Old Faithful Chat’s Chat Logs April 1st, 2009 View April’s Logs « March 31st, 2009 April 2nd, 2009 » 08:06 Anna Hi Derek 08:06 Derek Hi 08:06 Anna Hi rich 08:06 Anna Snowed a lot last night 08:08 Rich Hi Anna 08:09 Rich Snow had covered the ground by dark last night 09:09 Anna Anybody there? 09:09 Derek Yep 09:10 Anna Howdy. Beautiful day at ynp, it seems. 09:13 Anna Those bison look like they just heard the dinner bell ring somewhere esle! 09:13 Rich Hi again 09:13 Rich Wind seems to be blowing the cam tree around. 09:14 Anna Good thing I don't get sea-sick, 09:14 Rich Not quite that bad. 09:14 Rich lol 09:15 Rich I've been trying to track down the bear in Monday's captures. 09:15 Anna That would be soooooo cool! 09:15 Anna Did you see it then? 09:16 Derek I doubt if you'd see it unless it walked past the cam tree 09:16 Rich No, got Karen Low's photo from geyserlist 09:16 Derek The picture in the mailing list was way down in the medow. 09:16 Rich I do find several capture with bison grouped up. 09:16 Anna is that a gosa list serve? 09:17 Rich yes 09:25 Rich Redoubt cam is up, and the sun has risen there. 11:14 Rich OF ie 12:08:46 14:13 Derek OF at 15:13 14:24 Graham hello 14:25 Derek Hi 14:25 Derek May I phone you? 14:25 Graham sure 14:40 Graham Grand 1539 14:49 Graham No idea how many bursts though because the snow juct came in and blocked the view 14:53 Rich I thought maybe you brought your snow machine today. 14:53 Graham well it was clear just as Grand started but not any more 14:55 Rich By the time I left last night, the snow had covered the ground. 14:56 Graham i may not be online much again 14:56 Graham but Beehive has not gone 14:56 Rich It got to be white out condition and I left. 14:57 Rich I only saw a little splash around 12:30 14:57 Rich nothing since 14:58 Graham it splashed when it was clear about 30 min ago 15:09 Rich I guess the snowman got tired and walked off. 15:10 Graham I think it was violently attacked 15:10 Rich Bison or Bear? 15:10 Graham Humanoids 15:10 Rich ah 15:11 Rich They must have snuck up on it. 15:11 Graham there were 4 out there earlier 15:11 Rich They were the ones that made it. 15:12 Graham i guess, looks like them 15:14 Rich I thought for a while there they were making a model of OF. 15:14 Graham Looks like Oblong 1614ie 15:18 Graham Daisy 1618 15:48 Graham big preplay there 15:50 Rich I've notices quite a few over the last few days. 15:54 Graham OF 1654 15:56 Graham maybe indicator 1655? 15:56 Graham no, just splashing 16:37 Graham Castle 1721ie Major 16:37 Rich Lion has been absent also, just one appearance this morning. 16:40 Graham Pat saw it twice 16:40 Graham at 703 and 956 16:41 Graham oops 946 16:42 Graham so it could easilly go again before dark. 16:42 Rich I saw Lion at 09:07, might have gone again while I was taking my walk. 16:42 Graham oh wait, she sais 0906 16:42 Graham thats better 17:18 Graham OF 1818 17:33 Graham Daisy 1833 17:55 Graham Lion 1854 18:26 Rich The way the sky looks at OF is the way it looked here all last summer during the fires. The reddish glow and haze 18:29 Graham snow is coming back stronger tho 18:32 Rich Snow at Mt. Rainier and the Cascades today in WAshington 18:32 Graham yeah i heard its still snowing, not ready for spring yet 19:04 Graham OF 2003 19:04 Rich good 19:06 Rich 9 eruptions for me today. 19:06 Graham wow you are addicted 19:06 Rich OR Crazy. 19:06 Rich lol 19:07 Graham you going to stay for the next one? 19:08 Rich I don't think so 19:08 Rich I can hardly see now, withsnow and dark it will just have to do without my presents. 19:09 Graham ok. Whats your morning prediction? :) 19:10 Rich I'll wake up. 19:10 Rich lol 19:10 Rich Oh, for OF, I don't have a clue. 19:10 Rich 07:25 19:11 Rich How about 07:25 19:12 Graham well if you roll forward a bunch of 90 min intervals, it will be 0803 19:13 Graham but thats so many intervals, 0725 +- 45 will work 19:13 Rich lol 19:13 Rich I might make an 08:03 19:13 Graham +- 45 will work too :) 19:13 Rich yep 19:14 Graham looks like Beehive is going to wait 19:14 Rich I've captured 450+ images here of OF and another 60 at Redoubt today. 19:14 Graham I hear redoubt did more today 19:14 Rich Beehive will be mid morning, I'm going to be gone. lol 19:15 Rich Just ash and steam 19:15 Rich Unless it was early 19:19 Rich Redoubt warning level is still RED but only low level emissions today. 19:20 Rich Thermal scans showed lava extrusion in the dome. 19:20 Graham k. so whats the prediction for the next big stuff? 19:21 Rich With them holding the alert at Red, I'd say anytime 19:21 Rich Ash plume is drifting NNE to ESE 19:22 Rich Looks like it is head more toward Anchorage than it has been. 19:22 Graham ok, that could do a lot of damage with ash there 19:22 Graham I am heading out now, see you 19:23 Rich yes 19:23 Graham bye 19:23 Rich I didn't check airline flights in and out of Anchorage / Seattle today. 19:23 Rich nite 19:23 Rich bye 19:24 Rich Nite everyone April 2nd, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 1st, 2009 April 3rd, 2009 » 05:58 Connecticut Car Hi 05:59 Derek Would you like a phone call? 05:59 Connecticut Car love one 07:41 Connecticut Car Hi I am back 07:42 Derek Hi 07:42 Connecticut Car Can you connect the video part three 07:44 Connecticut Car Are you there? 07:44 Derek Hang on, I need to check something 07:45 Connecticut Car okay I thought I lost you 07:46 Connecticut Car Hi Rich 07:47 Rich Hi CC 07:47 Derek I was just checking my internet provider's traffic management times. Can we leave the streaming until after 3:00pm your time? 07:48 Connecticut Car what does that mean 07:48 Derek If I use more than a certain amount they cut my speed to 25% for 5 hours 07:49 Connecticut Car I haven't heard to that 07:49 Connecticut Car so what do you want to do? 07:49 Derek You wanted to see the video didn't you? Well I would have to stream it to you. 07:50 Derek After 3pm there are no restrictions 07:50 Connecticut Car I certainly can wait!!! 07:51 Connecticut Car I shoud be home by three this afternoon. If not I will wait until the burned CD arrives. 07:51 Connecticut Car See you later then... thanks 07:51 Derek I'm still not sure how much bandwidth my stream uses. 07:52 Derek You know the trouble NPS has with THEIR stream bandwidth :-) 07:52 Derek She's gone already 07:53 Rich Some times the cyber faires strike. 08:44 Rich I've got some errands to run. I see you all later. 10:03 Derek Hi Guests :-) 12:03 Connecticut Car Plume at 15:03 12:04 Connecticut Car OF at 15:04 12:10 Derek Back 12:13 Connecticut Car hi 12:15 Connecticut Car what are you doing? 12:15 Derek Trying to set up the video 12:16 Connecticut Car oh great!! 12:16 Connecticut Car Beehive is steaming nicely:) 12:17 Derek OK, try connecting 12:18 Connecticut Car okay 12:18 Connecticut Car working 12:19 Connecticut Car watch for beehive please 12:28 Connecticut Car this part was on the US verison 12:29 Connecticut Car yeph can you stop the video for a moment 12:29 Connecticut Car It looks like the lens was not further cleaned 12:29 Connecticut Car I think they will probably be back 12:30 Connecticut Car that was Daryl 12:30 Connecticut Car do you want me to call Craig 12:31 Connecticut Car if they left they wouldn't go back as it is over and hour away 12:33 Connecticut Car i am calling craug 12:38 Connecticut Car okay 12:38 Connecticut Car I will tell you later...please start the video 12:38 Connecticut Car he will call them 12:47 Connecticut Car so far the main portion of this video was shown on the animal planet during the 2 hours...even with commericals 12:48 Connecticut Car what we didn't have was the snow on the roof...the geyser gazers ... and the man swimming in the Yellowstone 12:49 Connecticut Car yes 12:51 Connecticut Car beautiful shot of the Tetons 12:54 Connecticut Car I will send you and e-mail after this is over and tell you what Craig said 12:59 Connecticut Car This part was not in the video here and I sent you and e-mail 13:08 Connecticut Car I had the wrong time before for Plume and OF 13:09 Connecticut Car It should have been 13:03 Plume and 13:04 OF 13:09 Connecticut Car thus OF as a short at 13:04 13:16 Connecticut Car how does the lens look? 13:16 Connecticut Car Thanks this was wonderful 13:17 Connecticut Car anything with Beehive 13:17 Derek The video is still running 13:17 Connecticut Car I have the yellowstone on now 13:18 Connecticut Car streaming cam that is 13:18 Derek I take it you didn't want to see the fish man? 13:18 Connecticut Car I thought it was over 13:19 Connecticut Car I still spots in the trees ....do you 13:21 Derek I guess they did the best job they could. They really took their time doing it. 13:21 Derek Nothing from Beehive 13:21 Connecticut Car that's why I was wondering if it was embedded 13:22 Connecticut Car Beehive looks somewhat quiet now 13:22 Connecticut Car again thanks for the video showing....I loved it 13:23 Connecticut Car I think I will sew for alittle while...see you in a bit 13:23 Derek If you loved that, just wait till you see the widescreen versions on the DVDs 13:36 Derek WOW! we have three silent guests :-) 13:37 Derek Make that two 13:59 Connecticut Car Hi 13:59 Connecticut Car Would you believe that I am to tired to sew? 13:59 Derek Hi 13:59 Derek Nope 14:00 Derek 2:30pm Depression just finishing 14:00 Connecticut Car well I just gave up...I put supper on for Victor and when it's ready I will have to go downstairs for a few minutes 14:00 Connecticut Car Beehive is waiting for me. 14:00 Derek Well, it's 10 pm here so I'll have to go. 14:01 Connecticut Car I hope Graham checks in early and then I can go to bed early 14:01 Connecticut Car See you tomorrow...have a good nite 14:02 Derek Graham don't come on Thursdays does he? 14:02 Connecticut Car I've got the cam 14:02 Connecticut Car no he is not scheduled but sometimes he pops in and will take control 14:03 Derek You can hope :-) 14:03 Derek I'll be hanging around in here until Beryl calls. 14:05 Connecticut Car not a bison to be seen 14:05 Connecticut Car actually just that lone bull this morning' 14:07 Derek I did see one more later heading the same way 14:07 Connecticut Car very interesting 14:09 Connecticut Car plume 15:08 14:09 Derek Yep 14:09 Derek I still have the veiwer logged in :-) 14:09 Connecticut Car I like the company:) 14:10 Derek Haha :P 14:10 Connecticut Car no I really do 14:12 Derek Bye the way, my son Darren appeared on those Google street level images 14:13 Connecticut Car did you capture a shot 14:13 Derek Just outside his radio station when he was going for lunch with his mate. 14:13 Derek I could probably make a captue 14:13 Connecticut Car good 14:14 Connecticut Car would love to see it 14:14 Derek His face is blurred but we can tell it's him 14:15 Connecticut Car just saw a little water in beehive cone 14:15 Connecticut Car I don't see any bubblers or indicator 14:21 Derek Email sent 14:22 Connecticut Car okay 14:22 Derek He told me he saw the Google car. 14:22 Connecticut Car so which one was him 14:23 Connecticut Car in red or blue 14:23 Derek The black blazer 14:23 Connecticut Car okay sorry black 14:23 Connecticut Car wonder why the face was blurred 14:24 Derek Google had complaints 14:24 Connecticut Car oh 14:24 Derek So they try and blurr faces and licence plates 14:24 Connecticut Car this weather in the park is crazy...it's snowing again 14:25 Derek If you visit google maps you can tour the car parks and roads near O.F. 14:27 Connecticut Car hi Graham 14:27 Derek Hi Graham 14:27 Graham hello, how are you? 14:27 Connecticut Car okay 14:27 Derek Fine thanks 14:27 Connecticut Car do you want to take the cam 14:27 Graham good. I got out of work early but have to go in early tomorrow 14:28 Graham sure 14:28 Graham whats been happening? 14:28 Connecticut Car okay 14:28 Connecticut Car we are waiting on OF 14:28 Derek Beryl's almost ready for me so I'll sign off now. 14:28 Connecticut Car it's in the window 14:28 Connecticut Car it last went at 14:07 14:28 Derek Goodnight all 14:28 Graham ok, give me a few minutes and I will take over. I just walked in 14:28 Connecticut Car nite 14:28 Graham bye 14:29 Connecticut Car okay 14:29 Graham no beehive yet> I saw it splash when I was at work 14:29 Connecticut Car not yet..it just splased though 14:33 Graham ok I am ready now 14:33 Connecticut Car okay 14:33 Connecticut Car did you see the Plume eruptions 14:33 Graham looks pretty crappy again 14:33 Graham nope 14:34 Connecticut Car okay they were at 13:03..14:10...15:08 14:34 Graham thats nice 14:34 Graham looks like the cam was cleaned nicely 14:34 Connecticut Car no bison or Griz 14:34 Connecticut Car Daryl and George were down today 14:35 Connecticut Car Did I send you an e-mail about Meghan 14:35 Graham Thats a nice job to have :) 14:35 Graham no 14:35 Connecticut Car coming 14:36 Graham Pat saw Plume at 1159 too 14:37 Connecticut Car e-mail sent 14:37 Graham k 14:37 Connecticut Car I was at the Dr's so I didn't see this morning 14:38 Graham hard to see again, like yesterday 14:38 Graham Saw Grand start but 4 min in it vanished 14:39 Graham still no email, must be slow somewhere 14:42 Connecticut Car sent again 14:46 Graham there must be a dealy on some server, no email yet. I got some when I logged in so its stuck somewhere. will get it later 14:50 Graham OF 1548 14:50 Graham how long has Beehive been splashing? 14:51 Connecticut Car since14:00 I think 14:51 Connecticut Car I haven't seen any bubblers or indicator 14:51 Graham so hopefully it will go before dark 14:51 Graham it splashed a lot lst night and bubblers were putting up clouds of steam 14:52 Connecticut Car did you see it last night 14:52 Graham nope 14:52 Graham I will post the times here in the log so you can check in the morning 14:52 Connecticut Car I had a problem with my internet yesterday and gave trying 14:52 Connecticut Car up trying 14:53 Graham i cant believe the amount of snow they are still getting 14:53 Connecticut Car I was saying that to Derek 14:53 Connecticut Car But from what Craig told me the roads are clear 14:54 Graham they have ploughed the parking lot... 14:54 Graham http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/WebCams/parks/yellca… 14:54 Connecticut Car but not completely 14:55 Graham hard to tell if there are bubblers. wind is pretty strong 15:06 Connecticut Car I'm out of here... bye 15:07 Graham bye 15:12 Graham Plume 1612 16:14 Graham Plume 1714 16:17 Graham Grand 1716ie 16:23 Graham OF 1722 16:51 Graham Beehive indicator 1751ie 16:53 Graham Lion 1753 Initial 16:59 Graham Beehive 1758 17:08 Kent Good camera. Thanks Graham. 17:13 Kent Has anyone ever mentioned to the guy who does the commentary on the live cam that there is a world of difference, both in pronunciation and meaning, between the words salacious and siliceous? Sort of like saying *uck, when what you mean is truck or duck. 17:13 Graham haha 17:14 Graham He is the official spokesperson though... 17:14 Kent Never mind. I have had a long day. Just ignore me. 17:24 Graham Plume 1823 17:27 Connecticut Car Hi 17:27 Connecticut Car I see Beehive erupted 17:27 Graham hello 17:27 Graham yeaj, sorry about that 17:28 Graham at least we could see it then 17:28 Connecticut Car that's okay 17:28 Graham snow just started to get heavy 17:28 Connecticut Car I lied down and fell asleep 17:28 Connecticut Car just work up 17:28 Graham you are allowed to do that :) 17:28 Graham im going to leave it while the snow is this bad 17:29 Connecticut Car okay see you tomorrow...nite 17:29 Graham bye 17:45 Graham Hum, who grabbed the cam? 17:48 Graham Looks like they were searching for animals and now they left 17:51 Anna Icky day at ynp today. What's up? 17:52 Graham yeah still winter 17:53 Graham shipped from spring straight to winter again 17:53 Anna is that snow or rain right now? Blah either way 17:53 Graham snow 17:54 Graham starting to whiten up the area past the benches 17:55 Anna we had a really nice day here in Ohio, but the forecast for for cold. We don't get many like this in early April. 17:55 Anna um, was for cold. . . . 17:56 Graham its been a cool spring so far here in Va 17:57 Anna we're supposed to have a string of blah days. It figures, because my kids are out of school next week. 17:57 Graham haha...well you can hope they are wrong about the forecast, like usual 17:57 Anna true true. Is OF pre=playing or is it just good old steam? 17:57 Graham not too bad a view 17:58 Graham OF 1857 17:59 Anna how lucky can i get? I tune in for 2 minutes and thar she blows! 18:00 Graham not too bad a view either as the snow has let up a bit 18:00 Anna Nice tall one! 18:01 Anna i wish i could guessitmate the heights. 18:02 Graham theres no perspective from the cam 18:02 Anna I have trouble with all the perspectives from the cams 18:03 Anna I keep trying to use my maps to figure out what's what, but then i realize i'm looking at the wrong section of boardwalk or whatever 18:03 Graham :) yeah its hard 18:04 Anna i'm planning on spending lots more time at the UGB next summer--crowds or no crowds. 18:04 Anna last summer when we went up there my kids just wanted food and shopping! 18:05 Graham hum, not exactly a good place for either of those! 18:05 Anna no foolin' :P 18:06 Anna any bears today? 18:06 Graham i dont think so, no bison either 18:06 Anna i'm now seeing the big steam behind the trees--what's that? 18:08 Graham Castle but its not erupting 18:08 Graham it could be due now, I saw it yesterday evening 18:08 Anna my older son's favorite. 18:09 Anna can you see the water over the tree tops? 18:09 Anna when it erupts? 18:09 Graham yes but not easily today 18:09 Anna cool 18:10 Graham although I see blue sky on the static cam 18:10 Anna time to get my rugrats off to bed. later! 18:11 Graham see u 18:12 Graham maybe Lion at 1910 - minor 18:24 Graham found a bixon 18:41 Graham Lion 1940 18:48 Graham Castle 1945ie H2O 18:56 Anna What are we watching? 18:56 Graham Castle erupting 18:57 Anna wow! 18:57 Graham looks like a Major too 18:58 Anna majorly cool 19:04 Graham Saisy 1003ie 19:04 Graham Daisy 19:08 Graham Castle is in steam now 19:16 Graham That would have been Daisy at 2003ie :) 19:17 Graham I am out of here. Could get Plume and OF just before dark 19:17 Graham OF window just started 19:17 Graham bye 19:18 Anna C U ! 19:35 Anna OF 2034ie in the dark! 19:36 Anna what a way to end a day! 19:36 Anna G'nite! April 3rd, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 2nd, 2009 April 4th, 2009 » 08:09 Anna Hi there. 08:09 Derek Hi 08:10 Anna Little bit of snow today. . . what a mess. 08:10 Derek Yeah 08:11 Anna I saw on the news that most of WY was in for snow. and yep, looks about right. 08:13 Derek They were busy cleaning the cam yesterday 08:28 Anna I noticed that the static cam looked bettr. any prediction on OF 08:28 Anna ? 08:28 Derek I haven't seen O.F. so far with all that snow blowing around. 08:30 Anna there's a little bit of steam, but it's blowing right down to the ground. 08:30 Anna I can't see anything on static cam! 08:31 Anna Guess this means I need to get out and take a walk or something. 08:31 Anna Adios! 08:31 Derek ok 09:02 Connecticut Car Hi all 09:04 Rich Hi CC 09:04 Derek Hi 09:05 Derek It's been like this since I started 09:05 Connecticut Car Derek: Guess what arrived today? 09:05 Connecticut Car Thanks you so much 09:05 Derek I can guess 09:07 Derek Actually the visibilty is slightly better. Earlier I couldn't even see OFs cone 12:00 Connecticut Car it's very windy todays 12:13 Derek Back 12:14 Connecticut Car how was tea 12:14 Derek OK thanks 12:14 Connecticut Car I am going to do some sewing 12:14 Derek ok 12:14 Connecticut Car wind is sometimes blowing toward camera 12:15 Derek I noticed 15:21 Kent Beehive today? Been away from my computer. Thanks. 15:22 Graham hello. I don't know, hadn't gone a while ago from an email I got at 1435 15:22 Graham steam is making it hard to see anything blowing this way 15:23 Kent Thanks Graham. I will continue to watch. I can't believe the amout of snow in the parking lot. Opening weekend is going to be interesting. I am bringing snowshoes. 15:23 Graham yeah, will you be there? 15:24 Graham I looked at the parking lot archives and theres always been a fair amount on April 3rd - for the two years that there are images anyway 15:28 Kent Obviously I cannot rype :) 15:29 Graham will you be there opening weekend>? 15:29 Kent Yes 15:30 Graham thats good. how often do you get to the park? 15:31 Kent I try for once a month. I am a very a very amateur gazer. My interest is Yellowstone's human history. 15:31 Graham ok, so you live close? 15:33 Kent yes. Just under 5 hours to West entrance. 15:34 Graham ok 15:34 Graham the trails should get packed down pretty quickly in the UGB 15:35 Kent I will bring crampons and hiking poles for the boardwalks. Two weeks from today. I am very anxious. 15:36 Graham hiking poles might be good. Crampons - I didnt need them in Jan 15:39 Kent When I come up in the winter I always bring some sort of traction device for my boots. How about a quick pan to the far right. I love the lodge cabins. I'm there for a week come Memorial Day weekend. You guys do a great job on the cameras. 15:40 Graham I am not running it now, I think Gary is running, he usually does on Fridays 15:40 Graham I usually stay inthe cabins. Next visit is Labor Day for me 15:43 Kent Gary promised a bear. I am crushed. If someone would just dump a bag of Purina Bear Chow on the apron of OF we'd have a lolt better chance. :^) 15:44 Kent I wil ping Gary for a right pan. 15:45 Graham haha 15:45 Graham Gary doesn't show up in here 15:53 Kent I pinged G Gary directly and on the Loon Page. We will see. 15:53 Graham k 16:45 Graham Garys on the cabins now but Kent is not here! 19:00 Kent I caught the cabins when G. Gary went there April 4th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 3rd, 2009 April 5th, 2009 » 08:11 Graham hello 08:11 Derek Hi 08:11 Graham at least we can see one camera today 08:12 Derek It was almost zero visibility up to about 1 hour ago 08:13 Graham ah,it knew I was going to show up :) 08:13 Derek As you can see on the glass, all George and Carls work was wasted 08:13 Graham well it is better than before, you can see something 08:13 Graham the beehive close up wasn't bad 08:15 Graham peoiples 08:15 Derek Yep 08:16 Graham seen anything today? 08:16 Derek Nope 08:16 Derek Only those 2 people 08:20 Graham and bison 08:20 Derek Yep 08:20 Derek and so far, no Bears :-) 08:21 Graham looks like a good lot of snow overnight again 08:22 Derek I have heard Gazers mention Bear Spray. Can you tell me how it's used? Surely you don't wait until the bear gets that close to be sprayed. 08:31 Graham yep that's it 08:31 Derek Wow 08:31 Graham it only works when the Bear is within 6' I think 08:31 Graham last resort if the Bear charges you, other than to play dead or hope it veers away 08:31 Derek And if he is charging towards you at 30 mph? 08:32 Graham You should carry it in your hand or really close by just in case during bear season hiking in the backcountry 08:32 Graham you hope he veers away, they often bluff charge 08:32 Derek What does it contain? 08:32 Graham run up close and then turn away 08:32 Graham I am not sure, I think its pepper spray 08:33 Derek Like our police use. 08:33 Graham or if they attack you should play dead 08:33 Graham yeah I think so 08:33 Graham fortunately most bears prefer Bison - more meat on them 08:34 Graham I have not had any close encounters - except the ones you have seen in pictures and we were right by the car then 08:34 Graham Hi Rich, not much for you to watch today 08:34 Derek Or they may like a large human, like George Heinz :-) 08:34 Rich Not yet 08:34 Rich I'm hoping it is snow and will melt 08:35 Graham you just have to make sure you dont run or you get chased and attacked. Make yourself small and back away slowly 08:35 Graham so they aren't threatened 08:36 Graham as they say, you dont have to outrun the bear, only the slowest person in your group! 08:36 Graham works the same way for the bison herd too 08:36 Derek I had a close encounter with some Brown Bears up in Old forge NY 08:36 Graham I went to the Tidal Basin and took pictures of the Cherry Blossoms, downloading them to edit this afternoon 08:37 Graham did you play dead? 08:37 Derek But they gave all the people a wide berth 08:37 Graham good 08:37 Derek They just wanted the garbage in the town dump 08:38 Derek I have some pictures of the event somewhere 08:38 Graham looks like steam from the indicator? 08:39 Graham maybe not, just the snow background 08:39 Derek O.F's steam is a big problem 08:39 Graham I think its snow on hte static cam, looks like theres a bigger hole there now 08:40 Graham yeahj its going to be one of those days 08:40 Derek Like yesterday 08:40 Graham I am going out now, to buy some tickets to Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts......I refuse to pay the online $5 per ticket surcharge! 08:41 Rich http://www.nps.gov/cherry/cherry-blossom-web-cam.h… 08:41 Derek I'm going downstairs for 10 minutes or so. 08:41 Derek If you want to hold the fort be my guest 08:41 Derek Oh sorry 08:41 Derek You're going 08:42 Graham nice, theres the Air Force Memorial in the background and the building I used to work in behind it 08:42 Derek I'll just have to leave it on Beehive 08:42 Graham I can stay for 10min 08:42 Derek May be more 08:42 Graham ok 08:43 Rich Parking lot at OF looks nice. lol 08:44 Graham yeah thats pretty normal for this time of year tho I think 08:49 Rich Looks like the static cam is clearing a little. 08:49 Graham yeah its mainly snow although there is some sinter on it now too with the wind blowing this way 08:50 Rich Maybe the snow will melt and take the sinter with it. 08:52 Graham you can wish, but I don't think its going to do any good 08:53 Rich The snow is sliding down slowly. 08:53 Graham yep, its going to clear 08:55 Graham supposed to be below freezing all day tho 08:59 Derek I'm back 08:59 Graham k, that was quick 09:00 Graham off to give my money to NPS 09:00 Derek We still haven't made the beds, but she's still watching the horse racing 09:00 Graham , see you later 09:01 Rich bye 09:06 Connecticut Car Hi 09:06 Derek Hi 09:06 Derek You just nissed Graham 09:06 Connecticut Car I will catch him later 09:07 Rich Hi CC 09:07 Connecticut Car Hi Rich 09:07 Derek Just saw a Bison herd, head over beyond Grand 09:07 Connecticut Car I have been looking for you to post on YNET 09:07 Connecticut Car Now we need the Griz 09:08 Rich I've been having problems logging on. 09:08 Connecticut Car interesting...I wonder shy 09:08 Connecticut Car why 09:08 Rich I was going to give it a try today. 09:08 Rich Probably my connection speeds. 09:08 Rich And the fact that I'm usually watching several webcams using up my bandwidth. 09:09 Derek CC, are you staying for a while? 09:09 Connecticut Car I can 09:09 Derek I will shortly be helping Beryl make the bed 09:10 Connecticut Car okay just let me know 09:10 Derek Any second now :-) 09:11 Derek OK, now :-) 09:12 Connecticut Car okay 09:12 Rich brb, breakfast is calling 09:25 Derek back 09:27 Rich I see blue sky on the static cam 09:33 Connecticut Car is that a bread 09:33 Connecticut Car bear 09:33 Connecticut Car that is a BEAR 09:39 Connecticut Car This is exciting... Graham is going to be upset 09:40 Rich CC, can you scare the bear over to the parking lot cam? 09:42 Connecticut Car what happened to the bbear 09:42 Derek lost him 09:43 Connecticut Car I e-mailed David and gave him a heads up on the bear and time. 09:44 Derek ok 09:44 Connecticut Car also to Craig 09:48 Connecticut Car can I take the controls for a minute or two 09:51 Connecticut Car okay I guesss not 09:52 Derek ok 09:52 Derek Sorry I was on the phone 09:53 Derek He was heading down to the river, so he could pop up anywher 09:53 Derek e 09:54 Connecticut Car okay it's yours 09:54 Derek He may even be the other side 09:55 Connecticut Car I thought I saw him but then didn't want to take the cam 09:55 Derek Time out 09:56 Derek If he kept on heading east along the river.... 09:56 Connecticut Car the lens looks terrible!! Wasn't that exciting...our first bear 09:56 Derek There 09:57 Connecticut Car Ssure OF goes off just as the bear goes by 09:58 Derek Still got him 09:58 Connecticut Car can you zoom in 09:58 Derek It goes fuzzy 09:59 Connecticut Car no beautiful 09:59 Graham that doesn't look like a bison 09:59 Rich Static cam is clear 10:00 Connecticut Car who cares 10:00 Connecticut Car bear if gorgeoug 10:00 Connecticut Car gorgeous 10:00 Rich I do 10:00 Rich Where is it? 10:00 Derek I wonder if he'll cross the bridge 10:01 Connecticut Car boardwalk near giantess 10:01 Rich Thank you. 10:02 Graham we have the pro running the cam :) 10:02 Graham I got a decent screen capture 10:03 Derek Where do you think he'll head now? 10:04 Connecticut Car I spotted it and Derek then zoomed in and then I had him for a while and then Derek took it again 10:04 Graham ok, glad its not me trying to track him :) 10:04 Connecticut Car Graham I am glad you got back in time to see him:D 10:05 Graham yeah me too 10:05 Graham nice being so easy to see 10:05 Connecticut Car I e-mailed David and hope he captured it on the video 10:05 Graham I can send you the screen captures 10:05 Connecticut Car I would love them. 10:07 Connecticut Car Derek try up toward Giantess and area around there 10:07 Connecticut Car to the right 10:07 Graham ok, will send them 10:08 Connecticut Car keep going 10:08 Connecticut Car there that black dot 10:08 Derek I see nothing 10:09 Connecticut Car I think he has left the area then 10:09 Graham may still just be down out of sight 10:10 Derek I think he's somewhere down on the river 10:12 Derek CC, would you like another try? 10:12 Graham looks like a nice day now 10:13 Connecticut Car sure 10:14 Derek Graham, would you say that was a full size grizz? 10:14 Connecticut Car I would say no 10:15 Graham Hum... 10:15 Graham looks like a Griz based on the hump - you should have the pics now 10:15 Derek I have them 10:16 Graham I am thinking about how big the Bison are up there - it looks pretty big really to me at that distance 10:16 Graham theres a geyser! 10:17 Connecticut Car OF 11:15 (IE) 10:18 Derek I don't care. I wanna see the bear :-) 10:18 Graham did someone clean the static cam or just snow all melted? looks cleaner than before the snow 10:18 Connecticut Car my words exactly 10:18 Rich AWAY Hmmmm 10:18 Graham haha, thats what I expected you to say :) my first geyser of the day tho 10:18 Connecticut Car who want the camera now 10:19 Derek Graham? 10:19 Graham You guys can keep going if you want, you spot animals better than I do 10:19 Derek See if you can find that bear :-) 10:19 Graham besides you will yell at me for pointing it at geysers :) 10:19 Connecticut Car I still think he has left the stage 10:19 Derek I'll be going for tea in a while anyway 10:20 kalamitykatie How long ago did the bear depart? 10:20 Graham where did he come from to start? 10:20 Connecticut Car okay.. I stay on until 1:30 10:20 Graham I think it was about 1105 10:20 Connecticut Car I saw him in the basin by the boardwalk towards grand 10:21 Derek The Bison herd left earlier 10:21 Graham the bison were down there too? maybe thats where hes headed now 10:21 Graham btw.....who decided its a male bear? 10:21 Derek They headed over beyond Grand 10:22 Connecticut Car he was last up geyser hill near giantess 10:22 Graham need a plug in OF to block the steam 10:22 Connecticut Car Bear in Basin beats 10:22 Derek Then he was heading west and down to the river 10:22 kalamitykatie tee hee 10:23 Connecticut Car Beehive 10:23 Connecticut Car Katie you missed a great show 10:23 Graham uhoh...dont offend the geyser now 10:23 kalamitykatie the bear? 10:23 Connecticut Car yep 10:24 kalamitykatie Kristine made a Facebook status change saying she had just been watching it so I popped in to see if he was still around... 10:24 Derek Maybe Graham can email you the captures he took 10:25 Connecticut Car he did 10:25 Derek I meant to Katie 10:25 Connecticut Car I will look at them when he takes over 10:25 kalamitykatie black or griz? 10:25 Derek Griz 10:25 kalamitykatie cool! & Darn! 10:26 kalamitykatie well, I'm gonna go fill up my bird feeders before leaving for Bozeman. See yez later! 10:26 Derek Seeya 10:27 Connecticut Car Graham it's yours 10:27 Graham ok 10:28 Derek cc 10:28 Derek Hours 21 10:29 Connecticut Car Can you jpeg me the middle photo 10:29 Connecticut Car I would like to send it to the Loon page 10:31 Derek I can't do anything with it. The way Graham sent it was un-savable 10:31 Graham I am going to see what i can do with them 10:31 Graham I just was grabbing and pasting them in the email. Trying to use Paint now 10:33 Graham sent one 10:35 Connecticut Car I think I got it. 10:35 Graham I think thats the one you wanted 10:38 Graham Just put the pic on Facebook 10:38 Derek CC, did you get my hours? 10:40 Connecticut Car I was able to post the picture 10:41 Connecticut Car Yes I did get your hours Derek thanks 10:41 Derek OK, I'll see you sometime between 3 and 3:15 and start my stream. 10:41 Connecticut Car sounds good 10:42 Connecticut Car Rich you are right the static cam looks great 10:42 Rich Best it's looked today. lol 10:43 Graham I sent you a pic Rich 10:43 Rich Thanks Graham, any format is fine. 10:44 Graham so where are all the Moose? 10:44 Graham haha 10:45 Rich Thanks Graham, just arrived. 10:46 Rich Very nice 10:48 Rich Graham, where the bear in that capture? 10:48 Rich where was, sorry 10:48 Rich brain jumped ahead. 10:49 Graham middle, a bit to the right of center :) 10:50 Graham oh, in front of Giantess 10:51 Rich I think is see the snow pattern 10:51 Rich ty 10:56 Graham the trees are better, just to the right of Anemone, the few single trees is whats in the pic 11:03 Rich I think I got a static capture of the bear. 11:03 Graham the bear wandered around there for several minutes on that side of the boardwalk 11:05 Rich k 11:47 Graham OF 1246 11:48 Graham nice on static cam 11:56 Connecticut Car there is so much talk of the bear this morning...I am still so excited:D 11:57 Graham on the Loon pages? 11:57 Connecticut Car yep 11:57 Connecticut Car and up close and personal 11:57 Graham ok. Karen Low posted this on Facebook.. Yeah, he's been around. Yesterday in the Myriad Group. Which is why I didn't go geyser gazing the past two days. I couldn't talk anyone into going with me! 11:58 Connecticut Car I did post your picture on the page 11:58 Connecticut Car I am not on Facebook so I don't know what's happening there 11:58 Connecticut Car has he been back since I left 11:59 Graham yeah Kristine poated an update when the bear was around and I added the picture 11:59 Connecticut Car great 11:59 Graham no, at least I have not seen him 12:00 Connecticut Car I think I am going to cancel my Snowlodge reservations for before Memorial Day because if the UGB is closed we will have to travel to far 12:00 Graham i bet hes gone north after the bison herd 12:00 Graham yeah, well you can wait and cancel later too 12:01 Connecticut Car to see anything as all the other area there are closed until the Sat. of Memorial day weekend 12:01 Connecticut Car that's what Victor said 12:03 Graham Its still hard to watch for Beehive but it seems to be pretty quiet 12:06 Graham not that you are interested in Beehive any more :( 12:06 Connecticut Car Always interested in Beehive but this morning the bear took presendent 12:08 Graham we have bison now 12:09 Connecticut Car slowly on the move 12:13 Derek Back 12:14 Graham you didn't miss much 12:19 Derek CC are you ready? 12:20 Connecticut Car in one minute 12:22 Connecticut Car Okay I am ready 12:22 Connecticut Car what should I do 12:22 Derek Just connect 12:22 Connecticut Car okay I 'll do it now 12:23 Connecticut Car okay I have the picture 12:24 Derek Describe the view 12:24 Connecticut Car road with arrow 12:24 Derek OK I'll pan around 12:25 Connecticut Car stop 12:25 Derek Tell me what I am seeing :-) 12:25 Connecticut Car that is what they call Lower Hams 12:25 Derek ok 12:25 Connecticut Car the building is the gas stations and near it is the plwace we eat 12:26 Connecticut Car stop 12:26 Connecticut Car you cross over that road and 12:26 Connecticut Car held toward the pavement and take a left toward castle 12:27 Connecticut Car okay more 12:27 Connecticut Car that is an old shed now not bee used 12:28 Connecticut Car behind it you can see the old road 12:29 Connecticut Car no what 12:29 Derek Geyser Hill ? 12:29 Connecticut Car in the back ground the building looks like the Old visitor center 12:30 Connecticut Car the white area is where OF is 12:30 Derek ok 12:30 Connecticut Car that's geyser hill 12:31 Connecticut Car you had the OF Inn for a few seconds 12:31 Connecticut Car that's still the gas station 12:31 Connecticut Car can you see the inn 12:32 Derek Yep 12:32 Connecticut Car that's lower hams 12:32 Connecticut Car we often meet there for lunch 12:32 Connecticut Car there is also a small gift shop in the lower hams 12:33 Connecticut Car it's almost like you want to be going in the opposite area 12:34 Derek There is a delay just like on the NPS stream 12:34 Derek Is that Castle on the left? 12:34 Connecticut Car behind the trees 12:35 Derek That looks so far away 12:35 Connecticut Car I don't think it is castle 12:35 Connecticut Car you have to walk down the road to the left 12:36 Connecticut Car that's the inn 12:36 Derek That's all Google has on this road. I have to move over. 12:38 Connecticut Car Snow Lodge 12:39 Connecticut Car you cross over this road and head towards OF 12:40 Connecticut Car that side walk leads to OF 12:40 Connecticut Car and the Old VC which is now torn down 12:40 Connecticut Car missed what you did 12:41 Connecticut Car okay this is a graveled area around the basin this heads toward the temp VC 12:41 Connecticut Car yes 12:42 Connecticut Car not in use now 12:42 Connecticut Car was a warming hut in the winter 12:43 Connecticut Car the stores on the left are a general store selling food and gifts 12:43 Connecticut Car a meant the right 12:43 Connecticut Car not quite 12:44 Connecticut Car OF is further to the left 12:44 Connecticut Car \another gas station 12:44 Connecticut Car to the left 12:45 Connecticut Car thats' the parking lot that had all the snow 12:46 Connecticut Car I th8ink that is part of the Lodge 12:46 Connecticut Car yep 12:47 Connecticut Car the yellow buildings are the huts 12:47 Connecticut Car they are called hertz 12:48 Connecticut Car or something like that there are talks in them in the winters and also warming huts 12:48 Connecticut Car same lot ... 12:48 Connecticut Car it's big 12:50 Connecticut Car no geyser hill 12:50 Connecticut Car and OF 12:51 Connecticut Car yep 12:51 Connecticut Car the tempVC is down the road from the three yellow buildings 12:52 Connecticut Car yep 12:52 Connecticut Car the new VC is between the trees 12:53 Connecticut Car yep 12:54 Connecticut Car can you get the basin 12:56 Connecticut Car can you get up to great fountain 12:57 Connecticut Car it's about 10 miles from OF 12:57 Connecticut Car you are going correctly 12:58 Connecticut Car head toward Madison 12:58 Connecticut Car sorry 12:59 Connecticut Car what you have now is Grand prismatic 12:59 Connecticut Car keep going 13:00 Connecticut Car that is the run off from grand pris 13:01 Connecticut Car that's it 13:01 Connecticut Car can you go down the drive 13:02 Connecticut Car yep 13:03 Connecticut Car they didn't go all around and missed Great fountain 13:03 Connecticut Car don't know 13:03 Connecticut Car we never stop there 13:04 Connecticut Car yes but we go further to GF 13:04 Connecticut Car GF is around the bend 13:05 Connecticut Car yep 13:05 Connecticut Car they also missed white founatin and pink cone 13:06 Connecticut Car that intersection is the madison area 13:07 Connecticut Car to the left you head to West Yellowstone and to the right toward norris 13:09 Graham gear 13:09 Connecticut Car what gear 13:10 Connecticut Car there must be a bear 13:10 Connecticut Car Derek Bear 13:10 Connecticut Car lets stop 13:11 Connecticut Car saw the bear 13:12 Derek I'm looking. 13:12 Connecticut Car he is behind the dome 13:12 Graham Hum, bad typo 13:13 Connecticut Car but I saw h8m 13:13 Connecticut Car he is down there now 13:13 Connecticut Car he will be back 13:15 Derek I have my stream capture ready :-) 13:15 Connecticut Car Derek: Gary would like to run the cam tomorrow afternoon. Would you mind if he took it a 5:00 EDT 13:15 Derek No problem 13:16 Derek He needs the practice :-) 13:16 Connecticut Car okay I will let him know...the bear activity has brought him back:) 13:17 Graham dont see him tho 13:17 Connecticut Car I think I would ban toward the river and castle 13:18 Connecticut Car he will be back 13:18 Connecticut Car Derek we can do more of Google tomorrow 13:19 Connecticut Car I will not be on the camera on Tuesday I have to go to Boston for the day and will stay overnight. 13:19 Derek CC, when you was at OF during Georges talk, who was the tall guy with the beard that was also helping? 13:20 Derek OF IE 13:20 Connecticut Car that is Daryl 13:20 Derek Ahhh 13:20 Connecticut Car he is really a nice gentleman 13:21 Graham OF 1419ie 13:22 Derek So was that large guy who stood next to you before the talk :-) 13:25 Connecticut Car what large guy? You mean Victor? 13:25 Derek Yep :-) 13:25 Connecticut Car my eyes are getting tired...looking for that bear 13:26 Graham I just sent you the easy shots :) 13:27 Graham nice havuing the lag between cam control and streaming cam 13:36 Derek Nice Bear pics 13:37 Graham yeah I convert them to jpg using MS Paint 13:37 Derek cc 13:38 Derek I just realised, if Gary takes over at 5 edt, that's the time I normally finish anyway. 13:51 Graham Grand or Oblong 1450ie? 13:52 Derek And Spasmodic. 14:04 Derek What was that? 14:04 Derek Bison 14:04 Graham bison on the run 14:05 Derek Yeah 14:05 Graham wheres the bear? 14:05 Derek They must have seen it 14:06 Connecticut Car did we have the bear 14:06 Derek Some Bison running real fast 14:06 Graham bison just all ran buy 14:06 Graham he should be down basin 14:09 Derek They're all in a hurry 14:11 Derek There's a chance that the Griz may have already caught one. 14:11 Graham yeah maybe 14:12 Derek That would explain why he didn't follow the heard 14:13 Graham last time I saw the herd they were behind the trees past the bridge there 14:13 Connecticut Car and at that time they were grazing and now in groups 14:13 Connecticut Car not in groups 14:14 Connecticut Car they were also moving slowly 14:14 Derek Maybe he stopped for a steam clean at Sawmill :-) 14:15 Connecticut Car there were several one year old calves in the herds..hope he didn't get one of them 14:16 Connecticut Car nice shot Graham 14:16 Graham I want the shot with the Bear chasing the Bison :) 14:18 Graham Beehive doesn't look very excited 14:19 Connecticut Car It just like being in second place 14:19 Connecticut Car doesn't like being in second place 14:26 Derek Goodnight all 14:27 Graham bye Derek 14:27 Connecticut Car see you tomorrow..good nite 14:27 Graham dont dream of bares chasing you 14:27 Graham or even bears 14:27 Connecticut Car better than gears 14:27 Graham well the all caps got you didnt it? 14:28 Connecticut Car the funny thing is that my maiden name was Gaer 14:28 Connecticut Car and at first I wsn't sure what you were saying 14:28 Graham ahhh haha 14:28 Connecticut Car but it didn't take me long to figure it out 14:29 Connecticut Car the bear is out for dinner 14:29 Graham yeah might be getting a full stomach right about now 14:35 Connecticut Car beehive look interesting 14:35 Graham yeah finally 14:36 Graham now all we need is for the wind to change direction 14:36 Connecticut Car I was about to sign off but now I may wait a while 14:36 Connecticut Car bison back 14:36 Graham bison again 14:37 Graham moving fast again but not as hurried 14:37 Connecticut Car I think they are moving slowly 14:37 Connecticut Car and if they were scared they would herd together 14:38 Connecticut Car lets see were they wind up 14:39 Connecticut Car so 14:39 Connecticut Car where did they go 14:43 Graham back where they came from 14:43 Connecticut Car inter4esting 14:43 Graham must be soom good grass there 14:44 Connecticut Car interesting that no one wanted to go with Karen in the basin 14:44 Connecticut Car is OF due 14:44 Graham haha yeah, they would have needed Bear spray 14:45 Connecticut Car she didn't have any the other day when she was alone 14:46 Graham OF 1545 14:46 Graham cant zoom out fully any more 14:48 Connecticut Car maybe beehive will be next 14:49 Graham or maybe the herd of Moose? 15:10 Connecticut Car that's it for me..will you be around tomorrow 15:10 Graham probably not much. will pop in sometime 15:11 Connecticut Car okay see you then...Gary asked to do the cam tomorrow afternoon ....around 5:00 EDT 15:11 Graham yeah I hears that, he can have all the bears then 15:11 Connecticut Car bye 15:12 Graham wait 15:12 Graham indicator 15:12 Graham ind 1611ie 15:17 Graham Beehive 1616 15:27 Graham Grand 1627 15:30 Graham I guess that was an ie time, that was a second burst going up then 16:12 Graham OF 1712 16:19 Rich Hi Graham 16:20 Graham Hi there 16:20 Graham You missed the bear in front of OF 16:20 Rich I posted the other static cam captures to YNet 16:20 Rich Of course 16:20 Graham did I send them to you? 16:21 Rich No, I just posted the ones I got this morning. 16:21 Rich You sent me the one bear at Giantess 16:22 Graham they are on their way to you 16:22 Graham you can post them if you wish, they are just screen captures 16:22 Rich thank you 16:22 Rich k 16:22 Graham They wers about 1410 16:22 Rich I finally think I have posting via flickr figured out. 16:23 Graham Daisy 1722 16:23 Rich I thought since it was so quiet this morning I'd probably miss beehive and lion 16:23 Graham No lion yet 16:24 Graham Beehive and Grand went tho 16:24 Rich Ok. 16:24 Graham Bison heard all came up in front of OF running, presumably away from the bear down-basin 16:24 Rich they've arrived 16:25 Rich A friend from Australia came into town 16:25 Rich We went to lunch 16:26 Graham a long way to come for lunch! 16:26 Rich lol 16:26 Rich Nice captures 16:27 Cindy J Just a heads up - I just read where you posted photos to y-net (where I'm from) and I went and looked and you posted to March instead of April webcam shots. Sorry to interrupt you. 16:27 Rich It ended up that I have 4 images from the static cam of the bear this morning 16:27 Graham would have gotten good ones this afternoon! 16:27 Rich sorry, I'm still on some other time. lol 16:27 Rich I guess I should repost. 16:28 Rich Thanks Cindy J 16:28 Cindy J No problem. 16:28 Rich March was my first posting, so I guess it just stuck in my head 16:28 Graham I looked at posting to Y-Net but it looked like too much work 16:28 Rich Finally figured out how to multiple post images. An accomplishment for me. 16:29 Graham I have put a few of todays on Facebook 16:29 Rich It's not bad once you get the system. 16:29 Rich k 16:29 Rich do I have to be your 'friend' to view? 16:31 Graham not sure, you have the pics already 16:31 Rich k 16:31 Graham you can be my friend if you want :) just look for Graham Meech 16:31 Graham I posted a bunch of YNP pictures 16:31 Rich ty 16:39 Graham I have not seen the Bison recently. They all came up in a hurry over to the Lodge Cabins, then later went nehind Giantess and slowly back to the trees between Daisy and Castle in the distance. Not seen them since 17:14 Rich Graham, posted your 3 captures plus my 4 to YNet April. 17:14 Graham k, whats the link? 17:15 Rich http://forums.yellowstone.net//viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1064&p=9398#p9398 17:15 Rich Looks like that didn't work 17:15 Rich omp 17:16 Rich http://forums.yellowstone.net//viewforum.php?f=7 17:16 Rich then click on April 2009 webcam shots 17:16 Rich Meebo doesn't like some of the combinations 17:17 Graham I got it ok. Carolyn posted one and I am trying to run the video... 17:18 Rich Cindy J, I posted a note to March YNEt and re posted to April. Thanks for the catch. 17:18 Rich k 17:18 Graham video download takes a while 17:19 Rich The msg before mine on YNet is a 40 mb video by Steve 17:19 Graham its buffering..... 17:21 Rich My Sister found on on YouTube also 17:28 Cindy J Great captures. Haven't figured out how to do that yet. I took a picture of the computer screen!! If you take out the reflection from the kitchen window, me, the ceiling. . . it's not too bad!! 17:30 Rich Are you on the streaming cam or the static cam view? 17:30 Rich What browser are you using? 17:30 Rich Mac or PC? 17:31 Cindy J I had the page up that has both at the same time along with Mammoth, Mt Washburn etc and I just got out my little digital cam and snapped a pic. 17:31 Rich Down and dirty way is to point your own webcam at the screen and take a photo. 17:32 Cindy J I don't even have one of those. I'm on IE and a PC 17:32 Rich k 17:32 Rich Static cam just right click on the image and SAVE AS. 17:32 Cindy J Yeah I can do that one 17:32 Rich Streaming cam needs a capture program of some type. 17:33 Rich Download.com should have some available for free. 17:33 Cindy J I have fraps but can't figure out where the picture goes 17:33 Cindy J just the freebie 17:33 Rich I'm on dial up so I'm just on the static cam. 17:34 Cindy J Well, I'm still jealous of your captures. 