15:17 Rich Off to the big city. 15:17 Rich Nite everyone 15:17 sparekitty l8r rich 15:17 Bruce da Moose It's feeling lonely in your fridge... 15:17 Bruce da Moose Nite Rich! 15:17 Ryan there went my streaming im going to the gym see u all l8er 15:17 Rich bye Ryan 15:17 Bruce da Moose Bye, Ryan! 15:17 Ryan is at the gym... by bruce, rich and everyone else! 15:18 Bruce da Moose I need to wrap up work here too - standing by. 15:18 sparekitty hasta la pasta, moose. 15:19 Michael Bye Moose, Ryan, Rich, lc. 15:38 sparekitty bye all, the boss told me i can go home so i'm off. have a great christmas if i don't "see" you before then! 15:43 Michael See you. 15:43 Michael Riverside 15:43ie 15:55 Michael Depression 15:54 15:59 Michael Standard disclaimer: It is always hard to tell if the downbasin steam (15:43ie) is Riverside or F&M. 16:45 REZMANITOR B) 21:11 Rich Any capture of the 15:3ie? 21:11 Rich And was there a possible previouse interval Riverside? 21:11 Rich Nite All 21:12 Rich Nite Santa 21:12 Rich Nite Yellowstone December 23rd, 2009 07:32 cb Hello BB and guest 32232 07:33 BB hi cb 07:33 cb how u? 07:34 BB A little better but still not okay. This is not a fun vacation :( 07:34 BB And how are you? 07:34 cb Whats wrong....u sick? 07:35 cb I'm good....thinkin I'm ready for Xmas....whew! 07:35 BB Yes, I caught some strange virus, cough and a temperature, been sulking on the sofa since Monday 07:37 cb sounds like whats been going on over on this side of the pond. my gkids had same bad bug 07:37 BB My husband had it too. He is 24 hours ahead of me, so I think I am going to be fine tomorrow. At least I hope so. 07:37 cb sooooo sorry! no way to spend a holiday at all!!:'( 07:38 BB I think it is typical. As long as you have work to do you just can't get sick. But once you relax, the bug***** you. 07:38 BB But I think we will be fine for Xmas 07:38 cb Yep! 07:39 BB Did you see BH yesterday? It must really hate me. I stayed up late because of the cone walkers, and it erupted one minute after I left. 07:39 cb that is the way it seems to go! plan a vacation and you let your guard down and whammy......it gets ya 07:45 Rich Hi BB 07:45 Rich Hi cb 07:45 BB Hi Rich 07:45 BB You are up early 07:45 cb moring rich' 07:46 Rich Well, let's say I got out of bed. lol 07:46 Rich Hot chocolate is waking me up. g 07:47 Rich Good to 'see' you cb. 07:47 cb Ya busy time of the year! 07:47 cb You coming home sometime next year Rich? 07:49 Rich I think so. g 07:50 cb BB and I were talking about the excitement yesterday....I missed it! 07:51 Rich Twas another 'innocent' happening. 07:52 Rich They didn't seem intent on going out to OF, Just play in the snow. 07:52 cb ahhh 07:52 Rich Went out to the snow belt and threw a couple of snowballs. 07:53 Rich But one doesn't know what they would have done had they not been called back. 07:53 Rich I think 'we' need the signs posted again at the sidewalks to stay on them. 07:54 cb I guess the signs must have snow on em! 07:55 Grant Camper Good to see the webcam up! Happy Holidays all! 07:55 Rich Hi Grant Camper 07:55 cb Hi Grant... HH"s back at ya LOL 07:55 Grant Camper Have not been here since summer. Busy fall at school. 07:56 Grant Camper Thank you CB 07:56 cb looking forward to a little down time i bet... 07:57 Grant Camper It's over 2 1/2 weeks this year of Christmas Break. 07:58 cb Woo Woo!! bet your looking forward to that!! 07:58 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/ofcc2/memberlinks.htm a little bah humbug. g 07:59 Grant Camper I like my summer break better because I get to go to Yellowstone. 07:59 BB I see you put the funny stuff up again lol 07:59 Rich Santa is on the home page. 08:00 cb time to get ready for work...bbl 08:00 cb all have a great day 08:00 BB bye cb 08:00 Grant Camper You too, have a great day at work. :) 08:01 Rich Looks like Pump on the static. 08:07 Grant Camper There is a person. The park is open now, right? 08:08 Rich Correcct 08:08 Rich Snow mobiliers arrive in time for the noon OF eruption just about everyday now. 08:08 Grant Camper It opens the 20th or the 21st 08:09 Rich Staff was back 15th 08:09 Grant Camper It looks cold 08:09 Grant Camper A quiet season for them. 08:10 Rich At 06:15 it was 18 F at the Ranger Station at OF. 08:11 Rich Yesterday we had some conewalkers. 08:11 Rich And last week we had a nice heard of bison parade by. 08:13 Grant Camper Love seeing the bison. 08:13 Rich There were about 25 in the herd. 08:14 Grant Camper What is the craziest thing you've seen on the webcam? 08:14 Rich Myself. lol 08:15 Rich Yesterday we had a couple dancing on the sidewalk by the benches. 08:15 Grant Camper Ahhh 08:16 Grant Camper Sounds like something to do while waiting for OF to go off. 08:16 Rich Probably people standing by the benches as a herd of bison went by, people didn't show any intention of moving away. 08:17 Grant Camper One year when I was at Old Faithful, a group of German Singers broke out in song. 08:17 Rich Just have to pipe in music and dance around the boardwalk. 08:17 Rich That's cool 08:17 Grant Camper Yeah, it's always fun to listen to people's conversations. 08:18 Rich But the topper I think is people will wait for an hour for OF, when OF erupts then immediately turn and walk away. Don't even wait for it to finish. 08:18 Grant Camper Yeah, that makes me crazy. It's almost sacreligious. 08:19 Grant Camper One should have the courtesy to wait for the Old girl to finish. 08:19 Rich I think it is because of the hype of OF being regular, once they see it go off, that is the show. 08:20 Rich We just need to do a better job of educating the visitors as to other things, other geysers. 08:20 Grant Camper And there is a whole world behind it. Amazing stuff. 08:20 Rich And most of the time something else is erupting during their wait, that they miss for lack of knowledge. 08:20 Rich Like Beehive. 08:21 Grant Camper Oh yeah! 08:21 Rich Watch people turn a round and face the cams while BH is erupting and just have conversations with others. 08:22 Grant Camper I don't think geysers affect some people. 08:22 Rich There needs to be a rewind / fast forward button for the visitors. 08:23 Grant Camper Last summer on my bike ride up to lone star, this couple got to it, and didn't even want to watch it erupt. 08:23 Rich One thing I liked about Norris basin last time I was there was all the signs, made is seem like there was a lot to see. 08:23 Rich Just as much to see at UGB but it is just spread out more. 08:23 Rich That is really sad. 08:24 Rich OF ie 08:23:17 wc 08:24 Grant Camper Yeah, it just didn't impress them. 08:24 Rich Or did I miss it/ preplay? 08:25 BB preplay, I think 08:26 Grant Camper went blue 08:26 BB Oh no, and right this minute the streaming went down again!!! 08:26 Rich Lost the streaming cam then. 08:26 Rich sorry 08:27 Rich Must have been OF, the waiting couple have left. 08:28 BB But I went through my screenshots and didn't see anything... will check again 08:28 Rich Me too. 08:28 Grant Camper Are you guys seeing just blue or is it just me? 08:29 BB It's not you, Grant, it's the cam. 08:29 Grant Camper darn 08:29 lc good morning 08:29 BB Rich, the static wasn't stuck, and I don't see any OF in my screenshots 08:29 BB hi lc 08:29 Grant Camper Good morning Lc 08:30 Rich We wait somemore then. 08:30 BB Grant, were you watching the streaming before it went down? 08:30 Rich strike the OF report. 08:30 Grant Camper there it was for the moment 08:30 Grant Camper then it faded out. 08:30 Rich Hi lc 08:31 Rich Hi Derek 08:31 BB hi Derek 08:31 Rich Derek you have control of the streaming cam? 08:31 Rich Hi Bruce 08:32 Bruce da Moose OF 0832 08:32 Bruce da Moose Hi, Rich :-) 08:32 Rich That be it, this time. lol 08:33 Bruce da Moose The cams can foolya! 08:33 BB It was more the people indicator's fault this time. 08:33 BB hi Bruce 08:33 BB How could they leave before OF??? 08:34 Bruce da Moose Hi, BB! Hi, Grant Camper - are we acquainted? 08:34 Grant Camper I don't think I know you Moose. 08:34 Bruce da Moose Well, pleased ta meetcha! 08:34 Rich brb, cat is screaming at me for food. 08:34 Bruce da Moose That darn cat! 08:35 Rich BB, probably had to go to work. 08:35 Grant Camper Where you from Moose? 08:36 BB Rich, I wasn't completely serious. Forgot the lol, I guess 08:36 Bruce da Moose Just updated my status - San Lorenzo, California, near SF Bay. 08:36 Grant Camper Ahhh 08:36 Bruce da Moose You? 08:36 Grant Camper Loveland, Colorado here 08:37 Rich Paradise, CA 08:37 Bruce da Moose Nice! Gorgeous state, Colorado. Need to plan a visit there. 08:37 Rich Late of Seattle, WA 08:37 Bruce da Moose Oh, Rich - you're always late ;-) 08:38 Grant Camper Your from Seattle WA Rich; I thought you were from California. I think that might have been Graham. 08:38 Rich Think we have Indicator? 08:38 Bruce da Moose I should talk, right? Thanks to me, we missed F&M twice in October... 08:38 Rich Extended visit to Seattle for the holidays 08:39 Grant Camper ahhh, is it rainy there now? 08:39 Bruce da Moose That BHI sure looks steamy. Interval would be rigth about what you expected though, right? 08:39 Rich Yep 08:39 BB If that is indicator, then Beehive wants to make up with me I guess g 08:39 BB Erupting one minute after I left yesterday wasn't nice 08:39 Rich Tweet/FB away 08:39 Rich Stick around, and it won't go off. LOL 08:40 Grant Camper A watched pot never boils. 08:40 Bruce da Moose I hope it goes soon - I have to leave in about 6 minutes. 08:40 BB I see. Now I will be responsible for false indicators as well. 08:40 Rich Then the basin should be dry. ll 08:40 Rich lol 08:40 Rich hehe 08:40 Grant Camper Very true. Many wrong things about that comment. 08:40 Grant Camper cliche 08:41 Bruce da Moose Oh, I dunno - I've spent lots of fruitless hours watching those worthless smudge pots... 08:41 Rich Beehive 08:40:29 ie 08:41 Bruce da Moose WoW! I got My wish, anyway! 08:41 Rich Merry Christmas BB 08:42 BB Thanks Rich! Great gift! 08:42 Rich I do my best. lol 08:42 Bruce da Moose Grant! Where'd ya go? 08:43 Rich I'm going to check on Indicator start time. 08:43 Bruce da Moose Now BB can go through the rest of her day happy! 08:43 Rich May it make you ALL BETTER, BB 08:43 BB Yes I can :) 08:44 BB Thanks, Rich 08:44 Bruce da Moose As for me - car must go to garage. BBL - TTFN - BdM 08:45 Rich l8r Bruce 08:45 BB bye Bruce 08:45 lc short indicator 08:45 Rich I'm checking captures now, lc. Don't know I caught the first of BHI 08:46 lc ok, I didn't see it before you called it. 08:47 lc bbl 08:48 BB bye lc 08:48 Rich hi cb 08:49 Rich Did you catch BH, cb? 08:49 Hangtown Bill no...just got on...damn 08:49 Rich sorry 08:49 Hangtown Bill I jjust missed it.....:'( 08:49 Hangtown Bill have blue screen again 08:50 Rich Yes went to blue screen not to long ago. 08:51 Hangtown Bill teach me to get ready for work 08:52 Rich Beehive Indicator earliest capture I have is 08:34:06ie 08:52 Rich OF steam blocking before then. 08:52 BB I agree. 8.34 is what I have too 08:52 Hangtown Bill thanx r 08:53 Rich thx bb, cb 08:53 Rich Now if I don't miss/haven't missed something while I'm looking for BHI. g 08:54 Rich Looks like something at Grand 08:58 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 12/20/09 12/21/09 12:06:55 47:33 12/22/09 15:04:54 26:57 12/23/09 08:40:29 17:35 09:02 Rich Looks like the static is frozen for me. 09:03 BB Not for me so far 09:03 Rich stuck at 08:58:10 so will be 09:08 before I refresh 09:08 Rich refreshed 09:18 Rich I'm frozen again 09:20 BB me too this time 09:21 BB refresh at 9.21 09:21 Rich Mine was just a 3 minute freeze this time. 09:22 Rich refreshed same 09:22 Rich I've found that static freezes come in basically 3 minute or 10 minute types. 09:23 Rich Raven on the benches to the right. 09:30 BB Rich, I am going to get something to eat. bbl 09:30 BB Maybe you can talk Lion into a nice long series in the meantime g 09:30 Rich enjoy 09:30 Rich Hi CC 09:30 CC hi rich 09:30 Rich Happy Holidays 09:31 Rich A little blue sky trying to creep in. 09:40 Derek Streaming cam is back again for now, even though there is no-one in the room to see it. 09:44 Rich ty 09:44 Derek O.F. ie 09:46 Rich Wonder if it was a long short or a short long interval? 09:49 Rich Nice steam at Solitary 09:51 Rich Sunshine 09:53 Rich Nice steam column out of OF. 10:00 Ryan is at the gym... Hi Rich 10:00 Ryan is at the gym... Hi Derek 10:01 Ryan is at the gym... Wats up? 10:01 Ryan is at the gym... Hello anyone here 10:02 Derek If you're at the gym, you should be exercising, not watching geysers LOL 10:03 Ryan Im not at the gym we got off school early 10:03 Derek We still have cam problems 10:03 Ryan i see that 10:04 Rich Hi Ryan 10:04 Rich Was uploading to FB 10:05 Rich Dec 23, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:34:06ie, Beehive 08:40:29ie OF 08:32:11ie, 09:44ie, 10:06 Rich http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020267&id=1427016656&l=aca913b23d 10:07 Rich a current shot of OF and one from the Beehive eruption 10:10 Rich Little Cub? 10:19 Rich Loisb got a captue of BH at 08:39:36ie 10:27 Rich HI guest315153 Happy Holidays 10:33 Rich Riverside ie 10:32:48 wc 10:34 Rich Plume ie 10:33:22 wc 10:38 Rich wb Bruce 10:39 Bruce da Moose Thanks! Like you, some car issues - >$600 bucks worth (yecch) 10:39 Bruce da Moose The car is long since worth less than that... 10:39 Rich $670 10:39 Bruce da Moose Yours? 10:39 Rich yep 10:40 Rich Did Christmas in. 10:40 Bruce da Moose So sorry - mine's in the same ballpark. 4 Brakes, 3 wheels alignment, two new tires and a partridge in a pear tree. 10:41 Bruce da Moose The partridge is the pricey part... 10:41 Rich 6 sparkplugs a glowing, one coil distributor thingy, and one set of wires. 10:42 Rich I'm getting to not like platium in cars. 10:42 Bruce da Moose Well, at least they're glowing, right? They could be just blackened with carbon... 