17:34 Rich http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ_rStJqi2oHow to use Fraps 17:35 Rich that is a link to a how to use fraps 17:35 Rich ty 17:35 Graham I can grab the static cam from Internet Explorer with my new WIndows box 17:35 Rich The first 3 Graham provided. 17:35 Cindy J Thanks - I'll have to watch that. 17:36 Graham I have Vista, it mainly depends on the video card. My old XP wouldb't do it 17:36 Graham just Alt-Print SCreen grabs the picture 17:38 Graham Plume 1838 17:41 Rich New cam view at Redoubt Volcano 17:41 Rich http://www.avo.alaska.edu/webcam/Redoubt_-_DFR.php 17:50 Graham Thats an impressive shot 17:53 Graham OF 1852 17:57 Rich Did Lion sneak in there? 17:57 Graham Lion 1856ie 17:57 Rich k 17:57 Graham I wish the wind was blowing the other way! 18:02 Rich Bison 18:02 Rich Get your Bear cams ready. lol 18:02 Graham not in too much of a hurry this time 18:02 Rich lol 18:03 Graham they are not running 18:03 Rich No guards posted. 18:05 Graham maybe a bear way down 18:05 Graham yep moving right to left 18:05 Graham in snow near grand 18:07 Graham out pof static window now 18:07 Rich k 18:09 Rich I got it in one capture. 18:12 Graham right by the bridge 18:14 Rich Just above the bend in the stream on the left mid screen 18:16 Graham yeah that would be it, I will send you the pics 18:16 Rich I guess that really is a hill side that has melted off. 18:16 Rich k 18:16 Rich ty 18:21 Graham the Bison are by the river now, left of the static cam 18:28 Graham bison moving right 18:29 Graham they stopped tho 18:41 Rich Sorry had a browser crash 18:50 Graham wb 18:50 Graham Daisy 1949 18:58 Rich Latest images posted to YNet 18:58 Graham you are getting good at this! 18:58 Graham now all you need is a high speed connection to watch the cam 18:59 Rich Yep 18:59 Rich Just a litle more practice. 19:00 Rich Wonder if the bear circled around behind OF/Giantess following the Bison back? 19:00 Graham then have you controlling the cam 19:00 Rich right, you like to look at the stars? lol 19:01 Graham he could have gone anywhere, I suspect he just steyed down basin somewhere, maybe circled up by Grand again 19:02 Rich Well we have to get high resolution cams to replace the ones at OF. lol 19:02 Rich Then we could really 'see'. 19:02 Graham well these do pretty well but a better zoom would be good 19:03 Rich Take a look at that Redoubt when you get a chance, very clear image. 19:04 Graham Could have been more than one beartoo.... 19:04 Rich Yogi has friends? 19:05 Graham those are amazing shots of Redoubt 19:05 Graham I cant see any bears there tho 19:05 Rich I keep watching for them. 19:05 Rich I have seen Elk at Mt. St. Helens 19:06 Graham cool. Thats somewhere I want to go 19:06 Rich They have some well developed visitor centers now. 19:07 Rich We've been going to the area ever since the eruption. 19:07 Rich Like watching the growth return at Yellowstone after the fire, the changes are spectacular at Mt. St. Helens 19:08 Graham im sure they r. Just need to get on a plane that flus PAST Wyoming :) 19:08 Rich There are a couple. 19:09 Rich But it isn't far to drive from Yellowstone. 19:09 Rich Drive across Idaho and part way in Washington 19:10 Graham Yeah but I live near the other Washington... 19:10 Rich Then the distance from Yellowstone to Mt. St. Helens is a piece of cake. lol 19:11 Rich Oh, you have to get to Yellowstone first, forgot that part. 19:11 Graham Well I need to plan a vacation in WA state 19:11 Rich Definitely lots to see 19:17 Rich I'm going to try to put together a short video clip of the snow melting off the static cam this morning. 19:18 Graham ok 19:18 Rich I did it for Mt. Washburn cam a while back. 19:18 Graham cool 19:19 Rich http://unseennationalparks.blogspot.com/ 19:20 Graham OF 2020 19:22 Rich wow, OF 19:26 Rich Did Lion sneak in behind OF again? 19:28 Graham maybe, I have not been watching closely enough 19:28 Graham its due 19:32 Graham well i am out of here. Been a fun day. see you 19:34 Rich Have a good evening 19:34 Rich It has been. 19:34 Rich nite 19:52 Rich Nite, last one out don't forget to turn off the steam. April 5th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 4th, 2009 April 6th, 2009 » 05:15 Graham OF 0614ns 05:15 Graham Maybe Grand ie too 05:51 Graham Hi Derek 05:51 Derek Hi 05:52 Graham did you see the OF time 0614ns 05:52 Graham it was full height when I started up this morning 05:52 Derek Isn't CC on the cam? 05:52 Graham dunno, looks static right now 05:53 Graham Saw the bear again as you know at 1910 last night 05:53 Derek I'm not due to start yet, anyway I still have dishes to wash when Beryl is ready. 05:54 Graham k 05:54 Graham may have had grand with OF too, there was a big steam cloud on the static cam. it was too dark to see on the streaming cam tho 05:55 Graham I put my Cherry Blossom pictures on Facebook if you want to see them too 05:57 carol Hi this is carol from placerville did ya just see the 2 ......animals (bear/bison)running toward OF by beehive? 05:57 Derek When? 05:58 carol Just a min ago 05:58 Graham do you want the cam Derek? 05:58 carol went like a batouttahell 05:58 Derek I didn't see anything 05:59 Derek If I take control I'll only have to leave again when Beryl calls. 05:59 carol they ran by beehive toward the river 05:59 Graham will be hard to find them now 05:59 Graham behing the OF steam? 06:00 carol yep back where the bear was yesterday am 06:00 Graham running to the right or from nbeehive t othe river? 06:00 carol behind OF headed toward the cabins 06:03 carol they were running though the snow patch to the right of beehive when I saw em.....wow 06:04 Graham saw bears 3 times yesterday and the whole herd came running by once 06:05 Graham when they go down by the river they are hard to get again 06:06 carol WOW! I was watching the bear on the streaming in the am yesterday! Yep thats where they ran 06:06 Graham they were on the snow in the foreground? 06:07 carol They were going lickityspit! 06:07 Graham or past the boardwalk? 06:07 carol this side of the boardwalk yep that snowfield 06:08 Graham ok, that would be on this side of the river then 06:08 Graham i was still asleep then :) 06:09 carol yep it took me a minute to process what I was seein no coffee yet 06:10 carol Graham are you on the cam? 06:10 Graham Looks like Castle 0710ie 06:10 Graham yes 06:11 carol Thanks so much for this.......Its is our everyday UGB fix! 06:12 Graham you are welcome. Derek and Carolyn run the cam more than I do 06:12 Derek And Gary even less :-) 06:12 Graham I have to stop running it now, will be going out soon. see you later 06:13 Derek I'll be back as soon as I helped wash the dishes 06:14 carol c ya thanks to all who do this! 06:20 CC Hi 06:22 CC anybody here 06:28 Graham hello 06:28 CC morning 06:28 Graham I saw OF at 0614ie at full height 06:28 CC thanks 06:28 Graham and maybe Grand then, too dark to see on the streaming cam. 06:29 Graham then tw animals ran fast behind OF, not sure if it was two bison or bison and bear. see log for the search but we didnt find them 06:29 Graham Derek was going to go downstairs. I am getting ready to go out 06:29 CC okay 06:29 Graham nice morning tjho 06:29 CC I haven't seen any animals 06:30 Graham I enjoyed watching the bear again last night 06:30 CC soooo exciting:) 06:30 Graham yeah, the snow makes it a lot easier to bear-spot 06:31 CC the nice part is that everyone got to zoom in on him 06:33 Graham yep. hope Gary gets to this afternoon 06:34 Graham im heading out, see you. Oh, I had 19 hours last week 06:34 CC thanks 06:43 CC OF 7:43 erupted 07:12 Derek cam Hi Cindy 07:16 Cindy J Morning! 07:16 Derek cam It's 3:16pm here :-) 07:17 Cindy J Good Heavens - where are you?? 07:17 Derek cam 35 miles east of London 07:17 Cindy J I'm in Idaho Falls, Idaho 07:17 Derek cam I am the only cam operator not in the USA. 07:18 Cindy J I appreciate all the work you do. Altho' sometimes I'm yelling at you "slow down" or "stop - go back" 07:19 Derek cam I used to do that when CC was operating :-) 07:19 Cindy J If I was running it I'd be looking for animals - I do llike watching the geysers but I love the wildlife 07:20 Derek cam Is there anywhere you would like me to point the cam? 07:20 Cindy J I was hoping for a bear on a carcass right at the end of the boardwalk this morning when I got up - Ha! 07:23 Cindy J I was wondering what that said! 07:29 Cindy J No carcass. No bear. (sigh) Guess I should go shower. It's 8:28 am here. 07:29 Derek cam ok 07:29 Cindy J thanks for going slow:) 07:46 Connecticut Car Hi 07:46 Connecticut Car I lost my internet this morning 07:47 Derek cam Nothing to report 07:47 Connecticut Car Did you see when OF erupted last? 07:47 Connecticut Car I posted above 07:47 Derek cam Yep 07:48 Connecticut Car okay good 07:48 Connecticut Car the frame this morning was very slow 07:48 Derek cam It's been variable here 07:50 Derek cam Is Graham away all day? 07:50 Connecticut Car I don't think so 07:50 Connecticut Car If he is I didn't write it down 07:51 Derek cam Maybe he can watch the cam when I give you your next Google show :-) 07:52 Connecticut Car what area do you want to do 07:53 Derek cam I have a few ideas. One was to show you around my town. 08:01 Connecticut Car the basin is really pretty 08:03 Derek cam I'm going to watch for O.F. now 08:03 Connecticut Car okay 08:03 Connecticut Car to bad the len has silica again 08:04 Derek cam Yeah 08:05 Derek cam White-out down basin. 08:18 Connecticut Car I will be back a little later 08:22 Derek cam 9:22 Old Faithful 08:26 Derek cam Hi Kent 08:26 Derek cam Hi Rich 08:33 Kent Hi Derek. 08:40 Kent Carols fast moving critters may have been Canada Geese flying up the Firehole? 08:40 Derek cam I never saw them 08:41 Kent I saw a pair at 9:11 and was reminded of her description. 08:47 Rich Hello 08:47 Derek cam Hi Rich 08:48 Rich Nice day at OF. 08:48 Derek cam Yep 08:48 Derek cam No Bears so far today 08:50 Rich Don't know that I could stand the excitement two days in a row. - ---- Yeah, I could. 09:13 Rich Plume ie 10:11:57 09:13 Derek cam Yep 09:15 Rich One of the few times I could actually tell where Plume / OF were 10:18 Derek cam Plume is due 10:31 CC Hi 10:31 Derek cam Hi 10:31 CC Did Graham check in again 10:31 Derek cam Nope 10:32 Derek cam I missed the last OF but using the 90 minute rule, next should be 12:22 10:32 CC okay well then I will stick around so you can go to tea when Beryl calls 10:32 Derek cam She's already banging around in the kitchen 10:33 Derek cam No bears or bison so far 10:36 Derek cam Geese 10:40 CC very quiet in the Basin now 10:41 CC how is your frame rate? 10:42 Derek cam Up and down 10:42 Derek cam 1.0 right now 10:42 CC mine is slow also 10:44 Rich OF ie 10:27:01 10:45 Derek cam OK CC, it's yours. 10:45 CC okay see you later 10:52 CC that is interesting...OF went at 11:50 for 1 minute...it was either a short or a long preplay 10:53 Rich preplay 10:54 Rich It went at 10:27:01 11:05 CC OF 12:05 11:13 Rich away Time to punch the bread down. bb 11:44 Rich Was that a bison that went behind OF around 12:30? 11:45 Rich It was headed toward the cabins 11:46 Danny Hi all, Anna here, not Danny! 11:55 CC Hi Marianne 11:55 CC Did you get my e-mail the other day...I hope I answered you questions 11:59 Derek cam I'm back 12:01 CC okay 12:02 CC I am going to do some quilting 12:02 CC Gary will be on at 5:00 12:02 Derek How about the Google session? 12:09 Cindy J On the static cam there's a moving dot back behind the little grove of trees on the left 12:09 Cindy J Now it's out of sight going left 12:10 Derek I didn't see it. 12:10 Cindy J in that area 12:11 Cindy J it appeared in one frame and then moved left and then was gone 12:16 Rich Hi Cindy J 12:17 Cindy J Good Afternoon! 12:18 Rich Maybe that was 'my' little black speck. lol 12:19 Cindy J Oops - sorry! You can have it back - I am getting NOTHING done now that there's a bear in the basin!! But I won't leave just yet. . . 12:20 Rich I finally got a loaf of bread made. 12:21 Cindy J This is ridiculous - I've seen a bear in Yellowstone for heavens sake. 12:21 Cindy J I could leave at any time. . . 12:22 Rich What fun is there in that? 12:22 Cindy J This is much more fun than say laundry. 12:22 Rich For sure. 12:23 Rich Mowing the yard? 12:23 Cindy J Definitely - Don can do that while I sit here. 12:24 Rich lol 12:25 Rich You 'know' you have to stay until Beehive goes. 12:26 Cindy J Now cut it out! 12:26 Rich lol 12:26 Rich My humble apologizes 12:34 Rich OF ie 13:33:06 14:14 Derek CC are you there? 14:16 Derek Going downstairs for a few minutes. Gary took control at 5pm 15:28 Anna is that OF live? 15:29 Anna Hi Cindy 15:29 Anna Hi rich 15:32 Graham hello 15:33 Anna It figures a big old bear would be around when my computer was acting up. rats! 15:34 Graham has there been one today? 15:34 Anna no, the one from the other day. 15:35 Graham yeah that was fun, I saw it 3 seperate times 15:35 Anna i'm sooooooo jealous! 15:35 Graham Lion 1635ie 15:36 Graham i guess it was 163 15:36 Graham Lion 1634ie on static cam 15:36 Graham I am not controlling the cam tonight 15:36 Graham did you see the pictures? 15:37 Anna I just briefly looked at them, I've been trying to get back into a couple of programs. 15:38 Graham Plume 1538ie roo 15:40 Graham Beehive was at 1603 according to Pat so I missed it 15:40 Graham Looks like Oblong 1639ie 15:41 Graham Lion was a long one, probably the initial 15:43 Rich Sorry, company dropped in. 15:43 Rich Hi Anna 15:43 Rich Hi Graham 15:43 Anna howdy 15:44 Anna I just got cam chat working again. it crashes when I use firefox so I'm back to safari now. hmmmm. 15:44 Rich Anna I posted the photos from yesterday to YNet 15:44 Anna and now that I'm up and running again, it's time to feed the starving masses. I'll try to check in later. 15:49 Rich Hi Carol 15:49 Graham hey Rich 15:50 Rich Sure is a nice day at OF. 15:50 carol hello 15:50 carol seen the bear 2day 15:51 carol hi rich and graham 15:51 Rich I saw one unidentified black speck out between the boardwalk and OF on the left. 15:52 Rich One frame, and then it was gone. Cindy J saw another black speck on the left in the small clump of trees. 15:52 Rich One frame also. 15:53 Rich Didn't see any bison herds today. 15:56 Graham was on the phone. 15:57 Graham so no major bear fun today? Just a few specks from the miraculous vinishing bear 15:59 Graham Have to make the most of bear spotting while the snows still on the ground. They are much harder to see on the grass and sinter 16:08 Graham Daisy 1708ie 16:11 Rich And the snow sure has melted off today. 16:11 Graham yep, thats why no bears seen :( 16:37 Rich Heard today at the CyberWatercooler 16:37 Rich George says that the signs that spring is near are the bears appearing each year in the geyer basins 16:37 Rich Hi Danny 16:38 Graham yeah sure sign spring is coming 16:39 Danny Anna here, Danny's using my computer, i get this one. 16:39 Danny teenagers:) 16:39 Rich lol 16:39 Rich wb Anna 16:40 Danny my husband is laughing at me again for staring at steam 16:40 Rich I don't think I ever was one. At least I can't remember anymore. 16:40 Rich lol 16:40 Danny of course, he's watching too. 16:40 Rich Well at least he has a sense of humor. Ya got like that. 16:41 Graham just shout 'look theres a bear' and see what he does 16:41 Danny any predictions? 16:42 Rich I missed the last OF 16:42 Graham whats the last one you saw RIch? 16:43 Rich 13:33, so should be 18:00 16:43 Rich Unless it is a short one like this morning. 16:44 Danny hmph, now my husband wants his computer back--this is his. Now I have to wrestle mine back from Danny. 16:44 Danny cu all later! 16:44 Rich later 16:45 Rich one this morning was around 65 minutes 16:46 Graham k 16:47 Graham Plume 1746 16:47 Graham big one 16:49 Graham I am bailing out, you are in charge Rich :) 16:50 Graham bye 16:50 Rich bye 16:51 Rich Thank you 17:01 Rich OF ie 18:00:15 17:02 Rich Evening everyone 17:03 Rich predict OF 19:32 17:12 Rich Lion ie 18:10:45 18:37 Rich OF ie 19:35:23 18:37 Rich Hi Cindy J 18:37 Cindy J Good Evening! 18:37 Rich Just in time for OF 18:38 Cindy J Always worth seeing. 18:44 Rich Lion ie 19:43:25 19:00 Rich Hi Anna 19:00 Anna hi again 19:00 Anna what's up? 19:01 Rich Not much left for the day 19:01 Rich OF was at 19:35 19:01 Anna pretty evening with nice gentle light 19:01 Rich And I think a Lion at 19:43 19:02 Rich On the static cam I have an Elephant standing on OF. 19:03 Anna my older son Tommy says to tell you: ah, no. 19:03 Anna lol 19:03 Rich lol 19:03 Rich Earlier, Richard Nixon was there. 19:03 Rich Well I'm a cloud watcher. 19:03 Anna been a loooong day, has it? 19:03 Rich lol 19:04 Rich yep 19:04 Rich Other than Cindy J's and my black specks not much. 19:05 Anna i sure wish i had seen the bear. i watched the you-tube version. 19:05 Rich There's a double Helix 19:05 Anna Yep, that's what it is alright 19:06 Anna what are we watching on live cam? 19:06 Anna i know, i know, geysers 19:06 Anna . . . . yuck yuck 19:06 Rich On the static cam it is hard to tell what one is seeing unless you can get confirmation from the live streaming cam. 19:06 Rich I don't get the live cam 19:06 Cindy J I've watched this screen so long today I'm going to see black specks all day tomorrow too!:) 19:07 Rich lol 19:07 Rich I sent my screen capture to Graham, and he told me it might be a bear or a bison. 19:07 Anna i think on live cam it's pointed over to the west somewhere. 19:07 Rich Was a lot of help. LOL 19:07 Rich Probably toward Grand 19:07 Anna those little specks down in front? 19:08 Anna teeny tiny bison-ettes 19:08 Rich hrhr 19:08 Rich hhehe 19:08 Rich I was hoping for a coyote at this time of the day. 19:08 Rich I've seen a couple in the past. 19:09 Anna I never see the wacky wildlife stuff 19:09 Anna do you have a preciction for OF? 19:10 Rich You just aren't a 'dedicated' watcher. (Read: stupid enough to sit all day and watch the monitor.) 19:10 Anna or whatever 19:10 Rich omp 19:10 Anna rofl!!!!!! 19:10 Cindy J Thank You!! Describes me!! Hmmph 19:10 Rich OF prediction - 21:05 19:10 Rich I had several fingers pointed in my direcction. 19:11 Rich Who else collects screen captures at the the rate of about 500 a day from OF. 19:11 Rich Now that Redoubt is active I've been getting around 60 from it. 19:11 Anna let's see 21 = 9 pm = 11 pm for me. 19:11 Rich Might be a little dark. 19:11 Rich Hope for a full moon 19:12 Anna oh, i forgot to check that today. nutso computer glitches were messing me up all over the place 19:12 Anna hi cindy, I'm Marianne 19:12 Anna and in Ohio 19:12 Rich Rich, Paradise Ca. 19:13 Cindy J Cindy Idaho Falls, ID 19:13 Anna Geeze, Cindy you should be able to see OF from there! Har har 19:13 Rich Who has the freshest coffee. lol 19:13 Rich lol 19:14 Cindy J We have made the 5 hour drive to go up and around to get in thru Gardiner this year but that doesn't get us down to OF 19:15 Anna Gotta take the ol' snow machines, I guess 19:15 Cindy J Yeah - we don't do that tho 19:15 Cindy J Counting the days until it's only 2 hours to West 19:16 Anna Not one of the things on my "bucket list"--snowmobiliing that is. 19:16 Cindy J Mine either 19:17 Anna let's see, the west road opens April 17. Do you all still have lots of snow? 19:17 Rich The only 'snowmobiling' I want to do is watching the snow plow go by. 19:17 Anna Cindy, can you see streaming cam or just static cam? 19:18 Cindy J Both I go from this page to a page that has 7 park webcams on it 19:19 Anna can you put in the url for that? I'm having computer/firefox issues and lost some good links. 19:19 Cindy J http://www.the-great-outdoors.net/yellowstonewebca… 19:19 Anna thanks. Back in a minute! 19:21 Anna okie dokie got that bookmarked. 19:24 Rich It has been a pleasure and a joy to spend time with you ladies today. Time to eat. 19:24 Anna cu! 19:24 Rich Last one out, remember to turn the steam off. 19:24 Rich nite 19:25 Cindy J uh oh no one told me how to do that! 19:25 Rich Play little Dutch Boy. 19:25 Anna lol lol 19:25 Rich lol 19:25 Anna more lols 19:25 Rich bye 19:26 Cindy J Do you get to Yellowstone often? 19:27 Anna I work there in the summer. Madison Junction 19:27 Cindy J Well how COOL!! 19:27 Cindy J We drive right by there every time we go 19:27 Anna Yep, it's waaaaaay cool. 19:28 Cindy J What do you do? 19:28 Anna I'm there for 4 months, staring in June. I'm a ranger/naturalist. 19:28 Anna and budding geologist 19:29 Cindy J You have an awesome job. I'm jealous 19:30 Cindy J I'll have to watch for you as we've been in a few bison/bear and even a wolf jam on the West - Madison road 19:30 Anna Yep, stop in either at the West Visitor center or the Junior Ranger station. 19:31 Anna my kids want me to work at OF so we can see geysers all day. 19:31 Anna but I love madison 19:31 Anna maybe someday 19:31 Cindy J We'll have to do that. I've always wanted to be a Junior Ranger - altho I'm about 40 years too late 19:31 Cindy J Do your kids spend the summer there 19:32 Anna we'll sign you up--but we make grown ups do all the pages in the booklet! 19:32 Anna Yep, 2 kids and one husband 19:32 Cindy J You're so mean to us old folks! 19:32 Cindy J Does your husband fish? 19:33 Anna trust me, I'm really too old to be having this much fun. and husband is 14 years older than me. Yep he fishes and volunteers 19:33 Cindy J Sounds like a great way to spend time together during the Summer. 19:34 Anna it's been great. well, everyone is sacked out but me. Guess I better hit the hay too. 19:34 Anna Nice to virtually meet you! 19:34 Cindy J You too. maybe this summer I'll meet you in person. Talk to you later!! 19:35 Anna are you on Ynet? 19:35 Cindy J Yes - under Cindy J on there too 19:35 Anna got it. I'm Marianne there, and on facebook. 19:35 Cindy J I have the picture up on y'net that they're trying to guess where it is right now. I think I'll have to give them a hint 19:35 Anna cu you on the net! Night! 19:36 Cindy J Night April 6th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 5th, 2009 April 7th, 2009 » 06:09 Derek I'm here, but I'll have to go to help wash the dishes soon. 06:09 CC Hi 06:09 CC nothing happening 06:10 Derek You disapeared quickly yesterday. I thought we were gonna have another play with google :-) 06:11 CC I really wanted to do some sewing. I needed to finish the quilt for my grandson 06:11 Derek No problem 06:11 CC Remember tomorrow I am not going to be on the cam all day 06:11 Derek I won't be phoning you :-) 06:12 CC okay 06:12 Derek This morning I sent an email to Mary-Beth 06:12 CC what did you tell her 06:13 CC I was thinking of saying that I had seen it via your webcam 06:13 Derek She was under the impression that the BBC dvds contained the full 1 hours shows, but they don't 06:13 Derek I sent her links to the BBC site 06:13 CC I think she was more interested in the Gazers 06:14 Derek That's understandable 06:14 CC and why it wasn't shown in the US 06:14 Derek The USA need so many comercial breaks 06:15 CC well,that's how the cable stations make there money 06:15 CC it's outrageous what they charge 06:16 Derek We pay over a hundred pounds per year for a TV licence 06:16 Derek That money goes to the BBC, even though we'd still have to pay it if we only watched our comercial TV 06:18 Derek So we pay the licence on top of any cable or satelite tv charges 06:19 CC we pay a monthly fee to the cable company depending on whatpackages we have. 06:19 CC the commericals are paid for by the companies who advertise 06:20 Derek I pay about 35 pounds per month for our TV-Phone-internet package plus any chargeable phone calls. 06:20 CC really steamy in the basin this morning 06:20 Derek Yep 06:21 CC I can't zoom out to far because of the silica 06:22 Derek So we'll have to wait until the VC opens again because I can't see anyone wanting to come down from Mamouth again so soon. 06:22 CC I agree 06:23 CC and then it will be a problem getting someone to do it when they first come back unless Craig calls Katy 06:23 Derek Yeah 06:24 CC I love it when the sun hits these geysers 06:24 Derek I chipped one of my teeth while eating lunch today 06:24 CC oh my 06:24 CC a front tooth 06:24 Derek I bit the fork instead of the food :-) 06:24 Derek Most of mine are false, but this was a real tooth 06:25 CC it could be bonded 06:25 CC tht is if there is no problem with the tooth itself 06:25 Derek It's not hurting but feels a bit sharp against the tonge 06:25 CC I take it it was a lower tooth 06:26 Derek Upper left front 06:26 CC oh 06:26 CC then you are constantly taking your tongue to touch it now 06:26 Derek As it's not hurting, they booked me in for Tuesday 21st 06:27 CC that's a long way off 06:27 Derek But if it starts to hurt I will get back to them 06:28 CC I marked your appointment on my Yellowstone calendar 06:28 Derek That's OK, it's 9:10 am my time 06:29 Derek 4:10 am edt 06:29 CC guess I won't have to worry then 06:29 CC I'd like to see OF erupt 06:30 Derek I'm waiting for Beryl to call me down. 06:30 CC we are expecting a very bad rain storm today..hope we don't lose our power 06:31 Derek It's sunny here today but we will get some rain later in the week 06:32 CC terrible earthquake in Italy 06:32 Derek Yeah 06:38 Derek OK, I'm going downstairs to see what's happening. Please tell Giantess and the Bears to wait for my return :-) 06:55 CC OF 7:53 erupted 07:01 Derek OK, I'm ready now 07:02 CC okay please take the cam then and I can do some things around the house 07:02 Derek I have to wait for time out 07:02 CC okay 07:03 Derek What time did I start yesterday? 07:05 CC I never logged your time 07:05 Derek I'll check the chat room log 07:06 CC the cam is yours 07:06 Derek ok 07:12 Rich Hi 07:12 Rich Bison at Mammoth new cam. 07:12 Derek Hi 07:51 Derek Hi Guests 08:14 Rich hi kalamitykatie 08:14 kalamitykatie Hi Rich, hi Derek 08:14 Derek cam Hi 08:20 Derek cam O.F. 09:20 08:40 Rich Plume ie 09:37:41 09:33 Derek cam Lion 09:34 Rich What is happening behind OF to the right? 09:35 Derek cam Nothing 09:35 Rich Guess it was just puffs from OF. 09:42 Derek cam I'm watching a lonsome goose 09:54 Derek cam three geese now 09:55 Rich Plume 09:56 Derek cam Missed it 09:56 Rich Plume ie 10:54:06 10:00 Derek cam of 10:10 Rich away bb, morning walk time. 10:10 Derek cam ok 10:40 CC Hi 10:40 Derek cam Hi 10:40 CC are you ready for tea 10:41 Derek cam Almost 10:41 CC I just finished the quilt for my grandson 10:41 CC what's happening 10:41 Derek cam Lion 10:33 10:41 Derek cam 10:54 Plume 10:41 Derek cam O.F. at 11:00 10:41 CC any bison or bear activity 10:42 Derek cam And a Goose 10:43 Derek cam Beryls calling 10:43 CC okay got it 10:47 Rich Hi cc 10:47 Rich people indicator 10:47 CC hi 10:48 CC can't tell who it is but she is brave to be in the basin by herself 10:48 CC uless of course she has lots of bear spray 10:48 Rich Let's hope 11:08 CC Lion at 12:08 erupted 12:14 Derek cam Back 12:17 Rich wb Derek 12:17 Derek cam Did I just see Plume on the static? 12:17 Derek cam It had finished by the time I moved the streaming around 12:18 Rich I stepped away for a couple minutes. 12:18 Derek cam ok 12:19 Derek cam I'm fairly sure, so you can log it for about 5 minutes ago 12:19 Rich k 12:38 Derek cam Beehive splashing 12:55 Derek cam of 13:12 Derek cam Beehive Indicator 14:10 13:12 CC thanks for the heads up 13:12 Derek cam ok 13:13 Derek cam It started slowly after a series of splashes from BH 13:14 CC the overpass is where you make the turn to go to OF . If you continue you would either head towards Keppler Falls or in the opposite direction 13:14 CC toward Madison 13:15 CC nice indicator 13:15 CC I bet Google earth shows were the over pass is 13:16 Derek cam Sorry but I didn't quite catch what you said on the phone about the overpass. 13:16 CC that is where the bear was hanging out yesterday according to David M 13:16 Derek cam Ahhhh, the Bear 13:18 CC derek how is your tooth 13:19 Derek cam Still no pain at all 13:22 Derek cam I think I also saw Close to cone 13:48 CC Derek Graham should be on tonight 13:48 Derek cam He starts at 6pm 13:48 Derek cam I go at 5 13:48 CC yep 13:48 CC I am here until he gets home from work 13:48 Derek cam So you'll be filling the hour 13:48 Derek cam :-) 13:48 CC yes sir 13:49 Derek cam When you get time you'll have to show me that overpass. 13:49 Derek cam Maybe wednesday 13:49 CC sounds good 13:50 Derek cam Are you watching the cam now? 13:51 CC yes 13:51 CC why do you ask 13:51 Derek cam That row of trees that shield Castle, they seem so close 13:51 Derek cam But on the Google street level images they are much further 13:52 CC there is a good distance between Castle and those trees 13:53 Derek cam That open area this side of those trees is much larger than it appears on the zoomed cam 13:54 Derek cam Hi Rich 13:54 Derek cam You missed Beehive 13:56 Derek cam CC, I assume we can't see the road that the google car was on, from our cam? 13:57 Rich I shouldn't be allowed to eat. lol 13:57 Rich EVerytime I get up to eat, something happens. 13:57 Derek cam Hehe 14:01 Derek cam cc 14:01 Derek cam It's yours :-) 14:01 CC yes 14:02 Derek cam I've been staring so intensly at the screen today, trying to find that bear 14:02 CC beat your eyes are tire 14:02 Derek Made my eyes tired 14:02 CC Mine were on Saturday 14:03 Derek At least we saw a nice complete Beehive. 14:04 Derek That was one of the best I've seen 14:08 Derek CC, I just sent you an email with a picture. 14:08 CC okay 14:10 CC I bet he would love you to come over here to the States 14:10 Derek He comes over here every 2 or 3 years 14:10 CC at least you get to see hm 14:10 Derek Yep 14:19 Derek Goodnight CC, have a nice day tomorrow 14:19 Derek Goodnight Rich 14:19 Rich Nite Derek 14:20 CC thanks 14:27 CC OF 15:27 14:32 Rich For some reason my static cam didn't refresh. 14:32 Rich Teach me to be to many things at once. 14:32 CC that has happened to me many times 14:33 Rich I've noticed it seems to happen to me just when things are about to erupt. 14:33 Rich Little cyber gremlins, I guess. 14:34 CC I don't think much else will happen tonight 14:36 Rich Let's see, Beehive, 2 Lion's and a couple of Plumes for me. 14:36 Rich And one short 76 min interval on OF. 15:07 CC Rich Graham should be on shortly. 15:07 Rich ok 15:07 Rich don't know why I'm showing up 2 times. 15:07 Rich interesting. 15:11 Graham hello 15:32 Rich Hi Graham 15:32 Rich Was working on starting dinner. 15:33 Graham what's for dinner? 15:33 Rich 16 bean soup and sloppy joes. 15:33 Graham mmmmmm 15:33 Rich homemade bread from yesterday. 15:34 Graham how many bears today? 15:35 Rich CC reported that DAvid M said the bear spent the day yesterday down by the underpass at the turn off to OF. 15:35 Rich But no creatures except one 2 legged variety today. 15:36 Rich So the speck that Cindy J saw yesterday headed down the basin might have been a bear. 15:36 Rich Just like all the other little black specks. lol 15:36 Graham haha yeah. well its good to know where the bearwas 15:36 Graham pretty big meadow the bison can hang out in there too, so maybe theres a carcass 15:37 Rich I won't volunteer for carcass patrol. 15:38 Graham The biologists love that 15:38 Rich They can have all the fun. 15:38 Graham theres Plume 1628 15:39 Rich I caught it just starting and then it was gone next frame 15:40 Graham yeah well its hard to see the bursts, they dont last long 15:41 Rich The last couple of the days the wind/sun/nature have cooperated and I've been able to tell the difference between OF and Plume. 15:41 Rich OF has been gently drifting off to one side and Plume shoots straight up. 15:42 Graham yeah, that makes it easier to tell when its erupting at other times too since you get more confident 15:43 Rich More direct sunlight has help to 'separate' the depth of field. 15:45 Graham big preplay there 15:47 Rich Of course, I was stirring dinner. lol 15:47 Rich My Sister has put in a request for a bear and a wolf to finish off the day. 15:47 Rich Redoubt is socked in. 15:48 Graham thats greedy 15:48 Rich And? 15:48 Rich Sisters are like that. Yes they are. 15:48 Rich Especially Older sisters. 15:48 Rich lol 15:48 Graham well she may have to settle for OF instead...its bigger than a bear or wolf 15:49 Graham I have an older sister to .. hum 15:49 Rich Do we have the same one? 15:50 Graham haha i dont have a brother 15:50 Rich Ok, neither do I. hmmmm??? 15:51 Rich She's off viewing the volcano in Hawaii 15:51 Graham OF 1650 15:57 Graham looks like the Italian quake showed up at OF... http://www.seis.utah.edu/helicorder/heli/yellowsto…Uuss.YFT_SHZ_WY.2009040500 15:58 Graham it was 1822MST and theres a shock at 1845 15:59 Graham Saisy 1658ie 15:59 Graham Daisy that is 15:59 Rich Sister says it showed up on the Alaska seismograph also. 15:59 Rich she's fetching the link 16:00 Graham ok, what time? curious when the wave got there 16:00 Rich http://www.avo.alaska.edu/webicorders/Redoubt/REF_… 16:00 Graham to compare to MST 16:00 Rich Got me, I can't read those things, they seem backwards to me. 16:00 Rich lol 16:01 Rich Here is the whole Alaska network 16:01 Rich http://www.aeic.alaska.edu/html_docs/seismic_netwo… 16:01 Graham shoiuld be on yesterdays log... 16:03 Graham not sure I can find it 16:03 Rich I see a spike at 19:15 or so yesterday 16:04 Rich Bigger one at around 23:15 16:05 Graham yeah but they could easily be local quakes 16:05 Rich Bigger one around 0900 this morning 16:05 Rich Which would be yesterday Italian 16:06 Graham thats local. 322am today in Italy would be 10 hours earluer Alaska time? 522pm yesterday...+ 20 minutes to get to Alaska....540ish? 16:07 Rich What ever you say, my head is spinning just trying to convert Mdt to PDt to ADt. lol 16:08 Rich sorry Add in a shift and I'm lost. 16:09 Rich You can hit me upside the head, UTC is on the right side of the graph. duh 16:11 Graham so it should be 0140 today UTC 16:12 Graham i dont see it 16:13 Rich http://rev.seis.sc.edu/earthquakes/?eq_dbid=918777 16:13 Rich Sister's can be helpful, if you give them enough time. lol 16:16 Graham if you say so :) 16:26 Rich I had trouble as a kid, my Dad would take me out and point out constellations, then we would look at the star charts. I always thought the charts looked like I was on the outside looking in not on the inside look up at the stars. 16:28 Rich But I do know which direction is North. 16:28 Graham but UTRC is another matter 16:28 Graham utc 16:29 Rich The Alaska quake to day shows up on the link you sent me. 16:30 Graham that was yesterdays plot tho... 16:30 Graham Heres the main link http://www.seis.utah.edu/helicorder/heli/yellowsto… 16:31 Rich Now you tell me. And I was feeling so good about my self. lol 16:42 Graham Oblong 1740 16:43 Graham elk behind of 16:44 Graham to the left 16:44 Graham near the snow 16:45 Graham Plume 1744 16:48 Graham it walked down to the river and I cant see it any more 16:52 Rich And I was so close to finding out what time it was in Alaska. lol 16:56 Rich And I found a 'matching' tremor on the Alaska seismograph just after 17:30 yesterday. 16:57 Rich Back to capturing images so I can find the Elk. 16:59 Rich 2 peoples at OF 17:05 Rich I don't think I caught the elk. 17:20 Graham I sent you the pic so you can join in the experience. Tell your sister its a brown bear or wolf 17:20 Rich Thank you. 17:20 Graham people out by Plume 17:20 Rich Will make her 'day'. lol 17:23 Rich Thank you 17:23 Rich Tall wolf. 17:23 Graham yeah thats better 17:23 Rich Lois says, 'Thank you'. 17:23 Graham good, is she happy now? 17:24 Rich LoisQuilts: yes - very - now is it a girl elk? I think I see antlers 17:25 Graham lone elk, probably male 17:34 Graham OF 1833 17:51 Graham Plume 1851 17:53 Rich That's 6 Plumes today. 17:53 Graham nice 17:54 Rich 8 OF's 17:55 Graham now if you sid 2 Beehives.... 17:55 Rich lol 18:26 Graham Daisy 1925 18:39 Graham Grand 1938 19:00 Graham OF 1959 19:03 Graham Plume 2003 19:04 Rich am prediction - 08:00 19:05 Rich or 06:30 19:05 Graham yeah if you get lucky 19:05 Rich lol 19:05 Rich Why of course 19:09 Graham Im out of here, you can have the dancing bear on the boardwalk all to yourself 19:09 Graham bye 19:09 Rich Nite 19:10 Rich And I was hoping I wouldn't have to turn the steam off tonight. April 7th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 6th, 2009 April 8th, 2009 » 07:56 Rich Hello carol, Derek 07:57 Derek Hi Rich 07:59 carol Hi all! 08:01 carol was looking to see the time 4 yesterdays beehive. Babysitting g-kids today. good day 4 showing em geysers I hope 08:01 carol 14.10 right 08:04 Rich omp 08:05 Rich 14:20 08:05 Rich Is what I have 08:06 carol thanks 08:06 Rich 14:10 was indicator 08:09 carol yep hoping 4 a bear sighting also! love the cam operators! 08:11 Rich Plume ie 09:09:48 08:14 carol do you have special equipment on your 'puter to operate the cam 08:14 Rich Derek is the cam op. 08:18 Rich From what I understand, they have a program that lets them pan and zoom the cam. 08:19 Rich Are you on YNet, Carol? 08:20 Derek Sorry Rich I got called away 08:20 Derek Did I miss something? 08:21 Rich Of ie 09:16:56 08:21 Derek Lion now 08:21 Rich What is that now ? 08:21 Derek Lion 08:21 Rich Looked so Big. 08:22 Rich I didn't know if it was a N 08:22 Rich 'new' one for me. lol 08:22 Derek 2 Lions so far, 0748 and 0921 08:22 Rich k 08:22 Rich Plume ie 09:09:48 08:22 Derek They usually have a series 08:23 Derek Is Carol coming back? 08:23 Rich I don't know, I lost connection and when i got reconnected she was gone. 08:24 Rich I was going to send her to look at the images Graham captured, they show the interface. 08:24 Derek ok 08:25 Derek Someone told CC that they saw the Bear hanging around near the overpass. 08:26 Rich I saw that, David M. 08:27 Rich The time I have on Lion ie 09:20:14 08:27 Derek Yep 08:27 Derek ok 08:27 Derek The offer still stands for a phone call sometime. 08:27 Rich k 08:43 Derek ok 08:44 Rich Is Aurum just steaming? 08:45 Rich Or am I just seeing OF steam drift. 09:26 Derek 10:26 PLUME 09:34 Derek indicator 09:38 Derek Rich 09:39 Derek Are you there? 09:40 Rich Yes 09:40 Rich Sorry watching Beehive 09:40 Derek I've lost connection to the streaming cam 09:41 Rich STatic is still up 09:41 Derek Yeah 09:42 Derek Back online 09:42 Rich cool 09:42 Rich Really nice Beehive 09:42 Derek Indicator started at 10:29 09:42 Derek But I didn't see BH start 09:43 Rich I'll check in a minute 09:45 Rich Beehive ie 10:40:00 about 15-20 feet in air 09:46 Derek of 09:51 Derek Hi Guest 09:53 Rich I had a system hiccup, static didin't refresh for 3 minutes at the end of OF. 09:54 Derek Just following a goose 09:54 Rich cool 09:56 Derek I believe most of these silent guests only come into this chat room to watch the camera :-) 09:56 Derek Hi Kent 09:57 Rich Hi Kent 09:58 Kent So are we counting Beehive? I don't know what the protocol is. Hi guys. 09:58 Rich They might be reading the log to see eruption times. 09:58 Rich lol 09:59 Rich Beehive ie 10:40:00 09:59 Kent OK, thanks Rich 10:00 Rich np 10:00 Derek Kent, can you see what I'm pointing the cam at right now? 10:00 Derek I'm trying to figure out what it is. 10:01 Kent I see it and havent a clue. Rock? I have to switch back to another program. I don't get the live cam on this one. Takes me a minute. 10:03 Derek I can't remember seeing it there before 10:03 Rich I found something with a long neck on the ground in front of the benches 10:04 Derek What we're looking at is over towards the cabins 10:04 Rich k 10:04 Derek Looks like a resting Coyote 10:04 Derek But it hasn't moved yet 10:05 Rich Where was your goose? 10:06 Derek Over to the left of the benches 10:06 Derek I last saw him this side of Split Cone's mound 10:06 Rich k 10:07 Rich I have 3 captures 2 in front of the right bench and then 1 out further in front of the left bench 10:08 Rich Coyote could be lying in wait for the goose to come by. lol 10:09 Derek I just checked out the benches area but the goose has gone 10:09 Rich yep 10:11 Rich I need to run a couple of errands. 10:12 Derek k 10:12 Rich bb in about an hour 10:12 Derek I'll be at tea 10:12 Rich away Ok 10:12 Rich away Might be sooner 10:59 Rich Hi sparekitty 11:17 Rich OF ie 12:16:09 11:35 Rich Plume ie 12:33:30 12:15 carol Hi rich, derek and sparekitty I had to take care of the little ones they have a VERY short web cam attention span.......not like g-ma! I take it from the log we missed beehive....Darn 12:15 Derek Hi 12:18 Rich Hi carol 12:19 carol i would guess by the 2 legged indicators that the bear must not (hope not) be in the UGB 12:19 carol hi rich sorry I left in a hurry this am......kids! 12:19 Derek It was last seen yesterday near the overpass 12:19 Rich np 12:19 Rich understand 12:20 Rich Only report I've seen is that a bear was over at the underpass at the turn off to OF yesterday 12:21 Derek That's what I said :-) 12:21 Rich sorry, haven't reloaded, so probably missed it. 12:21 carol yep i read that on the log....darn I loved watching him her scrounging around the other day 12:21 carol hoping the kids could c 12:22 carol always in yellowstone time 12:22 Rich Graham spotted an elk yesterday late afternoon 12:22 carol cool 12:23 carol must be warm, the snows melting and people look as though they are in short sleves 13:42 Anna hi all! 13:43 Derek Hi 13:43 Anna anything exciting there? 13:43 Derek Beehive went 4 hours ago 13:44 Derek Plume now 13:45 Anna yea me! I guessed plume and I was right! I'm learning. 13:45 Derek I'm closing down soon and today there is no-one to take over from me on the cam 13:45 Derek It's almost 10 pm here 13:45 Derek I've been running the cam for some 8 hours today. 13:45 Anna and I'm going bird-chasing. There's a Mt. Bluebird here in Ohio. Only second official sigthing ever in Ohio. In the park where we live, too! 13:46 Anna Yikes!! Your eyes must be tired! have a good evening! 13:46 Derek Thanks 13:46 Derek :-) 13:55 Rich Hi Missy 13:59 Derek Rich 13:59 Derek I have to sign off now. 14:00 Derek The cam will return to it's default setting so it may focus on the dirty glass 14:00 Derek Goodnight 14:01 Rich TAke care Derek 14:18 Rich OF ie 15:17:49 15:02 Graham hi 15:07 Rich Hi Graham 15:07 Rich Looks like you have cam control 15:07 Graham I do? 15:08 Rich Derek is gone for the day and CC hasn't been in today. 15:09 Graham ah...good deduction 15:09 Graham I jave grabbed the cam 15:09 Rich lol 15:09 Graham snow is going fast 15:09 Graham someone will be putting the benches back in place soon 15:09 Rich Derek told me it would default and might be focused on the specks on the houseing. 15:09 Rich yes 15:09 Rich hehe 15:10 Graham any Grand eruptions today? 15:10 Rich I think they are still there, just under 2 ft of snow. 15:10 Rich Not to my knowledge 15:10 Rich I haven't seen anything over that direction since early this morning. 15:10 Graham maybe its due 15:10 Graham where are the bears? 15:11 Rich No reports since yesterday here. 15:11 Rich possible coyote over by the cabins 15:11 Rich Derek and I both saw a goose 15:12 Rich OF prediction - 16:20 15:13 Rich I went googling the software you use to run the cam, found a site that list places that use the software/cam 15:13 Graham ok, thanks 15:13 Rich http://webcams.gajda.cz/ 15:13 Graham ok. it works pretty well. would be better if we could create our own hot spots for it to zoom into 15:15 Rich I captured the goose in about 5 frames. 15:16 Graham where was it? 15:17 Graham of was 1517.....so it was a short? 15:18 Rich I have of's at 13:42, 15:17 15:18 Rich So I added a couple of minutes. lol 15:19 Graham well 1620 woiuld be early 15:19 Rich It is late in the day, I can't add today. 15:20 Rich 16:30, better? 15:21 Rich I'll just keep adding 15 minutes till I get it right. 15:21 Rich 16:45? 15:21 Graham haha 15:21 Graham thats better 15:21 Rich k 15:21 Rich I'm chatting with Lois, she is off to Hawaii soon. 15:21 Rich We are ploting webcams I can watch her on. lol 15:22 Graham haha thats cool 15:22 Graham never been there 15:22 Rich Tourist always get to wave at the webcams 15:22 Rich We had someone today at OF, had a red backpack 15:23 Graham Theres Castle 1622ie H2O 15:27 Rich the overall wind drift today has been to the left, might be why I haven't seen Grand 15:29 Graham yeah its tricky to catch when the wind blows that way 15:30 Graham Oblong 1629 15:41 Rich of? 15:42 Rich Plume ie 16:41:28 15:42 Graham Plume 1641 15:43 Rich That time I caught it with h2o 15:43 Graham Depression 1642 15:45 Rich I can just see a little steam at Depression 15:46 Graham it is hard to see the water at Depression but the steam shows up well. I can zoom in and see water early in the eruption 15:51 Graham OF 1650 16:01 Graham Castle is a Major 16:44 Graham Olume 1743 16:56 Graham Lion 1755 17:33 Graham OF 1832 17:47 Graham Plume 1847 17:49 Rich I want to know how the geysers 'know' when I leave the room? 17:50 Graham they ask the bears 17:50 Rich Ah, those sneaky bears. 17:51 Graham they were running all round the boardwalk when Plume erupted 17:51 Graham ahhh maybe not 17:52 Rich lol 18:27 Graham Lion 1926 18:33 Rich indicator? 18:33 Graham nah 18:33 Rich k 18:34 Graham still watching for Grand 18:40 Rich CAn I use the steaming now to locate any geysers that don't have any kind of a schedule? 18:41 Graham huh? 18:41 Rich Like I see steam at Depression 18:41 Rich and indicator 18:42 Rich And behind that is that Little Cub? 18:43 Graham yeah Little Cub is behind Beehive and to the ;eft a bit, you see it erupt a lot 18:43 Rich Over by Giantess to the left down by the river is that Aurum? 18:44 Graham do you mean to the left of the tree nearest to OF? 18:44 Rich yes 18:44 Graham thats Anemone 18:44 Rich ok 18:45 Rich Aurum is further away? 18:45 Graham closest to the tree, then further left is "Pathetic Little Hole" or "Improbable" 18:45 Graham Pathetic 18:45 Rich k 18:45 Graham it has two names. steams a lot but actually eruopted a couple of years ago for a short time 18:46 Rich Some times the steam at this time of the night is nice and straight and I can see where they begin. 18:46 Graham Aurm - look at thereference shot, you can locatet it best from that. Its on the sky line, about 3 trees to the right of OF 18:46 Graham Daisy 1946 18:47 Graham The one that steams a lot close to OF, on the right at the tree line is Pump 18:48 Graham it surges a lot, has larger bursts every few minutes 18:48 Rich k 18:49 Graham If you go right from OF to the first of the bigger trees you can see some steam from below the boardwalk - that's Little Squirt 18:49 Rich Ok got it. 18:50 Graham it erupts for about a day, then quits for a few days 18:50 Graham its little, looks like a squirt gun 18:50 Rich ah 18:50 Graham sometimes Beehive has short intervals when its erupting 18:51 Rich When Little Squirt is erupting? 18:51 Graham yes, when LS is erupting, Beehive can have shorter intervals 18:51 Rich ok 18:51 Rich ty 18:51 Graham but not always 18:52 Rich k 18:52 Rich With my Sister being retired, I'm hoping we can make another trip to Yellowstone soon. 18:52 Rich Grand 18:54 Graham looks like it 1961 but it looks more like Oblong now, may just be the wind 18:54 Graham Grand or Oblong 1951 18:54 Rich k 18:54 Graham Im going with Oblong, not high enough 18:55 Graham it should quit after 6 minutes if its Oblong.. 18:56 Graham Yep, Oblong 18:57 Graham that was only 3h22min interval, nice and short 19:02 Graham That was big preplay there 19:12 Graham OF 2011 19:27 Graham im winding down here 19:27 Graham nice evening in the park now 19:27 Rich yes 19:27 Graham see you 19:28 Rich Have a good evening 19:28 Rich nite 19:56 Rich First star I see tonight, I wish i may I wish I might - - - - - April 8th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 7th, 2009 April 9th, 2009 » 06:42 CC Looks like it is going to be a nice day in the basin 07:56 Rich Hi Derek 07:56 Derek Hi 07:57 Derek 08:42 OF 07:58 Rich ty 09:17 Derek of 09:27 Rich I have some errands to tend to, see you later. 10:04 CC Hi 10:04 CC I am back 10:04 CC anything happening 10:05 Derek Hi 10:05 Derek Nothing much 10:05 CC any animals 10:06 Derek There would have been hell to pay yesterday if you'd been watching. Halfway through indicator, the stream and control lost connection. 10:06 Derek It came back halfway through Beehive 10:06 CC was that a local problem or qwest 10:07 Derek BH was at 10:40 yesterday 10:07 Derek By the way, I put in 7 hours yesterday 10:07 Derek My other internet thing were OK 10:07 Derek And the static stayed on. 10:07 CC thanks for all your help 10:08 CC Beehive is splashing nicel 10:08 Derek I started at 8:30 edt 10:09 Derek Beehives last interval was 20 hours 10:09 CC did you realize that I was on the Cam from 9:30 today until 10:10 10:09 Derek No animals 10:10 CC I was the only one in this chat room and then I left 10:10 Derek I think the Bison must have all gone into hiding 10:10 CC they are probably in one of the other basins 10:10 Derek Here comes the snow 10:11 CC it was really pretty this morning when I was on and I thought it would be a nice day 10:14 Derek May I call you? 10:14 CC sure 10:15 CC what happened 10:15 Derek Hang on I'll try again 10:16 CC the phone rang twice but you were not there 10:28 CC I'll be back in 1/2 hours 10:41 CC Hi I am back 10:42 Derek ok 10:42 Derek You can take it now if you like 10:43 Derek OF is due 10:43 CC okay will do 10:44 Derek Seeya later 10:44 CC wow it's really snowing hard since I left 10:44 Derek Yep 10:47 CC 11:46 OF erupted 11:06 CC Grand 12:05 (IE) 12:12 Derek Back 13:54 CC Hi 13:54 Derek Hi 13:54 Derek There's not much to see 13:54 CC wow can't see anything 13:54 CC Graham comes on tonight 13:54 Derek He wont be happy 13:55 CC It's terrible out there 13:55 CC did Beehive erupt 13:55 CC that is if you could see it 13:55 Derek I wouldn't have seen it 13:55 CC I am surprised you are still on 13:55 Derek I didn't see the last OF either 13:55 CC I think I am going to call it a day 13:56 Derek I'm doing things on the other PC :-) 13:56 CC I will stay on tomorrow until you get on 13:56 CC that is if you can see anything 13:56 Derek OK thanks 13:56 CC nice to talk to you today 13:57 Derek You're welcome 13:57 CC do you want to do google and find the over pass 13:57 Derek I found it :-) 13:57 CC oh great 13:57 CC okay then see you tomorrow 13:57 Derek OK cheers 15:16 Graham Depression 1614ie 15:18 Graham OF 1617 15:19 Graham Oblong 1617ie 16:38 Graham Lion 1737ie 17:00 Graham OF is late 17:00 Anna Maybe we'll get a longer eruption? 17:00 Anna Hi Graham. 17:00 Graham hello. no Beehive yet but its been splashing 17:01 Anna That's good. 17:01 Anna I'm patient 17:02 Graham OF 1802 17:08 Rich Hi Graham 17:08 Rich Hi Anna 17:09 Graham hey Rich 17:09 Rich Looks like there is more snow on the way for OF 17:10 Rich Winter storm system moving in out of Gulf of Alaska 17:10 Graham the ground was white aroind 1530 17:10 Rich We will be able to see black specks again. 17:11 Graham well its not going to stick for long tho 17:13 Rich The sidewalk will become a glacier pretty soon. 17:14 Graham There are some benches down on the left side that have been reinstalled 17:15 Graham Daisy 1814 17:15 Graham maybe...hum.....just steam... 17:38 Graham Indicator 1838 17:49 Graham Beehive 1848 17:58 Graham Lion 1857 18:01 Rich Nice of them to go one after the other. 18:07 Graham yeah, they must not be conspiring against us tonight. 18:09 Rich Maybe there was a sacrifice to the geyser spirit. 18:15 Rich 2 people 18:16 Graham i missed them. will be more people over the next week, then they re-open 18:17 Rich yep 18:17 Graham then you are out of a job again 18:17 Rich Oh, well. 18:17 Rich Won't be the first time. 18:17 Rich Nor the last. 18:17 Rich lol 18:18 Rich I can still do it, just don't get to 'report' doing it. 18:18 Graham well you can do the after hours predictions 18:19 Rich Just as I was getting 'good'. lol 18:20 Graham have to start predicting Grand instead, you can graduate onto that one 18:21 Rich I'll spend my time working on the formulae you gave me to figure out. 18:22 Graham yeah and you will have to work hard to figure out when theres a Turban or Vent delay based on the steam on the static cam :) 18:23 Rich right 18:23 Rich the X factor 18:23 Rich Should be a constant anyway 18:24 Graham I have enough trouble seeing vent overflow when I am standing in front of Grand 18:24 Rich hehe 18:24 Rich Grand, the one I can't see? lol 18:25 Graham well you can see it when th winds blowing right 18:25 Graham you can see Turban steam every 20 mins sometimes 18:26 Rich Well I expect you to stand off and blow in the direction of OF so I can see it, when you get there this year. 18:26 Rich First thing I need to locate Turban. 18:26 Graham its to the right of Grand a little bit from here 18:27 Rich k 18:27 Rich And before Oblong? 18:27 Graham yeah...but they pretty much all come up in the same spot 18:27 Rich Handy 18:27 Graham justa puff of steam every 20 minutes is Turban 18:28 Rich Given enough data, I guess it could be possible. 18:28 Graham sometimes you can see it, not now tho, there are other steam-makers going down there all the time 18:30 Rich Right now I'm in the process of trying to figure out what hills/bumps there are in the OF static cam image. 18:30 Rich The snow melt has made it possible to distinguish some I thought were continues grades. 18:31 Graham OF 1930 18:33 Graham peops again 18:33 Rich yellow ones or blue ones 18:34 Rich Oh, that is peeps, not people. 18:34 Graham not too complicated ground. River runs right to left and land on both sides falls off down to it 18:34 Graham i bet there are some peeps in the park too 18:35 Rich lol 18:35 Rich I just finished off a package of blue ones. 18:36 Rich Have to refrain now, until after Easter sales. 18:37 Graham I have Cadbury Mini Eggs 18:38 Rich OOOO, those are so good. 18:39 Graham yep....so are the big ones..haha 18:40 Rich They melt so nice in one's mouth. 18:48 Rich http://www.marshmallowpeeps.com/ 18:49 Graham ahhh you are sick! 18:50 Graham haha at least they are made in the USA :) 18:50 Rich Yep 18:52 Rich What is the steam all the way over on the right in the treeline? 18:53 Rich Peeps are healthier for you, they don't have any fat. lol 18:54 Graham theres Solitary high up in the trees 18:56 Rich That's the one. 18:57 Graham I have not been up there for a while, need to add that to this years list 18:57 Rich http://www.peepsshow.com/ 18:59 Graham looks like Oblong again 1957ie 19:13 Rich OF prediction for am, 0600 or 07:30 19:13 Graham yep...will you be watching? 19:14 Rich I might 19:14 Rich I just didn't get out of bed this morning 19:14 Graham good luck. I will be at work 19:14 Rich Was watching late late , early early shows at about 4:00 this morning. 19:15 Graham mmm im asleep then 19:16 Rich at 7 in the morning? 19:16 Graham not 7, but at 4 19:16 Rich ok 19:16 Rich wheww. 19:16 Rich I thought you must sleep at work there for a minute. 19:16 Graham might not be up at 7 19:17 Graham usually get to work between 8 and 830 EDT 19:17 Rich Reasonable time. 19:18 Graham so that will be before OF 19:18 Graham might get to look quickly before I get going at work 19:20 Rich Lion? 19:20 Graham Lion 2019ie 19:24 Graham im done here, enjoy the early OF 19:24 Graham bye 19:24 Rich nite Graham have a good evening 19:39 Rich G'nite all April 9th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 8th, 2009 April 10th, 2009 » 05:57 CC Some elk on the cam 05:58 CC Derek are you there 05:59 CC what's interesting.... they are not moving and seem to be looking around 06:00 CC makes me wonder what they are smelling 06:02 Derek I'm here but waiting for Beryl to phone from the hairdressers to be brought home. 06:02 CC do you see the elk 06:02 Derek Yep 06:03 Derek Did you get the email? 06:03 CC unusual for them not to be feeding 06:03 CC yes 06:03 CC I sent you a reply 06:03 Derek So now we have both Daryl's numbers :-) 06:03 CC yep 06:05 Derek I told Daryl I would phone him next time George is doing a talk on cam, so I could fire a question at George. I think he'd enjoy that :-) 06:05 CC I can't believe these elk have not moved 06:06 CC I keep moving the cam to see if it was stopped recording 06:09 Derek Maybe the Elk can see something down basin that we can't see. 06:10 CC I am sure they SMELL something 06:10 Derek Well they could certainly out run a Grizz 06:11 CC what time do you think Beryl will be done 06:12 Derek I'm not sure. It's not a full perm she's having. Just a shampoo, color, and blow dry. 06:12 CC well, they are now on the move 06:12 Derek Yep 06:22 CC it is so discouraging that you can't move the cam in closer without getting blurry 06:23 Derek Maybe when they get round to changing it. 06:25 Derek I'll head up to the town now. 07:00 Rich Hi Derek 07:46 CC Hi 07:46 Derek Hi 07:46 CC I was having trouble getting onto this page 07:46 CC I saw the Bull elk 07:47 CC Lion went at 7:56 07:47 CC OF went at 8:00 07:49 Rich Hi CC 07:49 CC Hi Rich 07:55 Derek CC, I am having framerate problems. 07:56 CC I will log on and see what is happening 07:56 CC 2.75 here 07:56 Derek 0.5 - 1.0 here 07:57 CC looks like bad weather is coming in anyway 07:57 CC definitely on your end...over 3.0 here 07:58 Derek Everything else is fine. Just the cam control. 07:58 CC I will log out and let you take it again and see what happens 08:00 CC is it better 08:00 Derek Seems faster 08:19 Derek That was Lion, but I missed the start time. 08:45 Rich See you later, have some errands to run before it starts raining again here. 08:45 Rich Have a good day Derek 13:56 Anna Hi there. 13:56 Derek Hi 13:56 Anna Is that snow again? 13:56 Derek Most of the day 13:56 Anna Is that the BH indicator? 13:57 Derek Already gone 13:57 Derek IND at 14:27 13:57 Anna bummer for me 13:57 Anna ind? 13:57 Derek BH at 14:40 13:58 Derek indicator 13:58 Anna got it. 13:58 Derek I have to go downstairs now. I think CC is still out. 13:59 Anna I'm just popping in for a second too. Got errands to do of course. I'll be back later tonite. 13:59 Derek It's already 22:00 here :-) 14:03 Anna Time for you to hit the hay! 15:12 Graham hello 15:12 CC Hi: do you want to take the cam 15:12 Graham ok. Whats going on? 15:13 CC no much 15:13 CC Beehive went at 14:40 15:13 CC I was at the DR's in the late afternoon so I don't have any other info 15:13 Graham I figure I missed it since you are not zoomed in on it :) 15:13 Graham ok. OF? 15:14 CC don't know 15:14 CC it hasn't erupted in the last 24 minutes 15:15 Graham ok 15:15 CC This morning was very interesting 15:15 Graham oh yeah? 15:15 CC we had three elk that stayed in the same area without moving...heads up for over 30 minutes 15:15 CC I am sure they must have smelled something 15:16 Graham no bear sighting tho? 15:16 CC no 15:16 Graham its strange we had 3 sightings in one day and no more 15:16 CC it was snowy later when Derek was on and he couldn't see anything 15:17 CC I think the bison are in another basin 15:17 CC the bear has been on the carcess at the overlook for the past few days 15:18 Graham yeah I guess that keeps the bear in one place. 15:18 Graham it was pretty clear yesterday when I got on, better than it is now 15:18 CC well the cam is yours 15:19 Graham ok 15:20 Graham theres still a lot of snow around for opening weekend coming up 15:20 CC I thought the park opens up the 17th 15:21 CC did you get my two e-mails 15:21 Graham yeah I meant then 15:21 Graham still has to melt a lot of snow. not many benches visible at OF 15:21 CC yep 15:21 Graham yes I did get emails, sorry to hear that Meagan has left already 15:22 CC the roads are supposedly clear 15:22 CC I wonder what historic sites she will be at 15:22 Graham you can see the boardwalk has cleared a lot from Beehive to Lion 15:22 Graham not sure. I am sure there are lots of sites in PA 15:27 Graham parking lot is clear but big snow piles.... http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/WebCams/parks/yellca… 15:27 Graham http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/WebCams/parks/yellca… 15:29 Graham there was a lot in the archive pics from 2005 ad 2006 too so its pretty much usual. I have never been to the Park in April 15:29 Graham Who will you be calling with the early morning reports? 15:31 CC Well, the only person I know that will be there is Katy but she is rarely at the desk 15:31 CC Maybe Butch will be back but I have no idea who will be on the desk 15:32 Graham its a shame so many have gone that could train the newcomers 15:32 CC I probably don't have to call for long as Jim or Scot has been there early in the past and they call is the first eruptions 15:33 CC Oh well, Katy will have her hands full doing training 15:33 Graham yeah Jim was out early and checked everythingt down basin. I would meet him when I was coming in since I was out even earlier 15:33 CC he usually would sit at Beehive and call in eruptions from there 15:34 CC Once the gazers are there in full force I rarely call the VC 15:35 Graham I know. Usually the first day or two I was there he would call the state of Grand or Daisy - how full they were and I would then call what time they erupted earlier...my walks out around 0430 15:36 CC do you have reservations for September 15:36 Graham Yes. Goind out the last weekend in August and staying for 2 weeks till the cabins close 15:37 Graham there are some things on the schedule at work that might disrupt it tho, so I have booked last week in Sept/first week in Oct too 15:37 CC I am not sure we will be going in the fall. 15:37 CC If we do, it will be last minute 15:37 Graham I hope you get a good spring trip 15:38 CC probably at that time we would fly 15:38 Graham that last 2 years I was there in May and had 3 trips. Only 2 this year tho, at least thats all I have planned 15:39 CC we used to do three trips but the last two years we have cut it down to 2 15:39 Graham I burned through my leave balance last year with 2 weeks in Alaska too 15:40 CC OF doesn't look to promising 15:40 CC no heavy steam 15:44 CC I think the cam needs to be moved....to many spots of silica 15:44 CC you moved it...sorry 15:45 CC forgot the 25 second delay 15:45 Graham it would be good to have the lens covers like NASCAR has 15:45 Graham where you wind it on to a clear strip when it gets dirty 15:46 CC did you know we are getting a new camera 15:46 CC probably when Tom comes back in three months 15:46 Graham nope, whats going to change? 15:46 CC clarity I hope 15:46 Graham yeah that would be nice 15:46 CC we can not zoom in the way we use to be able to 15:46 Graham so we can zoom in closer 15:47 CC yep 15:47 Graham it has never zoomed well for me 15:47 CC when I first started I could zoom way up into geyser hill 15:48 CC it was especially nice for animals near the geysers...you would capture both close up 15:49 CC when does Rich usually come on at nite 15:49 Graham yeah that would be nice. also for indicator, little cub, sawmill 15:49 Graham hes usually here 15:49 Graham but was later yesterday, I was all alone for a while 15:50 CC I am about to go do the dishes...I can stay a few more minutes though 15:50 CC how long have you been on the cam 15:50 CC I would think OF should be about to erupt 15:50 Graham ok, thats fine. 15:51 Graham it has been an hour with the 24 min you had 15:51 Graham so its coming up sometime in the next 45 min :) 15:51 CC well, maybe I just missed it then when I got on 15:52 CC still no preplay or heavy steam 15:52 Graham I'm just going to leave the cam on it till it goes since its not very clear down-basin 15:52 CC by the way, Lion went this morning at 7:56 15:52 CC OF at 8:00 15:53 Graham yeah Pat sent me times, 3 eruptions 15:54 Graham also at 0916 and 1032 15:55 Graham so 0800..rolled forward...1700 15:55 CC steam looks alittle heavier 15:56 CC and whiter 15:57 Graham no Plume either 15:57 CC didn't see any 15:58 CC still haven't seen any preplay 15:58 CC well, just happened 15:59 Graham yeah right to the eruption 15:59 Graham OF 1658 15:59 CC OF 16:59 16:00 CC Okay now I can sign off without feeling guilty 16:00 CC have a good nite 16:00 Graham Plume 1700 16:00 Graham see you 16:00 CC too funny...plume 16:00 CC bye 16:37 Graham Lion 1737ie 17:10 Graham Plume 1809 17:29 Graham OF 1827 17:44 Graham Grand or Oblong 1843 17:49 Graham it was Oblong 18:14 Graham Lion 1914 18:22 Graham Plume 1921 18:24 Graham looked like 6 bursts, two last ones were very weak 18:26 Graham Castle 1925ie H2O 18:41 Graham Castle is a Major 18:50 Graham Daisy 1949ie 19:03 Graham OF 2001 April 10th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 9th, 2009 April 11th, 2009 » 05:44 CC The first OF I saw this morning was at 6:37(IE) 05:44 CC Lion erupted at 6:42 (IE) 06:59 CC Hi 06:59 CC waiting on OF 06:59 Derek Hi, I just got up here 07:00 Derek I stayed on till 5:30 edt yesterday 07:00 CC I got on right after that and Graham took over after 6:00 07:00 Derek Beehive went off at 2:40 mdt 07:00 CC can you call me 07:01 Derek I saw OF at 3:32 mdt 07:01 Derek Give me a few minutes, I'm still switching things on. 07:01 CC okay 07:09 CC Lioh at 8:03 07:09 CC OF at 8:05 07:09 Derek ok 07:18 carol good morning derek and rich, I checking times 07:18 Derek Hi 07:20 Rich Hi carol 07:20 carol from your expert web watching view was that a turban cycle? 07:21 Derek I'm not that much of an expert 07:23 Derek-cam Beehive bubblers are steaming well 07:24 Derek-cam Are you still there Carol? 07:25 Derek-cam The best person I know who could answer you isn't in here right now, that's Graham Meech. 07:41 carol Sorry I got a phone call yep thanks I have trouble determining, if its really cold, when it a turban cycle or grand 07:42 Derek-cam I have never been to the park, so my knowledge is limited to what I see on the cam and what my Yellowstone friends tell me. 07:43 carol oh my!!!!!! Are you in the uk? 07:43 Derek-cam Yep 07:44 Derek-cam That's why I feel so priveliged to be one of the cam operators :-) 07:45 carol Well you are very appreciated I'll tell you!!!! Do you have plans to get to the park? 07:45 Derek-cam As my wife has mobility problems is would be very difficult. 07:46 carol As we saw in California.....U the bomb! thats a compliment! on a Bear watch? 07:47 carol opps typo..say 07:48 Derek-cam I was fortunate enough to visit the USA 4 times during the 1970s 07:50 carol Where in the uk are you? 07:50 Derek-cam 35 miles east of central London 07:50 Derek-cam In Kent 07:51 Derek-cam Do you have Skype or MSN messenger? 07:56 Derek-cam Castle IE 07:56 carol I think we have msn....not sure...looks like a castle. Love that area. My daughter and I were their in that area from London to Scotland in 02 07:57 Derek-cam On MSN and Skype I often have video chats with friends around the world 07:59 carol Mind The Gap!!!!!. Gotta love the "puter" world I gotta go to work..Thanks for running the cam .....We soooo appreciate all of you! 07:59 Derek-cam ok 08:00 Rich Have a good day carol 08:03 carol ta ta 4 now. Ya all have a great day 08:38 Rich Interesting preplay at OF 08:40 Derek-cam I wasn't looking at the screen 08:40 Derek-cam What happened 08:41 Rich 2 distinct 'bursts' with nothing in between. 08:41 Rich First was h2o and the second was steam 08:58 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090410059 http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090410060 http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090410061 http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090410062 09:05 Derek-cam I couldn't see anything strange based on a set of still images taken at about 30 seconds apart. 09:05 Derek-cam Bear in mind it's been quite some time since I was O.F. on the static cam 09:06 Derek-cam watched 09:06 Rich The other preplays that I've seen have just been steam 09:06 Rich continuous 09:06 Derek-cam All preplays have bursts of water 09:07 Derek-cam As you only see a still image you could quite easily miss the short burst of water 09:07 Derek-cam Now you will save up for broadband :-) 09:08 Rich lol 09:09 Derek-cam Look way to the left 09:09 Derek-cam Could be grand 09:09 Rich wait 6 minutes 09:09 Derek-cam Yes it is grand 09:10 Derek-cam You can log that as IE, because I didn't see it start 09:12 Derek-cam On the zoomed in streaming cam I can make out the water jets 09:12 Derek-cam So it can only be Grand 09:12 Rich ah 09:14 Rich My first capture for Grand ie 10:08:15 09:14 Derek-cam ok 09:19 Derek-cam Indicator IE 09:20 CC Hi 09:20 Derek-cam Beehive 09:20 Derek-cam 10:20 09:20 CC okay 09:21 CC beautiful:) 09:21 Rich Hi CC 09:21 CC Hi Rich 09:22 CC wow it is a strong eruption today 09:22 Derek-cam Indicator is strong too 09:22 CC This geyser loves me 09:23 CC I just logged on and Bingo....eruption 09:24 CC Derek...Victor took the grandkids to the park so they could play for a while 09:24 Derek-cam Peace for Grandma :-) 09:24 CC piece and quiet for a few minutes 09:24 CC when they come back I will have to make lunch 09:26 Derek-cam plume 09:27 Derek-cam at 10:26 09:27 Derek-cam CC, what time does Gary start today? 09:28 CC I believe 5:30 EDT 09:28 Derek-cam Will you take it at 5:00 please? 09:28 CC You are having a busy morning...lots of eruptions 09:28 CC Of course 09:28 Derek-cam Great 09:29 CC any animals 09:29 Derek-cam None so far 09:29 CC looks like alot of snow had melted 10:07 Derek-cam OF in preplay 10:15 Derek-cam 11:15 O.F. 10:31 Derek plume 10:31 Derek 11:31 10:32 Derek That's 65 minute interval 10:33 Derek So next should be due at 12:36 11:47 CC OF 12:26 11:54 Rich Think that was a prediction for Plume 11:54 CC what was a prediction for? 11:55 Rich OF ie 12:47:46 11:55 Rich Derek's last post time 11:56 CC I guess I wrote the time wrong for OF 11:56 Rich k 11:56 CC would have been 12:36 11:56 CC thanks Rich 11:57 Rich np, my fingers and my mind seldom connect. 12:01 CC Rich I still was wrong....OF at 12:46 12:01 Rich np 12:01 CC I am so confused now 12:02 CC I have the grandkids here and there is so much noise I just can't think 12:02 Rich I was when I missread Derek's msg, I thought he had a short interval for OF. 12:02 Rich They can do that to you. 12:02 Rich You are probably lucky to know which day it is. 12:02 Rich lol 12:02 CC They want my total attention....I wish Derek would hurry back 12:03 Rich Mom always like visiting her grandchildred, she could always go home. 12:11 CC I will be back at 5:00 12:11 Derek ok 12:50 Rich If I don't make it back before you leave, Happy Easter. 12:50 Rich I'm off to the grocery store. 14:01 CC hi 14:01 CC anything happening 14:01 Derek Hi 14:01 Derek OF at 2:19 14:01 Derek Lion at 2:51 14:02 CC okay 14:02 CC I just have to load the cam and I will take it 14:02 Derek So everything has errupted already 14:02 CC yep 14:02 CC should be quiet 14:03 Derek So you can just look for wildlife :-) 14:04 CC thanks 14:04 Derek Is Graham normal times tomorrow? 14:30 CC Daisy 15:29 14:33 Anna Nobody home? 14:33 Anna Oh hi Rich 14:33 Rich Hi Anna 14:34 Rich I just got back from shopping, FOOD!!! YEAH! 14:34 Anna I just got my geyser list serve note (I have them bundled to arrive once a day) and there was chat about running bison and 14:35 Anna a griz. Was that yesterday? 14:35 Anna I need food, but I'll have to go fix it. Blahn 14:35 Anna er, blah. 14:35 Rich I haven't read the listserv yet 14:35 Rich I now have to fix anything I bought. 14:35 Rich But brownies are easy. lol 14:36 Rich I was only on yesterday in the morning, not much was happening. 14:37 Rich do you have any maps of the area covered by the webcams? 14:38 Anna I've been referring back to Scott Bryan's book. I need a good UGB map. a big one that i can actually see. 14:39 Rich CC sent me a scan of Upper Geyser Basin South brochure map. 14:39 Anna I'll have to go dig thru my stash for one. Good idea. 14:39 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/ugbsouth.jpgugbsouth 14:40 Rich I uploaded it to my website 14:40 Rich Doesn't cover OF but does have Lion et al. 14:41 Rich I know that the brochure maps are out there, I've owned some in the past. I'm surprised they aren't available online. 14:43 Graham hello 14:43 Graham theres Plume 1542ie 14:49 Rich OF ie 15:44:22 14:50 Graham I was chatting, missed it 14:51 Rich You snuck in under the radar. 14:51 Rich I had to reload the chat log. 14:51 Rich Hi Graham 14:52 Anna I just dug thru my most-likely-to -have-maps pile and my booklets aren't there. Now I really have to dig. 14:52 Rich Seems like I don't get a refresh during OF sometimes. 14:53 Rich LOL, I know the feeling, I can 'see' my box of vacation stuff, but don't know where the box is located. 14:53 Graham yeah it gets tempramental sometimes 14:53 Rich Hi guest696310 14:53 Graham I guess Gary is running the cam now 14:54 Rich I 'could' pick a time when nothing is happening to do it's own thing. lol 14:55 Rich CC had it the last I knew, but there could have been a shift change. 14:55 Rich Earlier discuss had him in at 5:30 14:56 Graham yeah thats his usual Friday time I think 14:56 Rich Graham, I was going back thru this mornings captures and found this one http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/Aurum200904100… 14:56 Rich I was wondering if it Aurum ie or just steaming like they do in the mornings/evenings sometimes. 14:57 Graham Its not ie, its a big geyser really 14:58 Rich ok, it just had such good shape. 14:58 Rich Thank you 14:59 Rich Beehive was nice and 'clean' today, I could see water most of the time. 15:00 Graham good, i missed it again 15:01 Rich Sorry I missed you yesterday. I have a friend recovering from pneumonia and she was feeling depressed, so I stayed all day to keep her company. 15:02 Graham oh ok, I was alone most of the evening but I had stuff to do around here 15:03 Rich I'll have to 'arrange' for alternate enterainment for you when I'm gone. lol 15:04 Graham haha yeah, dancing bears? 15:04 Rich And a Giantess. 15:04 Graham that would be good, I have never seen it start 15:05 Rich Just call me Ringly. 15:05 Rich Barnham is on vacation. 15:05 Graham well I am not going to stay tonight, going out to dinner 15:06 Graham getting my own back for yesterday :) 15:06 Rich Good 15:06 Rich Everyone needs a 'night' out. 15:06 Rich lol 15:06 Graham bye 15:07 Rich bye, have a good time. 15:16 Rich Hi sparekitty 15:17 Rich Anna, in answer to your listserv question - I believe that was a response to an earlier quest as to the specific bear. As far as I know no new sightings since the one seen in the underpass area at the OF turn off. 15:58 Anna Thanks, I'm back. Trying to find sewing coupons for a project. 15:58 Anna and eating 15:59 Anna Hi sparekitty 16:00 Anna Rich, do you have the cam now? 16:03 Rich No, Gary in Oregon does. 16:04 Anna So the person with the cam might not be in the chat room? 16:04 Rich correct 16:04 Anna I learn something every day. 16:05 Rich Gary doesn't visit this room. 16:05 Rich As far as I know. 16:06 Anna if we see something, is there a way to have him zoom in on it? 16:06 Rich Not to my knowledge 16:06 Anna got it. 16:06 Rich CC, Derek and Graham are the other 3 cam operators 16:06 Rich They at least monitor this room. 16:06 Anna ok 16:07 Anna so are there any predictions? 16:07 Rich I just started geyser gazing earlier this year. 16:07 Anna me, too! 16:07 Anna but I get to see way more from the cam sitting here in Ohio than i do out working out there! 16:07 Rich prediction for OF is 15:45 16:08 Rich lol 16:08 Anna and we don't have easy internet access out there. must go into West yell. 16:08 Rich Between you and me starting to 'predict', Graham picked up on it and now asks me. lol 16:09 Rich Well maybe when the phone companies get it together and put in WiFi everywhere -- --- 16:09 Anna I'd be happy to have a dial up line in our apt! 16:10 Rich Contact with the 'world'? 16:10 Anna that too. 16:10 Rich Surprised that the Inn doesn't have wifi. 16:11 Anna I don't think they do, but we're 16 miles south at madison--the black hole of communications! 16:11 Anna We do pay for a land line phone in our apt. the cells won't work at all. 16:12 Rich I live in one of those, I think, cell phone service in my part of town is spotty at best. 16:12 Rich have to go outside to get a couple of bars. 16:12 Anna not too bad here any more, except our metal roof seems to interfere sometimes. 16:14 Rich I live in the foothills of the Sierra's, lots of ridges and valleys 16:15 Anna too bad for you. i live in one of the flattest counties in the US. 16:16 Rich Service is getting better, but they still need to put a few more towers around the area. 16:16 Anna is that lionees or or big cub or something spurting now? 16:17 Rich I'm on the static cam 16:17 Rich OF was just steaming 16:17 Rich steam at Giantess on the back right 16:18 Rich the little steam next to Giantess is Aurum 16:18 Anna There was something on live cam 16:19 Rich k 16:20 Rich earlie in the morning and anytime from now til dusk, lots of things steam. 16:21 Rich I collect the images and then if something 'looks' like it is doing something I try and get someone else to confirm or deny like I did with the Aurum one today with Graham 16:23 Anna did i read that you all won't be doing the reports next week after the road opens? 16:24 Anna looks like of is in pre-play? 16:24 Anna on live cam that is. 16:25 Rich The VC will be doing Official predictions once again. 16:25 Anna My kids want me to work up there.:) 16:26 Anna will you all still be chatting anyway? 16:26 Rich Might be nice one year, but I think working out at some of the areas would be more fun, not so rushed. 16:26 Rich Of course, I'll be dragged away to my grave probably first. 16:26 Rich lol 16:27 Anna that's why I like Madison. 16:27 Rich I like it here, I've learned a lot from the cam ops. 16:27 Anna but when the new VC opens I might be talked into doing a stint up there. 16:28 Anna problem is that we call the housing are the ghetto up there. i don't know if there are any 2 br apt for seasonals. 16:28 Anna but we might not get one this year either. Beats not being there at all tho. 16:28 Anna housing area that is 16:29 Rich OF ie 17:26:14 16:30 Rich I think we stayed at Madison Campground the year before the fire. 16:30 Rich I seem to remember the little visitors center. 16:30 Anna that's us 16:30 Rich Good 16:30 Rich I liked it. 16:30 Rich Not so rushed. 16:31 Rich OF is so crowded, feels like a bargain basement sale. 16:31 Anna lol! 16:31 Rich No one stays for the full show at OF. 16:31 Rich As soon as it starts they all get up and leave. 16:32 Rich So much more to see. 16:32 Anna hmmm, either live cam is over 2 minutes behing tonite or i'm watching repeats from another time. 16:32 Anna stuff to buy. . . . 16:33 Rich I guess, but I'm always reminded of the tourist taking photos and hurrying the family along to the next lookout/viewpoint to take more photos, to 'LOOK at when we get home" 16:33 Rich lol 16:34 Anna i call it counting coup, like the native warriors used to do. others call it trophy hunting. 16:34 Rich My Dad was great, he was like us kids on vacation, he would stop at every wide spot so we could play in the streams or look at the scenery. 16:34 Rich right! 16:35 Anna i now have oF erupting on live cam 16:35 Rich That is slow 16:35 Rich Maybe a replay? 16:35 Rich I don't know if they do that. 16:36 Anna Must be. It's alo become very jumpy. 16:36 Rich We have been going to Great BAsin NP since before it was. Was just Lehman Caves when we first started going there. 16:36 Rich BEen going for over 45 years. 16:36 Rich Gary might be looking for something. 16:40 Anna well, the boys are fighting again. better go try to broker this evening's peace treaty. 16:40 Anna cu later 16:41 Rich k 16:41 Rich have a good evening and Happy Easter 17:56 Rich OF ie 18:53:03 19:29 Rich OF ie 20:28:43 19:57 Rich Nite Yellowstone April 11th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 10th, 2009 April 12th, 2009 » 06:17 CC Just waiting on OF 06:17 CC haven't seen any animals this morning 06:23 CC Hi Graham 06:24 Graham hello, how are you? 06:24 CC okay 06:24 CC nothing much happening 06:24 Graham nice and clear right now 06:24 CC yep 06:25 Graham I will not be around much till 130 06:25 CC okay 06:25 Graham then I can run the cam till dark 06:25 CC what about tomorrow 06:25 Graham not sure. my mom is here and we may go out 06:25 CC okay 06:25 Graham i will stop in and let you or derek know 06:26 CC Derek will not be on until after his usual teatime 06:26 Graham i can probably do some in the evening 06:26 CC that would be great 06:26 Graham ok, so you would like help earlier tomorrow? 06:26 CC sure if your Mom doesn't mind 06:27 Graham ok, I will stop in here if i can. we are going to brunch in the morning, then not sure what we will do 06:27 CC okay 06:27 Graham got to go, see you 06:27 CC bye 06:49 Derek Just done the lunchtime dishes 06:49 Derek May I phone you? 06:49 CC please do 07:58 Rich Hello 07:58 Derek-cam Hi 08:48 carol hello derek and rich 08:49 Rich Hi carol 09:12 Rich Was that a bison next to OF on the left? 09:12 Derek-cam Yep 09:12 Derek-cam A whole heard 09:12 Rich k 09:12 Derek-cam Heding to the right behind O.F 09:13 Rich I only had a brief glimpse so far. 09:26 Derek-cam Rich 09:27 Derek-cam I've just emailed you 2 pictures. 09:27 Rich k 09:28 Rich Checking now. 09:31 Rich Thank you, now I have a face to go with a name. 09:32 Derek-cam Hehe 09:32 Derek-cam Not bad for 60 eh? 09:32 Rich Not at all. 09:32 Derek-cam By the way, I have just spotted more Bison to the right of Castle 09:33 Rich ok 09:35 Rich I'm going to take a stab at what you are holding, something like player piano rolls but for something much bigger? 09:36 Derek-cam I'll send you the answer in a couple of minutes :-) 09:36 Rich ok 09:38 Graham im back...had a big bowl of Pho 09:38 Graham what are we looking at now? 09:38 Rich Your photo. 09:38 Graham ug! 09:39 Rich Hi Graham 09:39 Rich And what is a big bowl of Pho? 09:39 Graham Vietnamese beef noodle soup 09:39 Derek-cam Rich, I just sent another email 09:40 Rich k 09:40 Derek-cam Graham, there are Bison about 09:40 Rich ok 09:40 Derek-cam I last saw them near the river to the right of Giantess 09:41 Graham its a great broth, the thin slides beef cooks in the broth, you add hot sause, basil, been sprouts to it and then eat it with chop sticks...and a spoon 09:41 Graham k 09:41 Graham have I missed Grand or Beehive? 09:41 Derek-cam No 09:41 Derek-cam I don't think so 09:42 Rich I haven't see Beehive 09:44 Graham oki, thanks 09:44 Graham I am going to be running around for a bit. is 1:30 a good turn over time Derek? 09:45 Derek-cam Great thanks 09:45 Graham see you then 09:45 Rich Big wheels run in circles. 09:45 Derek-cam ok 09:45 Rich bye 09:46 Derek-cam What did you think of those last 2 pics Rich? 09:46 Rich Nice 09:46 Rich Carousel 09:46 Derek-cam My friend owns it. 09:46 Derek-cam He lets me feed the music into the organ 09:46 Derek-cam The whole thing is just over 100 years old 09:47 Rich Great fun. 09:47 Derek-cam It's been in his family since 1921 09:47 Derek-cam There are more pictures of it on my second website 09:48 Rich wow, such a family heirloom 09:49 Derek-cam I made a CD of the organ for my friend which he sells to people. 09:49 Rich Have to have some way to make money to maintain it, I couldn't think of a better way. 09:50 Derek-cam That carousel is his bread and butter 09:50 Derek-cam That and some smaller rides are how he makes a living 09:53 Derek-cam More bison near Beehive 09:54 Rich k 09:54 Rich Is the carousel in Kent? 09:54 Derek-cam Yes 09:54 Derek-cam It travels in 2 trucks 10:08 Derek-cam So he does take it outside Kent, sometimes into London. 10:09 Derek-cam This weekend he is on Blackheath Common, near Greenwich 10:09 Rich ok 10:32 Graham im back 10:32 Derek-cam The herd of some 50plus bison were last seen where the cam is now pointing. 10:33 Derek-cam I don't know that area 10:33 Derek-cam But you probably do :-) 10:34 Graham looks like the back of Geyser Hill? 10:34 Derek-cam To the right of Dome 10:34 Graham yeah theres some grass up there 10:34 Graham its near the Observation Point Trail 10:35 Derek-cam OK it's yours :-) 10:35 Graham theres some grass on that side of the rever past the cabins 10:35 Graham ok 10:35 Graham any eruption times? 10:35 Derek-cam 11:07 OF 10:36 Derek-cam The last Plume I caught was 8:08 10:36 Graham I saw that plume 10:36 Derek-cam Yesterday, Plume had 65 minute intervals 10:37 Derek-cam Looks like steam from Lioness and Big Cub too 10:37 Graham yeah thats abouit what I saw, 62-72 min 10:37 Derek-cam Have you ever seen Goggles? 10:38 Graham beehive looks pretty quiet 10:38 CC I haven't 10:38 Graham I have sene North Goggles minors 10:38 CC taking a sewing break 10:38 Derek-cam Hi CC 10:38 Rich Hi CC 10:38 Graham about 6-8' high and last less than 1min 10:38 Graham hello Carolyn 10:39 Derek-cam CC, there were 50 plus Bison in that herd 10:39 Graham never seen Goggles SPring erupt tho 10:39 Derek-cam They all headed way over to the right of Dome 10:40 CC wow 10:40 CC but they just continued to graze...correct? 10:40 Derek-cam Yep, no panic 10:41 Graham maybe headed to Pipeline Meadows 10:41 Derek-cam Graham said there is some nice grass over that way 11:18 Rich See you later, I need to make a trip to the store. 11:18 Rich Watch Beehive for me. 11:18 Graham bye 11:18 Rich bye 11:42 Graham Plume 1323 11:42 Graham oops 1242 11:52 Graham OF 1249 12:12 Graham Daisy 1310 12:46 Graham Plume 1345 12:47 Derek OK :-) 12:47 Graham only caught the last burst 13:24 Graham OF 1419 13:55 Graham Lion 1450 14:10 Graham Grand 1508 14:10 Derek Nice 14:10 Graham lucky timing for me moving the camera there! 14:20 Graham Daisy 1520ie 14:22 Derek I wonder if CC will be back in here today? 14:23 Graham she will be I expect, checking on Beehive 14:24 Derek As I'm going to bed in a few minutes would you pass on my hours to her. 38. Thanks 14:27 Derek Gotta go now, wife is calling. Goodnight 14:28 Graham ok see you 14:28 Graham will let her know 14:53 Graham OF 1548 14:56 Graham Plume 1554 15:18 Graham Lion 1617 15:24 Graham Depression 1622 15:48 Rich Boy, you've had a busy time. 16:03 Graham Plume 1702 16:04 Graham yeah, got some nice stuff. Still no Beehive 16:04 Rich I didn't figure it would go today 16:04 Rich Seems to be a pattern. 16:04 Rich see it for 3 days then miss the 4th. 16:05 Rich then it starts again. 16:05 Rich Probably just my feeble mind. 16:06 Rich Maybe it is me that has the pattern. 16:06 Graham ni, it does do that, throws in a couple of short intervals and gets back to daytime 16:06 Rich whew, I'm only partially crazy. 16:11 Rich Have the bison come back? 16:20 Rich Is there any correlation between tidal influences and eruptions? 16:25 Rich OF ie 17:23:29 16:26 Graham no bison this afternoon 16:26 Rich ty 16:26 Graham i think there was a theory on moons effect on geysers but no convincing evidence 16:27 Graham im am afk most of the time here so don't be surprised if I dont reply 16:27 Rich ok, since the magma isn't directly in contact with the water. 16:27 Rich That's ok, you are allowed to have a life. 16:27 Rich lol 16:28 Graham Lion is trying 16:30 Graham Daisy 1729 17:08 Rich Plume ie 18:06:52 17:09 Graham did I miss it? 17:09 Rich I think so 17:09 Rich I had a little steam at the ground then a lot in the air 17:16 Rich If it happens again soon, we know I'm also blind. 17:16 Graham ok, its getting late for it based on recent intervals, so you probably got it 17:49 Graham Beehive 1848 17:49 Graham indicator was going before 17:51 Rich Beehive 17:55 Rich Indicator 18:47:20 Beehive ie 18:50:40 17:58 Rich Bison behind Plume 17:59 Graham short indicator 17:59 Graham yeah I see the herd now 18:00 Rich I captured the indicator, didn't even notice, I was head to put dinner on. 18:05 Graham Plume 1904 18:06 Graham I just saw the steam drifting into the frame at OF 18:09 Graham OF 1906 18:43 Graham Saisy 1940 18:43 Graham Daisy that is! 18:47 Rich Are those people out on the boardwalk? 18:48 Rich I saw them out by Beehive 18:49 Graham not sure. watching for Castle..haha 18:49 Rich k 18:49 Rich they headed toward OF 19:11 Graham Plume 2010 19:30 Graham I am out of here. May get OF before dark 19:30 Graham see ya 19:31 Rich Nite Graham 19:31 Rich ok 19:43 Rich OF ie 20:442:11 19:44 Rich 20:42:11 19:57 Rich Nite Little Cub April 12th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 11th, 2009 April 13th, 2009 » 06:07 CC The first eruption I caught this morning was at 6:56 (IE) 07:28 Rich OF ie 08:24:20 07:29 CC Hi Rich 07:29 CC OF at 8:24 AM (IE) 07:30 Rich Hi CC 07:30 Rich Happy Easter 07:30 CC will you be home all day 07:30 CC the same to you 07:30 Rich As far as I know 07:31 Rich ty 07:32 CC I will be home for a short while longer and then will be going out for a few hours 07:32 CC Derek will not be on the cam until after 3:15PM EDT 07:32 Rich ok 07:32 Rich If I see a bear I'll call you. lol 07:33 CC sounds good lol 07:33 CC Graham will check in during the day but I don 07:33 CC don't know when 07:33 Rich np 07:33 Rich Think he was going to breakfast with his Mom. 07:34 CC yep 07:34 Rich I'll make sure Giantess goes off. 07:34 CC today is a beautiful day in the basin 07:34 Rich Very 07:35 CC in a few days we will be people again and the VC will start predicting again 07:35 Rich My Sister said there were people on the board walk early this morning. 07:35 Rich lol 07:35 CC there are people there getting ready for the spring and summer season 07:35 CC we leave for the park in one month 07:35 Rich Beehive indicator was short yesterday, I just about missed it. 07:36 Rich I saw a couple on the boardwalk last night out by Beehive 07:36 CC we are driving and stopping in Omaha to visit my son and his family 07:36 Rich Stop by Ashfall, NE 07:36 CC what's there 07:36 Rich Great dinasours 07:37 Rich 3 Dimensional, they were trapped in the ash fall 07:37 CC how close is it to Omaha 07:37 Rich And the ash came from the same hot spot that is now Yellowstone 07:37 CC sounds interesting but I will be anxious to get to the Park 07:37 Rich West and North maybe 100 miles 07:37 Rich Google it anyway, might be worth a stop on the way back home. 07:38 CC haven't seen any animals this morning 07:39 Rich Was a big herd of Bison yesterday 07:39 CC Derek called me and logged in for a few minutes 07:39 Rich k 07:39 CC I was quilting and trying to finish a quilt for my grand daughter 07:40 CC I did see them though 07:40 Rich Busy little bee. lol 07:41 Rich http://ashfall.unl.edu/ 07:55 Rich People at OF 07:57 CC got the m on the cam but don't have any idea if they are workers or the biked in 07:57 Rich k 08:03 CC going to be heading out....see you later 08:03 Rich Have a nice day cylater 08:55 Rich ?Oblong ie 09:45:02 08:57 Rich OF ie 09:53:39 08:59 Graham hell 09:04 Rich Hello 09:04 Rich One of 'those' days? 09:05 Rich Just discussing with my Sister, she thought she saw a black speck back by the treeline on the left in the static cam. 09:05 Graham ohum.......unfortunate missed "o" there 09:05 Rich But neither one of got a capture. 09:05 Rich lol 09:05 Graham ok, well it probably was a blcak spec 09:06 Rich yep 09:06 Rich I told her to get the windex out. 09:07 Rich The above ?Oblong ran a little over 7 minutes, then stopped and then did a burst, then stopped. 09:07 Graham hum, so total time was around 10min? 09:08 Rich I'll check 09:08 Graham sounds like a 2 burst Grand 09:08 Rich Yes 09:09 Rich 10 minutes span 09:09 Graham thats Grand. Oblong is about 6min 09:09 Graham and it doesn't do a second burst :) 09:10 Rich 09:45:02 - 09:55:42 09:10 Rich k 09:10 Graham thats Grand then, looks a lot more vertical than Oblong 09:10 Rich The wind had to change directions in the middle of it so was difficult to see some of the time. 09:10 Rich ok 09:10 Graham Oblong could be going now, or its Turban and Vent 09:11 Rich scratch the above ?Oblong, insert Grand ie 09:45:02 09:12 Rich Derek mentioned the 6 min eruption time for Oblong the other day, but I didn't know if it had any variance. 09:12 Rich but 6 minutes it is. 09:12 Rich I also had a possible Plume at 09:12:54 09:13 Graham its pretty regular at 6min. I have seen a 10min Oblong but that was very unusual and it was a few years ago when Oblong was having eruptions in series 09:13 Rich I saw a little h2o 09:13 Rich ok 09:14 Rich The wind has been shifting this morning, so I didn't have any 'clear' clues if it was Plume. 09:14 Graham ok, I have zoomed in on it to see if it goes again 09:15 Rich early this morning there was steam over at Solitary, figure it was the morning steam. 09:15 Graham it erupts quite frequently 09:16 Rich OF went off just at total dark last night, could tell it was IE but didnt' get a good first capture time. 09:16 Rich Just the blue outline against the sky 09:16 Graham yeah i thought it would just go in time since it gets dark so late 09:17 Graham the streaming cam goes dark before the static cam 09:17 Rich I was starting to get that impression from your exit times. lol 09:19 Graham its also bed time for me, I am not a late nighter 09:19 Rich k 09:20 Rich I haven't seen any splash from Indicator yet 09:21 Graham no splash from Beehive?> 09:22 Rich well, no splash in the area anyway. 09:22 Rich I take that Indicator doesn't splash but Beehive does? 09:23 Graham indicator doesn't really splash until maybe it does one small splash right before it starts. Beehive does lots of splashes...it has been splashing a bit already 09:23 Rich ok 09:24 Rich <====commits to 'hard' memory. 09:24 Graham people watchiong closely can see water rizing in the indicator and/or a splash 09:25 Rich ok 09:25 Graham hum, streaming cam keeps disconnectine me 09:27 Rich not nice 09:27 Rich Some server along the way maybe doing housekeeping. 09:29 Graham theres Plume 1028 09:29 Rich k 09:30 Graham hard to tell on that shot 09:31 Rich I missed the frame 09:31 Rich have 1027 and 1029 09:32 Graham it showed up a bit later but the steam was blowing this way so not very clear in the pic 09:32 Rich ok 10:16 Rich We have an animal at the benches 10:17 Graham yeah, that means theres a bench there too 10:19 Rich What is the animal? 10:19 Rich Human? 10:19 Rich Really funny shape 10:19 Rich Lois suggests a whale dorsal fin up. 10:20 Graham whats she been drinking? 10:21 Rich It appeared at 11:14 10:23 Rich Sniffing ginger, she is making a cheesecake with grahamcracker/gingersnap crust. 10:26 Rich Lois would like you to run over there and kick it to see what it is. 10:26 Graham ouch! 10:27 Rich lol 10:27 Rich Is it a person sitting there? 10:28 Graham yeah 10:28 Rich thank you, was driving us crazy trying to figure it out. They sure don't move much. 10:29 Graham OF 1128 10:33 Rich Bet he is a wildlife photographer, anyone that can sit that long without moving. 10:39 Rich After that excitement, I'll brb, snack break. 10:40 Graham k 10:46 Graham Plume 1145 10:58 Rich I found a brownie the Bunny misssed. 10:58 Rich so had milk and brownie. 10:59 Graham lucky u 11:00 Rich Plume on a 75 minute 'schedule'? 11:00 Rich I'll share. 11:01 Graham about that, a bit slow today 11:06 CC Hi everyojne 11:06 Graham Hi there 11:07 Graham how are you? 11:07 CC good 11:07 CC what time did you get on 11:07 CC I got your e-mail 11:07 Graham a couple of hours ago. am planning to go out tho 11:08 Rich wb CC 11:09 CC okay let me know and Iwill take the cam then if Derek isn't back 11:09 Graham ok, I will go now if thats ok? 11:09 Rich later Graham 11:09 CC sure 11:10 CC I 've got it 11:10 Graham we had OF at 1128 and Plume 1145 on ~75min intervals 11:10 Graham Rich saw Grand at 0945 11:11 Graham see you later 11:11 CC bye 11:38 Rich 2 people out by Beehive 11:38 CC yep 11:38 CC I think the same two from this morning 11:39 Rich Making the loop. 11:55 CC wind is blowing right towards the cam 11:56 Rich Been a good wind also, I watch the sign by the sidewalk bounce up and down. 11:57 CC plume 12 :57 11:58 CC OF 12:58 12:00 CC I do believe this OF was a short 12:03 CC Lion 15:03 12:06 CC Sorry Lion is 13:03 12:06 Rich np 12:12 Derek Hi 12:13 CC how was your day 12:13 Derek Fine thanks, I'll show you some video in a couple of days. I still have tomorrow to add to it. 12:14 Rich Hi Derek 12:14 Derek Hi 12:14 CC are you ready to take the cam 12:14 Derek I already have it :-) 12:14 CC oh good...I can sew now 13:10 Rich OF ie 14:09:07 13:33 Rich Lion ie 14:32:33 13:39 Graham hello 13:40 Graham back from a trip to Great Falls 13:40 Derek Hi 13:40 Rich hi Graham 13:40 Derek Beehive was at 13:25 13:41 Graham ok, pat sent me a screen shot of it 13:42 Graham how long are you son for Derek? 13:43 Derek 17:00 edt 13:43 Graham ok. Is CC coming back then?> 13:43 Derek I don't know 13:43 Derek She said she has sewing to do. 13:43 Graham ok, well I will be around so I can run the cam 13:43 Graham be back at 1700 14:04 Graham I have not seen castle today or yesterday 14:04 Derek Me neither 14:06 Derek You can take it when you're ready 14:06 Graham ok 14:06 Derek I'm off downstairs. 14:06 Graham ok see you 14:06 Derek Goodnight 14:07 Graham night 14:17 CC I am back 14:17 CC Graham are you going to stay on the cam til dark 14:18 CC taking a sewing break 14:19 Graham i am on the cam now, you can have it if you wish and I can resume later 14:19 CC that is okay if you don't mind staying on 14:19 Graham ok, I will stay till dark 14:20 Graham I am sitting back from the keyboard so you won't hear much from me 14:20 CC thanks 14:20 CC and thanks for taking the cam this morning 14:48 Graham OF 1541 14:55 Rich away bb shortly, going for a walk. 15:34 Graham Oblong 1632 16:24 Rich OF ie 17:19:54 16:24 Graham it was 1718 16:24 Graham Plume 1723 16:31 Rich Bird 16:31 Rich Turkey vulture? 16:34 Graham missed it 16:35 Rich Big black speck in the sky. lol 16:35 Rich Looked like it had a dark head. 16:36 Graham probably a bird 16:37 Rich Maybe a pig??? 16:37 Rich I heard somewhere that they could fly. 16:37 Rich lol 16:38 Rich I know it was the Easter Bunny headed home after a hard day delivering eggs. 17:19 Graham Grand 1818 17:22 Graham Daisy 1822ie 17:33 Graham Plume 1832 18:04 Graham OF 1903 18:41 Graham Plume 1937 18:43 Rich Graham have you been able to see Plume? 18:43 Rich I just saw what looked like h2o. 18:43 Rich Oh, I should have reloaded a little sooner 18:44 Rich ty 18:45 Graham yeah 1723, 1832, 1937 18:45 Graham a lot of plume 18:49 Rich I count 8 for the day. 19:22 Graham ok, what was the range of intervals and the average? hehe 19:24 Rich lol 19:25 Rich At this time of the day, You WANT WHAT???? 19:25 Rich lol 19:25 Graham get to work, what have you been doing all day? 19:25 Rich I've done 660 captures 19:26 Rich what is the interval and average for them? 19:26 Graham and no bears in any of them 19:26 Rich none whatso ever. 19:26 Rich Teach me to get up early in the morning 19:27 Rich And that's not counting the dups I've deleted. 19:27 Graham theres OF 2027 19:28 Rich Plume ie 09:12:54Plume 1028Plume 1145Plume 12:57Plume ie 14:17:04Plume 1723Plume 1832Plume 1937 19:29 Graham did you fall asleep between 1500 and 1700? 19:30 Rich I must have, I think I went for my walk 19:30 Rich 1/2 hour in there somewhere. 