10:42 Bruce da Moose Platinum is better as a commodity 10:42 Rich in my pocket. lol 10:43 Bruce da Moose I am not sure my van even has spark plugs - electronic ignition? It never needs a tune-up - ever... 10:43 Rich As cb/bill would say the wind is dialing. 10:43 Rich Will need sparkplugs 10:44 Bruce da Moose Oh - OK. I guess they're good forever then. 10:44 Rich Mine reached life expectancy 10:44 Rich 86, 000 miles was 6,000 over. 10:44 Bruce da Moose Is that what's on your car, or just the plugs? 10:45 Rich It's electronic ignition but still has to have spark plugs. 10:45 Bruce da Moose OK - goes to show what I know about cars... 10:46 Bruce da Moose I know more about steam locomotives than my Toyota 10:46 Rich Much better to know about locomotives. lol 10:46 Bruce da Moose More fun in any case! 10:47 Rich For sure. 10:48 Bruce da Moose Speaking of fun (or maybe lack thereof) , I have some "light reading" to do for work - so I have to sign off for now. I'll keep the monitor on - standing by... 10:49 Rich bye for now 11:06 Rich Looks like the snowmobiliers are arriving. 11:21 Rich OF ie 11:21:04wc 11:22 Rich Dec 23, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:34:06ie, Beehive 08:39:36ie OF 08:32:11ie, 09:44ie, 11:21:04ie, Plume 10:33:32ie, Riverside 10:32:40ie, 11:22 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 12/20/0912/21/09 12:06:55 47:33 12/22/09 15:04:54 26:57 12/23/09 08:39:36 17:35 11:23 Rich HI guest355891 Happy Holidays 11:34 Rich wb BB 11:35 Rich See the people out on the Boardwalk? 11:36 BB I have nothing up yet. Streaming is still (or again) down, and I was just reading the log 11:36 Rich That's about where you stand so you can look back toward BH and see down the vent, looking for water. 11:36 Rich ok 11:36 Rich I'll try and post the capture 11:37 Rich there is someone there in 11:36:23 capture 11:38 BB I have that and zoomed in. You know, I was on Geyser Hill twice, and I do remember BH's cone but not the details. It just wasn't important enough back then 11:39 Rich g 11:40 Rich Standing on the boardwalk at BH facing the cams, about 2-3meter to the left is BHI vent. 11:41 Rich And you can see down the vent and see water. 11:41 BB ok 11:52 Rich Hi guest304467 Happy Holidays 12:15 BB streaming cam is back 12:15 BB nice weather in Yellowstone 12:25 BB blue screen again :'( 12:26 BB and we don't have a prediction vor 12:26 BB for OF 12:26 BB I have moose-itis today 12:26 BB It still says 11:12 12:34 BB and streaming is back 12:35 BB which is a good thing since I keep losing the static 12:41 Rich It it was a long OF should be around 13:00 12:41 BB oh, so I wasn't talking to myself the whole time? g 12:41 BB I thought everybody had left 12:42 Rich Loisb and I are off to run errands 12:42 Rich bbl8r 12:42 BB bye Rich 12:42 Rich bye for now. 12:43 Rich away Hi guest930846 Happy Holidays 12:43 Kent Hi Rich. Happy Holidays to you also 12:45 Kent BB what URL do you use to get the streaming cam? I am getting nothing, no black or blue screen, just a blank white page 12:45 BB I use the chatroom, but it just went down again 12:46 BB it comes and it goes, I just retry now and again 12:46 Kent OK, thank you. 12:56 BB OF 12:55 ie 13:09 BB and streaming cam is back 13:10 BB but probably not for long... 13:12 BB well, how did I know that??? 13:13 BB now it's black, not blue 13:13 BB and now I have it back 13:13 BB I think I will stop this now... otherwise I could probably go on like this for hours 13:14 davehas10 any girlls? 13:38 Kent I had streaming for 26 minutes. WOW:) 13:39 BB That is probably today's record g 13:50 BB cam is back 13:59 Derek I'm back 14:01 Derek Anyone there? 14:02 BB yes, but I am reading in the archive. I just come back every few minutes to check on the cam 14:02 Derek Has the cam moved at all? 14:03 BB I don't think so. And it was down a lot of the time. Mostly the blue screen again 14:03 Derek OK, I'll try moving it. 14:03 BB ok 14:24 BB I am going to bed. Good night, Derek. 14:25 Derek Gnight 14:51 Rich Hi Allan 14:51 Rich Hi Kent 14:51 Rich Hi guest322328 14:59 Rich hi guest109679 Happy Holidays 15:10 Rich Dec 23, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:34:06ie, Beehive 08:39:36ie OF 08:32:11ie, 09:44ie, 11:21:04ie, 12:55ie,13:45vc, Plume 10:33:32ie, Riverside 10:32:40ie, 15:41 Rich wb Kent 15:43 Kent Hi Rich. Just dropped in to see if streaming is up, but the link on this page hasn't come up yet. 15:43 Rich k 15:43 Rich ty 15:46 Kent Cam is up. Looks like the wind is blowing the wrong direction. I'm glad CC used the wiper. 15:47 Rich Handy things the wipers. 15:57 Ryan Hey the cam is up 15:57 Ryan Hi Rich 16:01 Ryan Little Squirt 1601iebr 16:01 Ryan brb 16:06 Rich Hy Ryan 16:10 lc OF 1608 16:20 guest743550 hey 16:23 Rich Hi lc 16:23 Rich Hi guest743550 16:24 Rich Hi guest109679 16:30 Rich Dec 23, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:34:06ie, Beehive 08:39:36ie Little Squirt 16:01ie OF 08:32:11ie, 09:44ie, 11:21:04ie, 12:55ie,13:45vc, 16:08, Plume 10:33:32ie, Riverside 10:32:40ie, 16:30 Rich Nite everyone 16:40 Ryan Looks like Fan and Moratr 1640ie? 16:41 Ryan Yep Fan and Mortar 1640ie!!!! 17:09 Ryan Lion 1709 ne (near end) 17:19 Ryan Aurum 1719 17:19 Ryan with camera flashes! ;) 17:34 Ryan hi cb December 24th, 2009 06:55 Ryan Merry Christmas Eve BB! 06:55 BB Hi Ryan. To you too 06:55 Ryan Looks like we can barely see steamon the static cam 06:56 BB I always check during the night (waiting for the full moon), but there was nothing to see today. 06:56 Ryan grr 06:57 BB Yesterday I could see a little so I was hoping it would get better. 06:57 BB But probably too many clouds 06:58 Ryan Yeah ok I can see steam at OF 06:58 BB I just lost the static... have to reload 06:59 BB It looked like that last night for a couple of hours. 06:59 BB But then it got really dark before I could see OF erupting 06:59 Ryan kk 07:06 Ryan OF0706 07:06 BB Good thing we were here so early g 07:09 Ryan OFs a long... 07:09 Ryan So next one would be like 08:39 +/- 10mins 07:09 BB Hi CC 07:10 CC from the static you can't tell whether it was a long or short but I am guessing a long 07:10 CC hi BB 07:11 Ryan Morning CC 07:11 Ryan There was heavy steam for at leats three minutes before it began to stop so I guessed a long too... 07:15 Ryan Now were fogged in from OF 07:19 cb Hi BB how you feelling today? 07:20 BB hi cb 07:20 Ryan hi cb 07:20 BB still not good, but thanks for asking 07:20 BB I still have quite a headache 07:21 BB But Christmas Eve is the big thing here, so I will have to pull myself together and get on with it 07:22 cb sorry to here that:( yep! you having family over? 07:22 BB No, we are on a trip 07:22 BB We rented a small cottage in the Czech Republic 07:23 BB But since our son gets to open the presents tonight we will at least be able to sleep in tomorrow g 07:24 cb OHHHH.....and sick to boot.....Drat! 07:25 BB well... there is nothing we can do... except come back next year and try again 07:25 Ryan Just for future refernce the streaming cam is up 07:25 cb G yep and enjoy best you can!!! hopefully you'll be rested 07:25 cb hi ryan...sorry thought you were here but not here 07:26 Ryan lol I said hi! LOL 07:27 cb I see that now 07:27 cb going to go to daughters and have to work 1/2 day tday...see ya all later 07:27 BB bye cb 07:28 Ryan bye cb 07:28 Ryan hi Kent! 07:28 Ryan Well i g2g ill b back on when the fog clears! 07:29 BB bye Ryan 07:29 Ryan (AWAY) Merry Christmas!!! see ya 07:29 Kent Bye Ryan 07:30 BB hi Kent 07:30 cb Bye BB Froehliche Weihnachtes!!! 07:30 BB :) 07:31 cb had to get my daughter to tell me how to spell that!! Have a good one. and Merry Christmas to all!! 07:31 Kent Hi BB. So you are posting from the Czech Republic? I think this a first for us? 07:32 cb Hi Kent...happy Holidays to you also.... 07:32 cb bye all 07:32 BB I am actually from Germany. We are just here for a week, and I brought the laptop hoping we would have Wifi... which we do 07:32 Kent Morning cb. Happy Hoildays to you also. 07:33 Kent You normally post from Berlin? 07:33 BB yes, that's right 07:56 Ryan grr were still fogged in 07:56 BB yes, it's pretty bad 08:03 Rich Merry Christmas Eve 08:03 Ryan brb shower time! 08:03 Rich Hi Ryan 08:03 Rich Bye Ryan 08:03 Rich Hi BB 08:03 Rich Hi guest395062 08:03 BB Hi Rich 08:03 BB not much to see today 08:04 Rich lol 08:04 BB But it looks like it might get better on the static 08:04 Rich Seems to be getting bluer on the right side sky. 08:04 BB That's what I thought - until the next refresh 08:05 Rich Interesting fog/snow pattern on the parking log cam/Air Quality cam. 08:06 Rich Looks to be hanging about 15 feet off the ground at the trees 08:17 Rich Clearning 08:17 BB yep 08:27 Rich Hi Kent 08:27 Kent Good morning Rich. Just stopped by for Old Faithful. 08:29 Kent Did you notice there is a full moon on New Year's Eve. Blue Moon. 2nd full in December. With luck and clear skies, BB may get some good captures. 08:29 Rich I've been waiting for it. 08:30 BB Rich told me about it. I had to look up the term blue moon. We don't have a special word in German for that. 08:30 BB Since it is just a week until then I was hoping I could see something by now. But no luck so far 08:30 Rich Moon is about half full now. 08:31 BB I know. But after the last full moon I could see something for about a week. So I will try again tomorrow 08:31 Rich Hopefully you will get some clear nights. 08:33 Rich BB, I posted the BHI vent viewing capture to FB 08:33 BB ok, will go check 08:33 Kent There was a post of Parking Lot last night showing a lot of moon: http://www.yellowstoneupcloseandpersonal.com/wwwbo… 08:33 BB post if OF erupts, so I will be called back by the click 08:34 Rich Indicator? 08:34 Ryan possibly 08:34 Rich wb Ryan 08:34 BB what? now? don't get me all confused here!!! 08:35 Rich Always more important to watch the cams. lol 08:35 Kent Too darn much fog and steam! 08:35 Ryan Looks ike Lion Giantess Giant Fan and Mortar Link Steamboat Excelsior too!!! LOL 08:35 Rich lol 08:36 Ryan I guess we wait and see if BH goes... 08:36 Rich Probably dual with OF. 08:37 BB But OF is due too 08:37 Rich g 08:37 BB lol 08:37 Ryan Nope i see BH no steam at all... 08:37 BB Well, two days in a row would have been too good anyway 08:38 Rich Wind is dialing. 08:38 BB I just looked at the parking lot picture. Nice moon. I first checked OF about two hours later, and it was pitch black night then. 08:39 Rich Definitely steam at BH 08:39 Ryan I cant tell 08:40 Rich I tweeted/fb'd 08:40 Ryan OF should be soon 08:41 BB I think you might be right, Rich. It is actually better to see on the static 08:41 Ryan OK i see it BHI 0840ie 08:42 Rich Getting some steam from Split Cone glowing in. 08:42 Ryan i put it on my fb too 08:44 Ryan Lets hope for a dual! 08:44 BB Let's not! With all that OF steam there might not be much to see of BH 08:45 Ryan I see steam coming above the fog!!!! 08:45 vw Did I hear BH Indicator??? 08:45 Ryan OF 0845 08:45 BB Hi vw 08:45 Rich We believe so 08:45 Ryan hi vw 08:45 Rich Hi vw 08:45 Rich Merry Christmas 08:45 vw Beautiful OF 08:46 vw Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve to all. 08:47 vw looks like fog is going to roll in and keep us from seeing BH. :( 08:48 Ryan Unless bh's steam plume goes above the fog :) 08:48 Ryan Someone has to be an optimist! 08:48 vw think we will be lucky if we just catch differences in shades of grey 08:49 vw hopefull some people are in the basin and will see it in person. 08:50 Rich There have been a couple of people on the sidewalk 08:50 vw ahhh. good. 08:51 Ryan Well with the wind maybe it will blow over... :) 08:51 Rich Pretty long time if we saw indicator. 08:52 Rich Hi guest322328 08:53 Kent We've got sun so we will start to lose the fog, but it may be too late if that was Indicator? 08:53 Rich Someone call the guy on the VC sidewalk and get an update. lol 08:53 vw I guess that is as much fun for me this morning as I am allowed. Will be watching from just stream site. 08:54 Ryan lol got to go guys going to christmas eve dinners for both of my grand parents... 08:54 vw Wishes for a peace filled Christmas for all. Bye! 08:54 BB you too, vw. bye 08:54 Rich Bye, vw 08:55 Rich Hi guest394995 08:55 Graham_in_Co hello 08:55 Graham_in_Co happy Christmas eve 08:56 BB Hi Graham 08:56 BB to you too 08:56 Rich And to you and your Mom 08:56 Graham_in_Co hi there 08:56 Graham_in_Co looks cold in the park 08:56 Graham_in_Co glad they got more snow tho. we got about 7" here 08:57 Graham_in_Co I am being called for breakfast. see you later 08:57 Rich l8r 08:57 Rich At 08:15 it was -18 at the Ranger Station Weather station. 08:58 Rich sorry that is -15 F 08:58 BB still cold enough g 08:59 Rich BB, Moon is in First Quarter 08:59 Ryan I know its very foggy 08:59 Ryan But isee large steam coming straight up out of the fog from BH area 08:59 Ryan ~BH 08:59ie~??? 09:02 BB From the static cam pictures I would say no. 09:02 BB But I just see steam everywhere 09:02 Ryan grrrr ok 09:02 Ryan bye 09:02 Rich I think this BH? is going to have to be called from the loggers. 09:02 BB Hey, don't take it personal 09:02 Rich bye Ryan 09:13 BB Rich, you are on your own now. Christmas Eve time here now 09:14 Rich Merry Christmas BB 09:14 BB I will try to be back later after the gifts are opened, and the food is eaten 09:14 Rich and to your family 09:14 BB And to you and loisb, Rich 09:14 BB See you later, I hope 09:14 Rich Should be around 09:23 lc good morning Rich. 09:26 Rich Morning lc, sorry I was getting hot chocolate. 09:27 Rich Merry Christmas Eve. 09:27 lc + 09:27 lc Merry Christmas Eve to you. 09:28 Rich Visability has been low today. 09:29 lc yes, I was reading the log about BH and watching the streaming. 09:29 Rich I think OF was a short last eruption from what the VC has predicted. 