19:30 Graham well i am out of here 19:30 Graham goodnight 19:30 Rich just after 1500 19:30 Rich nite 20:06 Rich Nite Yellowstone, have a good night. April 13th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 12th, 2009 April 14th, 2009 » 06:33 carol old faithful 0728 ns 07:20 CC Hi Rich 07:20 CC OF at 7:27AM 07:21 CC Castle was in eruption at 7:20 AM 07:22 Rich Hi CC 07:22 Rich Takes a while for my end to get loaded. lol 07:23 CC early for you this morning 07:24 Rich I didn't do breakfast first. 07:24 Rich 'Had' to get back to gg. 07:24 CC some elk on the streaming cam 07:24 CC they are really moving 07:25 Rich Sunset was really nice last night. The evening closed out with OF and Grand/Oblong?. 07:25 Rich All I could see of the G/O was the outline above the treeline. 07:25 Rich cool 07:26 CC started snowing lightly in the basin 07:27 Rich I couldn't get logged into YNet last night, so just posted this morning. 07:27 CC good 07:27 Rich I figured it blow up a blizzard around the 16th. 07:27 CC the elk have stopped running and now are looking around 07:28 Rich Being chased? 07:28 CC don't think so 07:28 CC I don't see anything else moving at this time 07:29 Rich ok 07:29 Rich Were you trying to make an avatar/icon a while back? 07:30 Rich In YNet Photography there is a link to a program to do it. 07:30 Rich It is an online program. 07:30 CC they are behind the dome now....should be on the static cam soon if they keep moving 07:31 CC Derek help me make the picture of the Cam smaller and then I posted it 07:31 Rich ok 07:32 CC when I used the picture I originally used the program said it was to large 07:32 CC elk still are not visible 07:35 CC Derek won't be on today until after 3:15 EDT 07:37 Rich k 07:43 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090412678 07:44 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090412690 07:44 Rich The last one looks like maybe it is Lion/Little Cub 07:46 Rich Hi guest891363 07:47 CC waiting on OF 07:48 CC it is now in it's window 07:49 CC OF 8:49 07:49 CC Rich I will be back later 07:50 Rich ok 08:38 Rich Graham - the average interval for Plume yesterday was 70.625 minutes. 09:24 Rich OF ie 19:23:17 10:19 Rich Plume ie 10:05:48 10:20 Rich Plume ie 11:17:55 10:32 Rich OF should have been 10:32 Rich OF ie 10:23:17\ 10:49 Rich OF ie 11:48:45 11:23 CC Hi 11:33 Rich wb 11:34 Rich Think there was just a Plume ie 12:28:33 11:34 Rich Hi Kent 11:35 Rich Hi guest747453 11:35 CC I have been waiting for Beehive 11:35 CC and watching for Lion 11:37 Kent Dropped by for Beehive. Hope CC's luck holds. 11:37 Rich Lion tried once 11:37 Rich I've see a little activity at Beehive 11:39 Rich Never saw the Elk make it over this way. 11:39 CC I was just thinking about that myself 11:40 CC I never saw them once they went behind dome 11:47 Anna Hi all, are we watching lion at the moment? 11:48 Anna and / or BH? 11:48 Rich Hi Anna 11:48 Anna howdy 11:48 Rich yep 11:48 Anna who's got the cam? 11:48 Rich The crowd has arrived. lol 11:48 Rich cc 11:49 Anna hail, hail, the gang's all here--tho I'm pretty much the party crasher!:* 11:50 Rich lol 11:50 Rich Crashers soon be come fixtures. 11:51 Rich Looks like that funny white stuff is coming this way. 11:55 CC bison in the meadow behind dome and snow flakes coming down 11:58 CC beehive seems to have calmed down...sorry Kent 11:59 Kent That's OK, I've got to go back to work anyhow. 11:59 Rich Give Lion a minute 12:01 CC Hi Anna 12:02 Anna Hi cc, what's shakin'? 12:02 CC was hoping for beehive but it seems to have quieted 12:02 Anna shucks. 12:03 CC OF should be going in a short whle 12:03 Anna cool. need my OF fix 12:04 CC another few minutes and it will be in it's window 12:05 Anna good. time for me to print some stuff for #1 son. 12:09 Derek Hi 12:09 CC hi 12:10 CC OF should be erupting shortly 12:10 Derek If you pop back in at 4:00 I might have some video for you. 12:10 CC okay...I am going to sew now 12:10 Derek I have control 12:11 Rich Hi Derek 12:16 Derek Hi Rich 12:17 Derek plume 12:17 Derek Can you see it? 12:17 Derek 13:17 12:18 Derek The static cam is missing the bursts 12:18 Rich yep 12:20 Derek There are Bison too 12:21 Rich CC had some around dome 12:21 Derek To the left of the static, there is a valley with a few trees. Thats where they are 12:22 Rich ty 12:23 Rich I'll run back thru a few captures and see if anything moves 12:23 Derek ok 12:27 Rich found them 12:27 Derek Great 12:27 Rich at the back edge of the snowfield 12:27 Derek Yep 12:28 Derek They are at the extreme range of the streaming cam, even at full zoom. 12:29 Rich I see little black spots moving to the right 12:31 Rich brb 12:36 Rich b 12:39 carol Hi rich and derek was looking 2 c if beehive had done its thing. Did u-all catch it yesterday? 12:40 Derek I was out for most of yesterday 12:41 Derek Hang on, BH was 13:25 yesterday 12:42 Derek I did see it. 12:42 Rich Hasn't done anything today yet, a little splaching 12:45 Rich sorry about the double up on info, I didn't reload when I got back. 12:45 carol ty! I've been checking in most of the morning and haven't seen much thought it might have gone overnite. monday and tuesdays are my g-kid babysitting days I ck the cams during the day 12:46 carol A great day is a blue sky bh/of dual:) 12:47 Rich Well a half hour ago it was looking like snow. 12:49 carol forcast I saw last night showed a storm coming in from the west 12:50 carol rich are you in Paradise CA? 12:51 Rich Yes 12:51 Rich We had a front move thru a couple of days ago. 12:52 Rich My Sister in Washington State says that Rainier and Mt St. Helens are getting snow now. 12:52 carol Its sunny down here in Placerville, CA but looks like big billowy cloud up your way 12:53 Rich Sunshine 12:53 Rich above 50 again. lol 12:53 Rich I've been watching my apple trees blossoming. 12:54 carol yep in the 60's here....cold front coming down from washington area on wed 12:55 carol dogwoods gunna bloom soon!!! 12:55 Rich They are beginning to bloom here 12:55 Rich Pinks are a little slower. 12:56 carol We still have one more snow to go....Pinks are my fav! 12:56 Rich Redbuds have been blooming for a couple of weeks now. 12:56 Rich My camelias are just about done. 12:59 carol hum. Did you c OF at 6:30ish our time this am Not much steam and sun was shinning on it like a strobe lite. My camelias are just now blooming... not to many buds I forgot to cover em during the cold snap:( 13:01 Rich I wasn't quite up yet at 6:30 13:02 CC The first OF that I saw this morning was at 7:27 AM MDT 13:02 carol Hi CC 13:03 CC Unless it was a short at 6:30ish that was not OF 13:03 CC Hi Carol 13:03 carol yep that was it 13:03 Derek CC, I have that video ready 13:03 CC okay 13:03 CC let me log on 13:04 CC I have logged on 13:04 CC picture no sound 13:04 CC yep 13:05 CC yes 13:05 carol Sorry 630 pst 730ish MDT:)>- 13:05 CC yep that was the end of OF 13:06 CC is that your friends organ music 13:07 CC nice to put a face to the music 13:08 CC here come the steam engines 13:10 CC where is Beryl 13:11 CC oh 13:11 CC those steam engines are interesting 13:13 CC they are all so different 13:15 carol little cub 13:16 Derek BH still splashing 13:29 carol Hi guest 93455 13:32 Rich bb in about 30 minutes, walk time. 13:33 CC okay 13:39 Graham hi there 13:39 CC hi 13:39 Derek Hi Graham 13:40 Graham lots of people! 13:40 CC you are home early 13:40 Graham on Beehive watch? 13:40 CC yes 13:40 Derek I'm streaming a video to CC while watchin BH 13:40 Graham yeah I couldn't concentrate at work so came home earlier 13:40 CC you can take the cam if you like when Derek is finished 13:41 Graham ok 13:43 Graham glad you caught Castle, no idea what its been up to recently. 13:49 CC what's happening with beehive 13:49 CC thanks 13:50 CC yep 13:51 CC thanks it looked like a great day...I loved the music 13:52 Derek It was great being there 13:52 CC the video stopped and media player shut down 13:52 Derek That was the end 13:52 CC oh 13:52 CC it got so foggy in the basin 13:52 CC it was so clear all day 13:55 Rich Hi Graham 13:55 Graham hey Rich 13:56 Rich I left you a note here earlier. 13:56 Rich 70.625 13:57 Graham yeah thanks, i saw it 13:57 Rich k 13:58 Graham nice series of Plumes yesterday 13:58 Graham have we had Plume or Grand today or Lion? 13:58 Derek I think I caught the tail end of Grand 13:58 Rich I caught h2o at Plume at 10:05:48 13:59 Graham when Derek? 13:59 Derek Today, PLUME at 11:10, I missed the next, then at 13:17 13:59 Graham ok, thanks 14:00 Derek OK, it's yours Graham. I left it on BH. 14:00 Graham ok, now the weather has gone bad :) 14:02 Rich I think I caught Lion at 20:54:40 at dark last night. 14:03 Derek CC, if you like, I can also send you a few digital photos of this weekend's festival. 14:09 Graham Plume at 1509 14:09 Derek That's early 14:10 Graham yep, assuming its a double interval 14:15 CC Derek I would love to see the digital photos 14:15 Derek ok 14:16 Derek I'll select a few 14:18 Graham Pat said Plume was 1414 14:19 Graham Grand 1315 14:21 Rich Indicator 14:22 Derek I can't see it 14:22 Rich was about 20 feet long 14:23 Derek CC, check email 14:23 Graham just a big splash 14:23 Rich k 14:24 Graham is the static cam failing every now and then? 14:24 Rich yep 14:24 Rich especially when OF is going off. 14:24 Graham haha 14:24 Graham I keep getting the error page 14:24 Rich I'll miss 2 refreshes 14:25 Rich Doesn't seem as bad other times. 14:25 Rich But then I might just be watching it closer around eruptions. 14:26 Rich doing ok for me at the present 14:27 Derek CC are you there? 14:27 Rich Dew point has changed 14:28 Derek I'm off downstairs now. Goodnight all. 14:28 Graham bye 14:28 Rich Nite Derek 14:35 Rich . 14:37 Rich .. 14:46 CC looks like beehive is steaming more heavily 14:47 Graham yeah. Maybe Oblong there 1547ie 14:48 CC I think that is grand 14:48 Graham Daisy 1548ie 14:50 Graham doesn't look very vertical tho 14:56 CC maybe it was turban 14:57 Graham I think it was Oblong 14:58 CC Pat said she saw Grand at 13:15 and if that was the case then it couldn't have been grand 14:59 Graham yeah. sometimes she gets them wrong too 15:02 Rich It was blowing pretty good back then, blowing the steam down behind the trees. 15:02 CC If I leave now Beehive will probably erupt 15:02 Graham yeah. I dont see any bubblers tho 15:07 Rich Looking at the stills, 13:15 - 13:24 there was steam 15:11 Graham OF 1610 15:13 Graham Plume 1613 15:19 CC that's it for me 15:19 CC bye 15:19 Rich I missed the 1400 OF. 15:19 Rich bye 15:20 Graham bye 15:20 Graham it was about 1445 15:20 Rich That's what I calculated. OK 15:21 Rich ty 15:23 Rich I ended up with 706 captures yesterday. 15:23 Rich Was a very nice sunset 15:24 Graham teah the streaming cam view was nice too 15:26 Rich Right at dark, Lion and Oblong/Grand put up steam above the treeline. 15:27 Graham not Grand, it was 1818 15:27 Graham oblong would be right 15:28 Rich k 16:09 Graham Lion 1700 16:09 Graham Lion 1709 16:18 Graham Plume 1718 16:49 Graham OF 1748 16:54 Rich indicator? 16:54 Graham Juts Beehive steam 16:54 Rich no 16:54 Graham Indicator starts right below Lion 16:54 Rich yep 16:54 Rich k 17:18 Graham Daisy 1818 17:19 Graham Plume 1819 17:35 Rich Do we know this guy? 17:36 Graham Li0n 1835 17:36 Graham no 17:36 Rich k 18:17 Graham OF 1917 18:19 Graham OF 1919 18:20 Rich Double header? 18:20 Graham oh, hehe it was Plume 1919 18:20 Rich k 18:20 Rich It's late. 18:21 Rich Not Plume, the hour. 18:21 Graham yeah I was distracted 18:21 Rich I believe. 18:26 Rich Maybe? 18:27 Graham nope, no bears 18:28 Rich no Beehive either 18:28 Graham I still dont see the bubblers 18:29 Rich there was 'some' activity there 18:30 Graham I believe you saw some steam but it wasn't bubblers, they would still be going 18:32 Rich I'm the bubbler around here. 18:32 Rich lol 18:32 Graham haha 18:32 Rich Everything is exciting. 18:33 Rich I won't say it. 19:20 Graham Plume 2020 19:22 Rich I think Plume is stuck on double numbers 19:23 Graham Oblong 2021 19:25 Graham ooohhh 19:25 Graham indicator 2023 19:26 Graham no bubblers today 19:28 guest495907 indicatior 19:28 Graham yeah its been going a few minutes now, just in time before dark! 19:29 guest495907 weeeeeeee 19:29 Rich yes 19:33 Graham Beehive 2033 19:34 guest495907 cool!!! 19:34 Graham not very clear on the static cam 19:38 guest495907 great end to a long day! nite all 19:38 Rich Yes, but I've seen it every day for the last 9 days. 19:39 Graham well it will probably go in daylight for a couple of days now.... 19:39 Graham congratulations 19:40 Graham Daisy 2039ie 19:41 Graham lil puffs on the left side are Daisy Rich 19:41 Rich k 19:41 Rich ty 19:43 Graham im out of here. good lick with Beehive tomorrow RIch. 19:43 Graham bye 19:43 Graham lick or luck whichever you prefer 19:44 Rich nite 20:02 Rich Nite Yellowstone April 13th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 12th, 2009 April 14th, 2009 » 06:33 carol old faithful 0728 ns 07:20 CC Hi Rich 07:20 CC OF at 7:27AM 07:21 CC Castle was in eruption at 7:20 AM 07:22 Rich Hi CC 07:22 Rich Takes a while for my end to get loaded. lol 07:23 CC early for you this morning 07:24 Rich I didn't do breakfast first. 07:24 Rich 'Had' to get back to gg. 07:24 CC some elk on the streaming cam 07:24 CC they are really moving 07:25 Rich Sunset was really nice last night. The evening closed out with OF and Grand/Oblong?. 07:25 Rich All I could see of the G/O was the outline above the treeline. 07:25 Rich cool 07:26 CC started snowing lightly in the basin 07:27 Rich I couldn't get logged into YNet last night, so just posted this morning. 07:27 CC good 07:27 Rich I figured it blow up a blizzard around the 16th. 07:27 CC the elk have stopped running and now are looking around 07:28 Rich Being chased? 07:28 CC don't think so 07:28 CC I don't see anything else moving at this time 07:29 Rich ok 07:29 Rich Were you trying to make an avatar/icon a while back? 07:30 Rich In YNet Photography there is a link to a program to do it. 07:30 Rich It is an online program. 07:30 CC they are behind the dome now....should be on the static cam soon if they keep moving 07:31 CC Derek help me make the picture of the Cam smaller and then I posted it 07:31 Rich ok 07:32 CC when I used the picture I originally used the program said it was to large 07:32 CC elk still are not visible 07:35 CC Derek won't be on today until after 3:15 EDT 07:37 Rich k 07:43 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090412678 07:44 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090412690 07:44 Rich The last one looks like maybe it is Lion/Little Cub 07:46 Rich Hi guest891363 07:47 CC waiting on OF 07:48 CC it is now in it's window 07:49 CC OF 8:49 07:49 CC Rich I will be back later 07:50 Rich ok 08:38 Rich Graham - the average interval for Plume yesterday was 70.625 minutes. 09:24 Rich OF ie 19:23:17 10:19 Rich Plume ie 10:05:48 10:20 Rich Plume ie 11:17:55 10:32 Rich OF should have been 10:32 Rich OF ie 10:23:17\ 10:49 Rich OF ie 11:48:45 11:23 CC Hi 11:33 Rich wb 11:34 Rich Think there was just a Plume ie 12:28:33 11:34 Rich Hi Kent 11:35 Rich Hi guest747453 11:35 CC I have been waiting for Beehive 11:35 CC and watching for Lion 11:37 Kent Dropped by for Beehive. Hope CC's luck holds. 11:37 Rich Lion tried once 11:37 Rich I've see a little activity at Beehive 11:39 Rich Never saw the Elk make it over this way. 11:39 CC I was just thinking about that myself 11:40 CC I never saw them once they went behind dome 11:47 Anna Hi all, are we watching lion at the moment? 11:48 Anna and / or BH? 11:48 Rich Hi Anna 11:48 Anna howdy 11:48 Rich yep 11:48 Anna who's got the cam? 11:48 Rich The crowd has arrived. lol 11:48 Rich cc 11:49 Anna hail, hail, the gang's all here--tho I'm pretty much the party crasher!:* 11:50 Rich lol 11:50 Rich Crashers soon be come fixtures. 11:51 Rich Looks like that funny white stuff is coming this way. 11:55 CC bison in the meadow behind dome and snow flakes coming down 11:58 CC beehive seems to have calmed down...sorry Kent 11:59 Kent That's OK, I've got to go back to work anyhow. 11:59 Rich Give Lion a minute 12:01 CC Hi Anna 12:02 Anna Hi cc, what's shakin'? 12:02 CC was hoping for beehive but it seems to have quieted 12:02 Anna shucks. 12:03 CC OF should be going in a short whle 12:03 Anna cool. need my OF fix 12:04 CC another few minutes and it will be in it's window 12:05 Anna good. time for me to print some stuff for #1 son. 12:09 Derek Hi 12:09 CC hi 12:10 CC OF should be erupting shortly 12:10 Derek If you pop back in at 4:00 I might have some video for you. 12:10 CC okay...I am going to sew now 12:10 Derek I have control 12:11 Rich Hi Derek 12:16 Derek Hi Rich 12:17 Derek plume 12:17 Derek Can you see it? 12:17 Derek 13:17 12:18 Derek The static cam is missing the bursts 12:18 Rich yep 12:20 Derek There are Bison too 12:21 Rich CC had some around dome 12:21 Derek To the left of the static, there is a valley with a few trees. Thats where they are 12:22 Rich ty 12:23 Rich I'll run back thru a few captures and see if anything moves 12:23 Derek ok 12:27 Rich found them 12:27 Derek Great 12:27 Rich at the back edge of the snowfield 12:27 Derek Yep 12:28 Derek They are at the extreme range of the streaming cam, even at full zoom. 12:29 Rich I see little black spots moving to the right 12:31 Rich brb 12:36 Rich b 12:39 carol Hi rich and derek was looking 2 c if beehive had done its thing. Did u-all catch it yesterday? 12:40 Derek I was out for most of yesterday 12:41 Derek Hang on, BH was 13:25 yesterday 12:42 Derek I did see it. 12:42 Rich Hasn't done anything today yet, a little splaching 12:45 Rich sorry about the double up on info, I didn't reload when I got back. 12:45 carol ty! I've been checking in most of the morning and haven't seen much thought it might have gone overnite. monday and tuesdays are my g-kid babysitting days I ck the cams during the day 12:46 carol A great day is a blue sky bh/of dual:) 12:47 Rich Well a half hour ago it was looking like snow. 12:49 carol forcast I saw last night showed a storm coming in from the west 12:50 carol rich are you in Paradise CA? 12:51 Rich Yes 12:51 Rich We had a front move thru a couple of days ago. 12:52 Rich My Sister in Washington State says that Rainier and Mt St. Helens are getting snow now. 12:52 carol Its sunny down here in Placerville, CA but looks like big billowy cloud up your way 12:53 Rich Sunshine 12:53 Rich above 50 again. lol 12:53 Rich I've been watching my apple trees blossoming. 12:54 carol yep in the 60's here....cold front coming down from washington area on wed 12:55 carol dogwoods gunna bloom soon!!! 12:55 Rich They are beginning to bloom here 12:55 Rich Pinks are a little slower. 12:56 carol We still have one more snow to go....Pinks are my fav! 12:56 Rich Redbuds have been blooming for a couple of weeks now. 12:56 Rich My camelias are just about done. 12:59 carol hum. Did you c OF at 6:30ish our time this am Not much steam and sun was shinning on it like a strobe lite. My camelias are just now blooming... not to many buds I forgot to cover em during the cold snap:( 13:01 Rich I wasn't quite up yet at 6:30 13:02 CC The first OF that I saw this morning was at 7:27 AM MDT 13:02 carol Hi CC 13:03 CC Unless it was a short at 6:30ish that was not OF 13:03 CC Hi Carol 13:03 carol yep that was it 13:03 Derek CC, I have that video ready 13:03 CC okay 13:03 CC let me log on 13:04 CC I have logged on 13:04 CC picture no sound 13:04 CC yep 13:05 CC yes 13:05 carol Sorry 630 pst 730ish MDT:)>- 13:05 CC yep that was the end of OF 13:06 CC is that your friends organ music 13:07 CC nice to put a face to the music 13:08 CC here come the steam engines 13:10 CC where is Beryl 13:11 CC oh 13:11 CC those steam engines are interesting 13:13 CC they are all so different 13:15 carol little cub 13:16 Derek BH still splashing 13:29 carol Hi guest 93455 13:32 Rich bb in about 30 minutes, walk time. 13:33 CC okay 13:39 Graham hi there 13:39 CC hi 13:39 Derek Hi Graham 13:40 Graham lots of people! 13:40 CC you are home early 13:40 Graham on Beehive watch? 13:40 CC yes 13:40 Derek I'm streaming a video to CC while watchin BH 13:40 Graham yeah I couldn't concentrate at work so came home earlier 13:40 CC you can take the cam if you like when Derek is finished 13:41 Graham ok 13:43 Graham glad you caught Castle, no idea what its been up to recently. 13:49 CC what's happening with beehive 13:49 CC thanks 13:50 CC yep 13:51 CC thanks it looked like a great day...I loved the music 13:52 Derek It was great being there 13:52 CC the video stopped and media player shut down 13:52 Derek That was the end 13:52 CC oh 13:52 CC it got so foggy in the basin 13:52 CC it was so clear all day 13:55 Rich Hi Graham 13:55 Graham hey Rich 13:56 Rich I left you a note here earlier. 13:56 Rich 70.625 13:57 Graham yeah thanks, i saw it 13:57 Rich k 13:58 Graham nice series of Plumes yesterday 13:58 Graham have we had Plume or Grand today or Lion? 13:58 Derek I think I caught the tail end of Grand 13:58 Rich I caught h2o at Plume at 10:05:48 13:59 Graham when Derek? 13:59 Derek Today, PLUME at 11:10, I missed the next, then at 13:17 13:59 Graham ok, thanks 14:00 Derek OK, it's yours Graham. I left it on BH. 14:00 Graham ok, now the weather has gone bad :) 14:02 Rich I think I caught Lion at 20:54:40 at dark last night. 14:03 Derek CC, if you like, I can also send you a few digital photos of this weekend's festival. 14:09 Graham Plume at 1509 14:09 Derek That's early 14:10 Graham yep, assuming its a double interval 14:15 CC Derek I would love to see the digital photos 14:15 Derek ok 14:16 Derek I'll select a few 14:18 Graham Pat said Plume was 1414 14:19 Graham Grand 1315 14:21 Rich Indicator 14:22 Derek I can't see it 14:22 Rich was about 20 feet long 14:23 Derek CC, check email 14:23 Graham just a big splash 14:23 Rich k 14:24 Graham is the static cam failing every now and then? 14:24 Rich yep 14:24 Rich especially when OF is going off. 14:24 Graham haha 14:24 Graham I keep getting the error page 14:24 Rich I'll miss 2 refreshes 14:25 Rich Doesn't seem as bad other times. 14:25 Rich But then I might just be watching it closer around eruptions. 14:26 Rich doing ok for me at the present 14:27 Derek CC are you there? 14:27 Rich Dew point has changed 14:28 Derek I'm off downstairs now. Goodnight all. 14:28 Graham bye 14:28 Rich Nite Derek 14:35 Rich . 14:37 Rich .. 14:46 CC looks like beehive is steaming more heavily 14:47 Graham yeah. Maybe Oblong there 1547ie 14:48 CC I think that is grand 14:48 Graham Daisy 1548ie 14:50 Graham doesn't look very vertical tho 14:56 CC maybe it was turban 14:57 Graham I think it was Oblong 14:58 CC Pat said she saw Grand at 13:15 and if that was the case then it couldn't have been grand 14:59 Graham yeah. sometimes she gets them wrong too 15:02 Rich It was blowing pretty good back then, blowing the steam down behind the trees. 15:02 CC If I leave now Beehive will probably erupt 15:02 Graham yeah. I dont see any bubblers tho 15:07 Rich Looking at the stills, 13:15 - 13:24 there was steam 15:11 Graham OF 1610 15:13 Graham Plume 1613 15:19 CC that's it for me 15:19 CC bye 15:19 Rich I missed the 1400 OF. 15:19 Rich bye 15:20 Graham bye 15:20 Graham it was about 1445 15:20 Rich That's what I calculated. OK 15:21 Rich ty 15:23 Rich I ended up with 706 captures yesterday. 15:23 Rich Was a very nice sunset 15:24 Graham teah the streaming cam view was nice too 15:26 Rich Right at dark, Lion and Oblong/Grand put up steam above the treeline. 15:27 Graham not Grand, it was 1818 15:27 Graham oblong would be right 15:28 Rich k 16:09 Graham Lion 1700 16:09 Graham Lion 1709 16:18 Graham Plume 1718 16:49 Graham OF 1748 16:54 Rich indicator? 16:54 Graham Juts Beehive steam 16:54 Rich no 16:54 Graham Indicator starts right below Lion 16:54 Rich yep 16:54 Rich k 17:18 Graham Daisy 1818 17:19 Graham Plume 1819 17:35 Rich Do we know this guy? 17:36 Graham Li0n 1835 17:36 Graham no 17:36 Rich k 18:17 Graham OF 1917 18:19 Graham OF 1919 18:20 Rich Double header? 18:20 Graham oh, hehe it was Plume 1919 18:20 Rich k 18:20 Rich It's late. 18:21 Rich Not Plume, the hour. 18:21 Graham yeah I was distracted 18:21 Rich I believe. 18:26 Rich Maybe? 18:27 Graham nope, no bears 18:28 Rich no Beehive either 18:28 Graham I still dont see the bubblers 18:29 Rich there was 'some' activity there 18:30 Graham I believe you saw some steam but it wasn't bubblers, they would still be going 18:32 Rich I'm the bubbler around here. 18:32 Rich lol 18:32 Graham haha 18:32 Rich Everything is exciting. 18:33 Rich I won't say it. 19:20 Graham Plume 2020 19:22 Rich I think Plume is stuck on double numbers 19:23 Graham Oblong 2021 19:25 Graham ooohhh 19:25 Graham indicator 2023 19:26 Graham no bubblers today 19:28 guest495907 indicatior 19:28 Graham yeah its been going a few minutes now, just in time before dark! 19:29 guest495907 weeeeeeee 19:29 Rich yes 19:33 Graham Beehive 2033 19:34 guest495907 cool!!! 19:34 Graham not very clear on the static cam 19:38 guest495907 great end to a long day! nite all 19:38 Rich Yes, but I've seen it every day for the last 9 days. 19:39 Graham well it will probably go in daylight for a couple of days now.... 19:39 Graham congratulations 19:40 Graham Daisy 2039ie 19:41 Graham lil puffs on the left side are Daisy Rich 19:41 Rich k 19:41 Rich ty 19:43 Graham im out of here. good lick with Beehive tomorrow RIch. 19:43 Graham bye 19:43 Graham lick or luck whichever you prefer 19:44 Rich nite 20:02 Rich Nite Yellowstone April 14th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 13th, 2009 April 15th, 2009 » 09:29 CC Hi 09:29 CC I just got home 09:30 Derek Hi 09:30 CC I am going to have some lunch and then I will take the cam for your tea 09:31 Derek ok 09:41 Derek Daisy 10:41 10:41 Derek Last O.F. was 11:11 10:42 Derek Got to go. 10:42 CC okay 10:46 CC 11:46 Indicator 10:58 CC 11:56 AM MDT Beehive 11:44 CC 12:44 Plume 11:48 CC OF 12:47 12:21 Derek-away I have control. May I phone you? 12:22 CC sure 13:54 CC away anything happening 13:54 Derek-cam Lion and OF at 2:26 13:55 CC both at the same time 13:55 Derek-cam Yep 13:55 CC nice 13:55 Derek-cam Lion was slightly first then OF blocked it with steam 13:56 CC where is Rich today 13:56 Derek-cam Haven't seen him. 13:59 Derek-cam Had my hair cut this morning 13:59 Derek-cam If you saw me on cam you wouldn't recognise me :-) 14:00 CC did they scalp you 14:00 CC okay I am curious 14:00 Derek-cam Number 8 on top and number 4 at sides 14:00 CC please put your cam on so I can see before I that the cam 14:00 Derek-cam Hmmmmmm 14:00 Derek-cam OK, hang on 14:02 CC Looks good 14:02 CC you look so young 14:03 CC really looks great 14:03 CC okay I'll take the cam now 14:03 CC I think it is Castle also 14:05 CC \they were excellent don't you think 14:06 CC yep 14:08 CC they closed a lot of the basins 14:10 CC yep 14:11 CC okay 14:11 CC bye 14:57 Anna howdy 14:58 Anna Did I just miss OF? 14:58 CC Hi Anna 14:58 CC OF 15:58 15:00 Anna Wow! I looked away for a second, looked back and OF is going on live cam. cool! 15:01 CC There was a bear in the basin early this morning but I didn't capture it on the cam as I was driving to get my haircut 15:02 Anna oh, man! I missed it again! 15:02 Anna That's it. I'm not doing any more laundry, cooking, or cleaning. I'm just gunna stare at geyser cam. 15:02 CC go to YNET and look at the static cam--bear and there are pictures 15:03 Anna will do. later of course. 15:03 Anna is that snow or just fog? 15:04 CC steam from the geysers 15:04 CC it was snowing earlier in the basin 15:05 Anna my link says it's 34 over there. But I think that's the Mammoth temp. 15:05 Anna Lion? 15:05 CC I haven't seen it but it is due 15:05 Anna nope just steam 15:07 Graham hello 15:07 CC Lion and OF went at the same time 90 minutes ago and OF just erupted. 15:07 Graham ok, was that an initial? 15:07 CC I may have missed Lion but right now nothing else is due so the cam is on Lion 15:08 Graham ok. no Beehive? 15:08 CC Yes I believe so 15:08 CC Beehive went earlier today at 11:56 15:08 Graham yeah just read the email 15:08 CC oh 15:08 Graham it was nice to catch it last night 15:08 CC hi 15:08 CC I didn't realize it was you 15:09 CC do you want to take the cam 15:09 Graham its Graham masquerading as Graham here :) 15:09 Graham sure I can take it. Maybe the weather will get better too :) 15:10 CC okay it's yours 15:11 Graham looks like Lion has not gone again 15:11 CC Rich hasn't been on all day 15:11 Graham uhoh. His string of 9 Beehive days has ended I guess 15:12 CC I was surprised it went so early today 15:12 Graham yeah that was a short interval 15:12 CC make sure you go to YNET....static cam..bears and see the great shots of the bear 15:13 Graham oh really? was anyone running the cam then? 15:17 Graham I cant find the link for that, can you send it please? 15:19 Anna ynet link? 15:19 CC Graham...link sent 15:19 Graham to the bear shots 15:20 Graham k thanks 15:20 Graham Rich saw the bear this morning 15:20 CC go into the Yellowstone forum 15:21 Anna let me look.. try this: 15:21 Anna http://forums.yellowstone.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1219 15:21 Anna That lucky Rich. 15:21 CC it's below my post says static cam...bears? 15:22 Anna We made the news this week. Mt. Bluebird in Ohio. Nearly unheard of. Local paper and tv did stories, then AP picke up--to Chicago Tribune. cool 15:22 Graham nice 15:24 Graham I dont see that link CC but the one above worked. 15:24 Graham Pat saw it too 15:27 Graham Hey the benches have been put back! 15:29 Graham I like youir profile pic on YNet CC 15:40 CC signing off for the night...bye 15:41 Graham ok, see you 15:41 Anna 'night, CC. 15:41 Graham I am just watching Daves bear video from the 4th 15:42 Anna I'm on "housework strike" till I get to see a bear on the cam! 15:42 Anna Who needs clean clothes anyway. 15:42 Graham the YouTube video doesn't count? 15:43 Anna nope. 15:44 Graham there were 3 sightings on the 4th, so maybe we will get another today 15:45 Anna works for me. 15:45 Graham of course I didnt miss any that day, so somethings up today 15:45 Anna hmmmmmm. 15:46 Graham Plume 1646 15:47 Anna do you have the cam? 15:48 Anna and is that plume behind a bench out there? 15:48 Graham yes i have the cam 15:48 Graham its right behind the bench 15:49 Graham intervals have been mainly 60-70min 15:49 Anna Cool. That's the first time I saw it up close 15:49 Graham you can sometimes pick it out on the static cam but it can be hard 15:52 Anna Is it time for OF again? 15:53 Anna what's that pile of stuff left of the stump out there? 15:53 Graham not yet, another 30min I think. The cam is having trouble focussing so I will leave it here for a bit 15:53 Graham not sure where u mean 16:31 Graham OF 1730 17:30 Graham Daisy 1829ie 18:06 Graham OF 1905 18:14 Graham I think we had F&M 1855 18:54 guest495907 graham given the cold, would u say that steam cloud to be a turban cycle? 18:55 Graham the big steam cloud is Grotto 18:55 Graham smaller ones coming up near the end of the trees could be Turban or others there 18:55 Graham theres just a lot of steam today 18:56 guest495907 ok how can u tell the differance between oblong, grand, grotto.......giant is a given 18:56 Graham I have no idea whena Grand went either, so don't know if Turban could be active now 18:57 Graham Grand goes up straight mainly, so its not Grand. 18:57 Graham Oblong can look like the steam cloud but its coming from too far to the right 18:57 guest495907 my husband and I have been discussing this 18:57 Graham Oblong comes up close to where Grand dows on the webcam 18:57 Graham but its more billowy, doesn't go up straight 18:58 Graham Grotto has been going for at least an hour. It was going before Fan and Mortar erupted down basin 18:58 Graham Oblong lasts about 6 minutes. Grand lasts about 10min and sometimes has more than one burst 19:00 Graham thats about it 19:00 guest495907 yeppers been gazing 4 awhile now..... you got us started w/ hot periods at giant 19:01 guest495907 on warmer days its easier to define them 19:01 Graham ah, ok. they are nice 19:01 Graham have not figured out how to tell hot periods on the camera, unless Mastiff starts :) 19:01 Graham did you see Giant? 19:02 guest495907 6/6/06 was the first 19:02 Graham ok. I didnt see that one 19:03 Graham easy date to remember tho 19:03 guest495907 early am I think the call was "I think giant is eurupting if anybody cares" 19:04 guest495907 hooked 19:04 Graham haha......we do care......but someone should have called the start time :) 19:04 guest495907 he did 19:05 Graham ok. I got to see it 3 times that year in my 2 week trip in September 19:05 Graham cant do much better than that! 19:05 guest495907 WOW!!! Hope for more to add this year......HOPE! 19:06 Graham yeah, thats a bit of a stretch I think. Maybe F&M 19:06 Graham my last Giant was 2/19/08 :( 19:06 guest495907 Not one we've seem yet, we always go early spring 19:07 guest495907 hopefully this year.....37 days to go 19:07 Graham they are not always easy to see then..but they erupted today :) 19:07 Graham ok. I hope the trails stay open too 19:08 Graham there was a bear by OF on the cam today too 19:08 guest495907 Its our mission this year to see.... but it doesn't favor the spring 19:09 guest495907 I missed it:'( 19:09 Graham I saw 4 eruptions in Sept last year (2 week trip) 2, 3, 5, and 11 AM 19:09 Graham so not easy to see in daylight, but the night-time eruptions are cool too 19:10 guest495907 I've seen ....it on U-tube 19:10 Graham hum...not quite the same! 19:11 guest495907 Gunna study "the book" for the indicators.....there are alot! 19:11 guest495907 gold, river.... 19:11 guest495907 on off, locked 19:11 Graham someone can tell you about it if its active 19:12 Graham yeah lots to keep you watching 19:12 Graham in Sept there were 2 or 3 of us monitoring at night to share the load when it was in its window and called on radio and phones when an event started to get people up and out 19:13 Graham I had the ~1-6am shift 19:13 guest495907 yicks 19:13 Graham but it worked out well, I only had 1 night with no eruption 19:13 guest495907 worth it 19:14 Graham yeah. I like watching in the dark, I like the quiet 19:14 guest495907 we stay at madison....don't get radio there' 19:14 Graham but its not very quiet when Mortar is roaring along with Main vent 19:14 Graham ok, thats hard 19:15 guest495907 It's all good! if there's a chance we're gunna see it this year!!!!! Stay in the truck at lower hams 19:15 Graham based on last year if you are in the UGB theres time to get down before it erupts - as long as someone sees the start of an event cycle and calls it 19:16 Graham was usually over an hour. but who knows what it will do this year 19:17 Graham well i am winding down here. OF is due 2035 19:17 Graham see you 19:17 guest495907 thank you! nice chatting w u 19:17 Graham u2 and good luck with F&M 19:18 guest495907 nite 19:41 Rich G'nite M. Bear April 15th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 14th, 2009 April 16th, 2009 » 09:01 Rich Hope OF clears up for you. I'm making a road trip with a friend down to Sacramento. 09:01 Derek ok 09:01 Rich bye 13:09 CC I see it has finally cleared in the basin 13:10 Derek I just watched a large piece of ice slide down the glass 13:10 CC can you call me 13:10 Derek In a few minutes 13:10 CC okay 13:11 Derek I am uploading something to youtube 13:20 Derek Hang up 13:20 Derek I'm redialing 13:21 CC I did hang up 13:24 Derek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL7tQSDTKGcStrictly Ballroom plays Kabouter dans 13:24 Derek Click that 13:24 CC thanks for calling 13:24 Derek My first video upload 13:24 CC nice 13:24 CC I love that music 13:25 CC by the way, was that your friend in the camel coat in yesterdays stiills 13:26 Derek I don't remember, but I did point her out to you on the video 13:28 Derek The Lady holding the blue collection can and with a light brown coat is my Mother 13:29 CC oh 13:29 Derek I will send you a picture of Christine. 13:29 CC good 13:29 CC I like to put a face to a name 13:30 Derek Sent 13:30 Derek This picture was taken at the same spot in 2004 13:37 Derek Did you get it OK? 13:38 CC yes 13:38 CC I am on the phone 13:38 Derek ok 13:38 CC nice picture of you 13:39 Derek Now you know what Christine looks like 13:39 CC yep 13:47 Derek Looks like Castle 13:47 CC definitely 13:48 CC good capture 13:49 Derek How did my youtube video seem? 13:49 CC okay 13:49 Derek Now I know hoe easy it is I'll have to find something else to upload. 13:49 Derek how 13:50 Derek of 13:50 CC of 13:51 CC too funny 13:51 CC we both hit OF at the same time 13:52 Derek I didn't want it to mess up the glass so I moved away 14:00 CC i took the cam 14:00 Derek ok 14:01 CC is this a bear 14:01 CC doesn't seem to be moving 14:01 Derek Wishfull thinking 14:04 CC looks like got alot of snow 14:04 Derek I was just about to say that 14:05 CC guess we will concentrate on Beehive and lion until Graham gets here 14:05 Derek Yep 14:20 Derek Goodnight CC 14:20 CC have a good night 15:09 Graham hello 15:09 CC Hi 15:10 Graham more snow! 15:10 CC are you ready to take the cam 15:10 CC OF is in it's window 15:10 Graham sure 15:10 Graham whats been happening? 15:10 Graham ok 15:10 CC Beehive has been steaming 15:10 CC Castle went around 14:44 (IE) 15:11 CC the lens was covered with ice and snow until around 3:30 EDT so we couldn't see anything until then 15:12 Graham oh wow thats late 15:12 CC yep 15:12 Graham so do you want more time tonight :) 15:13 CC it may have been even later 15:13 CC no I have some things I can do around the house 15:13 Graham ok. 15:14 Graham didn't want you to feel deprived of geyser time 15:14 CC I hope we still will be meeting for breakfast next 15:14 CC Saturday 15:15 Graham 25th right? 15:15 CC Do you have any suggestions where we can meet near the hotel we are staying at. 15:15 CC yes 15:15 Graham I will ask around at work, no ideas come to mind for Sat breakfast but I will find somewhere 15:15 CC We will be at the Crown Plaza 15:16 Graham ok, I know where that is. They probably have a restaurant there too 15:16 CC that might be good but if there is some place better that would be fine also 15:17 Graham yeah I will ask, I don't usually go over there for breakfast 15:17 CC is it near you 15:17 Graham not far, maybe 20min 15:17 CC that's not bad for Washington/Virginia 15:17 Graham I usually go to Old Town ALexandria for breakfast 15:18 CC what's there 15:18 Graham yeah, its round the beltway, should be easy on Saturday 15:18 Graham theres a Chart House on the water front and lots of historic buildings. about 30 min from Tysons probably 15:19 CC I am not sure victor will want to drive that day 15:19 CC we will talk as we get closer 15:19 CC Park opens in two days 15:20 CC where did you go 15:21 CC okay then bye 15:22 Graham grrr 15:23 Graham OF 1622ie 15:26 CC did you read my above messages 15:26 Graham yeah i did. The Chart House only opens for brunch, so thats probably too late 15:27 Graham my PC rebooted 15:27 CC I wondered what happened 15:27 CC okay now I am signing off for real 15:27 Graham then OF was blowing right on the cam 15:27 Graham alright, see you 15:27 CC did it get soaked 15:27 Graham it looks like it got a bit wetter but not too bad 15:28 CC okay bye 15:28 Graham bye 16:32 Graham Looks like Plate 1730ie 16:48 Graham OF 1748 16:48 Graham oops no, just preplay 16:53 Graham Indicator 1752ie 16:56 CC thanks for the heads up on indicator 16:56 Graham hello 16:57 Graham just in time 1757 16:57 CC to bad steam is blowing towards the cam 16:57 Graham ahh wind cant make its mind up 16:58 Graham yeah OF is due too 16:58 CC forgive me...who cares about OF...give me Grand, F&M, or Giant 16:59 CC even Giantess 16:59 Graham yeah but it has a habit of blowing steam all over the place! 16:59 CC OF is erupting 16:59 Graham like now...ug 17:00 CC move the right box all the way to the bottom 17:01 CC that should prevent some of the vapor away from the Cam 17:01 Graham timing was bad 17:02 CC to late....it's all spotted 17:02 CC thanks again for the call....back to sewing 17:02 Graham k 17:02 Graham it got all we at the start 17:02 Graham wet 17:02 CC away there is really nothing we can do 17:02 CC away when that happens 17:04 Graham now we want a rain shower to clean it off April 16th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 15th, 2009 April 17th, 2009 » 05:52 CC hi Rich 05:52 CC another day with ice crystals on the cam 05:52 CC static cam is not much better 05:57 Derek Hmmm, another day off? 05:58 Derek What will I do with all this spare time? :-) 06:01 CC hi 06:02 CC didn't realize you were on the page 06:08 Rich Hi, sorry was off getting breakfast 06:09 CC no problem 06:09 CC I am about to close down because you can't see anything this morning 06:09 CC did you get my e-mail the other day Rich 06:10 Rich Yes, ty 06:10 Rich Was fun 06:10 Derek CC, I'll keep an eye on the cam like I did yesterday and let you know if it clears. 06:10 CC okay good 09:14 Rich I will see you later, errands to run. 09:14 Rich bye 11:41 CC OF12:40 11:42 CC wind blowing right towards the cam 11:42 Rich Rain drops keep falling on my head - - - - 11:43 CC damn that wind 11:43 CC two elk were on the streaming about 1/2 hour ago 11:43 Rich wow 11:43 CC they were running and I lost them behind dome 11:45 Rich Everything seem to like to run behind dome to hide from us. 12:14 Derek Back 12:16 CC okay 12:16 Derek I did try to phone you as promised, to say the glass was clearing. 12:17 Derek Wow, she don't hang around long. 12:18 Rich Sewing probably beckoned. 14:17 Rich Hi CC 14:17 CC hi 14:29 CC 15:29 Plume 14:40 CC OF 15:40 15:01 Graham hello 15:03 CC hi 15:03 CC what's happening 15:03 Rich Hi Graham 15:03 CC do you want to take the cam 15:04 Graham just got in from work, a bit tired but glad we have sunchine now 15:04 Graham sure 15:04 Graham no Beehive? 15:04 CC not yet 15:04 CC I want to change my reservations down at OF 15:04 CC I think I will try as soon as you take the cam 15:05 Graham got it 15:05 CC thanks 15:05 Graham good luck changing reservations 15:05 Graham Hi Rich, congrats on the Bear 15:06 Rich Thank You Graham 15:10 Graham is your beehive string still going? 15:10 Rich No, I missed yesterday 15:11 Rich Went with a friend to take his dalmatian to the neurologist. 15:11 Rich I was hoping my Sister might have caught it, but she was off with her grandson. 15:12 Graham so you are back to 0 now? 15:12 Rich Yep 15:12 Rich Ah, well 15:13 CC away Graham..made reservations for Aborsorka in Gardiner for the Middle of May 15:13 CC I now have to cancel my SnowLodge 15:13 Graham good. I have never stayed in Gardner ... or West in summer 15:14 Graham so you will do more Wolf watching? 15:14 CC I decided with all the basins closed there is no need to be in the OF area before Memorial Day 15:14 Graham will the OF trails open or be closed tomorrow? 15:14 CC also since all the rangers that we might do something with are gone...we will go to Lamar 15:15 CC If there isn't a bear in the OF area I guess they will be open 15:15 CC last year they closed them due to bear activity 15:15 CC did you see the road closures also 15:16 CC it's going to be a pain to travel between Norris and Madison 15:16 Graham yeah it will be closed when I am there Labor Day. Makes for a long trip to Norros from OF 15:21 Graham Looks like the bubblers are on strong now 15:38 Graham Lion 1637 15:38 Rich Lion 15:38 CC Nice Lion 15:39 CC just happen to be walking by the computer 15:39 Graham I guess thats the initial? 15:39 Rich I haven't seen any others. 15:46 Graham I think Plume went during Lion 15:46 Rich Could have, time was about right. 15:49 Rich I don't see any identifiable steam during Lion, but there is steam laying down to the ground the whole time. 15:49 Graham yeah thats why I am still watching for it 15:50 Rich k 15:51 Rich I think I caught a Plume ~14:14, and cc caught one at 15:29 15:51 Graham yeah so it would be late now 15:51 Rich yep 15:52 Rich That is if I actually got one. 15:53 Rich If I remember correctly, OF was steaming to the left close to the ground and there was another column of steam fairly straight up. 15:59 Graham Scott points out the Yellowstone Today says Fountain is closed till June for Boardwalk Reconstruction 16:00 Rich And they couldn't have done that during the break? 16:00 Rich lol 16:00 Graham nope, too much snow 16:00 Rich ah 16:01 Rich I guess that is always a deterent. 16:01 Graham so maybe it will be open next year in spring rather than closed for bears 16:01 Rich Definitely is shaping up to be a later in the year is better time to visit. 16:06 Rich http://loisb.redbubble.com/sets/15611/works?page=1 16:06 Rich My Sister has been out practicing. 16:07 Rich She is off to Hawaii on the 28th. 16:07 Graham practicing flower photos? 16:08 Rich using her 'new' camera 16:08 Graham what is it? 16:09 Rich omp 16:09 Rich Sony A 100 16:09 Graham ok. i hope she has fun there. I have never been there 16:10 Rich She had a Minolta slr and waited until dslr came out that would use her lens. 16:10 Rich She hasn't either. 16:10 Graham I have Nikon, but I bought a new lens too 16:12 Graham OF 1711 16:13 Rich interesting 16:54 Graham brb 16:54 Rich k 16:55 Graham Plume 1754 16:56 Graham missed it on the streaming cam 16:57 Rich I saw it start, but didn't get a capture of it. 17:03 Graham oh well, maybe get the next one 17:04 Rich Sometimes I just look and forget to save it. 17:12 Graham Lion 1811 17:14 Rich Want to climb into a volcano - http://www.avo.alaska.edu/webcam/Redoubt_-_Hut.php 17:15 Rich They've zoomed the cam all the way in. 17:15 Graham thats some view 17:15 Rich REally great. 17:16 Rich IMAX anyone? 17:16 Graham haha...would be a great view if it erupts more 17:17 Rich I'd have heart attack. lol 17:18 Rich They've also shortened the refresh time. 17:26 Rich If the alert goes back up, I just might have to spend my 'time' watching Redoubt. 17:27 Graham what - no geysers? 17:28 Rich Just might have to fore the pleasure of geysers for a view llike that of an erupting volcano. 17:29 Rich Lois said if they made that a streaming live cam, she'd even spring for DSL Broadband 17:32 Graham not even bears made you do that! 17:32 Rich not yet anyway 17:32 Rich lol 17:35 Rich If you click on the DFR link, there is a heliocopter in the view. 17:41 Rich They just changed the camera around today, a little while ago. 17:47 Graham OF 1847 18:19 Rich evening steam at indicator? 18:20 Graham beehive and the bubblers to the left of it are steaming. nothing from the indicator 18:20 Graham actually there is some steam to the right of the cone, where close-to-cone indicator is 18:21 Rich Ok, I need to 'readjust' locations, fine tune it's location. 18:22 Rich Low light in the evening, everything starts to fuzz together. 18:22 Graham yeah nice day now tho 18:22 Rich so much nice than this morning. 18:22 Rich nicer 18:28 Rich I wasn't going to stay till dark tonight, just might have to. 18:29 Graham i dont know about Beehive, it han't been very splashy 18:29 Rich Catch 22 18:58 Graham Depression 1957 19:08 Graham OF 2008 19:28 Graham doesn't look like we will get Beehive before dark 19:28 Graham bye April 17th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 16th, 2009 April 18th, 2009 » 05:53 CC OF 6:51 AM MDT 06:40 CC Hi Rich 06:42 Rich Hi CC 06:42 CC did you happen to notice when Grand started 06:42 Rich Sorry, just getting set up. 06:42 CC I think I saw it at 7:41AM (IE) 06:43 Rich let me scan my captures. 06:43 Rich k 06:45 Rich my first capture of the day was 07:34:11 and there is steam just up to the tops of the trees. 06:47 guest495907 open open open 06:48 guest495907 today woooo hooo 06:48 Rich Hello 06:48 Rich Got your snowshoes? 06:48 guest495907 well we have 35 days to pack 06:49 guest495907 but whos counting 06:49 Rich Great 06:49 Rich Right! 06:49 Rich lol 06:50 guest495907 yea...we're stayin for 3 weeks this year 06:50 Rich Almost enough time. lol 06:51 guest495907 yea about 3 months short !! 06:51 Rich lol 06:52 Rich The older I get the more I realize that a month is about the right length of time to explore. 06:52 Rich Doesn't matter where I go. 06:52 Rich Then I don't feel like I'm on a Bus man's Holiday. 06:53 Rich Went to Great Basin National Park, spent 3 weeks there, was 'almost' enough time. 06:57 guest495907 I always think about going when we pass hwy 95? on our way out to YNP 06:58 guest495907 or is the turnoff at Wells? 06:58 CC Lion 7:57 AM MDT 07:00 Rich GBNP is just of US 50 at the Nevada/Utah line 07:00 Rich Ely is the closest city of any size. 07:02 guest495907 yea we are in CA and go 80 to wells and see the sign for GB. 07:02 guest495907 off to work bye 07:03 Rich Have fun TGIF 07:03 Rich ok 07:03 Rich bye 07:14 Derek We were late getting back home today. 07:14 CC waiting on OF 07:14 CC went at 6:51 07:14 Rich Hi Derek 07:15 Derek Hi Rich 07:15 Derek CC, isn't the park open today? 07:16 CC yep 07:16 Rich Are they letting people in? lol 07:16 Derek Maybe we'll see some people 07:16 Derek When will the VC start posting predictions? 07:17 CC today 07:17 Derek Good 07:17 CC at 9:00 07:17 CC I will call in the first eruption 07:17 Rich Do we put 'people' on the TO WATCH for list? 07:17 Rich people 07:18 Derek I notice a steam plume down basin to the right of Grand 07:21 CC I am going to sew for a while 07:21 Derek ok 07:43 CC Derek IMPORTANT 07:44 Derek Yes 07:44 CC Did you notice if OF was a short or a long 07:44 Derek Sorry 07:44 CC okay 07:44 Derek There was so much steam 07:44 CC I didn't wait to look and see once it had erupted and the VC wanted to know... 07:44 CC they are going to call it a short 07:45 CC that is just to be safe 07:45 Derek There was no way to be sure because of the steam 07:45 CC okay thanks 07:45 CC back to sewing 07:53 Rich Don't know if it is any help establising the time but OF 08:20:06 steam just up to the top of the treeline, and at 08:23:52 it is back to just steam 08:46 Derek Rich 08:47 Derek Depression IE. You can see it on the static 08:51 CC back for a few minutes 08:51 Rich Thanks Derek, I happen to catch it. 08:51 Derek ok 08:51 CC what time did the next OF go 08:52 Derek 09:21 08:52 CC thanks so Katy was correct in calling it a short 08:52 Rich 09:21:54 08:53 Rich The prediction came up on the static cam about 2 min before it went off. 08:53 Rich was predicted for 09:25 08:54 CC that was right on 08:54 CC remember the +10 or -10 rule 08:55 Rich I did, but some of the visitors will be believers from now on. A bunch showed up just as it was finishing 09:34 Rich wb 09:51 guest495907 what a beautiful opening dayB) 09:52 Derek Hi Guest 09:52 guest495907 hi 09:52 Derek-cam I'm the current cam operator :-) 09:56 Derek-cam CC will take over for a while later 09:59 guest495907 afraid to look at the keyboard and miss the start. Will someone be their soon to clean the camara lens???? 10:00 Derek-cam Someone from the VC will do it when they've got through the initial rush. 10:01 guest495907 great news 10:01 Derek-cam As I'm 4,500 miles from the cam, I can do it :-) 10:01 Derek-cam can't 10:01 guest495907 looks like lion 10:02 Derek-cam Yep 10:02 guest495907 11;02 ns 10:03 Derek-cam On the cam control screen, I see things about 30 seconds before they reach the stream, so I'll make sure you don't miss anything :-) 10:04 guest495907 oh!!!/:) 10:04 Derek-cam Yeah, there's always a delay with streaming video 10:06 Derek-cam I'll demonstrate. I'll zoom back slightly right now. 10:07 guest495907 got ya 10:07 Derek-cam It's quite fast today 10:07 guest495907 how did you become the operator? 10:08 Derek-cam I applied firstly to Dave Montieth 10:08 Derek-cam Then Tom Cawley phoned me. 10:09 Derek-cam There are 3 other operators. CC is the boss :-) 10:09 guest495907 its u, cc, and graham? 10:09 Derek-cam and Gary, but he doesn't use this room. 10:11 Derek-cam So are you a regular park visitor? 10:11 guest495907 yes every year usually in the spring 10:12 guest495907 u? 10:13 Derek-cam Never. Although I have been to eastern USA 4 times during the 1970s 10:15 guest495907 Thats unfortunate Just looked back 4500 miles away? 10:15 Derek-cam 35 miles east of London 10:16 guest495907 ok. Wow thats amazing 10:17 Derek-cam Watch out for the live ranger talks that will be broadcast via the cam later in the season. 10:18 guest495907 watching folks walk along the boardwalk looks as though theirs 2.5 - 3 ft of snow.....we might need snowshoes in lew of bikes this year 10:19 Derek-cam I'm going to pan the cam around now. Is there anywhere you would like to see? 10:21 guest495907 hum....do you know if the entire ugb is open today? No you doing a fine job thanks for asking 10:22 Derek-cam If you can wait about 30 minutes for CC, she has more information than me. 10:25 guest495907 I have to leave now, doctor appt, thank you! have a great day geyser gazing! B) 10:25 Derek-cam yw 10:34 CC Hi I am back 10:34 Derek-cam Hi 10:34 Derek-cam 11:02 Lion 10:35 CC are you going to tea now or in 10 minutes 10:35 Derek-cam 11:13 O.F. 10:35 Derek-cam I haven't been called yet :-) 10:35 CC I'll be right back 10:38 CC back 10:38 Derek-cam ok 10:43 Derek-cam When you get a few minutes try this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luRmM1J1sfg&feature=related 10:43 CC ok 10:43 Derek-cam I love it 10:43 CC beehive is steaming nicely 10:44 CC I saw her on TV 10:44 CC she was esxcellent 10:44 Derek-cam I first saw it on our national news 10:45 Derek-cam Brings a lump to my throat everytime I watch it. 10:45 Derek-cam OK, I'll go downstairs now, just in case Beryl's fallen asleep. 11:31 Rich OF ie 12:26:10 11:31 CC yep 11:32 Rich Sure playing havoc with predicting today. 11:32 Rich 73 minute interval 11:36 CC I think the VC post the time as a long and it turned out to be a short 11:37 Rich k 11:38 CC Actually, according to Derek's time the time should have been estimated at 12:32 and then it would have been in the window for a long 11:39 Rich yes 11:40 Rich OF is just showing off for the visitors. 11:40 CC and there may be new rangers at the VC. We lost two very good rangers this year 11:41 Rich Didn't one go to Arizona? 12:03 CC yes 12:04 CC Carolyn went to Arizona and Megan went to PA and Kelly last fall went to California 12:10 Rich I just remember something from the log. 12:21 Derek-cam Halfway through wiping the dishes and Christine called, (the Lady you spoke to). So I got delayed. 12:21 CC no problem 12:22 CC I am going to help Victor outside 12:22 Derek-cam I have control 12:22 Derek-cam ok 13:50 CC Hi 13:50 Derek-cam Hi 13:50 CC Just came bacK from, helping 13:51 CC Victor 13:51 Derek-cam It's so nice to see people back in the basin 13:51 CC We have whiskey Barrels in our back yard and we filled them with new dirt for plantings 13:51 CC When we get home from Yellowstone I will plant 13:52 CC today was a good day to change the dirt because there were not bugs and yet the temp was 70degrees 13:52 CC Hi Graham 13:52 Graham hello. Happy opening day 13:53 CC yes happy to see the people 13:53 CC it was weird seeing people by beehive today 13:53 Graham yeah. did it erupt already? 13:53 CC would you like to know who will be manning the desk in the VC. 13:53 Graham sure 13:53 CC I will send you an e-mail 13:53 Graham looks like there are some indicator watchers 13:55 Derek-cam Castle 13:56 Graham at least Geyser Hill is open :) 13:57 CC Graham I thought I saw castle at 7 ish 13:57 CC would this be right for the next eruption 13:57 Graham only if it minored at 7 13:58 CC that is what I thought 13:58 Graham its usually 13 hours between majors, except the first major interval after a minor, in which case its more like 14 hours 13:58 CC at 7:10 nothing and then at 7:38 heavy steam for a while 13:59 Graham how long did the steam last? 13:59 CC don't know because after OF erupted I went to have my foot checked 14:00 Graham ok. it might have just been a minor or just a lot of splashing which would be unusual that close to the previous Major..... dunno 14:00 CC the VC is having trouble with the sensor at Castle so I think that they were going to send someout to check the flow of water 14:00 Graham so who is on the boardwalk by Beehive? 14:01 Graham I am guessing someone called that eruption in 14:01 CC Gary comes on at 5:30 14:01 Graham ok 14:01 Graham did you get my email about tomorrow? 14:02 CC you will be on until 6:30 and then opera time 14:02 CC Derek is on the cam now 14:02 Graham yeah I will leave at 630 14:02 CC okay 14:02 CC I will take it then 14:03 Derek-cam Would someone like to have the cam until Gary arrives? 14:03 Graham Beehive doesn't look very exciting 14:03 CC Graham to you want it 14:03 Graham sure I can take it 14:03 CC okay 14:03 Rich People have been out by Beehive since about 1300 14:04 Graham anything else erupted today? 14:04 Derek I saw Lion at 11:02 14:04 CC I think grand wnet at 7:41 IE 14:05 Derek Depression at 9:46 14:05 CC Lion also at 7:57 14:06 Graham ok. 14:06 Graham seeing them waiting there by Beehive....ah, remind me why we do this so much? 14:07 Graham got to get used to seeing ants on the boardwalks again! 14:09 Derek I'm off downstairs now. Goodnight. 14:09 CC have a good nights rest 14:09 Graham bye 14:11 Rich I also have Lion ie 09:34:00 14:11 Graham ok, so Lion may start again before dark 14:11 Graham i guess you are on sabatical from OF predictions now Rich? 14:12 Graham Looks like someone dug those benches out 14:14 Rich I'm still doing predictions, OF has been 'showing' off today 14:14 Rich Short durations and intervals 14:15 Graham oh, I prefer the long eruptions tho 14:16 Rich Don't we all? lol 14:17 Rich One eruption I only captured one full plume 14:18 Rich Benches I think have been helped along by all the people waiting. 14:18 Graham yeah but not right here by the cam 14:19 Graham there is a larger cleared area on the left 14:19 CC Beehive looks blah 14:19 Graham yep, they have a long wait! 14:19 CC it was steaming much heavier early in the day 14:20 CC like around 11:00 ish 14:21 Graham it will go overnight again 14:21 CC someone sitting by plume 14:22 Graham a tired Beehive watcher? 14:22 CC I still have to cancel Snowlodge 14:22 CC maybe tomorrow 14:23 Graham still undecided? 14:23 CC I am so afraid they will close the basin like they did last year 14:23 CC no I really am not undecided 14:23 CC we have reservations in West for Friday night 14:24 Graham when are you gone again? 14:24 CC and then we will spend a week in the basin 14:24 CC do you mean to Yellowstone 14:24 Graham yes 14:25 CC I don't have reservations for September yet because of the road closures 14:25 Graham I have lost the static cam 14:25 CC if we decide to go we will make them last minute 14:25 CC me too 14:26 CC probably a server problem 14:26 Graham that closure is bad but at least there aren't bares...hope for no fires too 14:26 CC did you read about the closure to Fountain paint pots 14:26 Graham Labor Day is late this year, cabins close the weekend after Labor Day 14:26 CC they are going to redo the board walk 14:26 Graham yeah, thats an interesting explanation. Hope thye do replace the boardwalk 14:27 CC yes if need it but why didn't they do it in late Sept or Oct of 2008 14:27 Graham maybe working somewhere else, I don't know 14:28 Graham I hope they dont close it in late Sept/Oct if I end up having to go late this year :) 14:29 CC Gary should be taking over in 2 minutes if he is on time 14:29 CC I am going to eat then 14:29 Rich Link to static cam thru Derek's page is up 14:29 CC interesting 14:30 CC must be the server to Yellowstone 14:30 Rich There have been people out by Plume since about 1300 also 14:30 Rich Seems to be a popular place today 14:31 CC OF 15:00 14:31 Rich I found some activity at Beehive/indicator around 1300 also 14:31 Rich Fairly good steam at 12:58 14:31 Graham maybe 1530.... 14:31 CC sorry OF 15:30 14:32 CC well, this should be a long 14:32 Graham looks like it, just for me 14:33 CC I am going to have supper see you folks tomorrow 14:33 CC bye 14:33 Graham bye 14:34 Rich The lady you chatted with the other day was back in this morning. 14:35 Graham ok, there have been a few new folks in recently. i think the bears did it 14:36 Rich She is really excited, only 35 more days for her. lol 14:36 Graham yeah, I don't know how I will last till Sept 14:37 Graham I went in the spring the last 2 years 14:37 Rich The last time we went was in July 14:37 Graham never been in July, whats it like? 14:39 Graham Daisy 1538 14:39 Graham Plume? 14:41 Rich Sorry for delays in responding, I have to reload the log to catch up sometimes 14:41 Rich Was quite warm 14:41 Rich Not to many bugs 14:41 Graham looked like Plume at 1539 14:41 Rich As I remember everything was prettly dry. 14:42 Graham yeah it should be then 14:42 Graham i like Sept, no bugs and cool 14:42 Graham dry and not too many humans 14:42 Rich I thought I might have caught Plume earlier at 12:48 or 13:27, one or both of them could be wrong. 14:43 Rich When we left we went down thru the Tetons, saw my first very large herd of elk, they came right by the side of the RV. 14:44 Graham cool, i have never seen large herds 14:50 Rich Wonder why they have predicted OF for 17:00 14:50 Graham um...because its their job? 14:51 Graham its 1530 + 90 14:51 Rich cause I can't add 14:51 Rich lol 14:51 Rich duh 14:52 Graham see, you are cracking under pressure of competing with the Pros 14:52 Rich I'm cracking cause of trying to keep up with 4 webcams at once. 14:52 Rich Redoubt and OF 14:53 Rich Redoubt they said is quiet but could go unannounced at any time. 14:53 Rich Or with very little warning. 14:53 Graham like Giantess 14:54 Rich Well, just a little bigger than Giantess. lol 14:55 Rich Either I've seen the same little kids several times today or they must be selling souvenier green jackets at OF. 14:56 Graham hehe they have the rain ponchos..you can see them all coming out when its wet 14:57 Rich These have been a lime/tourquise green, not a forest green. 14:58 Graham the beehive watchers have gone 14:58 Rich I don't see the Plume watchers either. 14:59 Graham I think they all gave up 14:59 Graham Beehve does not look good 14:59 Rich I haven't seen anyone wave to the cams today either. 15:00 Graham must be all the serious visitors out today 15:01 Rich They were this morning or someone was giving directions. 15:06 Graham Gary has the cam now 15:50 Graham Plume 1650 16:09 Rich And in the mean time my neighbor came by and asked me to print out the NASCAR schedule. 16:09 Rich I'll be back shortly, running it over now. 16:10 Graham ok 16:24 Graham Grand 1723 16:28 Rich I be back. 16:28 Graham almost missed Grand 16:30 Rich What is the white mountain peak in the background? 16:30 Rich I've never see it before. 16:30 Graham Probably Excelsior 16:31 Rich ok 16:31 Rich One more thing to locate. 16:31 Rich It just changed shape 16:31 Rich Must have been a cloud 16:32 Graham you doubt me? 16:32 Rich Well, NO~ 16:32 Rich But it is gone now, so you must MOVE mountains. 16:32 Rich lol 16:32 Graham Excelsior Geyser 16:33 Graham steam..moves in the wind... 16:33 Rich Oh, ok, duh 16:33 Rich lol 16:33 Graham or maybe the volcano blew the peak off? 16:33 Rich (make note to self, no more stupid questions.) 16:33 Rich right 16:33 Rich lol 16:34 Graham wrong webcam i guess 16:34 Rich Since I haven't loaded up the volcano yet, I kinda doubt it. 16:34 Rich Spots before my eyes maybe. 16:36 Rich Hi 495907 16:36 Rich wb 16:36 Graham you remember the numbers.....wow 16:36 Rich yep 16:37 Rich Remember most of the conversations too. 16:37 Rich People I find interesting I tend to remember. 16:37 guest495907 hi rich and graham 16:38 Rich And any one from Callifornia. 16:38 Rich lol 16:38 Graham hello 16:38 Rich And if you are interesting and from California, even better. 16:40 Graham Its easier if people edit their nicknames :) 16:40 Graham's pest Is it? 16:41 guest495907 Reading the log to c what up in basin today 16:41 Rich Mostly people 16:41 guest495907 or better yet just go incognito....(sp) 16:42 Rich hehe 16:42 Rich See, you are interesting. lol 16:42 Rich mystery 16:42 guest495907 no beehive...u know....yep from ca 16:43 Rich no beehive - yet! 16:43 Graham its going in the dark tonight 16:44 Rich Think someone would go out and shine a flashlight on it for us? 16:44 Graham Lion 1744 16:44 Graham looks like Beehive 16:44 Graham haha 16:45 Graham I have done that 16:45 Graham but don't really need it at Beehive, it gets backlit by the Inn lights 16:46 Graham best beehive I saw was in the dark 16:46 Rich Starlight? 16:46 Graham absolutely no wind so it created its own little cyclone 16:46 Rich Or night vision? 16:46 Rich cool 16:46 Graham I thought i was going to get real wet but it just went straight up and down 16:47 Graham nobody else there too 16:48 Graham moonlight cna be pretty bright when your eyes adjust too, I have moonlit photos of Grand 16:49 guest495907 waiting for the zoom on lion 16:49 Rich I was at Great Basin when Levi/Schumaker was crashing into Jupiter. Had my telescope and was at about 10,000 feet alone watching. 16:50 Graham I am not sure what Gary is doping with the cam, he missed Grand and Lion 16:50 Graham mmm thats some clear sky at GB 16:52 guest495907 someones out watching the indicator 16:52 guest495907 i think 16:52 Rich Looks like a person 16:53 Graham yeah they are back. looks pretty bad tho. I think its 2 people 16:53 guest495907 someone walking down from lion to depression 16:55 Graham at least there was one Beehive splash then 16:56 Graham should get plume too soon 16:57 Rich k 16:58 Rich Crowd forming at Beehive 17:00 Graham Plume 1759 17:02 Rich Plume? 17:03 Graham yep, cam is stuck on it 17:11 Rich My Sister just sent me a capture of Excelsior Geyser asking what it was. 17:12 Rich And I AMAZED her and gave your answer. lol 17:12 Rich And then gave you credit. 17:13 Graham haha...now I want to see it in eruption, not just creating a big steam cloud 17:14 Rich She put in a 'work order' for it, for you. 17:15 Graham Is that how it works? 17:16 guest495907 got a date on that "work order" I'd like to make sure I was close by 17:16 Rich Open ended. 17:16 Rich Sometime. 17:16 Rich Sisters are like that. 17:17 Rich lol 17:17 Graham hum, now +_ 135 years? 17:18 Rich She says October 1. 17:19 Rich Sorry, crossed wires, she was talking about the first time she save Excelsior steam capture. 17:19 Graham I have Inn reservations 1 October - I look forward to seeing it then 17:20 guest495907 might have to change our vacation to the fall 17:20 Rich lol 17:20 Graham heres the consolidation if you have not seen it before http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akZfqeVMiIkGiantess Geyser 17:26 Rich I'll have to wait til later to watch it, don't have enough bandwidth to add it to the download que. 17:27 Graham ok. need to turn up the volume too...it made my chair rumble here 17:27 Rich cool 17:32 guest495907 THAT WAS GREAT....LOVE TO HEAR IT ROAR!!!! thank u took me right their! 17:32 guest495907 Another Tara/Dave production? 17:33 guest495907 When I'm down I go to u-tube and watch geyser videos 17:33 Graham yeah Tarar video, Daves editing and post 17:33 Graham I have never seen the good stuff from Giantess 17:37 bill/carol no more mystery 17:37 Graham ahhhh hello 17:39 bill/carol graham will miss seeing you in the park this spring 17:39 Rich ahh 17:39 Rich Hello 17:39 Graham yeah I am going to Utah instead 17:40 bill/carol hi rich 17:40 bill/carol my birth place 17:40 Rich Provo? 17:40 Graham not sure how I will cope waiting to Sept to go to the park 17:40 Graham Zion/Brice and then Grand Canyon 17:41 bill/carol SLC. That sounds like a great vacation also all really beautiful 17:41 Rich Mom and I tried several times to get to Arches. Something always came up to prevent us. So we decided it wasn't meant. 17:42 Graham the arches are still there - nice place 17:42 Rich We got as close as the turn off, but the car died. 17:43 bill/carol Rich would luv to hear what Great Basin is like. I mentioned going their this winter to my hubby and got the stick eye 17:43 bill/carol stink 17:44 Rich We've been going to the area for over 45 years. 17:44 Rich Not much in the way of amenities 17:45 Rich Baker is just outside the park, blink and you missed it. 17:45 Rich P.O. Gas station. 17:45 Rich About it. 17:46 Rich 3 campgrounds lower elevation, one at about 10,000 ft. 17:46 Rich Closed in winter 17:46 bill/carol looks kinda ....barren. What u do their 17:47 Rich Also Lehman Caves 17:47 Graham OF 1846 17:47 Rich Great cave. 17:47 Rich Oldest living trees 17:47 Rich Bristle Cone pines 17:47 bill/carol hiking? 17:48 Rich Lots, you can hike to the top of the mtn or up to the base of the glacier. 17:48 Rich Really nice OF. 17:48 bill/carol nice to c the water in old faithful warming up 17:49 Rich The caves are really great, not a large cave but have just about all the features you find in a cave in just one. 17:49 bill/carol should have been a coma after faithful..... 17:49 Rich Popcorn, straw, bacon, stalagties/mites 17:50 Rich Horse back trails 17:50 Rich Lots of deer. 17:51 Rich brb, phone 17:52 bill/carol We want to go other places but can't give up the park....we spend alot of time in yosemite in the winter....its so close 17:53 bill/carol Gotta go for know. Gotta help bill get ready for poker nite w the boys 17:53 Rich b 17:53 Graham http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM-8fTvE4Cs&NR=1 17:53 Graham another good video, different atmosphere from the summer ones 17:53 Rich have a good evening carol 17:53 Graham bye 17:55 Rich Have you ever been to Dinasaur National Monument? 17:55 Rich Utah/Colorado line. 17:56 Graham i have, first time I went to Yellowstone 17:57 Graham had 2 weeks, flew to Denver and drove thry WY to Cody. 17:57 Rich We've also been going there for over 45 years 17:57 Graham 6 days in YNP, 3 in Tetons, then down to DInasaur and back thru Rocky Mountain park 17:57 Graham was fun but I didnt explore much 17:58 Graham what is there to do at Dino? 17:58 Rich out to the petroglyphs and to watch the Perrigrin falcons when they were re introduced. 17:59 Graham ahhh, i just did the obvious VC bit there 18:02 Graham Plume 1902 18:03 bill/carol Had to watch grahams video of Giant....WOW! You were there by yourself and looks like the fall. We didn't see much of mastif in that eurption 18:03 Rich http://www.avo.alaska.edu/volcanoes/volcact.php?volcname=Redoubt&page=images&eruptionid=610Photos from field trip at Redoubt. 18:03 Graham not my video 18:03 Rich Probably have to get the link from the log 18:04 Rich k 18:04 Graham I have always shared Giant, even last year in Feb 18:04 Graham I am not that calm and quiet either 18:08 bill/carol That was great! thank you. I know from experiance that it's impossible for me to be quiet. Bill says I ought to put ours from 6/6/06, 5/30/06 (?) and another from 6/07. 18:09 bill/carol my family says they're X rated/:) 18:09 Graham he was way too calm filming Giant there but its a great video of the surging and start 18:09 bill/carol yep a great close up of the overflow 18:09 Graham same comment has been made about some other Giant videos :) 18:11 Graham Thats why I stick to photos...haha 18:11 bill/carol yep hehe;) 18:16 Rich Lois says she sees something moving left of center back at the tree line. 18:16 Rich I'll scanning back now. 18:17 Graham Lion 1916 18:19 Rich Now she tells me it is a geyser. lol 18:19 Graham a new one? 18:21 Rich No, Lion 18:23 Graham ahhhhhhhh 18:23 Graham its getting late 18:23 Rich That it is 18:25 Graham I am shutting down early today. Hope you get Beehive 18:25 Graham see ya 18:29 Rich Another place 'along' the way to Great Basin is Berlin-Itheasaurs State Park 18:30 Rich I'm sure that isn't spelled correctly. 18:30 Rich Icthyasaurus is better. 18:30 Rich mammal that swam in the inland sea. There is a 60 long fossil of one there. 18:31 Rich It is locaked east of Gabbs NV. 18:31 Rich Berlin is a ghost mining town. 18:32 Rich ghost town that was a mining town? 18:33 Rich There are petroglyphs just east of Fallon NV on Highway 50 as well as east of Austin NV at Hickison Summit. 18:34 bill/carol one day well get there 18:34 Rich Just giving you 'fuel' to get him interested. 18:34 bill/carol cool 18:35 bill/carol always good to see other areas 18:35 Rich Lots of historic things in the towns along Highway 50. 18:35 Rich Museums 18:35 Rich And before you get to Ely NV, there is Ruth, one of the worlds largest open pit copper mines. 18:36 Rich Interesting to see, not much to do. lol 18:36 bill/carol to bad it closed in the winter that when we do local vaca's w the kids and g-kids. Spend alot of time in tahoe area w/ the 5th wheel 18:36 Rich Great BAsin is open in the winter, just the 10,000 area is closed. 18:36 Rich The cave is open 18:36 bill/carol ever been to Bodie? 18:37 Rich No, been by on 395 but never made it out to Bodie 18:37 bill/carol The old road has been paved....14 miles in on the dirt road was painful 18:38 Rich The visitors Center at Mono Lake is very interesting. 18:38 bill/carol yep it is 18:38 Rich Just south of Mono is one of the largest volcanoes. 18:38 Rich I can't remember the name 18:38 Rich I've always wanted to go to Mammoth and out to the Devils Postpile. 18:39 bill/carol great spot! the obsidion is amazing 18:40 bill/carol you been to yosemite? 18:40 Rich yes, even climbed to the top of Half Dome 18:40 Rich My Uncle use to have cabins at Wawona. 18:40 bill/carol good 4 you. I won't do the stairs/cables 18:41 bill/carol made it to nevada falls though 18:41 Rich It took everything I had. 18:41 Rich That is a hard trip 18:41 bill/carol plus some 18:41 Rich I remember as a kid going to the valley and watching the 'fire falls'. 18:42 Rich Driving thru the tree. 18:43 Rich Steam at Beehive but think it is only 'evening' steam. 18:43 bill/carol Bill does too. I never saw the firefalls. It's a great valley. Great snowshoeing 18:43 Rich Wish I could hike more. 18:44 bill/carol I gotta go the guys are arriving 4 poker and I gotta leave...:SC u 2morrow 18:44 Rich k 18:44 Rich great chatting carol 18:44 Rich nite 18:45 bill/carol nite rich 18:45 Rich nite carol 19:26 Rich OF ie 20:14:04 April 18th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 17th, 2009 April 19th, 2009 » 06:25 CC OF erutped at 6:53 AM MDT 06:29 Derek hi 06:29 CC hi 06:30 Derek I'm using the yellowstone.net feed for the static cam. 06:30 CC I am so glad to be able to see the basin 06:31 CC NP Site is down for everyone 06:31 Derek Did I hear Graham say he was going out later? 06:31 CC at 6:30 EDT 06:31 CC he will be on the cam at 1:30 06:31 Derek ok 06:32 Derek http://www.yellowstone.net/ofliveoriginal.htm 06:33 Derek That's the one I always use. 06:34 CC that is what site a I am using 06:35 Derek The dishes are washed already. 06:35 Derek The bed will be made when Beryl's ready. 06:36 Derek So I can take over whenever you like, but I'll have to disapear for 15 minutes when Beryl gets up here 06:38 CC You can take it if you wish but I need to know the next time OF erupts so I can call it in and whether if is a long or short 06:38 Derek Any idea how long it will be? 06:39 Derek Just to be sure, you'd better keep on it until O.F. 06:39 Derek I'll be standing by here 06:40 CC OF erupted at 6:53 and it was a long 06:41 Derek So really it should be due at 8:23 06:41 CC so I am estimating 8:23 06:46 Graham morning 06:46 Derek Hi 06:47 bill/carol morning all 06:47 Graham did I see Lion at 0630ie? 06:47 Graham there was a thick steam cloud back there 06:48 CC don't know I was not looking there 06:48 CC hi Bill/Carol 06:49 Graham looks like another nice day 06:49 CC yep 06:49 bill/carol sure does 06:49 CC it was steamy for a while this morning 06:49 CC had a clear view of OF though 06:50 Graham yeah it was a bit steamy but a lot better than it has been recently. looks like fog is building down basin tho 06:50 CC I could actually see blue water at OF 06:50 Graham cool 06:52 CC no animals today so far 06:53 bill/carol no "bison eater" yet 06:53 CC no 06:54 CC where are you writing from(state) 06:54 bill/carol placerville, ca 06:54 CC where is that near 06:54 bill/carol Lake Tahoe 06:54 CC aah 06:54 bill/carol Sacramento 06:55 bill/carol I type slow 06:55 CC will you be in the park this summer 06:55 bill/carol Where u. and yep 34 days and counting 06:55 CC yes 06:56 CC would you like to join us on a walk through the geyser basin on May 23rd 06:56 CC actually you may not be there then 06:58 bill/carol Sure if we're there! 06:58 bill/carol Not sure if we're leaving after work on Thur or Fri 06:58 CC well, at any rate if you see a silver Highlander with Connecticut Plate and Loon and YNET stickers on the window it's us 06:59 CC A group is meeting at the temp VC at 9:30 on the 23rd if you are in the park 07:00 bill/carol Very nice...Thankyou we have a Dodge truck w2 bikes.....(maybe snowshoes) in the back:D 07:00 bill/carol Thank you for the invite 07:01 CC welcome..hope you can join us..it is always fun 07:01 bill/carol loons? 07:02 CC There are a grtoup of people(all ages) who have been meeting for years in the park over Memorial weekend 07:02 bill/carol Is that what Jere B is a member of 07:03 CC we have a big banner (yellow) that we usually display...also you may see yellow flags on cars..that is us also 07:03 CC don't know JereB 07:04 bill/carol What does loon stand for? 07:04 Graham Beehive is looking sad 07:05 CC yep probably went overnight 07:05 Graham I think Jere is more of a Gazer than a Loon 07:05 bill/carol I think so to 07:05 Graham hope he gets to the park this summer too 07:05 bill/carol good to hear from him on the list yesterday 07:06 bill/carol yep we will! 07:08 CC Derek are you still here 07:08 CC if so, you are so quiet 07:11 CC plume 8:11 07:11 bill/carol nice!! 07:12 CC 5 bursts 07:13 bill/carol great clear day...geysers......we can c water not just steam.....good company....wonderful way to start the am 07:13 bill/carol coffee too 07:24 Graham im headed out since its nice here, see you later 07:24 CC ok 07:25 bill/carol have great day 07:38 Derek Everything OK CC? 07:38 CC yep 07:38 CC OF still hasn't gone 07:39 CC prplay at 8:23 07:39 Derek I am showing last years holiday video to a girl in China 07:42 Derek Unusual for OF to be so late. 07:42 bill/carol that was all she needed 07:43 CC finally 8:42 OF 07:43 CC the cam is yours 07:47 bill/carol ok got my fix. be on beehive watch through the day. ta ta 4 now, gotta get the day rollin 09:11 Graham Is that Grand? 09:11 Graham at 1011? 09:12 Derek of 09:12 Graham Grand too I think 09:13 Derek O.F. blocked the view 09:13 Graham yeah you might get focus on the right 09:13 Graham theres Grand 09:13 Graham mm nice 09:16 Graham of steam was not very nice for that eruption 09:23 Graham just 1 burst 09:23 Rich Hi guys 09:25 Graham hey RIch 09:25 Rich If that was Grand I got it ie 10:10:28 09:25 Graham it was Grand 09:25 Rich k 09:25 Graham should go again before dark unless it goes way long 09:26 Rich OF went last night ie 20:15:04 09:27 Rich No beehive 09:27 Rich before dark anyway 09:27 Graham ok. Beehive was dead this morning 09:27 Graham may get one in before dark, but probably late today 09:28 Rich The watch is posted. lol 09:29 Derek Turban? 09:29 Graham probably continued after Grand 09:30 Graham may have Rift or West Triplet on the left, Turban on the right. They seem to be different steam clouds 09:30 Rich I see where carol is on the Beehive watch also. 09:30 Rich carol of bill/carol 09:30 Graham she might get it tonight 09:31 Rich aka guest495907 09:31 Graham CC will be on later as I leave at 1430 MDT 09:31 Rich Party time? 09:33 bill/carol hi all 09:33 Derek Hi 09:33 Rich Hi carol 09:33 bill/carol just cking be4 i head out for the day,looks like 2nite 09:34 Rich <=====makes note to self to always check the visitors list before speaking. lol 09:34 Rich you want 4 to midnight? 09:34 Rich shift? 09:37 bill/carol take it! 09:37 bill/carol might b kinda.....dark? 09:37 bill/carol hehe 09:37 Rich ok 09:37 Rich you got me. 09:38 Rich Have to do Navy watches, 4 hours. 09:38 bill/carol ok 09:38 bill/carol any wildlife 09:39 bill/carol of the winged or 4 legged variety 09:39 Rich I've only seen 2 legged in the last hour. 09:40 Rich speaking of, out by Plume now. 09:41 bill/carol see-ums 09:41 Derek Now by BH 09:41 Rich Fast little things aren't they. 09:41 Derek Graham 09:42 Derek Are you there? 09:42 Graham yeah just got disconnected 09:42 Derek Me too 09:42 bill/carol did uall just loose pic on cam 09:43 Derek I can't log back in 09:43 Rich We had this problem before. 09:43 Graham must be a cyber attack on the ebcam 09:44 Rich Or house keeping on the NPS server in Washington. 09:44 bill/carol lense cleaning day? 09:44 Graham they unplugged the router to run the vacuum cleaner 09:44 Rich lol 09:44 bill/carol lol 09:44 Rich I still have spots on the static. 09:45 Graham don't laugh, that's happened to me, someone unplugged a router one night in the Netherlands and took my system offline 09:45 Rich I can believe it. 09:46 bill/carol oh! thought you were joking 09:47 bill/carol ok going out w g-kids see ya later 09:47 Graham bye 09:47 Graham at least static cam is still running 09:47 Rich yep 09:47 Rich bye c ya later 09:49 Graham could be an easy afternoon for me 09:50 Rich Spend your time wisely, check your eyelids for holes. 09:52 Graham this may be a continuation of the problems with the main park service site 09:52 Derek Maybe 09:53 Graham well it worked for your shift :) 09:53 Derek I just called CC and told her. She's out right now, but if it's still off when she gets home she'll call Craig 09:54 Rich We had static cam outage yesterday. 09:54 Rich The link thru your site was working Derek. 09:54 Graham ok. tey may be doing maintenance and it could come back on its own 09:56 Derek It's back 09:57 Graham yep 10:01 Rich brb, going to find something to eat. 10:02 Derek ok 10:02 Graham Bison steak? 10:02 Rich Bear burgers 10:03 Derek Elk fillets 10:06 Derek Coyote Kebabs 10:07 Rich We are definitely having to much fun today. lol 10:07 Derek Yeah 10:07 Rich ended up being shredded wheat and banana 10:18 Graham so that was Daisy 1115ie? 10:18 Derek I think it was just ending 10:18 Graham ok, so I can look for it in a couple of hours 10:22 bill/carol oops ... they forgot to read thesign 10:23 Derek What sign? 10:25 bill/carol the NO DOGS sign 10:30 Derek Graham, I'm off downstairs now. 10:32 Graham ok got it 10:37 Graham Oblong 1137 10:43 Graham OF 1142 11:03 Graham Plume 1202 11:26 Graham static page seems stuck 12:06 Graham OF 1305 12:49 Graham Daisy 1349 13:30 Graham Plume 1430 13:45 Graham OF 1445 13:46 Derek nice 13:46 Graham yeah, good wind this time 13:49 Graham camear cleaning time? 13:49 Graham or someone knows this guy? 13:50 Derek Just phoning home 13:50 Derek Someone in the VC? 13:50 Graham i dont know who grabbed the cam tho 13:52 Derek Tom did train some of the VC staff 13:52 Graham I grabbed it when they logged off 13:53 Derek Strange 13:53 Derek Well they didn't clean it. 13:53 Graham Beehive still doesn't look very good 13:55 Derek Just how far is BH from the walkway? 20 feet? 13:55 Graham I can't stand on the boardwalk watching for water in the indicator like they do 13:56 Graham maybe 25 13:57 Graham you cant sit there and see into the indicator hole though, you have to stand 14:00 Graham the wind blows in your face a lot too and you are looking into the afternoon sun. Not my favorite spot 14:01 Derek But you like backlit pictures :-) 14:01 Graham yeah of course :) and I am glad they watch for water, gives a minute or two more time to get there 14:02 Graham I was in black sand basin last fall and heard the water called. Jumped in my car, drove up to the lodge cabins and parked close, then dashed onto the Hill to be there for Beehive 14:03 Graham about time for Castle if it Majored overnight 14:04 Derek If I ever did get to Yellowstone I would get one of those telescopic one legged camera stands. With that I could look down into the geyser vents :-) 14:04 Derek Those that are near to the walkways 14:04 Graham still not thateasy, most are not that close 14:05 Derek If it was tall enough, I might get a good view of Giantess pool 14:06 Graham thats a long way from the boardwalk tho. need a telescoping platform and ladder 14:06 Graham of course its got to erupt for you to see into the crater anyway... 14:07 Derek I guess the only way is a high powered zoom from the observation point. 14:08 Graham maybe. looks like some of the beehive hanger on's have moved on 14:20 Derek Goodnight 14:20 Graham bye 14:38 CC Hi 14:38 CC anything happening 14:38 Graham hello 14:38 Graham beehive is still pretty dead. 14:38 Graham had a couple of Daisys, in the log here 14:38 Graham maybe Plume up in the next few minutes 14:38 Graham no Lion yet 14:39 CC Victor and I were out this afternoon in the yard getting our planters ready for flowers when we come back from Yellowstone 14:39 CC it is very warm here today 14:40 Graham Plume 1539 14:40 Graham 69 min interval 14:41 CC nice shot 14:41 Graham not sure who the gazer is 14:41 CC is OF due 14:42 Graham at 615 EDT 14:43 Graham Daisy was 1349, so its due in the next 40 min or so 14:43 Graham Grand was this morning, its window should start around 630 EDT 14:44 CC what opera are you going to see tonight 14:44 Graham have not seen Castle so it should be due too 14:44 Graham Handel's Xerxes 14:44 Graham its at U of Maryland 14:44 CC in College Park 14:45 Graham I have seen it once and am interested to see it again although Handel is not my favorite. Tomorow I go at 3pm to Tchaikovsky's Eugene O****n which I like a lot 14:45 Graham yes 14:46 Graham young singers and small sets but its just $30 a ticket 14:46 Graham its a great day here too, I had a nice walk 14:47 Graham Beehive wathcers have been out, we had 4 or more earlier but most gave up. just 2 now I think 14:48 Graham Y-Net static cam stopped for about 2 hours today 14:49 CC I e-mailed Craig and he knows about it 14:49 CC I think it is a washington problem 14:49 CC either that or the server 14:51 Graham I have not been able to get to the cam from the NPS page 14:51 CC me neither 14:51 CC I have been using Derek's page 15:00 Graham Daisy 1559 15:15 Graham OF 1614 15:15 CC right on 15:17 CC how many hours for you this week 15:17 Graham 30 15:18 CC thanks 15:18 Graham I think thats a record for me 15:18 CC that's quite a lot 15:18 CC it's terrific 15:18 CC thank you for all your help 15:18 Graham the sun stays up a lot in the evening. In the winter its just an hour. now its more like 4 1/2 15:19 Graham sure, I enjoy it 15:19 Graham I might be around late tomorrow, 630 ish 15:19 CC I am usually very tired at night so I love it when some else ison 15:20 Graham well thats the only time I can be opn except weekends 15:21 Graham ah, next weekend will be tough too, I am going out Saturday afternoon and won't be back till late on SUnday 15:21 Graham and you are out too 15:22 Graham a little bit od splashing at Beehive 15:22 Graham Lion 1622 Ini 15:22 Graham that got the Beehive watchers going :) 15:24 CC have fun tonight 15:25 CC I will take the cam at 6:30 15:25 Graham k 15:25 Graham hope you get beehive but i am not sure it wants to erupt now 15:30 Graham see you 15:34 Rich http://mms.nps.gov/yell/webcams/old_faithful_cam.h… 15:39 Rich Hi bill/carol 15:39 bill/carol hi 15:40 bill/carol carol here 15:40 Rich hi carol 15:40 Rich wb 15:40 Rich The link I posted above is alternative link to the static cam. 15:41 bill/carol this is bill not carol he trying to be funny...yuck yuck 15:42 Rich For what ever reason, when one 'site' goes don't, not necessarily all the links go down. 15:42 Rich lol 15:43 Rich Hi Bill I'm Rich. 15:44 Rich Gee we should start a C&W band. 15:44 Rich Oh, wait there is already Big and Rich. lol 15:45 bill/carol hey rich...we were chatin last night before carol brought us out of the closet 15:45 Rich ok 15:46 bill/carol think we were guest 89288439291 lol 15:46 Rich maybe but you use to be guest495907 15:46 Rich When there was only one of you. lol 15:46 bill/carol i think you are right 15:48 Rich If Plume sticks to it's 'schedule' today, it should be coming up anytime now. 15:49 Rich Lion just had it's intial for the day at 1622 so it should go around 1800 15:51 bill/carol weird not to see all the steam... nice day in the basin 15:52 Rich I can't always tell Plume from the static cam, that might have been it. 15:52 Rich Very nice day. 15:52 bill/carol there it is 15:53 bill/carol Plume 1652 15:53 Rich It goes to fast for the refreshes to catch. 15:53 Rich k 16:51 CC Lion 17:50 16:57 Rich Interesting that the people are leaving after Lion. 17:04 bill/carol yea.. Carol and I spend a lot of time at Fountain, and most people just walk on by while it is IE 17:06 Rich And now they've gone after of preplay. 17:08 Rich to bad we don't have a claxxon to push to call them back. 17:08 bill/carol OF 1808 17:12 bill/carol off at 1812 17:47 bill/carol hi rich. carol here 18:40 Rich OF ie 19:39:22 18:41 contner Looks wet tonight. 18:41 Rich just got that way 18:41 Rich Been a very nice day at OF. 18:42 Rich Trying to out wait Beehive. 18:42 contner That is great to hear! 18:42 Rich another foot or so of the sidewalk has melted clear. 18:44 Rich No wildlife to report today. 18:45 contner Glad to see it all melting. 18:46 contner Take care! 18:46 Rich I haven't taken a look at the parking lot in a couple of days, but there was still plenty out there. 18:46 Rich have a good evening 18:46 Rich will do 18:46 Rich nite 18:46 contner U2 18:46 Rich yep April 19th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 18th, 2009 April 20th, 2009 » 05:22 Graham OF 0621, Good morning! 05:25 Graham Duration about 3 min, will be interesting to see the next interval 05:25 Graham slow start, a lot of small splashes before it took off and then a short duration after reaching full height 05:45 CC morning Graham 05:45 Graham hello 05:45 Graham was a strange OF 05:45 CC did you see the static cam http on the geyser list 05:46 CC I didn't see the strange OF 05:46 CC when was it 05:46 Graham yes 05:46 Graham scroll up in the log for my description - I also emailed you 05:46 Graham it was 621 05:46 CC okay 05:46 CC I might have gone down for coffee 05:47 Graham it was before the cam moved 05:47 Graham so this may be an odd interval 05:47 CC oh then I was in the shower 05:47 CC OF is doing crazy things 05:47 CC since Friday 05:47 Graham yeah we had seen more shorts and some longer ones too 05:48 Graham well its been a little strange before Friday too but maybe more-so now 05:48 Graham it will be interesting to see the download data 05:48 CC well, now I have to focus on Lion 05:48 CC how was the opera 05:49 Graham it was good, several great singers who are in Masters or Doctral programs in Music. 05:49 CC what are your plans for today 05:49 Graham Handel is not my favorite composer and the plot was bizare 05:50 Graham I will be out most of the day, back probably at 70, maybe a little earlier 05:50 Graham 7pm 05:50 Graham I could grab the cam when I get in 05:50 CC if you get back at seven please take the cam then 05:51 Graham ok, I just checked and I may be in at 630, I will grab it when I get in 05:51 Graham not such a nice day here or in the park today 05:51 CC right now I am using the http that was on the list to see the basin..yesterday I used Dereks 05:52 Graham I prefer Y-Net because it has the other links and is lower on the page, fits on my screen better 05:52 CC right now the sun is out but they say we will have showers later 05:52 Graham same here but its overcast instead of sunny 05:52 Graham typical spring 05:52 Graham sun is coming out down-basin! 05:53 CC what is interesting about OF is that the steam now is very white..usually a sign that it will erupt soon 05:53 Graham maybe its just the partyl overcast sky 05:53 CC looks like aurum just erupted 05:54 Graham yeah maybe, seemed a little short but it was a big steam puff 05:54 Graham is that Oblong or Turban? 05:55 Graham Plume 0655 05:55 Graham looks like Turban 05:56 Graham not enough morning steam for Oblong 05:56 Graham theres another Plume burst 05:56 Graham another 05:56 CC I was about to say Turban when you said Plume so back I went to plume 05:56 Graham lucky to see Plume with this wind direction 05:57 CC better the wind blowing in this direction than at the lens 05:57 Graham always true 05:57 CC I did ask for a cleaning of the lens yesterday 05:57 CC Hi Derek 05:58 Derek Hi 05:58 Graham morning/afternoon 05:58 Derek Before you ask, my hours were just 23 :-) 05:58 Derek Somebody did breifly grab the cam from Graham yesterday. 05:59 CC Graham was the big winner this week 05:59 CC we had to much ice and crystals on the lens 05:59 Graham long evenings help 05:59 Graham that too 06:00 Derek I missed out because the ice crystals didn't fall from the cam until almost my tea time 06:00 CC what they need on the lens is a defrosting button 06:01 Graham and the NASCAR screen that you can wind on when it gets dirty 06:01 Derek My old CCTV cameras had small heaters inside 06:01 CC I think I will suggest that to Craig 06:02 CC I am wondering if I missed Lion 06:02 Graham no report of Beehive in the log last night 06:02 CC It was steaming heavily before 06:02 Graham no Lion 06:02 Derek I remember one of our cameras had a problem with small bugs getting inside 06:03 Graham it went last night a couple of times before dark, so probably went again this morning 06:03 Derek When the engineer opened it up they were nowhere to be seen 06:03 Graham may have been finishing up steam? 06:03 Derek But as soon as he drove away they would all apear again 06:06 Graham bears are like that too, and geyser eruptions 06:06 Graham walk away and they erupt 06:06 Derek By the way CC, I am still waiting for the call to wash the dishes. The bed has been made already. 06:06 CC I wondered why you were on this early 06:07 Derek I thought I would come up here and get the other PC logged in and ready. 06:08 Graham Forecast is mostly sunny high ~80 here on Saturday CC 06:08 CC that will be great 06:08 CC did you decide to meet us at the hotel 06:08 Graham lets see how the forecast changes over the week 06:08 Derek 63 outside here 06:09 Graham yeah I haven't found anywhere for breakfast in Tysons, so the Hotel is probably the best bet 06:09 Graham just tell me when 06:09 Derek So who'll be buying? :-) 06:09 Graham we will send you the check :) 06:09 CC we willl 06:09 Derek Yipes 06:09 Graham we will arm wrestle for it...haha 06:10 CC after all we did ask him to met us 06:10 Graham you guys are travelling, and retired.... 06:10 Graham you driving down? 06:10 CC make sure you bring your camera so we can send Derek a picture 06:10 CC yes we are driving down 06:10 Graham k 06:11 Derek Graham, I would like a nice close-up of CC and Victor, so I can see what they really look like :-) 06:11 Graham Beehive looks as good now as it did yesterday afternoon 06:12 Graham yeah you don't want a close-up of me...haha 06:13 Derek You've already sent me some decent pictures of yourself 06:13 Derek :-) 06:15 Graham im out of here, have fun, see you later 06:16 Derek I would also like a nice picture of You, CC, Victor, plus anyone else I know, standing on the walkway with the cam tree and temp-VC in the background. Your good at backlite shots. :-) 06:16 Graham its very dark there Derek, VC is hidden in the trees and the cam doesn't show up very well unless you zoom in on it closeup 06:17 CC we don't take camera's with us any more 06:17 Derek Graham does 06:17 Graham I won't be there in May tho 06:17 CC you do realize we are meeting Graham in the Washington area 06:18 Derek I thought you were meeting in the park 06:18 CC not unless we decide to go in September 06:20 Graham ahh I willl take one then :) 06:20 Graham got to go now, bbl 06:20 Derek I'm off downstairs to try and get things moving. 06:28 Graham OF 0727 - I stuck around to see it :) 06:29 CC I was just about to send you an e-mail 06:29 CC this time it is a long 06:29 Graham yeah I don't think it ever does two shorts in a row 06:30 Graham staying up above the trees for a long time 06:30 Graham ok, off to get my newspaper now 06:30 CC k 06:39 CC Lion 7:38 06:49 Derek Back 06:51 Derek Shall I start at 10:00 06:54 Rich Hi all 06:54 Rich Just at dark last night either OF or Beehive went. 06:54 Rich Time frame was in OF's window. 06:54 Rich That was at ~20:57 06:58 Derek CC are you there? 06:59 Rich Hi guests 34 and 24 07:00 Derek 10:00 or 10:30 CC ? 07:01 Derek I bet she's covered the chatroom box with the cam control screen :-) 07:05 CC you can take it now 07:05 Derek Aaaah 07:05 CC I thought I heard a click 07:05 Derek Several :-) 07:06 CC sorry 07:06 Derek No problem 07:06 CC Did you see when OF went 07:06 Derek I knew you weren't asleep because the cam was moving :-) 07:06 Derek 7:27 according to Graham 07:07 CC yep and it was a long 07:07 CC Lion went at 7:38 and I think it was an initial 07:07 Rich coming off a 66 min interval 07:08 CC then it wasn't an initial 07:08 Derek Castle ? 07:08 Rich not Lion, OF 07:08 CC oh... you had me confused 07:08 CC I knew the OF at 621 was going to be a short 07:09 Derek Is that Castle now? 07:09 Derek Or just steam 07:09 CC I think I may have seen water. 07:09 CC I will look again 07:10 Derek Maybe a short minor? 07:10 CC right now it looks like just steam 07:11 CC can you zoom in any without getting blurred 07:11 CC still don't see water 07:12 Derek That's the non-blurr limit 07:12 CC that was good 07:12 CC I am not going to report Castle as I am not sure 07:12 CC see you guys later 07:12 Derek ok 07:13 Graham im back briefly 07:13 Rich Hi Graham 07:14 Derek One of the Dwarfs IE 07:15 Graham hello 07:16 Rich Sorry I didn't make a log on dark last night. Either Beehive or OF went just at dark 07:16 Graham was it splashing much before dark? 07:16 Rich The wind drift was to the left so wasn't sure which it was. 07:17 Rich Let me check for sure, I saw some but I don't reemember the time. 07:17 Graham probably OF though since it was bang in mid-window 07:19 Rich I see some from about 6 on, with some steam just before they all started steaming at dusk. 07:19 Rich No indicator 07:20 Rich And it was as you say mid-window, bang on. 07:20 Graham of course OF would be a lot bigger on the cam than Beehive - its hard to figure out beehive and Lion but not so hard OF 07:21 Rich Light was just about gone and only light on the far left in the low sky everything else was dark blue 07:22 Graham k 07:22 Graham well i hope the gazers get it today - its bad that it got all shy on opening weekend 07:27 Rich Crowd was interesting on the 17:50 Lion last night, they had been gathered for quite a while waiting for OF, Lion went and about half the crowd left, then OF had a preplay at 18:01 and after that more left. 07:28 Graham was it late? 07:28 Rich No was on time, they had been waiting for at least 40 minutes. 07:28 Rich I can imagine the notes about 'seeing' OF, "Not very impressive, very small and didn't last long." 07:29 Graham yeah, some people think the preplay is it 07:29 Rich lol 07:29 Rich I just wish there was a billboard we could flash to tell them to wait for it. 07:31 Rich Looks like the VC will get to see OF just in time for a prediction. 