09:31 Rich Hopefully a gazer will post a time for BH to the geyserserverlist. 09:32 lc the fog lifted a while ago and there was a lot of steam coming from BH, so I really don't think there has been a BH this morning. 09:34 Rich I'm just wishful thinking, hoping BH is settling down to a 12 hour interval again. g 09:37 lc it is really hard to tell through the fog. 09:38 lc got to give up the computer for a while. bbl. 09:38 Rich bye for now 09:51 Rich I'm probably seeing things but ?BH 09:49:17ie 10:09 lc OF 1008 10:12 Rich captures of possible BH http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30442736&l=10d03940f5&id=1427016656 10:14 lc Rich, I don't know. 10:15 lc I was watching the streaming and I didn't see anything. 10:16 lc the VC called OF a short. 10:17 lc I thought it was but not sure. 10:18 Rich This morning is going to be one of those guess mornings. 10:19 Rich We had a similar OF yesterday I think where OF came half way between 60 and 90 min interval. 10:20 Rich Might have been Tuesday, the days are running together now. 10:21 Rich I believe in making the call, then checking the data logger GOSA data to learn. 10:21 lc Really hard to tell on the streaming. 10:22 Rich Now VC has 11:07, that would be 2 shorts in a row, don't think so. 10:22 lc I think the one before was a long. 10:23 lc that is why they missed it 24 minutes. 10:24 Rich Works with the time I called. 10:28 lc the fog is a little too much, I think I will leave for a while 10:28 lc bbl. 10:30 Rich l8r 10:34 Rich Hi Kent 10:35 Kent Hi Rich. I thought the fog would burn off. Obviously wrong. 10:36 Rich Still to cold 10:36 Rich @10:15 Ranger Station Weather Station -5 F 10:37 Rich sorry, I keep reading the wind chill column, it is -1 F 10:38 Rich Dec 24, 2009 recap OF 07:06, 08:46:09ie, 10:06 10:39 Rich correction OF 10:08 10:50 Rich Hi CC 10:50 Rich Clearing nicely now. 10:50 CC hi rich 10:50 CC I have to go out fo a while in a few minutes 10:51 Rich I have a couple of last minute stocking stuffers to get yet. 10:51 CC we are working the live cam with a blue screen 10:52 Rich A difficult task. 10:52 CC yep 10:52 CC it is most difficult for me because then we see things the same time as the public 10:53 CC and truly we are just guessing 10:53 Rich Some nice frost on the trees left of Little Cub. 10:53 CC I can't do it from this page so ...merry christmas 10:54 Rich Have to do what the instrument flyers do, don't look at the control cam and spend a few days flying blind. g 10:54 Rich Merry Christmas CC 10:54 Rich and to yours. 10:57 Rich Snowmobiliers have arrived. 11:02 Rich Merry Christmas guest921902 11:04 vw good morning again. having trouble getting into chat. might have messed up my computer. going to try another way. 11:04 Rich wb vw 11:04 Rich k 11:04 vw ah. here we are! 11:05 vw looks like fog has cleared nicely. 11:05 Rich yes 11:05 vw did we have a BH? been oddly busy. 11:05 Rich Nice frost on the back trees 11:05 Rich BH is still up for grabs. 11:06 vw ok. Have we had any Lion series over the last couple of days? I haven't even had time to check the logs. 11:06 Rich We saw indicator signs, then OF steamed us out, then I saw what I thought might be about an hour later. 11:07 Rich Not that I know of. 01:24 reported by BB on Tuesday and yesterday evening I thin Ryan reported one 11:07 vw okay. Thank you! 11:07 Rich yw 11:07 vw nice steam down basin. Also some in Grand area on static 11:07 Rich Merry Christmas Bruce 11:08 vw Hi Bruce! 11:08 Bruce da Moose Good morning folks! Merry Christmas, I hope yours is bright and full or hope and joy. AS for me - I am working on it - it's been a rough autumn. 11:08 Rich Best visabiltity all day. 11:11 Bruce da Moose In a little while, we're going for a short hike - I have tried to make this a CE tradition with mixed results. This time, we're going to scatter some ashes of deceased animal friends. 11:11 Rich Very thoughtful. 11:12 Rich Happy Holidays guest985797 11:12 guest985797 Same to you Rich. 11:15 Rich Happy Holidays Gazer-by-Proxy 11:15 Rich The only thing certain that has gone off this morning is OF. 11:15 Gazer-by-Proxy Thanks, Rich! Yes, I just looked back through the log. Lots of steam! 11:20 Rich I bet the boardwalk between Lion and Sawmill thru the woods is beautiful this morning with all the frost on the trees. 11:21 Bruce da Moose I have to get ready for that woodsy hike, so I must go. Great joy to everyone, may geysers and other wondrous things fill your lives today and every day. May Heaven's blessings be upon all of us. Ciao! 11:22 Michael Hi everyone, bye Bruce. 11:22 Gazer-by-Proxy Bye, Bruce! Have a lovely hike. 11:22 Gazer-by-Proxy Hi michael. 11:23 Michael Old Faithful 11:23 11:24 Rich Hi Michael 11:24 Rich Happy Holidays 11:24 Rich wb lc 11:26 lc It did clear out. 11:29 lc last OF 75 min interval on a short. 11:30 Rich Dec 24, 2009 recap OF 07:06, 08:46:09ie, 10:08, 11:23, 11:32 Rich The VC had the prediction after 08:46:09 as 09:44 so OF probably was at 08:44 11:56 Rich Happy Holidays guest559671 11:56 Graham_in_Co hello again, on computer #2 11:57 Graham_in_Co looks like a nice day 11:58 Rich wb 11:59 Graham_in_Co Pat had Aurum at 1149 11:59 Graham_in_Co I am upstairs now, giftwrapping... 11:59 vw Merry Christmas Graham! 11:59 vw To be so close and yet so far.... 12:00 Graham_in_Co yeah, close but a long way round to get into the park. head there 3 weeks today... 12:00 Graham_in_Co merry christmas eve to you vw 12:01 vw I just got back here to sign off from the office, and to wish everyone a wonder filled Christmas. 12:01 Graham_in_Co office? not working today? 12:01 vw Need to leave to go visit a shut in client and take another shopping. 12:01 vw yes, working! 12:02 vw But really do have to go now. Joy to all! 12:02 vw bye! 12:10 Rich wb BB 12:14 Rich St. Knicolas find you in the Czech Reppublic, BB? 12:14 Rich g 12:14 Rich wb Kent 12:14 BB Doesn't he find you anywhere??? 12:17 Rich Happy Holidays guest109679 12:17 Rich brb 12:18 Michael Season's Greetings from Sawmill. 12:18 Graham_in_Co Christmas better not have started yet, I am still wrapping gifts 12:18 Michael It's probably started somewhere already. 12:19 Rich I lost the link to Pauls site 12:20 BB And I lost the streaming cam 12:21 Michael Plume 12:20:33ie 12:28 Graham_in_Co got kicked out and now the cam is down :( 12:32 Graham_in_Co got to go, food is calling and wrapping is finished 12:32 Graham_in_Co Merry Christmas to you all 12:32 BB Merry Christmas to you too, Graham 12:32 BB bye 12:35 Michael Merry Xmas to you, Graham. 12:48 Michael Grand 12:47:36? 12:48 Michael Yup. 12:59 Michael Looks like a 1-burst Grand. 13:02 Michael Old Faithful 13:01 13:17 Rich Merry Christmas to all, and to All a goodnight. 13:18 BB bye Rich 13:18 BB streaming cam is back 13:19 Michael Good night, rich. 13:23 Michael Thanks for the streaming update, BB. 13:24 BB it looks a little stuck right now... but that might be my connection, it kicks me out from time to time 13:31 Michael Plume 13:31 13:37 Michael coyote just walked along the OF boardwalk. 13:46 Michael Depression 13:46ie 13:53 Michael Hi CC. 13:53 CC hi 13:54 CC trying the move the cam but with blue screen on my part it is difficult 14:01 Michael I'd guess that Daisy will erupt in the next 200 minutes. But that's not a very courageous prediction. 14:01 CC I am just guessing where to put the camera 14:01 CC hope you liked the trees before 14:04 Michael No real preference here -- Grand already went, Beehive looks very quiet. Lion isn't is series. 14:06 Michael Castle/Daisy isn't a bad idea, if only because I have no idea when they might go. Or a wide angle view. But really I'm just thrilled the camera is working. 14:10 BB I am going to bed. Merry Christmas, Michael and guests, and good night. 14:11 Michael Good ight BB. Merry Christmas. 14:28 Michael Woops. Missed Old Faithful. Over by 14:28. 14:29 Michael Time for me to sign off. See you all another day. 14:37 Saifino 29m any ladies want to cam2cam pm me 15:00 Ryan Hello 15:00 Ryan Are we waiting for daisy 15:00 Derek I've no idea. I'm not on the cam. 15:01 Ryan Oh its focues on Daisy and theres steam 15:05 Ryan Grotto 1505 15:07 Ryan Wow thats definatelt grotto 15:08 Ryan just called the v/c that fan and mortar i called yesterday is confirmed!!! 15:20 Ryan Oblong 1520 15:20 Ryan Aurum 1520 15:32 Ryan Daisy 1532 15:42 Ryan Sprinkler had to just break 20ft!!! 15:49 Ryan Aurum 1543, scratch 1520 that was Pump 15:49 Ryan hi cb 15:59 Ryan OF 1558 16:00 Ryan nite everyone merry christmas!! 16:04 CC OF is a long 16:16 Graham_in_Co hi cb, merry christmas eve 16:31 cb Hi all....trying toi get ready for Chrisstmas eve dinner. Merry xmas eve to you all! 16:41 Graham_in_Co Depression 1641ie 17:03 Graham_in_Co Plume 1709 17:11 Graham_in_Co looks like Giantess 1711ie 17:13 lc G. I agree with yoy. 17:14 lc looks like Riverside 1713. 17:16 Graham_in_Co F&M 1715ie too I think 17:16 Graham_in_Co that may be Riverside but its definately Giantess 17:17 Graham_in_Co Merry Christmas! 17:18 Graham_in_Co I think its Riverside 17:20 lc wish we had a little more daylight. 17:26 Ryan Merry freakin christmass santa heard my request for Giantess!!!!!!! 17:32 lc at least we got a few minutes of it. 17:33 lc Merry Christmas and good night. December 25th, 2009 04:58 Loisb Good Morning and Merry Christmas to All 05:06 Ryan Hi CC 05:06 Ryan up so early on Christmas 06:36 Ryan hi bb watchin giantess 06:36 BB hi ryan, trying to 06:37 BB Unfortunately it has been too dark all night 06:37 Ryan i kno it startd 1711 hope its still going 06:37 BB I hope so too 07:11 Ryan Looks to me like Giantess is still chugging along !!!!! :D 07:12 BB I really do hope so. It is really dark today, but there is a lot of steam. 07:13 Ryan Theres a definied steam plyume there too! 07:14 BB I'll take your word for it. I have never seen Giantess in eruption before, so I don't know what it would look like. 07:15 Ryan big 07:15 Ryan steamy 07:15 Ryan water lots of water too 07:16 BB I watched the Tara Cross Video on YouTube with the violent steam phase. That was great. 07:19 Ryan look like OF 0719ie 07:20 BB I lost the connection to the static, can't say anything about OF 07:22 Ryan kk 07:22 Ryan it was definitaley of 07:24 Ryan there was an eruption on 10/14 but no steam phase 07:27 Ryan definately Giantess :D 07:38 guest985797 Merry Christmas everyone. I think Carolyn Loren at the OFVC reported Giantess started at 1702 yesterday evening.:) 07:38 BB Good morning and merry Xmas to you too 07:41 lc Merry Christmas all. 07:41 BB hi lc, merry Xmas to you too 07:45 Graham_in_Co Merry Christmas 07:45 lc Merry Christmas Graham. 07:45 BB Hi Graham, merry Christmas 07:46 lc Graham, I don't know how we missed the first 7-8 minutes of Giantess last night. 07:47 Graham_in_Co well I was sitting across the room, so easy for me to miss it 07:47 Graham_in_Co but I kept seeing a lot of steam, so not surprised. 07:47 Rich Merry Christmas Everyone 07:47 Rich Hi Graham et al 07:47 Graham_in_Co Carolyn would have been able to look at the older OF screen captures to get the start time 07:47 Rich Hi lc 07:48 Rich hi guest322328 07:48 Graham_in_Co a nice Christmas gift for us 07:48 Rich hi guest985797 07:50 Graham_in_Co would have een nice if it started earlier in the day but at least the streaming cam was up and running 07:51 lc It was nice for a few minutes. 07:51 Rich Hi Ryan 07:51 lc wonder what it will do to Beehive. 07:52 Ryan Merry xmas every one 07:53 Rich Hi BB 07:53 Ryan snow is being blown 07:53 BB Hi Rich 07:54 BB I keep getting kicked out today. I probably have too many windows open. 07:55 Chopped Liver Hi CC 07:56 CC morning everyone 07:56 BB hi CC 07:56 lc Merry Christmas CC. 07:56 Graham_in_Co Merry Giantess Christmas CC 07:56 CC so last night I shut the cam down right before Giantess...and turn my back on the computer... BINGO 07:57 CC when will I ever learn 07:57 CC not to turn my back on Giantess 07:58 Graham_in_Co oh well, at least its still going now 07:58 CC Again trying to work with a blue screen on the cam control is very difficult for me and truthflly that is why I think I shut down last night 07:58 lc Lynn always says "its a Geyser". 07:58 CC yep 07:59 CC anyone see OF 08:00 Chopped Liver Ryan reported it at 07:19ie 08:00 CC thanks 08:03 CC I think bubblers are going at BH 08:07 Holiday Pate Merry Christmas vs 08:07 vw Merry Christmas all! 08:07 Holiday Pate vw 08:07 Ryan merry christmas 08:07 vw Quite the show last night from all the geyser email we got. 08:08 BB hi vw, merry Christmas 08:08 Holiday Pate You get snow for Christmas, Ryan? 08:08 Ryan Santa heard me 08:08 Ryan Yes i did first time in 6 yrs 08:08 Ryan im hoping Giantess goes into steamphase :D 08:09 Holiday Pate Very good, I'm still hoping for a little today. 08:10 Ryan Dpression 0810 08:10 Ryan Depression 0810 08:14 Ryan Giantess looks nice 08:18 Richard Ryan congrats on the F&M report. 08:18 Ryan ty 08:18 Ryan wonder if Giantess begins those water rockets if we will see tem 08:19 Richard Would be a nice addition to the show. 08:20 Ryan Very nice, the Oct 14 eruption idnt have them 08:20 vw now that we have people in the basin, is there an estimate on F&M intervals anyone? 08:21 Ryan When i called yesterday they said no one was there 08:21 CC Merry Christmas again to all...see you later 08:21 vw I am just wondering if we have any idea of number of days between. Figure days/hours/minutes outside our ability to know this time of year! 08:22 vw bye CC! 08:22 vw Best to you and Victor! 08:22 vw oops. missed her exit. 08:22 vw I need to get going too. Hope everybody has a wonderful and wonder filled day. 08:23 vw bye! 08:23 BB bye vw 08:23 lc bye vw. 08:23 Richard We have a starting place now, g. 08:23 Richard Enjoy the Day, vw 08:23 Richard bye vw 08:23 Ryan face book album showing OF, Giantess and OF duals, and a Grotto Start 08:23 Ryan http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/album.php?aid=1114&id=100000605142281&ref=mf 08:24 Richard ty 08:24 Ryan http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/photos.php?id=1… 08:24 Ryan all fb albums from me... 08:26 Richard Happy Holidays Ham101 08:27 Ham101 Hey you tooo! 08:27 Ryan Little Squirt 0827 08:28 Ryan ie 08:28 lc Depression??? 