07:31 Graham even when I have told them that before on the boardwalk they don't believe me 07:32 Graham of course a sign or ranger hat might make them stay 07:32 Graham You don't get a VIP hat working on the cam 07:33 Derek I got 2 badges :-) 07:33 Rich lol 07:33 Graham i am going to sulk now 07:33 Rich ok 07:33 Derek That nice man Tom sent them to me. 07:33 Rich blink and you will miss Beehive 07:35 Graham blink in how many hours time? 07:35 Rich lol 07:35 Rich Soon, so I don't have to wait all day. lol 07:37 Graham I think it will be after 1630 when I get back this afternoon 07:38 Rich k 07:38 Derek I wonder if that Grizz will be back anymore? 07:38 Graham if its like last year, there will be several around but may not be easy to see. Good thing the trails are open now. 07:38 Derek Probably gonna wait for Graham to arrive with his camera 07:39 Rich I'll set my alarm for 4 am, and watch for it tomorrow morning. 07:39 Derek :-) 07:39 Rich lol 07:39 Graham They were very active in May when the Bison were calving 07:39 Graham by Sept they are ainly in the high country feeding on berried and grubs 07:39 Derek Anemone 07:39 Graham I have not seen a bear in Sept 07:40 Graham Big or Little? 07:40 Derek You tell me 07:40 Derek I can't tell the difference 07:40 Graham Big. Little is to the right side of Big 07:40 Graham close to the tree 07:41 Derek But if only one is IE 07:41 Derek I don't know 07:41 Graham sometimes they erupt together 07:41 Graham but then the steam pronbably makes that hard to see from here 07:41 Derek There is another small one further to the left 07:42 Rich They all look like OF to me. 07:42 Graham That's PLH - Pathetic Little Hole - or Improbable depending on which name you prefer 07:42 Derek Ahhh, but wait until you get your broadband :-) 07:42 Rich Right 07:42 Graham you can see them on the static cam too 07:43 Rich Well I don't see any steam close to where the reference photo places Anemone 07:43 Graham PLH erupted a couple of years ago. Now it juts boils and overflows all the time with occasional bigger boils and steam 07:43 Graham you could see it earlier 07:43 Graham must have blinked 07:43 Rich I'll blink back then and check. 07:44 Derek Is that Little Squirt I can see steaming? 07:44 Graham yep 07:44 Derek Behind the tree 07:45 Derek There's another between that and Giantess 07:45 Graham Theres the Surge/Spew/Spume hole back there somewhere 07:46 Rich Around 8:29 I see something 07:46 Derek Halfway between the walkway and the top of the Giantess mound 07:46 Graham I think thats the one steaming between the boardwalk and Giantess behind Lil Squirt 07:46 Rich Just to the left of first tree 07:47 Derek The first of the 2 large trees 07:47 Graham Anemone is the the left of the first tree, in front of the boardwalk 07:47 Derek Now 07:47 Graham nice shot of steam from Giantess 07:48 Rich Yes, that's where I got steam at 8:29 07:48 Derek That's anemone 07:48 Graham looks like Big 07:48 Derek Can see water 07:49 Derek More water 07:50 Graham i think thats little, there were a few splashes to the left of it which should be Big 07:50 Derek Pump at the back 07:55 Graham OF is due right? 07:55 Rich 9:08 07:55 Derek Last was 0727 07:56 Rich sorry I was doing Lion 07:57 Derek The forcast shows 0901 07:57 Graham ok. thats an odd interval prediction 07:58 Graham 94min..maybe they have some more data 07:58 Rich Well, it is still early for me, I just used what ever time was up. lol 07:59 Derek Even Sponge is steaming well. 07:59 Rich Must mean it is breakfast time. 07:59 Graham sponge is fun to watch the water come up and boil and overflow, then go back down 07:59 Rich Dew point dropped 08:00 Graham snow is still going down, theres a break in the ice on the boardwalk here now 08:02 Rich Benches are getting 'bigger'. 08:04 Graham yeah the maintenance crew is slow to install them tho 08:04 Derek 09:04 08:04 Derek of 08:08 Rich Lion 08:08 Graham Lion 0908 08:09 Rich hmmm 08:21 Rich Plume 08:22 Graham when? 08:23 Rich Plume ie 09:20:20 08:24 Graham k, thanks 08:25 Rich np 08:25 Graham we had it at 655 08:25 Rich yep 08:25 Graham so its probably the same as yesterday, >70min 08:26 Rich I had to check the capture for the time. sorry for the delay 08:27 Graham You are like Lotus who calls "Plume Now" on the radios 08:28 Rich I keep forgetting which window I'm in. 08:28 Rich I annouce OF stuff to my sister and it is just like that - - - lol 08:29 Rich She is usually off vitual touring somewhere else. 08:30 Derek Is Giantess having a boil? 08:32 Graham nothing special 08:41 Graham Oblong 0941ie? 08:41 Derek What's that Graham? 08:42 Graham comes up close to Grand but not vertical like Grand is 08:43 Derek I suspect it only LOOKS close to Grand on cam. 08:44 Derek I am being called downstairs. Can you keep an eye on things Graham? Wont be long. 08:45 Graham ok 08:45 Graham yeah its quite a long way from grand but lines up on the cam 08:52 Derek Back again, with cup of tea. 08:53 Graham k 08:53 Derek Thanks 08:54 Derek Graham, did you hear me tell CC about my holiday in May? 08:55 Rich Hi bill/carol 08:55 Graham no, I missed that Derek 08:55 Derek May 16th to 22nd 08:55 Graham well its good you are back the next week when we are off :) 08:56 Graham where are you going? 08:56 Derek But I'll probably also be busy packing on Friday 15th too 08:56 Derek Same as last year. Cornwall 08:56 Derek CC will be away too 08:56 Graham ok, thats nice 08:56 Derek So you'll be in charge :-) 08:56 Graham oh yes, shes got 2 weeks I guess 08:57 Graham so you are gone the first week and me the second 08:57 Graham well the cam isn't going to move much during the day the firts week 08:58 Graham you are in charge the week you get back 08:58 Derek It wouldn't even help if I had a laptop, because where we go, there is no wifi 08:58 Derek Even the mobile phone signals are weak there 08:59 Derek GSM but no 3G 08:59 Graham yeah well you don't want to be tied to the cam then anyway do you? 09:00 Graham you will be out eating cornish pasties and clotted cream teas 09:00 Derek Well there's usually a couple of hours to kill in the caravan every evening 09:01 Derek Beryl watches the TV, but I don't have any PC to play with :-( 09:02 Rich No computer cafe around? 09:02 Derek Our holiday park is about 3 or 4 miles from the nearest town 09:03 bill/carol hi all 09:03 Derek Hi bill/carol 09:03 Graham well Rich will be in charge while you and Carolyn are away 09:03 Graham time for Lion to try for a 3rd? 09:04 Derek Pity that Rich can't operate the cam. I think he would make a good operator :-) 09:05 Rich thank you derek 09:05 Rich And I charge real good when I'm plugged in. lol 09:05 Graham yep, needs broadband tho 09:08 Rich I decided to have a wifi connection installed in my brain, just wire me up direct. I spend way to much time on the computer as it is. 09:08 Rich lol 09:09 Graham thought controlled browsing, that could be scary! 09:12 Rich Either that or plug me in like Matrix 09:14 Derek Seriously though, I wont be able to put in as many hours as I did last summer, so CC may well decide to ask Tom or Craig for extra helpers. 09:14 Graham yeah we need a couple of extras 09:15 Rich Intersting idea. 09:15 Graham I nearly have 500 hours in, can get my free pass...woohhh works out at 16 cents an hour 09:16 Rich Lion ie 10:15:26 09:16 Derek Our cam control viewer only runs at 1 or 2 frames per second so I don't think requires such a fast connection as the media player stream does. 09:17 Rich brb, I just found out that Pyrex is not unbreakable, just heat resistant. 09:17 Rich lol 09:17 Derek Ooooops 09:19 Derek I wonder when Daisy is next due. 09:20 Graham haven't seen it 09:23 Derek OF's indicators are gathering :-) 09:25 Graham nice to have them back as reminders 09:27 Graham OF 1026 09:29 Rich bb in while guys, tomorrow is yardwaste pickup day, but only if it is in the container. Which mine isn't yet. 09:30 Graham containers are not self loading? 09:30 Derek We don't have containers 09:30 Derek Just black bin bags 09:30 Rich away Unfortunantely not. 09:31 Rich away I'm going to cover the yard next fall with containers and let the leaves self load. 09:31 Derek If we don't stack them all on the sidewalk outside our gate they don't get taken 09:31 Rich away Anything outside the containers they won't take here. 09:40 Derek Graham, do you know the Oronoco Bay Park Area? 09:42 Graham Grand 1041? 09:43 Graham yes i know it 09:43 Graham note the steam is much more vertical than Oblong was 09:44 Derek Could you find out for me if that old railroad branch is still in use. I'm just curious. 09:44 Graham Hum, I will have to look. where does it look like it runs? 09:45 Graham theres a line from RObinson terminal to the Washington Post plant in SPringfield 09:45 Derek It comes off the mainline and heads southwest through some streets towards the river 09:46 Derek It runs down the western edge of the park 09:46 Graham ok. its probably not active if its on that side of the park 09:47 Graham but I will look next time 09:47 Graham nice Grand shots 09:47 Derek There appears to be a boxcar behind a gate in N. Union Street. 09:48 Derek But it may be unused 09:49 Graham k 09:49 Derek You know what I am about old railroads :-) 09:51 CC Hi 09:51 Derek Hi 09:51 CC anything happening 09:52 Derek Everything except BH 09:52 Graham no beehive 09:52 CC are you going to take the cam back after your tea 09:52 Graham just had a nice 1 burst Grand 09:52 Derek I usually do on sunday 09:52 Graham I bet we get some Beehive wathcers now Grand has gone 09:52 Derek Saturday is my only evening off :-) 09:53 CC okay 09:59 CC Graham 10:00 CC I just spoke to the VC and spoke to Valerie who will be full time at OF 10:00 CC she seems really nice 10:00 Derek When will they have some spare staff to clean our glass :-) 10:01 CC she was a tour guide for two years and2 years at Grant and 2 years at Canyon 10:02 Graham ok, sorry was afk 10:02 CC they now have to reteach the staff how to clean the lens because Megan and Carolyn are gone 10:03 Derek Well if they haven't done it by the time you arrive, thet will be your 1st job ;P 10:04 Derek I'm still curious as to who grabbed the cam from Graham yesterday. 10:05 bill/carol cking in on beehive 10:05 CC don't know 10:06 Derek If it wasn't any of us, and no-one in the VC it could have been Tom or Craig. 10:07 CC could be...maybe they were checking the lens 10:07 Derek They did zoom right in on a guy who was chatting on his mobile 10:08 Graham i wonder how often they get out to do download. 10:08 CC don't know 10:09 CC I did report the lens needed cleaning 10:09 Graham batteries just gave up on keyboard, sorry 10:12 Graham I need to figure out where to plug in my regular keyboard too, didn't seem to work 10:12 Derek Now if I went to OF, the last thing I would do is sleep :-) 10:12 Derek Maybe he's studying cloud formations 10:12 Graham hehe...get you down waiting for Giant and you will fall asleep 10:14 CC looks like a quiet afternoon with everything having erupted 10:14 CC guess I will keep the cam on Beehive 10:15 CC I will be back 1/2 hour 10:15 Derek ok 10:15 Graham its time for some roars 10:16 Derek Do those puffs of steam always roar? 10:16 Graham yeah it gives of deep rumbling roars 10:17 Graham usual several before it erupts of guves up 10:17 Derek I would just love to hear that 10:17 Graham 4 roars and you are pretty much done 10:42 CC I'm back 10:42 Derek ok 10:54 CC plume 11:53 10:54 Graham yep. I am going out, be back probably 630 EDT 10:54 CC okay..you can take the cam then 10:55 Graham hope you get Beehive, opening day weekend should get one Beehive :) 11:07 CC OF 12:07 12:05 CC plume 13:05 12:12 Derek No Beehive yet? 12:15 CC two plumes 12:15 Derek Do you want a call if indicator starts? 12:15 CC no beehive 12:15 CC I am going to sew 12:15 CC I should be home 12:16 Derek ok 13:23 bill/carol any splashing from beehive 13:23 bill/carol hi derek 13:23 Derek Yes 13:24 bill/carol how are you today 13:25 Derek Fine thanks 13:29 Rich hello everybody, hello 13:30 Derek Hi 13:30 Derek There's a new name :-) 13:30 Rich I got 'carried away', started fixing dinner. 13:31 bill/carol hi rich 13:31 Rich Hi bill/carol 13:31 bill/carol carol here 13:31 Rich Hi contner 13:31 Rich Hi carol 13:31 Rich Contner we are all still on Beehive 'watch'. 13:31 contner Hi all. 13:32 Derek I have zoomed in as far as it will go :-) 13:32 bill/carol there was some nice splashes 13:32 Rich Plume ie 14:17:59 13:33 contner Great. That is what I hope to see! 13:33 Rich Plume seems to be on about a 70 min. today 13:37 bill/carol a bit windy today 13:38 Derek It looks worse because the cam is on full zoom. 13:38 bill/carol ahhh 13:40 Derek That's what happens if we zoom in too far :-) 13:40 bill/carol wow!!! thats amazing to bad it won't focas that close in 13:41 bill/carol I called bill over toc that 13:42 bill/carol he watching european world series of poker 13:42 Derek Last summer Tom Cawley fitted a new camera into the case and the zoom on that was much better. He called it a Doubler. But when the cold weather cam the doubler failed, so we are back to normal zoom. 13:43 Derek came 13:43 bill/carol cool 13:44 bill/carol Well, I'm back outside to wash the 5th wheel. Getting her ready for memorial day. 13:45 Rich enjoy 13:45 bill/carol I'm going to kept this page up so I can check on beehive c u in a bit. 13:47 Rich Hi 61306 13:50 Cynthia Hi - thought I'd watch Beehive too. Any idea if that is B. Warnock waiting by the cone? 13:50 Derek I've no idea 13:51 Derek Maybe CC will know. She'll be here in a few minutes to take over from me. 13:53 Derek They've all walked away now. 13:53 Rich Hi Cynthia 13:54 Derek Hey Cynthia. 13:54 Derek Was it you who posted the report when that red pylon was recovered from OF's cone? 13:54 Cynthia Hello all - do you know me and do I know you? 13:55 Rich Don't think so. 13:55 Derek Cynthia Barwin 13:55 Derek In the mailing list 13:55 Derek Must be a different Cynthia :-) 13:55 Cynthia That's me 13:55 Derek I was on the cam at the time :-) 13:56 Derek I phoned CC and she called the VC 13:56 Derek I'm the only cam operator not in the USA :-) 13:58 Derek Hi CC 13:58 CC I am back 13:58 CC hi 13:58 Derek It's been splashing a lot. 13:58 Rich hi cc 13:58 CC I guess Beehive go 13:58 CC Hi Rich 13:59 Derek It's waiting for you CC :-) 13:59 CC Hi to everyone else 13:59 CC Beehive loves me!! 13:59 CC do you want me to take the cam 14:00 Derek Why not. You have a big audience :-) 14:00 CC you make me laugh 14:00 Derek Cynthia was the one who posted on that pylon in OFs cone. 14:01 Derek I had only just started with the cam at that time. 14:01 CC I remember that happening 14:01 Cynthia I did - that was a very interesting morning. I had to call Mary Beth to ask her what was going on. 14:01 Derek I still have that post. 14:07 CC Derek remember I have to work tomorrow and will not be on the cam at all 14:08 Derek I'll get on as soon as I can, but it wont be before 9:00 edt 14:08 CC no problem 14:09 CC whenever you get on is fine 14:09 Derek 9 to 5 minus tea time :-) 14:11 Derek ooops 14:11 CC the cam has a mind of its own 14:11 CC it jumped on me 14:11 Derek Feeling a bit heavy handed? 14:11 Derek Maybe you need some more wine :-) 14:12 Rich OF ie 15:10:11 14:15 CC Rich have you been able to access the NP site or are you using another site 14:17 Rich Using the new link my sister got early yesterday afternoon. 14:17 Rich I think she said at the time that she read something about them working on the websites. 14:18 Rich The background at Mammoth has changed to black like the new link. 14:18 Rich and I just tried the NPS old link and it is a Sorry msg. 14:26 Derek Goodnight all, it's nearly 10:30pm here 14:26 CC have a good night 14:26 Rich Nite Derek 15:24 CC Castle 6:20 (IE) Bill actually called it in to the VC as he is in the basin...I saw the water at 6:60 15:25 CC sorry should have been 16:20 Castle 15:26 CC forget the 6:60 totally wrong 15:26 CC the water I saw was at 16:20 15:37 CC plume 16:37 15:38 Rich still averaging 70 min 15:38 CC 6 bursts 15:38 Rich One fuzzy for me. lol 15:39 CC well at least you now know where it is 15:39 Rich Most of the time. 15:40 Rich Plume was the crowd warm up act for OF. 15:43 Rich Is that a Ranger on the right bench? 15:44 CC I zoomed in and it sure looks like one 15:44 CC could be a ranger that patrols in the car 15:44 Rich Then he has been wandering around here for quite a while. 15:44 Rich ah 15:45 Rich Thought maybe we were going to have a Ranger program. 15:45 CC He does have a radio 15:45 Rich cool 15:46 CC Most ranger talks are given around 12ish to 1 ish and then there is an evening program around 7 or 7:30 I can't remember 15:47 CC OF 16:47(IE) 15:47 Rich I tried checking the events, but the new ones aren't posted yet. 15:49 Graham back 15:49 CC okay the cam is yours 15:49 Rich wb 15:49 Graham thanks. what did I miss? 15:49 CC Castle went at 16:20 IE 15:49 CC several Plume 15:49 CC no beehive 15:49 CC not even splashing 15:50 Rich No, Giantess either. 15:50 Graham ok, maybe I will get lucky 15:50 Graham haha 15:50 Graham Beehive is disapointing the visitors this weekend 15:50 CC Graham I am working tomorrow so as soon as you get home please take the cam 15:51 Graham k. I should be home early, have someone here at 5 to spring clean my heat pump 15:51 CC okay good because I get out of work at 5 and it takes me at least 20 minutes to get home 15:52 CC how was your afternoon 15:52 Graham good opera - singers were not as strong as yesterday but I prefer the music 15:54 Graham only one person died, so it was not a very good opera :) 15:54 CC have a nice nite 15:54 CC see ya 15:54 Graham bye 15:54 Rich bye cc 15:54 Rich How many 'dead' people make a good opera? 15:55 Graham at least 3 makes it an OK opera. 10 or more and its getting good 15:56 Rich roflmao 15:56 Graham you have to have army battles, mass suicide by burning, or guilotining nuns to reach those counts 15:56 Rich lol 15:56 Graham yes, they are all operas I have seen 15:58 Graham I think theres one of thoise next year hear in DC, War and Piece has a pretty good battle scene 16:00 Rich I'd have thought DC was a good enough opera in and of itself. lol 16:01 Rich Definitely need a program to tell the players. 16:02 Graham haha yeah you could make a good plot about what happens here 16:02 Rich Spies, intrigue, murder, conspiracy, war, peace 16:03 Graham yeah there are a few operas with DC connections but not many 16:04 Rich You see the big black bird by the right hand benches? 16:05 Rich The Ranger has been hanging around for quite a while now, wonder what is up? 16:06 bill/carol ok job done beehive can go now.......please! 16:06 Rich lol 16:06 Graham looks dead 16:06 Rich go carol. 16:06 bill/carol not enough at the opera 16:07 Rich Did you fill its water tank? 16:07 bill/carol to early but its sparkly 16:07 Rich lol 16:08 Rich There's another die hard fan out on the boardwalk 16:08 bill/carol needed its after winter in yosemite bath 16:10 Rich I'd need a bath after a winter in yosemite also. 16:10 bill/carol and before the powers at be turn our water usage down to a trickle 16:11 Rich And likely to turn it down even more. 16:11 bill/carol yep 16:13 Rich People indicator on the boardwalk. 16:14 Graham theres nobody at Beehive 16:14 bill/carol walking away.....hum am I just seeing things or is their steam coming from the indicator...opps 16:14 Graham You are seeing things 16:14 bill/carol soap in my eyes 16:15 Rich Time caught up with me. 16:25 Rich hi 465934 16:25 Rich sorry 16:25 Rich hi 365934 16:30 bill/carol do you see that moving out by penta just 16:30 bill/carol went behing the trees 16:31 Graham nope. sorry wasn't that close 16:31 Graham ppl on the boardwalk there 16:31 bill/carol beyond the people 16:31 bill/carol bison 16:32 bill/carol theres another on 16:32 bill/carol to the right sorry 16:34 Graham yeah i see them 16:35 Rich Watch for bear. 16:35 Graham there you go scaring them again 16:35 bill/carol I was hoping thats what I was seeing 16:36 Rich I'm sorry 16:36 Graham not moving fast enough for bears 16:36 Rich ok 16:36 bill/carol yep have that bison bison lope 16:37 Rich lol 16:37 Rich Describe it for me carol. lol 16:38 Graham Plume 1738 16:39 Rich minute off 16:39 Rich lol 16:40 Rich Holding right at 70 minutes 16:55 Graham there was a nice splash out of Beehive 17:07 Graham Lion 1806 17:13 Graham Indicator 1813 17:14 bill/carol woo woo 17:15 Rich yeah 17:16 Rich maybe a Dual? 17:16 bill/carol do you think those two will walk by?? 17:17 bill/carol or do a walk up 17:17 Rich mmmm? 17:17 bill/carol they may just time it right 17:17 bill/carol and have a story to tell 17:18 Graham OF 1817? 17:18 Rich and my 500 captures for the day. 17:19 Graham if they read the sign they may stay 17:19 Rich Lets hope 17:20 Graham so far so good, they didnt move on to OF 17:20 Rich Don't know about the OF crowd tho. 17:20 bill/carol they read the sign 17:20 bill/carol oh oh 17:20 bill/carol no they didnt 17:20 Rich lol 17:20 bill/carol STOP!!!! 17:20 Rich The suspense is killiing me. 17:21 bill/carol come back 17:21 Graham maybe it will dump on them 17:21 bill/carol lmaof 17:21 Graham going back 17:21 bill/carol they must of heard me yellin at them 17:22 Rich All of OF is leaving also 17:22 Graham one had a backpack, may be a gazer 17:27 Rich Go back people. 17:27 bill/carol they're wet if they didnt 17:27 Graham Beehive 1826 17:28 Graham they are dry 17:28 Rich very nice one. 17:29 Rich is that indicator to the right at the base? 17:30 Graham yes 17:30 Graham it keeps going for 2-3min 17:30 Graham then quite before Beehive 17:31 Rich ok 17:31 Rich Don't think I remember seeing both of them before. 17:32 Graham if the wind blows the steam away you can usually see them both 17:33 Rich I'll have to go back and look again. 17:35 Graham you usually see it better after a couple of minutes when Beehive gets strongest mixed steam/water 17:36 Graham then all Beehives water is pushed higher over the indicator 17:36 Rich ok, ty 17:40 Graham btw, last Plume interval was 61min 17:41 Rich so it was 17:42 Rich Did you have a question about OF's time? 17:42 Graham just not sure I caught the first frame 17:42 Graham since I was distracted watching a lil sput 17:43 Rich I had it first ie 18:17:13 17:43 Graham k 17:43 Graham thanks 17:44 Rich 18:16:04 nothing 17:45 Graham full height at 18:17:13 probably means an 1816 start 17:46 Rich It filled the frame at 18:17:13 17:47 Rich How big does Little Spurt get? I think I saw it another time today. 17:47 Graham 6' 17:48 Rich ok 17:48 Rich I saw steam as high as the 2 big tree tops 17:50 Graham if theres steam there, theres water too 17:50 Rich k 17:50 Graham it can stop and start for 24 hours 17:50 Rich I'll check back on it also. 17:51 Graham Plumes longer this time 17:52 Rich I couldn't tell it was Plume. 17:53 Graham not erupted yet 17:53 Graham there it is 17:53 Graham P;ume 1852 17:54 Rich It is all laid down in my view. 17:56 Graham Bison are coming up slowly on the left out of static cam 17:56 Rich k 17:57 Graham they are taking a nap tho 17:58 Rich lol 17:58 Rich I haven't found any 'movement'. 17:59 Graham see the cone on the left of the screen? 18:00 Graham the bison are on the left of it, about where the trees on the right are 18:00 Rich ok 18:01 Graham Daisy 1900 18:01 Graham hehe its right behind the bison 18:03 Rich I haven't found Daisy yet. 18:04 Graham yeah winds not blowing hard enough for you to see it 18:04 Rich k 18:27 Graham Grand 1926 18:33 Graham Lion 1932 18:38 Graham looks like a T1C 18:48 Graham OF 1948 18:52 Rich Who's out there walking in the grass? 18:52 Graham bad person 18:53 Rich VEry bad person, who will appear on YNet shortly. 18:54 Rich And they all moved away from me on the Group W bench. 18:55 Rich Guess he's never seen someone stuck in the steaming ground getting burned. 18:56 Graham might attract the bears back tho 18:57 Rich Roast people, hmmm good. 18:57 Rich And right in front of the cam. Ok, I'll let him. 18:58 Rich Caption for the capture "Bear Bait" 19:05 Graham Plume 2004 19:14 Graham im tired and out of here. May get lion again before dark 19:15 Rich Ok, thanks for your information help. It is appreciated as always. 19:15 Rich Have a good evening. 19:18 Graham thanks for your times too, it always helps to confirm starts and missed eruptions 19:18 Graham see you 19:18 Rich nite 19:50 Rich Lion ie 20:43:47 April 20th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 19th, 2009 April 21st, 2009 » 07:11 Derek Hi 07:21 bill/carol morning derek 07:22 Derek Did you see Castle? 07:23 bill/carol yep I caught just a glimse as bill was satching this am. I have grandma duty today and they keep me busy. Just sat down for a cup of coffee and a am fix 07:24 bill/carol watching 07:24 bill/carol We were lucky to get beehive last evening 07:25 Derek There was also Lion at 0808 07:26 bill/carol ok 07:26 bill/carol 70 min +/- 07:27 Derek Be right back, wife is calling. 07:27 bill/carol ok 07:36 Rich Hi carol 07:38 Rich Hi Derek 07:48 Rich FYI, the old link to the OF static cam is back up working again as of last night. 08:16 bill/carol morning rich good to know 08:18 Rich And a very nice Lion right at dark last night. 08:18 Rich As soon as I get it uploaded I'll post a link. 08:18 bill/carol great thanks 08:24 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090… 08:26 Rich Do we have a time on the last OF? 08:27 bill/carol hard to see through of steam but i thin that plume in the back 08:28 bill/carol hum not sure 08:28 Rich k 08:28 Rich people indicator is starting, so didn't know if I had time to get breakfast. 08:30 bill/carol of 09:29 08:33 bill/carol lion 09:33ns 08:43 Derek Sorry I was called away to help wife. 08:48 Rich wb 09:02 Rich Lion last night at dark http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090419609a 10:03 Rich Hi 365934 12:18 Rich I got dumped, then couldn't log on to my ISP all the telephone lines were busy. Ah, Country life. 12:19 Derek We still get occasional problems here in the middle of a large town. 12:43 Rich Hi 679294 12:43 Derek They don't hang around 12:44 Rich Check in, read the log and are gone. 12:44 Rich See if they missed anything. 12:44 Derek Yep 12:45 Derek I'm on my own with the cam today 12:45 Rich A long day. Graham mentioned something about he was going to be getting home a little early, had a service man coming. 12:46 Derek Well, CC is out all day 12:46 Rich Spring maintenance on his heat pump 12:46 Rich Work got her. 12:46 Derek It's 20:46 here now and I usually finish at 22:00 12:47 Rich Not such a crush for Beehive today, the opening days are over. 12:48 Derek I wish you could see the streaming cam Rich. It's nice when I know I have someone watching my efforts :-) 12:48 Rich late yesterday one of the visitors decided to take a walk on the grass. 12:48 Derek I read the log 12:49 Rich I might be on a friends computer Wednesday. 12:49 Rich Dog sitting for the day. 12:49 Rich k 12:49 Rich lol 12:49 Derek Great, I'll give you a personal tour of the basin by cam :-) 12:49 Rich I'll look forward to it. 12:50 Derek There's a small group of people on the seats by Plume 12:51 Rich lol 12:51 Rich Action in the making. 12:54 Rich I posted the last Lion and a Beehive from yesterday to YNet - Photography - April 13:31 bill/carol hello rich and derek 13:31 Derek Hi 13:31 Rich hi bill/caro 13:31 Rich l 13:31 bill/carol kids down for naps and g-ma w tea and the cam 13:31 Rich lol 13:31 Rich Aren't you supposed to be napping when the kids nap? 13:32 bill/carol have a time for the last lion....Oh! I'm suppose to nap....no one told me that lol 13:33 Rich When kids sleep, you sleep. 13:33 Rich Forget the housework. 13:33 bill/carol ahhhhh! u sound like bill. "just ingnore it" 13:34 Rich lol 13:34 Rich I don't know about Lion, I lost connect for quite a while. 13:34 bill/carol Is it warm up your way rich? 85 here:T 13:35 Rich I do believe that tables should be pyramid shapped. 13:35 Rich At noon it was 80 13:36 bill/carol Is that so their self cleaning? 13:37 Rich You got it on one. 13:37 Rich lol 13:37 Rich Or so I couldn't stack anything on them. 13:38 bill/carol unless ya use the tip and stab em 13:38 Rich Never heard of that one. 13:39 bill/carol i tried to get on earlier and cam/chat wouldn't load 13:40 Rich Mine was due to heavy phone traffic down to Sac. 13:40 bill/carol ahhhh lions spitting 13:41 bill/carol any wild life today 13:41 Rich I haven't seen any while I've been here 13:42 bill/carol missed the out-of-bounds guy yesterday! 13:43 Rich I posted him to YNet, Photography Cam captures for April. 13:43 Rich It was fun to watch, someone finally 'suggested' that he come back to the sidewalk. And then everyone that had been there vanished. 13:44 bill/carol I tried to get on the web site from this am and it says "page not found" ? Wanted to see your pic 13:45 Rich sorry I had a Senior moment. I reposted the link 13:45 bill/carol I tried to get on that web site this am per and I get the ol Page not found...? 13:45 bill/carol sorry for the double entry 13:46 Rich omp 13:46 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090419609a 13:46 Derek Hi Graham 13:46 Graham hello 13:46 Rich Hello Graham 13:47 bill/carol hi graham 13:47 bill/carol nice sunset! 13:47 Derek There was a Castle this morning. It was already in full swing when I spotted it at 0720 13:47 Rich ty 13:47 Graham thats about right I guess based on yesterday 13:47 Derek It was still jetting water at least 20 minutes later 13:48 Graham sunset? already? 13:48 bill/carol richs pics 13:48 Rich Lion last night 13:49 Graham oh...hehe yes it was a very nice sky last night 13:49 Derek There were a few Bison first thing but they soon disapeared 13:49 Graham what have I missed today? 13:49 Derek No Beehive yet 13:50 Graham it was 1240 13:50 Derek I saw 2 Lion erruptions 0808 and 0933 13:50 Graham Indicator 1233 13:51 Graham unless Pat faked the photos...haha 13:51 Derek I must have been at tea 13:51 Graham thats why it looks so dead 13:52 Rich And of course that was right in the middel of when I couldn't connect up to my ISP. 13:52 bill/carol anyone know the temp today in the basin' 13:52 Graham ah, bad timing 13:54 Rich I figured I'd missed it, all morning activity around Beehive, then when I got back on it has been dead. 13:54 Graham so much for getting my heat pump checked, they called to reschedule 13:55 Rich not nice 13:55 bill/carol That was a gazer in the making. little guy was having a tantrum as mom dragged him away 13:55 Rich I'm trying for a weather report at Yellowstone carol. 13:56 Derek When will we start seeing the rangers doing their talks on the walkways again? 13:56 Rich http://www.crh.noaa.gov/riw/?n=ynp_gtnp 13:57 Graham the best are when kids want to wait to see the whole eruption....at Grotto 13:57 Graham not sure, probably after Memorial Day 13:58 Graham any Grand or Daisy sightings today? 13:58 Derek Not by me 13:58 Rich 51 degrees at 13:56 mdt 13:58 Derek I'm logging off the cam now Graham. Are you taking over? 13:59 Rich I got something ie 12:06:24 14:03 bill/carol thanks rich I got a phone call 14:03 Rich np 14:03 Rich that temp was at Lake yellowstone 14:04 Graham sure, got it 14:04 Derek Thanks 14:04 Graham there are no geysers down there Derek 14:05 Derek I was halfway through a slow pan across the peeps :-) 14:06 Derek Anyway, I'm off downstairs now. Goodnight. 14:06 Graham another nice day! 14:06 Graham see you 14:06 Rich nite Derek 14:08 bill/carol ok done w tea and my cam time off for more domestic duties! 14:08 Graham hum, when was OF? 14:08 Graham bye 14:09 bill/carol tt4n 14:09 Rich 14:11 14:09 Graham thanks 14:09 Rich They didn't update the prediction this time. 14:10 Graham yeah, I am totally lost now without you 14:10 Rich I'm totally lost, where does that leave us? 14:10 Rich lol 14:11 Rich I'm trying to upload the 12:06 14:13 Rich Unfortunately this is where I lost my ISP connection and my last capture was at 12:11 14:14 Graham something in the Grand area? 14:14 Rich or Oblong 14:15 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090… 14:16 Rich just change the last thre numbers 129 - 133 14:16 Graham not finding the fgiles 14:16 Graham files 14:17 Rich 5 images in all 14:19 Rich wonder what I did this time. 14:19 Rich lol 14:19 Rich Not having luck today with numbers, found the error, omp 14:20 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090420129 14:20 Rich Had the wrong day 14:21 Graham ok. So which was it? 14:21 Rich Oblong 14:21 Rich / 14:21 Rich ? 14:22 Graham does it look more like a billowing Oblong steam cloud or a straight up Grand cloud? 14:22 Graham you didn't think I was going to tell you the answer quickly did you? 14:22 Rich Straight up 14:22 Rich No 14:22 Graham so Oblong or Grand? 14:22 Rich I don't learn that way. 14:22 Rich Grand 14:22 Graham yep 14:22 Rich Also looks like it puffed in the middle 14:23 Graham yeah but its streaight up 14:23 Rich so at least a 2 burst 14:23 Rich yes 14:23 Graham oh, I don't know about that 14:23 Rich Well it looked like it did to me. 14:23 Graham you have to see it stop completely, then restart again. None of those shots look like a second burst 14:23 Rich ok 14:24 Graham so maybe Grand after 1830 14:24 Graham has juct over 50% chance 14:24 Graham before dark 14:24 Rich On further 'reflection' I withdraw the 2 bursts. 14:25 Graham you can usually only tell if it vanishes on one frame and then shows up big on the next 14:25 Rich ok 14:26 Graham second burst is way higher than the end of the first burst 14:27 Rich Ok, one for you, computer history photo 14:28 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/ibm5mbhd1956.j…ibm5mbhd1956 14:29 Graham that must be before they charged for luggage! 14:29 Rich lol 14:30 Rich And the airplane? 14:31 Graham i dunno..neat picture. Thats an early forkliftable laptop? 14:31 Rich Just the harddrive 14:31 Rich 5mb 14:31 Graham wow 14:31 Graham who would ever need any more than that? 14:32 Rich and it only weighed in at a little over a ton. 14:32 Rich Put that in your pocket, Bill Gates 14:33 Graham How big was the mouse? haha 14:34 Rich Elephantine 14:35 Rich Enough of this frivolity, before I miss another eruption today. 14:35 Graham well at least they got peanuts on flights back then 14:36 Rich Full meals 14:36 Rich With choices 14:36 Graham no plastic knives either 14:36 Rich nope 14:36 Rich the real deal 14:37 Rich sporks 14:44 bill/carol WOW I felt like I was on a plane their for a minute. watching the streaming no chat cam 14:44 bill/carol holding on thought we might crashinto soletary 14:44 Graham hehe.....I moved the roller on my mouse and it moved the cam...I hate it when it does that 14:45 Rich hehe 14:45 bill/carol lmaof 14:45 Graham doesn't do it every time, but once in a while the cam control responds when its not the selected window 14:45 bill/carol didn't spell that write 14:45 bill/carol hehe 14:46 Rich OF on the brain 14:47 bill/carol The whole park in my brain...antisipation 14:48 bill/carol I not a good speller.....it the darn keyboards fault 14:48 Rich is that the opposite of consitpation? 14:48 bill/carol lol 14:49 Rich And Graham was blaming his keyboard batteries yesterday. 14:49 Graham yeah and now I think some of the keys got moved too 14:49 Rich lol 14:49 bill/carol must be a virus 14:49 Rich Caps Caps who moved the caps. 14:50 Graham just dont move the geysers 14:50 Graham unless you move them to Va 14:50 Rich lol 14:50 Rich of 14:50 bill/carol where 14:51 Rich that's the second time there's been water in the preplay 14:51 Graham well its maybe the 30th time really 14:51 bill/carol ahhhh 14:51 Rich du 14:51 Graham very splashy this time 14:51 Rich duh 14:51 Graham another 14:52 Rich I didn't get a refresh 14:53 Graham that was it 14:53 Rich OF is over? 14:53 Rich shucks 14:53 Graham another 14:53 bill/carol hum lots of preplay or we're just not use to seeing water....just steam 14:54 Graham just a normally splashy pre-play 14:54 Rich Dewpoint is down around 19, so 'cold' steam is limited. 14:55 Graham OF 1554 14:55 bill/carol there she is 14:56 bill/carol geysers are gender specific 14:56 Rich Oh? 14:57 Graham could get dangerous going down this path....faithful? predictable? 14:57 Rich lol 14:57 bill/carol yep 14:57 Rich Oh, Bill, where are you??? 14:58 Rich Little Spurt? 14:58 bill/carol work thank gosh 15:01 bill/carol ok back to work back this evening take care 15:01 Graham bye 15:02 contner Any wildlife spotted today? 15:03 Rich Hi contner 15:03 Rich Hi Betty 15:03 Rich Hi Missy 15:04 Rich I can't read now. lol 15:04 Graham nothing there now 15:04 contner Hi Rich and all. 15:05 Rich I don't believe there has been any type today. 15:05 MISSY Hi Just stopping by for a quick look before supper. 15:05 Rich Did you get to see OF? 15:05 MISSY No--just got here. 15:05 contner yes beautiful 15:06 Rich And of course just as you asked contner, there was a black bird sitting out from the benches. 15:08 Rich Maybe it was flying. 15:08 contner I saw one flying by earlier. 15:08 Rich there they are by the right benches 15:11 contner Yes. I see. 15:15 contner Thanks Rich. Take care all. I will stop back soon.:\ 15:16 Rich later 15:16 Graham bye 15:19 MISSY which one is that 15:20 Graham Sawmill 15:20 MISSY thanks 15:21 Graham I wish the tree didnt block most of its eruption 15:34 Graham Plume 1632 - where were you Rich? 15:34 Rich Waiting to be sure it was Plume 15:34 Graham Right..... 15:34 Rich I had logged it with a ?mark 15:35 Rich Trying to decide if there was enough of OF sinter to separate the two. 15:39 Rich Aurum? 15:40 Graham missed it 15:40 Graham Daisy 1640 15:40 Rich losely defined, billowy 15:42 Rich was probably OF drift. 15:42 Graham ok 15:42 Graham i usually miss Aurum because of the way the windows overlap on my puter 15:43 Rich k 15:47 Rich Darn, should have told Missy the next predicted time. 16:13 Rich Can you pick out the people from warm climates and those from cold climates? 16:21 Graham OF 1720 16:22 Graham parkas vs short sleeves? 16:22 Rich yes 16:22 Rich of ie 17:21:42 16:30 Graham Plume 1730 16:31 Rich you to fast 16:32 Graham well I do see them before you 16:33 Graham 58min interval 16:33 Rich Yes, but still - - - 16:34 Rich I could actually tell that one. lol 16:34 Graham I know, that was an easy clip 16:34 Rich Lots of water and no OF in the way 16:34 Graham what's next? 16:36 Rich Lion, Grand or Plume 16:36 Rich Don't now about Daisy 16:37 Rich know 16:37 Rich Hi contner 16:39 contner Hi Rich I am going to gaze for awhile. 16:39 Rich School is in session here. 16:39 Rich Plume 16:40 contner I am happy to say I am off work now. I am a school principal who can't wait to go west! 16:40 Rich lol 16:40 Rich cool 16:40 Rich What is the long interval for Lion? 16:41 Rich I know you are going to make me look it up, and I am. 16:42 Graham Lion...hum......it could go before dark 16:42 Rich Lion about 10 1/2 hours? 16:43 Rich Grand about 9 hours 16:43 Graham Grand is 8.5 +- 2 hours 16:43 Rich k 16:43 Rich not bad for estimating from last couple of days. 16:44 Graham Lion last yeat 5 - 27 hours for series 16:44 Graham mean 14 16:44 Graham last year 16:44 Rich k 16:45 Graham hard to tell, can go in 10 hours recently 16:45 Rich last couple of days that I have records for Lion it is around 10 1/2. 16:45 Rich Right now it will be Plume next 16:46 Graham probably 16:47 Rich Unless OF comes in on a short interval 16:47 Graham no, it was a long 16:48 Rich ok 16:48 Rich I didn't calculate the duration 16:48 Graham 4+ minutes so the preddiction is 90min 16:48 Rich k 16:49 Rich I need to figure out a fast method of recording times. 16:49 Rich By the time I save the capture, only about 15 seconds till the next refresh 16:50 Rich And I've been a bad boy today, I had a soda on my desk and tip it over on to my keyboard. So it has been mop up time. 16:51 Graham ewwww not nice 16:51 Rich Not a bad spill, just a tip, not a pour. 16:51 Rich And the keyboard has dams around the keyshafts. 16:52 Rich I just found that out, pried one the keys off. 17:09 Graham bear 17:10 Graham must have run into the parking lot 17:10 Graham there goes the ranger 17:11 Rich And we had 3 kids on the benches 17:12 Graham ranger dashed up toward the VC 17:13 Graham in car 17:13 Rich parents took off also 17:14 Graham ranger headed for the lodge 17:15 Graham watch cam for ranger 17:17 Graham sending ppl away 17:21 Graham did you capture it Rich? 17:21 Rich Don't think so 17:22 Rich Have to go back and double check 17:22 Rich Where was it first? 17:22 Graham I was looking down to the left and it came bounding from right to left. SO look on the left side for it 17:23 Rich k 17:23 Graham it was close 17:23 Graham although it may have come up behind the mound on the left 17:24 Graham and not shown up 17:24 Rich I went back to where there were people on the benches and before that, nothing I can see. 17:25 Graham L:ion 1825 17:26 Graham k 17:26 Graham he came up behind the mound on the left 17:27 Rich k 17:27 Rich I jsut blew everything up 130% still nothing showing up. 17:27 Graham yeah he could have been too far down and left for you to see him. You just saw the indicators moving tho 17:29 Graham he was moving fast too, too fast for me to follow or grab a screen shot 17:29 Rich Lois is looking at a couple of suspect captures she got 17:30 Rich In the shadow of the hill just above the end of the left benches 17:30 Graham your Plume prediction was wrong too. Bear first, then Lion 17:30 Graham yes? 17:30 Graham thats the right spot 17:30 Rich lol 17:31 Graham come on now.....watch 17:31 Rich My first predition was Lion, Grand or Plume 17:31 Rich lol 17:31 Graham Plume 1630 17:31 Graham I mean 1830 17:33 Graham next? 17:33 Rich still running images 17:34 Rich Plume 17:34 Graham hum..you need to read the log 17:35 Rich I'm crossed eyed right now. 17:36 Graham Plume was 1830 17:36 Rich I have to reload to see the full log and haven't had time. 17:37 Rich We've had Lion and Plume, must be OF 17:37 Graham yeah Turban just went but I dont see Grand 17:37 Rich I haven't been looking that high 17:37 Rich What is this a hunting party? 17:38 Rich Grand? 17:40 Graham no Grand yet 17:40 Graham is Lois still photo processing 17:41 Rich No 17:41 Rich I jsut ran the images for Grand, no GRand 17:42 Rich There was one column further out and to the right, thin column 17:42 Graham hes keeping them all together, ready with his gun 17:42 Rich yep 17:42 Graham lots of photos with armed ranger 17:43 Rich And there was a ranger hanging around this time yesterday. 17:44 Rich maybe a little earlier 17:44 Graham I don't think she has a gun tho 17:44 Graham maybe a handgun, no rifle 17:45 Rich Can't wait for the geyserlist tonight 17:45 Graham most list posters have probably headed out tho 17:46 Rich true 17:46 Rich Someone might have a scanner going 17:48 Rich Light is really getting if in the shadows 17:49 Rich The two big guys on the left keep pointing out to the tree line. 17:50 Graham which directoion? 17:50 Graham Listserve posts just came out, lots of Beehive OF dual shots 17:50 Rich omp 17:51 Graham ok, I see to the left...yeah thats where the bearwas :) 17:51 Rich Looks like down slope to the left of Little cub 17:51 Graham Aurum 17:51 Graham Aurum 1851 17:53 Rich Doesn't look as far as to the trees at the bottom 17:53 Graham ? 17:53 Rich to the left of Beehive/Depression 17:55 Rich Are there people out at Plume bench? 17:57 Rich OF ie 18:55:49 17:57 Graham I think we had Daisy ending then too 17:57 Graham I was panning the cam looking for our bear 17:57 Rich That's the priority. 18:05 Graham Daisy 1904 18:06 Rich k 18:12 Rich downloading the geyserlist dual now 18:17 Rich nice photos 18:21 Rich hi guest365934 18:21 Rich If you would like to see the captures of Beehive and OF from today, I'm uploading and will post links here. 18:22 Graham I have seen the Beehive shots. Not going to grab OF shots :) 18:22 Graham we have Turban now 18:22 Rich k 18:23 Graham thanks anyway 18:23 Rich I was really directing at guest365934 18:23 Graham I have asked Dave if he captured a shot of the bear on the video 18:23 Rich cool 18:23 Graham oh, haha, I thought I was the only other one in he room. Hi guest 18:26 Rich Sometimes we are not alone 18:26 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090420133d 18:27 Rich http://donsplace.orgfree.com/images/oldfaithR20090…oldfaithR20090420133e 18:27 Graham Ooohhh...ahhhhhh 18:27 Graham nice shots 18:27 Graham watching for Plume now 18:27 Graham its due 18:28 Rich thewtt 18:28 Rich ok 18:28 Rich so it is 18:29 Rich that not it. 18:31 Rich That it. 18:31 Rich nope 18:31 Graham I will let you call it 18:32 Rich hehe 18:32 Rich was that a HINT? 18:32 Rich cause that one looks to close to OF 18:33 Graham not telling 18:33 Rich just a minute 18:34 Rich That is Plume ie 19:33:31 18:35 Graham it was 1932 18:36 Cynthia Hi Graham and Rich and guest36593 18:36 Rich I don't have a capture for 1932, 18:36 Rich Hi Cynthia 18:37 Rich 19:31 or 19:33 18:37 Graham hello 18:37 Rich Any news on the bear Cynthia? 18:38 Cynthia Sorry, I know of no bears - is there one still haunting the basin? 18:41 Rich It's Graham's bear. 18:41 Graham we had a short glimpse of a bear on the streaming cam about an hour ago 18:41 Graham running to the left near the boardwalk 18:41 Graham made people scatter and rangers come out with their guns 18:42 Graham but never saw it again 18:42 Cynthia That I would like to see - maybe another day 18:42 Graham waiting for Grand before dark if we are lucky 18:43 Cynthia Okay - I was going to leave, but I'll wait one more Turban:D 18:43 Graham its a little late 18:48 Graham looks like we have a weak Turban 18:49 Graham that was about a 27min interval so I hope it goes now 18:50 Graham no Grand 18:52 Graham Lion 1952 18:56 Cynthia That was a very nice Lion. 18:57 Graham yeah evening sun can be nice 19:07 Graham Turban again 19:10 Graham another 20 min wait 19:10 Cynthia Time to go - thanks for the earlier zoom on Plume and the Lion! 19:10 Graham ur welcome 19:10 Graham bye 19:10 Rich Nite Cynthia 19:11 Cynthia Have a good evening all. 19:12 Rich brb, grabbing something for dinner 19:12 Graham k, standby for more gears while you are gone 19:20 Rich Only 2 gears and 3 speeds 19:20 Rich slow, reverse and stop 19:21 Graham yeah the bears just cycled past 19:21 Rich Cool, the guys there now the handlers? 19:22 Rich That one guys is tall. 19:22 Graham no, the bears are going after the bison,, more meat on them 19:22 Rich ah 19:23 Rich In the group earlier, I had picked out the guy I was going to be in front of. 19:23 Rich When we turn and ran. 19:24 Graham haha 19:24 Rich I don't care if he was Santa in his other life. 19:25 Graham Turban again 19:26 Rich hi bill/carol 19:27 Graham OF 1825 19:27 Graham oops 19:27 Graham OF 2025 19:32 Graham you watching for Plume again Rich? 19:35 Rich at 20:30 19:35 Rich mmmm 19:36 Rich I think I might have missed it. 19:36 Rich I will try 19:37 Graham I dont think it has gone yet 19:37 Rich Ok 19:41 Rich I'm dog/house sitting Wednesday, so I'll be able to watch the live cam. 19:41 Rich Plume 20:40:03 19:41 Graham ah, ok thatwill be interesting 19:41 Graham maybe, I have switched to Grand 19:44 Graham Grand 2044 19:45 Graham wow that was big! 19:45 Rich Grand 19:47 Graham I will be on Friday evening 19:47 Graham I mean Wednesday evening, its getting late :) 19:47 Rich lol 19:47 Rich I know 19:54 Graham second burst 19:55 Graham way high again 19:55 Rich I see that 19:55 Rich Looks like a praying mantis 19:56 Graham yeah. it might have had another burst too but I don't think it stoppes 19:56 Graham done now I think 19:57 Graham i'm done. see you 19:57 Rich have a good evening 19:57 Rich nite 19:57 Graham u2 bye 19:57 Rich will do 19:57 Rich bye 19:59 Rich I think I'm going to call it a night also 19:59 Rich Think I will get up early and do a bear watch. 20:00 Rich Have a good evening bill/carol. 20:00 Rich You get to turn off the steam tonight. 20:00 Rich Nite 20:00 Rich bye April 21st, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 20th, 2009 April 22nd, 2009 » 05:35 CC Bubblers going this morning at Beehive and geyser is steaming nicely. This is at 6:34 AM MDT 05:53 bill/carol of 06:53 05:54 bill/carol hello Kent 05:56 Kent Good morning. Thanks for Old Faithful. Just managed to catch it. 05:57 bill/carol me to just logged on and....wala 05:57 Kent I'm hoping for an early Beehive. 05:57 bill/carol good omen for things to come today 05:57 CC Hi all 05:57 bill/carol hi cc 05:58 CC Kent look for Beehive this morning 05:58 CC OF 6:53 05:59 CC did you see the bear yesterday 05:59 CC I was working so I missed it 05:59 Kent Morning CC. Just back from the park last night. Lots of snow but there seems to be less than last year. With luck drier on Memorial weekend 05:59 CC are you going to meet us at the VC on the 23rd 06:00 Kent No bear, but I did see a very large black wolf on the road between Norris and Canyon. Near Ice Lake. Missed bears on the Madison 06:01 Kent Yes, I have a cabin at the Lodge that weekend. Will do the geyser stroll and hike depending on where it is. 06:01 CC great...look forward to seeing you 06:01 CC John will be there definitely andI think Gary 06:03 Kent By the way, all the bison look MUCH better than last year. The area just north of OF is carpeted with buffalo chips. 06:04 Kent Saw John Friday. He was up with his daughter and a couple of grand kids. Didn't talk long. Nature was calling at the time 06:13 bill/carol beautiful morning in the basin. is that daisy to the left 06:13 CC no 06:13 CC that was Castle 06:13 CC I will zoom in on Castle for you 06:14 bill/carol yep 06:14 CC Castle should appear in a few second 06:15 CC Daisy would erupt in the white area 06:16 CC now on the view 06:16 CC the white area sandwiched between the trees 06:17 CC running horizontally 06:17 bill/carol identifing the geyser in relation to mountains and steam is a fine art. I see it now 06:20 bill/carol just reading the "geyser bible" to find a description of the back bubbler is that it steamimng to the left of beehive 06:43 CC Derek are you there I want to show you something if you are 06:43 CC okay then I will show you later 06:47 Derek I was just showing the engineer the streaming cam. He's just left so we will go out now. 06:52 CC Bye 06:52 CC Bye Bill/Carol....see you later 07:22 bill/carol OF 08: 07:22 bill/carol opps sorry that was a mistake 07:23 bill/carol went to delete and hit enter so sorry 08:06 Derek Hi 08:07 Rich Hi Derek 08:07 Rich I think I'm still asleep 08:08 Derek Yeah? 08:08 Derek I was just watching that bear video 08:09 Rich Where is it posted? 08:09 Derek We don't know who it was on the cam but it wasn't CC or Me. 08:09 Derek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqZcOUp_ZtY2009 April 20 Running Bear 08:10 Rich Graham was on cam last night. 08:10 Derek When was the Bear there? 08:11 Rich around 1800 08:11 Rich I didn't see it 08:12 Rich Never appeared on the static cam 08:14 Derek It was so fast 08:14 Rich yes 08:14 Rich Ranger stayed on the sideway by the benches for a long time after. 08:15 Derek Maybe it'll come back 08:16 Rich I was trying to get up early today, but didn't make it. 08:17 Derek I was late too 08:17 Rich Graham did mention he was going to talk to Dave to see if Dave caught the vid. 08:19 Rich hi bill/carol 08:20 bill/carol hi rich/derek 08:20 Rich I did have some interesting captures last night at dark. 08:20 Rich Going to put them together ina short slideshow 08:21 Derek Hi 08:24 bill/carol just watched "running bear" video on utube! Great 08:25 Derek plume 08:28 Derek Did you get that Rich? 08:28 Derek 09:25 08:43 Rich No I didn't get it captured either. 08:45 Derek Well you can log the time if you like :-) 08:47 Rich It was done as soon as I saw your post. 08:47 Rich g 08:47 Rich I'm going to grab some breakfast, brb 08:54 Rich b 08:54 Derek k 08:58 Derek of 09:01 Rich The people sure cleared out fast 09:02 Derek There are still quite a few along to the left 09:02 Rich k 09:05 Derek INDICATOR!!!!! 09:05 Derek :-) 09:08 Derek 10:08 BEEHIVE 09:08 Rich 8:56, temp 34, dewpoint 23 at Lake Yellowstone 09:32 Rich Did I miss Plume 09:34 Rich ?plume 10:22:11 09:35 Derek Sorry, I was looking elsewhere at the time 09:35 Rich k 09:35 Derek grand ie 09:36 bill/carol just saw that having puter problems 09:36 Rich It is April after all. 09:37 Rich I always have computer problems in April 09:37 bill/carol :) 09:37 bill/carol nice eurption 09:37 Rich My first 286 wouldn't even boot up in April. 09:38 bill/carol darn diaper duty 09:38 bill/carol brb 09:38 Rich yep 09:38 Rich k 10:33 Derek PLUME 1133 10:34 Rich Wave back at the guy looking at us with binoculars 10:35 Derek 11:35 OF 10:39 Derek Going for tea now 10:40 Rich k 10:40 Rich enjoy 11:27 Rich Company has arrived, I'll check back in later. 11:28 Rich bye 4 now 12:01 CC OF 13:00 12:19 Derek Back 12:19 CC Hi 12:19 CC I would like to try to show you something on the cam 12:19 Derek Did you know BH went earlier? 12:19 CC it had bubblers very early this morning 12:20 Derek 10:08 12:20 Derek I saw it start 12:20 Derek Grand IE at 10:35 12:21 CC I am going to take the cam for a few minutes to show you something 12:21 Derek I didn't see it start but it seemed to go on for ages 12:21 Derek ok 12:22 CC do you see the small sign 12:23 Derek There are a number of signs 12:24 CC take the cam back please 12:24 CC it is not going to work 12:24 Derek What? 12:25 CC this morning when the sun was on the sign I wanted to show you how the boardwalk split 12:25 CC and take you through each path 12:25 CC one to Giantess and the other to beehive 12:25 Derek Waiting for timeout 12:26 CC it was the first time I noticed the seperation of the pathways and where each traveled too 12:27 CC I am not sure this is where I was looking this morning 12:28 Derek I can see two paths 12:28 CC I don't remember ther single tree 12:28 Derek And I think a third goes to the right behind the tres 12:28 CC that is not it 12:29 Derek That path does go to BH 12:30 CC the path I was looking at is higher I thnik 12:31 CC it is so hard to tell now 12:31 Derek I think the path behind that center tree does goto Giantess 12:31 CC I just don't remember that single tree 12:32 CC I want the path behind Giantess 12:33 Derek See those peopl? 12:33 Derek e 12:33 CC yes 12:34 Derek That second path must lead behind Giantess 12:34 CC can I try something 12:34 Derek Sure 12:37 CC well, maybe that was where I was this morning 12:38 CC the way I had the cam it really showed the hill walking up to Giantess and splitting to go to beehive 12:38 CC In one minute the cam is yours 12:38 Derek Would you like to see it on Google via my stream? 12:39 CC sure 12:40 CC I can not connect 12:40 Derek I'm starting it now 12:41 CC okay got it now 12:41 CC gone 12:42 CC picture in a picture 12:43 CC got it and I do see a tree 12:45 CC I did make it out on the other picture 12:48 CC I can hear you 12:49 CC screen keeps going black 12:50 CC black screen again 12:50 CC never mind 12:50 CC I did see it before 12:50 CC I am going to do something else now 12:55 CC I had to get something to eat 12:55 CC I was hungry 12:55 Derek My stream kept shutting down 12:56 Derek I was trying to focus on the walkways 12:56 CC but I did get to see it 12:58 Derek I think that bear took Graham by sirprise yesterday 12:58 Derek :-) 12:58 CC I bet he was thrilled 12:59 CC I hope he gets home early tonight and comes on the page 12:59 Derek I noticed the ranger vehicle trying to herd the bear from the people 13:00 CC The VC was actually closed for the night and this was a patrol ranger car 13:00 Derek I've been keeping a lookout for that bear today. 13:00 CC becasue I asked Butch this morning and he was gone for the night 13:01 Derek So how come the patrol just happened to be there? 13:01 CC either in the area or someone with a radio wired the patrol 13:02 CC Do you remember that I am working tomorrow. I think I mentioned it this morning but I am having a senior moment 13:03 Derek Well I get on as soon as I can, just like any other day. 14:00 CC anything happening 14:00 Derek Plume at 2:39 14:01 CC thanks 14:18 Rich Hi CC 14:19 CC Hi Rich 14:19 CC I just had a ranger on the cam and I was trying to see who it was 14:20 Rich ah 14:20 Rich Is he standing at the juction of VC sidewalk and view area? 14:20 Rich lol 14:20 CC I think I know but I wouldn't take bets becausethe cam gets very blurry when you zoom in too close 14:20 Rich They were very active yesterday afternoon 14:20 CC not now 14:21 Rich k 14:21 CC lion 15:21 14:22 CC I missed the bear yesterday because I was working 14:23 Rich I missed it also 14:23 Rich Never appeared on static cam. 14:23 Rich I watched the YouTube flv 14:23 CC can't wait for Graham to get home tonight 14:24 CC me too 14:24 Rich Was an exciting time. 14:24 CC that bear moved fast 14:24 Rich Both Lois and and I were searching captures for the bear to help Graham locate it. 14:24 Rich Very 14:25 Rich Nothing on the static images we could find. 14:26 Rich I was really concerned initially because there was a family of 5 on the right hand benches and the kids disappeared for a while, then everything broke loose. 14:44 CC plune 15:43 14:45 Rich That's about the same interval as this morning, I had it at about 65 minutes this morning. 15:06 CC watch for OF..it's in Preplay 15:06 Rich ty 15:10 CC OF 16:10 15:25 CC Castle 1623 15:37 Graham hello 15:38 CC hi 15:38 CC I was waiting for you to come on 15:38 Graham im home 15:38 Graham had to stop for some groceries 15:38 CC you had an exciting night last night 15:38 CC I saw the video 15:38 CC David posted it on Utube 15:38 Graham yeah I didn't see much of the bear but it dashed through fairly quickly 15:38 Graham ok 15:39 Rich Hi Graham 15:39 CC do you want the cam 15:40 Graham just watching the video 15:40 Graham haha I didn't catch it when it ran down the hill 15:40 Graham sure, whats going on? 15:40 CC Castle just erupted 15:41 CC Lion is due (went at 15:21) 15:41 CC OF at 15:10 15:41 CC make that 16:21 15:41 CC NO NO make the 16:10 15:42 CC I am exhausted and besides I can not ty[e 15:42 CC type 15:42 Graham ok, thanks 15:42 Graham did you see Beehive? 15:42 Rich Plume is on ~65 minutes 15:42 Graham ok when was the last 15:42 CC No..went at 10:08 and I was teaching a quilting class 15:43 Rich 15:43 15:43 Rich Indicator started at 10:05 15:43 CC I am working tomorrow so I won't be on the cam all day 15:44 Graham k, rich will be on 15:44 Rich lol 15:44 Rich live 15:45 CC see you...bye 15:45 Rich nite CC 15:46 Rich Grand was at 10:34 15:46 Rich there abouts 15:48 Graham thanks 15:48 Graham did you watch the bear video? 15:48 Rich yep 15:48 Rich Yes 15:48 Rich Nice 15:48 Graham yeah it was close but I didn't see it run down the hill away afterwards 15:51 Graham Lion is trying 15:51 Graham Lion 1651 15:57 Graham did we miss Plume? 16:00 Rich Do you know how many of the bears are radio tagged? 16:01 Rich I'll check and see, but probably I did for sure 16:01 Graham no idea 16:03 Rich I have a possible at 16:46:47 for Plume 16:06 Graham ok. Thats about right 16:07 Rich The steam looks to be farther away at the base. 16:08 Rich Everyone wave back. 16:20 Rich weather/temp at Lake Yellowstone 16:56, 56 degrees, dewpoint 15, barometric pressure dropping 16:23 Graham nice 16:23 Graham Grand 1723 16:24 Graham Just got out of the shower in time! 16:24 Rich k 16:25 Rich Grand? 16:26 Graham yep 16:28 Rich Grand ie 17:23:54 16:32 Graham burst 2 16:37 Graham that was a nice Grand 16:37 Rich I have it at about 12 minutes 16:38 Graham OF 1737 16:38 Graham I had 11 I think. nice 2 burst 16:40 Rich At the end I saw some stragglers 16:40 Rich so they probably don't count. 16:40 Graham I forwarded the screen capture from Pat...sorry its aboyt 188KB 16:41 Rich no problem, as long as it isn't 188mb 16:41 Graham may have been Truban and Vent 16:41 Rich k 16:41 Rich size of 188k fine 16:46 Rich Nice, thank you to Pat and you. 16:48 Graham ? 16:48 Graham hearing nothing... 16:48 Graham Plume 1746 16:49 Rich I just saw it, 16:50 Rich Plume ie 17:46:51 16:50 Graham wave 16:50 Rich I am 16:50 Rich With both arms 17:06 Graham Lion 1805 17:07 Rich Lion 17:08 Graham yeah 17:08 Rich Lion ie 18:06:35 17:18 Rich The VC seems to be predicting OF later, someone working 'night' shift? 17:27 Graham hum, I think they are open till 6pm 17:27 Graham winter they close at 5 17:47 Graham Plume 1846 17:47 Rich sorry, I've been trying to graph eruption times. 17:51 Rich I guess I will know that next year, just been 'watching' this winter. 17:59 Graham Daisy 1858 18:05 Graham OF 1905 18:06 Rich I gave up on eruption spreadsheet, I'm to tired and hungry to think. 18:07 Graham yeah they are hard to work on. use some data from the GOSA site may help 18:07 Graham but only when you are wide awake 18:09 Rich I was trying it out with the data I've collected. I haven't figured out GOSA yet. lol 18:10 Rich I 'like' re inventing the wheel 18:16 Graham Beehive is very splashy 18:17 Rich hmm 18:17 Graham probably just mid-cycle splashing 18:17 Rich Your just trying to get me to stay up till dark. 18:18 Graham thats getting late these days 18:19 Rich If some'one' didn't keep spotting bears. 18:19 Rich I wouldn't be on 24/7 bear watch. 18:20 Graham Bears...where? 18:20 Rich lol 18:21 Rich got 3 new ones today. 18:26 Graham yeah..gummy bears? 18:28 Rich Sometimes I wish they were, but then they would make me the 'bear' after I consumed them. 18:28 Rich All stuffed. 18:29 Graham well then you can sit and let everyone look at you and take pictures 18:29 Rich When the 'teddy bear' virus strikes, I'll have a corner on the market. 18:31 Rich Only if I first get stock in the camera companies. 18:31 Rich There will be lots of broken ones after they start shooting pic of me. 18:33 Rich What is Lion think it's doing? 18:33 Graham Lion 1932 18:33 Graham its erpting happily 18:34 Graham or maybe erupting 18:34 Rich lol 18:35 Rich That is four since 15:21 18:35 Graham now you have to see if it does a 5th 18:36 Rich There you go, adding to my burden. lol 18:36 Rich And I thought you were such a generous 'teacher'. 18:40 Rich brb, need food 18:47 Rich b 18:47 Rich With bbq turkey sandwich in hand. 18:47 Graham mmm ready for Plume? 18:49 Rich That time 'already'. 18:50 Graham yep 18:50 Graham did you miss it? 18:52 Rich Plume ie 19:51:21 18:52 Rich And easy one this time. 18:53 Graham it was 1950 18:54 Rich I don't have a capture between 1949 and 1951 18:55 Rich I go from 19:49:13 to 19:51:21 18:56 Rich You probably had your finger on the 'HOLD' button. 18:56 Graham I just watch it start on streaming cam and get the time then 18:57 Graham no trick 19:00 Rich Is the time stamp put on the static image at the VC? 19:01 Graham yes i think so 19:03 Rich I figure that it must since they update the prediction time, but wasn't sure. 19:08 Graham another person having a nap 19:09 Rich Night watchman laying down on the job. 19:09 Rich maybe he's the guy that turns off the steam. 19:10 Rich Hi Cynthia 19:11 Cynthia Hi Rich 19:11 Cynthia Thanks for the shot of the cabins and dome 19:11 Graham ok, I see the road is clear thru the cabins 19:27 Rich We out waiting OF again? 19:28 Graham yep, its window started 19:28 Graham maybe Lion too? 19:30 Graham OF 2029 19:33 Rich These two guys have seen several OF eruptions today. 19:33 Graham but not as many as you have! 19:34 Rich Well, they could have, just not within my sight. 19:34 Graham Lion is roaring 19:34 Rich ok 19:34 Rich All I see is OF 19:35 Graham its clearer on the streaming cam 19:35 Rich k 19:39 Graham Oblong 2039ie 19:45 Rich hi missy 19:45 Graham I am done for today, looks like Lion has finished 19:45 Rich k 19:46 Graham see you tomorrow 19:46 MISSY just stopped by to see the sunset...had just checked the Glacier Nat'l Park cams 19:46 Graham nice evening again 19:46 Graham goodnight 19:46 MISSY very nice---already dark here in Texas 19:48 Rich Have you looked at Redoubt Volcano in Alaska? 19:50 Rich Another 15 minutes and it will be much nicer here at OF. 20:03 Rich Hi bill/carol 20:03 Rich Sorry I was off posting the eruption log to YNet. 20:15 Rich Nite Bill April 22nd, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 21st, 2009 April 23rd, 2009 » 06:48 JanetWhite FYI - I caught Lion at 0644 ie 06:48 Derek Hi 06:48 Derek OF at 0729 and Plume at 0731 07:00 bill/carol morning derek and rich 07:05 Rich Hi Derek 07:11 Rich I think my computer is punishing me for 'abondoning 07:11 Rich ' it today, it only connected up at 31k today. 07:33 Rich OF ie 08:31:57 07:47 Rich I just woke up enough to notice that OF was a short interval 07:54 Derek Yes, I thought that seemed a bit short 07:54 Derek It died very quickly 07:57 Derek BISON Just behind Split Cone mound 07:59 Derek Split-Cone is actually errupting. I can see water splashing 08:00 Rich cool 08:14 Derek Rain on the streaming cam glass 08:32 Rich They must have 'cleaned' the glass yesterday. 08:32 Rich lol 08:59 Derek bison 09:01 Derek grand ie 09:10 Rich Bison and OF 09:10 Derek Yep 09:10 Rich OF ie 10:07:28 09:10 Derek Grand 1000 09:17 Rich Catch you on the 'flip side' Derek, headed out to dog sit. 09:17 Derek ok 09:17 Rich Might be a couple of hours before I log on again. 09:17 Rich then I should be 'live' 09:18 Derek Hi guest 10:01 Derek Hi 12:54 Derek-cam Hi Bill/carol 12:59 sparekitty how stupid can some people be??? 12:59 Derek-cam Yep 14:41 bill/carol hi sparekitty 14:57 Graham OF 1556 15:26 Graham Daisy 1625 15:47 Graham Grand 1646ie 16:00 Graham nice long second burst 16:00 Graham Lion 1657 16:03 Graham its been going 5 minutes so its probably the initial 16:33 Loisb Hi Graham 16:34 Graham OF 1733 16:34 Graham Hi there 16:34 Graham wheres the rest of B? 16:34 Loisb have it open 16:35 Loisb He's up dog sitting - thought he would be on by now 16:35 Loisb his friend has high speed - g 16:35 Loisb we saw bison earlier today 16:35 Graham yeah I gather one was napping in the OF runoff channel 16:35 Loisb ceme right up on the boardwalk 16:36 Loisb we couldn't see that one 16:36 Graham he got up when IF erupted :) 16:36 Loisb but we stood watch and finally saw two 16:36 Loisb a good idea on his part 16:37 Loisb there she goes 16:38 Loisb or at least some steam - 16:39 Graham OF just finished 16:39 Loisb you can tell - everyone got up 16:40 Graham yeah...and I saw it start at 1733 16:40 Loisb Redoubt is all clouded over - sob sob 16:41 Graham ok, so you are able to focus here. 16:42 Graham I am going to step away, be back soon 16:42 Loisb k 16:57 Graham back 16:58 Loisb wb 16:58 Loisb snowing at St helens 16:58 Graham did I miss anything? 16:58 Loisb nope 16:59 Loisb not even any birds on the static cam 16:59 Graham I still have not caught Plume today 17:00 Loisb something is steaming in the far left back but I can't tell if its anything or just some steam 17:00 Loisb Rich always id's everything for me 17:00 Graham Probably Spasmodic 17:04 Loisb Hello Anna 17:05 Anna Hi Lois, hi Graham 17:05 Anna what are we watching? 17:05 Loisb not much - next OF is't till 704 Mt time - watching to see if anything else goes off 17:05 Anna oh, wow! people in shirtsleeves! 17:06 Loisb temp thingie said it was 55 there today at one point 17:06 Loisb snow going fast 17:06 Loisb warmer there than here 17:06 Anna 10 deg. warmer than here in Ohio! 17:07 Loisb where abouts in Ohio are you? 17:07 Anna Near Toledo, NW corner 17:07 Loisb I am up in Seattle - Ballard area 17:07 Anna Still the middle of the day there! 17:08 Loisb well - just dinner time 17:08 Graham hi there. The cam is on Castle. It might be due if it had a Major overnight 17:08 Loisb thanks Graham 17:08 Graham we could get Lion in the next half hour or so too 17:08 Loisb nice 17:08 Anna coo. 17:09 Anna make that cool. 17:09 Loisb g 17:14 Graham Theres Grotto in the distance 17:14 Loisb doing nicely 17:45 Graham turned nasty now 17:45 Loisb looks like they might get some snow 17:47 Loisb weather report says its still 49 there 17:47 Graham Plume 1847 17:49 Loisb k 18:03 Loisb very nicoe 18:03 Graham OF 1902 18:05 Loisb they got their monies worth for standing in the rain 18:05 Graham yeah they were dedicated 18:07 Loisb and there they gp 18:07 Loisb and so shall I - talk to you soon 18:07 Loisb enjoy 18:07 Graham ok bye 18:07 Loisb bye 18:47 Graham Plume 1947 18:59 Graham im out of here. see you April 23rd, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 22nd, 2009 April 24th, 2009 » 05:38 CC Grand at 6:26 (IE)...2 bursts 05:40 CC Lion at 6:39 05:47 CC Plume 6:47 05:50 CC Hi Kent 05:50 CC waiting on OF 05:51 CC we had a nice Grand this morning 06:17 CC OF 7:10AM 06:52 CC Hi Bill/Carol 07:10 bill/carol Hi cc watching as i get ready 4 work. sorry I missed grand 07:10 CC why the double name 07:11 bill/carol my husband and I ....Lion 07:11 CC yep Lion at 8:11 07:11 bill/carol glad I sat down for a minute 07:12 bill/carol weeeeee 07:12 CC did you know you could edit the name each time you get on 07:12 bill/carol oh ..no I didn't 07:12 CC go down to the part that says edit nickname 07:13 CC if you do it each time you will get whoever is on at that time 07:13 carol got it 07:13 carol ty 07:13 CC welcome 07:14 carol do you teach sewing/quilting classes 07:14 CC yes 07:14 CC just quilting 07:15 CC I do everything by machine though 07:15 carol hum we need to talk. I bought 10 quilt squares of old yellowstone postcards to make a k-size quilt and not sure exactly how too put em together 07:16 carol there big! 07:16 CC no problem 07:16 CC you can call me if you like 07:16 CC do you have a cell phone 07:16 CC if so what carrier 07:16 carol AT&t 07:17 CC I have verizon 07:17 CC so if you want to call me I will e-mail you my home phone 07:17 carol I would appreciate that! 07:18 CC there is a three hour time difference 07:18 CC when do you go to work 07:18 carol does our e-mail come up on your screen 07:18 carol 8 07:18 carol back at 4 07:18 CC okay 07:19 CC I don't have your e-mail 07:19 CC we will be away this weekend and won't be home until Monday 07:20 carol monday is fine should I send you my email on this screen? 07:20 carol ??? 07:20 CC I think if you hit your name and then the chat your e-mail may come up 07:24 CC don't forget to 07:24 CC X out 07:24 CC of the chat 07:24 carol I c the icon 07:25 carol learn something new everyday. Got to get ready 4 wk have a great day...;) 07:42 carol hi rich 07:42 Rich Hi carol 07:42 carol of and plume 07:43 CC OF 8:41 07:43 Rich Hi CC 07:43 CC Plume 8:42 07:43 CC Hi 07:43 CC busy morning but no bear 07:48 Rich Has anyone been able to get on YNet this morning? 07:51 CC don't know 07:54 Rich I got an error msg that the site wasn't active. 08:08 Rich Hi Derek 08:09 Derek Hi 08:09 Derek CC, may I phone you? 08:29 Rich hi sparekitty 08:50 Derek Aurum 0949 08:54 Rich cya later everyone 08:54 Rich bye 11:55 CC Beehive has been splashing nicely 12:09 Derek Back 12:09 CC hi 12:09 CC keeping an eye on Beehive 12:10 Derek It was about this time yesterday 12:10 CC I don't see bubblers 12:11 CC the cam is yours 13:57 CC Hi I am back 13:57 Derek Another Grand at 2:23 13:57 Derek Some massive bursts 13:57 CC what about Beehive 13:58 Derek Still splasing. 13:58 CC okay 13:58 Derek Those Grand bursts were more than twice the height of those trees 13:59 Derek No animals 13:59 CC where is that bear 13:59 CC I have the cam 13:59 Derek Maybe those rangers scared it away 13:59 CC How many bursts for grand 14:00 Derek I saw two, and the second was the largest 14:00 Derek But I didn't see the start 14:00 CC as it should be!! 14:00 CC still no bubblers 14:00 Derek They were the highest I have seen 14:01 Derek I noticed yesterday Split Cone is splashing water again. 14:01 CC plume 15:01 14:05 Derek I wanted to ask you something. Earlier today, there were some unusually large puffs of steam coming from the right of Lion, just where the walkway does a sharp right-angle turn to the north. 14:06 Derek There may have been some water too. 14:06 Derek Goggles? 14:07 CC goggles is there but could it be north goggles? 14:07 Derek I don't know, but something was errupting 14:10 CC I think North is closer to the walkway and I think googles has been dormant 14:11 Derek I'll be keeping a closer eye on that area tomorrow 14:14 Derek There's a small amount of steam coming from there now 14:15 CC as soon as OF is over I will zoom in 14:15 Derek ok 14:16 CC OF 15:16 14:20 CC Right now I think what you are seeing is coming from Lion. 14:21 CC The wind is blowing that direction 14:22 Derek On the media stream I can see a small amount of steam 14:22 CC It is really windy in the Park today 14:22 CC maybe I am wrong 14:23 Derek Anyhow, I'm off downstairs. When will I see you next? 14:23 CC I will be home late Sunday night...you will be sleeping 14:23 CC I will see you Monday 14:23 Derek And there will be no Graham either? 14:24 CC I don't know if he will be around on Sunday 14:24 CC I hope he comes on tonight 14:24 CC I want to pack 14:24 Derek Well if you don't mind, I'll still finish at my usuall time on Saturday 14:24 CC of course 14:24 CC you put in so much time 14:25 Derek I enjoy my evening off :-) 14:25 CC understandable 14:25 Derek As the days get longer, do you think we might need some extra help? 14:26 CC I don't think we can get anyone at this time 14:26 CC I will check with Tom 14:26 CC all the geyser gazers are in the park 14:26 CC and so many people work 14:27 Derek As I told Graham, I wont be able to put in as much time as I did last summer. I'll probably keep it as it is a present. 14:27 Derek Stay in the room and I'll chat more in 10 minurs 14:28 CC okay 14:41 Derek I'm back for a few more minutes :-) 14:42 CC beehive still splashing 14:44 CC I just put supper on 14:44 CC I am really hungry 14:44 CC I wish Beehive would go 14:45 CC again I still don't see any bubblers 14:45 Derek Would you like a forcast of my hours for this week? 14:45 CC sure 14:45 Derek 40 14:45 CC okay 14:46 CC I won't send anything in until Monday so if there is a change I can send the new time in 14:46 Derek It will be quite close to that amount 14:47 CC but maybe you will change your mind on Sat if a bear is in the basin 14:47 Derek If there was a bear he wouldn't hang around for long 14:47 CC never know 14:48 Derek I would have liked to have seen more on the end of Daves video. 14:48 CC that was probably all he had 14:48 Derek He normally tapes the whole day :-) 14:49 CC I have given up on Beehive 14:49 CC I get so dizzy with the camera shaking so much 14:49 Derek Try turning your back on Beehive :-) 14:49 Derek That might just work 14:49 CC I was thinking of that 14:50 CC Great minds work alike 14:50 CC are you up rather late tonight 14:50 Derek Beryl is still watching TV 14:51 CC what has captured her interest 14:51 Derek As soon as she comes up, I'll shut down 14:51 Derek She watches anything 14:51 CC exactly when is her surgery 14:51 Derek I think thursday night is Question Time. 14:52 Derek Three polititions and a couple of jounalists answer political questions 14:52 Derek They will be writing to her about the appointments 14:53 CC I knew you said it would be a while but I thought maybe she had gotten a date 14:54 Derek I think the specialist said about 4 to 8 weeks 14:54 Derek Our national health service is free but we do have to wait sometimes 14:55 Derek If we wanted to pay for private treatment it would be quicker 14:56 Derek My dental surgery has three dentists. 2 are NHS, and the other is Private 14:57 Derek Beryl's up here so I'll say goodnight now. 14:58 CC bye 15:22 CC Indicator 16:20 15:26 Graham hi. good time to show up! 15:26 CC Hi Indicator is going 15:27 Graham yeah I see that 15:27 Graham good 15:27 CC will you take the cam 15:27 Graham sure, you want me to right now? 15:27 CC as soon as Beehive is over 15:27 Graham k, thats good since I justwalked in 15:27 CC I want to pack tonight 15:28 Graham I thought I would be late but the folks I was going to meet cancelled 15:28 Graham yeah, you are not ready yet? 15:28 CC I know what I am taking but I have to load u[ 15:28 CC up 15:29 Graham Derek is going to be busy this weekend, all alone 15:29 CC he said he is going to keep the same schedule 15:29 Graham k 15:29 CC areyou away all weekend 15:30 CC beehive 16:30 15:33 Graham i head up to Philly Saturday afternoon and will be back home late Sunday 15:36 Graham snow has melted a lot 15:36 CC yes 15:36 CC the cam is yours 15:36 Graham nice of Beehive to finish before OF's window 15:36 Graham ok 15:37 Graham have a good trip tomorrow 15:37 CC thanks and we will see you Saturday 15:37 CC bye 15:37 Graham yeh have a safe drive 15:37 CC thanks 15:40 Graham OF 1640 15:45 Graham Plume 1644 16:24 Rich Hello Everyone 16:24 carol hi graham and rich 16:24 Graham hello, welcome home 16:24 Rich Nice to be home. lol 16:24 Graham where were you? 16:24 Graham you were supposed to be online 16:25 Rich Yesterday was a dog sitting day, I was hoping to get on, but my friend had a friend 'work' on his computer. 0 0 0 16:25 Rich I never could get logged on here. 16:26 Rich Today was visit a friend day, I got away early today, usually it is an all day thing on Thursday. 16:27 Rich The dog I was sitting isn't doing well 16:27 Rich Had 5th and 8th cranial nerve impairment - progressive. 16:27 Graham oh, no fun 16:28 Rich Nope 16:28 Graham well I don't think you missed any bears 16:28 Rich And of course as it goes, I've taken a real liking for the dog. 16:29 Rich So I see I've missed Beehive for the second day in a row. 16:29 Rich There is always tomorrow I guess. 16:29 Graham yeah well that happens...loving dogs and missing beehive 16:30 Graham I just got home in time for Beehive, indicator was going when I started up 16:30 Rich Can be two in the same. 16:30 Graham Grand went twice already today, so not again before dark 16:30 Rich I tried to get on YNet, but am getting a very site not active message from the host. 16:30 Rich Seems 'we've' hit a streak of double Grands 16:31 Rich Also I'm still trying to figure out what happend to OF yesterday morning. 16:31 Graham long daylight helps :) 16:31 Graham i bet it erupted 16:32 Rich at 08:31:57, and then something at 09:32 and again at 10:07:28 16:32 Rich Very strange intervals 16:33 Rich I didn't get a time for the next OF which should have been around 11:30 16:35 Rich Snow sure is melting off the sidewalk 16:36 Graham hum 932 and 1007 doesn't sound right 16:36 Graham The eralier ones would just be a short 16:37 Rich I'll look back at the captures, but Lois and I were watching the 9:32. But I could have been dreaming. 16:40 Graham Plume 1740 16:42 Rich Today it looks like it was just preplay 16:42 Rich but it was such a long time til OF finally went. 16:43 Graham but 0831 to 1007 is normal 16:44 Graham yeah would have been long preplay tho 16:44 Rich I was probably trying to do to much before I left. Wasn't paying attention. 16:45 Graham something just went by split cone 16:45 Graham going left tho 16:47 Rich I'll wait for it to come out the other side. 16:47 Rich Of my image. 16:48 Graham dont see anything now tho 16:49 Rich Weather must be nasty at OF today, no people indicators 16:50 Graham yeah weather is going downhill 16:51 Rich Wind SW 8, gust 24 16:51 Rich 46 degrees at Lake Yellowstone 16:52 Graham good for snow melting but not sitting out 16:53 Rich nope 17:19 Graham OF 1819 17:23 Rich I don't know how that person with the kid pack is standing up, the kid is so far off the back. 17:23 Graham yeah looks weird, one on front too? 17:24 Rich Then that explains it, front is balancing the back one, must be fun on the hips. 17:36 Rich from one park ranger to another! "ok,joe the visitors are here-let the deer out and turn on the waterfall!" 17:38 Graham Plume 1838 17:39 Rich ~58 minutes for plume today 17:40 Graham yeah prior one was 56 17:41 Graham may have bison coming into view way down in the meadow on the left 17:55 Graham Daisy 1855 17:59 Graham Castle 1858ie H2O 18:12 Graham Castle is a Major 18:32 Graham Plume 1932 18:33 Graham that was only 54 minutes 18:35 MISSY nice herd 18:36 Graham yeah they are in the meadow by the end of Geyser Hill Rich 18:36 Graham oh wait, Rich vanished 18:36 Graham not very easy to see them on the static cam 18:37 Graham will move back to OF, its window starts soon 18:42 Rich Hi, had a crash 18:42 Rich Was trying to find an old 8mm homemovie of Yellowstone 18:43 Graham OF 1942 18:45 Rich Has Riverside and Old Faithful in it. 18:45 Rich July 5th Riverside between 4:30pm and 5:00pm is what the sign said. 18:47 Graham ok, what year? 18:47 Rich Not a clue yet 18:47 Rich The fun of old family movies 18:47 Rich There is some of the Upper and lower falls also 18:48 Rich A mud pot, one marmot 18:48 Rich Lois reminded me that I had transfered them from vhs tape to the computer. 18:49 Rich I'm going to try and find the original capture I did to the computer and burn a flv 18:49 Rich Then I will post it somewhere 18:49 Graham k 18:50 Rich at OF, looks like there were people walking pretty close to OF, but might have just been the angle. 18:50 Rich Color 8mm even. 18:50 Rich Lois says we were alive, but had to stay in the car because we wouldn't put our shoes on. 18:51 Rich Mom said, "No shoes, you stay in the car." 18:51 Rich Lois being the 'oldest' remembers these things. lol 18:51 Rich hi missy 18:52 Rich I surmise that it was in the early 50's 18:52 Graham haha...that sounds like a rule to be broken 18:52 MISSY hi one last check before it gets too late 18:52 Rich I've gotten cold just looking at the weather at OF 18:53 Graham its warm, all the snow is melting 18:54 Rich Yes but after 'our' 85 degree days it just looks cold. 18:55 MISSY we are just plain windy, hot and humid here in our part of Texas 18:56 Graham supposed to get into 80's here for the first time at the weekend 18:57 MISSY off to check the Glacier National Park Cams and call it an evening. :) 18:57 Graham bye 18:57 Rich Byue 18:57 Rich Bye 18:58 MISSY :P 19:27 Graham Plume 2027 19:34 Graham im heading out 19:34 Graham pretty quiet today 19:37 Rich Gee, it's been so long since I've looked at the homemovies 19:39 Rich Construction of Shasta Dam, Lassen NP, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon. 19:39 Graham wow 19:40 Graham you were busy then 19:40 Graham got to go tho, see you 19:40 Rich take care, have a good evening 19:40 Rich nite April 24th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 23rd, 2009 April 25th, 2009 » 07:12 carol good morning derek 07:12 Derek Hi 07:13 carol r u on the cam? 07:13 Derek I'm the only one available 07:13 Rich Hi everyone 07:13 carol morning rich 07:15 carol U've been abandoned? 07:15 Derek CC and Graham are away 07:16 Derek Gary should take over at 15:00 mdt 07:18 carol give you a break! just coming in 4 my am check on the basin ba4 work. Snowy! 07:19 carol When was the last of? 07:20 Rich Sorry, crashed 07:21 carol hate it when that happens...always when there's something really interesting on the cam. 07:21 Rich Yes 07:21 Rich Welcome to a Winter Wonderland. 07:22 carol yep ...pretty! 07:23 Rich I'll take your word for it, all I can see is a bit of the sidewalk with benches. lol 07:23 carol no coffee yet? 07:24 Derek Carol, did you see the ice slide down the glass earlier? 07:25 Rich I'm still wiping the sleep out of my eyes. 07:25 carol NO! I love to watch the snow slide off the lense darn 07:25 Rich lol 07:26 Derek Normally it drops off in lumps, but today it all slid down neatly 07:28 carol self cleaning? 07:28 carol hopefully it took some of the silica with it 07:28 Derek It was like a roller blind :-) 07:28 carol lol 07:28 Derek I have it on full wide-angle, so what do you think? 07:29 carol looks kinda like a Ansel Adams photograph! 07:30 carol Black and White landscape....got alot of the basin in 07:30 Derek From Castle to Giantess. That even beats the static cam. 07:30 Derek of 07:31 carol there goes of 08:30 07:31 carol all blends into the sky 07:33 carol ok gotta get ready 4 work. bb4n 07:37 Rich have a good day carol 07:49 carol ty bye 08:01 Rich Static cam is cleared now. 08:01 Derek Yep 08:05 Derek indicator 08:18 Rich Beehive ie 09:17:22 08:18 Derek ok 09:43 Rich I have some errands to run, I should be back in a couple of hours. 09:43 Rich later 09:43 Rich bye for now 10:24 Derek lion 12:34 Rich Someone order foul weather? 12:35 Derek Not me 13:19 Graham hello 13:20 Derek I didn't think you would be on today 13:20 Rich hi Graham 13:21 Graham im here tonight 13:21 Graham Carolyn is here for a rehersal dinner and wedding tomorrow 13:21 Graham here as in Va 13:21 Derek She told me. 13:21 Graham I meet them for breakfast tomorrow then away Saturday night 13:22 Graham so I can take over, especially if the sun comes out :) 13:22 Derek The cam self cleaned itself earlier 13:22 Graham i saw it was snowed over 13:23 Derek There was a film of ice crystals when I first logged on. 13:23 Derek Then they slowly slid off 13:23 Graham ok, thjats good 13:23 Derek The glass looks much better 13:23 Graham so Carolyn would not have seen anything this morning anyway 13:23 Derek Nope 13:24 Derek Notice even on full wide-angle it's not too bad. 13:24 Graham yeah did they clean it? 13:24 Derek No 13:24 Rich Lion 13:24 Derek The snow did that when it slid off 13:25 Graham its thinking about erupting 13:25 Graham so now we need better weather to use the clean cam :) 13:26 Rich Never happy are 'we'. 13:26 Rich lol 13:26 Derek I told CC I would still finish tomorrow at my usual Saturday time. She said it was OK. 13:26 Graham she didn't demand you work overtime? 13:27 Derek I would strike if she did ;P 13:27 Derek plume 13:29 Graham so is Gary on tonight? 13:30 Derek I suppose so. I haven't heard anything from CC to the contrary 13:30 Derek Gary's never comunicated with me so far. 13:30 Graham yeah me neither 13:31 Derek I've sent 2 emails so far but neither were acknowledged 13:35 Derek OF is late 13:36 Rich People Indicators are leaving. 13:40 Rich Unless there was a short interval while it was socked in and we couldn't see. 13:41 Derek BH went at 09:17 13:43 Graham yeah thanks, Pat sent me pics of it 13:54 Derek OK Graham, I'm calling it a day. You are welcome to play until Gary takes over. 13:59 Graham k 14:00 Derek Goodnight All 14:00 Graham bye have a good weekend 14:00 Derek Thanks 14:00 Derek Don't forget I want a nice group picture :-) 14:00 Graham i will try 14:01 Rich Nite Derek 14:28 Graham Plume 1528 14:29 Rich Plume? 14:30 Graham yep 14:40 Graham Gary has the cam now 14:44 contner Looks a little cool there today. 14:45 Rich There was snow cover this morning 15:03 Rich Later, grass needs mowing. 15:10 Graham there should be some bison coming from the left 15:10 Graham but Rich isn't here 16:50 Rich He is now 17:15 Rich hi Carol 17:36 Anna yikes! I just switched from static cam to here, but didn't expect to see the mess on this camera. wowza. 17:37 Anna Brrrrrr! 17:39 Rich Brrr is rigth 17:39 Rich The snow has just been coming down for about an hour 17:39 Rich again 17:39 Anna And look at all those crazy people-- er lucky people! 17:39 Rich With their backs to the wind 17:40 Anna is OF due? 17:40 Rich 6:47 17:41 Rich But I'm not taking bets today. 17:41 Anna have things been nutty? 17:41 Rich I haven't figure OF schedule out today. 17:41 Rich Between the weather and OF not hitting the times I figure. 17:41 Anna maybe has something to do with changes in air pressure? 17:42 Anna Danny says hi. 17:42 Rich VC at one at 2:21 and I didn't see it, the next one I saw was 3:54 17:42 Rich Hi Danny 17:43 Rich I figured I just missed the 2:21 in the fog. 17:44 Rich Wonder if we are suppose to wave at them when OF is going off? 17:44 Anna I'm sitting out on my porch--it got up to 80 today. Was windy all day, but calm and wonderful now. not too many bugs yet 17:45 Rich Looks like one couple has been standing there long enough to make a snowless shadow around them. 17:45 Anna lol 17:45 Anna dd says to tell you he only has 10 more days of school before we head out. 17:45 Anna he's just a little bit excited! 17:46 Rich And I'm excited for you guys 17:46 Rich Taking your snow gear? 17:46 Anna from summer to winter in 3 days. 17:46 Anna yep, you betcha 17:47 Rich Last night's snow had just about all melted off, then wave came along. 17:48 Anna I'll take my pleasant balmy nite tonite. . . 17:49 Rich We cooled off, was pretty nice but still have to have light jacket on today. 17:50 Anna do you have the static cam in view? otherwise, i don't think we'll see it! 17:50 Rich I only get the static 17:51 Rich I'm on dial up 17:51 Anna I'm having computer issues and have to use safari instead of firefox. 17:51 Rich ah 17:51 Anna live cam is a mess 17:52 Rich By all reports it was pretty good earlier in the day, the snow/ice slide off cleaning as it went. 17:52 Anna dd wants to know what time it is where your are. 17:52 Rich Derek had it zoomed all the way and said he could see again. 17:53 Rich 5:53 17:53 Rich You are Ohio aren't you? 17:53 Anna that's what i told him, but he never believe me. yep, in Ohio 17:54 Rich I still have one brain cell that works. 17:54 Rich Can't put much in it. 17:54 Anna lol 17:54 Loisb Hi - I finally wandered up the page - How are you Anna? 17:54 Anna hi, Lois, having a nice day here in Ohio 17:55 Rich of 17:55 Anna we can sort of see of now--sort of! 17:55 Rich OF ie 18:54:29 17:55 Anna there's a huge snowflake stuck right on the center of the cam! 17:55 Rich There was one of those on the staic cam about 1/2 hour ago 17:56 Loisb think we got up to 50 today but the sun has finally come out 17:56 Anna wanna take bets on how long those folks hang around? 17:57 Rich About now. 17:57 Loisb and there it is 17:57 Rich Die hards. 17:57 Anna yep, there they go. let's see if the lovebirds hang around. Ah, young love 17:58 Rich lol 17:58 Anna she's had it! 17:58 Anna too funny 17:59 Rich And of course, the snow clears now that OF is waning 18:00 Anna Now i can see it. 18:04 Anna we're going to go now. talk to you all later! 18:05 Rich later 18:05 Rich bye 18:06 Loisb bye 18:08 Rich OF prediction 20:26 18:08 Loisb snow prediction - now 18:08 Rich lol 18:08 Rich All night 18:09 Rich about 6 inches by morning. 18:09 Loisb we'll see 18:09 Loisb at least I will - you will probably sleep in 18:09 Rich After all it will be Saturday. 18:10 Loisb true - and many folks planned their visit 18:12 Loisb I probably won' tbe on here by 20:26 but hope whoever is enjoys 18:12 Rich Nite 18:14 Rich I'm out of here. April 25th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 24th, 2009 April 26th, 2009 » 06:47 carol morning derek. The ice slide yesterday cleaned the camara lense off well!!! 06:47 Derek-cam Yep 06:48 Derek-cam I'm all on my own today 06:49 carol WOW!! Thank you for your dedication. We all appreciate you and all the cam operators 06:49 carol a bit frosty 06:49 carol better to see the bears!! :) 06:49 Derek-cam I feel honoured to be allowed to operate the cam 06:50 Derek-cam Especially as I'm not even an american :-) 06:51 carol It not just a national treasure "Y" is a worldwide treasure 06:52 Derek-cam I think what swung it for me was the fact that I had 6 years experience of operating security CCTV cameras in public places 06:53 carol ahhhh!!! I'm sure it did! 06:53 carol so nice not to look through silica droplets 06:53 Derek-cam That was a fun job but it got a bit stressfull at times 06:54 carol cool smoke signals....steam 06:54 Derek-cam We were the eyes of the police so we had to spot crimes and violence being comitted then alert them by radio. 06:54 carol yicks 06:55 carol very stressful 06:55 Derek-cam Watching the drunken teenagers leaving the night clubs and wanting to fight everyone 06:58 carol bills turn at the desk see u in a bit 06:58 Derek-cam ok 08:11 Rich Hello everybody, Hello 08:15 carol hi derek and rich 08:16 Derek-cam Hi 08:17 carol do you operate the cam every morning ( am 4 us) 7 days a week? 08:17 Derek-cam Usually CC does the first shift, but she's away in VA right now 08:18 Derek-cam I usually take over around 8 or 9 MDT 08:20 Derek-cam Sundays to Friday I usually finish at 15:00 MDT 08:20 carol ok! bill and I will be in the park from 5/22 - 6/13! and wanted to know so we can give you a wave in front of OF! u can put a face to the name 08:23 Derek-cam I am on vacation from May 16th to May 22nd 08:23 Derek-cam CC will also be in the park around that time 08:24 carol yep! we talked about meeting on saturday for the basin walk through 08:25 Derek-cam Graham will be around but only on Mondays and Wednesdays from about 15:00 MDT 08:26 Derek-cam And Saturdays from 11:30 ish 08:27 carol although we let the park determine our daily outtings. animals, geysers, hiking, love to watch the ice break up on the lake and go under fishing bridge....simple things make me happy! 08:27 carol ok have to write this down and take w us! 08:27 Derek-cam We have our usual affordable week in Cornwall, Southwest England 08:28 Derek-cam So I wont be near a computer 08:29 Derek-cam Carolyn will have her laptop with her and will move the cam occasionally when she has internet available. 08:31 Derek-cam When Katie was in the park last year she text my mobile to say when she was near the cam :-) 08:37 Derek-cam PLUME 0937 08:37 carol sorry I got a phone.....great plu=e 08:37 carol m 08:38 carol call 08:39 carol There was an interesting article in the Billings Gazette talking about removing the cell tower at OF because of complaints of visor 08:40 Derek-cam Over here we have a number of cell towers that are discuised as trees 08:40 carol visitor complaints...."an eyesore" 08:42 Derek-cam The pine tree model would not look out of place in YNP :-) 08:42 carol not sure if they will put another up at OF or at Lake...talked about setting up WiFi/cell phone spefic areas 08:43 carol thats what I think but.....the powers at be...hum 08:44 carol We have the pine tree hotels here in placerville I have trouble distingushing them from the trees 08:45 carol gotta run bbrb 08:45 Derek-cam I have a picture of a pine tree phone mast. If you give me an email address I will send it to you. 08:55 carol ok! My phone is off the hook today, clients with their panties in a bunch cuz i'm leaving for 3 weeks 09:05 carol yep we actually have on that looks just like that 3 doors down from us....blends right in. the billings gazette newspaper always has some interesting news about the park in it...bison/grizzley/wolf issues....park policys....drama 09:06 carol i read it online 09:09 carol derek nice chatting w u I gotta get the day rollin chores to take care of. ck in later....beehive? 10:29 Derek-away Gone for some tea 12:36 Derek-cam Back 12:37 Derek-cam Hi guest 19:44 carol hello guest 92190 April 26th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 25th, 2009 April 27th, 2009 » 04:46 Derek Hi Kent 04:51 Derek Gary, if you do call in here, I have gone for my lunch. 06:27 carol good morning derek 06:27 Derek Hi 06:28 carol probably good afternoon there 06:32 Derek brb 09:48 carol derek u their? 09:51 Derek On phone 10:25 Kent Hi Derek. Just dropped by for about ten seconds earlier this morning. Insomnia. 10:26 Derek ok 10:37 Derek Going for tea 12:12 Derek Hi 12:13 MISSY hi 12:13 Derek Cute Chipmunk 12:13 MISSY Shouldn't be feeding it.... 12:14 MISSY cold wet day 12:15 Derek Yep 12:15 Derek I'm on my own all day with the cam 12:15 Derek CC and Graham are both out 12:15 MISSY see any bison 12:16 Derek Yes earlier 12:16 Derek There 12:16 MISSY just a quick look before I am off to work on English with my daughter...will check back a little later 12:17 Derek I will be finishing at about 15:00 MDT 12:17 Derek I don't think anyone will be taking over then. 12:18 MISSY hope you have a nice afternoon---I might miss you---check back tomorrow then. 12:18 Derek That's the problem with the time difference 12:18 Derek It's evening here 12:18 MISSY I am in Texas 12:18 Derek 20:18 12:18 Derek I'm 30 miles east of London 12:19 MISSY Oh my! So far away! We plan to be in yellowstone in the end of June... 12:19 Derek I have never been there 12:19 MISSY This will be our first trip. 12:19 Derek It was my security camera experience that got me this job :-) 12:20 Derek Plus a genuine interest in Yellowstone 12:20 MISSY Off to do English homework :) 12:20 Derek ok 12:21 MISSY Bison:) 12:40 Rich Hi Derek 12:40 Derek Hi 12:40 Rich Have a few computer problems today. 12:41 Rich Beehive ie 11:41:54 12:41 Rich I couldn't get in the chatroom 12:41 Derek I saw it :-0 12:41 Derek :-) 12:41 Rich k 12:42 Rich I have to have two separate windows, one for the static cam and one for the chatroom 12:53 Rich Bug on the static cam lens 12:57 Derek grand ie 12:58 Rich Nice and tall today 13:04 Derek There is so much steam that there could well be something else there in concert with Grand 13:10 Rich There was something on geyerslistserv yesterday about a possible Giant yesterday. 13:10 Derek I read that this morning. 13:58 Derek Goodnight all 17:07 Graham Lion 2005ie 17:08 Graham oops i mean 1805ie for Lion 17:11 Graham Bison running left past Lion 17:12 Graham OF 1811 17:45 carol hi graham, U have a nice weekend? 17:46 Graham yeah thanks, got home about 45 mins ago 17:46 Graham you? 17:47 carol yep nice sunny not to hot! 17:47 carol Bison on the ;move? 17:48 Graham they went by lion earlier 17:48 carol nice closeup of sawmill 17:48 Graham they were in the trees below geyser hill last time i saw them 17:49 Graham they werte somewhere where the cam is now 17:49 carol there they are 17:49 carol running again 17:50 carol other way 17:50 Graham got them 17:50 Graham i wwas moving before you said 17:50 carol thats right a delay....i forgot 17:51 Graham not sure where they ended up 17:51 Graham headed for the trees 17:52 carol u got em to the left behind the trees 17:52 Graham vanished into the murk now I think 17:54 carol yep look like they crossed the boardwalk between sawmill and river....I don't remember the name of the springs that are right their 17:54 Graham hey are still moving left 17:55 Graham one is sprinkler 17:55 Graham I thought i saw a couple go down by the bridge 17:56 carol yep!!! I saw em also 17:56 Graham Daisy 1855 17:56 carol what is the name of the geyeser erupting to the left 17:56 carol far left 18:02 carol i can't tell if its on the grand side of the river or on the road side. 18:04 Graham I am not sure its in Scotts book 18:05 Graham I think its on the scalloped spring side of the river, been erupting a lot but its not shown in the book 18:06 carol on of the first items on my agenda when we get to the park. yep been watching it alot 18:08 Graham could get another lion 18:25 Graham OF 1924ie 18:26 Graham Lion 1925 18:47 Graham Looks like Castle erupting 1945ie. Little hard to tell if it is erupting or just post minor splashing 18:48 Graham well given the bad weather and bad wind direction, I am leaving now 18:48 Graham see you April 27th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 26th, 2009 April 28th, 2009 » 05:27 CC Lion 6:21 AM MDT 06:04 CC Indicator at 6:53 06:04 CC OF at 6:54 06:04 CC Beehive at 7:03 06:07 CC Hi 06:08 CC Kkent did you see Beehive 06:08 CC It is now in Steam phase 06:09 Kent Strange morning in the UGB. OF was an hour late from its last visible last night 06:09 CC OF has been doing crazy things 06:10 CC There were several times of preplay that I thought it would go any second 06:10 Kent It was just a fluke that you caught Indicator through all that steam. Neat eruption nonetheless. 