08:31 Ryan http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1114&id=100000605142281&l=2080f9b52b 08:31 Ryan public facebook album link 08:32 Ryan http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1008&id=100000605142281&l=e5d8154a3c 08:32 Ryan mor e yellowstone pic, comments welcom 08:32 Richard Merry Christmas, cb 08:34 BB OF 08.33 ie 08:34 Ryan Nice the grey cloud matches the grey sky 08:36 cb Good morning all and Merry Christmas!!! 08:36 BB hi cb 08:36 Ryan hi cb 08:36 cb Was reading the log to see the Giantess Stuff 08:37 lc Merry Christmas cb. 08:39 cb What a xmas to be in the Basin! 08:39 cb Hi LC 08:39 Ryan i wish we were all there! 08:41 Richard A very nice Christmas Wish, Ryan. Thank you. 08:41 Ryan ur welcome 08:42 Richard Looks like Bruce. g 09:05 Rich Moon - waxing Gibbous 09:05 BB But too many clouds. It was completely dark again, and believe, I checked and checked and rechecked today :) 09:06 Rich @08:15 was 5 F at the Ranger station weather station, no precip. 09:19 lc got to go, happy gazing everyone. 09:19 Ryan brb 09:20 BB bye 09:20 Rich Have a good day, lc 09:28 Rich Must not be anyone to update the OF prediction at the VC. 09:34 Rich ~~~ 09:38 BB I have to go too. We have a dinner reservation in 20 minutes. bbl 09:40 Rich http://vimeo.com/440842 Christmas Light display 09:48 Rich wb lc 09:48 lc Plume 0945 09:50 lc just came in to post Plume. 09:50 lc I really am leaving in about 10 minutes. 09:52 lc nice burst out of Gaintess. 09:54 lc the best I have seen this morning, by far. 09:56 Ryan isgiantess in steamphase 09:56 Rich Merry Christmas guest921902 09:56 Rich wb Ryan 09:56 Ryan gorgeous giantess 09:58 Ryan the strwaming is awesome 10:02 lc will probably go through these phases through out the day, be active for a while then calm down. 10:03 Ryan is anyone capturing this 10:03 lc wish I could stay and watch but I do have to go. 10:03 lc bye. 10:03 Rich bye 10:04 Rich I am from the static 10:04 Ryan streaming 10:04 Ryan ??? 10:13 Rich OF ie 10:02:17 wc 10:14 Rich Dec 25, 2009 recap Depression 08:10, OF 07:19ie, 08:33ie, 10:01:17ie, Plume 09:45, 10:32 Gazer-by-Proxy Good morning and merry Christmas if applicable. And happy Giantess! 10:37 Michael Depression 10:36ie 10:38 Michael Hi everyone. Merry Christmas! 10:39 Ryan is giantess still going 10:40 Michael Can't tell behind the Old Faithful steam. 10:41 Michael If it's like the last couple of eruptions, then it should be lobbing up occasional spikes of water. 10:46 Ryan so its an eruption series and not a continous eruption 10:47 Michael The typical progression is something like this: 10:47 Michael Initial eruption looks like Oblong transplanted onto Geyser Hill, last 15-30 minutes. 10:48 Michael 15-45 minutes of silence and anticipation while the crater empties out. 10:49 Michael Then a continuous jetting eruption that abruptly turns to steam phase (there's a good Youtube video of this). 10:49 Ryan i saw that when does it turn to steamphase 10:50 Ryan Loks like it started again 10:50 Ryan Giantess 1050ms 10:51 Ryan Giantess 1050me 10:51 Ryan me = mid eruption 10:51 Michael Over the course of hours the steam phase usually gets "wet" again. Then either it peters out, or else the water jets continue for another day or two without the steam phase 10:52 Ryan ok so were past the transitioninto steam phase 10:53 Michael Sometimes (usually?) they bunch up into distinct water eruptions. Sometimes it looks more like sporadic jets of water from an empty hole. 10:53 Ryan ok so basically whateveriantess feels like? 10:53 Michael That's my impression. 10:54 Michael The steam phase trasition (if there was one -- sometimes it doesn't happen) was probably around 1800 yesterday. 10:55 Michael Finally seeing some water! 10:55 Ryan I was seeing some before 10:55 Ryan so it may go for another couple days? 10:56 Ryan WOW beautiful water! 10:56 Michael I wouldn't be shocked if it is still going tomorrow. 10:59 Michael I hope it is, since not everyone will have a chace to watch today. 11:01 Michael Speaking of which, I need to sign off now. Will try to return later. 11:01 Ryan ok guys g2g I wish u a merry christmas and a happy giantess 11:01 Ryan bye M 11:01 Michael Bye Ryan. 11:01 Ryan Bye graham 11:01 Ryan bye GbP 11:51 GuyWithCam any female for cam chat??? 12:02 vw Plume 12:00 ie 12:31 Michael Visible water from Giantess at 12:29. Old Faithful steam is threatening the camera. 12:51 Michael Hi Derek. 13:03 Michael Old Faithful 13:02, somewhere behid the steam. 13:21 Michael Depression 13:20ie 15:20 Rich Dec 25, 2009 recap Depression 08:10, 10:36ie, 13:20ie, OF 07:19ie, 08:33ie, 10:01:17ie, 13:02, Plume 09:45, 12:00ie, 15:29 Graham_in_Co hi cb, Merry Giantess 15:30 cb Hey Graham Merrry Giantess to you also!! how'd your mom like her pressent? 15:33 Graham_in_Co time to go eat. see ya 15:41 Graham_in_Co are we due another burst? 15:42 cb I don't know this is the first i've seen of Giantess. busy w zmas festivities 15:42 cb Hating the blue control screen! 15:55 cb nice bursts w water outta giantess 15:55 cb time 1555 16:23 cb OF 1623 16:44 Graham_in_Co i am stuffed now 16:44 Graham_in_Co glad you got to see some water 16:44 cb great! 16:44 Graham_in_Co I was excited seeing it start yesterday 16:44 cb yes a nice burst 16:44 Graham_in_Co how is your christnas going? 16:45 cb Good! busy going to my daughters in a bit. just jumped o n the cam for a bit 16:45 cb and yours? 16:45 Graham_in_Co I am being called to do dishes, see you 16:45 Graham_in_Co yep, having a nice white christmas in Colorado 16:45 Graham_in_Co see you 16:45 cb by 16:54 cb another set of nice bursts at 1651 17:18 Rich Merry Christmas Everyone 17:19 Graham_in_Co Riverside 1719ie 17:26 Rich Plume 17:25:05 ie 17:44 Rich Dec 25, 2009 recap Depression 08:10, 10:36ie, 13:20ie, OF 07:19ie, 08:33ie, 10:01:17ie, 13:02, 16:23, Plume 09:45, 12:00ie, Riverside 17:19ie, December 26th, 2009 07:05 CC hi BB 07:05 BB hi CC 07:05 CC hope you had a nice Christmas 07:05 CC I just finished another quilt 07:06 BB nice and quiet, but no quilting 07:07 BB Although I took some hexagons for hand sewing along but didn't get around to actually doing it 07:07 BB hi cb 07:07 CC morning cb 07:08 cb moring ladies! 07:15 Rich Happy Boxing Day 07:15 BB Hi Rich 07:15 Rich Hi BB 07:16 Rich Hi cb 07:16 Rich Hi CC 07:16 Rich Hi AA 07:16 Rich Hi DD 07:16 Rich Hi EE 07:16 CC anyone see if OF went 07:16 Rich oooh, oops. 07:16 cb HI rich 07:16 BB How much eggnogg did you have, Rich??? 07:16 CC hi rich 07:16 cb g 07:16 Rich lol 07:16 Rich Almost enough. 07:16 Rich Pumpkin flavored this year. 07:17 cb I have not seen OF . .... yuck, pumpkin 07:17 CC thanks 07:17 cb boxing day? 07:17 CC I see the encoder is on 07:18 CC now to the blue screen 07:18 BB not here. I think in the UK is boxing day today. But Derek isn't here yet. 07:20 Rich I saw a distinct plume at 07:15:31 but don't think there was any water, and it wasn't very big. 07:22 Ryan Morning BB 07:22 Ryan Morning CC 07:22 CC nice pictures of Giantess Ryan 07:22 Ryan Anyone seen Giantess yet 07:22 Rich http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/CUSTOMS/Xm… 07:22 Ryan Hi R 07:22 Rich Hi Ryan 07:22 Ryan Do u kno wat today is 07:23 BB Hi Ryan 07:24 Rich Bruce's Birthday 07:24 Rich My Dad's birthday 07:24 Rich Boxing Day 07:25 Ryan 6 yrs since the indian ocean tsunami 07:25 Ryan is it really bruce's bday 07:25 Rich ah 07:25 BB 5 years, Ryan. It was 2004 07:25 BB and yes, I think it is Bruce's 50th birthday today 07:26 BB he told us a few days ago 07:26 Ryan oops sry 5 yrs 07:26 Rich Events in FB will show BD's of friends if it is public information 07:27 Ryan I hope he get on then.. we'll type him the "Happy Birthday" song 07:27 BB Well, we drove home today, and we listened to the radio, and they repeated that info every hour, otherwise I probably wouldn't have known either 07:27 cb My son in law is from sri lanka and survived the tsunami!! 07:27 Ryan wow 07:27 Ryan morning cb 07:27 Ryan morning cc 07:28 CC morning ryan..nice pictures of Giantess 07:28 cb you have snow CC? 07:29 CC yes but not much not 07:29 Rich And Mistletoe? 07:29 Rich And Presents under the Tree. - - - 07:29 CC the warmer temps and rain have washed much away 07:29 Ryan Ty u mean the ones on the Geyser List 07:29 CC yep 07:29 Ryan Same here not much snow 07:30 CC we have more snow now than the Park does though 07:30 Rich Hi Kent 07:30 Ryan I watched most of the day, Giantess seemed to be erupting on 45-65 min intervals so it was fairly easy to see them, the eruptions lasted about 5-7mins 07:30 cb thats not good! 07:31 Rich @07:15 it was -8 at OF Ranger station weather station 07:33 Ryan Im watching and hoping Giantess takes off again :) wishful thinking 07:33 Rich Worked last time, do it again. lol 07:34 Ryan lol 07:35 Ryan Just watching for lots of steam 07:35 Rich Hi guest322328 07:36 Kent Good morning all. Waiting for a little more light to see what sort of day will will have in the UGB. Washburn is only partly cloudy. I'm ready for Giant now, by the way. Hoping for New Year's:) 07:37 Rich Loisb's volcano in Hawaii has been spueing new lava all night. 07:37 Rich She has geyser gazer syndrome - afraid to walk away incase it goes off. lol 07:38 Ryan lol g 07:38 Ryan brb 07:43 Ryan b 07:44 Ryan grr, i keep on seeing steam at giantess but no water 07:44 Ryan has anyone seen it erupt yet today? 07:46 Ryan ok guys i got to go 07:46 BB bye Ryan 07:52 Rich I got locked out of the chatroom, had to reboot 07:52 Rich http://www.scn.org/~ljbeedle/volcano.html 07:53 Rich Scroll down to second image. Hot spot lower right corner, lots of splashing and fresh lava. 07:54 Rich Happy Boxing Day, Derek 07:54 Derek Hi 07:55 BB hi Derek 07:55 Derek Hi BB 08:06 BB My laundry is calling, looks like the first load is done already. brb 08:06 CC OF 8:06 08:12 Rich OF static cam just went BLACK. 08:12 Rich Header is there 08:13 Rich Cam is refreshing, just no image 08:17 Rich I'm going over to watch the Volcano, nothing much going to happen here. 08:29 Rich Something for you Derek. http://www.flixxy.com/worlds-luckiest-train-track-… 08:43 vw BH 08:43 ie 08:44 vw hard to discern in all the steam, but definitely there. Did not see Indicator. 08:46 Rich Static cam is still black 08:46 Rich Hi vw 08:46 vw hi Rich 08:46 vw watching old Sherlock Holmes films. Had stream up and noticed BH. Wanted to make sure it got posted. 08:47 Rich I got my binoculars out. g 08:47 vw Looks like we might have a Daisy too right now (08:47) but not sure if just steam. 08:47 Rich I put in a request for the Satelite to be retasked so I could watch. 08:48 vw Sure would like to see a Grand. Has been so long since I could spend any time here, I haven*t seen a Grand in weeks. 08:48 vw Too bad that the static is down. 08:50 Rich Would be good to see Grand. 08:53 vw Back to watching Basil save the realm! 08:53 Rich enjoy 08:53 vw Have a good day. will be peaking in from regular stream. 09:00 vw OF 08:58 ie 09:00 vw back. just want to make sure times are getting posted. 09:02 vw hi D! really not intending to be here today, but seeing some nice eruptions and steam. 09:02 Derek Hi VW 09:02 lc just came in to post OF 09:02 vw love OF in the cold 09:03 vw hi lc! 09:03 vw i keep doing the same thing! 09:03 lc was going to post OF 09:04 Rich hi lc 09:04 lc I had 0858 the start. 09:04 lc good morning 09:05 lc don't know how I missed Beehive. 09:05 Rich Still Black on the Static cam 09:06 Rich Hi Graham 09:06 lc same here 09:06 Graham_in_Co Happy Boxing Day Derek and everyone 09:06 Derek Hi Graham 09:07 cb Hello again all 09:07 lc Good morning G. 09:08 Graham_in_Co hum, video is not loading here 09:08 Graham_in_Co oh, there it is 09:08 Graham_in_Co looks like a nice cold day 09:08 Rich wb cb 09:11 Graham_in_Co I guess Giantess is done now 09:11 vw sorry, away. BH was actually hard to see as the steam was buried in steam. Only difference was a whiter column than the surrounding steam. Surprised me. 09:12 Rich Was some nice steam just before I lost the static cam image. 09:12 cb Hi Rich 09:12 cb Hey vw!! long time no see!!:D 09:12 Derek I'm getting interuptions to the stream 09:12 vw hi cb! 09:12 vw belated Merry Christmas! 09:13 cb same back recieved ur poem....beautiful 09:13 vw glad hangtown remembered to share with you! 09:14 Graham_in_Co 3 weels today I should be on a snowcoach... 09:14 vw these shots of steam are beautiful. 09:14 vw will be right behind you G! 09:14 vw well....by a couple of days anyway. 09:14 Graham_in_Co light snow in Denver today 09:15 Graham_in_Co time to go, see you later 09:15 vw bye Graham! 09:16 vw I am gone too. Will be watching from regular stream. Happy gazing! 09:33 Rich Sunrise at Kilauea Volcano 09:44 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/19/09 12:33:00 7days 01:37 12/20/09 12/21/09 12:06:55 47:33 12/22/09 15:04:54 26:57 12/23/09 08:39:36 17:35 12/26/09 08:43:00 72:04 09:44 Gazer-by-Proxy Good morning, all. Looks like we just lost the feed from the streaming cam. Still camera was dark. I think I'll go shovel again! 09:44 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:45 lc streaming just went black and blue 09:45 Rich Dec 26, 2009 recap Beehive 08:43ie, F&M December 23, 2009 16:40ie OF 08:06, 08:58ie, 09:45 Gazer-by-Proxy Streaming is back. 09:46 Rich Static isn't 10:03 Rich Hi guest921902 10:03 Graham_in_Co streaming is dead again 10:06 lc later... 10:28 Rich Hi guest109679 10:37 Rich Kilauea Volcano lava no longer visable for today, just steam. 10:40 Rich I'm off to the store, much to much sunlight to let it go to waste. 10:40 Rich L8r 10:40 Rich bye 10:40 BB bye Riche 10:40 BB Rich 10:40 Rich away g 10:40 BB I am leaving too 10:40 BB Bye all 10:41 Rich away Have a good evening 10:41 Rich away nite 10:41 BB Will probably not be around tomorrow 10:41 BB Now that we are back we have to catch up with the familiy Christmas stuff 11:16 CC Let messages that both the streaming and static are down 12:04 Kent Stream back 1204. 12:15 Michael Old Faithful 12:15 12:29 Michael Depression 12:28ie 12:37 Michael Put a question mark on that Depression time. Steam clouds are playing tricks on me. 12:38 Graham_in_Co looked like a lot of steam 12:41 Michael Problem is, it still looks like a lot of steam to me, 15 minutes later. 12:46 Michael Blue Screen 12:45 13:25 Rich Hi guest109679 13:25 Rich Black screen static cam still at 13:25:44 wc 13:27 Rich Dec 26, 2009 recap Beehive 08:43ie, Depression ?12:28ie, F&M December 23, 2009 16:40ie OF 08:06, 08:58ie, 12:15, 13:49 CC beautiful church 13:55 Rich Any word on the problem with the static cam? 13:55 CC no 13:56 CC everyone is down in the park 13:56 cb interesting blue,yellow, and black streaming screen 13:56 Rich ty 13:56 cb hi cc and rich, and derek 13:56 Rich Did it get in a fight? 13:56 Rich g 13:56 Rich Hi cb 13:56 cb g 13:56 cb Looks like how our TV used to look in the 60's 13:56 Rich lol 13:57 CC hi cb 13:57 cb Hi 13:57 CC been in touch with craig 13:57 CC he is having problems with the encoder and also the frame rate once it is on 13:59 cb I'm wondering if the cam is getting moisture in itor the cables. interessting how it goes in and out so randomly 14:00 cb in it/or the cables 14:01 Rich Effiel Tower is doing it's light show. December 27th, 2009 07:03 cb static cam is up 07:12 cb OF 712 07:15 cb hi lc 07:16 lc good morning cb 07:16 cb does that look like a BH steam cloud to you? hard to see with OF steam in front and on the static 07:17 lc I thought it was Lion, but ?? 07:17 cb Last 5 freshes on the static had what looked like white steam in that general area...ya could be Lion also 07:19 lc I did see that before I loged on, looked like it was higher on the hill than BH. 07:19 cb Yep I was wondering the same thing as I was watching 07:21 lc with steam and little light its hare to tell. 07:22 Ryan morning cb 07:22 Ryan morning lc 07:22 lc good morning Ryan 07:22 Ryan how r u 07:22 cb morning ryan 07:23 Ryan morning cb hows it goin 07:23 cb goes well here. raining! 07:23 Ryan cool its just overcast here been rainy since xmas tho 07:24 cb how was your xmas? 07:24 Ryan Good, I got a wii and a ipod touch, money and a boatload of candy :D 07:25 cb FUN!!! 07:25 cb you going to save your $ for a trip to the park? 07:25 Ryan Yep now im getting ready for a rocket launch on New Years Day :D :D 07:26 lc firehole river at OF -14 at 7:00 07:26 Ryan cold 07:26 cb Burrrrrrr 07:27 Ryan pff! Thats shorts and tshirt weather for me (for about 3 seconds) LOL 07:27 cb Were going to yosemite again for new years!! have Brunch at the Awanhnee 07:27 Ryan Nice sounds like alot of fun 07:27 cb is. nice for snowshoeing 07:28 cb but we need more snow 07:28 Ryan g 07:29 cb Is anyone else having trouble switching from static to steaming view on this page? 07:29 cb noting that the streaming is still black 07:30 Ryan i am 07:30 cb ok. just wondering if it was only me. thanks 07:32 lc I don't have any problem changing, just nothing on the streaming. 07:33 cb hummmm. I still get the static cam view when I switch to the streaming view on the page view dropdown.....did that make sence? 07:34 cb need more coffer 07:34 Ryan no it didnt 07:34 Ryan brb 07:36 cb bbl. chow 07:42 Ryan bbl 07:42 Ryan Hi Drek 07:42 Ryan Derek 08:05 lc OF 0802 08:09 Rich Hi lc 08:09 Rich hi guest322328 08:13 lc good morning Rich 08:34 Rich Beehive? 08:35 Rich Hi guest921902 08:37 lc Rich I agree. 08:38 lc I think it was ie at 0832 08:38 Rich I'm going to review captures as soon as it quits. 08:39 lc I could see a steam cloud abouve the low steam, but I couldn't tell for sure. 08:39 Rich I was just going thru the motions of doing captures because of all the steam. 08:40 lc for sure it erupted around that time. 08:41 Rich Think that was indicator and this is BH? 08:41 lc well, I changed my mind I think it just started at 0840 08:41 Rich g 08:41 Rich Don't you just love steamy mornings? lol 08:42 Rich This steam looks further to the left now. 08:43 lc when people read this later they will think we are crazy. ha 08:44 Rich And? 08:44 Rich lol 08:45 Rich It is time for OF now 08:47 lc last OF I couldn't tell if it was short or long, too much steam. 08:48 Rich k 08:48 Rich I'm even seeing steam from Split Cone I think. 08:49 lc for sure 08:49 Rich Hi CC 08:49 CC hi 08:49 CC Beehive at 8:40 08:52 lc I'm going out on a limb here, this is just a guess. the steam I saw at 0832 may have been Lion. 08:52 Rich Or Indicator 08:52 lc we thought there was a Lion aroung 0715. 08:52 Rich I'm waiting on OF to review my captures 08:53 lc Rich, what I saw was too big for Indicator. 08:53 Rich Hi guest62079 08:53 Rich Hi Derek 08:54 Loisb Good Morning all 08:54 Rich I think it was to close to the boardwalk to be Lion tho. 08:54 Loisb Good call on Beehive LC 08:54 Rich Hi Loisb 08:55 Loisb Almost time for OF Rich? 08:56 Rich cb called OF at 0712 so 0842 would be mid window 08:56 Rich unless it was a short and we missed it in the general steaming 08:56 Loisb which is a possiblity 08:57 Rich Loading up captures now. 08:57 Loisb k 08:58 lc there was another OF at 0802 08:59 Rich I think Beehive Indicator at 08:29:38 ie 09:00 Rich I have a capture of Beehive and Indcator at 08:38:08 ie. 09:02 Rich Then OF next prediction would be 09:32. 09:03 Rich I'll upload BHI and BH to FB shortly. 09:04 Rich I'm going to take a stab at ?Excelsior ie 09:03:10wc 09:04 Loisb will look for the uploads shortly 09:13 Rich BHI and BH captures uploaded to FB http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2020267&id=1427016656&l=aca913b23d 09:20 Rich Oooo, the basin is so pretty 09:20 lc the capture at 0838 shows the Indicator and steam out of BH. Not sure what the other capture shows. 09:21 Rich Taken in sequence there is steam at BHI drifting off to the back left. 09:22 Rich But I'll go with BHI at 08:33 for sure 09:23 lc I agree. it was interestion for a few minutes. ha 09:23 Rich Very interesting. lol 09:24 lc we could have used a few more eyes. 09:26 Loisb Well I was watching but slowly as I have a big download going - did get a few captures 09:26 Rich Pat Snyder called BHI at 08:33 and BH at 08:39. 09:29 Rich Now if the Bison would just wander by. lol 09:30 Rich Hi Kent 09:30 Loisb Morning kent 09:30 Rich OF ie 09:29:17 wc 09:31 Loisb a nice one 09:31 Kent Good morning Rich and Loisb 09:31 Rich Was that Anemone to the right of OF? 09:31 Rich very nice 09:32 lc probably steam up the basin for a while. 09:32 Rich Will upload to FB 09:33 Rich Hi guest322328 09:34 lc Rich the times match up pretty good. I think I looked at my computer clock when I called BH 0840. 09:35 Rich k 09:38 Rich ?Anemone capture up at FB same link. 09:39 Rich You can see the steaming cam in the shadows on the VC sidewalk 09:39 Rich Hi cb 09:39 Hangtown Bill Hi rich! 09:39 Loisb Morning 09:39 Hangtown Bill and Lois 09:40 Hangtown Bill and Kent 09:40 Hangtown Bill and lc 09:40 lc good morning 09:40 Rich Loisb has a big download going so she bounces in and out like I do. 09:46 Rich Dec 27, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:29:38ie Beehive 08:38:08ie OF 07:12, 08:02, 09:29:17ie, 09:48 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/21/09 12:06:55 47:33 12/22/09 15:04:54 26:57 12/23/09 08:39:36 17:35 12/24/09 12/25/09 12/26/09 08:43:00 72:04 12/27/09 08:38:08 23:55 09:53 Loisb thanks Rich 09:54 Rich yw 09:56 Rich UFO's at Mt. Washburn 09:56 Loisb g 09:57 Rich Crystaline Aliens? 09:57 Loisb appears so 09:57 lc got to go for a while, need food. 09:57 Rich g 09:57 Loisb enjoy the food bye for now = lc 09:57 lc I think Rich has lost it. ha 09:58 lc bbl 09:58 Rich l8r 09:58 Rich lol 09:58 Loisb just a little 09:58 Rich You mean it can be found??? 09:59 Loisb have to look real close 10:31 Loisb are the cinnamon rolls done yet? 10:39 Rich They in the pan. Raising now. 10:45 Rich wb guest322328 10:51 Loisb pretty soon we aren't even going to be able to see OF even with the cam working 10:59 Loisb of 11:00 Rich OF ie 10:59:24 wc 11:03 Loisb sure hope the tourists got a clearer view than we did 11:37 Loisb oh- Rich - something over on the left back - ? 11:43 lc Lion 1139 11:43 Loisb Grand 11 36 27 ? 11:44 lc there was also a Lion 1026 ie 11:44 Loisb thx 11:44 Loisb your time or Yellowstone time? 11:45 Loisb wb by the way 11:45 lc Yellowstone time 11:45 Loisb k 11:46 Rich Earlier eruption of Lion? 11:46 lc I was not loged on so I just made myself a note. 11:46 Rich ok 11:46 Rich great 11:46 Loisb could you tell if it was an initial? 11:46 Loisb its been so steamy 11:48 lc Pretty sure not initial 11:48 Loisb k 11:48 Rich I'm off to brunch, have a good day. 11:49 Rich bye 11:49 Loisb bye Rich 11:49 Rich Plume ie 11:28:27 wc 11:49 Loisb great - bye 11:49 lc makes me wonder if Lion did erupt just before BH 11:50 Loisb easily could have with all the steam 11:51 Loisb now tell everything to wait while I go check the rolls - brb 11:52 Loisb b 11:52 Loisb by the by lc - do you know anything about the gysers at crater hill? 11:52 Loisb I got a couple of captures last nite where things were really going to town via washburn cam 11:53 lc Not really, not many geysers there. 11:54 Loisb they were nice in the light right before sunset whatever they were 11:55 lc I do remember one, big pool. 11:55 lc more of a big boil than an eruption. 11:56 Loisb these were up in the air things - 11:56 lc I bet it would put out a lot of steam when its this cold. 11:56 Loisb and it was cold 11:57 lc I like the geysers when its cold but it can be confusing. 11:58 Loisb I never planned to learn as much about them as I have - started out watching Kilauea and only watched Of when nothing happening there - g 12:01 lc I think I spend too much time here. 12:01 Loisb I don't usually stay on as long as I have today - was planning on getting off when Rich left and doing some chores 12:02 Loisb but now I might as well wait for the next OF anyhow 12:02 lc I need to do my walk, put it off all morning. 12:03 Loisb I voted it was too cold - going to walk tomorrow and hope for warmer 12:03 lc it is 47 here, little windy. 12:03 Loisb 29 F here - too cold 12:04 lc I may do part of my walk and try to get back for the next Lion. 12:04 Loisb not a bad idea 12:04 lc see you later. 12:04 Loisb have a nice walk 12:04 Loisb later 12:46 lc Lion 1245 12:46 lc made it back just in time 13:26 lc Riverside 1324 ns 13:36 lc Depressiom 1335 ie 13:45 lc Grand 1344 ns 13:49 lc Plume 1348 13:54 lc Lion 1353 13:55 lc Grand had a second burst 14:08 Kent Looks like static decided to lock up just before Old Faithful? 14:09 lc try refresh 14:10 Kent No help for me 14:10 lc ok, mine will hang up but will update with refresh 14:11 lc OF 1410 14:11 Kent Mine came back just in time for the eruption 14:18 lc got to finish my walk. 14:18 lc later 14:43 Ryan Still see Vent and Turban 1443 14:43 Ryan Possible Grand afterburst??? 1444 14:59 lc Lion 1457 15:01 Kent Lion performing well today. 15:01 lc very well 15:02 lc this one wasn't quite as strong 15:43 lc OF 1542 16:06 lc Lion 1505 16:07 Kent Right on schedule! 16:07 lc amazing, and stronger than the last one. 16:10 lc got to leave for a while. bbl. 16:10 Kent Very nice. Chance of an Old Faithful, Lion dual on the next one. After dark? 17:09 lc fog is rolling in, probably won't be able to see Lion if it goes. 17:10 lc OF 1710 17:12 Kent Would have been nice if the fog had held off for a half hour 17:14 lc sure would. no chance of getting a Lion now. 17:30 lc ok, it is getting dark. I'm out of here. 17:49 TGates12 hey December 28th, 2009 05:13 Kent Rich, the last Lion you list was 1605 MST. As it stands now the last two lions in series were only 8 minutes apart. 06:37 Loisb Kent - Rich took the times from the chat log and my captures - will ask him to review when he gets up 07:12 CC afternoon BB 07:12 BB hi CC 07:12 CC did you notice OF 07:13 BB no, not so far, sorry 07:13 CC no problem 07:13 CC I am going to the static page now 07:13 BB ok 07:30 lc Good morning all 07:31 lc My fault on the 1505 Lion yesterday, should have been 1605. 07:31 lc sorry about that. 07:35 lc also, talked to Kitt last night, from the basin the Beehive start was 0840. 07:36 BB hi lc 07:37 lc I will be gone most of today, going fishing. 07:37 lc hi BB and bye, bbl. 07:39 guest322328 riverside?? 07:40 BB bye lc 07:40 lc yes, 0738 ie. 07:40 CC streaming is back up 07:40 BB thanks, CC 07:43 CC BH steaming nicely 07:45 lc later 08:09 CC OF 8:08 08:11 BB bbl 08:23 lc Beehive Indicator 8:08 also 08:24 lc Beehive 0824 according to Kitt who is there! 08:33 Derek Hi Rich 08:33 Derek Hi Kent 08:35 Rich Note: Kent, ty, apparently my brain didn't mind that OF eruptions were only 8 minutes apart, Saw the 14 and the 15 and that's as far as it processed. 08:35 Rich Hi Derek 08:35 Rich Hi Kent 08:35 Kent Good morning guys 08:36 Rich NOTE: Dec 27, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:29:38ie Beehive 08:38:08ie Depression 13:35ie F&M 12/23/09 16:02ie Grand 13:44ns, Lion 10:26ie, 11:39, 12:45, 13:53, 14:57, 16:05 08:36 Rich OF 07:12, 08:02, 09:29:17ie, 10:59:24ie, 14:10, 15:42, 17:09:32, Plume 11:28:27ie, 13:48, Riverside 13:24ns, 08:44 Rich NOTE: RE: Live vs Cam times vs Data Logger collected times. All times are relative. 08:44 Rich 00:00:00 times taken from the Static Cam times are generated by the VC related computer. Streaming cam times are generated by observer. Live reported times are taken from an on site timing device. 