06:10 CC Kent.. you know Beehive loves me 06:11 CC it seems to know when I am on the camera 06:11 Kent I agree. OF was pre-playing all over the place, and yes I do know Beehive loves you :^) 06:11 Derek Hi CC and Kent 06:12 CC greetings 06:12 CC camera is stuck 06:12 Derek I'm not ready to start just yet CC, still have dishes to wash :-) 06:12 CC that's okay 06:13 CC camera moving again 06:13 Kent Morning guys (sorry CC). I have been up since 0430 and am going back to bed for an hour. 06:13 Derek I'll be phoning you later. 06:13 CC okay..please use my cell after 11:00 my time 06:14 CC I have to go out 06:20 Derek CC, when you're ready to leave I will take it from you and put it on wide angle until I'm ready to start, if that's OK with you? 07:04 Derek Are you still there? 07:05 CC I am here 07:05 Derek I can take it now if you like 07:05 CC okay 07:05 CC do you want to call me 07:05 Derek Now? 07:06 CC yes on the home phone 07:06 Derek ok 08:02 Rich Hi Derek 08:03 Derek Hi 10:06 Derek Daisy 11:05 IE 10:29 Rich away Time to mow the front yard, bb later 10:40 Derek I've been called, got to go now. 12:11 carol hi derek 12:12 Derek Hi 12:12 carol beehive? 12:13 Derek Beehive went before I started. CC was on cam 12:14 Derek 07:03 12:14 carol ahh! 12:23 carol nice shot of the observation platform 12:23 Derek No people up there 12:25 Derek I know this will sound silly, but can you tell me where the cellphone tower is located. One of my other interests are mobile phone technology. 12:27 carol I believe it's behind the Inn across the hwy by the employee housing, but not certain. Interesting hobby! 12:28 carol Did u read the article? 12:28 Derek I like to observe the different styles of cell masts 12:28 Derek I have read several 12:29 Derek They have just planted a new one along my street 12:29 Derek Looks just like a wooden telephone pole. 12:29 Derek But no wires 12:30 carol I'll take a pic of the one at OF if you'd like and send to you 12:30 Derek The new 3G system that allows for mobile broadband is on our new pole. 12:31 Derek I don't have mobile broadband 12:31 Derek Just cable 12:32 Derek I just love to know how things work 12:32 carol we live in a very wooded (pine) area and all of our look like trees and blend in well. I don't know that much about em. 12:33 Derek I'd love to see a picture of the one at OF 12:34 carol I'll take one while were there and email to you 12:34 carol hopefully it'll still be there....my fingers don't want to work on the keyboard today 12:34 Derek Thanks 12:35 Derek I'm just looking at Google Earth to try and spot the place you mentioned 12:36 carol hum ill look also good idea brb 12:42 carol our computer won't let me open google earth for some reason. did u find it? 12:42 Derek I couldn't spot any tower 12:43 Derek I even tried the street level pictures 12:44 carol is their another program to view the area? 12:44 Derek Have you tried the web based GoogleMaps? 12:46 carol bill brought up something the other day and we looked at many different areas in yellowstone. the ugb being one of them. i'm not sure which program he used. gunna surf and see brb 13:01 carol ok found it I believe 13:03 CC Hi Carol 13:03 CC Do you want to call me? 13:03 CC Hi Derek 13:03 carol hi cc did u have a nice weekend? 13:03 CC yes 13:04 Derek Call you? Is it important? 13:04 CC did you want quilt information? 13:04 CC call was for Carol 13:04 carol great. I have my 2 g-kids today not a great time for a conversation they'll sit on my lap and look at puter w me though 13:04 CC doesn't have to be today 13:05 CC call whenever 13:05 carol yes I'd love to talk with u tomorrow if possible 13:05 CC sure 13:05 carol only have the baby tomorrow 13:05 CC sounds good 13:05 carol Derek I found the tower 13:06 Derek Yeah? 13:06 CC can you give me a heads up as to what type of fabric the postcards are printed on? 13:07 carol behind the snow lodge on a whiteish road beyond the employee housing it a white tower 13:07 carol cc i'll look I believe their cotten but thats an assumption....i'll go look. their BIG! Thats my deliemma 13:08 carol 11 X 14 13:08 carol and how to quilt em without disturbing the photos 13:10 Derek Sorry Carol, I don't know where the snow lodge is. CC did tell me once but I forgot. 13:12 CC Snow Lodge is behind the OLD VC . 13:13 CC also next to the General Store 13:13 Derek Still looking 13:13 carol hum how to explain?....behind the inn are 3 parrallel roads that merge into 2 going.....(not good with directions) south 13:14 CC Derek look on your Google that we did together 13:14 CC do you remember the road infront of the General store 13:14 Derek I am 13:14 carol trying to show him the cell tower by employee housing 13:15 CC follow that road to the intersection where the road ends and you have to take a right or left 13:15 carol right 13:15 CC you would take a left and look up and the tower is in the hills above 13:16 Derek I'm lost 13:16 CC okay 13:16 carol lol 13:16 CC can I see the google and help you now 13:17 carol my puter won't let me do both 13:17 CC ok 13:17 CC behind the OF Inn is a big parking lot 13:17 CC can you find that 13:18 Derek I think so 13:19 CC does it have the post office on the map 13:19 CC at the end of the parking lot 13:20 Derek Post office is not marked 13:20 CC oik 13:20 CC well, from that parking lot if you look to the left...the tower is in the hills 13:22 Derek I'm still looking but the images are not that sharp for distant objects 13:23 CC maybe Graham has a picture 13:23 CC he will be on tonight 13:39 CC Derek are you going to stick around for a while tonight 13:39 carol derek u still on 13:39 Derek I can stay in the chat room 13:40 CC good because maybe graham will get home early and he can send you the photo we took on Saturday 13:40 CC I may not be on tomorrow when you take the cam 13:41 CC my sister wants to go to the beach. that's where I was going to go today but decided to wait until tomorrow. I will not be there all day 13:42 CC so I will take the cam hopefully at your tea time 13:42 Derek I'll just do my usual times 13:42 CC that sound good 13:43 CC did you ever find the tower 13:59 CC Lion at 14:58 IE 14:00 Derek Carol is trying to guide me by private messages but I still can't find it. 14:01 CC I took the cam a few minutes early because Lion was going 14:01 Derek No problem 14:02 Derek Carol was keeping me busy with the PMs 14:02 Derek I'm off downstairs for a few minutes. Usual duties 14:03 CC k 14:13 Graham hello 14:13 CC hi 14:13 CC I was hoping you would get here early 14:13 CC did you have a nice weekend 14:13 Graham yeah i had a great time. You? 14:13 Derek I'm back for a few minutes 14:14 CC it was great 14:14 Graham hey Derek 14:14 CC the ritz plaza is something else 14:14 Graham so will I see Beehive tonight? 14:14 Graham yeah i am sure it was much nicer than carwn plaza 14:14 CC it went this morning at 7:03 14:14 Graham well you know what I mean :) 14:14 Graham ok, so probably not tonight :( 14:14 Derek Guess who had the cam 14:15 Graham looks splashy tho 14:15 CC but it appears to be steaming 14:15 Graham did it cooperate over the wekened Derek? 14:15 Graham Grabd? 14:15 Graham grrr cant type today 14:15 CC you can take the cam if you like 14:16 Graham Grand? 14:16 Derek Someones had typing lessons from Bruce Jensen 14:16 CC I didn't see grand 14:16 CC Lion just went at 14:58 14:16 CC I had an initial at 6:21 14:16 Derek Hey Graham, I understand you took some interesting pictures 14:16 Graham Looks like Grand to me 1515ie 14:17 Graham ok, thanks 14:17 CC I think this was an initial also 14:17 Graham at least Grand waited for me 14:17 Graham yeah I have to upload my pics tonight 14:17 CC was the opera good 14:17 Derek I look forward to seeng them 14:18 Graham the ravel was nice, not great but the staging was interesting and singers were good. Puccini was good as always 14:18 Graham great weather to be out and about too for the weekend, I had fun in Philly 14:19 Graham 90's again today here 14:19 CC wow 14:19 Graham Good wind for Grand 14:20 Graham did you miss us Derek? 14:20 Derek I was ever so lonely 14:20 Graham hehe did Rich desert yo utoo? 14:21 Derek No but I can't entertain Rich as he doesn't see the streaming cam 14:22 Graham you can just tell thim there's a bear and that keeps him busy searching for hours :) 14:23 Graham lets see if we get a second burst... 14:24 CC no second 14:24 Graham taking its time 14:25 Graham guess not 14:25 CC nice daisy 14:25 Derek I'm searching GoogleEarth to locate the OF cell tower 14:25 Graham consolation Daisy 1525ie 14:26 Derek Carol and CC were trying to help me. 14:26 Graham ah yeah..it looks like a tree 14:26 CC unless of course it's Splendid 14:26 Graham hum, well you have seen pictures... 14:28 Graham must be Castle next... 14:28 Derek Still can't find it :-( 14:34 Graham hey Rich 14:36 Graham looks like the snow is going in the cabin area 14:40 Graham any wildlife today? 14:40 CC not while I was on 14:40 Rich Hello 14:40 Rich me 14:41 Graham did you put on your bison costume and taunt the bears again Rich? 14:41 CC is that Jim in the red 14:41 Rich And I always thought I was a wolf in sheeps clothing. lol 14:41 Rich Might have to try the bison routine. 14:42 Rich zoom in and read the name tag. 14:43 Rich Plume 14:43 CC no 14:43 CC OF preplay 14:44 Graham not sure, could be Jim i guess 14:44 Rich So was that Giant Saturday? 14:45 CC if he does crosswords we know it is him 14:46 Graham big preplay 14:46 Derek I can hear Beryl snoring, so I guess it's time for me to join her :-) 14:47 CC good night 14:47 Graham k Derek, I will send a pic tonight 14:47 Derek Goodnight all 14:47 Derek Thanks Graham 14:47 Graham g-night 14:54 Graham OF 1553 15:00 Rich invisible Has anyone identified the insect crawling around inside the static cam? 15:01 Graham Pat said there were maiting mosquitos, but I don't think its warm enough for them 15:03 Rich invisible Just one bug, reflecton in the other side of the glass. 15:03 Rich invisible But then what do I know. 15:08 Rich I didn't think mosquitos mated missionary style. 15:09 Graham i think the snow will keep them down too 15:12 Rich Have to dig out the old etymology books, I guess 15:14 Graham maybe they are swine flu bugs 15:21 Rich Bet they share dna 15:23 Rich Bug is back 15:27 Graham Lion 1627 15:29 Rich And a very nice one it is. 15:29 Graham yeah nice light and wind 15:43 Graham Obloing 1642 15:44 Rich Puffy, not straight 15:44 Rich 6 min 15:52 Graham yep...and Grand went earlier :) 15:53 Rich The 'family' group on the back left bench in the static cam - That's what we looked like when I was growing up. 16:18 Graham Plume 1718 16:19 Graham missed that sorry 16:33 Graham OF 1732 16:34 Graham uhoh - a short eruption 16:36 Graham Daisy 1736 16:42 Rich VC is predicting 19:04 for OF 16:43 Graham and what are you predicting? 16:46 Graham my prediction is 1837 16:48 Rich 18:44 16:53 CC Thanks Graham for the pictures 16:53 CC they really came out nicely 16:55 Graham you are welcome. they did come out quite well 16:55 Graham I hope Derek is happy :) 16:55 CC I am sure he will be 16:55 CC he only had pictures of me with my sunglasses on 16:56 CC and they cover my whole face...well almost 16:57 Graham just uploading some Philly pictures to facebook 16:58 Graham we just had a short OF so it will be interesting to see the interval 16:58 CC I noticed the difference of OF 16:58 CC There is a new ranger in the VC and maybe doesn't now exactly how to gauge the time predictions 16:59 Graham the posted prediction is a 92 min interval.....has it lengthened? 16:59 CC not that I know of 16:59 Graham it quit at 2 min 16:59 CC I am still using the 90 minute rule for anything over 2 1/2 minutes....60 for a short 16:59 Graham if they are watching from the VC on their own, they might not know when the water stops 17:00 CC you can see water from the VC 17:00 CC I think they are still using the time watch 17:01 CC what direction was the wind blowing 17:01 Graham oh well, we shall see if Rich, the VC, or I have the better prediction this time :) 17:02 Graham it wasn't blowing a lot but a bit to the right, not to us 17:02 CC then they should have seen when the water quit 17:02 Graham Lion better get a move on 17:02 CC what is happening up at giantess 17:02 CC now 17:02 Graham its steaming 17:03 CC I saw water....maybe from teakettle 17:03 Graham wow you have good eyes 17:07 CC is the steam near the bridge (bubblers for beehive) 17:08 CC or is it coming from depression 17:08 Graham I see no bubbler steam 17:08 Graham just scissor spring steam 17:08 CC okay then it is steam from elswhere 17:09 Graham and a Dwarf started 17:09 CC thanks 17:09 CC now little cub 17:09 Graham go lil cub go 17:11 Graham lion tried again but its just about had it I think 17:12 CC there is steam down by Grand 17:12 CC maybe Oblong 17:12 Graham we had Oblong earlier 17:13 CC what then 17:13 CC west triplet 17:13 CC rift 17:14 Graham I am guessing its the Turban and Vent restart 17:14 CC didn't Grand go twice today 17:14 Graham no, thats too late for it 17:15 Graham 3 hours post-grand, its not in overflow yet 17:15 Graham I will agree with your West Triplet 17:16 CC Pat said it went at 5:49 this morning 17:16 Graham a plume watcher? 17:17 Graham yeah Grand had a 9h+ interval, went just when I got home 1515ie 17:18 Graham Plume 1818 17:19 Graham nice and big 17:22 Graham so how much time do you spend waiting for Beehive on the hill Carolyn? 17:22 CC I don't 17:22 CC If I hear Indicator called I go quickly 17:22 Graham you cheat like me :) 17:22 CC It's my favorite from the webcam 17:24 Graham whats your favorite in the park? 17:24 CC difficult to answer 17:24 CC F &M...Giant...Fountain 17:25 CC I love Grand but maybe because it is really predictable 17:25 Graham I like Fountain, Veteran, Oblong....and of course Giant and F&M. Grand can be a bit frustrating with all the people 17:25 CC I think what I like about Beehive is the power from that little cone 17:26 Graham yeah its so much fun feeling it up close 17:26 Graham is that Steve Eide? 17:27 CC don't know 17:27 CC Beehive may go twice today 17:27 CC even if it happens after dark 17:28 CC is OF in preplay 17:29 Graham OF is in my prediction window 17:30 CC how many minutes are you using for a short prediction 17:30 Graham I picked 65. Ralph shows 64 for Febuary 17:31 CC I use 60 to 62 17:31 Graham but it has changed since then, they seem more frequent 17:32 CC I find that real white steam to me means it is really boiling 17:32 Graham yeah but it can still wait a while 17:33 CC yep 17:33 Graham those people could get lucky 17:33 CC I am waiting to see if you are correct or Rich and then I am signing off 17:33 Graham pressures on now Rich! 17:34 Rich One can only hope. 17:34 CC water 17:34 CC definite preplay 17:34 CC hi Kent 17:35 Graham yeah, its got 2 min to go :) 17:35 Kent Hi CC. You're here late? 17:35 CC yes 17:35 CC wanted to chat with Graham 17:35 Graham shes tetsing my prediction ability...haha 17:36 Kent How do they clean the cams? Windex or something stronger? 17:36 CC good ole water 17:37 Kent Thanks. I though geyser film would require something stronger. 17:39 CC should I turn my back Graham' 17:39 Graham yeah well now its going to do a 110 min interval :) 17:40 Graham almost! 17:41 Graham OF 1840 17:41 Rich Doesn't matter now, it is half way between, 17:41 CC there we go:) 17:41 CC The VC was really off 17:41 CC goodnight all 17:41 Graham bye 17:42 Rich nite 17:42 Graham well I could point out that its 3 min from my prediction but 4 from yours..but the first static shot was at 41:00 17:42 Graham so good pick Rich :) 17:42 Graham we were both right 17:43 Rich Sorry, did you get the hundreths of seconds? 17:45 Rich We did good, for as erratic as OF has been of late 17:46 Graham its still predictable, just more short intervals I think but I want to see the whole set of data 17:53 Rich o:) 17:53 Graham big Beehive splash 17:54 Rich Now if the light only holds out. 17:54 Rich You looked at the geyserlist email? 17:56 Graham not yet, why? 17:57 Rich TSBryan has an interesting scan from Yellowstone Science 17:57 Graham the reversed image? 17:57 Rich Yes 17:57 Graham yeah I saw that yesterday 17:58 Rich k 17:58 Rich I still get email by Pony Xpress 18:03 Rich Peopel indicator at Beehive 18:04 Graham he's been there for a long time already, watched the last ouple of Plumes too 18:04 Graham I think its Steve Eide 18:06 Rich Which one of the 322,000 of the google hits? 18:07 Graham the geyser gazer :) 18:08 Rich lol 18:08 Graham any questions? 18:09 Rich Oh, you mean Stephen J. Eide 18:09 Rich lol 18:11 Graham yeha that one 18:12 Rich And yes, I have lots of questions. 18:16 Graham Plume 1915 18:16 Rich I refer back to my first question of the day - So was that Giant on Saturday? 18:18 Graham nobody reported any signs rolled........ 18:18 Rich k 18:18 Graham of course nobody reported them in place either...so its a wash 18:23 Rich I just saw the capture that was sent to the geyserlist 18:33 Graham I don't think the steam cloud is big enough 18:34 Graham I think it would have been a lot bigger. I think thats just a big Grotto start 18:36 Rich Thank you 18:39 Graham I sent you one shot, way bigger! 18:40 Rich k 18:40 Rich ty 18:41 Graham warm and sunny summer I might agree but you can see a lot of steam from other non-erupting features in the pictures 18:42 Graham I think it was cold and damp and Grotto put up a lot of steam 18:42 Rich That's what I was wondering about. 18:48 Cynthia Hi Graham: 18:48 Graham Hi there how are you? 18:48 Cynthia I think you are right about the steam being Grotto or maybe Grotto Fountain. 18:49 Cynthia I'm fine. Anything of interest that you are expecting? 18:49 Graham Daisy is due 18:49 Graham Giant puts up big steam clouds when its cold, I just dont think its big enough 18:50 Graham Beehive went early this morning but its been very splashy. unlikely to go though 18:51 Cynthia I agree. I looked at a summer capture and after thinking about it, a warm day's steam column shouldn't be compared with that of a cold day. 18:52 Graham but it is a nice thought :) we need Giant going again 18:52 Graham Daisy 1952 18:56 Cynthia Hi Rich 18:57 Cynthia Thanks for the Daisy Graham. I'm off to put together something for dinner. Catch you another day/evening! 18:57 Graham ok, see you 18:58 Rich Hi Cynthia 19:06 Graham Indicator 2006! 19:07 Rich k 19:09 Rich Might I assume that every where there is a steam column there is a geyser? 19:10 Graham no 19:10 Rich ok 19:10 Graham some are just steam vents or bubblers 19:11 Rich oh 19:11 Rich ok 19:11 Graham but many of the steaming holes have erupted at some time 19:11 Graham some of the hot springs don't erupt. I don't think hart spring or Doublet pool have erupted 19:12 Graham BAD OF 2012ie 19:12 Graham I guess it was 2011 19:16 bill beehive went this morning?? 19:16 Graham yes 19:16 bill wow 19:17 Graham it was 0703 19:17 Graham Beehive 2017 19:18 Rich Lois got to see both of them today. 19:18 bill carol just left 19:19 Rich Hi bill 19:19 bill she wont believe me 19:19 bill hello 19:19 Graham haha 19:20 Graham you can see the ind and beehiuve Rich 19:20 Rich yes 19:21 Graham nice view now the steam died down 19:22 Graham Shame the gazer didn't stay 19:22 bill Does beehive ever have much variation in duration ?? 19:23 bill sounds like a song 19:24 Graham no, its pretty much 5 minutes and done 19:24 Graham now the indicator is a different story! 19:24 bill thats what i thought 19:24 bill right 19:25 Graham Ind is anywhere from 2 min if it starts after Beehive, to over 40 with Beehive and longer if its a false indicator 19:25 bill we heard the call of beehive going with out the indicator couple of years ago 19:26 bill I think it was Ann? 19:26 Graham yeah it does that and sometimes the indicator starts after beehive starts and sometimes it doesn't start at all 19:26 bill she was a little hysterical 19:26 Graham I have only seen one of those on the webcam :) 19:26 Graham hahah I bet 19:26 bill over the radio 19:27 Graham thats a nice way to end my evening, started with Grand and finished with Beehive :) 19:27 bill it was the talk of the basin for at least a week 19:27 Graham I am logging off, see you all 19:27 bill bye 19:28 Rich bye Graham 19:34 bill bye all 19:35 Rich bye bill 19:37 Rich nite 921902 April 28th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 27th, 2009 April 29th, 2009 » 07:19 carol hi rich 07:19 Rich Hi carol 07:19 Rich looks like a foot of snow 07:19 carol benches r going to disappear again 07:19 Rich Hi Derek 07:20 Rich fastly 07:20 Derek Will summer ever come? 07:20 Rich In Yellowstone, who knows. 07:20 carol slow typing have sic g-son on lap 07:20 Rich ah 07:21 Rich but there is no place like grandmother's lap. 07:21 carol last spring 4 2 wks only had 2 days w/o snow 07:21 carol yep luving it 07:22 Rich Got to see the second Beehive last night. 07:22 Rich Lois saw both of them yesterday. 07:23 carol cool bill came out and told me indicator i was busy w friend :'( missed em both 07:24 Rich sorry 07:24 carol short interval 07:24 carol glad u got 2 c it 07:25 carol a 2 bh day!!!!! 07:25 Rich Think it was regular interval, just that it cycled right. 07:25 Derek So far today I haven't bothered to move the cam. 07:25 Rich Not much you can see past the sidewalks, that's for sure 07:25 carol maorning derek 07:26 Derek Hi 07:26 carol X-D opps morning 07:26 carol can u put it on wide angle just to see? 07:27 Derek OK? 07:27 carol TU!!!! 07:28 carol buried in snow 07:28 Derek brb 07:28 carol cloudy up your way rich? 07:30 Rich I haven't looked outside, carol 07:30 Rich I'm scared after looking at OF. lol 07:31 Rich Completely overcast 07:31 Rich going to be a cool day 07:31 Rich doubt we see sunshine 07:32 carol yep same here 07:33 Rich Going to go down shopping in Chico later this morning. 07:33 Rich Have lunch with a friend 07:33 carol sounds like fun 07:34 Rich 'They' let me out of the house once a week. lol 07:34 carol my daughter went 2 college in chico....give u a pass 4 a couple hrs 07:35 Rich yep LOL 07:35 Rich I can't tell if OF is doing anything. 07:36 carol have 2 worry wen they pin a gps system on our shirts 07:36 carol cool pic derek 07:36 Rich No, I can't usually 'wander' to far, my hip lets me know I'm to far from home. 07:37 Rich lol 07:37 Derek I am overweight but I have to keep fairly fit to help my wife get around. 07:40 carol thats got to be hard. 07:41 carol i had disabled son, he passed 8 years ago, but he kept me busy and in shape 07:44 carol thanks 4 the info on google earth yesterday I was up at 4 this am crusin the web site 07:46 Rich GE can be another time eater. 07:51 carol gotta go a feed the masses ck back later 10:46 Rich Meeting a friend for lunch, everyone have a good day. 10:46 Rich bye 12:37 Derek-away Sorry CC, I was called back downstairs 12:37 CC hi 12:38 Derek Those pictures were great 12:38 CC Yellowstone got over a foot of snow last night and this morning it was still coming down 12:39 CC they couldn't see anything at the VC this morning and neither could I 12:39 Derek I've been logged on since about 8:30 EDT 12:39 Derek But I could see how bad things were 12:39 CC I logged on for a while and it was white out conditions 12:40 Derek Beryl thinks Victor and Graham look like brothers :-) 12:40 CC no way 12:40 CC I am going to take a break...I'll see you later 13:45 Derek Carol, are you there? 14:01 Derek Beryl's called. I be back in a few minutes. 14:13 Derek Back 14:17 Graham hello 14:27 Graham OF 1526 14:32 Graham Plume 1531 14:37 Graham some nice Beehive splashes there 14:47 Graham Indicator 1546ie 14:52 Graham Beehive 1551 15:00 Graham lucked out, Beehive got in before the snow picked up again 15:02 Graham Looks like Lion 1601ie 15:03 Graham but maybe it was steam from Little Cub, hard to tell through the snow 15:04 carol darn I missed it!!! #$&^@#$@#$#$ 15:05 Graham sorry, it was nice 15:06 Graham just finished before the snow picked up again and blocked the view 15:06 carol racsocka.......DARN!!!!! 15:06 Graham well theres always tomorrow...maybe 15:06 Graham not going to see much now 15:07 carol yep beehive show happened then the snow. potty training happened inbetween.... 15:08 carol I've been cking in sine about noon 15:08 carol since 15:08 carol Well I bet the benchs are covered by tomorrow 15:08 Graham been a bad weather day most of the time 15:08 Graham yeah maybe, supposed to get a lot of snow tonight and tomorrow 15:09 carol yep I cleared up nice in the afternoon and the sun made a brief apperance. I was really pretty 15:10 Graham snow had started when Beehive erupted but not like now 15:10 carol the 15 day forcast shows weather almost everyday but 2 15:10 Graham yeah, got to love springtime in Yellowstone 15:10 Graham I showed it to friends at work to cool them down after out 90 degree string of days 15:11 carol yep! we do...love anytime in yellowstone 15:11 Graham There wasn't this much snow falling the whole week I was in the park in January :) 15:12 carol we had a really warm spell first of last week 85 - 90's now where in the 50's...spring 15:13 carol i prefer the cold 15:13 carol now there's a diehard 15:14 Graham i bet there are a few people huddled in the VC for the next eruption but not many 15:15 carol yep 15:16 Graham i am going for a break since I can't see anything. bbl 15:17 carol last spring vickie, allen, bill and I sat out at Grand in a storm like this for.....a long time. We refer to this as a "guildwear" (cabelas) day 15:17 carol c u 15:31 CC hi 15:31 CC are you on the cam 15:31 Graham yes, snow just cleared 15:31 Graham you missed Beehive 15:31 CC I fell asleep 15:31 Graham brb 15:32 CC what is brb 15:33 sparekitty be right back 15:33 CC thanks 15:33 CC I thought it had to do with a particular geyser 15:33 CC you see where my mind is 15:35 Graham just had the heat pump checked 15:36 Graham paid the guy and so I am back 15:36 CC okay 15:36 CC the cam is yours 15:36 Graham did I miss Plume? hehe its due 15:37 Graham ok, I will watch but if it keeps snowing I won't do much 15:37 Graham I see Derek liked the photos 15:37 Graham the landscape shot of the two of you came out very well I thought 15:37 CC with the bear 15:38 Graham what bear? 15:38 CC I think you did a real good job with that camera 15:39 Graham well it worked partly because it was the first shot, so you were more relaxed 15:39 CC I just forwarded the picture to you 15:39 Graham ok 15:39 CC I enjoyed your PA photos 15:39 Graham I was confused :) 15:39 CC I love windows and doors 15:40 Graham haha thats funny 15:40 Graham would we all be loooking at the cam and not at the Griz behind us 15:40 Graham yeah it was a nice day. the sun was a bit harsh but I got out fairly early on Sunday so the sun was still low 15:40 CC right now it looks clear in the basin 15:41 CC I never stayed on the cam this morning 15:41 CC no visibility 15:41 Graham Theres Grand 1641 for you 15:42 CC I talked to Butch and he said there was a foot of snow overnight and it was still coming down 15:42 Graham yeah looks like a good load of snow. How's he doing raining the newbies? 15:42 CC lots of steam at grand 15:43 Graham yeah but I did see water, so I know its not Oblong 15:43 CC it's in the perfect spot to be Grand 15:43 CC Oblong would be further to the right 15:44 Graham yeah but always hard to tell when the winds swirling like this 15:45 CC you can just about make out the water even now 15:46 CC as soon as grand is over I am going to get dinner 15:47 Graham k 15:48 CC oh buy the way, I canceled Snowlodge yesterday 15:50 Graham dont like the snow? 15:50 CC they asked why I was canceling and I was happy to tell them 15:51 CC Reason...closure of the basins 15:52 Graham 1 burst? 15:52 CC yep 15:52 CC now 11 minutes from start 15:53 CC okay see ya 15:53 Graham i had a 10min burst and then it had another this winter. 15:53 Graham bye 15:54 CC that's really unusual 15:54 Graham i know, it shocked me..in a good way :) 15:54 Graham OF 1653ie 15:55 Graham there should be rules to prevent OF erupting when something else is happening 15:55 CC lol 15:55 CC bye 15:56 Graham bye 16:38 Graham Lion 1737 16:43 Graham not the initial Lion, probably the second 16:45 carol I'm a day late an $ short today 16:46 carol with that, I'm off to the gym...c u tomorrow 16:47 Graham ok, have a good workout 16:47 carol ty 16:47 Graham Giantess will erupt next 16:47 Graham haha 16:47 carol have good evening nice to c the sun 16:48 carol ;) 16:51 Rich Hi Graham 16:58 Rich And I 'was' going to invite you to dinner. lol 16:58 Graham hello 16:59 Rich I knew the minute I mentioned food, I hear from you. lol 16:59 Rich You have a good day? 16:59 Rich Much nicer than when I left this morning. 17:00 Graham the weather brightened for Beehive, then snowe over, then brightened for Grand 17:00 Graham and its even better now you are here 17:00 Rich Must be time to sock in again. 17:01 Rich ah, that is so nice of you to say. 17:02 Graham so whats for dinner? 17:03 Graham I say nice things for food 17:03 Rich Blue corn chips with fresh salsa 17:03 Rich Chicken, veggies with feta cheese, rice 17:03 Graham mmmm yummy 17:03 Graham i have some strawberries 17:04 Rich I finally found someplace that had unsalted chips 17:04 Rich oooo 17:04 Rich I'll whip up some shortcakes 17:04 Rich Or a scone 17:04 Graham i have cream too 17:05 Rich This is really getting decadent 17:05 Graham who's bringing the champagne? 17:05 Rich Well, someone with lots of money. 17:05 Graham not sure I am allowed to drink and drive the cam 17:06 Rich Coors Light? 17:06 Rich In bottles 17:07 Graham I have some Sam Adams here...cheers 17:07 Rich Very good 17:11 Graham Plume 1811 17:13 Rich I see 'we' have a snowperson. 17:33 Graham OF 1833 17:52 Rich hi missy 17:52 MISSY catching up on your conversation----it was Taco night at our house :) 17:53 Rich lol 17:54 Rich Actually I'm having left over pizza from lunch, but don't tell Graham. 17:54 MISSY still looks cold at yellowstone---we had storms here in texas 17:54 Rich Was overcast all morning here in California, but the sun broke out around 2. 17:55 MISSY any bison today 17:56 Graham mm these strawberries are soooo good 17:56 Rich lol 17:56 Rich I didn't see anything reported in the chat log 17:57 Rich The weather at OF this morning was snow. 17:57 Rich could hardly see out to OF. 17:57 Graham looks like the snow is coming back 17:57 MISSY it looks like there may be a few flakes fall now I didn't get to check out the cam this morning---had to work 17:58 Graham Lion 1857 17:59 MISSY good timing ---i usually miss the eruptions:D 18:03 MISSY Hope you have a nice evening---off to do dishes. 18:03 Graham bye 18:03 Rich bye MISSY 18:42 Rich Graham, I think I'm going to call it a night. 18:42 Rich Shopping today wore me out. 18:42 Rich Need to get horizontal 18:42 Graham looks like Oblong 1942 18:42 Rich See you tomorrow. 18:42 Rich k 18:42 Graham ok, see you 18:43 Rich Don't mean to abondon you. 18:43 Rich Have a good evening 18:43 Rich nite 18:43 Rich bye 18:43 Graham thats fine, i will g osoon too 18:43 Graham bye 19:02 Graham OF 2001 19:19 Graham Bison down by Castle April 29th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 28th, 2009 April 30th, 2009 » 05:54 carol hello derek 05:55 Derek Hi 05:56 Derek I think I found the tower, and also another nearer the parking lot with a massive microwave dish on it. 05:57 carol I'm so glad, did it take you long to find it? 05:58 Derek I found the one with the dish first 05:58 Derek That looks like it's a link for the telephone exchange 06:00 carol I'm just found yesterday that i could use the mouse and really get in close. I'll have to look and c if the one I found has the microvave on it 06:00 Derek That is at the south end of the large parking lot where the buses park 06:01 carol Don't know that much about em. other than the jpolitical issue that is ensueing. Ok I know where that is 06:01 carol I'm glad u found it 06:02 carol interesting hobby 06:02 Derek I'm not against cell phones, but I'm sure the american cell phone companies could afford to use imitation pine tree towers like we do. 06:03 carol we do. most I've seen are the pine tree towers 06:03 Derek We have all kinds of imitation towers. There are even some that look like dead trees 06:04 carol wow! creative landscaping 06:04 Derek That is just one of my other interests. I also like tracing old railroads 06:04 carol all over the world? 06:05 Derek So far just UK and USA 06:05 Derek I trace them by topo maps and Google Earth 06:06 Derek Over here they like to re-open old closed railroads and run steam trains on them. 06:06 carol Our area is known for a train line called the "Pino-Grande" , a old logging trainline 06:07 carol Pino-Grande 06:08 Derek I am familiar with the Denver and Rio Grande 06:08 carol the uk has a great train system. I wish the US would put more 06:08 Derek Still runs from Denver to Ogden 06:08 carol yep 06:08 Derek One of the most beautifully scenic lines in the world 06:11 carol Their is the Silverton/? that is a old steam train that runs from Silverton Colorado to .....can't remember the town just now...Suffer from CRS 06:11 Derek Durango and Silverton? 06:11 Derek Used in many movies 06:11 carol Thats it! 06:12 carol I kept think of Dunnsmure 06:12 Derek The Sons of Katie Elder, with John Wayne 06:12 carol great movie 06:12 Derek I love most of JWs more recent westerns, from about 1950 onwards 06:13 Derek Chisum and Rio Bravo are my joint favourites 06:13 carol Know that is one of my interests! I love to watch ol westerns on Saturday morning. The Quite man is my fav 06:13 Derek Followed by Rio Lobo and Eldorado 06:14 Derek Not forgetting The Comancheros 06:14 carol Your Good! 06:14 Derek I have them all on DVD 06:15 carol I like the the ol Jimmy Stewart westerns also 06:15 Derek There is one comedy western I would love to own on DVD but it isn't released over here. Texas Across the River 06:16 carol never heard of that one. 06:16 Derek http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061080/ 06:17 Derek Stars Dean Martin 06:17 Derek It's so funny 06:18 carol I gotta go soon, Bill wakes up and uses the computer b4 he goes to work. The RAT PACK! I'll ck it out...Gotta run 4 now I'll ck back b4 I go to work....C u later 06:18 Derek ok 06:19 carol wow 06:19 Derek Wow what? 06:19 carol I love it when you pan the basin 06:20 Derek Nothing but snow and steam 06:21 Derek If ever you want me to zoom to something don't be afraid to ask. 06:23 carol I just love the whole thing. oK tHANK YOU. Its =Bill's turn on the computer. bbl B) 06:23 Derek ok 06:56 carol back. When was the last OF? 06:57 Derek Was just chatting to CC on the phone. 06:57 Derek She has the cam until OF errupts 06:57 carol give u a break 06:58 Derek After she sees OF, she'll be going out. 06:58 carol me too. Have to go to work:'( 06:59 carol 23 days and counting till we leave for Y-stone 06:59 Derek I can make very cheap calls to the USA using skype, so if you ever fancy a real chat with me, just give me a number 07:01 carol ok I changing cell phone plans when I get my new # ....hopefully this week...I 07:01 carol I lov too 07:02 carol I keep hitting the wrong keys today 07:02 Derek That's what I call the Bruce Jensen syndrome :-) 07:02 carol looks like the sun is trying to come out. the forcast is for snow....snow....snow! 07:03 Derek of 07:04 carol nice winterish OF 07:10 carol ok.Off to work..cul 07:12 Kent Derek, did we have two daylight Beehives on Monday? If so, do you have the times. 07:16 Derek Have you checked the chat log? 07:16 Derek They didn't happen during my shift on the cam 07:19 Rich 4/27/09 Beehive 7:03 and 20:17 07:20 Derek Thanks Rich 07:20 Rich you are welcome 07:20 Rich Hello, gentlemen 07:21 Kent Thanks for the times. I thought about the log after I posted the question. 08:15 Rich away going for breakfast, bb 08:15 Derek ok 08:28 Rich away b 08:28 Rich away bison 08:34 Rich Must be going to 'their' cabin to get out of the weather. 10:25 Derek I'm sure you saw it, but O.F. at 11:10 10:27 Rich Yes, caught it between reading up on Beehive 10:27 Rich ty 11:06 Rich It appears that the static cam has hung, no refreshes since 11:44 11:07 Rich That being, I'm going to go work in the yard for a while. 11:07 Rich bb 11:35 Rich ah, just in time 11:49 Rich someone stole Frosty. 13:10 Derek Hi Guests 13:14 Derek-cam Hi Rich 13:14 Derek-cam Loads of anonymous guests again :-) 13:18 Rich Hi 13:18 Rich hello 282738 13:18 Rich hello 417477 13:18 Derek-cam They'll never answer 13:19 Rich I figure it doesn't cost anything to say hi 13:19 Derek-cam I agree 13:19 Derek-cam After all, it IS a chat room 13:19 Rich Oh, MY! That is what it IS, isn't it. lol 13:20 Derek-cam Yep 13:20 Rich wb 417477 13:20 Derek-cam I bet they still don't chat 13:21 Rich OF on changing intervals today? 13:21 Derek-cam Maybe they don't realise there are other ways to view the cam. 13:21 Rich True 13:22 Rich I think visitors to UGB need a little more encouragement from the Staff. 13:22 Derek-cam The last two I got were 11:10 and 14:09 so there should have been one between 13:22 Rich There are more geysers than OF. 13:22 Rich About what I got 13:22 Rich one before that was 11:10 13:22 Rich sorry 12:32 13:23 Derek-cam I'm zoomed into BH and Lion right now 13:23 Rich k 13:24 Rich I saw splash earlier in the day but haven't noticed anything lately. 13:24 Derek-cam That 41747 keeps coming and going 13:24 Rich Might be having trouble with the load on live cam 13:25 Rich that's about the right length of time for the auto stop to take over 13:25 Derek-cam Maybe I could threaten to point the cam at the ground if they refuse to chat with us :-) 13:26 Rich You might want to try Internet Explorer rather than Firefox, 417477 13:27 Rich Then we could probably watch a bear walk by under the cam. 13:27 Derek-cam BH still splashing 13:27 Rich ok 13:28 Rich I was going to take a nap, but will stick around. 13:28 Rich Going out tonight. 13:28 Derek-cam What do you mean WE? You can't see the streaming cam :-) 13:29 Rich Well, you know, I get use to translating. 13:30 Rich I did look at a laptop at the store yesterday 13:30 Derek-cam No harm in looking 13:31 Rich Price was ok, 320 g hd, 4 g ram, 16 inch screen, wireless card 13:31 Rich Then I could go park in my renters driveway and borrow his wifi. 13:31 Derek-cam I just have 2 desktops 13:31 Rich lol 13:32 Rich I have about 6, ranging from an old 286 to one that is 6 years old. 13:32 Rich Looking for a boat to use them with. 13:32 Derek-cam Both of mine were built by my son. 13:33 Rich ah 13:33 Rich nice 13:33 Derek-cam He's got 2 laptops now. His own and his company's 13:33 Rich Get what you want and need that way. 13:33 Rich Lois (sister) is off to Hawaii tomorrow morning. 13:34 Derek-cam Here comes the snow again 13:34 Rich One more time. 13:34 Derek-cam Had to zoom back. Can't see Beehive's cone 13:35 Rich I haven't seen Lion today. 13:36 Derek-cam Me neither 13:36 Rich Thought I caught a Plume around 11:44 but dont' know. 13:37 Rich That was when I lost refreshes on the static cam. 14:05 Derek-cam Rich are you there? 14:05 Rich I think so 14:06 Rich Yep, I'm here 14:06 Rich Checked my gps tracker. 14:06 Derek-cam I am going downstairs for 10 to 15 minutes. If CC or Graham appear, tell them to take the cam. 14:06 Rich k 14:06 Rich Will do 14:07 Derek-cam Cheers 14:08 Rich see when you get back 14:15 Rich not sure if it is just afternoon steam or Indicator 14:21 Rich Beehive ie 15:20:43 14:22 Rich ping 14:31 Rich Indicator ie 15:10:12 14:32 Derek-cam I'm off to bed now. 14:32 Rich Nite Derek 14:32 Rich Sweet dreams 14:35 Rich OF ie 15:34:39 15:05 Graham hello 15:33 Rich Hi Graham, sorry, a neighbor came by, she needed a shoulder. 15:34 Graham ok, thats importnt 15:34 Rich Yes 15:34 Graham looks like Lion is splashing 15:34 Rich Recently lost her Dad. 15:34 Graham oh, thats no fun 15:35 Rich I can only hope it does something. 15:35 Rich This afternoon steam show is making me think everything is going off. 15:35 Rich lol 15:35 Rich Hi sparekitty 15:36 Graham you did get to see Beehive tho 15:36 Graham it was a lot clearer a few minutes ago too 15:36 Rich Oh yes I did 15:37 Rich I was all alone when it happened. lol 15:37 Rich Derek had gone downstairs for a few minutes 15:37 Rich Don't know if he caught the end or not. 15:37 Rich I'm back, therefore it has to start snowing again 15:37 Graham yeah will you go away again? 15:38 Graham haha 15:38 Rich No 15:38 Rich Not until later tonight. 15:38 Graham the good news for you is that the static cam is clearer than the streaming cam when it gets like this 15:38 Rich Boys night out, we are going to hit a bar in Chico tonight. 15:39 Rich As long as the snow keeps melting 15:39 Rich Frosty was trampled today 15:39 Graham did you witness the act? 15:39 Rich Then his body was rolled over to the VC sidewalk and then kicked into the gravel 15:39 Rich I have it on captures. 15:40 Graham looks like a lot of the snow from yesterday has melted already 15:40 Rich yes it has just in the last couple of ours 15:40 Rich hours 15:41 Rich Poor Frosty body is laying on the left side of the VC walk. 15:41 Rich OR what is left of him. 15:41 Rich There was a herd of about 15 Bison go thru earlier today. 15:42 Rich Headed to the cabins 15:42 Graham ok, maybe they were checking in 15:42 Rich I thought so, I would have, the way the weather was. 15:43 Rich We had one period of patchy blue sky 15:44 Graham looks like its brighter again now 15:51 Rich Have you ever noticed you can't start a msg with numbers? 15:52 Graham yeah its not very inteligent 15:54 Graham Bill has confirmed that Giant did not erupt 15:54 Graham Signs are still in place 15:55 Rich Ok 16:06 Graham OF 1705 16:11 Graham clear for OF and now snowing again 16:12 carol We have "frosty bodies"???? 16:12 Rich Shared resources. Steam can only be used for one thing at a time. 16:12 Rich snowman 16:12 carol hi graham and rich 16:12 Rich hi carol 16:13 Graham hello 16:14 Graham that snow came in quick 16:14 Rich Been happening like that all day. 16:25 carol just read the log.....missed BH again ohy-vae! 16:25 Graham yeah so did I 16:26 Graham snow keeps coming and going 16:26 Graham might get LKion though 16:26 carol Did the snow man get troppled and gored by bison? Kion...I like that 16:27 carol :) 16:27 carol Men's night out Rich? 16:29 Graham KLion is near Cig Bub 16:30 carol lmaof x-d 16:30 carol that was good 16:31 Rich No a BIG BAD Man stood on top of Frosty. 16:32 Rich There's a bar in Chico, The Panama, serves 'teas', about as many kinds as Baskin Robbins 16:33 Rich We try to get out once a month. 16:33 carol Saw a group of....foreign vistors standing on top of a dead bison taking pic's last year!!! 16:33 Rich Lucky they didn't fall thru. 16:34 carol yuck 16:40 Graham Plume 1739 16:43 carol bbl 16:43 Rich bye carol 17:10 Graham Li0n 1809 17:15 Rich Must be an 17:15 Rich African Lion, only one hump 17:16 Graham as opposed to the two hump LOOns? 17:16 Rich lol 17:17 Rich It is so refreshing to find someone with a sense of humor. 17:18 Graham that just means we are both sick 17:19 Rich yeah 17:20 Rich WHO bumped the alert to level 5 17:22 Graham haha, the cure is a trip to the park 17:22 Rich Has to be 17:27 Rich There be snow again 17:28 Graham let it snow let it snow let it snow 17:28 Rich All that swooshing 17:39 Rich Is that Excelsior? 17:39 Graham Possible F&M 1835ie 17:40 Rich k 17:40 Graham I was watching the last few frames. Its in about the right place given the wind 17:41 Graham Could be riverside too, its close 17:43 Graham I guess the first frame I grabbed was 1837. did you see it earlier? 17:44 Rich omp 17:44 Graham Looks like F&M location now 17:45 Rich the earliest I have is also 1837 17:46 Rich frame before was 1836 17:46 Graham OF 1846 17:47 Graham k. it was hard to see down there before too 17:47 Graham lets see how long it lasts 17:47 Rich k 17:47 Graham should stop now 17:48 Graham looks like Grand 1847 17:49 Rich Getting busy 17:49 Graham looks like steam is stopping 17:53 Rich Put another quarter in the slot. 17:54 Graham hum, may have been Oblong given it's stopped instead of Grand 17:54 Graham steam down-basin looks like Riverside now 17:54 Rich k 17:57 Rich what is the youngest geyser? 17:57 Graham looks like a couple of elk down basin, slowly moving to the right for you to see them if you are lucky 17:58 Graham Plume 1856 18:09 Graham elk may come into view soon down near spasmodic 18:09 MISSY Elk? 18:09 Graham its slowly moving right 18:09 Graham nearing the trees now 18:09 Rich hi missy 18:09 MISSY Elk 18:09 Rich wb carol 18:10 Graham did i lose it? 18:10 MISSY I could see my posting so I kept pressing it---Duh---sorry:) 18:10 Rich I see them Graham 18:11 MISSY I saw it 18:12 Graham must have run into the trees? 18:12 MISSY they blend in with the gray 18:13 Graham I cant find them now 18:13 MISSY how has today been? 18:13 Graham snow and more snow 18:13 MISSY it looks lilke it 18:20 MISSY Off to check the Glacier Cams--hope you have a nice evening : ) 18:20 Graham k see you 18:22 Graham Grand 1921 18:23 Graham I got it right this time :) 18:30 Graham Lion 1929 18:31 Graham looks like a second Grand burst 18:32 Rich Lion 18:34 Rich Must be the photo class out taking evening photos. 18:35 Graham yeah if the clouds break up a bit it could be a nice sunset 18:35 Rich You dream a lot don't you? 18:35 Rich g 18:36 Rich I'll bet there here to photography the flying saucer 18:37 Rich their 18:39 Graham I think they just timed it bad for OF 18:39 Rich k 18:39 Graham You asked about youngest geyser - the Dwarfs are pretty young 18:40 Graham Plume too, created in the 20's I think 18:41 Graham there's a little UNNG across the boardwalk from Depression thats only been erupting the last couple of years on and off - may have erupted before but not been noticed much 18:41 Graham here comes more snow 18:42 Rich And believe it or not, I know where that statement came from. 18:43 Graham the photogs left 18:43 Rich get out of the snow 18:44 Graham well I am going to leave too, the snows making me cold 18:44 Rich lol 18:44 Rich crawl in a nice warm bed. 18:44 Rich have a good evening 18:44 Graham and of course Beehive and Grand have gone 18:44 Rich Tomorrow's another day. 18:45 Rich yes 18:45 Rich not much left 18:45 Rich lol 18:45 Graham tomorrows another snowy day 18:45 Rich Giantess 18:45 Graham have fun 18:45 Rich thank you 18:45 Rich nite 18:45 Graham tell me about it tomorrow 18:45 Graham haha 18:45 Graham bye 18:45 Rich will do 18:45 Rich bye April 30th, 2009 View April’s Logs « April 29th, 2009 May 1st, 2009 » 06:04 CC OF at 7:04 06:18 CC Hi Carol 06:18 CC the bubblers have been going at Beehive and it should erupt this morning 06:19 CC I am going out now 06:19 carol ok thanks...good morning 10:31 CC Hi 10:31 Derek-cam Hi 10:31 CC what's happening 10:31 Derek-cam Lots 10:32 Derek-cam Castle 10:18 IE went on for at least 20 minutes 10:32 Derek-cam Lion and grand 10:35 10:33 CC no beehive 10:33 Derek-cam Splashing 10:34 CC bubblers were going this morning 10:34 CC I am surprised it hasn't gone 10:42 CC beehive 11:42 10:44 CC no Indicator 10:44 Derek-cam It looks different to it did in my picture :-) 10:47 Derek-cam I'll phone you later if that's OK? 10:56 CC okay 11:10 CC too foggy to see anything now....lens all wet 12:20 Derek-cam Static cam is clearing 13:48 Derek-cam Are you still there CC? 13:48 CC yes 13:49 Derek-cam I really am logging off the cam now :-) 13:49 CC okay 13:49 Derek-cam I'll be in the room for a while 15:28 Kent OF 1620:55 May have been a short. I will be interested in the VC's prediction. 15:30 Kent They went with 90 minutes. Time will tell. 16:01 CC Plume 17:00 16:10 CC Lion 17:09 16:48 CC OF 17:47 16:48 CC no one else is on so I am signing off 17:44 Graham looks like Oblong 1842ie 17:56 Kent OK, so I was wrong. Obviously a very amateur gazer 18:19 Graham Plume 1918 18:22 Graham OF 1921 18:38 Graham Grand 1937 18:48 Graham Nice 2 burst Grand 18:59 Graham Daisy 1959 19:29 Graham Plume 2029 19:30 Anna hi Graham 19:31 Graham Hi there 19:31 Graham nice that its not snowing tonight 19:31 Anna Did you hear anything about quakes yesterday? 19:32 Graham I saw them on the seismograph. have not heard if anything changed 19:32 Anna I think it was sunny today 19:32 Anna do you check the animated map? That's one of my favorite sites. 19:32 Anna looked like they were SE of Gibbon Falls. 19:33 Graham I look at this one http://www.seis.utah.edu/recenteqs/Maps/111-45.htm… 19:33 Graham then at the individual seismographs http://www.seis.utah.edu/helicorder/heli/yellowsto… 19:34 Graham south and east of Madison 19:34 Graham close to OF. You can see the shakes on the seismographs 19:34 Anna Here's the one I like 19:34 Anna http://quake.utah.edu/req2webdir/recenteqs/Anim/an… 19:35 Anna Then I check the seismographs to try to figure out where they were. I'm usually way off! 19:35 Graham ok, its on the same site as the first link which shows the roads too 19:35 Graham makes it a little easier with the roads 19:35 Graham geysers don't seem to have changed tho 19:36 Anna I was wondering about that. 19:36 Anna The region is about "due" for another biggie. 19:36 Graham sometime in the next 100,000 years :) 19:37 Anna lol 19:37 Graham OF prediction is 2051 but I am leaving now, im tored tonight 19:37 Graham see you 19:37 Anna night!