08:44 Rich It is possible to have three different observed times, all of which are correct as far as they go. 08:46 Rich And that will be the last time I say anything about Observed Times. 08:47 Rich Was that Little Cub? 08:52 Rich Little Squirt? 09:06 Derek Hi Lane 09:13 Lane Hi Derek 09:13 Lane Hi BdM 09:13 Bruce da Moose Hi, Lane - How can you guys see anything? Geyser Hill is oscurata... 09:13 Derek Hi Sir Bruce 09:14 Bruce da Moose Hi, Derek - happy last few days of 2009 :-) 09:14 Lane The fog whisps and waves. 09:14 Derek Ahh we have a poet here LOL 09:15 Bruce da Moose That it may, but mostly it just gets in the way ;-) 09:16 Lane Anemone seems to be rather visable of late. 09:16 Bruce da Moose Hiya, Kent 09:16 Kent We can't have a Lion series if we are unable to see Lion :) 09:16 Kent Morning Bruce 09:17 Derek If the stream hadn't failed again I would zoom in for a closer look. 09:17 Lane A tree falling in the forest syndrome? 09:17 Bruce da Moose Can't see much closer than full size anyway just now... 09:17 Lane wb Kent 09:17 Kent I was thinking the same thing Lane 09:18 Bruce da Moose Lane is right - they keep on erupting depsite our blindness... 09:18 Bruce da Moose despite (moositis acts up in winter...) 09:18 Kent We're being metaphysical, quit being practical:) 09:19 Bruce da Moose Of is getting frisky... 09:19 Lane lol 09:19 Lane Been that way all morning. 09:19 Lane Difficult to tell eruptions from steaming. 09:19 Lane Nice straight plume 09:19 Lane column 09:19 Bruce da Moose I'm too much the scientist - metaphysical throws me... 09:20 Lane Hi cb 09:20 Bruce da Moose Hello CB - if that's really you! 09:20 Lane It usually is. Laptop down? 09:20 Hangtown Bill Hi all...yes its me! to lasy to get the LT out 09:21 Lane ah HA!!! 09:21 Lane lol 09:21 Bruce da Moose OK - sometimes it be Bill 09:21 Hangtown Bill on Bill 09:21 Hangtown Bill OPPS!!! On Bill's PC 09:22 Hangtown Bill Lane???? 09:22 Hangtown Bill Happy Belated B-day Bruce! 09:22 Derek Probably Lois Lane from Superman LOL 09:22 Bruce da Moose Thanks :-) Now I'm an old phart too :-) 09:23 Bruce da Moose OF 0932 09:23 Lane OF ie 09:22:41 wc 09:23 Bruce da Moose Dang! 0922 09:23 Lane g 09:23 Hangtown Bill Hi Derek....Thanks 09:23 Bruce da Moose My fingers are about useless 2day 09:24 Lane Is 'moose - itis' a progressive disease? g 09:24 Bruce da Moose It waxes and wanes - today it's a curse beyond compare... 09:24 Hangtown Bill Had the streaming earlier...when'd it go down....yes my right pinky gets the mooseites ften 09:25 Lane Happy Birthday, btw, Bruce 09:26 Lane Is there more information available about Crater Hills thermal features than want is in TSB's book? 09:27 Bruce da Moose TY, Lane :-) 09:28 Lane I saw some nice captures from the Mt. Washburn cam showing steam in several localized areas at Crater Hills. 09:29 Lane 09:30 Lane Bruce, what thermal features would be steaming on this side of the treeline in front of Grand/Vent/Turban area? 09:30 Lane Hi guest109679 09:31 Lane Hi CC 09:31 CC greetings 09:32 Bruce da Moose Far back, you can see Spasmodic Geyser, and occasionally Old Tardy, Penta and back near Grand, West Triplet 09:32 Bruce da Moose Closer to OF, there is Split Cone Geyser 09:32 CC anyone know what time the streaming went down 09:33 Bruce da Moose I cannot think of any other important features this side of Grand and almots line-of-site with it - maybe a few smaller hot springs. 09:34 CC I reported that the streaming went down 09:34 Lane Sorry, I forgot to mention - On the static cam. 09:35 Bruce da Moose That's OK - do you mean right now, or generally? 09:35 Lane There is a report of 'going to the static cam' at 07:13 in the log, next mention I see is 09:24 I think 09:35 Lane Hi BB 09:36 Loisb Good Morning 09:36 BB Hi all 09:37 Bruce da Moose Hi, BB :-) 09:37 Lane I saw a steam column this side of the treeline more inline with Vent side of Grand 09:37 Lane Hi loisb 09:37 Loisb Hi 09:38 Lane We have fresh cinnamon rolls in the oven. lol 09:38 Loisb pass one over 09:40 Lane Is it 'pass over' time again? lol 09:41 BB So Beehive erupted again just after I left??? I am still undecided if it hates me or not... 09:41 Loisb We told it to hurry but it didn't listen 09:41 Bruce da Moose Beehive is fickle 09:41 BB very stubborn 09:42 Bruce da Moose That's OK - I know it's faint compensation, but we all love you anyway! 09:42 Loisb for sure 09:42 BB *blush* thanks g 09:42 Loisb g 09:42 Bruce da Moose Hi, LoisB! 09:43 Loisb Hi Bruce 09:43 Loisb Did you have a lovely birthday? 09:43 Bruce da Moose How are things in the North Country? 09:43 Loisb warmer today - up to 39 09:44 Bruce da Moose Decent birthday, nothing special. Mostly took a rest, which is what I desperately needed at that moment. 09:44 Loisb naps and rest are good things 09:44 Bruce da Moose Could use a nap right now ;-) 09:45 Bruce da Moose Back to rat race this week - 09:45 Loisb so sorry 09:45 Loisb I have the week off 09:45 Bruce da Moose Got work, my son is haivng classmates over to watch Lawrence of Arabia, then New Year's Party Th nite 09:46 Loisb and they will never get tired - or at least admit to it 09:46 Bruce da Moose Contractors coming over tomorrow to install blinds and ceiling light 09:46 Loisb that will keep you all busy 09:46 Lane Oooh, I saw Lawrence of Arabia at the Empire Theatre in KC. Triple wide screen. 09:47 Bruce da Moose Sounds great! I;ve not seen it yet - the 32" will have to do :-) 09:47 Lane Still good. 09:48 Lane Enjoy 09:48 Bruce da Moose I could just close my eyes and listen to the score - great music! 09:48 Loisb Dad always liked it 09:49 Lane Yep 09:49 Bruce da Moose My son's class is studying Imperialism, so the theme fits. 09:50 Loisb have to get the class to study volcanos and geysers 09:50 Lane British and Turkish all in one. 09:51 Bruce da Moose Which reminds me - I need an Ottoman for my office... ;-) 09:51 Lane ;p; 09:51 Lane lol 09:52 Bruce da Moose I wish schools had classes in fun geological stuff - unfortunaetly, that gets reserved for very little kids and geo majors in college. 09:52 Lane Science might be more intersting if they were included. 09:52 Loisb with all the volcanos going off this year they should be studying them 09:53 Bruce da Moose You are right - science is so full of wonderful in your face phenomenae, and so rarely are they exploited for wonder and amazement. 09:53 Lane hi Gazer-by-Proxy 09:54 Loisb Kilauea has been quite active also these last few nights 09:54 Bruce da Moose Well, I have actual work to do here, so I have to go on standby - talk later - have fun! 09:54 Loisb later 09:54 Lane Da Trees, Da Trees, Boss, Da Trees 09:55 Lane bye 09:56 Lane Water vapor. 09:56 Lane Maybe it was lion. 10:03 Lane Hi guest322328 10:10 Lane Lots of water vapor over Grand way. 10:17 Lane Static cam is frozen for me at 10:13:46 10:18 BB I have 10:18 10:18 BdM on Standby Steam still at 1018 10:20 BB bbl 10:20 Lane bye BB 10:25 Lane refreshed at 10:23:50 10:27 Lane Anyone remember the last time the static cam was moved/rezoomed? 10:27 Lane It appears that it is shifted to the left more.At lieast since November 10:31 Lane Static cam has moved since December 26. 10:31 Lane Less on the right, more visable on the left. 10:31 Loisb maybe when folks were trying to get it back to working they moved it while checking connections? 10:32 Lane That would work. lol 10:32 Loisb would take a lot of strange wind to move it and not the streaming 10:32 BdM on Standby I definitely prefer the farther left position. It is more important to capture Grand than Solitary or anything else right of Giantess. 10:33 Lane Me too 10:33 Loisb but this will probably make us miss part of the next Giantess 10:33 BdM on Standby Why so? 10:33 Lane Wind will dial to the right. 10:33 Loisb well seems to me I got some captures with stuff flying to the right this last time 10:33 Lane g 10:34 BdM on Standby Fog notwithstanding, Giantess's full platform is still visible, tho. 10:34 Loisb if you say so - we'll know next time if the cam stays in the same place 10:38 BdM on Standby When I compare the new view with the old, the shift is very slight - a single large tree is cut off on the right in the obvious grove there, 10:38 BdM on Standby and Giantess's platform has not been intruded upon at all, a sit lies directly above the obvious tree pair right fo OF. 10:39 BdM on Standby have to go bakc to standby - bbl 10:48 Loisb looking at the clock I need to move - bbl 10:49 Loisb bye 10:49 Rich lol 10:49 Rich bye 11:06 Rich OF ie 11:06:21 wc 11:07 Rich wb Kent 11:08 Rich And they are OFF - back to the snowmobiles. g 11:10 Rich ~~~ 11:13 Kent Stopped in to see if streaming was back up. My static is also hung up. 11:13 Rich sorry 11:13 Rich ~~~ 11:25 Michael Streaming seems to be up again. Now I can see moving fog. 11:25 Rich Hi Michael 11:26 Michael Hi Rich. 11:27 Rich Happy Holidays 11:29 Michael Season's Greetings. Only one more round of travel to go. 11:30 Rich And it starts all over again. lol 11:30 Michael It's days like this that I think Depression is ie all the time. 11:30 Rich g 11:33 Rich BH seems to be running 12/24 hour intervals the last few days. 11:34 Michael That's nice. Did you get to see much of Giantess? 11:34 Rich The morning of the second day. 11:34 Rich wb CC 11:35 Michael Same here. I'm disappointed the Old Faithful seismic station seems to be out of service. 11:36 Rich Holliday? 11:36 CC what else is new 11:36 Michael Technical difficulties, I imagine. 11:36 Rich g 11:37 Rich Operator Error? g 11:37 CC for those of you who have campers and use Fishing Bridge it will not have electrical service this summer 11:38 Michael How come? 11:38 CC outdated ...hasn't been uptdated since the 1960's 11:39 CC not enough power for all the campers 11:39 Rich http://www.jstor.org/pss/3873149 11:40 Rich Link from Yellowstone National Park twitter. 11:44 Michael Gotta log off -- Power company is doing maintenance work in the neighborhood. 11:48 Rich http://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional… 11:57 Rich Hi Ryanb 11:57 Rich Ryan 11:58 Ryan Hi everyone 11:58 Ryan Hi Rich 11:58 Ryan beautifu; in the park huh 12:02 Ryan Hi Derek 12:02 Ryan Hi BdM on stAandby 12:22 Rich Hi guest854776 12:24 Ryan I have a date and time set for my launch Rich. 12:24 Rich Feb 11? 12:24 Ryan 10am 30 December 2009 12:24 Rich Cool 12:24 Rich New fuel? 12:25 Ryan im already naseous from nerves 12:25 Ryan no but it uses dual deployment 12:25 Ryan drouge (pilot) chute then a main chute 12:25 Rich Butterflies in you tummy. The real thing, then. 12:26 Ryan ypp 12:27 Ryan ok i g2g ill b back later 12:27 Rich Have a good afternoon 12:27 Rich bye 12:44 CC OF 12:30 12:44 CC make that OF 12:40 12:45 CC It always amazes me how some people wait and wait for OF and then leave as soon as the eruption begins 12:46 BdM on Standby It's SUCH an anticlimax! ;-) 12:46 Rich Programmed by hype 12:47 BdM on Standby Funny - we took a friend up there about 5 years ago, and we walked up to the OF benches upon arrival and waited about 5 minutes. The eruption was gorgeous, late afternoon and glowing. It was also a taller one - I'd guess 160 feet - 12:48 BdM on Standby ..and she was shocked at how big it was. She was expecting something much cmaller. She had an appropriate and satisfying reaction :-) 12:48 BdM on Standby So, maybe hype can work both ways :-) 13:00 Rich wb guest322328 13:23 BdM on Standby Looks like a RIVERSIDE 1323 ie wc 13:24 lc Riverside 1322 ie 13:24 lc Plume 1323 13:25 lc sorry BdM, I was not loget in when I first saw Riverside. 13:26 BdM on Standby No apology necessary :-) 13:28 BdM on Standby We already had a Grand and a Beehive today, so - what else is left now? Haven't seen many Lions...and of course, Giant has not shown his face in awhile :-) 13:29 lc bet has ended its series from yesterday 13:29 BdM on Standby GO F&M / GIANT / SPLENDID / ECONOMIC / LINK / PURPLE POOLS / Your Choice! 13:30 lc Lion was going every hour to hour amd 10 minutes. 13:30 lc has there been any Oblongs today? 13:31 BdM on Standby It would be COOL if we could swing this puppy around every so often and see the Myriad Group. Who knows what awesome things happen back there when we are not looking...? 13:32 BdM on Standby I have not seen a cloud that could be determined as Oblong with any certainty - anyone else? 13:32 BdM on Standby Unless it went along with Grand this morning. 13:32 BdM on Standby Grand put up a nice mushroom cloud :-) 13:33 BdM on Standby well, gotta get back to dormancy - bbl 13:33 lc did you see my post on the listserv? 13:33 BdM on Standby Nope, not yet - today? 13:34 lc just wondering what thought 13:34 BdM on Standby I don't usually get those until about suppertime here... 13:34 lc ok 13:35 lc interesting steam cloud 13:51 BdM on Standby Looks like a Grotto may be ns. 1350 wc 13:53 Rich Hi lc 13:53 Rich hi guest111043 13:56 Rich I've always thought Excelsior was further to the right, more in the center of the static cam view. 13:56 chango13 hello 13:56 Rich But will now adjust my location for it. 13:56 Rich Hi chango13 13:56 chango13 sup rich 13:57 Rich http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/oldfaithfulcam.htm This is a link to the webcams we are watching. We are watching the geysers in Yellowstone National Park. 13:57 Rich right now we are waiting for Old Faithful geyser. It is predicted to erupt in about 10 minutes 14:03 Rich wb Kent 14:03 BdM on Standby Based on satellite and aerial photos, Excelsior should be *just* right of Riverside near center. 14:04 Rich That is where I have always placed it. 14:05 Kent Dropped in for Old Faithful. Good timing. 14:06 lc OF 1405 14:06 Rich OF ie 14:05:38 wc 14:22 Rich HI guest80801 14:23 Rich Plume? 14:23 Rich wb Ryan 14:37 Ryan Hi R 14:40 Ryan Wat have I missed 14:40 Rich Lunch? 14:40 Rich g 14:48 BdM on Standby Sponge erupted a short while ago - ;-) 14:51 Rich Bet I didn't see it. g 14:55 Rich Blackbird singing in the dead of night. 14:59 kooduh72man any girls in here 15:05 BdM on Standby Sorry - busy :-/ 15:09 BdM on Standby Rocket major? 15:09 BdM on Standby Just a guess - 1509 15:09 Ryan How did u see it? 15:09 Ryan ;) 15:10 BdM on Standby Just static cam - I dunno! 15:10 Ryan WOW Grotto Fountain 1510 or Grotto 1510 15:11 BdM on Standby Oh - it looked like Grotto already started about 1350 though... 15:11 Rich I see water vapor out there past the trees, boss. g 15:11 BdM on Standby That's why i said Rocket - I could be wrong. 15:11 Ryan Rocket?? 1510 15:12 BdM on Standby Cannot be certain. Just a guess. 15:12 Ryan of course still intresting though 15:12 BdM on Standby The cloud is a bit too persistent for a Rocket, so may actually be a Grotto Fountain. Bears watching. 15:14 Ryan ok well see if the cloud gets another surge (which would be a Grotto Start) 15:14 Ryan ~Grotto Fountain 1510ns~~ 15:14 BdM on Standby A Rocket cloud would usually come more than an hour into a Grotto, which would look like a slow boil from here. 15:14 BdM on Standby It would last just a minute or so. 15:15 Ryan Rocket or Grotto Fountain 15:15 Rich Guesses turn into fact when verified. 15:15 BdM on Standby Yeah, i think you;re right - another surge after several minutes would be a Grotto, and the surge would be short-lived. 15:15 BdM on Standby Calmed down again. 15:17 Rich hi guest109679 15:19 BdM on Standby Well - time to wrap here. See you guys later - have a good night :-) 15:19 Rich Getting chilly? 15:19 Rich have a good evening Bruce 15:19 BdM on Standby teeth chattering! 15:19 Ryan See u Bruce 15:20 BdM on Standby Bye! 15:20 Ryan Looked like a Rocket major... 15:22 Graham hello 15:23 Rich Hi Graham 15:25 Ryan Hi Graham 15:28 Graham cam is messed up 15:35 Rich Sorry 15:35 Graham can you fix it for me Rich? 15:36 Rich SLAM, WHAM!!!!!, crunch 15:36 Rich oops 15:36 Rich Think I fixed it too well. g 15:37 Rich My monitor hit the floor. geez 15:37 Graham hehe 15:37 Graham mine shaked a lot 15:38 Rich Where are these snowmobilers staying? West, they will be getting back after dark. 15:40 Graham strange 15:40 Graham maybe they are wearing helmets to stay warm and staying at the Snow Lodge? 15:41 Rich Built in helmet mics, have to wear them to talk to each other. Like texting across the room. 15:42 Graham do thry eptk from one end of the basin to the other? 15:43 Graham OF 1542 15:43 Rich Of ie 15:41:56 wc 15:48 Rich wb Kent 15:57 Graham is that Depression 1556ie? 15:57 Graham looks like it 16:04 Graham Pat reported Little Squirt 0726ie, Grand 1008, Plume 1215, 1323, 1422 16:05 Graham and Depression 1236 16:15 Rich Dec 28, 2009 recap Beehive Indicator 08:08 Beehive 08:24 Depression 12:36ps, 15:56ie, F&M 12/23/09 16:10ie Grand 10:08ps, Little Squirt 07:26ie ps, 16:15 Rich OF 08:08, 09:22:41ie, 11:06:21ie, 12:41:59ie, 14:05:08ie, 15:42, Plume 12:15ps, 13:23, 14:22:42ie, Riverside 13:22ie, 16:15 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/26/09 08:43:00 72:04 12/27/09 08:38:08 23:55 12/28/09 08:24:00 24:46 16:32 Ryan Is there an indicator?? 16:32 Ryan I dont think its time 16:32 Ryan way too early 16:32 Ryan But theres a steam by BH 16:33 Graham probably steam mixing with BW snow 16:35 Rich Would be an 8h interval 16:35 Ryan no BHI 16:35 Ryan :( 16:36 Rich Hi guest895110 16:40 Graham yep, should go overnight and maybe not in daylight tomorrow 16:43 Graham steam from right - maybe Dome? 16:46 Graham static is stuck at 1644 for me 16:47 Rich I'm frozen also 16:47 Rich 16:44:29 16:49 Rich 5 more mintues for me. 16:50 Graham I juist refreshed 16:56 Rich Just refreshed 16:57 Rich I have to remember to check back later, moon is almost full. 16:58 Graham hum. looking at the BH data we should expect it at 0833 +- 10 min...haha 16:58 Rich I was thinking the same, worth a check anyway. 16:59 Rich Maybe I'll just run the screen capture tonight. 17:00 Graham not going to be up that early tomorrow? 17:01 Rich Might, but easier to do the captures than set the alarm. g 17:02 Rich That Marmot? 17:07 Graham OF 1507 17:07 Graham oops 17:07 Graham OF 1707 17:08 Graham and I stuck again 17:09 Graham and back 17:09 Rich wow 17:10 Rich OF ie 17:09:32 wc I didn't catch the frame before. 17:20 cb Hi all!! WEEEEEE the cam is back! 17:21 Rich Hi cb 17:21 Graham thats odd, cam control is blank 17:21 Rich CC has mentioned 'flying' blind. 17:22 Rich Wait those were my words. 17:22 Graham I just tried logging back in and it fails again but yeah, I do have control 17:22 cb Yes! flying blind is interesting! 17:23 Graham not sure I have control 17:23 cb presets and akjustments take some getting use to, but it works 17:23 Graham Castlke preset looks out of position 17:23 cb yes! 17:25 cb let hope it stays on!! gotta go get flea drops for the kittys see ya in the morning! 17:25 Rich nite cb 17:25 Graham bye 17:25 Graham enjoy BH in the morning 17:27 Graham steam from the right was from Solitary 17:29 Rich Good, that is what I've been calling it. g 17:30 Rich Static cam view has shifted left also. 17:32 Graham well I am out of here tonight. I will post times to the listserve shortly 17:32 Graham see ya 17:32 Rich Nite Graham December 29th, 2009 01:59 BB There is finally enough moonlight to see something on the static today 01:59 BB I started capturing at 01:06 but didn't have time to review anything so far. 02:00 BB I have to go to a funeral now but will leave the computer on and the capture program running. Hopefully I will catch some nice eruption in the meantime. 03:48 Loisb Morning Ryan - you are up early 03:48 Loisb thought I saw OF going when I got on at 341 MST 04:10 Loisb Guess it must have just been steam - will have to wait for BB to check her captures 04:18 Ryan morning 06:48 BB Hi CC 06:49 CC afternoon 06:49 BB I have lots of captures from the night with lots of steam and fog but can't say anything about OF 06:50 BB It might have been ie at 2.31, but then it got really dark around 4 am, so I am not going to venture a guess 06:50 CC thanks 07:13 CC OF 7:12 07:16 CC OF is a long 07:18 BB bbl 08:33 BB Hi Derek 08:45 BB Hi Rich 08:45 Rich Hi BB 08:46 Rich I tried come over night captures, but only in the early evening, don't think the moon was up yet. 08:47 BB I have captures from around 1 am to 4 am. Lots of steam, but still not as much light as around the last full moon 08:49 BB Do you think OF is erupting in the steam? 08:49 BB That lone person there is taking pictures 08:50 BB Can't tell with all the fog 08:50 BB Now the cam is stuck 08:50 BB and Rich left 08:50 BB and Derek is probably afk 08:52 BB I got a refresh at 8.51, and OF is definitely ie now 08:52 BB looks like it is almost done, but can't tell when it started 08:53 lc good morning all 08:53 BB hi lc 08:53 lc I agree, it was near the end at 0851. 08:54 Derek Hi All 08:54 Derek I didn't know the stream was running again 08:54 BB I didn't know either g 08:54 BB Was watching the static and couldn't figure out anything with all the fog 08:54 Derek Can't see much 08:55 lc I just got it when I loged on. 08:55 Derek Just O.F. 08:55 Derek CC must have got Craig to restart it. 08:57 Rich Sorry I was temp disconnected due to a load. 08:57 lc just lost the streaming. 08:57 BB me too 08:57 Rich Hi lc 08:57 Rich bye CC 08:58 Rich Hi Derek 08:58 lc hi Rich. 08:58 Derek Yes, gone here too 09:01 lc I'm going to watch the static, bbl. 09:02 Rich I think I'll go watch the static cam. 09:03 Rich Oh, wait, I'm already watching it. g 09:04 BB I was actually wondering where you were going 09:04 BB And I was also wondering why people leave the room to watch the static 09:04 BB Glad you came back and cleared that up for me, Rich 09:04 BB g 09:07 Rich NOTE: To change from the streaming cam view and remain in the camchatroom, go to the menu bar directly above this chatwindow, click on the drop down arrow following PAGE VIEW and select Static Only. 09:23 BB bbl 09:23 Rich enjoy 09:59 Rich HI guest921902 10:25 Rich OF ie 10:23:56 wc 10:29 Rich http://news.coinupdate.com/america-the-beautiful-quarters-product-schedule-0100/ 12:01 Rich OF ie 12:00:25 wc 12:02 Rich Hi Kent 12:02 Rich Hi BB 12:02 Kent Hi Rich 12:02 BB Hi Rich 12:03 BB And people are leaving OF at 12.01 12:03 BB Why do they wait so long if they leave after a minute??? 12:04 Rich The 'Event' is over, Old Faithful historically has been marketed as being regular in eruption and the actual eruption is the 'event' not the duration of the the eruption. 12:05 Kent I'm even worse. When everyone heads for Old Faithful is when I head for the Geyser Grill:) 12:05 BB Well, that goes without saying g 12:05 Rich lol 12:05 BB short attention span, I guess 12:06 Rich Immediate satisfaction. 12:06 BB And with that, I will leave again g 12:06 Rich later 12:06 BB also short attention span lol 12:06 Rich bye 12:06 Rich g 12:11 Rich Hi Ham101 12:12 Ham101 Hi Rich. I like your take on OF's actual eruption as the event; you are right hardly anybody stays to watch all of it! 12:12 Rich The 'Timing' has been the event. 12:12 Rich ty 12:14 Rich I'm glad there are geyser gazers, education is the key to getting people to stay and enjoy the full cycle of geysers. 12:14 Ham101 I agree. Am having some trouble getting the actual camera to come on; anyone else w/ similar prob? 12:14 Rich Steaming cam is probably down. 12:15 Rich It is bouncing on and off. 12:15 Ham101 Ok. 12:16 Rich You can get to the static cam by going to the Page View drop down menu above and selecting Static Only, and still be in the chat room. 13:37 Rich Hi cb 13:40 vw Good afternoon. See the stream is still down. :( 13:40 vw Any hint of Beehive today, or has it been too steamy to see anything? 13:40 Rich Looks like I froze on the streaming cam at 13:33:10 13:41 Rich sorry static cam 13:41 Rich too steamy 13:41 vw hi Rich. Mine is at 13:39, so fine here. 13:41 Rich Was waiting for OF. 13:41 Rich Hi vw 13:41 vw Think you missed it. Everybody is headed away from OF now 13:42 Rich I figured. 13:42 Rich I'll use the VC timing 13:44 Rich I must have just missed it by seconds. 13:44 Rich OF 13:33 vc 14:00 vw Have to go. Have to work. :( 14:00 Rich Dec 29, 2009 recap F&M 12/23/09 16:10ie OF 07:12L, 08:51ie, 10:23:56ie, 12:00:25ie, 13:33vc, 14:00 Rich bye vw 14:00 Rich I'm off also. 14:01 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/26/09 08:43:00 72:04 12/27/09 08:38:08 23:55 12/28/09 08:24:00 24:46 14:01 Rich L8r 14:01 Rich bye 14:07 guest31578 Clarification- List had F&M at 1410 on the 23rd. 16:19 Graham Depression 1618ie? 17:04 Graham OF 1704 20:10 Rich I quit December 30th, 2009 02:44 BB I have OF ie at 12.51 02:45 BB I wonder why the VC calls it 12.51. That sounds like it erupted between noon and 1 pm 02:45 BB We use the 24 hour clock in Europe, and we would call that time 00.51 02:45 BB Well, you know what I mean :) 02:45 BB And I have OF again ie at 2.29 02:46 BB Now it is getting darker, I don't know how many more useful pictures I will get 04:08 BB Just went through my screenshots, it looks like OF ie at 3.53 04:09 BB I know you cannot really tell from the static, especially in the dark, but it was over pretty soon, so I am guessing it might have been a short 04:09 BB But of course I could be completely wrong here 06:51 Derek Hello BB 06:51 BB Hi Derek 07:04 CC morning everyone 07:04 BB hi CC 07:04 Derek Hi 07:04 CC actually afternoon 07:16 Derek First signs of light on the static. 08:03 CC streaming was up for two minutes 08:05 CC OF 8:04 08:06 BB So my wild guess about a short OF around 4 am might have been actually right 08:07 BB I will definitely check the GOSA data about that next month 08:07 CC nice 08:14 lc Good morning all 08:14 BB hi lc 08:15 lc I just talked to Kitt. She is at F&M, it did not erupt overnight. 08:16 Kent Morning lc. Your steam post has been interesting. I think I am with Paul Strasser and Dave M about Midway being far to the right of your cloud? 08:17 lc ty, I agree with you and Dave and Paul. 08:18 lc My best guess, it was probably Grotto. 08:19 lc when I first saw it I thought it was F&M. 08:20 Kent I saw it in real time. Lasted about 15" and stayed the same shape until just before it dissappeared. 08:20 lc Kitt also said she don't think Beehive has gone in the last few hours. 08:21 Kent Good. Wouldn't mind a daylight Beehive. 08:22 lc interesting, I had been away from the computer for a while and I only saw it for 4-5 minutes. 08:22 BB I have screenshots from 0.45 to about 4.30, and I checked them especially for BH. Didn't see an eruption there. 08:22 lc thanks 08:41 lc Depression 0839 09:40 BB OF 09:40 ie 09:42 BB bbl 10:56 virurids cam2cam sex? 10:56 virurids cam2cam sex? 10:56 virurids cam2cam sex? 10:56 virurids cam2cam sex? 10:56 virurids cam2cam sex? 10:56 virurids cam2cam sex? 11:11 lc OF 1107 11:12 lc I'm gone for a while. Have a nice day. 11:40 Rich Dec 30, 2009 recap Depression 08:38:46ie, F&M 12/23/09 14:10ie Oblong 10:28:56ie, OF 00:51ie, 02:29ie, 03:53ie, 08:04, 09:40:18ie, 11:06:21ie, Riverside ?09:19:24ie, 11:48 RHBM Hi there. 11:49 RHBM I see static cam is still out of whack. 11:52 guest19470211 Streaming? 11:52 guest19470211 Static is ok for me. 12:39 BdM on Standby Static looks good to me. 12:42 BB I think OF was ie at 12:40??? 12:42 BB Static was frozen, and now people are leaving 12:44 BdM on Standby OF 1240 is a fair bet, +/- a minute 12:44 BdM on Standby However, impossible to tell if it was a short, although it's a distinct possibility. 12:45 BB If I had to guess, I would say it was a short. 12:45 BdM on Standby OK - then we should start looking for OF again at about 1340. 12:45 BB I have been stuck again for three minutes, waiting for the VC prediction 12:46 BB The VC doesn't agree 12:46 BdM on Standby Then it probably wasn't a short. 12:46 BB They say 14:08 12:46 BB Probably g 12:46 BB But since I was stuck most of the time, there is no way to know 12:46 BdM on Standby OK - likely started at 1238 and went at least 2+ minutes. 12:47 BB That sounds about right 12:47 BB bbl 12:47 BdM on Standby OK - standing by 14:26 BdM on Standby OF 1425 ns on an apparent long interval (~107 minutes) 14:28 BdM on Standby OF duration > 2 minutes 14:28 BdM on Standby All per static webcam 14:29 BdM on Standby ...but OF D = about 3 minutes. 14:30 BdM on Standby Predict next OF 1555 (?) 14:50 RichH47 Dec 30, 2009 recap Depression 08:38:46ie, F&M 12/23/09 14:10ie Oblong 10:28:56ie, OF 00:51ie, 02:29ie, 03:53ie, 08:04, 09:40:18ie, 11:06:21ie, 12:38vc, 14:25ns, Plume 13:39:36ie, Riverside ?09:19:24ie, 14:50 RichH47 Hi Kent 14:51 Kent Afternoon Rich. Just checking to see if Beehive went today. 14:52 RichH47 No report yet 14:56 RichH47 I'm fairly certain on the Riverside, it was during fog/steamy time, but the column did stand out against the background above the trees. 14:57 RichH47 I saw teh Plume but didn't not get a capture. 14:57 RichH47 Hi Bruce 14:57 BdM on Standby Hi, Rich - just a couple of mos here... 14:57 RichH47 g 14:58 BdM on Standby what's that? 14:59 RichH47 I'm frozen for a couple more minutes. 14:59 BdM on Standby Sorry - for a moment, OF's steam looked like something rAre aND interesting... 15:00 BdM on Standby I won't say what, lest someone misread the log... 15:01 BdM on Standby Well, gotta go - later folks! If I don;t see ya - Happy New Year! 15:01 RichH47 Bye Bruce 15:09 Rich Resoure Page is down, will be up tomorrow with Chatroom Help page. 15:10 Rich Off to Downtown Seattle and then on to Tacoma to a friends. 15:10 Rich L8r 15:10 Rich bye 15:39 Graham Riverside 1537ie 15:39 lc Grand 1538 15:39 Graham Oblong or Grand too 15:41 lc G., that may be Oblong. 15:41 Graham looks more like Oblong than Grand 15:43 lc yes, I jumped the gun, sorry about that. 15:47 lc OF 1546 16:43 Graham Plume 1642 17:08 cb Hi Graham 17:20 Graham OF 1718 17:20 Graham hey there 17:20 Graham looks like they are getting some more snow then it warms up 17:20 cb you back to work G? 17:21 Graham yeah unfortunately 17:21 cb have tomorrow off? 17:21 Graham hard to focus on work with the holidays 17:21 Graham nope, workday 17:21 Graham what are you up to? 17:21 cb Yes! I have had an easy week! Putting my house back together 17:22 cb we were going to go to yosemite for new years, but storms have come in 17:23 Graham ah, thats a shame 17:23 Graham they have snow there? 17:23 cb we went last year and it was great fun....the Awhanee for new years is special 17:23 Graham I bet 17:23 cb yes, looks like a bit 17:24 Graham need to send it to YNP 17:24 Graham the other YNP 17:24 cb yess.. it needs some snow cover 17:26 Graham need some for our visit 17:28 Graham theres some steam on the left side of the hill.. 17:29 Graham now Icant get a refresh 17:29 Graham could be BHI 17:29 Graham maybe 1728ie? 17:30 Graham not a slam dunk...but maybe 17:30 cb I'm foze.....damn 17:32 Graham less steam now tho 17:34 Graham summary for 12/30 17:34 Graham Depression 0839, Oblong 1028ie, 1537ie (?), OF 0051ie, 0229ie, 0353ie, 0804, 0940ie, 1106, 1240ie, 1425, 1546, 1718, Plume 1339, 1642, Riverside 0919, 1536ie, 17:35 Graham oh well, see you, maybe tomorrow. Happy New Year! December 31st, 2009 02:26 BB OF 02:18 ie 02:27 BB And Lion was ie at 01:29 02:27 BB Will upload pictures shortly 02:34 BB And Lion is again ie at 02:32 02:41 BB http://picasaweb.google.com/brieske24de/GeyserPict… 03:22 BB I just reviewed my captures and think Depression might have been ie at 01:04. 03:22 BB I uploaded pictures of everything to my Picasa folder, just follow the link above 04:04 BB OF was 03:51 ie 04:04 BB Then the cam was stuck for 10 minutes, so I have not even a wild guess about duration 04:08 BB And Lion was 03:42 ie 04:09 BB I am going out soon and will not be back until some time after sunrise in Yellowstone 04:09 BB I will leave the computer on but cannot post anything until much later 04:42 Ryan Oblon 0413 04:42 Ryan Riverside 0442ie 04:47 Ryan Its starting to go dark again... 05:30 vw OF 05:26 ie, static cam 07:28 cb good morning CC and Derek 07:28 Derek Hi All 07:34 cb going to yosemite after all....see ya all on Monday! 08:02 Rich Lion ie 07:58:43 wc 08:17 Rich Hi Gazer-by-Proxy 08:17 Gazer-by-Proxy Good day and happy New Year! 08:18 Rich Dec 31, 2009 recap Depression ?01:04ie, F&M 12/23/09 14:10ie Lion 01:29, 02:32, 03:42ie, 07:58:43ie, Oblong 04:13, OF 02:18ie, 03:51ie, 05:26ie, Riverside 04:42ie, 08:18 Rich At least it has been a busy one here. lol 08:18 Rich Early birds get the geyser. 08:19 Rich Happy New Year 08:26 CC wishing everyone a happy new year 08:26 Derek You too 08:34 Ryan Morning everyone 08:34 Rich Hi Ryan 08:34 Ryan we could finally see stuff last night 08:35 Ryan Happy New Years by the way 08:35 Rich Blue Moon. 08:35 Ryan Yepp 08:35 Ryan guess what 08:35 Rich Launch postponed? 08:35 Ryan Jan 16-23 Im going to Maui!! 08:35 Rich Cool 08:35 Rich Did you get to Launch? 08:36 Rich Buxiness or pleasure? g 08:38 Ryan Not totally destroyed, just a shattered fin and a slight crack in the body tube, easy repairs and we know what happened too 08:38 Gazer-by-Proxy OF ie0837 08:38 Ryan OF 0837 08:38 Ryan The sidewall of the motor blew out by the nozzle 08:39 Ryan The rocket tilted slightly and flew like a football. 08:39 Rich Always good to know the cause. 08:39 Ryan Buth parachutes came out as planned but they also tangled and never opened. I found the tube 3 inches in the ground 08:40 Rich wow! 09:03 Rich Happy New Year Michael 09:05 Michael Happy New Year. Do you think any of the geysers are making resolutions? 09:07 Rich To be more prompt? 09:08 Michael I hope Giant resolves to get more exercise. 09:08 Rich g 09:09 Rich Little Cub and Depression? 09:09 Rich naw 09:10 Rich Lion 09:12 Rich That's what happens when I try and eat and watch at the same time. g 09:13 Michael Did Lion just go? My screen is only refreshing every few minutes so a lot could sneak past. 09:13 Rich I think it did, reviewing captures in a moment. 09:16 Rich My first capture Lion ie 09:07:41wc 09:19 Michael Thanks. Maybe I can catch the next one. 09:21 Rich About the right interval based on the earlier reports. 69m and earlier was 70m 09:30 Rich HI guest304467 09:34 Rich Hi guest395062 09:49 Rich Hi BB 09:49 Rich Happy New Year 09:49 BB Hi Rich 09:49 BB Hi all 09:49 BB Happy New Year to you too 09:50 Rich Like your snow photo 09:50 BB That was quite a lot of snow overnight! And it is still snowing 09:51 BB And it is supposed to get really cold on Sunday, so it looks like the snow will be around for a while 09:55 Rich Now for some sunshine. g 09:55 BB For the record (or recap): OF was 07:05 ie this morning. 09:56 BB Just going through my screenshots. Hard to tell when it started, it was still pretty dark then, but I can see it at 07:05 for sure 09:56 Rich ty 09:59 Rich We might get a dual OF/Lion now. 10:00 BB I have no idea "where" we are at the moment. Still going through my screenshots, looking for more Lion times 10:00 Michael Hi BB. Happy New Year. 10:00 BB Hi Michael, to you too 10:03 Rich Hi guest546921 10:05 guest546921 streaming cam offline? 10:05 BB yes, still not fixed 10:06 Rich You can switch to the static view and stay in the chatroom, Page View/Static Only will give you the chatroom and the static cam. 10:07 BB I have another Lion at 5.53 ie 10:08 Rich k 10:08 BB The one before that might have been at 4.49 ie, but there is a lot of OF steam blowing over to that side, so you better put a question mark next to that 10:09 Rich ty 10:10 BB No Beehive during the night, as far as I can tell 10:11 BB But there was no moonlight before midnight, it might have gone then 10:12 BB That was a very productive night at Geyser Hill. g 10:12 BB Hope tomorrow is as nice 10:12 Rich I do also. 10:15 BB OF 10:14 ie 10:17 lc Happy New Year everyone 10:17 Rich Hi lc 10:17 Rich Happy New Year 10:17 BB Hi lc, you too 10:17 Michael Happy New Year lc. 10:18 Rich Just a little SW wind. 10:18 Michael Will the moon be up for the first Old Faithful of 2010? 10:18 Rich please 10:18 Michael Lion 10:18ie 10:19 Rich Should be. 10:19 lc A couple of things from Kitt. 10:19 lc F&M went overnight. 10:20 Michael Will any of us be up then? (Guess that's not hard if you're on Pacific time) 10:20 lc Grand 0914 T1C 10:20 BB I hope I will be. Midnight OF is 8 am my time. Can't sleep that long, even if I stay up until midnight 10:21 lc she also said there was ice about 18 inches thick at Beehive. 10:21 Rich ty lc 10:21 lc yw 10:22 Rich Hi Kent 10:22 Kent Good morning Rich 10:22 BB 18"? I had to convert that to metric measurement... that is pretty thick 10:24 lc she said it is dangerous. 10:24 Rich Dec 31, 2009 recap Depression ?01:04ie, ?09:41:13ie, F&M 12/30-31/09 overnight Kitt Grand 09:14 T1C Kitt Lion 01:29, 02:32, 03:42ie, ?04:49ie, 05:53ie, 07:58:43ie, 09:07:41ie, 10:18ie, 10:24 Rich Oblong 04:13, OF 02:18ie, 03:51ie, 05:26ie, 07:05ie, 08:37ie, 10:14:20ie, Plume ?09:48:22ie, Riverside 04:42ie, 10:25 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/26/09 08:43:00 72:04 12/27/09 08:38:08 23:55 12/28/09 08:24:00 24:46 10:27 Rich L8r, I'm going back to bed. Got up way to early. 10:27 Rich Bye for now. 10:27 BB Sleep well g 10:27 Michael Bye Rich. 11:21 LS Lion 1119ie 11:49 Im.Down.For.That Any Girls With Cam Pm Me For Cam To Cam:) 12:00 LS Old Faithful 12:00ie 12:23 LS Lion 1222:ie 13:20 LS Lion 1319ie 13:23 LS OF 1322ie 13:35 Graham Happy New Years Eve everyone 13:37 Derek Hi Graham 13:37 Graham finally getting some snow for us in YNP 13:38 LS Happy New Year to you Graham. 13:38 Derek I just wish we had a streaming cam 13:38 LS Was that Plume at 1338ie? 13:39 Graham probably 13:40 Graham gave up early at work, figured I would rather not work at home rather than not work at work 14:20 LS Lion 1420ie 14:22 LS hi Kent. 14:27 Graham could be BHI 1426ie? 14:28 Graham maybe not 14:29 Rich Dec 31, 2009 recap Depression ?01:04ie, ?09:41:13ie, F&M 12/30-31/09 overnight Kitt Grand 09:14 T1C Kitt Lion 01:29, 02:32, 03:42ie, ?04:49ie, 05:53ie, 07:58:43ie, 09:07:41ie, 10:18ie, 11:19ie, 12:22ie, 13:19ie, 14:20ie, Oblong 04:13, 14:29 Rich OF 02:18ie, 03:51ie, 05:26ie, 07:05ie, 08:37ie, 10:14:20ie, 12:00ie, 13:22ie, Plume ?09:48:22ie, ?13:38ie, Riverside 04:42ie, 14:29 Rich Beehive - Date, Time, Interval 12/26/09 08:43:00 72:04 12/27/09 08:38:08 23:55 12/28/09 08:24:00 24:46 14:29 Rich Hi Graham 14:29 Rich hi guest109679 14:29 Graham sure looks like theres a steam plume from that area... 14:31 Graham grrr looks stuck 14:31 Rich Must be a good wind, steam is sure laying down. 14:32 Graham I am convinced now...I think :) 14:32 Rich Looks like BHI steam to me. 14:32 Graham tweet time 14:32 Rich Tweet/FB away 14:35 Rich Looks like a gazer out on the BW at the railing 14:35 Rich A couple of them. 14:35 Graham could be Kitt 14:36 Graham so BHI 1426ie 14:37 Rich sounds good to me, I sent it out as 14:27 wasn't sure how much earlier. 14:37 Rich I'll look at the captures after. 14:40 Rich Pretty long indicator. 14:40 Graham Beehive 1440 14:41 Rich Beehive 14:40:16 ie 14:41 Graham I guess I should say 1440ns :) 14:41 Rich There was a little something the frame before have to check if I can see water. 14:43 Rich at 14:39:42 I don't see anything at BH. 14:44 Graham erupting now tho 14:44 Rich Yes 14:45 Rich I don't have any captures for BHI before 14:28, as I was just returning to the room. 14:45 Graham cam was a bit stuck then 14:47 Rich At least we got Lion before BH. 14:48 Rich Hi Kent 14:48 Kent Hi Rich. Beehive was a treat. I haven't seen it lately. 14:49 Rich We haven't caught one since 12/28 14:49 Rich Very nice way to send off the old year. 14:49 Graham may see one tomorrow too 14:50 Rich Same time, same place. 14:50 Rich g 14:51 Graham well it was nice having 3 in a row at 0830 14:51 Rich yes 14:51 Graham Plume 1450ie 14:51 Rich Some regularity might be returning. 14:51 Graham its already regular 14:51 Rich g 14:52 Graham its not 3 days +1 2 days 14:52 Graham I mean 3 days +- 2 days 14:52 Rich lol 14:52 Graham OF 1452ie 14:53 Graham probably 1451 14:56 Rich I'm leaving now, meeting a friend for 'early' New Years. 14:56 Rich Happy New Year, Graham, Kent. 14:56 Kent Happy New Year Rich! 14:56 Graham Happy New Year to you and your family Rich 14:57 Rich Thank you both. See you next year. g 14:57 Kent Graham, are birthday wishes in order for you also? 14:59 Graham nope..I need to fix my birthday on FB :) 15:00 Graham I dont want 2 birthdays a year 15:01 Kent I try and ignore mine 15:26 Graham ok, where is Lion? 15:26 Kent I think cam is locked? 15:27 Graham I am still getting refreshes 15:28 Kent I'm at 3:19:48 here and on the NPS page. Won't refresh 15:29 Graham looks like there was a roar... 15:29 Kent I just refreshed 15:31 Graham its trying... 15:32 Graham either a minor or big roar at 1531 15:33 Kent I want streaming back or I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue:) 15:34 Graham open mouth, breath, close mouth ... repeat 15:35 Kent :) 15:44 Kent Graham, have a Happy New Year and a great non-birthday. I'm off to a very early dinner. 15:45 Graham ok, see you 15:45 Graham Happy NY 16:02 Graham Plume 1601 16:21 rengaw91 hi 16:22 rengaw91 18.m wants to cam2cam 16:22 rengaw91 ladies pm me 16:24 Graham OF 1623ie 17:29 Graham Summary for 12/31/2009 17:30 Graham Beehive 1440ie, Ind 1426ie, Depression 0104ie (?), 0941ie (?), 1347ie (?), Fan and Mortar overnight 12/30-12/31 (per Kitt), Grand 0914 T1C (Kitt), Lion 0129ie, 0232ie, 0342ie, 0449ie (?) 0553ie, 0758ie, 0907ie, 1018ie, 1119ie, 1222ie, 1319ie, 1420ie, 17:30 Graham Oblong 0413ie, OF 0218ie, 0351ie, 0526ie, 0705ie, 0837ie, 1014ie, 1200ie, 1322ie, 1452ie, 1623ie, Plume 1338ie (?), 1450ie, 1601ie, Riverside 0442ie, 17:30 Graham Happy New Year!